blazethecheeto · 3 months
if they don't want us to see frost and mark's 'relationship' (it's in air quotes because whatever the fuck they have i refuse to call a relationship) as a joke, then they need to stop treating it like a joke in canon.
the time skips are appalling, genuinely, like how did we go from frost not giving a shit about this man to her crawling head over heels and crying over him and NO in between. there was never an in-between checkpoint for their storyline, it was all or nothing and i have no idea what's going on anymore, it's the INCONSISTENCY for me. i'm on 8x07 rn and the last time we saw mark, he made her vulnerable and believed this could be real, almost kissed her, then jumped out a fucking window.
she was mad for literally half a season.
let's just say i was a huge "frostblaine" fan. the last time i saw them was in 7x15 where they had their only serious moment in their whole story, only for it to be a lie. now, maybe i would want to see one episode where they AT LEAST reconcile and apologize?? instead of hearing about it after the fact?? nope, the next time we see them they're skydiving and singing karaoke and making out like their kiss wasn't a huge build-up for nothing. i'm so with caitlin on how quickly and weirdly their relationship progressed.
honestly, maybe i would be less hateful about this ship if they even TRIED to give them a good love story. it's clear the writers forget about mark (like they forget about frost and caitlin) until they realize, oh yeah, frost has no plot this season so we need to make her only lines per episode about her boyfriend who ditched her! it makes me mad that they reduced her character to that in s8. she can provide so much more than just the edgy 'teenager' that talks about her boyfriend all the time.
i haven't watched the rest of the season and i heard it does get better for her plot wise, but i also know she fucking dies so ofc they would do that.
there has been no serious moment in this whole 'on-again off again' bullshit. it's literally 'oh mark has abs!!!!! guys i have such a silly girly crush on him haha oh he's evil i'm gonna be pouty for half a season- oh wait he's back!!!' they've been treated as the comic relief couple. even in armageddon, caitlin wasn't even there at the fucking party but oh! right, we forgot frost! she's...oh yeah, she's having sex with mark in the bathroom bc that suits her character and the only thing we care about :333
they treat them like a joke, so how do they expect us not to see it as just that?
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brinleyparke · 10 months
My ships
Part 2
Barriver (aka Olivarry)
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ChillFrost or FrostBlaine
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Ooh here’s one for the ask game: what’s your favorite arc of the show? Tell us alll about it 🥰
Sarcasm Ask Game
Oh yayyyyyy, I’m so excited to answer this!!!😀😀😀
Man, there are just so many amazing arcs in the show how can I choose just one???
Actually, because I love them all so much— I can’t pick just one so let’s get into it!!
I mean, seasons 7-9 were just the best seasons of the show no question; wayyyy better than 3-5 and MILES from 1 and 2
The Forces: Man, I could go on for days about how much I just love this arc. The grown ass adult forces being Iris and Barry’s ‘kids’ was soooooo cute and not weird at all, I need to hug whoever made that writing decision! Plus, I LOVED the Speedforce using {OG} Nora’s face the entire time; so nice of her to let Barry see his mom so often🥰 not awful, manipulative, and borderline traumatic AT ALLLLLL. Oh and don’t get me started on the Negative Forces! Such cool and well-rounded characters! And since I remember so much of this arc and it’s season— I’m gonna stop now :)
And since I love them sooooo much, I’m not gonna mention season 8’s arcs because they were just that good! Totally weren’t 100% forgettable at all! Oh but on that subject, while it’s not really an arc— I loved Frostblaine, such a developed and amazing couple— always rooted for them.
Red Death: I’m just gonna cover this quickly. Amazingly paced, RD wasn’t a Walmart Zoom in the slightest, Mark wasn’t a punchable pos, and there definitely didn’t need to be more Barry whump!!!
Cobalt Blue: Man, I’ll admit this arc wasn’t intriguing at first but BOY did the ending prove me otherwise. I mean, bringing Barry back to random moments in time for mysterious plot reasons to parallel a Crisis that Already Happened??? Beautiful, loved it. But anyways THE ENDING— you know what I’ve always thought when watching seasons 1-3? How amazing of an idea would it be for the villains to come back and get one shot by the side characters? AND THEY DID THAT!! WE ALL WANTED THE VILLAINS TO GET ONE SHOT BY SIDE CHARACTERS, WE ALL WANTED THAT MOST IN THE WORLD AND THEY ACTUALLY DID IT!!!!! NOTHING FILLS ME WITH MORE HAPPINESS THAN REMEMBERING ZOOM CAME BACK TO GET ONE SHOT BY KHIONE! And having someone else in Caitlin’s body instead of Caitlin herself defeat someone who gave her serious trauma?? I loved that! And I absolutely wasn’t almost-rooting for Chester to actually be dead just so we could have some GODS DAMN STAKES— I would never!! And speaking of— I LOVED HIS AND ALEGRA’S KISS THAT LASTED THIRTY FUCKING SECONDS AFTER ONE-SHOTTING EOBARD FUCKING THAWNE! I LOVE THAT SAVITAR THE-GOD-OF-SPEED-HIMSELF ALSO GOT ONE-SHOTTED BY NORA AND HOW THERE WAS NO CONFLICT WITH HIM NEARLY KILLING BASICALLY HIS OWN DAUGHTER!!! I LOVED THAT GODSPEED JUST STOOD THERE AND LET THE ALMIGHTY AND POWERFUL CECILE TAKE HIM DOWN WITH A NOT-AT-ALL CRINGY ONE LINER AFTER!! I LOVED THAT BARRY DIDN’T HAVE SO MUCH AS A CONVERSATION WITH ANY OF HIS FORMER VILLAINS AND INSTEAD FOUGHT EDDIE— OH I ALSO LOVE THAT THEY BROUGHT JAY BACK —JAY WHO WAS IMPRISONED BY ZOOM FOR AT LEAST A YEAR— AND DIDN’T HAVE HIM BEAT ZOOM BECAUSE THAT WOULDN’T HAVE BEEN KARMIC JUSTICE EITHER!!! I L O V E THAT THE FINAL BATTLE OF THE SHOW WASN’T A CHEAP CA:TWS KNOCK OFF. MY SHEER LOVE FOR THIS FINALE WAS SO STRONG IT CREATED AN ENTIRE FIC!!
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afaimsarrowverse · 2 years
Flashes of the Future
The Flash-Fanfiction mit Gast-Auftritten aus dem Rest des Arrowverses
 Status: WIP
 Pairings: Canon-Pairings, vor allem Westallen, Jocile, Chester/Allegra, Elongsue und Cisco/Kamilla, so wie vergangenes Frostblaine, Backround Clois
 Warnings: Spoiler (und Spekulationen) für die gesamte Serie, sowie den Rest des Arrowverses, inklusive der 2. Staffel von „Superman & Lois“, Spoiler für die Earth Prime-Comics, Fix-It, Erwähnung von vergangenen Character Death, Gewalt, Timey-Wimey, Multiversums bedrohliche Events, Comic Book Science, Angst, Meta-Elemente
 Anmerkungen: Alternative Staffel 9, erklärt warum „Superman & Lois“ auf einmal nicht mehr auf Earth Prime spielt, diese Fic ist außerdem soszuagen eine Schwestern-Fic zu meiner Legends-Fic „No Future, Just Legends“
 Inhalt: Team Flash entdeckt, dass ein unbemerktes multiverselles Ereignis Earth Prime verändert und einer großen Gefahr ausgesetzt hat. Und als ob das nicht schlimm genug wäre, erfolgen Angriffe von verschiedensten Seiten auf Central City. Kann Barry sich selbst, seine Familie, seine Zukunft und seine Stadt retten, oder ist dies das Ende?
 „Ihr Name war Ally Allston, und sie zerstörte beinahe ihre Welt. Nicht nur auf einer Erde, sondern gleich auf zwei Erden. Verschmelzen wollte sie mit ihrem zweiten Ich, alles besser machen, heil machen, sich besser und heil machen, und die Welten und alle anderen auf ihnen ebenfalls. Und beinahe wäre es ihr auch gelungen, beinahe wäre es beiden Allys, die zu einer Ally geworden waren, gelungen.
Doch sie wurden aufgehalten von dem größten Helden der Erde, von dem Mann aus Stahl, von dem Mann aus Stahl aus einer Welt. Er verhinderte die Verschmelzung der beiden Welten, rettete seine Familie, seine Heimat, seine Welt und die Welt seines bizarren Doppelgängers, der dazu selbst nicht mehr in der Lage war.
Und damit war alles gut, das dachten zumindest alle. Doch sie irrten sich.
Denn das Multiversum war danach verändert – der Zwischenfall hatte es umstrukturiert, erneut. Und während dieser Umstrukturierung passierte etwas, etwas, das niemand bemerken sollte, bevor es beinahe zu spät war. Etwas, das beinahe das Ende von Earth Prime herbei geführt hätte.
Man nennt mich den Spectre, aber ihr kennt mich als Oliver Queen. Das hier ist nicht meine Geschichte, auch wenn ich darin vorkommen mag - es ist seine: Das hier ist die Geschichte von Barry Allen, dem Flash, und von seiner letzten Schlacht.“
 Lest weiter:
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ageless-aislynn · 3 years
I honestly couldn’t watch Caitlin’s subplot. Like why? NOBODY likes Chillblaine. And honestly Iris and Joe should’ve had the B-Plot instead
Hey there, Anon! Oh yeah, I’m feeling you. 😕
I've been thinking about my dissatisfaction with Caitlin and Frost/Mark in this past episode and I think my unhappiness doesn't actually boil down to They're shipping Caitlin and Frost with my Not-Preferred Persons.
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ReverseSnow/ReverseFrost/Snowthawne/Frostthawne (and SnowHarry and FrostNash) love aside, though, what made this hard to watch for me was being hit over the head with all of the "tell, not show." We don't get to experience Caitlin and Marcus meeting, getting to know each other, going through all of these awkward moments, maybe some disagreements, etc. You know, all of the things that give the viewer an emotional connection and a stake in the relationship. They just... tell us as a throwaway line in the ep before (I think) from Frost that Caitlin is dating Marcus as if we have an earthly clue who that even is.
Then in the ep itself, we get the one scene that I thought actually did WORK, at least for me: Mark talking to Caitlin about her being afraid to make a commitment, to really go all-in on this relationship. It's one of the few times I felt like they let Mark be an actual character and not a caricature. If we had a stake in Caitlin/Marcus, then that would've been an all-around great scene!
But we haven't even seen Marcus before so why am I supposed to even care if we (and Caitlin) see him again? IMO, they could've at least helped some of this by making this clearly a first date instead of acting like they've been dating off screen for a while.
Back to Mark, though. I actually do like Jon Cor and, when we first met him, I was ready to get on board the USS Frostblaine, lol. I mean, I clearly have no problem shipping my girls with villains...
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*coughcoughs in Frosthunter/Snowhunter and Savifrost/Savisnow* 😜
...and the "villain who's transitioning to anti-hero" is one of my fav tropes! Plus, I'm used to not getting the ship I really want, 😒 so I don't begrudge my girls some fun in the meantime, lol. 😉
But. They've really misused his character, again because of the tell, not show. The WORST thing, though, IMO, was how they glossed over Frost deciding to forgive the bad things he's done and start a relationship with him. Caitlin TOLD us (well, she told somebody on the show but it was for the audience). I mean, if I'm going to be invested in a ship, that would've been a great scene to experience myself. It sounds, you know, kinda important and all that? But nope, we're just told about it.
Granted, some of this is because he isn't a full-time character so we're just going to get snippets of them together and I get that.
But back to Caitlin and What's-His-Name, though. 😜 Is he going to be someone we see in future eps or will it just be like Caitlin's our co-worker who's dating some dude we never expect to meet outside of a work holiday party or something? In that case, maybe it's better to not see him, then to get these weird little moments of "Oh look, Caitlin's found loooove again!" with some rando. 😜😉
Anyway, Anon, thank you for writing and for giving me the chance to process some of my feels over this whole situation, lol! 😉
PS - The fact that I can be 1001% emotionally invested in ships that have never even met *points up at Frost and Eowells/Mattobard and Flashpoint!Caitlin and Flashpoint!Eobard* is actually not contradictory. I love the characters separately and I love imagining how a relationship between them might work. But if they’d given me actual canon ReverseSnow, for example, but only as a throwaway line about “Oh, well, now that Caitlin’s dating the Reverse Flash...” then I would be equally unhappy with that. In fact, I’d probably throw hands...
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...and then get out of there fast because I’m smol and soft and would cry if I was ever actually in a fight. 😉 But you get my point. “Tell, not show” is a lousy way to treat any ship, even (or especially) if it’s a ship I want to see. 💖
PSS - This doesn’t even address the horrifying second-hand embarrassment I got from Caitlin trying to shred Mark to pieces at dinner. I mean, I’m not saying it wasn’t true or even deserved but, c’mon, Caity, read the room! That wasn’t the time for that and, at that moment, he’d done nothing to deserve being verbally filleted like that. It just made Caitlin look like a total jerk and I hated that. Though, I suppose, at least it falls under the category of being a character flaw. It would’ve been worse if we would’ve just later had Frost complaining to Barry or somebody about how Caitlin trashtalked Mark at dinner but we didn’t even see any of it. 🤷‍♀️
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christopher-bryant · 3 years
chillblaine is a simp for frost
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barryallenis · 3 years
The Frostblaine part felt so out of place. And it seems like that whole speech Frost gave at the courthouse was for nothing. All this show did was prove that there are two different justice systems for different people.
I agree. If we cut all of the killer frost stuff out, the episode was pretty solid. With it ... it was a non-sequitur fight scene that somehow ended with Frost out of prison .5 seconds after she was supposedly put in for life and the set up to what I only imagine will be the most annoying romantic subplot of the back half of the season.
You're totally right about the two different justice systems. In what other situation would a prisoner be set free because they escaped from prison and .... beat up a bunch of other criminals? The next day.
Using her as the figure head for their policing reform rhetoric was idiotic to begin with but wiping it all clean a few episodes later is like White Privilege the movie. It's so ridiculous it almost feels like we're suppose to be outraged by it.
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The Flash Season 7 episodes ranked
I love The Flash, but this season is so bad, but I sorta a different opinions on the episodes. 
16. Episode 14: Rayo De Luz
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I like Allegra Garcia, but this didn’t help her character at all. She got a sick power up but we haven’t seen it again. And TBH, Allegra a pep talk from Barry could’ve make the episode better. Overall Barry to capture the evil doctor. It also the weirdass romance between Frost and Chillblaine coming
15. Episode 13. Masquerade
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Defense Attorney Cecile Horton is another I like but didn’t need episode for this. They want to do mental health episode but with Barry, Caitlin or Frost. We already know her mother died since last and happened the Cecile and Allegra relationship, they used that element help Allegra. 
14. Episode 3: Mother
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The way they defeat the Mirror Mistress was so stupid, her plan was stupid. It also started force storyline with the power of freaking love, ew.
13. Episode 10: Family Matters Part I
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It’s a cringe bomb, they just kept using the mother/father/brother/sister thing, it’s so weird. Barry pushed Alexa too hard he should know not to do that. Barry’s so pathetic, could’ve just made him fight Psych with Fuerza, jeez, they  should’ve call this show Forces of Nature. 
12. The Speed of Thought
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Barry was an asshole this episode and I hate when Barry is an asshole but I love that Frost became a speedster even if it temporary. 
11. Episode 11: Family Matters Part II
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They show off Alexa, Deon, and Bashir’s badass credentials and even Barry’s and has a fight. But the fight was short, the defeat was different but Anticlimatic. It’s still cringe bomb
10. Episode 1: Ali Wells, End Wells
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I love, the Wells and all, the story with good, the Cecile stuff was good, Mirror Mistress reveal was good. But I didn’t  find it that interesting. 
9. Episode 7: Growing Pain
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Frost didn’t deserve this. 
8. Episode 8  The People v. Killer Frost
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Frost still didn’t deserve this. Kramer is obsessives, but we meet my force, Alexa. It revealed Nora’s colors, sorta literally. 
7.  Episode 12: Good-Bye Vibrations
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Not very interesting and it’s Cisco. 
6. Episode 4/5/6: Central City Strong/ Fear Me/ The One With The Nineties
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These introduced my favorite three character in this trashy storyline. 
5. Episode 9: Timeless
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As much as I love the force wielder characters, Barry is right, beside saving their lives  who cares if  they don’t have powers, Nora would stop trying to kill them. 
4.  Episode 15: Enemies At The Gate 
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I like Godspeeds storyline, the Nora West-Allen visions were surprising but it the Cringey Frostblaine romance. I prefer the more boring Garcia cousin’s storyline over this creepy romance.
3.Episode 16: P.O.W.
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This episode really surprised me, the motives behind Godspeed, Diggle and Cecile, the real August Heart, and Impulse and XS arrival. The only bad part is Ultraviolet, I do feel little sorry for Allegra, it wasn’t very sad. 
2. Episode 17: Heart of Matters Part I
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The flash family dynamic was great, They had Bart, Nora, and Jay. And Bart is a pretty character. 
1. Episode 18: Heart of Matters Part I
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Epic Episode
Overall, this is a pretty bad season. Other than force wielders and Godspeed Storyline, the rest of it just sucks.
 I have this 5 or 6 out of 10.
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afaimscorner · 3 years
The Flash 7x11
That whole Frost-Chillblaine stuff was so disconnected from the rest of what was going on that we actually speculated if it was pulled from the next episode to this. And let’s not talk about how the whole Frost-has-to-face-justice-Plot was resolved in this (exactly in the same way it should have been resolved in the first episode when the whole issue came up! Back then it would have made sense but after she was convicted ... Gah! - I don’t know who is consulting for legal issues in this Season of the show, but my guess what be no-one, because everything about that subplot was a disaster from day one onwards, and I am just glad it’s now over and will hopefully never come up again!)
Sadly they really seem to be going for the whole Frostblaine-Romance. Ugh again. (If someone had pulled this on Cisco or Barry they would not have a romance with that woman afterwards, as I pointed out before, but yeah, sexist much Writer’s Room). If they are going to do this, can someone please at least mention him taking meds from now on, please? (Don’t get me wrong, I actually liked what they did in the episode he first appeared in with the character, but he is no Captain Cold, he is cleary insane but in clinical sense, so not romance material! No!)
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rantsofabookworm · 3 years
dni if you can identify car brands, your phone makes click noises when you type on the keyboard, your favorite color is yellow, orchestra kids, trumpet players, Frostblaine shippers (if you watch the flash), anime fans, you wear shorts and a t shirt during winter, magic the gathering players, you have a favorite song, you round to more than three decimal places, you don't put stickers or your water bottle or computer, your lock screen is a selfie, or you've ever voluntarily eaten insects.
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ageless-aislynn · 3 years
The Flash 8x07 “Lockdown” spoilers
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Actual cap of me wondering...
Okay, so Caitlin was really struggling with committing to Marcus, to just... going all in in her relationship with him and I have to ask:
Have we ever seen this guy before? Ever even heard of him? If this is the first time we’re seeing him, why are we supposed to believe they’re at the stage where “committing” and “going all in” are even on the table?
I’m confused as to why we’re supposed to believe in this relationship we’ve never seen before to this degree. I mean, if it was a first date or something, yeah, I could see her struggling with trying to make things right and asking him out on a second date or whatever but commitment?
And I thought they were rushing the whole Frost/Mark thing but they’ve gotten WAY more justification than this! I mean, we saw them meet, they interacted several times now, they tried to throw some enemies to lovers at us a bit. Whether you’re a Frostblaine fan or not, at least you can see there was some sort of groundwork laid down. Not... this.
I dunno. I’m confused, frens and fam. Did I manage to just miss this guy’s introduction at some earlier point? It’s possible. 🤷‍♀️
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