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whatagrafy-blog · 5 years ago
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Do we utilize this plant in any way? Shy little green friend. #totouch #or #not #totouch #mimosha #in #nepal # #fruitsfrommyvillage #fromnepal #flowers #are #also #fruit #for #bees #nepal #whatagrafy #visitnepal2020 #salle #village #okhreni https://www.instagram.com/p/B5IT16xAqUq/?igshid=ylc2nf7wcwz8
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technicalsewa · 5 years ago
top 5 best international website hosting company. #website #hosting #fromnepal #www #wwwnepal #nepaliwebsite #buyhosting #besthosting #cheaphosting https://www.instagram.com/p/CBdcfaFn1bI/?igshid=svijkn3c0wla
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preetiagrawaljewelry · 6 years ago
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Look at this gorgeous being... 😇😇 Lemurian clear quartz from Himalayan mines with multiple points, in one of a kind pendant. Can be worn by both male and female.💖 . This one says it will help the wearer specifically with family issues if any and to heal his or her own relationships bringing in lot of divine light, love and wisdom in ones life. BLESSED AND CONSECRATED.🙌💫👩‍👧‍👦 . . . #PreetiAgrawalJewelry #PAJewelry #oneofakindjewelry #oneofakind #lemurian #lemurianquartz #quartz #pendant #healingjewellery #divinejewellery #sacredjewelry #metaphysicaljewellery #handcraftedinNepal #madeinNepal #fromNepal #himalayan #mines #ilovecrystals #crystal https://www.instagram.com/p/BnsiHPyngNT/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=2ygpzt19635
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kolpaworld · 7 years ago
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KOLPA Rolltop Rucksack ready to go. #kolpamade #handloom #himalayanwildnettle #naturalFabric #handmadeleather #vegetabltanned #natural #backpack #travel #hiking #heavyDuty #kolpa #fromNepal (at Kolpa Store)
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imdexstaryu · 8 years ago
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OOTD! #parkas&joggerpants #H&M #scarf #fromNepal #bag #GIORGIOARMANI #shoes #21MEN #F21 #january2017 #OOTD #travelblog #fashionblog #wheninamsterdam #vacationmode #traveldiaries #winterinamsterdam #january2017 #Amsterdam #Netherlands (at Amsterdam, Netherlands)
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arasorhon · 8 years ago
#fromnepal #friendfromnepal #merrychristmas (hier: Nepal)
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whatagrafy-blog · 5 years ago
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“Hey! Whats your name.”? Could anyone help to name this flower? 🌸 #unknownflower #fruitsfrommyvillage #fromnepal #flowers #are #also #fruit #for #bees #nepal #whatagrafy #visitnepal2020 #salle #village #l (at Bhumlu - 4, Kavre) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5C3obhlG6o/?igshid=udtxnpai0fqu
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kolpaworld · 8 years ago
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From Himalayan Wild Nettle to Fabric. Different stages in the making. #himalayawildnettle #naturalfiber #allofiber #kolpa #handmade #strongestFiber #sustainablesourced #fromNepal #kolpastore (at Kolpa Store)
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imdexstaryu · 8 years ago
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OOTD! #coat #H&M #sweater #FOREVER21 #21MEN #jeans #SALSA #shoes #GIORGIOARMANI #dufflebag #ZARA #scarf #fromnepal #earpods #happyplugs #january2017 #transitdusseldorf #Düsseldorf #Germany #OOTD (at Düsseldorf Airport - Terminal A)
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whatagrafy-blog · 5 years ago
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This place is popularly know as the Kolanti but personally called it an island in between the mountains. You can see the colour of this ⛰ is quite different compared to surrounding hills. . . #fruitsfrommyvillage #fromnepal #flowers #are #also #fruit #for #bees #nepal #whatagrafy #visitnepal2020 #salle #village #kolanti (at Dolalghat,kavre) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5AoMz6FbYA/?igshid=h6kjk7lkj19v
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whatagrafy-blog · 5 years ago
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Marigold getting ready for great autumn festival - “Tihar” spreading its hundreds of petals (as the name “sayapatri” suggests). On the left are the wet dishes drying in the afternoon shade. #fruitsfrommyvillage #fromnepal #flowers #are #also #fruit #for #bees #nepal #whatagrafy #visitnepal2020 #salle #village (at Nepal) https://www.instagram.com/p/B467LlHFIel/?igshid=1su7sxvwe1tk7
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whatagrafy-blog · 5 years ago
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#fruitsfrommyvillage A green bean climbing on a dried maize stem and swipe to the right is a beautiful view of village on the other side. . . . . #fruitsfrommyvillage #fromnepal #flowers #are #also #fruit #for #bees #nepal #whatagrafy #visitnepal2020 (at Nepal) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4y1NC1lr3r/?igshid=9tl2ty2vhpl3
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whatagrafy-blog · 5 years ago
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The left is dried corn hung below the roof. Swipe to the right is “khar”- food for out livestock.. . . #fruitsfrommyvillage #fromnepal #grass #are #also #fruit #for #buffalo #nepal #whatagrafy #visitnepal2020 https://www.instagram.com/p/B4wUHF_Ass_/?igshid=1hdk1qsbzsd
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whatagrafy-blog · 5 years ago
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Which fruit(plant) do you think it is? #fruitsfrommyvillage #fromnepal #flowers #are #also #fruit #for #bees #nepal #whatagrafy . . . . . . . . . #pomegranate (at Nepal) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4o85s-lcz9/?igshid=oc356vuwhd9w
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whatagrafy-blog · 5 years ago
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A beautiful flower-Cauliflower. Village cauliflowers are special because of their raw taste, fine structure and when its from vilage, completely organic. #cauliflower #fruitsfrommyvillage #fromnepal #flowers #are #also #fruit #for #bees #nepal #whatagrafy https://www.instagram.com/p/B4mfP8slAY8/?igshid=c4m2nvlfxd44
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whatagrafy-blog · 5 years ago
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A beautiful flower-Cauliflower. Village cauliflower are special because of their raw taste, fine structure and when its from vilage, completely organic. #cauliflower #fruitsfrommyvillage #fromnepal #flowers #are #also #fruit #for #bees #nepal #whatagrafy (at Nepal) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4mM-N7FodH/?igshid=14kt7wtzlol0l
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