#from my red dead 1 replay thought id share
lasagoofs · 7 months
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assorted red dead sketches
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oliverwxod · 6 years
Bodyguard (part 5) - Bucky Barnes
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Warnings: mention of death, swearing, smut
Summary: Tony Stark is a very rich man and with that came a lot of enemies. After a tragic event Tony decides himself and the people most important to him, especially his daughter, are in danger. He hires personal body guards. Bucky Barnes is assigned to Y/n Stark, the most troublesome, reckless Stark that there is.
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7  Part 8
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 Y/n was about to give the media a field day. 
 James had finished searching her rooms before bidding her a good night. So she decided tonight she was going to sneak out of the building without being followed, taking the elevator to the ground floor and making her way out of the tower undetected.
 Only a couple security guards saw her but none of them questioned it.
 She took a taxi to the nearest club, walking straight through the doors without showing her ID. The club security knew who she was.
 Immediately Y/n made her way to the bar ordering shots after shots, some how hoarding over a couple of random strangers who would be her friends for the night. Drinking, laughing and dancing with them.
 She needed to forget the day’s events. She downed a shot.
 "It was a mistake". She downed another.
 “It shouldn’t have happened”. She was handed another. 
 " a waste of my time" .her fathers words entering her mind this time. 
 She closed her eyes, throwing back a last shot of vodka. 
 "My wife" . Y/n’s eyes snapped open at the memory. 
 "Let’s dance" she spoke grabbing the hands of the two strangers and pulling them over to the crowded dance floor.
 One of the strangers grabbed her by the waist pulling her flush against him as they danced, grinding into her backside. She didn’t care, falling into his touch, her hands in the air as she let herself go. All her feelings leaving her body as she lost herself in the feel of the strangers body against hers
. She knew there would be hell to pay tomorrow once pictures of her tonight were plastered over the media. But still, y/n couldn’t find it in her to care. The stranger had moved her hair to the side of her neck, stroking the bare skin with his hand as he started to place hot wet kisses there. 
She closed her eyes focusing on the touch. The feeling of being wanted crawling up and settling into her bones. She didn’t care that it was only temporary.
 "My wife".
Those two words kept repeating in her mind. Hearing James say those words cut through her everytime she replayed them. 
 "You want to get out of here" the stranger spoke into her ear.
———————————————————————– —————-
 In the tower James had changed out of his suit. Now dressed in grey sweats and a tee, sitting on his sofa swigging at a bottle of beer. He had spent a while just sitting there with his head in his hands before there was a knock at his door that made him jump. 
He stood up making his way to the door slowly. Who would be knocking at his door this late? He opened it cautiously to reveal two people he certainly wasn’t expecting. 
 "Mr Stark" James greeted. “what can I do for you?”.
 "It seems that Y/n must have tricked you into thinking she was asleep" he spoke. James met Steve’s sleepy gaze. He must have been woken by Tony for help on this situation.
 "Tricked me?“ James spoke confused.
 "She’s gone out, I was alerted by one of the front door security guards” Tony spoke.
 "I will find her right away sir" James spoke hurriedly grabbing a zip hoodie to throw on. 
 "Thank you" he spoke patting his back as he passed. “Steve, do you mind going with him please buddy” Tony said. “I just know Y/n can be a handful” he finished saying, almost tiredly.
——————————————————————- ————————–
Bucky scrolled through his phone with determinism. Clicking on the Twitter app. He knew that if y/n went out it would be all over Twitter people sharing her location so they could come and have the chance to see her.
 Bucky typed her name in and in seconds he found pictures of her drinking in a small club. He knew the club having been there before while watching her. He told the driver the club name and within 10 minutes the two bodyguards were outside flashing their ID badges to the bouncers.
 They both looked out of place in their sweats and hoodies. But neither of them were bothered.
 It wasn’t hard to find Y/n. She was always the one with a big crowd surrounding her. James eyes locked on to her figure as he pushed his way through. Some people seemed to recognize him, moving out of his way as Steve followed.
 She had her eyes closed. A guy pressed against her back whispering words into her ear.
James reached out to take hold of her wrist, the glare he sent the stranger causing him to back off. He tugged her forwards away from him and his greedy eyes. 
Y/n’s eyes shot open at the change of grip and movement . Coming face to face with James. She was slightly confused and very drunk. But in that moment she didn’t care. All she knew was that he looked very good in grey sweats.
 "James? What are you doing here?“ She laughed slightly. Hiccuping. 
 "Come to take you home” he spoke. 
 "But I’m having fun. Don’t wanna" she whined. 
 "Y/n come on.“ He warned tugging her forwards. 
 "You called me Y/n” she spoke smiling. “dance with me James” she said trying to drag him towards her.
 "Let’s get you home" he spoke.
“Nooo, leave me here. You go. You go home to your wife” she spoke pouting slightly.
 "Y/n" he spoke his tone threatening. Without another word Steve had walked forwards, lifting her small body over his shoulders and walking out with her. 
James followed wanting to laugh at the sight but he held it back. Steve opened the door to the car for her helping her slide in. He moved to sit in the front seat of the car, exchanging words with the driver as James sat next to her. 
 It was dead silent apart from the chattering of y/n’s teeth.
James didn’t think, taking his hoodie off and passing it to her. She mumbled a thank you before pulling it on, humming content at the warmth and the smell of him that lingered on it.
Y/n was woken by the sounds of people talking in her living room area of her floor. She couldn’t remember how she got into bed, but what confused her more was the red zip hoodie she was wearing. It smelt like James so she assumed he must have given it too her last night in the car. 
She sat up in bed slowly, her head pounding, but she tired to strain her ears to hear the voices.
“She’s too irresponsible” that was definitely her fathers voice “the media are fucking eating this up”.She could tell he was angry.
 Part of her wanted to pretend to go back to sleep but she knew the longer she waited the worse it would be. Even if she was an adult Tony still made her feel like a troublesome child.
 She didn’t bother changing, making her way through to the living area. 
“What’s all the commotion?” She asked acting casually, flicking the switch on the coffee maker. 
Tony, Bruce, Pepper and James were all standing. Y/n assumed their body guards were out side the door. She made quick eye contact with James before looking away.
“What the hell was last nights little stunt?” Tony glared at her, demanding an explanation.
 She shrugged.
“just wanted some fun”.
“And this guy? Who the hell is he?” Tony asked pointing to the front of a magazine where it showed a grainy picture of her dancing wildly with a stranger. Y/n looked at the picture giving a small giggle before shrugging. 
“No idea”.
“He could have been any one” Tony shouted “you don’t realise how serious this is so you?”.
She stared at him, Pepper touching Tony’s arm in a way to tell him to stop before he went too far. But he shook it off. 
“Anyone would think that your brothers death would tell you how serious it was, but no. You go out and do things like this!” He said gesturing to the magazines. It was a very low blow bringing her brother into this.
“Just say it” she spoke glaring at him, a challenging look in her eyes, daring him. Tony was taken aback. “Go on” she spat. “Just say what we’re all thinking?”   
Tony was silent, confused. He could see her getting herself worked up. She laughed bitterly. 
“You wish it was me. You wish it was me that was shot, you wish that Jackson was in front of you right now” she cried. 
Tony was silent in shock at her words. Y/n laughed. Of course he did, she thought. 
“Y/n hunny-” Pepper spoke but she didn’t stick around to listen.
 She left, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, not wanting to wait. James followed her, running down the stairs to catch up with her before he lost sight. She was a fast runner and was running out of breath, until he caught sight of her. 
“Y/n” he called down to her. She stopped, letting him reach her. 
“I need to get out for a bit.” She stated. “Some where busy where I don’t have to think”.
James knew that if it was night time she would be referring to a night club. But it was day time.
“Don’t you want to get changed?” He asked referring to her dress she was wearing from the previous night, a pair of sliders and his red zip hoodie. 
She shook her head not caring. Her eyes pleading him to get her out of the building. The fact that she was putting her trust in him made him make a snap decision that he would help her out.
 "I know just the place" he spoke.
————————————————————————————- —–
She was pleasantly surprised. He drove her to a train station, at first she was confused, but once they sat down in a coffee shop she understood. The place was heaving with people. All kinds of people, she could see the train platform, laughing quietly as she watched some people running to catch their trains.
 It was the perfect distraction. Sitting there people watching. Her mind running away, lost in thoughts of different people she could see. 
There was a young man with large framed glasses on a few seats away from them, typing on his Mac book while sipping from a coffee cup. She wondered what he was typing, was he a university student? Did he run a blog?
 Her eyes moved over the tables of people, watching through the coffee shop window as a couple holding hands made their way towards the train platform, large rucksacks on their backs. We’re they traveling? Going to visit family? 
What caught her eye next was a family. A young girl had just boarded off a train, running to her family who were there waiting to greet her. Y/n watched as each family member embraced the girl in a tight hug. The mother, then the father than the brother. A perfect little family. It was a wonderful sight, something that she had always craved. She looked away feeling emotional all of a sudden.
She hadn’t realized but James had been watching her closely. Seeing how she looked at everyone with such wonder and interest. He knew it would be the perfect place to bring her so she could get lost in her head with distractions. He knew because he always used to do the same thing. In this exact same train station. 
“Feeling better?” He asked. She nodded smiling softly at him.
 "Thank you" she said quietly, he almost didn’t hear. 
She wanted to talk to him properly. Wanted to get to know him, know more about him. But he was so reserved and Y/n was in too much of a fragile state to ask, she didn’t think she could take anymore rejection from anyone else. At least not form James. Not when he had already rejected her after sharing such an intimate night with him.
 It made sense now though. Maybe there was a part of her that thought he did want her. But he was being held back by the fact he was married. He had a wife.
 James was the one who surprised her. Bringing it up himself. 
“Y/n.” He spoke softly. She looked up at him, meeting his eyes. A shy almost worried look on her face.
 "I’m really sorry.” He spoke, Y/n studied his face and for one of the first times she could see actually genuine emotion. She nodded knowing what he was referring to.
“It wasn’t right of me to do what I did, especially without you knowing I was married.”
 She looked away from him, her eyes roaming in on a woman sitting on a bench outside, one of those gossip magazines in her hand. Y/n could see a picture of herself on the cover. She turned her attention back to James. 
“I’m not easy.” She spoke. She wanted him to know that she didn’t go around sleeping with people. She wasn’t stupid, that was the most dangerous thing she could do, plus she wasn’t like that. 
When it came to sex she took it seriously, it always meant something to her. The media had made her out to be a young lady who liked to sleep around, but the truth was she had only ever slept with a select few people who she had trusted. Y/n didn’t want James to think lowly of her. 
“I know it’s hard to believe, with the stories the media tell, but I don’t sleep around. I’m not like that” she said, feeling the need to justify herself. 
That night with James, she didn’t know what came over her. Except the fact that he was a god of a man, handsome without trying, mysterious and even though he was paid to look out for her, she felt like he cared. He was the only one who tried to understand and that’s why she found it easy to trust him immediately. Trust him to see her how not many people had before.
 "I don’t believe the media.“ He spoke disregarding it.“I don’t care for it”. It was silent for a couple minutes as she stared at him, slightly in disbelief. Where did this guy come from?
 "You really are something else James” she said laughing quietly to herself, she looked away at the busy station a small smile on her face.
Thank you for the support like always!!! big love to you all!!xxx let me know what you think! and if you want to be tagged please message me in my inbox because it’s easier to keep track, alsoooo I’m nearly at my next thousand followers eeeepppp! :) xxx
TAGS:  @sectumsempra-beaches @im-patton @lovely-geek @fuckthatfeeling @roxytheimmortal @swtmckngbrd @albinotigerpython @hiken-no-stark @urlindah @nessieaceman @feeling-straange @musicaltrinity @ahalolz @supercarricat @katecupcakekate  @severuined @widowbite-legit @nerdyalienhybrid1987 @letaliabane @mrs-lovelace @chipilerendi @alihart @bellalikesplants @vogueworthy-barnes @mustbeaweasleyginger @gravedollie666 @liffydaze @dewy-biitch @ineedmorefanfics  @bubblegum-love18 @amandatheboss @myfitspojoirney  @person-born-winchester @madderson97 @thorins-queen-of-erebor @wolfsbxnee @thecauldroncake @musical-doll-x @wolfschild09 @thisismyfriend-tree @waaaaaaitwhat @queen-of-elves @bucky-barnes-doll  @slender–spirit @liffydaze @honey-anon @madderson97 @chloe-skywalker @mackyboo21 @disneymarvelthe100fitness @vquezada84 @meowchickameow @jjsoccer11 @38leticia @gravewalkerray @bexboo616 @dragonselene @bxxbxy @peppermintvanillaa @prettygayjesus @maddiemayc @annielovebug22 @stressedasalways @smolbeanthings @soldierplum @grayxswan @artisticlales @mackyboo21 @hellosafie @kali-mav @kissesclexa @phantom-in-the-shadows @rainbowkisses31 @piensa-bonito @bwbatta @ourblondebitch @londonalozzy @thebasicmisanthropist @buckybarnesmybaby @thatisso-raven @disagreetoagree @maladaptive-ninja-returns @sophloren @shaboibucky @theshekinahb @babygirlizz @shay-del-rey @xalwaysehxx @hadesgirl1015 @gemgemswift @itskatt- @soloosunflower @n7siha @panicatttckiss @learisa @chrisevans1fan @httpmcrvel @someplxce  @lcnascuriosity @jcc04220 @tuliptx @marvelfansworld @theshekinahb @hydraulicloki
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parkjmini · 7 years
Precarious // 8
mafia!bts: park jimin precarious: adj. dangerously insecure or unstable Psychotic, that’s how he viewed himself. He was a precise hitman who never made a mistake, until now. Set on an all kill mission, he brings back more than just blood stains. word count: 2710 warnings: explicit language, violence, drugs
[ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ] [ 6 ] [ 7 ] 8
im back from hiatus (-: AND i thought id surprise yall with a chapter of Precarious finally after all these long, waited months anD I made this one a little longer as a treat bc i never update this story )-: 
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“Where the fuck have you been all day?” Jungkook pushed Jimin’s chest as he walked through the door. He didn’t respond. You, shyly, tried to hurry pass into Jimin’s room. 
“(Y/N), stay.” Jin offered and patted the seat next to him on the couch. Everyone watched as you scurried quickly next to Jin, your head ducking down. It always scared you when all seven of them were gathered together, especially with Namjoon in the room. He terrified you the most.
Peering up, you saw Jimin taking small peaks in your direction. He was leaning coolly against one of the columns. Namjoon stood more in the middle, orchestrating everything. “We have a big shipment tonight. A big expensive shipment.” There was an evil shine over his eyes as he spoke.
“Why can’t Hoseok and Yoongi handle it themselves?” V asked, addressing J-Hope and Suga as their real names. They often tried to call each other by their aliases because you were around, but there was always someone who falters through. V --- Taehyung --- was the one to always forget. He’s messed up enough for you to catch all of their real names. 
Steam came out of Namjoon’s ears and his lips remained in a thin line. He exhaled sharply, obviously annoyed with Taehyung’s statement. “Did you not just hear me say it was a big and expensive shipment? Do you think I am an idiot to allow only two of my men to transport when goons are everywhere trying to get their hands on the same stuff? When did we decide that it was okay to question me?”
“Do you want to die, V?” Jin slapped the back of Taehyung’s head. The young boy groaned in pain and apologized. Yoongi merely scoffed and rolled his eyes. 
It seemed like Jin was second in command. He was very close with Namjoon and cared for him deeply. You figured out that he was the oldest among all the men. Jin had a bad case of rambling and making small talk.
“Pick up is at 2 AM at the loading docks. There will be two trucks filled with drugs, one arriving at 1:30 AM and the other arriving five minutes after. That’s where we come in. Get on those trucks and complete the exchange.” Namjoon paced and Hoseok leaned back casually in the couch.
“We’re hijacking them?” Jungkook asked.
“Why the big surprise, it’s not the first time you’ve done it.” Namjoon tossed two cream colored folders on the coffee table. Yoongi was quick to shuffle through the papers.
What he said next ran a shiver down your spine, “we’re messing with the cartel? This is going to be fun.”
“No live witnesses. Take care of it.” Namjoon eyed Jungkook and Jimin. They both nodded, but Jimin seemed out of it. 
Namjoon scanned the room and he walked towards you. “Stay here and watch the house.”
“I love house watching---” the minute that left your mouth, you regretted it. You decided it wasn’t the brightest idea to sass the man everyone was afraid of. “I’ll stay.” You gulped.
He grinned and turned back to everyone else. “Times ticking.” He headed for the door and everyone started to spring up to follow.
However, Jimin began strutting towards you. Jungkook, puzzled, stopped him and shook his head. He shoved him off and Jungkook stared at his partner make his way to you.
You met him halfway, near the stairs up to the open front door. He automatically wrapped his arms around your waist. He head rested in the crook of your neck. You closed your eyes to soak in his embrace. “Be careful.” You whispered into his ear. He nodded into your shoulder. 
Opening your eyes, you saw Jungkook glaring at the two of you. “Lover boy, we need to go. Now.”
Jimin kissed your cheek before letting you go and running out the door. The mansion was empty and you stood in their grand living room alone.
You missed Jimin already.
Jimin threw his hoodie in the corner of the van. He tied his bandanna around his face. His black t-shirt clung loosely to his skin. He stared out the window, thinking about the kiss you two shared earlier that night. He has never felt so warm inside. He loved how soft your lips were and how perfect they seemed to fit.
He didn’t want to leave you alone at the house, partly because he was uneasy about you sneaking out and leaving him forever. He didn’t know how you felt about him, but he had made his actions clear. He really liked you.
“So you fucking her now?” Jungkook whispered. Jimin snapped his head to see Jungkook’s dark brown eyes staring. He couldn’t see the rest of his expression because of his bandanna.
Jimin was thankful that no one else heard the kid speak. He shook his head. “It’s not like that.”
“Then what is it? You’re in love with her and she’s in love with you?” Jungkook rolled his eyes. 
“No. She makes me feel different, safe almost.” 
Jungkook threw off his hoodie as they approached the dock. “That’s ironic. The only danger you encounter is yourself, Jimin.”
The vehicle came to a stop. Clicks of a loaded gun filled the dark car. Namjoon counted down with his fingers. 1... 2... 3... 
Then the doors slid open and everyone ran out. Jimin hurried behind the large loading tanks, closest to the entrance. The time ticked to 1:30 AM and right on cue, a big truck crept up slowly. There were two people visible to Jimin. There was the driver and someone in the passenger seat. Jimin turned around and spotted Jungkook a few feet away. He nodded and signaled for Jimin to go.
The passenger was the person closest to Jimin. Pointing the gun, he aimed directly for his chest as he stepped down from the tall vehicle. In seconds, he fell to the ground. Jimin sprinted to the other side and opened the door to the driver’s seat. Everything happened so quickly. The driver fell from the seat in a blink and soaked in his own pool of blood. 
Namjoon came from Jimin’s left and pulled himself up into the trunk. He jogged to the back of the truck and Hoseok was already latched on. He was undoing the lock with incredible skill. Taehyung rolled a smoke bomb and voice erupted from inside the trunk.
Hoseok slid the entire back up and exposed the stacks of drugs along with the several cartel members. They were coughing at the sudden suffocation of air. Jimin took his chance and shot repeatedly, seeing red.
People began running from behind the tanks and attacked Hoseok and Taehyung. Jimin wasn’t registering the surprise ambush. He shot at their heads. Hoseok, taking the opportunity after almost being strangled to death, shot Taehyung’s attacker in the face.
It was suddenly 3 against 5 as more slowly appeared. Namjoon didn’t hesitate to step on the gas. Jimin, Taehyung, and Hoseok jumped onto the truck before it was too late. They were all shooting at the others who tried to stop them.
“Did you know?” Taehyung asked, panting. 
“No clue. I guess they were expecting us.” Hoseok shrugged nonchalantly. Jimin watched as the second truck pulled up and Jungkook, Jin, and Yoongi repeated the same offence. They were becoming smaller and smaller as they drove away.
Suddenly, they were swerving and a sharp turn caused them to topple over onto the dead bodies. “What the hell, Namjoon..”
You wandered the vacant house, swinging yourself around the large columns in the living room. Your mind replayed your sweet moment with Jimin, forgetting that a feeling like this had existed. There was a time before this mess when you were happy. You didn’t think you’d feel it being with him, of all people.
It was almost foreign. This feeling of joy and wanting to be with someone. Your stay here had been long and difficult. It was not the life you had ever wanted, but it had to be something you had to deal with. And Jimin was there to guide you through it, along with his own repressed insecurities in his own mind.
However, your emotions were skewed, almost lost. It died along with your family. It felt wrong to be revived, mainly because your family couldn’t have the same chance. You hoped that you’d be okay one day and that Jimin was going to be there to heal with you.
Your mindless swinging stopped when you heard a car pull up and there was hushed chatter outside the door. Hiding, you crouched behind the large couch and held your breath.
There was loud, whispered yelling. Multiple voices echoed and you grew extremely terrified, your palms becoming slick with sweat. Your heart thumped loud enough for you to hear it in your ears. It couldn’t have been them; it was too early.
You waited and the voices stopped once they reached the door. The latches came undone, swiftly, and the figures staggered in. The lights flicked on and it revealed to be the gang.
Namjoon spotted you right when he entered and chuckled a little. “Next time, find a better hiding spot.” Everyone flooded in and you got up to see where Jimin was, but he never entered in.
“Where’s Jimin?” You asked frantically, looking past the weary expressions and shifty eyes.
“I told you she’d ask.” Jungkook groaned. “She’ll never notice he’s missing, yeah right. They’re practically attached to one another.” He rolled his eyes, for the hundredth time that night.
“Jin, handle it.” Namjoon ordered and Jin escorted you over to an empty room.
Jin’s concern expression didn’t sit well with you and you shook your head, assuming the worse. “Is he dead?” You asked, teary eyed.
He tilted his head and laugh a little. “No, Jimin? Dead? No way. There were detectives at the location and Jimin was bait.”
“He’s in custody?! And you all let him get caught? What is going to happen to him? Is he going to jail? ---”
“---Why do you care so much about what happens to him?” Jin cut your frantic questions and you blinked blankly at him, unsure as to how to explain yourself.
“Uh-- I--- well, I don’t know. Maybe because I worry for him.” You refused to make any further eye contact, swallowing the lump in your throat.
“Why do you worry about a horrendous man who murdered your family and kidnapped you? Why care for a killer?” Jin pressed on and you leaned against the wall, searching for any way to counter his claims.
“Why did he let a rich, self entitled brat live when she was destined to be killed… by him? I guess we both have questions we can’t seem to find answers to.” You sighed and the young man before you smiled devilishly. “Now, moving on to questions that can be answered: what is going to happen to him and why was it him?”
“It was Namjoon’s orders and Jimin listens to him like a lost puppy, trying to seek comfort in a dark world. Jimin will be set on bail, which we’ll pay to get him out. He’s only going to spend a night in a cell at the station and then he’ll be back in your arms, babe.” 
“All the while detectives grill him the entire night and hope that he breaks. That’s emotionally damaging.” The image of a stone-faced Jimin sitting alone in an interrogation room popped in your head, chills running down your spine.
“This entire lifestyle is emotionally damaging, you would know, wouldn’t you?” Jin taunted and patted your shoulder.
“I don’t think people want to join the mafia. Majority are forced, sometimes it’s their only option.” You groaned and stomped your way to Jimin’s room. Jumping onto his big, empty bed, you filled it up with your warmth. Your sad heart fell to the ground after being lifted, hoping that Jimin was okay.
“Why were you there? Was Kim Namjoon there with you as well?” The officer nailed Jimin repeatedly for the past two hours, however, he did not budge. He stared straight ahead like he was trained to do and he ignored every comment made towards him.
“He’s not talking and the bail has been posted.” His partner squeezed the bridge of his nose in distress and frustration.
“Fuck! We had them this time. What were you doing at the docks!?” The older officer screamed at Jimin’s face and Jimin only responded back with a blink.
“Maybe we need leverage.”
“Check the files, see what you can dig up.” He commanded and hurried to shuffle through the piles of manila colored folders.
The younger deputy cleared his throat and pointed at a paper out of Jimin’s view. “There was a murder of a family, did you have anything to do with that?”
“It was a family of four, but the daughter is missing. You didn’t do your job correctly, did you? She’s out there somewhere and when we find her, you and your entire mafia is going down.”
Jimin’s eyes shifted nervously and he lost his cold hard expression.
“Where is the girl, Park Jimin? You seem to be uneasy at the mention of her.” They continued to crack him further and Jimin gulped. He hated how they mentioned you and the sheer percent of fear set in his system. Jimin wanted to protect you, away from all your troubles. However, he was unaware of how to do so and acted too hastily.
You were his special secret, the only thing that brought him serenity and comfort. He couldn’t let anyone use you; he was not letting anyone have the chance to rob you away. He was genuinely afraid of losing his only happiness.
“I hope you never find her.” Jimin finally spoke and the two men stared at him in disbelief.
“So he speaks?” The older man groaned sarcastically.
“Boss! Bail has been paid, he’s out.” Someone opened the door and yelled inside. Jimin held out his cuffed hands to be released and the frustration in their faces brought him delight. Nonetheless, he remained wary at the mention of you.
He was unsure how much longer he could control himself. There was too big of an affect on him and he needed to shut them down; you interfered with his work. But he didn’t want to repress his feelings anymore. He had forgotten how nice it felt to feel loved or love someone else. Confused and conflicted, he walked out of the station to be greeted with Jin leaning against the car.
“You look horrible. Rough night?” Jin jumped at the sight of Jimin. He shook his head and slumped his heavy body into the vehicle and Jin joined him.
“I have a surprise for you that will make you feel better.” Jin said and Jimin peered over, curiously wondering what could possibly make his miserable night better.
You popped up around Jimin, who sat in the passenger seat, and kissed his cheek. “Did they grill you that bad?” Your voice was sweet melody to his ears.
His heart almost leaped out of his chest at your touch and remained quick at your affection. “Surprise! I couldn’t leave her at home because she was being so persistent.” Jin groaned and started up the car.
Then Jimin remembered what the police had said, “we need to go. It’s a risk that she’s out here with roaming police all around.” He tried not to get mad, he held it in. His fists were clenched tightly at his lap and Jin was pulling out of the parking lot.
“We’re going to be fine. I’m not going anywhere without you, Jimin.” He unclenched his fists, his heart settling calmly in his chest. Your reassurance brought him comfort and made his anger disappear.
“I missed you.” Jimin breathed into the silence and your rosy cheeks accompanied you for the ride back to the mansion. “You should be asleep at this hour.”
“I couldn’t sleep in an empty bed. It’s better with you in it anyways.” You smiled, in return, causing a light pink to dance across Jimin’s cheeks under the morning dew.
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