#fuck it i’m tagging barrissoka
obscoros · 14 days
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not gonna finish this cuz i don’t like it but take a warm up sketch of jedi knights ahsoka and barriss being besties.
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kiwikipedia · 3 years
1, 2, 4 for the salty ask list, please!
1.) What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
For SW: most of the mainstream Clone/Jedi ship especially Rexwalker, Rexsoka, and Plowolffe. I just ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ nope, no thanks. I also don’t get Monnk/Kit like. They probably had interactions in Comics, but canon they had like 2 lines and one of them was Kit just recognizing Monnk as commander im 90% sure
Also for SW: ANY Padawan/Master Ship. I will come for you kneecaps if I see anyone tagging my shit as ObiKin, Anisoka, or QuiObi. I’m a ship what you want person but if you’re tagging my original stuff with those tags I’m gonna throw hands
Another SW: Barrissoka?? I know people love it because wlw and all that, but Filoni needs to stop uncanon-izing actual canon as well. Barriss was always like 20 something in my eyes and sure tcw changed that but. I grew up with Barriss being a whole ass adult. It’s weird to suddenly see her as not that. (Also I never connected with Barris. At all)
For FGO: Jalter/Bryn, Jeannecest, Semiramis/Amakusa
2.) Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?
See above. But also:
Cu/Emiya, Arturia/Emiya, and Robin Hood/Billy the Kid/ Geronimo from FGO
And Ja’far/Sinbad, Alibaba/Aladdin, and Kouen/Sinbad/Muu from Magi
Greed or Greedling/ Ed and also Ed/Ling. Sorry but I love Edwin and LanLing too much
With more SW:
Kit/Aayla I never got because I feel like they were kinda sorta only shipped because of that own kiss comic?? I have a lot of thoughts but also I’m PloKit trash ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
4.) Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?
Once again see 1
But in general: anything with family or siblings is a no, I’m looking at you OHSHC.
But especially Padawan/Master Ships + Rexwalker and Rexsoka.
I’m not super big on Codywan / rexwan or Obitine (because I hate satine lmaoooo) but I can work with them if I must.
Most clone/Jedi ships it’s mostly just the power imbalance that I’m not crazy about but it also depends on how it’s written, I suppose.
But also fuck Rexwalker. I just can’t. Fucking cannot do it. Don’t make me read Rexwalker.
Also for FGO: anything with a child character, also see above, and MC/Kiyohime or Serenity or Raikou like I am fear ™
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queerbycrs · 6 years
Fic Meme
Tagged by @nooowestayandgetcaught​ -- thanks, sorry i took so long to do this!!!! school wifi blocks ao3, it’s an irritation
What is your total word count on AO3?
105,772. which feels like. A Lot
How often do you write?
I used to try for every day, but since I only live at home three-and-a-half days per week now it usually ends up being like... a couple days per week. But if I’m really inspired or really into what I’m writing (and have some sort of plan to follow) then I can get a Lot done in those two-ish days.
An exception would be this last week, since I put the fic (the aftg star wars fusion i’ve mentioned a few times) on google docs, set it as “available to edit offline” on the app on my phone, and wrote about six or seven thousand words of it during the school week. Maybe a third of that was on my phone, which was hell, but like. I’M SO EXCITED ABOUT THIS FIC GUYS. IT’S GONNA BE AWESOME.
Do you have a routine for writing?
Not really? I’m bad at routine. I tend towards writing late at night when I can, because my Inner Critic™ is quieter. Although apparently I can also write on my phone on a bus so loud I can’t hear myself think or half-awake at 7am when I haven’t summoned the energy to make breakfast yet or in the middle of a classroom during lunch. So.
this was a super good week for writing, okay
What’s your favorite kinks/tropes/pairing?
I... can’t write nsfw so I don’t know what it would be for writing, but I think that. uh. blood probably counts for this even if I can’t properly sexualize it in my own stories. also [redacted]. 
tropes: soulmates. fake dating. pining pining PINING. canon divergence and all its varying impacts. character death but only if i write it. coming out stories. magical realism. fantasy in general. also i’m discovering that i REALLY LIKE WRITING LIGHTSABER FIGHT SCENES.
pairings changes on a dime but rn i’m extremely interested in barrissoka, bluesey, [redacted], andreil, and the extremely unhealthy dynamics of kevin/riko (it really seems like nobody has written the fucked up twisted story of my dreams so guess i have to do it :/)
Do you have a favorite fic of yours?
me @ myself: the fic you haven’t finished yet is NOT ALLOWED TO COUNT
so i think it has to be a still-recent fic: till the heavens roll away. barrissoka, teen, 4.8k, lotsa warnings.
it’s a guardian angel barrissoka fic, and it’s yet another angsty relationship study (following alive) which, it seems, are the only types of fics about them that i actually end up thinking are any good (when i write them, at least). i just. i think that my prose has been getting better over time, so i’m super proud of this one since it’s so recent, and also it was a Deep Delve of sorts into their relationship and how it intersects with the fall of the Jedi and the rise of the empire. also it makes me cry.
Your fic with the most kudos?
Lights Will Guide You Home, which... *internal screaming* i will finish it. but i don’t like it very much anymore.
Anything you don’t like about your writing?
i’m bad at maintaining energy and steam for projects (which is one of the reasons i’m pushing so goddamn hard at the aftg sw au -- i’ve been working on it essentially non-stop for like a week, and i’m still just as excited about it right now as i was when i started. or even more since the pieces of the story are falling into place and it’s fantastic), i’m bad at consistently writing and keeping a routine, i find it super hard sometimes to nail down characterization. and i have a hard time with lighter stories, because i never feel like they’re any good whatsoever. i want to get out of the mentality that All True Art Is Depressing And Angsty.
Now something you do like?
i like my prose more and more every day! i like how i describe emotions! i like the fact that i’ve gotten super comfortable writing star wars and it feels more natural than pretty much anything else! i like how much i can output if i have a plan and a deadline! i like the fact that i can write comedy that people seem to find funny pretty much on the spot (i have to tell y’all about the short film script i wrote for earth day, ft. Dornal Troomp, the CEO of Neestleé, the CEO of Exxit Moby, and a burning paper mâché earth)
tagging anyone who sees this & writes fic -- tag me i’m super interested to see responses
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irhinoceri · 4 years
An Annotated List of Mine Own Fic - Star Wars Edition
All stat counts accurate as of 9/24/2020.
Out of the Dark Valley - Words: 324,621 Chapters: 53/53 Comments: 932 Kudos: 1599 Bookmarks: 384 Hits: 53562
The big one. The first time I seriously wrote fanfic and I was operating under the “go big or go home” mindset. A 300k time-travel/Padme lives!/Vader redemption fic that has some awkward plot contrivances and drags in the middle, but, you know, people seem to like it overall. Perhaps my greatest contribution to fanfic as a whole is creating the tag “Time Travel-Fuck-It-Up Again” because I now see other people using it (always must be in conjunction with the “Time Travel Fix-It” tag).
Love Like Ghosts - Words: 11,287 Chapters: 6/6 Comments: 50 Kudos: 360 Bookmarks: 79 Hits: 6064
Essentially Lord Huron songfic (won’t be the last). It’s my second most popular fic, which I wrote kind of on a whim, kind of to take a break from working on OODV at the time. I had read some Vaderdala fic and wanted to try my hand at it. Mixed results, imo, as I also struggled with the problem I see in most Vaderdala fics—keeping Padme at all true to her canon characterization while still having a relationship with Vader. They are bitter and resentful of each other for the bulk of the fic which is my specialty. I did enjoy exploring a darker take on Padme and what it would mean if she took Anakin up on his offer and tried to take Palpatine down from within, so yeah I’m still pleased with this one.
Artoo Knows - Words: 1,758 Chapters: 1/1 Comments: 15 Kudos: 128 Bookmarks: 33 Hits: 979
An angsty story based on a song that is the musical equivalent of a shitpost. My ex once said, “I can’t believe you made me sad about R2-D2″ after I sent him the link. He’d been lamenting that I wasn’t writing original fiction anymore and was wasting my talents. Ah well.
it’s a bad wind that don’t blow somebody some good - Words: 6,341 Chapters: 1/1 Comments: 22 Kudos: 166 Bookmarks: 33 Hits: 2513
My Barrissoka fic. I was getting really into the whole “canon can’t fuck a good character up so bad that fandom can’t figure out how to course-correct” school of shipping problematic dynamics and getting real deep into Barriss-Was-Right-If-Not-Totally-Justified-For-How-She-Went-About-It feels. It really does cement that I love post-bad-breakup-reconciliation as a trope. Also used a very obscure song by an obscure band as inspiration for the title and mood of the piece, which made me feel very cool and sophisticated, at the time. I saw The Secret Machines live in concert in 2005 and it’s still one of the most transcendent concert experiences I’ve ever had.... RIP Benjamin Curtis.
Padawan Exchange - Words: 9,132 Chapters: 1/1 Comments: 9 Kudos: 58 Bookmarks: 12 Hits: 907
A friendship fic for Anakin and Barriss, formed as an idea for what they were up to while Luminara and Ahsoka were teamed up in that one episode of The Clone Wars. Initially thought of as a crackfic, it becomes kind of serious because I couldn’t resist planting those seeds of doubt about the nobility of the Jedi Order in Barriss’ mind. Has less than 1k hits on Ao3 but gosh darn it, I think it’s one of my better ideas for a fic to this day.
Through Neighborly Eyes - Words: 1,280 Chapters: 1/1 Comments: 4 Kudos: 59 Bookmarks: 5 Hits: 889
This was supposed to be the first of several side fics set in the universe of OODV, but alas it is still the only one. A glimpse at Barrissoka raising Mara Jade after she’s rescued from Palpatine’s evil clutches as a child... since those characters disappear from OODV only to appear five years later and I wanted to put them front and center to explore the dynamic. Honestly, the fact that I never did follow up is one of my most shameful failures as a fic writer.
I just want to start a flame in your heart - Words: 3,763 Chapters: 1/1 Collections: 1 Comments: 15 Kudos: 27 Bookmarks: 3 Hits: 352
THE BEST FIC I’VE EVER WRITTEN. The TFA/Fallout Finnrey crossover songfic that I posted, thinking, “I’ve peaked and nothing will ever be better than this.” 352 hits. That’s how life is, sometimes.
The Third Most Iconic Duo: A Star Wars Musical - Words: 11,735 Chapters: 1/1 Comments: 22 Kudos: 38 Bookmarks: 7 Hits: 572
Kinda weird modern AU where Finn and Rey (and others) exist in a world where Star Wars also exists as a fictional property, and they are playing the characters of Han and Leia in a musical. This fic causes me pain because it written in the halcyon days before TLJ when I was sure Finnrey was canon and Rey Skywalker was the only logical answer to The Parentage Mystery. Hence this fic has definite ReySky elements, but, to be fair it’s not the focus of the story. Rey’s dad in the fic is unnamed though I of course envision Mark Hamill in the role. Honestly the fact that this has more hits than my other Finnrey fic pains me because it’s not as good.
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birdsquirrel · 7 years
My brain is being supremely uncooperative in terms of putting together comments for fics I’ve read recently, to the point that even just picking a reaction gif is proving tricky. Because of that, I am instead going to make a rec list of fics I’m subscribed to that have updated recently.
This is, quite literally, 90% Star Wars. Sorry, not sorry.
The Price Series and A Second Chance Series, both by Guardian of Hope. Do you want little padawan Anakin not being a fuck-up? Hell yeah, you do. Guardian of Hope is here to provide with not one, but TWO series. The Price focuses on older-teenaged Anakin and his relationship with the clones, while A Second Chance is about a tinychild clone of Anakin found shortly after Knight Skywalker went mysteriously missing.
Horizon Light by @glare-gryphon​. An Obikin Pacific Rim crossover by a consistently brilliant author. Need I say more?
Home by @darthcuddles​, aka DonkerRood. Heck me up. This fics raised-as-a-Sith Anakin serves as a mirror to canon’s raised-as-a-Jedi Anakin, finding light, stability, and a sense of agency over the course of the fic. It was also recently completed, so even those who don’t like reading WIPs can enjoy it.
The Erosion of the Spirit by @425599167. Do you love f/f? Do you love plot heavy fics with loads of great characters? Do you love sensitive and nuanced examinations of how characters’ mental health might be affected by canon traumas? This Barrissoka fic has all that and more. 👍👍👍💯💯💯
Effortless as Fire (Dragonverse) Series by @astalitha and Kaiserine, who, if I am reading things right, is @aramanthis here on tumblr. Exciting world-building and Fallen!Obi-Wan, two of my favorite things.
Of Queens, Knights, and Pawns by chancecraz. HO-LY SHIT, ya’ll. I cannot express how much I love this fic. I absolutely adore it. General Leia finds herself transported back in time to the beginning of the OT, and has to deal with all that entails. This fic is fuckin’ masterful.
Cataclasm by @dendral. Obi-Wan centric and mysterious, this fic keeps you guessing. Heck. Yeah.
Changing Fate by Princessleia9977. Look, ya’ll. I love time-travel fics. They’re a wonderful established convention in the Star Wars fandom. This one flips the standard character-sent-to-the-past narrative on its head, instead sending padawan Anakin to the middle of the OT. I cannot wait to see where it goes.
and, finally, we crawl out of the Star Wars fandom to a different battle-against-an-evil-empire-for-the-fate-of-the-galaxy fandom, Voltron with:
Abandoned; Not Helpless by @lightpinkthecolorofmyaura aka Princess_Peony. Did somebody say CAPTURE BONDING??? I continue my love-affair with darkfics with this fantastic Lance/Lotor fic, which has almost all of my favorite tropes from the genre and almost none of my least-favorite. I’ve been in Star Wars Hell since TFA came out, and read very few non-Star Wars fics in that time, but I’m so glad I checked the Voltron tag and found this fic.
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obikinbigbang · 7 years
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Thank you to all the artists and writers who participated in this years big bang! Thanks for your patience and dedication and amazing work. And without further ado, the Big Bang.
✿✿ ArchiveOfOurOwn Complete Collection. ✿✿
★ We’re Not Written In The Stars (But I’m Okay With That)
Word Count: Estimated 30+k
Rating: Explicit
Trigger Warnings: Rape/Non-Con (not explicit) Implied/referenced sexual assualt, self harming, eating disorders, attempted suicide, victim blaming
Other pairings: Padmé/Sabé
Description: Obi-Wan is a professor and Anakin is his new TA, Anakin was in a long term abusive relationship with Sheev Palpatine that he managed to get out of. Anakin slowly starts to heal and trues to find trust and happiness again.
Arthur url: @darthvders 
Artist url: @coppersky
★ Linger
Word Count: 5,479
Rating: Teen and Up
Common Trigger Warning Tags: Death, Violence, Mention of Suicide, Blood, Injury, Angst
Other Pairings Included: Possible Barrissoka mentions, past Quintress
Description: In the wake of his premature death, Anakin is left trapped in the physical realm as a Ghost. All the while watching helpless as Obi-Wan begins to succumb to the fate that should have been his.
Author url: @askgrelf
Artist url: @lethalsaber
★ the world, nothing less
Word Count: 6,174 (WIP)
Rating: T
Common Trigger Warning Tags: –
Other Pairings Included: –
Description: Modern day London; Anakin Skywalker, a young man who’s accidentaly always in trouble with the law, is in bigger trouble than usual. He’s about to get his ass locked up when a fancy, suit-wearing stranger arranges for him to be discharged. The stranger introduces himself as Obi-Wan Kenobi and leaves Anakin with more questions than answers as well as an address of a tailor shop on Savile Row.
But not before he takes Anakin for a drink at a local pub and, after they’re rudely interrupted, proceeds to beat up five grown men into unconsciousness without so much as breaking a sweat. “Fuck me,” Anakin whispers in shocked awe. “At least invite me to dinner first,” Obi-Wan replies, grinning.
Author url:  @imaginaryanon
Artist url: @ohbuckle
★ Lost in the Galaxy
Word Count: 6896
Rating: E
Common Trigger Warning Tags: N/A
Other Pairings Included: N/A
Description: Recently knighted Anakin Skywalker is assigned to transport a dangerous prisoner to Coruscant where he will be safely contained in the Jedi Detention Center. However, not all goes as planned, and as Anakin finds out, not everything is quite as it seems concerning the prisoner who calls himself Obi-Wan. Whispers of the Sith’s return do nothing to quell the situation, and somehow, Anakin finds himself falling not to the darkness, but for Obi-Wan.
Author url: @grayjedii
Artist url: @jerseytigermoth
★ Open Court
Word Count: ~30,000 (Rough Estimate)
Rating: Mature
Common Trigger Warning Tags:N/A
Other Pairings Included: N/A
Description: Anakin was a freshman at Coruscant Republic University with a full ride basketball scholarship. His skills had been rumored to have been the best in the area, but of course, only by high school standards. Anakin quickly discovered that the head coach, Obi-Wan Kenobi, was the most attractive man he had ever seen in his life. He only intended his coach to remain just that; his coach. Too bad that didn’t work out like he planned.
Author url: @anibun-skywalker
Artist url: @alyruko
★ Appetence
Word Count: 5.5k
Rating: M
Common Trigger Warning Tags: Implied/Referenced Dubious Consent
Other Pairings Included: N/A at this time
Description: Anakin Skywalker is a cloaked force-sensitive working in the Senate as the new Coruscant representative under Palpatine’s guidance. Obi-Wan Kenobi, a Senator shortly returned from a leave of absence, can’t stand him, with Senator Skywalker’s reputation being that of a morally grey, pleasure seeking, bribe taking scoundrel. When the threat of the Sith becomes evident in the galaxy, Senator Kenobi sets to researching. He soon finds himself put on senatorial assignments with Anakin Skywalker.
Author url: @autisticanakin
Artist url: @twinion
★ Like the Foam on the River
Rating: mature
Common Trigger Warnings: none
Other Pairings: none
Description: “You don’t want me to stay?”
Kenobi takes a step closer so they are near to each other. He attempts to summon wisdom that any other Jedi of worth would bestow in such a moment. All of their platitudes and dogmatic tripe hammer at his heart; meaningless and unsubstantial. Instead, all he has are his feelings; feelings that would have been better left on the floor of the crèche. “I want you to do what you think is best.” He slides his hand up Anakin’s arm and feels the unyielding metal beneath his sleeve. “That’s all I’ve ever wanted for you. For you to make your own choices.”
Except now that he’s said such things, a lump forms in the back of his throat like a gag and his eyes grow hot and prick with pain. He looks away from Anakin’s face. “I think you’ve already come to a decision.” He keeps his gaze firm on the ground “I will miss you.”
Anakin’s hands settle on his shoulders and he has to look up when he feels the rush of Anakin’s feelings through the Force, amplified by the very ground they are standing on. His joints ache under the pressure. Anakin’s limbs weight heavy on his shoulders and he slumps under the weight. “Master. Obi-wan. I will miss you as well. More than I should.”
Author url: @selcier
Artist url: @alyruko
If your art is not on here, or your summary or you have not yet submitted your fic to the AO3 collection please contact us! 
For art: we will link the separate pieces if you submit (NOT ask) the links to them along with the fic name! Thank you!
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