A daily roller coaster personification challenge for the month of May! Use the tag #coastermaynia or tag this account to be reposted/featured. Challenge created by @rajamitsu
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Coaster Maynia 2024 Day 16 - HYPERIA
“In a world where many people had powers or could use magic, those who had no natural abilities or acquired powers often felt helpless and insignificant. Melora was the only of her siblings that didn’t seem to acquire some sort of power when earth began to be affected by the anomalies. Her older brother could fly, one of her young twin sisters could run inhumanly fast and the other could teleport. Melora however had no power to speak of, and despite attempts to connect to magic, never found a spark. She was discouraged, but had a long talk with her brother about how she didn’t need powers to help people, it just was about her intention and desire to show up and do what was right. One day, her brother didn’t return home, apparently last seen with another group of anomaly affected fighting some sort of entity as dark as the night sky, glittering with star like sparks. Her family was devastated by her brother’s disappearance and presumed passing, Melora herself responding to the tragedy by taking his words to heart. She constructed wing like weapons that she positioned on her back. She could not actually fly, but used her wings as blades to fight, fight for her family, fight for her brother, fight for everyone who was worth it. She became an iconic hero, adored by young people everywhere, with or without powers. She made everyone she came across feel like they could do something. Anything to make a difference. She was eventually brought on to the Island Like No Other Project, as a protector, of a secret isolated location that acted as a safe haven in case of a catastrophic event.”
I am so excited to reveal Hyperia! As many of you know, my Thorpe ocs have often been in the shadow of my Altons, but I want to change that! @tackledkey has had me wanting to do so much more with my Thorpe ocs, and lets just say, I have plans! More of Hyperia and the rest of my Thorpes coming soon….
But yeah….really wasn’t expecting in the end to actually make it that my Hyperia can’t actually fly! I think with how I was writing her lore though, it made sense that she never actually would have that power!
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Coaster Maynia 2024 Day 15 - Leap the Dips
“While Black Holes often disguised themselves to live amongst the people of planets they would eventually absorb after gathering intelligence about their vulnerability and weaknesses, some Black Holes decided to live simple lives amongst the people on the planets they were meant to be invading. Beatrix, of course was one of them, being fond of humans and wanting to be like them. Another Black Hole like that was Lawrence Dewitt. A simple man that coasted through life, always going with the flow of the ups and downs of life. He seemed to always be in a good mood, and those who crossed his path always felt themselves feeling emotional in a way they couldn’t explain. His presence definitely felt otherworldly. Most Black Holes would change their appearance or identity as people caught onto them, but Lawrence has not changed his appearance in over 100 years. Most who see him pass him off as a vision or ghost, and he has become a legend of sorts, only seemingly appearing when odd anomalies occur….”
This was a coaster I suggested! This coaster is actually in my home state, and when I was young my father said if I rode it with him, he’d give me 100 dollars. At the time I was terrified of coasters, so I didn’t at the time. I regret it so much now! This year, the ride isn’t operating, which is sad, I had hoped to get on it when I visited home again this summer. But hopefully someday I’ll ride Leap the Dips with my dad, and he will give me those 100 dollars.
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Coaster Maynia 2024 May 13 - FIREHAWK
“Finn Hawk came from the same alien species of winged people that Vanya and Erica’s father came from. Finn was a huge daredevil, and loved to show off death-defying feats and tricks in flight. Above all though, he was devoted to helping people and was very popular for that. Many said that Finn feared nothing, and would fly through raging flames to save people, giving him the title of “ The fearless Firehawk” he inspired many young ones, even when he retired, was still looked up to as an inspiration for others.”
Sorry for the late post today! This art has of course been done for awhile, but I was at a themepark all day and only go to posting now! Also yeah I don’t really have a name for these winged aliens…I have my other race of little bird people too that I need to draw more of again that still needs a name as well! Why are alien species names so hard to come up with, does anyone else have any ideas?
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Coaster Maynia 2024 Day 12 - TH13TEEN
“Mystery had always been one to keep to herself, not speak much or even at all really. She liked to spend time in the forest, practicing and creating new spells, from the flowers and plants around her. One rather cloudy day, she sat on the forest floor, surrounded by the nature she adored so much, woodland critters watching her nervously but curiously from the brush, as her powers created the illusion of animal spirits. The wispy spirts danced and swayed in the breeze, but the sudden sound of someone’s quick footsteps startled them, and the other creatures. A young girl tore past Mystery, knocking over her bag, spilling bottles of seeds and pollen and petals, and knocked various stones about.
“Sorry…” a voice called back, it sounded hiccupy and full of tears.
Mystery’s face softened, but worry suddenly struck her. She knew well deep in these woods there was dangers even she dared not face. She tried to call out, but the words were stuck in her throat. She couldn’t bring herself to speak. The other girl was far ahead, but Mystery got up and followed after her. Eventually she caught up, the girl sat in a clearing, crying softly. Mystery bent down on one knee.
“You. Should not be…here. Alone. Don’t go alone.” Mystery managed to force out. She exhaled. “It…will be okay. I promise.”
The crying child wiped her eyes. Mystery had outstretched her hand to her. The young girl smiled, pulling herself up, curly pigtails bouncing. She moved her hands. Mystery’s eyes brightened.
“I like the flower on your hat” The young girl signed.
“Thank you! It is a Red Spider Lily” Mystery signed in response.
“You have a staff, are you a witch too?”
“That’s awesome! I wish more girls my age were witches, I don’t think they understand it. Sometimes I feel so alone.”
“You aren’t alone. Not while I’m here protecting everyone who enters these woods. Now let’s go home, okay?”
Yay Mystery! Had so much fun designing a new outfit for her.
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Coaster Maynia 2024 Day 11 - MYSTERY MINE
“And the old miner never emerged from the mines,,,,alive that is. Some say he still very much wanders the tunnels of this here mine, you can even see the canary that tried to save em’ too.
“Psh, thats nonsense, ghosts aren’t real. Believing in stuff like that is just downright silly!”
“Hmph, I bet you’re just scared the Old vengeful Miner is gonna get you with his pick axe!”
“Am not! Cause he ain’t real!”
A group of young lads were playing dangerously close to an abandoned mine, the oldest twisting a a tale of a mining crew that perished in a mysterious explosion in the mine. It’s believed that one of the miners set up the others as a prank, or perhaps some sort of payback. One of the miners in the story had been portrayed as feeling betrayed by his fellow man, and stayed haunting the mine in hopes his and the other miners murder would return, to get their revenge. His friends didn’t believe him, but his little brother did….
“Big bro, where is the ghost miner now?”
“The deepest part of the mine you see…you wanna try and find him?”
“Oh yes please brother!”
The other boys laughed. “He’s just blowing smoke. You really don’t believe this story do you?”
“I think I do…”
“Let me prove it to you!”
The other boys made their way home, but the brothers ventured deep into the mines, messing about a bit and just having fun, the light of one of their phones dimly lighting the tunnel. But as they went deeper, it grew cold….very cold. The pair of brothers suddenly heard…no it couldn’t be. The mine was abandoned. They couldn’t be a canary down here right?
“You hear that too right brother?”
Suddenly the boys noticed smoke fill the tunnel, clouding the dim light from their phones. The pair of boys didn’t even get the chance to turn to run, when the vengeful spirit of the miner emerged from the smoke, filling the whole cavern with a green glow.
No one else believed them. Until they saw for themselves….the Mystery of the Abandoned Mine.”
Really struggled with this design at first, but in the last stages of this drawing I felt it really came together! Wanted to go with another short story for this design as well.
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Coaster Maynia 2024 Day 10 - Milky Way Express
“Black Holes have existed as long as the universe has existed. Thought to have been the first ever sentient species in the universe, these incredibly powerful aliens live extremely long lives, mostly spend consuming other alien races, whole planets, and even entire galaxies. Their ability to take the forms of anything they come across also adds to the anxiousness of other alien species and of course humans. Beatrix is the rare exception of a Black Hole that isn’t interested in consuming galaxies, but is instead very curious about other humans and wishes to be seen as one. However, one night as she “dreams” she comes across a Black Hole that looks a bit like her, wearing an ornate detailed dress, asking her why she has chosen a life of coexisting with humans. Why is she ignoring her natural instinct to devour the universe? Why has she befriended “food”. Isn’t she worried about disappointed her mother, and all she had sacrificed for them?
Beatrix woke with a start. She never would have been able to meet her mother, as traditionally the only way new Black Hole came to be was from the “death” of another. She had also never met any siblings, which was common for Black Holes. It was even less common for them to dream, but Beatrix did always manage to be a little different. She couldn’t shake the image of her apparent sibling from her mind. Her wide toothed grin and unblinking eyes, her massive dress adorned with stars and spirals. Beatrix began to refer to her as Missy, having many dreams where the two would go back and forth, Missy trying to either encourage Beatrix to be more like the other Black Holes, or Beatrix trying to make Missy see the value of life outside of their kind. Most of Beatrix’s dreams with Missy ended very distressing or jarring, Beatrix sometimes seeing the planet full of her friends and loved ones being destroyed. Is Missy Bea’s sibling? Or a product of her own subconscious…..”
Missy is definitely up to this point my favorite design I’ve done so far. I really like my alien Species “Black Holes” and have sooo many plans for them! Missy’s going to be for sure more villainous….
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Coaster Maynia 2024 Day 8 - OBJECTIF MARS
“Galazonians were widely known as being a pacifist race, having a planet that acted as a safe hub in the universe, and their achievements in robotics. Mostly known for creating the canine like companion robots, the Galabots, Galazonians attempted to build more humanoid shaped robots with ai features. One of these robots came to be known as O.M. She was created as an assistant in helping Galazonians who struggled with their intense emotions by navigating bouts of panic, overstimulation, and distress. Her programming giving her a soothing and almost otherworldly presence. She could preform various means of therapy from talk to physical therapy. During her trials, most patients applauded her genuine feeling personality and how spending time with her improved their states greatly. The ai continued on learning more and more from each patient, being able to adjust her own programming to suit each individuals needs. Attempts to recreate her configuring have still not been achieved, and she is a highly sought out piece of tech from many Galazonians. It is claimed in some of her studies that O.M. has experienced genuine distress in the fear that she cannot help everyone as she is designed to do…but presses on to make sure everyone is comfortable, safe, and happy.”
Day 8! I had fun with this design a lot, the coaster is absolutely gorgeous! May be on my rollercoaster bucket list now.
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Coaster Maynia 2024 Day 7 - OUTLAW RUN
“The exhausted outlaw came to a halt, ducking in between the Saloon and the shop, hoping to stay hidden from the relentless sheriff. The outlaw gasped for air, winching at the pain in his legs. A moments rest, he prayed it would be enough to slip into the shadows and out of this good for nothin’ town! How dare they call the sheriff on him for only taking what he deserved! Nevertheless, he hadn’t been caught before, and he sure as hell wouldn’t let that start here! Just another deep breath and…
The sound of hooves tapping almost impatiently behind him stopped him from exhaling. He slowly turned his head, his teeth gritting into a forced smile. “Ah, hello Sheriff? Having fun?”
The horse stomped, almost seeming irritated by the Outlaw’s snark. “Easssy Silver,” the sheriff cooed, warmly smiling at his horse, and then to the Outlaw. “Now now, we can end things here if you just come with me, your hurt, running will only make it worse.”
“Tsk, you really are on your high horse ,huh? You think I’ll let someone from a pathetic town like this take me in? You’re not even on the map!”
“Pathetic huh? Maybe if you’d give this place a chance, you’d see its full of good people, maybe it would help an outlaw like you change your ways hmm?”
“Pah as if! This is the Wild West, not a fairy tale!” The Outlaw got to his feet. “You want to take me in? You’ll be throwing a limp body behind bars!” He stumbled off once more.
The Sheriff grinned. “The game goes on. C’mon Silver, I think it’s time I stopped going so easy on this fella….he doesn’t seem to want to change, and I gave him plenty of chances!”
“Ahaha as if I want your chan—“ The smug outlaw suddenly dropped his facade as his leg gave out under him, and he stumbled over his own feet. He groaned and looked up, to see a raging steed just inches from him, her rider swigging his lasso….”
Had so much fun with this design and story! I actually consulted a friend who had been to Silver Dollar City for his perspective of the ride to help with this design, thanks for that Jono!! Also if anyone recognized the Outlaw design from last years Coaster Maynia…you get a cookie!
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Coaster Maynia 2024 Day 5 - GOOD GRAVY
“The anomalies seemed to be gifting many people with powers that didn’t have them before, but even prior to then, existed many individuals with magic abilities. Prior to the event that spurred the mass outbreak of super human powers, many with said magical abilities hid them from the general public. One of those people was Goldie Graves, a young woman who grew up on a farm. It was discovered early on that she had magical abilities, which hadn’t seemed to run in her family, at a glance. It turned out, that her grandmother also had similar powers, but kept it a secret until Goldie was shown to have powers. She then became Goldie’s mentor, her teachings involving a combination of healing magic…and cooking! Goldie had a passion for making home cooked meals due to her upbringing on the farm, and using her grandmas secret recipes, which included a bit of magic, she was able to make meals that could heal others, or sometimes even buff their abilities! She of course in a pinch (of salt) will also jump into combat to use her spells offensively, but more than often prefers to be a support than on the front lines.”
Good Gravy this design is probably one of my favorites so far! I had so much fun with this character, taking inspiration from the Porcelain Skin line from League of Legends when designing her armor! I wanted to take the somewhat goofy theme…as seriously as I could haha. I’m really happy with the results, I hope you guys like her too!
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Hyperion for CoasterMaynia day 2. I really wanted to draw this coaster.

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Coaster Maynia 2024 Day 4 - LOST GRAVITY
“The anomaly did a lot of extraordinary things to seemingly ordinary people. Louise Gray didn’t think she was anything spectacular growing up, having a lot of insecurities and feeling lost in the world. But one day, she awoke to find herself floating as if gravity was no object. She was frightened at first, still feeling alone in her plight, to soon find out across the globe hundreds and thousands of people were being suddenly affected with curious powers. With these powers however came many who used them for good, but some who used them for bad. Louise was somewhere in the middle some would say. Taking on the identity of “Lost Gravity” she embraced a new aesthetic and bolder personality, using her powers for selfish but mostly harmless gains, occasionally stealing a treat from the shops or seeing over a massive crowd in a concert, or appearing “literally” above everyone else. She was beyond caring what people thought of her anymore, she had a cool power and she was going to show that off! No longer was she a meek, shy, timid girl, but a stylish and cool anti hero.”
Day 4 for @coastermaynia ! I had toooo much fun with this lasses outfit! Lost Gravity has such a cool theme and aesthetic, I wanted to really capture that with Louise’s design!
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Found the cool personification challenge made by @coastermaynia
Decided to partecipate, probably I won't finish it until the end because I’m very lazy lol
Here’s day 1 (top thrill 2) and day 2 (Hyperion). (idk if I’m going to do talon or skip it)
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Coaster Maynia Day 3 2024 - TALON, THE GRIP OF FEAR
“The universe is filled with many different species, one of which are known by many as simply Talons. A humanoid shaped race on appearance, many will soon notice their barb covered bodies and armor. This armor in fact is all part of their body, growing tougher as they age. Males tend to have flashier colours in said armor, whereas females are much duller, blending into the planets landscape. They are a species of warriors, fighting not just amongst themselves but others too, psychically engaging in combat even over minor and petty squabbles. They mostly fight with their clawed hands, their finishing move being with the talon at the end of their “hair”, gripping tightly at their foes. It is more than often recommended to avoid conflict with a Talon, even if surrendering is met with ridicule and insults about cowardice. Many Talons are known to even pick fights with the massive Nemesi, despite being at a disadvantage. Many Nemesi humoring Talons and going easy on them. They do however, leave the pacifist race of Galazonia alone, not even daring cross that line.”
Day 3 for Coaster Maynia! I actually suggested Talon hehe, I love the colours of this ride! I don’t know if in the end I’m as pleased with this design, maybe I’ll revisit this guy a bit later!
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I am participating in CoasterMaynia for the first time. So, here is my Smiler for the first day of the prompt. I will go with traditional drawings for this challenge since I am way slower at digital art for some reason.

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Coaster Maynia 2024 Day 2 - HYPERION
“Despite Galazonians becoming a pacifist race by choice, there always needed to be a back up defense plan. Their planet being a peaceful hub for the universe could only last so long with sinister villains a foot. An elite force of soldiers that had been training up; learning to mask their emotions and fight through the physical pain of their hyper empathy; eventually needed to be deployed to protect the royal family and the people of Galazona. Their leader, General Hyperion Starson, and his Galabot Helios, trained tirelessly to protect the planet and its people. General Starson had grown from being a soft and gentle soul to a stern and ruthless drill sergeant, driven by the pain brought on by his negative emotions. His Galabot Helios acted not only as a aid in battle, but as emotional support as well. Many believed his mental state was not only driven by the attack on his planet, but a personal loss caused by the attack. But he still has not confirmed this. His current duties appear to consist of searching for the kingdoms lost princess, alongside continuing to protect Galazona and other planets from evil.”
Day 2 of @coastermaynia ! I love the design I came up with for these guys, I’m making it tradition now to draw more characters from Erica’s race to flesh them out a bit more! Galabots have become one of my favorite characters to design, absolutely none of them beat Gale though! XD
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Full image of my Smiler OC [+ a headshot.] I decided to work on a new style for it and see where it would take me. Not far, it seems. But. I did choose the one i struggle most with colouring cause of their dark skin so idk maybe i should stick with it.
Their scars were fun to do tho imo.
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Coaster Maynia 2024 Day 1 - TOP THRILL 2
“One of the most common after effects of the anomalies, was many seemingly ordinary humans acquiring inhuman amounts of speed. Rita Ferraro was one of them of course, but found her new ability a mix of a blessing and a curse, thus deciding to join a support group for people like her. It was in this group, she met people like Enzo, a full of himself speedster who she briefly was in a relationship with, only for that to end very soured. Rita however met many others with her ability who were kind and supportive. Topher Thomson was one of them, in the support group since 2003. They were friendly, upbeat and positive, and always trying to uplift and support others who were struggling. Topher themselves was a bit clumsy much like Rita, tending to fall backwards during high speed runs and stumbling. But they never gave up, and Rita admired that. For many years Topher was a visible figure in the support group, helping others come to terms with their new abilities, making sure people were taking care of themselves and drinking and eating enough, tending to injuries of those still clumsy and running into things, and much more. But recently, they vanished for a period of time, worrying a lot in the community. Rita got word something had happened to her friend, and was desperate to run off as fast as she could to find them. But not long later, Topher returned, seeming brighter than ever, with a new sense of style and more control over their powers than before…”
Happy Coaster Maynia Season! Im so so so excited this year, I’ve gotten so much prep done ahead of time, as I want to get the lists done in time! I have a lot coming up at the end of the month anyways so I needed to be ready for it all! But yes, it’s been so fun working on the prompts this year, I’ve been doing these template backgrounds for each day, and plan to write up little blurbs to further develop each character! Also in terms of the best of list, Im prioritizing the main, but do plan to go back to the second one once the first list is done! As I plan to make the art for the best of list a bit more detailed and with backgrounds! Stay tuned for those pieces…..
But yes! Good luck and have fun to everyone else participating, and if you are, share your art with me! I want to share as many other coaster maynia entries to my socials this year!
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