#fuck the british empire they actually deserve nothing but dirt and rot xxx
zoya-18 · 1 year
the crown s5 bringing back duck shoot (a theme that is so tied to george vi and elizabeth’s early reign) as they signify the end of the british empire with the loss of hong kong is actually one of the best score decisions they made all season!!
knowing that one of the key scores of the first and second seasons, where empire was still a core part of the monarchy, was brought back to show how everything had changed is so satisfying; labour’s in power after destroying the tories, britannia decommissioned, a divorced heir to the throne making the speech… just shows how far the show and the story has come since claire foy and matt smith in s1 and s2 and it’s almost nostalgic to hear after not hearing it for so long.
absolutely love this show (not the british tho, they acc don’t exist x)
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