verumew · 3 months
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Seb and my farmer at Froggyland 🐸 + questionable frogs…
I haven’t sketched in forever so there’s some smudges from old erasers that won’t erase anymore and pens 🖤
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roastie · 1 month
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froggyrights · 2 years
king charles of froggylands
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horisendining · 8 months
Best Places to visit in Goa with your family
Thousands of tourists visit Goa every year. You can enjoy lots of things in Goa, especially with your family. Not only this, but you can also experience the famous festivals of Rio de Janeiro and Christmas. If you think this place is for only alcohol and beach, then you are wrong. Explore the beautiful Goa this time with your family and feel the difference.
So check the top places in Goa where you can visit with your family:
Goa Beaches : Goa is full of beaches. If you want to enjoy a fantastic time with your family under the warm sun, then beaches are the best for your entire family. The beaches in the north will provide you with every kind of fun and entertainment. The top beaches you can visit with your family are Utorda Beach, Anjuna Beach, Arossim Beach, Baga Beach, and Calangute Beach. You can enjoy and do all kinds of water activities at beautiful beaches.
Dolphin Cruise: A Dolphin cruise is something that you and your whole family can enjoy. The fantastic features of the cruise, where you see lots of dolphins, will leave you amazed. You can hear their sounds as well. You can spend some relaxing time on this cruise. You can also watch them very near.
Enjoy Luxury sky dining with Horisen: you will find many amazing things in Goa. Goa has many things for your stay and entertainment. From luxury hotels to budget-friendly guest houses, you will get everything. Horisendining: Elevating Your Dining Experience with Breathtaking Horizon Views and Exquisite Cuisine. You can enjoy it with your whole family, where you will experience the fantastic views and delicious food. Imagine having lunch on a 160ft high in the sky. What else do you need? For adventure lovers, this is one of the top tourist attractions in Goa.
Splash in the waterparks: You will find many waterparks in the Goa to enjoy with your family. There are three water parks; one is themed-based, and your family will surely love and enjoy it there. The three water parks are Splashdown Water Park at Anjuna, Froggyland Water World at Nuvem, and Blue Whale Water Park at Baga. Make sure to carry your swimsuits along with you.
Shop for your family: if you are going with your family, then it is obvious you will have lots of family members who love to shop, so for them, there are lots of markets where you can enjoy. You can enjoy street shopping with your family, where you can easily buy many amazing things, including beach dresses, flip-flops, jewelry, antiques, and more. There are some famous markets that you can explore: Mapusa Friday Market, Mackie’s Saturday Night Market, Panjim Municipal Market, Margao Municipal Market, and many more.
So you don’t need to think twice before planning your trip to Goa. You can now enjoy yourself with your loved ones without any headaches. These attractions are somewhere you can explore endless things in the Goa.
People only imagine going with their friends because of beaches, bars, and nightlife. But this time, try something different in Goa with your family only. And, indeed, Goa will not disappoint you on this side as well.
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thegumumderthedesk · 1 year
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Princess froggy of froggyland. The prettiest of all the froggys :)!
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rumgereise · 1 year
Kroatien: Split Tag 3
Warte auf den Bus zu einer Bergfestung. Heute morgen um 10 als ich aufgewacht bin, waren die meisten aus meinem Zimmer schon abgereist, immerhin bin ich jetzt diese zwei komischen deutschen Männer los. Meine Mückenstiche sind übrigens wieder mehr geworden.
Erstaunlich ist auch, dass alle Touris eigentlich nur in der Altstadt/Zentrum und am Strand sind. Ich bin hier vielleicht 15 Minuten Fußweg vom Stadtzentrum entfernt und sehe hier nur Einheimische...
War dann ganz nett auf der Festung, war halt nur extrem warm aber naja das ist dabei.
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Der Rückweg war dann etwas komisch da einem die Busapp für Split irgendwie oft komische Verbindungen anzeigt, am Ende musste ich dann ein paar Minuten an einer Landstraße längslaufen um zur Bushaltestelle zu gelangen
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Hab mich dann als ich wieder in Split war zu einem Skulpturenmuseum auf gemacht, war zwar eher klein, aber es ist auch nur einem Künstler gewidmet. Besonders der Garten davor war sehr fotogen.
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Nahe des Ausgangs des Museums hab ich noch eine Katze gesehen, die war ganz süß. Am Strand später liefen auch ein paar rum.
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Der Strand war gegenüber vom Museum und gut besucht, es war ja auch gutes Wetter. Da ich am späten Nachmittag da war, war es zum Glück nicht mehr so warm. War dann kurz im Wasser und hab dann noch gelesen und entspannt. Da es ein Steinstrand war und ich keine Wasserschuhe oder so hatte (wer hat Wasserschuhe???) habe ich mir teilweise die Füße aufgeschlitzt, aber das war schon abgeklungen als ich es bemerkt hatte.
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Gegen 17 Uhr bin ich dann wieder Richtung Stadt gegangen, wollte erst nen Bus nehmen aber es sollte keiner zeitnah kommen, dann bin ich einfach zu Fuß gegangen. Wenn es nicht in der prallen Sonne ist, ist das sogar ganz angenehm. Vor der Altstadt an der Promenade waren dann plötzlich zwei Bühnen und ein Haufen Zeugs aufgebaut der gestern noch nicht da war. Habe dann herausgefunden dass heute dass zweite internationale Folklore Festival in Split ist, es wurden auch Tänze vorgeführt.
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Als letztes wollte ich dann noch ins 'Froggyland', eine Art Froschausstellung. Die gesamte Ausstellung sind circa 25 Kästen in denen mit Froschpuppen Szenen dargestellt werden. Mit 13 Euro Ticketpreis für Studenten ist es das teuerste was ich in Split gemacht habe und dafür war es dann doch sehr klein und naja langweilig. Ist halt ein Touri-Gag.
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Grade wo ich das schreibe scheint ein Feuerwerk vorm Hostel zu sein. Morgen geht es dann mit dem Bus nach Zadar.
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seawatersportsws · 1 year
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vicsplinters · 1 year
Why do I want to go to Croatia? I'll give you a hint.
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feniciavillas · 1 year
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People tend to believe that Goa is a place for couples and bachelors who want to party hard. 
But this isn’t true. Goa has lush greenery, soothing beaches and kid- friendly staycations. 
For your next family trip try, Goa has it is more than just a party place.  There are many places your child can visit like Fort Aguada, Chapora Fort, Tiracol Fort, Reis Magos Fort, Corjuem Fort, Church of St. Cajetan, Mae De Deus Church, St. Diogo’s Church and many more.
Try luxury villas in Goa like Fenicia Villas as your kids will have a good family vacation. Besides you having a good time for yourself, your kids will not get bored.
Reasons Why You Should Take Family Vacation In Goa 
Fenicia Villas the luxury villas in Goa offer a myriad of activities to keep you and your children occupied. With games, and fun activities for kids and adults, they ensure everyone leaves happy.
 1. Family Holidays Are Memories
Family vacations are important because it is the only time when the family members leave their work behind and come together to spend some quality time.
You can go for rental villas in Goa and celebrate a birthday party, wedding party making your life seem happy and wonderful. Don’t forget to take photos and videos of the family holiday. 
This will be your unique family vacation which will give lasting memories. 
With kid-friendly staycation you will be comfortable celebrating any event with family members, especially with a child on a family holiday.
 2. Family Vacation Encourage Learning Outside the Home
Family vacation is not just about having fun but also making a plan that helps children to have fun learning too. There are many monuments in Goa to make your child learn new things in a fun way. 
They will learn about different cultures or communities without spending much money. This will enable them to learn about different places and people in Goa. 
 3. Family Vacation Is A Stress Buster
Soothing beaches in Goa will help you to calm down and be at peace for a while. It will turn out to be a great vacation for your kids after their hectic exams. 
Try out rental villas in Goa as it is an excellent way for family members to enjoy and relax with family. You can easily choose the activities that everyone in your family can enjoy.
 4. Increase Family Health
Apart from strengthening family relationships and family bonds. It reduces family problems too. Just simply taking a family member for a walk or doing fun activities together can lead to a family’s good physical and mental health.
Things To Do at Villas:
There are many things to do in Kid-friendly rental villas in Goa. Try these –
 1. Explore Goa 
There are many options in Goa to visit like museums, parks, you can always find some place you haven’t been before. Like Museum of Goa, Houses of Goa Museum, Goa Science Center, Museum of Christian Art, Blue Whale Water Park, Froggyland, Splashdown Water Park and many more. 
 2. Stay In Fenicia, Goa
Try out the luxury villas in Goa – Fenicia Villas where you will get airport pickup, a fully furnished kitchen where you can hire a personal chef or take a dip in the pool and more!
 3. Forget Household Stuffs 
Take a break from house chores. The idea of a vacation is to get refreshed. 
 4. Hire Chef Or Cook Your Own Food 
If you like being lazy then leave your cooking to the chef, which you can hire at Fenicia Villas. You can also order from Zomato or any other food delivery apps. 
One thing is for sure you will get a peaceful vacation with your kids. 
 5. Plan Fun Activities 
There are numerous fun activities available at Fenicia Villas. Your kids would enjoy theme parks, water parks in the summer, or any adventure activities.
 6. Plan Fun Activities At Fenicia Villas 
Leave all the boring hotels this time and plan fun stuff at Fenicia Villas. 
Try a family board game night, a family movie night, a family cooking night, or a family music jam session, there are many more things which you can do at Fenicia Villas – the luxury villas in Goa. Have a fun vacation with your kids!! Try them out now !!
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jurakan · 3 years
You know? This is going to be another Today You Learned, because I learned about this today too: Froggyland, a Croatian museum of taxidermied frogs.
So now you know.
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joesartoftheday · 7 years
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Froggyland – Split, Croatia
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artdjgblog · 5 years
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Croatia’s Froggyland looks like my kind of stuff.
Images: Various
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spaceoperetta · 2 years
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Also in Split. I went to Froggyland, after the urging of my sibling. Not my usual scene, and it was almost double the price of the statue gallery I went to earlier, but I had a lot of fun per-minute.
(Some guy’s life’s ambition a hundred years ago was scenes of taxidermy frogs in human poses. Scenes of work, school, professions and the like. Couldn’t take pics but it’s an easy google. Short, but surprisingly fun. I’d remembered it from seeing it around in tumblr or so a few years back.)
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adrialps · 3 years
My babey Split 🐸
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I've always said that Ante/Split loves frogs!
Why? Because of Froggyland, a museum in Split where you can enjoy viewing a collection of 507 stuffed frogs doing human jobs or poses, for example you'll see the teacher, dentist, acrobats, even lawyers and judge in a courthouse!
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buffleheadcabin · 2 years
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A stuffed frog sewing. COURTESY OF FROGGYLAND
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jessefien · 3 years
Dag 47: kikkers en wandelende takken
Opstaan en naar school! Precies zoals thuis. Bijn en Wolfje kregen les over wandelende takken deze ochtend. Jesse vond een prachtexemplaar en Wolfje dacht echt dat hij een takje vasthad. Heerlijk smoeltje van dat manneke toen de tak bewoog. Camouflage en deze tak van de biologie heeft geen geheimen meer voor de junior Clarysses. Op naar Split. Een Romeins overblijfseltje waar Game of Thrones gretig gebruik van gemaakt heeft. Split ging al gebukt onder massatoerisme en nu nog die Game of Throne freaks erbij. Heerlijk mengelmoesje van oude Duitse geschiedenisleerkrachten met Amerikaanse 'oh my god' nerds. Voeg hierbij nog de feestende dronken Hollanders en het hippe Belgische gezin (😂) en hop, u waant zich in Split. We vonden een parkingetje aan het strand waar we de overige spruitjes van gisteren verorberden en voelen nu toch echt dat het seizoen hier gedaan is. Het is hier echt rustig! Chanceke! Hop kindjes vanachter de velow op en 'sea promenade' naar de stad volgen maar. De kindjes vonden het 'gezellig'. Haha! Jesse en ik houden over het algemeen meer van een berg/strand/natuurvakantie dan van een stadvakantie, maar Split, Split toch, u was zo mooi! Lang geleden dat een stadje ons nog zo bekoorde. Het centrum en tevens hoogtepunt van de stad, het paleis van Diocletianus werd al in 300 gebouwd door u raadt het: Romeinse keizer Diocletianus. En mens, had die man stijl. Die Romeinen konden er wat van zeg. Diocletianus was ziek en spendeerde het meeste van zijn tijd met groenten kweken. Maar laat later een Napoleontje nog een stevige boulevard bijbouwen en u krijgt een stad waar menig toerist zich wil verliezen in de bijzondere straatjes. Het is een prachtig schouwspel van verzorgde tuintjes en bartjes zonder afbreuk te doen aan de geschiedenis. Menig andere Kroatische steden kunnen hiervan leren. Ja Zadar, ja! Ja, Pula, ja! We beklommen de Bell tower en kregen een ferm 360°graden tafereeltje. We deden er nog enkele illegale stunts bij om een goed beeldje op camera te bemachtigen, want zo zijn we! Echte Instagrammers he! Voor de kindjes was er Froggyland. Een prachtig museumpje met minuscuul opgezette kikkers in een soort menselijk tafereeltje. Sommige wel 100 jaar oud. Ze waren met 507, die kikkers. Ik vond het geweldig en de kindjes ook. Jesse ging niet mee. Niets voor hem! Haha! We aten 's avonds vis aan de zee en sliepen op ons parkingsje tussen de boten. Ma Split toch, we komen hier terug!
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