#ft fursona!!
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cowardlybean · 1 year ago
OKAY SO POINT 1 I think teh fact that Reigen is inspired by Mogami is SO interesting especially bc in 7th Div reigen is shocked to see psychics that aren’t Mob. I don’t know if hez just surprised that derez other people with Telekinesis powerz and not just spiritual stuff or if he thought Mogami was just a showman but it’d be rlly funny and interesting if itz teh latter . Reigen thinking that Mogami was also a fraud but a very talented dedicated one and maybe idolizing it th way you might idolize liek an actor in a movie . I imagine th details of Mogamis suicide are very unknown to th public since he kept so much hidden in his final years so all most people including Reigen really know is ‘mogamis mother died, mogami disappeared from the public eye, and some time later he killed himself’ . Reigen doesn’t I imagine know Any of th in depth bullshit but could at least extrapolate that th media and paparazzi were not kind about his mothers condition or his mental health . so during Separation Arc when reigen himself is experiencing th nightmare dimension and feeling like extremely alone falling into that swirling vortex he remembers mogami (moth imagery in teh alleyway baby!) and is liek Oh my god I can’t end up someone like that I have to make something of myself . But ends up just getting caught up in th vicious media cycle in an entirely different way though hez able to do what Mogami didn’t and call out to someone . something about fighting vicious cycles by being willing to swallow your pride and ask for help .
SECOND POINT I go back and forth on dis ! see in th manga it is very explicit that Mob has no one at home whatsoever but th anime seems more vague about it? we still don’t see his parentz but itz much less upfront about ‘mob has literally no one at home’ and I sometimes interpret it as liek . he is so lost in his own misery and wallowing that he doesn’t even interact with his family or process deir existence . and how falling into that pit of misery can hurt otherz around you as well as he just becomes so entrenched that it seems like he simply has no family . he has a brother but dey don’t talk , so ritsu doesn’t bother intervening with bullies , dey have no bond . he goes home to his parents’ house but goes straight to his room because he has no energy at all . I like dis interpretation bc it plays into Mogami only changing th bare minimum to make th point of ‘this could happen to you’ to Mob . BUT ive also seen it positioned as like . th idea that that level of depression and suffering can almost become absurd to th sufferer , so it makes sense for what is essentially a torture dimension like Mogamiland to take that literally and perform th absurdity of actually removing his family relations altogether . while I generally perceive Mogamiland as more down to earth (relatively speaking, it is still cartoonishly miserable bc even though th bad things aren’t unrealistic all joy and good has been surgically removed) th idea that Mob quite literally goes home to an empty house because hes reached an absurd level of suffering , th same as how Mogami refused to reach out to anyone or seek any help and instead chose to rot alone in his house (something its hard to be angry at him or blame him for but that hes still like, complicit in, if that makes sense?) with no one else . reflecting how deeply unrealistic th mentalities you develop at that low of a point are , Mogamiland itself becomes absurd and bends logic to keep Mob trapped and too miserable to question it . if itz th latter case of Literally No One i imagine th absurdity rules help tether reality together . he can function on school lunches because miserable people may eat very little , his house is empty and cold and unpleasant but it stands and functions , because those are th bare minimum things needed to survive (all that Mob is doing) and to keep th illusion that he can have nothing better until he breaks .
Minori I imagine is like . Considerably worse off mentally den Mob right after th arc . Mob is obviously pretty fucked up by 6 months of hell but in typical Mob fashion is able to repress that pretty handily up until confession arc when Everything is opened up by force . it’ll be on his list of things to discuss in therapy for sure lmao . but largely hes good at repressing and also part of th moral of th Mogami arc is that wallowing in your own misery does you no good so he wants to live best foot forward . Minori does too i think , because she wants to change , but I think it’s a lot harder for her . shez lived on her perch of untouchable popular girl for a While , and even if she was acutely aware that things would Not Be Good if someone else rose above her , all she had to do was stomp down any threat effectively enough . between that and just being a teenager who has had a good life itz extremely hard for her to process such an extreme terrible theft of control from her . her body was puppeted , used to lie about and severely injure her father and many others , and she was used as a scapegoat , her actions in Mogamiland were things she really would do but it still must be frightening to be trapped in your own mind especially once Mob snaps and she realizes Oh . That’s what this exists for . To kill me . Mogamiland is a conveyer belt with Minori’s death at th end , that is Mogamis ultimate goal to make Mob change and see his point of view . so not only does she know that she barely escaped th slaughterhouse but she also knows she horribly tortured th guy who was strong and kind enough to save her even after all she did . bc it would be easy for a lesser story to have Minori scared straight , and i do think she does become very paranoid , but th primary reason she changes is because Mob made her want to be better , he made her want to be as courageous as he was . I think post-Mogamiland she is very physically and mentally fucked up but intent on Being Better TM but she doesn’t fully know what that means yet , doesn’t know how to unravel social standards she carefully built up herself or not just be forgiven because people are scared of her . I think she struggles really hard w learning to be kind and develops a lot of moral obsessions , getting really really upset and angry at herself if she so much as Thinks something bad bc thats proof she hasn’t changed and that th evil spirit is going to come break her fingers again . learning to actually be better without wanting to actively die every time she does something mean is a long process she has to work through but I think itz one she does work through w her dads help . I like th HC that she gets into crafting and that slowly leads into being able to care about more and more living things . her big stupid idiot cat she got that she threatens to sell to th circus while giving it treats even if it is icky . very fucked up girl trying her best , I think she reaches out to Mob eventually and dey get together for lunch or something every month or two . casual friends , derez an underlying sting of trauma for both , but friends nonetheless who are happy to see each other getting better . Mob says she should move closer to Seasoning City one day and shes like ‘do you even realize how many city destroying events there have been in the past 3 months alone. no.’ she and teru would be CRAZY gossip buddies lmao
MOGAMI……….i know hes in that damn jar . dis ask is getting looooong so I don’t wanna linger on him too long but I imagine he and Matsuo have an extremely tense dynamic up until th jar is broken in WD arc , and Mogami wanders for a few days before actually deciding to track down Matsuo again . unbearable as he finds him , Matsuo walks a line between human and spirit that not many people do , and is one of th only people that talks to him up front to his face because he too has experienced being thrown aggressively off his high horse . I think dey have a weird gay thing but either way I think dey definitely stick together bc dey both come to realize that dere Are other people in th world capable of understanding dem . Mogami is perpetually kinda fucked up but I think Mob changed him at least a little . enough to have let Minegishi go in WD arc and accept that maybe someone Can change sometimes .
hi . Mogami arc is my favorite arc
just in case lemme just. put this under the cut
OK OK in 7th div i think what shocks Reigen more is the fact that there are adult psychics? or rather. a lot of adult psychics LMAO he asks Ritsu earlier if he can help out at the office so i Think he knows other psychics exist (but he probably wouldnt guess they're all somehow miraculously concentrated in seasoning city AJHSDGHGHEGFGH) but with Mogami in particular, I'd like to think in his younger years he fully believed it all, going on spirit hunts of his own, but as he grew he'd think "yeah its all a scam" bc of his own scammery until Mogami arc throws it all into question. BUT APART FROM THAT. YOUR MIND. YOUR BRAIN. THE COMPARISON OF SEPARATION ARC AND MOGAMI'S STORY IS SOMETHING I HADNT THOUGHT OF BEYOND JUST THE MEDIA HOLY SHIT. oh my god knowing Reigen and his random knowledge on every little subject i feel like hes the type of guy to go on google rabbit holes and after Mogami arc that would reawaken his curiosity in the guy and later during separation arc he's thinking "i cant let myself get to that level, i have to become someone" AUGH I LOVE THE WAY THOSE TWO ARCS INTERTWINE. something something Reigen having some kind of support to reach out to but Mogami being utterly alone,,. but yah i think its so funny to imagine that Reigen Just picked up a lot of the showmanship from Mogami and didn't think the guy was legitimate ASDJHGEFGH.
THIS REAWAKENED MY FIRST INTERPRETATION OF MOGAMILAND WAIT ID COMPLETELY FORGOTTEN UNTIL NOW after I watched it for the first time I assumed that Mob's parents (or possibly just One of his parents) were in a state similar to Mogami's mother, and thats why they arent present and now i'm thinking thats a bit of an inbetween point, in that its something that could be a reality but its also Mogami's view of a cold, hard world to live in. I'd like to think that the behavior of all the other people in Mogamiland is how Mogami imagines they'd act, because of how vicious and horrible he views humanity, not the way those same people in reality would truly react. Like enforcing his view of the world onto Mob is his point, so the world acts and behaves the way Mogami believes it to? Any absurdities (like living off school lunches alone) are what I'd call gaps in the cognitive world, because id say its gotta be pretty hard to make a perfect recreation of reality without both unconscious bias and mentally skipping over forgotten details?? Apart from that, I definitely prefer the interpretation that Ritsu is still Mob's brother in Mogamiland, but they're distant, because it reenforces how Mogami really had nobody to reach out to, especially not his family. ANYWHO. idk how to wrap this point up into a neat bow so just take my ramble
SOMETHING ALSO ABOUT MOB AND MINORI RECOVERING FROM MOGAMI ARC is that he remembers he has people who care about him there, and he resolves to appreciate them more than ever before (and then the wounds are reopened in separation arc etc etc) but Minori doesn't really have anyone she could connect the experience to? I feel like the friends she has are. likely not the best, and she's absolutely been horrible to people outside of Mob. So while she wants to better herself for Mob's sake, bc of the kid who saved her damn life from some incomprehensible evil spirit who'd puppeteered her, I'd think her initial instinct would still be to prevent herself from falling to the same position her victims were in. The same courage Mob had needs to be built up, she learns over time to lower her defenses of her status and maybe in some way stand up for others (though bc of her trauma with losing autonomy, i dont think she'd be to open with any kindness at first in fear of losing the position she has). Her pedestal is already crumbling with the rumors of her being absent (popular girl who rules the school "getting sent to the psych ward" would get her looks and whispers in the hallway) and that definitely doesn't help her after having been used as a puppet. She'd definitely grow out of it though, through feeling her way through having autonomy back and to slowly unravel the hierarchy she'd built herself into. AND AUHGHRFGH. not to be insane again but TTTAAAC made me appreciate Minori SO MUCH MORE bc of her role. her getting into crafts and having a cat?? after it all??? AFHGFHGRHGR. i need to see more of her and the rest of the cast, she and Teru would be buddies and i KNOW IT!! not enough Minori content in the world i need to get on that
MATSUGAMI IS REALLY FUNNY TO ME SOMETIMES guy fascinated with evil spirits x the one evil spirit you should Not fuck with. Matsuo definitely has smth to say about sprits still having lots to learn in their afterlife, he's probably seen spirits from all walks of life and how they eventually move on. Mogami probably chills out a little from the bone-chilling monstrosity he is in his arc, maybe a little reflection would do him good. Sitting in that bottle definitely makes him think about things (gee maybe i shouldn't have put those kids in a hell dimension for 6 months. but then again theyre in middle school what do i know/j)
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indorak · 7 months ago
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Summer indulgence~!
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vampkitty2001 · 7 months ago
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★ ⋆ attack on kasanemichael ⋆ ★
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naycelium · 1 year ago
A festive lil Rangoon 🎄
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peachesgarden · 11 months ago
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embracing my furry side so i made myself a fursona
she's a deer mixed with a bunny
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werewolf-artfriend · 9 months ago
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this is so sad. all they have to sleep on is a baby banana with a half slice cheddar blanket
bonus timelapse :)
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pixelrhys · 3 months ago
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Uhhh finally updated his ref for the third time. Everyone clap and cheer.
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mortemcatabasis · 7 months ago
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gator time
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extraterrestrial-artist · 4 months ago
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love this aminal. the sea slug.
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slimyrhys · 1 month ago
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picatchu · 5 months ago
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the kibbyyy
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runtyonlinegirl · 3 months ago
Pretty blood au stuff
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residentfurry · 1 year ago
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petzdogz2speedrun · 1 year ago
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break stuff
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faebunnyleap · 4 months ago
Explode the moon?
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i blast now, good luck everybody else
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biohazardigrade · 1 year ago
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reworking sona for the 1000000th time
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