#fuck jrk
mynameis-a · 1 year
harry potter fans: remus is the most reasonable out of the group
sanders sides fans: no he's not?????
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the-ratronaut · 2 years
Increasingly fuming at the leftists trying to justify playing the blood libel game. Jesus fucking christ just say you don't give a shit. Just say you want to turn your brain off like the rest of the assholes buying the game and don't fucking lie to me. At least then you'll be fucking honest. Especially the people parroting "no ethical consumption" like that applies to the hot new terf game and not, I don't fucking know, survival and existing in society. Fuck off with that bullshit!
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soulless-bex · 2 years
i’m all for redeeming the morally grey character, i love it, please do
but for fucks sake, your character needs to be redeemable in the first place to do so
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godesssiri · 2 years
I have an appointment on Tuesday to have my deathly hallows tattoo covered up!!!!!!!!
I've been wanting to do it for ages but couldn't decide what to cover it with. It's behind my ear and it used to be a fun little wink to other members of the fandom saying; hey I'm one of you. HP and the community that formed around it were incredibly important to me for many years so at the time I got this tattoo it meant a lot to me, I don't put symbols on my body lightly. Now I can't stand the thought that a Trans person or a Jewish person might see it and think they might be unsafe with me. And I REALLY can't stand the thought that someone who agrees with JKR might see it and think I'm an ally of theirs.
I finally decided to just get it filled in so it's a solid black triangle and if anyone asks me why I have a triangle behind my ear I will tell them it's because it used to be a Harry Potter tattoo but I no longer want to be associated in any way with JKR because of her disgusting politics.
I feel like filling it in is kinda like filling the dirt in a grave. It's giving the part of my life where HP and it's fandom where hugely important to me a respectful burial. I'm not forgetting or denying that how much I loved HP at that point in my life but I am saying that love is dead and I am moving on.
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marsconer · 2 years
friendly reminder my blog is not a safe place for transphobes, specially terfs
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salubri-outcast · 2 years
After hearing about Cinamawins telling off JK Terfling on Twitter I went to go check his YT channel. Dude straight up REMOVED all his HP content. Put his money where his mouth was and stood by his morals and principles. I applaud him 100%. Internet good guy isn't just an act. Good job my man, good job.
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gayoticbeing · 2 months
hey "rosekiller" from that post u rbed is a h*rry p*tter thing just warning you. you might get terfs on here
hmmm ok i won't delete it but i'll watch out, ty for letting me know
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imaginationxfound · 9 months
lost: August 19th, 1992 —
Draco’s dad seems nervous, looking frantically around his office before they leave for Diagon Alley.
It’s early in the morning, but Draco is ready to go, with his hair carefully slicked back and he’s dressed sharply in black robes. He wasn’t expecting them to be held up by his father; that doesn’t ever happen.
His father looks up quickly, “what!?”
Draco takes a step back and ducks his head, “I’m sorry to interrupt father; Mum wanted to know how long it would be until you were ready to go.”
He blinks at Draco, and exhales hard, “in a few minutes.”
“Understood, Father,” Draco says, and starts to walk away, but stops dead as his father clears his throat.
“Draco, hold on one moment,” he says and Draco turns around immediately.
“Yes, father?”
“I’ve lost something; have you seen a small black leather book anywhere?”
Dread slams into his chest, but he keeps his face neutral as his dad stares at him. It was inevitable that he would notice it missing, but at this point Draco doesn’t want to part with the diary that writes back. It’s almost pathetic, that he needs reassurance from a enchanted book that he’s not worthless when his Grandfather disciplines him, or that he’ll ever actually grow into the kind of man his father is.
“No, father. I can keep an eye out for it though, if you’d like?”
“... no, that shouldn’t be necessary, but thank you Draco. Now, go tell your mother I’ll be just a minute. I want to stop to sell at Borgin and Burkes before we do any shopping, so I need to grab a few things.”
“Yes, father.”
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proantiharrasblocklist · 10 months
cedric-my-beloved supports telling mentally ill people to go kys.
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izziessogay · 2 years
gay people love the marauders because jkr barely wrote any canon for it and she'd hate all the headcanons
if it were for her they wouldn't be gay and friends with Slytherins, they'd be homophobic and bullying her innocent boy Severus
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sephirajo · 2 years
I hope Joling Cowling Rowling chokes to death on a lego.
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fvckw4d · 3 months
Gretchen Felker-Martin writing a book where going on T makes you a flesh eating zombie but getting exclusively praised for it just because she's a trans woman and now she keeps showing up in the Trans Voices and LGBTQ+ Authors to look out for kinds of lists makes my head pound. She explicitly wrote a story where a person who is intersex, nonbinary and wants to be on T, or a trans man can not ethically transition, and the only trans man character in the book was saved by being forced to detransition before the zombie virus started. A book where Testosterone makes you a cannibalistic rage zombie, as if that's not a staple radfem talking point, which makes the inclusion of radical feminist as roving militain lynch mobs who target all trans women (but apparently no other trans people or intersex people) even more fraught. And apparently no one thought to criticize any of those narrative decisions for some fucking reason.
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kittywaffles97 · 2 years
Sirius Black singing Hey Remus by the Whomping Willows in the common room except James wrote the song and Sirius intends on singing it at lunch in the great hall too.
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apas-95 · 1 year
people who valorise some inherent value to the US constitution and legal system are wild to me. why the fuck should I care what your laws are, even if I did fall within their jurisdiction - it's as if these people believe laws exist pre-emptive of reality, and reality should be shaped to fit them; rather than shaping laws to fit reality.
like… when people invoke the second amendment to me, it has the same feeling as saying 'we as a free society cannot allow any exceptions to Section D § 8.2.2(a) of JRK 20800 Standard Specifications for Building Works of the Federation of Malaysia Public Works Department, or we are accepting a slippery slope to ensuring it will be completely disregarded in the future…' - except, really, I would consider the PWD's regulation on concrete grades more important than a 200 year old colonial state's policy on armament
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this is not directed at anyone specifially and i'm going to say something that"s probably controversial but here i go anyway: you are not a bad person for still liking the harry potter franchise.
actually, i do not believe that you are a bad person, full stop. but that's a conversation for another day.
while it is actually horrible to support jkr and engage with her content in any way that gets her money (it is! no pretending it isn't), i think that no one should care about whether someone still enjoys the story. sure, jkr's fucked up worldviews are everywhere in it, and that certainly does ruin it to some degree (to me, at least), but you are still allowed to have your good memories and cherish the great times that you had thanks to the story.
i'm saying this as someone whose favorite pastime after jrk came out as... wildly problematic became breaking down every little problematic detail of the whole storyline. after the hp franchise basically made up most of my childhood.
is the story mediocre? the worldbuilding lacking? is it full of outright discriminatory narration and stances? yeah. should any adult with a high school degree have the literacy necessary to recognize this? yeah.
was it still incredibly important to lots of people (especially those who were often singled out and ostracized? looking at you and me, queer kids)? also yeah.
lots of literature and art of all kinds that people still engage with and love to this day is wildly problematic. made by problematic people. it is possible to enjoy a work of art critically.
what one can and should do, is not support the artist. but what harm does one do when enjoying something that is special to them? please leave people alone. i myself can't enjoy the story anymore at this point, but really. there's bigger problems in the real world. can we please use our energy in a better way? why is this discourse so rampant that i'm ranting about it on tumblr, where two people tops will read the post????
i feel like people should be allowed to like things sensibly. i... don't really have the energy to think about this stuff and believe that so many people are evil for enjoying something that meant the world to them in childhood. honest to god .
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olderthannetfic · 7 months
Ok listen to anyone reading tho, Voldermort? What the fuck even was that? Rant incoming, keep in mind this is over the top because of how tired I got after 10+ years of people constantly claiming what a fucking good villain Voldermort is just for being from HP. And also the absolutely obnoxious amount of people who used constantly compare literally any "ebil politician from eeby deeby" to Voldermort, before JRK went full mask off terf and misandrist weirdo.
What a shitty ass villain is Voldemort fr fr? Dude gets hyped since book 1 to be some kinda super charisma mastermind, then you meet his edgy emo teen version, people fucking raving. Then? Then book 4-5? One of those, drops one of the most boring ass bitch villains with a shitass excuse. What the fuck was that geriatric snake tiddy sucking fella? Where's the charisma everyone claimed was built up in the previous books? That dude had the charisma of a wrecking ball hitting the local orphanage puppy bakery for nice lil grandmas. If there is something lower than underwhelmed, that's me when I heard about that insult to our beloved snek kind. Leave me alone, snakes are fucking baller. 🐍
No charisma, and his world domination plan was fucking stupid. What the fuck? What a underwhelming villain. The logic for his weird magical racial purity shit was not consistent. Like you'd think a genocidal ethnonationalist maniac would make for an intimidating villain, but that dude couldn't walk up a set of stairs without falling flat on his ass from incompetence.
I'm not surprised that pink cat lady Umbridge is seen as a worse person, yeah yeah you could have a teacher who's a bitch like her, but you'll probably never meet a genocidal dumbass like Voldemort. But fr, Voldermort is just not fucking intimidating and so much of the things that JKR wrote him doing and planning are just fucking stupid. Like, all his lil edgy masked sidekicks have more evil energy, while he's just kinda there, failing. And then they ain't even loyal, because they were fucking kids when they joined him, congrats your army of edgy mask wearers can't even deal with a school of teens.
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