#fubuki twins
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frostburn-shoto · 9 months ago
Thoughts about Inazuma Eleven Ares
So.... I've finally finished Inazuma Eleven Ares a few days ago (Already started watching Orion lol) so I decided to talk a bit about my thoughts on the series, if I enjoyed it or not, what I disliked about it... and just me telling my overall opinion on everything. This isn't meant to be a critical review or anything, it's just my own thoughts on the series. You are all free to disagree.
If I had to describe how I felt about Ares I would still stick with my first statement I said when I watched the first 2 or so episodes: I both love it and hate it.
Was it as good as the Original Season? Hell no.
Was it still entertaining for me? Honestly, yes.
So let's dive into things from the very beginning....
1- New Characters
The new characters introduced in Ares where... something for sure.
On one hand, there's characters I liked a lot like Nae, Nosaka and Haizaki *I keep forgetting that man's name* on the other hand other characters felt... somewhat boring.... character that I DID find interesting weren't concentrated on... either they were only focused on for a bit or not at all.
Take Nae for example, she was a character I highly doubted I'd like before watching Ares.... and in the end, the complete opposite happened. I ended up liking Nae but she barely got ANY focus in Ares... and it seems she'll pretty much be completely ignored in Orion.
Many of the goalkeepers introruced in Ares where too weak too, I loved Norika as a character but she was such a weak goalkeeper and honestly it wasn't a problem with just Norika but the other goalkeepers too.
This isn't new to the series overall since as a soccer anime that introduces tons of characters, it's only expected there will be wasted potential but it makes it annoying when the less interesting get the others deserved.
Nosaka and Haizaki are exceptions though because I DEFINITELY loved those two and their backstories, especially Nosaka. The mc was... okay for the most part, I didn't dislike him or hate him.
The other Raimon eleven though.....? The only one I might've liked was Hiura and Norika otherwise.... they were all... just there for me.
2- Older characters
I am also putting Kira Hiroto and Atsuya in the older characters category because... technically they are older characters (Dead as they may be in OG series)
So.... let us begin....
In general.... i am pissed at how the og characters were treated like supporting cast.... they barely did anything or got the attention they deserved. A lot of the 26 episodes were wasted on the newer characters, that's expected but still annoying in a way, especially since I found a majority of the new Raimon eleven less interesting than the Og characters.
I am not saying I hated them, but still... it sucked.
On top of that I didn't think the Raimon team really should've won a majority of the matches they won... maybe I am being Bias here but they just felt way weaker than the Og characters in general.
In Og series, no matter how OP the other team was I always cheered for Raimon.
In Ares I was cheering for ANYONE but Raimon. Especially in the Hakuren and Eisei Academy matches. I think there was only two or three matches were I cheered for Raimon.
Again this might be Bias speaking here but also can you blame me?
For a new series, it's only natural that they'll focus on newer characters but when the setup is made in such a way that they make you feel the Og cast will have important roles... it sucks.
Like I am genuinely trying to remember if Someoka did anything during his match because I honestly don't remember any moments of him actually being useful in the match.... And Kabeyama didn't even PLAY in his match.
Kidou and Endou had it the best out of the others.... especially Kidou for some reason.
Now...moving on to Kira Hiroto, he had a great backstory and I LOVED his episodes, it also cracked me up every time he'd get interrupted halfway before finishing his speech, he was a character I got invested in emotionally and again this is a reason why I wanted them to win against Raimon! Raimon didn't make me as invested as Kira Hiroto. In the Og series, he was just this dead kid who you somewhat felt sorry for but they did well with him in Ares...
On the other hand they did Atsuya Dirty. Not just Atsuya but Shirou too.
First off... genuine question but why did they have to change that those two were twins?! Unlike With Hiroto (who is apparently older than his sister) that change has no purpose at all? And .. that's not even the problem... this is more of a small detail that annoyed me lol. The real problem is...
Shirou and Atsuya pratically got NO backstory in Ares. Zero, absolutely nothing. They were pratically just another team Raimon had to go against and that's all.
I saw someone say Atsuya was better off dead because of how much he barely mattered in Ares, and again it's not that he's better off dead. Atsuya had amazing Hissatsus, it was fun watching him play but bro barely had ANY character development, they didn't give him that Kira Hiroto treatment at all...
Idk if it was me, but Atsuya was a character I genuinely loved even back in the OG story and I am sure I thought of that him and shirou would've been a great duo if he was still alive.... so when Outer code came out, I was honestly really happy to see an AU were he was alive.... but I am honestly disappointed.
Atsuya is still amazing... what sucks is the lack of attention he got.
And shirou didn't have it any better! This is really a shame because i honestly wish we got more moments of him and Atsuya.
Again, their backstory had potential, especially if we are to assume the avalanche still happened and their parents died in it, this is only but one example they could've done. It would've been a great way to dive into why Atsuya only trusts Shirou and give it an actual reason. And just like Tatsuya and Hiroto got a different version of their backstory so would Shirou and Atsuya, the differences would still make it interesting while strengthening Atsuya (and Ares version of Shirou) as characters.
3- Animation
I am not here to complain... I am here to tell my thoughts, and lets all be honest... the animation is better than og, or not the animation exactly... the character design. They actually look like teenagers. I also absolutely loved seeing older techniques being used... even if I admit none of them felt as... dynamic as the Og ones. Except Death Zone, that one was genuinely better than the Og in my opinion.
Newer Hissatsus were also amazing! I especially loved The explosion and... literally every Hissatsu the Fubuki brothers did.
It makes me wish we could get the og Inazuma eleven remade with this animation style but that will probably never happen.
Depsite me thinking the Hissatsus in the Og series looked better visually I still really liked seeing them with the new animation style and I definitely think they look great in their own right, it's just that older animation had more dynamic perspective and it felt like there was more care being put into the animation.
4- Plot
It was a somewhat straightforward but lacking plotline, it had potential, was enjoyable to watch... but could've still been done way better than how they did it.
I enjoyed the comic moments though, maybe I just have a bad sense of humor but I genuinely laughed at those funny scenes.
Though probably the only time I genuinely got hyped for an inakuni raimon match was the final match- 🤔
Overall they needes to give those characters backstory or moments thar actually made us care more, or you know... have them have interesting personalities.
Despite all that, I did genuinely enjoy watching this. Yes, the writing could've been better. But at the end of the day... since I did enjoy It I'll say it barely passes 🤣
Who where your favorite characters in Inazuma eleven Ares? What were some ot your compains about it?
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kuroeko · 8 months ago
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rogue fubuki
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hsohangout · 1 year ago
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sort of repost since i deleted the post yesterday (didnt like the other doodle) but ive recently been thinking about a clone au by @risesthemoons and decided. hey why not make some silly doodles. and so i made silly doodles.
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aberooski · 9 months ago
Atticus and Alexis give me serious twin energy. Like they're not, but they are. Like they look like seriously super alike, that helps but like just like I can’t even really explain it I haven't like, nailed it down for myself even what it is. But they're twins.
And like you can't tell me that if they were Atticus wouldn't hold the fact that he'd be like 10 minutes older than her when she acts like she's the older sibling or geta really protective of him and she'd be like 🙄 about it but in the most affectionate way
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d34dbr4in · 1 year ago
I think I have a type when it comes to Inazuma Eleven characters... Like in a way I adore them so much that I need to hit them with a car. /nsrs
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garbage--account · 7 months ago
I was searching the meaning of Atsuya in the character wiki but i haven't found it...
... instead i found revelation, i am now saved 🙏
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I was today years old when i discovered that Fubuki means "blizzard" in japanese.
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I already knew Shirou meant white, so his full name would be "white blizzard" *cute cute* ❄️❄️❄️
But i didn't know the meaning of Atsuya, and it means "honesty". Which suits him a lot hahaha, but it makes the full name so strange??? Honest blizzard 👹
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paracosmink-u · 9 months ago
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Fubuki twins doodle page hehe
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chaskaknits · 10 months ago
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This event has always been so good to me T_T!!! To get SSR Deuce on both JP and Eng servers is amazing with my bad luck! I started working on this when the event dropped on the Eng server. I adore the White Rabbit Festival Event for its wholesomeness and pretty pastels. This is my favorite event so far.
Meet Yukina and Fubuki, who both act as Yuu. They’re twins, with Fubuki being the older twin and Yukina being the younger one.
When summoned : “Rabbits and clocks galore, how can I not enjoy this festival to the fullest!” - Yukina
“Not my usual thing, but I’m pretty sure I’m the coolest rabbit here!” -Fubuki
The rabbit costumes for the twins use similar color palette, but Yukina’s leans toward yellow and blue, while Fubuki’s is red and yellow. They typically don’t enjoy looking like a matched set, but they didn’t mind since Deuce’s mom chose the costumes.
Yukina who’s is usually more reserved , but she was unusually enthusiastic for the White Rabbit Festival. This is because when she was younger, she loved reading “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”, she especially adored the White Rabbit. She would fumble on her words to avoid talking about the book and movie. Fubuki was a little embarrassed to being wearing costumed, but quickly got more into the festival in response to Grim and Yukina’s excitement.
During the bugle contest, the best ones was Yukina and Fubuki, being pretty good at music. However, Yukina beat Fubuki due to being more experienced with wind instruments, opposed to his experience with string instruments.
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They act as the twin prefects of Ramshackle, often switching duties when the situation called for it. Sharing the responsibility of looking after Grim, Yukina typically handles studies, While Fubuki is on Grim wrangling duty.
Yukina is typically a polite and studious person, getting teased for being a “Teacher’s Pet”, but since coming to Twisted Wonderland, her hidden side that is blunt and hates to lose comes out more often now.
On the other side, Fubuki has an immature and carefree attitude, often getting mistaken as the younger twin. He is impulsive and use to be sort of delinquent for getting into fights against bullies (Yukina believes NRC, is not the best place for him for this reason, not that she thinks she belongs there either.)
The twins do their best to survive NRC together, working together to cover each other weaknesses. They’re generally often get mixed up with something or another in NRC due to unable to leave others alone. Knowing how things work in Twisted Wonderland, they try to talk things over before making a decision.
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seth-burroughs · 6 months ago
Still genuinely so fucking shocked and appalled that people STILL sexualize Yomi while knowing he's literally 3. That is a child no matter how many proshitter mental gymnastics you do in order to convince yourself you aren't a predator. It DOES NOT MATTER whether he was an adult with a job before the cloning, ALL IT MATTERS IS THAT HE IS TECHNICALLY, LITERALLY, LEGITIMATELY A SMALL CHILD(!!!) RIGHT NOW ACCORDING TO ALL LAWS. A normal, non-icky person wouldn't even doubt that, so if you, like, thought that far in order to justify it that's pretty weirddddd imo lolll likeeee why are you so adamant on sexualizing 3-y*ar oldsss lmaoooooo
I didn't want to mention this at first, but I cannot just leave it unadressed, no matter how sick to the core it makes me... and that is, the concerning rise of m*koy///omi content in Rain Code fandom. No matter how much Yomi himself is minor-coded, Makoto is minor-coded to a way higher degree. You cannot argue with this. Listen I don't want to hear anything about "ohhhh but he is an adulttt" I do not care. I do not care about how much proof there is that he's a major, that does not fucking matter if he LOOKS LIKE A FUCKING CHILD. Is THIS your fucking waifu? Is that the hill you wanna die on. Then do it. Not like I care. I'm making a callout post. I'm hunting down all your mutuals and telling them you're a sicko that fetishizes minor x minor-coded minor content. I wonder what you'll do then.
But, you know. Whatever. Shit like this happens every day in fandom. People are disgusting. People dissapoint me. People leave me. Discard me. Because I tell them how illegal their ships are. No one cares, because they're all sickos, and I am the only normal person in fandom. I don't let it get to me. Life goes on, you know? If I ever get too stressed out scrolling yaoi on tumblr I can always scroll yaoi on twitter. My own son won't even speak to me. He's 6 months old, but I know he's just giving me the silent treatment. Because he fucking hates me. Because I'm the only one in this fandom to try and keep the fucking order, and people hate that. They hate all authority.
So please. Sophia, sugarplum. Please. Unprivate your likes tab. Don't let the fucking likes tab get between us, Sophia. Show me the yaoi you've been looking up. Why are you scared? Because you've been lying to me? Because, when my back was turned, you were romanticizing abusive relationships? No. No, Sophia. It's not just fiction. It's my life, Sophia. So. Unprivate your likes section. Unprivate your likes. Why won't you discord call me anymore. Do you remember how we used to run. I will not lose my twin flame to the fiendish predatory height difference. Not ever again. Not ever.
Do Not Fucking Interact with this post if you are a: basic DNI criteria, timeskip plot apologist, axclusionist, support lesbians, an abuser/racist/groomer/illegal ship supporter/a serial killer, below 18 or above 19, engage in k*nk, if you enjoy irredeemable media such as D*nganronpa, Homesfuck, Gr*vity Fa//s, Mcyt, H*zbin H*tel, FnaF or musicals (complete list at pinned), ship Yuma or Makoto with adults, ship Yuma or Makoto with minors, are a Sh*nigami apologist, a self-shipper, if you have impure thoughts, are anti-harassment, a system, toothpaste flag users, h*llectro shipper (IT'S LITERAL ABUSE YOU FREAKS), do not approach all media critically, do not approach all media with contempt, annoying people, icky people, bots, do not approach state-sanctioned executions uncritically, if you support abuse especially in fiction, sexualize Fubuki (minor-coded), yanderes, if you enjoy gross characters, cannot respect my safe space, interact positively with my disowned disgusting daughter, are an asshole, are a freak (you know who you are), if you reblog from my mutuals (they are mine. no one elses.) s*th fans are fine ig but on thin fucking ice. will be updated with time always check the og post for edits before reblogging or I will make a callout post for your offense
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webraciszekbastion · 1 year ago
Requests Opens !
One Shot - Cup of Tea 🍵
Headcanons - Cup of Coffee ☕
My thoughts on games or characters - Bubble Tea 🧋(NO request)
Fluff - Chocolate Cookie 🍪| Hurt/Comfort - Dark Chocolate 🍫| Angst - Sour Lemon Cupcake 🧁| Suggestive - Angel Food Cake 🍰| Platonic - Piece of Pie 🥧
Master Detective Archives: Rain Code
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Yuma Kokohead:
☔ Some Headcanons from Rain Code ☔☕
☔ Some Headcanons from Rain Code ☔☕
Kurumi Wendy:
☔ Some Headcanons from Rain Code ☔☕
Yakou Furio:
☔ Some Headcanons from Rain Code ☔☕
👻 Yakou Furio x Reader who is a Horror Fanatic 💀☕🍪
Vivia Twilight:
☔ Some Headcanons from Rain Code ☔☕
📖 Vivia Twilght x Baker!Reader 🥐☕🍪
📖 Vivia Twilight x Artist!Male!Reader 🎨☕🍪
Halara Nightmare:
☔ Some Headcanons from Rain Code ☔☕
Fubuki Clockford:
☔ Some Headcanons from Rain Code ☔☕
Desuhiko Thunderbolt:
☔ Some Headcanons from Rain Code ☔☕
Zilch Alexander:
☔ Some Headcanons from Rain Code ☔☕
Pucci Lavmin:
☔ Some Headcanons from Rain Code ☔☕
Aphex Logan:
☔ Some Headcanons from Rain Code ☔☕
Melamie Goldmine:
☔ Some Headcanons from Rain Code ☔☕
Zange Eraser:
☔ Some Headcanons from Rain Code ☔☕
Yomie Hellsmile:
Martina Electro:
Seth Burroughs:
Guillaume Hall:
Makoto Kagutsuchi:
All Master Detectives:
All Peacekeepers:
All Characters:
Project Eden's Garden
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Damon Maitsu:
📖 Fem s/o Ultimate Novelist who works non-stop, without taking breaks. 📖 ☕🍪
📖 Big Sister s/o who is best friend. 📖 ☕🥧
Cassidy Amber:
Desmond Hall:
Diana Venicia:
Eloise Taulner:
Eva Tsunaka:
🤞 Big Sister s/o who is best friend. 🤞 ☕🥧
Grace Madison:
Ingrid Grimwall:
Jean DeLamer:
Jett Dawson:
Kai Monteago:
Mark "Mayhem" Berskii:
Toshiko Kayura(Only Platonic):
💌 Big Sister s/o who is best friend. 💌 ☕🥧
Ulysses Wilhelm:
Wolfgang Akire:
All Characters:
Danganronpa Despair Time
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Teruko Tawaki:
Xander Matthews:
Charles Cuevas:
Ace Markey:
Arei Nageishi:
Rose Lacroix:
Hu Jing:
Eden Tobisa:
Levi Fontana:
📖 Fem s/o Ultimate Novelist who works non-stop, without taking breaks. 📖 ☕🍪
Arturo Giles:
Min Jeung:
Veronika Grebenshchikova:
J Rosales:
Whit Young:
Nico Hakobyan:
All Characters:
Danganronpa F: Shattered Hope
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📖 Fem s/o Ultimate Novelist who works non-stop, without taking breaks. 📖 ☕🍪
All Characters:
My suggestions for the real names of the characters 🧋
Super Danganronpa Another
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Yuki Maeda/Utsuro:
Akane Taira:
Ayame Hatano:
Haruhiko Kobashikawa
Kakeru Yamaguchi:
Kanata Inori:
Kinji Uehara:
Kiyoka Maki:
Kizuna Tomori:
Mikako Kurokawa:
Mitsuhiro Higa:
Rei Mekaru:
Satsuki Iranami:
Teruya Otori:
Tsurugi Kinjo:
Yamato Kisaragi:
All Characters:
Super Danganronpa Another 2
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Emma Magorobi:
Hajime Makunouchi:
Hibiki Otonokoji:
Iroha Nijiue:
Kanade Otonokoji:
Kokoro Mitsube:
Mikado Sannoji:
Nikei Yomiuri:
Setsuka Chiebukuro:
Shinji Kasai:
Shobai Hashimoto:
Teruya Otori V2:
Yoruko Kabuya:
Yuki Maeda:
Yuri Kagarin:
All Characters:
Danganronpa (He)Artless Deceit
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Akira Hayasaka:
Chiemi Hattori:
Chou Yoshida:
Hideyoshi Kurosawa:
Itsumi "Bani" Yoko:
Izanami Hoshimiya:
Katsuhiko Minamoto:
Kiyoshi Fujioka:
Kyouran Murashita:
Otome Hanayama:
Rei Fukuno:
Satoru Tachibana:
Shion Morita:
Takeshi Yamamoto:
Tomoya Morita:
Yumeo Arakawa:
Denshi Shigenobu:
All Characters:
Your Turn to Die
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Sara Chidouin:
Joe Tazuna:
Keiji Shinogi:
Kanna Kizuchi(Only Platonic):
Q-taro Burgerberg:
Sou Hiyori:
Reko Yabusame:
Nao Egokoro:
Kai Satou:
Gin Ibushi(Only Platonic):
Kazumi Mishima:
Alice Yabusame:
Ranmaru Kageyama:
Hinako Mishuku(Only Platonic):
Naomichi Kurumada:
Mai Tsurugi:
Anzu Kinashi:
Shunsuke Hayasaka:
Sue Miley:
Tia Safalin:
Rio Ranger:
All Characters:
All Floor Masters:
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frostburn-shoto · 4 months ago
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Took me a while to finish it... because I am lazy but anyway.... Fubusumi.
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miraamio · 7 days ago
The spread, srry abt the quality (Also clock Amai Mask looking at Sai, Zombieman butt naked in the lake and Snek high as balls on the floor lololol)
I need u to know I have SO many feelings about this, I was having a god awful day but oh my goddddd this fixed my life i’m postponing my suicide
Bear with me please
First of all, the absolutely ADORABLE saigenos puppets omlllll they’re fujoishing tf out😭
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Secondly, theres SOOOOO much I wanna talk about here. He’s pouring alcohol like a typical doting wife dear god this is literally how they depict wives and husbands in slice of lives. I was watching Shinchan just before this and I can assure you this is legit how they depict doting wives with husbands (and they look so…normal about it??? Saitama doesn’t look over at Genos and instead focuses on the rice ball as though this is practiced ritual HELLO????????) The normalcy is absolutely killlling meeee
Another thing i am noticing here is the colour scheme between Saigenos. Now i MAY be overanalysing this BUT, the little dolls Fubuki has, the Saitama puppet has his usual red/yellow colour scheme going on which is very self explanatory. BUT, genos has a darker colour scheme in comparison, which are his canon typical colours, black overalls and grey metallic arms.
Now, in the saigenos interaction, genos has red arms, on the surface level its nice and cute because red represents love, fidelity and power BUT here's the thing, Saitama has his red gloves on and Genos's arms are coloured red here which is very very deliberate dare I say. Hands are usually symbolic of protection and strength, they are also a representation for humanity, for genos and saitama to have red hands, specifically Genos to have red ARMS, and Saitama to have red hands, their interaction is occuring through their hands with twin red colour scheme, its even more intimate because as I said, it seems so practiced and casual since Saitama isnt even LOOKING at Genos, oh Saigenos ur so canon it has me tearing up.
I looked around into it and most common symbolism of arms are rooted in power, influence and strength, it makes sm sense for genos to have red arms and saitama to only have red hands, canon typical god save us.
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Okay now, about THE FACES??? I need to know if Genos made the faces because there's Saitama's face in literally every food item and its so well done too?? is he used to making Saitama's face on his food, the little rice balls also have his face good godddd. I'm not sure if the little egg thing has Saitama's face or somebody else's but i think its probably Saitama
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He looks like a yearning mistress looking at here, watching Saigenos being a very doting couple this is absolutely killing me. There's a kind of frustrated sadness in his eyes that you only see in the eyes of a comphet victorian twink who is in love with a married man.
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elina-sakura · 5 months ago
Rain Code: Spin The Wheel
So a while ago, I did a Spin the Wheel concept of my own with the Rain Code cast that appeared in the main game. And it turned out interesting, so I’ve decided to post my results, along with some ramblings about the said results. Spoilers for Rain Code.
Protagonist: Fubuki Clockford
Support (Shinigami): Kurumi Wendy
Support (Informant): Dr. Huesca
Chapter 0 Cast
Yakou Furio
Zange Eraser
Waruna (hitwoman)
Yuma Kokohead
Pucci Lavmin
Nocturnal Detective Agency
Chief Kurane
Makoto Kagutsuchi
Guillaume Hall
Halara Nightmare
Director Margulaw
Vice Director Yomi Hellsmile
Shinigami (Chapter 0)
Zilch Alexander (Chapter 1)
Karen (Intern)
Aphex Logan
Chapter 1 Cast
The Priest
Melami Goldmine
Seth Burroughs (The Nail Man)
The Nun (The Copycat)
Chapter 2 Cast
Martina Electro
The Servant (Victim)
The Worshipper
Chapter 3 Cast
Dominic Fulltank
Yoshiko (Murderer)
Swank Catsonell (Victim)
Chapter 4 Victim
Desuhiko Thunderbolt
Vivia Twilight (motivator for murder/died from Amaterasu/Peacekeepers)
!!Rambling Time!!
I’m happy one of the NDA is the protagonist, and it’s Fubuki! And her Shinigami is Kurumi, so it’s an adorable, wholesome girl squad! We can even get fun RPG references, and Kurumi can do wholesome games for clues. But also moral conflict because neither would be up for murdering, and Fubuki feeling guilty for relying on Kurumi to solve the mysteries in exchange of the culprits’ souls.
With how the criminals from Chapters 0-2 (basically three chapters), there would be a build up of the girls slowly accepting that perhaps culprits dying is fine as long as they no longer hurt people for their own benefits (yes, I am going to frame Chapter 2 less sympathetic as opposed to in-game, which makes it the turning point of the girls starting to accept that the end justifies the mean, before that is once again challenged in Chapter 3).
It’s funny how the three Aetheria Trio somehow still ended up being murderers at the end of the day (or two out of three if we count killer!Waruna being an imposter tho).
I was so sad when I spun the wheel for Chapter 0, and both Yuma and Yakou ended up in the cast, meaning they die😭 Also, Pucci and Zange could not escape their fates.
Though Yuma ending up as a Chapter 0 victim actually sets up a great characterization for Makoto in this AU (who I’ve decided will be the complex, Ch 4 character because I say so). Where in this Swap AU, Makoto and Yuma are twin brothers who worked as Master Detectives in the WDO. So when Yuma ended up dying on the Amaterasu Express, it broke Makoto. To the point he wears a mask to hide his face because he has the exact same face as his now late brother he can’t bear to see anymore. Perhaps he’s even antagonistic towards Fubuki because she survived the Amaterasu Express Massacre, and is resentful how she’s the one who gets out alive, like she’s been exchanged to live instead of his precious twin. Maybe Chapter 4, he decides to exact his revenge on the Peacekeepers for all the murder they have done, including Yuma, and end it once and for all. And considering he has Coalescence as well, perhaps he may even get the same power as Fubuki and end up literally clashing swords in the Mystery Labyrinth.
Funny story, when I was spinning for the swap!NDA, I was getting like all females with only Makoto as the only male, and I was kind of praying to the wheel to give me another male, or at least another gender. And guess who the last gender that ends up joining (or staying in this case) in the NDA.
Dr. Huesca being the informant actually sounds right when you think further on it. Like perhaps his characterization can be based on the glimpse heel-turn self we’ve seen from the recorded video, where he once again (or perhaps remembered) how far his experiment had went and decided to call it quit. He’s still a mad scientist, but now has a (very shaky) moral compass and is more morally grey.
Kurane being Chief is also very fitting because it was mentioned/implied she has some interest in detective works (I understand it’s probably more so playing as a Detective as a character, but I hc she has interest in detective work as well). But also kind of funny and sad because the NDA now has a prodigal child detective who is a theater kid and obsessed with romance novels as their only Detective Chief in Kanai Ward. And to add relationship between her and Vivia, perhaps Vivia took Kurane in as her apprentice when she was younger, which helped lead to her becoming a WDO Detective, and leading up to her becoming the Chief when Vivia dies during an investigation on Amaterasu. Or, if I want to be original, perhaps Vivia is separated from his soul and body, and they’re both being preserved in Amaterasu. Who knows🤷🏼‍♀️
And Yomi Hellsmile is honestly really fitting as Vice Director because he can be that sadistic, power-hungry we know and love. Desiring to become the next Director of the Peacekeepers and trying to off Director Margulaw. I even got an idea that perhaps maybe he teams up with a certain, grieving Master Detective to help overthrow Margulaw (because I kind of imagine the CEO would not be dumb enough to give someone like Yomi power like that). Not entirely sure if I want to make Margulaw a corrupt Director or a benevolent Director (or in-between) because I want to avoid making his characterization from being too close to my Director Yakou’s characterization I’m currently/planning.
Finally, for Chapter 3, I’m imagining how it can play out is that Swank Catsonell was once the leader of the Resistance, but he was terrible at it. He was selfish and greedy and was fine with causing more destruction that leads to more problems for Dohya District. Shachi, one of the Resistance leaders, was against Swank’s methods and was planning to overthrow him, alongside Dominic Fulltank and Yoshiko. However, after Swank nearly went too far on something (maybe having a hand in the NDA blowing up or something), Yoshiko decides to take action and kill Swank herself. After she dies, Shachi is the one who gives the request that leads to motivate him to become the new Resistance Leader.
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loremaster · 1 year ago
the premise of rain code band au
so you have context for whatever i end up drawing for it
so yakou started out in a band with yomi and friends (probably like. seth and dominic... no martina yet), he was the guitarist and yomi was the singer... they definitely dated though neither of them would ever admit to it now
but yomi of course is an asshole with a big ego that keeps getting worse, yakou puts up with it until he meets his (future) wife who convinces him to stand up for himself. yomi of course does not take it well, invites martina into the band and starts dating her instead. yakou gets ostracized by the rest of the group and quits the band, settles down, gets married.
she isn't a musician but she's still got a beautiful singing voice. she loves to sing along to his guitar playing. but eventually she dies (probably due to medical malpractice. fucking huesca) and yakou gets so depressed he doesn't touch his guitar again for years
meanwhile the whole world is obsessed with famous pop idol SHINIGAMI!!!!!! despite (or because of?) her abrasive personality she has tons of die-hard fans... but nobody knows anything about her personal life. she's a total mystery off the stage!
shinigami's success is really due to yuma and makoto (twins??? idk). makoto is her pr manager who handles her public image and her schedule; yuma is her creative director and songwriter, the genius behind her catchy tunes.
yuma is very competent at his job but is not enjoying his life. he feels immense responsibility for her success, and overworks himself so shinigami can keep topping the charts. he's not much fun to be around, and doesn't trust anyone else with his duties. shinigami and makoto conspire against him for his own sake, and fire him - or at least, send him on an indefinite leave. shinigami says his songs are shit. he takes her seriously.
yuma is moping down the streets when he meets yakou, also down on his luck... yakou takes pity on the kid and gives him a place to stay. he has no idea who yuma really is, and yuma doesn't tell him - mostly because of the shame of being fired. so yakou treats him like an unpaid intern.
somehow yuma ends up inspiring yakou to pick up his guitar again... which inspires yakou to put out a flyer for band auditions. he's not expecting any responses, but halara, desuhiko, fubuki, and vivia show up and he's impressed with all four of them!!! NOW THEY'RE A BAND!!!!
but... they start out as a cover band because they have no original songs. (desuhiko tries to write original songs. they are very bad.) yuma wants to help but he doesn't want to make himself a big deal... so he ends up sneakily slipping a song he's anonymously written under the studio door for yakou to find. the song is great... but the other band members can't seem to get the hang of it.
from then on the story would take more of an episodic nature, where yuma gets to know each of the band members' idiosyncrasies and learn how to write music (still anonymously) that fits their style. (i'd actually imagine the audience wouldn't know yuma's deal yet either, that'd be like... an end of the season reveal. i guess i'm imagining this as an anime huh) and in spending time with each of them he gets to actually befriend them as well and invigorate their passion for the band and willingness to work together. each time they'd get a cool new song that has a cool new solo for the focus character/instrument of each... episode? yeah
i'm going to post more about what those individual character based adventures will be later (feel free to supplement with your own ideas)
for now i am tired good night
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real-raincode-takes · 4 months ago
the cast as candies:
zilch: gummy bears. please tell me you get it
zange: rock hard laffy taffy from 80 years ago
pucci: puccho soda flavored. the cola and ramune. come on
melami: ferrero-rocher
aphex: beanboozled jelly beans. he enjoys suffering
yakou: candy cigarettes. sorry
yuma: nerunerunerune (he’d fuck it up if he tried to make it)
shinigami-chan: strawbrry candy corn. look it up the colors are so her
fubuki: she’d probably really enjoy those big sets of swedish candy. either that or a york peppermint patty
halara: lawson flavorless hard candy but in lollipop form. useful and sleek looking.
desuhiko: sour patch kids. i can’t describe it just please understand
vivia: 70% cacao chocolate bars.
yomi: hot tamales
martina: one of those sour licker things you see at the dollar store that looks like toothpaste
makoto: haribo twin snakes
dominic: jawbreakers
guillaume: toxic waste candy
— ❄️
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marias07 · 5 months ago
💮🈲Multiverso Hiro Parte 1: 1 - 100🈵🉐
1.- Hiro Nakamura (Jefe) #1
2.- Hiro, la locomotora japonesa #2
3.- Hiro Moroboshi #3
4.- Hiro (Bust a Groove) #4
5- Hiro Nohara #5
6.- Hiro Granger #6
7.- Hiro Asshu #7
8.- Hiro Sohma #8
9.- Hiro Petrov (OC) #9 🇷🇺
10.- Hiro Oozora #10
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11.- Hiro Hiyorimi #11
12.- Hiro (Hidamari Sketch) #12
13.- Hiro Hamada #13 [Most popular Hiro]
14.- Hiro Sakurai #14
15.- Hiro Protagonist #15
16.- Hiro Fuse #16 [No real picture, it doesn’t exist]
17.- Hiro Yuy #17
18.- Hiro (Lunar 2) #18
19.- Hiro the mini ninja #19
20.- Hiro “Shirou” Fubuki #20
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21.- Hiro (Goanimate grounded series, now deleted) #21
22.- Hiro Kasaoka (OC) #22
23.- Hiro (Exchange students) #23
24.- Hiro Hirono #24
25.- Hiro Okamura #25
26.- Hiro Kuroi #26
27.- Hiro (Obxionous Hero) #27
28.- Hiro (Bit maker: The king’s omega)#28
29.- Hiro (Soul Eater) #29
30.- Hiro Todoroki (OC) #30
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31.- Hiro Shirasaki #31
32.- Hiro Azuma (OC) #32
33.- Hiro Yamamoto (OC) #33
34.- Hiro Aikatsu #34
35.- Hiro Tsubasa (OC) #35
36.- Hiro Hikari (OC) #36
37.- Hiro Rei (OC) #37
38.- Hiro Emerarudo (OC) #38
39.- Hiro Kurama #39
40.- Hiro Toyotomi #40
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41.- Hiro Kitazoe #41
42.- Hiro Raitoninguburu (OC) #42
43.- Hiro Enryu #43
44.- Hiro Misaki (OC) #44
45.- Hiro Yoshida (OC) #45
46.- Hiro Ishikawa (OC) #46
47.- Hiro Hayashi #47
48.- Hiro Nakano #48
49.- Hiro Tsukiyama #49
50.- Hiro Sarahina #50
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51.- Hiro Sugita #51
52.- Hiro (Crystal Story) #52
53.- Hiro Zade (OC) #53
54.- Hiro Kamui #54
55.- Hiro Kira #55
56.- Hiro Takei #56
57.- Hiro (Harvest Moon) #57
58.- Hiro Yuuki #58
59.- Hiro Tanaka #59
60.- Hiro Yamada (OC) #60
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61.- Hiro Gin (OC) #61
62.- Hiro Suzuki (OC) #62
63.- Hiro Haru #63
64.- Hiro Uchiha #64
65.- Hiro Mishima #65
66.- Hiro (A trap can use a girl’s weapons) #66
67.- Hiro Okuiri #67
68.- Hiro (Bloom into you) #68
69.- Hiro Katō (OC) #69
70.- Hiro Takachiho #70
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71.- Hiro Nase #71
72.- Hiro (Drifting Dragons) #72
73.- Hiro (Androids don’t look back) #73
74.- Hiro Ferreira (OC) #74 🇧🇷
75.- Hiro N Kinomoto (OC) #75 [Twin sister 1]
76.- Hiro J Kinomoto (OC) #76 [Twin sister 2]
77.- Hiro Vlahos (OC)#77 🇬🇷
78.- Hiro Sakai #78
79.- Hiro Nakano #79
80.- Hiro (100% Pascal Sensei) #80
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81.- Hiro Anzai #81
82.- Hiro Shirahane #82
83.- Hiro (GeGeGe No Kitarou) #83
84.- Hiro Yuasa #84
85.- Hiro (A cruel god)) #85
86.- Hiro (Motoka no Shokudou) #86
87.- Hiro (Katsudoku Scandal) #87
88.- Hiro Motomura #88
89.- Hiro Amaeratsu (BNHA OC from Jina - Pinterest) #89
90.- Hiro Tachibana #90
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91.- Hiro Akafuda #91
92.- Hiro Kimisaki #92
93.- Hiro Murasako #93
94.- Hiro Kuroki #94
95.- Hiro Tateno #95
96.- Hiro Yagyuu #96
97.- Hiro Kasaikori #97
98.- Hiro Satou #98
99.- Hiro Fukutomi #99
100.- Hiro Zidan (OC) #100🇸🇦
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💮🈲Stay tuned for Hiros 101 - 200🈵🉐
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