#ft. Max Kray
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ronmanmob · 1 year ago
Smash or Pass + aunt Moll. - not a snickering af Max.
Smash or Pass meme
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It took a whole five second spell for what his wayward offspring had suggested to compute; for Ron to raise his attention from his breakfast plate and clap eyes on the cheekily snickering lad. Then, as deadpan as ever he had been, Ron said, "Son, you could not get me drunk enough f'me t'willin'ly touch tha' woman intimately. I'd be dead, Max. She'd be doin' abuse t'me corpse." Brows high as he stared for a moment longer in his son's direction, Ron then returned his attention to his breakfast.
"Pass, if tha' weren't clear enough."
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lamzoe34-blog · 5 years ago
Get XiaoMi Roborock S50 S55 Kuala Krai Huge Discount
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At 63.8 decibels, the Roborock S5 was noticeably louder than the Shark Ion R85 (59.2). We had the ability to have a conversation with another person in the area because the vacuum worked around us, but definitely raised our voices. Much like the app that communicates the Eufy Robovac 30C, the Mi Home program is designed to control multiple house devices. While the vacuum part of the program is robust, the layout is not intuitive. We were amazed with how lightly the Roborock S5 approached walls and obstacles. The bumper on the Roomba 690 seemed to announce that it hit something with elastic clunk; the S5 was more polite.The robot slows its own strategy and its brush before gingerly approaching an obstruction when the S5 chose an item was approachable, it approached gusto. The S5 pushed seats and dog bowl than the Shark Ion R85 and the Neato Botvac D7. It was not destructive, but I would not leave a delicate vase on a lightweight plant stand around through a cleaning. The Roborock S5 may also be controlled via Amazon Alexa and Google Home. Don't expect to access any features the choices are On and Away, which prompts to bot to come back to its base. Google Assistant adds"Return to Dock," which sends the robot house, rather than Cease, which pauses the vacuum in its paths. 
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All in all, the Roborock S5 accumulated an average of 86.8 percent of all test debris on carpet--a performance on a level with all the Neato Botvac D7, but well below the Shark Ion R85's 97.2 percent. The S5's hardwood performance told a similar tale, picking up an average of 83.9 percent of test debris. The Botvac D7 bested it by 12 percent. If you guessed the Go icon could initiate a fundamental cleaning cycle, you would be wrong. Rather, Go directs the S5 to a user-chosen point on the cleaning map for the bot to perform a place cleaning. By activating the icon that is Clean, a general vacuuming cycle is initiated. Buried in the Preferences menu are five different Cleanup modes : Quiet, Balanced, Turbo, MAX and Mop. The app, and by extension, the vacuum, retains the mode last used. Flip the Roborock S5 above and you'll find two rubber wheels on either side, a wheel in front, and a three-spoke side brush to the leftside. Between the black wheels is the mix rubber and bristle roller brush. Though like the brush around the Eufy Robovac 30c, the S5's roller brush remained free of hair and fuzz. Installation and app The screen displays the place cleaning time and our item of information--remaining battery life. Along the bottom are icons for Go, Dock, Clean and Zoned Cleanup. What the Roborock S5 lacked cleaning thoroughness, it made up for with speed, cleaning our hardwood and carpeting test region in an average of 15 minutes and 22 seconds, nearly a complete hour quicker than the Roomba 690 and 45 minutes quickly compared to Shark Ion R85.
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 It was not quite as quickly as the Neato Botvac D7, that cleaned the evaluation region in an average of 10 minutes. The guide recommends running a vacuum cycle that is regular within the area at least three times. We did so, but it didn't appear to help. The S5 abandoned the mopped area dull and somewhat sticky. If it had been possible to use something along with water in the tank it would have performed better. Layout  According to a Roborock agent, though the Roborock S5 employs the exact same program made by Xiaomi since the S55 (Xiaomi is an investor in Roborock), map information is saved locally on the robot, and only enters the Cloud when an individual views the map onto the smartphone app. Up to 20 maps are saved in the Cloud in any given time and so are deleted after a year. When users delete a map it is also eliminated in the Cloud. The security firm assessed the security of four different robot vacuums, such as the Roborock S55 and the iRobot Roomba 980. The Roborock S55 performed the worst; AV-Test explained that this was"Due partially to gross security deficiencies in data transmission, the transfer of data to third parties, the app's unexplainable thirst for data, as well as a very clear need for progress in the announcement on the handling of consumer data." Note that Map Saving Mode is currently in beta and have to be toggled on separately under Vacuum Settings in the app. We spent several test runs re-mapping our first floor due to the map not saving automatically. Both the iRobot Roomba and also the Botvac D7 are able to save multiple floor plans. Despite its larger size, the Roborock S5 deftly maneuvered through tight spaces. 
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At 3.8 inches high, the S5 sits straight between the 3.9-inch Botvac D7 and the 3.7-inch Roomba 690. While we don't love the laser cover in the center, the feature was less obtrusive than the one about the D7, which has a large overhang and penchant for getting stuck under room chairs. In our laboratory tests, the Roborock S5 performed well, but not outstandingly so. On hardwood and carpeting, it picked up an average of 96.2 percent of those Cheerios strewn across the test region, which was slightly less than the iRobot Roomba 690 (99.5 percent), the Neato Botvac D7 (99.8) and the Shark Ion R85, that divides a perfect 100 percent on this test. At the center of this robot is a increased laser cap on the Neato Botvac D7 with a splash of beneath. Over the cover are buttons for cleaning, on/off and recharging. Maybe due to its colour, the wall detectors on the front and side of the S5 are more noticeable than on other models, but they don't detract in the bot's understated look. The Roborock S5 is primarily controlled through the Mi Home program (Android and iOS). Connecting the robot to the program and to our home wi-fi network took 2 attempts because the directions for pairing the bot to the network were not very clear. Abstruse instructions quickly turned into a theme of this S5. "Starting the cleanup," a cheery voice announces from deep within the Roborock S5. Instead of a series of Morse code-like beeps and chimes utilized by the Neato Botvac D7, the Shark Ion R85 and many other appliances, the S5 announces what it is likely to perform in easy-to-understand terminology prompts. 
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Cleaning performance Security concerns You want it to look if it's docked in your living space if you are adding a robot vacuum to your house. The Roborock S5 eschews the black-and-grey color scheme embraced by other vacuums for white, with silver trim around the rim. The Roborock S5 steps 13.8 inches in diameter, more than an inch larger than the Shark Ion R85; it's also larger than the 13-inch iRobot Roomba 690 and the 13.2-inch Neato Botvac D7. Once the Roborock S5 get its bearings, it cleaned regions in a thorough back-and-forth snake pattern. The robot vacuum found its way under our dining room table, easily weaving its way out of 1 side of the space to another. We appreciated how hewed to walls and seat legs;it tackled walls and borders as the Neato Botvac D7. The vac was also smart enough to fully avoid a thick pile rug which felled other robot vacuums, but its taller elevation meant it did not fit under one of our chairs or our low-clearance sofa. Among our favorite design elements of the Robovac S5 is its"hood." Flip the piece that is thin up and you'll come across the dustbin concealed in the middle, together with a Wi-Fi indicator light and program reset button. The S5 was the robot vacuum cleaner we examined that had an onboard space to hold the instrument for cleaning the brush roll, a means to maintain functionality whilst improving the aesthetic. An indented section near the back is supposed to hold the microfiber mop module. The black-and-white pier for your Roborock S5 is only marginally taller than the vacuum. It is only needed if you're planning on using the mop attachment, although A large, clear plastic mat attaches to the dock. 
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Mopping performance We were reluctant to provide the S5 free reign to mop in case it decided to try and clean our carpet, therefore we utilized the spot-cleaning mode, which sheds a 1.5- meter (4.9 ft ) area around wherever the S5 is put. Turns out our hesitations were unfounded. The Roborock S5 produced about as much water as a wet Swiffer pad onto the floor. If it had cleaned as well as a Swiffer does. Picking up dog hair on both the hardwood and carpeting stymied many of the robot vacuums we tested, such as the Roborock S5;it picked up just 79.5 percent of pet hair--10 percent less compared to Botvac D7 and 8.5 percent less than the Ion R85. However, the S5 did finest the Roomba 690's 73.3 percent pet hair pickup rate. We're enthused about zone cleaning since it is a wonderful way to perform a daily cleaning of hall or kitchen. You are able to draw boxes. Contrary to the iRobot Roomba i7+ and also the Neato Botvac D7, you can't save or title the zones, which means you need to redraw every time to the area you wish to wash them. Adding to the confusion is an Edit Map button on the screen that lets you draw virtual barrier cassette and no-go zones. The Roborock S5 distinguishes itself using a mapping quality that's unique one of the robot vacuums we analyzed, but unfortunately, its prowess is much more of a novelty than truly helpful. A thin disc with a microfiber pad resides under the back of the vacuum. Fill the dish with water, click it in, adjust the Cleanup manner in the program and you are ready to wash.
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ronmanmob · 2 years ago
💭 + favourite child, Max, obviously.
💭Thoughts Meme
"Son" Ron admonished jovially, clocking his eldest lad's laughing eyes across the breakfast table; so close to a mirror of his own in shape and their capacity to pin others to the air with their intensity that it caught the elder Kray staring now and then. Today though, they weren't intense; not at least with anything but the laughter the chortling monstah was doing his best to hold in.
"What?" Max said, pointing at his dad with his knife. "You got too many kids not t'av preferences. There's me 'n five, dad. C'mon. Don't lie."
Ron pointed right back at him, same hand, same utensil. Others about the table wondered if they knew quite how similar they were.
"Ain't no lie in me, lad" Ron replied, breaking off those similarities by setting his knife and fork back to his breakfast where Max, more up for banter, held his at table height. "You're me faverit Max. Like John's me faverit John, Liv's me faverit Liv, 'n Vi 'n Jim 'n RJ're me faverit each'a them. Y'can't compete wiv eachovvah as yer each unique 'n uniquely loved."
Peace came over the table for a few moments, Ron managing a bite of egg on toast before his eldest lad, ever the comedian with his timing, piped up--
"So yer sayin' I'm yer faverit, right?"
The glare cast at him would'a curdled milk but Max...Max was immune.
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ronmanmob · 3 years ago
☕️ + our kids. ( insert Max in a high back chair drumming his fingers waiting XD )
Spilled Tea Meme
The teacup presented, facts wanted, Ron offered a smirk to his wife as they sat at the butchers block in their Hever home's kitchen. Times like there were a giggle between them, a time to ruminate and reminisce equally - for all their family wasn't grown by a long margin. Olivia and Max were still in Secondary School - sixth formers, but still. Not grown. There was much to smile about. In fact, first pick--
'Y'know wha' RJ said abaht me tattoo've their names on me ribs?' Ron gestured to the area in question, hidden comfily now beneath shirt and cardigan. 'Ee said i's not a list'a birfdays since I added 'im to it, i's an ordah 'ov acquisition list -- since 'ee's oldah than Vi bu' below 'er on it. I worried 'ee was sad abaht it, bu' 'ee gave us this gorgeous cuddle, bless 'im. Love yah, dad, 'ee said t'me.' A snuffle escaped through a fractional smile. '--I didn't let 'im go fer ten minutes aftah.
'--Don't fink tha's tea though, aye?' Ron picked up the teacup. It was full and made for sharing; earl grey made to his and Monica's shared preference. He stole a little sip and then set it back down between them. It was her turn next, but still his as yet.
'Always say I've not got a faverit among 'em 'n tha's true. They're each me faverit one 'ov 'emselves. Each individual. Each different...Do worry sometimes tha' our Max don't quite...Wha's a good way'a...I don't fink 'ee quite gets Jim's ways, bu' people's people ain't they. Ain't no fault on Max fer it, like there's none on Jim-' A thought then.
'--D'yah know wha' I saw Vi doin' on th'erb garden th'ovvah day? She'd fahnd a bumble bee 'n 'ad it in 'er palm, all gently so it could 'av a rest. She was strokin' it wiv th'tips 'ov 'er fingers, th'li'le love'. Fink she'll be one f'th garden one day? I know she's all princesses now, bu' time's funny. She looked so 'appy aht there--'
'Oh! John got an A in 'is mechanics class at school. No surprises there, aye? There's a certificate 'ee'd like on th'fridge door, please, 'ee says. Texted us abaht it earlier; durin' break time. Need t'fink 'ov a good reward fer 'im -- theme park trip, maybe? I know I don't enjoy 'em much, bu' 'ees a speed freak 'n rollercoasters're real speedy. Ain't no car shows on at th'mo, else I'd've booked us tickets.' Another sip from the steaming mug of earl grey was stolen; one that was appended by a scan of the local vicinity for biccies. Finding none to hand, Ron returned his attention to his wife.
'Y'seen Liv's application t'Oxford yet? Darlin' girl, she let us read 'er first draft 'n 'alf 'ov it I needed a cuppa t'get right in me 'ead. I know she's goin' in fer it a year early, bu' I fink she's got a fightin' go at it. Do 'ope though-' He knocked twice on the butcher's block's nearest wooden surface. '-Tha if she ain't accepted it don't destroy 'er confidence. She's such a clevah fing, bu' them collages're soddin' picky.'
Pointedly now, Ron turned the teacup's handle towards Monica.
It was her turn to share now; time for thought-gathering given as Ron made for the biscuit barrel and picked out a sharable selection.
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ronmanmob · 5 years ago
What does the perfect woman look like?
A contemplative huff tripped its way from Ron’s chest; the question turning him introspective, thoughtful. He was at the breakfast table, his children gathered round as his wife, their mum, brought over a pot of coffee and sat down on his left. It’d been his eldest lad, his Max, that’d asked the question - no doubt expecting Ron to either dodge it for fear of disgusting the assemblage, or to sing Monica’s praises like he was often of a wont to do. But he didn’t. He was thoughtful for a long moment, then leant forward a hint and began to speak.
‘--Y’ll not get names ‘n descriptors ahta me, lad’ he began, Max’s rolled eyes ignored. ‘I know bettah now, ‘n not b’cause’a wha’ yer finkin’. Ain’t gagged from talkin’ by marriage, I jus’ know...bettah. B’cause m’th dad ov two daughtahs. ‘N it ain’t even tha’ specific. M’th dad ov two daughtahs, bu’ every mum alive, every aunty, grandma-- They’ve all ‘ad dads, ‘av dads ‘oo, if they was werf their salt, they’d ‘av said t’them girls wha’ I am now. 
‘It don’t mattah wha’ some ovvah place, some ovvah person finks is perfect. Wha’ mattahs is, when they’re at their lowest ebb in a dark bafroom somewhere, they know tha’ th’lass ‘oo meets their eye in th’mirrah above th’sink is th’sum ov all th’opes ‘n dreams ‘n strenfs tha’ she’s got in ‘erself. Tha’ even if she’s failed she ain’t a failure as a quantity -- she’s still fours. Still even. Unchanged in ‘er mos’ basic nature by wha’s left scars elsewhere.’
Somewhere in the room there may have been a sniffle.
If anyone asked, it’d be blamed on the Claude nearest dad.
‘Wha’s th’perfect woman look like?’ Ron repeated. ‘Th’face lookin’ back at th’woman lookin’ at 'ers in th’mirrah.’
Across the table, Max again rolled his eyes. ‘You soft fu-’
A kick from parts unknown silenced him with a yelp; an ‘OI!’
Ron knew it was his Violet that’d done it, but he didn’t say a word. Just winked at her when her slightly glassy eyes met his and she chanced a smile.
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ronmanmob · 6 years ago
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Contemporary!Ronnie having a grief with technology - ft. Maximilian and Olivia Kray.
Ron: Wassat? Max: S’a tablet, dad. Like a computah bu’ ‘and ‘eld. Ron: O.o?...*edges round to his daughter* *takes a gentle hold of her sleeve*...Livia? Olivia: *turns and gives her pa a bit of a cuddle* Yes dad? Ron: *points at the tablet* Wha’ /is/ tha? Said i’s a putah bu’ those’re boxes wiv a telly screen. Not...flat. *to Max* Don’t confuse y’dad, son.
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