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thephooka · 10 months ago
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Happy Webcomic Day! My webcomic White Noise is a labor of love--according to Procreate, this page took me 15.5 hours to complete.* Here's a look into that process!
Some other notes:
The thumbnails are done on graph paper and I script while I do them--there is no separate written script for White Noise. I usually spent a couple hours on weekends as needed thumbnailing, sometimes at a coffee shop or at home listening to records.
I then set up the file in Photoshop, so I can lay in the text and use the template I have with bleeds already set up. The text is rasterized and I shuttle the file over to my iPad via Airdrop.
The bulk of the actual work is done in Procreate, which records timelapses that I sometimes share to my Patreon. I usually spend a couple hours most nights after my day job or on the bus commuting doing this.
Once everything art-wise is done, I shuttle the file back over to my desktop to re-set in the text, add a stroke around the speech bubbles (Procreate doesn't have that took fsr) and do the resizing/exporting for web.
On Sunday mornings I get up, queue the page and write the page descriptions. I don't spend any time on the page descriptions outside of that.
Also, this process goes for the whole first arc of White Noise. I'm done with that arc (which means you can binge the whole thing I'm js!!) and am experimenting with some different methods these days, but my workflow is still generally the same.
*Some more talk about the labor (and burnout) involved below the cut:
This particular page (and most of the pages I did in 2023) took a lot longer than normal because I was heading into a burnout period that I'm still lowkey in/recovering from. It's obvious to me now in retrospect watching the timelapse here and seeing how much noodling I'm doing and how much I'm struggling with the process, but at the time I was just very frustrated generally. When I'm not burned tf out pages take maybe 10 hours max.
2023 was a pretty stressful year--lots of big life changes, uncertainty, pet death, health issues--so it's no wonder it propelled me into burnout, but it just goes to show that even the slowest and steadiest pace is not sustainable forever. I've been doing one page a week following this general process for over a decade! And I stuck to that pace because I knew it was one I could maintain. But even so, by the end of this arc I found myself working more and more slowly, not really looking forward to the work, feeling anxious about being behind, unhappy with the finished work, and extremely annoyed with myself for not being able to give it my all right there at the finish line.
I did stop for a while after the epilogue and took a more or less complete break from drawing for about a month--the longest I have EVER gone without drawing, much less working on White Noise--which did help, but these days my ability to work is...inconsistent. I should probably take another total break, but I'm reluctant. What if my passion never comes back? What if people forget about WN? It's already pretty obscure, and with the general social media collapse, it's harder than ever to get people to read my work. Now that I've left Hiveworks, WN doesn't even get the benefit of being linked to other comics (although objectively very, very few readers actually got referred to my comic that way.) And frankly, I'm also just too proud to go too long without comic updates. I've always told myself, I might not be the best artist or the fastest worker or make a popular comic, but I'm consistent. Difficult to let that go.
This is all to say that webcomics are hard. We do them because we love them, we have stories to tell, we are seized with the human compulsion to create. We spend hours of our time, almost always on top of the paying work that allows us to eat, to make something that we then give away for free. It has consequences on us that the reader doesn't often see, no matter how careful we are about it. If you ask me, webcomics deserve to be valued more.
Happy Webcomic Day! Read webcomics!
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blackstarchanx3new · 11 months ago
FSR rambles 18 dreams about being gannon
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Direct parallels to Gannon/OOT.
Sweet time to mention Shadow can play the piano haha. I have a plan for a comic on HOW he learned but that's a later date type thing.
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He's here to murder shadow. Noice.
Seems like Shadow's just getting haunted by this guy considering his appearance earlier in the comic in page 290 -
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Seems like Hero of Time just isn't a fan of him or smth. XDDD
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Ouch. That looked like it hurt.
Also hi who are you.
Also considering I know who you are...Why are your eyes Blue buddy? :D
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"Aw shit. I got sliced"
"Also I'm younger"
Ah dream logic.
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Hi Perry-
I mean uhhh
Totally mysterious purple clad hero.
This is a character from the planned sequel of FSR. and I can't speak much about him. You'd know a decent amount about him if you've seen the FSRA posts.
Also his eyes changed...Again...
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When I dream I have nothing but nightmares too shadow. Smh.
Oh Hi Link. Why are you wearing white and black. Basically the reverse of Dark Link's fit? Not weird at aaaaall considering that wasn't what he was wearing before he pulled the sword...
It's been around for awhile NOW but Shadow's hair changing to have a red streak...much like a certain gerudo man we know isn't odd at ALLLLLL.
Also nice Malice eyes Shadow.
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Yeah I'm sure the magic demonic 8 ball will have the answers you seek Shadow.
Considering the Gannon flashbacks we just saw...Who's "him" Dark? Because Dark could just as easily be talking about Vaati here. But really it's up in the air on who he meant exactly.
Dark keeping his horns from his vaati convo and it appearing on his human ish form was a fun detail to add.
Random note to think about: Dark had to put himself back in Shadow's hat after sneaking off to vaati's house and that imagery is funny so I'm sharing it with you.
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Dark's hair is still vaati colored as well and his behavior is reflecting him still.
Link talking about food and sleeping is just about the most link thing ever so Dark gives absolutely no shits about it.
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Haha you should have chosen your words more wisely shadow...
It ALMOST sounds like you don't WANT Link here...which Dark can pick up on pal-
Oh shit. You repeated it you meant it.
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Yeah don't shout Link could wake up.
Dark kinda SORTA seems to know what's happening...
But he's using "I think" and uncertain language. (You know he's not sure of smth if he's using phrasing like that hah. Since he's usually so self assured in his assumptions.)
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Lol ignore how often my dumbass forgot to keep Shadow's hair right. Mistakes happen. 😅
Hey Shadow, abusing the nutcase isn't gonna get you very far.
Especially because he hates your guts.
Dark's kinda right here tho. Shadow's being selfish as hell rn.
The phrase "Does the word "HERO" just have no meaning to you? You disgust me" specifically gets a chuckle out of me considering who's mouth it's coming out of.
Dark continues to miss identify Shadow as Gannon when he said "you're as old as time" (More of a reference to demise depending on how you look at it but same diff)
Dark sweating visibly showing he's still very much scared of Shadow.
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Shadow pulled his head out of his ass for a second and realized Dark's acting weird. (Like Vaati)
Dark's instant snap back is amusing but also sad. Like. Shadow doesn't "know him" not in any meaningful way. But he does yield and admit he was looking at memories for... YEARS in the head space.
Which is just a level of horror beyond comprehension.
Imagine spending YEARS looking at other people's memories just to get yanked out of it randomly by mr root of all evil himself bitching at you about smth you don't even know about, some guy you had a single conversation with YEARS AGO. But oh yeah. It's only been maybe 8 hours in the real world and all perception of time and reality was thrown off and you're being accused of being a different person after all that shit.
To say Dark Link isn't having a fun or good time would be an understatement.
I touched on it in a fic where Link and Dark bang of all places but Dark's existence is an existential nightmare.
Dark Link's EXISTANCE isn't fun for him. He's gonna mention it later too but he's MISSERABLE and vocal about his misery and pain just being alive.
Something weird to think about: Who's memories was he even looking at?
Really from his vague description it could be ANYONE.
I personally like to think it's vaati's considering he still has his hair shifted to be vaati's tone, is acting like vaati and mentions shadow being "Annoying"
though Link and vio are high possibilities too haha.
A mix of all of them aren't off base either.
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Identity crisis how fun...Dark struggling to separate himself from the memories he's witnessed is concerning to say the least.
At least he's willing to be helpful with what he thinks is going on.
Really he could have just said "Fuck off figure it out yourself" but he offers to try and explain shit to Shadow from his perspective.
Dark's openness to cooperate despite everything is smth noteworthy.
He has literally no reason to do shit like this (Even if it fails) ESPECIALLY considering his distaste for Shadow. He just does shit that's helpful or nice cause he can.
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Just little characterizations that Dark Link is more like Link than you'd first think considering his introduction.
Also OOT reference again with Ganon entering the sacred realm to steal the Triforce of power.
The second Shadow mentions them splitting is a relief, Dark cosplays Vio. XDDDD
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Even Shadow thinks that was Vio like haha.
Dark's avoiding Link is the funniest part of this. "Oh shit he's waking up, gotta run. Don't wanna talk to him." XDDD
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Don't do it Shadow.
It's a terrible idea.
Last time Link was here he was wanting to off himself so he might not be the most mentally sound individual!
Also who's happy to be woken up...
Dark Link being the voice of reason here about the pros and cons to waking Link up or even listening to him haha.
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Considering what happens HAPPENS, that probs would have happened REGUARDLESS of if he was woken up or not. The change really is down to whether or not Shadow would A. Even be around for it. B. Be the one to wake Link up and have that burden on his mind or C. Just let shit happen.
Shadow is putting a ton of pressure on Dark to give answers or be helpful AND CORRECT but like...dude Dark doesn't know, he's guessing too lmfao.
Shadow makes what I consider a very foolish choice which was waking Link up.
Dark held back the explosion aspect but he is here to have fun first so uhhhh...Well he DID say it'd be funny to him and not Shadow.
Shadow defaults to blaming Dark Link "Damn demon" which...Shadow learn some accountability.
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Panel by panel breakdown cause stuffs getting jucy:
1- Interesting outfit choice Link. It's the one he wore when he was a bit younger. So he's got a younger mindset when waking up. Which is just sad.
2- his outfit changes to half blue half green with a purple sleeve, his hands are all sorts of wrong and mish mashed with red and purple nails. His eyes also have the wrong color. His body is distorting all over the place...Interesting.
3- Shadow you shouldn't have said anything. The coward's hiding too lmfao he knows he fucked up.
4- Safe to say he's not very happy.
Link's distorting and glitching is based on video game glitches. Which is fun because: LOZ is a video game.
There's something distinctly haunting and uncanny about buggy/glitchy game assets and I wanted to capture it here.
Like the reality of four people being forced into one body is quite horrifying and the idea of them just bugging out unable to process how many thoughts there are is overwhelming. Literally like overloading a computer or gaming system.
There's also something to be said about how he fully breaks after seeing Shadow Link.
This is brought up later so I'll expand upon it later but the fact literally the only words Shadow Link spoke to LINK was "I'm the hero Link" or smth like that is hysterical.
For living together for 7 years: They truly don't know each other well on a personal level considering their ability to communicate was stunted by Shadow being...Well a Shadow. And I wanna explore that more as the series goes on.
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1- Lol Green hi thanks for trying to stay calm.
2- Vio's here too. Something tells me calming down isn't working considering your face is cracking more and the tunic is flashing different colors.
3- Shadow I swear to god, shut your mouth-
4- Yeaaaaaah we saw that coming. Ouch looks painful. Good thing that body is magic hahaha.
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Link's just not having a good time at all. XD
I think a few people caught this but Link breaking down here was based on the forced gem fusions in SU also the distorted static version of the cartoons from learning with pibby XD
It was good inspo for how horrific this scenario is.
Really all of them are just kinda, shoved in there. Unable to truly escape and they're NOT HAPPY about it.
Blue specifically is trying to get out as we'll know later and we get more context on his thoughts about this ordeal from the Darkblue chapter... But visually you can see Link's got two faces and it remains consistent that that's Blue.
Which, is terrifying.
There's also the underlying horror that the "Why" Link is back in one body isn't truly addressed but we'll get more into that later.
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Shadow running for his damn life haha.
I'd be scared too if that mess was crawling at me.
The sad thing is that Link's reaching out for help and Shadow responds by screaming in terror lmfao.
Cause Link seems monstruous at the moment but the reality of the situation is he's very clearly conscious and scared. He's reaching out to the only person he can, which is Shadow.
I think this might be my favorite design of Link in this state. It's just horrific to look at. The eyes bleeding onto both his faces which are cracked like mirrors so you can't tell what he's looking at. He has Vio and Blue's legs sticking out of his back, and entire extra head forcing its way off his main one, it's hard to tell from these but his skin is glitching in both Red and Blue's separate skin tones (Blue's being a bit darker and Red's being lighter)
His tunic is pitch black which, black absorbs all wavelengths of light and reflects none...Literally keeping it trapped haha.
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Anyway, Link/Green, Vio and red are all reaching out to shadow but blue is suspiciously absent haha.
Them grabbing onto Shadow is smth Vio would do...
The four sword's lil gem thingy is glitched to shit too. Each colored piece being a different size. Green's is noticeably larger while Blue and Red's are about the same size. Vio's is the smallest.
Shadow's hat is doing that thing Dark does when he's upset where it clings to his body.
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Yeah feeling like you can't do anything would be a feeling you fall into frequently being trapped as a shadow.
Take that agency back Shadow it's been robbed from you for too long.
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Jokes aside I love this moment. Link getting more stable as he keeps Shadow close to him is sweet.
Link just needed a hug. UwU
Or...Less cute option: Maybe...The triforce of power had something to do with it...
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Link/Red crying immediately when Shadow says a single word lmfao.
Link's so pretty I love him. I'm glad he's back a bit.
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"Shadow, stop talking." could apply to everything he says to link as of rn. XD
Link's still very much emotionally distressed and I'd be too after THAT SHIT SHOW.
I do think it's funny how Link is wearing black here and Shadow is wearing white. (It's just his usual underclothes without his tunic)
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Yes shut up and please just hug him it's clearly what he needs rn Shadow. X'D
Perfect cut off point lmfao.
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lian-fang-zun · 6 months ago
Having trouble sleeping: ZCG x Reader
Foreword Note:
Does this even,,, count as a fill lmao...I just got inspired by one of @nasuversekinkmeme's older prompts to write a reader insert fic with FSR Zheng Chenggong in FGO's setting and the reader character ended up being a bit thirsty lol... Anyway, uh. Zheng Chenggong is probably also a little OOC even by my usual standards of 'imagining how different he'd be as a Servant compared to his FSR appearance based on historical records' characterization for him, mostly for self-indulgence reasons orz.
It was one thing to be awoken by literally anyone else, or any other Servant for that matter – Mash included. But to be woken up by him… It was a surefire way to jolt awake from your state of near-sleep at least, blinking rapidly in an attempt to get the spots out of your line of vision.
Though, being able to focus on Zheng Chenggong’s expression to your side was not…exactly an improvement. Mostly because you immediately felt blood rush to your face upon realizing that he must have seen your hair in disarray, and probably the trail of drool out of the corner of your mouth – something you hastily tried to wipe away when you realized.
“Wh-What…?” you mumbled somewhat defensively, straightening up under the intensity of his stare. “I only fell asleep…”
“And not at your bed, [Y/N],” he replied, arms crossed. “Surely you remember that this is not the first time.”
What else could you do but laugh nervously at this? It wasn’t like he was wrong – you’d developed a bad habit of falling asleep in random places ever since you’d joined Chaldea in the first place, and being at Novum Chaldea has hardly done anything to quell it. Irregular schedules when dealing with Singularities and Lostbelts would do that to a person, even setting aside the AP crashes when the adrenaline brought on by using Golden Apples ran dry.
Not that, of course, that was the only reason for the irregular sleep schedule…
Zheng Chenggong promptly – and undoubtedly inadvertently – made this apparent when he suddenly knelt closer to you and rested a hand on your forehead, a slight crease in his brows as he went on, tone hardening, “And with your state like this – [Y/N], go to bed right now. You’re at your limit.”
“O-Or what?” you stammered back, your retort hindered by how flustered you were by the distance having suddenly closed between you two. It was, in some ways, utterly unfair to have Servants who were exceedingly oblivious to the effects their good looks had on the people around them, and Zheng Chenggong was rather unfortunately one of them. “Wh – What are you gonna do if I don’t?”
It was probably not the smartest question to ask someone who could and has ordered executions – many of them, in fact – without batting an eye for his men’s failures. Or someone who had, once, ordered his firstborn son and his principal wife to be executed – even if it was in a fit of madness, and wasn’t even carried through by his executioners. But you weren’t exactly in a state of mind to be rational about this.
And thankfully, as a Servant, Zheng Chenggong had no intention to repeat that sordid part of his history. Instead, he pulled back, regarding you silently for a moment, before reaching over to hoist you up and over his shoulder.
“Wh – !?”
You yelped, flailing on instinct as he stood up, effortlessly carrying you as he made his way to the library exit. Thankfully, nobody – not even Murasaki – was around on the way there to notice, otherwise this would be even more embarrassing. “What are you doing, Zheng – !?”
“Taking you to bed, of course.”
The way he worded it made it evident he had not the slightest inkling how compromising the current position must have looked, with the way his Master was draped over his shoulder. It was honestly almost infuriating that even after all this time, other Servants – like a certain general of Eastern Wu – had better luck flustering Zheng Chenggong than you did.
But then again…this was probably the closest you’ll ever come to the fantasies that played out in your head the few times you were in bed, often keeping you up all night. Seeing your Servants’ parameters was one thing, but experiencing displays of them was another – and of particular interest most of the time was the Strength parameter.
And B was a particularly high rank for Strength, after all…especially for a Heroic Spirit who was from the 17th century…
In fact, you were so caught up in wondering what else he could do with a high Strength parameter that you didn’t notice when he’d stopped at the side of your bed to deposit you unceremoniously on it. Landing in a heap on your bed was decidedly not a romantic ending to any sort of scenario, imagined or not.
“Ugh…” With a groan, you sat up, trying to glare at approximately where your Servant must be in the darkness of your bedroom. “What was – what was that for?”
A slight clink of the armor he often wore (the only thing between you and tearing off the robes on his body, your traitorous mind reminded you) was all that alerted you before you felt his hands not-so-gently (and yet, with none of the roughness he would have shown most others) push you down into a lying position. There wasn’t any point in resisting the force that it took to do that, so you reluctantly succumbed. At least your pillow and mattress were comfortable as always…
“ – You asked what I would do if you were to refuse to go to bed.” Was that a shift in the darkness? Possibly. You could only guess. “That is my answer.”
One hell of a way to answer that, you thought, even as you snuggled under the covers more to avoid…well, you weren’t sure what you were avoiding. It wasn’t like you could lift yourself out of bed right now to find out.
But your imagination ran a bit wild in the meantime. It was a little easier to do that when you could only barely make out Zheng Chenggong’s outline, and only then through the crack between the door and the doorframe – this made it easier to fill in the details with what you were envisioning. Just because he has armor on doesn’t mean you can ignore how broad his shoulders are…hell, if anything, the shoulder armor really emphasizes it. And that wasn’t even getting into the fact that if one were to somehow manage to pull it all off – the armor, at least – it would be easier to feel at the muscles concealed underneath the robes…
“Master.” The enunciation of your title, crisp and blunt, shattered the trance you were in as you stared ahead at him, not realizing he’d already moved to the door. “Go to sleep.”
“I-I will!” you protested back, even as you made an admirable effort to close your eyes. It wasn’t until the door shut behind him that you finally opened your eyes again, knowing full well you weren’t getting any sleep once again.
Especially since the traitorous thoughts from before only got worse when he wasn’t around.
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xmoonlitxdreamx · 8 months ago
Do you have any opinion or take on Junkzo/Hanrat? Maybe even Genji x Junkrat?
I've drawn Junkzo a little bit! Don't really think abt them much, tho... in my mind Hanzo is kind of like a free agent (?) for OW the same way Junk & Hog are, but he travels a lot doing his own thing so he doesn't stay at any of the bases very long or frequently. He & Junkrat cross paths occasionally when Junk's in the US w Cassidy. (???? see my highboom post for more abt this ig)
Idk much abt Hanzo tbh, I usually imagine him being kind of reserved but polite/formal around Junkrat; and Junkrat being friendly & curious w him. I think Hanzo gets baffled by some of Junkrat's antics, but also appreciates his positive energy ig. (??) I also fsr hc that Junkrat has trouble remembering Hanzo's name (?? bc they dont see each other often). He has some sort of admiration for Hanzo's self-discipline and maturity. (??? Idk sorry if this hanzo characterization is off)
As for Genji/Junkrat, I haven't thought about it at all, sorry!! I'm sure it's fun, tho! Tbh I kinda avoid thinking abt genji bc he's hard to draw (????????????)
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mumpsetc · 1 year ago
re: tacomic and trife, i feel like it's because tacomic is lesbian so they get woobified more than trophy and knife. which ik that isn't usually the case in most fandom spaces, it's usually the other way around, but osc twitter in specific seems to have a mentality of "any ship is good if it's lesbian" fsr, at least that's been my experience
Oh I Agree. I Wanna Clarify What I Say Next Isn't "Men are the Real Victims" Rhetoric But the OSC Has a Problem W/ How They View Women. A Lot of the Time It Feels Like They Powerwash Girl Characters or Any Flaws or Fucked Up Behavior Because Women are Purer and Therefore Less Able to Do Bad. Its Esp Obvious With How Tacomic Gets Characterized in Fandom Works, W/ Everyone Ignoring All the INSANE Shit Taco Does to Just Have a Tall Lesbian Small Lesbian Dynamic
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eepwtf · 2 months ago
“you can’t do this to me! i’m literally one more anxiety attack away from imploding.” No like actually 😭 he's so stressed. I think werecat!user misses how his reactions and behaviors around them progessively change- or at least tries not to think too much about it. How Stiles' hugs them a little longer, how he lingers and inches closer to them ever so slightly, how his eyes dart to them even when they're not part of a discussion, how attentive he is to their needs and their feelings, how his voice is just a tad bit softer, how there's always something more behind his words when he speaks to them. I think Stiles shows a lot of hesitancy about confronting his feelings when it comes to user, because unlike his other love interests, user isn't tied to Beacon Hills. Just how they randomly appeared in his life, they could slip away just as easily. He won't see them at school walking in the halls. There's this fear that he won't ever see them again if he does ruin things. Scott does get tired of Stiles sulking over what-ifs and eventually manages to get Stiles to muster up the courage to ask out user who surprisingly agrees instantly and waaay to calmly. Stiles is internally skipping with joy to think too much about it though. So uh... mistakes were definitely made since Stiles never specified/properly vocalized his romantic intentions, and user thought they were hanging out like usual since they tend to do stuff like this... user may also be a tad bit oblivious okay. Going out to eat nice food instead of greasy, fried takeout? Random gifts? Flowers to decorate the house with? Nothing strange about that at alllll. And when Stiles realizes he's technically been in a one-sided relationship for a little over a week...? Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if the world swallowed him whole. Okay so listen! when you think about it, this isn't the worst thing to happen to him! I actually thought of something way worse bc fsr angst is plaguing my mind idk why but i don't think I should expand on the idea because i don't think Stiles could ever really recover from it and it's reallllly messed up. it involes void, and just- everything goes wrong. I promise the next thing i think of will actually be cute and fluffy!! ...maybe
- 🫐
anon, i’m crying—this is so stiles. he’s the king of overthinking, and you’ve absolutely nailed how he’d fall apart over this. i love the way you’ve captured his subtle shifts in behavior: the lingering touches, the softer tone, the little glances. its so painfully him to be so obviously smitten but convinced he’s being lwk bout it.
like, stiles could literally hire a plane to write ‘I LIKE YOU’ in the sky, and user would be like, “awh, he’s so supportive of air travel!” scott pushing him to ask user out is very on brand. like, “dude, stop brooding. if you keep this up, i’m gonna start getting secondhand heart palpitations.” and then user agreeing instantly?? without hesitation?? like, “yeah, sounds fun!” meanwhile, stiles is about to short-circuit from sheer joy and anxiety.
please, if you ever feel up for unpacking the void angst too, i’m here for it (because, let’s be real, stiles going through it is peak storytelling). buttt i’ll hold you to the promise of fluff sort of anyway.
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tadpolesonalgae · 1 year ago
hey tabby! 🫀anon here, thank you so much for taking the time to reply and with such kindness at that🥹
>>Gosh, I hope you aren’t disappointed by it—just as a heads up it might be a little slow in parts but I hope you enjoy it :)
First off, Gosh, I don't think I COULD be disappointed by ANYTHING that you write, like honest to God, your work heals me. I'm just having a hard time deciding if I want to wait cbmthy out till it's complete or if I should just start it already 😭 because I know I'll just want to tear my hair off if the latest chapter ends in like a cliffhanger or something.
>>(I loved him being cold, and cruel, and kind of flirtatious 🫢😳)
💯 i mean, sameee gurl sameee 👌���
honestly, I loved Rhysand's character soo much throughout the 1st book even tho sjm did not exactly make him seem like a "main" character or one who's on the "good" side in it, and I was even prepared for him as a villain of sorts? like, I don't mean Amarantha or Hybern level of villain, but deffo like badguy with ulterior motives that don't really affect the world in a bad sense but would definitely resort to immoral ways to accomplish said ulterior motives kind of bad? so kinda like an anti hero ig? (sorry if I'm not making sense, it's just English isn't my first language and I didn't know how to translate it best. also, I'm also not very good with words 🥲) which might be why I absolutely loved your dark!Rhys fics, Gods were they amazing, thankyou for writing them luv🤌🏻
>>I never hated Tamlin though
oh I'm so glad somebody resonates with me on this, now I don't know if you still like/don't dislike him after all the books or if you only meant through the first book, but I personally would love to see his character explored a lot more and think there's a lot of scope but for some reason everywhere I see, there's only hate for him(mostly) and I hate that some people judge me(and a lot of other readers) solely on the basis of characters we like/dislike? needless to say, I wouldn't say I hated tamlin either, infact I still enjoy feylin fics a lot even tho I don't get to read very many of them. it's just that back when I was reading ACOMAF I just NEEDED my otp(feysand) to happen fsr lol😅 honestly I don't think I'd have minded all that much if feylin was infact endgame, I'd just have been a little sad is all lol🥲 because how many otps of mine just didn't happen?(😭the answer is in a good high tens)
>>I mean to be fair, I don’t really watch films or tv shows at all anymore, and until acotar I hadn’t read many books so I think I might have been oblivious to those tropes/cliches
I so completely understand this bit, because personally, I'm exhaustingly clueless about a lot of media that people are usually just raving on and on about and it's not usually because I don't want to watch it, but there are these attention deficit tendencies that love visiting me on a regular basis that just won't let me sit down, load a show and watch it till the end😭 I mean, I watched the 1st iron man movie 16 years after it first came out so🥲and it wasn't for a lack of trying, I've been meaning to watch it for the past 8 years or so and I just got around to it. honestly it's a miracle I read all the Acotar books to the end lol
>>Thank you so much for writing in!!
Thank YOU for actually taking out the time to read it AND reply to it, in such detail at that. i truly mean it when I say you're one of the kindest individuals I've interacted with online and you inspire me to pass that kindness on as well.
ps: this isn't exactly an ask but I just couldn't NOT reply to your message, so I'm just glad you read it, you really don't have to reply to it, I'm just happy to have sent this message on it's way.
we all love you, Tabby.
‘First off, Gosh, I don't think I COULD be disappointed by ANYTHING that you write, like honest to God, your work heals me.’
😭🫂🫂🫂🫂 thank you so much 😭🧡💛
‘I'm just having a hard time deciding if I want to wait cbmthy out till it's complete or if I should just start it already 😭 because I know I'll just want to tear my hair off if the latest chapter ends in like a cliffhanger or something.’
Oooh gosh, I guess it’s up to you? There’s still a lot of the story left to write—I’d say we’re probably either half or two thirds of the way there in terms of storyline and events that will happen. It’s not going to be over any time soon, basically, which is both exciting and pretty scary 😭
Honestly I think the tension is in the first half, if that makes sense? (Which it probably doesn’t since you don’t know reader’s fate, but 🤷) There’s going to be a ‘half’ chapter which adds in some contexts to reader’s history, but I think after chapter 15, that should be where the tension relaxes a bit? I like to think that in *very* broad terms, chapters 1 through 15 are the ‘hurt’ ones, and 16 onward will be the ‘comfort’ ones? There are still going to be intense moments but she might not have to be on her own anymore (provided she learns to seek help when she needs it)
‘but deffo like badguy with ulterior motives that don't really affect the world in a bad sense but would definitely resort to immoral ways to accomplish said ulterior motives kind of bad?’
Yes! Like I’m happy with how Feysand turned out, but I would have been fine if Rhys stayed ‘evil’ for a bit longer 🫢 just a few more scenes of him being super scary and Feyre being wary of him 🤭
I feel like even as soon as he first visited her in her cell, there was a suggestion he wasn’t that bad? Especially after we learned only one person bet on her winning? Ignoring how acotar characters would write that off as a whim, from a storytelling standpoint that’s a pretty clear way of singling a character out and making them significant 🤭
‘(sorry if I'm not making sense, it's just English isn't my first language and I didn't know how to translate it best. also, I'm also not very good with words 🥲)’
Girl if you hadn’t straight up said English isn’t your first language, I would’ve had no idea 😭
‘which might be why I absolutely loved your dark!Rhys fics, Gods were they amazing, thankyou for writing them luv🤌🏻’
Thank you so much!!! Yes, I have to say there is a certain appeal to writing dark characters, but only if they have a soft spot of some kind for the reader 😭🧡💛
‘oh I'm so glad somebody resonates with me on this, now I don't know if you still like/don't dislike him after all the books or if you only meant through the first book,’
I didn’t hate him in the first book or any other after that, BUT, I did definitely get frustrated with him during the High Lords’ meeting 😭 I kind of wish we got his perspective on that, or at least more about his character? Because Feyre dismantling stability within the Spring Court was quite a brash move I think, and one she might have decided against if she wasn’t having to deal with so many other matters as well as sorting through her own emotions? Because she definitely went through a lot 😭
I guess I feel that Tamlin has a lot of anger in general, which can make him impulsive and volatile at times—like when Feyre first realised she could make a shield in his office—and I’d love to see Sarah explore that more!!
‘but I personally would love to see his character explored a lot more and think there's a lot of scope’
Yes! Exactly!! There’s so much we don’t know about his character and so much potential to spin new stories? Ugh I would love that so much 😭
‘and I hate that some people judge me(and a lot of other readers) solely on the basis of characters we like/dislike?’
I mean, I think it’s made more complicated because of immersion and how emotionally connected some people feel to characters? I was having a conversation about how we all read the same books but it’s interesting there’s such a vast range of opinions? Like some people really hate Nesta, which I can see why I suppose but I personally love her 🧡💛
I think the problem starts when people get too attached to characters that they’re unable to speak objectively about them? I’m definitely guilty of this too though 😭 one of my friends read acotar and was saying something about Az and how they didn’t like him and I straight up asked them to stop because I knew it would upset me 😭 (they did, which was kind of them ☹️)
‘it's just that back when I was reading ACOMAF I just NEEDED my otp(feysand) to happen fsr lol😅’
No I get that 🤩
The tension being set up both in the one bed at the inn scene and the Court of Nightmares moment just made the resolution really enjoyable for me! Not so much the smut part, but when Rhys finds her in the cabin and they end up having a heart to heart, and Rhys tells her more about his history? It just made me feel so happy for them so I know what you mean about wanting them to get together!
‘but there are these attention deficit tendencies that love visiting me on a regular basis that just won't let me sit down, load a show and watch it till the end’
I don’t have it to that extent, but I know that on a smaller scale, I like having music or videos playing in the background while I work? Especially while doing more domestic work like the washing up, changing my sheets, generally tidying etc. it makes the process so much easier, and I won’t get bored of the work or feel guilty for relaxing during ‘work hours’ on weekends
‘I've been meaning to watch it for the past 8 years or so and I just got around to it.’
8 YEARS?? 🫢
Well done for keeping up the determination to actually watch it! 🎉
‘Thank YOU for actually taking out the time to read it AND reply to it, in such detail at that.’
I honestly cannot explain how much I love getting to speak with you. Genuinely, it’s so wonderful being able to interact with other people who like acotar and especially getting to discuss and debate different elements of the story has got to be one of my favourite things about fandom 🫂🧡💛
‘we all love you, Tabby.’
My eyes are prickling for some reason ☹️
Thank you for writing in and taking the time to read through the fics on here ☹️🫂🧡💛
3 notes · View notes
only-lonely-lovers · 1 year ago
tags: bondage, spanking, fingering mouth/throat, facefucking, bodysharing, rough sex
Bird is あ / Avvy is つ
つ:Ah it’s too funny to subject amane to the weird differences in his mind between nene and tsukasa. You’d hope some day he’d kinda appreciate tsukasas agreeableness and even be like, I wanna. Test run something I wanna do with Yashiro. Like some real goons mood of it all like I need to practice tying these ropes and see if it’ll hold and I WILL sulk for 5 days if I try it with Yashiro and I fuck up . But tsukasa idgaf. If he falls from the shiddy ropepulley or comes undone I will just be like sigh
あ:Lmaoo this is like peak shennanies yes… This is like the, ah, accepting that you can't "fail" with Tsukasa
つ:Almost like rehearsal with tsukasa. You can get frustrated with the knots and stuff if you want. And ask him to wriggle around. But like Amane trying to rehearse some bits even running dialogue. He has tsukasa gagged though like don’t say anything you’ll break my immersion for this ok
But like one day going to be doing this and like get too into the dom boyfriend mindset and like smack his ass but then feel like. Didn’t like that. Don’t like that I did that to tsukasa fsr
あ:the TANGIBLE silence
つ:I’m fine with calling him good girl as part of the rehearsal but I need to go stand on the roof About this one Them both still like we both know somehow it was weird
あ:It's like he smacked Tsukasa's ass and Tsukasa made a noise just from the impact. fucking dead silence after
つ:And just an earnest moment of impatience. The problem was it wasn’t part of the rehearsal
あ:I got my dom jeans on too hard
つ:You did it in the manner to which you’d bop tsukasa Like ugh stop the wiggling SMACK then was like . N just walks out. Nene walks into the bathroom later tsukasa tied up like hiiiiii Amane left💔
あ:Sometimes I like to think Tsukasa is like [I do not see it 😑] [for Amane's sake]
つ:I know he is awkies
あ:so funny to think about Tsukasa in moments like this. i think sometimes he is also like I'm sorry❤️ i have aboner statistically sometimes you're doing stuff and it's like. gomen ne
つ:Tsukasa doesn’t have to feel it was weird but just feels like. Ohp! Amane doesn’t usually do tha I know it Waits for his response
It is always like well I like anythiiiinggg But that’s the problem too Sorryyy I not supposed to like it💔 I will be quiet thooooo Kicks legs on bathroom floor alone. Sings a song
あ:🎶oh well It's so funny to think about rehearsing dialogue, the things that you're not ready to feel right or wrong. you know I think sometimes Amane must enjoy something but then be like wait. i actually dont like that it wasnt awkward no winning either way Saying good girl does feel pretty innocuous, this is neutral territory
つ:It’s rough. Also if you come during the rehearsal sometimes it’s fun sometimes you hate that you came Trying to deliver a line and nut. Just get quiet
あ:but I think it might get kinda like. dicey when its like. I'm going to fuck your pussy so hard girl
Sometimes amane is like; this is a cool time to come well punctuated by the scene, immersed, delivered a line have “her” set up. If it happened like this I’m ready to go. Other times it’s shameful And your own brain knows when you’re in the roleplay VS unable to shake the Meta of tsukasa and responding to any part of that. It’s not wrong to nut about tsukasa but it’s like STAY ON TASK.
Like mmgggher i wanna nut about you or Yashiro intentionally I don’t like feeling out of control BUT I NEED THE REHEARSAL IM IMPRESSINg YASHIRO SOOO MUCH LATELY ITS SO USEFUL!!
You do imagine Yashiro is getting the most stellar 5 star insanely streamlined experiences He is an expert. At the knots He is smooth at transitions. He flubs no lines. He looks inhumanly incredible. At domination
She is floored. She is a puddle every time. It just makes him more insane about embellishing and like I NEEDSD TO OVERCOME THE SHAMEFUL MOMENTS!! (On ground) I need to be the coolest boyfriend for my whore gf
あ:like UMGHH i need the pay out… tfw you want to be really impressive lmaoo like ugh but i need it i need it.. i need her to feel like her whole mind is being fucked with… you could never handle how capable i am
つ:I like tsukasa doing this all having a grand time having fun and then at the end amane IS like ahh good job. That went well I think I’m ready. Let’s tsukasa clean off cock with mouth while amane unties the ropes and shuffles them into sleeves
If there’s ever a day you’re caught it’d be like. You’re going to have to ask yourself. Would you rather tell Yashiro, that, This is practice, and reveal that you practice and ruin the illusion of the seamless dom. Or let Yashiro think you just call Tsukasa good girl and tie him up for your own private reasons between the two of you.
Do not like these. Sleeps you Tsukasa we are going to lie to Yashiro I am going to put her at her desk with her books and make it like she fell asleep doing homework on the classroom Ok She had a dream. GRABS FACE. okay?
あ:looking at tsukasa like this PUPIL MOVES DOWNWARDS
When Yashiro comes back you are just playing cards Nailed it…. saved the day
あ:I hope there are moments… that are more like seamless and wordless. still tinged w strangeness, but also the kind that Amane can glide past. Like ah… simply running hand over Tsukasa's chest, simulating a grope, and Tsukasa wordlessly curving his spine to push into the touch a bit, trying to be like -- oh yes yes, nene-chan's chest… [trying to assist]
Tsukasa being a good mimic… in reality, being able to recall how Nene typically moves or poses and try and further assist Amane in his little roleplay. he wants to mentally prepare so… I will help Amane by doing Nene-chan like things
つ:It’ll be just nice when it isn’t goon time. He’s good at it Letting my mind run for 2 minutes was like aaaaaaa the (glass floor shatters under me) So I’m making peace with that and getting unembarrassed I’ll have my little notepad here in a second. I just want it known none of my thoughts were my intent
あ:[cooing sounds] come here sweetheart fall into the gap with me.
つ:Uuuuoooo the gap Well the final thought.
Amane frustrated and done with avoiding anything— why shouldn’t he have complete indulgence? Wouldn’t tsukasa like anything? Can’t he just shut him up if he makes a single sound he doesn’t like? Searingly embarrassing to confront a single thought at all, but once he indulges one action they fall like dominoes.
Tsukasa laid over lap, irregular, hooks fingers in mouth, effectively gags him before starting to hit with his other hand. Feeling tsukasas fangs bite down. Going on a little crazy litany. Like you’re convenient, cuz I can go as hard as I want. There is more brutality in the motion, and the fingers in his mouth are resentful in their touch— pissed off at Tsukasa for reducing him to wanting this, for being tempting. All conveys in unforgiving motions.
Gets… insane. Slurs out that he wishes tsukasa had a pussy, so he could finger fuck it between hits. Gotta settle for your mouth. Fingers mouth aggressively, shoves to throat. Bleary state of mind…. To be able to confront such a thought, gotta be so mad to have been made to have it. Crane Tsukasa’s spine backwards by hooking around his teeth and dragging him up, to glare at him… wanna squint at while administering impact. Understand how pissed I am, don’t get it twisted. Amane can feel his own wrists muscle memory itching to switch to the fingering motions, it almost makes him wanna whine….
Ssso accustomed to the back and forth, smack smack, grope slide in, wiggle wiggle, his fingers keep twitching. Just frustrates him!!! It’s not fair, to have these conflicting urges!!! It shouldn’t mix at all! Actually tsukasa SHOULDNT remind me of anything… just stomp his foot under everything restlessly. What useless urges!!!
Finally throws tsukasa off, kicks him (he’s bound, arms) til his back hits the wall of the bathroom, then drags him up by the hair, plants a hand on the wall, and reaaaally facefucks him against the wall, breathing into the tile. A very ah… legs spread apart, stance, shoving.
Finish. Out of breath… lean against a stall panting. Feeling like a demon was exorcised. No ability to think, just buzzing. Teeth marks around knuckles, looks at those…. sighs.
Tsukasa is a little sickle shape on the floor cuz of being tied up still, fell over after amane stopped holding him up. Eye contact…. Sustained. A lidded and dark-eyed tsukasa panting…. amane, too. Weird moment. Tsukasa drooling come, licking his teeth. See you… something different happened. Amane finally only feels: and? So what. You made something different come out. You just do that. You know you do.
あ:Anyways… I just really enjoy the sheer selfishness of a scenario like this — an instance where, the very conceit of it all is already Tsukasa being really gracious, more than the average person would be. Lots of people would have at least some insecurities with being enlisted to RP/do practice for your Other Partner… It's unique that Tsukasa feels no sense of competition or inadequacy, he is just here to help. Ready to lay there and be acted upon as needed.
So… for Amane to then get frustrated and take things out on Tsukasa… as if it's Tsukasa's fault for inducing the desire in his heart, like "ugh, how dare you do this to me"… It's so shitty, but one does go SIGH it's Amane's appeal isn't it… That even while being catered to and accommodated wholly, he'll get agitated about his own feefees… his own arousal… Huff huff.. Having a cock just makes you feel weak, so often, and Amane doesn't like feeling weak to it. I think it's so simple like… hate feeling cock twitch about this or that, stupid leaky thing jumping about things it wasn't mean to. Hate your vision blurring… hate breath getting heavier and words slurring, where they shouldn't.
Ugh but yeah as I mentioned earlier, I've thought about being as selfish as to finally growl about, like, "UGH, if you had a pussy…" I think this would just make Tsukasa's head spin, like what-? not a thought in his little head. Amane feeling this-? What's he saying-?? [trying to focus, but being wailed on]
つ:It’s too fantastical!!!! Like he’s in a dream
あ:One of those thoughts that almost seems too abstract you know…
つ:He wants to do more to you than he even can….?
あ:Could never remotely think such a thought! i like this time Avvy worded it like, tsukasa's emotions being "but I'm Tsukasa". ww….
つ:So simple I am a fixed thing! You know a tsukasa Blurring Nene emotions towards him….. sooooo interesting!!!
あ:The way Tsukasa doesn't ah think conventionally, well you might as well complain about him not having an animal body part, wings or something… In terms of how, it's all equally fantastical right
つ:Amane is so distinct and exact and unchanging to tsukasa, it can’t work in the other direction. Nothing in common to mingle between amane and nene Brother and his gf! Different
あ:Entire islands
つ:Fun to grope nene, nothing to blur here
あ:The idea that Amane could be restless and wishing for something like that… in the middle of it all… I do like Tsukasa having to register twitchy hands or something, or feel how he's acting upon his mouth the same way he would pussy, fingering it…
つ:He is having impossible dreams…. Wahhhh💞💓
あ:Amane's frustrated expression… brows pinched… such sharp gaze
つ:All so tense, despite that amane is releasing something…
あ:The idea that... he wants more, than your mouth... it just seems dizzying... like getting facefucked with this all in mind
つ:When I thought about uhm… well for one really like— yeah….. the. Lost my train of thought but that was one of them
I was hooked on the crassness of “settle for your mouth” directly correlating, and then proceeding to facefuck SO hard. I thought about Tsukasa’s head really hitting the wall sometimes if amane pulling away pulls him forward, just doesn’t care. Donk donk
Wanting his head pinned between him and the wall so he can really drive it deep and grind towards throat…. want tightness of throat around.
あ:The sheer harshness and lack of consideration… chasing something, like trying to scratch an itch. it's so oppressive
つ:Noooo room for lackadaisical bobbing dick around open mouth jumps to wanting throat as closer analog
あ:sigh i do like it all… like, harsh driving into… coming down throat like this… and tsukasa left to topple onto the ground after….. one of those things that would make nene really reel to watch
つ:understand. The dynamic of murderer and victim
あ:You can see how it escalated. so much
つ:oeuuoruhgh but i have bene like ah…. m. ah I feel like amane's sentiments and clear restlessness would make tsukasa feel frenzied in back of mind…. his chessmaster little brain like i have to…. help… i was thinking about tsukasa one day just ah. suddenly SLEEPing Nene when she come into the bathroom and then immediately booting her out of her body like gomen ne. but immediately bending her over and spreading and beseeching amane to have what he wants and it would be like fkksdlf;kl;FJKG;SJGKL; OKAY. but i want nene to wake up like. really quickly bc tsukasa didn't actually do a deeper spell on her
i like to think you can control the intensity of it, if you just brief sleep blip or you truly conk them out for hours can't be roused. anyway i like nene on the ceiling 'coming to' like what happened. STARING AT HANAKO FUCKING YOUR BDOY SOOOO HARD
which is like jfc this is fucking!!!! hot and sexy!!! BUT I WONDER UNDERSTAND IT. but then he's rambling insanely to tsukasa obviously and you're like [pin drops] theyre using my body to have sex with each other [pause] this is fucking… HOT AND SEXTY and hanako does not know she woke up lol
あ:I'm sooo the pussy in the room… the asset nene just feeling like. smug about it klfdjghdfjkld (edited)
つ:its also liek: i knew it. they want to fuck so hard i have known all ALONG i'm really helping them come to terms with something
あ:becomes nene-sama mentally
つ:its also like; it must be so hard… hanako is straight
she is nene-sama on the ceiling benevolent entity like…. mmm. i have provided… the promised. the coveted. a solution for you two….
going to jerk off about this for months. oh the visual of your own body being plowed, hot. getting to see you x hanako from a distance: we are so hot he moves hot, he moves body hot. he is so rude.
あ:Having unwoke brain is so useful though isnt it, she can just feel so simple about it in a way i think-? like "ah of course its a problem, hanako-kun is so into girls… but he loves tsukasa-kun so much… and of course, tsukasa-kun would want to do anything hanako-kun would want…"
つ:tsukasa-kun is very clever, how did he come up with this….
あ:seeing it as tragic but in the romanticized way like star-crossed lovers almost. like awww
>oh the visual of your own body being plowed, hot. getting to see yuo x hanako from a distance: we are so hot
I do think it is this. ahhh and how euphoric, to feel so.. like… made hotter in tandem… underneath him… your body is pure sex
つ:i think its also like,inspiring, to hear tsukasa not muffle anything and make w/e sounds in her voice, lol. she's like ah gosh…. i always am embarrassed to make noises. but its hot actually
i need to go harder. tsukasa is just like thrashing back into hanako's cock and drooling and making sounds. nene is like wow . watching a porno starring me
あ:Tsukasa being in there, I'm sure even makes it easier to feel fondness, like, you'd never want to think of Tsukasa as homely or something, he's not unattractive in there
つ:and then hanako is being. rougher. than usual. so it all feels like. jesus. so extreme
あ:aint no frumpy girl
つ:nooo this isnt a cringe frumpy girl being fucked…. suddenly you are just a slut for hanako's cock. the body obviously loves hanako's cock a lot it feels very good. facts
あ:benevolent nene-sama also is like, ah i am granting tsukasa-kun the gift of feeling pussy stuffed with cock…. it feels so good doesn't it tsukasa-kun…. [wipes tear]
つ:i think theres a. funny quality of the 2 boys being together where they can-- lgkjfkl be boys moreso, hanako at least, i really think he's got a certain laxness around tsukasa so i like to think when he comes he just like groans inelegantly its my brother so i'm casual. might as well be jerking off
あ:not putting on all that flair. you know me.
つ:a bit more boorish.
あ:not doin it up for a girl… its different
つ:needs to be like something like that happens where hanako sortof is just way too hair down and nene is like. wait. he 100% doesn't know i'm awake
[thought for a second this was the plan] [but realizes she's awake by incident maybe, or tsukasa-kun's decision wthout telling hanako]
つ:the gracelessness needs to be so like. groaaans. rests hand on hip/ass junction for a second like whewww… siighs…. fans self with hat lolls head to the side
obviously not… performative. too casual. groans and bumps. is like mmm tsukasa stay like this a little longer i wanna go again… in a minute…. sounding like 2 kids.
あ:Unbuttons my gakuran jacket and peels it off, stretches
つ:while still cock in
つ:nene seeing hanako w no jacket is liek KLFSDJ;FLDSJKGL; youre like scared hes gonna pull his pants all the way down
あ:screams fjksdghf like oh god feeling like she's hiding in the rafters
つ:hanako just stretching and closing his eyes a minute and tsukasa peeks at nene and winks
Tumblr media
あ:it even works that this is a sex cutscene SEEING SEX.
つ:yes SEE
あ:Tsukasa really like ………. [places finger over lips]❤️ it would be so uOUH wiggles my fingers. blows you a kiss
つ:Hanako is mentally like mmmmmmmmm mating press next. [using porno terms in brain] feeling loose limber feeling good mmmm. rubbing thumbs around tsukasa's lower back for a bit.
あ:tabe houdai all you can eat going to flip you like you are livestock
つ:i actually think an incredibly funny thing to do would be be like mmmgmmmhh wait…. snaps my fingers puts nene's body in your kimono and hakama
あ:psychofink but they literally can do shit like this Procure me the set dressings
つ:also makes tsukasa like. aougfg… ,fdjsfkl [stars spinning around head]
あ:hanako really would be likea uhghh finally. tits and pussy under all this whore fabric
つ:that is what i waaaaant
あ:It feels so multi-concept… like ah amane can really think about me clothes? like dis… wow Despite everything i do not think nene is ready to watch mating press just happen to her body like jesus
つ:folds you in half it takes until this for her to be like: wait this is going to hurt my body physically!!!
oh I think Hanako is so fucking disgusting at this second round…. like folds and the position would put pressure on everything so the. come inside would just ooze out and he'd be like ooooo
smears it around pussy with his hand holds legs back with one hand. smears come around with the other
あ:enters gnasty mode... god yeah. swirls my fingers near the entrance
つ:just openly: you know. I try to be more polite, for yashiro. she's just a girl, you know…. you can't be too much all at once…. even though she's….. 'you know' we'll get there.. [pleasantly wistful] of course
あ:It's nice to get a taste though…. mm
つ:tsukasa wiggles legs. hanako just licks down the calf
あ:oh its time to activate me creepy thing
つ:hanako is like siiiiigh ahh feels good rubs thighs indulgently
あ:[closes eyes] tsukasa don't say anything. [just takes legs and presses foot to sternum, strokes hand down along calf, thigh... rubs knees weirdly]
つ:nene is like. i'm getting a little frustrated hey…. why are you….
つ:why dont you just go have sex with your brother in my body again. enough with this commentary
あ:we don't like the interlude the audience is leaving poor reviews so funny to be like wait let me be a little leg creep for a sec. ahhh
つ:oh but its not all bad at least. in his shirt. also he's so much less with the decorum (saying a lot not like he has a ton on average) just cock out
あ:the smell reaches teh ceiling
つ:you're tempered.
あ:our bond lets me smell your spectral cock even though i am out of body
つ:thats the bond
あ:the porno resumes, as hanako just rubs soft cock against pussy, smearing come… jerks off against. uehh that sort of… like lazily just pulling foreskin back and forth, instead of having a whole hand wrapped around the length or something, a few fingers along the tip
つ:finally is like ahh ok ok…. fiddles with hakama in fingers too. kimono, during. basically stims with it while doing this liking the tandem of tsukasa's outfit and the pussy. mmmm
あ:i think nene though could also be privy to the boys familiary making them so simple abt commentary like. ah yashiro's voice… 's nice… and tsukasa being like yes it is… hehe
つ:[wistful, loving] she's a little shy about making sounds… ah but you know, people can hear her, she thinks about that too…. hehe….
あ:when nene is overhearing hanako talk about her cup size with kou and just puts a hand by her ear about it
つ:she wants to hear the boytalk
あ:overhear these dirty story boys [husking] but wouldn't it just be hot, if people had to hear her clearly being fucked… and loving it.
つ:ahhhh…. closes eyes, sighs. alright… thats enough. are you ready, tsukasa…..? lol, just kidding [SHOVES knees back]
mmmmm, maybe I should be more careful… mmm~~ no, no~ I think Yashiro's body can handle it….
it's her mind that's not ready… [wistful, pleasant, my little virgin] but her body's ready for anything…
あ:Such a receptive body. so wanting, really. ahh it's hard to say no to it, again and again… [fetish for whore body oozing out] I think Hanako is the type to feel quietly tested by pussy still being so wet and limber.. when the walls really still feel so receptive to the pounding. it's hard to not just take it as "she still needs it"
つ:this is all good proof that nene could always use some more, ahh the body is so eager always…
once he earnestly gets going he'll get back to task. mating press has benefit of looking at face. Get to say more sentimental things like mmmmnn.. ahh I like your, expressions. on her face. such a good idea, tsukasa…. pet pet mmm. pounds
あ:Some earnest nuzzling... talking against face...
つ:round 2 feels like luxury cruise
あ:pet hair… You do like to see Yashiro's red eyes staring so widely up at you…
つ:maybe some day. m.n. we can have Yashiro watch….. tsukasa nods
あ: >this is all good proof that nene could always use some more, ahh the body is so eager always…
Ah you know I think Tsukasa could also just continue to report like, feels good… he's in there simply enjoying the sheer overwhelm
つ:ah hanako would looove to hear it like mmm yesss confirmationnnnn.. mmmmmggh
ahh pleasant whore hanako with both palms holding back of her knees to the floor, tilting head back eyes closed rutting forward loving all the hakama spilling all about, the kimono all bunched up
あ:Artful… I think he can be unclogged a bit and just find it pretty… 's on a girl so. it'd be rude to be like, it's not pretty. it looks nice…. you like to see all the ruffles and flow of the fabric helps add flourish to all the motions, emphasize that you are Plow
つ:i think for round 2 once ya hit the stride it finally gets to become ahh Tsu-ka-saaaa~~ tsuuu-ka-sa, on beats of impact. pleasant singsongy feeling too good ahhh relaxed w my cock deep in pussy. mmmm comfort of brother and gf
あ:Like he got all warmed up and is fully leaning into it… It is just indulgent and cozy at this point. in that sickening way. You both just hit a rhythm of going back and forth with names…
つ:which to nene is a lot. they're. really brothers. in love
あ:uehh the gay shit… i'm sorry if you watch them hit some fingers laced peak
あ:maybe in a way nene could understand why hanako-kun runs from this
つ:in some way… you can see how its incongruous….. you hit a beautiful peak. and then he nuts and he's like…
MMMMMMmmm. moves her legs around like levers. I wanna keep cominggggggg
あ:It's strugglesome… it takes so much greasing to ease hanako into such a place. you are sort of watching him regress and be childish and capricious in a particular way though like wahhh i'm not ready to leave it…
つ:[WHORE hentai boy voice yet also 6 year old] I wanna fill you with cooome
あ:i don't wanna stop until you can't mooove tsukasa also a child in the situation: til i-!! can't move-!!! pant pant
つ:tsukasa flinging hands up panting aahhh whatever you want!! amane!
あ:I think it's always refreshing to be so mortal feeling. like ah for real out of breath, for real aching and light headed and shaky
つ:mmm but can I reaallyyy… mmmmmmrr… teetering pounds a little she'll definitely be sore by now…. I can feel it….. mmmm…~~ mmmmbutIwannamakeagirlsore……..
あ:[enabler voice] re-ally really REALLY!! [hiccups] it'll be good nene-chan will appreciate it
つ:you just wanna get fucked more, you're biased… [talking a little angrily. you whore] mmm its not fair…..
あ:clucks tongue. leers.
つ:if it were just you… then I really wouldn't have to think twice yyyouu don't need to go anywhere… or do anything. [gets… dark]
あ:deliberating and becoming this boy
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like ah so selifsh… you're not really being considerate of Yashiro. it's always up to me
つ:starting to think about how to blame tsukasa positioning carefully…. sigh.
Yashiro…. needing to take a day off of school isn't good for me, you know….. are you going to keep me busy while she's stuck at home, 'cuz of what you wanted?
あ:Saying all this while rolling hips… as always, I think it's satisfying to implicate Tsukasa as the selfish one here. like ah really Tsukasa… This tone, like you're scolding your younger brother. Hey now…
つ:yashiro is like. s. stay home….? what are you gonna do to my body… waito. but staying silent
あ:what are . you thinking about what the… what is Hanako-kun imagining ??
つ:gonna….. watch him make you bleed
あ:Eh but you know I think the true efficiency would be switching to fingering in-between everything… Like well while i'm recovering…. keep this going this is really like. targets cervix
But I feel like Nene does start to like worry over the sounds Tsukasa starts to make in there He's not like… censoring self.. so as it starts to sound ah. agonizing. this is heard with no obfuscation (edited) Hanako himself registering the new quality to the voice, like god sounds miserable… [horny] [eyes rolling back]
つ:when it hits that brutal octave, definitely pain
あ:it just sounds like it hurts
つ:but still so sexual.. mmmm blood in the water
あ:Just incentive to slam harder, in reality
つ:nene didn't know she could sound like that…… crazy. hearing your voice take new shapes. won't… be able to go to, class……?
あ:[cruelly] Is it still "good"? Is it, Tsukasa?
つ:NODS NODS NODS NODS ah begins laughing. mania induced
あ:>won't… be able to go to, class……?
you've never thought about your pussy being able to hurt so bad. like whuh but its my pussy… [eyes are dots]
つ:just from….. having sex….?
amane finally getting too… insidious. mmm. its…. it'd be bad, actually if you were like this, Tsukasa…. there's no way…. we'd… do anything else…..
whispering. it'd happen… sooner [actually referring to. murder]
yashiro: sex? tsukasa receives the meaning proper tho
amane, inhaling slow after saying that. knew it…. knew you'd….. tighten. gh…. mmM…. [gets back in there]
if only you could carry nene-chan home like this after everything. in an ideal world
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あ:The aftercare we deserve. Sorry sweetheart
Alluding to murder really is the most lurid thing, in reality… In a circumstance like this. But ah I really imagine it does alight every nerve in Tsukasa's body like mghhhh… the concept that if things were different, it wouldn't undo your shinjuu. but ah of course it wouldn't… it's what Amane wants of you…. [boiling internally to process it all, still]
If it would functionally just stoke Amane and incite him to act. I also feel like, there are dokis had whenever there's an implication of — … and I would've done it to you, even if life had been different around us
つ:inevitable….. i'd love for amane to know it's not the circumstance that caused it, it's himself
あ:It wasn't just a coincidence or, like a matter of your specific circumstance, it's more about his nature…
つ:to just simply know that so confidently
あ:it's what he's been agonizing over for years All of this in mind, while slipping back in… i like. it's good flavor
つ:pulling out fingers, observing blood… showing it to tsukasa kinda like… mm you like to see it don't you, mentally. yup, you do….
あ:Of course you do… grabs jaw with bloody hand. continuing, lowly, "It's always like this, with you, isn't it… It can't be any other way."
つ:nothing but manic giggling and wiggling and panting can come out anymore
あ:Reduced... ueghhrhgh i feel like the scariest thing is when Amane just breathily laughs too. you both make each other sick
つ:reach a bit of peace again somehow. hai hai…. hugs legs while pumping. will finish pleasantly despite where we've treaded but then its like….❤️ I have no idea how we'll explain any of this to yashiro …❤️ I thought we could just play it off with a little tidying up….
あ:^^…………………………………………. I don't want to explain anything❤️
つ:will just get her some water and goodies from the cafeteria (stealing) set a girl up in the infirmary. can carry her there at least. its post-school its empty out here just caretake her for a bit yashiro has much to think about. oh when she's placed back in her body, oh it'll be like being hit with a truck
あ:try not to scream challenge
つ:immediate respect for tsukasa for just laying there . the STABBING FEELING
あ:at least for a second i think its really AKSUFJDGHF
つ:oh its really AFKLADJF!!! AAouuuouhhh… curling on side clutching tummy
あ:tsukasa-kun😭 hefsldkjgdshdf tsukasa out here like mm reminds me of. you know
つ:tsukasa very apologetic
つ:him and nene have special knowledge so hes really like❤️ i sowwy ❤️i got into it toooo much❤️ oops
あ:gomen ne
つ:i wanted to look out for you girl but… uhm💔
あ:tfw you trying to look out for your girlie. but you ARE his slave we'll just have much girl talk later
つ:much to girl talk about some day
あ:AS ALWAYS i just want nene to be able to have someone be like. it feels soooooooooooooooooo good to be fucked in your pussy! >:o i understand so much
つ:the pussy is so amazing and cool it really does like to be fucked
あ:nene-chan is amazing
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radiation · 2 years ago
what are your thoughts on the silver case? (and FSR or 25th ward if you've also played those)
I have yet to play the other two but I’m gonna get around to it these days, but I fuckin love the silver case, visually just on another level especially as far as VNs go. The writing has a lotttt of flaws and I found it was very really back and forth between making perfect sense and being completely incoherent but something about that fact is just so captivating to me that in the end I wouldn’t really change anything about it. Which is a super unusual way for me to feel about any kind of narrative, usually when there’s issues with pacing or clarity I get annoyed but I was totally along for the ride, even in ridiculously long meaningless hallway-traversing segments. Like, if it can make me like that, it’s gotta be something really specially yknow
And I also do wanna make it clear that there is a lot of really good writing in it, I love the characters and the dialogue is a blast, lots of really cool plot lines, everything involving the internet is so fuckin well done. And in the end it managed to be one of the most long term emotionally impactful games I’ve played. We have got to the past fr. But all in all it’s a super impressive piece of art, super weird in the best way and the world needs more stuff like it
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pleuvoire · 5 years ago
breaking lgbt fandom stereotypes in my oc pairing by having the aloof unfriendly one be bi and the nice caring one be gay
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clambuoyance · 3 years ago
Bc of you i really wanna get into Ninjago (/pos) but it's so, what's the word, much? Like intimidating there are so many season it seems like and so many character hhdhshah
Can i ask what your fave character is and why and howd you like describe the vibe of the show? Then I can know what to expect w energy of the show and the first question is just bc I'm curious aha
okay so this is gonna be long sorry.
i also thought the amount of seasons was intimidating but i actually find that it was really easy to get through? i think i binged it all in like a week 🧍🏻‍♀️(but uh, i did stay up a lot and usually multitasked) the seasons are very short(usually 10 eps) , and later on the episodes get short too.
there’s also new characters introduced every season, but it’s very centralized around the same cast of characters all through, which is like Lloyd, Nya, Kai, Jay, Cole, Zane, Wu, and later on Pixal. so it doesnt feel like a lot to me.
I also think i enjoy the show a little differently than other media? Like it’s just good fun for me to watch. there’s several factors.
1) It holds a lot of nostalgia for me, because i was superrr into this show as a kid, 2) the way i enjoy the show is much like playing with legos as a kid. you have all these legos and crazy ideas, and you spin it all in different ways into what is sometimes a nonsensical plot, but its fun, 3) it is aimed for kids, so it’s easy to find it lacking in areas, but my absolute favorite thing is watching the team dynamic between the main characters bc it feels like they actually like each other😂 it’s the main thing i watch it for tbh
It’s not for everyone obviously, but idk watching the storytelling and animation improve/change throughout the seasons is neat bc in s8 holllyyyy shit it gets a whole new aesthetic, and it’s also really fun to kind of take elements that the show presents and do some Thinking and Creating in my head
my favorites are Zane and Kai—Zane because i grew up connecting to his character a lot and he’ll always be special to me, and Kai bc he just sort of falls into my stereotypical type of favorite character 💀 . His characterization isn’t always the best and the writers sometimes miss opportunities with him but i just really like Thinking about him and the potential types of character development he could have 🤷🏻‍♀️
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So yeah theres the pilots which are really hard to find, but there’s a twitch link to them (pitched down)
Pilots 1/2, Pilots 3/4 (40 minutes in total)
Then the rest are on netflix(they’re separated into two titles tho), except the day of the departed special which isnt there fsr :P
S1-2 are fun and nostalgic to me even if they’re a bit uh, obviously at aimed kids. they were also meant to be the only seasons, but the audience liked it so it kept going. I feel like something shifted in the air around s6-ish though, and then again for s8 idk.
if youre really plot oriented or super into intense intricate world building, or not into shows that can be simple and aimed at kids, you might not enjoy it..? but if you just like seeing wacky plots w fun characters then you might like it ^_^
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blackstarchanx3new · 5 months ago
Creations AU, But I obnoxiously over explain it PT 12
Pages 331-360
Art continues to deteriorate my art style looks goofy as hell but we're on the final stretch I CAN FEEL IT IN MAH BONES AII AAIII AAAHHH-
*Wrote this forever ago btw. lmfao
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Funtime Foxy makes his grand appearance.
I continued to find it hilarious I had zero ideas for Foxy considering he's such a fan favorite but Funtime Foxy I had ideas for.
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Foxy that's harassment.
Under usual circumstances I think they're pretty friendly but obviously Freddy's harboring a person in his stomach rn so...Not good. XD
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Shinji toilet pose aside, Funtime Freddy being relatable is what I ended up going with for this "Rewrite" in the script. People liked Funtime Freddy's relatability so I ended up choosing that in this segment over him being a threatening antagonist.
Was that a good choice? idk.
If you're wondering:
The original concept was that due to Funtime Freddy's stubbornness and general anxiety, he was the ONE robot Mike couldn't logic talk his way around.
Ended up going with this route of Mike's usual adaptability to switching to soothing Freddy to get him to do what he wants.
Because Creation's Mike's biggest character trait is being a manipulator X'D
Which I can't remember if I've touched on this before buuuut:
Thematically Mike and William having the character traits of "manipulator" is intentional.
Like Mike and William in general are written to have a LOT of parallels.
Both are ill as fuck mentally, Mike just copes with it better.
Mike has support systems to keep him from becoming anything like William.
Mike has the ability to confront things WAAAY better than William.
Mike and William both have shitty relationships with their parents.
They even kinda LOOK similar. (In a VERY early draft I vaguely remember considering Mike to be one of William's kids but this was dropped so early in development but Mike having a shitty father was smth that stayed as a concept through to the final.)
Point is: They're alike. And that's fun to see how exactly our protagonist Mikey boy is compared to William as more scenes with William happen. He's not nearly focused on as much in the FNAF 1 arc but I plan to show him more in other comics eventually. Like Spring Bonnie's friends.
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Oh hey color is back.
Mike contemplates what to do moving forward considering Funtime Freddy can't move forward.
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Pep talk from Mike.
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Funtime Freddy wanting to avoid Michael.
For some reason.
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Michael being sus.
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Well, he got dunked on.
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Alright let's talk quickly about the reveal shit and all of it leading to this: Michael's design was a huge give away. He's had the face plate design on his face since his first appearance. He's been very obviously a Sister Location inspired robot. Robots made by William Afton.
He and Sammy are the only two people with unrealistic eye colors.
Michael's eyes were often drawn glowing.
Michael's backstory just didn't make any sense if you looked at it hard enough. (This is because he's not a real person)
His "Death" at the hands of mangle show he could get impaled in the stomach and live. Because he's a robot.
And why?
Why did the story take this narrative route: I just wanted to make a robot character that seemed human better than Charlie from the trilogy.
Logic wise she makes no sense and I wanted to write a robot that pretends to be human with more logic behind it. (...Yes fnaf is insane but I do like a level of logic to the stories...otherwise it's just gets silly and outlandish and not in a fun way. ESPECIALLY if you have a twist/reveal...Like those are only impactful in a satisfying way if there's LOGIC behind it)
FSR, out of EVERY bullshit thing in FNAF. Charlie being a robot pisses me off the most. X'D
Originally: Michael was meant to run around in a female Spring Bonnie suit and a reveal was that HE WAS this Spring Bonnie character. (I would still like to do this somewhere down the line possibly without the reveal. X"D) His name was also "Dave" at one point. He was a red haring for the killer back when I first started writing the plot of this comic.
This character evolved into William's weird robot son in a lowkey call back to the stupid af "Mikebot" theory. X'D
SO Michael's entire existence in this comic is "Shit I hated the fandom's/the book's take on, done in a way I enjoy"
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Yeah Mike, Michael's your friend.
All of Michael's actions do speak to a level of him caring about Mike's safety and friendship.
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I'll let Michael monologue but man I just. Love MIchael so much in this comic. X'D
He's not a good person by any stretch. He's sat idly by while his father MURDERED PEOPLE for his creation.
Also: This comic's name "Creations".
Michael is the creation.
*Dabs* This is so stupid. XD
But yeah Michael: That sweet persona he slaps on is a mask. He's a jaded, kind of evil person. HE IS Afton's children. None of them were good people either.
Like cody: he's too much of a coward to face his father.
Like Josh: He's an asshole
and Like how Elizabeth became: he's a manipulator.
Michael's awful and I love him.
He's also very tragic for the reason he is an entity in perpetual agony and emotionally (And honestly physically due to how he describes the process of Afton creating him) abused by his father.
He feels powerless to change things but wants too, exerts control over characters he KNOWS he can like the funtime animatronics and does so due to being powerless in other fields of his life.
He slaps on a mask of this friendly ignorant facade of the owner's sheltered son so people will like, trust and want to be friends because he's a lonely person who can only make friends with his father's OTHER victims who are trapped inside the suits/animatronics. (Since as I stated Michael IS a victim in this too)
Bonnie even seems to KNOW he's a victim considering Michael's talk with Bonnie way earlier in the comic.
But this mask cracks around Mike because Mike is in a lot of ways JUST like Michael.
Abused by their family, powerless, putting on facades and masks and at the end of the day just want others to connect with them and to change horrible circumstances.
We reached the image limit but I love these characters so much. 💙💜
*And talking form 10/11/2024 now: I have a desire to finish this ARC of the story! So stay tuned and hopefully i stay motivated!
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ratsoh-writes · 4 years ago
"skelly turns bitty" ask. FSG/UL/OT/FSR/FT
Oh boy. So the original ask what how would the skeletons act if they went bitty for a day.
These answers are under the assumption that they know it’ll only last a day
Lord: in order to save what’s left of his manly pride, lord will dedicate the whole day to paperwork. He may not be able to personally see his tenants right now, but at least he can lift a pen
Mutt: he has one of his rare dumb*ss moments and tries to ride KFC (his pet pigeon). It doesn’t end well and now mutt is three inches tall and he has a broken arm. He regrets nothing
Wine: he closes shop for the day, pouts for about four hours, then decides to leave coffee in charge of the house while he sees if he’s capable of drinking a whole bottle of champagne as a bitty. Wine doesn’t want to remember any of today
Coffee: well wine won’t let him go out not that he even wants to, and it’s not safe for coffee to use his power tools like normal.. plus video games just don’t have the same vibe when it’s hard to reach the keys. He ends up fingerpaining all day and has a grand time making a beautiful acrylic painting composed completely of tiny handprints.
Charm: after the initial freak out half hour, charm just kind of cruises through the rest of the day. He and sugar wind up taking the day off and sugar has the genius idea of using the scraps from his dress shop and making charm basically go through a fashion show. They both have a great time lol
Sugar: he can still operate his sewing machines just fine with his magic if he concentrates well enough, so sugar just winds up spending the day adjusting dresses instead of talking with customers. He’s suprisingly chill for being stuck as a three inch tall bitty
Pluto: he’s anxious enough as it, being shrunk does not help that at all. Pluto winds up hiding inJupiter’s shirt pocket all day because it’s the only way he feels safe.
Jupiter: this is both extremely frustrating and entertaining for him. Jupiter has a grand time messing around and just doing stupid dares that the other fireman give him, but he’s pissed that he can’t come when they get a call. After the others leave, Jupiter winds up stewing for the rest of the day because he feels unhelpful
Peaches: rancher makes him stay inside all day because he’s scared that the chickens will try to eat him lol.
Rancher: he winds up going about his farm life as usual, except instead of riding his horse around, he put together a little makeshift saddle for one of the turkeys, and it worked!?!?
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shallowsouls · 3 years ago
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Here is our vampire lore. If you have any questions, feel free to send an ask!
Vampires were the first species to be revealed to humans after the attack in New York City and, as a result, humans have never quite trusted them. They're right not to do so—the relationship between vampires and humans is strained at best, with governmental bodies creating restrictive laws to keep the population safe and vampires reacting negatively to a stigma being placed on them. Ultimately, whether a vampire is good or bad depends on the individual as much as it does with humans—but there's no denying their natural need for blood.
Every vampire was once human. Vampires cannot reproduce and so, vampires cannot be born. They can only turn humans into vampires and although they can drink the blood of other species, it will taste sour in comparison to a human's.
A vampire is created by a bite. It's as simple as that—all a vampire has to do to turn someone is bite them and suck out some blood. When a vampire bites someone, they have around a 50% chance of being infected with the vampirism virus that will turn them into one of the same. Many people are bitten by vampires and walk away still human, but it's understandably not a chance that many people want to take.
Vampires are the only species aside from fae that are immortal. Unless killed, they do not age and they do not die.
They are recognizable by dark eyes (usually brown verging on black) and slightly sharper than normal canine teeth. They were able to go undetected in the human world for many years, so please note that these appearance traits don't necessarily give them away unless they have excessively dark eyes or someone is trained in recognizing them.
Vampires need to drink blood to survive, and it must be the blood of a person. They can survive on species other than human's but prefer not to, as the taste is very sour and unpleasant. The exception to this is demon’s blood, which can intoxicate them, make them sick, and eventually kill them—in that order.
Since the revelation of their existence, this is heavily regulated. Blood banks have been set up around Volos and the rest of the city and people can donate blood to them. Since a dead person's blood is as good as a living person's, blood is often harvested from corpses by local hospitals and donated to the blood banks. Vampires can get blood for free from the banks, but this is the only place they are allowed to get it—though this, of course, has not stuck. Vampires often find other creative ways to harvest blood, such as black market-esque means and disguised bars where you need to know what to ask for to get what you need.
Vampires do not eat and drink as a human does.
Unlike mages and werewolves, vampires do not exist in covens, but they do have a governing body known as the Assembly. These are old, powerful vampires who oversee the vampire population. Although they claim to work in cooperation with the FSRS to ensure a smooth co-existence with people, they often do things under the table to allow vampires more freedom and are often at odds with the laws created. The Assembly are made up of ten vampires spread across the country (and are currently unplayable). They have no firm laws, but step in when required—often unpredictably.
• Vampires are about three times as fast as a human, a little stronger, and have senses that are much, much better. • They have rapid healing which makes them near-impossible to injure and kill. • They also tend to be very charming—they have natural empathic abilities that endear people to them, making humans even warier of being around them. They are master manipulators, and can also vaguely sense a human's emotion (though not to the extent that a demon can). • They also have perfect night vision.
• You can kill a vampire using fire. Although they are usually very hard to injure and their injuries will rapidly heal, fire will consume them and they're very weak to it. This is the only sure way to kill them, as their rapid healing usually interferes with all other ways. • They do tire very quickly in sunlight, and though it's rarely fatal, staying in it for prolonged periods of time can make them sick. • After around two weeks without drinking blood, they will die.
It's a popular misconception that they are weak to garlic, stakes, and can't enter homes without permission. This is all false.
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cheriboms · 5 years ago
hi! so I really like your beatles kid au and I was thinking I you can do some headcanons so I can draw them! just a silly idea~
I am?? Honored????? ;w; I have a lot of dumb ideas that I’ve been meaning to draw myself, and I’ve been waiting for an opportunity to dump them somewhere, so you are like a blessing LMBO! Not sure if u wanted anything specific, so I’ll post these two because they are the ones I’ve thought abt most fsr :’D
John: Always insists on getting dressed by himself, and will adamantly stick to it even if he’s done it incorrectly (shoes on the wrong feet, asymmetrical shirt buttons, something inside out, etc). its called fashion sweaty look it up The only person who is allowed to fix/help with his clothes is Paul. He hates wearing suits/nice clothes and always conveniently “misplaces” his tie/good shoes immediately before they’re needed. His shoes are constantly untied, to the point that Brian is pretty sure he does it on purpose. 
Paul: Very picky about his outfits; gets fussy if there is a seam/tag/fabric bothering him. He accepts help to get dressed if it’s offered, but he moves around so much that it usually ends up hindering the process. Goes out of his way to help everyone else get dressed, even if they don’t want it. Takes off his shoes when it’s hot and his jacket when it’s cold because he has the most wack internal temperature.
George: Usually very compliant and will wear whatever he’s given. Hates Paul’s “help” in particular. Every so often, he will insist on wearing something extremely random (a sunhat, socks & sandals, ski jacket, etc), and will refuse to leave the house unless he can. Likes flower prints.
Ringo: Actually capable of dressing himself correctly. Tries to do his tie but doesn’t actually know how, so he always has to end up asking Brian for help. Likes wearing sunglasses, even indoors/at night. Constantly gets asked to tie the others’ shoes because he tells the bunny story and his voice is very soothing uwu. (Brian doesn’t know where this kid finds all these rings and at this point he’s too afraid to ask.)
At the Park
Paul: Likes playing games, but gets grumpy when he is a role he doesn’t want (eg being “it” in tag). Extremely friendly and constantly approaches/talks to random strangers. Tries to catch any wild animal he sees.
Ringo: Not picky about activities, and straight up vibes with whoever is around. Likes the seesaw in particular. Always brings some creative materials (crayons, chalk, etc) and draws when he is alone.
John: Goes off and hides is various places just to jump out and scare the others. Dares everyone to see who last longest on the roundabout; he always wins but at what cost gets sick afterwards. Crashes those large family picnics and acts offended when nobody recognizes him. Likes to draw with Ringo.
George: Crashes family picnics with John, but mainly for the food. Usually chilling on the swings or trying to climb a tree. Collects all the flowers/leaves/rocks he sees and insists on bringing them home; if Brian says no, he puts them in his pockets and smuggles them home anyway.
I have to go to a NYE party now so hopefully that is along the lines of what you wanted! I have a lot of headcanons actually, so if you wanted something else, please feel free to ask!!!
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socialwicked · 3 years ago
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What is the WebP file format?
You may well have seen an on the net image structure appearing in your browser currently, specially if you have a blog or like to help you save visuals you find on-line. It’s referred to as WebP, a format which is been about for a whilst but is now commencing to be adopted additional broadly by websites all-around the entire world. If you’re curious, we’ve acquired the solutions. Our FAQ covers how it functions and what you should know about utilizing it!
  What is the WebP file structure?  WebP is an picture structure designed by Google in 2010, established especially for on the web photographs on sites and specific at website builders. WebP was designed to be a lighter, speedier file structure that could help save important space on servers and make it easier to help substantial-high quality photos without having producing loading issues in fast paced browsers. It has a selection of rewards which include the use of predictive code to produce image information and provides both lossless (focused on preserving element) and lossy (focused on saving room with smaller sized file measurements) compression help.
    What is predictive coding?  This is a really productive process of developing or converting pictures. It employs an algorithm that analyzes pixels and predicts what nearby pixels should really be like — their shades and other critical information and facts. That prediction is dependent on an evaluation of lots of diverse world wide web images and how they are probably to behave. It’s a minor like the dynamic  upscaling DLSS  and  AMD’s FSR  that we have viewed from the significant graphics card makers.
 The gain of utilizing predictive coding for photos is that pixel data only requirements to be involved if it does  not  meet up with the prediction. With rather precise predictive modeling, this can save a significant sum of place on graphic information.
  What browsers support WebP?  WebP is supported by  most main browsers . Currently, it functions with Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Edge, and Opera, together with a broad range of extensions and equipment. As the level of popularity of WebP has started out to mature in the latest yrs, far more assist proceeds to be added.
    Google     What advantages does WebP have over formats like PNG or JPEG?   Lossless pictures applying WebP save room. They are about 26% scaled-down than PNGs though nonetheless allowing for transparency. That implies that websites, specifically people with heaps of pictures, can load more rapidly for end users and may perhaps even enhance lookup motor rankings.  Furthermore, lossy visuals also preserve place with WebP. WebP lossy visuals are involving 25% to 34% more compact than  comparable JPEG illustrations or photos . They can also conduct greater than JPEGs when it comes to scaling illustrations or photos down without major sacrifices in physical appearance.  Google has manufactured the full supply code readily available for WebP and provided instruments to make using the format specially simple for developers.  WebP can also be utilised to develop animated photos the similar way that GIFs can, with even better probable for much better compression than static pictures.    Are there any drawbacks to working with WebP?   WebP is designed for on-line photographs. That usually means it is not really suitable with photo applications or other images software package. Photographers will normally want to use higher-excellent lossless formats that they know will work with their chosen platforms.  Though quite a few common browsers help WebP, other individuals do not. Browsers like Tor or World-wide-web Explorer wrestle to support these pictures.  While WebP may be capable to aid make animated data files lesser than GIFs, some have complained that decoding the animated picture can take significantly for a longer time than decoding a GIF.  Some on the internet enhancement instruments really don’t however assist WebP. The most noteworthy case in point is WordPress. Those people performing with software like this cannot count on WebP photos at this time, even though hopefully, help will continue on to increase.    What application can open up WebP information?  There  are lots of options  to open up WebP data files. The browsers we outlined, like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge, will natively open WebP documents for you, so you can always operate with them in a browser. On line graphic editing applications, like ImageMagick or Pixlr, can also handle them. Adobe Photoshop and Paintshop Pro can offer with WebP, too.
     Can I transform WebP information?  Of course, simply. The editing resources we pointed out above, like Photoshop, ImageMagick, and a lot of other people, will give you an selection to change your WebP data files into  one thing like JPEG  or PNG. Appear for the Help you save As solution when you are ready to transform, and you should see solutions to modify the structure right before you preserve the image. This trick also is effective on native applications like Preview on MacOS and Paint on Home windows. For builders, Google has a  precompiled cwebp conversion device  that can be added to programs.
  Are WebP information protected to use?  WebP files are as safe as JPEGs and other picture formats. One-way links to graphic data files can nevertheless guide you to malware, and image files may perhaps be implanted with viruses. Only obtain WebP illustrations or photos from a trustworthy source and you must be fantastic.
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