#from San Antonio from Canada
artcalledmusica · 10 days
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Allow the know’s
Know how
Trump rehearsed a pledge of allegiance
(Could he say)
He offered hand over her’s
Aftershave, aftershake, who pulled away first?
In love after portrait…..
In 9/11 he couldn’t pray
Trump now feels love
Had to look up
When all were faced Down
Periods stopped
Hey Trump
She know
What you did to, too RoevsWade
She is smoother than
Your porous face
My thumb broke out
From a skull with crossed fore arms!
I’m ’TEN’ acled
I know the parts !
0 notes
butchspace · 9 months
Hey Texans (and others in the US)!
We’re expected to have a freeze and harsh weather this week and/or next week (check your local forecast for specifics). Make sure you have some extra water storage, non perishable foods, blankets, and maybe some hand warmers in case our local or state power supply gets fucking destroyed again.
Make sure to at least set your heat to 55°F, keep cabinets with pipes in them open to allow heat in, and drip your faucets to help prevent pipes bursting.
It’s not anything to be scared about, and not likely to be as bad as 2021, but always better to prepared.
There might be snow in the panhandle today, though!
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mysticstronomy · 3 months
Saturday, July 6th, 2024.
Welcome back,
Titan's ocean has a volume 12 times that of all Earth's oceans, but it may be barren of life as we know it.
Titan's underground ocean, and similar oceans inside other icy moons in the outer solar system, may lack the organic chemistry necessary for life, according to new astrobiological research.
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Titan is Saturn's largest moon, and the second largest moon in the entire solar system. It's famous for being shrouded in a smog of petrochemicals and for possessing a veritable soup of organic molecules — molecules that contain carbon — on its surface. Yet, despite all this fascinating chemistry, Titan is cold. Very cold. It has surface temperatures no warmer than –179 degrees Celsius (–290 degrees Fahrenheit). And in these frigid conditions, chemical reactions for life progress very slowly.
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However, deep underground where it's warmer — the exact depth is not certain, but estimates suggest it's on the order of 100 kilometers (62 miles) — a liquid ocean with a volume 12 times that of Earth's oceans combined is thought to exist. Similar oceans inhabit the interiors of Titan's fellow Saturnian moon Enceladus, and Jupiter's moons Europa and Ganymede.
And where there is liquid water, there could be life. Right? Not so fast, says Catherine Neish of Western University in Ontario, Canada.
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A planetary scientist, Neish led an international team that challenged the assumption Titan's ocean, and indeed the oceans of other icy moons, could be habitable.
The researchers worked on the basis that, for Titan's ocean to be habitable, a large supply of organic molecules from the surface must be able to physically reach the ocean in order to facilitate prebiotic chemistry that can produce and feed life.
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The route for this organic material to reach the ocean is via comet impacts. Such impacts can melt surface ice, creating a pool of liquid water filled with organic molecules. Because liquid water is denser than ice, it sinks. But, Neish's modeling found that the rate of impacts is not high enough for sufficient organic material to reach Titan's ocean.
For example, Neish's team estimates only about 7,500 kilograms (16,534 pounds) of the simplest amino acid, glycine, reaches Titan's ocean every year. It may sound like a lot, but that's equivalent to the mass of one male African elephant spread across an ocean with a dozen times the volume of Earth's oceans. If you’ll excuse the pun, it's barely a drop in the ocean.
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"We assumed that the majority of melt deposits — 65% — would sink all the way to the ocean," Neish told Space.com. "Recent modeling work suggests that this is very likely an overestimate, but even in this most optimistic scenario, there is not enough organics moving into Titan's ocean to support life there."
There may be other possibilities. On Europa, where there are very few organic molecules on the surface, it is postulated that hydrothermal vents may exist on the seafloor where the ocean comes into contact with the moon's rocky core. These vents would spew all kinds of molecules and trigger complex chemical reactions that could support life.
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Further evidence for carbon in Europa's ocean has been discovered by the James Webb Space Telescope. The JWST identified carbon dioxide that has welled up from the ocean onto Europa's surface.
So, could the same happen on Titan, with organic material coming from the moon's interior, rather than its surface?
Neish doesn't rule it out, saying that colleagues such as Kelly Miller at the Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio, Texas, are investigating the possibility — but Neish does highlight one particular caveat.
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"One concern that has come up is whether the organics sourced from the interior would be useful for life," she said. "We think they may be primarily aromatic compounds, and it is difficult to form biomolecules — such as amino acids — from such compounds."
While we are still some ways away from being able to probe the oceans of these icy moons directly to say for certain whether they contain life or not, Neish's research does raise some promising opportunities for NASA's Dragonfly mission to Titan, on which Neish is a co-investigator.
Originally published on https://www.space.com
(Wednesday, July 10th, 2024)
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fatehbaz · 2 years
Big week for news about “mountain lions wandering back into historic habitat where they were once persecuted to extinction” in February 2023.
Central Texas:
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Headline and screenshots from: Priscilla Aguirre. “Potential mountain lion sighting in San Antonio area raises awareness.” My San Antonio. 14 February 2023.
Excerpt from this article: Officials at the San Marcos Parks and Recreation Department are asking others and the surrounding areas to be cautious about potential mountain lions in Central Texas. Officials said the message comes after the department received a call about a potential sighting of a mountain lion at Upper Purgatory Creek Natural Area in San Marcos on Sunday, February 12. [...] In Central Texas, it’s extremely rare to see a mountain lion in person, according to a report from the San Antonio Express-News. [...] Only one mountain lion has been confirmed in Bexar County in the past decade, on November 24, 2013, according to TPWD. [End of excerpt.]
Great Plains and Nebraska:
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Headline and screenshot from: Damon Bennett. “Nebraska mountain lion now looking for a name after 700-mile journey.” Lincoln Journal-Star. 16 February 2023.
Excerpt from this article: A Nebraska mountain lion that found itself in a sanctuary in Indiana after a 700-mile journey through four states is now looking for one last souvenir: a name. Back in the fall, the big cat made its way from the scenic Niobrara River valley all the way to suburban Springfield, Illinois, according to the GPS tracker that Nebraska Game and Parks had tagged it with a year prior. "A lot of people were watching him," said [the director of an “exotic feline rescue center”] in Center Point, Indiana, where the mountain lion has been since October. When the lion overstayed its welcome near Springfield, it was sedated by federal wildlife officials, who offered to return it to Nebraska. Nebraska declined.’ [...] "I'm incredibly impressed with this animal; he crossed both the Missouri and Mississippi rivers [...]." [End of excerpt.]
Ozarks and Missouri:
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Headline and screenshot from: Julia Wilson. “Mountain lions in Missouri? We’re seeing more than usual this winter.” Columbia Missourian. 16 February 2023.
Excerpt from this article: Footage from a trail camera taken Jan. 3 confirmed that a roaming mountain lion made a rare appearance in northern Boone County. Since then, the Missouri Department of Conservation documented three additional sightings around the state last month — one in Callaway County, another in Montgomery County and a third that was hit by a vehicle south of St. Louis.  Reports of mountain lions, also known as cougars, pumas and panthers, have increased over the past decade in the state. Between 2013 and 2022, a total of 65 were counted around Missouri. Compare that to the years between 1994 and 2006, when only 12 were spotted. [...] The animals may come from an established colony in the Black Hills, cross Nebraska and wander into Missouri, according to the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks. Missouri’s extensive forest coverage, which includes 35% of state acreage, then becomes an ideal destination for the animals. Mountain lions have roamed Missouri since pre-settlement times. Their range crosses the western hemisphere from Canada to southern Chile. [...] Although they are seen across the state, over half of all sightings have been documented within 40 miles of Mark Twain National Forest in southeast Missouri. [...] Trophy hunting by early colonists wiped out most of the population east of the Mississippi River. [...] Except for the recent encounter in Franklin County where a lion was hit by a vehicle, the last documented human contact occurred in December 2021 during another vehicle collision. [End of excerpt.]
For reference:
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mydaddywiki · 10 months
John Hagee
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Physique: Rotund/Heavyset Build Height: 5’ 6" (1.67m)
John Charles Hagee (born April 12, 1940 -) is an American pastor and televangelist. He founded John Hagee Ministries, which telecasts to the United States and Canada; and senior pastor of Cornerstone Church, a charismatic megachurch in San Antonio, Texas. He is also the founder and chairman of the Christian Zionist organization Christians United for Israel. Hagee has attracted controversy over his comments regarding Catholics, Jews, Islam, homosexuality, women, African Americans, Hurricane Katrina and even the Bible itself.
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You got to love/hate televangelists. Most, if not all are charlatans, homosexuals, thieves, crooks, deceivers and fake prophets. But then most of them look so brick makingly hot (from the hair, the suits and the jewelry) that you can almost ignore what they've said or done in the past. Let me stress ALMOST. But my penchant for short, chubby, silver-haired men built like an eggplant, seems win out over me with him.
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Well, lets see, he's married to a younger woman he had an adulterous affair with from his own former congregation. Seems kinda hypocritical after hearing this quote from him, "Christians don’t steal or lie, they don’t get divorced or have abortions." He and his wife have three children (Hagee has five in total) and thirteen grandchildren. His son Matthew Hagee, the sixth generation of the family to be involved in evangelism, who also inherented his father's ass, assists him and does much of the televangelism. And using his position, Hagee has grown into an enormously wealthy man. A net worth of $5 million.
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I know I should hate John Hagee, but that ass of his is SO hypnotizing. Plus if he knows a man wants to fuck him, it’ll probably pisses him off to no end.
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#VoxPop The long-running radio interview program Vox Pop broadcast from locations all over the United States and Canada, but hotels were among the most frequent locations for the show. 
On April 15, 1947, Vox Pop broadcast from the  Gunter Hotel in San Antonio, Texas, to highlight the upcoming Battle of Flowers Fiesta. Here, the Rose Room of the hotel is packed with an audience enjoying the live broadcast. Parks Johnson and Warren Hull stand under a large banner promoting the show and its current sponsor, Lipton Tea and Soup. Also seen is a sign promoting KTSA, the CBS radio affiliate in San Antonio that helped to produce the show locally. 
The Gunter Hotel opened in 1909 with 8 stories and 301 rooms. It was named after Jot Gunter, a local rancher. The hotel was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 2007 and continues to serve guests.
Source: Parks Johnson collection on Vox Pop
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coastermaynia · 6 months
Coasters on Previous Years' Lists
List of coasters on the prompt lists from 2020-2023, alphabetical by park name!
Dragon (2021)
Monster (2022)
Outlaw (2023)
Alton Towers
Galactica (2022)
Oblivion (2021)
Smiler (2020)
Wicker Man (2023)
Blackpool Pleasure Beach
Icon (2021)
Busch Gardens Tampa
Cobra’s Curse (2022)
Iron Gwazi (2021)
Kumba (2020)
Montu (2023)
Busch Gardens Williamsburg
Alpengeist (2022)
Pantheon (2021)
Verbolten (2023)
California’s Great America
Gold Striker (2020)
RailBlazer (2023)
Canada’s Wonderland
Bat (2023)
Behemoth (2022)
Leviathan (2020)
Yukon Striker (2021)
Copperhead Strike (2020)
Fury 325 (2021)
Nighthawk (2022)
Cedar Point
Corkscrew (2022)
GateKeeper (2023)
Millennium Force (2020)
Steel Vengeance (2021)
Chessington World of Adventures
Dragon’s Fury (2022)
China Dinosaurs Park
Dinoconda (2021)
Lightning Rod (2020)
Thunderhead (2022)
Dorney Park
Steel Force (2023)
Drayton Manor
Shockwave (2022)
Baron 1898 (2021)
Vliegende Hollander (2023)
Joris en de Draak (2022)
Zadra (2020)
Europa Park
blue fire (2023)
Silver Star (2022)
Wodan (2020)
Farup Sommerland
Fonix (2022)
Ferrari Land
Red Force (2021)
Fuji-Q Highland
Do-Dodonpa (2020)
Eejenika (2022)
Fujiyama (2021)
Takabisha (2023)
Fun Spot Atlanta
ArieForce One (2023)
Hansa Park
Flucht von Hovgorod (2023)
Karnan (2020)
Heide Park
Colossos (2022)
Krake (2023)
Candymonium (2020)
Skyrush (2021)
Wildcat’s Revenge (2023)
Holiday Park
Expedition GeForce (2021)
Holiday World
Voyage (2020)
Indiana Beach
Steel Hawg (2021)
Islands of Adventure
Velocicoaster (2022)
Phantom’s Revenge (2020)
Steel Curtain (2021)
Kentucky Kingdom
T3 (2020)
Kings Dominion
Intinidator 305 (2020)
Twisted Timbers (2022)
Volcano (2023)
Kings Island
Beast (2020)
Mystic Timbers (2021)
Orion (2023)
Racer (2022)
Knott’s Berry Farm
GhostRider (2022)
HangTime (2020)
Silver Bullet (2023)
Xcelerator (2021)
Impulse (2022)
Phoenix (2020)
Wildfire (2020)
Helix (2020)
Dragon Mountain (2022)
Dragon Gliders (2023)
Nagashima Spa Land
Hakugei (2021)
Steel Dragon 2000 (2020)
Nanchang Sunac Land
Coaster Through the Clouds (2022)
Speed (2021)
Parc Asterix
Toutatis (2023)
F.L.Y. (2023)
Taron (2020)
Winja’s (2022)
Plopsaland De Panne
Ride to Happiness (2023)
PortAdventura Park
Dragon Khan (2022)
Shambhala (2021)
Sea World Australia
Leviathan (2023)
Sea World Orlando
Ice Breaker (2020)
Mako (2021)
Sea World San Antonio
Texas Stingray (2021)
Silver Dollar City
Time Traveler (2020)
Aftershock (2023)
Six Flags Fiesta Texas
Dr. Diabolical’s Cliffhanger (2023)
Six Flags Great Adventure
El Toro (2022)
Jersey Devil (2021)
Kingda Ka (2020)
Nitro (2023)
Six Flags Great America
Maxx Force (2021)
Six Flags Magic Mountain
Full Throttle (2023)
Goliath (2020)
Twisted Colossus (2022)
X2 (2021)
Six Flags Mexico
Medusa (2021)
Six Flags New England
Wicked Cyclone (2022)
Six Flags Over Georgia
Blue Hawk (2022)
Thorpe Park
Colossus (2020)
Nemesis Inferno (2022)
Stealth (2021)
Swarm (2023)
Tobu Zoo Park
Kawasemi (2022)
Tokyo Dome City
Thunder Dolphin (2020)
Universal Studios Florida
Rip Ride Rockit (2021)
Universal Studios Japan
Flying Dinosaur (2023)
Walibi Belgium
Kondaa (2021)
Walibi Holland
Untamed (2020)
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spann-stann · 2 years
Setting Blurb: The Texan MacroCommunity (Reworked)
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As society began to break down within the United States leading up to, and during World War Three, the New Tribal Movement emerged and called for the recreation of tribes as socio-political units. The most and prominent of these was the Hispano-Gaels, an organization that blended pre (and post) Columbian Latin American and Gaelic Celtic culture. The Hispano-Gaels were the most vocal of the and aided like-minded groups across the United States as WW3 broke out. Eventually, the federal government began to pull support from all states west of the Mississippi, and then dissolved anticlimactically during the Leave Riots.
During the twenty year gap between WW3 and the Warlords' Wars, three cities formed the cores of new protostates in the former Lone Star State: Houston and the Hispano-Gaels, San Antonio and the Tejano Republic, with Austin and the "old regime loyalist" Texas in the middle. The Hispano-Gaels spent those twenty years "Tribalizing" their territory in the greater Houston area, with some expansion north into Dallas-Fort Worth. It was around this time that a young Ignacio Rotthey was inducted into the Hispano-Gaelic leadership, and he quickly made a name for himself with his diplomatic skills. Convincing the Tejanos that the Austin were calling for aid in subduing the rest of Texas (which wasn't incorrect, Austin had sent feelers out to Cascadia and New England), Ignacio was able to form an alliance between the Hispano-Gaels and Tejanos, and then conquer Austin. Patronage of the "right" leaders made San Antonio a Hispano-Gaelic client in all but name, and Texas, excluding the Panhandle, was theirs.
Several decisions and policies of the Hispano-Gaels made in regards to what Texan society would become would later be used in the future CorpEmp. Parents were incentivized to train their children how to perform their work (what would later develop into the Great Class System), and the territory controlled by Austin was carved up into smaller and more manageable clients (predecessor to the National Delimitation Zones). The city of Austin itself, a bombed and shelled wreck, was used as a dumping ground for "noncompliants" until they were later expelled to the independent Cordons Sanitaire.
The Texan Tribal Federation, as it was called at the time, began to consolidate its borders and reach out to the rest of Post-America. The Grand State of Virginia, an expansionist protostate under the Kellam dynasty, was the first to answer to Ignacio's calls for cooperation. Their first act of mutual aid and friendship was their intervention in the American South, ensuring that there were only allies and clients between the two. Other like-minded groups requested aid in the Mid and Southwestern portions of the former United States, as well as a few in what used to be Canada and Mexico. After solidifying the formation of the "League of Corporate Communities" and putting down a rival alliance in Cascadia and the New England. It was also around this time that the Tribal Federation completed talks the Panhandle's Comanche, Apache and Hispano communities in New Mexico, and a Native American-led Oklahoma. The Texan Federation would annex New Mexico and Oklahoma (much like Virginia annexing Maryland and the Carolinas).
This League further expanded to the rest of the Americas, Europe, Russia, and China. Ignacio's calls for greater cooperation resulted in the League transforming from a defensive alliance to a federation with its own governing body. Ignacio would become the elected head of state, and would then be later crowned Emperor following the new Corporate Empire (CorpEmp)'s expansion into Africa and the rest of Asia. As a way of not showing favoritism to any one member of CorpEmp, Ignacio abdicated his position as ruler of Texas in favor of creating an itinerant court.
Adelsverein Standestaat: One of two provinces created from the former Austinite territory, the Adelsverein Standestaat was formed around central Texas' German heritage. As the titular culture of the region, Texasdeutsch is now the primary language spoken. They make really good kolaches.
Cimmerian Tribal Zone: The second province carved out of occupied Austin was awarded to one of the Hispano-Gael's subordinate tribes, the Cimmerians. Interestingly enough, the home of Robert E. Howard was within the borders of the Cimmerian's new territory. Many of the tribe took this as a sign. These adopted sons of Conan the Barbarian have a few daughter colonies across CorpEmp space.
Comanche Corporate Republic: The homeland of the Comanche was restored after the sublimation of the United States, with their borders recognized by the Hispano-Gaels during their absorption of the Texas panhandle. The Comanche have become the both an energy and martial powerhouse within Texas, second only to the Hispano-Gaels in their contribution to the Imperial Armed Forces.
The Hispano-Gaelic Tribal Zone: The core territory of the Hispano-Gaels, their Tribal Zone serves as the capital province of Texas. Although Hispano-Gaels are the titular tribe, their Tribal Zone has a large amount of smaller vassal tribes concentrated in the metropolitan areas of Dallas and Corpus Christi. Despite the Rotthey's passing of the dynastic torch, the Hispano-Gaelic people are diehard supporters of CorpEmp.
Hispano-Gaelic Septs: As they incorporated New Mexico and Oklahoma into their Tribal Federation, the Hispano-Gaels elected to settle a warband or two in those ares as Septs of the tribe. Over time, these Septs would help the locals assimilate into Hispano-Gaelic culture (or at least into the New Tribal Movement), and create new sources of manpower for the Imperial Armed Forces.
Land Force Demesne Hood: While it had been looted by various warlords and militias following the collapse of the American Government, the old Fort Hood was reconstituted first as a staging area for the conquest of Austin, and then as a land hold for the newly created Imperial Army. As a Land Force Demesne, Hispano-Gaelic warriors and other martial peoples residing in Texas arrive to prove their worth in the Austin proving grounds and become members of the Imperial Armed Forces.
Neo-Mescalero Tribal Zone: One of the two restored homelands for the Apache within the Texan MacroCommunity. The Neo-Mescalero took control of the territory along the southern Texan-New Mexican border.
Neo-Jicarilla Tribal Zone: The second restored Apache homeland in Texas. The Neo-Jicarilla concentrated in the northwestern corner of New Mexico that wasn't seized by the Navajo-Hopi .
Nuevomexicano Corporate Republic: When the United States went *poof*, the Hispano population of New Mexico seized the northeastern corner of New Mexico as their "homeland". They really like to put turquoise on everything over there.
Sequoyah Corporate Republic: The Sequoyah Corporate Republic was incorporated into Texas following the annexation of Oklahoma. While still home to many Native American tribes that were forcibly relocated to the state, many have begun to migrate to their former homelands in neighboring Dixica, or to the many orbital habitats constructed across Imperial space.
Tejano Corporate Republic: The first protostate to ally with the Hispano-Gaels, San Antonio and south Texas serves as the homeland for Texas' early Hispanic settlers. Alamo Armorworks, the premier manufacturer of ground combat vehicles, has its headquarters in San Antonio.
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darkmaga-retard · 30 days
Now, “we will never actually know”…
Strange Sounds
Aug 17, 2024
He was probably dropped in the middle of the Atlantic ocean like Megatron and Osama Bin Laden…
Louisiana Rep. Clay Higgins has blasted the FBI for releasing attempted Trump assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks’ body to his family for cremation days after the shooting — calling it “disturbing” that the agency would impede further investigation.
The Republican congressman said he discovered that Crooks’ body was handed over to his family when he requested to examine it during his visit to the Butler, Pennsylvania rally site to investigate the shooting.
“My effort to examine Crooks’ body on Monday, August 5, caused quite a stir and revealed a disturbing fact… the FBI released the body for cremation 10 days after (July 13),” Higgins wrote in the report to the July 13 Task Force, a bipartisan committee organized to investigate the security failures around the shooting.
Now, “we will never actually know”…
House in Cape Hatteras, NC collapses from the force of waves generated by a hurricane 300 miles away… Yep, The stilt house near the outer banks completely collapsed in the water because of the waves from Hurricane Ernesto… Amazing!https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/AlxG4jkmPIE?rel=0&autoplay=0&showinfo=0&enablejsapi=0
He was told to stop by other personnel in the room (a hospital administrator) and just kept going. I sincerely hope they permanently revoke his privileges at all facilites he works. Guy obviously has too big of an ego to be practicing.Edit: he's also paid out over $600k to other patients he has already seriously harmed… Florida doc not wearing hearing aid couldn't hear colonoscopy patient screaming…
It's a warning to closely inspect your surroundings before you drop trou to relieve yourself…
SEND IN THE MOOSE… Ukraine can fire our weapons during attack inside Russia, says Canada…
These days, a lot of planes are crashing too… Congressman Larry McDonald died in a plane crash after this interview…https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/EjFfyBgKZW0?rel=0&autoplay=0&showinfo=0&enablejsapi=0
"....and later shooting at other people elsewhere the same night... That's probably the bigger crime… Man pulls gun after Burger King worker wouldn't take drugs for payment; gets 143 years in prison…
Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland officials said its security officers returned fire on active shooters who attempted to gain entry through the main gate at the JBSA-Chapman Training Annex…https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/Id2iChLFrOc?rel=0&autoplay=0&showinfo=0&enablejsapi=0
Yeah, I’m not surprised. This election is gonna be a shit show. It might look like 2020, but probably worse… Atlanta election workers to get ‘panic buttons’ amid rising threats…
Strange 'Stonehenge' discovered in Lake Michigan is 5,000 years older than the British landmark…https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/wtdMgfD2YYY?rel=0&autoplay=0&showinfo=0&enablejsapi=0
Kim Dotcom, founder of the once wildly popular file-sharing website Megaupload, lost a 12-year fight this week to halt his deportation from New Zealand to the U.S. on charges of copyright infringement, money laundering and racketeering… “Don’t worry I have a plan,” Dotcom posted on X this week… Kim Dotcom loses 12-year fight to halt deportation from New Zealand to face US copyright case…
NASA made a world-shaking discovery: Compelling evidence of past life on Mars…https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/I7v_xuCDwnM?rel=0&autoplay=0&showinfo=0&enablejsapi=0
The last sentence in that article: "Falling IQs have become yet another mystery for scientists to solve." Well, let's hope they can before they become too stupid to solve it… American IQ scores have rapidly dropped, proving the 'Reverse Flynn Effect'. The Reverse Flynn Effect refers to the recent decline in average IQ scores, especially in European countries…
Typhoon Ampil: Thousands evacuated and hundreds of flights cancelled as storm nears Tokyo…
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blowflyfag · 1 year
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all you need to know
Since the “reunion” of the Hart Foundation this past April, a bitter rivalry between fans in the United States and Canada has developed as a result of the anti-American propaganda Bret and his family spout so freely. While Americans see the Foundation’s remarks as a slap in the face, the people of the Great White North have sided with their countrymen in declaring, “The U.S.A. is not O.K.”
At July’s Canadian Stampede Pay-Per-View and the subsequent RAW IS WAR, the following night, Calgary, Alberta, and Edmonton, Alberta, erupted in support of Bret, Owen Hart, the British Bulldog, Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart and “Loose Cannon” Brian Pillman. Their posters and painted Maple Leaf faces told a tale of a nation that was set to declare war the moment Stone Cold Steve Austin interrupted their national anthem with a steel chair orchestra of his own.
The following week on RAW IS WAR, the fans in San Antonio, Texas, told quite a different story. From the program outset, the Saddledome erupted into a frenzy when the Lone Star native–evoking visions of General Patton while the American flag sailed proudly on the giant Titantron–stood side-by-side with Shawn Michaels, Psycho Sid, the Patriot and Ken Shamrock in defense of Old Glory. That night, patriotic support nearly blew a hole in the ceiling when Austin and partner Dude Love beat Own and Davey Boy to take home the tag team gold.
Not to be outdone by their neighboring country, Canada welcomed RAW IS WAR back with open arms one week later in Halifax, Nova Scotia. On this night, the stage was theirs to try to insult as many non-American superstars as possible. The jeering grew to a deafening pitch during an interview with Shawn Michaels and a subsequent match involving the Patriot. 
At press time, the heated “rivalry” developing between Canada and the United States is in its infancy, but one must wonder: Have Federation officials unknowingly started an all-out “war” that they might not be able to stop? The answer may lie at this year’s Survivor Series, when the entire Great White North will converge on the Molson Centre in Montreal, Quebec, on November 9. If this dispute is not resolved by then, World War II may pale compared to the onslaught that could occur at the pay-per-view. 
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Have you ever worked on the L'Anse aux Meadows site, or done any research/reading on Vinland?
I'm especially wondering your thoughts as it implies that European settlement (in Canada at least) predates the British and French colonies.
That, and Finland wanted you to call him Papa.
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"Finland? ... Mr. Timo never had overseas colonies. You could try n' argue that Mr. Jan and Mr. Björn had hands in my raising with Nieuw-Nederland and Nya Sverige. But those were founded after Arthur's denizens founded Jamestown, with those two colonies being chartered in 1614 and founded in 1638, respectively. An' there's so much more I could say about 'em, but then we'd be ignorin' the fact that even Mr. Antonio's people were consistently here in what would become me way, way before Lord Father and Francis. St. Augustine, Florida, was founded in 1565, and that was after several failed Spanish attempts in Florida and the East Coast. That earliest attempt was San Miguel de Guadalupe in 1526, in what'd become South Carolina in the modern day.
"An' I can't speak for Mattie - and I shouldn't, but he's busy - but apart from the Norse settlement of L'Anse aux Meadows, I think the Spanish and Portuguese Empires were the first to claim Canadian land as theirs. Fighting over mainly Newfoundland? In 1497 and 1501-1502. To set up fishing outposts and other such things. I think, I think. Oh, where's Matt when I need 'im? And then the French came in a lil' later and had a few failed attempts at permanent settlement in 1541, 1598, and 1600, before finding success a couple years down the road.
"But I digress! Y'all both asked about pre-Columbian settlement by the Vikings. Gonna be upfront and hella personal with y'all...I've never worked on it. I'd love to, but at the same time, it ain't my main focus. So I usually gotta keep my eyes averted from the whole Viking settlement mystery. I'm more concerned with sites that fall in the several thousand years old ranges, or more. But gosh dang, if I wouldn't love to read more about Vinland. It's just little far north for me, and I'd need to worry about travelin' and all that. But yeah, my knowledge of pre-Columbian human activity in the Americas is concerned with the migrations over the Kelp Highway, the Pacific, and the hypothesized route over Beringia. You could tack on the Solutrean hypothesis too but...hmmm.
"One crucial thing to remember about L'Anse is that it's the only undisputed site of pre-Columbian European contact in all of the Americas. Otherwise, the slew of theories that surround it are all debated and should be taken with a grain of salt. There's a whole lot of murky, unclear evidence, or simply none at all. But L'Anse has produced over 800 artifacts that can be traced to Norse origins, so it's hard to deny that! And the sod-and-wood frame structures? That's damn cool! Now I really wanna know more, sitting here reading some basics. Maybe...well, I'm not sure, but maybe I could do some more research for us and make a future post with more about L'Anse aux Meadows and the Vinland mythos!"
((Don't mind the fact that I forgot to color his glasses. I was literally so excited to give a history lesson that it slipped my mind. Edit: Fixed!!))
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Top or Bottom: John Hagee
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An American pastor and televangelist. The founder of John Hagee Ministries, his ministry is telecast to the United States and Canada. Hagee is also the founder and senior pastor of Cornerstone Church, a charismatic megachurch in San Antonio, Texas, a non-denominational evangelical church with more than 20,000 active members.
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Bottom. OK, I'll take this seriously and analyze this thoroughly. Well, lets see. He did have an adulterous affair with a woman from his own former congregation who he later married. That’s true. That’s true. So you got to think he's a good lay. 
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BUT... I think he has an ass that's built for bottoming. So I can't realistically picture him as a top. SERIOUSLY, LOOK AT THAT ASS.
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The ONLY way to change my mind is John Hagee himself to fuck me. And that's not happening. 
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Conclusion: Big time bottom.
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shewhoworshipscarlin · 8 months
Clarence Edwin “Cito” Gaston
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Clarence Edwin “Cito” Gaston is a baseball manager, coach, and outfielder. He became the first African American baseball manager to win the World Series when the Toronto Blue Jays won in 1992.
Clarence Gaston was born to Sammy Gaston and Gertrude Coley on March 17, 1944, in San Antonio, Texas. Gaston’s adoption of the nickname “Cito” was often disputed growing up. He claims he adopted the name from a Mexican-American wrestler he watched when he was young. Another claim was that he adopted the name from a friend, Carlos Thompson, who thought he resembled a Cito wrestler. Gaston attended Wheatley High School in San Antonio, Texas, for a year, then transferred to Holy Cross High School and Solomon-Coles High School in Corpus Christi, Texas. Gaston graduated from Solomon-Coles High School in 1962.
After graduating, Gaston played semi-professional baseball in local leagues from 1962 to 1964. In 1964, Gaston was spotted by a scout from the then-Milwaukee Braves at a game and immediately signed him. Gaston would make his Major League Baseball debut in 1967 with the now-Atlanta Braves for a season. Gaston signed with the San Diego Padres in an expansion draft the following season and started playing with the team in 1969. Gaston’s best season with the team came in 1970 when he was selected for his first and only MLB All-Star game. He would remain with the Padres until the 1974 season. Gaston signed with the Braves for a second time the following season and remained with them until the 1978 season. He would then play with the Pittsburgh Pirates for part of the 1978 season and retire at the end of the season at the age of 34.
In 1982, Gaston became the hitting coach for the Toronto Blue Jays. With Gaston as one of the coaches, the team won its first division title in 1985. He remained a coach until the 1989 season when he became manager of the team. Under Gaston’s management, the Blue Jays became a significant World Series contender. During the 1992 season, the Blue Jays won their first World Series against the Atlanta Braves in six games. With that win, Gaston became the first African American to lead his team to a World Series.
Gaston and the Blue Jays won another World Series in 1993 after defeating the Philadelphia Phillies in six games. Gaston remained with the Blue Jays until the end of the 1997 season, when he was fired. He rejoined the team as hitting coach during the 2000 season and remained with the Blue Jays through 2001. In 2008, Gaston was rehired as manager of the Blue Jays and would stay in that position until the end of the 2010 season.
Gaston was elected to the Canadian Baseball Hall of Fame in 2002. In 2006, Gaston was inducted into the San Antonio Sports Hall of Fame. Two years later, in 2008, Gaston was given a Negro League Hall of Fame Legacy Award (Jackie Robinson Award). He was inducted into the Ontario Canada Sports Hall of Fame in 2011.
Gaston has been married three times. He was married first to Lena Green Gaston. The couple had two daughters, Rochelle and Shawn, before divorcing. Gaston married a Canadian citizen, known as Denise, but the couple also divorced. Gaston married a third time to a woman named Lynda.
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lindasteelehot1 · 2 years
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Thanking my newest members on Lindasteelehotbod.com from Greece Scottsdale, AZ Overland Park, KS Doylestown, PA Texhoma, OK altoona, PA EAST LIBERTY, OH Ponte Vedra, FL Methuen, MA Greece Latvia Canada San Antonio, TX France 
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To add this to my last post, this also just ensures confusion and chaos. Like now what do we do? Get in the fan line and hope the venue and gvf security honors it? Follow the rules of the venue and pray I'm doing this right?
The whole things is a nightmare and the fact that I live near San Antonio, that my air bnb is like 5 minutes from the venue, and I could still lose barricade to someone from New York/California or even Canada or whatever extremely far off place they may be from?
We all deserve to enjoy our shows and have fun, but this is taking all the joy out of it. When you are coming to another state/country for a show (that you have already been to multiple of) and complain when you didn't get barricade when you've already had it, I have no sympathy for you. Have some respect for those who this is their one and only show in their home state/home country.
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awanderingcanadian · 11 months
A Little Catch Up on My Life and Travels
My last post was about selling our beloved place in Mexico. I haven't posted since then, but I've been busy, both with closing down the business, and then taking to the road.
I'm writing this from a hotel room in San Antonio, Texas. We have just finished a 5 day vacation with family, and my husband and his brother attended 3 days of the Formula One in Austin. They are very close to each other, and I think they enjoyed everything about their 3 days together. My sister in law and I are also close, and we enjoyed hanging out: there was a day of walking and checking out the River Walk, and a couple of days of relaxing and reading, (things we both enjoy).
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Today we parted ways, with my BIL and SIL returning home and Craig and I staying one more night then flying onward to Mexico to meet up with my dad and a friend. We are headed to the town where we have spent 16 happy years, but this time we're not staying at our own place. Instead we are staying with our former property manager who also has rental apartments. While we will be doing many fun things with our local friends, we will NO be painting or fixing things, (a staple of our previous trips). It will be a different trip for sure.
However, I started my travels the last week of August, when my sister invited me to accompany her and my niece back to Ontario, (where my niece attends university). While I've passed through Toronto, both just within the airport, and by vehicle, I've never actually spent any time there, so I jumped at the opportunity. It was a fun and busy 5 days, sightseeing, catching a Blue Jays baseball game, and touring the infamous Kingston penitentiary, as well as getting my niece settled into her new house.
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In between the two above trips, we took our travel trailer down the Washington and Oregon coasts, before cutting into more central California to Yosemite National parks. We stayed at both National Parks and State Parks, and boy to do I have a lot to say about those...however, that will be in another post. We had two nights in the San Francisco Bay area, staying in fabulous new regional park in the East Bay, where we spend an unexpected $900+USD when the water pump, followed by the serpentine belt gave out in our truck! Fortunately, we were in a big centre with lots of access to mechanics and parts!
We picked up friends who arrived from Scotland and together the 4 of us made our way back to Canada, via wine tastings and microbreweries!
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We loved catching up with family en route, and it was fun to play tour guide to our Scottish friends! We took them out to my favourite place in the world, (the west coast of Vancouver Island), as well as visiting the famous Butchart Gardens, (in the POURING rain), finishing with 2 nights in Vancouver.
So...I've definitely not been lollygagging or wallowing in sorrow over the sale of our place, although when I see it tomorrow evening for the first time since the sale, I may have a wee wallow. Until next time...
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