#fsr ask
hellsitegenetics · 8 months
Today's ask is sponsored by Raid Shadow Legends, one of the biggest mobile role-playing games of 2019 and it's totally free! Currently almost 10 million users have joined Raid over the last six months, and it's one of the most impressive games in its class with detailed models, environments and smooth 60 frames per second animations! All the champions in the game can be customized with unique gear that changes your strategic buffs and abilities! The dungeon bosses have some ridiculous skills of their own and figuring out the perfect party and strategy to overtake them's a lot of fun! Currently with over 300,000 reviews, Raid has almost a perfect score on the Play Store! The community is growing fast and the highly anticipated new faction wars feature is now live, you might even find my squad out there in the arena! It's easier to start now than ever with rates program for new players you get a new daily login reward for the first 90 days that you play in the game! So what are you waiting for? Go to the blog description, click on the special links and you'll get 50,000 silver and a free epic champion as part of the new player program to start your journey! Good luck and I'll see you there!
String identified: Ta' a a a g, t ggt -ag ga 2019 a t' tta ! Ct at 10 a a t at t, a t' t t ga t ca t ta , t a t 60 a c aat! A t ca t ga ca ct t ga tat cag tatgc a at! T g a c t a gg t t ct at a tatg t ta t' a t ! Ct t 300,000 , a a at a ct c t a t! T ct gg at a t g atcat act a at , gt a t t t aa! t' a t tat ta t at ga a gt a a g a t t 90 a tat a t ga! at a atg ? G t t g ct, cc t ca a ' gt 50,000 a a c ca a at t a ga t tat ! G c a ' t!
Closest match: Dilophus febrilis genome assembly, chromosome: 4 Common name: Fever-fly
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felsicveins · 4 months
Do you do art requests, if so, Has Otto well before clay, ever gone near Branch?
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Maybe every once in a while he'd have a few too many and flirt with Branch, but he respected (in his own way and definition) that Branch wasn't interested
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vasira96 · 3 months
Sorry, I love to see how your crochet gloves(?) came out if you have a photo. I'm curious about the yarn colour way.
yeah! i used this acrylic yarn by loops & threads from michaels
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frogging this stuff is a bitch but the colors are so pretty!!!
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frontierpodiatrist · 6 months
y'know i think the funniest thing about the given jacq/raifort and jacq/volo dynamic is that it's implied jacq and clavell were on turo and sada's research team so he's both:
a.) been to and studied area zero like raifort wants to do
and b.) vaguely knows there's a potentially wish-granting turtle down there that could make volo's ideal world
And discloses none of this to either of them.
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bthump · 16 days
I’m sorry maybe I’ve misinterpreted your posts, but to clarify: Griffith selling his body to Gennon you consider rape/SA, but Grifith forcing himself on Charlotte is just "having sex"?
I'm gonna take this in the best faith possible and assume at some point I referenced one or both of these without an accompanying explanation or link to one, so here:
That said, two things:
a) if you've already read those or similar explanatory posts and still sent this then there's no real point in engaging because we're coming at this from two different incompatible angles and I can't have a productive discussion with someone who responds to the characters as if they're real people when I'm talking about narrative framing, thematic resonance, and authorial intent.
b) I hope you didn't mean to imply that you think an adult having sex with a prepubescent child can be consensual. I can respect the position that they're both rape, even if I think that ignores the aforementioned narrative framing themes and authorial intent, but if you think I got it backwards then yikes.
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Hi! I'm a bit curious if you have any ideas or headcanons for F/SR Saber and Arjuna's dynamics, either in-game or otherwise? (Or really for him and any other F/SR original character, if that's alright to ask!)
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menace vs guy who doesnt want to be rude
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citruslllad · 9 months
(btw as a warning we do like actively say the f slur like constantly, just a warning for those who r uncomfy w/ that)
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prismaticpichu · 8 months
Zack and Sephiroth watch Kung Fu Panda 2 (Zack completely forgot about that one scene with Po’s mom). Sephiroth just assumes it’s going to be a silly kids movie. What’s the reaction
Sephiroth, sitting stagnant on the couch, has a hollow, almost ghostly look consuming his once steely eyes. It feels as if something has been gouged out of him—catching him off-guard, striking him where he’s weak. Like an all too raw piece of his soul has been ruthlessly pried from its fragile structure. The movie has been paused for several seconds now, Zack having noticed the way his friend has seemingly left his body. He sets the remote down and glances worriedly at his friend.
“Seph…? You okay, bud?”
Sephiroth doesn’t respond for several beats. He can only stare at the paused screen, silent, unable to tear his gaze away from the frozen frame before him. Unable to look away from the snapshot of roaring flames, of a village trapped in the famished talons of fire and smoke and burning wood.
Of a mother panda, running away, about to be mercilessly slaughtered by the command of a madman.
“How could… anyone… do this?”
Zack pauses for a moment, saddened by his friend’s saddened voice, and taken aback by how genuinely struck Seph was by Shen’s attack on the panda village. He considers joking, chuckling—perhaps saying something about the history of evil peacocks. But he doesn’t. It doesn’t feel right. Instead, he just scoots closer to his friend.
“I dunno, bud. When bad people, y’know, when they want something… they do bad things.”
There’s another beat, another reign of silence. And the next set of words slash Sephiroth’s throat as they leave it.
“He… the bird…” The syllables are jagged, taut. “He killed his…”
Sephiroth doesn’t need to finish the sentence for Zack to understand it. To understand everything. And like a tidal wave of acid, the realization of what he has inadvertently subjected his friend to comes toxically crashing down on him.
Zack’s gaze darts between the screen and Seph. “Oh my god… buddy… what is wrong with—Gaia, I’m so sorry….!”
He wraps his arm around his wounded friend, kicking himself a thousand times for his insensitivity and blindness. Out of all the movies they could have chosen….
Sephiroth dips his chin, resting it on Zack’s hair, a momentary relief from the horror portrayed on his screen. Never did he expect to be struck so viscerally by one of his friend’s favorite films. Never did he expect to be at a loss for words amid their playful banter and commentary. Never did he expect an innocuous, colorful, loving movie to be a mere veneer for something much darker.
“ I know…. I know this prolly hurts real bad…” Zack solaces, continuing to hug his pal. “I promised to never…. I’m sorry, Seph…. Gaia I’m sorry… We can stop now, if you want, maybe play a game inste—“
Zack blinks, confused by the sudden shift.
“….Wutai?” he echoes puzzledly.
Sephiroth’s eyes strain, his muscles stiffening. “I… I’ve done this…” he admits bitterly, painfully, like the words scraped against his tongue in serrated, poisonous blades. “In Wutai… I’ve razed villages. Killed countless. I… I probably have slaughtered a child’s…” He struggles to finish that sentence, the brutal scene from the movie still raw in his mind.
“I… I am like Shen.”
Zack’s heart twists, a full jagged knot tethering in his chest as he digests Seph’s words—the pain, the guilt, the self-loathing… He shakes his head, pulling back slightly from the embrace.
“That’s not true,” he says firmly, kindly. “That’s not true, bud.”
Sephiroth opens his eyes, ready to protest. “I… I’ve razed…”
“it was a war, Seph… you know that. I know you do. ShinRa ordered for those villages to be burned. From what I can tell—and learned… you didn’t have a choice.”
Sephiroth closes his eyes again, riding too many turbulent memories and emotions to think of a proper response. Zack returns his head to Seph’s shoulder.
“You would never do what Shen did, bud…” Zack says quietly. “You would never kill out of hate. I know you wouldn’t.”
For a long swath of time, Sephiroth remains locked in the other’s arms, silent, listening to the unwavering sincerity of his best friend’s words. Letting them sink into him, letting them assuage him. Gauze him. Heal him. He sinks deeper into the embrace, clinging to Zack’s heartfelt hope in him. To his trust. To his beliefs.
And there he makes a vow to never prove Zack wrong.
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noro-noro-noro · 4 months
👕Erl in the kawoshin t shirt
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👕 OC in a T-shirt with something stupid printed on it
you got it boss! he doesn't like it. how could he be homophobic during pride...maybe he feels threatened
prompt list
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the-obnoxious-sibling · 2 months
This might be random but, what's your favorite Buggy look so far in the series? Impel Down is a personal fave but I like his look from the World Seeker Game too 🙈
the impel down ponytail is his best hairstyle in my book, but overall? i really don’t think you can beat the og look. stealing roger’s style and giving it his own flair, the crossbones forehead make-up he comes back to time and again, the matching striped shirt and socks, the pointy-toed shoes… *chef’s kiss* perfection. peak clown pirate design.
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flamebearrel · 2 months
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Hey everyone, please if you have the chance and the funds help out Mohammed @mohammeedsblog here. He’s reaching out for his entire family including three toddlers, himself and his wife to evacuate safely through Rafah, and is setting a goal of €50,000 through his page linked here:
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lotus-pear · 7 months
Fav madoka magica character??? You had great taste in anime for a ten year old kid lmao😭
aww thanks ALSO OMG OK so mami was my fav she just radiated big older sister energy for me when i was younger and i thought she was rly cool and like looking back now she was literally so young and did not deserve what happened to her :((((
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cosmica-galaxy · 1 year
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FSR Headcanons with Audi and Tricky
+ The auditor is easily fascinated with the large foreign being from "the outside realms" of Nevada. The chances of a creature actually breaching into Nevada is so slim, it's practically non-existent. So to have such an opportunity to study a being from the outer realms is a privilege in itself.
+ The first contact goes well and the Auditor finds himself growing more and more curious as the studies of the being start to come through. Revealing their complex inner mechanisms and their general make-up to be similar to his own master in a way, just much more streamlined and organic.
+ Since the being isn't hostile, his agents and numerous units can work around the being effectively and study it without risk of losing all of his crew. Color him surprised when the being even COOPERATES and tolerates scientists and agents crawling all over them.
+ When the testing begins, his interest only deepens. With granted permission from FSR, they decided to test out their weapons on the being. The shocking results revealed that not even BULLETS or MISSILES can damage it. They simply bounce off and FSR gives the assaulter nothing more than an annoyed look. Sharp weapons were even ineffective, since FSR was covered in thick armor. The only weapons that they discovered that can hurt FSR, using small reasonable doses, were more along the lines of Nexus Core weapons. Dissonance and lasers have a much stronger effect and FSR was recorded even wincing when the small dosage was used.
+ Field testing came later on once FSR was actually moved to a more appropriate holding cell. The Auditor took in everything he could, almost as if he was eager to obtain such forbidden knowledge about those that dwelled on the outside. The field tests were even much more intriguing than simple studies. FSR enthralled him with their ability to pick up massive vehicles, an active demonstration of their arm cannon (That morphed in from their own digits!), and the ability to fly at speeds over 200 MPH.
+ The Auditor was EASILY convinced that FSR would serve his purpose greatly, possibly becoming the most strongest unit in his army if they joined, but he can see the hesitance of the being. They're nervous...or just simply unconvinced. He NEEDS them to join his side and he'll do anything he can to make sure that recruitment is the definite result.
+ Tricky is a maniac and the moment he finds a larger, possibly stronger enemy, roaming the desert all by themselves, he pounces on them. Much to his surprise, and both parties frustration, his attacks simply can't break through the armor that covers the body of his enemy. Even prodding the cracks in the chassis didn't pop any of them off!
+ FSR is easily annoyed by Tricky's antics and swats him off repeatedly. But Tricky always bounces back and tries again and again. To the point where the larger being hovers in the air to get away from his attempts at attacking them. Of course, Tricky screams out "NO FAIR" when this happens.
+ It's almost hilarious at what transpires after that. Tricky's enemy will ALWAYS be Hank Wimbleton, but this tall foreign creature is just so intriguing to the clown zed that once it begins to head off somewhere else, Tricky finds himself compelled to follow it. It has no set destination, that becomes apparent, but Tricky is never too far behind when it decides to settle down for a rest. Pouncing on FSR and merely irritating them for hours on end as they try to get some sleep.
+ Tricky also comes to notice how FSR is annoyed by other factions. Be it the AAHW, Nexus Core, Fanatics, Zeds, and whatever else happens to be crawling around in Nevada. Still, it confuses Tricky to no end at why they just simply won't kill whatever is annoying them. Even him! They never choose violence and just simply stare at the aggressor in annoyance before pushing them away or knocking them over. Yet none of their enemies come to harm.
+ Tricky quickly finds out that FSR is practically nomadic and travels by air most of the time. He's even lost them a couple of times, but he will eventually find them again if he looks hard enough. Soon enough, the creature pretty much tolerates his antics and bothersome presence enough that they won't just fly away whenever he irritates them enough. They just simply lay there while he chews on their armor or breaks his stop sign against their hull. All while they stare at him in indifference.
+ What really confused Tricky, was the day when he finally caught up to them after another long pursuit, and they gave him a series of gentle pats instead of brushing him off like usual. It stunned Tricky into a frozen state. Then from that moment forward, Tricky found himself following them around and even clinging onto them when they began to move from one place to another. They even seem to grow fond of his presence as well. Taking him with them across Nevada without a care.
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wattice · 11 months
ok marx so imagine yourself dying in the nova incident and then coming back as a crazy zombie-like version of yourself with the only intention of killing kirby and basically nothing else, pretty funny, right???
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Heehee hoohoo
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himawanai · 8 months
what are your thoughts on chara undertale
Oh i started this blog because of them lmfao. rot continuing since 2015. definitely have a lot of normal thoughts. i think .
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What do you
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