#ftm pregneancy
pony-boy21 · 3 months
baby update
Well, its been one hella of a two days. Wednesday we went to our normal OBGYN appointment and she was checking Corbin's heartbeat and it was two I high 184 bpm, and so she got the ultrasound lady to check and it was registering at a little higher and I have too much fluid in my womb. I'll have to change my eating habits I haven't been doing well. I use to be so healthy and lately its just whatever I have been craving.. So Dr. Laberge wanted me to go stay in the antepartum ward at the hospital for 24 hours to get the heartrate back down or get some answers why it is so high. So I got checked in and they put me on the moniters to monitor baby, myself and my contractions and low and behold I was contracting every 2-3 minutes so they ended up giving me something to stop the contractions and it took up until 3am. I was up all night and couldn't sleep at all. I was up for 24 hrs. They also gave me an injection in my ass of steroids to help develop the baby's lungs just in case he was coming earlier than expected. Thursday I had no more contractions and so they gave me the 2nd dose of steroids to help the baby in the other ash cheek. They had a specialist come in and check the baby on the ultrasound and Corbin is doing wonderful, no health issues, no problems with the umbilical cord, the heart is strong and showed all four chambers pumping. and he also stated my baby is going to be a chunky one and is two weeks ahead of his growth and is already 5 pounds. At the end of the day we got released yesterday at around 3pm and made it home around 4om baby and I are doing good just under bed rest..
on the another note my friend chad and I are taking bets seeing when baby boy will be delivered . He thinks ill make it to my 39 weeks due date august 10th. I don't think I will make it between 34-36 weeks. He was almost ready to come
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