#from succession is still the unsung hero of succession to ME. sorry i loved him i was a frank girl it must be said. krank frogan i was ther
steelycunt · 1 year
frank emerging as the unexpected hero of this piece...who would've thought who would've guessed...and yet...he's just a stand up family man fr...
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whiskey-bumblebee · 6 years
Would you consider doing a one shot on Wedge Antilles from the original Star Wars trilogy? Maybe one centered around jealousy with fluff at the end??? Really up to you, I’m not picky. :) Love your writing and thank you!!!
Do Something About It
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Pairing: Wedge Antilles/ReaderWord Count: approx. 580A/N: Sorry this took so long, university just started. Requests still open, but they won’t be same day anymore. xx
Although Wedge appeared calm, sipping his drink and staring into the middle distance, anyone who followed the line of his eyes would know he wasn’t absentminded.
You danced, tossing your hair and laughing. Celebrating the success of the rebellion in the Battle of Yavin, drinking to forget those the rebellion had lost.
Luke was dancing with you, hands holding yours as he spun you. The wide smile on his face made Wedge’s jaw clench. Luke mouthed the words of the song to you, making you laugh again. His hands fell to your waist as the two of you spun around the room. 
“Kriffing golden boy. I’m starting to hate that guy.”
Wes Janson smiled at his pilot. “What you’re feeling is jealousy, not hatred. There’s a difference.”
Wedge huffed a laugh, no smile on his face. “Why should I be jealous?”
Wes turned and motioned for another drink. “Oh, no reason. You’ve only been eyeing her up forever, and now Luke’s the one dancing with her.”
“Not forever.”  
“If she doesn’t know that you’re into her, time isn’t going to stand still and wait for you to grow a pair. And from the look of things, neither is Luke.”
Wedge sighed as Luke took your hand and twirled you again. “Say I can’t dance, what then?”
Wes tapped his finger against the rim of his glass and raised an eyebrow. 
“And how would I get her attention?”
“Let’s try this.” Wes yelled your name. When you turned, he gestured you over. You said something to Luke, and he nodded, turning to the next person and dancing with them instead.
“Maker, Wes, that’s not discr-” Wedge quickly lifted his drink to his mouth.
“Hi,” You smiled. “What’s up, Wes?”
“Not much, Wedge was just wondering if you need a drink after all that dancing.”
“Oh,” You turned to Wedge, still smiling. “I would like one, actually.”
You ordered and reached for your wallet, but a hand landed on yours. 
“My treat,” Wedge smiled. 
“You sure?”
Wedge nodded and pushed a couple of credits across the counter.
“You’ve been at the bar a while, want to dance when I’m done?”
Wes nodded over your shoulder, mouthing ‘yes’ to Wedge.
Wedge nodded. “Sure. You’re not too busy with Luke?”
You laughed lightly. “He only knows about two different moves and he’s popular tonight. I’d much rather dance with you.”
Wedge blushed slightly and coughed to distract you from it. 
“Alright,” He grinned.
You took a seat beside him.
“I like Luke,” You mused, watching him dance. “But he’s not my type. Girls just fall at his feet.”
“And death stars, apparently.”
You laughed and nudged Wedge. “It wasn’t all him. Red Squadron did a great job. That includes you.”
Wedge turned and smiled at you. “So what is your type?”
You reached out to play with a strand of hair on the side of his head. “For a start, I prefer brunettes.” 
Wedge raised an eyebrow. 
“And I tend to like the unsung hero,” You whispered as you leaned in.
“Care to sing me sometime?”
You laughed. “There’s one thing I want to do first.”
You pressed a soft kiss to his lips, chaste, gauging a reaction.
Wedge’s hand cupping the back of your head was enough for you to kiss him again, deepening the kiss as your hand fell to his knee.
You pulled apart, his hand falling away from the back of your head.  
Shy, you glanced away. “You’re my type.”
He chuckled and took your hand, giving it a soft squeeze. “I’m glad.”
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scifi4wifi · 6 years
I didn’t bury the lead. Steve Dikto, one of the foundations of the current Marvel Universe, a forgotten titan, a master of magic, a spinner of webs, with vision as far as the eye could see, has past beyond Eternity’s reach. Steve left us at the age of 90.
Not much to tell you don’t already know, so I am going to tell you a story you don’t know:  the strange story about my rediscovery of Steve Ditko.
Ditko’s Spider-Man
The Universe didn’t want this story told. On the day I got the assignment, I was driving (I am an Uber driver sometimes, so my epiphanies often happen behind the wheel) and I talked to my boss, I had a whole lot of ideas of what I wanted to talk about.
Steve Kitko
Steve is relatively unknown to most of the modern readers of comics, unless they have managed to stumble across a copy of Strange Tales withering in a basement somewhere, Ditko’s name is rarely invoked, even while people consume the timeless quality of his creativity without ever knowing it.
The fact is that many of Marvel’s early creators such as Dikto created work-for-hire, and as such anything they created for Marvel back then meant it belonged to Marvel and the creator would never know any further income from the work, no matter how it was transformed, revised, expanded, or turned into a blockbusting movie making billions and billions and billions of dollars.
That those creators are usually never compensated again, no matter how much money gets made, is wrong. So many of these early creators, these unsung heroes, who created something which became fabulous, would still die broke, without even the most basic amenities of life, while executives who lack the creativity of plaster of Paris, rake in the billions from their exploitation of greater minds.
I understood how such exploitation get done. I know it’s pure greed. But most importantly, I realized it was the secretly the death knell for the Big Two’s creativity.
You see, people like Steve Ditko created because they loved doing it. He created freely, with the hope that his creations would live independently of him. Steve’s creativity was the kind of thing which didn’t just appear or simply exist.
Steve’s designs inspired — when they didn’t mock, or when there wasn’t a secondary meaning in something he created. Steve was a layers kind of creator. In his portrayal of Spider-Man’s foes, he brought to life, the Everyman villain — not a mastermind, sometimes a genius, sometimes a dufus. Usually just that guy up the street, late with his rent. Electro was Max Dillon, electrical worker. Just a regular Joe.
Steve’s signature design on Spider-Man’s costume has morphed over the ages, but has rarely been improved upon. And even all these years later, Spidey’s red and blue has remained as iconic as many other Ditko’s designs.
And this leads me to the crux of the problem.
When creators like Ditko are taken for granted, when they are not seen as the visionaries they are, they wither. They revert into themselves. They lose the faith. They falter. Sometimes they get back up, wading back into the battle. But if they are too far ahead of their time, with ideas too strange for the world they live in, they are mistaken for kooks, birds too unusual to be around.
Steve Ditko was such a fellow. Creative to a fault, his iconic works survived his relatively brief stint at Marvel. Spider-Man’s classic costume, the immortalized cape, costume and accoutrement of the magnificent Doctor Strange.
He would create a number of Spider-Man’s most iconic rogues, foes who would appear again and again, as famous in their way as Spider-Man: The Vulture, Dr. Otto Octavius, Sandman, Dr. Curt Conners (the Lizard), Electro, Mysterio, Green Goblin, Molten Man, The Tinkerer and the Jackal.
And to be fair, he created other heroes outside of Marvel. He helped bring into being DC’s Captain Atom, Ted Kord’s Blue Beetle, the other laughing madman of the DC Universe, the Creeper, Shade, the Changing Man and everyone’s faceless conspiracy theorist, the Question.
I wanted to tell you Ditko’s passion was the ordinary man, te man who rose up through dint of effort to challenge a hostile Universe.
It was Steve’s story and despite his early success, he would never enjoy the fame his creations deserved. He fell from sight, making few appearances and working on a variety of smaller projects, like Mister A, a character based in Ayn Rand’s objectivism, an extreme character whose ideals were literally black and white. Mister A is the Question, if he were able to be R-Rated.
It was a shame that when the Question became part of the Justice League on Cartoon Network, Ditko didn’t make any money. Before you begin your rants on the rights of companies to do work-for-hire and talk about they were fairly paid for their efforts at the time and no company should be expected to pay them again when the medium changes, let me remind you that the creative act is a singular one, not a commodity that comes out of a box. That’s somebody’s soul they’re selling you.
Which would then lead me to the idea that creators have rights now. They don’t want to do work-for-hire unless its with already existing characters. No one wants to create anything now unless they can get a piece of the action.
Good. The side effect of this renewed opportunity is the Big Two’s inability to create anything new. At the very same time new comic companies were popping up like daisies, the Big Two had become moribund, recycling their golden age and silver age heroes again, unable to even create an effective second generation of those heroes.
The last thirty years has been rehashing, re-warming, stir-frying their same old lineup of characters, hoping for something, a new perspective, a new recombination, a chance for a spark of something which would appease the creation of something new, which neither company has managed to do since the early ninety’s, once writers started getting hip.
Those same creatives who made them great were also the last time anyone in those companies created anything new. Anything inspirational. Anything with vision, anything with longevity. I can name the handful of new creations since 1996 that are still in play, well liked, and have a following. Yep. Deadpool.
I wanted to tell you all of this: but the Universe would not let me. Seriously. The next morning after I got the assignment, there was a power outage in my neighborhood. Power didn’t return for hours. When it did, I sat down to a computer which no longer worked. The surge protector may have only done half its job. The computer survived, but the hard drive didn’t.
Jesus saves. So does Thaddeus. Restoring my drive took a bit longer than I was happy with but when I was done, I realized it was almost time for my wife and son to head off to Japan for their first visit to my favorite island nation. The anxiety of dealing with sending them off and waiting nervously to land, distracted me further. Then I passed out for a day exhausted after being awake for two days, collapsing after I dealt with a plumbing issue.
But this whole time, I kept having the feeling I was missing a thread, something which would bring my ideas about Steve Ditko, an artist who defined my childhood. As a fan of Doctor Strange, Ditko’s strange was surreal, super-fantastic, and groovy all at the same time. But it was when I reread Strange Tales #138 that I realized what was missing.
The pages which made me a Ditko fan will follow. The scene when Doctor Strange enters the Eye of Agamotto, exploded my ten year old mind. A world within a world? It was too much.
Then Dikto too me on a magic carpet ride with his dimension hopping and to the meeting which forever made mine Marvel. Doctor Strange’s first meeting with the living personification of the entirety of the Marvel Universe.
Hold on. I just want you to sit with that for a second. This meeting would haunt me for years as I tried to understand what had happened: Doctor Strange left the Universe to be outside the Universe, to talk to the Universe. And it answered. Wooah!)
Steve, you gave us Eternity, a breathtaking vista, to a place beyond imagination. And he’s taken you back. The format of this story is different. Like Steve was, layered, complicated, unappreciated in his prime.
We didn’t deserve you. We didn’t tell you how much we loved you. We’re sorry, man. You were a bloody genius.
I was trying to tell you guys this all week. I’m glad you could wait.
Link Notes
List of Ditko Characters – https://en.wikipedia.org/…/Category:Characters_created_by_S…
Steve Ditko, Mister A: Dial B for Blog: http://dialbforblog.com/archives/296/
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Steve Ditko: 1927 – 2018 I didn't bury the lead. Steve Dikto, one of the foundations of the current Marvel Universe, a forgotten titan, a master of magic, a spinner of webs, with vision as far as the eye could see, has past beyond Eternity's reach.
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Animage May 2012 - Interview with Ayahi Takagaki (Kurama), Konno Jun (Hamano) and Yoshino Hiroyuki (Hayami)
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Full scans can be found here: http://inazuma.pmsinfirm.org/?p=222
Notes: The very first magazine article I tried to translate - three years later I FINALLY finished it. One of the few articles about my beloved Kurama~
Round Table Discussion - Raimon Second Year Close Up Talk
‘Don’t Call Us The Stay At Home Trio!’
While they’re second years along with Shindou and Kirino, they don’t have a character song or even a role in the movie? They may not play a spectacularly important role, but they keep going strong, without ever giving up. They are the definition of Raimon Spirit! We looked back over the first series with the actors who play this unshakable trio.
 Out of the second year trio, Kurama has probably grown the most.
 Hayami, Hamano and Kurama are referred to as the ‘Second Year Trio’ among fans, but they also have another nickname - the ‘Stay at Home Trio’.
 Konno: That’s because we were left behind when everyone went to God Eden (laughs).
 Yoshino: But if anything did happen, how were we three supposed to stop it?
 Takagaki: Seriously!
 You could also say you three play the ‘unsung heroes’ of Raimon, but what was your first impression of your character?
 Konno: Hmm. The first time I saw his design, I noticed Hamano’s hands were directly thrust into his pants. Not in pockets.
 Takagaki: Is he a child?
 Konno: Right, I thought he must be a mischievous, childish sort of kid, but in reality he’s not really that kind of person. He’s very light-hearted, and he often shows that he does think seriously about things.
 In what way were you instructed to play him?
 Konno: I was first told ‘In any case, just play him with a carefree air,’. In the first match against Eito, he says ‘Minamisawa-saaaan~’ and passes the ball, but the sound director told me to play it with less intensity. Even if it felt like he had no determination, that was okay. Furthermore, Endou’s story feels like it was made in the Showa era (older), but Tenma’s story feels like the Heisei era (modern). Hamano and Hayami and the others speak more like modern teenagers.* I feel like keeping that in mind solidified Hamano’s character for me.
 *It’s hard to translate this part, but recently young Japanese have a tendency to say things that sound like the opposite to what they mean. So, instead of saying ‘it is,’ they would say ‘isn’t it?’. The meaning is the same but the way of saying it is different. Kind of confusing. Sugoi means amazing, right? Sugokunai means ‘not amazing’, but when young people say it they mean ‘amazing’. I’m bad at explaining it, I’m sorry! Basically they speak like modern Japanese teenagers in GO. They sound younger.
 Takagaki: In my case, when I first saw Kurama’s design I thought to myself ‘He’s so tiny!’ (laughs). Before the anime started, one of the staff members said to me ‘In any case, please play him as kind of an unpleasant person.’ And then Level Five’s Hino (Akihiro) said to me that ‘Kurama is Suneo*.’ (laughs)
 *Honekawa Suneo/ Sneech from Doraemon. A spoiled rich kid who likes to show off to his friends to make them jealous. His personality is cunning, prideful, arrogant and narcissistic.
 Konno: Huh? (laughs)
 Takagaki: Before the show started, I imagined he was some kind of spoiled rich kid ‘Nori-chama’ (laughs), but that wasn’t what was meant at all - I would say it’s more like he’s a counter or foil to the main character. That’s what was meant by those words. You feel that Kurama is completely against the winds of revolution that Tenma brings. So I think he was meant to be disliked by fans who support Tenma.
 He’s a kind of an unpleasant senpai, isn’t he?
 Takagaki: He is. But Kurama also has passionate feelings about soccer, and he’s a pretty good kid. What I was particularly careful about was how to show the sense of distance he felt in his heart towards Tenma and free soccer as it got smaller. In the second half of the anime, scenes where he puts more trust in his kouhai gradually increase, and I think he really grows as a person.
 He came to Tenma’s side and became a shield for him…
 Takagaki: He did. His special moves aren’t really that successful (bitter laugh), but he really works hard. For their hissatsu tactics Ultimate Thunder, in the end Kurama couldn’t do it either and Tsurugi came to save them, but when Kurama sees his kouhais working hard like that, he thinks ‘Next time will be me!’
 Next is Yoshino-san - in a previous talk show you said that you thought Hayami was ‘some kind of penalty game’.
 Yoshino: Yes. At first I felt like ‘I’m really gonna play this guy?’ and that it would be difficult (laughs). But since I heard adult Kidou would appear too I was glad I got to play two completely different roles. Hayami is, in any case, a negative guy and I’ve given up on thinking he’s gonna develop past that, since he’s consistently negative about everything. But I wonder is that what’s interesting about him?
 Takagaki: But in the end, in episode 45, Hayami became really positive!
 Yoshino: Since everyone else was so happy and excited, he probably thought he couldn’t be the only one not all pumped up? (laughs)
 Takagaki: No! Surely he was actually that happy too!
 Konno: Wouldn’t it be a real shame that if even after they’d conquered the Holy Road and defeated Fifth Sector he was still negative?
 Yoshino: But, well, his basic personality hasn’t changed. If it were up to me, I’d probably say to Hayami ‘If you’re not gonna just play soccer, then get out of here already!’
 Takagaki: Don’t be like that! Hayami is trying his best! Everyone in Raimon was burdened with having to compromise by playing controlled soccer for a really long time, but he’s had the same feeling as everyone else for wanting to play free soccer all this time! So I think that in the end all of us in this three person team got to show our true selves!
 Yoshino: Well, I guess. Out of the three of them, I would say Kurama in particular. He’s grown a lot.
 Please tell us about the most memorable scene for you from the first series.
 Konno: The scene that had the biggest impact was when Hamano took a pass and said ‘I ended up taking it… (against his better judgement)’. Hamano’s passes are often intercepted during matches. That seems to be his role (laughs).
 Takagaki: He says like ‘Huh?’ a lot (laughs).
 Yoshino: It’s becoming a bit like Hamano is the gap in the team.
 Konno: Even so, he’s only benched when he’s injured. Kidou-san uses Hamano more than you’d expect.
 Yoshino: He really does. Hama-chan is used all the time.
 Then, in episode 19 when the talk turned to ‘starting a revolution’ Hamano was in the most high spirits.
 Konno: He suddenly became super hyped up all by himself (laughs). He said ‘Wouldn’t a Resistance be cool?’. With those goggles he wears on his head doesn’t he look like the hero of a beloved anime series? They’re different to Hayami’s glasses and there’s no real purpose to them (laughs).
 Takagaki: Kurama’s most memorable scene was… It’s gotta be when Minamisawa-san quit the club and Kurama exploded at Tenma about everything he was thinking. Up until then, Raimon could only play soccer following the rules they were given - they understood that it was all they could do - when Tenma entered the club and demolished Raimon’s way of doing things. Because of that, the forward wearing the number 10 shirt, Minamisawa-san, who worked together with the forward wearing the number 11 shirt, Kurama, left. ‘We put up with everything because we have no choice, so don’t interfere!’ he vented, showing how he felt about soccer.
Tenma became pretty depressed when Kurama yelled at him.
Takagaki: He did. But Kurama did have a good point, and I think by speaking up it made an impact on Tenma and the others.
 Yoshino: My most memorable moment in the whole series was when Sangoku actually managed to catch a shoot.
 Konno/ Takagaki: (laughs)
 Yoshino: If you compare Inazuma GO’s Holy Road and Inazuma Eleven’s Football Frontier, there’s definitely more goals - at least one - scored against Raimon.
 Takagaki: Really?
 Yoshino: Endou definitely makes a difference.
 Endou Kantoku should teach Sangoku some goalkeeper moves.
 Takagaki: Yeah!
 Yoshino: He’s probably given up on Sangoku’s potential. ‘This kid’s a lost cause,’ (laughs)
 Konno: Don’t say that! (laughs) But Sangoku really is loved by everyone.
 Whenever Sangoku goes to save a goal, the cast seem to point out ‘No, it’s impossible!’
 Takagaki: That’s true. Well, during test runs.
 Konno: Hey, it’s mostly Nojima-san and Yoshino-san (laughs).
Yoshino: Hey, everyone does it!
 (All together) (laughs)
 Takagaki: When we all went out to dinner together before, and broccoli came in our salad, Saiga (Mitsuki - Shindou) san and the others got really excited about it. Everyone ate Sangoku-san and he was delicious. (laughs)
 Next, what was Hayami’s most memorable scene?
 Yoshino: Hayami is always like ‘Waaaa, waaa - it’s hopeless!’ That’s what I find most memorable about him because he’s always saying that.
 But wasn’t the scene he did Zero Yon against Kaiou Gakuen pretty cool?
 Takagaki: Yeah, that was cool!
 Yoshino: I guess. Even if he started it by crouching down.
 Konno/ Takagaki: (laughs)
 Yoshino: It was like he suddenly crouched down in the middle of the match and told everyone ‘Wait a sec, wait a sec! I’m gonna dribble!’
 Konno: He completely stopped moving. (laughs) But it’s an easy hissatsuwazza to understand.
 Yoshino: It’s funny and very Inazuma-like. I think it’s good that kids can mimic it easily.
 When the match was over it was cute how Hamano sympathised with Hayami.
Takagaki: Those two really are close! I think it’s a great relationship.
 Yoshino: Yeah, Hayami’s always fishing with Hama-chan.
 Konno: Hayami always comes with me when I go fishing. I’m grateful.
 Takagaki: I’m jealous that you get to see a lot of those two outside of school and the soccer club.
 Konno: But at the beginning there was scenes of all three of them in the classroom together. They’re probably all in the same class.
 Yoshino: I wonder what class Nishiki is. Although he suddenly returned to Japan out of nowhere.
 Takagaki: I want to see more of the second years’ lives back then and how they interact with each other. Personally I want to see Kurama’s regular clothes too. An episode like from Endou’s series, where everyone goes to an amusement park or something!
 In the ending theme Kanari Junjou there was a tiny bit. Kurama was talking on the phone to his parents about what today’s errands were, and Hamano seemed to be playing games.
 Takagaki: That’s true! I’m glad we could see just a little bit of their normal lives.
 Konno: Hamano seems to have a smartphone. He’s holding it with two hands.
 Yoshino: A smartphone? You??
 Konno: Yes! (laughs)
 Takagaki: I want to see everyone’s families.
 Yoshino: I wonder what Hama-chan’s house is like?
 Takagaki: Doesn’t he seem like he comes from a big family?
 Yoshino: Like he’d be the second youngest of five siblings?
 Konno: He’s definitely not the oldest.
 Yoshino: Ham-chan doesn’t have the sense of being an older sibling. (laughs)
 What could Hayami be doing in the ending theme? He looks disappointed.
 Yoshino: I wonder if he’s reading his emails.
 Takagaki: Like ‘No emails. Only magazine subscriptions.’ or something.
 Yoshino: ‘Today’s horoscope is shit too,’ or something.
 Konno: That’s harsh!
 Now let’s talk about your other roles. Please tell us about your feelings for this past year.
 Takagaki: I also play Aoyama. Aoyama was part of the second team, then quit the club but when he saw how Raimon rebelled against Fifth Sector he returned to the club. But he still doesn’t really have many chances to actually play…
He was sulking a little bit about that with Ichino on the bus.
 Takagaki: He was! (laughs) He probably thought he’d be made a regular right way when Minamisawa-san left.
 Yoshino: I thought so! (laughs)
 Konno: If luck was on his side! (laughs)
 Takagaki: There was already an episode where Amagi-senpai was worrying that all these new kids came out of nowhere and could someone keshins, and then a member of the Italian mafia came out of nowhere... (laughs)
 Konno: A member of the mafia with pink hair! (laughs)
 Takagaki: That’s right, Someoka-san! When they were down, he gave them some strong words. With that, they all learned that if they work hard one day their efforts would pay off. I think they were all able to realize that they really did love soccer. I think that’s why at the very end Aoyama and Ichino could finally use a combination hisstatsuwazza! Kidou-san, thank you for finally letting us play! (bows)
 Yoshino: No problem. (laughs)
 Takagaki: Aoyama’s played in one match before, but you could really feel he and Ichino were playing together as one during that match. Both of them were playing for every member of the second team then.
 Saiga-san has also said that the ‘First years get all the best parts’ and ‘I want the hard-working upperclassmen to be appreciated more’. (Prince Animage Winter)
 Takagaki: That’s it exactly!
 Yoshino: But it can’t be helped.
 Takagaki: When they were thinking ‘Even if I can’t do it well, I’ll still do my best!’ first years who COULD do it came and stole the show. Enter Kageyama Hikaru (laughs).
 Yoshino: He was told to try by the coach. ‘I think I can do that’ ‘Okay, go for it’. (laughs)
 Konno: In some ways that’s typical of a soccer player.
 Yoshino: Well, it’s nice to have a lot of different characters.
 Takagaki: It’s probably because there’s so many characters we’ll run out of episodes. The second years probably have a lot of scenes where they’re practicing very hard that won’t appear in the anime.
 Konno: I wonder about that.
 Takagaki: They’ve more than likely definitely accumulated a bunch of experiences than we haven’t seen. And in addition to that, I think the first years might not be their stimulus. Especially Kurama - he seems like a kid who thinks showing you’re putting in a lot of effort is uncool. Because he’s a kid he who tries to act cool quite a bit (laughs).
 Next is Konno-san - you play the role of Kita Ichiban from Tengawara.
 Yoshino: What a crazy awesome name. It sounds like the first storm of spring (laughs). Doesn’t Konno-kun have a lot of the best roles?
 Konno: Maybe. But I often have roles that are in a lot of distress. (laughs) Another memorable role I had was Wanda from Kaiou Gakuen. The guy who used the keshin Onsoku no Varius.
 Yoshino: That’s a better role than your main one. (laughs)
 Takagaki: That’s so cool, summoning a keshin!
 Konno: While we’re on the topic, I think the first keshin I summoned was with Shinoyama.
 Yoshino: Ahh, Mannouzaka’s keeper.
 Konno: Yeah. The little kid with dark skin and trout lips. It was established that if he summoned his keshin just once, he lost all of his energy so when Shindou’s Fortissimo came he said ‘Without a keshin I can’t - gahhhhhh!’. He’s probably the first goalkeeper to be cut off in the middle of a sentence.
 Yoshino:It’s kind of the same as Sangoku’s ‘Fence of - gahhhhhhhhhhh!’ (laughs)
 Konno: So Sangoku is the first.
 Takagaki: Ah, I also played a member of Kuro no Kishidan. A person called Amano who can’t see in front of himself thanks to his bangs at all. (laughs)
 Yoshino: Although the gaps between his bangs are pretty wide.
 Konno: That kind of mysterious vibe is fitting for Kuro no Kishidan. I was Kizaki. He has a hairstyle similar to Shishido’s.
 So, if we turn the talk back to Kita.
 Konno: Tengawara is a school controlled by Fifth Sector, and there are a lot of violent guys who use rough plays, and Kita is the only member who is in anyway close to Raimon. He’s a very respectable, decent kid, so he was an easy role to play. I could easily understand his way of thinking.
 After the match it seems like Kita contacted Shindou to tell him that Tengawara were supporting Raimon.
 Konno: In other words, those two have each other’s phone numbers! (laughs) Kita-kun is popular with a lot of the female cast, with Saiga-san always saying ‘Kita is a really good kid, a really good kid!’.
 About characters from Endou’s story - Konno-san was Domon and Takagaki-san was Touko.
 Takagaki: She doesn’t appear in the games, but when she became an adult Touko was one of the spectators of the Holy Road.
 Konno: She took off her hat and wore a skirt.
 Takagaki: I wonder if she’s still helping out her father prime minister Zaizen. Since she was already part of the special police when she was in middleschool.
 Konno: SP Fixers wasn’t it?
 Takagaki: Naturally I also want her to continue with soccer, and I think I’d like her to help get girls more excited about soccer. In the world series there were no female teams, which I thought was definitely frustrating. But when she appeared again after an interval her hissatsuwazza had levelled up and that made me happily think, aah she’s still giving her all with soccer! Even if you’re a girl, you can still play soccer together with boys! Soccer has nothing to do with gender! That mindset was the kind of kid she symbolized. I think I want her to keep her passion for soccer even when she becomes an adult.
 We have a lot of female readers who said they started playing soccer after seeing Touko, Rika and Reina.
 Takagaki: Really? That makes me happy!
 Yoshino: It’s become a soccer boom.
 Konno: Ahh, Nadeshiko Japan. (*Pink Japan, girly Japan)
 Takagaki: That’s right! If we could see a Nadeshiko boom over the next year, Touko may also possibly be involved… (laughs) But I’m happy that soccer is finally becoming a sport for girls.
 Yoshino: Touko won’t enter the world of politics?
 How about aiming for the first female prime minister?
 Yoshino: (in English) YES WE CAN.
 Konno: That’s the president! (laughs)
 Yoshino: Even if she doesn’t become the prime minister, she could promote sports.
 Takagaki: Yeah, she could!
 In any case, Prime Minister Zaizen and Touko probably wanted to do something about Fifth Sector.
 Takagaki: They were probably some of the first people affected by them… (laughs)
 Yoshino: Yeah. Whyyy, Touko?
 Takagaki: Even though prime minister Zaizen should love soccer so much…
 Yoshino: But wouldn’t the prime minister have changed?
 Takagaki: But isn’t he still the prime minister in Danball Senki?
 Konno: That’s right, he’s too busy with the battle in that world to do anything (laughs). Since Kudou Kantoku and Megane-kun are doing their best over here.
 Yoshino: But at the end of the season those guys were working really hard behind the scenes, so just where were they during the story? (laughs)
 If these 3 appeared in the movie…?
 If these 3 also went to God Eden, which senpai would you like to see them train with?
 Takagaki: Aoyama was part of Kabeyama’s team, going along with Sangoku-san’s practice. He didn’t really do his own training… (laughs). But I was really happy he protected a girl!
 Konno: If they could have gone to God Eden… Since it’s an island Hamano would have wanted to go into the sea, wouldn’t he? Since his hobby is fishing in the sea.
 Yoshino: Is it? Oi oi, the one we go to is just a fish pond, isn’t it? It’s not the sea at all, just a pool! (laughs)
Konno: I guess so (laughs). So he’d want to go see the sea. Call Tsunami-san to be his trainer!
 Takagaki: Tsunami-san as a surfing instructor! That would be great!
 Yoshino: Tsunami-san doesn’t appear in the main story at all, huh. Anyway, I guess Hayami would go along with that training too. And kind of freak out about it.
 Speaking of Hayami, he’s the team’s fastest runner. Would he train himself that way?
 Yoshino: But that’s not really shown in the anime, so I guess it doesn’t really matter. When the opponent has the ball, he starts panicking that he can’t chase them. Hayami, you can’t be like that! (laughs)
 Well then, what about Kurama?
 Takagaki: I want him to train his shoot power! So he do the sandboard training with Tsurugi, Kageyama-kun and Nishiki, with Fubuki-san teaching them. When Fubuki visited them he said that Kurama made a good shoot full of his feelings, and when Endou first came he praised Kurama ‘As expected of a Raimon forward’. Even though he said something like ‘Tch!’ I think he was really happy.
 Kurama looks like he’d fit in well in a dessert, so that’s appropriate.
 Takagaki: That’s true. And his hissatsuwazza is a snake. Yeah it really feels like a dessert would suit Kurama.
 Although the sandboard training was to improve their body balance.
 Takagaki: Oh right. Since Kurama’s a technical forward, if he could do something to help increase his power he could use the Ultimate Thunder attack.
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ohstardust · 7 years
Champagne Supernova
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REQUEST: from wardley10
Hey ❤ I loved thinking about this prompt for you that was in my head all day :) The reader is a well known H/Wood actress, 10 yrs older than Jack, but is very fun loving and one of the lads. The reader was part of the main cast of Dunkirk & she and Jack got on very well. She has a young daughter that she brought to set and Jack got on well with her. Jack asks her out on a dinner date as he loves her secretly but worried in case people think he is just wanting to be with her as she's famous. XX
A/N: I really love this prompt and I love that it challenged me a little ot write but I wanted to make this so perfect for you. Sorry it took so long for me to get it right! Also, I really fucked up with the tenses in the fic, but I was so in the moment with the writing that it feels wrong to change something into one tense, so let’s pretend that’s cohesive and consistent.
I’ve also started a playlist for my Jack fics, some feature in the fics themselves and some I just wanted in there. You can listen to it on Spotify. Feel free to send me song recommendations too. xo
Title: Champagne Supernova by Oasis
Gaining such a significant part in a World War II movie was one of Y/N’s career-defining moments, she had to pinch herself every time she thought about it. She’d always had such an affliction for history, especially something as pivotal as war, so this was a hard-hitting role that she felt she could really prove her worth and status as being one of Hollywood’s leading actress’. She wasn’t one to be typecast and she never would be.
Y/N wanted to prove that although women hadn’t the opportunity to fight, they still played a defining role in the war through their careers and on land help. The unsung heroes.
Thankfully she’d been blessed with incredible cast-mates and crew who made her feel so at ease on set and she’d made some wonderful friends that she knew she’d take with her beyond this film. No matter how many films she’d made, nothing had quite matched this experience thus far. And it was only slightly due to a warm-hearted, bright smiling gentleman.
If there was one thing that concerned Y/N about joining the team, it was working with so many younger actors and feeling a little left out. Sure there were the older ones such as Cillian, Tom, Mark, Kenneth and James, some of whom she knew, but despite being in her late thirties she was still so much younger in heart and head. As it turns out, she really needn’t have bothered. And what an incredible relief that was. “Harry Styles, you absolute terror, you put me down right now!” she shrieked, banging her fists against the man’s back as he ran down the street with her following a meal that a few of the cast attended. Jack was absolutely weak. Bent over, he began coughing with laughter before thinking better of the reaction when he saw the stormy face on the woman. He quickly straightened up, looked at Barry and Tom for help and followed after them. “Just helping your day along love, thought you’d like a young strapping gentleman to escort you home.” Harry pulled his head back to face her and gave the cheekiest grin. “No offence love, but it wouldn’t be you I’d be asking to escort me.” Harry gasped in mock offence before he laughing, “Why ever not? Is it because I’m not Scottish?” She fell silent for a moment, feeling caught out by her feelings but quickly retorted to avoid the silence lasting even a moment too long, “Fuck off.” He roared his laughter and the vibrations shot through her chest, “Put me down, H.” He softly let her feet land on the ground as Jack, Barry & Tom appeared, thoroughly amused by the spectacle and absolutely not willing to admit that they’d hung back a few moments simply to enjoy the scene. “I don’t think the lady likes being manhandled, Harry,” Tom smirked and slung his arm around her, “I thought you knew exactly how to treat the women.” There was a sparkle in the blonde boy’s eye and he tried to stifle his laughter when Harry glared at him. “You know I’m far from a lady at times, I could still drink you all under the table.”
“Jaaaaaack!” Y/N’s daughter screamed across the set, running towards the blonde man. He turned at the sound of the small voice and his face lit up, eyes shining at the sight. He then crouched down and opened out his arms for her to run into. As soon as she landed against him, he lifted her up and swung her around and then settled her again his hip, “How’s my favourite little lady, today?” She giggled and snuggled her head into his neck, “’m good Jacky.” He rested his head atop of hers and stroked her back before she started to wriggle around to be put back down. “You’ve got an itchy face,” she pouted, rubbing at the side of her face. “Sorry my angel, ‘ll sort it out for next time, just for you.” Just to the side of him, Cillian and the older Tom watched on in amusement, cooing and pulling silly faces at her. The little girl had accompanied her mother to set a few times over the past few months and Jack had adored her instantly, carried her around the set pointing things out to her and kept her occupied off set when he wasn’t involved in a scene. Neither Jack nor Y/N could quite believe how well he had taken to the young girl and vice versa, the sight of them together had melted the older actress and she felt her heart clench. The sight was almost too much to bear. Almost.
“She’s the most incredible kid, y’know? She’s such a credit to you, you’ve done an amazing job.” Jack told her one afternoon, when the little girl had left set. They were sat eating lunch on a break, looking out over Dunkirk beach, the water calming them from the hustle and bustle of the rest of the film location. “Thank you, that really means a lot to me,” The older woman let a small smile pull at her lips and took a sip of her water, “It’s not been easy but she’s wonderful and so worth it.” “You’re such a great role model to her, she’s really lucky to have you.” “I worry sometimes because her dad’s not around, I’m scared that she’s missing that male influence. I know it’s silly, it didn’t affect me extensively, but I still know what it’s like to not have one there and I hate that I can’t give her that.” “That’s not your fault, you know that. It takes two to tango sweetheart. You’ll find someone else who will love that little girl as their own. Besides, until then you have me.” His eyes flitted from his food up to her face and back again, somewhat worried that he’d overstepped. He couldn’t understand how someone would willingly leave a woman like that, beautiful and talented with a wicked sense of humour and the most enormous heart to match. Jack could spend a lifetime complimenting the woman he’d only known a few months. “Now I have you in my life, I have no idea what I’d do with you.” Y/N placed her hand over his and squeezed before pulling away. “You’ll never need to.”
Jack paced the length of the outside of his trailer, worrying his lip between his teeth. “C’mon mate, just ask her, what have you got to lose?” Harry questioned, his back leant against the silver container as he watched his frantic friend. “A good friendship? Her.” Jack mumbled and slowed his movements, then turned to face the curly haired lad alongside Aneurin, “It’s so unlike me, but I’m scared what people’ll think, she’s so successful and they’re gonna think I’m either punching above my weight or after her to further my career. Which is bullshit by the way.” The Welsh man slipped his phone back into his pocket and interjected, “You know she adores you, don’t you? I’m pretty sure asking her out for dinner isn’t going to change that, and it doesn’t matter what other people think, it’s what you and her think. But you have to really think long and hard about the little girl. Don’t get involved with someone if you aren’t willing to take on their child too, she’s already lost her dad, don’t let her get attached if you’re not prepared for that.” The Scotsman nodded, he knew that he’d have to be careful with a child being involved, and the prospect scared the living daylights out of him, but somehow he felt like the whole situation was worth it. Jack adored them both, and they were a package deal, no matter what way you look at it, there were 3 people in this relationship. He was smitten with the child and his feelings for her mum were increasing by the day, every moment they spent together sent him spiralling a little further. And quite frankly, as terrifying as it was, he relished in the feeling of falling in love, completely un-phased by the significant ten-year difference in their ages. “I think it’s safe to say that we’re attached as it is, didn’t even think about that at first. I feel so selfish now.” “Don’t, just be prepared to stick around if you’re serious about this.” Aneurin had always been one of the wisest people Jack knew, although he only had a few years on him, married life had matured the older actor more than he ever anticipated. He knew the real feeling of love, wanting a family and how life-changing finding that partner is. Jack ran his fingers through his hair, “This is bloody crazy, isn’t it? I’ve only known her a few months.” “When you know, you know,” Aneurin replied and Harry just stood there, the words pouring through him as he began to envy his friends.
Y/N had finished her scenes for the day, and although she was free to leave when she pleased, she hung around to watch some of her friends, so fascinated by the difference between the actors and their actual acting. It wasn’t too long before Jack had spotted her, the end of his latest scene complete for the time being, and he made his way over to her. She couldn’t resist taking in the sight of him in his RAF uniform, the way it fit him perfectly, the way the jacket clung to his arms and how absolutely incredible he looked. No matter how many times she had seen him in the attire, it still managed to make her breath hitch. “How are ye’ doin’ love?” Jack threw his arms around her and pulled the woman close in a soft embrace. “I’m good, finished for the day, just debating what to do this evening.” Without thinking, Jack opened his mouth and asked the question he’d been trying to hold back since the conversation with the lads last week. “Ye could always join me for dinner?” As soon as the words left his mouth, he paled and looked ready to slap his hand over his mouth in the most comical way. There was no way he could take that back now, not that he particularly wanted to, but fuck was he worried that he’d royally botched this. Feeling as incredibly bold as Jack, Y/N thought fast and teasingly replied, “Well that depends then doesn’t it, are we going as friends or am I your date?” “Well that depends on what you want, doesn’t it?” He was starting to feel brave, the flirting had become second nature to the pair, this he was comfortable with. This he could do. “Be at mine for 8 then and we’ll go on our date.” When the time comes, I’m gonna die a happy man, Jack mused to himself, You lucky son of a gun.
The setting was quaint, cosy and a single candle sat between them as they devoured their meals in content. Soft music set the atmosphere and filled the space where the conversation lulled, leaving them in a comfortable silence that seemed almost impossible with anyone else. The pair couldn’t keep from watching the other, entranced by the way the awkwardness had vanished within the first five minutes of stepping into the restaurant and how this felt so right, being here together on the cusp of something beyond their friendship. “I know I told you this about an hour ago, but you look beautiful.” Y/N blushed furiously, feeling sickeningly giddy over the man’s compliments. Despite how common Jack had made such comments, in this setting and under these circumstances, she felt this was more deliberate and meaningful than they ever had been before. “You’re such a smooth talker, but thank you. I really mean that. You look so handsome.” She reached her hand across the table to hold his, the flame illuminating his soft features and his freshly shaved skin that she just wanted to caress and kiss. She felt unashamed to think these things now, but she hoped beyond all reason that it was okay to feel these things, that this evening gave her the right to think such a way. He brought her hand up to his face and kissed her palm before resting their intertwined hands onto the table. “Is it too honest to say that I can’t quite believe we’re here, on an actual dinner date?” He looked slightly nervous as he spoke, still somewhat scared that he himself had read the situation too wrong, not that there had been much reason to doubt at this point, but still gentleman enough to know that he could be misreading this. “Absolutely not, I feel the same way.” Jack felt himself exhale sharply and grinned at the confused look on Y/N’s face. “It’s silly really, I’m just nervous that I was still getting the wrong end of the stick with this evening, but it seems not.” “Jack, I want to be here with you, no matter how romantic it is or isn’t. There’s no other way I wanted to spend this evening, or any other evening for that matter,” her heart had been placed onto her sleeve and her vulnerability had been put out there for the man to do with as he pleased, she had enough faith in him to be honest with his feelings, “I think we need to go somewhere, have a drink, a dance and see where this takes us, yeah?” His eyes lit up and he gave her the warmest smile she’d ever seen from him, and in that single moment she knew she was absolutely gone for him. Thirty minutes later they found themselves in a small dive bar, somewhere that Y/N had insisted on, with a drink in hand and starting to lose themselves in the music amongst the evening’s patrons. The songs had been a diverse mix so far and the pair were in fits of giggles by the time the opening bars of Talking Heads’ Psycho Killer had begun to play. Jack looked at her blankly for a few moments as she began to sing to him, “Babe, am I showing my age here?” He grinned at her and shook his head with a look of pure adoration before he began to recognise the chorus and joined in. She grasped his face in her hands and continued to sing to him as they danced along. He couldn’t contain his laughter until the song had long finished and Y/N had left him to grab them another drink. As soon as she returned Justin Timberlake’s Senorita had started to ring out through the speakers and she threw her head back with joy, singing along to every word as did Jack. She turned her back on the younger man and slotted herself against him as they moved to the music, the heat around them increasing and the tension intensifying, neither of them had ever felt so alive. Without thinking twice, Jack began to kiss the side of her neck, where her shoulder joined, and wrapped an arm around her waist to pull her even closer to him. She felt surrounded by him in the best way, their bodies moving together in unison, the most intimate moment they’d ever shared together. Together. Her mouth smiled over the words, and head tilted back to rest against his chest whilst his mouth began working over her skin. She didn’t care about prying eyes, all she cared about was this extraordinary man and the overwhelming way he made her feel. Y/N pulled away from him to turn and stepped close to him again only to press her lips against his. They were both long past the nervousness and anxiety of their first kiss together, too hyped up on adrenaline, liquid courage and each other. It was the sound of The Smiths that had Y/N pulling away, her eyes crinkled with laughter as she looked to Jack’s crystal blue’s. He tried hard to fight the smile, trying to act moody that she’d stopped licking her way around his mouth only to tease him over the DJ’s song choice and his bloody acting choice, but she was so endearing that his minor resolve cracked almost instantly. I would go out tonight But I haven't got a stitch to wear This man said "it's gruesome That someone so handsome should care" Jack & Y/N held both of each other’s hands and stepped to the beat, hips shaking from side to side as they moved around their small area of the dancefloor. After a few moments, he took one hand away and began to spin her away before pulling her back in and held her to his front, continuing to move with the beat for the remainder of the song. Both actors started to regain their breath and headed to the bar for a glass of water, both too busy trying to keep their wits about them and not royally fuck this up by drinking too much. As Champagne Supernova started, neither of them knew that this would be a defining song. Their song. Y/N had her arms loosely looped around Jack’s neck as his hands rested on her lower back, them swaying with the sounds of Liam Gallagher’s voice. But you and I will never die  The world's still spinning around we don't know why This time Jack took the leap and kissed the woman before him, taking in every little bit of her. Her taste, her scent, her love. He couldn’t even think straight, he just wanted whatever she was willing to give him. The kiss was messy, all teeth, tongues, saliva mixed in together, all urgent and needy, much more passion-filled than the slow kiss they had shared a little earlier. She began to draw out letters on his back, not wanting to remove herself from him, the message all but lost on him as he was already so consumed by her. Curiously he pulled away momentarily, “What did you write?” “Are you sure you wanna know? I can’t take it back if I tell you.” Her nerves were creeping in, so scared that he’d run for the hills if she were this honest with him, so sure he’d leave. But she was so into the moment that she felt secure. He pressed small kiss to her face, “tell me, darlin’.” Y/N tilted her head upwards and locked her gaze onto his, “I love you.” The smile he formed was almost instant, almost unsure he’d heard wrong before he all but knocked the breath out of her in a bruising kiss, “I love you too, bloody hell do I.” “You have to know that this isn’t easy though, this is going to be so difficult, and I have a child.” “I know, I’ve thought long and hard about it for the past few weeks, and I don’t care that it won’t be easy, I want it all. I want you.” Both of them felt a strong surge of emotions, their tears began to fall as they grinned at each other, taking in the life-changing moment, the moment that was completely unplanned but formed in the most perfect and natural way. “I want you too, for as long as you’ll have me.” There was a bumpy road ahead of them beyond the film, no one could deny or prevent it, no one could stop the press from printing whatever slander they wanted, the division of their fans who resented their relationship. But they knew that they wanted this relationship enough to stand up to this and fight through it, and one day these people will grow tired of their negativity and Jack & Y/N will come out the other side with the strongest family they could manage.
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dailyvicturi · 7 years
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Can you believe there are 4,000 people following us? That’s amazing! We are so thankful for each and every one of you who keep up with Daily Victuri. We would not be here without all of your love and support for our blog. 
That being said, we decided that we wanted to celebrate, and what better way than with our first official fic rec list? Writers are some of the biggest unsung heroes of the YOI fandom, and our love for Victuri writers reaches far and wide. We wanted to use this opportunity to highlight fics from all corners of Victuri fandom, so we reached out to you guys for suggestions and recs. The response was overwhelming! From you guys, we were able to create a list of fifty-five fics. We tried to compile a combination of fandom favorites along with some lesser known (but still wonderful!) ones, and we all hope that this will help you find your next favorite read. 
All fics are being listed below the cut and are sorted into categories based on length. 
xoxo, your Daily Victuri Admins
Have More Faith in Me Than I Do by casinthongs
It's nearly midnight. Tomorrow morning is the day Yuuri has to give his speech in front of the entire class. He's not prepared at all. He can't do it. He can't. He can't.
Fortunately, Viktor thinks differently.
carry on, darling, we were built to last by karasunotsubasa
drabbles, drabbles, and even more drabbles dedicated to fam on ice
Untitled by skatinggays
5+1 Drabble by actualyuuri
1K TO 5K
Wanted: Skating Lessons by slightlied
Wanted: Skating Lessons
Hi. I am Victor and I need to learn how to skate before Saturday. My parents have been paying for me to get skating lessons every week for the last fifteen years but I never actually attended any of the lessons and I spent the money on marble busts instead. Now they want me to perform to ‘Stammi Vicino’ at their wedding anniversary on Saturday.
If you can teach me, be here at Ice Castle tomorrow at 7:27am with an extra pair of skates. I am a fast learner (well, at least my dog Makkachin is–it took me only two weeks to teach him how to roll over) so I am pretty sure I will pick it up quickly. In return, I can teach you how to say some pick-up lines in Russian or tell you some facts about my love life. Whichever you prefer. Not both, though.
Yours sincerely,
PS. I’m a size 8
Or, Yuuri answers an ad he sees on Ice Castle's community board.
Victor Nikiforov May As Well Replace Your Smartphone by toganeshiro
Yuuri never thought by living with Victor Nikiforov, the living legend, would slowly reduce his need of his smartphone.
Doveglion (WIP) by reginar
Yuuri Katsuki would describe himself as a dime-a-dozen poet with a degree in comparative literature from Todai and only a couple of publications due to luck. By some miracle, he’d received an Asian Culture Council grant and a Bright scholarship to help him pursue MFA Creative Writing in America. He’d been so excited because he would be in the same country as his literary hero, V. Nikiforov, writer of countless, innovative poems.
Ever Dance With the Devil in the Pale Moonlight? (WIP) by miraculouskatsukii
It all started on the ice.
Well, that wasn’t entirely true, but it was close enough. Where it had really started was in Minako’s ballet studio, but where Yuuri had truly felt a pull, a strong attraction to his superpower for the first time had been on the ice.
And so, while raising his leg into a clumsy arabesque, begins his journey.
The Final Cut by lily_winterwood
It’s not even ten in the morning yet, and it is already shaping up to be the worst day of Yuuri Katsuki’s life.
BREAKING NEWS: Local Man Would Like To Date Other Local Man by counterheist
Viktor is an anchor for Channel 9 Action News and Yuuri does the weather. Probably Viktor draws hearts on the playback monitor. Most likely someone gets kissed in the rain.
All I'm Really Asking For is You by seventhstar
Episode 10, from Yuuri's point of view. Or, the story of how losing a bag of nuts led Katsuki Yuuri to propose marriage.
"They’re only nuts, but losing them feels like a physical blow. Yuuri drags Viktor back through Barcelona as the sun sets, eyes peeled in hopes that he’ll see the bag lying somewhere on the side of the road. They’re not anywhere, though, and when they reach the bench Yuuri knows he has to accept defeat.
He hates accepting defeat."
Spotlight by twisting_vine_x
He can't help how embarrassed he sounds as he tries to hide himself in the pillow, and Viktor's laugh is so lovely - and so helpless, so blatantly in love - that it has Yuuri squirming all over again, the wave of protectiveness stealing his breath away.
Oh, Viktor.
"I suppose that's fair, darling. I am pretty incorrigible."
He's smiling, as he says it, and his voice is light, but Yuuri knows better, now. He can hear that tiny, barely there, desperately hidden thread of self-doubt, as clearly as if Viktor were shouting it.
Am I too much?
Viktor doesn't need to say it for Yuuri to hear it. He's pretty sure Viktor's spent too long feeling like he's too much of something - too loud, too clingy, too needy - for him to just shrug it off.
Yuuri knows a little bit about self-esteem. He knows a little bit about trying to kick years of fucked up thinking. And he's damn well going to keep making sure that Viktor knows he can always be as too much as he wants to be.
Never Have I Ever (Been to Karaoke) by lucycamui
Drinking games and karaoke have never made for a better combination.
“Okay, my turn! Never have I ever made out with a picture of Victor Nikiforov!”
Yuuri choked on his glass of oolong, sputtering as Victor gently patted his back. Wiping his mouth with a napkin, Yuuri met Victor’s expectant eyes briefly and then reached out to take a sip of the beer.
He expected laughter, but instead got a view of Chris taking a large swig of his own drink.
And then of Victor picking up his own glass, tipping it to his lips.
Been a Long While, Remember Me? by sujing_sm
The door jingles right open.
A man steps right inside, panting and covered in sweat. It is almost time to close.
Viktor turns around from where he is cleaning the table tops. “Sorry, we’re closed...” The words dry by his throat when he sees who it is.
From the Ground Up (WIP) by Avocadodont
After the grueling trials of back-breaking training to the years undergone of studying scriptures, Yuuri Katsuki returns to his hometown Hasetsu with the newly honorable title as a paladin. Even with this tremendous success, Yuuri finds himself longing to explore everything that lies beyond the horizon, intending on taking whatever (or whoever) along for the thrill.
Red Thread by c0rnfl0wer
When the goddesses of Fate weave thread into their cloth, it is to determine the lives and deaths of mortals. When Viktor weaves thread into cloth on the rare occasion, it is to protect Yuuri in every way he knows how, even from his own self-doubts. Tradition says that embroidery can determine the fortune, safety, and happiness of humans, and Viktor isn’t one to pass up on any opportunity to help Yuuri, especially a tradition so embedded into his life.
A Hitman's Guide to Emergency Gift-Giving by exile_wrath
1) In case of emergencies and not know what to give your husband for his birthday in twenty-four hours, the decapitated head of one of his lifelong enemies always works.
5K TO 10K
Little Things by dramaticagain
Viktor accidently let all those little things slip out of his mouth. All of the little things that he loved about Yuuri were out in the open. He looked over to where Yuuri was standing, expecting him to be angry was revealing such intimate things to the reporter. But, to his surprise, Yuuri looked at him with one distinct expression; love.
(Post-Grand Prix Final: The seven months that Viktor spends with Yuuri in Russia. During that time he learns even more about his fiancè; the little things.)
Nothing to Make a Fuss About. It’s Just Russia’s Best Kept Secret by GwenChan
"For years Victor Nikiforov’s secondary gender had been one of the best kept secrets in all of Russia."
Yuri struggles with his being an alpha. Victor has kept his status as omega secret for years. Their relationship is nevertheless bound to be affected by their second gender.
Through A Mirror Darkly (WIP) by Chessala
And so he made himself comfortable and signaled Viktor to do the same. He smiled at his new acquaintance, who seemed to relax at Yuuri’s expression.
“So Viktor, tell me about you….it’s not fair that you know me and I don’t know anything about you…”
Viktor smiled and got a bit more comfortable himself. He stretched out his hand to press it against the cool surface of the mirror again before asking Yuuri silently to do the same. When Yuuri placed his hand over Viktor’s, the other boy started talking in a soft voice laced with sadness.
“Once a month, when there is a full moon, I can look into your world…..”
When 13-years old Yuuri finds a mirror in the hot springs storage room, he certainly didn't expect to meet a boy called Viktor through it. What he expected even less was the way in which this meeting would twist his life in the years to come.
This Night is Flawless by flowercrownyuri
Prince Yuuri can't see anything without his glasses. It normally isn't an issue, but when Yuuri goes to the royal ball without them he can't see the man who captures his attention that night and can only remember him by his voice. Determined to find the 'mystery man', Yuuri goes through the entire town in hopes of finding the one who won his affections. But what happens when said mystery man turns out to be a beautiful guy named Victor, and why is he acting like they met before last night?
Icicles Melt in Summer (WIP) by Shadow_sensei
Victor Nikiforov. Oddly, no matter how many times Yuuri repeats the name to himself, it still sounds beautiful, the r rolling off his tongue and the v melting on the tips of his lips like a mint. But more to the point, Victor Nikiforov, model for the Agape shoe and accessory line and face of Stammi Vicino Menswear, is sitting in one of his chairs.
Or, the one where model Victor Nikiforov is searching for his raison d'être in Brooklyn, New York, and finds much more than that in a small, jasmine-scented hair salon.
Katsuki Yuuri vs The World (WIP) by HopefullyAnAuthor
Yuuri squinted at his phone screen, trying to work up the motivation to trawl through more than a few words of the overly long email, which seemed to be written in purple, but he blamed his headache for that.
Dear Sir,
I am writing to inform you of a challenge blah blah blah you have made a move on V blah blah blah the league is waiting blah blah blah blah prepare for death blah blah many battles will follow blah blah blah blah blah
Yours, blah blah
“Just SPAM, I think.”
In Space Between (WIP) by lunaetude
Viktor’s given up his whole life to space, and space is what makes Yuuri feel alive.
So it begins.
On Top of the World by springsoldier (ladydaredevil)
In which Victor doesn’t believe in secret identities, Yuuri’s not quite sure how any of this happened and together, they fight crime! (Also the supervillain community as a whole is pretty harmless.)
Of Loving Katsuki Yuuri by kireiflora
Loving and living with Yuuri wasn’t quite as simple a road as Victor had anticipated, but it would always be worth it. That’s not to say that it was smooth sailing for Yuuri either, but neither of them would rather have it another way. Even if they were on completely different pages now and again, or if they have bad days and snap at each other, at the end of the day they were together and they were happy.
The Ebb and Flow of Your Heart (WIP) by Avocadodont
An Alternate Universe in which Viktor Nikiforov is the curator of a popular aquarium by the ocean in San Francisco and Yuuri Katsuki is an art student.
Look How We've Grown by maydei
Victor’s been alive for thirty years, but every day with Yuuri brings new surprises. Life. Love. Fun. Family. Yuuri’s presence in his life has brought them all, and Victor wouldn’t trade it for the world.
10K TO 20K
Stay Close to Me by dasedandconfused
At the Grand Prix Final, Yuuri misses the podium by fractions of a point. Embroiled in a skating controversy, he tells himself he'll prove his worth in the World Championships, but there's a long time in between.
Or: Vicchan lives.
Hippogriffs Soar When the Lake is Frozen (WIP) by myglassballoon
"There will be substantially more Quidditch this year.”
Soon after that announcement Yuuri can't believe his luck when Hogwarts Quidditch legend Victor Nikiforov asks him to join his team, Mila finally gets a chance to talk to her crush, and Yuri P. starts to realise that Victor's forgetfulness might actually have done him a favour for once.
The L Words by nihonlove
"Yuuri, you may not realize this, but many others besides me got their 'L words' from you."
Or: Five times someone had a one-sided crush on Katsuki Yuuri, and one time the crush was mutual.
Some Might Call It Fate (WIP) by Chessala
The Katsuki family moves to Russia after they had to close their Hot Springs temporarily. Little Yuuri (3) has to go to a new Kindergarten where he doesn't know anyone. He sees a picture of an ice skater on the wall of his new Kindergarten and is instantly fascinated. He loved ice skating so maybe he can be friends with the person that drew this picture. But how can he talk to them?
Never Tasted Rubies by ebenroot
Phichit puts up a poll on the radio website. It reads ‘What Do U Think About Yuuri K. from Hasetsu Nights and the Mysterious Caller Victor?’
Seventy-five percent of listeners said ‘lol they should just f*ck already tbh’.
(in which Yuuri is an unwilling radio host and Victor won't stop calling in to chat with him)
Kings in Couture (WIP) by slightlied
a devil wears prada au in which victor is the editor-in-chief of a fashion magazine, yuuri's his new secretary, and instead of talking about his feelings, victor just sends him on a bunch of errands
“Okay, okay. Ready.” Yuuri starts scribbling as the voice on the other end, someone from the Style and Trends department, relays instructions. “Sorry, can you please spell ‘Gabbana’?”
The person on the line promptly hangs up on him.
Awkwardly, he sets the phone back on the receiver. “Guess not.”
You'll Be My Offbeat (WIP) by littlemusings
The last thing Yuuri Katsuki wants is a repeat of his disastrous audition for City University’s most prestigious a cappella group, The Symphonics. After the video of a cover he performs at an open mic night goes viral, Victor Nikiforov (two-time best soloist & three-time best arrangement awardee for the International Championship of Collegiate A Cappella, YouTube musician, and CU dream boy) seeks him out to give him another chance.
Affettuoso (WIP) by gandmvsm
Victor Nikiforov had been raised in the world of classical music, was born breathing in Tchaikovsky and Stravinsky, a tiny violin tucked under his chin before he could walk and talk. It was no wonder that he was a prodigy - how could he not be, when every moment of his life was centered around music?
Katsuki Yuuri was no such prodigy, but had been driven since the age of 10 by one goal: "I want to perform with him."
(Or, the one where Yuuri is a music performance major with anxiety to spare, Yuri Plisetsky is a bitter second violinist, Victor makes everything look easy, and Phichit is a Good Friend.)
This Body Overflowing (WIP) by EmilianaDarling
Yuuri has never wanted to be Victor Nikiforov.
He wants to be owned by him instead; wants the whole world to see Victor in every move that he makes, like invisible handprints all over his skin.
If I Gave You My Heart by espritneo
Or, how Yuuri Katsuki woos Victor Nikiforov back.
In which, Victor is head over heels in love and prefers self-denial over communication. Yuuri is oblivious and accidentally an asshole.
Crust and Sugar Over (WIP) by ShanaStoryteller
Katsuki sits cross-legged, clearly in no hurry to go anywhere. “What’s your name? I’m –”
“I know who you are,” he cuts him off, then blushes, then hates himself for both those things. Katsuki looks surprised, and Yuri can’t think as to why. He’s a nationally ranked figure skater. He’s Yuri’s favorite figure skater.
Yuuri and Yuri become friends and Viktor develops a crush.
Ivan da Maria (WIP) by c0rnfl0wer
Rusalka: a living-dead aquatic spirit in folklore that varies in their attitude toward humans.
Navka: a subdivision of the Rusalka, known for its charming cruelty.
Viktor never minded when human civilization built up around him, or when other spirits began sharing the waters with him. He easily dominated every tradition that the centuries presented; that was what he minded. No one wants to be known for tragedy. No one wants to be subjected to loneliness and despair forever. No one wants to drag their beloved one down. Everyone wants a happy ending, even if it isn't in their nature.
20K TO 40K
Fatum ad Momentum (WIP) by maydei
These are the moments that were lost in the rush for the Gold, and the things that were built within them. A re-evaluation of everything, from day one, the real day one. From, "Be my coach, Victor!!" And how trust, friendship, and love were built from there. Through Victor's eyes, the story unfolds—the journey and experience of knowing Yuuri.
Constellations (Things You Left Unsaid) (WIP) by DasWarSchonKaputt
What is Katsuki Yuuri’s greatest asset when competing? If you ask the media, they’ll tell you it’s his flair for artistry, something that shines through in his earnest, winning performances. If you ask Yuuri, he’ll tell you that it’s his coach, Celestino, and the answer will sound as fake as it is.
The truth, though, is something that Yuuri has always known. He wouldn't be half the skater he is without his prescription for anti-anxiety medication.
[AKA a role reversal au, wherein Yuuri is a figure skating legend in the making - mostly made, or so they say - who decides to take a season off at the peak of his career, and Victor is the runaway-cum-international student from Russia who joins his university and cons Yuuri into becoming his coach. Featuring Phichit Chulanont as the worst (best) friend ever, and Yuri Plisetsky as Yuuri's self-proclaimed Arch Rival.]
Speed Dating (Let's Take it Slow) (WIP) by APaletteFullofYou
“Why like this?” Yuuri asks, breaking the silence.
Phichit grins. “Because desperate times call for desperate measures. And if you haven’t noticed, we’re desperate.
Tired of watching Georgi mull over his recent breakup, Viktor and the gang take him speed dating, hoping one of the twenty-something strangers could help fill the hole in his heart.
Now if only he could stop crying.
A Choreographer's Dilemma (WIP) by Mysecretfanmoments
After their well-publicised kiss at the Cup of China, Viktor asks Yuuri what he wants him to be again. The answer may be different this time, but saying "yes" to a relationship doesn't mean you know how to have one.
Correspondence (WIP) by Watermelonsmellinfellon
Victor Nikiforov agreeing to partner with Penned Pals for a season, had to be the best decision of his and Katsuki Yuuri's lives. It brought them together after all.
40K TO 60K
Premier Dans Mon Coeur (WIP) by aphhun
Viktor Nikiforov is the top standard for men's figure skating, aiming to win his sixth consecutive Grand Prix Series. However, he's been lacking inspiration in recent years.
Yuuri Katsuki is the newest premier danseur of the Bolshoi Ballet, and accompanies Lilia to assist in training the up and coming Yuri Plisetsky. All the while, Yuuri's trying to prepare for his own debut.
Neither of them exactly expected to find something this special in Yubileyny Sports Palace. Somehow, they're exactly what the other needed.
Dear True Love (WIP) by cityboys
Victor is a writer pretending to be on a break; Yuuri is a pianist pretending to not be on a break.
They meet, somehow, in the backwaters of Saga Prefecture, Japan.
Call Everything on the Ice… by shysweetthing
Victor learns Japanese while in Hasetsu. He doesn't tell Yuuri, and things get dicey when he overhears Yuuri and Mari talking about him in Japanese. Repeatedly.
(The subtitle of this fic should be: Victor Nikiforov really needs a hug. Luckily, he gets one. Eventually.)
“No,” Victor says, skating up to Yuuri on the ice, “you have to push all the way from here, or you’ll never get the height you need for that axel.” He sets his hand on Yuuri’s ass, tracing the muscle group he’s referring to. “Not here.” He taps Yuuri’s thigh. He doesn’t know the words for the muscles in English, only knows how to show him.
Yes, technically he’s grabbing Yuuri’s ass, but how else is he to communicate?
Pacing Ourselves (WIP) by vermillion_crown
Introspection on intimacy from the perspective of a demisexual, flavored with friends who are social media menaces and some dirty touching later on.
(Yuuri's trying to figure out his life after Viktor Nikiforov smashes into it like a meteor, and Phichit can't decide whether to help or laugh.)
60K TO 100K
Unexpected by AlexWSpark
Banquet AU: In which one impulsive midnight decision leads Victor Nikiforov to Yuuri Katsuki and, of course, everything changes, a.k.a Drunk!Yuuri has no chill, a.k.a Victor experiences #allthefeels.
Pick Lilacs for the Passing Time by astralelegies
A spark flares up inside him, the vestige of some part of himself he thought long buried now resurfacing to—what, haunt him? And then he realizes.
I want to dance with him, Yuuri thinks.
In which the outlandish prodigy Victor Nikiforov hits Yuuri’s life like a whirlwind after he transfers to a prestigious ballet conservatory in Moscow, two grumpy teenagers learn to be friends, and Mila’s Straight Girl CrushTM might not be so straight after all.
The Rules For Lovers (WIP) by ADreamingSongbird
Prince Yuuri Katsuki has a duty to his country, above all else (his desires, his dreams, and his happiness included), and he knows this alliance will help to ensure the safety of his people. That’s the only reason he accepts Prince Nikiforov’s hand in marriage. The pleasant surprise, of course, is the part where they fall in love along the way. The unpleasant one, well…
That’s a long story.
Beside the Dancing Sea by lily_winterwood
He’s finally here in this lovely and quiet little beach cottage, and the rest of the year seems to stretch out infinitely before him. Time will pass, though, and it will pass faster than he realises, but in the meantime he will stop worrying about writer’s block and deadlines and not even having the foggiest clue what his next novel’s going to be about, and live.
New York Times-bestselling author Viktor Nikiforov arrives in the sleepy seaside town of Torvill Cove to cure his writer's block. After encountering local wallflower Yuuri Katsuki at a party, he discovers that this mysterious dark-haired man has a couple secrets up his sleeve.
And Viktor will be damned if he doesn't find out just what those secrets are.
all the world's a stage by braveten
Everyone has a guilty pleasure.
For Yuuri, it just happens to be romance movies starring famous heartthrob Victor Nikiforov.
(And, honestly, on the spectrum of guilty pleasures, he figures that his is on the far, far more innocent side.)
Until My Feet Bleed and My Heart Aches by Reiya
‘…Of all the rivalries in the world of sports over the years, perhaps none has become so legendary as that of Russian figure skater Viktor Nikiforov and his rival, Japanese Yuuri Katsuki…’
A single event changes the course of Yuuri’s life, throwing him into a bitter rivalry with Viktor Nikiforov that spans across his entire skating career. But as the years go on, rivalry and hatred begin to develop into something very different and Yuuri doesn’t seem to be able to stay away, no matter how hard he tries.
Hatred and love are two sides of the same coin and even though everything changes, some things are still meant to be.
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