🌺🌻🦋Welcome A.R.M.Y🦋🌻🌺
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[[ASK BOX OPEN]]This is where you can enjoy your fantasies!🌺 PG13 content 🦋 Enjoy and have fun 🌻
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bts000things · 5 years ago
Heey :) I just wanted to check on you (: How you‘re doing?☺️
Ive finally returned from the war lol sorry for such a long hiatus, its been a rough past months 😅😅
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bts000things · 6 years ago
So quick update darlings!~🦋
Due to irl things, my post wont be as much. With work and other adulting things, im just a bit busy. This is not a hiatus!~ Just something to let yall know that my request will just be a bit longer 💖💖🦋🦋
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bts000things · 6 years ago
Scenerio # 1 : If They Were Your Girlfriend~ 🦋
Introverted yet ready to do anything with you
She would enjoy cooking and taking care of you
Cuddling while eating the food she made was her favorite thing to do
She made corny jokes which you loved
I would say she would enjoy acting like the more dominant one, but in the end loves it when you spoil her
Big spoon (Maybe little one if she is feeling VERY spoiled that day)
Couple outfits
She would find it adorable if you would wear her pink sweatshirt every now and then
Signature couple item : Matching aprons
"Yah, jagi, come try this new dessert i made! The flavor is amazing, like your girlfriend~"
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Imagine dating a cat
She loves napping with you any chance yall get
She loves when you stroke her hair while you spoon
Little spoon
As smol as she may seem, she liked being the more dominant one at the end of the day
She enjoys going out on small trips to get food together
Hand holding is a must
She will sometimes enjoy having you sit and listen to new songs she is working on
Signature couple item : Matching Beanies
"Y/n, can you come hold me, im sleepy and its cold and you're warm and so you need to make sure im comfy, thats how this works...please~"
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If yoongi was a cat, hoseok was the dog
She would love going on adventures together
She especially loved it when you came to dance practice with her
Matching outfits
Cuddling was a must every time yall had a sleep over
Big spoon
She loved being the dominant one
She enjoyed being cheesy with you
Signature couple item : Matching phone cases
"Yaaaah, jagi! You look so cute dancing! Maybe you should try being a trainee, haha! Im kiddiiiing~ Im the only one you can be this cute for!~"
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Smart, cute, koala GF
She loved it when you would read with her
Cute date nights
Yall would spend time having deep meaningful conversations
Then out of no where she would ask something random, turning you both from serious faces to endless giggles
Big spoon
She enjoyed being the more dominant one
She would sometimes take you to the studio to help her come up with lyrics
Signature couple item : Matching pj's
"And thats why i think maybe the brain doesn't produce as much dopamine as it should...You think crabs produce it when they are being held?"
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Couple cheesiness at its max
Dates were required at least once a week
She loved cuddling and being cute
Couple outfits
Being adorable was yalls thing
Little spoon
She prefered being the more submissive one in the relationship (unless given a reason to remind you that you were hers)
She especially loved it when you would go workout with her and give her moral support
Signature couples item : Matching Shoes
"Awwe, my jagi is the cutest! We are the perfect couple!...Yes you are adorable, or else i wouldnt be saying it babo~"
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She was always down to do something new
Not dressing up in style and matching was not an option
The type to take random photos of you and posting you alot
Little spoon (Doesnt mind being big spoon if you ask to be little)
She likes being dominant at times, but will mostly be submissive
She loved dressing you up, as if you were her own doll, which you let her do
Signature couples item : Matching Earings
"I knew that skirt would look adorable on you!! Stop making that face, its too funny! We are suppose to be looking serious..but i guess you are too cute~"
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Meme Queen
Laughter was always heard when you two were put together
She is the type to respond with a meme if you tried being romantic, which you countered with a funnier meme
Loved teaching you how to play her favorite video games
Big spoon
She enjoyed being more dominant
Play fighting was a must
She enjoyed making you happy and laugh like she did for her noonas
Signature couples item : Matching Phone cases
"Wow, i cant believe you really got killed that fast on easy mode..."WeLl iT's My FiRsT TiMe", i literally just showed you how to do it these past three can you be so cute while losing"
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~ 🦋
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bts000things · 6 years ago
Heelloo 🥰 Can i have an imagine with J-Hope about you being stressed out because of exams and having a mental breakdown in the middle of the night? (: i mean i think everyone had something like this before haha
Hi!~ That sounds nice! I will make it a but more fluffy but i will def try and meet standards!~ It will take about a day or two because there are a couple request before you, but i promise to get it done as soon as possible! Thank you for your support ~ 🦋
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bts000things · 6 years ago
Jungkook imagine #2 ~🦋
If there was one thing you enjoyed, it was being with your funny, energetic and some what childish boyfriend. The tall male was always ready and down to have fun with you, especially if it meant involving video games or take out. But you would think with how friendly and prankster like he was, jungkook would be a physcial type person. But if anything, he was the opposite.
You found this out when you would always go for a hug, and he would tense a bit, smiling somewhat awkwardly despite have been dating for two years now, going onto three.
He would push you off though. If anything, he just let you do your thing. He accepted all your affection, but would sometimes get flustered and try to have you dial it down a bit in public or around his group members.
But if anything, this was expected of you. You have always been the more affectionate type, especially when it came to those you cared for. You treated all the other members the same, who enjoyed. You loved cuddling the sunshine line especially.
Physically showing your feelings was normal, and when you add in the love of your life, it just intensifies at an alarming rate. You cant help but give him a kiss when he gets all bunny teeth and glitter eyed. Or hug him when he pouts because you beat him in a video game.
All of these things became so normal now. Like it was just part of your dailey life now, which it is.
So it sas understandable on why you felt your heart crack a bit and confusion fill your entire being when you read a text that was sent to you.
BunBoi🐰 : Yeah hyung, i just think y/n is too clingy. All the cuddling and hugs. Even hand holding at times!
You felt the slightest sting in your eyes as tears weld up. You knew you were open..but you didnt think you were this much of an inconvenience to your boyfriend. You felt so...hurt, and sad. You then saw more messages pop up from the male.
BunBoi🐰 : Omg, y/n ignore that, it wasnt meant for you...
You contemplated for wondering how to responded to the message.
Jungkook laid down in his bed, a bit irritated. This was the second day in a row you decided you rather go spend time with jimin-hyung and play with him and Hoseok-hyung instead of with your ACTUAL boyfriend.
Dont get him wrong, he was still getting used to the overly amounts of affection you practically threw at him every chance you got. And sometimes he need a small breather from it..but regardless, you were still HIS loveable feelings generator, not his hyungs.
So he decided to vent to Namjoon hyung, hoping he could give some advice.
BunBoi 🐰 : Hey, hyung...can i ask something?
CrabLover🦀 : This is sudden, but sure. Whats up?
BunBoi🐰: Do you you think maybe Y/n is too nice at times?
CrabLover🦀 : Uhm...not that i notice, no. YOU think she is?
Jungkook sat there a bit uneasy. He took a second before responding.
BunBoi 🐰 : I just think maybe she is a bit overly friendly with the other hyungs is all..She is MY girlfriend, so she should only wanna be this affectionate to ME right?
CrabLover 🦀 : Well i mean i guess kookie.. does that mean you actually enjoy her ways of showing affection, just not to others? ^_^
And then all of a sudden, Jungkooks phone sent a warning it was at 2%. Panic flooded and he started towards his charge, barely giving focus on who he sent his next message to.
BunBoi🐰 : Yeah hyung, i just think y/n is too clingy. All the cuddling and hugs. Even hand holding at times!
But after he finally plugged the charger in, he felt his stomach drop as he saw the message got sent to you. He quickly rushed another message, hoping it would somewhat ease the first one that got sent on accident.
BunBoi🐰 : Omg, y/n ignore that, it wasnt meant for you..
All you could do was stare as the words, rereading them as if trying to memorize a script...except this was something you didnt wanna remember, but those two words just froze im your mind.
'Too Clingy"
Were you really that bad? Did Jungkook really dislike you way so much to the point he was venting to his hyung about you? But even then...why didn't he just tell you?
You both made it very clear in the beginning that if there was anything one didnt like that the other was doing, they would voice it. Especially if it would affect their relationship later on. Well this seemed pretty affective to you, if the tears in your eyes meant anything.
You decided to set the phone down and leave it. Really get a chance to calm down before you did anything drastic. And what better way to contemplate your life then taking a long hot shower?~ Which is what you decided to do, grabbing a change of clothes and your ipod, you went to your bathroom.
But Jungkook on the other hand was a mess.
He saw you read his message and was sitting there, anticipating in slight fear of what you would say. But your message never came. He stared at the screen for ten minutes straight, and nothing. So he got worried.
BunBoi🐰: Y/n, you there?
BunBoi🐰: Baby?
BunBoi🐰: Jagi?...Please answer
BunBoi🐰: [missed call 💬]
BunBoi🐰: Is everything okay? Are you mad? Im sorry...
Jungkook's mind went into a panic. What if you got hurt? Or fainted from the message? If anything happened to you...especially because of his idiotic self...
So he started his way to your apartment. He had his phone and the spare key you gave him a few months ago as a gift for their album release. He was over almost everyday since then. Whether it was to watch a movie or just nap together, he would come and smile as you open the door to him.
But not this time. His reason for coming was out of worry and slight fear. And when he knocked on the door twice, shouting your name the second time, fear set in fully when your usually energetic self didnt fling the woodden door open to envelope the male in a loving embrace, followed by a few kisses.
He took the key and unlocked it, opening and stepping, taking a quick scan of the walk way. He sighed a sound of relief when he didnt see an unconcious girlfriend laying on the floor. And when the sound of the shower running and the soft background noise of their album playing, it was like music to his ears.
He shut door behind him and walked to your couch, sitting down and relaxing somewhat. Then out of the corner of his eye, a familiar bunny covered f/c phone case took his attention. He looked to see your phone was in the coffee table. He chuckled softly at his own worry, realizing why you didnt answer his many text and call. But why did you read the first time and ignore him?..
His thoughts were interupted when he saw you walk out, dressed in one of his hoodies he gave you and a pair of shorts. The amount of cuteness you were overling with was so much, he just wanted to pick you up and cuddle you right there. But when your expression changed from relaxed to strained the moment yall locked eyes, he felt his heart sink.
"Uhm...hey jagi, im glad to see you" he said softly. You walked over, your expression not changing. Jungkook went to go stand up, but you just sat down on the opposite side of the couch, a large amount of space between the both of you. He knitted his eyebrows together in confusion. "Arnt you a bit...far from me?"
"Oh...i didnt wanna be too clingy is all..." You said a bit coldly as you finished drying your hair. Jungkook winced at the words and sighed. He deserved that right now.
"Yah...y/n, i think there was a misunderstanding, see-" But he was cut off with a soft glare from you, an expression he has never seen you give him. It gave a chill down his spine.
"Misunderstanding?...Let me as you this Jungkook." your voice somehow making him sad. You always called him bunny..always. "Do you or do you not find me too clingy??"
"Well..yes, but-"
"You what is it i dont understand? If you didnt want me to be so..close, then you should have just said so."
"But y/n-"
"And then you go and complain to someone else without even trying to talk to me."
"If you would just-"
"Like you couldnt even just talk-" and you suddenly felt a rough yet gentle hand cover your mouth. You blinked softly, a bit surprised as Jungkook stared at you, looking a bit like a kicked puppy, which softened your pettiness..just a little bit.
"You are too clingy, yes... with others." he mumbled softly, cheeks flushed a bit and you were slightly confused. Why did he look...shy?
He moved his hand away and you relaxed a bit, tilting your head as you let the words run through your head. "Clingy with..others? Do the guys not like me being...close?" You felt a bit sad, eyes showing you were hurt and Jungkook became somewhat paniced.
"N-no! No, its not that. They dont care. If anything they enjoy it! Im the one who doesnt like how you are with them.." He explained, looking a bit embarrassed, but maintained eye contact.
After a few seconds you finally understood and it caused your lips to form a bright and relieved smile. You scooted a bit closer.
"..Jungkook..are you.. jealous of how i am with others?" Your eyes curious and Jungkook just blushed harder.
"What...arnt i allowed to be a bit upset if my girlfriend holds another guys hand and cuddles them on a couch..friend or not.." He form a slight pout and you just became giggly, feeling a bit glad. Jungkook didnt show these sort of emotions to you, so yoi started thinking maybe he didnt were glad that wasnt the case.
"Awe, thats totally okay! So you dont hate that im clingy with you?.."
"no, i like it!...i-i mean.." He became red as he fiddled with his fingers, "...i you being so close with me..dont change, babo.." he finally said, and you just flung yourself in his lap, arms around his neck as you giggled and kissed his cheek, not helping his already bright blush.
"I love you, bunny!~" you giggled and Jungkook felt a small smile form on his lips. He loved it when you, and only called him that nickname. "Next time just tell me though...How am i suppose to know if you keep quiet silly?"
"Im sorry...i will make sure to communicate next time jagi..i-i love you too." he mumbled as his arms wrapped around your waist and held you close. He had never felt more happy and...relaxed having you so close. He couldnt even imagine losing...let alone having you angry with him and not simply sit next to him.
"So..bunny, wanna go cuddle and play video games? Theres this new game i wanted to play!!~" You exclaimed, and Jungkook was already lifting you over his shoulder, causing you to squeel and smile, holding on tightly, and ran to the room, laughing like a child, happy and free.~
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~ 🦋
@jasmine-the-dinosaur 🦋
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bts000things · 6 years ago
"Hello there jagi! Are you keeping healthy? Make sure to drink at least a bottle of water sometime today? And eat something for me! So cute, my princess is the best! This has been your Handsome Boyfriend, Jin~ 🦋"
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bts000things · 6 years ago
This blog is the sweetest ever! It is all just so nice I just had to follow! 💖💖
Awwe, that really warms my heart, im happy!!~ You are always welcome on this blog! Feel free to interact when ever you feel like it sugar, thank you for the support!~ 🦋
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bts000things · 6 years ago
Hi :) Two questions: do you have a masterlist? 🙈 And can i have an imagine with taehyung, about you being a foreigner and a friend of the group because of other friends and one day at an interview they ask what his ideal type is and he realize its you?
That sounds adorable!! Well first, let me tell you i do not have on sadly. Im still trying to figure out how to make one, but once i do, i will post it immediately, haha. And with the imagine, i have a draft open! Now because i have two other request in the making, it will be about 2 days until i post yours, okay sugar?~ But i promise i will get to as soon as possible!~ Thank you for your support!!~ 🦋💖
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bts000things · 6 years ago
Most To Least Likely To Get Jealous ~ 🦋
Jimin ~
Jungkook ~
Yoongi ~
Taehyung ~
Jin ~
Namjoon ~
Hoseok ~
~ 🦋
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bts000things · 6 years ago
Most To Least Likely To Enjoy A Beach Date ~ 🦋
Namjoon ~
Taehyung ~
Jimin ~
Jungkook ~
Jin ~
Hoseok ~
Yoongi ~
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bts000things · 6 years ago
Due to connection issues, the drafts will take a half a day more, but i will be uploading small "most to least likely" post to keep yall some what busy!~ Im sorry for the bump in the road 😭🦋
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bts000things · 6 years ago
Hello 🤗 I really really like your blog! Would it be possible to have an imagine with jungkook about you being in a realtionship with him and wanting to surprise him and hearing him talk to the other members that you‘re too clingy? So you go home without him noticing and later when he comes home he realize something is wrong and confronts you and it was all a misunderstanding? Thank you💗
Thats so sweet! Im glad you enjoy it, hehe~ I have a draft open now! it should be finished in the next 48 hours or so!~ Thank you for your support 🦋💖
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bts000things · 6 years ago
Hi 😊 I hope you have an amazing day! I would like to request an imagine with namjoon if its okay :) Like you’re his girlfriend and everything is good but then you see on social media that his ex girlfriend (an idol) was seen at the bighit building and you kinda worry and when he comes home he knows something is off with you and you confront him and he just laughs because it was so irrelevant to him that his ex was there that he didnt think about telling you?
Awwe thank you! I hope your day is going fantastic~ I have a draft open and it should be done sometime tomorrow night!~ Thank you for your support~ 🦋💖
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bts000things · 6 years ago
Hey cuties! Blog owner here~ 🦋
Just wanted yall to know that my ask box is always open! please talk, request, even just send random things! i love talking to new people 🦋💖🌺
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bts000things · 6 years ago
Reaction #5 : Surprising them on a tour over seas ~ 🦋
Seokjin ~
He would be all giggly
He had just finished a concert in france
The members would be in on it and ask Jin if he could go get one of their phones they "forgot"
Jin being the mom he is would gladly do so
When he opened the dressing room door, he saw you standing there, decked out in pink and a bunch of balloons shaped like food
He would instantly run and hug you
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Yoongi ~
Gummy smiles everywhere
He was rapping his verse for "boy in luv" at a concert in the states
Then all of a sudden he heard your voice, but thought maybe it was just a copy cat of a voice
Then after the verse, jimin ran over with taehyung and pointed him into the left side of the crowd close to the front
Then he saw you, and his smile broke out like a fire
After the concert, he ran as fast as he could to he dressing room once the others told him you would be there
"Y/n!! You looked adorable- fine! l-looked fine cheering...uhm...p-please hug me..~"
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Hoseok ~
He was laying on the practice room floor, tired as hell
They were currently in japan, and he had been working on the dance for an hour now
Then all of a sudden, he heard the dood open and namjoon just smiled, asking him what he wanted for dinner
Hoseok just named off a random take out
Namjoon then asked if he would rather have something sweeter, which confused the older male
Then you stepped threw the door, holding a small strawberry cake
Hoseok burst into smiles with a few happy tears spilling out
"Y/N!!! My jagi!! Ive missed you!!...i-im not crying! Its sweat...Just come here!~"
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Namjoon ~
He was out at a group dinner in the states at a local restraunt
He was busy eating his pasta when all the other members started grinning and smirking
He was confused, then he felt a pair of hands on his shoulders and your voice echoing a hello
He stood and whipped around, staring at you shocked, but then embracing you, ignoring that yall were in public
"Are you really here?? This isnt a dream again???...I missed you so much jagi~"
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Jimin ~
He was busy getting his makeup done before a concert in england
His eyes were closed and was about to fall asleep, until he suddenly felt a pair of hands over his eyes
He thought it was just one of the others trying to have a bit of fun, so he didnt think much of it
Until you asked in you sweet voice who he thought it was
He immediately stood and turned, hugging you tighty and giggling, tears filling his eyes
"Yah!! JAGI! Look what you did! Now my makeup is running!! WHY DID YOU HAVE TO MAKE ME SO HAPPY?!~"
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Taehyung ~
The group was exploring brazil
Taehyung was at a local coffee shop with everyone
The waitress walked over to hand him his coffee
He didnt think much until everyone was just smiling and smirking at the waitress
He looked up, curious, and was shocked to see you there
He would set his drink down and pick you up in a hug, planting kisses all over your face
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Jungkook ~
Excited bunny
He was eating in the hotel room, hanging with the others
They had finished a concert in canada that day
Then a knock came at the door, startling some of them, the hyung line already knowing who it was
Hoseok said it was probably just the room service
When he went to open the door, jin told jungkook that had an extra special dessert for the maknae
He was confused until he saw you running in, arms open and Jungkook sprung up, running to you and hugging you, giggling happily
He might even pick on some of his hyungs for keeping you secret~
"Jeez, you had to make my heart flutter?..."iTs BeCaUsE i LoVe YoU", just come eat with me before i pinch your cute cheeks~"
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~ 🦋
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bts000things · 6 years ago
"Hello our beautiful A.R.M.Y!!~ Please remember to send in any request you have, or tell us anything you wish! It could be a simple hi!!~ We are eager to see you all happy! This has been from your adorable Chimchim~ 🦋"
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bts000things · 6 years ago
Reaction #4 : When You Get Sick ~🦋
Seokjin ~
You would stumble in while he was making breakfast
He would turn to wish you a good morning, only to see you red faced and dazed
He would be on you in seconds, holding you and checking your temperature
Once he saw it was a fever, he would be picking you up and carrying you to the bed, ignoring any complaint you had that you were fine
He would get you bundle up first before going and changing your breakfast to soup
You wouldnt even be allowed to eat without his help ~
"Yah, y/n, how could you get poor baby, here. I made an easy to eat chicken soup...Here, let me help you, my precious princess~"
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Yoongie ~
He would lowkey baby you
He got home late from the studio whem he saw you passed out at your desk, laptop still on from working on a school essay
Your work ethic was what he loved, but once he saw you panting softly as your cheeks became rosey, he knew something was up
After figuring it out it was a slight fever, he became upset as he took you to bed
Once you were snuggled in, he went ro get medicine and heated up some chicken soup from a can
He would be scolding you softly as he fed you, petting your hair and cuddling you to sleep~
"Jagi, this is why i say take proper care of yourself...yes you can have something sweet, but only if you finish this bowl of soup..~"
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Hoseok ~
Highkey babies you
He was cuddling you on the couch when all of a sudden you go into a coughing fit
He didnt think to bad of it until he noticed your red cheeks
He took pre-caution and took your temperature, only to find out you had a slight fever
He would start running a hot bath for you, mixing in soft, sinus opening oils
While you bathed, he would have your fav pj's, disney movie, soup and medicine ready for you
He loved spoiling, and this was no exception ~
"Yaaah, y/n, i guess it cant be you wanna cuddle in the bed or couch while you let the soup digest?~ my little sick flower~"
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Namjoon ~
He would walk in on you making dinner
But you were a bit fuzzy and dropped a plate, gripping the counter
He would rush over to steady you, only to feel how warm you were
After taking your temperature and finding out it was a fever, he would be carrying you to bed in seconds, insisting you rest while he finished prepping dinner
He would fail, sadly, and call Jin to make you soup while he looked up symptoms and medicines online ~
" you by chance feel aching all over...y/n you might be dying..wait, never mind, its just a common cold~"
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Jimin ~
He was coming home from practice, excited to cuddle you
But as he walked in the room, he saw you laying down, red faced, a cold patch on your forhead.
He would be at your side instantly, asking how you felt and if you ate
After making soup and bringing in medicine, he would be checking your temperature every 10 min, making sure you were okay
He would cuddle you to sleep, alert at all times though incase you needed anything ~
"Aish, your temperature is high...I can make you some soup baby, want anything specific jagi..No you can have ice cream.. but how about jello?~ "
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Taehyung ~
He would probably be the most calm
He woke up early from the sound of you coughing
He turned to make sure you were okay, feeling your body and realizing you were running a slight fever
He got up and told you not to move as he went to go get the medicine and some soup from the kitchen
When he came back, he fed you and gave you the pills with a glass of water as he called his members, telling them he would be late that day
He would then get in bed and cuddle you, making sure you had everything
He was used to it, having younger cousins himself that he used to help take care of when sick~
"Jagi, how do you feel? I can put a movie im not going to work till later, you are my first priority, now rest..~"
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Jungkook ~
He would be a confused baby doing more than needed
He would run in your room when he came to visit, excited for a date, when he saw you still in pj's, an apologetic smile decorating your face
After you explained you had a small fever, and couldnt go out that night, he would be worried as hell
Lowkey would have took you to a hospital if you didnt convince him if you didnt convince him you were fine just resting
He would wrap you in 50 blankets
He wouldnt even let you sit up without his assistance
"Should i just give you both medicines? double strength!...I cant mix them?... Then how are you supposed to feel better quicker ..."
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~ 🦋
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