#fuck off kiriko
gutsncookies · 11 months
im going to start this very negative post off with a few W's on blizzards part (rare).
The bastion, cass, mei, sombra, ana and zen changes are good. not amazing and some should've happen an eternity ago but still, good to see.
ok no more positivity fuck you blizzard
like sure i am very happy with nerfing healing overall but only to lifeweaver??? like "lifeweaver's total healing over a match is significantly higher than any other hero so to help bring it more in line we're making some adjustments to his primary healing blossom" BITCVH THE ONLY THING HE DOES IS HEAL NO SHIT ITS GOING TO HAVE TO BE SIGNIFICANTLY HIGHER WHEN THERE ARE SUPPORTS WHO CAN OUT DAMAGE DPS AND STILL DO GOOD AMOUNTS OF HEALING??????????????????
like nobody is complaining about suzu having too short of a cooldown. THE PROBLEM IS THE IMMORTALITY! same with fucking lamp like do these devs play the game???? a tracer sticking a pulse bomb, which is difficult to do in the first place, shouldn't be countered but some support just pressing a button. ESPECIALLY WHEN THAT SUPPORT CAN TWO TAP TRACER TOO LIKE???
and baptiste lamp is just.............. idek man its hell i dont even want to touch on bap he and kiri have been broken so long like what is happening with this game
widow too like why the fuck did they buff her?? she's a one-shot hero, just like hanzo, she shouldn't be nerfed or buffed she should be fucking reworked or just deleted idgaf this ain't call of duty or csgo. SHE DOESN'T FIT INTO THIS GAME WHAT IS IT YOU DONT UNDERSTAND BLIZZARD NOBODY WANTS TO HIDE BEHIND COVER A WHOLE GAME BECAUSE IF THEY PEEK SLIGHTLY THEY MIGHT GET ONE TAPPED LIKE???? THAT'S NOT COUNTER PLAY THATS A BROKEN HERO SHE'S NOT EVEN FUN TO PLAY EITHER U JUST STAND STILL A WHOLE GAME
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bobafett · 2 years
been driving myself nuts because i've been feeling like i can't hit any of my shots on OW. just checked my settings, and it turns out that my mouse sensitivity is about double what it should've been.
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that-basic-simp · 3 months
Birthday Surprise
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Junker Queen x Fem!Reader CW: N/A WC:1.1k+ A/N: Happy Birthday to our lovely Junker Queen!
"I really miss ya," I said to Odessa.
"I miss ya, too, princess," she said, getting settled in the chair. "Ugh, fuck."
I chuckled, "Still getting used to being there?"
"Yeah. I am not really used to all this tech stuff," she said, adjusting the camera. "Can ya still see me?"
"Yeah. But it's pointing at your chest. Move it up slightly."
She moved the camera up before letting it go, "Better?"
She let out a sigh, running her hand through her mohawk, "I'm glad Overwatch was able to send ya some stuff so that we can continue to communicate."
"I am, too. At least I know you're alive after every mission."
"Yeah. I don't know what you'd be doin' if ya didn't hear from me almost every day."
"I know. But talking to one another like this just isn't the same," I said.
"I know, princess. I know. Hopefully one day I won't be needed and we can just talk and spend the day together. Even if it's over a video call like this."
"Yeah. But I really want to see you. To hold you."
"I know ya do, darlin'. Hopefully one day Overwatch will let me go just for a few days."
"I hope so, too."
"Queen, we've got to get going."
She let out a sigh, "I'll be there in a minute. Alright, duty calls, princess."
"Be careful out there. Take care of her, Kiriko."
"I will, Y/N."
"I love you, Dez."
"I love you, too, Y/N," she said and blew me a kiss. I blew her one back.
The camera cut out and the video call shut off. I leaned back against the throne and let out a sigh. It's been a few months since Odessa had to join Overwatch. And in those past few months, it was such an odd change I had to get used to. No longer waking up beside her and finding her amber eyes staring into mine. Eating alone and just walking around Junkertown felt weird without her being there. Leaning towards the computer Overwatch had given me to remain in contact with Odessa, I pulled up someone from the contact list. The profile picture popped up on the holographic screen and it started to ring.
"Hello!" a peppy voice came through.
"H-Hi. Is this Tracer?"
"You betcha! What can I do for you?"
"Hold on one second."
Her camera turned on and I was face to face with a woman with short brown hair and matching brown eyes. There were some freckles along the underneath of her eyes, similar to Odessa's, but hers were more prominent.
"There we go. Oh! I know you. You're Odessa's partner."
"Y-Yes, hi. I'm Y/N."
"Nice to meet you, Y/N. Anything we can do for you?"
"I was wondering if it was possible for me to come visit Odessa. She's been lonely up there and we both miss one another."
"Let's see something real quick," she grabbed a calendar, looking over some things. "This month is pretty busy for all of us here. We're needed in multiple areas of the world since Null Sector is non-stop attacking right now and we don't know how long missions are going to take. But aside from that, nothing seems to be going on that is deemed important enough to where she will be reported if she doesn't show. Uhm, I will have to get back to you, Y/N, if that's alright."
"That's completely fine," I said.
"I do have the contact for your phone it seems. So I'll message you whenever there is a slow with some of the fighting."
"Thank you, Tracer."
"You're welcome, Y/N. Is there anything else I can help you with?"
"No. Thank you again."
"Anytime. Take care now!"
"You too," I said and the call ended. I sighed once more, knowing I had to do more waiting until I got to see her. I just hoped it wouldn't be long.
A few more months had gone by and before I knew it, it was getting close to her birth month. It was going to be odd celebrating without Odessa, but that didn't stop me from getting her something in the hopes that I could see her. Or at least find a way to send it to Overwatch so she could receive it. While I was doing some work around the throne room, the phone Overwatch had given us went off. Leaning over to see who messaged, I immediately dropped what I was doing and opened up the message from Tracer.
"Hey, Y/N! A victory has been secured and the fighting has ceased for now. There will be some time for you to come and visit. Should I tell Odessa?"
"No. Please don't tell her. I want to surprise her."
"Sounds good! I have an idea on when we can surprise her!"
I stayed silent as I was hiding in a box. Tracer found a box big enough to where I can sit down and still have enough room to where I didn't feel cramped. She wrapped it up but left the flaps open. Once the position was set and everything, I got in and she closed the flaps. She wrapped a bow around the top and once the bow was unwrapped, that's when I'd pop out and surprise Odessa.
"What's this all about?" Odessa asked as I listened to her footsteps walking around.
"Someone informed me of a very special day for you," Tracer said. "This one is from all of us to you, Odessa."
"For me?" she asked, shocked that she was receiving something. "Ya didn't have to."
"We wanted to. We wanted to get you something that reminded you of home. We know how much you've missed being back in Junkertown."
"Ya have no idea," Odessa sighed.
"So we got you something special! Straight from Junkertown."
"Eh?" she asked, walking towards the box I was in.
"It's kinda big. Tell me ya didn't put a live dingo in 'ere. Then that'd be another problem on our hands aside from Null Sector and Talon."
"Open it," Tracer said.
There were more footsteps as I assumed everyone was nearby, waiting for Odessa to open up the box. She grabbed the bow and untied it. She was about to grab the box flaps, but I popped up.
"HOLY FUCK!" Odessa yelled, about to slap me. Her face went from terror to pure shock. "Y-Y/N?!"
"Surprise!" I smiled. "Happy Bir--"
I was immediately cut off as Odessa pulled me in for a much awaited kiss. I smiled against her lips and kissed her back. Pulling away, she kept pressing pecks to my lips before peppering my face with them.
"D-Dez!" I chuckled. "W-What about the others?"
"I don't care," she breathed out, pressing her forehead against mine. "I want to show you how much I've missed ya."
I jumped up and wrapped my arms and legs around her, hugging her tightly. She grabbed underneath my thighs and held me close.
"I love you," she whispered.
"I love you, too."
She pressed another kiss to my lips.
"Best gift ever."
"Ya haven't seen what I got ya."
"I'm sure I'll love it, princess. But gettin' to see ya. To hold ya. To kiss ya. Best thing ever since I came 'ere."
I chuckled and pressed my forehead against hers.
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pl4smagh0st · 1 month
Okay so um I watched the trailer for season 12. Yeah. I don’t know what to fucking say 😭
First of all, a lot of people are saying Ramattra should’ve gotten the mythic, which I partially agree with. If Ramattra had gotten a mythic this season, it would’ve ruined the mythic pattern. There were two support mythics in a row, now there is two damage mythics in a row, then for the next two seasons they will be tanks. I think they should’ve saved the Egyptian theme for season 13, and in that season given the mythic to Ramattra. Season 12 should’ve been something different, and given the mythic to a damage hero (most likely Reaper).
Now the elephant in the room… VENTURE. WHY DID VENTURE NOT GET A SKIN!? BLIZZARD WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!? THIS SEASON COULDN’T HAVE BEEN MORE PERFECT TO GIVE VENTURE A LEGENDARY SKIN. And now we have ANOTHER KIRIKO skin that will cost us an arm, a leg and our entire bank account and omg… not one… BUT TWO FUCKING MERCY SKINS. BLIZZARD I WANT YOU TO LOOK ME DEAD IN THE EYE AND TELL ME THIS MAKES BLOODY SENSE. There was a Mercy mythic in season 10, pink mercy came back in season 11 (I suppose that can be accepted tho because it was for charity but they don’t have to make even more stuff for her afterwards), now she has two different skins in one season. What the fuck.
What surprises me the most is that Juno hasn’t seemed to have gotten a skin either?? Every new hero EXCEPT Juno and Venture have gotten at least one legendary skin the season of their release. Kiriko got Hinotori, Sojourn got Commander, Junker Queen got Beast Hunter (it was an epic but whatever IT WAS SOMETHING), Ramattra got Poseidon, Lifeweaver got Phi Ta Khon, Illari got Llama Pajamas, Mauga got Bonesplitter, and then Juno and Venture got nothing. Those were all Battle Pass skins as well. Yeah. I don’t understand Blizzard anymore like wtf!? Why is it so hard for them to make skins for venture??
My advice is don’t fucking buy the Mercy shop skin. Istg. Don’t buy the Kiriko one either. Stop giving them money of off this absolute horse shit because it’s ridiculous. It’s going to cost a fortune anyways it’s not worth it 😭 PLEASE DONT BUY THEM BRO. THEY DID THIS WITH THE LIFEGUARD KIRIKO SKIN TOO. I don’t care how much u like it you don’t need skins to play the game 💀💀😭 jfc I hate overwatch
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notmozzi · 2 years
Dva and Kiriko keeping their relationship a secret?👀👀👀 (it can be wholesome or nsfw up to you!)
Kiriko x D.Va Hiding Their Relationship HCs (NSFW ahead)
A/N: had fun with this one. love my girls <3 art by ratazki on twitter!
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• Kiriko and Hana began their relationship not long after Kiriko had joined Overwatch. The two immediately hit things off, and after a few secret dates here and there, Kiriko eventually got the guts to ask her favorite pilot to be her girlfriend. Hana had never been so giddy.
• Of course, both women aren’t exactly dead-set on letting everyone know of their relationship right away. Especially with Kiriko already focused on getting to know members of the team. It’d be pretty odd to introduce yourself as the girl dating someone they’d been working with for years, so keeping it a secret is a given. At least for a little while.
• The two enjoy spending their free time together playing video games or cooking (Kiriko being the cook and Hana being the taste-tester). So it isn’t unusual to see the two disappear after missions (assuming they’re stable), training sessions, or meetings.
• Genji, Angela, Fareeha, Cassidy and Lena are the only ones 100% convinced about their uncomfirmed relationship. There are others who are suspicious, though, like Lucio.
• Kiriko loves being a tease with Hana, and she often does so in front of the others with subtle touches. Brushing the back of her hand against Hana’s, getting up behind her closely when she wants to observe what Hana’s doing- things like that. Seeing Hana’s face go crimson never gets old.
• Hana, on the other hand, enjoys teasing verbally. Choice words to get Kiriko flustered, like little compliments that to others seem platonic, but to Kiriko are far from it.
“I’ll never understand how you throw them daggers like that, fox girl.” Cassidy took a sip of his bourbon, clearing his throat with a gruff cough as he gestured towards Kiriko with a nod. Glancing at the others across the room, being Reinhardt, Angela, Lena and Jack, the cowboy let out a low chuckle. “She’s got skill, that’s for sure.”
“You bet.” Jack replied with a smirk, nodding towards Kiriko like a proud father. The newcomer, upon realizing all eyes were on her, sheepishly rubbed the back of her neck with a hand, murmuring a small “thanks” and smiling warmly.
Hana however, being right beside to her, noticed this, and decided to add in a word of her own.
“Couldn’t have said it any better,” she quipped, expression bright as she leaned over the island counter, “I’ve been telling her how good she is with her hands.”
Watching Kiriko’s face turn that red that fast made Hana Song’s entire year. This moment was also Cassidy’s final straw in his raising suspicions.
• The two never take major risks. Subtle, chaste kisses here and there, sure, and the occasional words of affection will get thrown around in the form of subtle whispers. The two truly don’t want to get found out any time soon, and while it is fun to fool around, they know to be careful.
• Well…except for that one time.
“Shh…Hana, I know. I’m right here.”
Hana, sounds muffled by Kiriko’s palm over her mouth, was currently pinned to a bathroom door, writhing against it as pleasure overwhelmed her. Her legs were pried open by a single hand between them; a flustered mess, the pilot brought a hand up to hold on tightly to her girlfriend’s jacket, whining words like “yes,” “faster,” “fuck.” Eyes half-lidded, weak sounds of need fell past her covered lips, her breathing erratic.
Kiriko, eyes dilated at the sight of her lover like this, kept her gaze focused on Hana’s sopping wet heat, her fingers working swiftly to bring the brunette to her peak. “You’re doing so good, Hana…” She murmured coolly, smirking a little as she finally looked up to make eye contact.
The sheer need in Hana’s eyes made the taller woman feel truly primal, god, she loved seeing her girlfriend submit. Especially in these circumstances. Kiriko prided herself on being a responsible young woman, but she’d be damned if she wasn’t going to put her girlfriend in her place when her tone practically asked for it. Regardless of their whereabouts.
Currently, the couple was at a mission after-party. And the entirety of Overwatch was outside of this very bathroom. The only bathroom.
Hana and Kiriko were no strangers to quickies. But this was definitely the closest they’d ever gotten to being caught. Hana had been teasing Kiriko all night, and the former vigilante had simply had enough. Hana was bold for assuming Kiriko wouldn’t bend her over the bathroom counter and finger her while making her watch.
But door sex would suffice, too.
Gasping for air, Hana managed to pull her mouth free from Kiriko’s hand for just a moment, rambling eagerly, “God, Kiri…y-you’re so-”
“-So what, bunny?” Kiriko breathed sensually, bringing her lips to one of Hana’s ears as her fingers continued moving rhythmically against her pulsating walls. “Use your words.”
Hana let out a high-pitched moan into her hand, her hips bucking as Kiriko began curling her fingers into her g-spot.
“You’re…so m-mean…” she was barely audible through the suppression of Kiriko’s palm on top of the whimper lacing her words. Kiriko’s other hand was braced against the door Hana was up against, rendering the pilot completely trapped. It was addicting, feeling preyed on by the shrine maiden. And Hana, though she liked to be stubborn about it, was enthused to submit to her.
Smirking, Kiriko pressed a kiss to the side of Hana’s face, purring teasingly, “You know you like it.” Then, another kiss, this time to her lips. Pulling away, she sped up her ministrations, and Hana’s body felt light and fuzzy as her peak crept up on her.
“Go ahead. Cum for me.”
And Hana absolutely obeyed. Nobody questioned how exhausted she looked after leaving the restroom.
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NSFW Overwatch Women Headcannons and Drabbles Part One
Warnings: NSFW themes, Over stimulation, Primal Play, shibari, Bimbofication, Cockwarming, use of pet names, exobitionism, knife play, light blood play, somnophilia, power play, findom, mind breaking, mommy kink, size kink/size queen
A/N:there are sixteen women on the roster, I am splitting this into two parts.
Includes: Widowmaker, Ashe, D.Ava, Kiriko, Junker Queen, Moira, Mercy, and Pharah
A pillow princess brat, loves a good pleasure dom partner. She doesn’t want control all the time, she has it whenever she wants outside the walls of your home, she just feels the need to give you a little pushback about it.
Loves overstimulation, the feeling of truly being “fucked-out” makes it feel rewarding, but sometimes she can’t keep up.
Huge Praise kink, but on the giving end. She tells you how good you make her feel and make sure you know you are doing good
“Come on, you can give me one more,” your back stung as her nails left angry red trails over your skin, but you reviled in the pain and it only encouraged you. The woman below you could barely speak, mascara running down her cheeks and sweat making her hair cling to her forehead as she tried to form a cohesive thought. Her moans brought you more joy than a kid on Christmas.
You watched her mouth quiver as she tried to speak, drawing out your pace to give her some time, only to feel her nails dig a bit harder into your shoulders.
“Don’t slow down, I’m so close.”
Switch-top leaning, and Vers-dominant leaning. She isn’t opposed to bottoming or subbing, some times even asking to.
I have heard it from plenty other people, and I agree. Widow is into primal and adrenaline inducing scenarios. That “rush of the kill” she craves so much? She sedates it as best she can with the feeling of your capture, and how once caught you are simply, hopeless.
When she bottom’s it’s not that often, but you catch the little queues that she just needs to release, so it’s more gentle, and she seems like a rope bunny for the security it can bring.
“There you are, my precious Mouse,” you didn’t have the chance to react before her hand wrapped around your throat from behind, pulling you into her and forcing you to look up.
Her other hand made its way up your shirt, ghosting her fingers over your torso up to your chest. You felt her mouth brush your ear lobe, planting a kiss on the open skin of your neck.
“That heart of yours is racing, yet you could never out run my efforts. If only the rest of you moved like that, then subduing you would be much more… thrilling.”
Sub, bottom, done and dusted. She unironically likes the pet name bunny.
Has an oral fixation. Loves having your fingers or strap in her mouth.
Into bimbofication and degradation, becomes putty in your hands when you grab her by the chin and call her names.
Cockwarms when she wants to feel close to you, and has even gone as far to do it on stream out of view of her face cam. She likes exhibitionism in that strand, the thought of getting caught makes her brain melt.
“Are you done yet Bunny? Do you need a hand?” You reached over and put a hand on the small of her back as she fiddled with her camera.
“I think I’m good, thank you though.”
“Good, now come here,” you guided her back into your lap, the dildo fixed to your hips sitting tall as the shorter woman sank down onto it, holding onto both of your hands to brace herself.
Once settled your rest your chin on her shoulder, opposite to the side of her mic.
“Be a good girl and win for me, when you are done and you do, I’ll take you on the desk like the little slut you are, sound good?”
Junker Queen
Doesn’t understand the concept of rolls but she’s a top. She just knows you end up under her, and she likes that.
Very possessive, will remind you who you belong to, even if you assure her you know.
I see so often that she uses Gracie to cut your clothes off, but I think she likes to rip them with her bare hands and teeth. A different aspect of primal that goes far overlooked because most people are into the chase. She doesn’t care for the hunt, she just wants to rip into you and eat you alive.
You found yourself over your girlfriend’s shoulder, this was a common occurrence, but this time you could feel the frustration radiating from her body. You were in for it but you just didn’t know how bad.
“This shirt of yours, it’s gonna get you into a lot of trouble hun,” she finally placed you down onto the bed in-front of her, taking the middle of your shirt in he hands and tearing it open, “those idiots outside sure liked it though, but I bet you know that.”
She leant over you, your back hitting the mattress as she trapped you between it and herself, “ shame, looks like you won’t be wearing it again any time soon.”
Switch, Vers, no leans. Loves to give and take, and likes to make things fair for you both.
Loves both giving and receiving pain, it’s therapeutic. She especially likes biting and drawing blood
Somnophiliac, that Fox spirit has her up all night and her hands like to wander. Who are you to stop her?
You woke up with a small whine that quickly became a moan as you took in everything you where feeling. You where lain on your side, one leg thrown over your partner as one of her hands was buried in your core. You where too tired to really comprehend what was going on, just that it felt so good.
You looked over your shoulder and were met with the soft light of Kiriko’s eyes. You turned a bit to her, reaching back and pulling her in for a kiss. Her little fangs grazed over your bottom lip as she invaded your mouth. In your tired haze you moved your free hand to meet hers between your legs, guiding her to meet the pace you wanted as you melt into your partner’s embrace.
Dom Top no exceptions. She is a hard dom and that’s just an astute observation.
I see her more as a financial dom who is super into power play. She makes sure you know you’d be nothing with out her hand, she has a soft spot sure, not always being strict.
One hundred percent obedience trained you to fit her mold, maybe a little bit of mind breaking.
Your day to day to anyone else could be seen as a devoted housewife and her breadwinner wife, but that’s just surface level.
“Such a good girl, you did everything I asked this week and even more, I’ll make sure your allowance is proper,” Moira sat in her office chair, leering down at your form. You where sat back on your knees, hands folded in your lap. The scientist’s hand came to your cheek, brushing her thumb over the smooth skin.
“What’s say I reward you for such a job well done?”
Switch- no lean, Dominant. She likes taking the reigns and is an incredibly soft dominant.
MOMMY. KINK. I could have said it for so many of the others but by GOD does this woman solidify it.
Size queen. Don’t ask me why I see it, but something about this woman tells me she likes to feel full. She has prep sizes for if she wants to go big.
You were on your back, propped against the pillows as you watched your strap on disappear into the woman above you. Angela’s hands braced on your chest as she bounced on the cock she picked out tonight.
“Fuck, you make Mommy feel so good, that’s it, match my pace,” the eye contact was more than enough to entrance you as you met her hips. You loved watching her face contort as she rode you, stuttered moans punctuated by her drops fell from her lips.
“You fill me so well, Miene liebe.”
Stone top, doesn’t really go for dynamics
I’m sorry to say but this woman is vanilla as HELL. She is probably into spanking and has a pair of fuzzy cuffs, but those never get used.
Now is she good? Hell yes. That mouth of hers is a demon and she is simply the host. Her strap game is immaculate. Her fingers are interstellar.
“Pass me the pepper?” Pharah had insisted on cooking together tonight, not that you minded. She had just gotten back from a month long assignment with Helix and that typically meant she wasn’t leaving your side for the first few days she was back.
“Only if I could make a pass at you,” her dorky charm always made you laugh, little lines like this are probably what reeled you in in the first place.
She did as asked and made her way behind you, wrapping her arms around your waist.
“You know, we could just skip dinner all together, there is something else I’ve been dying to eat since I got back.”
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lovedrruunk · 3 months
What TikToks I think overwatch characters would post pt 2! (>ᴗ•) !
Part 1 !
Rein, don’t know if u guys know that liver king guy but he’s literally just rein if he took steroids. Posts tons of like gym core/culture videos yk BUT HES ONE OF THE GOOD ONES!!! Ppl in the community love him bc of how positive he is even though he’d give rlly bad advice “EATING THIS RAW TESTICLE INCREASED MY TESTOSTERONE LEVELS BY 9%!!!!”
D.va, this can go 2 ways. #1 in all her Korean celebrity realness posts vids doing trendy dances while using crazy whitening filters and doing aegyo. #2 goes by a fake name and trolls the fuck out of people. D.va being a hater is such a strong head canon of mine like I love her being a toxic bitch like yes slay or whatever so relatable! Replies to streamers she secretly hates like “Wow your mom’s basement looks so clean!” “My left toe can get better plays.” “Bet even your keyboard hates being touched by you.” basically meowbah or wtv her name was but less weird more cunty
Ana, she replies to reins TikTok’s telling his followers NOT to do anything he says, but other than that I can see her posting cooking vids (as every Arab mom does) but she’ll be talking sweetly in English and then suddenly start cussing something out in Arabic and it’ll be so off topic and it’s rlly funny “and then you add 1 cup of flour! ‘I told my lazyass lgbtqia daughter to pick up some earlier but of fucking course she chose to disappoint me again. Ever since the day I birthed her she has been disappointing me over and over again.’ A pinch of salt!”
Hanzo, DEPRESSION CORE SLIDESHOWS LMAOOO some “when the nice guy loses his patience… the devil shivers.” ass shit, bio is probs something stupid like “family betray, women cheat, Hennessy cures.”
Ashe, CONTROVERSIAL QUEEN !!! People forget she’s southern like please you cannot tell me she doesn’t have some crazyass takes. Will post borderline ragebait in like her car or something. “My gun identifies as a PLUNGER. Beat that Biden.” “BIDEN CANT TAKE MY GUNS, I KEEP THEM UPSTAIRS!!!” “Bidens oldass will probably find a way to outlive my OMNIC butler.” She’ll say all this stupid shit with a straight face and I just think that’s so funny. On rare occasions she’ll actually have a rlly good progressive take and ppl will be like okay hold up let her cook…
Tracer, kinda like junkrat where she's only famous cuz ppl lowk make fun of her and she hasn't caught on yet... I LOVEEEE Tracer she's my fav character but CMONNNN "Cheers love!" SHES NOT SURVIVING TIKTOK!!! ppl in the comments will be mocking her accent and she'll just think they're british too... ppl make fun of her NOT cuz they hate her but because she's just ummm eccentric that's the world plus she's british so that's rlly the only reason why ppl make fun of her like not in a mean way but just for funsies yk...
Pharah, being arab and being a lesbian I am 100% qualified to say this but she's such a fucking lesbo ykwim like 'hey mamas' type, she's also really whitewashed like thinks shes a white stud or something. Ellie Williams wannabe makes thirst traps in stained white wife beaters and expects every lesbian in a 100 mile radius to want her (they dont). Thinks playing basketball makes her the shit and she's just rlly desperate and lame. horny on main. Ana found one of her thirst traps once and it led to a really awkward convo
Kiriko, she's only there to post cute videos of her adventures with her gang and fox like shes just there to have a good time ykwim. And she's like popular bc all her fans r girls and her vlogs and stuff r just so nice to watch plus she's funny and rlly cool!
Baptiste, the anti-andrew tate. Hes so attractive and like confident that people can't help but like him ykwim like he makes little straight boys piss their pants with his bazillion level aura. He'll just post a random vid in his car maybe eating chipotle or something and he'll have men and women alike confessing their love for him in the comments. Lesbians love him.
Any character I haven't mentioned i just can't see posting or having tiktok!
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dawnthefox24 · 6 months
Police: You’re under arrest for trying to carry three people on a single motorcycle. Brigitte: *with D.va and Venture behind them* Wait, what do you mean THREE?! Police: Yes…three. Brigitte: Oh, my God— What the fuck!? Police: Wha- Brigitte: Kiriko FUCKING FELL OFF!
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professionalranter31 · 5 months
The factions within Overwatch piss me off, not because they exist but because even in lore it doesn’t really feel like they’re used that often beyond Talon and Overwatch
Like with Mirrorwatch most of the skins are Talon because we have so many Overwatch heroes and so few Talon heroes that the distribution is this
MW! Talon Skins
Mercy (Mythic), Tracer (Legendary), Reinhardt (Legendary), Brigitte (Epic), Ana (Legendary), Zarya (Epic)
MW! Overwatch Skins
Doomfist (Legendary), Widowmaker (Legendary), Sombra (Epic)
Three skins for the MW Overwatch
Then you get into the distribution of the heroes between the roles
The Junkers have three Tank heroes (Junker Queen, Roadhog, Wrecking Ball) and one Damage hero (Junkrat) which is wildly uneven and despite the fact that the Junkers living in a literal wasteland is the perfect setting for a Support Hero we haven’t heard anything about a Junker Support coming in the future which I feel is dumb
Then with Blackwatch they have three Damage heroes (Reaper, Genji, Cassidy) and one Support hero (Moira [it might be two because there’s some hint that Mercy used to be the Blackwatch medic but I haven’t seen any lore material for that so I can’t properly say]) with no word of they ever had a Tank, which just feels odd
Then the Shimada clan having two Damage heroes (Genji, Hanzo) and one Support hero (Kiriko) and no Tank
The Deadlock gang only technically has one hero representing them but the other does technically still represent them even if he left (Ashe, Cassidy) with no Support or Tank heroes representing them
The Shambali only has one Tank (Ramattra) and one Support (Zenyatta) representing them with no damage hero
Vishkar also doesn’t have a Tank hero, the Horizon Lunar Test Subjects only have two representing them and both are Tanks, Oasis only has one hero representing them with Moira, the Inti are only represented with Illari (like are there seriously no other people in the OW world that would step up and help Illari defend their tribe she’s fucking 18 why does she have to defend them on her own!?), Venture is the only one representing the Wayfinders Society, Torbjorn and Brigitte are the only ones representing the Ironclad Guild with no Tank, and so on
If we had a campaign or something that helped expand on these factions more maybe I wouldn’t have these feeling but they keep introducing such interesting factions with the heroes and then just not expanding on them, hell some of them have been since day one like Vishkar and yet they don’t have a map representing them
I want more heroes that expand and introduce more factions and parts of the Overwatch world but I’d also like to know more about the factions we can actually play as and since we’re not getting any sort of campaign or solo hero missions we need heroes that can actually reveal more about the factions, especially ones that fall into roles that these factions don’t have heroes in
This was more of a rant than anything but let me know what you think
Also this would help with my idea of faction buffs but I’m too tired to talk about that
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mekakitsune · 2 years
Oh how about a jealous Kiriko or Dva and Kiriko hiding their relationship? (Both can be wholesome or NSFW up to you!)
ooo yes i will do jelly kiriko for now bc i only write for one chara per post <3 but i may expand that tbh
jealous!kiriko hcs (nsfw + sfw)
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generally pretty calm, not really one to get jealous over stupid things
she can get insecure sometimes ): explains how she doesnt feel like she's doing enough and how easy it would be for someone else to sweep u off your feet (if u ditch kiriko ur the weakest link wtf)
doesnt really get jealous over people interacting with you, her jealously is more "damn look at that happy couple why cant i be normal"
compares herself to other people :/ even if it's unrealistic
constant reminders that you love her, only her, and everything about her. you couldnt imagine spending your time with anyone else, no matter her background or job
if jealousy does happen, lowkey acts like a baby LMAO will whine and pout bc things are not going her way
quickest way to soothe your jealous fox gf? kisses. smother her. she will forget why she was even upset in the first place
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now. just bc i said kiriko doesnt really get jealous over other people, doesnt mean it doesnt happen
needs to show you how much she loves you. doesnt care who is around
dont bother trying to take control because u arent going to
will not let you go until you are marked. be it hickeys, scratches, or bite marks. yes, she bites.
heaven help the soul who tries to make a move on u when shes feeling possessive <3
manhandling 😻😻 shes fucking strong. loves a good game of cat and mouse. or...fox and rabbit ;)
quick, imagine your like, at a party and some fool is drunk and trying to be all over you. not on her watch! suddenly you find yourself whisked away to the nearest empty room so that kiriko can claim her prize :3
sometimes its fun to get her going, but you will need to reassure her after its all said and done, or she will really start to overthink
overall, she trusts you, and you trust her, but whose to say winding up your gf isnt any fun ;)
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yandere-genji · 2 years
The Masterlist
yandere quote prompt list
Overwatch Boys
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Reaper/Gabriel Reyes:
College Bully!Reyes pt1 pt2 pt3
Commander Reyes fluffy smut with captive s/o
Commander Reyes with easily startled s/o
Reaper with a degradation kink
Quote prompt: “God, you have no idea how amazing you are, do you?”
Yandere Commander Reyes Headcanons
Yandere Reaper Headcanons
Commander Reyes quote prompt: “You think I’m jealous? Trust me, buttercup, you haven’t even seen jealousy.”
Commander Reyes quote prompt: “This world doesn’t deserve an angel like you.”
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Soldier: 76/Jack Morrison:
• Yandere Soldier Headcanons • Texts from Soldier
• Shy darling with a stutter pt1 pt2 • Breaking in a housewife darling
• Quote prompt: “Cry for me, baby.”
• “So…do you want your underwear back?”
• “I know it hurts, honey, but that’s what happens when you don’t do what I say.”
• “If you don’t kiss me, I’ll slit your fucking throat.” • “I know when someone’s in my room, my things are missing.”
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Cole Cassidy:
• Yandere Cassidy Headcanons • Texts from Cassidy • Love letter from Cassidy • Lifeguard!Cassidy Headcanons • Darling seeking attention from Cassidy • Incubus!Cassidy • Bully Blackwatch!Cassidy • Sugar Daddy!Cassidy • Protective Cassidy with short bf
• Cassidy’s darling confesses to him • Quote prompt: “So…do you want your underwear back?”
• “If you don’t take your clothes off, I’ll take them off for you.” • “If you just do what you’re fucking told then we wouldn’t have a problem, would we?” (fem!reader)
• “You’ve been so good lately, my pet. Don’t make me have to punish you…” pt1 pt2 • “You’re such a pretty little thing tied up like that, baby.”
• “God, you have no idea how amazing you are, do you?” • “I’ll carve my name into your back if that’s what I have to do to let you know you’re mine.” Deadlock!Cassidy with male!reader • “I know when someone’s in my room, my things are missing.”
• Cassidy and Ashe with the same darling
• Yandere Deadlock Cassidy Headcanons
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Genji Shimada:
• Yandere Genji Headcanons • Texts from Genji • Love letter • Some more headcanons • Genji and Hanzo competing for their darling • Genji simping for ace!reader • Genji’s darling doesn’t like to snuggle • Bathing darling with a shoulder injury • Quote prompt: “You’re so cute when you’re struggling.” • “You will do what I ask.” • “I saw you last night…you looked beautiful.” • “I can’t help it, i just want to see you, talk to you, always.” + “Instead of following me around, trying to be sneaky, why not just come talk to me?” fem!reader
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Hanzo Shimada:
• Yandere Hanzo Headcanons • NSFW Headcanons • Texts from Hanzo • Warrior!Hanzo • Hanzo competing with Genji for his darling • Angst Hanzo • Bathing darling with shoulder injury • Some fluff • Clumsy/forgetful darling • Quote prompt: “It’s okay to love me. Please love me.” • “I want to tell you I love you until my throat bleeds.”
• Yandere Yakuza Hanzo Headcanons
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• Quote prompt: “You’ve been so good lately, my pet. Don’t make me have to punish you.”
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• Yandere Lucio Headcanons • More headcanons • Quote prompt: “If you leave me, I’ll die!”
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• Yandere Ramattra Headcanons
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• Yandere Maximilien Headcanons • Quote prompt: “You don’t even know how lucky you are. I protect you and provide for you. Don’t act so ungrateful.” • “If you don’t take your clothes off, I’ll take them off for you.”
Overwatch Gals
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• Quote prompt: “It’s kind of not normal to keep getting repeated texts and calls from strangers.”
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D.Va/Hana Song:
• Yandere D.Va Headcanons
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• Yandere Kiriko Headcanons • Jealousy Headcanons
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• Yandere Moira Headcanons • Headcanons with fem!reader
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• Quote prompt: “I just want to show you how much I love you…”
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• Fluffy Ashe Headcanons
• Ashe and Cassidy with the same darling
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• Yandere Junkerqueen Headcanons
• OW Yanderes with darling who hates affection • OW Yanderes with a darling that has been broken too far • Zarya, Ana, and Genji with reckless darling • Soldier, Reaper, Genji, and Cassidy with an inexperienced darling • Cassidy, Reinhardt, and Junkrat with an introverted darling • Cassidy, Reinhardt, and Soldier finding their male!darling smoking pot • Reaper76, Cassidy/Hanzo, and Hanzo with a bored captive darling • Hanzo/Cassidy quote prompt: “I’ll do whatever it takes if it means we’ll be together forever, my sweet.” and “You will do what I ask.”
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f-cat · 1 year
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Kiriko - Brush Meets Belly!
It's time to switch positions! After the anonymous tickler (let's face it, we know it's Kiriko, but we promised her that we would redact her name) turned the doctor into a hysterical patient, we knew she was in for some heavy revenge tickles. I asked Mercy after we finished unwrapping her how bad Kiriko was going to get it. She whispered, "Wait here."
Wrapping Kiriko up, we saw Angela power-walk off set to pick out a few of our tickle tools to use on the fox-woman. Unfortunately, while she picked the bully, we hadn't charged it after our last session (sorry everyone!), so the electric toothbrush would have to do. Mercy starts off by skittering those deadly, surgical-precise fingertips against Kiriko's belly to open up a few giggles, but things really got going when she heard the buzz of the brush turn on.
Kiriko was wailing by the time Mercy started brushing her bare belly; she is such a precise tickler...I guess it's the benefit from being a medical school! And it looks like Mercy's tickle tactics do the trick, because Kiriko's laugh is loud as fuck. She sounds like a wailing siren when you tickle the spot right above her navel. It's so cute to watch her thrash side to side like a worm every time those bristles buzz against her soft skin.
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overwatchfics · 1 year
Hello! Could I request hanzo and kiriko baking with their fem s/o (I thought it would be adorable making doughnuts w kiriko 😭) also btw I love ur writing so much!! ❤️
Baking HCs - Hanzo, Kiriko.
Honestly, bit a great baker, but MAN THIS MAN CAN DECORATE.
Simple geometry
I feel like Hanzo is stupidly good at tedious art, like cake decorating things people might get frustrated with very easily.
You be he does little origami animals on top of some cupcakes you two made.
Get ready for him to go scarlet in the face if you lick or wipe off some frosting with your thumb off his cheek.
Wraps an arm around you and watches you knead the dough in fascination
I feel like his actually favorite thing to bake is cookies.
No clue why, but hanzo would absolutely fuck with choclate chip cookies fr.
Will pretend to like raisin cookies to seem refined, but in truth, he hates them with his whole being.
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Ahhhh our favorite donut girl
Not a great baker, as much as she'd like it to be so, you're Def going to have ti teach her alot.
If you're both terrible, then she'll at least be fun to experiment with!
Good decorator, but not as crazy as Hanzo
Does cute little designs on the donuts from charms to little foxes!
LOVES to wrap her arms around you from behind while you bake.
Beware of this flirtatious fox she will find any excuse to kiss some frosting off of your face.
Is SUCH a cheater, she uses her own magic to clean herself up from the baking mess
Actually this goes for all shimadas!
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A/n: Ah! Thank you so much! Thays so sweet of you! I know it's been a while, but I needed something fluffy to write!
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that-basic-simp · 1 year
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"Aye, Odessa," I said as I walked into the bunk we were sharing.
"Yeah?" she picked her head up.
"We're goin' out tonight."
"Who's all goin'?"
"Fareeha, Angela, Lena and her girlfriend, and Kiriko."
"Ah, normal crew," she said, slowly getting up from the bed.
"Yep. Normal crew."
"Where are we goin'?"
"A club not too far from 'ere."
"Another club?"
"It was Kiriko's idea and she actually looked into this one."
"It's not goin' to be like the last time where Fareeha 'accidentally' took us all to a gay bar?"
"No, it's not goin' to be like that. Besides, when she chose that place, she was already two drinks in and she's a light weight."
"What's different about this one?"
"Apparently there is a mechanical bull that you can ride."
"Mechanical bull?"
"Yeah," I said.
"People ride mechanical bulls?"
"For fun?"
"Might as well ride an actual one."
"That's dangerous because of the horns," I said.
"I'll enterain this idea of 'ers. And I'm not just sayin' that so I can ride the mechanical bull."
"Sure," I said, a shit eating grin appearing.
"Come off it, princess."
"And if I don't?" I asked cheekily as I nudged my elbow into her side.
Reaching down, she grabbed my waist and turned so fast I couldn't see what was going on. Seconds later I found myself pinned to the bed with Odessa a few inches away from me, her aura going dark. A sly smirk appeared on her face as her hand slipped underneath the back of my shirt, her fingers playing with the clasp to my bra.
"I'll give ya the ride of your life."
I smirked, wrapping my arms around her neck, my hands digging into her mohawk.
"I'll entertain that idea of yours."
"I'm sure ya would," she said, placing her lips against mine.
After a few seconds, she pulled away and placed little pecks to my lips before trailing down to my neck.
"D-Dez," I breathed out.
She pulled away and grinned, "Might as well work ya up durin' the night. Can ya be a good girl for your queen? If ya do, you'll get rewarded tonight when we get back."
I nodded my head, "Yes, my queen."
"Good girl," she smirked and kissed my forehead.
Pulling away, she helped me up from the bed and we got ready to head out. We met up with everyone out by the hangar. Once we got together in the small car we were going to be riding in, Lena drove out of the hangar and into town.
"Ya really couldn't have gotten a bigger car?" I asked.
"Sorry, Y/N. This was one of the only cars we had left," Lena said.
"Also don't pretend you don't love it," Kiriko joked.
The car held six and there were seven of us. So while everyone had a seat, I was sitting in Odessa's lap and her arms served as my seatbelt. Not to mention she was the tallest one here and she had to angle her head to where it was sort of tilting to the side, leaning against the side of the car. Since it was so small in length, her knees were practically going in between my legs.
"Yeah, i-it's a bit cramped in 'ere," Odessa chuckled.
"We'll be there soon, Odessa," Lena said. "Sorry about the space. I'll try to find a bigger car for all of us. And with more leg room."
"Ya better," Odessa sighed.
I chuckled and just kept her arms wrapped around me. Once we reached the venue, everyone got out and I had to help Odessa out since her legs took up half of the back of the car. Stepping out of the cramped car, the first thing she did was stretch and crack her back.
"Fuck," she sighed. "I might as well walk back to headquarters."
"It's a bit of a walk," Lena said.
"Better than that clown car," she said, taking my hand as we walked into the club.
Upon entering, the first thing Odessa saw was the mechanical bull. While I could see how eager she was, the others wanted to get something to drink first. I knew alcohol and a mechanical bull would spell disaster for Odessa, but since she could hold her liquor better than anyone I knew, maybe there wouldn't be a disaster. After a few drinks and everyone else was on the dance floor, Odessa, Kiriko, and I headed over to the mechanical bull.
"Hey there, ladies," the operator smiled.
"Evenin'," Odessa said.
"Who wants to go first?" he chuckled.
"That'll be me," Odessa said, stepping into the small inflatable ring.
Kiriko and I stood around the edge and watched as she hopped onto the bull with ease. She grabbed onto the little rope that was there and waited for the operator to get it started. The first few swings here and there were nothing, but as it started to twist and jerk, Odessa was flung off and landed where I was standing.
"Nice one," I chuckled.
"Alright, smartass," she stood up, walking out of the inflatable ring and towards me.
She grabbed underneath my arms and walked over to the entrance, setting me down.
"Your turn," she smirked.
"C'mon, Odessa. I'm not good with these things," I said, turning to face the mechanical bull.
"You think you're so smart, ride 'em, cowgirl!" she smacked my ass, laughing.
"Odessa!" I yelled, whipping around to face her.
"Come on, Y/N! You got this!" Kiriko smiled.
I let out a sigh and got onto the mechanical bull. Making sure I was sitting on it properly, I grabbed the rope and waited for the thing to start. I didn't even make it past the first few swings when I was thrown off. Landing on my back, I looked up and Odessa had her typical shit eating grin on her face.
"Nice one," she said with a smug face.
I raised my hand and flipped her off, "Fuck off."
I stood up and walked out of the inflatable ring, Kiriko coming towards me. We watched her as she stayed on there with ease before being flung off a minute later. Odessa rode on it a few more times until she stopped, wanting to drink some more. The others were dancing and Kiriko joined them, leaving me and Odessa at the hightop table drinking. She walked off to the bathroom while I found a chair to sit down at. Once she came back from the bathroom, she sauntered towards me, a dark look in her eyes as she made her way over, like a predator stalking its prey. As soon as we were face to face, she slammed her hands onto the arm rests and took in a deep breath, a wild and hungry look in her eyes. Leaning towards me, I heard a slight growl come from her as her head was right next to mine.
"Ya want to ditch this place?"
"So I can give my princess one hell of a ride."
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gatorboys22 · 20 days
What role and character would they main?
{☆} For the Streamer AU I did a while back! And if they ever play Overwatch. These are just my thoughts!!! If you think differently please tell me what you think they'd main!!!
{☆} Also might do Timmy's parents if I have the time later! (Also sorry for not posting much)
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This man is a TANK. So I feel like he'd love to be a tank main, where he'd take most of the damage for the team. He makes sure that everyone on the team is protected from flankers and in the front.
Don't think you can get his supports bc he turns around so quick gets you and turns away like nothing happened. Lots of supports have added him bc of this!
I feel like he'd main Reinhardt. Bodie likes how Reinhardt is the embodiment of cheverly. Also really connects with his lore, how the captain of his team sacrificed himself so everyone can stay safe. (I think that's what happened need to check up on lore)
This lil shit is a damage. Right behind Bodie making enough damage for him to kill the people in front of the group. Bodie is very thankful for this but it does get annoying when Timmy is too far into the other team and dies.
The team is 50/50 with Timmy since he is the one (if Bodie isn't tank) to push forward if tank is too scared too. Timmy is a good dmg sometimes, but there is those off days so like I said 50/50.
I feel like he likes the flank characters for example; Tracer, Sombra, and Reaper. He likes how he can get into the enemy team and quickly get out. Timmy likes how sneaky the characters he plays, got a lot of tbags bc of it.
I feel like he's a support main, Marco is a bit of a healer. Don't get me wrong support may seem easy but if you fuck with Marco he'll 100% said oh? Your not getting healing bet. And will NOT heal you until you apologize, he is the reason your alive remember that or he'll fuck with your experience.
Marco likes how he can fully support the team by healing. But also while doing damage, there will be points where he will be like you DONT NEED HEALING, when someone pings. Only to turn around and see they DO, he apologizes and heals them quickly.
The characters he likes is where he can defend him held and his other support. But I feel like he's played at least all of the supports at least once. But the ones he really likes playing are; Moria, Lifeweaver, Kiriko, Lucio and Mercy. Marco would like playing supports that can immediately get back into the fight after respawn.
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notmozzi · 2 years
kiriko porn
Kiriko Strap-On HCs + Oneshot (NSFW)
this was supposed to be just some headcanons but then i ended up writing an entire scene lol 🫶
also please don’t be this vague with your requests! this is just my friend, and i already know exactly what she wants.
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When Kiriko wants to use the strap, it’s often unexpected. The two of you typically use your fingers and mouths on one another. She’s a bit shy whenever she asks because of this.
But you’re never afraid to decline her offer. Because when Kiriko puts it on, she knows how to use it.
She’s not a fan of penetration. She bought it just for you.
It IS pink.
She enjoys having you in the missionary position.
One of her favorite things about using the strap in this position is how free her hands are. She loves using them to bind your wrists above your head.
Kiriko always starts with slower, gentler thrusts, but the second you start making noises, she begins to feel nothing if not powerful inside of you.
The way your whines raise in pitch with every little movement inside of you is addicting to her. It doesn’t just turn her on, but it tells her she’s doing well. She’ll do anything to keep hearing you.
Kiriko knows your body like the back of her hand. She angles herself differently with each push inside of you to keep your body guessing; every slow yet heavy thrust sends sparks flying. You almost feel like you can’t breathe- still, you’re always gasping for more.
And when Kiriko’s feeling more primal, the way she handles you typically leaves you a sobbing, shuddering mess.
Kiriko is a sucker for romance but she is not afraid to fuck you senseless. She enjoys prying your legs apart and hovering over you, forcing you to hold eye contact with a hand on your throat as her length dives into the deepest parts of you.
Missionary isn’t all she’s tried and enjoyed.
Kiriko has most definitely pinned you to the wall, your legs wrapped around her waist and arms around her neck, gasping and pleading for more as she mercilessly pounded into you. You had hardly been able to walk the next morning without a painful ache.
She also enjoys having you ride her. You try to say this position is your way of “topping,” but being completely realistic, there’s no way you can confidently top Kiriko at all when she has a strap inside of you.
Your sessions in cowgirl often end in missionary. Kiriko tends to end up getting too worked up and wanting to rail you into the pillows. You’re not complaining, though.
What Kiriko loves the most about using the strap on you is how much control she has. Having you writhe beneath her while both of her hands are still free to choke you, bind your wrists, hold your legs apart and/or force you to look at her? It’s her dream come true.
And, once again, you’re not complaining.
You keened, arching your back off the mattress and tossing your head into the pillows. Sheer bliss overtook your senses and you panted wantingly, opening your eyes little ways to see Kiriko staring down at you.
Your hands were pinned above your head by one of her own, while her other pressed gently against your lower stomach. You could hardly keep it together as each of her slow yet rough thrusts sent a weak moan flying past your lips.
Kiriko smiled tenderly, a smug glint in her eye. “Yeah? You like that?”
Another thrust. You whimpered, your core aching for more. You wanted her to go faster, but words weren’t an option for you right now.
“You like having my dick all the way inside of you, don’t you?” Kiriko slowly pulled out, the temporary loss making you sigh desperately, before she thrust again, seemingly harder than the last.
You moaned this time and your eyes shot wide open, the fire witin your body set ablaze and your legs feeling like jelly under Kiriko’s touch.
She’d definitely hit your g-spot.
“I love fucking you, Y/N.” She whispered, fucking husked, leaving you breathless and turned on as she pulled out and hit the same spot. You felt a smile nearly make its way onto your lips as the following thrust came sooner than you had expected.
Kiriko hit it again. And again. Over. And over. And over.
The bed beneath you began to subtly creak under the pressure, and you felt a flurry of cries build up within your chest. You fought desperately to keep quiet, the tiniest gasps, whines and whimpers falling past your lips. But Kiriko noticed this and was quick to fix it, leaning in close to you and watching you with a demanding glint in her gaze. She continued to pound into you, and the hand that had been on your stomach reached up to hold your chin. A single thumb made its way into your mouth and pried your lips apart, eliciting a whine from you.
She smirked, lust lacing her hushed words. “Let me hear you.”
Kiriko continued fucking into you with an insensity and speed that left you weak, your mouth now held open by her thumb. You lazily let your tongue lap at it but could hardly focus on that for too long before your blissful cries filled the room. You were too weak to speak, too weak to fight back your cries, and definitely too weak to thank Kiriko for finally ravaging you like you had wanted. All you could do was wrap your legs around her and pull her closer.
You felt a low growl escape her as she suddenly retracted her thumb and leaned in for a feverish kiss. The contact made your head spin and you moaned, causing her to deliver a particularly harsh thrust to what felt like your deepest walls.
“Fuck.” You gasped at the sensation, feeling a familiar coil wind up within you.
“Yeah?” Kiriko broke the kiss, making you hold her gaze a second time as her thrusts continued into a more sensual rhythm. “You wanna come, Y/N? Just for me?”
Another sharp thrust. You exposed your throat with a shuddering whine.
“J-Just for you.”
“I know, baby.” Kiriko wasn’t letting your dirty talking kink rest tonight. The way her tone made your core buzz even as it was continuously getting railed into was exhilarating. You were addicted, and Kiriko’s effect on you continued to bring you closer to climax.
“I’m…s-so close…” You practically sobbed, begging her to let you come even if she had never edged you in her life. It was the sense of dominance that she held over you - even if she’d never done it, you knew damn-well that she could. She had made that pretty clear to you, even if that wasn’t her intention.
“I love you so much.” Her voice was softer but the sensuality never went away. “Let go for me, Y/N. I’m here.”
Fuck. Fuckfuckfuckfuck-
Her thrusts picked up in pace again and the second they did, you saw stars. A wave of shock overtook your body and you froze, arching your back and pressing your chest up into Kiriko’s as she hovered above you. A broken sob mixed with a pleading whine fell past your lips as your climax washed over you. Kiriko never stopped moving inside of you, she only slowed down, watching you with a gaze full of affectionate lust as she pressed comforting kisses all over your flushed face.
The way she was so quick to take care of you through your orgasm turned you on more and you whimpered into her ear, making her let out a soft laugh (likely to hide how it turned her on) and kiss you on the cheek.
As your release eventually dissipated into nothingness, all you could do was lazily open your eyes and watch your girlfriend slowly pull out of you. The sensation made you whine both out of desperation yet relief. You were left in such a state of haziness that you couldn’t even move your legs.
Kiriko was quick to assist, bringing your legs flat to the mattress and hovering back over you to press a kiss to your jaw. The words she spoke to you next had your eyes opening a little further in both surprise and sheer arousal.
“You did so well, Y/N.” You could hear the slight smirk on her lips. “You’re always such a good girl for me.”
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