#fuck Emmanuel acho
thegetdownrebooter · 8 days
The whites are turning on Caitlyn Clark for possibly being a democrat.
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joe9cool · 2 years
Collide-Justin Herbert-22
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A/N: This is fiction, I do not know the LA Chargers or anyone associated with them.
Sunday night football was something else.
AnnSophie and Sara were once again at Joe and Alisha's house. It was them and a few other castmates. The food spread was ridiculous. The drinks were pouring and it was only pregame.
This was a big game for the Chargers. She had been on twitter and saw Emmaunel Acho call Justin a 'social media quarterback' followed up by a dumb song. 
She was a hothead, she didn't like people she loved getting critiqued plus he was taking it too far in her opinion.
The first period was frustrating. But the good news was the Chargers defense was holding up really well. Joe echoed Sara's thoughts. "Our defense is actually good, and now our offense can't get shit done. Fucking Lombardi." Joe muttered before taking a shot.
One thing she learned quickly was that no real Chargers fan liked the Offensive Coordinator. Even Justin expressed severe frustration at moments. Well he never spoke about it openly to her, but she knew. The second period things started happening as Justin threw a touchdown pass to Mike. The whole room erupted in cheers! "Fuck you Emmanuel!" Sara hollered as everyone laughed. Okay, maybe she was feeling the Truly's she was drinking. She went over to the snack table and began to fill her plate up. She saw AnnSophie in the corner on her phone. 
"Who are you speaking to?" Startled, her friend almost dropped her phone. "What do you mean?"
Erika joined the girls and spoke. "You've been glued to your phone the entire night. I'm surprised you're even here. You don't care about football." Sara didn't tell Erika about AnnSophie's past with Joey. It wasn't her story to tell.  She went back to the question at hand. "So who is it?"
AnnSophie shrugged as she slipped her phone into the pocket of her jeans. "It's my agent, I have to be up early Tuesday to shoot the Ralph Lauren campaign. It was suspicious, her friend was smiling and giggling the entire time. Sara decided to just drop it. "It sucks that you're leaving tomorrow. I know it's selfish of me, but stay an extra week"
AnnSophie laughed. "I wish, but my mom and step-dad are bringing Lexi up to NY Tuesday. I'm going to try to get in contact with George about taking her another time."
This time their other castmate Samira stepped in. "Jesus, I'm sorry he's a damn deadbeat. He was the one all excited about having her, then he cheats on you and doesn't want to be a dad because you broke up with him."
AnnSophie shook her head. "It is what it is. I've decided that if he doesn't shape up by the end of 2023 I want to pursue full custody. I have saved all of the texts and proof that he is an absent father, and that Lexi would be better off without him. I mean all he did was throw her a birthday party and didn't even spend time with her?"
Sara sighed. She felt so bad for her goddaughter. She deserved a dad who would put her first. 
Erika cut in. "Well we will see you soon! You will be coming back in April for filming of the show. Everyone will be reunited, speaking of coming back. Sara, Justin knows you're leaving on January 5th? That's less than a month away."
She was stunned, that was out of left field. "I mean obviously we discussed it. We are doing long distance. I won't be gone the whole three months. I will be back at the end of January for the Fenty show. That's what? A week? We could spend time together."
Erika shook her head. "Yes but the Fenty fashion show has press. There's a pre show dinner you must attend. Plus Justin won't be in the playoffs. He probably will be in Oregon, or on a boys trip. I don't see how you can make it work
Maybe it was alcohol, or that her best friend decided to be out of pocket all of the sudden. "Is there something you want to talk about?"
Erika took a sip of her drink. "I'm just saying, you've only been together for what? Six months? And I know you've been working on your issues, but I'm just saying. I don't think it's gonna help that you're far away."
"Well we've matured alot, and now it's none of your business." Sara was clenching her plate, to the point where everything almost spilled over. Erika rebutted. "Well it is our business. We don't want to see you all heartbroken like Harry."
"Who the fuck do yo-"
"TOUCHDOWN!" The guys yelled. Samira grabbed Sara. "Okay guys let's get back to the game!" She didn't realize how much time had passed. They were at the end of the second quarter and Ekeler had managed to get the Chargers in a comfortable lead.
She saw Erika out the corner of her eye sulking in a corner. What the fuck was that about? It was supposed to be a good night and here she was trying to start a fight. Now granted, Sara and Erika had many fights over their twelve years of friendship. But it was always resolved quickly. What was all of the sudden so pressing? Especially when she thought about that incident in New York in front of her fans. 
During the end of halftime, Sara approached. "Hey" She stopped when Erika stood up straight. "I don't want to fight, and I apologize for the aggressive tone. But I just want to talk." Erika relaxed. "I'm sorry Sara, I was just upset." Sara was confused. "What is it about me and Justin?" Erika rolled her eyes. "It's not always about you and Justin okay? I'm going through personal issues with my family. But I always listen to your problems."
Sara was stunned. "Erika, I'm sorry that I made you feel that way. We just tell each other everything and that's how it's always been. You know you can just vent to me whenever you feel like it. Just call me up and say you need to talk about your family."
It was what bonded them together freshman year of high school. Erika's family wasn't wealthy, and her dad was too prideful to ask for money, even though the Wozniak's would offer to help them he would always refuse. Sara would always have Erika at her house for dinner, and make sure to give tons of leftovers for her parents and brother. "Erika, is it money or something they need?"
Her friend shook her head. "No, you pay me more than enough to send them some money. It's just my parents are always fighting, when I came home for Thanksgiving things just got worse. I think they might be heading for a divorce."
Sara hugged her friend. "Erika, I'm so sorry. Please don't feel like you can't tell me anything. I've been selfish, so wrapped up in Justin I haven't been talking to much outside of work."
Erika smiled. "I could have just sat you down and told you." Sara nodded. "Well AnnSophie leaves tomorrow. Why don't we have a day Tuesday where we just hang out? No work, no boys, nothing."
Erika smiled and looked at the television behind them. "You're gonna be exhausted after celebrating this win." Sure enough. The guys were hollering as the Chargers made a good field goal. Sara smiled. "I'll make sure to be energized for tomorrow."
"Alright guys tomorrow is Victory Monday! So enjoy it off! You guys earned it!" The group cheered as everyone began to get ready to go home. Justin was finished with media commitments and needed a nice long shower. He did a quick scrub off but wanted a real long bubble bath with a certain brunette that was waiting for him.
He grabbed all of his things and began to head out of the tunnel to the players lot. Justin walked by some media as he passed. He saw Taylor standing in the corner and began a light jog. His name was called as he kept running.
Quickly he got to the parking lot into his car. Taking a deep breath, he opened his texts.
Proud of you baby cakes.
He smiled and rolled his eyes. Sara was teasing him a few days ago about pet names. 
I'll pick up some food, you better be waiting naked for me.
He groaned when he got the text
I'm at Joe's house with the girls. Come pick me up. I rode with Erika
He had punched in the address Sara gave him into his navigation system and began driving.
Justin pulled up to the restaurant first and got their dishes. He got his favorite pasta and a salad and chicken Alfredo with their favorite canoli's. Maybe they can workout tomorrow.
He pulled up outside Joe's house expecting Sara to be waiting for him, however the front door opened and Joe came running out. "Get your fucking ass inside." Justin laughed. "Where's Sara?"
"Inside, I told her to stay there. You thought you could just pick her up and leave? No sir! Not after that performance!"Joe opened the driver's side and pulled Justin out of the car. He let himself be dragged by the shorter, inebriated man into the house. Once he entered, the group of five cheered loudly. He blushed, while Sara laughed and went up to him. Expecting a simple hug from him she squealed as he picked her up and swung her around the room. Planting a big kiss on her. The room hooped and hollered at the couple. Justin tasted the alcohol on her lips and knew she had a few herself.
Once they pulled away Sara smiled. "That was so fucking sexy of you to throw for almost 400yards in front of bitch ass Emmaunel Acho." He threw his head back and laughed loudly, not expecting his girlfriend to be so opinionated. 
Before they knew it, Justin had a shot glass in his hand, filled with a clear fluid that would be tequila. Joe shouted "To our social media quarterback taking off to the playoffs!" They all put their glasses in the air and cheered and took their shots. Justin made a face as the liquid burned his throat. Still holding Sara, she whispered into his ear. "So fucking sexy. You know I've always found you hot in uniform."
He growled low so know one would hear him. He spoke Into her lips. "Hmm I'm off tomorrow." He felt a pair of eyes on them, but didn't pay too much attention.  Sara turned around and addressed the group "Okay guys we are taking off"
"NOO! He just got here! We need to celebrate!" Joe started to pour another shot but Alisha stopped him. "You have had enough celebrating. You have a meeting with your agent tomorrow and you're going to have a massive headache." He protested as Alisha dragged him into the bedroom. It was a sign that the party ended, they all thanked the couple for hosting and to do this next week if they didn't go to the game. 
Before Sara got into Justin's car she yelled at AnnSophie. "Your flight is in the afternoon. I can take you." Her friend shook her head. "No need actually."
"Oh is Erika taking you?" She looked over at the other girl who was just as confused as Sara. AnnSophie smiled. "I have a driver coming. Enjoy your night and day. I will see you for the Fenty Show!" Sara ran over and hugged her friend. "Call me when you get back to New York, and Lexi's Christmas gifts will be in the mail." She hugged Erika "Don't forget Tuesday."
"Don't worry, I'll have a wheelchair rented and ready. " They both looked back at Justin, who was fidgeting with impatience. Sara laughed and hugged Erika, before going back to Justin’s silver porsche. Justin opened the door for her and helped her in as she was still feeling the drinks. “I have the food so you can sober up.” She reached over the middle to kiss his cheek, Justin smiled. “Baby please sit in your seat.”
“I really want to give you road head so bad.” Her hand went towards his crotch but he grabbed her hand with his larger one and placed a kiss to the back of it. “Not right now, as soon as we get home you can get on your knees.” She felt the wetness in between her legs.
Maybe she was drunk,or super horny, but it seemed like Justin pulled into his driveway faster than he normally would. He got out and grabbed the bags before helping Sara out and heading into his house. Nova hopped off the table (which she wasn’t supposed to be on) and walked up to them. Well Sara because she got on her knees and gathered the cat in her arms “Oh my baby! I missed you!” She kissed her soft fur. Justin rolled his eyes. “Hi Nova, I’m here too." He muttered sarcastically. He could have sworn that the cat glared at him as she was soaking up attention from her favorite human.
Once Nova was satisfied and walked away Justin dragged her over to the kitchen table to eat. They discussed the game, and she went over what happened at the party. Justin smiled as she quoted Joe's antics during key moments and his comments.
"I feel bad ya know? Joe is a good guy. It's just he's very-" 
Sara cut him off "boisterous? Obnoxious? Life of the party?" They shared a laugh. "Trust me I know. I've spent 12 hour days with him for four years."
"I'm glad Mike RSVPed for me." He smiled and Sara’s heart skipped a beat. "I'm glad I approached you, cause I know your ass wouldn't have." He laughed. "How long are you going to give me shit for not approaching you?"
"For the rest of my life." Justin liked the sound of that. He liked it a lot. "I'm sure I'll get shit from Mitch too."
Sara was quiet. Justin starred. "What's wrong?"
"My mother texted me. She wants me to come down for Christmas. To Pittsburgh."
Justin's face hardened. "I don't think you should go." He said in an angry voice. Sara was shocked. His tone changed. "I don't want to see you get hurt. After your Aunt and dad said to you."
"My mom says that Aunt Willa is going to the Hamptons with her husband's family. As well as my dad, he will probably be working in his study working on the Market for the new year." 
"My family is coming down, including Mitch and his girlfriend. I would like you to meet them, also you're leaving soon after, and I would like to spend as much time as possible." He looked down at his plate. "If you want to go, that's fine, I don't want to stop you. It's just I don't want to see you get hurt."
Tears gathered in her eyes and she got up to sit on his lap. "Baby, I'm not going. I know it upset my mom and sisters, but they understand. I would love to meet Mitch and his girlfriend. Oh my god that reminds me." 
She jumped up and out of the extra drawer in the kitchen she grabbed pen and paper. "I got to order gifts and everything. You must tell me what your parents want. Also what about your brothers?" She was scribbling away.
"Also food? Ooh I could bake or make a turkey." Justin got up and kissed her mid ramble about food allergies. "Stop. It will be fine. We don't really exchange gifts, maybe some small trinkets. As for food, My mom is ordering from the place down the road we like. If you want to make something for dessert that's fine." He smiled. "It's a no stress Christmas. That's how we always did it."
She smiled and wrapped her arms around him. "God we are total opposites. Christmas was fun, but everything was a big show you know?"
Justin cleared his throat. "Not to be nosey, but how much money do your parents have?"
She forgot he never looked stuff up about her. "Well I've always disclosed that my parents were wealthy. And that even though my parents were not supportive of me pursuing the arts and acting, I still had a security net if things failed. If I had told my dad I was quitting acting and going to business school he would have paid for everything in full."
She pulled away from Justin and pushed herself up on the counter. "My dad has investments in a few properties and my mom, though she didn't have as much money she got inheritances from family in the past. My parents are comfortable. I don't know how much exactly, but if I had to guess with all of the properties and stuff probably around five million."
His eyes widened. Yeah his parents took vacations and they were able to put them through sports and stuff, he and his brothers were responsible for their colleges and cars. Even then, Mitch refused to let Justin help him with student loans due to medical school. That was just who they were. They didn't want handouts, they wanted to earn everything. Call it a pride thing, but to the Herbert's, there was no better feeling than having that proclamation that you did it all yourself.
Justin tried to think of something to say without being rude. "I'm assuming your sisters have the same personality as you. How did you guys stay so humble? I've met people who are in sports who are so entitled."
Sara shook her head. "My parents always made us earn extra things. We got our basic necessities and then some. But when we got to sixteen we had to get jobs. Yes, we got our own cars once we got our license. But we had to help with insurance, and pay for our own gas. Still we realized that some of our classmates had to get jobs to help families with bills and it was so we could have money for clothes, makeup, and concerts." She laughed. 
He shook his head. "I'm sure you guys were constantly fighting over clothes."
"Well the others were. I couldn't," She looked down. "I have hips, and a stomach. Katie told me I took all the tits." He laughed while he squeezed her breasts. "Thank God for that." They kissed and it deepened. She moaned as he put his hand underneath her shirt to feel her breasts. He broke the kiss and she whined, wanting more. "Go to the bedroom, I'll clean all of this up." Referring to the "mess" on the kitchen counter. She rolled her eyes. Justin was such a neat freak that he couldn't just take her right there right now.
As she was going to the bedroom she yawned, the excitement of the day getting to her, along with all the drinks. She washed her makeup off, did her skincare, got naked (he was probably going to rip off her undergarments anyways) and she laid on the bed. Her eyes began to droop instantly and she forced herself to sit up to try to fight it off. When Justin entered the room he noticed immediately how tired she was.
He got undressed, and then slid under the covers. "Baby I thought we were going to-"
Justin kissed her. "Let's get some sleep first." She hummed and got underneath the covers. She cuddled up to Justin and felt something heavy on her back. She laughed when she heard his voice. "Jeez Nova." She smiled up at him. "She's fine. It feels good on my back." It didn't take long for all of them to fall asleep.
Sara woke up to the sound of running. There was ruckus in the next room. She sat up and looked over. Justin was on his back, sound asleep. She reached over and put on her glasses, her eyes still needing to adjust to the pitch black room.
Not too long after she discovered the noise. Nova scurried in and out, looking like a brown fluff ball zooming past her. She ran back in and jumped on the bed before jumping off and running out of the room. She silently giggled before getting out of bed gently so as not to disturb her partner and went to the kitchen. Nova was now running on the couch. Sara smiled at the sight. 
"Nova," she whispered. The Bengal glanced at her. "You need to not wake daddy up." She got herself a glass of water and went to sit next to the hyper cat. She looked around and noticed Nova didn't have a cat tree to climb. Well now she knew what to get the feline for Christmas.
Sara opened her laptop on the coffee table and went to Amazon. She didn't have to search long before she found a big cat tree with many shelves and hiding spots. Typing in Justin's address she clicked order, along with a few toys for her. 
She checked the status of other orders and saw the delivery date of gifts to her friend and sister's houses. Sara browsed for something for Mark, Holly, Patrick, and Mitch. She was at a loss.
Out of the corner of her eye she noticed the Tumblr tab opened to the blog she looked up when she first did her research on him. Despite saying she was past that there was a curiosity growing inside of her to look at the blog and see if anything was said about a potential relationship between her and Justin. As she went to click on the blog, Nova jumped on her lap and mowed. Forgetting the task she cuddled the cat. "Aww baby you tired yourself out with your zoomies"
"I forgot she even did that." Sara jumped and turned around to see Justin smiling in the doorway of his room. She laughed. "Why do you always scare me like that? How long have you been up?" He shook his head and took a seat on the couch next to her. Quickly she slammed the laptop closed. He raised an eyebrow at her. "What's the matter?"
She put the computer down. "I was ordering Christmas gifts and I don't want you to see." He smiled and grabbed her to lay her down with him on top of her. Her running her hands through his hair. "I need to cut it." He muttered
As much as she loved long hair she agreed. "Yeah you do." He smiled up at her. "Will you shave it off for me?"
She rolled her eyes. "Absolutely not. Do not get that cadet cut everyone again."
He laughed. "Can I get it short though?"
She thought about it. "Fine, I'll get used to it I guess." He laid his head back down. "I'll miss you so much." He muttered and Sara's heart broke. They only had less than three weeks left. As much as she tried to push it in the back of her mind she did dwell on it. She kissed the top of his head. "I'll facetime you everyday. You will be sick of me. Also I've been thinking." It was something she always wanted to do but being in the public eye with any relationship was a big risk. One wrong move and it could end up ruining both of their lives. But she trusted Justin, and wanted to do this with no one but him.
"We could make a sex tape." He stilled for a minute, and Sara wondered if she should eat her words until he sat up to look at her. "You mean film us having sex?" She nodded. "I think that's the definition of a sex tape. I mean, it would be something for us to enjoy while we are away from each other."
He looked down and she stammered. "I mean we sorta already crossed the line when we had phone sex and sent nudes."
He had forgotten about that. He deleted the picture of Sara's breasts from his phone and made sure to go to his icloud when he came down from post nut clarity. No one should see his love the way he sees her.
"I mean it would be hot, but filming on what?" He didn't want to use their phones.
She smiled.. "an old fashioned cam recorder. We make a cd and keep it in a lockbox." His eyes widened. "Wow, you're prepared" He didn't mean it negatively but he saw her face drop and quickly backtracked. "I just meant that you've been thinking about this." Her face relaxed and she laughed. "Well I'm going to be honest, you're the only one I trust making one with." 
His heart soared at those words. They spent the rest of the early morning with pros and cons of making tape. They fell asleep with them still being on the fence.
"So how was spending the off day with Justin?" Erika asked as they waited to be called for their facials. As promised, Sara took her friend and assistant out to a nice breakfast and a workout class before getting a mini spa day. "I'm surprised you can walk." Erika laughed, and she joined in. "I mean we did it early in the day. Then some of his friends came over for a small BBQ."
"Look at you being so domestic. Can you believe how much has changed since the pandemic?" It was true, before the pandemic her, Erika, and AnnSophie were constantly out clubbing in LA. When they were in NYC they were joined by Bella and Samira and they would be photographed at the hottest nightclubs. Once Harry and Sara were linked they were out at all the New York and London Hotspots. "Hey not to bring this up." Erika interrupted Sara's thinking. "But I saw Harry was back in Los Angeles."
Her friend was confused. "Didn't he just finish touring for two years? Why isn't he in London?" Erika shrugged. "Beats me. Maybe he is working on something."
Sara tried not to think of Harry and Olivia splitting. She didn't want him back by any means. She was happy, she had Justin. But Harry had contacted her before the breakup, would he come on stronger? And if so, what did he actually want? He was a persistent man. When he wanted something, he had to have it. 
Her train of thought broke when they were called and their skin was prepped. They chose a gold caviar facial. To be honest Sara would always see this stuff being done on the Kardashians and would laugh, but it piqued her interest. She also was scheduled for laser hair removal as well. They didn't talk much as the facials and treatments were getting done. Once they were out their skin was glowing and they felt rejuvenated.
They had lunch at a local hot spot while others looked on and photographers snapped away. It was a nice day, and Sara decided to spend the evening with her as well. She gave Justin a heads up since he was going to be at the practice facility. He replied back with 'k' and she knew he wasn't happy but understood she wanted to spend time with her friends.
In the evenings she and Erika made goofy tiktoks and drank while watching shitty reality television while they gossiped. It was a good night.
SoFi was party central. It was the company’s annual Christmas party, where all of the influences were socializing and taking advantage of the press and blogs. Kristen rolled her eyes at all of them. Granted, she did have a large following considering she was a college athlete. But these people were just treating every single corner like a photoshoot. Even at the damn snack table, she couldn't even reach her hand to grab a cracker because everyone had their phones to record an Instagram video.
Ignoring the glares, she poured a glass of the spiked punch and filled her plate up before she walked away.
And almost into another body.
Kristen's drink spilled a little on her wrist. "Oh my god I'm so sorry!" A soft male voice took a napkin and started dabbing. She smiled. "It's fine, it's only the wrist."
"No seriously, let me get you another drink. Before she could protest she saw him walk over to the table and interrupt all the others still taking video and pictures to fill another glass. He came back over and handed it to her. "It's the least I can do."
Kristen smiled and took it. "Thanks." After a few awkward minutes she decided to start up the conversation. "So you work for the company or?"
"Oh no! I'm a photographer with OK! Magazine.I do all of the events that celebrities and influences go to, and as you can see there is no shortage here." He gestured to the table he just came from. She laughed. "What about you?"
"I do the marketing here at SoFi." He nodded. "How do you like it?"
"I love it! I just moved to Los Angeles from Colorado so it's a culture change."
The man smiled. "Oh I bet, growing up in cold weather to sunny LA? That's a change."
"Oh I'm not from Colorado. I was born and raised in Eugene Oregon. I played sports at the University of Oregon."
The man's interest seemed to grow. "Really? Oh I've been searching Oregon for some project and I've decided to take my boyfriend there on vacation. Is Eugene a good place?"
Kristen was excited, finally someone in this town was interested to know about her home state. "Well to be honest, Eugene isn't a place for tourists unless you want to spend time at the University. I would say more on the outskirts of Portland is your area."
They spoke more about the area, not realizing how much time had passed until David approached. "Hey babe, I'm sorry, I was exploring the arena. You know they let us go on the field!" He wrapped his arm around her. "Actually your boss is looking for you to get everything ready for the charity event."
"Oh Jeez! I forgot about that." She looked at the guy she had been talking to. "It was nice talking to you and thank you for the drink!" She went to leave but then remembered something "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry I don't think we got each other's names." She stuck her hand out. "I'm Kristen"
The man smiled and shook it.
"I'm Jack Lange."
A.N. Hey I said I’d get them through the Holiday’s. You all remember Jack?
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cyarskj1899 · 2 years
Dear MSM,
Nobody wants to hear from the following Black Men
- Van Jones
- Eddie Glaude, Jr.
-Emmanuel Acho
They are NOT F.U.B.U. Period.
Also And fuck
@WhitlockJason too!
Your mother was a single BLACK WOMAN.. who supervised your bitch ass when your father chose gambling over your family.
It’s always been fuck you!!!
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kcyars99 · 2 months
The exponential increase in death threats to Black WNBA players is a direct result of white supremacists, who never watched basketball until Caitlin Clark came into the league, and are now threatening the lives of her opponents. Stephen A. Smith, Shannon Sharp, Emmanuel Acho, Charles Barkley, and LeBron James will defend Clark, but not the Black women who are being threatened. #KaitlinKlarkKlan
And as much as I don’t hate Clark these nigpene clit worshiping her while not standing by a black woman getting unfairly hated and her life threatened is making me say fuck black men who don’t give a fuck about a black womens health and her mental stated of mind and fuck Caitlin Clark in asscoiation
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akuasucc · 3 years
emmanuel acho needs to shut the fuck up
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carlottastudios · 4 years
Please Read 2.0 Part 2: Black Lives Matter
I know that I’m way behind when it comes to talking about this, and I have some reasons for why I’m so behind the curve when it comes to publicly discussing Black Lives Matter, but those reasons are not what’s most important right now. Even my timing isn’t the most important thing right now, because BLM isn’t a trend that one can ignore after the media has become bored with it. It’s a human rights issue and to ignore it completely is to be complicit in the systemic oppression that’s hurting and crushing so many innocent people. I know that’s not something my followers probably want to hear from me and I understand if I lose some followers because I’m saying this. Believe me, I get it. It was a hard pill for me to swallow too. But here’s the thing: Black lives matter. They have always mattered. They still matter. And they will always, always, matter. And being silent about that is not going to help. Being silent is being complicit. I know that’s not the intention of many of those who are silent on this issue but the sad truth is that intention alone won’t change things for the better. So, I’m not going to be silent about this. Granted, my non-silence isn’t going to be very loud, but I hope that it’ll count for something. As a white woman, I understand that my voice isn’t the one that most needs to be heard right now. In light of that, the biggest advice I have to anyone reading or watching this is to educate yourself. If you only take one (1) thing away from this post, I hope it’ll be that. Here is a list of books by anti-racism researcher Victoria Alexander that I highly recommend consulting for self-education: https://twitter.com/victoriaalxndr/status/1266829408268095493 Personally, I particularly recommend So You Want to Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo. I finished the audiobook not long ago and I thought it was simply amazing! Not an easy listen, obviously, and my anxiety had a field day in terms of fucking with me and my mental state while I listened to it, but it was eye-opening and informative and I’m of the opinion it should be required reading. I also recommend checking out Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates. (Haven’t read it yet, but I plan to soon.) Here is another list of books focussing on racism, this one from Left Bank Books: https://www.left-bank.com/black-lives-matter And if you can afford to buy these books, here is a list of black-owned online bookstores you can support by buying from: https://afrotech.com/10-black-owned-online-bookstores-to-support-while-at-home If you’re more of an audio/visual person, here’s a very small list of videos I recommend checking out: Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man (by Emmanuel Acho): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h8jUA7JBkF4 Reflecting on the Color of My Skin (by Marques Brownlee): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-_WXXVye3Y Black Voices / Black History (a playlist compiled by the vlogbrothers): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBFYQu1ZYD0&list=PLMs_JcuNozJb9oaX6KT1l_-T7tZuVU_9X If you can donate, I’ve also gathered this small list of causes and organizations you can donate to: #8CantWait: https://8cantwait.org/ The National Police Acountability Project: https://www.nlg-npap.org/ WeLoveLakeStreet: https://www.welovelakestreet.com/ Bail Funds for protesters in the US: https://bailfunds.github.io/ & https://twitter.com/MNFreedomFund/status/1265735264242225152 & https://secure.actblue.com/donate/bailfundscovid The Legal Defense Fund for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People: https://org2.salsalabs.com/o/6857/p/salsa/donation/common/public/?donate_page_KEY=15780&_ga=2.13037815.1194109420.1591017812-2110999123.1591017812 Campaign Zero: https://www.joincampaignzero.org/ And if you can’t donate, signing petitions is free, so here is a list of as many as I could find and sign as of my finishing this post: Make Juneteenth a national holiday: http://chng.it/FYSwYDgWBZ Justice for Tony McDade: http://chng.it/wXNMTj7nJ8 Justice for George Floyd: http://chng.it/CpCgq5KcHG Justice for Ahmaud Arbery! I Run with Maud!: http://chng.it/BYCv5q62qz Hands Up Act: http://chng.it/vNyYpBVjmn Murder Charges for 4 Minneapolis Police Officers in Killing of George Floyd: http://chng.it/fksCXy4CSJ Justice for Crystal Mason: http://chng.it/QBYrcCvgKN Justice for Breonna Taylor: http://chng.it/hr6rn52fhS Julius Jones Is Innocent. Don’t let him be executed by the state of Oklahoma: http://chng.it/672JPqF4hM Justice for Belly Mujinga: http://chng.it/CYCHJrVTxp Fire Racist Criminal Michael J Reynolds from the NYPD: http://chng.it/BmqxXfCbhD Disbarment of George E. Barnhill: http://chng.it/rjTwvXfLCf Justice for Joāo Pedro: http://chng.it/t6bRHj4r7B JUSTICE FOR REGIS KORCHINSKI-PAQUET: http://chng.it/MpspcLwCZh Willie Simmons has served 38 years for a $9 robbery: http://chng.it/nmHsN5dVnw Refus de la loi visant à empêcher la diffusion des images de violences policières (translation from French: refusing the law to stop posting instances of police brutality): http://chng.it/tCjSpMjVc2 Justice for Sean: http://chng.it/Ny6WQ6M8CR Justice for Kendrick Johnson: http://chng.it/qCFvYxYS2j Justice for Tamir Rice: http://chng.it/jNTK6nXHjK Justice for Regis Korchinski-paquet: http://chng.it/xvjxzVKzxr Criminal Charges for Travis & Greg McMichael in the murder of Ahmaud Arbery: http://chng.it/jbSwjphhDy And because my list is only a small fraction of the thousands of resources you can find out there (and because I just love lists), here are lists of resources you can consult and contribute to (also, for your curiosity’s sake, this is how I found most of the petitions I signed): BLM resources doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jsCO7zuVvpj4gWyheDZ1jH2i83hVUsYLjEhsLnl9-8c/edit# Anti-racist resource guide (by Victoria Alexander): https://www.victorialynnalexander.com/antiracistresourceguide Blacklivesmatter.carrd.co: https://blacklivesmatters.carrd.co/ I hope that you will consider checking out these resources and/or spreading the word about them. Your non-silence doesn’t have to look like mine or like that of an activist worthy of the title (which I don’t think I can consider myself as because, again, my voice in this is pretty quiet). You don’t have to stop your whole life to throw yourself into this cause (although if you want to, I won’t stop you) and you definitely shouldn’t forgo your own mental and emotional health for this or any cause. I mention this because 1. I care about mental health issues, 2. It’s relevant to me and I’m biased, and 3. I made the mistake of worsening my own mental health when I first started learning of this and I don’t anyone else to. My point here is that no one is alone in this and every action in favour of this cause, every bit of non-silence, can help. Thank you so very much for reading/watching this and hopefully checking out these resources, stay safe and take care of yourselves. Black lives matter.
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writtenbyme-c · 4 years
You understand using a human rights movement for your fanfiction is poor form, right? This is like, real life fucked up politics, not a fiction. Please listen to black voices before you make a post like that.
Again I'm incredibly sorry and disappointed in myself that I hadn't considered this before posting.
I've always considered art to be a marvellous way of talking about key issues and bringing awareness to them. If fact, I recently finished a short course about Writing for Social Justice so that I could hone that specific skill.
My headcanon was not intended to make light of the Black Lives Matter movement but rather draw attention to it.
Over the past year I've made a conscious effort to listen to and amplify Black voices and the idea that I have let that slip upsets me. I truly am so sorry.
In an effort to rectify this error I'd like to point my followers (however few there may be), and whoever else may come across this post, in the direction of some Black voices I have found to be particularly enlightening:
Emmanuel Acho:
Munroe Bergdorf
Indya Moore
0 notes
junker-town · 6 years
THIS WEEK IN SCHADENFREUDE, Texas is just hopping mad
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Texas leads a wide-ranging tour of the angry college football internet after Week 9.
Welcome back to THIS WEEK IN SCHADENFREUDE, your weekly rocket ship ride through the most infuriated regions of the college football galaxy. Last week, this page focused exclusively on Ohio State, because that was the only logical choice. This week, we’re taking a journey around a small handful of furious fanbases on the internet.
Texas lost to Oklahoma State, knocking the Longhorns out of the top 10.
Though they remain in the thick of a chaotic Big 12 race, it’s a disappointing moment for Tom Herman’s bunch. Said one Longhorn fan afterward:
I don’t want to watch football anymore
That was the title of a message board thread. This was the profound body:
And there you have it.
A former Texas linebacker got into a fast-escalating online beef with a current Texas cornerback, who’d been suspended for the first quarter.
Ex-Horn Emmanuel Acho initially defended the suspended Kris Boyd, because Texas sitting down a starting cornerback had the side effect of helping OSU get lots of yards:
I understand all the, “teach your players a lesson” tweets, but YALL understand, if Saban benched players everytime they violated team or American laws, Bama might not have a single national title.
— Emmanuel Acho (@thEMANacho) October 28, 2018
But then Acho — who’s now an ESPN analyst — got rougher.
Bruh, you can’t be late to meetings THEN come out here and get mossed. Your team needs you. #Texas #OkState
— Emmanuel Acho (@thEMANacho) October 28, 2018
And then he used the “trash” word ...
I can’t watch this dude play defense anymore. It’s actually trash. If you know. You know. #Texas
— Emmanuel Acho (@thEMANacho) October 28, 2018
... and said he wasn’t talking specifically about Boyd, but, uh:
Naw I feel u, and I didn’t say I was talking about Kris, I would never put nobody on front street like that... but anybody who feels that tweet applies to them should probably step up. I played hella trash games in my day lol. U grow and move on u feel me
— Emmanuel Acho (@thEMANacho) October 28, 2018
How’d Boyd respond? Aggressively.
Boyd going straight after Acho on Instagram. Smart. pic.twitter.com/0LuqqMGzl4
— Burnt Orange Nation (@BON_SBNation) October 28, 2018
Fortunately for Boyd, INSTAGRAM ASSAULT is not a violation of team rules.
One fan had a spicy take about what should be done to the game’s officiating crew: They should all be handed over to the mob.
Refs are screwing us again
The offsides on that 4th down was f%<*¥ing criminal. Somebody send the mafia to threaten the refs to pay these dickheads back for 2015.
Texas fans were livid at the officiating in 2015’s OSU-UT game, when a few apparent officiating errors went against the Horns. Every other Big 12 fan in the universe thought it was deeply ironic to see Texas fans upset about refs.
(Texas actually had a legit beef about that offside call, yeah. Oklahoma State sent a bunch of guys in a “motion” that looked a lot like emulating live play, and refs didn’t call a false start, but instead penalized the Horns for jumping off. The Horns also probably got away with a penalty in their end zone later in the game. Either way, Sicilian crime families must get involved.)
This Horns fan was MAD and only got MADDER when nobody wanted to join in being EXTREMELY MAD.
User TexasHorn started this thread on the team’s 247Sports message board before Texas’ body was even cold, while it was still the second half:
Dan Neil, we have our answer, NO, Texas is not mature enough to handle success
Being destroyed on national television - not sure if the Horns can recover before next week because wvu has a better team than osu
Nobody responded, so they added:
Sorry for being honest - where am I wrong guys, seriously?
Any one thrilled with this performance?
Still, nobody responded, so they added again:
Explain the off sides guys - want to argue the complete joke comment?
So tired or posting without any response - gutless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Finally, someone replied:
We’re playing scared like a bunch of pussies. Coaches and players.
Persistence always pays off.
THIS WEEK IN SCHADENFREUDE is usually about fans, but Tom Herman is now the second head coach to make an appearance, thanks to the end of the game.
This is the sort of sprinting velocity that can only be generated by pure anger.
Recap of Tom Herman & Mike Gundy in the late scrap, their postgame handshake and Gundy's interview explanation pic.twitter.com/CMzJpKwzpw
— CJ Fogler (@cjzer0) October 28, 2018
(Herman and Mike Gundy are fine.)
Herman joins Jeremy Pruitt, who kicked a whiteboard and was thus included by rule:
Hey Knoxville... how's it going? #UFvsUT pic.twitter.com/HxplOn0uRQ
— Mike Gillespie (@MikeABCColumbia) September 23, 2018
Washington lost to Cal as a disappointing season became a total failure.
The Huskies are not even making a New Year’s Six bowl in Jake Browning’s senior year, two years after getting to the Playoff with him as a sophomore.
In some corners of the web, faith’s running short in Chris Petersen.
At HardcoreHusky.com, someone started a thread: People you have more faith in than CP, reflecting the fanbase’s growing impatience with Petersen, whose job titles are head coach, Guy Who Won a Million Games at Boise State, and Guy Who Got Washington to the College Football Playoff.
This was the only thing there:
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Photo by Stephen Chernin/Getty Images
This was another fan’s measured response:
Someone urged this poster to say calm:
Stay positive! Fuck Petersen!
But this blunt response to the loss pretty much summed it up:
We lost to cal
Lol I’m done. Fuck Husky football. Fuck Petersen. Fuck Browning. Fuck Haener. Fuck everything. Roll tide.
Maybe that sounds harsh, but UW fans have wanted Bama since early in 2016:
Settle down, Washington pic.twitter.com/4lnFCfcJ4i
— College Football by SB Nation (@SBNationCFB) September 3, 2016
Miami lost to Boston College, which means it’s time to look at how Hurricanes fans responded to the team’s official Twitter account in real time.
When Miami loses, checking Twitter’s important, because Canes fans are always the most direct in college football. The classic of this genre:
I’m gonna jump off a building
— Heat 3x (@Jbazo5D) September 3, 2018
As Boston College put a thumping on the Canes, fans responded well. Just follow along with various score updates and quarter breaks.
1. After the first Boston College score:
Already with the bs
— Howard Webster (@TbearCane17) October 26, 2018
2. After, um, a Miami score:
— Carlos Marante (@ItsACanesThing5) October 27, 2018
3. After another BC score:
Is this a retweet?
— Tucker McFall (@RealTuckMcFall) October 26, 2018
4. End of the first quarter!
— Brandon English (@BEnglish007) October 26, 2018
5. After some ostensibly good news?
Way to look at the bright side.
— Brandon English (@BEnglish007) October 27, 2018
6. After an actual good play:
Throw the ball in front of the receiver and it could've been 6
— Christopher Gray (@Barclayallday26) October 27, 2018
7. After a touchdown by Miami:
How on Gods green earth do you have a -5 yard punt return, inside the 10-yard line, with not one but TWO blocks in the back on the return? That's piss poor
— Tucker McFall (@RealTuckMcFall) October 27, 2018
8. After a defensive stop by Miami:
We must be trying to run the clock out....ridiculous
— umcane (@umcane26) October 27, 2018
9. Halftime!
Yes a dogfight with BC! Proud day for the Canes.
— Bryant Jensen (@Bjensen630) October 27, 2018
10. After another good play by Miami’s defense:
BC knows our QB can’t hit the side of a barn further than ten yards so they playing up on the line
— solidlifefitness (@solidlifefitnes) October 27, 2018
11. A little later:
This guy is worse than Jacory Harris
— The Bad Hombre (@jbjammin34) October 27, 2018
12. Things getting desperate:
Get Jimmy Johnson out of retirement
— John Bennett (@DirtyBirdz19) October 27, 2018
13. The Turnover Chain is out! This is good for Miami!
This is the most remedial offense I've ever seen
— The Bad Hombre (@jbjammin34) October 27, 2018
14. End of the third quarter!
Social Media dude.. let Coach know Malik ain't it. Thanks boss.
— Joey Inza (@JoeyInza) October 27, 2018
15. Game over.
— Nick Alvarez (@NicksTake22) October 27, 2018
I’ve said it before, but Miami fans are the overprotective relative who will roast you all day but threaten to burn down the house of anyone else who criticizes you.
I respect and fear them in equal measure.
Ultimately, it was best to just step away.
recap, 3 stars, good, bad, and ugly up on https://t.co/W9gmsOyW7d i have nothing else to say. i'm going to play #RDR2 bye.
— StateOfTheU.com (@TheStateOfTheU) October 27, 2018
Florida lost to Georgia, ending the Gators’ dreams of winning the SEC East.
Gators fans were actually pretty reasonable about it. I don’t have jokes. I’m just making the note here so that you know I was as disappointed to learn this as you were. I checked.
In all kinds of weather, y'all, and go Gators pic.twitter.com/jTaaNcXnvS
— BUM CHILLUPS (@edsbs) October 27, 2018
And TCU lost to Kansas, thus earning automatic inclusion as the last team on this list.
Things are dark in Fort Worth.
Is this how Baylor Feels?
For the first time I am embarrassed to wear my TCU gear in public.
The last spot in this list is now just tradition, devoted to any team that might lose to Kansas in a given week.
In Week 3, a Rutgers fan asked after losing to KU: “What stage of grief are you in?”
They have grinded me down into not caring about college football at all just like the Knicks and the Mets have done in basketball and baseball respectively. In a way it’s good. I can enjoy my kids without having to give a hoot about the scores on Saturdays.
Before that, in Week 2, a fan of the MAC’s Central Michigan wrote this:
Fire Bonamego
I know I’ll hear a lot of the usual “it’s too soon in the season” and “MAC play hasn’t even started”, but I’ve been a die-hard supporter of the football program and I EXPECT us to compete against the power teams every year. There’s no reason that we can’t be like Boise State or better. We need to strive to be better and we shouldn’t settle for mediocracy.
Again, that was a MAC fan distraught about losing to a Big 12 team.
Congrats to the Horned Frogs and their fans on joining this prestigious club.
0 notes
It's Not Just LeBron James — SO MANY Sports Stars Are Making Donald Trump Look Like A Fool!
how I looked younger without plastic surgery
Not only are NBA and NFL stars using Saturday morning to make Donald Trump look like a complete idiot (and a white supremacist bigot), they're using his very favorite method of communication to do it!!
So great!!
As we reported earlier this morning, The Donald drew a TON of controversy from dis-inviting the NBA's Golden State Warriors from the White House after star Stephen Curry's anti-Trump comments.
Couple that with Trump's bizarre and highly unacceptable comments about football last night in Alabama, too.
Related: Trump Blocked Stage 4 Cancer Patient For Criticizing Him
But now, things are going a step further: the sports world is busting back!!! We are SO here for this!!!
Ch-ch-check out ALL these athletes who are absolutely DRAGGING Donald Trump over his outright bigotry and incredible pettiness (below)!!!
The behavior of the President is unacceptable and needs to be addressed. If you do not Condemn this divisive Rhetoric you are Condoning it!! — Richard Sherman (@RSherman_25) September 23, 2017
Does anyone tell trump to stick to politics, like they tell us to stick to sports? Smh. — Eric Ebron (@Ebron85) September 23, 2017
Where was Trumps "son of a bitch" comments when the racists gathered in Charlottesville?! He spoke about them in a respectable way smh — Jermon Bushrod (@j_bushrod7475) September 23, 2017
#Kaepernick we riding with you bro ✊🏾 — Reggie Bush (@ReggieBush) September 23, 2017
We will never back down. We no longer can afford to stick to sports. http://pic.twitter.com/Ec3Bc4qt9h — DeMaurice Smith (@DeSmithNFLPA) September 23, 2017
Continue to use your voices and your platforms for racial equality and to stop injustices in our communities. This is bigger than us!!! ✊🏿 — Michael Thomas (@Michael31Thomas) September 23, 2017
Trump!! 😔😔😔😔😔😔😔 — Thomas Davis (@ThomasDavisSDTM) September 23, 2017
It is a sad day when the #POTUS seeks to disregard and punish American citizens for peacefully exercising their constitutional rights. https://t.co/QPvrKDS29D — Benjamin Watson (@BenjaminSWatson) September 23, 2017
What an emphatic response, where was this passion in response to Charlottesville...🤔 https://t.co/OkVZTdloXx — Max Garcia (@MGarcia_76) September 23, 2017
With everything that's going on in our country, why are YOU focused on who's kneeling and visiting the White House??? #StayInYoLane — Chris Paul (@CP3) September 23, 2017
And I doubt he's man enough to call any of those players a son of a bitch to their face... — Chris Paul (@CP3) September 23, 2017
Everything @jemelehill said seem just about 100% accurate now it was 99.9 trump,NFL owners ... read between the lines it's clear #woke — LaMike james (@LaMichaelJames) September 23, 2017
One more time in case he or they didn’t get it the first time. Fuck you @realDonaldTrump & stay away from our sport. — DEC Management (@davidcanter) September 23, 2017
It's amazing that the most divisive person in this entire country is the President of the United States...he says whatever he wants — Torrey Smith (@TorreySmithWR) September 23, 2017
Ppl said it was disrespectful not going to the White House..I’m sure they are quiet about us being called "sons of bitches" 🤦🏿‍♂️(D-Mac) — Devin&Jason McCourty (@McCourtyTwins) September 23, 2017
It's really sad man ... our president is a asshole — Lesean McCoy (@CutonDime25) September 23, 2017
I'm a full supporter of the Flag & This country! Trust Me! But this can't be real! https://t.co/GAPkZPB8hz — Rishard Matthews (@_RMatthews) September 23, 2017
It's a shame and disgrace when you have the President of the US calling citizens of the country sons of a bitches. — Bishop Sankey (@BishopSankey) September 23, 2017
So the BLACK NFL PLAYERS are SON OF A BITCH now WOW — Chris Baker (@cbakerswaggy) September 23, 2017
Why is it that there is an issue with the idea of white supremacy but not the white supremacists themselves? 45 can’t condone them, when he is one of them. It will be interesting to see how the NFL owners who did donate to 45’s cause in the White House, will respond. Now is a time for players to take a stronger stand, no longer thinking it doesn’t involve them directly. When everyone goes out on that field to play, beliefs, ethnicities, religions, and way of life mean nothing. Being the best means everything. Football has provided purpose and direction to countless, and yet, the same field on which they have freedom to play, they don’t have the freedom to kneel to stand up for their own rights? When you are the majority group in a league, you have the power to change history. That requires our own boycotting of attending and watching games as well. Even if your organizations don’t stand behind you, we do. #StandWithKaep #BiggerThanTheGame #NFLBoycott #ItStartsWithUsA post shared by Josh Powell (@josh21powell) on Sep 23, 2017 at 8:06am PDT
WHITE SUPREMACIST IN THE OVAL OFFICE!!! Donald J Trump — Adewale Ogunleye (@aotheprince93) September 23, 2017
Trump stay in ur place... football have nothing to do wit u smh — Zach Brown (@ZachBrown_55) September 23, 2017
When will people learn that fear won’t make someone sit down. It quite possibly will make more stand up for what they believe in. — Chris Conley (@_flight17_) September 23, 2017
😳😳😳 yo this man is wildin’!!!!! https://t.co/KZOnGrKUd4 — Emmanuel Acho (@thEMANacho) September 23, 2017
So Trumpster is more mad at "son of a bi!@&" athletes than he was the neo-nazi's in Charlottesville. How am I not surprised? — Lance Moore (@LanceMoore16) September 23, 2017
Why people think pro atheletes are put on this earth just to play sports??? Baffles me! — Jalen Reeves-Maybin (@ReevesMaybin) September 23, 2017
Something is really wrong with him. It's 2017 and this guy is really the president of the United States! He's not my president! ✊🏾✊️✊🏻#Unity https://t.co/K94eSLyEid — Earl Wolff (@Ewolff28) September 23, 2017
Only validates @Kaepernick7 bringing social injustice to light, he kneeled hoping it'd bring attention to what he believed in... Has it not? — cameron jordan (@camjordan94) September 23, 2017
Your a Clown 🤡. @realDonaldTrump - and yo dumbass fired !! @StephenCurry30
For President !!! — Baron Davis (@BaronDavis) September 23, 2017
Steph "very well thought, and eloquently presented ". Thank you for speaking for the majority. A "Mr October tip of the cap" — Reggie Jackson (@mroctober) September 23, 2017
Back in the day when it used to mean something 🤷🏾‍♂️ http://pic.twitter.com/ZiM27G4rvd — Kelechi Osemele (@KOseven0) September 23, 2017
So inspiring!!
More athletes need to speak out!! Don't just stick to sports!!
[Image via Ulrich Stamm/Future Image/WENN.]
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latoyarubalcava3546 · 7 years
It's Not Just LeBron James — SO MANY Sports Stars Are Making Donald Trump Look Like A Fool!
Not only are NBA and NFL stars using Saturday morning to make Donald Trump look like a complete idiot (and a white supremacist bigot), they're using his very favorite method of communication to do it!!
So great!!
As we reported earlier this morning, The Donald drew a TON of controversy from dis-inviting the NBA's Golden State Warriors from the White House after star Stephen Curry's anti-Trump comments.
Couple that with Trump's bizarre and highly unacceptable comments about football last night in Alabama, too.
Related: Trump Blocked Stage 4 Cancer Patient For Criticizing Him
But now, things are going a step further: the sports world is busting back!!! We are SO here for this!!!
Ch-ch-check out ALL these athletes who are absolutely DRAGGING Donald Trump over his outright bigotry and incredible pettiness (below)!!!
The behavior of the President is unacceptable and needs to be addressed. If you do not Condemn this divisive Rhetoric you are Condoning it!! — Richard Sherman (@RSherman_25) September 23, 2017
Does anyone tell trump to stick to politics, like they tell us to stick to sports? Smh. — Eric Ebron (@Ebron85) September 23, 2017
Where was Trumps "son of a bitch" comments when the racists gathered in Charlottesville?! He spoke about them in a respectable way smh — Jermon Bushrod (@j_bushrod7475) September 23, 2017
#Kaepernick we riding with you bro ✊🏾 — Reggie Bush (@ReggieBush) September 23, 2017
We will never back down. We no longer can afford to stick to sports. http://pic.twitter.com/Ec3Bc4qt9h — DeMaurice Smith (@DeSmithNFLPA) September 23, 2017
Continue to use your voices and your platforms for racial equality and to stop injustices in our communities. This is bigger than us!!! ✊🏿 — Michael Thomas (@Michael31Thomas) September 23, 2017
Trump!! 😔😔😔😔😔😔😔 — Thomas Davis (@ThomasDavisSDTM) September 23, 2017
It is a sad day when the #POTUS seeks to disregard and punish American citizens for peacefully exercising their constitutional rights. https://t.co/QPvrKDS29D — Benjamin Watson (@BenjaminSWatson) September 23, 2017
What an emphatic response, where was this passion in response to Charlottesville...🤔 https://t.co/OkVZTdloXx — Max Garcia (@MGarcia_76) September 23, 2017
With everything that's going on in our country, why are YOU focused on who's kneeling and visiting the White House??? #StayInYoLane — Chris Paul (@CP3) September 23, 2017
And I doubt he's man enough to call any of those players a son of a bitch to their face... — Chris Paul (@CP3) September 23, 2017
Everything @jemelehill said seem just about 100% accurate now it was 99.9 trump,NFL owners ... read between the lines it's clear #woke — LaMike james (@LaMichaelJames) September 23, 2017
One more time in case he or they didn’t get it the first time. Fuck you @realDonaldTrump & stay away from our sport. — DEC Management (@davidcanter) September 23, 2017
It's amazing that the most divisive person in this entire country is the President of the United States...he says whatever he wants — Torrey Smith (@TorreySmithWR) September 23, 2017
Ppl said it was disrespectful not going to the White House..I’m sure they are quiet about us being called "sons of bitches" 🤦🏿‍♂️(D-Mac) — Devin&Jason McCourty (@McCourtyTwins) September 23, 2017
It's really sad man ... our president is a asshole — Lesean McCoy (@CutonDime25) September 23, 2017
I'm a full supporter of the Flag & This country! Trust Me! But this can't be real! https://t.co/GAPkZPB8hz — Rishard Matthews (@_RMatthews) September 23, 2017
It's a shame and disgrace when you have the President of the US calling citizens of the country sons of a bitches. — Bishop Sankey (@BishopSankey) September 23, 2017
So the BLACK NFL PLAYERS are SON OF A BITCH now WOW — Chris Baker (@cbakerswaggy) September 23, 2017
Why is it that there is an issue with the idea of white supremacy but not the white supremacists themselves? 45 can’t condone them, when he is one of them. It will be interesting to see how the NFL owners who did donate to 45’s cause in the White House, will respond. Now is a time for players to take a stronger stand, no longer thinking it doesn’t involve them directly. When everyone goes out on that field to play, beliefs, ethnicities, religions, and way of life mean nothing. Being the best means everything. Football has provided purpose and direction to countless, and yet, the same field on which they have freedom to play, they don’t have the freedom to kneel to stand up for their own rights? When you are the majority group in a league, you have the power to change history. That requires our own boycotting of attending and watching games as well. Even if your organizations don’t stand behind you, we do. #StandWithKaep #BiggerThanTheGame #NFLBoycott #ItStartsWithUsA post shared by Josh Powell (@josh21powell) on Sep 23, 2017 at 8:06am PDT
WHITE SUPREMACIST IN THE OVAL OFFICE!!! Donald J Trump — Adewale Ogunleye (@aotheprince93) September 23, 2017
Trump stay in ur place... football have nothing to do wit u smh — Zach Brown (@ZachBrown_55) September 23, 2017
When will people learn that fear won’t make someone sit down. It quite possibly will make more stand up for what they believe in. — Chris Conley (@_flight17_) September 23, 2017
😳😳😳 yo this man is wildin’!!!!! https://t.co/KZOnGrKUd4 — Emmanuel Acho (@thEMANacho) September 23, 2017
So Trumpster is more mad at "son of a bi!@&" athletes than he was the neo-nazi's in Charlottesville. How am I not surprised? — Lance Moore (@LanceMoore16) September 23, 2017
Why people think pro atheletes are put on this earth just to play sports??? Baffles me! — Jalen Reeves-Maybin (@ReevesMaybin) September 23, 2017
Something is really wrong with him. It's 2017 and this guy is really the president of the United States! He's not my president! ✊🏾✊️✊🏻#Unity https://t.co/K94eSLyEid — Earl Wolff (@Ewolff28) September 23, 2017
Only validates @Kaepernick7 bringing social injustice to light, he kneeled hoping it'd bring attention to what he believed in... Has it not? — cameron jordan (@camjordan94) September 23, 2017
Your a Clown 🤡. @realDonaldTrump - and yo dumbass fired !! @StephenCurry30
For President !!! — Baron Davis (@BaronDavis) September 23, 2017
Steph "very well thought, and eloquently presented ". Thank you for speaking for the majority. A "Mr October tip of the cap" — Reggie Jackson (@mroctober) September 23, 2017
Back in the day when it used to mean something 🤷🏾‍♂️ http://pic.twitter.com/ZiM27G4rvd — Kelechi Osemele (@KOseven0) September 23, 2017
So inspiring!!
More athletes need to speak out!! Don't just stick to sports!!
[Image via Ulrich Stamm/Future Image/WENN.]
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collymore · 7 years
Bedoffilydd, mam briod tair a odinebwraig eisiau bod Ffrainc Lady Cyntaf!
Gan Stanley Collymore
gwleidyddiaeth y Gorllewin yn nwylo a reolir manipulatively gan indoctrinated imperialistically, rhoi ar waith yn obsesiynol a hyrwyddwyr cyfalafiaeth Seionaidd Natsïaid a buddiolwyr yn dda-sodlau wedi gweld yr olaf yn hawdd taflu eu hetiau ddigon addas, yn barod, yn gadarn ac yn ddisgwylgar i mewn i'r cylch gwleidyddol Emmanuel Macron: sycophant bwa o ormodedd o strategaethau gorllewinol cyffredinol imperialaidd, NATO ymlediad, newidiadau drefn oddrychol ac yn gwbl anghyfiawn mewn gwledydd gwirioneddol sofran ac annibynnol sy'n gyson ac yn benderfynol yn gwrthod plygu glin israddol i ofynion goruchel gorllewin ac yn enwedig gwyn Caucasian arweinir hegemony byd-eang, neu fel arall ideoleg gwrthnysig interlopers hyn 'o ddiymwad ac yn groes i unrhyw gwestiwn, cwynion o unrhyw fath mewn perthynas o'r fath, neu y defiance lleiaf i amsugno eu rhithiol ond nid y syniad canfyddedig llai staunchly ac gwreiddio'n ddwfn o gwyn cynorthwyydd arglwyddiaeth supremacist gyda'i olygfa unigryw o dd ixed ac absoliwt, exceptionalism gwyn ym mhob peth bosibl y siwr idiots a phobl brownnose fel dim-witted Emmanuel Macron ddiwahân ac conceitedly rhoi eu teyrngarwch ddiysgog mewn.
Ac yn rhesymegol yna ni ddylai yn y lleiaf yn syndod i unrhyw berson rhesymegol gan ystyried, pan fydd yr holl cael ei ddweud ac yn ei wneud, mae'r campau hysgogi yn rhywiol ac yn egocentrically rheibus y glasoed erstwhile ac yn gwbl gwyrdroëdig, Monsieur Emmanuel Macron, yn dal yn y bôn o'r cymhellol union yr un fath ac yn nodweddiadol meddwl-set o'i, hynny asininely iddo mabwysiadu yn ei feddwl dirdro hawl awtomatig ac yn ddigamsyniol i hawl breintiedig. Union fel y gwnaeth gyda'i chwarter canrif llawer hyn, yn briod ac yn discernibly fam i dri, pan oedd prin bymtheg mlynedd 'hen gariad bedoffilydd ei fod yn awr yn dymuno, gyda'i chydweithrediad mwyaf a chyfrifo fendith, byrdwn i braidd implausibly ar y boblogaeth o Ffrainc fel hynod o annerbyniol, afresymol, ond er hynny Lady Cyntaf!
Unrhyw un sydd â hyd yn oed arsylwi achlysurol o Brydain heb sôn am a deall manwl o'r wlad hon gwybod yn iawn bod y DU, ar draws y bwrdd, mae gyson, gan ei fod yn dal yn awr, ei redeg gan glos ac yn gyfforddus nepotistic, yn ogystal fel coterie losgachol enduringly agos, cymunedol ac hymgorffori yn wleidyddol o bedoffiliaid ddiogelir anghyfyngedig a nifer o deviants hazardously rhywiol eraill sy'n priodoli iddynt eu hunain y dynodiad vainglorious o "elites breintiedig" ac y mae ei unig arall bwrpas mewn bywyd yn ogystal â diwallu eu gwallgof, obsesiynol a discernibly inclinations rhywiol decadent yw gwneud symiau enfawr o arian ar draul y rhai y maent endemically yn ystyried i fod naill ai yn israddol i neu'n llai ffodus na hwy eu hunain, ac i wneud hynny trwy unrhyw ddull, deg neu fudr, bod apeliadau at eu trachwant anniwall.
Nawr mae'n ymddangos bod y deviants un meddylfryd ymhlith yr un mor a elwir yn "elites freintiedig" Ffrainc ei hun yn ymdrechu daer i wneud yr un iawn pethau â'u cymheiriaid ym Mhrydain, ac yn fwy na gyda chefnogaeth helaeth a hwylus o gydweithwyr eu cyd-wladwriaethau mwyaf blaenllaw Ewrop ' , hollol annemocrataidd benodi a gosod penaethiaid yr UE a apparatchiks sydd gyda'i gilydd yn gwneud eu gorau glas i sicrhau, naill ai trwy bachyn neu ffon yn syth, bod Emmanuel Macron ymddangos fel Llywydd nesaf Ffrainc.
Mae pob synnwyr o eironi goll yn llwyr yn yr ymdrechion annilys ar bastardiaid hyn ffiaidd a geist a morons ddiamau gwreiddio'n sy'n rhwydd gall yn y dull mwyaf dramgwyddus i unrhyw un sydd â meddwl gwrthrychol yn gweld eu bod yn gratuitously ac yn anghyfreithlon yn ymyrryd ym materion domestig o'r hyn yn ddiamheuol rhag ofn Ffrainc yn wlad sofran ac annibynnol. Rhywbeth fod y rhain yr un lowlifes boneheaded virulently a heb manylion personol o unrhyw dystiolaeth i gefnogi eu cyhuddiadau ddiflas, tendentious ac yn amlwg yn gorwedd dro ar ôl tro gyhuddo y Ffederasiwn Rwsia a'r Vladimir Putin o wneud yn faleisus.
A pham? Oherwydd eu bod i gyd yn awyddus iawn i gynnal y status quo llygredig eu bod yn hael yn elwa o drwy scuppering rhagolygon arlywyddol o Marine Le Pen sydd wedi tynnu sylw dro ar ôl tro ac yn wrol eu nifer o ddiffygion yn ogystal â galw allan eu harferion anonest ac yn anfoesegol; gosod noeth i bawb eu gweld ar eu safonau dwbl amlwg a rhagrith niweidiol, gan ei bod yn scathingly denounces gweithgareddau gwleidyddol ac ariannol twyllodrus, y mwyafrif llethol ohonynt yn ddi-os troseddol gan unrhyw asesiad gwrthrychol gwirioneddol, bod y rhain canfyddedig yn gymdeithasol "elite breintiedig" Crooks a throseddwyr cymhellol nodweddiadol ac yn ddigerydd cyflawn ar gyfer eu hunain opportunely gymryd rhan mewn tra yn ychwanegol hynod a llesiannol elw o.
Ac i gobeithio sicrhau eu nod ac yn dwyllodrus camarwain yn ogystal â'r gorwedd i'r etholwyr Ffrainc yn benodol a'r cyhoedd Ewropeaidd a byd-eang sy'n gwrando ar yr hyn y maent yn ei ddweud yn gyffredinol maent yn gosod allan virulently i beintio Marine Le Pen wrth bopeth gwenwynig o dan yr haul. Wel dwi'n Du ac yn eithaf deallus ag ef ac yn gwybod y gwahaniaeth rhwng gwirionedd a ffuglen. Ac i mi y ffuglen maleisus yw Emmanuel Macron ac nid Morol Le Pen sy'n dweud ac yn gwneud beth mae hi wirioneddol yn credu mewn. Ac o ystyried y dewis diamwys rhwng rhywun sy'n fy alwadau bob nigger i fy wyneb ac yn dweud wrthyf y byddent yn hytrach nad oes unrhyw Crysau Duon yn byw yn Ffrainc neu'r gweddill Ewrop, rwy'n gwenu disarmingly yn eu sylwadau am fy mod i wedi clywed y cyfan o'r blaen ac mae fel dwr oddi ar gefn hwyaden i mi; rydym yn rhan cwmni ac wrth i mi barhau ar fy ffordd i ddim yn annisgwyl dynnu rymus i'r ddaear gan y person a oedd wedi gwneud yn gynharach sylwadau hynny i mi, dim ond i ddarganfod yn ddiweddarach y anhysbys i mi eu bod wedi gweld rhywfaint o sgaffaldiau oeddwn ar fin ei mynd o dan cwympo uwchben a oedd wedi tynnu reddfol ac altruistically fi allan o ffordd niwed ac yn glir achub fy mywyd.
O ystyried y dewis o rywun fel 'na ac mae'r celwyddog arferol sy'n golygu y sefydliad Prydeinig ac Ewropeaidd sy'n honni eu bod yn "ffrindiau" i bob person yn cynnwys Crysau Duon fel fi pan roddir hanner cyfle, bydd fuckers hyn llon cyllell mi yn y cefn, yr wyf yn gwybod a byddai'n well gen i gael fy nghwmpas.
Ac yn olaf! Os byddwch yn dod i wybod bod eich merch 15-mlwydd-oed yn cael fucked gan ei athro ysgol gwryw a oedd dros 25 mlynedd yn hyn na hi; Roedd ef ei hun yn briod gyda thri o blant o hynny briodas un ohonynt oedd yr un oed â eich merch ac yn yr un ysgol, byddech, os ydych wedi cael unrhyw synnwyr, unwaith ystyried hynny yn pedophilia a cham-drin rheng gyfrifoldeb athro. Byddech hefyd yn cynnwys yr heddlu. Nid felly mae'n debyg os ydych oddi wrth y "elites breintiedig" ac yn achos Ffrainc y 15-mlwydd-oed disgyblion wedyn oedd Emmanuel Macron a'i 40-mlwydd-oed gariad athrawon oedd Brigitte Trogneaux.
Chwarae Eiriolwr y Diafol, dim ond dychmygu er mwyn dadl gan fy mod yn gwybod dim o'r math y byddai byth wedi digwydd yn achos Jeremy Corbyn fel ei fod yn egwyddorol llawer rhy dyn i weithredu yn y modd hwnnw sordid, licentious neu droseddol, ond fel yr wyf dweud yn chwarae eiriolwr diafol, gallwch ddychmygu y helynt rhagrithiol byddai gan y pedoffiliaid gwreiddio'n ddwfn ymysg y Torïaid, Labtory a'r Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol-ddosbarth bedoffilydd a'r rhai yn y MSM! Ond pan ddaw i ddiogelu eu asesu cyfalafol Seionaidd ac obsesiynol Natsïaid byddant yn gwneud unrhyw beth o fewn eu gallu i gynnal y status quo.
Felly RHAID Marine Le pen yn cael ei ddileu o'r byd gwleidyddol tra'n toadying at nodau cyffredinol ac amcanion ariannol maleisus o gyfalafiaeth ffyrnig Emmanuel Macron ac sydd ei hun yn sympathizer bedoffilydd annatod drylwyr ac incontrovertibly rhy ymarferydd beius o'r ymddygiad hwnnw dynol atgas rhaid eu cefnogi yn pob cost caniatáu Ffrainc, yn y broses, i fod wedi torheulo yn llygad y cyhoedd cymdeithasol a gwleidyddol yn bedoffilydd unprosecuted ac ymddangosiadol imiwnedd fel ei Lady Gyntaf. Felly yn hytrach afresymol Morol Pen Le "Na" ond Brigitte Trogneaux "Ie!" Dydw i ddim yn Ffrangeg ac ni all bleidleisio yn eich etholiadau, ond does dim byd yn yr amgylchiadau presennol y gall fy rhwystro rhag hyrwyddo cefnogaeth ar gyfer MARINE LE PEN ar ran o'r rhai sy'n gallu pleidleisio!
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