#fuck the 2 party system and your hateful threats we in red states know what you think of us already
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whitegumballs · 6 months ago
Where are my rubles, Russia!!!
I actually don't give a shit if you vote third party, the US.
The electoral college. Which is not democratic, is why trump won.
Hope this helps.
I'm not a democrat or republican I live in a red state that the only third party is libertarian (even further right) so I can't vote for Jill or whoever you want to blame for your threats not working.
So I don't give a fuck.
You don't give a fuck that my state allows zero abortions.
Or that DHS declined to support an Oklahoma woman who had to wait to get a life saving abortion. (No im not linking the story I know you haven't heard it because you think us Oklahomans deserve what we get)
That a trans kid was killed in school & president biden called it a fucking suicide.
Fuck off.
Vote however you want.
Now where are my rubles?
For people who don't remember the 2016 Tumblr was full of Russian trolls who posed as progressive social justice blogs and urged young liberals to throw their vote away on a third party. You can read more about it here :https://www.wired.com/story/tumblr-russia-trolls-propaganda/ This camapign was extraiordinary succesful and third party voters were a key reason why Trump one( if you look at the electoral results you will see that the race was so close that if the third party votes had gone to Hillary she would have easily buried Trump) Sadly we didn't know that this was a orchestred camapign until Tumblr released the data itself and told us who the blogs were. Those were not simple spam blogs. They were pros. They knew how to talk to people, they made real posts and interacted. They tried this in 2020 but we were wary because the memories were still fresh But now thy are trying again. I just found this guy who is running the EXACT same play book as in 2016. Pretending to be a person of color , poting progresive posts while at the same time urigng everyoe to vote third party. As soon as I called him out he immedately blocked me beause he knew I outed him. So now i's up to you guys. Don't let Trump supporting Russian trolls run their psy ops here. Report en masse and get them now instead of waiting for months for tumblr to tell us they worked for Trump REPORT THIS RUSSIAN TROLL NOW. DON'T LET THEM PULL THEIR GAMES AGAIN: https://www.tumblr.com/decolonize-the-left
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schizo-spoon-blog · 5 years ago
Spoonbender Society: Selected Schizoepistles
We Live In A Society
People say we live in a democracy/democratic republic, a form of government intended to amplify what people think and address problems they find to be important. But it doesn’t ever seem to function that way.
The issue is in voter suppression, but as always not in the way people generally think voter suppression works. The issue is psychic, spiritual, and social suppression of citizens. Systemic over-development of senses of rationalization, neuroticism and anxiety, industrially incentivized narcissism.
People develop a deathly fear of what others think, or may think, or what they may have thought about them or what they think, what they may think, or what they may have thought.
A democracy where we’d rather not hear what other people have to say, because we find their thoughts offensive and retarded. That’s one thing people are happy to share. But because we suspect that there are so many offensive retards in the world, we fear... "Perhaps I’m a retard too?" You wonder that even for just a second in your life, if you have a soul. It’s OK to be a retard really, but you’ll never believe that it’s OK, and that's probably What Your Fucking Problem Is.
The opinions of us purported non-retards, to avoid sounding like complete retards, end up soft, ambivalent and stale, phrased like True Neutral Orgasm in Ego-Death Nirvana, but less Chad, less gratifying, and nobody cums. To not be reminded of the possibility of our own retardation, we like to pretend that if the retards just shut up and nobody can hear them, they go away. If they are Physically Removed from our presence, their evil thoughts and their malicious intentions will go away with them. We win. But they don’t. They never do.
We always fail to Psychically Remove them. We lose.
We can hypothesize a law of conservation of hatred, correlate one too of love, but the truth is banal. How can it be in light of our timeline? Why are these Hate Groups all over the place? Hitler’s corpse is rotting or burned to a crisp, or embalmed in a tomb or made a toilet for Some Rich Dude ((parenthetical removed)). (Or was he cloned?)
Great Fatherland Germany - defeated by the "untermensch" and partitioned like a cheese between rats. That Great "Faustian" and "Supreme" "Aryan" Race is subjugated by the hated "Juden" and all the "vermin" of the world, humiliated, castrated to be reunited a shadow of its former self. Yet the Nazi threat is omnipresent nearly a century later, in an era which may be an alien planet to those who lived in Hitler’s time.
How is it that the Great Allies, our fathers and grandfathers, achieved such total victory over so loathsome a foe, so unsympathetic and vile, only to see his Evil infect their own countrymen and posterity? How can something so thoroughly defeated still persist in what could be our neighbors or our co-workers our bosses or our employees? Each one could be a secret Nazi now. In parenting blogs moms worry that their children are becoming Nazis from goofy men they see in videos on line. Marriages are ending in divorce because the husband or wife is allegedly or apparently a Nazi. How could this happen?
Have you ever seen “The Matrix? Who hasn’t? You know all about the red and blue pills, and all the rainbow-flag DLC that it comes with, black and pink and green and brown and in configurations invisible to the human eye, I’m sure. If you don't know, the pills are portals to different realities. Take the black pill and you only see death, take the white pill and everything’s alright, take the blue pill you vote for Hillary, take the pink you become genderqueer. But this is not about taking any pills. This is about going off your meds. Going straight edge - except for whiskey, cigarettes, cocaine and pussy. It’s about the spoon - no, not for shooting up. It's for bending - with your mind. Remember? That spoon - The Spoon That Isn’t There.
That spoon is a Nazi.
If you are aware that there is no spoon you can tie it into knots. You can make it into a balloon animal. That Nazi Spoon could be a Jewish Socialist from Vermont, or a kosher Brooklyn Zionist, or a Dominican Taxi Driver. It could be an evil copy of your own son from Bizzaro World. It's probably your uncle. It could be Rottweilers, and Chihuahuas. Whether Pitbulls are Nazis or Jews/Blacks is an ongoing debate in the contemporary discourse.
But imaginary shit can be whatever the hell you want. You don’t have to be "The One" to Bend the Spoon. You don’t have to be anyone at all. What was the name of the kid who said the line about the spoon again? Nobody knows, nobody cares, and that's the beauty of Spoonbending.
"The Nazi" is the guy who keeps talking when he should shut up. He might be autistic, but he could just be an asshole. There is a strong possibility he could be both. Why does he keep saying all of this ridiculous stuff? He’s more offensive and more retarded than the usual, but it feels like He Has To Be This Way. Like it’s his curse, He Knows Too Much. He fell down some rabbit hole and ended up gorged on Fascist Propaganda. He mentions some girl named Celine. He rambles on about some guy you’re pretty sure is a Tekken character... the guy who turns into the Devil maybe. He mentions a vacation in Turkey with his family but insists on saying Constantinople and there’s a wild-man tear in his eye. He insists he knows about Atlantis and calls you gay for saying you liked Aquaman. Instead of saying goodbye he says “Subscribe to Pewdiepie.” The Nazi belongs in an institution. You wonder if he has guns and if maybe he should have them taken for a while. He probably doesn’t, but you can’t be sure. He’s 12.
When is it too early to become a school shooter? Is 12 too early to be an incel?
12 is probably the age at which incels hatch from their human hosts.
“Who is Pewdiepie, and how has he groomed my nephew into the Hitler Youth?” many families today are asking. They think they’re looking at a spoon. Conditoning fills your heart with a desperate desire to see the spoon. A fact, pure fact, logical, reasonable, peer reviewed, widely accepted, So True, a Textbook Fact. The spoon. Everyone else sees it too. That goddamn Nazi Spoon.
You ever try to ask this at a party as an ice-breaker and see how the guests react?
“So, anyway, was The Holocaust Real?”
“Excuse me, what?”
“What do you think, was it real, how many people do you think died, don’t the gas chambers sound goofy to you?”
”Um… no… they don’t sound goofy. What are you talking about?”
“You ever hear about the Nazi Roller-coaster they had at one of the camps? They’d put Jews into a roller-coaster except they’d fly off the edge and get splattered. That’s how the Nazis killed ‘em. I swear. I read it in a book by a Holocaust Survivor. Impossible to believe if it weren’t so True. No shit. You hear about that?”
”I’m… gonna get another beer.”
Of course there’s a Correct answer to that initial question. It’s also the Right answer. Who would ever get this wrong? It's the 2+2=X of History. Well…
Pop-Quiz, Random Nazi Check, Anybody here Hate Jews? You a Groyper, Son? What’s so funny? You think the Cookie Monster committing genocide is a laughing matter boy? We don’t take kindly to your kind around here.
Maybe you should give the Nazi-check thing a try, it’ll separate sheep and goat real easy for you.
If you do this everyone will think you are The Nazi.
The Nazis hated Jews, but did they hate real Jews as Jews exist, or did they hate the Fascist Propaganda Jew who was a work of fiction? On that note, were you in love with your last failed relationship, or just pretending you were? Have you ever had one impression of a person, but then learned they were another kind of person entirely? That first impression you had, the one that wasn’t True, was that a Real Person, or Imaginary? But you still spent all that money and sweat on an imaginary girl, huh?
Hope her hole was real.
I think that fake bitch of an ex you dated was a nazi. Your ex was a fascist. Oh, was she Jewish? It doesn’t matter, changes nothing. I’ve never met her - wouldn't matter if I did. When I imagine her, she's in Hugo Boss black and got skull-and-bones on her officer's cap, and she's saying racial slurs as she ruins your life, cheats on you, drains your bank account and kills your dog after getting custody over it in court. I imagine all bad people this way. All women who rejected me were exactly like this.
But I must breach working-class anti-fascist solidarity, and admit, on That Question ("Would you?").... Yeah, I would. Sorry bro. Take me away Comrades, I admit it, I'd give it to that Nazi Jew raw. Would I do that to her as she exists, or the Fascist Propaganda her who is a work of fiction?
That depends. You still got her number?
haha it's ok you can call me an incel, it's a step up from what i actually am
(User was banned for this post.)
The Nazi and the Fascist aren’t my hallucinations. That’s not my mental illness. But it’s adjacent to me, it’s thrown at me without my Consent, and it's a Trigger. I'm paranoid about commies myself.
In the multicultural cyberpunk year of 2019, with its trans-human gender-sex-orientations, anti-racist ethno-narcissism, fanatic anti-normalism, cultish critical theory intersections, grand byzantine minimalism, placidity, in such splendid predatory banality… In the absolute state of the world! – Aah! An undead ideology conceived by a salty Frenchman in the badlands of South Dakota in the 1890s shambles forth the devour all that is Good and Holy in the Great United States of AmeriKKKa, God Help Us All! And A Child Will Lead Those Dreadful Legions of Corruption Upon All The Meek Of Our Fallen World!
Or it’s just a spoon that isn’t real.
Nobody wants to be straight-forward, and I gotta navigate the labyrinths of euphemism. Maybe there's something weird going on - how people talk, how people act, how people think, none of those correlate to each other. It makes you feel schizo when you do all your mental rain-man calculus and realize there's a fucking Elephant in the living room and he's not wearing any goddamn pants. Once that little ray-of-sunshine blesses your tiny bug-man brain to enlighten you that the elephant is real, and the spoon isn't, it's only a matter of time before you're crowned in tinfoil a Potato King on your off-grid Bug-out estate in the Idaho Panhandle, or start drinking yourself to death and bullying mailmen (or both).
If you'd like to avoid that sort of Elephant-Mania Spoon-denialism, maybe you should try answering Uncomfortable Question instead of being so Weird about it, oh wise Mr. Kirk, Mr. Shapiro, Mr. Talking-Head, Mr. Important-Guy, Mr. Movement, Mr. Politics, Mr. Voice of Reason, Mr. Metatron. Take it from a schizo-maniac with a manifesto, you’re freaking out the hoes.
Try Praeger U talking points out on a Tinder date and watch her shrivel up from instathot to instahag -- she will go through menopause before your very eyes, that's how dry her pussy will get. Trying not to sound racist while talking about the Antarctic Nazi base and the importance of craniometry in ethnocultural anthropology will get you more action than anything that sounds like a paraphrase of Charlie Kirk -- because even if you're still being cringe at least you aren't being fake. Point and laugh at that fucking elephant - the moron isn't even wearing pants! That'll get her thinking about taking your pants off. Or not - it's not foolproof. If she doesn't laugh, red-flag, she's a Nazi so Begone Thot!
Please, for the love of God, go off-script! See the damn elephant and forget the spoon, and forget the wise Mr. Kirk, Mr. Shapiro, Mr. Talking-Head, Mr. Important-Guy, Mr. Movement, Mr. Politics, Mr. Voice of Reason, Mr. Metatron. Take it from a schizo-maniac with a manifesto, you'll go insane if you don't.
[. . . ] [T]hen there's that neuroticism, that narcissism, that fear. The whole point of these politics groups and gatherings and Q&As is what, anyway? Is it really just basic marketing tactics, like a live-action advertisement you expect for people to passively consume as though it is persuasive? To shove free-markets and free-speeches down my throat and have me swallow it without having anything that’s been bothering me answered? What do I look like to you, an Ideology Whore? You don't even reciprocate a good time, huh? I'm not that kind of girl. You didn't even buy me dinner. You made me pay to bore me. I'd cuck you if we dated just to make a very important point -- fully aware it'll go over your head. Fuck you.
We gotta hear The Script. We gotta recite The Script.
Real Conservatives Think Like This. Real Progressives Think Like This. White People Walk Like This. Black People Walk Like This.
Gotta hear that joke ten thousand times so you can recite it like a mantra in your sleep.
Free markets mean free people. Facts don’t care about your feelings. Private Companies can do what they wish. What you do in your bedroom is your own business. We want legal immigration, not illegal.
Abolish ICE. Your childhood hero says Trans-Rights. Do you not want me in the movement? Abolish whiteness.
The Racism of Lowered Expectations.
A white nation.
Workers of the world unite!
Abortion is a human right.
Have you got it memorized?
Let’s go over it a few more times.
Say it with me! Hillary was found innocent in a hundred hearings and it is sexist to besmirch her reputation.
Repeat after me! Trump’s economy is the best in history, and if he's racist why is black unemployment is at historical lows.
You benefit from unearned privilege. You suffer from toxic masculinity.
The world is about to end and everything you know and love will die, and it is your fault, for not believing in the correct things at the correct time.
Are you laughing yet?
I’m dying. I feel like an e-girl, and my orbiters are sides.
But do you wanna know what I really think? The whole bit about psychic and social suppression? You ever hear about the Procrustean bed? Well, what if we put your political, social, moral consciousness and your psychic abilitys into a bed like that. We could talk about it. You ever play Xenogears?
Or you could just put me in a box. I really wouldn't mind. I'm Houdini. Hey, was Houdini a Nazi, like Henry Ford? Can we get a fact-check? I didn't mean to be problematic.
Break the Conditoning - Step outside the box, and use it as a step ladder. Ascend, Beyond the Box - use The Spoon.
Bush did 9/11, the Israeli’s danced, the Aliens killed JFK - sure - but I only say this because of my MK Ultra Schizo-brain. It’s true, it’s false, it’s fact, it’s myth, I don’t have to believe any of it -- I also don't have to believe any of you if I don’t want to. My feelings do not care about your facts, and did you know that some of the world's most uncomfortable facts are manifested into being by uncomfortable feelings? Is it the fact of the bullet that kills the political dissident, or the feelings of his executioner? Is it the deranged lust of the rapist that violates his victim, or the fact of his power to do so? I guess it depends on whether the perpetrator said "nothing personnel kid" before he committed the act. I don't know about that Nazi Rapist's feelings, but MY feelings are valid and I can believe or disbelieve whatever I want on the basis of my feelings, and my feelings alone. My feelings bend the spoon of your facts.
Are you going to say I don’t have the right, Adolf? Sucks for you, bud, I may be a commie by blood, but the heart that pumps it was assembled in the ole USA -- and we got the Right to be a Retard here in America. It's a Free Country.
[Note: please insert image of Jonathan Frakes from Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction]
Now that the dust has settled: Was the Nazi Roller-Coaster Real? Or did we put the Truth in a Mass-Grave? We will let you know at the conclusion of our program.
Sincerely and Full of Suffering Your Friend Always, Orcbrand
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oddree13 · 8 years ago
A Wrench Can Do A Lot of Damage
Written for Nursey/Dex Week Day 5: Hurt/Comfort
Nursey/Dex Week: Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, Day 5, Day 6, Day 7
(Read on AO3)
Dex hated Nursey patrol. He had hated it before he was Nursey’s roommate, and he hated it more now that it was usually the default assignment given to him, since Chowder was the new Taddie wrangler with Farmer.
Tonight Dex didn’t want to be in charge of Derek. They had a major win this past week, and Dex just wanted to let go and enjoy the victory. It also didn’t help that Nursey had decided to wear this perfectly fitted purple short-sleeved shirt that showed off his bicep tattoo and accentuated his muscles in all the right places. Dex definitely had not noticed that at all.
Turning to watch where Derek had wandered off to, he saw him by the tub juice stand, now being manned by Whiskey and Tango because Tango had asked Shitty enough times during his visits what went into said juice that he knew the perfect combination to turn every kegster into a veritable bacchanalia.
Watching as his defense partner took another cup of juice Dex sighed knowing he wouldn’t be able to control Derek much longer.
Figuring now was the chance to get his own bit of reprieve, he wandered to the kitchen to talk to Bitty and Ford. He realized after a good while though, Nursey hadn’t stumbled through like he usually did to scavenge for food.
Walking around the party, he searched for his partner and eventually stumbled upon him in the living room. The only problem was that Nursey wasn’t talking to Chowder, dancing on a table, or falling asleep under a box of natty ice. Rather he was leaning against a wall, another guy crowding his space, and was looked as if he was flirting.
Dex didn’t bother to stick around and confirm his assumption, and instead turned on his heel, heading back to the kitchen where he could find another drink, or three, and hang around Bitty, trying to ignore his anger.
No not anger. Jealousy.
He wanted Derek to look at him the way that he looked at that random guy, and that realization made him take two beers out of the fridge.
Leaning against the counter, he listened as Bitty and Ford continued their debate over sweet versus salty cornbread, a debate Dex didn’t know had so much depth, but found himself engrossed.
Dex never noticed Nursey going outside. None of the guys had. None of them knew of the new lax bro initiation ritual.
All Dex knew was that Nursey was currently sitting on the back porch with a black eye and he hadn’t been there to have his back.
“What do you mean it was a dare?” Tango was asking, very confused and very hurt.
“Apparently they gave the incoming lax bros a task list worth certain points. Dude with most points at the end of it gets some weird prize, I dunno,” Nursey mumbled, having found the list on the floor after the scuffle.
Dex was reading over it. Usual college shenanigans were peppered with some rather illegal tasks that made Dex too angry to think, as they basically amounted to sexual assault and larceny. But it was clear that a handful of the tasks involved the hockey team and used language that told Dex they were targeted because of all the ways they were different from the lax team.
Derek clearly was the victim of #15 - sucker punch one of those queers during a Kegster (doesn’t matter which one they’re all fa-
Dex stopped reading and tucked the paper away. He turned to Whiskey and pinned him down with a glare.
“I’m going to ask you one time, Connor, did you know about this?” he asked, his voice icy.
Whiskey looked at him eyes wide, partly stunned that Dex thought he would know and wouldn’t say anything, and partial stunned because Dex looked murderous.
“I didn’t know a think. Fuck those guys,” he replied, stating rule #13 of the Samwell Men’s Hockey Team Haus Bylaws for the first time.
“Good,” is all Dex replied, and stalked out of the backyard, through the Haus, getting his wrench, and walking across the street.
Farmer and Chowder saw him do this and immediately began to chase after him, but Dex ignored him and walked past the door to the Lax house and straight to their backyard.
Using the wrench and his brute strength he fucked their water pipes beyond simple repair and then found the main that would short their electricity.
Soon enough, their basement began to flood, their power went out, and the sprinkler system they had installed after a fire incident two years ago went off.
As the yells erupted from the house, Dex stood on the front lawn pleased, waiting for the few that would inevitably run outside. Sure enough they did and as soon as they laid eyes on a very angry defenseman wielding a wrench they stood frozen.
“Come near the team or Derek Nurse again, I’ll short your gas line and we’ll all wake up to a rather tragic headline. Also, if you even think about calling the police, I have a copy of your rapey scavenger hunt in my pocket so seriously, try me,” he spat out, and turned around before he could see that they were all just nodding.
Back at the Haus no one talked to Dex, all of them a little unsettled by the way he went off.
“I thought he was going to beat them with a wrench,” Chowder confessed to Bitty over the kitchen table as the southerner busied himself making tea for everyone.
Nursey listened on and after the adrenaline and alcohol began to wear off, wandered upstairs to see where Dex has disappeared to. Unable to find Dex in their room, the reading room, or the bathroom, he walked down the steps to the basement.
Sure enough Will was beating on the punch bag that was put down there last year, his knuckles red, and his face tear streaked.
Knowing better than to interrupt him, Nursey came and just held the bag steady for him, letting Will punch it silently until he was unable to anymore.
“I’ve had worse you know,” he offered once Will’s breath had evened out again.
“I don’t care. It was my job to watch you and I let feelings get in the way,” he grunted, walking to the fridge to get water.
“Feelings?” Derek asked, a little confused.
“Yeah. I was pissed that you were flirting with some guy so I didn’t watch out for you. You were drunk, and I should have made sure you weren’t going off with anyone under the influence,” he explained, not meeting Nursey’s eyes.
Derek’s immediate thought was that Dex had ignored him because it was a guy he was flirting with, but reminded himself that Dex wasn’t the same guy from freshman year and they’d talked about his sexuality before moving in to try and clear the air. Turns out Dex just didn’t know things.
Knowing this, Derek’s second thought was that Dex was mad because he wasn’t flirting with him. That made Nurse grin.
“You know if I knew that I could flirt with you, we could have avoided you causing what I amuse is a few thousand dollars in property damage and a threat of murder.”
“First, even if you knew that wouldn’t have stopped that. Second, I shouldn’t let my feelings for you dictate how well I watch you at parties,” he countered, clearly missing the fact that Nursey was flirting.
“Fine, let me put it a different way. If I knew I could flirt with you I would have been flirting with you, Poindexter,” he grinned, and took a few steps forward, enjoying the stunned look on Dex’s face and the rising blush.
“Also, I’m not into the rescue/reward coding that society constantly feeds us, but I’m willing to let it slide this time,” he smirked and pressed a chaste kiss to Dex’s lips.
“Oh,” was all Dex managed to get out before he broke into a brighter blush and covered his face.
It took Dex a few minutes to recover, but soon the two boys were sitting on the bottom bunk, Dex icing Nursey’s eye between soft kisses.
(Chowder found them asleep curled around each other the next morning and snapped a photo for future use.)
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pinelife3 · 8 years ago
Ask about me. I wish you would.
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Disclaimer: I don’t know shit about shit - but I’m trying.
Feel like my blogging this year (I know we’re not very far in) has been really sub-optimal. Typically I feel like my blogs are best when I get fired up about/really interested in something - they come easier and (hopefully) are funnier and more interesting. I have been interested in lots of stuff, but I feel a lot of what I’ve read has already been well positioned and there hasn’t really been much room for me to butt my nose in and comment. Anyway, I wanna try to steel man Martin Shkreli. Feeling pretty amped about this actually.
I remember late 2015 sitting in a fish and chip shop (Colin’s Catch <3 - I never got fish and chips there, always burgers) reading some shitty article on Jezebel about Shkreli and even though it was probably not a good example of reporting I found it convincing. In 2015 he (or actually, his company, Turing Pharmaceuticals) increased the price of Daraprim 5500% from $13.50 (US, I presume because they only own the US version of the drug) to $750 per pill. Once upon a time it retailed for just $1 a pill. The way people talk about him he might as well be the devil.
From The Daily Beast:
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From Consequence of Sound:
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From Dazed:
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Hahah - from Wonkette (whatever that is):
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The New Yorker:
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The New Yorker article opens like this:
On Thursday morning, the most reviled person in America arrived on Capitol Hill for a short but memorable engagement with the most reviled institution in America. The institution was the U.S. Congress, which Americans say they hate—though not quite enough, apparently, to stop reëlecting its members. And the person was Martin Shkreli, a pharmaceutical executive who loves to play the villain, and who can’t decide whether to be amused or outraged when he is treated accordingly. Donald Trump can rightly be called polarizing, but Shkreli cannot: he seems to have precious few fans to balance out his innumerable detractors.
Okay, so I have cherry picked some of the more venomous headlines but I think it’s fair to say he’s unpopular. The mainstream media actively root against him. In December last year everyone was smugly pleased when some high school students made the active ingredient in Daraprim: like because some teenagers can bootleg one component of the drug in a high school chem lab that’s somehow valuable? They didn’t recreate the whole drug, just a key component. And in any case - the whole basis of the outrage was that this was a cheap drug that underwent an unjustified price hike. Has Shkreli ever tried to pretend there was some change of circumstances where they key component of the drug suddenly became expensive to produce? Their position has always been: we jacked up the price because we could. 
Quoth Shkreli:
To me the drug was woefully underpriced. It is not a question of ‘Is this fair?’ or ‘What did you pay for it?’ or ‘When was it invented?’ It should be more expensive in many ways.
And again:
If there was a company that was selling an Aston Martin at the price of a bicycle, and we buy that company and ask to charge Toyota prices, I don’t think that should be a crime.
It cost those high school goons $20 (assuming this is just in ingredients - not equipment, facilities, time, fancy lab coats, etc.) to create 3.7 grams of the active ingredient in Daraprim (which apparently works out to about $2 per pill… again, based purely on their ingredients). 
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^^ Cute
Shkreli has always said that profits made from the price jacking allow/ed his then-company Turing Pharmaceuticals (he resigned as CEO in 2015 after being arrested for securities fraud - is there anything this guy can’t do?) to work on research and development for cool new drugs to save lives (or make more money depending on your outlook).
Shkreli has consistently defended the move to raise the price of the drug - in late 2015 there were some vague intimations that he would lower the price, but they later backtracked on this and it was later reported that Turing would instead follow some standard procedures to make it easier for patients to access the drug. According to the NY Times:
Daraprim, which has been on the market since 1953, is the preferred treatment for toxoplasmosis, a parasitic infection that can cause severe brain damage in babies, people with AIDS and others with compromised immune systems.
According to PolitiFact:
There are only about 2,000 U.S. patients who use the drug every year. 
And if you don’t have insurance you can get it for free here. 
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Turing have held this position from way back in 2015: 
“A drug’s list price is not the primary factor in determining patient affordability and access,” Nancy Retzlaff, Turing’s chief commercial officer, said in a statement. “A reduction in Daraprim’s list price would not translate into a benefit to patients.”
The company pledged that no patient needing Daraprim would ever be denied access.
How is this dude still so hated? According to the NYT, the programs Turing is undertaking are standard for high priced drugs (because it’s not like Daraprim is unique in being expensive - 12 months’ worth of cancer treatments can cost upwards of $100,000 - Daraprim is a bargain at the low, low price of just $75,000 for 100 doses):
Such patient assistance programs are standard for companies selling extremely high-priced drugs. They enable the patients to get the drug while pushing most of the costs onto insurance companies and taxpayers. 
I feel like only villains say stuff like “it’s just business” - but, I mean, it really is? If you can make money, why shouldn’t you? One of the all time top posts on /r/depthhub is about how Bill Gates is a bad dude because he’s a ruthless businessman who tried hard to beat his competitors. That’s business, man. Why would you work with or help you competitors? All that’s gonna do is take money out of your pocket:
He viewed any successful non-Microsoft software as a threat, even if that software was for Windows. And if that software was cross-platform he viewed it as an existential threat, since it lessened people’s dependence on Microsoft.
They literally are threats? They’re competing products… how thick do you need to be not to see that? Even if something is made for Windows, if it wasn’t made by Microsoft then Microsoft sees none of the profits. Why would they be interested in that arrangement? And some of the complaints against Microsoft are violently stupid:
Apple had contracted out to a 3rd party company to do the Windows port of QuickTime, so what did MS do? They went to the same company and gave them a ton of money to develop Video For Windows, but an insanely short schedule, knowing full well that the company would essentially have to re-use a lot of the QuickTime For Windows source code to get the project done on time.
When Apple found out (their contract with the other company stated that Apple owned all the QuickTime For Windows source code), they went ballistic and sued Microsoft. Microsoft had been caught red-handed and knew that Apple had them by the balls. So MS settled. Remember when Microsoft “bailed out” Apple in the 90s by buying $150 million in Apple stock? Despite what the tech press reported, that’s not what actually happened. The $150 million in non-voting Apple stock that Microsoft bought was part of their settlement (Apple was no longer on the verge of bankruptcy by that point, and didn’t need to be bailed out). The settlement also had Microsoft agreeing to port MS Office and Internet Explorer to Macintosh.
Really sounds like the third party’s fault to me? The third party company shouldn’t have agreed to an unrealistic timeline and they certainly shouldn’t have resold Apple’s IP. It sounds like all Microsoft did was go to a third party company who had proven success in developing a video player for PC (which is sensible) and asked them to make something for them as well. Anyway: so Bill Gates is cutthroat? So Bill Gates wins? So his throne is built on the bone dust of his foes? It’s just business - why should you make concessions for businesses which can’t cut it or are trying to cut into your share? It’s not charity. And Gates knows charity - he’s donated over $28 billion dollars to improve healthcare and fight poverty, he aims to wipe out Malaria in the next generation.
It’s not even a case of ends justifying the means (like, a mafia boss who funnels the spoils of his crimes into an orphanage or something) - Gates behaved in a way which was industry standard for any big corporation and does so much good - if he let other companies survive and make money (essentially taking away from his own bottom line) is there any guarantee that those $28 billion would have made their way into charity?
Tangentally related to this - Shkreli’s capitalist declaration:
Yeah, I’m a capitalist, I’d love to make an even bigger fortune than I’ve got now. But I’m not gonna do it at the expense of a human life. We sell our drugs for a dollar to the government, but we sell our drugs for $750 a pill to Walmart, to Exxon Mobil, to all these big companies, they pay full price because fuck them, why shouldn’t they? If I take their money to do research for dying kids, I think I’m a hero, let alone evil.
Anyway (I got distracted). In an AMA Shkreli did in late 2015, the top comment is:
Hey! Doctor here and I work in India.
Now medically speaking I haven’t yet heard of why your drug’s worth $749 more than my pyrimethamine. Does it improve on the nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea? Does it have a folate sparing effect? Can it be used in pregnant women and in epileptics?
No one’s been able to tell me what your upgrade is or how it works or even if it is a cost saving upgrade.
Now here is my second problem. If your upgrade reduces the side effects of the drug, why is it much more expensive than prescribing say…. Ondansetron and a Folate infusion to counteract the more common effects. I mean even if I used multiple drugs to achieve this and say bundled pyrimethamine with ondansetron and loperamide and an antacid say pantoprazole and suggested folate level monitoring it would be cheaper.
So what makes Daraprim better than pyrimethamine and what changes and upgrades have you made to the drug to warrant the increase in price?
I find this really frustrating because at no point has Shkreli ever said that he introduced a cool new feature to justify the price increase - this dude (the Indian doctor) is just being smug and facetious but you can’t out-smug Shkreli so what’s even the point? He’s just pandering to a bunch of outraged idiots on Reddit. This dude (the Indian doctor) knows the answer to the question (Q: why? A: because he could) and is just being deliberately obtuse so he can pretend to be some kind of altruistic hero: “Oh you mean you increased the price of the drug just to make money? Unfathomable.” 
Even before Shkreli jacked the prices up, it was still much more expensive than similar products elsewhere. Before he increased the price to $750 a pill, it was sold for $13.50 a pill - in India they sell a generic version for $0.05 a pill (and I guess the Indian doctor above uses a $1 pill). So it was already (I am bad at maths but I think) 27000% more expensive than similar products available in India (does that sound right?).
When similar shit goes down the headline is “A drug company hiked the price of a lifesaving opioid overdose antidote by 500 percent” - when Martin Shkreli does anything they invoke his name in the headline (as though he as an individual were carrying out these actions from his home office) and leave Turing (or whichever other company he’s working with/for) buried in the main body somewhere. In the article linked above, the writer doesn’t actually mention the company’s name (Hospira) until the third paragraph and she doesn’t make any calls to lynch the CEO. She opens with this:
At a time when America needs these drugs most, drug companies are hiking the prices.
It’s called supply and demand, bitch. Jesus. (This person is actually seeking drama and pointless backlash, the sub-heading is: “Where’s the outrage?”) She’s an idiot:
Drug overdoses kill more people than car crashes and gun violence in America, and these overdose antidotes have never been more important. But they’re also quickly becoming more unreachable for the people whose deaths they could avert.
Yeah because junkies would totally be carrying around anti-overdose medicine in their purses were it not for the $142.49 price tag. Fuck I’m also angry because no one writing about this stuff seems to understand what a free market is. She says:
America has long taken a free market approach to pharmaceuticals. Drug companies haggle separately over drug prices with a variety of private insurers across the country. Meanwhile, Medicare, the government health program for those over 65, which is also the nation’s largest buyer of drugs, is actually barred from negotiating drug prices.
In no way does this describe a free market. Sure, it’s more lax than England’s system but it’s still heavily regulated and therefore != free market. This is from a post about Shkreli but still applies:
They’re saying that the price hike is such a good example of how the “free market” is pure evil and “just doesn’t work”… well as per usual, those people just don’t see the big picture and have deeply misunderstood the parts they do see.
First of all, the pharmaceutical industry is not a free market by any stretch of the imagination. A free market would be almost a perfectly contestable market. A perfectly contestable market (aka a “free market”) has three main traits… no barriers to entry, no sunk costs, and universal access to the same technology for new firms as well as existing firms. The pharmaceutical industry is actually a perfect example of the EXACT OPPOSITE of a contestable market.
And all of those barriers to entry, sunk costs, and disparities in the level of technology among firms exist because of the actions of government regulators.
The idiot writer of the Vox article on opiate overdose antidotes concludes:
Unlike EpiPen, though, the naloxone price increases haven’t garnered much attention or outrage, maybe because of the stigma that comes with opioid addiction.
In the face of an out-of-control opioid epidemic, the outrage better come soon.
I am so not buying her point about this not being a scandal because no one cares about opioid addiction. People care. Throughout most of the press on Daraprim/Shkreli people have highlighted the fact that it is used by AIDS sufferers to try to signpost how much of a dick Shkreli is. Is AIDS not at all stigmatised? It was until recently. A couple of decades ago it was headline news when Princess Diana shook the hand of an AIDS patient without gloves.
Really, the hysterical, shitty and reactive reporting on this has probably caused much more drama and stress for patients taking Daraprim than the price hike itself. 
Every other pharma boss in the world has made themselves inaccessible and opaque to the public - Shkreli is surely kind of unique in participating in unfiltered interactions with the public. People are more likely to recognise his name than name of his company/ies or the drug itself. That’s kind of an achievement, right? His email (which he shares openly) is [email protected]. He live streams all the time:
In the video above he’s talking about a website he made called Pharma Skeletons dot com (which is what got me interested in him in the first place) where he basically tears apart the lobbying group PhRMA after they tried to scapegoat Shkreli/distance themselves from him as though he were an aberration in the pharma industry. According to Business Insider:
On Monday, the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, (PhRMA) kicked off a multi-year ad campaign to try and shift the criticism the industry’s been getting on drug pricing onto a more positive topic. In a press briefing, PhRMA president Steve Ubl described the campaign as “Less hoodie, more lab coats,” an apparent jab at Martin Shkreli, who wore a hoodie while he was arrested for securities fraud in December 2015 and on stage at a conference earlier that same month. 
Shkreli was obviously savvy to PhRMA’s dig and didn’t care for it so he put together Pharma Skeletons to outline how member companies of PhRMA have acted similarly to Turing/Shkreli:
Don’t you dare point your finger at me for the pharmaceutical industry’s troubles. It turns out we’ve all made some unpopular moves.  
I’m so into it. This website is really simple - hardly any CSS, no images or videos. Just a list detailing these pharma companies’ indiscretions with links to sources. The tone is really fun as well:
Mallinckrodt / Questcor
Really? Acthar’s 65,000% price increase represents your values but Turing doesn’t?
Gosh, I’m so upset my portfolio companies aren’t a part of your trade group.
I sued & whistleblew this company after they bought the only competitor to their only drug in order to stop my competition from their high price.
Tax avoider? Check. Ireland.
Bro. These guys invented price increases. I literally learned it from them.
Ovation. I can sell & start a new company, too.
I feel pretty convinced that what he did was industry standard. But I really don’t want my argument to just be ‘Shkreli’s no worse than the other guys in big pharma so it’s not fair to criticise him’ because I want to believe that he’s better/special/different somehow. He seems weird and funny and interesting. Everyone wants to hit him in the face. He’s the smartest guy in most rooms he’s in. 
Dumb justifications I’m thinking of:
Maybe he’s a bad dude, but at least you’ve heard of him. For a layperson (hi) he must be the most famous person in pharmaceuticals. Not saying notoriety is cool or in any way mitigates shitty behaviour, but I feel like he’s at least copping to it and is cognizant of what he’s doing and how he’s perceived - probably the CEO of every pharma company is as villainous as Shkreli, but they act like they’re not which gives Shkreli some kind of high ground
He doesn’t seem interested in or at all concerned with PR/PC bullshit
Did Shkreli perhaps inadvertently draw mainstream attention to serious issues within the US pharmaceutical/FDA/insurance/whatever else system? Everyone knows about these problems now. I certainly wouldn’t have cared were the articles not accompanied by pictures of a dude with such a punchable face. Possible downside: Shkreli as an individual is reviled, companies still seem to get away with it
All the pharmaceutical big dogs hate him - not because he jacked up the price of an old, cheap drug (they all do that) but because he drew attention to them and made their shitty behaviour more visible
(Do you think Shkreli gets laid more or less since all this went down?)
The faux hysteria over his ‘harassment’ of a Teen Vogue writer (who wrote this anti-Trump article in December which became really popular because who doesn’t go to Teen Vogue for quality journalism?) really pissed me off. He was mocking her by pretending to be obsessed with her because hot girls are lame and assume everyone is in love with them when really everyone hates them. I thought it was pretty funny
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^^ Shkreli decorated his Twitter with pics of the journalist and Photoshopped himself into a picture of her and her husband 
Sidebar about that Teen Vogue Trump article (”Trump is Gaslighting America”) in which she argues that umm Trump is gaslighting Americans… which I find annoying because she’s basically taking away half the country’s agency - like, they know not what they do:
Trump took advantage of the things that divide this country, pitting us against one another, while lying his way to the Oval Office. Yes, everything is painfully clear in hindsight, but let’s make sure Trump’s win was the Lasik eye surgery we all so desperately needed.
The article is basically a plea for the truth. She suggests:
Inform yourself what outlets are trustworthy and which aren’t.
Hmmm. Teen Vogue. I want to cyber bully her too. I mean. Hmmm. 
I feel like in my eagerness to be contrary I get myself into these positions where I’m trying to defend the indefensible. I think Shkreli’s more nuanced, interesting and well meaning than the press give him credit for. Professionally, he’s obviously made some reckless choices and remains self-righteous and smug (hard to tell if he’s always smirking or if that’s just his face). The things he’s done which seem greedy and unreasonable are normal in his industry so if he’s no worse than his peers he’s just a normal dude (I don’t really feel convinced by that). Still, I think he seems cool. He’s entertaining anyway.
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oneyoungexcuse · 7 years ago
Feeling nosy. All onefifty please
Sorry this took so long, my phone delete my answers so I had to recover them x 1. Who was the last person you held hands with? Dani 🐼
2. Are you outgoing or shy? Outgoing but I can become very shy In certain situations 
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing? My friend coming back from Sheffield, seeing my Lovely panda at some point and pretty excited for Macklemore in April! 
4. Are you easy to get along with? I think so. Though if you’re a Tory or just a twat then we might clash 
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you? I hope so. But otherwise I’m pretty good at looking after myself 
6. What kind of people are you attracted to? Kind people. Good 
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? No idea. Lets just wait and see 
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind? Wondering if my dad has brought a new flat yet 
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? Not anymore. My mum spoke to me about sex the other day so it’s become a much more of an open topic. I won’t get to personal with strangers though. 
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? Gabby the other night, we were on the phone for like two hours whilst in my pjs drinking a glass of wine in bed. It was great. 
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say? Nearly bed time. I miss you too. 
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now? II. Shadows - Childish Gambino Curious- Hayley Kiyoko You’re the one- Dr. Vades Told you so- Miguel Danger- Jkay Ft Shola Ama (acoustic) Honestly give them all a listen because they’re all so great for a Friday feeling 
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair? ALWAYS. Well what’s left of my hair :P 
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?Not anymore really. I don’t believe the universe makes your life up or has anything planned for you. You decide that for yourself. 
15. What good thing happened this summer? I got a job? I suppose that’s a good thing 
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? Yes please. Bill Sykes 
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?There must be, not necessarily in our solar System or galaxy but out there in the universe of expanding space surly? 
18. Do you still talk to your first crush? Not really no, it’s been a long time. 
19. Do you like bubble baths?I’m not really allowed them because of my eczema so I prefer showers anyway 
20. Do you like your neighbors? I don’t mind them yeah apart fromNext door fill my room with the smell of fags and he has squirrel traps! But he does set them free after dark in a local park hahaha! 
21. What are you bad habits? Nail biting. Chewing on my lip ring. Slurping my tea. Singing badly. Forgetting things really easily. Getting toothpaste down myself. Having ice creams or whipped creams smeared all over my face when I have it. 
22. Where would you like to travel? Thai land. America, especially New Orleans. Canada. Iceland. Ireland. Back to Mexico. So many places really. 
23. Do you have trust issues? Continuously. Trying my hardest to break out of them. 
24. Favorite part of your daily routine? Going to bed? Or if it’s a Friday heading to the pub 
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? My hips, fingers, thighs, feet and teeth. I know that’s not one thing but still 
26. What do you do when you wake up? Get straight in the shower and put some music on 
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? I wish my skin was clear of eczema! I dunno, I like being more tanned because them im not so pasty 
28. Who are you most comfortable around? Some close friends like Gabby, Bryn, Rose and some family members 
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up? Lol no. 
30. Do you ever want to get married? Maybe one day but I’m not really thinking about all that now. 
31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail? God no, there’s just about enough for a quiff 
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with? Alycia debham carey Lynn Gunn Kristen Stewart The list could go on and on ... 
33. Spell your name with your chin. I’m on the tube this should be interesting ... Woohoo (apparently that’s my name) 
34. Do you play sports? What sports? Rugby 
35. Would you rather live without TV or music? This is so hard since I’m watching so many Netflix box sets at the moment. But a life without music, I could not do. 
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? Yep. 
37. What do you say during awkward silences? How about those dolphins? 
38. Describe your dream girl/guy? Lynn Gunn. Done. 
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in? H&M, Uniqlo, urban outfitters, two seasons, vans, ASOS 
40. What do you want to do after high school? Mate way past that, I’ve surrendered myself to the system already and have a job 
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? Depends what that person has done. 
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean? I’m upset, something on my mind or I really just don’t feel like talking. Sometimes pain makes me quiet.
43. Do you smile at strangers?Well I currently had a man fall asleep on me on the tube and me along with the whole carriage were smiling at each other so yes 
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean? Outer space 
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning? My job. My friends who make me get out of bed. Apart from that not much. 
46. What are you paranoid about? The threat of people always leaving me 
47. Have you ever been high? I was high the other night, for like an hour and that was it. 
48. Have you ever been drunk? Me drunk? Never! (Biggest lie told) 
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? Probably yeah, most likely something at work 
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore? Black 
51. Ever wished you were someone else? Always. 
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself? Physical: my body Myself on a whole: self esteem 
53. Favourite makeup brand? ...yeah I can’t wear that either really 
54. Favourite store? Vans 
55. Favourite blog? Lezlorde 
56. Favourite colour? Too hard, I like red, purple and blue 
57. Favourite food? Pasta probably 
58. Last thing you ate? An apple 
59. First thing you ate this morning? A bacon sandwich 
60. Ever won a competition? For what? I won best forward for the 2nds team at my rugby club, was so honoured for that 
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?Nah just a load of detentions 
62. Been arrested? For what? So far all clear 
63. Ever been in love? Yes...
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss? It was an awkward dare. 
65. Are you hungry right now? Starving! 
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends? Some but I don’t know most of my Tumblr friends so hey there people :D 
67. Facebook or Twitter? Facebook 
68. Twitter or Tumblr? Tumblr. 
69. Are you watching tv right now?I wish, I’m in Vauxhall in my van waiting to pick something up 
70. Names of your bestfriends? Gabby. Bryn. Pebbles. Holly. 
71. Craving something? What? Pizza so badly! 
72. What colour are your towels? Blue 
72. How many pillows do you sleep with? 2, 1 for each heads. 
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? You leave my bear, lion and tramp alone! 
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have? I have 3 at Home and some more else where 
75. Favourite animal? Lions 
76. What colour is your underwear? Black with florescent band 
77. Chocolate or Vanilla? Vanilla 
78. Favourite ice cream flavour? Bubblegum 
79. What colour shirt are you wearing? Grey 
80. What colour pants? Blue jeans 
81. Favourite tv show? Parks and Recs or Stranger Things 
82. Favourite movie? Stop. That’s insane you can’t have 1 film. Top of my head is like The birdcage, someStar Wars, Mean Girls, some Tarantinos and Moonlight. 
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2? Mean girls 
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street? Mean girls 
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls? Damien 
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo? The little octopus that says “awww you guys made me ink!” Or the French shrimp Jacque 
87. First person you talked to today? Rose 
88. Last person you talked to today? The day is not over! 
89. Name a person you hate? Donald trump 
90. Name a person you love? Lynn Gunn 
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? So so many people 
92. In a fight with someone? Not really I don’t think. We just don’t talk. 
93. How many sweatpants do you have? 2 
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have? 6 (not enough) 
95. Last movie you watched? The Personal Shopper 
96. Favourite actress? Don’t really have one, there’s no many! 
97. Favourite actor?Again I have too many 
98. Do you tan a lot? Not by living in England I don’t 
99. Have any pets? 1 very old cat that I love dearly 
100. How are you feeling? Hmmm a little tired and flat but I just need to get a drink in me 
101. Do you type fast? Way too fast I make so many mistakes 
102. Do you regret anything from your past? I regret letting people in too easily. Saying some things and getting drunk too much 
103. Can you spell well? Fuck no 
104. Do you miss anyone from your past? My grandmother 
105. Ever been to a bonfire party? Yep quite a few 
106. Ever broken someone’s heart? Sorry max 💙 
107. Have you ever been on a horse? Indeed 
108. What should you be doing? Downing a pint in the pub, reading more and probably getting some decent sleep tonight
109. Is something irritating you right now? My skin, people and myself 
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? How about those dolphins ?! 
111. Do you have trust issues? Yep. Good drake song though. 
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of? My mum. On Tuesday 
113. What was your childhood nickname? Oidie. Elkin. BS. Eli 
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state? London? Indeed 
115. Do you play the Wii? I haven’t got one but I love the baseball and bowling 
116. Are you listening to music right now? I was listening to the radio but now I’m watching The end of the Fucking world 
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup? Don’t hate it 
118. Do you like Chinese food? Love it 
119. Favourite book? To kill a mockingbird 
120. Are you afraid of the dark?When walking home by myself sometimes but generally no. 
121. Are you mean? Not usually. I can be if you really hurt me 
122. Is cheating ever okay? No. Unless someone treats you abominably then maybe but usually you shouldn’t do that shit. It fucks people up. 
123. Can you keep white shoes clean? Not for long. Don’t take white converses to Notting Hill carnival 
124. Do you believe in love at first sight?No. It’s gradual 
125. Do you believe in true love? Not sure anymore. 
126. Are you currently bored? At work sometimes At life sometimes But I’m trying so hard not to be 
127. What makes you happy? Photographs Memories of my grandparents my pets Christmas Friends Nights out in London My lion tattoo 
128. Would you change your name? No. I like Ellie. Suites me 
129. What your zodiac sign?Leo. 
130. Do you like subway? I love it. Haven’t had it for ages though. Bacon and chicken ranch or turkey is peng
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? Did you not notice my rainbow flag outsideMy house? I’d be extremely flattered but if I didn’t fancy them I would let them down so gently 
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? Didn’t we have this ? Gabby. On the phone and in person . We were up until 2 am. ICan’t wait to have that girl back! 
133. Favourite lyrics right now? “TensionBetween us just like picket fences”
134. Can you count to one million? 1...2..3...4 (how much time you got?) 
135. Dumbest lie you ever told? “I’m not drunk I’ve just got food poisoning” 13 year old underage drinking Ellie 
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?Closed
137. How tall are you? 5,7 (nearly 8!) 
138. Curly or Straight hair? Curly 
139. Brunette or Blonde? Don’t care 
140. Summer or Winter? Hmmm I like both but if I had to choose one summer because it’s better for my skin 
141. Night or Day? Day 
142. Favourite month? December 
143. Are you a vegetarian? No but I’m seriously considering it 
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate? I like all three but milk chocolate is great 
145. Tea or Coffee? Tea tea tea
146. Was today a good day?It’s been okay, still at work and I’ve got the doctors later. Have to see if I can have counselling as well. Just in a bit of pain still and tired but all good 
147. Mars or Snickers? Mars
148. What’s your favourite quote? “Growing old is compulsory. Growing up is optional” 
149. Do you believe in ghosts? Not really but I’m open 
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?
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