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rehman-coding · 5 years ago
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Pseudo-classes (:) allow you to style the different states of an element e.g. when you hover over it, when it is disabled, when it is the first child of its parent, etc. Pseudo-elements (::) allow you to style different parts of an element e.g. the first line, the first letter, inserting content before or after, etc. Originally they all used a single colon, but CSS3 introduced the double colon to separate the two. #javascript #javascriptbook #learnjavascript #javascriptforbabies #javascriptislife #javascriptprogrammer #javascripters #frontendwebdesign #frontenddeveloper #frontendeveloper #frontenddevelopment #frontendfriday😎 #frontendunited #frontenders #frontendfridays #frontendchallenge #frontendwebdeveloper #frontendthursday #frontendwebdevelopment #frontendconf #frontendmagazine #frontendswap #frontend #frontendfriday🔥 #frontenddev #frontendsunday #frontendfriday #frontendfridre #frontendengineering https://www.instagram.com/p/B7fmlqKgLbx/?igshid=16ps20dxwoqmd
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crawfish · 7 years ago
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Workshop kicking off at Front End Design Conf with Ethan Marcotte @beep - Responsive Design Pattern Libraries! Yum! #frontendconf (at Saint Petersburg, Florida)
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xitricite · 8 years ago
Bunch of links For FrontEnd Dev, UI/UX
V - - - This is basically this for 2017- - - V ���🎉 The Complete List of User Experience (UX) Resources & Tools 🎉🎈
Edit: Did *card sorting. *Sample size of 1. :b
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(Fig 1. If Satan was a web developer. Source: ?)
Book IT 📖🏃
100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People
Don’t Make Me Think, Revisited - A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability by Steve Krug
Eloquent javascript
Javascript eBook
The Design of Everyday Things - by Donald A. Norman
Practice Online 💻🖱️🖥️
Codecademy - learn html + css
Codecademy - learn javascript
Codek.tv - Javascript -��videos
JS Fiddle
The New Boston - videos
The Odin Project - course
w3schools - css
w3schools - html
w3schools - javascript
Webpack Bin - editor
General 👍👀👌
52 Weeks of UX
aFarkas - html5shiv
🎨 A curated list of Awesome Creative Portfolio Websites
Alex Devero
Chrome Experiments - Workshop
color adobe kuler
Colour Contrast Analyser (accesibility)
Colorsupplyyy - palette app
Creative Cloud blog
Deep Background
Design Pattern Library - YDN
Dive Into HTML5
Dark Patterns
Fonts In Use
Free Code Camp
GV Library
Google Material Design Guidelines
Google Developers - Web Fundamentals
HSL Picker
Inspired UI
Interaction Design is dead. What now?
JavaScript Examples
jQuery DrawSVG
JSHint, a JavaScript Code Quality Tool
Little Big Details
Media Temple
NN Group - articles
Psychologist World
Smashing Magazine
State of JS
Signal v. Noise
The Three Types of Projects you can work on
TinyJPG – Compress JPEG images intelligently
TinyPNG – Compress PNG images while preserving transparency
Tympanus - CoDrops
UI Patterns
UX Archive
UX is not UI
ux mag
UX Myths
UX Planet
UX Project Checklist
uxdesign.cc - ux-resources
UX for the masses
W3C code validator
Wirify – The web as wireframes
ZURB - Motion UI
ZURB - PatternTap
Tutorials + References
100 Spam Filter Trigger Words
3 Mistakes Software Developers Must Avoid
7 Rules for Creating Gorgeous UI (Part 1) – Medium
7 Rules for Creating Gorgeous UI (Part 2) – Medium
A Crash Course in Typography: The Basics of Type - noupe
A guide to successful Design Handoffs
A Study Plan To Cure JavaScript Fatigue
A Web Designer’s Guide to Pricing Strategies
Aerotwist - Getting Started with Three.js
Blame the implementation, not the technique - TimKadlec.com
Bret Victor - Inventing on Principle from CUSEC
Case study - How to Make a Vesper
Case Study: Page Flip Effect from 20thingsilearned.com - HTML5 Rocks
Crash Course: UI Design – HH Design – Medium
Design Tip: Never Use Black | Ian Storm Taylor
Design apps for the Windows desktop - Windows app development
Digital Telepathy - The return on investment of UX (infographic)
Form Design for Complex Applications
How to land a top-notch tech internship — and a tech job — while you’re still in school
JavaScript Snow: DHTML Snowstorm. Making it snow on the internets since 2003.
Ken Burns Effect fullscreen without js
Lessons From My Post-bootcamp Job Search in London
Luke Wroblewski Part 1 - Conversions@Google 2014
Mobile Firefox and Designing Without Modal Overlays « Aza on Design
OS X Human Interface Guidelines: Designing for Yosemite
Roll and scroll tracking
Motionographer - web animation learning by doing - an interview with Rachel Nabors
Nifty Modal Window Effects
Simple Donut Progress Bar
Smashing Magazine - Create An Animated Bar Graph With HTML, CSS And jQuery
Smashing Magazine - Setting Weights And Styles With The @font-face Declaration
Smashing Magazine Social Media Is A Part Of The User Experience
Typography for User Interfaces
The 100% correct way to do CSS breakpoints
User Testing – Make WordPress Core
UX Fundamentals Course - The Gymnasium
UXM - Tips for bringing UX to the Agile party
UXM - Example UX docs and deliverables
Vue.js - SVG Graph
Why Windows 98's User Onboarding is Better Than Yours - Usersnap Blog
Your Ultimate Guide to CSS Units - Alex Devero
YT Channels
Adobe Creative Cloud
Create n Process
Design Course
Frontendconf Zürich
Matt Borchert
Michael Thomas
Museum für Gestaltung Zürich
Photoshop Tutorials by PHLEARN
Seb Lester
Shawn Barry, Creative
Simple Programmer
Ste Bradbury Design
Swerve Designs
Thomas Bradley
Tuts+ Design - bit old
Tuts+ Illustration - 2015
UX Mastery
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flameflecked · 11 years ago
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A HUGE thank you to everyone who organized and presented at #frontendconf this weekend. I had a blast and can't wait to walk in on Monday with all this knowledge.
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omarforrester · 11 years ago
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Break and bacon time #frontendconf (at The Palladium at St. Petersburg College)
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xxmayxx · 11 years ago
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Bacon cupcake and sriracha popcorn at the front end confrence. #frontendconf #bacon #cupcake #sriracha #popcorn #dtsp #palladium
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tylergoelz · 12 years ago
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At this years Front End Design Conference, a question was proposed to The Shop Talk Show while they were doing a live podcast. The question was, "Do you think that the flat design trend affects the overall attraction of a brand?" by Travis Miller.
MailChimp was referenced during the answer as an example company that uses flat design and implements it well (I couldn't agree more). Lo and behold, as I was logging into MailChimp this morning, I notice there are real life object used for the background image. GASP. I know. The thing is, it actually looks freakin' awesome.
Then onto the account page introducing the new MailChimp, yet again another great use of live images that doesn't clash with their flat design style guide.
Overall, their "look" is still a flat, but their integration of live images gives the site an awesome, extra design benefit. Well done, MailChimp. Well done.
If you have any sites that have integrated flat and non-flat elements together well, post them in the comments. I'd love to see more.
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jennlukas · 12 years ago
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Talking about hovers at #frontendconf before the power went out (and during) (at Palladium Theater)
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underthumb · 13 years ago
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A wonderful face to welcome me home after a long drive back from the #frontendconf! (Taken with Instagram)
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dougmoney-blog · 13 years ago
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Palladium Theatre Downtown St. Pete #frontendconf (Taken with Instagram)
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rehman-coding · 5 years ago
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#javascript #javascriptbook #learnjavascript #javascriptforbabies #javascriptislife #javascriptprogrammer #javascripters #frontendwebdesign #frontenddeveloper #frontendeveloper #frontenddevelopment #frontendfriday😎 #frontendunited #frontenders #frontendfridays #frontendchallenge #frontendwebdeveloper #frontendthursday #frontendwebdevelopment #frontendconf #frontendmagazine #frontendswap #frontend #frontendfriday🔥 #frontenddev #frontendsunday #frontendfriday #frontendfridre #frontendengineering https://www.instagram.com/p/B7fjp1dAPfr/?igshid=7ln78ar2y2fj
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crawfish · 10 years ago
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The Crew is getting stronger. New member today: James White @signalnoise patched in. #frontendconf (at The Palladium at St. Petersburg College)
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impressto-blog · 13 years ago
We made the Front-End Design Conference video! Phenomenal Javi Fick. Kudos sir!
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webdesignfanboy-blog · 13 years ago
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Great turnout for the #frontendconf meetup on responsive web design (Taken with instagram)
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xxmayxx · 12 years ago
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Sorry for the spam, I just love two things right now, my boyfriend @oh_boy_tee88 and photbooths! #frontendconf #photobooth #photos #thebest
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tylergoelz · 12 years ago
"Authentic Design" - Cameron Moll (@cameronmoll)
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Podcast called Higher
Runs AuthenticJobs
  About Cameron
Full Disclosure: Evernote crashed about half way through the presentation and I lost a little of the "About Cameron" section. Sorry!
Started building sites with CSS without telling upper management. Hopes everyone takes what they learned today and applies that
Session was asked to be in particularly not about code, but his life and journey of starting a business and building websites.
Wanted to be a stunt man when he was younger.
Didn't have access to the internet, so he'd search through books at the library on how to be a stuntman
If internet was around then, he'd probably be a stuntman
Got into college, and grew out of being a stuntman. Wanted to be a film score composer.
Was approached while running his blog authentic boredom to post small ads of people who were hiring
gained traction and dedicated a page
redesigned and repurposed a site calleb authentic jobs to be a full blown, automated job board.
now have 6 people to help building the site and iOS apps
Questions - by Cameron, for Cameron
Q: How do you balance everything?
A: I don't, I prioritize. I know what my long term priorities are and then I figure out how to navigate them. I would ask back the question as "What do you mean by balance?" If I had to answer about balance, I really try to make things harmonious. Family, work, beliefs, giving back to community. The harmony between everything. I may be away from family on a conference for 7 days, but I know the balance has to be work first for short term.
Q: How can I make a name for myself? or my team/product?
A: Write. Write passionately about something you feel qualified to talking about. Even if you aren't, continue. Put something on paper, into something coherent that people can to digest and learn from. Helps to be better practitioners of what we are doing. When you do that, people start to look at you as the expert on that topic. If you can write something that is notable, you will be known for that for a very long time. Paul Nixon, for example, wrote an article talking about Apple and ended up getting enough traction that Apple contacted him and now he still works at Apple.
Q:How do you manage UX across mobile devices
A: Easy answer is RWD. Once you sit down and look at the problems, it's not so easy. If you search for my name and attached "Cross Screen Experience" you're going to find a slide deck that argues that we're really facing a cross screen experience that goes beyond RWD. How do you make things flow from device to device, or screen to screen. ex. Adds something to cart on the train, then wants to finish on their desktop. More often, many uses are expecting the same experience from screen to screen. Most RWD works against that, mobile is different than desktop. For less experienced users (grandparents, parents, etc.), they might think it's too different. How well does experience adapt to different screens, not just responsive design, but experience. We're trying to take the focus on the cross screen experience. Mobile first is a great approach, but needs to be taken further. 
Q: Is Photoshop dead?
A: Is sketching dead? Is Paper dead? Is your preferred method for visualizing ideas dead? I am still a fan of Photoshop but I still embrace new methods. Maybe people are using PS the wrong way. On our job listing, you can see a lot of details. Then there's a section that's optional for Job Perks. You can use the little box (50 words) to list perks. Figured people could look at exclusively job perks and search companies from there. Stopped what he was doing and opened a blank ps canvas. Took 20 minutes to sketch out a mockup in ps. In 2 days, the mock up was completed. I don't think "Is Photoshop Dead?" is the right question. Just because there's pressure in the community about dropping something, doesn't mean to drop something you use well and is effective.
Q: Opinion about iOS7?
A: I like that they are trying to reinvent the IOS experience. They need the feedback from us, but I think it's great that they are trying to move quicker. I think the fact that they did the new iOS in 7 months is great. We need to work fast and innovate quickly. If you make a few mistakes along the way, it's ok. They're getting hammered a bit, and have fallen behind a bit. It's ok to make mistakes as long as they learn from it and progress.
"The details are not details, they make the product." - Charles Eames
Q: How did you background prepare you for what your'e doing today?
A: I remember being at college and saw a quote, "Great opportunities come to those who make the most of the small ones". That's been what have helped. Continually pushing myself to do things I've never done before. Doing letterpress was a new thing.
Q: What was the biggest mistake you've made in your career?
A: Probably the one I never learned anything from. I spent a night writing two full pages about what I thought I'd done well and wrong in a session he bombed. I took those notes and learned from them.
Q: What would you do diff if you were to start over?
A: I wouldn't change anything. I appreciate all the mistakes I've made and the experiences I've had. People get caught up in what they've done and what they could have been if they didn't make those mistakes. Even after rejecting a job from Apple, I'm not discouraged because I've had a career that gave me awesome experiences and opportunities. 
Q: What's the coolest job I've seen posted to AuthenticJobs?
A: Mercedes to design the in-dash displays. It seemed like a really awesome opportunity. 
Q: Most significant?
A: The ones that helped someone change their circumstances for the better. Pay, enjoyment, etc.
Q: What advice would you give to people want to break into our industry?
A: 1. Imitate. Copy. There's value in imitating masters. Picking apart what they've done and then develop your own uniqueness as you master those skills. 2. Push yourself. Try the impossible and try to do things you think you can't do. For example with letterpress. I imitated Justin Fartane. I got in touch and asked him to teach him. Pushed myself to up the anty from 5X7 that they were doing and did a 16X24 3. Understand and learn hierarchy. One principle that people take advantage of. Study how hierarchy applies to User Design and User Interface.
Questions - By Audience
Q: How do you manage customer support w/ three guys spread across North America?
A: Largely split between two people. Our customer support is very simple. Do everything through email. A phone number that goes to Skype or office phones. He's got mon/wed/fri and I have tues/thurs which lets us not break up our days so much. Not having to stop what we're doing in our day to answer a phone. Next hire will probably be a customer support. We do email for authentication. No bots.
Q: What time do you wake up?
A: Usually around 5:30 am and wake up at midnight
Q: How do you balance work life and family life working from home?
A: I don't work from home. when I freelanced from home, it worked out ok. When I left freelancing to go work on site, I wrote a post that sad I'll never work for myself again if I don't have a separate office. I need that separation. About 6 months ago, I rented a space that is my own workspace. People in the office distracting you can be nice, though. "9 patterns amongst User Experience Teams" - medium to highly creative people, a certain level of ambient noise and heighten creativity.
Q: Does your wife work or stay home?
A: She does not work professionally, she is at home full-time.
Q: How long did it take do to the poster?
A: Average design time is 240 hours. Actual time was about 2 years. Only 30% has been design and 70% has been research. Traveled there to see the stones, design, architect, etc. Read a book about 750 pages considered to be most authoritative book on the building.
Q: Are you pieces one typeface each? Do you ever skew the typefaces?
A: Several, usually they're very different. I don't skew the type to make them do what they do. I only skewed a little bit of this one, but I try to stay true to the typeface.
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