#ft; polyphemus :)
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amnenome · 6 months ago
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Have you seen this man?? Local woman and son on search for wanted-criminal husband.
Aka, Penelope and Telemachus get fed up and go on their own quest to find Odysseus, and have a completely normal time
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awnrii · 5 months ago
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more band au - gods edition
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justanangelsyippee · 3 months ago
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Drops Epic doodles and leaves
Yk characters: Odysseus , Odysseus and his traumas, Aeolus (ft winion), Polites, Tiresias (i love him), Penelope (i love her even more) Ody, Weird Telemico, Penelope, Polyphemus' favourite sheep, Polyphemus, some pancakes, Poseidon.
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i-will-change-this-someday · 3 months ago
I've been really into Epic: The Musical lately, so here are some of my thoughts:
I keep wondering why during "Puppeteer" there's not the rhyme of "wine" and "swine", because I think it was the wine specifically that turned them to pigs.
Was confused for a bit cause I thought Jorge also voiced Telemachus.
Cannot think of what, but the part in “Polyphemus” where it’s like “a gift from you and a gift from me” the tune(?, I know nothing about music) reminds me of something.
Half the plot wouldn’t have happened if they were just vegan.
As many have said, if I was Odysseus I would have gone on a murderous rampage after the crew opened the bag. He literally told them what was in it! Why would they do that? Especially like, 200 ft away from home?!
Also, Odysseus should have maybe hid the bag so he could sleep, or put it under his clothes or something. Maybe hug it like a body pillow if it’s really big.
Also, I don’t really think Polites is a pacifist exactly, but I also kinda wonder if he was more of a medic rather than a fighter. Cause I’m honestly a little surprised that he’s not Odysseus’s second-in-command. Although, I can also see that he might not be the best fit for that role.
Like, I definitely think Polites is a very skilled fighter, it would have been questioned more for just the two of them to go if not, but I also don’t think he enjoys almost any aspect of war.
Also I get really sad if I think about Polites too much, should have known that he would die, cause I immediately liked him.
Also get really sad for Odysseus too. (end of "Love in Paradise" gets me every time.)
I honestly don't feel that sad for Eurylochus, I understand where he's coming from and it is sad, but a lot of the bad things that happen to him is kinda his fault. I do still like him though.
I also keep wondering why the cyclops doesn’t just say that a human hurt him, why did he feel the need to use a name?
I had a dream where Odysseus decides not to kill the infant, and instead gave it to Polites to raise.
Also where did Polites’s headband come from? And the glasses? Cause I honestly was thinking he has really good eyesight, for some reason I imagine him using a bow and arrow, also he was the one to spot the island.
The music is truly top tier, literally every single one’s amazing.
I got really in to watching Jorge’s videos about the process.
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froggyinaspen · 2 years ago
THANK YOU FOR THE TAG @sebastianswallows!!!
*Takes a deep breath* Oh gods here we go! Here is my random 10!
You Asked For this - Halsey
Pretend - CNCO
Inferiority Complex - Park Kyung ft. Eunha
Fever dream -mxmtoon
Body like Gossip- dreamfone
Polyphemus - Jorge Rivera-Herrans
How I'd Kill - Cowboy Malfoy
Brain dead - Sion
Mushroom Punch - Zella Day
Nostalgia- BE'O
Tagging: @anto-pops @babygaunt @choccy-milky @damn-it-a-hogwarts-legacy-blog @eggymf @giselsann @hufflepuffwitchhh @juicegarrethfizzy
@matchavellichor @orions-tears
10 songs, 10 people
Tagged by @esolean 💚 Thank you so much, bby!
Rules: Put your music on shuffle and list the first 10 songs that come up.
This is hard though, like, my music where? My spotiy? My second spotify? My laptop? My phone? I have music saved everywhere 😂 Went with my phone, cause that's where I have the most.
Into Darkness - Jeremy Soule
Tales of the Future - Vangelis
Fame < Infamy - Fall Out Boy
Bees - Warpaint
Homesick - The Cure
Taste in Men - Placebo
Schreck and the Locket - Dan Jones
See Line Woman - Nina Simone
Aboard the Phantom Carriage - Jill Tracy
Take Me With You - Tori Amos
Tagging: @froggyinaspen @ceres-zephyr @thorns-fixations @imaslytherpuff @skittish1807 @lilac-crown @ravenelyx @rookwoodswife @huskyhunny @ominist
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alienssstufff · 2 years ago
DSMP cDream Design
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couldn’t rly conclude on a definite cDream design saw a lot of rly creative ones but think this one might be it!
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a buuunch of religious symbolism to match his god complex despite his outfit being one of the most modest of things ive designed for this series thus far- i want it to give false prophet preacher vibes if that makes??? sense???
LORE STUFF= >They say c!Dream once had very beautiful eyes >and with him being the first person DreamXD had seen on the server, He grew jealous of those eyes.  >In a fit of envy DreamXD had taken c!Dream’s sight, permanently ruining his face >Perhaps this was one final slice of pity from DreamXD and alas the world had gifted him a friend. Whom to which he and the polyphemus moth share a symbiotic relationship. (Dream feeds the moth in exchange for sight)
A friend on twt brought this up too but hc also that the moth was once Tommy’s hypothetical pet moth Clementine who flew away
Some faces of some familiar characters I’ve designed with scars [ft dream without the moth]
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and a sketch of how I see DreamXD
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ugnoodle · 5 years ago
2nd ALBUM『ポリュフェモス』
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『ポリュフェモス ("Polyphemus")』(2020年)
ゆったりとしたテンポで進むひずみと美しさを往復するギターの調べとウィスパー・ヴォイスによる「A Couple (of Blunts)」、ラヴァーズ・ロック「夢の恋人 ft. seizo (Lovers Rock Edit)」、控え目なシンセ・ベース、ヴィブラフォン、パーカッションなどから構成された「iiwake」といった心地の良いナンバーが並ぶ。tofubeatsの楽曲に参加したことでも知られる、1989年生まれのシンガーソングライター/マルチ・プレイヤーのセカンド・アルバムは、いわばソウル・ミュージック×レゲエ×ドリーム・ポップ×渋谷系の幸せな結合。90年代の音楽を想起する人もいるだろうし、ララージやメン・アイ・トラストから溢れ出す多幸感に近しいものを感じ取る人がいてもおかしくない。けれども、ただただ幸せな夢見心地の気分を味合わせてくれるだけの音楽ではない。「ギャングだったあの頃」といった意味深な曲名に暗示されているように、洒落たサウンドに乗って耳に飛び込んでくるちょっぴり物騒なリアリズムもまたこの作品の魅力だ。すべての楽曲の7インチ化を切望する声が聴こえてきそうな全9曲。(二木信)
UG Noodle(ユージー・ヌードル) 1989年生。シンガー・ソングライター/マルチ・プレイヤー。ギタリストとしてtofubeats「Positive feat. Dream Ami」の録音に参加。ドラマーとしてバンド「林拓と波」に参加、ブリジット・セント・ジョンの来日公演をサポート。自身も参加するインドア・ポップ共同体「sumahama?」では『demos?』を自主レーベルより配信/カセットにてリリース。水曜日のカンパネラ「桃太郎」のMV制作等で知られるオタミラムズと共に「夢の恋人」「July」「Layer」を映像化。UG Noodle名義では2013年に第���作「The Indian Waltz」(Octave / Ultra-Vybe)を発表。
ex. she luv it / EX-C / THE BAILEYS etc.
1. Prelude (Instrumental) 2. A Couple (of Blunts) 3. 夢の恋人 ft. seizo (Lovers Rock Edit) 4. iiwake 5. ギャングだったあの頃 6. 三本指のジャズマンのマイナー・スウィング 7. ポリュフェモス 8. キケンなうわさ 9. Breath
All songs were written by UG Noodle except #5 and #6 co-written by ATOSONE
■コメント もしも祈りが届くなら、あの夢のつづきを見せてくれ…陽炎のようにゆらめく白昼夢。街中で、車で、部屋で、いつでも夢を。神戸に移られてからのSumahama?での活動も素敵なUGさんによるソロ・アルバム。一番好きな「夢の恋人」のリテイクやサウンドクラウドにあって度肝を抜かれた「iiwake」なんかはもちろん、全編においてこの甘くて危険な…そんなアルバムを知らないのは勿体なさすぎる。今すぐ聞いて。 tofubeats
音楽のチカラについてある教授が色々と言っていたらしい。賛同出来るところもあったけど、多くはネガティブな経験からの言葉な気がした。自分は音楽によって心を動かされた事や、魔法の様に景色が変わる瞬間も何度も体験している。自分達と一緒にUG Noodleの音楽を聞けば意見も変わるかもね。 BUSHMIND
ファンクをやさしく手なづけて、眠りとめざめの狭間でまどろみながら、ひそやかにくり広げられるギター弾きのリサイタル。すみずみまでさわやかな官能にあふれているアルバムです。 酒井隆史
アーティスト: UG NOODLE タイトル: ポリュフェモス レーベル: RCSLUM (JPN) フォーマット: CD 発売日: 2020-03-11 価格: ¥2,200(税込) CatNo.: RCSRC020
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ninadove · 8 months ago
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Ft. Felix as Odysseus, Shadow Moth & Mayura as Polyphemus, and the lost Sentibeings as the fallen soldiers. The plan is to start from “HEY CYCLOPS” and go from here.
When we met, I led with peace
While you fed your inner beast
Because??? Felix is a child??? And Gabriel literally threatened to snap him out of existence when he got too close to uncovering his secret basement??? I think of how wild this scene is at least once a week (the rest of my time is spent thinking of how wild other Felix scenes are, obviously)
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But my comrades will not die in vain
Remember them
The next time that you dare choose not to spare
RIP Sentibug, gone but never forgotten 😔
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Remember them
Remember us
You ever think about the fact that Strikeback features three (3) Sentibeings falling into the sun, and that there’s three (3) Sentikids? Yeah. Yeah.
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And then, we come to the inevitable conclusion for a child who has been stripped of his freedom and safety; a child who has effectively been forced into the role of Nobody his entire life; a child who finally gets to reclaim his identity:
Remember me
I'm the reigning king of Ithaca
I am neither man nor mythical
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I am your darkest moment
I am the infamous
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[Sounds of inevitable consequences]
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theartfulkain · 7 years ago
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My command squad is almost finished, ft. Polyphemus the armiger titan.
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galleykitchendesigns · 6 years ago
NYC - Metropolitan Museum of Art - Harpischord - Polyphemus
NYC – Metropolitan Museum of Art – Harpischord – Polyphemus
A few nice home interior design images I found:
NYC – Metropolitan Museum of Art – Harpischord – Polyphemus
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Image by wallyg Harpsichord, ca. 1675 Made by Michele Todini (Italian, 1616-1690) Rome, Italy Wood, various materials; L. of inner instrument 8 ft. 9 7/8 in. (269 cm); W. of inner instrument 34 3/8 in. (87.2 cm); D. of inner instrument 7 1/2 in. (19 cm)
A gilded case encloses an Italian…
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groheshowerfaucets · 6 years ago
NYC - Metropolitan Museum of Art - Harpischord - Polyphemus
NYC – Metropolitan Museum of Art – Harpischord – Polyphemus
A few nice home interior design images I found:
NYC – Metropolitan Museum of Art – Harpischord – Polyphemus
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Image by wallyg Harpsichord, ca. 1675 Made by Michele Todini (Italian, 1616-1690) Rome, Italy Wood, various materials; L. of inner instrument 8 ft. 9 7/8 in. (269 cm); W. of inner instrument 34 3/8 in. (87.2 cm); D. of inner instrument 7 1/2 in. (19 cm)
A gilded case encloses an Italian…
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nitw · 8 months ago
another big contender: that one part of the Other polyphemus battle theme where sam gendel just goes fucking mad on the saxophone
i really love that one part of the polyphemus battle theme where darren korb just goes fucking mad on the flute
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hansgroheradiance · 6 years ago
NYC - Metropolitan Museum of Art - Harpischord - Polyphemus
NYC – Metropolitan Museum of Art – Harpischord – Polyphemus
A few nice home interior design images I found:
NYC – Metropolitan Museum of Art – Harpischord – Polyphemus
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Image by wallyg Harpsichord, ca. 1675 Made by Michele Todini (Italian, 1616-1690) Rome, Italy Wood, various materials; L. of inner instrument 8 ft. 9 7/8 in. (269 cm); W. of inner instrument 34 3/8 in. (87.2 cm); D. of inner instrument 7 1/2 in. (19 cm)
A gilded case encloses an Italian…
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hansgroheshower · 6 years ago
NYC - Metropolitan Museum of Art - Harpischord - Polyphemus
NYC – Metropolitan Museum of Art – Harpischord – Polyphemus
A few nice home interior design images I found:
NYC – Metropolitan Museum of Art – Harpischord – Polyphemus
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Image by wallyg Harpsichord, ca. 1675 Made by Michele Todini (Italian, 1616-1690) Rome, Italy Wood, various materials; L. of inner instrument 8 ft. 9 7/8 in. (269 cm); W. of inner instrument 34 3/8 in. (87.2 cm); D. of inner instrument 7 1/2 in. (19 cm)
A gilded case encloses an Italian…
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grohebathtaps · 6 years ago
NYC - Metropolitan Museum of Art - Harpischord - Polyphemus
NYC – Metropolitan Museum of Art – Harpischord – Polyphemus
A few nice home interior design images I found:
NYC – Metropolitan Museum of Art – Harpischord – Polyphemus
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Image by wallyg Harpsichord, ca. 1675 Made by Michele Todini (Italian, 1616-1690) Rome, Italy Wood, various materials; L. of inner instrument 8 ft. 9 7/8 in. (269 cm); W. of inner instrument 34 3/8 in. (87.2 cm); D. of inner instrument 7 1/2 in. (19 cm)
A gilded case encloses an Italian…
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sardonic-sprite · 1 year ago
Heyo! My music is all over the place lmao but let's go! All of these are from my YouTube Music Summer Recap Playlist
Polyphemus - EPIC the Musical
Confident - Demi Lavato
Into The West - Peter Hollens Cover
Warrior of the Mind - EPIC the Musical
First Burn - Hamilton Bonus Track
Cry - Beth Crowley
Worth It - Beth Crowley
I See Fire - Peter Hollens Cover
Exile - Taylor Swift ft. Bon Iver
Don't Think, Just Run - Beth Crowley
Only about half of these have I listened to very recently but still, they're all really good.
No pressure tags: @aroacepanorientedopentoexplore @purelymocha @quotidian-oblivion @cygnusdoingthings and whoever wants to join!
Ten Songs. Ten People.
Thank you @cody-helix02 and @hxad-ovxr-hxart for the tags!
Rules: Put your music on shuffle and list the first 10 songs that come up, then tag people.
jealousy, jealousy - Olivia Roderigo
First Rate Town - Good Kid
Midnight Rain - Taylor Swift
Stick Season - Noah Kahan
messy in heaven - venbee, goodard
crashing down - Arlie
Hollywood Baby - 100 gecs
Me Myself & I - 5 Seconds of Summer
Are You Okay? - BEL
Call Me What You Like - Lovejoy
Tagging: anyone who would like to do this! :)
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