dwuerch-blog · 1 month
Nothing can Separate Us from God's Love
Doesn’t that give us reassurance at the end of a day when we feel less than loved by anyone, including ourselves? God’s love for us is unwavering and eternal. Imagine that! No matter what happens, nothing can destroy our relationship with Him. This truth has the power to transform our lives. Romans 8:38-39 assures us, “For I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from His love. Death…
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s-oulpunk · 2 years
I love writing teenage Georgie Denbrough but he’s so sad he breaks my heart </3
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lilgynt · 4 years
Things that live rent free in my head
Abigail Hobbs
That scene where Wills like I promised a reckoning with the stag in his mental space
Hannibal eating what’s his names face
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mpregspn · 2 years
all is frogiven (funny way of misspelling forgiven. also i'm handing you a frog)
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penwieldingdreamer · 5 years
A new part for you guys. Hope you will like it. Oh and I forgot to mention in the last chapter, if you want to be added to the taglist, just let me know, I’ll do it gladly. Have fun, guys
Warnings: slight swearing, flying fists, implying of domestic violence
Words: 1455
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Part 4
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Later that day you both sat comfortably in the main room of Frank and Sheryl’s home. Their kids were staying with friends making it easier to have a good night, just the adults watching a football match between the New England Patriots and the Cleveland Browns.
“So Johnny, who do you think will win this one? Patriots aren’t that strong?” Frank addressed the former Ohio State quarterback having spoken about his possible career before he got injured.
Leaning back the dark haired agent sipped his beer, pulling you closer to his side. “I don’t know.” he shrugged. “Cleveland isn’t the best team either.” Johnny added sending the other three guys a tight smile. He had been on edge the ever since you had gotten out of the headquarters.
The agent had tried to tell you numerous times what had been going on with Tyler and him, but every time some one came and interrupted. Now he couldn’t talk because you were supposed to be happy and in love. Michael had been watching you with disdain as you cuddled up on the large couch, you leaning your head against Johnny’s shoulder and a sweet smile on your lips.
“You seem awfully confident, Utah, probably why you’re not the star quarterback anymore.” Michael declared with a glare, putting his bottle against his lips. You felt your partner’s muscles clench underneath his shirt, his breathing change. Of course he would mention something like that, having heard the story about his injury and the end of his career before. Even though you hadn’t worked together before, you knew this was a bad sign. Johnny wouldn’t hold back if Angelo antagonized him even more.
He leaned forward and sent the investment broker a dark look. “You know nothing, bud. This has nothing to do with my time at Ohio State, I just answered Frank’s question and it is my honest opinion.”
“Honesty.” your neighbor snorted. “Maybe you shlouda been honest with your lovely lady, seeing as she’s only second best to you.”
You turned to Johnny, not knowing what was going on. “What’s going on, babe? You know you can tell me anything.” you emphasized, putting your hand on his cheek, feeling the slight roughness of his stubble.
The dark haired agent sighed, opening his mouth to finally tell you what had been on his mind as of late. But again someone was interrupting. It was a theme with the two of you. At first he ignore it, both Frank and Henry trying to stop their friend from speaking but it was to no avail. Angelo had always been one to rile others up and his wife wasn’t better. Sheryl and Susan avoided Claire as best as possible, only interacting when necessary, and Michael’s wife didn’t mind in the least.
“Come on Johnny, tell Y/N about the woman you’re meeting secretly.” your neighbor remarked with a smirk gracing his lips.
Your partner stared hard at him and you knew right then he wanted to deck him. “Would you shut up, Angelo? This is between Y/N and me.”
“And here I though we were all friends. This is me telling my friend that you’re fucking someone else behind her back.”
Both men stood up, scanning each other. While Johnny was about a head taller than Michael, your suspect was burlier and probably had a mean right hood if he wanted to. You put your hand on your partners shoulder, stroking over his shirt covered skin to try and calm him down, while Frank and Henry pushed the investment broker back, his wife still sitting calmly in her chair, sipping on the wine she had gotten from Sheryl.
“Johnny, please, just calm down. We can talk later”
“Oh, do you need a little girl now to fight your battles?”
It was the final straw and before everyone present could react, the dark haired agent had decked Michael. He tumbled back against the plush chair he sat in before, his eyes watery and blood spurting from his nose. Each of you let out a tiny gasp as you watched the scene unfold in front of you. Growling and pumped with adrenaline he jumped up and ran at Johnny, putting his hands on his neck.
“My god, Frank do something.” Sheryl’s cry rang through the living room.
Now even Mrs. Angelo had gotten out of her stupor. She yelled at her husband, urging him to stop, but he would have none of it.
Fists were flying around, Henry got himself punched in the eye because he tried to get the two men to end their brawl. You had decided it was time to call it quits, making your way over when a soft hand stopped you.
“Don’t do that. You’ll end up at the ER with these two bulls butting heads.” Shocked you looked at Claire. She had always been so distant and yet the fight her husband caused seemed to pull her out of the shell. “He won’t stop when he’s angry, believe me I know Michael.”
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. Before you hadn’t had any dirt on him yet, but his wife’s reveal made him a suspect for domestic violence. She was so used to it, that she only shrugged, probably waiting for Michael’s fist to come at her. Now it all made sense, the reason why she was so distant with all of you, why she was sporting that uptight glare all the time. It was her mechanism of defense. “If you want, we can go to the police together. You need to tell them what he is doing to you.”
“It’s been going on for seventeen years, I don’t think the police will help me now.”
Before you could respond a groan sounded from the other side of the room and you saw Angelo laying face first on the carpet. Johnny stood over him, his fists still raised in a defensive stance with FBI training still kicking in. He had a cut above his eyebrow and his lower lip was split, but otherwise he still looked fine. The investment broker looked worse for wear, sporting a broken nose which already turned blue from the bruising, a cut on his cheek and above his eye.
You went over to your partner, holding onto his clenched hands, making him look at you. “Johnny, babe, calm down.” He watched you like a caged animal, his chest raising and falling rapidly from the harsh breaths he took. “Let’s go home and get you cleaned up.”
Sheryl watched you both, tending to Henry together with Susan as her husband checked on Michael, making sure he was still breathing. “I think that’s a good idea.” You could feel the anger rolling off of her and you hoped with everything you had in you that it wasn’t directed at you.
“I’m sorry for ruining the evening.”Johnny mumbled, putting his arm around your shoulders and observing your hostess closely.
Thankfully she sent you a quick smile, nodding her head over at the Angelos. “It’s not your fault, Johnny, but apparently Michael doesn’t know when to quit it.”
The accused answered with a pained groan as Frank sat him back on the couch and pushed a handkerchief onto his nose. A quiet giggle left your mouth, making the ex-quarterback smirk a bit, mindful of his injured lip.
“All right now. Let’s get you home, Mr. Utah.” you directed pulling him over to the front door after wishing everyone a good bye.
Quietly you walked over to your house, feeling the guilt and tension rolling off of your partner. His eyes were hooded and his teeth worrying his lip.
“Will you tell me what’s going on now?”
Taking a deep breath, Johnny stopped in the middle of the street, not caring if your neighbors were watching or if someone was driving by. He made you stand in front of him, searching your eyes like he would find the answer to your question there before he grabbed your hands and pulled you even closer. “I broke up with Tyler.”
Time seemed to stand still. There was no sound, no birds chirping or the waves that rolled onto the beach, just the ringing of your ears as you listened to the words leaving his mouth.
“Why?” you finally gasped looking into his dark eyes, seeing the lights around you reflecting there.
Johnny put his hands on your cheeks, his thumbs brushing the skin there, while his other fingers played with your hair in the nape of your neck. He leaned in, so you had to strain to hear him. “Because I’m in love with you.”
Part 5
@meetmeinthematinee​ @ladyreapermc​ @axshadows​ @a-really-bi-girl​ @fanficsrusz​ @ficsnroses​  @toomanystoriessolittletime @fortheloveoffanfic ​ @mrspeacem1nusone​
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sssshade · 4 years
help me I just wrote "frogiven" and I'm cRYING
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bts000things · 5 years
Jungkook Imagine #1 ~🦋
   Everything was beautiful. You were snuggled up in your soft pink bed, your fluffed pastel blue and yellow blanket wrapped around you like a cloak. Your boyfriends song “Begin” floating through the air as back ground noise while you worked on one of your essays for class that was due in a few days. You felt at peace in your quant little room. 
  Then you saw the youtube notification pop up on your screen. 
From BigHit : BTS Jungkook And BlackPink Lisa Performe Duet
   “Huh?...” You stared at the screen in confusion. Jungkook, your lover of 3 years, who told you everything, all the way down to when he last took a poop, in which you have always reminded him you didnt need to know about, didnt mention to you once that we was doing a duet, let alone with lisa, a very populare girl form a very popular girl group. You were a bit confused..and a bit hurt that he kept it from you.
   Not that it bothered you all that much...until you licked on the video. 
   The name of the song was “All Of Me” by John Legend. 
    “So it was just a cover...but still..” you mumbled as the video began. It was a dance cover as well, their voices filling the air as they began moving and swaying in synce. Their steps perfectly matched, perfectly timed as if they have done this a hundred times. You started remebering the nights Jungkook would tell you he had to leave early for a dance practice. You just assumed it was with his group members... it didnt even cross your mind that it was actually with her. 
    The longer you watched, the tighter your chest became. With each dance number, they would get closer. There bodys basically crashing and rolling into each other like two waves, effortlessly falling into place...as if they were meant to be this close..as if they were meant to be THE couple instead of you and him. And the longer you gazed at the diosplay of intimacy on your screen, the more your stomach would churn and sink. But despite every last nerve in your body screaming at you to turn away from the site burning your eyes, or were those tears...you kept on watching, wanting to finish the video in which you wish you never saw. 
   You shut the computer in your lap the moment the video count hit 0:00 and set the electronic aside. Did you save your essay? you didnt care..not about some stupid words that will probably get a 98% regardless. The class was simple. But what was difficult right now was trying to comprehend what you just saw. Images of the two idols touching and holding each other to song meant for lovers. but they werent lovers...or were they? Was Jungkook secretly seeing the female idol behind your back?
    “ Oh come on...as if he could hide ANYTHING with out spilling his guts to you a second after...” So you told yourself, but then again, he did manage to hide this sudden duet.
    You were taken from your thoughts again as your phone buzzed, signaling an incoming call. Your eyes glanced, but froze, seeing the familiar bunny emoji with two flexing arm emojis decorating the caller id screen. Your shaky hands reached down and tapped the accept button, instantly hearing the rough yet childish voice of your lover blare threw the speaker.
     “ y/n! did you see it!! The video of my duet with blackpink lisa, wasnt it great?! Were you surprised by how good i performed?!~” the overly excited maknae rambled, somwhat putting you at ease. At least he wasnt intentionally trying to hide anything is what you thought.
     “yeah kookie..it was great!” your voice barely matching the males enthusiams. And jungkook didnt fail to miss the different tone.
     “You okay jagi?...are you not feeling well?”
     “Whats? No silly! Im as peachy as a...peach!” you awkwardly said, giving a small laugh. jungkook just hummed in respones.
      “Hmm...well, okay. Did you like the video though? be honest.” he asked a bit seriously, wanting a true feedback statment from his lover. But you just felt sourness pool in the back of your throat even thinking of saying that you enjoyed watching another woman rub up against him as lisa just did. But this was your boyfriend who loved you and made sure you knew everyday..But also wanted you to be honest and real with him..so thats what you were going to be.
       “ I mean..it was amazing! You did the foot work wonderfuly and your voice was beautiful! ..But did you..have to do it with..lisa? If so..how come you didnt tell me before?” your voice timid and a bit suspicious. You trusted your boyfriend. but it just didnt settle well with you. You guys told each other everything...everything.
       “Oh, well it was supposed to be a surprise..but from what it sounds like, you didnt really enjoy the surprise part...” jungkook said a bit passively, “ And whats wrong with doing a duet with lisa? Do you not like her voice or something?...I think she did pretty well~”. And for some reason, those last few words make your throat tighten. He enjoyed dancing with her, singing to the same tune?...Did he also prefer her company?
     “ No, she wasnt bad or anything, its just..”
     “Just what jagi...tell me.”
      “...Its just...why did it have to be with another female?” you mumble softly, but jungkook heard every word. You felt your heart rate quicken as the deafening silence englufed the call. 
     This was it. Jungkook was upset with you. you knew you shouldnt have opend your mouth. Should have kept it in and moved on. But no, you haaad to be fucking honest. And now you are going to haaave to be single.
     After a minute of quietness, the males voice starts to giggle and go into a full on laugh. You were taken aback by the sudden laughter..and a bit irritated. Was he mocking you or something?
      “Jagi, you are too cute sometimes..if you were going to be jealous, maybe i should have posted it sooner~” He teased and you went into full on pout mode. How could he find your insecurity amusing? The idiot!
      “Hmpf! Sorry for wanting to be the only women to have your body up against yours...maybe i should go do a cover of despacito with your frined from GOT7..whats was his name again, Yugyeom?? Im sure i still have his nuber somewhere in my phone..” you stated a bit aggresivly and the maknae’s voice hitches before getting serious.
       “Dont you dare. You’re mine...m sorry for teasing." jungkook claimed, and then his voice dropped to a soft plead, “Please dont go to him..im positive he could steal you and i rather not fight my friend to the death over the love of my life...” he mused and you felt your cheeks burn a soft pink. You always became weak for him..
        “F-fine..but you better buy me lunch as an apologie...only then will i forgive you..pabo.”
         “Oh, then thats works perfectly..” was all you heard before he hung up. You blink din confusion at the phone before you heard a knock rattle the front door of your apartment. You walked over, reaching for the soft beige collored door’s silver handle and gripping it, oppening slightly before feeling your heart burst at the sight of jungkook holding a bag of take out in his right hand, a bouqe of f/c roses in his left, a shit eating grin plastering his face. He was dressed in a black sweatshirt and white skinny jeans, a pair of converse decorating his feet. He was handsome in your eyes, but when was he never?
         “Surprise! did you miss me-” was all he got out before you flung yourself at the cheesy boy, planting your plump lips against his, feeling the softness engulf you as you clung to him, your arms around his neck, pulling him down slightly to you so you didnt have to strain your self too much. The male kissed you back with tenderness, loving how you helped him feel secure from just this small show of affection. 
        After a few seconds, you both break the kiss, but you stay close and jungkook rest his forhead to yours. Dark eyes staring into e/c orbs, capturing his full attention. “Im still upset..but you are frogiven...silly” you mumbled, a smile tugging at your cheeks and jungkook grinned more, giving you a soft peck before leaning away, walking past you into your apartmet, you following right behind him. 
        “Thats okay, because after tonight, im positive you wont want me to leave..” he gave oyu a sly wink and you just chuckled, a soft blush rising on your cheeks. 
         “I need to have a talk with your hyungs about what they are teaching you~” you retorted and just give the male a soft smile, every doubt from early washing away instantly. And you enjoyed the rest of your night. Now not only with you snuggled in your bed, fluffy blanket encircling you, but your boyfriend, who you wouldnt trade for the world, was right next to you, enjoying his video game while you started typing your essay again, the scent of takeout filling the air, and his song “Begin” softly echoing in the background, giving you both a sense of peace~
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Here is an understanding of all my hatred and anger and loss and lust and fire and fuel that patronises my youth
Unbashed exercises of attitude wanderings,
Fucking plaigarising the coolness of other peoples offerings
I am so annoyed with how i cant see holistically and how, this love does not flow so easily (it will and it does)
I do like my eyes
and i feel like my life is not a performance
i feel like im energised
and to choose love is what we become
to consciously let go
and to let this anger fuel into love than anything else
because wandering helps
because wondering helps
i dont like how i have to be, but its an exploration nonethetless,
of loving and infinity
i have been inside for far too long so open up the wings and begin to fly again with my supporting love within myself,
i am that i am
the world can sustain me
i am enough
i am worthy
i deserve love
i am love
i am loved
i am so loved
i am happily loved
i am so happy and loved
i desreve wealth and an ocean of wealth
i deserve abundance
i attract and enjoy all the love and light in my life
i am soothing
i am peaceful
i am bliss
i let go of the resentment
i release all the hatred
i devote my life to love’s light
i deserve love and joy
and peace and light
i deserve the very best in life
this is the truth
my heart is beautiful
my heart is bountiful
i am happy
i am rested and soundly healed
i am beautiful
i am beauty
i am radiating joy
i am safety
i am safe
i am kind
i am loved
i am love
i deserve love
i deserve joy
i deserve wealth and peace and harmony
i am so relaxed
i am so relaxed
i am relaxed
my body is loving every moment of life
my truth unfolds naturally
i am happy
my dancing body loves life
i am so happy
i am so happy
i am loved and lovely
i am so happy
my mind is clear
my mind is clear
my mind is filled with uplifting thoughts
my mind loves every person and every being
love clears my space
love is all around me and love enfolds me
i am happy and loved
i am so happy and loved,
my body is healthy
my body is well rested
there is no sense of urgency
i can relax and let go
love is here and now
thank you for helping me grow,
thank you for teaching me how to relax and to sow the seeds of love and light
that i deserve my love and i am worthy of my love
that i trust myself
i trust myself
i believe in myself
i believe in myself lovingly
i forgive myself
i forgive myself for all the hurt and for all the uncomfortable situations i have gone through, i let them go and i cleanse them with unconditional light and unconditional love,
i let this go
love is lovely,
i am true to myself
i love and honour myself
i cherish myself
i am happy
my body is healthy
i am filled with love and life
my body is healthy
love flows to me abundantly and prosperously,
my heart is happy
my heart is strong and so is my body
i am a sanctuary of light and of love
my body is healthy
i am forgiven
i forgive you and i am forgiven,
i forgive you and i am forgiven,
i am frogiven,
i am healthy
i am strong
my body rests peacefully
i am strong and healthy
my mind and body is filled with peace and sounds of love,
there is harmony
there is deep relaxation,
i am happy
i feel soothing love and soothing joy fill my space in eevery direction as it heals me,
i am so happy and grateful for this energy,
thank you for filling my space iwth so much grace and for pouring this divine light and love all around me,
and thank you for healing my back and lighting up my life wherever i go,
thank you so much grace and divine light,
thank you so much for all the love,
thank you to myself for breathing out,
and thank you for restfully sleeping, relaxing, and being true to yourself no matter what,
i love you beyond everything,
i love you regardless of anyhting,
i love you unconditionally anushka sachdev,
i love you so very much,
i am so loving towards the world,
i love you so much anushka and the entire world,
i love you,
i love you,
i forgive you,
i am beginning to trust you,
i believe in you,
i believe in your healing powers,
thank you for filling this space up with divine light and divine grace,
thank you thank you thank you,
in full faith,
so be it
so be it
so be it
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You come on Tumblr as the so-called OP, but posting a screencap of someone else’s post (or Tweet I think), specifically to shit on that person’s dreams of having a QP poly relationship that you deride as a shit idea because apparently YOU PERSONALLY BELIEVE that “not fucking” disqualifies such a combination. 
You show the actual OP not one scrap of respect and act as if you’re so much smarter than them for knowing (incredlbly untruly) that what they’re describing is just a “friend group.” Though their handle is visible in the screenshot, you do not link to them or @ them. 
You are “brave” enough to mock someone’s ‘stupid’ dreams, but you don’t dare to let them know you’re harassing them directly. 
Here is why. In this specific instance, at least, you’re a fucking coward and an unmitigated toxin, and I have reported you for being an abusive asshole. 
I am going to write to that user directly and let them know what kind of corrosive hijinks you’re up to, give them some emotional support, and offer to be part of their poly QP polycule. 
I am furious at your underhanded chicanery and you will not be frogiven…the same with all the other emotionally stunted individuals who agreed with you in the notes. Those bitches have been traumatic to keep reading in my own notes, to the point I have had to block the comments on my Tumblr. 
The one thing I can agree about is your tag: You have created a “hell post.”
I hope one day you learn better. 
Bad new year, you towelful of regurgitated pus. Enloy your compassion-free life as long as your can. Your weak-ass “friend group” probably hates your guts, and will not put down their cigarettes to bother to save you when karma rips you to shreds. 
Sorry to write so strongly in a state of seething rage, but you FUCKING deserve it.
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“you will not be frogiven”
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isabellaofparma · 7 years
Do you think Rebecca got everything she ever wanted when she didn't know about Kath and Robert was playing the doting daddy? Do you think she'd go there again if Robert suggested they make a sibling for Little Seb?
Yes and hm, maybe. Obviously not right now but we know she has frogiven him 7258 times already. What's one more.
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i-am-bechloe-trash · 8 years
mmm so I was checking some fic recs and the future is frogiven (so smile) by eliseboobman showed up and wel it looks like a fun fic to read but the thing is that is nowhere to be found or at least I can't seem to find it, not in ao3 or ff and it seems like eliseboobman tumblr was deleted. So i dont know if you may know something about it. thanks
Hey anon!  I did a little research, and yep, looks like the fic was taken down.  Which is too bad because it was a great concept.  Seems the author is still on tumblr tho, but now as @chloebeale .
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Me: *accidentally puts frogiven instead of forgiven* My keyboard: "You meant driven, right?"
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savedbygrace67 · 5 years
Thanks for the reminder This is exactly what I needed to hear this morning. Thank you Lord for reminding me that I'm not perfect, that I'm going to make mistakes and though I may get reprimanded for the way I may act or the things I say or do, I am also frogiven.
0 notes
themythscometolife · 6 years
Shouto Todoroki - Hero Name: Shouto
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Manga and Anime Compliant
Age: 16 Gender: Male Alignment: Neutral Good Orientation: Demi romantic Bisexual Quirk: Half Hot/Half Cold- Ice comes from his right side, Fire from his left.
Shouto knew from an early age that his family wasn't exactly happy or adjusted. His mother was loving and his siblings doted on him when they were able to, but there was always a sense of unease, as if something were coming. That something occurred when it became clear that he had the quirks of both his mother and his father. Ice from his mother, Rei. Fire from his father, Enji.
Once Shouto's quirk manifested, the tensions, somehow, became unbearable. He was cut off from his siblings, forced to work with Enji to make his quirks more powerful. The young Shouto didn't understand what was happening, but the more he trained, the further his mother seemed to pull back, as well. Unfortunately for him, one day his mother saw Shouto's left half, near the splitting image of his father, and she had a mental breakdown. During this breakdown, Rei Todoroki did something that she feared would happen after her many years with Enji, she took her fear and pain out on her child, pouring boiling water over Shouto's left eye, causing a permanent burn scar.
After the incident, his mother was taken away by Enji, forced to live the next ten years in a mental institution. Shouto blameed his father, knowing that his mother only did what she did out of a form of self defence. Soon after, due to the trauma, much of Shouto's memories of his mother were repressed, but the fact still hung heavy on his heart; she was gone, because of Enji.
Soon after healing, Shouto was forced to continue training and bringing his quirks to a higher power level. A type of coldness he never knew before settled in his heart and, though he trained the fire quirk, he always preferred the ice quirk, much to Enji's chagrin. Shouto promised himself that he would follow his father's dream of making Shouto the number one hero, but he would do it in his own way, only using his mother's quirk.
At least, that was what Shouto had thought. Merely a couple months into his first year at UA High, Shouto learned to open himself up to friendships, to let go of the cold ice he built around his heart for his own safety, and to let himself use the fire quirk that was just as much as his as his father's. These realizations are still fresh in his mind as he works up through the hero program, but he knows that the friendships and power he learns to wield at UA will help to make him a better person, not just a better hero.
Facts: • Shouto is autistic. • He is only just now beginning to let go of the coldness he holds towards Endeavor. Forgiving Rei and being frogiven by her in return helped him to accept Endeavor's place in his life. • Shouto is "illmannered". He does not pray or give thanks before eating. He generally doesn't respect most authortiy figures in the traiditional sense. He does what he thinks is best. • Shouto did not pass his provisional hero license exam, so he is currently in supplementary classes. • He has a new power move that if used for too long, is strong enough to burn himself or eventually melt Tetsutetsu's steeled skin.
Todoroki’s Thoughts | Todoroki’s Face | Todoroki’s Relatable Posts | Todoroki’s Open Starters | Todoroki’s Threads | Todoroki’s Wishlist | Todoroki’s Headcanons | Todoroki’s Aesthetics | Todoroki’s Verses | Todoroki’s Desires
0 notes
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You come on Tumblr as the so-called OP, but posting a screencap of someone else’s post (or Tweet I think), specifically to shit on that person’s dreams of having a QP poly relationship that you deride as a shit idea because apparently YOU PERSONALLY BELIEVE that “not fucking” disqualifies such a combination. You show the actual OP not one scrap of respect and act as if you’re so much smarter than them for knowing (incredlbly untruly) that what they’re describing is just a “friend group.” Though their handle is visible in the screenshot, you do not link to them or @ them. You are “brave” enough to mock someone’s ‘stupid’ dreams, but you don’t dare to let them know you’re harassing them directly. Here is why. In this specific instance, at least, you’re a fucking coward and an unmitigated toxin, and I have reported you for being an abusive asshole. I am going to write to that user directly and let them know what kind of corrosive hijinks you’re up to, give them some emotional support, and offer to be part of their poly QP polycule. I am furious at your underhanded chicanery and you will not be frogiven…the same with all the other emotionally stunted individuals who agreed with you in the notes. Those bitches have been traumatic to keep reading in my own notes, to the point I have had to block the comments on my Tumblr. The one thing I can agree about is your tag: You have created a “hell post.” I hope one day you learn better. Bad new year, you towelful of regurgitated pus. Enloy your compassion-free life as long as your can. Your weak-ass “friend group” probably hates your guts, and will not put down their cigarettes to bother to save you when karma rips you to shreds. Sorry to write so strongly in a state of seething rage, but you FUCKING deserve it.
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