neen-writes · 9 months
Silver for Monsters -- Ch. 7: The Dancing Windmill
Series: Witcher/Fairy Tail
Pairing: Gajeel/Levy
Summary: In a world ravaged by monsters where magic is becoming outlawed and nonhumans are hunted, the Witcher known as Black Steel Gajeel takes up a contract. He expects to find a simple old herbalist, terrorized by a beast in the woods. But in his many years he has learned to never trust what he expects.
Notes: Here we are, the first entirely fresh chapter for this fic in five years. I spent a long time sitting and listening to music, and going over old notes to really nail down where I wanted this to go. Which has included looking at a lot of interactive maps and picking places for our two to go! As a note, I had "On the Champs-Désolés" from the Blood and Wine OST on my mind for the last dance. Which I know is technically combat music, but boy just imagine a wild, hedonistic dance circle to this. Anyway, enjoy!
Read on Ao3 Here
The locals were in a tizzy. Something about a pile of dead drowners on the beach and no real inkling of how they got there. Just whispers of some scuffle at the crack of dawn. ‘They killed each other,’ ‘something bigger got ‘em,’ and then finally, the one that made the corner of Gajeel’s mouth tilt.
“You fetid whoreson, I told you to burn them, not dump them in the harbor!” Shrill, aged. Without a doubt a long-suffering wife shrieking at her husband that had most certainly ran afoul of her good graces years past. Well, he found the careless farmer it seemed; or at least, one of them.
He scratched the side of his mouth absently, moving with some familiarity to pick up his contractor.  He’d taken his time leaving the city proper, knowing that she likely had a list of preparations to see to before they could be on their way. His interests aside, Gajeel did not fancy sitting awkwardly on Lucy’s couch while Levy packed for what was predicted to be an extended period of each other’s company. No, he preferred to mentally work that scenario to death ahead of time while browsing the shelves of an apothecary for essentials, then stopping at the stable he had boarded his horse at for the night.
The Witcher had agreed real quick to inserting himself in whatever big picture the mage was being painted into. In the moment, it seemed like the only thing to do. She needed help, and was already on a variety of his waking and resting thoughts, so he could provide. Then, as he silently packed his items into the leather saddlebags, his better judgment came knocking. Loud. 
Not a single one of them had missed the signs that something astronomically significant was brewing right there in Novigrad’s harbor. Two of the most powerful political powers of the territories agreeing to participate with one another to hunt the Lodge for some common goal. For Emhyr to find the tolerance to cooperate with a madman like Radovid, to put their war second to finding the remaining sorceresses…the carrot at the end of that stick must have been remarkably rich. 
Men were foolish, violent; driven by their lusts in whatever flavor it happened to be. For the flesh, for power, for blood. A simple grudge and common distaste for the Lodge was not so rewarding a dish to bring those two together. No, some deeper desire had them both by the throat.
Gajeel saw all of that, and without a second thought said ‘excellent, I’ll get in the middle of that.’ His boot scuffed the dirt loudly and a grimace fell over his features.
Hell’s teeth, Lily was going to be livid when he found out.  
Which, realistically, Gajeel could put off for some time. They often traveled separately from one another, coming together here and there when it served them. It was perfectly feasible to get all this Lodge business sorted, Find Levy’s lost compatriot, then be off on the Path once more. He would collect on some reward for whatever work Jellal had for him, and then call it a day. Easy.  Cut and dry. Uncomplicated. 
Gajeel repeated that mantra to himself as he tied up his horse just inside the old fence around the familiar townhouse. Uncomplicated.
His fist rapped twice against the worn wooden door, and the ginger-haired man from before opened it carefully; Lucy’s polymorph. Relief rippled over her features, but she did not drop the form. Cautious, good. Knowing what we know now.
“She’s just grabbing the last of her things upstairs,” Lucy said by way of greeting as she stepped to the side. Gajeel’s brows lifted a fraction; the conjured voice that she matched to this form was foolproof. A comfort for her, certainly.  The untrained eye would never know the difference or that something more lay beneath. They just had to hope that the witch hunters remained untrained in polymorphy.
He nodded once and helped himself inside, awkwardly shouldering through the tight doorways. Farcorners wasn’t the neighborhood of wealth, and it showed in more ways than one. Particularly in the economical way most buildings were constructed: shorter ceilings, narrow doorways, small rooms. A collection of cut corners to save on building costs.
The Witcher didn’t bother sitting, and instead assumed his favored lean on a wallspace with crossed arms. Lucy didn’t make any effort to strike up conversation, but judging by the way she hovered around the space and avoided eye contact, he could see it was anxiety that had her tongue. Mercifully, it wasn’t long before the other mage descended the stairs with a light pack at her side. She had put on fresher clothes since this morning, and looked more prepared for the road than she did before. Judging by how quickly and thoroughly she put herself together, this wasn’t the first time she had to move on with such short notice.
When Levy’s eyes found him, there was a spark on her face, like she hadn’t expected him there. She did not hide that it was a pleasant surprise, and a glimmer of satisfaction swirled in his chest.
His earlier mantra, whatever it was, conveniently drifted right out of his head. Couldn't have been that important. 
“Gajeel, you’re right on time,” she remarked with a strained smile. The mage was on edge, as she rightly should be. It didn’t suit her. 
“Saw no reason to stall,” he replied, having stalled most of the morning.
“True enough,” Levy glanced over at Lucy, who had stepped over to fuss at her shirt. She was still in her glamour, so she stood nearly a head taller as she checked the security of her bag strap. An easy familiarity of old, old friends. No space boundaries.
“Did you remember–”
“Yes, I have everything you gave me, Luce,” Levy cut her off before she could start fretting all over again. The morning had been tense for the two of them, and Lucy tried at least twice to get Levy to reconsider. To no avail, of course. There was no stopping Levy once her mind was set on a direction, and Lucy knew this well enough. But not knowing when, or if she would see her friend once she rode off with the strange Witcher was motivation enough to at least try. Gajeel’s only saving grace in her opinions of him was his relationship with her complicated blacksmith, and likely the only thing that kept her from doing something drastic to keep Levy safe.
Lucy heaved a tired sigh and laid both hands on Levy’s shoulders. “You’re the best of us, you know.”
“Stop it,” Levy replied with a gentle smile, “I’ll be in touch with Erza soon. You just remember our agreement.”
“Kovir.  Two weeks,” she responded.
A gentle clattering reminded both of them that Gajeel still stood, awkwardly, in the room with them. Waiting for whatever this was–so many emotions–to be over. This was largely why he traveled alone, if not with Lily. People were so complicated, and so full of things to say when actions worked just as well. The urge to not settle, to not linger longer than was necessary was a wordless understanding between Witchers. Socially, they weren’t meant for the world anymore unless drunk enough to stifle their inhibitions, but they got on just fine with one another. If he had it his way, they would have been long gone by now, but this seemed important to her. In an odd turn, he seemed keen on validating what was important to her.
A few more quiet words, a clasping of their hands, and then Lucy’s glamour gave Gajeel a curt nod that said everything her words could not before they headed out the door. ‘Take care of her.’
The door closed, and Levy’s face fell slightly when she saw the single horse tied up outside, “You still just have the one.” Not a question.
“Apologies, I did not find the time to buy ya one all for yourself,” the eyeroll was all over his tone whether he physically did so or not. Regardless, he held out his hand to help her up into the saddle, trying to be as nonchalant as possible. 
She stared at the offering, then up at the horse. “Too busy buying yourself new armor? Or killing the neighborhood vermin?” Levy cast him a half-annoyed look and eased back slightly.
Ah, so word of his escapades had spread. “Ya mean my profession? Correct,” he replied, his tone full of easy mockery.
Levy huffed and motioned for him to mount the horse first, “I’ll ride in the rear this time, if it’s all the same to you.”
He blinked, wondering why that would matter or make it any different. Either way she was going to be close enough to make his skin crawl and–
Heat clawed at the back of his neck, mercifully hidden by the cascade of black hair he’d pulled up into a ponytail earlier.  Without any more protest, he hoisted himself up into the seat with fluid ease, then leaned over to extend a hand, again, to the mage.
She pondered for half a second on whether or not she should take it, then settled on the fact that trying to get up on her own would surpass any embarrassment from simply taking his hand.  It was an assist, that was all. The mage placed her right hand over the top of his and braced her left on the back of the seat.  Hers disappeared into the palm of his and for a split moment she found herself distracted by how rough it was, before her heart dropped to her feet.
Either oblivious to his own strength or seriously overestimating how much effort he needed to put in to lift her, she clumsily hopped into the saddle behind him and nearly slid right on over the other side with the momentum. Levy might have, were it not for the quick twist back of his right shoulder to catch her with a small oomf into his back. “Easy,” he chided, and he can practically hear the steam billowing out of her ears as he gave a gentle pop into the horse’s side. This was going to be a long ride.
“You know, if you gave me an idea of where we were going, I could probably teleport us there.  Or at least close.  Rest and Lucy worked wonders.” The increased distance between homes were the first indication that they were coming to the edge of district, and closer still to leaving Novigrad behind. Her hands sat securely on her thighs to minimize any unnecessary contact with the Witcher in front of her. The seating arrangement did allow her to feel like she wasn’t quite so close to him, but the unforeseen circumstance to that was the fact she couldn’t see a damn thing past his wall of a back that wasn’t directly to their left or right.
“No,” he responded a lot more sharply than he had intended, but the suggestion wrought an immediate twist of nausea in his gut. “No portals.  Sworn off ‘em.”
Levy scrunched her nose, “Well, that’s a little dramatic. We did fine last time when I wasn’t even at my best.”
Gajeel cast a quick look over his shoulder at her. “Sorry, ya mean when I was swiftly delivered into a mouthful of dirt?” He was full of bitter accusation.
The sorceress raised her brows at him and grazed her fingertips over her chest in mock scandal, “The drama persists,” she huffs and dismisses his bravado with a wave of her hand, “Again, next time you are welcome to navigate yourself out of such a situation yourself if my assistance so offends. I’ll file away your preferences for the future.”
Gajeel bared his teeth slightly and instead just looked forward, pulling their horse due north. “If we want to avoid the border posts, we’ll need to leave by way of Seven Cats Inn, head north to avoid the high traffic over the river crossings, and then east,” he leaves no room for any other option. This would involve some level of roughing it through untraveled landscape, but with so much activity in and out of Novigrad, it was their best option. Especially if they were benign tailed in any way, the least direct route to his friend’s base was the safest choice.
The sorceress heaved a sigh, but didn’t fight him on it. “Your horse, your rules. Lead on.”
There’s the faintest of hums in his medallion as they pass the seedy tavern on their way out of the last vestiges of Novigrad’s reach.  The feral cat colony that call the inn home are everywhere as they pass through, some roused from deep sleep to give the two of them one look and then hiss emphatically. 
Levy peeked up at Gajeel, amusement prickling at the corners of her eyes. She’d heard rumors, folklore, surrounding Witchers in excess. As stories passed from generation to generation, cautionary tales and ghost stories alike, it was hard to know what was real or not. 
‘Keeping your barns vermin free besides, always keep cats to your property. They will surely see more than your eyes can on every occasion, and will always know when a Witcher comes knocking to steal your younguns. When the cats hiss, know your home’s amiss.’
“So, the stories are true,” she remarks, casting a thoughtless glance into the windows of the already busy tavern as they ride by.  For a split second her eyes snagged on something familiar, but it’s already out of view as they ride forward.
“And those are?”
“Your affinity for cats, of course,” there’s laughter in her tone, but she could see him bristle as another cat hissed on their way out. 
The sun glowed at the horizon by the time sounds of revelry reached the two of them. Levy, absently, placed a hand on Gajeel’s bicep to lean as far as she safely could to the side to get a look. Her curiosity had her oblivious to the way Gajeel straightened at the contact, and instead she regarded what at first just looked like a simple windmill. With the steady westerly breeze, it turned slowly, but the rest of its body had seen far better days.
Gajeel looked, stiffly, over his shoulder at the intrigued mage, then forward at the windmill at the top of a small hill. Various horses were tied up wherever anyone could find the space, and as they ambled forward on the path, more and more signs of movement became apparent. The space around the mill was positively swarming with folk, and a thin stream of fresh smoke indicated the start of a fire.
Somewhere in that direction, someone gave a loud ‘woop!’ and music immediately hopped into a fever pitch as the collection of people whirred into unison with one another. Two things that didn’t seem to go together: a decrepit windmill, and unfettered revelry. 
“Strange place to come together,” Levy commented, trying to crane her neck to see better.
“Surprising, I didn’t think they still did this,” he responded, pulling the horse to a halt.  From the corner of his eye, he could feel the questioning stare. “Used to be, probably still is, called the Dancing Windmill. Some well-to-do dancer used to own the place and threw wicked parties,” a small, knowing smile curved the corner of his mouth, “but when he died I thought they went with ‘im. Guess tradition ain’t easy to bury.”
He felt the woman shift behind him, a kind of uncertain bounce in her seat. After a moment, she scooted back suddenly from him and tucked a leg over to slide out of the saddle, her boots impacting the dirt with a soft thud. Levy quickly reached up to adjust her hood, pulling it securely around her face and tucked brown hair behind her ears.
“O-oi, what’re ya doin’?” Gajeel started to protest as she stepped forward, took hold of the reins, and began leading them up the path towards the commotion.
“Relax, I just want a look. Not every day that you find something like this outside the city.”
The Witcher grumbled to himself and dismounted with a much heavier thud, not keen on being led like a maiden on horseback by the small sorceress. “Much as I’d love a bender, we ain’t got the time. Not sure if ya remember,” he came round front to take the reins from her, but continued in the direction she was heading.  
Levy rolled her eyes, “I’m not planning to stay.  I just,” she paused, not taking her eyes off the raucous swirl of bodies as a new song struck up its tempo. She recognized it from a time long past as something she had danced to once in a tavern. Back when there was time for simple joys like dancing. The memory of the dance came to her, and a bittersweet warmth spread in her chest when she tracked the same dip, spin, partner switch in the revelers when they came closer. “I just want to look back for a moment, to be someone other than myself.  Just for a few minutes.”
Gajeel swallowed the remainder of his protests then, studying the faraway look on her face. It made sense, being what they were, that simple pleasures like a night of dance and drink would be bygone memories. He found himself wondering then if she danced, if her cheeks flushed when she tossed back one too many ales. Or, rather, if she preferred a Touissaint red, or a honey-sweet mead. The questions swirled faster than he could choose from, and instead he chose to watch the party-goers as they stopped just at the edge of the growing firelight, the sun quickly dipping below the horizon. “Shouldn’t bother us none, these used to draw in noble stiffs all the way down to the stable’s shit shovelers, and any non-human that could hide so much as a pointed ear. Folk’d dress however they needed to blend in and come mornin’, no one spoke of it again until the next one,” he offered as an attempt at breaking the silence. A weak reply to her when he could feel every part of her drawing in towards the party.
The sorceress’s shoulders sagged as a small sigh left her. She wanted more than anything waltz in there as an unnamed face and blend in to the swirl of common-folk. In another life, a life where the chaos of magic had not been a siren song that ensnared her into conflict neverending. A life that was not and would not be hers, made clear by the occasional wary glance cast upon them as folks took their breathers at the edge of the property. They were noticed, but be it the energy or the alcohol, the participants appeared to choose not to consider them a problem unless they made themselves one.
For the moments she stood there, watching the unrestrained twirls, yips, and splashes of tankards against one another, she could put herself in their shoes. Levy was there with them, remembering the steps because each week’s end would be another chance to practice. There were no boundaries amongst dancers, freely placing their hands where necessary to throw from partner to partner in a fever step to match the rising tempo. 
She wanted to join them, and she could, easily. She could step in there, just for one dance, so quickly. Or two, or–
Pressure, his hand, settled over her shoulder and she snapped out of a trance she hadn’t even known she was in. Levy looked quickly at her confused companion holding her back mid-step, as the hairs stood on the back of her neck. 
She swung her gaze back to the party so sharply, he thought someone might have called her name. Levy, a woman possessed, looked closer at the dance than she had before, eyes darting from face to face.  Looking for something. The music swelled, pulling her erratic heartbeat with it.  This was familiar again, a tune she knew heralded from taverns in Toussaint.
“Levy?” Gajeel probed, going tense. The mood had shifted drastically, and where before she had been just observing, now she seemed drawn. Panicked even. There was no indication that she even heard him, or chose to acknowledge his presence.
The mage didn’t answer, looking for something without knowing what it was. She shouldered out of his grip and took another step forward, searching, searching.
Searching until a flash of blonde, nearly white hair swept through the middle of the swirling crowd. Levy felt the color drain from her face and her heart seized, before launching into a gallop. Somewhere in the band, someone took up the beat of the drums to thrust the melody forward, boots stomping the dirt in wild unison. Another swirl, and a short woman dressed in white leapt from one partner to another, a wild trail of ashen hair behind her, and disappeared again into the mess of bodies.
Levy’s throat went dry, her hands grasping up at the empty air in front of her. The edges of her vision darkened as she stood on her toes, trying to search as much as she could of the crowd short of walking in there herself. She leaned harshly left and right, nearly throwing off her hood, and opened her mouth to call out.
A harsh reminder of the Witcher’s presence came in the form of a large, rough hand clasped over her mouth. The sorceress felt her world tilt as he wrapped another arm around her waist and hauled her up and back off of her feet. “What are you doing?” he hissed into her ear, before cursing sharply as a numbing shock sparked into the hand over her face. Gajeel dropped his hand to shake out the sensation, but held his other arm firm around her middle.
Levy bobbed forward, and a single name tumbled in a gasp from her mouth, “Mavis?!” Her eyes scanned again, the music arcing downward again as the dancers separated out into two lines opposite each other to conclude their flurry. Bright hair caught her eye again, and her chest seized, before ice water in the form of stark disappointment crashed over her. A woman with a mess of ashen-blonde hair stood there true enough, her sides heaving from the effort of the dance, but it was most certainly not the person she imagined seeing. 
Gajeel felt her body sag and waited an extra moment before setting her back onto her feet and pulling her round to face him. He blanched backwards at the stark white color of her face and the vacant look of undiluted shock in her eyes. Surprise gave way to action, and Gajeel seized her chin to force her eyes up to his, still needing to lean forward to avoid craning her neck too far.  “I’m gonna need ya to say somethin’ here, shorty,” he pushed, hoping the nickname would be enough to pull her back to the present.
There was a glimmer, but she still did not supply the reaction he hoped. “I,” she started, blinking once, then a hard twice, “I thought I saw,” she was out of breath. Another heartbeat, and urgency fell over her features, “I was wrong, we need to go.” The abruptness with which she pushed past him to head back onto the trail left him stunned for a moment.  He hazarded one curious glance back at the party, which would continue well into the morning hours, and then pulled the horse after him to prevent her from creating too much distance.
“Look, I know we all got our things, but if I’m stuck with ya, I need ya to give me somethin’.  Anythin’, ‘specially if it is something that will, I don’t know, blow our cover? In front of a large group of people?” he caught up to her fairly easily, his steps much longer than hers.
It took Levy a moment, refusing to look at him now as embarrassment alone brought the color back to her face. Stupid. That was almost, disastrously, stupid. “I’m sorry,” she replied finally, quieter than she had hoped. “I saw a ghost, that’s all,” she was, noticeably, refusing to look at him. “She is–was someone important to me. To all of us, but she died a long time ago. I haven’t been sleeping well, and I got caught up in the past, that’s all.”
Gajeel wanted more than anything to probe further, but she looked absolutely drained from the mere possibility she had seen the living body of an old friend. A severe reaction that didn’t warrant digging into just yet.  He would, of course, eventually. Gajeel was not and would never be known for his patience and tact. “Looks like we should find somewhere to set down for the night, then.”
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vannahfanfics · 4 years
A Caring and Doting Family
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Category: General Fluff
Fandom: Fairy Tail
Characters: Wendy Marvell, Mirajane Strauss
Hello, everyone! Here’s my story for the Fairy Tail Reverse Big Bang for 2020! I had the pleasure of working with @lucykirkland for this event (here is the art associated with the story) and @reachingforme as my beta. I hope you all enjoy :) Thank you @ftguildevents for hosting!
Wendy squirmed uncomfortably as her belly twisted in tight, uncomfortable knots. Whimpering quietly, she draped herself over the wood of the table and tried not to seem too conspicuous. The young dragon-slayer wasn’t sure what had aggravated her tummy so, but it was not something she wished to bother anyone else with. Thus, she suffered in silence, watching through teary eyes as the guild went about its daily business. 
It was an ordinary day in Fairy Tail, about one in the afternoon. Cana had begun her daily ritual of draining the guild of its alcohol; she eagerly gulped ale straight from the oak barrel. Loke had elected for a jaunt to the human world and was striding about with meek little Aries clinging to the hem of his waistcoat; little tufts of her fluffy fur rolled on the floor from where she had tugged it out.The guild’s Exceeds now batted it around with their little paws. Juvia and Levy avidly discussed a recent article in the weekly mages’ magazine. Natsu and Gray were embroiled in one of their daily scraps, upending tables and chairs as some of the other adults looked on with hoots and hollers. After a few punches and kicks, Erza grabbed them by the collars and hauled them off for a fierce talking-to. Mirajane meandered through the crowd, delivering platters of food and tankards of drinks. Eventually she wandered up to the table where Wendy sat alone wriggling in pain. 
“Wendy?” Mirajane inquired quietly. She set down the plates of food she was about to deliver when she noticed the young girl’s apparent distress. “Are you sick, honey?” Wendy vehemently shook her head, not wishing to bother the pretty model-slash-mage with her stomachache. However, the movement sent her stomach twisting further into pretzel knots, and she whined miserably. Mirajane eased onto the table bench beside her, looking at her with raised eyebrows. 
“... My tummy hurts,” the pigtailed girl admitted finally. Mirajane blinked puzzledly; then, her expression softened, and she reached over to rub soothing circles into the small of Wendy’s back. The blue-haired mage sniffed and buried her face into her forearm, embarrassed to be seen in such a compromised state. How weak was she, to be incapacitated by a mere stomachache? “I’m sorry…” she peeped on instinct.
“Wendy! There’s no need to be sorry,” Mirajane laughed amiably, her long white hair swishing as she rose from the seat. Wendy peered over the curve of her arm to look up at her. “Why don’t you come back to the sick bay?” Mirajane offered kindly. “I know just the treatment for a tummy ache!” Her blue eyes sparkled as she offered a hand to the younger mage. Wendy gazed at the presented hand with a small measure of hesitation. She didn’t want to burden Mirajane with her silly illness. Although, when her insides contorted into another painful position and sent ribbons of pain flaring across her abdomen, Wendy abandoned her pride.
“Okay,” she murmured and took Mirajane’s hand. She slipped off the bench, cringing as her ailing stomach protested loudly to the action. Tears pricked the corners of her eyes and she clutched at the skin of her stomach as the twisting, contorting pain clawed at her insides. Mirajane tutted soothingly and pulled her flush to her side, drawing an arm around Wendy’s slim shoulders. Simpering, Wendy pushed her forehead against the flesh of Mirajane’s side. She was soft and warm, and Wendy found herself relaxing in her soothing presence. Somehow, the roiling in her stomach settled down just a smidgeon.
Mirajane steered the ailing girl towards the back of the guild where a small room with a bed and medicine supplies lay. Despite the proclivity for Fairy Tail members to end up in all sorts of trouble that resulted in wounds, from small to grievous, it was unoccupied. When Mirajane opened the door, Wendy immediately tore from her side to scamper over to the bed and crawl in. The freshly cleaned sheets smelled of vanilla and lavender; as Wendy inhaled the calming scent, she crooned in gratification. The fabric was soft and silky on her skin, which she now realized was flushed with mild fever. Mirajane chuckled as she strode to the bedside and leaned over to tuck her in.
“Feeling better already?”
“Mhmm. I feel like a pampered princess!” Wendy laughed as Mirajane pushed the sheets and comforter under her body to envelop her in a nice, warm cocoon. Her intestines were still writhing like a beast inside of her, but the pain had lessened some. Mirajane hummed and laid the back of her hand against Wendy’s forehead.
“You have a slight fever,” the woman frowned. She retrieved a glass of water and two fever-reducers. Wendy gulped down the pills, grimacing at the uncomfortable feeling of the smooth tablets against her throat. She coughed a little before settling back down into the bed, squirming uncomfortably at the smoldering pain in her tummy. The mattress dipped as Mirajane eased down onto it; her hand reached out to stroke Wendy’s stomach over the soft down comforter. “Don’t worry, Wendy,” she smiled kindly when the girl pouted uncertainly at her. “I’ll stay with you until you feel better.”
“Are you sure?” Wendy frowned deeply. “I feel bad… You have work to do, Mira.” Mirajane chuckled warmly and shook her head.
“No work is more important than making sure our cute little Wendy is okay!” Wendy blinked, then smiled bashfully. Mirajane is so kind, she thought happily. She snuggled further into the warm, cozy bed, appreciating the way the sheets and blankets enveloped her like a hug. To occupy herself, Mirajane brought her bin of silverware and napkins into the room so she could fold them and replenish the store. The Fairy Tail guild members collectively had insatiable gullets, meaning that the kitchen was constantly under some strain or another. Wendy watched through lidded eyes as Mirajane wrapped the silken black cloths around forks, knives, and spoons and tied red ribbons around them. She dropped them into another empty bin beside her. She was meticulous yet efficient, so very soon she had filled the bin nearly halfway.
In the interim, various members of the guild meandered in and out of the sick bay to see Wendy. Lucy popped by to deliver a warm cup of chamomile tea that she had prepared using Mirajane’s bar equipment. It’s soft floral flavor melted into Wendy’s bones, pulling her into a sense of ease and tranquility. It also made her a little sleepy, so she caught a quick cat nap; when she awoke, her belly pain had dulled considerably, but was still mildly uncomfortable. 
Gajeel and Levy came by to see her. Gajeel got halfway through one of his senseless, raspy original songs before the bookish girl ushered him out bleating about how he was disturbing the sick girl. Levy hopped back in to give Wendy a plush rabbit she had bought at the local antique store. Its threads were frayed and it carried the aroma of mothballs, but it was incredibly soft.Wendy hugged it tightly to her side.
Next came Erza, who brought her a strawberry shortcake. The redhead seemed very pleased when the sugar aggravated Wendy’s upset stomach too much to finish eating it and she was given the opportunity to polish it off. Natsu and Happy stopped in too but didn’t seem to understand Mirajane’s annoyance when they insisted that a nice cut of roasted meat cured all ailments. Gray and Juvia came in also, and Wendy was very entertained by the way Juvia insisted on wrapping her head in a scarf to stave off her fever. Laxus even came to see her, though he grew very flustered about what to say and just sat uncomfortably in a chair for five minutes holding her hand. Wendy found his hesitant caring very charming.
Wendy was very grateful for all the attention she had received over the course of the day, though she was only suffering from a stomach ache. Her guildmates regaled her with silly jokes and funny faces and kind words. By the time the sun was sinking below the horizon to cast a golden glow into the room, her pain had faded into a mild dull throbbing. Mirajane had finished preparing silverware and was now polishing the glassware they used on special occasions to prevent the accumulation of dust.
“Mirajane?” Wendy asked quietly. Sapphire blue eyes locked on her, sparkling and content. Wendy blinked slowly and squirmed in the bed. She wasn’t quite sure what she wanted to ask, now that she thought about it; she had just been compelled to call out to the model. To save face, she sputtered, “Th-thank you for sitting with me.”
“It’s no problem, Wendy!” Mirajane smiled sweetly. Sensing that something troubled the younger girl, she abandoned her current work and turned to face her fully. “Is something on your mind, Wendy?” Meekly, the little girl nodded. “What is it?”
“I just… This kind of feels like how my old guild used to dote on me,” Wendy explained with a small blush. The rest of her guild was familiar now with her origins and were usually careful not to bring up her disheartening past. Though Wendy was exceptionally happy with her home in Fairy Tail, of course she still thought about her old friends- no, family- from time to time. They were the first to embrace her when she became lost in this strange and foreign world. Though they had faded from existence, Wendy still treasured them very much and sometimes descended down the bittersweet road of memory.
Her bottom lip wobbled as she fingered the stitched hem of the comforter. The tears budded again in the corners of her eyes, blooming like little dewdrops before slipping down her cheeks. “O-one time… I ate some bad meat and got food poisoning. It was so awful; I was terribly sick… The whole guild stayed up with me all night, telling me funny stories and bringing me water and medicine and just helping me through it.” Dark stains appeared in the fabric where her tears had soaked through. “I-I’m sorry, Mira. I must sound so ungrateful right now!” she fretted and rubbed at her teary eyes with the heels of her palms.
“No!” Mirajane interrupted quickly. She scooched up the bed to lay on her side beside Wendy, hugging her head and bringing it to her chest. Wendy sniffled as Mirajane tenderly embraced her. “We could never, ever ask you to forget your former family, Wendy,” the woman told her gently. “They are as much a part of you as we are.” The tears continued to roll down Wendy’s cheeks as she whimpered in relief. She wasn’t sure if telling the truth would offend Mirajane, and the last thing Wendy wanted to do was upset the motherly woman that she so looked up to. Mirajane tutted and pressed her cheeks against Wendy’s head, twirling one of her long pigtails around her hand. “We love you, Wendy, no matter what. Frankly, I’m glad that we’re able to give you feelings that remind you of your old guild.”
“Really?” Wendy asked, peering up at her with wide eyes. Mirajane smiled brightly and nodded.
“Yes! That means that we’re doing our job as your new family and taking good care of you! If you feel safe and loved with us, that is all we could ever ask for.” Wendy trilled delightedly and threw her arms around Mirajane’s neck to snuggle happily into her. Mirajane beamed and embraced her tightly. “You are our guild’s treasure. Never, ever forget that.”
“Thank you, Mirajane,” Wendy giggled elatedly. Mirajane pulled back to smile happily  at her.
“Is your stomach hurting anymore?” Wendy perked up and her hands flew to her stomach. Sure enough, the dull pains in her stomach had ceased. Wendy grinned ecstatically at Mirajane.
“No! I’m cured!” she squealed. She threw the covers off herself and jumped up in the bed, flinging her arms triumphantly in the air. Mirajane chuckled good-naturedly as the blue-haired girl did a little happy dance across the mattress. “Thank you for your help, Mira!”
“Of course. Since you’re feeling better, would you like some cookies?” Wendy shrieked in delight and vaulted off the bed to dash out the door, yelling, “Yay! Cookies!” She ran out into the main guild hall and dozens of pairs of eyes fixed on her.
“Hey, everybody!” she cried, cupping her hands to her mouth. “I’m all better and Mira’s making cookies!” she shouted just as Mirajane came strolling out of the room. A chorus of excited shouts and hollers rang through the room. Mirajane clicked her tongue and teasingly leaned over to tickle Wendy’s sides.
“Hey! That was gonna be our secret!” Screaming in laughter, Wendy wriggled away from her and fled to scramble up into Gajeel’s lap. His big, strong arms wrapped around her middle and he regarded her with raised eyebrows.
“Protect me, Gajeel!”
“From Mira? You’re on your own, squirt,” the iron-eater snorted playfully. Wendy giggled and climbed up to sit on his shoulder like a parrot, heels kicking into his back as she watched Mirajane walk behind the bar to begin preparing the cookie dough. After a few seconds, she hopped down to run over.
“Can I help? Can I, Mirajane?”
“Of course. Here, can you get me the flour?” Nodding, Wendy ran to the cabinets to begin looking for the bag of flour. As she pulled it out and brought it over, she paused to look out into the guild hall, drinking in all the friendly faces.
I miss my old home sometimes, she thought, but I’m very grateful to have found such a caring, lively, and amazing new one! Wendy scampered over to Mirajane and climbed up into a chair to deliver the flour. As Mirajane handed her a whisk to stir the dry ingredients, Wendy prepared to add this moment to the plethora of happy memories she had made at Fairy Tail.  
Enjoy this oneshot? Feel free to peruse my Table of Contents.
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mdelpin · 3 years
A Proper Send Off
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Gratsu Week 2021 Prompt: Goodbye Pairing: Gray x Natsu
Summary: Natsu is having trouble coping with everything he learned during the Alvarez War and tries to sneak away again, but Gray isn't about to let him go alone.
They take off together and find all their friends waiting for them at the Magnolia town marker. After all, no one is allowed to leave Fairy Tail without a proper send-off.
Gray caught up to Natsu and Happy about a mile from the Magnolia town marker.
“You going somewhere, Flame Breath?”
Gray’s heart caught in his throat when Natsu refused to look at him, his eyes staying firmly on the ground.
“I tried to talk him out of it, Gray, but he wouldn’t listen.” Happy complained, “It’s just like last time.”
“Don’t worry about it, Happy, I’m not about to let him make the same mistake again.”
“I have to go.” Natsu said in a strangled voice. “Please don’t try to stop me.”
Gray wasn’t really surprised. He’d been expecting something like this for days.
Tartaros, Alvarez, Zeref, END…
Any one of these was a lot to handle, but all of them at once? It was just too much.
For both of them.
Things still hadn’t gone back to normal between them, and truth be told, Gray was still worried that Lucy’s attempt to rewrite the book of END might have changed Natsu somewhat.
But he knew that wasn’t exactly fair. It wasn’t so much that Natsu was different now; it was more that he didn’t know how to act around others.
And who could blame him? Even the people around town who had always treated Natsu as a friend had begun to treat him differently.
On top of that, after spending years searching for answers to his past, he’d certainly learned more than he’d bargained for. Who his family was, how he’d ended up with Igneel, the connection he shared with Wendy, Gajeel, Sting and Rogue as well as Lucy’s ancestor.
Even more, he’d learned what he was and the purpose he’d been meant to fulfill.
How many people had been killed or had their lives destroyed because of Zeref’s attempts to resurrect him? How did anyone live with that knowledge?
It was something Gray could easily sympathize with. After all, guilt was something he dealt with daily. For the people who had died so he could live, for not returning Juvia’s fervent affections, and for not being able to offer his father the peace he’d asked for.
And now he could add trying to kill the person he loved most and breaking a promise to the list.
Gray didn’t know how they were going to come back from any of this, but he knew that as much as he wanted to tell him he was wrong, Natsu was on to something. He needed to leave to sort through all of his doubts and fears, including this new one that he was a danger to his friends.
Zeref might be gone, but that had never stopped dark sorcerers from searching out any vestiges of his magic, and that was part of what Natsu was now.
But Gray wasn’t just about to let him do it alone.
And he wasn’t taking no for an answer.
“Who said anything about stopping you?” Gray said. “I’m going with you.”
Natsu’s head jerked up and Gray pointed at the travel bag that hung on his shoulder.
“But what about Juvia?” He blurted out before adding in a softer tone, “And the others?”
“Juvia will never get over her creepy obsession if I stay, and as for the others,” he paused, because the truth is this part did make him sad. “They’ll be fine.”
The members of Fairy Tail had been his family for so long, he knew he’d miss them all terribly.
But everyone had to leave home sometime. It was part of growing up, and he truly felt that his future lay with Natsu.
He knew mending their relationship wouldn’t be easy, but it was important to him to try. Besides, he’d already discussed it with Gramps, and the old man had agreed. This was what was best for Natsu right now, and it would be much better if he didn’t go alone.
“I don’t know where I’m going.” Natsu said, looking a little embarrassed by the admission.
“I expected that from a Flame Brain like you.” Gray laughed. “That’s okay. We can figure it out on the way. I doubt it matters much, anyway.”
“Are you sure about this? It could get dangerous.”
“Standing next to you is dangerous,” Gray scoffed. “Don’t worry about me, love, I can hold my own.”
“Love?” Natsu said, sounding puzzled at hearing the familiar term of endearment. “But I thought…”
“Well, that was your first mistake,” Gray quipped, but when Natsu didn’t laugh, he gave up the pretense that everything was alright between them.
“I know I fucked up. Said and did things I didn’t mean, but that doesn’t mean I stopped loving you. And I know it won’t be easy, but I want to work on us again.”
Natsu searched his eyes for the briefest of seconds, and satisfied with whatever he found in them, he began walking, pulling Gray along with him.
Happy flew around them, looking much more cheerful now that he knew Gray was joining them on their journey this time around.
They heard the commotion before they saw what it was, and Gray groaned as they got to the top of the hill, only to find Erza and just about everyone else in the guild waiting for them.
“You didn’t really think you’d be able to leave us without a proper sendoff, did you?” Erza asked, looking incredibly pleased with herself as everyone else snorted their agreement.
Yes, he’d rather hoped so. Gray hated scenes and he could already feel Natsu stiffening next to him. He shot an annoyed glare at Gramps, but the old man merely shrugged his shoulders unapologetically.
Natsu was examining the ground again, and curious what brought that about, he looked around and noticed Lucy heading towards them.
“It’s alright, Natsu. I’ll be just fine this time.” Lucy smiled. “I’m even working on a book about all of our adventures. Levy is helping me.”
Natsu looked up at that. She wrapped him up in a quick hug, and Gray backed away to give them some space.
“I-I just wanted to say thank you for everything. All the times you saved me, and all the fun we had. These last couple of years I was able to find a family again, and it was all thanks to you. I’m going to miss you. You too, Gray!”
“We saved each other,” Natsu corrected with a fond smile, even as Happy flew into Lucy’s arms and hugged her.
“Don’t let him destroy too much, Happy, okay?”
Happy nodded solemnly and gave his customary, “Aye, sir!”
Everyone jumped in with well wishes and words of encouragement until there were only a few left.
“I promised myself I wouldn’t cry,” Wendy wailed as she hugged them tightly.
“It’s okay, kiddo. You’ll see us again!” Gray assured her, hoping that he was right. He didn’t know how long this journey of theirs would take, but he hoped they could return someday.
“Try to keep your pants on,” Cana said as she hugged Gray. She whispered, “Unless you don’t have to…”
“Cana!” Gray protested as he shoved her away playfully.
“I heard that,” Natsu grumbled.
“I know,” Cana winked, capturing him in a hug as well. “Take care of each other, and say hi to my old man for me if you bump into him on the road.”
Natsu nodded.
Mira, Elfman, and Lisanna came as a group. Mira handed Natsu a bag with food.
“Here you go, I packed you both some lunch.” Mira fussed over them, “Don’t forget to eat, and write us letters from time to time to let us know how you’re doing.”
Lisanna giggled, “Like Natsu would ever forget to eat.”
She gave him a big hug, “Take care of yourselves.”
She whispered something into Natsu’s ear that Gray did not catch, but his face turned an interesting shade of red, and he shushed her.
Gray had little chance to think about what she might have said because Elfman enveloped them in a hug and slapped both their backs hard enough for it to hurt.
“Elfman, are you crying?” Mira asked, watching her younger brother with an amused smile.
“Crying is manly,” Elfman wiped away at his eyes.
Warren stepped forward and handed them each a mobile lacrima device. “Here, take these, in case you want to get in touch or something.”
“You don’t have to-”
Gray got no further as Warren turned away, muttering “Just take them.”
“Is he crying?” Natsu whispered, and Gray could only shrug in response.
Macao and Romeo came next, and neither made any effort to hide their tears. “Take care, you two, and try to get along, will ya?”
Romeo only stared at them and it was then Gray remembered he’d been the one who’d never given up on them all those years they’d been stuck on Tenrou.
“You’re going to have to train hard,” Natsu told him, “Cause I’m leaving you in charge of the guild while I‘m gone, okay?”
Romeo nodded, and like Wendy before him, hugged them both at once. Gray found himself petting his head, as Macao used to do to them when they were younger. It didn’t feel like it had been all that long ago, really.
“I’m not gonna say goodbye, since I plan to pop in on you now and again.” Loke gave them each a fist bump. “So make sure you have interesting stuff to tell me.”
He stepped back to stand between Cana and Lucy.
“Juvia doesn’t see why Natsu has to take Gray-sama with him,” Juvia wailed loudly to anyone who would listen.
“Try not to get too lost in that little head of yours, alright?” Gajeel slapped Natsu on the back. He shook Gray’s hand and muttered. “I’ll try to keep the crazy away as much as I can, but you guys might want to hurry the first couple of days, so there isn’t a trail for her to follow.”
“Thanks, man.”
“Don’t mention it.”
Gajeel waited while Pantherlily and Carla said their goodbyes to Happy.
That left only Erza and Gramps. Erza pushed Makarov’s wheelchair over to them.
“I better not hear you two are running around destroying towns and bothering people,” Erza started off sternly, but by the end of her scolding, there were tears in the corner of her eyes.
Gray could feel matching tears coming on and he could hear Natsu sniffling next to him too.
“Come here, you two,” Erza said, grabbing them both into a fierce hug. “You’ve come so far. You’re going to be just fine, I just know it. I’ll- I’ll miss you.”
They held on to her tightly, letting her cry over them. Gray had known she’d be the hardest. For as strict as she’d always been on them, they shared the most history. Not to mention she’d also been the one to force them to get past their stupid rivalry.
They finally let go of her, smiling as they wiped away their tears.
“There’s only one thing left to do.” Gramps said, and everyone lined up behind him.
“While you are leaving us, always remember that Fairy Tail will always be your home, and should you, no, when you choose to return, it will be here waiting for you.”
“Now, as you know, there are three rules that any mage who leaves Fairy Tail must abide by.
Number One - You must never reveal sensitive information about Fairy Tail to others for as long as you live.
Number Two - You must never use former contacts met through your being in the guild for personal gain.
And Number Three - Though our paths may have diverged, you must continue to live out your life with all your might. You must never consider your own life to be something insignificant, and you must never forget about your friends for as long as you live.”
Gramps looked so small in that wheelchair, fragile almost, and Gray had a passing thought that this might be the last time they got to see him. He felt his heart clench at the thought, not ready to think about losing anyone else that was important to him.
“Thanks, Gramps.” There was so much more Gray wanted to say to him, but he had a feeling the old man knew. “For everything.”
“Yeah, Gramps, thanks for taking me in.” Natsu smiled, the first genuine smile Gray had seen since the war had ended.
“The pleasure was mine,” Gramps grinned, “Well, most of the time anyway. Now, get going!”
“Take care of yourselves boys, and try not to be so reckless.”
“Bye everyone!” Natsu and Gray called out, waving to everyone before turning around and walking away.
Gray reached out for Natsu’s hand, wanting to test the waters, and was pleased to find Natsu didn’t fight him off.
Now that they were finally on their way, the wave of sadness lifted and the excitement creeped in again, and as they turned back one last time they saw everyone had lifted their hands in air making the Fairy Tail hand signal.
Even if we can't see you... no matter how far away you may be... we will always be watching you.
“We’ll be back someday,” Gray squeezed the hand he held in his.
“I hope so.”
Happy took one look at their joined hands and squeaked. “I knew it! You looooove him!”
“Do not, shut up!” Natsu yelled, pulling away from Gray and chasing after the Exceed.
“You looooove him, you looooove him!” Happy chanted, flying just out of Natsu’s reach.
Gray watched them and chuckled, glad to see Natsu acting more like himself. They had left their home behind, and it would be tough going, but in the end, he truly hoped Natsu could find the peace he was looking for, and he wanted nothing more than to share it with him.
But of course, there was nothing wrong with having a few adventures along the way!
A/N: This is immensely personal for me. Today is the last day of the last Gratsu Week hosted by @becausewhenyoupracticeyouimprove and the @gratsu-week blog on Tumblr. It was the first event I ever participated in back in 2018, and it's an event that I have helped organize for the last three years. It's very special to me.
So it is very fitting that the last ever prompt was goodbye.
More than just a story, this represents my goodbye to canon as well. I will go no further than this point.
I was one of those people who was really excited by the announcement that Fairy Tail would continue in 100 Year's Quest, because God knows I wasn't ready to let go.
But from the moment it first came out, I was horrified by what it turned out to be (a horrible story whose only purpose was to further the big 4, with even more fan service than before, and I won't even get into the character assassination). As such, I refuse to have anything to do with it. So I have ended things my way, because if the point of Fairy Tail is now ships, then I will sail with mine.
Hopefully, this will also provide some of you with the same comfort it gives me.
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ancient-artificer · 3 years
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nalufever · 4 years
The Basics
A short and sweet drabble in response from @catysrandom‘s request for #13 from the smut prompts I reblogged recently ^^ ~ for Gruvia! Thank you so much!
Gray took Juvia's hand- a bold move for the ice mage, seeing as that he didn't even look around to see who might be watching and judging inside the guild. All that mattered right now was his friend Juvia who was sighing and frowning. Yes, Juvia was his friend - and something more. He could admit that.
"What is Gray-sama doing?" Juvia tried to pull her hand back but Gray wasn't having any of that. She gave up and did her best to quell the excitement that Gray holding her hand engendered. "Juvia feels, I mean, I'm fine."
"That's how I know you're not okay." Gray refused to let go, going so far as to hold tighter. "Don't try to change yourself for me or anyone." He grinned. "You know I'm here for you. So," He leaned closer and his roguish smile morphed into one of carnal intent, "tell me what has got you feeling down."
"Gray will laugh or think Juvia is being foolish."
"Won't happen." Gray shook his head and looked Juvia dead in the eyes. "Your feelings are important to me, as significant as anything else in my life. So, tell me what's on your mind."
"Gray-sama must promise to not laugh." Juvia let a long breath escape from her pink lips. "Juvia knows she is being silly, but she knows herself well."
"Tell me."
“I should be happy they’re gone but I’m not, they’re gone and I miss them so much.”
"And now I know you're serious." Gray couldn't help himself, he looked over his shoulder - as if his guild mates were listening in on his personal conversation on purpose. "Are you talking about the issue I think you're talking about?"
"Yes." Juvia couldn't help herself. She tugged at her high neckline and somehow simultaneously managed to look both ashamed and extremely sexy. "Juvia - that is, I am missing the love marks you gave me." Two heavy breaths and Juvia continued, "The bruises on my upper thighs are gone and I am bereft."
Gray about swallowed his tongue. He'd been there every step of the way with Juvia that night he'd cast caution to the winds - he'd touched, stroked and nipped her flesh every-damn-place. It had actually been a mutual marks-fest.
"Juvia knows Gray is not ready to say or do anything, so she is glad there is no proof." Juvia laced her fingers together and set her hands in her lap. "Gray-sama must be free to make up his mind without coercion."
"Shit." Gray gulped and blanched. His uncensored outburst had Juvia so damn close to tears - he could almost taste the salt in the air. "No. That's not what I meant to say." He shook his head. "Juvia," he trailed one finger down her cheek as he made his appeal, "you have to know I've already given you my answer." The sudden look of shock and dismay on Juvia's face made Gray want to start over. But that wasn't possible - he'd have to fix this situation right now without a 'do-over.'
"Juvia does not need pity, she always knew Gray would prefer to be just friends."
"You're not listening." Gray frowned. "What kind of terrible guys have you been dating before to make you think us getting closer physically means it's over?"
"I'm sorry if Juvia has disappointed you."
Gray felt like he'd been punched in the gut - puking in response to Juvia's words would not be overreacting. Nope.
"Hey." Gray grabbed Juvia's hands and looked her in the eyes. "I want to be your boyfriend. That's my answer from before - you and me, that's what I want. I want us and that's all I know."
"Okay? That's all you have to say?" Gray smiled, wider and more brilliantly than he ever had before. "Okay." He licked his lips. "So, let's seal this deal."
Gray and Juvia ignored the whole guild - leaned close to one another and kissed. Some things were best completed by the basics; and it didn't get more basic than Juvia and Gray loving each other.
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whiskas-pandastar · 4 years
Request: GrayLu; Gray listening to Lucy's heartbeat as she rewrites the book of END, END markings spreading to her heart as she does this
Lucy breathes heavily as she continues writing over the book of E.N.D. Her body glistened in sweat despite the blizzard Gray creates for her. She clutches the quill in her hand tightly, fighting against the heated inner turmoil in her body. It feels like her soul itself is on fire, biting and burning relentlessly from within. It is not Natsu's flames; because while he would never let his flames near her, his flames were not so angry...so unforgiving. It is a weird feeling, being engulfed in cold on the outside and burning up on the inside.
Despite it all, she continues to write, because this is the only thing she can do now to save him. It rested in her hands.
But with every letter she rewrites, the burn in her heart becomes even stronger, and breathing becomes more laborious. The burning sensation is intense, spreading like poison over the right side of her body, the malice force preventing her from writing. But she couldn't stop now. Natsu's life was in danger.
Gray watches over Lucy with a mix of awe and concern. He has never seen her like this before. She is strong and determined and so tantalizingly fierce. Her eyes seem fiery as she works her way with the letters. At this moment, he doesn't see any traces of the cute and naïve girl he initially thought her to be. She is hardly the dainty little princess she was when she first entered the guild.
The same girl who would cower and back off at the sight of any demon, was now fighting off something even more sinister than that. She puts up a strong front, but Gray notices every bit; the increasingly ragged breathing, the slight tremble in her hand, the excessive sweat on her body despite the chill. He cannot bring himself to imagine the pain she was experiencing from within. But she continues without a word, because he knows, he understands her so painfully well; they had to save their friend.
He swallows thickly as he notices the red veins on her body, spread viciously from the tips of her fingers to her arm, slowly branching off on her chest. The demonic power of the book sought to dominate her, body and soul, and all he could do is watch helplessly.
His stomach drops when suddenly, she gasps and shudders as she lets out a heavy pant, eyes glistening slightly and she presses a palm to her heart. His heart jumps when he notices how quickly the red veins were spreading across the area her hand was placed.
"Lucy, what's wrong?" Gray asks, voice laced with worry. Just from being next to her, he can feel intense heat emitting from her body.
She shakes her head, her back slumping a bit as she clutches her chest in pain, "I-I'm fine. Don't worry." she still manages to throw him a smile.
Gray bites his lip in frustration. She was obviously not okay. As she picks up the stylus slowly and raises her hand and continues writing again, another heavy shudder passes through her body.
"Lucy -Lucy stop-" Gray takes her hand in his gently and lays it down.
"But Gray I can't - I need to-" She starts protesting but she stops when she sees Gray's desperate expression.
"I know, Lucy. We need to save Natsu, but I can't afford to lose you in the process too!" he tells her seriously. The words hang in the air for a while before Happy adds tearfully, "Gray's right, Lucy. I don't want to lose you too!"
Lucy nods firmly, but once again, she feels a tugging pain in her chest and claws at her heart, panting heavily.
Gray takes her in his arms, intensifying his magic as much as he can.
"W-Water-" she pants roughly.
"I'll go fetch it immediately!" Happy flies off urgently in search of the nearest water source.
As she continues to press her chest painfully, Gray gently takes her wrist and presses his ear to her heart. Her heart was beating abnormally fast, and her pulse rate confirmed that.
"Relax, Lucy. Take deep breaths." he strokes her head soothingly. She follows his commands and closes her eyes, inhaling and exhaling. “I’m here for you.” He reassures her, reminding her and giving her courage, that she wasn’t alone. That he wouldn’t let her fall. A smile graces her lips and she nods gratefully.
Happy returns with a flask of water, which Gray cools down with his ice magic before helping her gulp it down.
She lets out a calmer breath, the pain in her heart subsiding a bit, "Thanks, Gray, Happy." she nods gingerly. "I'm ready." She grips the quill firmly, the resolute expression back in her eyes as their minds mirror the same thoughts.
Hold on, Natsu, we're going to save you!
A/N: I hope this meets your expectations, anon :)
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dustyphantom · 4 years
When You’re Gone
Angst warning, but also family fluff and children.
Prompt: Loss
Pairing: Fraxus
Laxus sighed, running his hands through his hair. He wasn’t sure how he felt about this. All of it had happened so quickly, he wasn’t sure what to make of the news. After all, Fairy Tail’s worst enemy was dead.
But so was his dad.
He heard footsteps approaching him, steady thumps against the carpeted floor over the gentle patter of the rain outside, “Are you alright?”
Laxus smiled. At least through all of this, he had his husband by his side, “Yeah, I’m fine.”
There was a pause, “May I have a seat?”
The dragon slayer patted the seat beside him on their couch. Freed placed a peck on his cheek as he sat down, swinging one graceful leg over the other. They were both silent for a moment before Freed spoke again, “It’s a lot to take in, isn’t it?”
Laxus nodded, “It’s just… so weird. As a member of Fairy Tail, I feel like I’m expected to be happy about this. But… he was also my father. I mean, he was never a great dad, but he was there.”
“How do you feel about it?”
“I… don’t know,” Laxus admitted, “Empty, maybe? I’m not sad, but I’m not happy either. I don’t really feel anything.
Freed hummed, “That’s understandable. You don’t have to feel a certain way about it. Nobody is expecting anything from you about this.”
“It’s just… something that’s been there my entire life is just suddenly gone. I guess I kinda miss him, but not as a father. Just as someone who’s always been out there. Is that weird?”
The rune mage shook his head, “We all process in different ways. Everything about this is complicated,” Freed’s arm wrapped around his shoulders, pulling the dragon slayer closer, “If you need some time off to process, we’d all understand.”
Laxus let out a huff of laughter, “I think that would be the worst thing for me. I just need something to take my mind off of it.”
Freed smiled before resting his chin on Laxus’s shoulder, “If there’s anything you need, I’ll be here.”
Laxus kissed his husband’s forehead, “Thanks. I love you.”
“And I you.”
The dragon slayer sat still as the rune mage slowly fell asleep, still leaning against him. Freed always looked so peaceful when he slept, his features gentle as his chest rhythmically rose and fell. It was always comforting to see him rest, since he hardly ever slept when they had first met. The Thunder Legion had always been like a family, and they had lost their eldest brother as children. Freed had taken it the hardest, hardly ever sleeping in fear that he would have nightmares about all the people he had lost.
Laxus looked over to the little boy in the doorway, trying his best to not disturb his husband, “Hey Yuri. What’s up?”
The boy made his way over to Laxus, climbing up onto the couch and then onto his father’s lap, “Is something wrong?”
“Huh? No, why do you ask?”
Yuri frowned, “Your eyes look sad.”
Laxus sighed. Even though he was only five years old, Yuri was always very empathetic. He cared so much for every living thing, insisting that they take in injured birds and nurse them back to health. It was adorable, but Laxus had always wondered where he’d gotten that from, “I guess I am a little sad. But it’s not anything you have to worry about.”
“Is it about Robin?”
The dragon slayer froze. It was rare anyone ever mentioned their lost daughter. Robin was Yuri’s twin sister who had suddenly died three years ago. Although it was no longer taboo to mention her in the guild, nobody ever had much of a reason to talk about her. Laxus always hated remembering the months after she had passed away, when everything had been so bleak and he and Freed grieved every night.
But this was nothing like that. All in all, it was a good thing Ivan was dead, “No, it’s not about her. I’ll tell you when you’re older.”
“Oh, okay,” Yuri said, “I’m sorry I talked about her. She makes you upset.”
“It’s alright. It’s just a little hard to talk about her sometimes.”
“Can you tuck me in?”
“Of course. Just give me a minute, I don’t want to wake up your dad.”
Laxus slowly shifted Freed off of him, laying the smaller man down on the couch as carefully as he could before taking Yuri back to his own bedroom. The boy climbed into bed, pulling the covers over himself. The lightning dragon pressed a kiss against his son’s forehead before tugging the covers up just a little further. Yuri yawned, curling up on his side. Laxus waited until the boy was barely conscious before standing up. He brushed a strand of bright blonde hair out of the boy’s face.
“Good night, Yuri.”
“‘Night, Papa,” he mumbled sleepily.
Laxus sighed, slowly closing the door behind him as he left his son’s room. He was lucky to have a kid who was so kind and easygoing. Even he couldn’t remember much of Robin, but he was sure she was more difficult than Yuri was. Still, just thinking about his daughter made his heart ache.
It was an age of peace for Fairy Tail. There hadn’t been any major conflicts in nine years, and the guild was flourishing with new life as the members settled down and started families. Even so, Laxus had suffered so many losses. Makarov had died exactly a year before the twins were born, then Robin, and now Ivan.
When he walked back to the living room, Freed was sitting upright, staring at the lake beyond their window. He stood when he heard Laxus approach, blue eyes almost glowing in the low light.
“Sorry,” Laxus said quietly, “I tried not to wake you up.”
“It’s quite alright,” Freed responded easily, “You had to take care of Yuri. Besides, I’ve always been a light sleeper.”
The dragon slayer looked at his feet, “So did you hear what he asked me about?”
Freed frowned, “I didn’t. Is something wrong?”
Laxus shook his head, “Don’t worry about it. It’s not important.”
The rune mage crossed his arms, “You know you don’t have to try to protect me. Come now, I can handle it.”
The lightning dragon sighed his resignation, “He noticed that I was upset and he… he asked if it was about Robin.”
Freed went quiet.
“Of course, he’s allowed to talk about her, but it still hurts, you know?”
“Yeah. I know.”
They both stood silently for a long moment, until Laxus heard a quiet sniffle. Freed wiped tears from his eyes as the lightning dragon looked up.
“Oh, Freed,” Laxus murmured, pulling his husband into a hug.
The rune mage shuddered, “It’s been three years since then. I should be over it. It shouldn’t still make me feel like this.”
“No, no. It’s fine to still be upset. What happened was horrible. Nobody expects you to just get over something like that,” Laxus comforted, “It still hurts me when I hear people talk about her.”
“Gods, I miss her so much.”
Laxus pulled his husband closer, “So do I. But when someone dies, there’s nothing we can do about it. We just have to be happy that they lived.”
Freed chuckled softly, “You inherited the master’s way with words, too.”
“Yeah. I guess I did,” the dragon slayer murmured, “I’m sad he’s gone, but I’m lucky to have had him there when I needed him.”
Laxus smiled, thinking of all the ridiculous things his grandfather did to cheer him up when he was little. He truly was grateful to have such a person with him.
“Promise me you’ll always be by my side.”
“Of course, love. I would never leave you,” Freed responded, “But in return, you must promise me something.”
“If, for whatever reason, something happens to me, take care of Yuri and the Thunder Legion. They need you.”
Laxus chuckled, “Of course. But nothing will happen to you, right?”
“Of course not. I love you all too much to ever dream of leaving.”
“Good, ‘cause we need you too.”
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ftlgbtales · 5 years
for the drabble requests - can you do trans Sting and nb Rogue stingue?
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It was strange, how much could change in a lifetime.
Raios Cheney. Charlotte Eucliffe.
They had both known from a young age that they would be together forever, but neither of them could foresee this.
“How do I look?” Sting asked, pulling his suit lapels and spinning away from the mirror.
Rogue approached Sting slowly, smiling, circling their arms around Sting’s waist.
This was his first suit, one that they had chosen together. Sting had been excited, and even if Rogue did not fully understand the relevance they were simply pleased to see their boyfriend happy.
“This is the first year that I’m excited for the ball.” He sighed against Rogue’s chest, threading his fingers through their hair.
“I still haven’t decided what to wear yet.” Rogue sighed, and Sting offered an empathetic smile.
“That dress you bought was beautiful.”
“Yeah…” Rogue winced. They enjoyed clothes of all capacity, knew that Sting loved them regardless, but not everyone outside of the guild understood their gender… or lack thereof.
And that was the dilemma: if they wore a suit, they felt as though they were presenting as too masculine, and if they were a dress then that could issues for both their boyfriend and their guild. It was frustrating, and Rogue was tired of thinking about it. They were considering going in a t-shirt and jeans, or simply just not bothering at all. That would solve their problems. But the latter in particular was not a viable option, not when this was the first ball with Sting out to the public as a man. Rogue had to be there for him, because they knew how much of a big deal for Sting this was.
“Either way,” Sting began, pressing his lips against Rogue’s cheek. “You’ll look lovely.”
Their lips met, and it was sweet. They had fallen in love as a boy and a girl, and now they stood together, a man and his partner. Rogue wanted to be with Sting forever, and was planning for such strong emotions; they had already chosen a ring. Now it was just a matter of time.
Knowing that they had that, that all the time in the world was theirs, was a beautiful and euphoric feeling. Rogue was getting dizzy from it, from the indescribably bliss of an eternity with Sting. And they realised that it did not matter what they wore. People would still talk, and Sting would still love, and the world would move on without any serious damage. All Rogue had to worry about was the next step, getting down on one knee and asking the man of his dreams to be with them forever.
It was a daunting prospect, but they were ready. With Sting on their arm, Rogue felt as though they could face the world. And with Sabertooth’s ball looming ahead, they really just might.
We will be closing this 500 word drabble game tomorrow, so if there are any last-minute ideas which you would like to see then please send them asap :)
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splendidlyimperfect · 5 years
Sting’s entire life changed when he was eleven years old and his best friend Rogue told a secret that he’d promised to keep. Taken away from the father who abused him and the best friend who’d tried to save him, Sting tried to start a new life with his uncle. But the trauma wasn’t easy to escape, and eventually Sting turned to drinking to forget the things that hurt.
Now he’s an adult, and he hasn’t been sober in years. But when drinking nearly kills him and a near-stranger saves his life, Sting has a chance to turn his life around, and maybe become the man that Rogue deserves to love.
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Chapter Summary: Sting starts to build a new life with Rogue.
Chapters (15/?): 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Rogue Cheney/Sting Eucliffe, Natsu Dragneel/Gray Fullbuster, Natsu Dragneel & Sting Eucliffe, Sting Eucliffe & Weisslogia Characters: Sting Eucliffe, Natsu Dragneel, Rogue Cheney, Gray Fullbuster, Weisslogia (Fairy Tail) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Implied/Referenced Drug Use, Past Child Abuse, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Trans Character, Trans Sting, Friendship, Childhood Friends, Sting-focused story, Sting is a disaster, Natsu’s a great friend, Rogue tries to do what’s right, Tumblr: FTLGBTales Series: Part 2 of i’m still standing
**CW for first sexual experience after sexual trauma
re·​build | \ (ˌ)rē-ˈbild noun : to restore to a previous state; to build again
xv winter age twenty-one
Despite everything changing, life goes on.
Loving Rogue is like being up in the tree fort – familiar and aching all at the same time. There’s no hesitation in the way they touch, in the way Rogue’s fingers trace gentle patterns across Sting’s scars, in the soft press of their lips. He loves Sting so fiercely, and Sting doesn’t always feel worthy of the way Rogue looks at him.
“I’ve done so much stupid shit,” Sting says one day while they’re sitting on the couch, Rogue’s head in his lap while he braids Rogue’s hair.
“We all have,” Rogue reassures him.
Sting shakes his head. “Not like this.” He gets to the end of the braid and studies it, then combs his fingers through it and starts again. “Not… I just…”
“Do you want to tell me about it?” Rogue asks. 
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The question catches Sting off guard, and he doesn’t answer for a moment. Rogue knows a lot of things about Sting’s life already, but not everything. Sting had moved to a different AA meeting, because being around Rogue would make it harder to be honest, and they haven’t talked much about it since.
“Yeah,” he says as he combs Rogue’s hair out of his face. “But some of it sucks. Most of it, actually. I don’t want you to…”
“I love you,” Rogue reassures him, and Sting knows he means it. “You can tell me anything.”
So Sting does. He talks about his mom’s death and his dad’s drinking, about the hospital and Uncle Wes and Officer Kelly. He talks about coming out, about becoming Sting, and then about losing himself again. He talks about the first time he drank, and the last time he drank, and how it took him almost dying at Natsu’s feet to get his shit together.
“I’m glad you met Natsu,” Rogue says, tipping his head back into Sting’s hands and gazing up at him.
“I would probably be dead without him,” Sting says quietly.
“I’m glad you’re not.”
“Me too.”
Training at the academy is a lot harder than getting his GED, but Sting is determined not to fail. Having Rogue around makes things easier, even when Sting is terrified.
They get pictures taken in a mall photobooth after a date one evening. In the first three they’re laughing, and in the last one Rogue is gazing at Sting like he’s the only person in the world. Sting keeps the picture in his wallet, and any time he’s afraid, he pulls it out and remembers why he has to be brave.
Eventually they move in together. Uncle Wes comes to help Sting pack his things, and when he sees the stuffed bear propped up on Sting’s bookshelf, he nearly starts to cry.
“It felt like...” Sting hesitates, taking the bear from Uncle Wes’ hands and running his fingers over the worn fur. “It reminded me of you.”
“I wish…” Uncle Wes swallows, his words thick with emotion as he sits down on the bed and stares at his hands. “I should have come for you.” Sting frowns. “Before,” Uncle Wes clarifies. “When you were little. Before he hurt you.” He looks up at Sting and his expression is so distraught that Sting nearly starts to cry. “When I got to the hospital, and you were… I hadn’t seen you in so long.”
“That wasn’t your fault,” Sting says, sitting down on the bed and running his thumbs up the stuffed bear’s arms.
“I didn’t know,” Uncle Wes says, reaching over and covering Sting’s hand with his own. “If I had, I would have come, I promise.”
“I know,” Sting reassures him.
“You used to live in Saint Portage,” Uncle Wes says quietly. “Just down the street from me.”
Sting frowns. “I—we did?”
Uncle Wes nods. “When you were born, your dad was busy with work, and I helped your mom out sometimes. We’d go to the playground just down the street. You always loved the swings.”
“Why…” Sting hesitates, sifting through his memories and finding nothing. “I don’t remember.”
“I know,” Uncle Wes says. “You would have only been three or so when your mom passed away and your dad moved you here. I missed you so much. I loved having you for Christmas, too – you were a terror and liked to try to unwrap all the presents before Christmas morning.”
Sting laughs, wiping at his face once he realizes he’s started crying. “Sounds about right,” he manages.
“After Grammie died, your dad never brought you back,” Uncle Wes says sadly. “I called him, asked to visit, but he just…” He sighs. “I knew something was wrong, I just didn’t know what. He wasn’t a nice man, and I wish I could have gotten to you before he hurt you like that.”
Sting sighs, shifting closer to Uncle Wes. “You couldn’t have done anything,” he says quietly. “That wasn’t the first time he’d hurt me. He’d just been hiding it better before.” Uncle Wes makes a frustrated sound. “I’m glad I ended up with you, even if I was awful.”
“You weren’t awful,” Uncle Wes says. “You were scared and traumatized, and I didn’t know how to make it better.”
“I didn’t either,” Sting whispers, voice breaking as he leans in. “I’m sorry.”
“I’m sorry, too,” Uncle Wes says, and when he pulls Sting into a hug, Sting lets himself feel safe in the embrace.
A week later, Uncle Wes brings over a box of Sting’s things from his house to the new apartment. It’s mostly books, but there’s a stack of old photos at the bottom of the box that Sting’s never seen before.
“I don’t remember these,” he says to Rogue as they sit on the kitchen floor and go through them one by one. Sting’s in most of them – a blond toddler with a wild mess of curls and dirty sundresses. In one of them he’s riding on Uncle Wes’ shoulders, and in another they’re at the beach, with Sting playing in the sand. “I wish I could.”
“Trauma does funny things to your brain, love,” Rogue says gently.
Sting sighs. “I know. I just look happy, and I wish I could remember feeling that way.”
Rogue shuffles closer and wraps his arm around Sting, kissing his temple as he keeps flipping through photographs. At the very bottom of the stack is the photo Sting loves – the one of him and Rogue with the dandelions.
“I remember this one,” he says quietly, running his thumb over Rogue’s shy smile in the photograph. “I was happy.”  
“Me, too,” Rogue says. “Mom says I was inconsolable when the dandelions died.”
“I picked you new ones, though,” Sting says, pulling together a vague recollection of blue skies and yellow flowers. “Right?”
“You did.”
When they’re done sorting through the rest of the box, Sting takes the dandelion photo and pins it up on the middle of the fridge.  
One afternoon, nearly eight months after they find each other, Sting and Rogue are lying in bed, curled up together as the sun spills through the window. Rogue’s propped up on Sting’s bare chest, gazing at him and brushing Sting’s curls out of his eyes. When his fingers touch the scar that runs through Sting’s eyebrow, his expression turns sad.
“I’m sorry,” he says. “I wish I could have kept you safe, back then.”
“You did,” Sting replies, tipping his head to the side and kissing Rogue’s palm. “You were my only safe place. All those nights—every time I came to you and you let me stay, you kept me from getting hurt.”
Rogue sighs, leaning down and kissing the scar. “I didn’t understand,” he says. “If I had known what he—that...”
“You were just a kid, too,” Sting insists. “You did everything you could.”
“But if—”
“We can’t live in ‘if,’ darling,” Sting says gently. “We’re here now.” He tugs the elastic off the end of Rogue’s braid and wraps it around his wrist, then runs his fingers through Rogue’s hair. “I’ve loved you for a long, long time, and nothing’s going to take me away from you again.”
Rogue lets out a shaky sigh, shifting so he can kiss Sting. His fingers drift up Sting’s side, over his ribs, across the scars on his chest – the good ones, from six months ago, that make him feel more like the man he’s always been. Sting hums under the touch, pulling Rogue closer.
“I want you to make love to me,” he murmurs against Rogue’s lips. Rogue stills, pulling back and gazing down at Sting.
“Are you sure?” he asks. “We don’t—”
“I’m sure.” Sting’s hands are steady as he tucks Rogue’s hair behind his ears. Rogue knows about Ryan, about the pain and resentment and awful dreams. Sting cries sometimes, late at night when they’re curled under the blankets, and Rogue kisses his forehead and holds him close.
“Okay,” Rogue says, gaze soft and open. “We can stop anytime you want to. Only what you’re comfortable with.”
Sting nods. “I know,” he says, pulling Rogue back in for a kiss.
Rogue takes his time. He maps out the lines and curves of Sting’s body slowly, first with fingers and then with his lips, gentle kisses against soft skin. He touches every scar, even the ones on Sting’s wrists and forearms, and it feels like absolution. It’s like his body is forgiving him for hurting it, one kiss at a time.
“I love you,” Rogue whispers against Sting’s skin as he slides his hand under the band of Sting’s boxers. Sting lifts his hips, kicking away the fabric and doing the same for Rogue. They’ve been naked together before, but it’s never felt like this – holy and healing.
“Touch me?” Sting asks, pressing his forehead to Rogue’s and twining their fingers together.
“Here.” Sting rolls onto his side to face Rogue and settles their joined hands on the back of his thigh.
Rogue kisses him gently, fingers teasing and caressing and eventually slipping into him, slowly, like Sting is a precious thing. When Sting tenses he stops, but Sting quickly shakes his head and nudges him to keep going.
“Please,” he says, pressing his forehead to Rogue’s shoulder and gasping against his skin. He’s never felt like this before – never had someone touch him when he’s entirely here, sober and whispering yes. “It’s... it doesn’t hurt.” A quiet, breathy moan escapes him. “It feels good.”
Rogue curls his free hand around the back of Sting’s neck. “It’s supposed to feel good, love,” he says, and his voice is tinged with something quiet and sorrowful. “I’ll never hurt you.”
“I know,” Sting says. “I know.”
Rogue insists on Sting being on top of him, thighs shaking on either side of his hips, hands fisted in the sheet near Rogue’s hair. “There you go,” Rogue murmurs, stroking Sting’s back gently as he sinks down, taking Rogue inside him. “I’ve got you.”
“Fuck,” Sting whispers. He slows and then stops, just because he can, and Rogue doesn’t complain. He just keeps murmuring quiet reassurances, staying perfectly still and letting Sting take the lead.
“You’re gorgeous,” Rogue says, rubbing his thumb in circles over Sting’s hip. “You’re perfect.” Sting shivers, then shifts down the rest of the way, gasping at the sensation. It’s so different. He’s not broken, not aching, not just a warm body that’s too tired and scared to say no.
With Rogue, he’s important. Under Rogue’s gentle touch, with Rogue inside of him and underneath him, Sting feels precious. Loved. Safe.
When he slowly starts to move, a quiet curse spills from Rogue’s lips and his fingers tighten around Sting’s hip. He tips his head back and his hair spreads across the pillow like spilled ink, and Sting’s never seen anyone so beautiful in his life. When Sting leans down and kisses Rogue’s throat he can feel Rogue’s pulse, thrumming beneath his skin as he whispers Sting’s name.
Sting knows Rogue’s holding back – he’s trying to hold still, instead letting Sting move and figure out what feels good. Sting rocks forward, listening to Rogue’s breathless moans and smiling because he did that. He made Rogue feel good.
“You can move,” Sting says, voice shaky as he brushes his lips along Rogue’s jaw. “It’s okay.”
Rogue shivers, sliding one hand down to Sting’s thigh and very slowly thrusting his hips up. The movement sends sparks through Sting and he curses next to Rogue’s ear.
“Do that again,” he says breathlessly, and Rogue does. Everything is warmth and light, and tiny sparks of pleasure that build and build. Rogue’s face is open, and he keeps making tiny, joyful sounds between whispers of Sting’s name.
“You’re so good,” he whispers, pulling Sting in for a kiss. “You feel so good. I love you so much.”
And then he shifts his hand down between Sting’s legs and waits for a nod before touching Sting’s cock.
“Fuck,” Sting whispers, dropping his forehead to Rogue’s shoulder and shuddering. “Yeah, th-that…” Rogue thrusts upward again, stroking Sting with one hand while caressing his hip with the other.
Rogue moans and pants and kisses beneath Sting’s ear, and when he whispers, “Let go, my love,” Sting does.
The sensation is overwhelming, starting from where Rogue’s touching him and flooding outward until he’s shaking. Everything feels warm and his cheeks are flushed, and a wave of dizziness washes over him as Rogue moans his name.
Sting doesn’t realize he’s crying until Rogue pulls him close, rolling them both onto their sides and kissing Sting’s cheeks. “It’s okay,” Rogue says as he wipes away the tears. “You’re safe. What’s wrong?”
“I…” Sting can’t speak, still trembling and not quite able to breathe. Rogue takes Sting’s hand and places it on his chest, then takes a few deep breaths for Sting to follow. Eventually the shaking subsides and Sting’s left feeling warm and exhausted.
“Did I hurt you?” Rogue asks, concerned.
“No,” Sting says quickly. “No, it felt… that…” Heat rushes to his cheeks and he stares down at their joined hands. “I’ve never…”
“Never what?” Rogue asks gently.
“Never…” Sting gestures vaguely between them, refusing to look Rogue in the eye.
“Wait,” Rogue says suddenly. “You’ve never had an orgasm before?”
Sting shakes his head, willing the red to disappear from his cheeks as he presses his forehead to Rogue’s chest. “I didn’t… I never touched myself, I hated all of it, and then Ryan didn’t care, ever, and I thought…” He exhales. “I didn’t know it could feel like that.”
Rogue makes a sad sound and pulls Sting close, kissing the top of his head and wrapping an arm around him. “It’s supposed to feel good,” he says, voice muffled by Sting’s hair as they cuddle in the afternoon sun. “And I promise it always will.”
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absent-angel · 5 years
Lead Me Down The Road Untraveled
Fandom: Fairy Tail
Summary: Natsu doesn’t have a map to go by, but he’s fine traveling blind so long as Lucy’s there to guide him.
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AN: For Nalu Week Day 3: Lost
Word Count: 650
Warnings: Language, sexual situations, NSFWish
Lead Me Down The Road Untraveled
Natsu is lost.
Lost in the way she sighs against his lips; soft and wanting (begging) for something he can only hope to give her. He doesn't even know how he got here, peppered kisses decorating the ridges of his cheeks and teeth nipping along his jaw. His hands tremble against the smooth skin of her waist, calluses tickling her ribs, but she’s pressing herself against him – leaning eagerly into his touch – and he knows (without really knowing) that she likes receiving his attentions as much as he likes giving it.
Lucy is bare beneath him, inviting him to travel the gentle slope of her shoulder with his teeth; the curve of her breast with his tongue. He follows the sounds she makes like a blind man stumbling in the dark – a whimper for more (more touch, more taste), a moan for again (again, again, don’t you dare stop). He follows her every direction even though he’s still not entirely sure where he’s going but knowing he wants to get there. The first time her nails bite into his shoulders he thinks he has stumbled off the path, but she is only dragging him closer. So close that Natsu briefly - deliriously - believes he may sink into her. Drown in her. As her pleased sigh whispers against his ear, tongue darting out to taste his skin, he thinks that it sure as hell wouldn't be a bad way to die.
He forges his own trails – maps them out over her skin with his lips – but they are tangled nothings that go nowhere and everywhere all at once, because she is the destination. She always has been, and god why did it take him so long to let himself find her? Lucy’s kisses are the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow; the way she moans his name and grips his hair is the holy fucking grail.
At least he thinks it is - up until the moment her knees slide over his hips in an invitation to discover more. Her eyes are unfocused, as dark and dazed as he feels, but there is a light that that gleams at the rim of her irises - the reflection of the stars shining outside her window. She is beautiful in ways he has always known but never dared to appreciate - a secret wish held close to his heart and indulged only in the privacy of his dreams.
What she is offering him is everything, and even though it would (literally) be his dream come true, he hesitates. As much as he wants to - fuck does he want to - he’s not sure if he should. It feels too good to be true and he doesn't want to keep going if it means screwing it all up.
Lucy guides his face to her’s, patient and so full of love it makes his heart stutter. He wants to follow her, wants to trust her to lead him, but he’s worried he’ll fall behind or (worse) hold her back. When she kisses him her lips taste like promises (it’ll be ok, I won't let you go). With her arms looped over his shoulders and the heels of her feet resting in the small of his back, he believes her.
So he follows her every direction (every sigh, every gasp, every moan) as she surrounds him. He is burning up, sweat dripping off his chin and rolling down his shoulder blades; knowing that she has probably ruined him for the rest of his life because he is never going to stop wanting this - wanting her. His hands travel to her jaw while his tongue explores the taste of her mouth. There is a desperation building, setting fire to his veins, but he forces himself to take his time. Explore. Discover. He doesn't have a map to go by, but that’s ok.
Natsu would rather be lost anyway.
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yamigooops · 5 years
Avis Draconis - Chapter 3
Pairing - Gajevy
Type - Fairy/Dragon AU
Words - 2338
A loud noise was the first thing she registered. It was like metal spikes being dragged over stone, making her feel as if someone were pounding nails through her skull.
Then she noticed the pillows pressed to her cheek, the silken sheets beneath her skin. Her mind snapped to attention as she remembered where she was, and she felt her heartbeat pounding faster in her chest. She had awoken in his nest, the Iron King, "Black Steel" Gajeel. He wanted to take her as his queen in an effort to end the war and bring peace. And he terrified her.
But he also intrigued her, captivated her. She wanted to learn everything about him, wanted to know every part of him. So she lay there for a bit longer as the scraping continued, her curiosity nearly forcing her to open her eyes and figure out where it was coming from. But if it was in fact Gajeel there, she didn’t particularly want him to know that she was awake yet.
“How are your wings?” Came a gruff voice from beyond the walls of the nest. Of course he was here... This was his Aerie, after all, so it was somewhat foolish of Levy to believe he’d be elsewhere. Instead of responding, Levy merely opened her eyes and shifted into a fetal position against the mound of pillows she was propped against. She shuffled her wings slightly, only feeling faint soreness in her joints. The skin along the bones felt tight with the promise of new feathers within the next few days or so.
“Come on little fairy,” he called, his words followed by the muffled sound of rustling leather and a soft thud beside her a moment later. “I knew you were awake even before you did.”
Giving up the act, Levy slowly rubbed the sleep from her eyes, keeping her gaze fixed on the gold embroidery of the pillow beneath her cheek. From her periphery, she knew the dragon was sprawled next to her, one elbow against the side of the nest to prop up his head as the other raked through that unruly mane of his. He seemed so content, lying there with her, while she held her breath in anticipation for what he’d do next.
Using the hand that wasn’t beneath his head, Gajeel reached out to gently run the tips of his fingers along the top of her wing. Levy jumped at the contact, not expecting him to make such a bold move only two days after meeting her. She recoiled, moving away from him and glaring as she did. Not many among the Avis would allow someone to touch their wings so....intimately. Unless absolutely necessary, the only fae who allowed such contact were lovers, and he was certainly not that, much less even her acquaintance.
“What’s wrong? Did that hurt?” A look of pure confusion crossed his sharp features, as he surely didn’t know what he did.
“Please...” Levy muttered. “Unless I tell you otherwise, don’t-” her voice caught in her throat. The weight of her current situation seemed to crash down on her all at once, and her eyes teared up. Here was the dragon who had started the war that had killed so many of her kind, looking so...so normal and almost friendly. Yet his actions brought a very real fear into her mind that she had only glanced over last night: he not only stole her from her people, he stole her future from her as well. If everything went according to his plan, as it very well might, she would never get to have a future with Jet, or see her friends anymore. She wouldn’t be able to do most of the things she had always dreamed of, and it was all because of him. Curling even further into herself, she tried her best to keep the tears from falling, but nevertheless she felt the fabric beneath her skin dampen.
“What? Don’t do what? Why are you crying?” He sounded genuinely worried as he came closer, seemingly not knowing how to deal with a fairy crying on his bed. After a moment, his fingers came to brush back her hair as he tried to find her eyes. But Levy simply covered her face with her own hands, hating to show him how weak she could be. As her memories of the previous night replayed in her mind, she couldn’t hold back her tears any longer.
Gajeel made an attempt to shift her onto his lap, believing he could help comfort her at least slightly. If she wanted to be angry with him, so be it. But he couldn’t stand to see the little bluenette crying and looking so helpless. So when she shoved him away, he was more than a bit confused, and that confusion slowly changed to anger as she moved to the opposite side of his nest with a tear-filled glare.
“You took everything...” She choked out. Had it not been for his heightened hearing, he would have had difficulty making out what she said. But considering he could make out her racing pulse, her whispered words weren’t much of a challenge. “I was supposed to have a future, I had friends, a man who loved me. And you took that all away from me. I can hardly stand to look at you right now, much less even consider the possibility of marrying you. Even if it would save my people a hundred times over...”
Her words stung, made his heart feel things he didn’t expect to feel. Her declaration felt more like a dull knife slowly dragging across his skin, and he wasn’t sure why it hurt so much. He took a moment to consider all the ways he could respond, before deciding this wasn’t an argument for today. So instead, he stood once again and stepped out of the nest to return to his previous business.
Levy couldn’t help but stare in befuddlement as he simply walked away. It was as if her words hadn’t even phased him, but merely bounced off his steely exterior. She couldn’t help but wonder if he even heard her, though surely he must have. He calmly strode over toward the pile of treasure that ringed the massive space and picked up a wooden chest filled with scrolls and leather-bound books. Scanning the pile for something else, he shook his head and turned back toward her.
“I have things I need to attend to, but this all should tie you over until I return,” he grumbled as he made his way up the dias steps. “Hopefully you won’t find it too difficult.” He grunted softly as he set the chest down with a dull thud. It was solid looking, as broad as his shoulders and lined on all corners with heavy looking metal. The top looked as though it had been torn off, judging by the mangled hinges that connected to nothing on the back edge of the container.
“I’m sure it can’t be anything I’ve never seen before,” Levy mumbled, letting some of the tension release from her limbs.
“Don’t get too far ahead of yourself, little one. These are Draconic texts,” he chuckled.
“Please don’t call me that,” she demanded softly. That was what Jet always called her, and this dragon king had no right to the same courtesies as the love of her life. “Do you have anything in Fiorean? I can try my best to decipher these, but it would take me days to do on my own without your help...”
“Unfortunately, to get Fiorean texts, I’d have to go to Fiore. And the only times I ever did that , there was quite a bit of fire involved,” he responded in a snide tone. “Fire and paper don’t really go well together.”
Levy wrenched her gaze from the silk beneath her to glare at Gajeel. “Don’t patronize me, dragon,” she hissed.
“Then don’t test my patience, fae. Be curt and honest with me,” he growled, leaning down to place his large hands on the edge of the nest as his eyes narrowed slightly. “Dragons aren’t like you fae, we don’t twist our words and act without reason. If something is wrong, you’re going to need to tell me, because honestly you’re a bit hard to read. For instance, what was I not supposed to do earlier that upset you so terribly?”
Levy stiffened at his words. It was true, fae are often taught how to mask emotions and thoughts from a very young age, especially in higher tiers. She hadn’t been sure how to tell him about the meaning of such intimate wing touching before, but unless she told him he would likely never know of such a custom, and may try to do it again. “I apologise for not communicating clearly,” she began, trying her very best to keep eye contact to show her sincerity. “I was just overwhelmed by waking up to everything all at once. I got upset earlier because you...” Her voice trailed off as she began to lose her nerve. Her eyes drifted away from his, and he shifted before her.
“Did I do something wrong, princess?” The way he said her title made a shiver run down her spine. His wings rustled, the leathery sound causing Levy’s eyes to snap up to focus on them in unintentional curiosity.
“You...you touched my wings...” she whispered after a moment.
“And what’s wrong with that? I was seeing how they were healing,” he asked, sounding somewhat confused.
“It’s very...inappropriate. Touching someone’s wings without asking and receiving permission first is something reserved for family until reaching a certain age, and...” She choked on the last word, shifting her gaze to look at her hands as they rung in her lap. “It’s reserved for lovers,” she finally blurted.
She heard a soft, sharp inhale pass through Gajeel’s lips, and felt her face heat up. There was a moment of stunned silence before Gajeel let out a small sigh and let his head hang. “I apologize but I’m not very well versed in fae customs. I suppose there will be a lot we have to learn about each other in the future, won’t there?” He looked back up at her with a softer expression. “I won’t do it again, princess. Not until the day you give me permission.” With that, his lips quirked into a small, rakish grin.
As if I’d ever give it to you, Levy thought. “Thank you. I promise I’ll try to be more forthcoming with my thoughts in the future. Though it will take a little time. Being taught my entire life to hide my emotions makes it hard to break the habit,” she grimaced. Levy gently drew her eyes over the old, slightly worn parchment he had placed before her before meeting his crimson gaze. “Thank you for the reading materials, they should keep me busy for a while. Draconic texts are hard to come by in Fiore, even as the princess, so I look forward to trying to finally decipher it.” She returned his grin with a small one of her own.
“I’m sure it won’t take a bookworm like you too long to figure it out. It’s much easier than Fiorean,” he scoffed. “Like I said, the Draconis are a very direct people, so our language reflects that. If you have any difficulties figuring it out let me know when I return later today and I can try to help. I’m no linguist, but I know how to speak my mother tongue.” He straightened to his full height, but his eyes never left hers.
“That sounds wonderful,” she nodded, her voice coming out softer than she expected.
There was a pause of silence that stretched on for a moment longer than was comfortable, and Gajeel was the first to break his eyes away. He raised his hand to scratch the back of his neck, looking somewhat sheepish. “Well then, I’ll leave you to it. If you need anything just let Pantherlily know, he’ll be around. I’ll be out for most of the day so, uh... I guess you can feel free to explore if you’d like.”
“Alright, thank you.” Levy looked down at her hands once more. The tension in the air was growing unbearable. Just moments ago they had both been so upset, and now she didn’t know how to feel. She appreciated that he was trying to be accomodating, but she also felt anger, despair and a pang of loneliness at being stuck here without her friends. “I suppose I’ll... see you later then...” she trailed off, unsure of what else to say as he just stood there awkwardly.
“Yes, until later then,” he nodded resolutely before turning toward the steps of the dias.
“Gajeel,” Levy called as a thought crossed her mind. He stopped halfway down the stairs to look up at her, and she had to move to the side of the nest to see him fully, crossing her arms on the rim and resting her chin on them. “Should I stay away from all your treasures?” She motioned to the myriad of things on the perimeter of the room.
He hesitated for a moment, as if he were going to tell her yes, she should not touch anything in the Aerie, before he closed his eyes with a sigh and nodded. “I’d be willing to bet you’re going to explore anyway, given how curious your kind are, so no, I guess you can look around. But try to put things back where you find them. I have a system,” he grumbled as he turned back away and headed for the towering door.
Levy smiled to herself. At least if she was going to be stuck here, and with the king of the Draconis no less, she would have some entertainment between the scrolls and books, the treasure trove surrounding her, and exploring the caverns she currently had to call home.
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Dragonic 22: Fin
A/N: So...Its been a while. I know some of you may be mad or upset with me (completely understandable), but thank you guys so much for still sticking with the story and sending me such sweet messages urging me to continue. It's a long story why I've been gone for so long, so if you want to know there will be a short explanation(?) at the end. If you don't want to read it, that's cool too. I still love you guys and thank you so much for all your love and support!! <3  Read the Previous parts on FF.net and AO3! 
Once dressed, Levy walked into the room to see Gajeel pacing, fiddling with his hands nervously running them through his hair. His amber eyes shot up towards her when he heard the bathroom door close behind her. It only took him one large step to make it to her, lifting her up into a tight embrace. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she held him just as tightly, breathing in his scent.
She didn’t realize how much she’s missed him until he had his arms holding her close with his face buried in her neck. There were no words, just the feel of each other’s warmth. He didn’t want to let her go and she didn’t want to either. Eyes burning with tears as her emotions overwhelmed her, she refused to hold them back, letting them dampen his dark hair.
“I’m so sorry, Gajeel.” She choked on a sob, hugging him tighter as he backed them up towards the bed so he could sit with her cradled against him. He was so gentle with her, it made the tears pour faster; only she get to see this side of him.
He immediately shushed her with his lips crushing onto her, proving how much he missed and craved her. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she kissed him back, their hands tangling in each other’s hair. Taking a much needed breath Levy backed away leaning her forehead against his, a small smile curling her lips.
“You’re here, you’re really here.” Gajeel sighed cupping her cheeks, swiping away tears with his thumb. “I thought I was going to lose you.”
“I’m sorry. I should’ve told you I wasn’t feeling well, it was silly-“
“No, do not apologize.” Gajeel interrupted, pulling back slightly, so he could look her better. His red eyes were burning with so much fear and anger, it made her own eyes grow wide with confusion. “I should’ve paid more attention. I was so wrapped up in what I was doing I wasn’t paying attention to how you were feeling.”
He wasn’t angry with her, he was angry with himself. That broke her heart even more. How could she let this happen; let him carry this burden. “It’s not your job to make sure I’m healthy.”
“And that’s where you’re wrong. It is my job. Lev, I love you and I would do everything in my power to make sure this never happens again.”
Opening her mouth to argue back, she immediately closed it knowing that look in Gajeel eyes. His red irises were sharp and unyielding telling her that he wasn’t going to back down. They could go back and forth all day if they wanted too, but she knew it wasn’t worth it. Knowing that this argument wasn’t going anywhere, with her definitely losing, she nodded her head. She would rather not fight right now anyway now that she was back. Instead, she would rather be smothered by her King and never leave his side.
“Ok, you win.” The smile he gave nearly made her heart stop, reminding her one of the reasons why she fell for him. Averting her pink cheeks from his gaze she took another look around the strange room, asking, “Where are we?”
“This room used to be Wendy’s when she was younger; it’s connected to mine.” Gajeel pointed towards a dark blue door beside the bed. “When she was afraid to sleep alone, I transformed this stupid concubine room to hers. I let her pick out everything, the colors, furniture and did everything myself. Never liked it before I changed it anyway.”
Levy laughed at his comment trying to imagine the almost sea themed room into something more…provocative. It seemed wrong now that it was fashioned for a child, and she was now curious as to why he never liked it before. She always thought the rulers treasured the concubine rooms, knowing they could have their pick of ladies just waiting for them.  
“What didn’t you like about it?”
“I didn’t want a concubine,” Gajeel said flatly as her attention turned back towards him. His eyes softened before he continued. “I wanted a wife.”
His words struck her in the heart causing her face to turn red and eyes go wide. He shot her a toothy grin, his signature laugh pulling a smile from her. Burying her face in his shoulder, she let out a muffled, “dork.”
“As long as I’m your dork.” He chuckled squeezing her sides affectionately earning a giggle.
“LEVY!” Natsu shouted, pulling the small woman into a tight hug, lifting her off the ground. “I’m so glad to see you! You should’ve seen metal face pouting and brooding around the castle. It was like he was walking around with his own dark cloud.”
“Oi! Shut up flame breath! I was not!” Gajeel defended crossing his arms over his chest. Lucy laughed patting Gajeel on the arm shooting him a sympathetic look.
The three including PantherLily and Happy all sat down for dinner, Levy clearly famished. Afterwards, Gajeel took Levy on a walk, never keeping the small woman out of his sight or away from his side. They walked in comfortable silence, Gajeel leading her to a part of the garden she never noticed before, by the hand. She slowed when she noticed a statue of a great metal dragon seemingly made of iron, sparkling in the moonlight. It was beautiful.
The stature reminded her of someone, causing a light chuckle to escape her lips as she smiled warmly at it. She could feel Gajeel’s questioning gaze on her, giving her a firm squeeze on the hand to catch her attention. Without turning around, she kept her eyes on the statue a small smile curling her lips.
She wasn’t sure how he would take her meeting his father, but if he really loved her, he wouldn’t think she was some crazed woman. “I was . . . just thinking that this statue reminded me of your dad.”
“Oh yea, this was made for him by my mom. I’m surprised you caught on to it. A lot of people think it’s just our house symbol.”
“The dragon has his stern face, but I know your dad has a softer side to him. Just like you.” They were both quiet for a moment, Gajeel staring at her in confusion with Levy thinking back onto the conversation she had with Metalicana. “When I was . . . asleep, I guess you could say, I was in between life and death. With the decision as to what happens to me being mine. I was there for what felt like an hour or two, but during that time I was reunited with my parents and I met your dad. I also met Igneel and Grandeeney.”
Gajeel’s eyes were wide and his mouth hung open, with his hand squeezing hers a lot tighter now, but not enough to hurt. “Your dad intimidated and scared the crap out of me, with just a look. He just sat there staring at me and if I had anything in my stomach, I’m sure I would’ve puked right then and there. But then Igneel and Grandeeney interrupted his silent interrogation causing his demeanor to change, slightly. Grandeeney was super sweet and pretty. I can see where Wendy gets her personality from and the interaction between Igneel and Metalicana reminded me of Natsu and you. And, Melly is a super cute nickname for your dad by the way and I’m not sure if I can call him Metalicana ever again. Melly has such a nice ring to it and I’m sure he’s cursing me from the afterlife right now for saying it.”
She wasn’t sure it was possible, but Gajeel eyes got wider and his mouth dropped lower with a hint of recognition in his eyes. His mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water, before he finally decided to close it blowing a large breath shaking his head.
“You really met my dad, aunt and uncle?”
“Yes, and we watched you sing the most beautiful song. They told me what it meant and how could you make such a promise to me.” She blurted out hitting his chest with flushed cheeks at the memory of him singing.
Wrapping an arm around her waist, he pulled her flush against him, flashing his fangs with a smile. Her entire body flamed up at their closeness and the predatory smile that curled his lips.
“Because, you’re mine Levy McGarden and there’s nothing you can do about it.” He didn’t even give her a chance to respond before pressing his lips to hers sealing his confession with a passionate kiss. When they finally separated her mind was hazy and her eyes were dreamy, but she had only one thing on her mind at that moment.
“You said that in the common tongue. You’ve been practicing.”
Throwing his head back, he belts out a laugh. “I tell you you’re mine and the first thing you say is I’ve been practicing?” Running his hands through her hair he looked at her with such adoration she was sure she was dreaming again, but this time she got to be close to him. “There’s only one reason why I’ve studied hard.”
Her breath caught in her throat as she watched him get down on one knee pulling out a black box from his pocket. “Lev, will you marry me?” Her eyes barely registered the stunning ring that sat prettily in its cushion as she flung herself at him. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she cried for the second time that night, a chorus of ‘yes’ tumbling from her lips.
Picking her up, he spun her around, her giggles spreading throughout the garden. After her tears stopped and he put the ring on her finger, she asked him a question. “How did you learn it so fast? I’ve been teaching you for months, but I’m out for a few days and you can speak perfectly.”
She felt him shiver as he twirled her hair while she sat in his lap. “Erza can be quite motivating and I’m sure I have a permanent lump on the back of my head from it.”
Rubbing the back of his head softly she kissed his cheek. “I’m sorry, is there anything I can do to make it better?”
Tapping his finger on his chin, seemingly to pretend to think even though they both knew he already knew what he wanted to say. “How about spend the rest of your life with a grumpy dragon?”
Repeating his pretend thinking process, Levy tried everything to hold back the smirk at the little pout Gajeel had the longer she stretched her contemplation. “I think I can do that, only if Lily can be the ring barrier.”
“Deal!” He agreed quickly, this time Levy leaning forward to pull him down towards her to steal his breath away.
This is where she’s meant to be, with him. She may miss her parents, but she has a future right here with the man that showed her she can still have a family of her own and be loved. Pulling away she leaned her head against his shoulder taking a much needed deep breath. “Thank you, Gajeel. For everything.” She didn’t need a response him pulling her closer to him was enough for her. They had the rest of their lives for idle words, but right now all they needed was each other’s warmth and love.
A/N: If you couldn't tell by the title this is the last and final chapter. I really didn't want this story to end. I loved it and the characters so much I didn't want it to end. I also wanted a supreme awesome ending but couldn't find it in myself to pull that off. I've tweaked this chapter so many times it's sad but thank you guys again for sticking with me and waiting oh so patiently. These past few months...almost year lol has been hard for me mentally. My anxiety and depression sky rocketed and I couldn't control it. I haven't had a bad episode like that in years. It was hard to deal with my mental health and work in the mental health field. My job is mentally, emotionally and physically draining it made it worse, but I'm better now! Everything's fine and I just want to say to all my friends, readers, to you that if you're going through something, anything. You will get through this! Everything will be ok! You are loved and I love you! You can get through this! You will get through this! <3
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mdelpin · 4 years
Male Order Bride
I wrote this story for the Mashima’s Heroes Big Bang Event, and I was lucky enough to be paired with the wonderful @oryu404​. Click here to see art for a future scene in the story (CH 3).
Male Order Bride by mdelpin , Oryu404
Chapters: 1/9 Fandom: Fairy Tail Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Natsu Dragneel/Gray Fullbuster, Gray Fullbuster & Lyon Vastia, Silver Fullbuster/Ur, Natsu Dragneel & Lucy Heartfilia, Erza Scarlet/Lyon Vastia, Gray Fullbuster & Ur
Characters: Natsu Dragneel, Gray Fullbuster, Lyon Vastia, Erza Scarlet, Lucy Heartfilia, Ur (Fairy Tail), Silver Fullbuster
Additional Tags: Some Humor, Fluff and Hurt/Comfort, First Love, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Friendship, Family, Crush at First Sight, Magical Illness, Pining, Idiots in Love, Protective Gray Fullbuster, Crossdressing, NOT A KINK, Denial of Feelings, Gray wants to fall in love, Natsu wants to find Igneel, Silver's heart is in the right place, FT Big Bang 2021, Artist Writer Collaboration, Loosely inspired by Viking Lore and Traditions
Summary: Gray Fullbuster is desperate to get out of the tradition that requires him to get married before his 18th birthday.
Natsu Dragneel manages to avoid being imprisoned for arson by posing as a woman.
The two meet by chance, and knowing Natsu isn't who "she" claims to be, Gray comes up with the most outrageous idea he's ever had.
I'd like to start by telling you a little story...
I went to a con with my daughter and nephew in September 2019 and for the first time in a long time there was a bunch of Fairy Tail merch, including a Gray plushie which I bought. Fast forward to February 2020 when the pandemic generated closings. I had been hoping to find a Natsu plushie at the Boston Anime Con, but now that wasn't a possibility. So off I went to Amazon in search of a companion for Gray, who looked lonely standing on a shelf by himself. And find one I did! I ordered him up and a within a week he had arrived. I placed them next to each other, and that's when it hit me, I had effectively ordered Gray a mail-order bride. 😂
This what they looked like!
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That is sort of where the idea for this story came from, although of course being me the more I thought about it, the more complicated it got. I hadn't really planned on writing it out, but then the FT Big Bang came around and I decided (well, @oryu404 helped convince me) that this was the right story for it.
Speaking of my partner in crime, @oryu404 signed up to be the artist for this story (for which I was really excited) so you will get to see some of their art as well! They'll probably end up on the writing side later on! (keep an eye out for their BB entry posting next week. It’s a stingue!)
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ancient-artificer · 4 years
it's been a long time (untitled)
just to get back into it
Random writing prompt: "barbed wire"
Levy's gaze shifted away from him to the fence before them and listened as her boyfriend continued telling the weird story. Her mind wouldn’t let her take it as true. With a gingerly touch, she rested her hand on the barbed wire above the old wire panel fence that separated the two fields, her thumb and forefinger hovering over the sharp, rusty progs.
"And to this day, people say you can see a woman in a tattered blue dress walking along the fence line," Gajeel said. His eyes slowly looked down the fence to their right.
Levy followed his stare, turning her head to look down it as well. She briefly pressed her thumb against the prog it rested upon. Her eyes narrowed. Gajeel liked to exaggerate truths and embellish falsities all to frighten her.
She hummed. "It sounds fake."
"Could be," he stated. "It's the story I was told."
Gajeel wasn't one to take stock in oral legends that held no proof of authentication; ghost stories were only fun to retell for reactions. Especially when a gullible Levy believed him.   
He shoved his hands in his jacket pockets and turned to walk back to the gravel path. The strong breeze picked up once again, blowing his black hair around his neck.
Levy let go of the wire fence as she surveyed the area. Autumn was in full force. Vibrant colors that had once filled the treetops were now falling to the ground. The earthy scent of dirt and wet leaves caught her in her nostrils. As pretty as it all was, it gave Levy a sense of slight dread. 
Things were going dormant. Nature was essentially dying. Soon dark, bare trees would cover the hillsides, perhaps snow would blanket the grass. Life went on though, Levy knew. Seasons came and went as faithfully as the sun rose and set each day and night. Still, something slightly unsettling always accompanied the temporary change.
Maybe it was just her boyfriend's spooky stories that stayed with her.
A loud, abrupt growl came from behind her. Tight pressure closed in on her sides. In a rush of excitement, Levy violently jumped in place and a small scream escaped her throat. It echoed through the trees and into the foggy unknown.
Gajeel's laugh increased a moment longer. His hands dropped from her sides. "It's too easy," he said, his baritone laugh disappearing.
"That's not funny." She scowled. The back of her hand slapped his arm.
He then took her hand in his and they turned to leave the secluded area.
Levy let him lead her away toward their parked truck. "You can't just tell me a creepy story like that and then do that. Jerk…" she quietly added.
"Eh, it's the season."
"Halloween," she stated with a half-hearted nod. Not her favorite.
Gajeel squeezed her hand. "Ghost hunts."
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watcher-ofthe-sky · 5 years
We will be everything that we’d ever need
Day 2 of “I take pride in what I am” hosted by @ft-wwtdp
Prompt: “We will be everything that we’d ever need”
Pairing: Gratsu 
Gray stared at the frosty bandages on his arm.
His body was still radiating cold more than the usual. Subconsciously, his skin was dotting itself with ice. The effects of the Lost Iced Shell spell that he had tried to cast before have not worn off till now. His body was taking time to adjust to its body temperature and casting away the excessive coolness that has come as a per se side effect.
He took a sip of the warm tea that Natsu had shoved in his hands a few moments ago and enjoyed its warmth for once.
“This is what you always do. You throw yourself in abysses and every damn time he has to come to save you,” a voice within Gray said to him.
The ice mage shook his head, trying to ignore it; at the same time, he couldn’t help but notice the truth behind the words.
It wasn’t the fact that it is always Natsu who pulls him out of his darkness which bothered him. If there is anyone in this whole world who is needed to save him, if there is anyone who can save him, it is Natsu. Gray wouldn’t have it otherwise.
What bothered him was the fact that Natsu has to save him at all.
“Am I really this pathetic?” he said to himself.
“Yes. Yes, you are.”
Gray closed his eyes, remembering the events that happened at that time. One moment before he was standing with his arms crossed over each other, his ice wrapping Zeref in the shell. In the next moment, he was on the ground with Natsu on top of him, tears streaming down his face, yelling at him to stop.
To live.
Gray snapped open his eyes as the memories turn vivid. He took deep breaths, tried to calm his heart which was speeding in the rib cage. He looked down at his palms when it hit him. He realised the monstrosity of what he had tried to do.
“I promised him that I won’t try it again. And there was I, selfishly trying to kill myself, hell erase my entire existence,” he said aloud and bit his lips, hard enough to tear out blood.
His caught the salmon pink hair. The Dragon Slayer was sitting beside Lucy, talking animatedly with his wide grin and loud laugh.
Something inside of Gray rippled.
Again, the visions of the incidents flashed before him. But this time it was different.
Zeref’s words echoed in the guildhall. Natsu was going to die.
Natsu was going to die.
Natsu was going to die.
And at the moment, Gray knew that he has to do what he had done. Because this is what people do for the people they care about; they sacrifice themselves if it means to bring a ray of happiness for others.
And for Natsu, Gray knew that he will gladly lay down his life.
The ice mage again took a look at him-- how his eyes light up with happiness and mischief, as if they have sparks of fire in them. Natsu was made up of noises, laughter, fire, destruction and sunshine. His loudness and optimism was enough for both of them and compensated the lack on Gray’s part.
“And you clouded his brightness when you did what you did,” the voice said.
Gray knew it was true. He knows that  it’s always better to live. To be in a future where you can be with those for whom you will drop down everything. Because without you, their future won’t be bright.
To be in a future where he could simply be with Natsu.
But does Natsu deserve that?  He who makes even the existence bigger deserve someone like Gray who was messed up in many ways?
“Hey,” a voice said from behind.
Erza came and plopped down next to him.
Gray gave her a small smile in return.
“How are you doing?” she asked.
He dismissively shrugged. “Okay, I guess?”
Erza nodded and let a comfortable silence fall between them.
“Was...Do you think it-it was right?” he said, gesturing to his hands.
She smiled before saying, “We seldom reason with our actions and think of their consequences when we are dealing for the person we love.”
“Don’t you think it is wild and foolish?”
“Well, that is what they say about love.”
Gray smirked at that. “Yeah, right.”
“I think what justifies the aftermath is that you let each other grow; in between all the hell and the good times around you, you take each other’s vulnerabilities, weaknesses and strengths and stand together. There are no right answers, Gray, only right causes and people. You both deserve each other, you have chosen each other. It’s okay to fall and need them; it’s okay to lean on them because that is what trust is. That is what love is.”
Something in Gray lightened; like a fog getting clear. He realised that this is what they have always been-- they have always beat the shit out of each other to bring out their best. They have always pushed each other to become better.
They have trusted each other.
They have loved each other.
In that split second, Gray knew that he would be anything that Natsu will ever need. And he knew that Natsu would do the same.
“We will be everything that we’d ever need,” Natsu said to Lucy.
He was watching Gray talking to Erza. He was watching the way his lips slightly curl when he smiles, the way his eyes wrinkle, the way his voice sounds like a calm ocean.
He knew that he has always been way too reckless, not that he was complaining, but he was worried that he had pushed Gray beyond his limits; like he had in some way, demanded him to do the same.
It was until Lucy explained to him that they both are idiots in love who are built that way. At the same time, when you love someone, you live for them and be less heedless.
Natsu knew that they weren’t perfect. And he wouldn’t have things any other way. They communicated more through actions rather than words. Sometimes their every movement screamed that they love each other while they twist their words the other way.
Natsu had been afraid that he was not enough; that somewhere he fails to make them whole; complete.
But now he realised that all they have to do is to simply love each other with so much conviction and all their heart. And that will be more than enough.
Suddenly Gray looked in his direction and their gaze met. He smiled at him and Natsu returned it, because at that moment, he knew that they’ll be each other’s everything.
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nalufever · 4 years
Unending Happiness
I got this as a request from @nalu-blogg  but it looks like tumblr, that sad cow won’t let me tag..... >< Or maybe it did but I can’t tell. 0.o
Natsu and lucy have started dating but he begins to feel insecure of himself regarding his flaws and how lucy may see him as a boyfriend. Basically a long heart to heart between the two of them where she confronts his odd behavior and reassures him. Maybe even “I love you the way you are/don’t ever change” and some tears. You can do whatever u want with it tho, just an idea😍🥰 but anyways, no worries if you don’t want to!! Just thought it was worth a shot :,) thank uuuu
Anyway - here’s a short drabble that I hope you enjoy!
><><><><>< Unending Happiness><><><><><><
"I love you the way you are." Lucy felt lighter after admitting her true feelings. "Just the way you are. Natsu," Lucy gripped her boyfriend's upper arms, "don't ever change." She licked her lips and smiled. "This is a love that will never turn away from you. I won't ever stop loving you."
"But why?" Natsu didn't want to refute Lucy's words but his innate honesty wouldn't allow him to give himself or Lucy an easy out. "I've been acting erratic and why would you keep trusting me?"
"Have you ever reneged on a promise?" Lucy shook her head, answering her own question. "No. Have you ever failed to save me or any of our guild mates? No, you haven't." Lucy pursed her lips and continued to speak in a low and even tone; even as her erstwhile partner shifted his feet and looked like he wanted to escape. "I trust you."
"But why?" The question was torn from Natsu's throat. "I've had problems with my memories." He sniffed and it sounded suspiciously like he was holding back tears. "I can't trust myself so how can you trust me?" He wanted to cry; if only for the tension release. "I don't have accurate memories. Who am I?"
"You're my partner." Lucy smiled. "You're the person who asked me to form a team. That's the truth. No matter exactly why you asked, the fact remains you did."
"…" Natsu started to smile - but another thought had him lowering his eyes and dipping his chin into his chest, the nape of his neck tinged with pink. He muttered, "Then you felt like it wasn't purely because I wanted to work with you."
Lucy let go of Natsu's arms, instead gently patting his cheeks, coaxing him into raising his face. "Look at me, do I look upset?"
"N-no. You look beautiful." Natsu's eyes widened. "Um, I dunno why I said that. I mean, of course you're -"
His lips puckered to form the 'b' of beautiful but sputtered to a stop because Lucy leaned in and kissed him. Her fingers slipped from his cheeks and dove into his wild pink hair to tangle and tug. Natsu sputtered once Lucy broke the kiss. "Wha-what?"
"I'm not dating you because I need to say I'm pretty." Lucy moved her hands to rest on Natsu's shoulders and took a deep breath. "That kiss was because I trust you and you need to trust yourself more." She grinned, now actively pushing on Natsu's shoulders. "I trust you with everything. You've seen me at my worst. When my dad…" Lucy couldn't stop the slow leak of tears. "My dad had me kidnapped and you saved me. And after Tenrou Island, you were there for me when I found out he had…"
"You don't have to say it."
Natsu closed his eyes and Lucy was sure her partner was being reminded of his own father issues. Resolute, Lucy continued. "My father passed but in the time I was gone he never gave up hope. I won't ever give up hope either."
"I'm not -"
"What?" Lucy cut off Natsu's words, her eyes wide and brave. "Not good enough? You're amazing." She clutched Natsu's shirt with fingers that felt icy. "Celestial Mages keep their promises, don't they? I don't need you to change. I love you the way you are - and that's a promise!"
Natsu grinned, the tips of his fangs poking out the smallest amount. "I promise you won't regret that promise."
"Then we should seal that contract." Lucy knew what she wanted but she also knew Natsu had to come to that conclusion on his own.
Natsu opened his mouth and then silently closed it with a look of purpose on his face, he enclosed Lucy in a warm embrace. He dipped his head to initiate a scorching kiss. Tonight had taken an odd detour but was back on track. With enough communication between himself and Lucy, their happiness was going to be unending.
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