#ft. mason
detectivegoldstein · 7 months
Their first impression:
"Man this kid is fuckin' weird. Hope he doesn' get killed goin' out here as often as he does."
Their current impression:
"Kid's still weird, but he's got a good heart."
What they like the most about your muse:
The fact Mason is so bizarre. It might be because James grew up as an outcast, but he feels a particular affinity towards weirdos. Also admires the other's kind hearted nature, especially toward animals.
What they dislike the most about your muse:
How little Mason regards sunset at times. It drives James up a wall worrying, especially since he can't be back out in the woods, doing his full ranger job.
What your muse is for them ( Friend, lover, rival ecc.):
An acquaintance, though one that's cared about
A general opinion of their relationship:
An odd pair that on paper shouldn't work, but the universe is full of surprises.
If applicable, something they wish to reveal:
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📝 Kirby/Mason
Their first impression:
"he looks very quiet and shut off i don't think he'd want to be friends with me because i'm literally the opposite of that and i feel like that would scare him??"
Their current impression:
"he's actually one of my good friends who likes to hang out with me at the cemetery for hours and just silently look up at the sky. sometimes he'll smoke with me which is cool, don't tell conrad that though."
What they like the most about your muse:
how he always seems to befriend every critter he comes in contact with.
What they dislike the most about your muse:
that he doesn't talk to people when he's struggling. they feel like he deserves to be heard with whatever he wants to say he just needs to gain the confidence to actually say it.
What your muse is for them ( Friend, lover, rival ecc.):
a brother
A general opinion of their relationship:
they never thought they'd ever be friends but now that they are they wouldn't trade the friendship for anything.
If applicable, something they wish to reveal:
"you and conrad should actually talk about what happened. sometimes i wanna just lock you two in a room until you have a heart to heart so you both stop blaming yourselves about what happened and just be glad that you're still here."
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eddiclupin · 2 years
who: @mason-dursley​ where: dursley home
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He’d always had a difficult time voicing how he felt. That was probably why he had a lot of ‘ex-maybe’s’ or ‘could-have-beens’ rather than an actual relationship. There was always a fear in the pit of his chest that he’d fuck up somehow or that he’d lose them too. Often times he’d been called out on it and every time he couldn’t even defend himself. So when Mason asked him if he’d asked Victoire yet, he froze and dropped his gaze to his shoes. It probably wasn’t a secret anymore. Not with how much they were around each other, or how he always went out of his way to get her things she wanted for birthdays and holidays. But the girl made him nervous, especially when she smiled at him. Teddy let out a nervous chuckle, rubbing at his arm. “Yeaaah.. no.” he dragged out. “Sorry, not everyone here is as smooth as you, Mason,” he joked. There was always an excuse for him. Always a reason. But never a reason or excuse to do so.
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sufroyo · 2 years
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deebeedee......┌( ´_ゝ` )┐
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solar-halos · 15 days
in my mind annie never broke the habit of snatching clothes from her lovers (aka finnick and johanna) and i think the contrast could be cute. like all of finnicks clothing is oversized on her and johanna’s are too small (she makes it work either way)
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littlcfreaks-archive · 4 months
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ubering had been a good call, he had to admit it (even if he didn't verbally say as much to mason), the fact that he was three drinks in and currently waving the bartender down for a fourth was a good enough sign. once the bartender brought his drink to him, his attention easily slid back onto mason, eyes tilting up playfully, "so - you drunk enough to dance yet? or you wanna just watch me dancing from here?" @cocained
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sweetsydfame · 2 months
Hey, hey, hey! do you remember me? I had some troubles with my phone, then I had a trip where we stayed in a hotel with zero electricty or gadgets and i couldn't keep in touch with you! do you hate me for that? i hope not! @m-mount
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acrossxthexclasses · 11 months
@mccallofthewild started this here
Miguel has never been the best with social interactions. It just wasn't something that came naturally to him. And unfortunately? At school once you were labeled a outcast, you were practically treated like the plague. Over time, Miguel told himself that he didn't care. That he preferred this. But today? Someone had actually approached him. He's seen him in class, although the two never spoke.
He had tried to push the other man away, convinced that this was some type of joke or prank. It's not uncommon for that to happen, unfortunately. But when the other began kissing him? It began to become harder and harder to think. The submissive and touch starved boy quickly falling into his desires. And in no time? Miguel found himself on his back in a couch in a secluded corner of the party. His clothes were stripped off of him, leaving both of them bare as Mason continued pounding his ass. Miguel's legs and arms were wrapped around Mason, the man letting out cute little moans and whimpers of pleasure into Mason's mouth as he continued fucking his ass. Miguel's own hands explored Mason's body, trying to pleasure the other man as best as he could with his inexperienced body and hands. Fuck...This felt so good.
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stormvanari · 2 years
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*comes back from a 2-month coven head alignment hiatus* the unnamed coven heads got names? 👀
previous madness
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atrickrtreat · 6 months
@lcstinfantasy asked: ❛ are you ever going to choose me ? ❜ - from reign
"What are you talking about?" Mason was confused, tilting his head. "Pretty sure I did choose you - but if you're talking about serious, Reign, I told you that wasn't going to happen. I don't settle down."
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soldierisms · 21 days
& tagged: @fullofhevrt & where: malfoy masquerade, pre-chaos.
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Henriette grabbed a flute glass from a passing tray as she made her way away from the ballroom. Beneath her bejeweled mask, her cheeks flushed and she feared that the rest of her would soon turn just as red as they were. With one final glance behind her to make sure that she wasn't seen by anyone who would worry over where she disappeared to, her feet carried her through the manor she had spent much time exploring. She soon found herself in the cool night air and allowed herself to take in a deep breath. The quiet was so nice and a break from the maddening crowd was needed.
She rounded the corner to head toward one of her favorite parts of the garden, her fingers of her free hand tracing along the ribbon that held up her mask, when she came to abrupt stop. She found her gaze landing on another--- though their chest as they were much taller than her-- and she was forced to lift her gaze. ❝ hello, ❞ she drew out as she pushed her surprise from her voice. ❝ I wasn't expecting anyone to be out here. Are you trying to get away from all the people too? ❞
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jeonheejinies · 23 days
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meet my ocs !!! - casper choi "my heart's so sour without you."
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📝 Mason/Kirby
what animal does your muse associate with mine?
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what sound reminds your muse of mine?
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what setting reminds your muse of mine?
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dayafterdayna · 2 years
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I drew this forever ago, but I’m back on a Wayhaven binge so here she is; Detective Akira Sinclaire, and her RO Mason. She’s sweet, sarcastic and intelligent, much preferring to use her brain over her fists.
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beermadi · 4 months
the fact that we ever dated, gives me a full-body cringe every single time i'm reminded of it. like... while you were a somewhat decent lay, you couldn't pay me to listen to your chainsaw snoring ever again or your weird obsession with being a long-standing survivor in scream. also nice to know i dodged a bullet in contracting an std, with you apparently becoming hollywood's newest fuckboy. / @masegooding
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skylargrxy · 1 year
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the  blonde was  cleaning  everything in  her  cafe.  she  was  trying  to  get  everything ready  for  romeo’s birthday,  it  wasn’t happening  until  a  couple  of  days  later, but  if  she  started  getting things  done  it  would  be  easier  to  get  things done  on  real  date.  the  blonde  was  humming  to  the  song  she  was  playing  on  the  background, only  turning  to  look  at  the  person who  had  just  walked  inside. skylar  flashed  him  a  smile. “  afternoon  ”  she  waved, leaving  the  mop  behind  the  counter.  “  how  are  you  ?  ” @masonsrilestones​
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