#fuck you Lucinda UwU
milllkaa · 2 years
Heclie au where Charlie is Hector's new psychiatrist
As promised, I'm posting. There may still be mistakes, yes, I apologize. Have fun.
It was hard for Hector to work with his psychiatrist, he understood that she was doing her job, but how dismissive she was of him. It was as if she wanted a public confession, saw him as a threat. It was very annoying. At one point he just snapped, he got angry again and said everything he thought about her. And even though it threatened his job - he wasn't going to communicate with her anymore. It wasn't news to him to learn that it was mutual. She admitted that she couldn't cope with the job and offered to replace her with a newcomer. He only got a job with them a month ago, but he had the best references. And as long as he only has one patient, he'll be able to devote a lot more time to Hector. He agreed. Anything is better than this woman.
The Beast of Arkansas case was just picking up steam, Hector was sleeping and eating less and less. He was very irritable, because people kept dying, and the maniac, realizing he'd gotten the attention he wanted, started killing with extreme cruelty. Not that the agent was embarrassed by the sight of the corpses - it wasn't his first year on the job. It's just... there was a strange, unpleasant feeling, like he was someone else's toy
Lucinda was hospitalized. He started having nightmares about his childhood again. It was like a reminder.
"See how she treated you? Are you sure you still love her after that? Or you're just pretending to be a "good son"?"
Despite all the trauma she inflicted on him, despite the cruelty with which she treated him, he continued to reach out to her on some subconscious level. He had no friends or acquaintances with whom he could share his experiences. He's used to being perfect. For others, he's fine.
He decides to visit his mother before his appointment with Charlie, the name of his new psychiatrist. He got his number and wrote about the date and time of the session. Mr. Lonnit was almost ten years younger than Hector, and that, in a way, embarrassed him. It's hard to be frank with younger people. For him. He had always been held up as an example to others, but now that image was rapidly crumbling, and it was hitting him hard.
Standing in front of his mother's room, he couldn't open the door. For some reason it was especially hard to see her now. Maybe the problem was her imminent death, or maybe it was what would come after that. Hector had always tried to be the best for her, to make her proud. But in all thirty years, he never heard that.
With a quiet sigh, he decides to open the door.
"Hi" he greeted quietly, pausing at the door for a while and examining Lucinda. She looked bad, to say the least.
"Showed up! Decided to look at your mother before she died?" - she spat out angrily. Her voice sounded hoarse and she was lethargic. Apparently this is the effect of the medications they give her. Hector frowned. No, of course he had no illusions about his mother's behavior. But perhaps, somewhere deep inside, he hoped that at least now he could talk to her... normal.
"How do you feel?"
"How is a dying person supposed to feel? They pump me full of pills and make me eat this shit. And my own son visits me once a week! And that's in the best case!" she said in her usual disgruntled manner. The agent had long ago stopped paying attention and took it for granted. His mother is just a person like that.
"I work hard, you know that," he sighs deeply and rubs his eyes. He hadn't slept tonight, had a lot of work to do and frankly, he couldn't stand his nightmares anymore. Tired.
"It's your job again! That's all you can talk about, you're not interested in anything else! What kind of son have I raised-"
Well, maybe he came here for nothing. Hector didn't listen to her any further and calmly left the room. She shouted something else after him, but he didn't care. He tried not to pay attention to it, he'd brought up his character. But... It still wasn't pleasant. Whatever he did his mother hated him. And he thinks it's time to get over it.
The agent begins to experience deja vu. He is standing at the right door again, and he hesitates to open it. Only his mother isn't there anymore - his new psychiatrist is sitting there, waiting. Wonder if he too will be counting the minutes of his tardiness? Putting on his work mask of calm, he pulls the knob.
The office is bright, with large windows overlooking a small park, the pleasant smell of something... something long forgotten. In the middle of the office there are two chairs, a familiar sight. Next to each is a small nightstand, and a little further away, against the wall, is a desk and- ah. Lots of shelving with books and plants. As Hector looks at the study in a kind of prostration, it doesn't immediately dawn on him that it's empty. Did he get the time wrong? Looking at his wristwatch, no he was right, he was even a few minutes late. Maybe the man didn't wait for him and decided to leave? Actually, that would be even better. He wouldn't have to waste so much time on idle talk. The main thing was that he did what was required of him - he came to the appointment. But fate was not of the same opinion. It always was.
"Oh Mr. Munday, hi! My apologies, have you been waiting long?"
Hector turns around and sees a young guy, his glasses and eyes immediately catch his eye. So big and bright. He has blond hair slicked back, plain clothes. A big soft sweater, cold? He's a little shorter than he is. Hector remembers the question and shakes his head in the negative. Charlie immediately offers him a seat in a chair and sits down across from him.
"Charlie Lonnit, your new psychiatrist. I'm not going to force you to tell me anything by force. I wouldn't want you to think of our sessions as something horrible and forced. Of course you're still required to come in for the record, but- ha ha, I think you know what I mean! " the young man laughs briefly, looking with his big eyes at Munday. He looks away and notices a small folder in his hands. He recognizes it and his mood immediately drops. Charlie notices where his gaze is directed and immediately continues.
"Ah, folder, yes, I was just leaving to get it. You're right, it's a past psychiatrist's notes. I haven't opened it yet." - Lonnit looks intently at Hector, waiting for his reaction. But there isn't one. "You know, every person sees the world through their own eyes. And even on seemingly identical things there will always be different opinions, that's just the way humans are," Hector raises his eyes and looks at Charlie.He lifted his head dreamily, looking up at the ceiling, a small warm smile on his face. A soft yellowish light falls on his profile, making his skin glow. He averts his gaze again.
"Where was I going with this?" he assumes his old pose again and looks at Hector. "This-" he picks up the folder and waves it slightly, drawing attention "Already outdated data." Hector frowns slightly.
What's he talking about?
Charlie only smiles harder at that, having decided something for himself. He rises from his seat and hands the folder to the agent, and walks over to his desk pulling something out of it.
"You can look through it now, I'll give you time. By the way, do you smoke?". The psychiatrist walks back in, holding a small trash can and a glass of water. It's a... a very strange set, Hector thinks.
"Yes" he simply replies to his last question, "And no" continuing to look at the folder, he hands it back to Charlie but he doesn't take it, just smiles and looks at him with his soft eyes.
"That's good, because I want you to do something before we begin our acquaintance." He places the glass on Hector's desk and then the trash can next to his chair. "Open it," he says simply, returning to his seat.
Even though Hector is a little sluggish from lack of sleep, he begins to guess what is wanted from him. But doesn't say anything. He opens the folder and looks at the first page - there his own, sad eyes meet him. Basic information, when he was born, where he studied and lived, a little bit about his biography in general. Takes out all the sheets and sets the folder aside, clutching the lighter in his hand.
"Nobody likes it when people base their opinion of you on the words of others. For some reason, not everyone wants to get to know a person in person, all they need is a couple of phrases from others to form their opinion of a stranger. I think this is rude. And stupid of course, such a childish thing to do." - Hector casts a glance at the psychiatrist, who sits in a calm pose and continues to smile softly looking at him. It's strange.
"I don't want you to think that my opinion of you is based on the notes of your past therapist. I want to get to know you myself. So that there is a pleasant, friendly atmosphere between us. You're a good specialist yourself, so you'll know right away if I'm lying to you, won't you, Mr. Munday?" he laughs quietly, and Hector nods slightly, confirming his words. "I want to shatter this image that's been attributed to you, because you seem to be beginning to believe it yourself." Hector is silent. He lowers his gaze to the papers and unknowingly squeezes her a little harder.
"Will you help me?"
Hector thinks. Images and the words of his psychiatrist fly through his head. He begins to notice things he hasn't seen before. His own blindness makes him angry; he shouldn't have taken that woman so lightly. He sighs quietly and picks himself up, and though he knows all the psychological tricks… he agrees.
Charlie doesn't look like he's lying or plotting anything, his body language is open, he's calm, and he looks like he genuinely wants to help. Munday doesn't think the guy will be able to get through to him, but he will still be better than that woman. So he agrees. He leans forward a bit and lights the paper. They burn slowly in his hands and he sees the text and his own face distort. He holds the paper until it begins to burn his hand, and then throws it into the trash. And watching his psychological portrait burn out makes him feel better for some reason. It's as if he's rid himself of a heavy burden on his shoulders.
"I'm proud of you, Mr. Munday," such simple words, but it's so strange for Hector to hear them. He looks up and finally looks into the eyes of this strange man. So bright and calm. It's as if he's looking out to sea, vast and so clear. He looks down at his hands, he seems to have burned himself a little.
Charlie looks at the clock across the room; they have another half hour, and why not spend it in a more relaxed setting. He immediately noticed how bad the agent looked, practically falling asleep during the session. He wouldn't want to torment him any further with these formalities. While his patient continued to stare thoughtfully at his hands and seemingly contemplate his action he slowly gathered his things, after which he approached the chair and asked:
"Mr. Munday, have you had lunch?" - looks at the slightly puzzled Hector with a soft smile. He shakes his head in the negative after thinking for a moment. "Great! I mean, no, that's bad, you should eat well, after all, you're keeping me and others safe from maniacs and other… thrill-seekers." - he rubs his neck awkwardly and continues, "There's a good cafe nearby, it's usually empty at this hour so you can comfortably have a good meal and a great coffee. Will you keep me company, Mr. Munday?"
He smiles his best smile and holds out his hand to Hector. He is lost. He's heard so many nice words in his direction today that he doesn't even know how to react. But he is right, he should have some food and coffee or he won't be able to work.
"All right, Mr. Lonnite, I agree." He takes his hand and Charlie helps him up.
"Charlie. For friends, just Charlie," he puts his hand down and looks expectantly at Hector, who puts on his coat. “For friends," runs through his head.
"Charlie. Okay."
The psychiatrist smiles warmly at him in a special way and they leave the office. To Hector's surprise, this is the first appointment that has not brought him any negativity. On the contrary. He feels good. And it even makes him feel a little uncomfortable. He looks at Charlie, which tells him about the cafe they're going to, and there's so much life in him. The bright fall sun is shining directly on them and he involuntarily admires his new therapist.
Maybe it's not so bad, isn't it?
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blog-in-a-corner · 6 years
Mystreet TES rewritten to fit the animated music video part 2
Hey what’s up gamers here’s the second part to my fic
Warning: i’m an idiot with the sense of humor of a banana
Aaron awoke to an unfamiliar room.
“This place…... it's….” Aaron muttered weakly.
“It's a shit hole” Aaron said.
And it was a shit hole.
“Oh you're finally fucking awake you sure took your sweet ass time” an unfamiliar woman said.
“Who the fuck are you supposed to be?” Aaron said.
“Your guardian angel uwu” the woman said.
“Oh so your like,my fairy godmother or some shit?” Aaron asked.
“What? No-where did you even get that from-ugh. Nevermind. Listen kid you gotta go back or else your gf is going to die” the woman said.
“Idk the rent back home is pretty damn high so I mean-” Aaron said.
“Bitch just go back to life if you don't want to get cucked by Zane” the woman said.
“Well shit Zane is the last person I would want to get cucked by. Fine I'll go” Aaron said.
“Alright then. My work here is done” the woman said.
“But you didn't do anything!” Aaron said
“Oh,didn't I?” the woman said.
“Yeah. You didn't” Aaron said.
“Oh. Well. See you in two seasons!” the woman said.
“WAIT WHAT AM I GOING TO DIE AGAIN-” Aaron said as the room began to fade.
Aaron….was coming back to….
“If he dies I take dibs on his car,it has seat warmers” said a voice so raspy it sounds like someone shoved sandpaper down their throat.
“I take dibs on his family inheritance!” said Emmalyn,or was it?
“No fair I wanted that!” said a voice that was trying too hard to be emo.
“Shut the fuck up you’re already rich” said the voice of a BTGGF(big tiddy goth gf).
“What the fuck is all of this about dibs?” Aaron said as he snapped wide awake.
Said the rest in unison.
“I-i'm alive!” Aaron said in shock.
“Dammit” Kim said.
“That's too bad” Lucinda said.
“How in the fuck did I wind up here? Last thing I remember is falling down a huge fucking cliff” Aaron said.
“Well after we found Zane he ran away because I was going to kick his ass but then he found your half dead corpse and Lucinda teleported us here and I accidentally dropped your head on one of the steps on the way up to your room” Garroth explained.
“Oh” Aaron said.
“Wait why the fuck is part of my shirt on my eyes?” Aaron asked.
“Your eyes looked cold so I put it on your eyes” Garroth said.
“How the fuck can someone's EYES look cold????” Aaron said.
“To be fair,you were half dead sooo” Lucinda said.
“Well I don't know about you guys but all of this fucking running and worrying and dying has gotten me hungry” Kim said,as she proceeded to tear off part of Garroth's hair and eat it like cotton candy. No one was bothered by this.
“Now that you bring it up I'm hungry too. I wonder if I still have any chicken nuggets left in my pocket” Aaron said rummaging through his pocket.
“And you don't???” Aaron said,as he pulled out of the picture of him and Aphmau from prom.
“Wait, Aphmau…..Ein…..Fuck! Aphmau I need to save her!” Aaron said as yote(past tense of “yeet”) from his bed.
“I'm not upset but you idiots need my help because plot conveniences!” Lucinda yelled after them. She breasted boobily to the stairs,and titted downwards.
“Anyway I'm off to raid Aaron's luggage and designate his entire will to myself”
“But what about Zane and the gas money-”
“FUCK I FORGOT ABOUT THAT LITTLE SHIT BRING A NINE IRON KIM” Garroth cut Kim mid sentence as they both ran out of the shit hole of a lodge they were in.
“Sweet,free entertainment.” Kim said as they ran.
We snap back to Aaron running in the forest, like a car commercial. Fierce. Sexy. Powerful. Free. After what felt like hours(actually just 30 minutes) Aaron found Ein and Aphmau.
“Aphmau! Ein!” Aaron yelled.
“Aaron!” Ein yelled.
“EIN!” Aaron yelled.
“AARON!” Ein yelled.
“Aphmau! :^]” Aphmau said.
“Okay Aphmau you just ruined the fucking mood just kill him” Ein said.
“Hmph. Fine” Aphmau pouted.
Aphmau raised her knife and lunged at Aaron.
“It's time…...fOR MY EXTRA ULTRA SUPER SPECIAL DOUBLE TWIRL ANIME JUMP STAB!” Aphmau yelled,as she attempted to extra ultra super special double twirl anime jump stab Aaron.
Aaron grabs her wrist and accidentally twists it and shatters all of the bones in her arm.
“Oops sorry fuck” Aaron said.
Aaron noticed something off about bae.
“your eye……” Aaron muttered.
“Wait when the FUCK did she get bruised!?” Ein said.
Read the contract babe.
“Oh. Fuck” Ein said.
“EIN!” Aaron yelled as he ran as fast as a Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird at top speed towards Ein.
“sHIT!” Ein screamed.
Aaron yeeted his entire body at Ein but Ein did a super Mario jump over Aaron but then Aaron used the entire force of his whole body to punch Ein into oblivion but Ein recovered and punched Aaron but broke his wrists in the process because he doesn't know how to punch then Aaron head butted Ein but he did it wrong so he hurt himself too and then Ein threw him into a tree and almost punched him again but in that moment Aaron unlocked ultra instinct and pushed him against a tree and de-evilized turned Ein into a human.
“NO NO NO NO YOU CAN'T DO THIS!” Ein screamed.
“Well my edgy anime backstory and murder eyes say I CAN” Aaron said as he left the forest.
“fUCK YOU SASUKE” Ein shouted after Aaron.
Aaron had completely left now.
“Fucking weeaboo”
“Well uh,I guess I'll go now? I was sort of expecting to die but I guess not. Plot convenience, you know how it is” Ein said as he walked away and into a Chick-fil-A.
“We've been running forever! Are we ever going to find Aaron?!” Kim said.
“Man I don't fucking know just keep running!” Lucinda said.
Finally,they had come across none other than Aphmau. Who else would it be, Brendan?
“Oh Aphmau! Why…...are you cosplaying Jasmine from Aladdin?” Zane asked.
“You and Aaron are into some weird fucking shit Aphmau” Garroth said in disgust.
“Grrrrr DIE!!!” Aphmau yelled as she attempted to extra ultra super special double twirl anime jump stab Garroth.
“Sweet! Another knife!” Garroth said as he totally ignored the fact that Aphmau was trying to kill him and grabbed the knife out of her hand.
“This is our chance!” Zane said.
Both Garroth and Zane grab Aphmau by the arms. Of course Kim and Lucinda do nothing but watch.
“Um,a little help?!” Zane said.
“Nah we're good lol” Lucinda said.
“Ugh,useless!” Zane said.
“Don’t worry! I'm sure Aaron will be here soon” Garroth said.
“I sure fucking hope so” Zane said.
After 3 (three( whole hours because that's how long anime fights take, Aaron arrives to the scene.
“Cut me some slack! I'm trying to make my death as sad and dramatic as possible!” Aaron said.
“Bold of you to assume your going to die permanently lmao” Lucinda said.
“Aaron,everyone knows you can't actually die. The least you can do is not make it at the inconvenience of everyone” Kim said.
“Ugh fine, release Aphmau” Aaron said.
Both Zane and Garroth release Aphmau at once. Aphmau proceeds to yeet herself at Aaron once more, picking up the knife she dropped on the ground in the process.
“OH CRAP MY KNIFE!!!” Garroth yelled.
Aphmau then stabs Aaron,but he pulls her closer.
“Aphmau…..” Aaron said.
“Hwo,,the fU,CK ArRE yuO,,r teEF gl,,OWI,Ng,,,” Aphmau asked.
“Nevermind that,i…..need to tell you something important……” Aaron said.
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“......smell like cheese dip”
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Aaron then proceeded to take a whole hour to fall to the ground dramatically.
“AAAROOOOOON” Aphmau screams.
“Well I guess Aaron is dead :/” Lucinda said.
“Press F” Zane said.
“Anyways I don't know about you guys but I'm hungry” Kim said,as she tore yet another piece of Garroth's hair and ate it like cotton candy.
“Maybe Aaron still has some chicken nuggets left in his pockets” Garroth said.
“Let's just go to Taco Bell” Lucinda said.
“TACO I LOVE CHEESY GORDITA” Aphmau yelled in excitement.
“But,what about Aaron?” Zane asked.
“Don't worry he'll just come back to life he always does” Garroth replied.
And so our heroes went off to Taco Bell, blissfully unaware of the fact that Aaron didn't kill Ein.
Sorry that's all the time we have left bye.
End uwu
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wrenavem · 6 years
who’s ur least favorite aphmau character uwu
okay i'm doing this for each season bc i'm so bored right now (MC Diaries: Origins doesn't count) and i'm going by timeline-wise what happened whenMC Diaries, Season 1 - SashaMC Diaries, Season 2 - Laurance (seriously he needs to calm down and stop freaking out over Aphmau it's scaring everyone except Vylad)MC Diaries, Season 3 - Gene (i almost said Zane but, y'know, Gene kinda manipulated the entirety of Pheonix Drop including Kawaii-Chan, his own wife, to forget about Dante and worship him so)Mystreet: Pheonix Drop High, Season 1 - Ivy (i HATED her for the first season)Mystreet: Pheonix Drop High, Season 2 - fucking EINMystreet: Graduation Days - i really didn't like JennyMystreet: Falcon Claw University - i stfg i HATE Cathy bbbbut she was a pretty well-rounded character and i respect Jess for writing her like thatMystreet, Season 1 - MICHI i stg stop being with people's lives i'm begging youMystreet, Season 2: Love~Love Paradise - I actually didn't like Dante in this one, the whole thing that happened with Nicole, even when in MCD, just rubbed me the wrong wayMystreet, Season 3: Lover's Lane - idk, Gene igMystreet, Season 4: Emerald Secret - fucking Ein, without question (seems fitting that he turned into an abusive sadistic ass)Mystreet, Season 4 1/2: Aphmau's Year - idk again, i really didn't like Garroth, Lucinda, Zane, and Kim for keeping what happened at the lodge secret from the othersMystreet, Season 5: Starlight - Michael (sorry that you have to go through this, Terry)Mystreet, Season 6: When Angels Fall - OOF I CAN'T JUST PICK ONE!! EIN, MICHAEL, ZACK, AND APHMAU'S APPARENT HALF BROTHER IN PARTICULAR
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