#fuck yeahr here we go xDD
dagoth-menthol · 3 years
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#ok so now i know the name of the person that is responible for me still being able to sing some of his songs
My Top Posts in 2021
Got attagged by @grain-crain-drain . Thank you! It was a pretty interesting quiz! :D
I got: Clay Writer
“Please, take time for yourself, too. You work hard, so hard, and you follow your heart to the deepest caverns into the wildest mountains. Your heart got broken, but you took all its pieces and molded them into something brand new and beautiful. You’re a beautiful human being, and I’m really proud of you. Sometimes you fall, but every single time you get up, and it’s hard, but you go on, you build everything again. Life made you taste how bad it can be, but you decided to remain kind. It takes courage to be soft, in this would, and I really admire you. You’re the gentle writer, poetic words and agape love personified. Your stories have an angsty aftertaste, your words don’t hit the reader violently, but they caress their cheeks and whisper in their ears words that will leave them. In you there’s the strength of wild streams, and the patience mountains have. The world is lucky to have you.“
I attagggggggg ... @steamclouds ( there is no escaping ;)c ) and @titan-wolfdog ( go and tag some of your friends ;D )
2 notes • Posted 2021-07-19 18:23:57 GMT
There's at least five feet of snow here
Heyo, here is the submission for Day 18 of the Siegemas Event 2021! Erc-7 couldn't make it for personal reasons, so I'm taking over and I hope you enjoy the fic! I wish all of you good and calm holidays and hope you all have a good start into the next year! "We should go on vacation." Dominic burst out, his sparring partner stopped and looked at him in confusion.
"We have been together for one year, don't you think we should celebrate that? And I think we both need some time-off." He continued while still breathing heavily from the exertion.
"Oh, that sounds great! I really need some time to relax." Elias smiled brightly at that idea, already fantasizing about all the good food and sauna trips. His body was seemingly relaxing as he indulged in those thoughts.
"Then, vacation it is!"
"Yeah, but we still have to convince Harry to let us go, too." The shield bearer breathed out loudly through his nose, the other man placed both his hands on his hips and shook his head in disbelief.
"Hmmm, I will talk to him tomorrow."
Elias just cocked his eyebrow.
A few days later they were able to discuss their plans. It was Elias who was able to convince Harry in the end. Who knew what Dominic had said again...
Their plan was simple. They would drive from the airport in Munich with a rented car to the Alps, stay in a cabin in a holiday village for three days and get home the same way they came. Simple, easy, foolproof.
A few weeks later, the week before Christmas, they set out on their journey. Dominic pushed the car and they made their way to the Alpine holiday village in about two hours. They got their stuff into the little cabin and settled down for a bit, planning what they should be doing next. They still had a whole day ahead. Elias suggested going skiing, he said it would be fun. Until it wasn't. Dominic spent more time lying in the snow than actually skiing and Elias laughing his soul out didn't help either. In the end they managed to make it down one slope.
"God fucking damn it! I have enough, let's go home!" He rammed his ski sticks on the part that unlocks his shoes so violently that Elias thought he would break the parts. 
"But we haven't even spent two hours here and paid quite a sum for this day ticket, too."
"Listen, I really have enough, everything hurts and I am freezing. Please let us go home. I will even give you the money back for the card." The man sounded more desperate than anything else, no anger was there anymore, just exhaustion. Someone could feel sorry for this poor man. And Elias did, but seeing his boyfriend in this kind of state was hilarious to him. The soggy clothes that clearly showed how good he was at skiing. The pleading look. He just looked like a wet cat waiting to be let inside. A glorious picture he would have loved to take, but getting his phone out would be too obvious right now.
"Elias, please…" Dominic insisted, there was no motion from his boyfriend, except the big grin.
"Yeah, yeah, I will set you free from your misery." Elias winked at his love, got off his skis and made his way to the exit. Dom happily walked next to him. His stride was already his usual confident and cool self. Good, it would have been a bad thing if he would still have been sulking. Elias slung his arm around his boyfriend's shoulders and squeezed it, flashing him a bright smile. Still, the day couldn't be better.
Before they went back to their little cabin they went grocery shopping. They weren't so fond of just getting take-out because they wanted to cook together. And frankly, not many places offered take-out anyways. After they finally arrived at their "home" they set out to make themselves something good to eat. They made some simple pancakes, one more sugary than the other. In the end they were only able to roll onto the small couch to take a break and watch the fire in the fireplace that they had lit up upon arriving. Elias was sitting and scrolling through his phone while Dominic laid down as best as he could on his back. His boyfriend's thigh served as his pillow and soon he fell asleep. The sounds of the cracking wood and the slow and calm breathing helped to ease any tension he had. Soon Elias began to caress his lover's hair absentmindedly. 
No one would have ever thought that this grumpy and closedoff man would ever be together with the social butterfly. It warmed Elias' heart even more than any fire ever could when he just thought about how much Dominic trusted him to fall asleep not just next to him, but having his head on his thigh while Elias caressed his hair. He couldn't be happier. This was all he ever wanted. Being together with the one he loved. In a safe place where they both could let their guard down. A place where it is just them and no one else. With a fond smile on his lips he drifted into sleep, the phone still in his one hand, the other still placed on his boyfriend's head.
Upon awakening Dominic realized that there was something warm placed on his forehead, he slowly opened one of his eyes to get a glimpse of what it could be. It was the hand of the person he adored the most. His stomach felt like butterflies were trapped inside it. The love he felt for this man was so incredible and faceted that he couldn't describe it entirely. All he knew was that it made him the happiest that he has ever been and that he would do anything possible, or even beyond his capabilities for this one person. Slowly he reached for the hand that was gently placed on his head into his own. He held it softly, moving it so that it was resting on his chest. Above his heart; fingers intertwining. There was only a soft snoring to be heard. The fire was out apparently.
After a while Elias awoke, too, and they decided to take a bath together. It was obvious that Dominic had more or less fallen down the mountain, judging by the bruises everywhere on his body. They both agreed they should go to bed, where they wouldn't be so crammed up. Before Dom fell asleep, he watched the little snowflakes fall from the sky. He hoped that it would snow on Christmas. He yawned and nestled closer to his boyfriend, who was already asleep, basically spooning him. 
Morning came way faster than anticipated. Groggily Elias looked around the room, his eyes squinted shut because of the brightness. They had forgotten to close the window shutters before going to sleep. Disgruntled, he turned on his other side to shield himself from the light. Maybe he could fall back to sleep, but Dominic was already stirring, his face already grimacing at the light that shone directly onto his face. With a groan the grumpy man turned to his other side, stretched and got out of bed. Elias could only hear his boyfriend walking into the bathroom. As he began to drift back to sleep, he could hear loud swearing. 
Loud steps approached the bedroom, the door was pushed open.
"Elias! There is no fucking water! Have we forgotten something at the check-in? We paid, didn't we? That was the right cabin, or am I losing my fucking mind?"
"Hmmm…" Elias only managed to answer, he was still too sleepdrunk to say anything. His mind began to push him to get up. His extremities were still stiff as he followed his boyfriend to the bathroom. And indeed, there was no running water. That was unusual. 
"I'll take a look at the fuse box, maybe we somehow overdid it with the bath yesterday?" Dominic said as he watched his boyfriend pressing the light switch. Nothing happened. Elias looked back, shrugged.
"Good idea, let's hope that we can find the reason for that." 
Dom turned around quickly and walked out of the door. 
"I think we have another problem. A bigger one." He said, as he stepped into the living room. Dom walked to the next best window and looked outside.
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3 notes • Posted 2021-12-23 19:12:19 GMT
Autumn This or That
Thank you @titan-wolfdog for tagging me! <3
pumpkin or apple // cocoa or cider // halloween or thanksgiving (not American) // leaf piles or apple picking // hay ride or corn maze (never had those, but a maze sounds like fun!) // woolly sweater or furry slippers (omg, I hate slippers so much xD) // pumpkin carving or knitting (can’t knit for the life of me) // squash or sweet potato // black cat or bat (you really want me to choose, huh...) // skeletons or witches // fake blood or fake spiders // mashed potatoes or stuffing // orange or black // apple pie or maple donuts // marshmallows or candy corn // vampire or werewolf // fireplace or cozy nook // spiced wine or craft beer (sorry, but I have enough of the first option ^^”) // candied apples or s'mores // big scarf or oversized hoodie (both, because I won’t choose a side)
NOW IT IS YOUR TURN @r6shippingdelivery , @grain-crain-drain and @thefishychicken MUAHAHAHAHAHA Have fun! ;)
9 notes • Posted 2021-11-08 19:02:47 GMT
Thinking in the rain
Marius sat in the workshop fidgeting with his pen, while trying to focus on the blueprint in front of him. He tried to work on this project since the finale of the tournament where Eliza and Jaimini had their big fight. Even a rock could see that everyone was more on edge these days, than ever before. 
This fight tore apart the whole team Rainbow. Everyone was now subconsciously sorted into seperate teams, each of them supporting either Eliza or Jaimini. It was natural that discussions would be happening and some of them would grow into more heated ones. Gustave and Harry had more work than ever. 
For the most part Marius was able to get around the conflicts, but it made him lonely in the process. A precaution he wasn't willing to take, but necessary.
His frustration grew by the minute and there was no way of stopping it.
And that was how time has been for the past month. He never imagined that he could work uninterrupted all by himself in the workshop. At first it was refreshing to work focused on everything, but after a week he grew sick of it.
He missed Dominic dropping by to discuss one of his creations or to just have a chat. And now the prankster wasn't really hanging out as much as he used to. 
Monika was also more or less doing her stuff alone. Most of the evenings he would drop by her room and they would discuss her own gadget improvements or her new stories. This reminded him about the last time she read a snippet to him. It ended with a cliffhanger. How will the story proceed further? But now she wasn’t feeling up to writing more.
Now he realised how stressed Elias was lately. Always trying his best to keep the Germans together. Their breaks were always spent together to eat in the mess hall, but now everyone just dropped by, when they felt like it. It was tiring to see how much Elias worked against his team falling apart slowly. He would just like to know the words to console everybody and to get everyone to work with each other as they did before. But how could he do that, when he didn't know how to help himself?
Marius was frustrated, these thoughts were circling in his head all the time when he started to work on his Magpies or on any other side project. They kept him from being productive. And many of the usual suspects in the workshop realized that this man had his head more in the clouds.
When he figured that it was impossible to concentrate on his project anymore, he got up from his chair in the workshop and decided to go for a walk. See what the others have been up to. So he walked around the workshop to look at the projects of the ones who were there at the moment. Only Shuhrat and Mark were, both of them focused on their work and not caring about Marius taking a look at their stuff. 
Since he didn't want to disturb their concentration, he silently got out of the workshop. 
As he got outside, it was as if he was finally coming out of the water. The air in the workshop was so heavy of all the metallic stenches from furious welding and soldering and any other chemicals that were used during their creative processes. Now the engineer was greeted by the smells of nature. 
Body stiff from all sitting in the wrong position while tinkering, made it crack at any movement. In order to get his body into a better shape, he decided to take a small walk outside. Also he befriended the idea of skipping his workshop projects in the evening, because he didn't want to exhaust himself because of the upcoming squad training the next morning. He knew himself so well that he could anticipate that if it weren't for the training, he'd stay there to tinker into the night.
It was a relief for him to finally be out of the tight space in the workshop, allowing himself some time to breath and settle his mind. So, he briefly went inside again to get himself a chair and a cold drink for sitting outside. Surely he seemed to be at peace for an outsider, but it was quite the contrary for him. The thought of their practice tomorrow made him a bit anxious. Who knows what they would be fighting over again? People are stressed and there was no way he could see to stop those tensions. His best option was to lay low, was it?
The next morning came faster than anticipated. Being outside for so long, mulling over everything and nothing left him quite exhausted the following day. 
Tiredly he moved his body to get his morning coffee and decided to not eat, since stressing himself with sports and having a full stomach didn’t sit well with him. Also the engineer felt a bit nauseous when he woke up. 
The German quarters were already deserted, so he figured they had gone to eat breakfast in the mess hall. But they obviously chose to not wake him. Or maybe they tried, but he was still in a deep slumber. Yeah, that sounded more likely.
Still, or already exhausted, he walked to the mess hall by himself. As he finally reached the mess hall, it was already quite empty. What time was it anyways? 
The clock said 9 am sharp. He better hurry and eat his breakfast. After he wolfed it down, he left with the last ones to go to the training exercise. They had a rough day ahead that included many exercises and mock missions.
Fuck them honestly. FUCK. THEM. Marius threw his helmet to the ground in anger, right beneath the feet of his team. He was so sick of everyone. Apparently it was his fault. Sure. His ADSs were the only gadgets that were protecting him, Dominic and Alexandr, who were the only three being "alive" to begin with. And if it wouldn't have been for Shuhrat who was the only one left on his team. Then they made the mistake of staying in the same room. And then they lost. Death by Matryoshka. 
Rookie mistake. Apparently one of Marius' Magpies had been destroyed already, so there was no way in hell that they could have protected them all at that moment. But sure. It was all his fault…
Dominic and Alexandr were now arguing loudly about how and why they had failed against one single opponent. Meanwhile Marius calmed a bit down from his outburst and collected his helmet. It didn't mean that he wasn't angry anymore, but not in the mood to jump at everyone's throats at least.
Angry because of the accusations against him, he went out of the training area by himself. On his way back to the facilities, he made a stop and went outside for a bit. He hadn't realized that it was already this dark out. Sadly the stars were covered by thick clouds, preventing even the moonlight from shining through. Time flies when you are not having fun and work endlessly without any long pauses to even get a glimpse of boredom.
The exhausted engineer put his helmet lazily under his arm and just looked at the sky. 
It was raining. Nothing unusual for England. The droplets were running down his face, cooling down his temper even more. Easing all the tension that was built up inside him.
He allowed his thoughts to drift away. 
Why was he here? What led up to it?
See the full post
16 notes • Posted 2021-08-02 10:37:07 GMT
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@titan-wolfdog Thank her for this beautiful edit xD
76 notes • Posted 2021-06-24 17:13:36 GMT
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