#friens au
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west-of-miskatonic · 1 year ago
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CONT. of previous sketch and my meditations on Herbert's transition
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smokbeast · 4 months ago
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When the women start being gay
motti belongs to @mothiepixie!
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featherlouise · 6 months ago
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Some oooooold old sketches I started for huevember last year
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thechaotichorselord · 6 months ago
Paratober Day 2
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tikurrdurr · 7 months ago
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Subjects 81-83
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renesassing · 24 days ago
Idk shit about Destiny but is there a way to throw HK-47 in it
YEAH TOTALLY. ai are much less frequently depicted as having a single, humanoid body. most of the 'robots' you see in destiny are either 1. Exos, who are actually humans uploaded into robot bodies, 2. some kinda alien situation, like the Vex or the Eliskni's Servitors, or 3. Frames, which are just non-sentient robots. Fully sentient and sapient AI's built by humans are much less frequent in the lore, as they were only really built during the Golden Age centuries before the games and not a lot of them survived the Collapse, and are typically housed within larger structures/systems, save for one guy named Felwinter who got Risen. Rasputin at his height was distributed throughout the entire Sol System with major cores on planets like Mars. The only AI to my knowledge still around is Failsafe who was the AI computer of a colony ship that crashed on the centaur (real astronomy term) 7066 Nessus during the Collapse.
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bunningchaos · 9 months ago
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Free hugs gladly accepted!
You are now my frien! I declare you as friendo!
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kingsdodecahedron · 2 years ago
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me and my EVIL ROOMATE !!!
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sammys-magical-au · 2 months ago
When the Eldrich Meets the Ethereal, part 2!
Posting short fics like this is starting to become a habit 😅 not that I’m complaining, this is fun!
This is a follow-up fic from When the Eldrich Meets the Ethereal, which was a gift to my good friend @wouldntyou-liketoknow, and to her fic that was a sequel to mine, Talking in Your Sleep. (I’d highly recommend reading these before you read this if you haven’t already 😉)
The characters of LeviathanPat and Sylphanie both belong to her, but the rest are my own, save for Jack Harkness and Toshiko Sato from Torchwood, who are briefly mentioned (also, this short fic contains mild spoilers for Torchwood: The Alternate Universe season 4, if you’ve been following that series, so read with caution)
Warnings include nightmares and descriptions of body horror, and with that out of the way, let’s get into it!
“I… have to go away for a little while,” Sam had said - all the while avoiding direct eye contact, “I’m not sure where exactly, but… I’ll know everything by the time I get back.”
Jay knew by now that when they phrased it like that, it wasn’t a mission Jack had sent them on. Sam was either following a gut feeling, or someone else - someone who existed between plains of reality and was nearly older than humanity itself - had asked her to go.
The latter option always made Jay’s guts twist with anger. There was something about Harmonia and the Ancient Ones asking Sam to do things for them on a whim that just irked him - even if Sam didn’t seem to mind or even seemed happy to do whatever they asked.
Jay just didn’t like the fact that his spouse could be controlled so easily like this. No one told Sam what to do, not even ethereal beings from the beginning of the universe. Jay knew that well enough, but Sam seemed to have forgotten…
Maybe she’d just mellowed over the years. The absence of constant abuse and religious trauma making her more likely to simply follow instructions from “spiritual higher-ups”, so to speak.
Even if that was the case, Jay still wasn’t sure he liked it.
He was distracted from his thoughts, however, when his and Sam’s daughter, Alexa, cautiously walked into the living room.
“Alexa?” He asked softly, “what’s the matter, dear?”
“It’s nothing,” Alexa murmured, giving him a smile that he knew was forced, “just… Dad… does it feel a little cold to you?”
Jay blinked. Now that he thought about it… there did seem to be a chill - the kind of chill that you knew without investigating had spread throughout the whole house, which was especially unusual considering the warm, tropical evening outside.
“It does…” he answered Alexa.
“Might be Rift stuff,” Alexa said, “should I text Jack or Aunt Tosh?”
“Not right yet,” Jay replied slowly, “we’ll just wait and see if anything happens first.”
Alexa paused at this, phone in her hands and thumbs presumably poised over the keypad. Then she nodded.
“Okay.” She said quietly.
“Don’t be afraid, sweetheart,” Jay assured her, “I’m sure it’s nothing. You know better than me that sometimes weird things happen around a Rift - especially this one.”
Alexa nodded again, but didn’t say anything more.
Jay knew she was still on edge - and he couldn’t blame her, he was too, something definitely felt off in the air tonight.
He just hoped it didn’t have anything to do with Sam, and that she was alright.
“...𝖂𝒽𝖆𝓉 𝓀𝖎𝓃𝖉 𝖔𝒻 ℊ𝖆𝓂𝖊 𝖉ℴ 𝓎𝖔𝓊 𝓉𝖍𝒾𝖓𝓀 𝓎𝖔𝓊'𝓇𝖊 𝖕𝓁𝖆𝓎𝖎𝓃𝖌?…”
Sam sat bolt upright in the hotel bed with a loud gasp, hand instinctively reaching for The Lion’s Breath - even though it had all been a dream, and it wasn’t like the sword would’ve done much to protect them, they felt like they needed it.
They sat there in the dark, panting and sweating and pointing the sword at a non-existent enemy, for a good five minutes before their frantic heartbeat finally began to slow down.
Allowing The Lion’s Breath to transform back into the simple bracelet they typically disguised it as (they weren’t sure they were comfortable just setting it aside at the moment), Sam reached out through the dark with their other hand until the cotton sheets turned to soft, warm fur.
Zephyr stirred slightly as their fingers reached her, shuffling a little closer to her owner in her sleep, but didn’t wake. Sam slowly lay back down beside her, pressing their body into the massive feline’s shape and realizing they were shaking - although that might’ve been from the sudden dry coldness in the room, one that Sam was certain hadn’t been there when they’d arrived back at the hotel.
Now that they were awake, they could remember that finding their way back here hadn’t been much trouble at all. Though they did faintly recall looking back in the direction they were certain that The Abnormal Orchard had been in and not being able to see it. Although, after having gotten a good look at Pat in the dream, they had an easier time believing that was just some clever trick of reality the eldrich being had pulled - whether it was specifically to freak Sam out or just something he always did.
As harrowing as the conversation with Pat had been, along with the frightening knowledge that a creature one could only imagine in their wildest nightmares actually existed out there… it wasn’t just that that was bothering Sam. Something about the appearance of his supposed counterpart, who’s name Sam didn’t dare try to think of in case it melted their brain, had equally chilled them to the bone.
Seeming to sense their nervous thoughts, Zephyr nuzzled into them with a sleepy rumble, and Sam finally felt themself begin to actually relax, though the strange coldness in the air didn’t seem to want to subside at all.
Their back was now facing the window, and even though they weren’t exactly happy with that, they’d much rather be cuddling Zephyr than facing away from her. Even if it meant being more vulnerable to whatever was outside.
If only you could twist your neck all the way around without breaking it like Pat. A small part of them joked, and they almost laughed. The only thing that stopped them from it was the shiver that ran up their spine at the memory of Pat taunting them in the dream-that-really-hadn’t-felt-like-a-dream, head twisting at unnatural angles as he spoke. Jesus, that fucker was creepy, and they knew he liked that Sam thought that of him. But for some reason, right now he didn’t hold a candle to the ethereal being who had suddenly shown up - Pat definitely knew her, but hadn’t been expecting to see her.
Something about the way she’d made Pat simply disappear, the way she’d looked at Sam with all those eyes of hers… she was almost scarier than Pat.
Did Harmonia know her? Sam wished they could ask her, but to contact the Ancient Ones they’d have to go back to sleep, and right now there was no way in hell they were doing that.
Suddenly, a flicker of movement caught Sam’s eye, and they glanced up to stare at the wall of the hotel room.
Nothing moved, and the wall was cast in darkness - not even the moon outside was at the right angle to shine any light through the window.
For some reason, that was a hundred times worse than seeing anything.
Just as the feeling of uneasiness started to pass, Sam saw it again. A tiny pinpoint of radiant light dancing across the wall.
This time it didn’t disappear immediately, and Sam sat up to peer at it, leaning over Zephyr’s sleeping form.
The tiger stirred, but still didn’t wake.
The tiny speck of light kept shimmering and bouncing up and down against the room’s nasty yellow wallpaper (ironic that it was that color, considering how Sam felt right now), even ever so slightly seeming to grow in size.
At first, Sam wasn’t sure what the hell to even make of it, until they remembered that light typically didn’t just randomly appear on surfaces without an outside source.
Slowly, with a sense of dread creeping into their bones, Sam turned their head around to look out the window.
Despite the darkness in the city outside, somewhere in the near distance, there was light. Glowing and ethereal, just like in Sam’s dream, just like… her. And it was moving, getting steadily closer as Sam watched, finding themself standing right next to the window without realizing they’d moved at all.
Now, Zephyr awoke, her head abruptly snapping up as if on command and a growl rumbling in her throat as her piercing peridot eyes searched the shadows of the room.
Sam glanced back at her, holding their hand up to signal her to stay put, and when they looked back to the window, the view of the city was blocked by a massive, luminous face.
Deep in the impossible jungle, a place so full of life and light and a sense of peace one might think they’d found the biblical Garden of Eden if they stumbled upon it, another great beast raised her head.
Harmonia swiveled her ears around, listening to the faint wind whisper through the trees. Something had definitely awoken her, and it had done so for a reason.
“Luca?” She called faintly into the night, but no reply came.
Regardless, the Leonasus stood from her nest and stretched, waiting for an answer to come to her.
That answer came in the form of Barsus, the Pronghorned Wolf, slinking out of the shadows of the trees, his amber eyes gleaming with a light of their own.
“Harmonia.” He rumbled, dipping his head in greeting. Harmonia copied the gesture.
“Barsus. What brings you here?”
“Can you not hear the voices in the wind? They have a message for you and I.”
Harmonia tilted her head at him.
“Us? Why us?” She asked, swishing her tail.
Barsus stared at her gravely.
“Because we are the only ones who ever met… her.”
The single word sent a shiver through Harmonia’s wings, and she instantly found herself in a vision - or perhaps more of a memory - of when she was no more than a cub.
Back then, the island now known as Saint Lucia had been dominated by the Ancient Ones, though it wouldn’t be for much longer.
Barsus was a little older than Harmonia, standing next to her on wobbly stilt-legs as she struggled to stand at all.
Harmonia couldn’t remember what had happened before or after this moment, only that the sky had suddenly turned dark - so dark even the light of the stars could not get through - and great balls of fire shot across it, as the ground shook with the distant sound of an agonized wail of despair.
The adults had begun murmuring to each other, all with worried looks on their faces, and a common name that was repeated over and over was a name Harmonia was not familiar with - “𝕾𝓎𝖑𝓅𝖍”.
Time seemed to pass quickly, but while fire still rained from the sky, a luminous figure appeared, a creature neither Barsus or Harmonia had ever seen before.
She was crying, tears of burning sunlight falling from her many eyes, and the adults all gathered around to comfort her as she wept, telling them of a terrible mistake and a lost love.
“Mama,” Barsus asked when his mother broke away from the group, having promised to hunt a Cloud Buffalo in the hopes that it might help calm this strange visitor, “who is she? Why is she so sad?”
Barsus’ mother simply glanced back over her shoulder at the despondent newcomer, a look of deep sadness in her amber eyes.
“She is a friend,” she answered finally, “a friend who needs our help. She has done something that has broken her own heart.”
“Can we help?” Harmonia had spoken up.
Barsus’ mother gazed fondly down at her for a moment, then smiled, nodding.
“Yes. Perhaps you can, if you go and sit by her.”
The two of them had made their way to the strange visitor’s side, Harmonia’s legs so wobbly that she hardly made it, but eventually a few of the visitor’s eyes had fallen on the little ones who had appeared next to her, and some of the pain in her expression seemed to ease.
“𝕺𝒽, 𝖑ℴ𝖔𝓀 𝒶𝖙 𝖞ℴ𝖚…” she cooed in a voice like howling hurricane winds, “𝖞ℴ𝖚 𝖕𝓇𝖊𝒸𝖎ℴ𝖚𝓈 𝓉𝖍𝒾𝖓ℊ𝖘. 𝒰𝖓𝓉𝖔𝓊𝖈𝒽𝖊𝒹 𝒷𝖞 𝖙𝒽𝖊 𝖈𝓇𝖚ℯ𝖑𝓉𝖞 𝖔𝒻 𝒽𝖚𝓂𝖆𝓃𝖎𝓉𝖞.”
Back then, Barsus and Harmonia hadn’t known what “humanity” meant. That was before any human had ever set foot on this land.
Sometimes, Harmonia still wished she knew what Sylph had meant - although she had an idea.
Had humans destroyed her homeland too? Was that the heartbreak Barsus’ mother had spoken of?
It seemed like she might be finally getting an answer.
“She has returned.” Harmonia murmured, and Barsus dipped his head.
“She has.” He replied.
“But why?”
“That I am not sure of. But I feel that the universe wants us to know she is here for a reason.”
“Agreed. We must leave immediately. I had hoped Sam would have gotten home by now, but I could send one of the Guardian Cobras to relay a message to her family.”
“That seems like a good idea. I will wait here for your return.”
Barsus sat down in the tall grass where he stood, and Harmonia dipped her head to him before spreading her wings and leaping into the sky.
From above the treetops, she could see that the Tree of Life had taken on an unusual glow, slightly brighter to look at than normal. It almost hurt her eyes to gaze upon it for too long.
That was definitely a sign from the universe as well.
Harmonia wasn’t sure why Sylph had returned, but it seemed she might be in need of their help, and if that was the case, Harmonia would follow her parents’ teachings. Helping other beings was the way of the Ancient Ones, even when they themselves were much weaker than they had once been.
She only hoped that after all these thousands of years, Sylph remembered them all as well as they remembered her.
Jay was finding it hard to sleep.
He couldn’t quite shake the feeling that something was wrong - and even without it, it was still so damn cold in the house, cold enough that Jay was considering getting up and rummaging through the closet for his old long-sleeved pyjamas he’d bought when he, Sam, and their kids had still been living in Wales.
Maybe his mind was just playing tricks on him. Sometimes the air in a room felt colder when under the covers just because the bed was so warm. That had to be the reason. Or maybe he was just overtired.
Jay took a deep breath that turned into a yawn, rolling over so his back faced the bedroom window.
The bed felt so empty without Sam. Now that he thought about it, not having his living-furnace of a spouse sleeping next to him might’ve also been contributing to the chill in the air. The only part of Sam’s body that didn’t radiate constant warmth was their feet, which were always cold, something their older brother Daniel had always said they should get checked out since it could mean they had poor circulation.
Sam would always roll their eyes when he said that, tell him they’d give him poor circulation if he didn’t leave them alone about it.
A smile had found its way onto Jay’s face as he thought of Sam. He could almost imagine them suddenly climbing into bed next to him after a late-night weevil round-up, snuggling up close to him and complaining about being dragged out of bed at this hour, pressing those cold toes of theirs in between his legs and making him shriek loudly enough to wake Athena in the nursery at the end of the hall.
Jay was startled from the half-fantasy, half-dream by the sound of the horses braying outside.
He had sat up in bed before he knew it, the vision of Sam being there shattering in the face of whatever had caused the horses such distress.
Throwing the covers off of him (and in doing so noting that the room was, in fact, still as cold as he’d expected it to be), Jay got out of bed and ran to the window, pushing it open to scan the yard for anything that might have disturbed the horses. However, their frantic neighing soon subsided. Jay could still hear them nickering to each other, but that sound was quickly replaced by something else.
At first, Jay thought it was the wind in the palm trees outside. Their leaves were dry this time of year, so they usually made a hissing sound when the breeze picked up.
But then it came again, louder and closer than before.
Jay stepped back from the window, frantically looking around. The noise seemed to be coming from everywhere at once - above, below, directly in front and behind him, his left and his right.
The sound was now more like that of the steam coming out of a boiling pot who’s lid had just been lifted, or someone pretending to be a snake, or-
Jay froze.
Pretending to be a snake, or actually a snake? He thought.
The notion seemed ridiculous, since the sound had to be coming from something pretty big - larger than any animal besides maybe a blue whale could ever possibly be - but now that the thought of snakes had entered Jay’s head, he couldn’t deny that the organic hissing likely couldn’t have come from anything else.
His thoughts were confirmed when there was a dull scraaape from the balcony outside, followed by a faint creak as the door was pushed open.
Jay fell back with a cry of fear, tripping over his feet and falling out into the hallway, landing hard enough to feel a sharp pain shoot up his spine from his tailbone as it hit the floor.
The long, shadowy form that had broken and entered into the bedroom slithered further across the floor, then raised its impossibly large head and blinked down at Jay with three massive, glowing yellow eyes.
Its forked tongue flicked out with another tiny hiss, and then, to Jay’s utter bewilderment, it spoke - without even opening its mouth.
“Do not be afraid, I do not come to bring you harm.”
Jay realized his mouth was opening and closing as he breathed heavily, but no words would come out.
“I am Serpentus,” the massive snake continued, “a friend of Harmonia, and of the human named Sam.”
That finally snapped Jay out of it. This was an Ancient One, not just some random talking snake.
That really should have been more obvious.
“Sam’s not here,” Jay replied steadily, with an edge to his voice, “Harmonia sent her away on some quest, or whatever you call it.”
Serpentus bobbed their head, and Jay realized they were nodding.
“That is why I am here. Something has occurred elsewhere on this planet tonight, and Harmonia had to leave to take care of it. She asked me to tell you so that Sam does not worry if they return before she does.”
As much as Jay was annoyed that this was the way the Ancient Ones were passing on this strange message, he knew Harmonia was right to suspect that Sam would worry if they came home and she had gone.
At least the Ancient Ones cared enough about Sam to ensure they wouldn’t worry needlessly - they’d done enough of that in their life, and not just over weird semi-mythical Rift-creatures, Jay knew that better than anyone.
He dipped his head briefly in respect.
“Thank you,” he murmured to Serpentus, “I’ll tell her that.”
Serpentus flicked their tongue out again, then wordlessly made to slither back out the way they’d come.
“Wait,” Jay said, “do you know if Sam’s alright? Has this… other thing Harmonia has to deal with affecting them?”
Serpentus blinked at him, head tilting to one side as their tongue poked back out and tested the air for a bit longer this time. Then they unhelpfully answered, “that, I do not know.”
Sam couldn’t help but scream and jump back from the window, just as Zephyr leaped from the bed and came to stand defensively next to them, still growling softly.
The massive face in the window remained impassive, thousands of eyes the color of smoky quartz all trained on Sam and their feline companion.
The being’s gaze focused on Zephyr, and slightly softened.
“𝕾𝓁𝖊ℯ𝖕 𝖓ℴ𝖜.” She murmured, and suddenly Zephyr had sunk to the floor in a ball, her chest rising and falling rhythmically.
“What did you do to her?!” Sam barked against their better judgment, defensiveness momentarily overcoming their fear.
The being’s eyes all slowly moved back to Sam.
“𝕯ℴ 𝓃𝖔𝓉 𝒷𝖊 𝖆𝒻𝖗𝒶𝖎𝒹,” she said, “𝖘𝒽𝖊 𝖎𝓈 𝒶𝖘𝓁𝖊ℯ𝖕, 𝓃𝖔𝓉𝖍𝒾𝖓ℊ 𝒸𝖆𝓃 𝒽𝖆𝓇𝖒 𝖍ℯ𝖗.”
Sam took a shuddering breath.
“Who… what are you?”
“𝕴 𝖆𝓂 𝒮𝖞𝓁𝖕𝒽.”
The last word was indiscernible, but it still sounded familiar.
“That’s what he called you.” Sam said, once again without thinking.
Pain momentarily flooded the being’s gaze, but quickly vanished.
“𝖄ℯ𝖘. ℒ𝖊𝓋𝖎𝒶𝖙𝒽𝖆𝓃 𝒶𝖓𝒹 ℐ… 𝖈ℯ𝖗𝓉𝖆𝒾𝖓𝓁𝖞 𝖘𝒽𝖆𝓇𝖊 𝖆 𝖍𝒾𝖘𝓉𝖔𝓇𝖞.” She said.
Sam wanted to say that based on what they’d seen, Pat and this being definitely shared much more than just “a history”, but decided against it.
An angry ethereal being was just as bad as an angry eldrich being, and by now Sam knew better than to tempt either.
Instead, they dipped their head respectfully.
“I see,” they murmured, ���forgive me for not being courteous. Your presence here startled me.”
“𝕴 𝖈𝒶𝖓 𝖘ℯ𝖊 𝖙𝒽𝖆𝓉.” The ethereal being said, with a hint of annoyance. “𝕿𝒽𝖆𝓉’𝓈 𝓌𝖍𝓎 ℐ 𝒸𝖆𝓂𝖊 𝖍ℯ𝖗ℯ. 𝖄ℴ𝖚 𝖆𝓇𝖊 𝖎𝓃 𝒻𝖆𝓇 𝒶𝖇ℴ𝖛ℯ 𝓎𝖔𝓊𝖗 𝖍ℯ𝖆𝒹, 𝖑𝒾𝖙𝓉𝖑ℯ 𝒽𝖚𝓂𝖆𝓃. 𝖄ℴ𝖚 𝖉ℴ 𝓃𝖔𝓉 𝒷𝖊𝓁𝖔𝓃𝖌 𝖙𝒽𝖎𝓈 𝒸𝖑ℴ𝖘ℯ 𝓉𝖔 𝖘ℴ𝖒ℯ𝖙𝒽𝖎𝓃𝖌 𝖑𝒾𝖐ℯ ℒ𝖊𝓋𝖎𝒶𝖙𝒽𝖆𝓃.”
“I understand,” Sam replied, head still bowed, “but I think you may not know the reason I’m here. I was sent here by ethereals like yourself.”
“𝕿𝒽𝖊𝓃 𝓉𝖍ℯ𝖞 𝖘𝒽𝖔𝓊𝖑𝒹 𝓀𝖓ℴ𝖜 𝖇ℯ𝖙𝓉𝖊𝓇 𝓉𝖍𝒶𝖓 𝖙ℴ 𝒶𝖑𝓁𝖔𝓌 𝒶 𝒻𝖗𝒶𝖌𝒾𝖑ℯ 𝓂𝖔𝓇𝖙𝒶𝖑 𝖙ℴ 𝒸𝖔𝓂𝖊 𝖘ℴ 𝓃𝖊𝒶𝖗 𝖙ℴ 𝒶𝖓 𝖊𝓁𝖉𝓇𝖎𝒸𝖍 𝖊𝓃𝖙𝒾𝖙𝓎.”
Defensiveness flared inside Sam again.
“They sent me here to assure that they weren’t in danger. I am connected to them in ways that shield me from Pat. Besides, he said they might know you, if you are who I think you are.”
“𝕿𝒽𝖊𝓃 𝓉𝖊𝓁𝖑 𝖒ℯ - 𝓌𝖍ℴ 𝓈𝖊𝓃𝖙 𝖞ℴ𝖚 𝖍ℯ𝖗ℯ?”
“The Ancient Ones.”
The world seemed to stop for a fraction of a second - and, considering who Sam was talking to, perhaps it actually did.
“𝕿𝒽𝖊 𝕬𝓃𝖈𝒾𝖊𝓃𝖙 𝕺𝓃𝖊𝓈…” the ethereal being echoed.
“That’s right,” Sam replied, finally finding the courage to look up into her face again, “I am bonded to the Ancient Ones, chosen by the universe itself to defend the space-time Rift they call home and assure that the balance of the cosmic energies in the galaxy remains intact. I wield the etherium sword named The Lion’s Breath, and I am The Queen of Hearts.”
The ethereal being stared at them for a moment longer.
“𝕿𝒽𝖊 𝕼𝓊𝖊ℯ𝖓 𝖔𝒻 ℋ𝖊𝒶𝖗𝓉𝖘,” she murmured finally, “𝖙𝒽𝖊 𝖕𝓇𝖔𝓅𝖍ℯ𝖘𝒾𝖊𝒹 𝓈𝖆𝓋𝖎ℴ𝖚𝓇 ℴ𝖋 𝖙𝒽𝖊 𝕬𝓃𝖈𝒾𝖊𝓃𝖙 𝕺𝓃𝖊𝓈. 𝕸𝓎 𝒶𝖕ℴ𝖑ℴ𝖌𝒾𝖊𝓈, 𝖞ℴ𝖚𝓇 𝓂𝖆𝒿𝖊𝓈𝖙𝓎.”
“Just ‘Sam’ is fine.” Sam replied with a wince.
It felt weird for an ethereal being to be calling them ‘your majesty’, even if Sam had been fond of the term in any way - which they weren’t. It was likely just a formality.
This being wouldn’t need to have any real respect for them, she wasn’t the one they were connected to.
“𝕾𝒶𝖒,” the being echoed, “𝖞ℴ𝖚 𝖒𝒶𝖞 𝖈𝒶𝖑𝓁 𝓂𝖊… Sylphanie.”
Sam nodded respectfully.
“Sylphanie,” they repeated, “I’m glad there’s something I can call you that I can say without my brain melting through the roof of my mouth.”
To their surprise, Sylphanie laughed, though it sounded more like huge sheets of metal scraping together on a building site, or an old, rusty machine trying to do its job one last time before collapsing under its own weight.
“I’m here to ensure the safety of the Ancient Ones,” Sam explained when the sound died down, “they sensed your buddy’s presence nearby and wanted to make sure he wasn’t coming after them.”
“𝕿𝒽𝖊𝓃 𝓉𝖊𝓁𝖑 𝖙𝒽𝖊𝓂 𝓉𝖍ℯ𝖞 𝖍𝒶𝖛ℯ 𝓃𝖔𝓉𝖍𝒾𝖓ℊ 𝓉𝖔 𝖋ℯ𝖆𝓇,” Sylphanie said, “𝕷ℯ𝖛𝒾��𝓉𝖍𝒶𝖓 𝖎𝓈 𝒶𝖓ℊ𝖗𝓎, 𝖘ℴ𝖗𝓇𝖔𝓌𝖋𝓊𝖑. ℬ𝖚𝓉 𝒽𝖊 𝖎𝓈 𝓃𝖔𝓉 ℴ𝖚𝓉 𝓉𝖔 𝖍𝒶𝖗𝓂 𝒶𝖓𝓎𝖔𝓃𝖊. 𝒲𝖊𝓁𝖑, 𝒶𝖓𝓎 ℯ𝖙𝒽𝖊𝓇𝖊𝒶𝖑𝓈, 𝖙𝒽𝖆𝓉 𝒾𝖘.”
Sam nodded awkwardly.
“Thank you,” they said, wishing they could know more about her past with Pat, but smart enough to know that asking a deity-like being nosy questions was a good way to end up dead - or worse, “I’ll tell them. Though from what I gathered at The Abnormal Orchard, I was already fairly certain of that.”
“𝖄ℴ𝖚 𝖆𝓇𝖊 𝖜𝒾𝖘ℯ 𝒻𝖔𝓇 𝒶 𝒽𝖚𝓂𝖆𝓃, 𝖙𝒽𝖆𝓉 𝒾𝖘 𝖖𝓊𝖎𝓉𝖊 𝖈𝓁𝖊𝒶𝖗,” Sylphanie murmured, “𝖕ℯ𝖗𝒽𝖆𝓅𝖘 𝖎𝒻 𝓎𝖔𝓊 𝒽𝖆𝒹 𝒷𝖊ℯ𝖓 𝖆𝓁𝖎𝓋𝖊 𝖆 𝖋ℯ𝖜 𝖍𝓊𝖓𝒹𝖗ℯ𝖉 𝖈ℯ𝖓𝓉𝖚𝓇𝖎ℯ𝖘 𝖆ℊ𝖔, 𝓌𝖊 𝖜ℴ𝖚𝓁𝖉 𝖓ℴ𝖙 𝖇ℯ 𝓌𝖍ℯ𝖗ℯ 𝓌𝖊 𝖆𝓇𝖊 𝖗𝒾𝖌𝒽𝖙 𝖓ℴ𝖜.”
Sam had absolutely no idea what that meant, but again, they knew better than to ask questions.
Besides, at that moment, Sylphanie looked up into the sky, and Sam leaned closer to the window to see what she’d seen.
At first it just looked like two of the stars against the blackness of night were shining brighter than the others, but as Sam watched, they realized these weren’t stars at all, and they were slowly getting closer, turning to brilliant silver and gold.
The gold ball of light took the shape of a massive winged lion, with a silky flowing mane and blazing blue eyes, and back legs that ended in pale pink hooves instead of paws.
The silver orb became an amber-eyed wolf the size of a horse, with three sharp horns like those of a ram on its head, and that appeared to be walking on nothing but the wind.
Sam opened the window and jumped out onto the ground, momentarily forgetting about Sylphanie.
“Harmonia!” They exclaimed, “Barsus! What are you doing here?”
“The wind directed us to come here,” Barsus answered, “there’s been another disturbance in the universe tonight.”
“And I believe we’ve found her.” Harmonia added, stepping up to Sylphanie.
Now that Sam was outside, they could see the way Sylphanie’s body seemed both there and not-there, flowing in intricate billowing patterns like clouds in the wind, or translucent silk. She glowed like the afternoon sun, though if one looked closely, they would notice small ribbons of rainbow colors twirling within her form. Her flower-like head and shoulders were dotted with thousands of eyes, the only things dark about her, though they still glowed from within, as though someone had held a light up to a piece of amber.
She had been staring at Harmonia and Barsus since they appeared in the sky without saying a word, and now she bent closer to them, as if trying to get a better look at them both.
“𝕸𝓎 ℊ𝖔ℴ𝖉𝓃𝖊𝓈𝖘…” she murmured, “𝖎𝓈 𝒾𝖙 𝖗ℯ𝖆𝓁𝖑𝓎 𝓎𝖔𝓊? 𝕿𝒽𝖊 𝖉ℯ𝖆𝓇 𝓁𝖎𝓉𝖙𝓁𝖊 𝖇𝒶𝖇ℯ𝖘 𝕴 𝖒ℯ𝖙 𝖆𝓁𝖑 𝖙𝒽𝖔𝓈𝖊 𝖞ℯ𝖆𝓇𝖘 𝖆ℊ𝖔?”
“It is us, 𝕾𝓎𝖑𝓅𝖍,” Harmonia answered as she and Barsus both dipped their heads respectfully, “we heard your voice on the wind and thought perhaps you needed our help again.”
Again? Sam thought, but was too awestruck to say out loud.
“𝕴 𝖉ℴ 𝓃𝖔𝓉,” Sylphanie said, “𝖇𝓊𝖙 𝕴 𝖆𝓂 𝓋𝖊𝓇𝖞 𝖕𝓁��𝒶𝖘ℯ𝖉 𝖙ℴ 𝓈𝖊ℯ 𝓉𝖍ℯ 𝓉𝖜ℴ ℴ𝖋 𝖞ℴ𝖚 𝖆ℊ𝖆𝒾𝖓, 𝒶𝖓𝒹 𝓉𝖔 𝖘ℯ𝖊 𝖍ℴ𝖜 𝖞ℴ𝖚’𝖛ℯ ℊ𝖗ℴ𝖜𝓃 𝓈𝖎𝓃𝖈ℯ ℐ 𝓁𝖆𝓈𝖙 𝖘𝒶𝖜 𝖞ℴ𝖚. 𝒴𝖔𝓊𝖗 𝖕𝒶𝖗ℯ𝖓𝓉𝖘 𝖜ℴ𝖚𝓁𝖉 𝖇ℯ 𝒽𝖔𝓃𝖔𝓊𝖗ℯ𝖉 𝖙ℴ 𝓈𝖊ℯ 𝒽𝖔𝓌 𝓈𝖙𝓇𝖔𝓃𝖌 𝖞ℴ𝖚 𝖇ℴ𝖙𝒽 𝒶𝖗ℯ, 𝖆𝓃𝖉 𝖙𝒽𝖆𝓉 𝓎𝖔𝓊’𝓋𝖊 𝖋ℴ𝖚𝓃𝖉 𝖙𝒽𝖊 𝕼𝓊𝖊ℯ𝖓 𝖔𝒻 ℋ𝖊𝒶𝖗𝓉𝖘.”
“Thank you, 𝕾𝓎𝖑𝓅𝖍,” Barsus rumbled, “and we are honoured to be in your presence once again.”
At that moment, there was an abrupt wrrouwr! from inside the open window of the motel, just before Zephyr shot out into the night.
She pranced up to Harmonia without hesitation, chuffing and rubbing her head under the larger feline’s chin.
“Hello, my dear,” Harmonia said adoringly, “oh, how I’ve missed you. You must tell me all that has happened, my love.”
Sam smiled warmly as she watched the mated pair, but found their gaze subconsciously drifting to Sylphanie’s face. They were shocked to see that an almost mournful expression had manifested in her thousands of eyes.
“𝖄ℴ𝖚 𝖍𝒶𝖛ℯ 𝒻𝖆𝓁𝖑ℯ𝖓 𝖎𝓃 𝓁𝖔𝓋𝖊 𝖜𝒾𝖙𝒽 𝒶 𝓂𝖔𝓇𝖙𝒶𝖑 𝖇ℯ𝖎𝓃𝖌.” She said to Harmonia after a long silence, in which she simply stared at the two as they nuzzled each other.
“I have.” Harmonia murmured.
“𝕬𝓇𝖊 𝖞ℴ𝖚 𝖘𝓊𝖗ℯ 𝓉𝖍𝒶𝖙 𝖎𝓈 𝓌𝖎𝓈𝖊? 𝒜 𝓁𝖔𝓋𝖊 𝖜𝒾𝖙𝒽 𝓈𝖔𝓂𝖊ℴ𝖓ℯ 𝓈𝖔 𝖉𝒾𝖋𝒻𝖊𝓇𝖊𝓃𝖙 𝖋𝓇𝖔𝓂 𝓎𝖔𝓊𝖗𝓈𝖊𝓁𝖋 𝖈𝒶𝖓 𝖔𝓃𝖑𝓎 ℯ𝖓𝒹 𝒾𝖓 𝖍ℯ𝖆𝓇𝖙𝒷𝖗ℯ𝖆𝓀.”
A different sort of sadness crossed her face, and suddenly Sam understood all too well what her connection to Pat was, and why he had reacted the way he had to seeing her again.
“I understand this,” Harmonia said, “but I have taken a lesson from the humans I now share my home with, that it is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all.”
Sylphanie seemed to consider this for a moment, then bobbed her head in a way that made her flowing body wave like sheets on a clothesline when the wind got stronger.
“𝕻ℯ𝖗𝒽𝖆𝓅𝖘 𝖙𝒽𝖆𝓉 𝒾𝖘 𝖔𝓃𝖊 𝖆𝓇𝖊𝒶 𝒾𝖓 𝖜𝒽𝖎𝒸𝖍 𝖍𝓊𝖒𝒶𝖓𝒾𝖙𝓎 𝒾𝖘 𝖘𝓂𝖆𝓇𝖙ℯ𝖗 - 𝖆𝓃𝖉 𝖇𝓇𝖆𝓋𝖊𝓇 - 𝓉𝖍𝒶𝖓 𝖆𝓃𝖞 𝖊𝓉𝖍ℯ𝖗ℯ𝖆𝓁 ℴ𝖗 𝖊𝓁𝖉𝓇𝖎𝒸𝖍 𝖇ℯ𝖎𝓃𝖌 𝖎𝓃 𝓉𝖍𝒾𝖘 𝖚𝓃𝖎𝓋𝖊𝓇𝖘ℯ.” She said.
“I… guess I’ll take that as a compliment?” Sam huffed.
“𝖂ℯ𝖑𝓁,” Sylphanie sighed, ignoring Sam’s comment, “𝕴 𝖇ℯ𝖑𝒾𝖊𝓋𝖊 𝖒𝓎 𝒷𝖚𝓈𝖎𝓃𝖊𝓈𝖘 𝖍ℯ𝖗ℯ 𝓉𝖔𝓃𝖎ℊ𝖍𝓉 𝒾𝖘 𝖋𝒾𝖓𝒾𝖘𝒽𝖊𝒹. 𝕭𝓊𝖙 𝖓ℴ𝖜 𝖙𝒽𝖆𝓉 ℐ 𝓀𝖓ℴ𝖜 𝕴 𝖘𝓉𝖎𝓁𝖑 𝖍𝒶𝖛ℯ 𝒶𝖑𝓁𝖎ℯ𝖘 𝖎𝓃 𝓉𝖍𝒾𝖘 𝖗ℯ𝖆𝓁𝖒, ℐ 𝓌𝖎𝓁𝖑 𝖗ℯ𝖒𝒶𝖎𝓃 𝓃𝖊𝒶𝖗 𝖙ℴ 𝒾𝖙.”
Barsus and Harmonia both dipped their heads again.
“We thank you for that,” Harmonia said, “and until we meet again, may the cosmic energies look faithfully upon you.”
“𝖀𝓅𝖔𝓃 𝓎𝖔𝓊 𝒶𝖘 𝖜ℯ𝖑𝓁,” Sylphanie replied, her ghostly form beginning to melt into the shadows, “𝖆𝓃𝖉 𝖙𝒽𝖆𝓃𝖐 𝖞ℴ𝖚 𝖆𝓈 𝓌𝖊𝓁𝖑. 𝒲𝖍𝒶𝖙 𝖞ℴ𝖚 𝖍𝒶𝖛ℯ 𝓈𝖍𝒶𝖗ℯ𝖉 𝖜𝒾𝖙𝒽 𝓂𝖊 𝖙ℴ𝖓𝒾𝖌𝒽𝖙 𝖍𝒶𝖘 𝖇ℯ𝖌𝓊𝖓 𝖙ℴ 𝒽𝖊𝒶𝖑 𝖆 𝖜ℴ𝖚𝓃𝖉 𝕴 𝖓ℯ𝖛ℯ𝖗 𝖙𝒽𝖔𝓊𝖌𝒽𝖙 𝖈ℴ𝖚𝓁𝖉 𝖍ℯ𝖆𝓁.”
With that, she faded from view completely, though the way the hair on Sam’s arms remained standing upright for a few moments, along with the fact that it took a bit for the chill in the air to go away completely, told them she wasn’t fully gone just because she couldn’t be seen.
“Well…” they said finally, realizing they were shaking a little, “that was… a very weird night.”
“Guys! Wait up!”
“You shouldn’t have come with us if you couldn’t keep up!”
The peace of the jungle was disrupted by the sound of bickering human voices, those belonging to Athena, eleven, and Lucas, fifteen. With them - and being much quieter - were their older sisters, Hanna and Alexa, both in their early twenties.
Lucas turned on Athena with a leering smirk.
“‘I’ll tell Dad if you don’t take me with you!’” He mocked, and Athena stuck their tongue out angrily.
“Leave them alone,” Alexa cut in before their arguing could escalate, “and shut up, both of you. Did you not listen all those times when Mom told us not to draw attention to yourself when out in the woods?”
“We’d get away,” Lucas retorted, “the short one might be easy prey, though.”
“STOP, Lucas!” Athena shouted, making to hit him, but Alexa held them back.
“Don’t, he’s just trying to get a rise out of you.” She murmured.
Ahead of them, Hanna, the oldest of the four, stopped in a clearing bathed in sunlight from a gap in the trees and placed her hands on her hips.
“Hey, ‘Lexa?” She called over her shoulder.
“Yeah?” Alexa replied, ignoring Lucas and Athena as they continued making faces at each other.
“I think we’re about to be in big trouble.”
“What? Why?”
Alexa followed Hanna’s gaze, and immediately realized what she was talking about.
“Oh…” she mumbled, just as a massive winged lion and a three-horned wolf that seemed to be walking on thin air descended from the sky and into the clearing.
From the lion’s back lept Zephyr, who raced to greet Lucas and Athena as if it was perfectly normal for her spirit-bond’s children to be wandering in the jungle.
Sam jumped from the wolf’s back, The Lion’s Breath in hand and looking ready to scold their children before the four of them could even come up with an excuse.
“What are you kids doing out here?” They demanded the moment their feet touched the ground.
“Uh oh,” Athena muttered under their breath, “busted…”
“Okay, first of all, I’m twenty three,” Hanna objected, “and Alexa is twenty one, we’re adults now.”
“You’re still incredibly young, and you’re avoiding the question,” Sam shot back, “not to mention you brought your little siblings out here too.”
“We were just gonna bring Lucas, but Athena said they’d tell…” Alexa said lamely, realizing too late how stupid and childish that argument was as Sam raised an eyebrow at her.
“We can take care of ourselves.” Hanna added.
“Which I don’t doubt,” Sam said dryly, “I’m just not pleased that you took it upon yourselves to come out here for the first time.”
Hanna and Alexa looked at each other in confusion.
“First time?” Alexa echoed as they both looked back at Sam.
“Yes!” Sam exclaimed, “I wanted to take you myself! Now, you didn’t get in any fights with any wild animals, did you?”
“Uh… no?” Hanna replied uncertainly.
“Good,” Sam murmured, putting their arms around their daughters’ shoulders and leading them back towards the Ryder Estate, “your first encounter with a wild beast is important, and I want to be there to see it.”
Zephyr paused at the edge of the trees before following her human companions, glancing back at the two mythical creatures still waiting in the clearing.
Harmonia blinked fondly at her.
“Go on, my love,” she said, “we will see each other again soon.”
Zephyr chuffed in response, tossing her head before bounding after Sam and their children.
“Well. That was certainly an interesting experience.” Barsus murmured beside Harmonia, who nodded.
“Indeed,” she agreed, “it was. Though I was happy to see 𝕾𝓎𝖑𝓅𝖍 again.”
“As was I. And I have a feeling that this is not the last we will see of her either.”
“I feel the same. Though I suppose we will have to wait and see.”
“We will. But until then, what shall we do?”
“Take care of our own, and keep in mind that she is always nearby.”
Barsus nodded, and then, with a wisp of pale golden smoke, the pair disappeared, leaving the clearing looking as though it had always been empty.
@inkbedou @the-matpat-ever @insane4fandoms 🫶
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veloursdor · 2 years ago
snipet of this obikin au based on this quote from Star Wars Jedi Quest: The Way of the Apprentice
(1.1k words)
Obi-Wan was tired from the transport, his bones aching and tired after so long away from the comfort of his rooms. It had been a tiresome mission, one standard month away from the Temple and the responsibilities he had from being responsible for a padawan.
Obi-Wan almost let out a groan at the thought of the exuberance his padawan would display the moment he crossed the door. Anakin had the uncanny ability to detect whenever Obi-Wan was back from a mission, accosting his Master as soon as he crossed the door, demanding answers to his different questions as he pouted once more at being left behind.
He suppressed the smile that he could feel growing on his lips at the countless memories he had of his padawan eagerly greeting him at their quarters, for no matter how much he pretended to complain, he was secretly delighted that Anakin still craved his presence, missed his company, despite his age. Anakin was no longer the nine year old boy that had arrived from Tatooine with a chip on his shoulder, but a padawan close to his twenties, almost ready for knighthood.
However, a distance had been growing between them for the last couple of months, with Anakin remaining distant through their interactions. Long gone was the padawan who ignored propriety and wanted to meld himself with his Master, instead replaced by a young man aloof when greeting his Master, politely listening but rarely engaging.
He hoped that, by taking the mission that would keep them apart for a month, Anakin would miss him enough to return to the caring young man he had been just six months ago. Yet, as he crossed the door of their quarters, he was unsurprised to see that they were empty, with Anakin nowhere in sight. He couldn't feel his padawan through the bond they shared, and a feeling of worry began growing inside of him.
Anakin could be as distant and emotionless as he wanted, but he had never failed to be in their quarters when Obi-Wan came back from a mission, not even when he was mad at his Master. Something had had to happen if Anakin wasn’t in there.
Forcing himself to remain calm, Obi-Wan made his way around the Temple, greeting Masters and younglings alike as he passed them by, his mind focused on finding his apprentice. Much to his delight, his padawan wasn’t at the Halls of Healing, nor was he in the Council Chambers. Finally, after an hour of searching, he felt his padawan’s presence inside The Room of a Thousand Fountains, and Obi-Wan felt as if he could finally breathe.
His padawan was safe and sound inside their home.
Slowly approaching the place where he could feel the presence of his young apprentice, Obi-Wan was delighted to see Anakin with his eyes closed, meditating softly and peacefully. His heart swelled with pride and joy at the image of Anakin finding inner peace through meditation, something they had struggled for so long.
About to approach his padawan, slightly remorseful to break such a peaceful picture, he stopped in his tracks at the sight of a young man resting his head on Anakin's lap, his eyes closed as if in deep concentration. The young man had his eyes closed - the red of his hair contrasting with the paleness of his face - as he was softly breathing at the same time as the rise and fall of Anakin's chest.
Obi-Wan was surprised to see Anakin willingly letting another padawan so close to his person, as his encounters with Ferus had proven... everything but amicable. Obi-Wan had been hoping for the day when Anakin would make a friend, so he was surprised at the hollow feeling in his chest at the sight.
Shaking himself from his own foolishness, Obi-Wan approached his padawan, regretful to break his peace.
"Anakin," he said softly, "Young one.”
But Anakin remained meditating, much to Obi-Wan’s surprise and disappointment. In the past, Anakin had loved to be interrupted mid meditation, always claiming to prefer Obi-Wan’s company to that of his own mind.
“Why would I want to spend time with myself, when I can spend it with you instead, Master?”
“Anakin, dear one. I'm back."
"Master," Anakin said after a pause, not opening his eyes from his meditation. "I'm glad to hear that."
"Would you like to go to Dex? I’ve been wanting to tell you about..."
"I'm sorry, Master," Anakin interrupted as he opened his eyes and looked at Obi-Wan with regret written in them, sounding truly apologetic as he spoke, "but Rowan and I already have plans."
"We're going to have dinner at my quarters while we watch a holovid," the youngling in Anakin's lap said, his eyes still closed, a smile on his face. "We're going to eat so much food our stomachs will hurt but no more than our hearts, because everyone knows there’s nothing like ‘Rather Me Than You’ for a good cry!"
Anakin laughed softly at the youngling's comments, making Obi-Wan's heart twist unpleasantly inside his chest. He smiled through the uncomfortable feeling inside of him, wanting to appear as if nothing was amiss with him.
"You could do that at our quarters, dear one," Obi-Wan offered calmly, eager for them to accept but not wanting to show how much he had missed Anakin in their month apart.
"I'm sorry, Master," Anakin said, a hand on the back of his neck, "but Rowan..."
"My Master just left on a mission," the youngling said, opening up his green eyes to look at Obi-Wan with a smirk on his face. "And you were a padawan once, Master Kenobi. Sometimes... we need time away from our Masters."
"Rowan!" Anakin exclaimed, his face red as a red and hot feeling began rising inside of Obi-Wan, threatening to consume him, at the implications of the padawan’s words.
But Anakin would never…
"I understand," he said through a forced smile, bowing to avoid looking at the young man's smirk. "I'll see you in our quarters when you're done with your... friend, Anakin."
"We'll go to Dex tomorrow, Master," Anakin said, his eyes looking at Obi-Wan with a feeling he couldn't understand.
"Of course," he said before turning around and leaving the room, ignoring the echoes of their laughter.
Anakin had a friend at the Temple, at long last. Someone else to spend his time with besides Obi-Wan. Now, Obi-Wan would be able to hang out with his own friends, to sleep around without having to sneak out of his room as if ashamed of who he was.
Anakin had a friend, something Obi-Wan had wanted for so long.
And yet his heart felt like he was leaving half of itself behind.
Everything was FINE.
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tex-now · 9 months ago
Can you tell us about the miraculous AU 👁️👁️ because I haven't seen the show in 4 years but thinking about Mafuyu as adrien is. Mhm. I am totally normal about this.
Also I think Mafuyu is the only one who can get behind Plaggs weird cheese addiction (she lacks sense of taste might as well lack smell too)
OH FUCK YEAH!!!!! Okay so I'm still in the early planning phase for it, aka trying to nail down all of the miraculous holders and stuff before I even plan the story lmao.
So for miraculous so far:
Ichika: ladybug obviously
Saki: I have no idea man. She might get either the pig or the fox or the bee. The bee is most likely rn
Shiho: The turtle!! Pretty easy choice but I was also considering the ox at one point. Or the bunny but shh
Honami: undecided but probably the dog or the pig. She's fighting emu for it though
Mafuyu: black cat. She would have gotten the dragon but. I wanted her to be the Adrien of this au
Mizuki: the fox but I REALLY need to come up with a more unique design
Kanade: the peacock. No further elaboration
Ena: the goat. Come on it was made for her
Tsukasa: currently fighting rui for the horse. I'm not sure who I want to give it to.... I have a design for tsukasa but rui would do really well with it. He might get the dragon or the rooster
Rui: probably gonna get the horse....
Nene: the snake because she's not a fighter AND I have an idea for her design
Emu: the pig obviously or surprisingly the monkey! Idk she would be awesome with the monkey I just know it. I also considered giving her the peacock or the butterfly but I need a villain so. Neither of those are available rn
Shizuku: um.. the bunny is the best choice design wise but would shizuku be good with the bunny? Would she really? I'm not sure
Airi: ox. I considered the tiger but there were complications
Minori: rooster or mouse minori im not sure. Probably the mouse. Maybe the dog
Haruka: the dragon probably. She, other than shizuku and mafuyu is a "perfect" girlie, so she's the second choice for the dragon. Maybe. OOO or the bunny
Kohane: ummm... maybe the rooster or the mouse.... idk...
An: the tiger the tiger the tiger i knew from the moment I made this that an was getting the tiger
Oh there are some other things
Leoni break up is still a Thing
Mafuyu and saki are besties
Mafuyu is NOT a sentimonster her mom just sucks ass
A Remixed umbrella scene happens and it's with a different part of the love square
Saki Mizuki and kohane all work together to run this au's Ladyblog
Ichika and Mizuki are seatmates and so are mafuyu and saki
Tsukasa and rui still go to different schools but im not sure if the others do too
Akito and Toya don't get miraculous. Because I said so
Umm that's it so far. Yeagh I'm not far into it at all hsshhash
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cvbullshit · 4 months ago
Ik it's like that other Sans that absorbed the souls but like...
*rolling in giddy*
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bluerasbunny · 3 months ago
what if I biblically accurate-ified your vktrs au? 👁️👁️
go ahead man but its gonna be horrifying
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ronnyraygun · 2 years ago
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Bruce, you don’t feed them anything fUN.
[more under cut]
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All I can do is draw these morons…
[Talon Tim getting ready to shenanigan, Jason our favorite milf]
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jackoino · 10 months ago
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grimparks · 2 years ago
For all the context go check the account !
Ps: english is not my first language so maybe they’re errors
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So as promise, Kyle decided to go to the police station to now if they found something about Stan and Clyde
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Police man- Hello how can I help you? Do you need something?
Kyle- Hello, I'm here to ask if you have news about the disappearance of Clude Donovan and Stan Marsh.
Police man- Okay, let me search for a sec... are you a friend or something?
Kyle- uhh... yeah. I'm his best friend and a classmate of mine is worried too.
Police man- Sorry man, it's classified... to know anything you'll need to ask to the detective Yates.
Kyle- Well... can I go see him?
Police man- No.
Kyle- What? Bit you just sayed that if I want informations, I need to go see him!
Police man- Yeah, I did say that. But I never sayed that you could go see him.
Kyle- What? But-
Police man- Whatever... if you don't have anything else to adk, you can go.
Kyle- Oh hell no...
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Harrison Yates- No, no... I got this, don't worry. I'm the detective, what do you want?
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Harrison Yates- Well it's because no one is on that case, we have other shit to do.
Kyle- WHAT?!
Harrison Yates- What what? Why are you surprised? Don't you think they maybe just ran away from home?
Harrison Yates- Well, I don't have time for that, I have to finish Red Dead Redemption...
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Kyle-WHAT WHAT WHAT? YOU DON'T THINK THEY CAN BE... I don't know... in DANGER maybe???!
Harrison Yates- Listen, I don’t have the time or the motivation, so you know what? Do it yourself. But I’m still not gonna give ya any file or access to the cameras tho.
Kyle- Ugh, fine. But I can’t do anything without informa-
Harrison Yates- Security! Get that man out here!
Kyle- Wait! NO!
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Well… guess Kyle will have to find help if he wants to find his friends…
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The next day, Kyle sent a SMS to Token to keep him informed. Well, now he has to start thinking about who could help him in his quest.
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Kyle’s mind- I can’t ask Token, he already has a lot on his plate and I don’t want to give him too much pressure.
I can’t ask Kenny, his parents are already getting a divorce and is also pretty busy.
And Cartman… he has a lot of trouble sleeping these days, but… I don’t know… I don’t trust him…
Ugh, Whatever… I don’t know who to ask, but I remember a long time ago, someone who’s always helping everyone and always solving their problems…
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Kyle- Huh?
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The new guy- Oh! Hi Kyle! are you okay?
Kyle’s mind- Of course it was the new guy, I should’ve asked him from the start…
Kyle- Uhh… Not really good, honestly. Could you help me with something?
Chapter 1 finished
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