#fuck this fandom
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loicinpain · 6 months ago
I hate this fandom so much WHY do y'all have to either ship fucking SEBACIEL or shape Alois into the equivalent of a fucking SEXDOLL?? God I wish ever single one of you to get an urinal infection today.
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Love kuro tho xoxo 💋
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akiizayoi4869 · 11 months ago
ATLA fandumb stop comparing a fictional 14 year old abused child to a real life dictator challenge (impossible)
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Moral Orel and Tuca & Birdie didn’t portray victims of SA as sex objects, you weirdo.
You can’t have it both ways, either put in some actual effort into writing serious issues or don’t.
There is no middle ground, you can’t just have blatant fan service in your show and then turn around and say “Oh no guys it’s totally okay, this character has a tragic backstory. They’re not just eye candy!”
If Family Guy or Velma did this shit, you’d all be condemning the writers of those shows, but because it’s Hazbin Hotel, you all have to rush to Viv’s defense because you literally cannot handle any criticism that’s directed at Viv.
This shit is fucking exhausting.
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lives4lovesworld · 10 months ago
Truly wish dany/targaryens stans would stop bothering. The amount of daily posts that aim to "counter" or even pander to nonsensical anti bs is excessive and after years quite honestly boring and tedious.
Quite frankly I fail to understand what we gain from this, adhering to a holier-than-thou moral code, especially since no one else is compelled to even pretend to do so? Is the goal here for them be completely distorted to the point they resemble other characters? antis supposed favorites? As uninteresting to us as they subconsciously are to their stans? Which is the real problem here and the reason why they are the way they are (hypocritical stealing clowns and nuisances?) But perhaps I have a completely different less-morality-bound approach to consuming media in my free time than the rest of my fellow stans.
No downplaying/refuting Valyrian blood purity, empathizing non-Valyrian marriages, pointing out the origin of slavery are found in Old Ghis and not the Freehold, no opting for the most gracious interpretation of members of House Targaryen will ever stop antis from painting and hypocritically single out everything Targaryen/Valyrian related as kkk- or "imperialistic" coded or whatever woke buzzword of the day. They live to pretend-clutch their pearls and hold only them to modern standards of a fantastical utopia, while every other feudal character can be as archaic as expected from their pseudomedvial upbringing with their houses being wardlords
Speaking for me, I STAN their blood purity and incest. For me, IT IS a defining characteristic of House Targaryen that makes them unique, no matter how "problematic" it may be. I STAN it because GRRM fabricated scandalous, passionate love stories that I chose to interpret as consensual and politically advantageous, that brought forward incredible, magical gorgeous characters able to ride dragons that inspire love and envy alike. Who shine all the brighter when one contrasts them with literally any other characters and unions that are and breed doomed mediocrity and are born out of stale duty. I perhaps have a bais for pure blooded Targaryens that look the part than any prefect bastards or half breeds, or targ x targ to any other couple.
I also stan cruel Maegor, particularly for showing Oldtown its place and declawing the Militant Faith because I enjoy reading about the presumptuous Christian Vatican equivalent getting its ass handed to them. I stan Rhaenyra and she still can be a pampered proud princess-turned-queen. The same way I prefer canon Daemon as a rogue, an ambitious prince who seduced his brother's heir with perhaps also political hopes in mind and because he wanted his gorgeous niece as a bride instead of his cold barren wife. A legend that slay the pathetic cunt that was his nephew.
And while I'm at it: I also refuse to care about every "likeable"/pitiful character simply because it would be the "morally right" thing to do, nor will I root for the characters I like to do it. I don't care for Helaena and her children, nor the strong boys or any half-considered-"poc" Targaryen, nor will I even pretend to see "reason" in the greens actions, nor do I even want to see Dany "overcome her hatred"/bais against the usurper's dogs and any descendants of them. Or for her to be that altruistic to turn away from the throne to save humanity.
No amount of "call-out-posts" what a misogynist, racist, cultist, classist or elistist I am will change that because why OH WHY should I give a fuck about what anyone online thinks of me. Why should I allow anyone to bully me into streamline my enjoyment?
Especially by the people that do not even have the decorum of pretend to have any sort of decency. So they can use the most misogynistic, classist language and expect submission to their attempts to rule fandom spaces with iron fists and delusions, and canonize their favorites' sainthood and entitlement to feudal supremacy often only because they ✨️suffered prettily✨️ and fit some anesthetics while I must tolerate them trying to scold me into caring so greatly about fictional grey faceless mass of common people that would die were my favorites to pursue their ambitions. Meanwhile the same people would have any would-be-subjects die of famine and cold as long as their favorites get their crowns GRRM would never grant them in canon anyway. Give me a break. And let's not even start on how dragons and incest are suddenly the solutions as long as they don't belong and is not practiced by Targaryens.
To make this clear: this post is NOT a not-so-subtle incognito-anti post of ✨️i lOve all mY wAr CrimInaL eUqally!;' LeT tHeM bE mAd AnD unHinGed uwu,"! love all mY mOderAte chAsTe hoPes Of the fUtUres and mAd imPeriAlistS. 🥰✨️
I simply wanted to say; perhaps we should NOT GIVE A FUCK, "own" the """""bad""""" and be "problematic" and "irrational" in our selective love for characters and houses like EVERYBODY FUCKING ELSE.
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lokisasylum · 5 months ago
Literally who tf still listens to My Universe on plain 2024??
That song was total ASS, lyrics AND music wise. (The video and the CGI were shit, don't you come lying to me now. The only highlight of the video was Jhope flirting with the alien girl, which gave SOPE shippers a heart attack).
HYBE leaked it themselves to create hype for it using a non-existent TK sub-unit "featuring RM". Only for it ending up being a Coldplay song FEATURING BTS (where some of the members literally got ONE line in it) for THEIR fucking album, thinking armys were gonna mass stream the shit out of said album. But then it backfired and the song didn't even win a grammy.
So FUCK THAT FLOP ASS SONG and anyone who's abandoning "Who" and MUSE to try and rechart it in the middle of JIMTOBER, when ya'll can't even keep RM's latest collab steady on the charts, but somehow got all the time in the world to stalk and talk shit about PJMs and Jimin's fanbases who work their asses off 24/7 to give Jimin more achievement before he comes back from MS.
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tamlindain · 1 year ago
Saw a bitch in TikTok saying Rhys unalived Amarantha. These ppl are really out there being so blind to the fact that Tamlin is the fucking MC that they are making up stuff.
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kideaternomnom · 9 months ago
nah cuz i agree with you SO much on the post you made about Megumi and how people think his character sucks. Like sure you can go hate a character but its for THE worst reasons. All they say is how bland he is and how he just doesn’t care. 
People complain how he’s just a object used in the story. Like no this kid isn’t your typical Sasuke i wanna get revenge on my family, he has probably one of the best written characters in the show. He has feelings obviously and was dedicated to Tsumiki and wanted to make sure she was happy. And i HATE when people say “oh Sukuna had no deeper meaning to make Megumi his vessel” like no?? He obviously didn’t choose Yuji as his vessel and hated him and how he was. A big reason for that is how inexperienced Yuji was at Jujutsu. He had no idea what cursed spirits WERE until earlier before he became the vessel, and only had his strength. (no hate on Yuji tho) So obviously Megumi was the perfect choice for Sukuna, he is extremely intelligent , focused, and Sukuna probably wanted to take advantage of his skilled shikigami use. Like when he first went against Kirara, he IMMEDIATELY figured out her cursed technique and was skilled with how he fought her. And him as a character? People whine about his underdeveloped relationship with Gojo, and Yuji. Megumi had so much trust in Yuji and after rewatching the anime, I saw how driven this guy is because he ended up not regretting how he selfishly saved him, and thinks he’s a genuinely good person. And Gojo?! How is THAT relationship bad? He looks out for Megumi SO MUCH and it wasn’t just because of that promise Toji made, but because he genuinely cares. Sure he feels entitled to him, but he want to watch him succeed and be happy too! But seriously, Megumi is way too misunderstood in the fandom bro.
You basically summarized everything I think about this god forsaken fandom. 😭 I find it funny how Megumi haters will call him a "bum" or question why he loses fights, when it's drilled in peoples' heads MULTIPLE TIMES. He has fucking inferiority complex, regrets of his sister, and got abandoned by his damn dad for Pete's sake. His whole drive at that moment from the beginning of the series basically stemmed from Tsumiki. His sister aka his only direct blood family left who got into a COMA before he can fully appreciate her. ☠️ Also, once again- the IRONY of JJK fandumb calling Megumi "bland" yet when he does have dynamics (Toji, Gojo, Yuji, Tsumik, etc) that also gets downplayed just because there isn't Idk 50 mf pages on them. This fandom's double standards and hypocrisy will never cease to amaze me ESPECIALLY concerning Megumi. 🤧
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kawa-goat · 2 months ago
can I just talk about how fucking disgusting it is that some of you people will automatically make holocaust "jokes" when there's a jewish character in the fandom?
I've literally seen someone joking about the neighbor being h1tler because Nicky is Jewish.
Be for real. If you're older than 10 and find this level of humor funny, then honestly fuck you. Millions of innocent people—CHILDREN included—died.
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juliapark13 · 1 year ago
The awful hate for Jimin and Jungkook together makes me cry. I can’t even believe it.
I only hope everyone who wants them to stay away from each other will get the worst in life.
The worst.
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lotusarchon · 4 months ago
Ngl with you bubs, I can't help but imagine the reason you're subjected to such asshole anons on a daily basis is because of the fandom you're in. I've been in anime fandoms like BSD that are considered toxic but this Monkie Kid fandom feels incredibly awful, and I imagine it's because the show is aimed for a children's audience, so the adults in it are assholes that like to act childishly and attack for no reason. I'm not even in this fandom but it's filled with so much toxicity, it's insane. You cannot even express your opinion because people will want to attack you, it's gross and I wish you the best while you're still in it :(
You're not wrong, Jiro. I really, really regret joining this fandom. I hate it so much, but I love Monkie Kid. I like the show, I wanna make friends for it, but it seems like every single one I try to make is some sort of jerk or some shit always happens
I wished I hadn't picked up this show, and I wish I hadn't decided to write for it. The people in this fandom are the absolute worst, I hate it ☹️ it sucks that LMK is my comfort show because holy fucking shit the people in here are assholes
Jiro don't make the mistake I did avoid this fandom if you can 😭😭😭😭 DON'T WATCH LEGO MONKIE KID
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starjamss · 1 year ago
Am I the only sonic artist who doesn’t draw NSFW of the characters yall like I can’t be the only SANE one 😭
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akiizayoi4869 · 2 years ago
Are you guys ready to hear about a ATLA fic that has Incels written all over it? I promise you it will blow your mind.
So the fic was Zuko and Sokka centric(don't know if it was Zukka, but probably not since it's an old fic) and Sokka is helping Zuko deal with the "trauma" of what Azula did to him. Because you know. She abused him. Burned his eye and everything. It's not like Ozai did any of that. Nope. Ozai isn't blamed for anything.
In the process of helping Zuko, Sokka realizes that he's ALSO been abused by Katara and that it's her fault he can't remember Kya and only sees Katara's face.
So Sokka confronts her. Katara starts crying, and of course it gets framed as her "playing the victim" about how Kya died. So Sokka says "She was my mom first, Katara." and "You can't hurt me anymore."
The best part? It's framed as this big triumphant moment for him.
I'm terribly sorry for sharing this abomination with you all but I felt like you had to know just how much this made me laugh as well as seethe because what in the actual fuck is that😭.
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omori-aus-archive · 3 months ago
Honest to God, the Omori fandom should become nonexistent at this point….
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zuko-always-lies · 10 months ago
Don't read the comments below this video.
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left0utsideal0ne · 8 months ago
i literally cannot with this fuck ass fandom
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pyroanime2k16 · 11 months ago
I swear, with the amount of vilification, demonization, and mischaracterization Mari, Sunny, and the rest of the main cast go through, this fandom really needs to be put on a leash….
And let’s not forget the proshitters and pedos.
I swear, this fandom might need to be uprooted and start over from scratch.
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