#from the care bears au and/or crossover my brain is yelling at me to make
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In which Roman Carson and Patton Roberts are the fluffiest boyfriends ever and celebrate so many anniverseries they dont even remember what they're celebrating but it doesnt matter cuz its always a good time to celebrate their love.
Patton has had so many careers (135 and counting) that it puts into question a lot of things. One of which being his age. He's more or less a confirmed immortal.
Roman is a brilliant engineer who for some reason cant build a car or even a bicycle but can build an entire house for Patton and his brothers---TWICE! and also create flawless AI robots. (sometimes by accident while trying to build a bicycle). But he should probably stop building evil buttons on his robots. (He's a regular heintz doofinshmirtz. Self destructing inators, anyone?)
Patton has the remarkable abbility to never have a bad day even when everything around him is falling apart. Its like the universe likes him too much.
Roman literaly has a Patton sense that tells him when his beloved needs him and lets him know more or less what he's gonna need in order to "save the day".
Patton's little brothers all live with him. Virgil, age 16, Logan, age 13, and Thomas, age 6. (Their personalities are pretty much the same but virgil only hides his love of fashion and teen magazines from people who arent his family, and Thomas really likes to win and isnt afraid to use his cuteness to do it. Altough he still plays fair. There are no rules against being adorable after all.)
Patton, being a the ever friendly and sweet human embodiment of sunshine and rainbows, has gathered many friends over his countless years of existance.
There's Emile, his childhood friend from Willows, Wisconsin. Patton was born and raised there but he has been living in malibu for a long time now. Emile however, was shocked when he came to visit. (Now i dont know if this is some american joke i dont understand so anyone in wisconsin who might be reading this please dont get offended, but in the world this au is based on, wisconsin is so stuck in the past they dont have most modern technology. Or even colors.)
There's Leo, his first and best friend in malibu. Patton swears up and down that if it werent for Leo, he never would have found his place in such a strange new setting.
Leo and Emile get into a little friendly competition when they first meet, both eager to prove they are the best friend, but in the end Patton clears things up and explains how they are all best friends. Valerie was there too! And so was Richard. (Deceit).
Richard is Patton's, self proclaimed, greatest rival. From trying to steal Roman, to trying to steal his spotlight, and all around trying to ruin his life and crush his dreams, Richard has done it all. Repeatedly. And failed. Every. Single. Time. Even though he's an asshole, you gotta admire his dedication. He just doesnt quit! He's a drama queen and an attention whore but everytime he tries to outshine everyone it just backfires on him hilariously. It almost makes you feel bad for him, which Patton does. He only ever tries to be friends with him and he isnt completely naive but he isnt as aware to Richard's attempts to destroy him as the rest of his friends are.
Richard has a twin brother, Remy. Remy is your stereotypical, shallow, vain, conceited jerk who thinks he's hot stuff but really isnt. Simmilarly to his brother, Remy is always trying to steal Patton away from Roman. Patton is aware but tries to make friends with him anyway. Roman however is absolutely furious. However, when Emile first comes to town he sees Remy and immedietly has a crush on him. At first Remy doesnt really notice him cuz he's a little weird. He seems cute but its hard to tell when the guy has no colors. But when Patton gives him a malibu makeover and Remy sees him again, he's positively smitten with him. He tells him that if things dont work out between patton and himself, they should go out sometimes. Emile gets so flustered and nervous he reverts back to his old timey slang and Remy runs off. Emile is certain he drove his crush away with his weirdness again, but actually Remy is just outside by the door freaking out because "holyshit how is he this cute how is that possible what do i DO????"
He still tries to get with Patton cuz thats familliar, so its easy. Even failing has become a comfort to him because its normal. He finds the pattern relaxing. But whenever he sees Emile he bolts the other direction. Trying to talk to Emile would be spontaneous, unpredictable new teritory. Its scary. Remy will never admit it, but he's scared. He'd rather keep failing to impress Patton and fight Roman over it than face getting rejected by someone he might like even more than Patton.
Blaine Gordon (Brain) is actually Patton's ex boyfriend, but they broke up on good terms and have stayed good friends with each other. Blaine has more Energy than he knows what to do with. He is always on the go and likes to live on the edge and push his limits. If its got extreme in the name or if its some kind of competition, he's in. And if its not a competition, it is now. Also he's australian. Yup.
He and Emile also get off to a rocky start. Blaine likes to throw caution to the wind, while Emile likes to embroider caution signs onto decorative pillows. However they manage to find a common ground in macrame. Turns out Blaine is pretty good at it, despite it not being an extreme sport or anything, and that sparks some kind of flame in Emile, an emotion he isnt so fammiliar with, at least not like Blaine is. He finds himself eager to compete with Blaine to prove he's better at macrame. What he treats as a relaxing passtime has now become a competition and honestly? He's never had this much fun. Nor has he ever made these nany macrame creations!
They agree that they tied this time and set a rematch. Its their way of hanging out since they cant really agree on much else. (That is untill they realize they each have a crush on one of the twins and start wingmaning for each other.)
The gang gets into all kinds of crazy shenenigans and maybe if i write this i'll inttoduce some of their other friends!
Let me know what you think so far and if you would like to see more of this.
Oh btw, this is the barbie life in the dreamhouse au! Go watch the show its amazing!
Stay Tuned!
#sanders sides#dee writes#barbie life in the dreamhouse#barbie life in the dreamhouse au#now im gonna keep working on as many wips as i can#to distract myself#from the care bears au and/or crossover my brain is yelling at me to make#wish me luck!
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The 100 Disturbances in the Force (a Bellarke/Reylo AU/crossover/something)
A/N Fuck JJ Abrams and Jason Rothenberg. I’m fixing this shit in the only way I know how. I am not a fiction writer, I’m just really pissed off so this is happening.
We’re diverging from shortly after Ben’s "death” in TROS and shortly after Clarke’s left alone after everyone’s transcendence when she’s back on earth. I have not actually watched the last episode and I don’t even care. So whatever I get wrong about the setting, just go with it. JJ and JR had no logical consistency so I don’t have to either.
Also Picasso transcended because all dogs go to heaven. Fuck you, JRoth.
[tw: a bit of suicidal thoughts but nothing explicit]
I haven’t even reread this. It’s almost 2 AM I’m posting without any fixing just to see if anyone likes the idea and if I should keep going with it. 🤷🏻♀️
As Clarke looked out over the earth, she can’t help but think back to her words from so long ago. It’s like we were never here.
Then reality begins to sink in.
She’s alone.
But this time no one is coming back. There’s no one above or below her - they’re just… gone.
Feeling completely numb, she heads down into the bunker. She’s tired… she’s just so, so tired. Maybe she’ll go to sleep and never wake up. Maybe she’ll wake up and it’ll all have been a dream.
Either way she’ll find out in the morning. Or night. Or whenever she wakes up.
As she heads into the bunker, she finds something unexpected - a Bardoan helmet. Putting in on, she laughs as she realizes it still works. What’s the point? she thinks No one’s out there to find.
But something in the back of her mind whispers that she needs to take it.
Collapsing into the first thing that resembles a bed, she falls into a dreamless sleep.
When she wakes up, it dawns on her that this isn’t a dream. This is her life now.
Damnit. It was real. It was all real.
That stupid helmet stares at her, almost as if it’s mocking her. You can go wherever you want! But you’re alone in the universe.
Putting it on, she notices a planet that she’d never seen before. It was… unmarked, but that little voice she heard before told her that that was where she needed to go.
Why the hell not? What do I have to lose?
And just like that, the anomaly opened and she practically leapt through.
This wasn’t like the other trips. Before, it had felt like stepping into one doorway and out another. This… this felt like she had stepped out of a doorway and into an ocean - only one she could breathe in. It was almost peaceful, until suddenly it felt like her body was being violently ripped apart. Then, she really IS falling.
What the fuck?
The anomaly had dropped her face first into ground - cracking the helmet and leaving it broken. Fuck, fuck, fuck.
Ripping off the helmet, she tried to get her bearings. She wasn’t hurt, exactly - well, nothing she couldn’t handle. But now she was stuck here - wherever here was.
Where the hell am I? Nakara? No.. no mountains.
Then suddenly she hears it - a voice. Be with me. Be with me. Be with me.
Clarke is sure she’s dead or unconscious now. The voice sounded human, but there were no humans left. She was the last of the human race.
Oh, the irony.
Be with me. Be with me.
Yes, it was definitely a human voice. Young, broken - the sound far too familiar for Clarke’s ears. Maybe this is one last sick joke from Bardo.
Walking towards the voice, she finds a young brunette in odd unusual clothing clutching a black sweater and sobbing.
“Hello?” Clarke called out rather quietly, not wanting to scare her. It didn’t work.
Out of nowhere, the girl - woman? - leapt to her feet and pulled something out that immediately began to glow and hiss.
What the actual FUCK is that?
Clarke knew danger even if she didn’t know what the hell the woman was holding.
Who are you? the woman - Clarke thought they must’ve been around the same age - yelled at her.
Does she… have a British accent? What the hell kind of fever dream is this?
“My name is Clarke. Please, I mean you no harm. What’s your name?”
The woman’s face scrunched slightly, like she was concentrating, and Clarke began to feel something poke at her brain. What? But the woman began to relax so Clarke didn’t question it.
I’m Rey. Who are you here with? Where are you from?
“No one. I’m from Earth and I’m alone… everyone I love is gone. I’m — I’m alone.” It’s the first time she’s said the words out loud and her voice breaks as the reality of everything crashes over her. She won’t break. Clarke Griffin doesn’t break.
Never heard of Earth. Rey puts away her weapon - seriously, what the fuck WAS that thing? - and visibly relaxes.
How did you get here? When did you get here? You feel… strange in the force. Like you don’t belong here.
“The force? What? I… uh… came through the anomaly. It’s a long story.” Clarke doesn’t even know where to begin, and luckily Rey seems to believe her. Holding up the helmet, Clarke explains as best as she can that it’s a computer that opens up a rift in space that people can travel through. It sounded ridiculous, even to her ears.
“But the helmet’s broken now so I’m kind of… stuck here.”
I might be able to help you fix it if you like.
Clarke’s immediate reaction is relief, but when she thinks about it - what is there to return to? Everyone she knows is gone. Every single one.
“Like I said, everyone I’ve ever loved is gone. There’s nothing for me to go back to.”
I know the feeling. Come on, you can come with me. It’ll be cramped but better than staying here.
Clarke just nods. Maybe this is a dream. Maybe it’s death. Maybe it’s just more of the test. Either way, she was too numb to do anything other than play along.
Clarke watches as Rey gathers up the clothes. Huh. It’s not just the sweater… it’s a whole outfit. That’s strange. Rey clings to the clothes like they’re the most precious things in the universe.
Maybe they are. Something about holding them makes Rey look smaller - younger, more vulnerable.
I — Clarke cuts her off once she’s visibly struggling for words.
“It’s OK. You don’t have to tell me. I know what it’s like to lose someone.”
Ok, let’s go. And with that, Rey begins to walk away.
Clarke doesn’t bother to question where they’re going. Anywhere has to be better than where she’s coming from.
A few minutes later, they come across what looks like a small airplane. She’d seen these in older films and always kind of wondered what it would be like to fly in one.
Rey motions for her to climb in. She wasn’t lying - this is clearly a ship built for one person; but, they make it work.
I’m not… I’m not sure where to go. I don’t have a home anywhere and the only person I loved is gone.
“I know the feeling…”
Rey seems to get an idea and punches a code into a panel with symbols Clarke can’t even begin to understand.
Clarke nods and off they go.
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Hi Anon! I’m so glad to hear you are also enjoying Killing Stalking, and ESPECIALLY glad to hear that it inspired you!! Inspiration is a beautiful thing and you should always take advantage of it when it hits you. And a JayTim or Sheith with a Killing Stalking inspiration would positively slay me, so I think you should absolutely write it!! I sort of re-upped on Tumblr after most of the anti-ship hate insanity went down, so I can’t really speak to that, but I really want to give you my take on internet hate in general, and hopefully that will give you the confidence to write to your imagination’s content. ^_^ Bear with me, I know you were probably expecting some light encouragement, but this is gonna get a bit lengthy cuz I have opinions. I swear there’s a point in here somewhere...
Here’s the thing, and I’m sure you’ve heard it said before, but no matter what you say/write/draw/etc., someone, somewhere, will SOMEHOW take offense to it. Whether their offense is genuine, faked for attention, only minimal, or completely blown out of proportion, it’s bound to happen at some point. It’s just how life works, we aren’t all wired to enjoy or even tolerate the same things. Unfortunately, many times, people like this tend to focus their attention in on a single thing, when their anger would be better directed elsewhere, towards real issues.
And if you’ve been on the business end of hate like that, hate that feels just completely indiscriminate and aimed for the sole purpose of being hurtful rather than for the purpose of real discussion over something problematic, that can be a really awful thing to experience and have to deal with, particularly if you’re someone who may be more sensitive to that sort of thing.
I’m a firm believer that you should never let fear of something hold you back, and I’m also well aware of that being the kind of phrase that is much easier said than done. I’ve held back plenty in my life, circumstances don’t always allow us to go all out, but when it comes to expressing your imagination, your inspiration, your thoughts and ideas, that is something you absolutely cannot hold at bay. Those concepts make you unique and you bring more to the table than you could ever give yourself credit for.
You’re nervous and worried about the backlash if you write something with darker themes, and you know, that’s perfectly normal! It’s not wrong to feel that way, and just because you feel that way isn’t some sort of indication that you “subconsciously know you’re a bad person!” not at all. It shows that you have common sense because you’re well aware of the fact that angry people exist just for these moments, to try to bring you down when you want to present something to the world that isn’t necessarily positive or light-hearted in tone.
I once wrote what I was told was a very realistic depiction of rape in a story (never having experienced it myself, though a close friend of mine had). I can’t tell you the number of horrific messages I received for it, telling me I’m going to burn in Hell for writing such things, that I deserve to be the character raped in my own story, that I should kill myself for just thinking of writing rape on a page so vividly. Does my having written that story mean I support rape? No. It just means that I had an idea with a heavy theme and I felt that I had a message I wanted to portray. I’ll have you know telling that story to a college recruiter helped me get accepted. He liked that I had the fortitude to write my story and not cave into the pressure placed on me to delete it.
So what it comes down to, and really where the problem then lies, isn’t whether you’ll receive the hate, cuz maybe you will, maybe you won’t. It’s in how you respond to this kind of negative message to your work if you do receive it. It’s my personal opinion that it comes down to two things: You can be comedic about it, or you can ignore it altogether. Trying to engage people with nothing but hatred on the brain will only result in more yelling from them, and frustration and anxiety from you. You can’t speak openly to people when they’re single-minded, it immediately sets you up for failure, because every word out of your mouth becomes one more thing they’ll try to use against you. Believe me, I can say from experience it’s a losing battle from the start.
If you’re the type of person who can fight hate with comedy (I’ve seen @ahjareyn do this fabulously), I say do it. Make them see how ridiculous their comments are, and how no matter what they say, it’s just gonna roll off your back because it means nothing. That you actually find it entertaining they’d actually spend time to spew nonsense into an ask box about something they hate. There’s nothing more personally fulfilling than laughing at a hater and saying, “Yeah, imma do it anyway, g’bye.”
Maybe that’s not you though, maybe you’re more like me, and you don’t really want to try to be funny about it. You don’t need permission from me, but if it might possibly help you, let me give you this. You have the right to look at a comment in your inbox and never respond to it, to delete it and go on with your day. Hell, you can delete everything in your inbox and never give it a wink. That’s the beauty of the delete button. People who send messages that are honestly just trash because their message isn’t worth two seconds of your time deserve an immediate delete button. Why waste your breath on someone who doesn’t actually care about what they’re saying, but really just wants to provoke some sort of reaction? Why bother with someone who actually spent time seeking out the very thing they hate just so they can go yell at someone anonymously?
People who write these messages have things going on in their lives that make them hateful and spiteful and bitter, and it’s not up to us to help them “get it out of their system” so to speak. The best thing you can do for attention-seeking haters is to show them that you really just don’t give a shit what they have to say. And that’s why complete silence or comedy are the only ways to go.
All this said, I really really REALLY want you to write that AU I need it in my life hahaha I can’t promise you won’t get hate for it, but I can promise that if you do, and you find yourself feeling overwhelmed by it, I will be here, amongst countless other JayTim and Sheith lovers, and we will be more than happy to encourage you at every turn, and to let you know that the people who really matter are supportive of you, and only want you to succeed and be happy and enjoy your ships to every degree you possibly can.
TL;DR Shake them haters off, Anon. Haters got nothin’ but garbage to spill from their lips. You do you. I’m feeling thirsty for a KS/JayTim crossover *__*
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