#from: chev route (main)
maladaptivedaydreamsx · 8 months
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the shameless midcin plug gets me every time
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(speed) re-reading chev's route for the current collection event bc there's an ending i haven't done yet, it's been an interesting ride. plus, so much of it is voiced now, love it! 💛
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dicenete · 3 months
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I repainted his face more times than probably necessary but something always caught my eye and still does, but it is done. is done. It's fine. xD IkePri Tagteam:
@scummy-writes @goustmilk @solacedeer @m-mmiy @mxrmaid-poet
@pawnkyyy @ludivineikewolf @violettduchess @floydsteeth @wistfulwanderingone
@sh0jun @lorei-writes
A little bit of rambling of him below the break, spoilers (Keith's route, and little bit of Nokto's route) and such :0 so you have been warned.
TL;DR: I enjoyed the route despite its questionable elements. MC is too forgiving at times, but other than that, romanctic route was cute. Licht, the third wheel, was funny but sad.
Okay first about Keith's visual design: I really love how his design is the most asymmetrical from the suitors. Like the jacket and the vest he has. The jacket is very interestingly layered, almost like you aren't sure which part is the main thing and what is the accent. The green or the gold? The host or the alter? : D Same with his vest. His duality is battling in his clothing too hahaha
Keith's route was interesting. I had heard lots of differing opinions about it and I had my own reservations.
One mainly about the portrayal of DID and how the route does it. First things first: I'm not an expert at all. I won't even humor the idea that I had any say in anything regarding it. But overall, it could have been worse? Of course it might be very extreme in the way Alter Keith is hostile towards Host Keith. And of course you shouldn't take this as the only way the alter systems work. But as I said: I'm not an expert.
I had heard that the dramatic route follows Alter Keith and romantic route host Keith. I picked the romantic one. I had my personal reasons for that tho. But aside from that, it was nice to be with Keith that who struggled with self-worth. It was nice to see him grow as a character and find that strength to stand up for himself. (The fact that the host Keith seems to think that he is inferior to Alter Keith and that people would prefer the alter over him. The amount of stress that will bring. )
Keith's uncle was your very generic villain/antagonist without any real depth. He was a spoiled noble and so on. But since this was more about Keith inner journey I thought it was fine that it was like that.
The drugging scene… Well. That's a… a topic. Hmm… Host Keith himself felt very guilty about it and was full of remorse. Not that it was his choice to do it. Alter Keith well… He might justify it because he was gathering information about a rumor that might endanger his home country and people if it were true. I kinda can see where he is coming from, but also...IT CERTAINLY WAS DESTROYING OF TRUST. Like that time when Nokto "accidently" gets MC drunk. but hey ho. Since there is limited time frame for the chapters, I do understand they can't really jam all the things there, but I wanted Belle be more angry with him with Alter Keith for longer.
Maybe that's what bugs me sometimes. That Belle/Emma/MC is sometimes too forgiving and too much of a doormat. It works in routes like Yves and Licht (from the routes I have played, Leon seems like the most respectable gentleman too), because they are not being insulting towards her. I would even think that she works with Clavis, tho I would love to see him with someone who shares his chaotic gremlin energy. But with characters like Chev, Silvio or Alter Keith the their "power" doesn't feel balanced. MC seems to be completely on their mercy even if they stand up to them in some way. (Gilbert is another can of nasty things.)(With Chev's route, well, that is also a rambling for another time. But I haven't finished his route yet. so I will keep my ramblings to myself for now.)
Is Keith's route more about acceptance then? Accepting the good and the bad of a person? Possibly. I would think that is a good way to put it. Both Keiths have good and bad sides. And it seems that they are working on them.
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shatcey · 8 days
My fiancé has become a child JP (Nokto)
Luke Licht Nokto
Strangely enough, there were no references to the main route in this story. Maybe I just didn't notice them. Nokto's habit of keeping everything to himself and not showing his struggle to anyone played a huge part in that story. I hadn't thought about this side of him before, and now I'm really curious to re-read his route to check.
Nokto came to the garden on a break from work and suddenly…
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First of all, I like that look on his face. I don't know why. I just like it. Secondly… I have to apologize. Initially, it was indicated what kind of tree it was. But… my translator told me that it was a "taru tree", and I thought I would figure out its meaning later, and did not take a screenshot with the original text. And now I have no idea what that might mean. So… Let's imagine that Nokto is not a botanist and has no idea what kind of tree it is.
He assumed that she was the daughter of some visiting nobleman, but was surprised not to notice her guardian nearby. He approached her cautiously and asked her what she was doing.
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She reminded him of someone. He thinks that maybe it's not the first time they've met. What's wrong with you, Nokto? How could you not recognize her at first sight?
But right after he found out her name, he just thought… Oh, yes, I haven't seen her all day, that explains why. So calm…
Emma asks him to play, but he says he has things to do, but after that they will play.
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I have no doubt what you mean by that.
In the library, Emma was amazed to see how many books there were.
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Emma asks what he was looking for, and after some thought, he decides to tell her. He tells her that there is a spell on her. And then she asks which one…
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That's so sweet of you to assume that, baby…
He decided not to correct her, but simply to agree with her theory. And he asked her to help to find a book about magic. She enthusiastically began to help. But after reading a lot of books, Nokto felt depressed because he didn't find anything that could help.
He looked at Emma and realized that she looked under the weather as well. When he asked her why.
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Well, this is Emma, she's an empath, she feels other people's emotions like her own.
He on the other hand assumed that she was just bored because he wasn't paying much attention to her. Suddenly the door opened, and Nokto hides the girl that she had not noticed the newcomer. Assuming that if she saw him, she would cry. And considering that this is exactly what happened in Luke and Chev's stories, it was very likely.
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I thought he would at least said something. Like… how did it happen? But Nokto didn't even give him the chance. He invited Emma to return to the garden. Don't you think your break has suddenly turned into a day off?
In the garden, he continued to be sad about it, and Emma handed him another book. Telling that this book is just about how to turn adults into children. He looks into it…
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Awww, it's so sweet of you to think about Clavis right now. I'm looking forward to this event with him. Assuming it's going to be his Belle… It's going to be the most fun. I hope I didn't miss it.
After reading this book, he decided to use everything that was indicated there as methods. He sings (I'd like to hear it. I thought he'd call Licht… he has a wonderful voice). It didn't work. The next one was a potion made from some rare flower. But the description of the flower made him doubt it.
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OMG! I like that look on his face. Serious Nokto is the most beautiful one. In fact, I liked the serious Keiji better too. Perhaps this is already a tendency.
So he decided to switch to other methods… Emma looked at him and asked him to play again. He asked her to wait a bit more… and she started crying
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Awwww, she's such a sweet kid!
While she "wasn't" crying, Nokto tried to comfort her as best he could. But he himself understands that he has failing. She seems uncomfortable in his arms.
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These are new complex emotions. It's a good thing. This is called growing up! You should watch "Inside out". Sorry, it's a different time period. Just take my word for it, honey.
He told her that they were done with it for the day and had to go to the castle. While he was thinking, he needed to find a way to cheer her up.
They are sitting in the living room. Picture books and toys are scattered everywhere, but Emma still doesn't look very happy. Nokto is trying to figure out what caused the sudden change in her behavior. Suddenly, the door opened…
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As we all know, Luke gets along very well with children. Who wouldn't like this cute ginger with a sweet and convincingly sincere smile on his face? So he'll cheer Emma up pretty quickly.
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Oh, he's jealous…
Luke even made a bracelet for her. Nokto thinks he will never win. He feels completely depressed because he can't take proper care of his own fiancee.
Emma, smiling happily, runs up to him and shows him her new bracelet. She looks at him and asks seriously
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Because of his constant gloomy expression, she thought he was in pain. As expected from the extremely kind and caring Belle… I'm sorry, Emma.
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Because he thought she was a child, he gently touched her and as a result began to feel fear of doing something wrong. And Emma felt it. She's really an empath.
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It sounds like a promise. Well, will see, I guess…
He asked if she still wanted to play with him. And she's so glad to hear it. I do not know what will happen next, because this is the end of the normal ending. Well, I guess until next time.
I'm actually very surprised at how collected he is, how much he thinks and analyzes. This is probably my first event with him. As I said earlier, I don't particularly like him. I'm a Licht's girl and probably can't feel sympathy for Nokto.
My previous theory about the dream doesn't work here at all. This Emma is definitely Belle. She is kind, sensitive and very sweet. I can't imagine Nokto being like this even as a kid. Sorry, night boy, this doesn't suit you.
🔝 Start page 🔝
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aquagirl1978 · 6 months
why did chev and gil stop being friends?
For one, when Gilbert returned to Obsidian, they couldn't communicate with each other - imagine the uproar if a Rhodolite prince was sending letters to Obsidian, and vice versa. Yes, yes, they're both geniuses and surely could have found a way. But their in-person interactions - which is really what brought them together - ceased once Gilbert returned home.
Now for the spoilers - Gilbert was in Rhodolite because he was sickly as a child and was sent there to convalesce. While he was in Rhodolite, he received frequent letters from his mother and his brother Albert. Suddenly, the letters stopped. He had a feeling something was up, so he returned home immediately. There, he found his mother and brother were executed and their heads were placed on stakes to greet him on his return home. Once he returned home, Gilbert changed from the sweet boy Chevalier met, and began his journey as the conqueror beast.
In his Second Anniversary story, Chevalier tells Silvio about the real reason why the Foreign Affairs faction was created - because when he was a child, he met a boy who would likely become the obstacle to his goal to unite the continent.
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Ignore me, just Chev simping hours.
Okay, I don't care what the actual truth is but I believe in my silly little heart that one of the the reasons Chevalier, in Chapter 2 of his main route, was reading in the garden was because even as early as Chapter fricken 2 he was (vexingly, frustratingly) intrigued enough by you that he wanted to increase his chances of coming by you again.
Except no.
That's actually super-contrary to Chevalier's usual tack of making himself as scarce as possible if he sees that his presence is upsetting. And you'd made no secret of your fear of him at the time.
Which means the reason you went that whole day, that entire chapter basically never coming across him until you get to the garden is because he'd intended to stay away from you.
Which means the fact that you two ended up coming across each other anyway despite his intentions signifies (narratively) that fate had different things in store and you two are meant to collide.
But isn't it just so 'Chevalier' of him to want to see you while wanting to stay away...
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ikeromantic · 2 months
Fanning the Flames
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A Chevalier Michel fanfiction. Approx. 3000 words. This scene takes place in Chapter 14 - 17 of the main route and is told from Chevalier’s POV. Part 15 of a series.
Chapter List
“Just what is a human life to you?” Leon’s raised voice would have put anyone else on guard. The anger in it simmered at the surface, unsubtle and ready to explode into action at any moment.
Chevalier regarded him coolly, unwilling to be goaded. His brother grabbed his collar and shoved him back against the palace wall. The second prince counted four ways he could have killed Black, but made no move to stop his brother. He knew Black would not listen to reason, not when he was like this. 
He noted when the Belle arrived alongside One. She probably spent the morning crying into his welcoming arms. Chev felt a sharp pang at the thought of Jin holding the Belle, an a flush of annoyance greater than anything Black’s current shouting roused in him. One grabbed the Belle by her shoulders and ducked behind a pillar. 
Black didn’t notice anything. Leon was too busy working himself up into a lather over the border events of the past week. “Why did you turn your sword on your own people? I bet there was a way you could’ve talked it out!” 
Chevalier sighed as if bored. “You’re too lenient. Forceful occupation of a fort is a serious crime that could bring our kingdom to ruin.” Something Black should know. They’d studied the same military history under the same tutors, afterall. “You would call such traitors ‘our people’?”
He took hold of Black’s hands, still wrapped tight into the fabric of his shirt. Then, he pushed his brother off of him in one short, brutal shove. 
“They’re not traitors!” Leon’s breathing was heavy as he continued to shout. “The actions of the anti-war faction are the result of you not listening to them in the first place!”
“I did listen. And I determined that their views are unnecessary. That’s all.” Chevalier tilted his head slightly, wondering if his younger sibling could understand. The sacrifice was required. A handful lost so that the rest of Rhodolite could continue in safety and stability. A tragedy, yes, but one of their own making. 
Black’s expression contorted until he was practically snarling. “You don’t mean to tell me the purge happened because you think those people are unnecessary, do you?”
It was clear to Chevalier that he would not listen to anything he had to say. “Don’t ask a question you already know the answer to.” He straightened his collar. “I can’t understand your anger in the least. I don’t think the choice to purge the few in order to save the many is a mistaken one.”
“That’s because, unlike you, I want it all. Saving the few AND the many is what royalty does!” Leon was shaking with rage, with the effort of keeping his beast restrained. 
Chev felt disgusted. Not because Black’s ideals were not worth having, but because he did not understand that being in command always meant making hard decisions. Hope for whatever you like, sometimes it wasn’t possible to save everyone. Especially when they were the biggest threat to themselves. “It is pointless to harbor ideals that will never become reality,” he replied after a pause.
Black shook his head, off balance now, but still furious. “Still better than you not even trying to save as many as possible!” He took a step back, looked away. “I’m sick of this.”
“Indeed.” Chevalier let out a small, exasperated breath. He watched Leon walk away, the lion unbowed. Black would continue to be trouble. He glanced toward the pillar where the Belle and One still stood. “Well?”
The Belle stepped out, trembling almost imperceptibly. Chevalier wished his presence didn’t frighten her. For a time it hadn’t. For a time, she - no - regrets were for lesser minds. Those that could not move forward. This was how it must be. He was a beast, and she was a common girl with a pure, gentle heart. 
“I was just passing through, so I don’t have anything to discuss with you.” One spoke into the tense silence. He glanced at the girl. “Was there anything you wanted to say, Emma?”
She shook her head. “N-no. I . . .”
Chevalier found himself almost leaning forward to catch her quiet words. He straightened and continued to watch her with a purposefully chill expression.
“Emma?” Jin put a hand on her shoulder to comfort and reassure her.
“It’s amusing how you can’t even look me in the eye.” Chevalier was almost surprised by how distant and disinterested he sounded. As if the dull ache in his chest was not there, rather than only ignored. “I can hardly believe you are the Belle. If you can’t have a proper conversation, stay out of my sight.” He turned to walk away. 
“Wait! Prince Chevalier!” Emma took a step toward him, her hand raised to beckon or plead.
He turned to glance at her over his shoulder. There was a flicker of the bravery that attracted his interest, there in her gaze. She was looking at him now, defiant, desperate. Chevalier resumed walking, searching inside himself for that cold, perfect numbness. Whatever these feelings were, he was done with them and with the Belle. 
As Chevalier turned the corner, he heard One. “I can’t ignore a beautiful lady when she’s looking down.” The charming voice, the kind words. Emma would prefer that to his own harsh, charmless self. He kept walking.
It was no surprise when, some time later, he saw the Belle leave the palace on Jin’s arm. No surprise at all, though it left an uncomfortable tightness in his chest. A tightness that became a low, bitter flame at the back of his throat. 
Chevalier sought refuge in his private library. Surrounded by stories, lives, worlds he could never know, only observe at a distance. Safely. Clinically. He was the Brutal Beast, but he would not be a fallen one. 
He could still remember the lost look in his father’s eyes and the way his mother would weep when she heard another rumor of the king’s infidelity. The horror and fear of the maids in the palace. Men with smirking mouths and barely hidden laughter. All because of love. All because of want. There were no happy endings.
“Prince Chevalier, may I have a moment of your time?” Sariel stood at the threshold to Chevalier’s private library, unwilling to enter without the prince’s invitation. 
Proper to a fault, was Four-Eyes, Chev thought, glancing up only to immediately return his attention to his book. After a drawn out moment of silence, he replied. “So it’s you, Four-Eyes. This is unusual.”
Sariel gave a curt nod. “I have something important to report.”
“Has the anti-war faction made its move?”
“So you knew about it already? I should have expected no less.” Sariel let out a sigh.
Chevalier allowed himself a grim smile. “After an extravagant purge like that, I could guess what the faction’s next move would be.”
Sariel waited for more explanation but when none was forthcoming, he spoke again. “May I ask what that guess is?”
There was little point to needling the advisor, but Chev found some small satisfaction in the functionary’s irritation. He half hoped Sariel would come to the obvious answers on his own, though he knew few could follow the information to its logical outcome as he did. Instead of responding, he turned to the next page in his novel. He let his eyes travel down the page over the familiar words, the story committed to his memory long ago. 
Sariel didn’t leave or interrupt, just stood there waiting. 
“The anti-war faction would spread gran rumors that the purge was a crime against humanity and by doing so, win the masses to their side,” Chev finally replied. “It would then start a large-scale uprising and subsequently propose direct negotiations with the royal family. From there, it would be a matter of time before the faction’s ragtag army closed in on the palace.”
The councilor’s face paled, his lips a thin, hard line as he processed this statement from Chevalier. “You . . . performed such an extravagant purge even knowing that this was going to happen?” Sariel’s voice was calm, his tone neutral. 
Chev did not respond directly to the question, only added what information seemed most valuable. “One of my knights reported that Obsidian’s army came close to the border when the fort was taken.” He could see Sariel’s eyes widen ever so slightly, but just in case that didn’t clarify, he added, “Most likely, someone in the anti-war faction is connected to Obsidian. If I did not immediately deal with the problem, the chaos it created may have allowed enemy forces to take over our stronghold. They would have an undefended opening into Rhodolite.”
Sariel nodded, his hand coming to his chin. “I see.” His mouth curved up in a hard smile. “Your objective was ostensibly to purge the anti-war faction, but in fact, it was to keep Obsidian in check through a show of force, yes?”
Chev snorted, neither denying or agreeing with the councilor.
“The people are unaware of your intentions.” Sariel clasped his hands behind his back. “The number of groups denouncing you, with the anti-war faction chief among them, is increasing by the day.” He leaned slightly forward, “If we don’t act immediately, the public will bare its fangs at you.”
“I don’t care. I’m used to having fangs bared at me.” Chevalier looked up from his book again and met Sariel’s gaze. “The people may bark, but only a small fraction of them would dare to bite. Even in the worst case scenario, I can deal with them. Right now, there are other things I need to prioritize.”
Sariel studied his expression, clearly weighing Chevalier’s words and attitude against what he knew - and what he did not know. The councilor gave another nod. “I see. If that’s your decision, Prince Chevalier, then I have no objections.” He looked as if he might turn to leave, but stopped before taking a step. “However, there is the matter of the Belle to consider.”
Chevalier felt that dull ache in his chest anew, awakened just by the mere mention of the woman. He forced it down beneath the ice, his gaze hardening. 
“I’m sure she would choose a king who is willing to meet his people half-way,” Sariel went on, as if oblivious to the change in Chev’s expression.
“Probably. Her values are the complete opposite of mine.” The prince did his best to keep his voice cool and level. “She would never choose as king a beast who so easily tramples on the human heart.” He could hear the roughness of his voice on the last word, and shut his mouth before he gave more away. 
Sariel said nothing, though his brows lifted.
“Is that so surprising?”
The councillor shook his head. “No, it’s just . . . you allowed yourself to get so close to her that rumors began circulating. People say she is your favorite mistress. Did you keep the Belle at your side even knowing it would have no benefit for you?” His voice was thick with disbelief.
Chevalier’s lips turned up in a smile that did not reach his eyes. “What do you think?”
“That’s a difficult question to answer.” Sariel’s eyes narrowed. “However, you don’t do anything you consider unnecessary. Therefore, there must be some meaning to it.” He paused, pushing his glasses up his nose. “However, I don’t know what that meaning is.”
The prince stood and re-shelved his book. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to answer Sariel’s question, for the councillor or himself. The truth his heart murmured with every beat. He did not want to give it voice. Emotion does not matter.
“Should I assume you don’t want to waste more time talking?” Sariel's voice still held no judgment. 
“If you understand that, then there is nothing more I need to say.” Chevalier pulled another book from the shelf and left the library. His thoughts were in uncharacteristic turmoil. Emma feared him now, as she should. There was no reason that should leave him with this heaviness. As if his chest were full of lead. 
He was so deep in thought that he almost didn’t see his brother standing at the other end of the palace corridor. But she was there as well. The Belle. Drawing his eyes like iron filings to a magnet. She was beautiful, her cheeks tinged pink from alcohol, though her gaze was still clear and full of sorrow. 
Chevalier would have hurried on, ignoring them, but for one thing. Clavis’ arm snaked around the Belle’s waist. She pulled back, but Clavis only tugged her closer, and put a finger over her lips. His smile was wide and sensual, even as Emma struggled against him.
A deep, icy rage rushed through Chevalier’s veins at the sight. A cold as bitter and hard as a winter storm. Two steps, three. He unsheathed his sword and pressed it to Clavis’ throat. His brother let go of the Belle and stepped back, still grinning.
“Oh Chev! This isn’t like you at all! You’re not the one who usually picks fights with me!” Clavis tapped the flat of the sword with his fingernail. 
“Get out of here.” Chevalier’s voice gave no room for argument, not that Clavis ever needed room. He probably argued with himself in the womb. For once though, his brother had no snappy comeback. Instead, Clavis backed away and with a little bow, left.
Chevalier’s gaze snapped to the Belle, quickly ascertaining her condition. She looked fine. Frightened, but fine. Still . . . he grabbed her and settled her on his shoulder. Irrational, his thoughts chided.
“Hey!” She shouted, but didn’t struggle.
“Be quiet. Unless you want to fall?” Chev held her more firmly, just in case she did not take his advice. 
After a few steps, the Belle took hold of his cloak to steady herself. 
Chevalier allowed himself a small smile. “A wise decision.” He carried her to her room and set her down on the couch. The whole time, all he could think was that this was unplanned, foolish. Impulsive. But with the Belle, with Emma, he felt. He wanted it to stop, and he missed it when she was gone. “You’ve really become a huge nuisance. You know that?”
She swallowed nervously, looking all around the room. Anywhere but at him.
He brushed a fingertip along the line of her jaw, down the side of her neck where he could feel the wild racing of her pulse. His hand settled on her shoulder, hoping his touch would calm her. As if a beast could charm a frightened rabbit . . .
But after a moment, her eyes met his. Her chin took a defiant tilt. “You call me a nuisance, but you just brought me all the way here!”
“Indeed. It was unpleasant.” Said more gently than the words allowed, another lie. 
“Unpleasant for whom?” She arched a brow at him, her fear evaporated in the face of her frustration at being manhandled.
Chevalier leaned closer, battling within himself a mix of unfamiliar desires. “You stood out so much . . . I almost thought . . . I could bite the spirit out of you. That’s all.” He could smell her. The light floral scent of her perfume, the sharp tang of alcohol, and that smell that was just her. He’d missed it. 
“I -”
He nipped her throat. He hadn’t planned to. The action surprised him almost as much as it did her. Tasting her skin, feeling the shiver that ran through her against his lips. A trembling that was anything but fear. Chevalier felt an answering shudder run through him, a lightning strike that left a humming tension in his veins. He pulled back, forcing restraint. “That was a warning.” And it was - a warning that he would do more, that he wanted more.
Chev settled back in the seat across from her, willing the cold familiar numbness into his heart. “I’m not so generous as to continue allowing nuisances in my sight. Don’t ever let me see you again,” he said, and if there was an unsteadiness in his voice, the Belle did not seem to notice. 
“But -”
“What,” he interrupted.
There was that rebellious flame in her gaze. That bravery that defied logic and sense. It made him want to kiss her. “If I’m a nuisance,” she tilted her head, “then why don’t you just get rid of me once and for all? That would be easy enough for you to do, right?”
She was right, of course. If he meant it, he could kill her. Exile her. Force her to leave the palace - with or without the consent of Four-Eyes. But he couldn’t do any of those things. Chevalier looked away, unable to meet her eyes. To let her see the turmoil in them. “Indeed,” he said softly. “You’re right. I could.” He drew in a pained breath. “It would be easy to consign you to oblivion.”
“Go on then. Do it.” 
Chevalier’s hand moved almost of its own accord, gripping the hilt of his sword. Drawing it from the sheath. He tracked the slow motion of its arc as he pressed the razor sharp edge to her delicate throat. Killing her would destroy this - this thing growing in him. This tangle of foolish emotions would die with her. And he would be the king he’d promised himself to be. A man free of folly, dedicated to duty. To what was right for the kingdom, not the man. 
But he couldn’t do it. For the first time, here was a foe he could not destroy. “Even a beast chooses what it eats.” His voice rasped into the quiet night air, the words an excuse for his lack of action. A rationale that did not fit the facts. “I’m not so famished that I would devour prey with as little value as you. It’s not worth staining my sword with your blood.” Chevalier sheathed his sword.
“Then leave me alone, if I am so worthless,” the Belle shot back. 
“I don’t take orders from simpletons.” 
Her defiant expression crumpled a moment later, as tears of frustration boiled to the surface and ran down her cheeks. He had not meant to make her cry. Chevalier wiped them gently with the pad of his thumb, but she pushed his hand away. He stood. She didn’t want his touch. Of course not. 
The Belle touched her neck, where his blade rested only a moment ago. 
This was a fool’s errand, he thought, and he was the fool. He left then, without another word. There was nothing to say.
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scummy-writes · 3 months
Ok but what if Roderic ended up taller then gilbert? Would gil start wearing like platform shoes just so their the same height so once gil dies no one will suspect anything or would he like, get rid of Roderic
I feel like getting rid of Roderic wouldn't be a good idea, how likely is he to find another look alike? Probably not alot
i dunno I've been thinking alot about Roderic recently and stuff, cause if i remember correctly Roderic was still young when gilbert found him, im making the assumption that at most they are 5 years apart meaning thay gil didnt really know how Roderic would actually change between there and adulthood, so would gil of changed himself as well so that they'd match more and seem more similar?? Ramble ramble yea
I had this thought last night i just didnt know who to share it with then i thought oh damn maybe scum would wanna hear this
i am big roderic fan so I am happy to think about him BAHAHA I know some folks I talk to haven't finished his route, so I'm gonna put my spoilery response under a readmore
IIRC, Gilbert had the idea when he was younger to find a 'replacement'. I think the main fuel behind that was to find someone who could keep his mother and albert company when he passed. He heard about leon's story (i dont think he knew it was leon at the time) and was inspired by that. Which makes me believe he found someone close in age and as similar as possible, and went on from there to get him to mimic him as much as possble.
Iiiiii. believe he didn't get to do this while in rhodolite? i am unsure, exactly on the timeframe. I assumed that he had made plans for this, then when he realized albert and his mother were dead and he went on that killing spree, he ended up deciding to go along with it for......... his overall plan, but also in my mind some company bahahaha
In chev's sequel, they point out that Roderic must have had facial surgery, which is WILD to me. idk why i never considered that, i guess its the timeframe, but my God they uh. did everything. to make roderic like gilbert.
anyway i rambled a lot. you can't really plastic surgery height so I do feel like gilbert would have thicker soles to his shoes, meanwhile roderic has to pray no one realizes their shoes are different shfbuisjngmdghbdf
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bespectacledbun · 3 months
The World of IkePri — Obsidian's capital
[not really sure what this is exactly other than a way to keep all my thoughts organized and in one place. I talk a lot about the worldbuilding and settings of ikepri on discord with my friends, but it gets hard to keep track of everything, so I figured it was just best to make posts on Tumblr for it so I can keep it all under one tag]
Anyway, I was reading Chevalier's sequel route and got to chapter 3, when Chev and Emma go into town and tour around the capital of Obsidian. My immediate observation was the actual location of the town vs the fortress of the royal family:
Just like Rhodolite's capital, the capital town is located close to the royal residence; however, unlike Rhodolite's capital it is not located directly within the town itself. Rhodolite's royal castle is certainly on a higher elevation (given that one side of the grounds disappear into a cliff, and you can see down into the town from the castle in multiple places) but in general, the entire capital follows the layout of a medieval walled city.
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A walled city was exactly that: the royal residence would be at the most defensible end of it, surrounded by the houses, guilds, businesses, and markets of the main town, all enclosed by high walls with gates, battlements, and watchtowers. Rhodolite's royal castle itself has separate walls and gates, but the town is still within accessible distance. Generally there would be only a single gate in and out of the royal castle, but multiple gates for the town so that carriages didn't have to circle back to go the other way once outside. The lands outside the town gates would be farmlands, orchards, and livestock pastures to feed the town's residents. Obsidian, on the other hand...
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As seen in the background, Obsidian's capital is separate from the main royal residence (the fortress in the distance) and at a MUCH higher elevation than the surrounding town. Disadvantage of this design: the town is pretty much first in the line of fire if invading forces get deep into the country enough to reach the capital.
The advantage of this design, though? Absolutely nobody can surprise attack the Obsidian fortress because with that elevation they can survey the surrounding land for miles, not to mention all the turrets, parapets, and arrow slots that are actually on the fortress itself.
Now, for the second part of this post, the capital itself:
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Like any city, past or present, Obsidian's capital is divided into differing districts– the industrial district to the west, and commercial district to the east. given it's size I would have expected it to be divided into 4 at the minimum, but I'll work with what I get. Chevalier mentions in the chapter that unlike the rural areas of Obsidian, the wealth disparity is far less noticeable in the city, but it's still there, and it directly ties to the two districts of the city. (For my notes on the guilds and businesses of ikepri, please see this post)
More likely than not, the industrial district going to be the poorer (or at the very least, the less wealthier) side of the city. Some of the guilds and businesses that would be there in the industrial district would be:
blacksmiths (along with farriers and other "rough" metalsmiths)
weapon smiths, armourers, and armories
hide tanneries and dyers
leatherworkers, saddlers, spurriers
lumber processors
stonemasons and carpenters
launderers and bath houses
meat processing butcheries
cheaper (or lesser-quality) apothecaries
cheaper inns and taverns
Although it is very unlikely that slums still exist (given how developed the capital is under Gilbert's rule) the houses in the western district would be more practical than luxurious. Farmers would live on their own lands outside the city, but the industry workers would have their houses on the west side as well.
By contrast, the commercial district in the east would certainly be on the more middle-class and wealthier side. The establishments are finer, the guilds are larger and more expansive, and the materials are of better quality. I'm thinking the commercial district would things more along the lines of–
silver/goldsmiths and jewelers
clothiers and fur merchants
tailors and seamstresses (poor people mostly made their own clothes unless in uniform)
shoemakers and hatmakers
bankers, moneylenders, tax collectors
merchant imports & exports
more expensive inns, finer rest establishments
doctor guilds and pharmacists
information guilds
If any nobles were staying within the city, they would likely stay at the royal residence, have their own houses in the east side, or they would be staying at one of the better quality inns. The majority of the markets, government administrations, and military quarters will be located near the center of town, where they are accessible to both districts. Any religious buildings will also be near the center, cause the church bells and the town criers need to be heard all across city.
That's kind of.... everything, I guess? I'll probably add more later if I remember anything important. This is mostly for myself, but if anyone wants to use it for reference (or talk to me about worldbuilding brainworms) feel free to do so
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ceruleanwhore · 1 year
Since I’ve seen so much Silvio hate since his route release, I wanted to take a minute to talk about why all 3 of the visiting foreign princes make me uncomfortable because I believe in equality. Please keep in mind that I am on a break from the ikepri app rn so I have not actually played Silvio’s route, though I did read a translation of it on here previously, but I’m going to try to avoid using stuff from that.
Starting with the man of the hour, first to be released, I’d sum up my feelings about his character as “eat the rich — literally not sexually ya numpty.” He is the embodiment of everything I’ve ever hated about capitalism and the 1% and genuinely, from the bottom of my heart, it would delight me to watch him die because of how he represents that. His jangling, the way he throws his money around (the fact he has, what, 10 billion for Rio to waste on a gem at auction in Rio’s route), and, most importantly, the complete lack of any apparent morality or humanity. He demands everyone respect him because of that money (respect as in deference that comes with authority) while he throws around his bullshit bootstrap rhetoric and refuses to treat anyone at all with respect (respect as in the basic human decency kind). There’s also a seriously sadistic streak in him and so it’s not enough to be a billionaire prince, he also has to take this random woman as his indentured servant and constantly upset her on purpose and demean her to punish her for someone else’s accident.
Next up is Gilbert who, to me, is just plain annoying more than anything else. He and Chev never really scared me or anything with all the violence since it’s super predictable with them, so that doesn’t really bother me, per se, but the way he’s a pushy little dick in social situations pisses me off and if I were Emma I’d be dead because I would’ve yelled at him within like 5 seconds of meeting him. The hell of it’s that he’s supposed to be this master manipulator but he doesn’t seem to even be all that good at manipulation since his is so ham-fisted, he’s just a pushy asshole. My thing with both him and Silvio is that I fucking hate money and I fucking hate authority and I believe that no one, including myself, should have it the way they do, and it makes me immensely angry to watch them use those things to abuse others.
Now, I saved Keith for last because he’s actually the worst of the three in my opinion and he genuinely scares the shit out of me, and not because he happens to have DID, but because of what sort of people main!Keith and alter!Keith are. 
Main!Keith just strikes me as being the kind of guy who would beat his gf and eventually kill her and, every time I see him, he reminds me of the Yellow Dress assembly my high school did about domestic abuse. He seems like the shy, insecure nerd who, in the early days, would worship the ground his gf walks on and just be so grateful that she decided to give him a chance, etc., until that turns into possessive jealousy over time, which then would feed into him isolating her, turning more violent, and then maybe killing her and hiding her body in the woods. Genuinely, the last event story I read with Keith made me INTENSELY uncomfortable from the very beginning because he had these vibes and I don’t know if I’ll be able to read his story because, in my head, Emma will already be dead, basically.
As for alter!Keith, he seems like the kind of guy who would literally be a serial killer, just going off the event stuff I’ve read, plus the second prologue and other act II routes. I could genuinely see him killing with no real rhyme or reason, unlike Chev and Gilbert who are so completely predictable. If main!Keith gives me true crime vibes in a OJ Simpson way, alter!Keith is more like a David Parker-Ray sort of true crime, and they both scare the living shit out of me. I can’t tell you how uncomfortable it is seeing so many people in the fandom talk about how much they love Keith and how nice and cute they think he is when, to me, he’s one of the scariest fictional characters I’ve ever encountered, mainly because I know he’s supposed to be a romantic lead in spite of everything I just said. Silvio and Gilbert would annoy me to death but Keith would do arts and crafts with my skin and hide my chopped-up body in the woods.
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solomons-poison · 2 years
I know I never shut up about it, but Chev in the story events just gets me so fucking good.
(Sorry for event spoilers for "His Ambition Come True" but he makes me squeal; quick breakdown of his story below the cut and so, so much rambling...)
In "His Ambition Come True", Clavis of course jumps into his spiel about being a gentleman, how you have to pamper your lover, and that Chevalier needs to start returning the favor or else Belle might lose interest or feel scorned and turn to someone else. Chev decides to take Clavis' words to mind and tries to dote on Belle for once, as normally she's the one doting on him instead, visiting him with tea and snacks while he's working, reading together in his private library, making him meals, etc.
So we see the very very awkward attempts on his part to try and do things typically out of the norm. However he comes to the dilemma and realization that.. Belle isn't very good at being pampered, and he's not very good at pampering.
But after pointing this out to Belle, she confesses that she's not able to tell him what she "truly wants" because she always feels like he's pampering her. Which surprises him, because he considers himself to be a cold, cruel man, and that he hasn't done anything to warrant this impression.
But as we've seen in multiple events prior, he does in fact pamper/dote on Belle quite a lot. Although he doesn't seem to realize it, probably due to preset ideas of what it normally looks like, he's always looking out for her and doting on her in his own particular way.
During the maid event, he doesn't want Belle interacting with his maids/service staff because he knows they don't all hold a positive opinion of her and wants to protect her from harm. He compromises on many things he would normally put his foot down on or that he hasn't been interested in himself, such as dancing with her at formal events. When he appraised a painting and found it to be a fake, upon finding out the painter only did that to get money for his sick wife, he bought the painting immediately. (He was also struck by Belle's thoughts of how the painting reminded her of him, a frozen ocean). He's cooked her food although she didn't ask for it and knew she wouldn't ask for, just because he could sense she was hungry. He's even introduced her to his grandfather, someone he didn't have a close relationship to until entering a relationship with Belle.
The man definitely comes off (and is) very very cold in the beginning, but his humanity definitely comes out to see the light with Belle's help and love, even though he doesn't seem to fully realize it himself. It's a shame we don't see more of these soft moments in his main route, but I think we just ran out of time with other events in his route. But anyway, I'm soft for Chev and I could go on all day about the reasons lol
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ikeprincest · 2 months
Thought of this scene after getting Clavis' second(?) letter and hurt myself; it'll (probably) be in the ClavChev main story but since that won't be part of the initial release I need to post it so I don't forget-
Clavis stares up at Chevalier's cold glare. Chevalier's arm is only caging him at one side - the other way is free for his escape. If he wants to run, he can take that route.
Chevalier wouldn't leave him an escape if he couldn't catch Clavis again, though.
'Was our palace always so small, or does it only feel like that when I'm running from him?' Clavis wonders.
"...Are you just going to stare at me?" Clavis finally blurts, the silence bearing down on him too much to handle.
(Silence isn't when he's at his best.)
Chevalier's lips twist into something like a smirk. "I was waiting for you to acknowledge me."
"Rather hard to not acknowledge you, Chevalier," Clavis says, using his brother's full name pointedly, "when you have me caged against your bookshelf."
"You could run if you wanted to."
"You wouldn't let me."
"That's true," Chevalier agrees. His smirk un-twists, becomes something like a smile.
'Don't look at me like that,' Clavis wants to say, but lately he finds himself unable to speak when Chevalier looks at him like that. A real dilemma.
Maybe he'd laugh about it, in a different situation. Were this tension between them not what it was.
And then, Chevalier, is leaning in, and Clavis' breath catches.
"Clavis," Chevalier says, "how long will you pretend to be oblivious to this? You are a fool, but not blind."
"...Chev," Clavis whispers, "you can't be serious. I'm- Whatever this is, it's... We can't."
"Why not?"
"It's- It's not normal!"
'Normal'. Clavis cringes at it, and Chevalier gives a derisive snort.
"Normal," Chevalier repeats, like it's a foreign concept to him.
(Maybe it is. Geniuses aren't exactly 'normal'.)
"And since when, Clavis, do you care about what is or isn't normal?"
Clavis swallows thickly, and curls his fingers into his palms. And he closes his eyes, and puts on his smile. The armor feels shoddier than it usually might, but it's armor nonetheless. He opens his eyes, and says, "Even a fool like me has to have limits, Chev."
And then he takes his leave, from the side that Chevalier doesn't have caged in.
It's not the end of things, Clavis knows - he can feel Chevalier's stare on his back, but for now he's gotten away.
With any luck, he might get over this... Whatever it is.
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princess-pray-a · 1 year
Ikemen series random content master list
Silvio saying gilbert to stay away from mc( main story highlight)
Chevalier got clavis drunkk ( event bonus story highlight)
Clavis´s fav book revealed and Chev carrying Mc as a sac of goods??? (Bonus story highligjt)
Ikemen Clavis irritating and venting with Chevalier
Napoleon mood board
Chevalier moodboard
Keith mood board
Luke moodboard
Gilbert moodboard
Clavis moodboard
Silvio moodboard
Nokto moodboard
Licht moodboard
Leon moodboard
Video preview of ikeprielections
Clavis won't let sariel have Mc (main story highlight)
Chevs full handwritten letter to belle and her reply ( handwritten content)
13Th pull chev came home( card pull Results)
Drunk clavis wants your lap (main story highlight)
clavis wants to marry you tomorrow??( main story highlight)
Clavis Sulking , you say won't miss him( Main story highlight)
Add king And Call Silvio Any thing you like!( Main story highlight)
Clavis like gilbert :CALAMITY( Main story highlight)
Ok i Get it Clavis A Certified Kid( Main story highlight)
CHEV Loves You in Clavis route?( Main story highlight)
Chev accepts Clavis( Main story highlight)
Gilbert Asks For Kiss ( event story highlight).
Gilbert loves you ( event story highlight)
CLAVIS WARM THIGHS ( Main story highlight)
CHEVS FEELING FOR CLAVIS( ( Main story highlight)
Rio🧡 MoodBoard
Sariel moodboard
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shatcey · 2 months
Gil on Chev sequel
I've finished reading Chev's Sequel, and I'd like to forget that I've ever read it (I'm lucky to have a very selective memory, I only remember what I want to remember, so I have really big chance).
But before I do so… I'd like to say a few words about Gil. For those of you who haven't read his route, there will be a huge spoiler (maybe a few if you're observant).
First of all… it's definitely a different timeline.
The main story unfolds much earlier than Gilbert's. If I remember correctly, Belle has been living apart from Chev for at least a year in the romantic ending. Besides, they live together for a while before getting engaged. And given Gilbert's condition, he wouldn't have lasted that long. So… It all started earlier… King died earlier or something…
Back to the sequel. I have already mentioned how much I'm NOT happy with this plot and the illogical behavior of the main characters. And I still think so. I couldn't find the strength to go straight to the other ending, I need to calm down a bit, maybe after that I'll find some logic in this (doubt it).
But I'd like to say a few words about the last scene on dramatic ending where Gil appears.
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Are you lying or living in an illusory world like a blondie from the north? Okay-okay, he just turned on the drama queen again.
And he explained the reason for his extremely odd actions on this route…
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Basically he was doing all this just for her, to keep her from repeating his fate. She's like a younger version of him, so it's only natural that he thinks that way. Does he really loves her or only see naive himself in her… that's actually a question.
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It sounds like a bittersweet goodbye… You're a really good writer, Gil.
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No, babe, we're not ready to let you go and probably will never be…
🔝 Start page 🔝
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aquagirl1978 · 6 months
Can you post some Chev sequel spoilers pls pls pls? I've been looking everywhere for some? Like your favorite points, plot twists or any Gil and Chev things?
Thank you in advance 💛🖤
Anon....I am so sorry for taking forever to get to these asks. I read both ends of his sequel in 36 hours and then couldn't process a thing afterwards 😭
I can scream for a while about this, but I'll try to keep this under a novel's length lol
Alright, you asked about Gil and Cheva things, so here it goes.
There is so much Gilbert in his sequel. So much that it starts to feel like Comte's route when it becomes the Vlad show (if you read IkeVamp). And I guess, like Comte and Vlad, they can't shake that friendship that was there since their youth.
In Cheva's sequel, Cheva and Emma go to Obsidian (along with Leon, Yves, Cyran and Lucien - wow that's a mouthful) because of...well, things that happen in the prequel that are barely even important here. Gilbert spends a bit of time with Emma - for obvious reasons, if you read his route, and Chevalier spends some time digging around Obsidian Castle.
One thing that will be nice for players who don't read Cheva's events is they will see his emotional development that was lacking in his route. You will see a Chevalier who is free to be affectionate with Emma in front of his brothers (to which Yves and Leon were thoroughly disturbed). His love for Emma is on full display....and guess who is witnessing all of this.
When the routes split, they deal with the a similar conflict, but one puts the problem solving on Emma, the other puts it on Chevalier. And it's interesting to see how they both handle it - which is they handle it the same way. Chevalier puts all his trust and faith in Emma - and this love is something Gilbert ends up being jealous of.
My favorite saddest part of Chevalier's sequel comes towards the end of his Dramatic Route. Chevalier is put in a terrible, awful, horrible situation, one where we truly see how mad Gilbert is - did you think you saw his madness already? Guess what, you didn't. Anyway, after all the horrible things Gilbert has done to Chevalier (which Leon saved him from!) Chevalier asks Emma and Leon to leave the room.
Gilbert and Chevalier have a heart to heart chat, best that these two can. Gilbert admits that he has known about Emma for some time now (cue shocked Chevalier). He tells him he is in love with her and he had wanted to save her from being tainted by royalty. They are only engaged, and there was still hope for her. He then adds that despite all of Gilbert's obstacles, their love for one another won out and neither betrayed the other. Can these two hug it out now?
Chevalier also had figured out Gilbert is sick and dying. He tells him to get himself better and that Obsidian needs him. Obsidian is nothing without him. This is after Gilbert tried to kill him and even shot him with his gun. That just shows the deep (and weird and twisted) bond these two share. And I think it also shows immense emotional growth for Chevalier.
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caffedrine · 1 year
Hello! Reading through all your post about our tiger boy Chev really warms my heart, I really really love this boy so much and it's interesting to know more about him, more when we are seeing things from his POV. So besides the main route, birthday and his bond levels, which events can we see his POV of things? Cause I think not all story events come with all princes POV.
Thank you so much for your work!!!
Oh no, I'm bad at remembering these things. I think in most multi-part events, the Premium end is often from the suitor's POV - if that helps.
Just as a warning - he really doesn't dwell on his own past. I think this event was just a special service to the fans.
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ikeromantic · 6 months
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A Chevalier Michel fanfiction. Approx. 3000 words. This scene takes place in Chapter 14 of the main route and is told from Chevalier’s POV. Part 14 of a series.
Chapter List
Chevalier glared at the report as if his icy disdain might change the words there. 
“It’s an uprising in your own lands. Embarrassing, isn’t it?” Clavis almost seemed gleeful. “They’ve taken the border fort and set up blockades on the road. The villagers are supplying them with food and other resources.”
“Shut up.” Everything Clavis said was already clear on the page. He didn’t need to hear it spoken aloud. 
Clavis smiled thinly. “What are you going to do?”
“What I must.” Chevalier stood. “Make the arrangements.” 
“Already done.” 
Chev nodded. His brother was efficient at least. He left without another word, though his thoughts strayed. Emma.
His soldiers met him at the palace gates, their gazes as hard and cold as his own. They understood what would be needed. He gave them a grim smile. “We have a fort to retake.”
Another troop might have shouted with false bravado at his command, but not his men. There was no joy to be taken from this battle. Only duty. They saluted, silent as the grave, and then followed Chevalier as he rode through the dark streets toward the northwestern territories. His lands, his people. His fight.
He glanced back at the palace just once. Was she asleep? Was she dreaming? Chevalier felt an odd ache in his chest at the thought of not seeing her in the days ahead. But the Belle had no place on a battlefield. He did not want her to see . . . Chev shook off the foolish thought, the memory of her gazing at him in fear. Her wide eyes and tear soaked lashes. 
There was bloody work to be done, and the opinions of one naive girl could not - would not - change that. It did not matter if the Belle saw the Brutal Beast or no. There was no place in duty for such considerations. And if it made her fear him again, well, perhaps that was for the best. He cloaked his heart with ice and rode on.
The village was in chaos when the knights arrived. Desperate attempts to fortify it against the inland road clashed with loyalists trying to dismantle the same barriers. The fort itself sat in the distance, all gates closed and barred. 
Chevalier knew Black would try to negotiate. Talk them down. Take weeks, perhaps months to determine who the guilty parties were. And such gentle tactics would leave traitors seeded in the midst of the citizens, cowards as well, waiting for the next moment a betrayal would be to their advantage. He would brook no such delays, nor imperfect results. 
“First secure the village,” he called. His knights slammed fist to shield and then split off into their separate companies, each led by a handpicked commander. Chev’s personal guards stayed close to him as he rode into the fray. 
As expected, the commoners put up little real fight. When presented with a professional soldier in opposition, most surrendered. Others tried to fight back, organizing badly equipped sorties. Those died fighting, their efforts more nuisance than dangerous. The real battle was with the traitor soldiers. Some hid in the houses, attacking when the knights least expected it. Chevalier’s troops spent days clearing the village building by building. Days of bloodshed and misery. 
Attempts to negotiate were met with failure. The traitors seemed to have no unified demands. Mostly, they were just angry. Angry at the sacrifices they’d made for their country. The loss of loved ones, dreams of hearth and family fading as duty claimed their youth, living through the pain of past wounds. An ache in their hearts that turned to poison. And the second prince had an idea of how deep that poison went.
Chevalier faced it with the unshakeable certainty that he was protecting Rhodolite. His life, the lives of his knights, and the life of any villager were forfeit to the greater good. Even if sometimes it was hard to hold to that vision when covered in the blood and filth of a battlefield. The peaceful future he worked toward felt distant and impossible. 
Grim resolve kept him advancing. The knowledge that any other action would only lead to more death and despair. But, he found an odd thought filling his mind in the midst of the chaos. Emma. Her gentle smile and playful gaze. The kindness in her, and the strength of her heart. 
Foolish. What was the value of one woman’s life that it should settle his soul in the midst of this slaughter? And yet. He did not chase her from his thoughts. 
Support arrived from the capitol just as the fortress broke. The traitors spilled from the gates, hungry and desperate. Chevalier’s knights met them just outside the village in another wave of carnage. The slaughter was less one-sided this time, as their enemies were well equipped. Professional soldiers with arms and armor, fighting with all the determination of cornered rats. 
The village would be in the Clown’s deft hands, leaving Chevalier free to focus on what mattered. He gazed out at the battle, the fort, and the border beyond. At the edge of the fighting, he noticed a familiar mop of unruly red hair. Jumbo. Why had he stirred himself to - “Oh.” The sound left him in a sudden exhalation. An irrational response he tamped down with a grimace.
“Stay here.” He motioned to the knights at his side as he rode toward his youngest brother. Jumbo stood beside the Belle, his usual lackadaisical smile missing. Chevalier scowled. He could not imagine what madness infected his brothers. To bring the Belle here, to a dangerous place. Her life - her duty  - was at risk. And while he cursed the Clown and Four Eyes for allowing this, he also cursed himself. This was a possibility he should have anticipated. 
“What are you doing in a place like this,” he growled. Chevalier dismounted with a leap and strode toward the two. 
The Belle was staring at him, he realized. Her eyes were wide with horror and disgust. Blood soaked the hem of her skirt and stained her hands and the slip of paper she clutched in them. 
It took Chevalier a moment to realize there was a body at her feet. A knight. And not just any of his troops. The fallen man was one of his scouts. “Ah . . . so he is dead.” He took the scrap of bloodied paper from Emma’s hand, knowing it was for this that his scout died. “He seems to have been of some use.”
Emma’s expression crumpled as if she were about to cry. She didn’t understand what he meant - that this death had meaning and purpose. That this knight served a greater good, and this sacrifice mattered. She only heard the cold, flat tone of Chev’s voice. But she didn’t cry. Her jaw firmed and she looked the prince right in the eye. “This man was one of your knights, wasn’t he?”
“Indeed.” Chevalier watched her, curious whether or not she could see the death as he did. Or if she would fall to simple emotion.
“Th-then -”
“Don’t bother saying something foolish, like ‘You should mourn the dead’.” Chevalier interrupted. Grief was a pointless emotion. It could not return the dead to you, nor ease the sense of loss. What mattered was ensuring the death meant something. That this loss, and the loss of every soldier that died in this action, protected Rhodolite.
“I . . . I . . .” The Belle stammered, uncertainty taking the words from her lips.
Chevalier gripped the bloodied paper, his knuckles white beneath his gloves. “I have no use for the dead. And once someone is no longer useful, that is that.” 
Her eyes widened further, conflict playing out in her horrified expression. Emma’s mouth opened once. Twice. The third time, she managed to speak, her voice cracking under the weight of the tears she refused to shed. “Don’t you have a shred of humanity in your heart?”
Part of him wanted to reassure her, but that would be a lie. An unnecessary lie. It was better for her to understand what he was. A man that forsook his own heart, the right to his own feelings, and replaced them with the logic and reason needed to protect the country. Not individuals, as no one man or woman was Rhodolite. But the whole. He could not allow himself to mourn one dead man. Nor even a hundred. “I have no need of such a thing,” Chevalier replied with an icy calm.
Jumbo watched, his mouth pressed to a grimace of disapproval. Something hard and angry glinted in his gaze. 
“Take the simpleton and go home at once.” Chevalier gave the order without shifting his gaze from the Belle. She wilted, her shoulders falling. Soon she would cry, he thought. He finally looked up at the red head. “If you want to join the mountain of corpses, that’s a different story.” 
“Chevalier. You . . .” Jumbo’s fists clenched at his sides. 
Chev didn’t wait to see if his warning hit home nor whether his orders were followed. After this, she would leave. She had to. There was no reason for her to stay. He mounted his horse and rode back to the battle. This little detour took him long enough, though at least he’d gathered the report his scout brought in. He ignored the feel of the Belle’s eyes on his back, the hurt betrayal in their depths. She would fear him now.
His chest tightened at the thought and Chevalier snorted, mocking himself. He was no lovestruck princeling. If he felt anything in this moment, it was only the strain of battle and the need to quickly end this fight with the anti-war faction before it brought greater consequences. A truth, if not the whole truth. 
Pacifying the traitors in the fortress took days. The turn-coat soldiers fought well, but in the end, they could not stand against the Brutal Beast’s relentless assault. Days of violence, surrounded by blood and death. Chevalier felt no pride in the final moments of victory. The outcome was inevitable, delayed only by the number of bodies willing to throw themselves upon his blade. 
He was exhausted, though it did not show.
Chevalier left his camp, eager for a moment alone. The cool evening breeze was a welcome respite. There was a small lake nearby, and at this hour it would be empty and peaceful. It was there that he turned his steps. As Chev crested a small rise, the lake spread out before him. The water was still, and in it he could see the reflected glory of the sunset. But he wasn’t alone. A small figure knelt on the rocky shore. One he regarded with a certain degree of incredulity. She was supposed to be gone. Home. Safe.
His eyes traced the curve of her neck, the sweep of her hair. That little stubborn piece that always escaped her bun hung now beside her ear, brushing the slope of her shoulder. Chevalier walked slowly, letting himself savor her presence before she noticed him. He knew she would be angry, her eyes accusing.. The Belle was supposed to see into the hearts of men, and he hoped she might see . . .
Perhaps that was the problem though. He was a beast without a heart. The useless organ discarded for his duty. The Belle could not read a page that was not there, no matter how clearly she saw. 
“You’re very likely to be attacked if you wander alone in a place like this,” he said, finally drawing her attention to him. 
She didn’t look up from her handwashing. Blood stained her cuffs, rolled to the elbows as they were. “Prince Chevalier. Why are you -”
“Just taking a little breather,” he admitted. His gaze drifted to her partially submerged hands. A jagged cut marred her skin, seeping blood into the cool lake waters. Chev reached for her over her squawk of surprise. He pulled her arm close enough to evaluate the wound. “You’re hurt. Did a patient scratch you?”
“No!” The Belle jerked her arm away from him with such violence that he didn’t consider trying to keep his grip on her. She was trembling, he realized. 
A heavy weight pressed in on him as he held her gaze. “I was only examining the wound.” The explanation felt flat, pointless. Chevalier could still see the fear and revulsion in her eyes. A cloud of pain and anger over their clear depths. 
“I’m sorry . . .” Her breath was shallow, her words barely audible.
“That’s why I told you.” He paused and took a steadying breath. A familiar coldness settled over him. “I’m not a decent human being. I am the Brutal Beast.” Chev saw the way her fingers curled into white-knuckled fists at her sides. “If you’re afraid, then run away. You don’t need to force yourself to be in my presence.” 
For a moment, it seemed she would run. Her muscles tensed, a slight turn in her posture. And then she went still as her eyes filled with tears. Unable to hold back any longer, they slid wetly down her cheeks. 
“You’re an eyesore.” He sighed, irritation creeping into his tone. She should have run. It would be better for her. But instead, she stood there weeping. For what? “It makes me want to give you something to really cry about.” 
The Belle didn’t reply. Her hands shook as she wiped at the streaks on her face. 
Chevalier searched for something to say, but he had no comfort to give. There was only the numbing cold inside him. And that pressure in his chest. He felt as if he could not breathe. Chev turned and walked away. 
His steps led him to his tent, where he lay down on the uncomfortable cot. He could hear the sounds of his knights as they chatted beside their campfires. A quiet murmur, the crackle of the flames. Chevalier closed his eyes but he could not sleep. Emma surely hated him now. She understood what he was. Saw with her own eyes his unforgivable nature. Her tear-streaked face settled behind his eyelids.
Chevalier sat up and lit his lamp. A book would distract him. He pulled a book from his pack. The words washed over him, the characters taking life in the lines. But the unfolding drama of the enemies to lovers tale slipped away from him as his mind kept returning to Emma. He cursed himself for the foolishness of it. 
After several attempts at distraction, Chev finally got up. He decided he would go check on her. Because of her injury. Which was surely why she haunted his thoughts. She was too much a fool to care for herself and he . . . he needed to make sure the Belle was safe and healthy. His duty, as a prince. The rationale was solid, even if he didn’t fully believe it. 
Emma was settled in a village home for the night. Chevalier found her easily enough, the guards lounging outside her door were an easy giveaway. He nodded to them as he let himself in. A low fire burned in the kitchen hearth, giving the inside a dim red glow. He stepped into the open bedroom, his wintery gaze fixed on the bed along the far wall.
He could see her figure in the tangle of sheets, tossing and turning. Sweat-soaked and grimacing in the grip of nightmares, her sleep less than restful. Chevalier crossed the space with silent steps and knelt beside her bed. He took her arm with a careful grip, his touch gentle as he rolled up her nightgown sleeve. “As I expected. You didn’t even treat it.”
The jagged red wounds ran down her forearm, already swollen and warm to the touch. He took wound salve and bandages from his pocket. Chevalier didn’t note the small smile that lifted the corners of his lips as he applied the medicine with a tender touch and then bandaged her. 
“N-no! Don’t . . . touch . . . me . . .” Emma cried out in her sleep. 
The words hit Chev like a slap. He tied off the bandage and let go of her. Though he could not know what she dreamed of, he could well imagine. Sweat beaded her brow, her expression twisted with dismay as he watched in silence. Another heavy sigh left him. “You really are foolish.” 
He wasn’t sure if those words were meant for her, or for himself. Chevalier took her hand in his, unsure what to do. In books, the charming prince would kiss away the nightmare. But he was no charming prince. He gave her hand a squeeze, hoping the slight pressure would calm her. It seemed to, as her expression relaxed again.
“You wouldn’t be having nightmares if you hadn’t come to the battlefield.” 
Emma slept on, oblivious to his lecture. 
Chevalier said nothing more as he held her hand. He kept ahold of her until he was sure her night terror had passed. She was still, her breathing even. Chev carefully prised his hand from hers and tenderly stroked a hand through her hair. 
He wished . . . but wishes were meaningless. The prince left, closing the door quietly behind him.
“You’re sure kind to the Belle.” Clavis’ voice was teasing, his golden gaze full of barely leashed laughter. He raised an eyebrow, his smile widening as he glanced between the closed door and his brother. “Well well. What’s the meaning of this, hm?”
Chev regarded the third prince with icy disdain. “Not everything has to have meaning.”
Clavis nodded slowly as if thinking it over. “All right. Perhaps I misspoke. I thought surely you would have a reason though.” 
“There is not.” Chevalier hoped this would be the end of it, but with Clavis . . . A moment of silence passed between them. “You are the one who treated her wound.”
A pale brow rose. “Oh? Is that the story we’re telling then?”
It was clear Clavis would not go along with this without explanation. Chev felt his jaw clench and then he sighed. This was not a battle worth fighting. “I’m well aware that my actions are nonsensical.” He held his brother’s gaze, willing him to accept this vague answer.
Clavis stared at him, his smile faltering for a heartbeat. Something akin to surprise flickered in his eyes.
A slight dip of his chin was all the confirmation Chevalier needed to turn and leave. He didn’t want to say more. Not to himself, much less to his brother. He needed to escape that knowing smirk. He needed distance. His steps were quick, graceful. Out into the dark and quiet night. 
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