#fuck cops man smh
[blank] would be a great character if they weren’t a cop
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feelin-frazzled · 2 years
scream 6 would've been better if mindy had died + if her death had directly paralleled randy's sorry
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thedevilundercover · 4 months
The bat kids should threaten to get adopted by Tim every time Bruce is being a dickhead or just an inconvenience in anyway shape or form. Tim is paranoid enough to have his foster license and probably overthinks it enough to have Gotham CPS under his control. (Some people are bribing the cops while this man is bribing CPS smh.)
And like when Bruce over steps, they’re like “ok then, Tim’s my new dad now. “ Then they go camp out at Tim’s place for a while.
Usually the younger ones (+Cass) do this but it’s even more hilarious when Dick and Jason catch on to this. I think that Jason would do it first tho
Like imagine if Bruce refused to give Jason money for ammo or smth:
Bruce, literally so tired bc of this: Jaylad, for the last time, I’m not giving you money to buy real bullets. I'd be happy to buy you the rubber ones.
Jason, the most extra, dramatic younger-sibling-turned-older-sibling: Ok then, I get it, you don’t love me anymore. I can take a hint. You know what? I’ll do you a favour and get myself adopted by Tim *cue fake sniffles and dramatic exit*
Bruce, so so tired this has happened like twenty times this week already and it’s Wednesday: Oh my god why does he keep stealing my kids what the fuck
Tim also has no concept of money so he just shrugs, hands them his black amex and lets them do whatever the fuck they want
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divine-misfortune · 4 months
hey so I'm interested in the objectifying of a man??? go on
also do you hate me or have you just forgotten to reply to me on discord??? /lh
I love objectifying men and you know I love talking about Rain
The ghock pictures need to be kept away from me for my own health. Honestly keep pictures of Rain away from me for my own health.
I saw those fucking pictures and all I could think about was how the bass must just press and weigh against his cock the whole time, must be uncomfortable at first while he's getting hard, especially when it bounces off his hips. Think he has to grit his teeth and bear it but the friction probably starts to feel kinda good after a little while.
Takes every opportunity to arch backwards to press the full weight of it against his dick when he knows he shouldn't. Can feel his boxers starting to get sticky which isn't good. It's a dangerous game that has him breathing a little heavier, panting, starting to really sweat. He doesn't trust himself but can't exactly just stand still thr whole time can he?
I think he shakes his head a little when Dew saunters over to choke him, knows damn well it's an awful idea and too risky all things considered - but those fucking hands will be his demise time and time again. Dew grips his throat and sure it's only for a second but it's enough to make him cream his fucking pants. Lets out a strangled little groan and Dew chuckles in disbelief.
And when they finally go backstage, while Papa is giving his speech about how the show is definitely over and the lot of them have a moment to breathe, Dew backs him into a corner and presses his palm to the front of his pants and smiles evily at the wet spot he feels. Just has to show off how wet their water ghoul got from humping his bass like some sexual deviant, let them all cop a feel of his semi hard cock. Some touch more generously than others but by the time they all really get to feel him up, he's straining against his zipper again.
Encore is torture. Oversensitive and spent, he's stuck accidentally rubbing against the back of his bass till he's ready to spill again. Dew quietly warns him he better not, save it for after bows where he can ride his thigh and make a mess of himself where they can all watch him.
(Do not let him fool u btw I answered him on discord smh 🙄🙄🙄)
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justarandombrit · 5 months
I did the thing again. If you missed the livestream but want to know what happened, I wrote down some notes again. (Spoiler warning, obviously, as I will mention who won the death match)
. The Nightmare Time theme is so fucking good
. Xander murdered Grace last death match and won
. James and Matt like wrestling (not each other - the sport)
. BOTTLE IMPS!!!!!!!!!!!!
. Lmao the backing music is Jane's A Car
. We are the Lords In Black
. Ted and Hidgens are a duo lmaoooooo
. Melissa and w o m a n
. Mariah really loved w o m a n
. CCRP set up a water filtration system that pissed people off
. Harmony and Barry are just so annoying that Paul and Emma want to fight them
. Paul is the first to die
. Coffee makes Barry stronger
. Jon is the only one who thought Paulkins would win
. Rip Harmony :(
. Paul throws spare change at Harmony and Barry, summoning the Homeless Man, who wins the fight for them
. Bill and Alice get an easybake oven stolen from them by Sherman
. Love Vs Crazy
. Frank and Bill get mistaken for eachother mid-fight
. Sherman is vicious
. Frank wants Sherman to die
. Alice eats Sherman's soul and becomes a little kid again
. Ruth has a crush on Hidgens
. Ted and Hidgens have a dead body???????
. The dead body is a Frankenstein amalgamation of all the Workin Boys
. Frankenruth?????????
. Ted and Hidgens win with help from the Workin Boy
. “w o m a n is here!”
“I'm fucking here, bitches”
. Shapiro + Bailey are looking for Roman
. Dog…
. Oh no
. Roman is the dog.
. Melissa and w o m a n die
. Bottle Imps was supposed to be between Forever and Always and Time Bastard
. Bill meets the founder of CCRP
. HOWIE?!?!?!?!?!?
. Bill's been at CCRP 13 years
. Coven’s Communication Research and Power
. Charles wants… ALL the money
. If it's actually Billted oh my god…
. Jane didn't die, but their dog did so she divorced him
. Everyone is cheating on each other
. Ethan used to bully Pete
. Pete and Steph don't tip
. Lex flips out
. Lex suddenly develops a gluten intolerance????
. Jason and Kyle save Steph and Pete
. Max breaks into Camp Idontwannabang, Grace reads him Bible stories, they're about to kiss, then Boy Jerry and Girl Jeri burst in to kill them
. Grace is so Jesus loving that Lumberaxe kills the Jerries
. Excorcism???
. “Christ’s in hell with your mother”
. Miss Holloway has a witch hat!!!!!
. Evil mask??
. Riley's in hell smh
. “You basic bitch”
. Joey is Ted again
. Alice and Bill get pissed about Paulkins trash talking Mamma Mia
. Joey: “This is the future the libs want”
. General MacNamara drops in from a helicopter and shoots Bill and Alice in the head
. James will murder Paul and Emma himself if they survive again
. Ted accidentally confesses to murdering Ruth and Richie
. Joey: “Here's the thing, ACAB”
. Thrash murders Shapiro for being a cop lmaooooooo
. Sam’s a dick to Tim at Pizza Pete’s
. Hannah straight up murders Charlotte and Sam
. I have to go to bed :( (Stopped right before Holyghost v Lautity)
. I'm baaaa-aaaaaack! It's the next day, I have pancakes, and I'm just realising I accidentally wrote Lautity instead of Lautski… I just love them too much
. I haven't checked Tumblr cause I don't want to be spoiled for who wins
. I'm back on the livestream, I'll check that out later
. They're at Perky's Buds, Grace has dragged Max there for a protest, Steph dragged Pete there for weed
. Grace wants Steph to go to heaven
. Five minutes for A THOUSAND DOLLARS?!?!?!?
. Joey: “You horny little fucks”
. Max just murders Steph and Pete
. Max wouldn't want to hit a girl, Ziggs comes out, fails to land a single shot on them, but attracts the nighthawks which peck out Steph and Pete’s eyes
. Nicole Rodriguez is so fucking talented damnnnnnnnn, also I love Cool As I Think I Am (Reprise)
. This song will always destroy me emotionally :(
. Why is Joey doing a British accent lmaoooo
. This isn't the next scene, but is after it chronologically
. BRENDA!!!!!!!!!!
. If only it was a real werewolf… Wayward Guide, anyone?
. “Shit-eating grin” is my favourite Americanism. It's so funny I love it
. I kinda love Tucker
. More skidoos???
. Kyle's in college?????????????? Damn
. Even Stacy's in college
. Miss Holloway: “Cause the 80’s were bitchin’ ”
. Oh nooooo :(
. Miss Holloway: “The intranet”
. Oh god
. Oh shit
. Oh fuck
. Even though I knew this was going to happen I'm still devastated
. Oh god :((((((((
. God we need NMT3
. Joey: “Is this a bad time to announce Curt and Kim are getting divorced?”
. VIRGINITY ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
. Tedgens are stealing from CCRP, Paulkins are about to go on a date, they find them, and Hidgens goes all murder-crazy
. Corey: “Some of us are wrong and many of us are right”
. Joey: “Jon, Ted is gooning all over this office”
. Jon: “Great job everybody, all the food is gonna be poisoned next week”
. Goddamnit I just got spoiled for it :(
. Tedgens manage to find the Bastard's Box and trap Paul and Emma in it
. Hidgens hears Workin Boys coming from the box, but Ted stops him from touching it
. Tom and Becky want to buy the Waylon Place, and find Grace and Max burying Pete and Steph
. Tom coaches the Hatchetfield Nighthawks??????????
. Gen Z Vs Millennials
. Someone pulled $800 from the Kickstarter :(
. Will arrived literally as soon as Max died
. Grace and Max are ghosts now
. Meg Lloyd is also insanely talented
. Will loves Tom and Becky
. Sauce Saturday
. They're in the Starlight theatre, Wilbur is there for some reason
. “He was driving the car that killed your dog”
. LAUREN!!!!!
. Wilbur just straight up cheats so Tedgens win
. Ted always dies though :/
. A girl Miss Holloway saved has died
. Lore….
. Miss Holloway chops off her toes?????
. That's what that tune is called?
. Why do the Lords eat toes
. Blinky has a mouth???????
. Nibbly lmao
. Mariah: “Lauren, you're muted, baby”
Lauren (muted): “FUCK”
. Blinky, my love
. This is so fanfiction coded I love it
. Tinky likes Miss Holloway????? Duke really was right about everyone being in love with her
. Lmao Tinky
. Double calculators, and an abacus????
. Blinky (covering his ears): That's a bad word!
. Ted wins!!!
. Well.
. Nightmare Time Cover!!!!!!!! Needy Beast, my love
. Oh god that was amazing
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xf-cases-solved · 1 month
S1E21: Tooms
Case: Guess who's back, back, back! Back again, again, again! Eugene Victor Tooms is back, back, back! Tell a friend! 
Anyway, Tooms is back.
After being rehabilitated and made totally normal and non-cannibalistic by his psychiatrist, the Baltimore court decides that Eugene Victor Tooms is ready to leave the crazy house—where he was serving time for assaulting Scully (he was never charged with eating livers)—and is now free to rejoin society, despite Mulder's attempts to sway the court otherwise, by using his skills as an expert PowerPoint presentation maker. Tooms, of course, has every intention of finishing what he started before being apprehended, so that he can take a nice long hibernation in his bile cocoon, and Mulder has every intention of stopping him before he does. Mulder engages in some mild-to-moderate stalking behaviors; Scully tries not to kill Mulder and then herself out of pure mortification during the world's most uncomfortable slideshow presentation; a retired old cop in a wheelchair returns and makes fewer references to the Holocaust, and is slightly clairvoyant; I have a moment during the episode where I think, "Oh no, shit, wait, I think he does a gross thing here, is this where he—ah man, yep, it sure is," right as Tooms licks his fingers that are covered in roadkill juice; and, most importantly, ASSISTANT DIRECTOR WALTER SKINNER HAS ENTERED THE MFING CHAT!!!!
All rise for that big, bald, beautiful man!
Does someone die in the cold open: Ofc not, Tooms is a fully rehabilitated, mentally sound, non-homicidal freak of nature, who would never hurt a fly, because flies don't have livers. (It's entirely possible I just googled "do flies have livers"...)
Does Mulder present a slideshow: Unfortunately yeah, he does. Kinda wanted to die alongside Scully as he presented his PowerPoint presentation to the courtroom. I'm all for having the strengths of your convictions, babe, but c'mon, even you had to know that wasn't gonna work.
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(^ me and scully suffering from immense secondhand embarrassment)
Does the evidence survive the investigation: Actually, yes, I believe it does. They have their findings, and the findings of the retired old cop in a wheelchair (who straight up just. had part of a victim's liver in his apartment? who let him have that?? mulder and scully are out here literally fighting for their lives just to hold onto one shred of evidence, and this hoe just takes biohazardous material with him after his retirement party and holds onto it as a keepsake of his biggest failure as a cop, smh)
Whodunit: Eugene Victor Tooms once again!
Convictions: Escalator did the justice system's work for them.
Did they solve it: I will say yes. The killings have stopped, the perpetrator is dead, they wrote a report with evidence to cite, and even though Skinner is skeptical, Smoking Man tells him he believes their take on things. It's more solved than most of their cases, anyway. WHICH REMINDS ME. There's a bit in the beginning where Scully tells Skinner that their solve rate is at 75%, which is ABOVE BUREAU STANDARDS, like????? Really FBI? The fucking *X-Files division* is doing better than the rest of your departments? And you wonder why people distrust law enforcement, jfc
[how do i determine if a case is solved? check the scale here: x]
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THIS EPISODE IS SPONSORED BY: Escalators. Since 1892 [yes I looked it up], escalators have been a godsend for those of us who, for whatever reason, just don't feel like taking the gosh darn stairs. For well over one hundred years, escalators have been a convenient way for you to get around shopping malls, get to and from train platforms, crush your enemies to death with a conveyor belt, get through airports with ease, and so much more! So next time you need to get from one floor of a building or structure to another, or have someone you need to die quickly, consider using an escalator!
General Total Stats:
(green means stat has changed since last ep; red means new stat added to list)
Total Cases *Definitively* Solved So Far: 11 (first time they've solved two in a row for a while. must bc they're so high above bureau standards...)
Total Number of "Mulder/Scully, It's Me" Phone Calls: 1
Total Number of Times Scully Has Conveniently Not Seen Something Crucial: 5
Total Number of Times Mulder Has Been in Mortal Danger: 7 (i mean, tooms chased him through the escalator thingy with murderous intent, right?)
Total Number of Times Scully Has Been in Mortal Danger: 8
Total Number of Sexually Charged, Uncomfortably Intimate, and/or Flirty Moments Between Friendly Coworkers: 11 ("mulder, i wouldn't put myself on the line for anybody but you" 🥺 actually that whole little exchange is cute af. mulder's like "don't get in trouble bc of me," and scully is like, "don't tell me what to do, bitch, i love you," and mulder's like, "i don't know how to handle genuine compliments, so i'll just say that if you have iced tea for me i will go down on you right now, no hesitation, forget the stakeout, sit on my face" but then she only has root beer 🙁 or at least that's what i remember happening, i might be paraphrasing)
Total Number of Autopsies Scully Has Performed On Screen: 2
Total Number of Times Scully Plays Doctor: 2
Total Number of Times Mulder Talks to an Informant: 10 
Total Number of Times People Making Out in a Car Are Hurt or Killed: 2
Total Number of Nosebleeds: 4
Total Number of Times Mulder Has Tasted/Sniffed/Touched Something Questionable Without Following Proper Safety Procedures: 2 (but tooms definitely did :( )
Total Number of Times Someone Says "Trust No One": 1 
Total Number of Times Someone Says "I Want to Believe": 3
Total Number of Times Someone Says "The Truth is Out There": 1
Total Number of Cigarettes Cigarette Smoking Man Has Smoked: 6 (lol that stat hasn't gone up since the pilot, and then he shows up in one episode and smokes four of 'em)
Total Number of Maggie Scully Sightings: 1
Total Number of Lone Gunmen Sightings: 1
Total Number of Alex Krycek Sightings: 0 :(
Total Number of Times I Had to Look Up What State the Episode Takes Place in Even Though I Literally Just Watched It: 7½ (i remembered from squeeze, bc sometimes my memory works like how it's supposed to)
Total Number of Times I Had to Look at an Episode's Wikipedia Page to Fill This Out Because It Was Fucking Confusing and/or Too Boring for Me to Pay Attention: 5
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too-much-tma-stuff · 5 months
I don't Want Dick to be a cop :< I want him to be himbo 2.0, I want him to be a trophy husband to some who has less then half the amount of wealth that he does. I want him to be a full time pest to his horde of younger siblings and maybe develop an adoption problem of his own!
ya sure cop was a good 'Fuck you daddy!' phase but this man does not belong in uniform, smH.
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no-psi-nan · 1 year
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20) part of canon you found tedious or boring
The crossover parts in the light novels... thog dont caare (minor bit of canon but I literally paid cash money to get it translated so... -_-U)
Also that one episode in the second season / later volumes that was basically a repeat. The one with Saiki being invisible while Teruhashi tries to find him. We've already scene this exact same sitch play out, there's no development to either their characters or relationship, everyone knows their deal at this point so it's not even funny.... The anime should've replaced this one with the YouTube episode SMH, 10000% more value.
21) part of canon you think is overhyped
Not necessarily overhyped but I personally would have never picked the domestic abuse chapters to be the first ones in the series hsfjdlshfks. Yeah it's funny but like. It's still domestic abuse. Let's save the terrible home life for when the audience is more invested yeah? Though I guess people also don't notice the domestic abuse as much since it's front-loaded maybe?? I would like to see some research on this sort of thing tbh!!
22) your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
All of the Aiura moments... She's always so so funny and sweet, and the way she and Saiki interact is wonderful, she's the person he's the most real around (Toritsuka doesn't count because he mostly gets Saiki's bad side for good reasons hsfjdlshfks).
When they work so well together at saving Yumehara's life despite being strangers... When Aiura shows so much kindness to Mera and is so determined to help her that Saiki ends up helping her even though he was originally against it... When Saiki saves Aiura from the gang and she still trusts him completely even though they'd fought and Saiki just did something violent, which most other people would consider monstrous... Her willingness to help out Saiki anytime, no questions asked, just because she cares about him... Their hilarious & effective co-performances against Imu and Yumehara (as Kaido)... When Aiura realizes "lucky feel" moments / her usual methods of seduction won't work and switches to just finding out when Saiki's free and hanging together eating dessert + talking... When Saiki clearly enjoys those dates so much that he immediately agrees to another in his tsundere way when she asks him... When Saiki chases her around for coffee jelly, so brain-empty and silly (see: my blog header)... Her faith that Saiki will fix things even when he has a death mark on him too... When Saiki trusts her with the fate of the world... When Saiki's clones carry her so closely when they could literally just levitate her completely physically apart and she never tries to cop a feel or get fresh... When she asks Saiki if he wants a kiss and respects his "no" but just has to share the physical comfort they both need in that moment...
And yet everyone always mischaracterizes her and cheapens her relationship with Saiki, especially when favoring another ship for him.
Or they think that she would be soooooo emo about it if Saiki rejected her. Hello?? She literally told him to fuck off because he tried to stop her from helping people, and did NOT look back or change her mind. Just because she's into bdsm doesn't mean she's going to compromise her morals for a dude, even if he's her soulmate. And she's clearly had no trouble pulling dudes before, so it's not like she'll be pining after him for long if he's being a dick.
On the other hand, she knows he's tsundere as fuck and that she'd have to play the long game with him, and she's clearly fine with it. She has confidence in her powers and has already seen how well they work & play together, so it's just a matter of time.
Anyways I get so so heated when people don't do my girl justice, as I'm sure you can tell hsfjdlshfks
Thanks for the ask @hillbilly---man 💜💜💜💜💜
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Rating Call the Midwife Characters because I have watched nine and a half seasons and I can
Jenny - girl you got us rolling but you were mediocre af 5/10
Trixie - somehow she is the best and worst of femininity at all times and is just like. Amazing and I love her and also god my eyes are broken from rolling them too hard 8/10
Chummy - truly one of the most perfect women of all time but she married a cop (alas) 8/10
Shelagh - do I forgive her for abandoning her vows and running off to be with the man she loves? No. But do I adore her anyways? Yes 7/10
Dr. Turner - here is the thing. I don't forgive him either. But also he's A GOOD MAN and I LIKE HIM A LOT. I feel like people think that the reason he's hot is because of his face but it's actually because in his decade of service he has never once talked down to or ignored the expertise of his midwife colleagues and listens to women so although he's not one of the girlies he can also have 7/10
While we're here, Tim - you were the most interesting when you had polio and aspirations of a mother sorry bud 4/10
Patsy - on the one hand she was a lesbian, which gives her high marks, but I don't remember, like, anything else about her so.... 6/10
Barbara - FUCKING BARBARA GHSKALAALFB I DON'T EVEN KNOW. But like I can't blame her for leaving the show when I love Ghosts even more. 6/10 despite everything.
Phyllis - nurse Crane my beloved. I respect her. She's very organized and practical and I do just feel like organized, practical women are great. Anyways no need to read into that at all 9/10
Valerie - VALERIE. Valerie. She was cool but I feel like she just... never got an arc. she got some trauma and some woes definitely but idk about an arc. 6/10
Lucille - she is SO NICE but she doesn't believe in SINNING which makes me sad but she's a sweetheart and is so kind during the bad times 7/10
Cyril - I have always loved that part where he's a pastor but only on the inside lol 6/10
Fred Buckle - truly a perfect man. No notes 10/10
Violet Buckle - I am so obsessed with Violet. I feel like the only reason she is nice is because she is married to Fred but if she was just introduced to the show, unattached, then she would be what we in showbiz call an Antagonist and yet she still lets it pop up sometimes 5/10
Reggie - I love him 7/10
Mrs. Higgins - desperately want to know what kind of lady this actress is irl because she is either absolutely hilarious or completely unhinged but as a character I don't care for her 3/10
Sister Julienne - um she's my mom and also she's your mom and maybe she's everyone's mom and ever since she went to see The Sound of Music by herself to showcase her crisis of faith I have just completely melted about her 15/10
Sister Mary Cynthia - she was SO GOOD and then..... god. 5/10 heartbreak emoji
Sister Winifred - 😬 ummm I just didn't care. Sorry 3/10
Sister Hilda - not even Sister Julienne's bff smh 4/10
And yes I know you are all obviously waiting for the most important character of the whole show and who just lives on another level compared to every other character because she is
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thevoidstaredback · 4 months
We're watching Let There Be Carnage today, bois!!
This would be so much more enjoyable if my prescription wasn't going out....
Also. 'Cletus'? Who names their kid that? I refuse to believe there are really people named Cletus. Just like there are no babies named Bob.
Maybe don't taunt the pretty lady with the badass scar and the supersonic scream...
Venom's a mood. I love him.
He's so nice to Eddie.
Eddie, my dear, we both know that Cletus is shady af.
I want Venom's ability to draw!
Why did you have to go piss off Cletus? We know he's shady. I don't care if he calls you his friend, he's not.
Eddie called Venom abusive!
Chickens do have tiny brains. It's funny.
Good job setting boundaries, Eddie.
Poor Venom, stuck eating chickens.
Calm your tits, though, my dear.
He's like a puppy dog when Anne calls!
Golden Retriever energy.
Poor Eddie, though, being forced to take a phone call while dangling from a roof...
I love the dichotomy of what Eddie's saying vs. what Venom is saying. It's really funny.
"I'm going to make you cry now. Cry. Cry!"
Cletus just called you "Paly, pal" in a letter to invite you to watch him die. Listen to Venom. Do not go to his death sentence!
"You feel like home to me." That's mildly concerning.
Hello, Carnage.
It's cute that Eddie thinks he can beat Venom in a fight.
It's cute that Venom thinks he can kick Eddie out of his own apartment.
His bike!
Hello, Carnage!!
Bullets aren't working. Maybe, idk, crazy idea: Stop firing?
Cletus escapes. Knocks on Eddie's door. Eddie opens door. Fucking idiot. It's the chief of police, but still-
Eddie, Cletus is gonna be gunning for your head on a pike. You don't open the door when someone is coming for your head!
"I am out of the Eddie Closet!" Honey. Sweetie...Babe.
I can appreciate Cletus's taste in cars. That's a nice car he stole, smh.
Venom thinks this rave is for him and everyone else is too drunk to correct him and are just going along with it. The only people not too drunk are too scared.
No! He died!
Eddie, you fucking idiot. You are not invincible anymore. Do not go to the creepy ass mansion!! You'll die!
Dad says I can't drive like Cletus.....😞
Don't taunt the pretty lady with the badass scar and the supersonic scream!
Awwww! They're together again!
He's so soft with her! He even stole her dream car!🥰
Prof. X would be horrified by Francis' treatment.
Eddie really just pulled "I can fix him!" when talking about Venom.
Poor Dan.
Aw! Cletus is inviting Eddie to his wedding!
Now Anne understands the dichotomy of having Venom in her head! Poor Dan is stuck watching this all go down.
Again, mister cop, sir. Bullets aren't working. Stop firing and run.
She has a beautiful dress. I love it very much. Cletus could've matched better.
The priest looks terrified. Poor Anne.
Venom! Perfect timing.
"Death to you, father!" "No!" "Not you, father. You father!" Patricide at its finest.
Eddie looks scared out of his mind. Venom doesn't wanna deal with his kid.
Carnage! You can't just slap people!
"Time to die!" "That's the spirit!" "I mean us. We are going to die."
Poor father just got called a power up
Maybe going to higher ground was not the decision, mister cop man sir...
Good job, Dan!
Shit, now he's a target.
"Manno a Manno", Cletus? There's a ringing bell! Missed opportunity to say "For whom the bell tolls" but whatever.
He said the thing! Carnage said the movie title!
FB Is going down screaming!!
Oof. Crushed by a bell...
Goodbye, Cletus. Goodbye, Carnage.
Filicide. Venom ate Carnage. Yucky
Cletus just wanted a friend.....
Venom says no. He ate his head.
He's got his toes in the sand! He doesn't have hair, though...
"...When you love someone..." I see you, Venom. Eddie sees you, too!
I am so fucking excited for Along Came A Spider to come out!!! Words cannot describe-!
(I swear I've seen a trailer and an announcement for it. Unless I hallucinated it......I'll cry if that's the case)
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tomanyships69 · 6 months
First watch through of 911, play by play of my reactions.
Second episode in and Buck is already traumatized, but carla the nurse is a sweetheart and I love her!
Dude gets attacked by dogs and still has the composure to rizz up the pretty cop lol.
Girl is right tho, you need to move on from that husband so you can both be happy.
OOF rizzmaster is actually the robber ruh roh
Carla is back!!! Give her as much wine as she needs 💜
Buck is cute but Abby you leave that boy alone, don't be weird because he gave you a compliment. Dudes got enough going on without adding you to the mix smh!
She took his number from a report???
Like the actual call is semi nice, heart in the right place kind of vibe (at least I think that's what they're going for) but still feels weird.
Oh no he's at the funeral, this man feels so bad.
I know the sister is mourning and all but like wtf was that???
Buck out here using his youthful cardio to avoid his trauma.
Buck might not be the most eloquent but the emotion is there, maybe he'll actually go to counseling.
The cop and her hubby are working it out too, good for them (tension isn't good for anyone especially the kids)
Stop it
Don't touch your patient's without asking them, especially not during a first session.
AND she friended him on Facebook, who does that first of all? It's just weird, but also why does this feel like it's gonna get worse?
Back to Athena, I know it takes time but you are being delusional. You need to at least get separated and maybe discuss an open relationship, not that you have much of that left.
She has no right to feel bad either omg
Athena out here flirting and working all her frustrations out on the robber
I love "The Maneuver" distract and then kickem in the chest
Oh no the sisters back, at least she apologized.
Carla is a sweetheart but is definitely encouraging bad behaviors
Lord have mercy, I wish this boy was better with his words. The call did go better than expected tho
DAMN we can't escape the suicide theme of the episode. Like this family isn't going through enough.
In conclusion fuck this show, but I love it!
Thanks for reading
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kits-ships · 11 months
holly's profile (mcu version)
holly's s/i tag: #holly; feelings are fatal holly's ship tag: There are Many
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Name: Holly Miller Birthday: January 4th, Capricorn Source: Mar/vel/MC/U Gender: Demigirl (They/She)
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Physical Appearance Height: 5'4 Hair Color/Style: Chin length blonde bob with blunt/messy bangs Eye Color: Brown Other Features: N/A
Background Place of Birth: NJ Currently in: Greenwich, NYC Family: RIP Education: Bachelor's in Graphic Design from Princeton Uni Occupation: Graphic Designer
Personality Strengths: Empathetic, passionate, loyal, brave, thick-skinned Weaknesses: Workaholic, cut-throat, blunt, cynical, bottles up emotions Fears: Dying alone, dogs, being completely immobilized, being 'contaminated', Malice (symbiote)
Interests/Hobbies Activities she Enjoys: Cross-stitch, taking care of succulents, collecting figures of herself Skills or talents: Most things that involve art, boxing, jumping, Spider-person! Favorite Pastimes: Volunteering at animal rescues, sparring with Matt, swinging by herself and watching the city go by, drinking with Frank
Internal Conflict Internal struggles or dilemmas: Absolute. fucking mess. Had to deal with the deaths of four people close to her and was orphaned when she was in the middle of getting her degree. Hates the city and wants to leave, but 'with great power comes great responsibility.' Struggles with her morality, anger, and depression
External Conflict Obstacles they face: General Spider-Man woes. All of her relationships are an absolute mess and she owns an absurd amount of cats (six.) Bonded with a toxic symbiote, the Sokovia Accords; her entire life is like God is trying to smite her but she refuses to die. Societal Pressures or Expectations: Illegal vigilante. themes of religious trauma, unmarried 27 year old with no kids smh /j. She also hates NYC and it hates her. Holly also hates cops and the press. Friends with FBI's most wanted.
Style of Dress Clothing Preferences: Turtlenecks, tank tops, skinny jeans, skirts, tights, combat boots, green work jacket Accessories and/or Jewelry: Chokers, wire wrapped gemstone jewelry
Symbolism/Themes Things Associated with the Character: Spiders, snow, cats, jumping spiders, strong emotions, romanticism Themes Explored Through the Character's Story: Mental illness, loss, responsibility, confusing relationships, starting anew
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thequietmanno1 · 1 year
TheLreads, Vigilantes ch 90, Replies Part 1
“Now, what was happening on Vigilantes- Oh yeah, blatant fuckery in the wordlbuilding department, the usual, then Number 5 showed up to the party.”- Number Hood just wanted to get in on the fighting action with the rest of the battle junkies.
2) “Ah, upstairs, in the picnic the police squad set up. Glad to see they are having fun frolicking around while everybody dies downstairs.”- There is some merit to be made that the Police become a bit too complacent in the heyday of All Might’s era, what with him running about all over the place doing their jobs tenfold before they could lift a finger. Still, some little more pro-active measures on their behalf would have been appreciated.  
3) “Yeah guys, what you think we are? law enforcers? Fuck that, let the pro hero handle it, he was the one that asked for in the first place. God knows why so many cops were needed for that.”-  If nothing else, I’d love to see a cop drama set in MHA’s world, with a young rookie wanting to be a good outstanding and efficient officer in the line of duty, dealing with a cynical mentor and the actions of heroes always bursting in and taking the credit, as he tried to work his way through the complicated system 4) “IS THAT WEED? NOW ITS TIME FOR THE POLICE TO ACT
you know, like in `murica”- AFO getting people hooked on drugs and illegal narcotics young, whether they want to or not. Truly, the most villainous evil that ever existed.
5) “Alright now, Furuhashi, you got the three best characters to be stuck working together, you absolutely must make sure to put them to good use, you got that?”- How about matching them up against the early-model version of one of the most interesting Nomus we’ve yet seen? That’d be a fight I’d pay to watch.
6) “Huh, I don’t know, this just looks like a normal punk rave to me, nothing out of the ordinary here alright”- 7) “And once again, we are faced with a place that is not up the fire safety regulations, smh… Although, unlike the sky egg, this one is deliberate, still I want to see AfO explaining that to the safety inspector.”- He probably happily outlined to him all the health and safety violations he’d deliberately included in the building because he wanted to make it as unsafe as possible for others to hurt themselves on for his idle amusement, before he stole his Quirk and killed him/repurposed the body for “materials”.
8) “I want to know where they kept those masks, because they are a bit too big to keep hidden under their clothes without gathering some unwanted attention.”- They pulled them straight from the plot hole dimension….assuming AFO didn’t have said gas masks stored in boxes over to the side somewhere. They are standing in front of a shelving rack, after all. 9) “Oh perish that thought Knuckles! Goodness gracious, what sort of lowly scallywag would ever dare to commit such acts?”- AFO is the type of man to commit all action of villainy, from dastardly, all the way down to just plain dick. 10) “Good thing you don’t expend a lot of oxygen while using your quirk and thus need to be constantly breathing in, even whilst inside a cloud of drug-laced gas, right Knuckles?”- Knuckles probably trained himself like a deep-sea diver, finding ways to ensure maximum lung capacity if he was ever in an environment where breathable oxygen was getting into short supply, to maximise his speed bursts 11) “GUNKLEDUSTER STRIKES AGAIN
WHY THE FUCK WOULD THE STAFF HAVE A FAKE GUN INSTEAD OF A REAL ONE? OR EVEN SOME TRANQUILIZER WEAPONS? YOU GUYS THINK A PROP WILL DEFUSE TROUBLE? THOSE GUYS WILL EAT YOU ALIVE, EVEN MORE WHEN THEY SEE THE GUN IS FAKE”- I can see AFO issuing unloaded firearms to his security staff just for the Lulz when they try to bring them to bear and find out they’re empty in a crisis situation.
12) “again, you guys think that those batons would stop a stampede of desperate brutes? you twinks there would be snapped in half, and not even the furry guy there would be able to stand there.
Just bring the heavy weaponry, nobody is gonna complain, the police is too busy making flower crowns for each other.”- Again, AFO wouldn’t want any good Quirks getting killed off by a heavy shot before he was ready to stealthily steal them in the chaos. These guys are here to look intimidating and act as a big distraction whilst he moves in the shadows doing what he wants, so if the sight of them brings the rioters up short just for a second, that’s long enough for him.
13) “Oh, really heroic of you Knuckles… Can you imagine if something had happened to them? You could kiss your hero license bye-bye, well, that is, four years before it actually happened I mean.”-  Knuckles already knows them well enough to know that A), they’re simple-minded and like a simple plan, B) they got no issues risking themselves, and C) they wanna fight. So let them fight.
14) “Wait, you are gonna give the signal? Wouldn’t be better for them to give a signal if they are in trouble? Knuckles I’m starting to think they are not just bait, but meat for the grinder.”- That’s assuming either of them can see danger and not go “awesome! I’mma fight that!”
15) “You guys need to ask? You know that kicking ass is not optional here. Go nuts, show those fuckers who’s the alpha team.”- Well, it is technically optional…as in, Rappa and Mirko are split over whether kicking or punching ass is better to proceed with.
16) “Bullshit Knuckles, and you know it. And you Rappa, keep quiet, Mirko got the gist of it, she just needs to promise that she won’t kill anyone and then kick people so hard their vertebrae pop out through their mouth like they are pez dispensers”- Arguably the main difference between them. Mirko knows when to play along before she can cut loose once she’s gained permission, whereas Rappa’s just too upfront and is entirely honest about his desire to fight to the death. Weird seeing the hero being the deceitful one, honestly.
17) “There go my two kids, they are always so happy when they are curb-stomping people into a mush…”- The joys of simple violence. Poetry in motion, to the chorus of breaking bones.
18) “Oh don’t worry Knuckles, they have no need for help. You should worry about who’s going to pay the medical bills of the people they are beating up tho, you said yourself they are ~civilians dosed without consent~”- I presume Knuckles made the police foot the bill, since they’ve contributed pretty much nothing else to this raid.
19) “THAT’S RIGHT GUNKLE! SHOT AT AfO THROUGH THE PORTAL, I THINK NOBODY ACTUALLY BOTHERED TO CHECK IF A HEADSHOT WOULDN’T SOLVE ALL THOSE PROBLEMS, WE DON’T KNOW IF HE ALREADY HAD THE ANTI-HEAD-CRUSHING MEASURE READY BY THEN”- Him still possessing his facial features is a sign that he still doesn’t have Hyper Regeneration specifically but from what we see of Hood, he’s already working on a pseudo-means of being able to heal injuries, presumably with the final product intended for his own use, but this research didn’t proceed far enough until All Might finally caught up to him and crushed his dreams along with his face. From what I can tell, it doesn’t seem to be that Hood is specifically ‘healing’ himself, but rather ‘fixing’ himself, using his unique construction as a modded human, rather than a healing Quirk outright, hence why AFO can’t exactly steal it if it comes down to the way his body’s been rebuilt rather than a power he’s using.  
20) “oh wow, a prop gun you said? Thank fuck they didn’t bothered to get a real one then, it would probably have the wield of a fucking nuclear weapon.”- I fully believe that Knuckles is the kind of guy to keep a few bullets on him in reserve in case he ever needs to shoot somebody, even if he doesn’t always bring an accompanying gun.
21) “HEEEY- THERE WE HAVE IT, OUR FIRST LOOK AT PRE-POTATO AfO, AND HE IMMEDIATELY GOES D:  HILARIOUS “- Honestly, it’s just nice to see something other than ‘smug satisfaction’ on his mug for once, even if it is only a minor victory at best.
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pop-roxs · 2 years
Grelle and Ronald for the character bingo ask game!! :)
first we have my girliepop grelle
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im gonna go through each of these boxes for her n ronnie so strap in :3
I am so normal about them
god i love her so much. i could talk for hours. days. weeks ages. forever. she is so lovely. please let me marry her
funny lil picture of someone holding a little guy!! very happy soeone. lots of hearts around.
please can i hold her i want ot hold her please shes so precious she is my biggest treasure ever please please
A Beast Unleashed
shes so feral and crazy and oh god is she an asshole. i love her so much for that
I want their gender
Canon isn't real if I don't look at it
no dont call her sir or mr please stop it stop it dont call her a he please please stop it stop
That's a solid design right there
her design is so detailed and has so many rules i love it. the fact that her jacket has a stitch on the back, the big cute black bow, her heels, her glasses and its chain, her TEETH GOD HER TEETH, her constantly upturned eyebrows, the way her hair is messy at the top and smooths out to elegant red hair, her curves, her voice, everything.
They are so silly
shes just a silly little gal!! little silly little.. little girlie.. little little so cute and silly.... she kills prostitutes w her wife.... silly....... i love......
They Sure Do Exist
she exists and boy am i tHANKFUL that she does. please shes so perfect
Literally I would kiss them
need i say more. NEED I SAY M
If anything happens to them I will cry
i want her to be a happy woman whos happily married to her red wife is that too much to ask.
I want to BITE them
she would bite me back tbh i wouldnt mind
I fuck with this aesthetic so hard
everything grellecore is what i want to be/hj shes literally so fucking cool.
also i wanna mark bastard now because shes such a little bitch and i fucking adore that fact to death but im too tired to go back and edit it
ok whew finally to ronnie
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My friend's favorite, the blorbo by proxy
@jhillybean loves him so i love him
*puts them in a salad spinner*
lookit him go. weeee.
They are so silly
just a silly goofy man w his silly goofy lawnmower!! i love how he rides on it like paul blart mall cop
They Sure Do Exist
wish he didnt show up in s2 for like 10 minutes total in one goddamn episode(and then hes just a single frame in the ova smh)
i bet he would sound like a drowned squeaky toy <3
idk why i marked this it just resonated w me
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tabitha2 · 2 years
Ur thoughts float somewhere just out of reach
Who are you if you aren’t Tawanda Cox ?
What are you doing now that you’re not working
Where are u ? U wake in a strange man’s bed
When did he come back from prison ?
How did you get the game started on your own ?
Recognizing your face yr tits hips ass anywhere
Why do you have a Man’s wallet in your purse ?
But it’s never been the face you see in the mirror
Were u trying to steal from him, u dumb bitch ?
Trying to look at those words but just confused
The cops asking u all these hard questions but you so didn’t know any of the answers
Not knowing anything but what a girl like u knows.
Ur thoughts are not really thoughts are they ?
That big strong white man in yr head ? Is yr dream guy. Rough and snart and nasty. Rich, powerful, dominant, well-hung. Not someone you have ever known until you met your Master.
You are nothing like that. U a giggly, dependent fuckdoll that relies on yr partner for everything and doesn't have a care in the world and luv it
It genuinely turns u on
the true you can scarcely remember being any other person at all; it's like a dream.
i'm smh into men wanting to change my body to get them off more. like yes tell me youd make my tits so big its uncomfortable for me just cause you wanna fuck your cock between them
Like omg !
Big strong smart white men are what you are attracted not what you have ever been.
So obsessed with Cock
You are a big-tiddy sub dumb slutty black girl who cant read or do math and it turns u on.
Being so obsessed and constantly dumbfucked by his cock that u cant even think about anything else than pleasing yr owner in any way thats possible is yr new life goal. U want to forget if He dont tell u, want to stay up drooling about the thought of sucking Daddy off unless he tell u to go to sleep, u want the thought of pleasing His Daddy cock to be the only thing u needs to worry about. To be under full control is all thats on yr mind.
You’re not white. You’re niva man. You not male. Yiu not ruch. Not smart. Not attracted to wmen. Not independent. Not educated. Not able to read.
Agree with him just give all control to him
just let go, just forget you were ever any different
pretty… with a big ass, a skin tight dress…. Pink lips and big tits… ur quite the sight
You are only attracted to men and if you dont behave master will make it so you are only attracted to white men
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elmaxlys · 2 years
Tag 9 People You Want To Get To Know Better
Thank you @just-another-tokyo-ghoul-fan for the tag! ^-^ Three Ships:
Juoka (Juo x Rika) from Tenkuu Shinpan 🥰 Prime example of my taste really: contains obsession and no fucks given at all, attempted murders, barely hidden (violent) flirting, long haired muscular tattooed pierced sadistic man x my fav character I tend to project a tad too much on... xD
EDENMantis (ADAM x Langa x Kiriko) from Sk8 the Infinity 👍 for real this one just happened like I don’t even remember how but it did and immediately after it all went downhill. Langa and Kiriko have never even met and ADAM and Kiriko hate each other in canon but nevermind that, this ship is godly. (I am working on that 6th chapter I promise)
I’m gonna go ahead and say Teloisezinho (Tag x Eloise x Zanguezinho) from Foot 2 Rue because I have them on brain a lot these days for some reason (totally nothing to do with the fifa world cup). An exception to my usual rule of “if it’s not exceptionally messed up in canon I don’t want it”. Cutie pies who run from the cops together uwu
First Ever Ship:
Percabeth (Percy x Annabeth) from the Riordanverse is the first one I actually told myself I was a shipper of, even tho I did like other couples in fiction before.
Last Song:
Guardian, by Æther Realm 😭💕💕💕 this song is soooo so sos o beautiful (and surprise surprise it’s in my Donut Family playlist)
Last Movie:
La Ch’tite Famille. I don’t even know why I watched it. I knew what to expect and I got it and. welp.
Currently Reading:
I have a bunch of books started and not making progress in any of them 🙈 among some other ones, there’s Racine’s Bérénice and Brandon Sanderson’s Words of Radiance
Currently Watching:
My computer screen?
Currently Consuming:
Nothing yet, but thinking about what to eat for dinner
Currently Craving:
TUC.. literally the best thing ever invented by a human right along with instant noodles
I tag:
@space-diablo @origami10 @xchoco-mixturex @lokixfaith @downton-not-downtown-smh @lavander-aavaros @firehananas @matadorofheart @dhiatzs
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