#friends to lovers trope will always have a special place in my heart<3
purerae · 3 months
warnings ;; manipulation, gaslighting, overall yandere themes
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˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ YANDERE!FRIEND who’s the most extroverted person you know! you’re honestly shocked that he’s been your friend for so long. He's so so so nice <3 the best friend ever !!
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ YANDERE!FRIEND who always has your back. late to a job interview? don’t worry,  he’ll help! don’t know what to wear? it’s okay, he’s got a bunch of outfit ideas! struggling with financial issues? just take his card silly! 
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ YANDERE!FRIEND who has a scrapbook journal dedicated solely to you! it’s not weird.. you guys have been friends for ages, he's keeping it for memories. 
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ YANDERE!FRIEND  who acts oblivious when you point out pictures in the scrapbook you don’t remember taking. ‘Noo I was definitely there!! You’re not suffering from memory loss, are ya sunshine?’
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ YANDERE!FRIEND who’s attached to you by the hip, he’s extremely clingy and affectionate; even suggested showering together to not be away from you. You guys did it when you were younger, it’s fine..!!
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ YANDERE!FRIEND  who lives in the past. constantly mentioning things from your childhood, especially around other people. "We always used to have these together, remember?!… oh sorry it was me and sunshine’s thing when we were younger haha~’
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ YANDERE!FRIEND who gets extremely jealous whenever you get close to anybody, crushes, friends, acquaintances and even family members. He should be your top priority!
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ YANDERE!FRIEND who may manipulate situations just a teeny tiny bit to isolate you into relying on him. ‘Yeah i heard she called you a freak…i wouldn’t stay around her..’
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ YANDERE!FRIEND who’s extremely protective over you. Is anybody being slightly mean to you? don’t worry your pretty little head about it! he’ll handle it, no problem. 
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ YANDERE!FRIEND who just laughs and changes the subject when you question what happened to them. ‘Who are you talking about..? Anyways, have ya seen the new film that came out? We need to watch it together!’
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ YANDERE!FRIEND who gets easily upset and guilt trips you when he thinks you’re not spending enough time with him. ‘Do.. do i seriously not mean anything to you sunshine?’ it’s definitely not fake tears…
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ YANDERE!FRIEND who has rapid mood swings, especially when you divert your attention away from him.
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ YANDERE!FRIEND  who constantly checks up on you and texts you frequently to the point where it’s overbearing. It’s not like you’re going to call him out, you can’t! He's your best friend, he just cares about you!!
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“Hey hey! Why haven’t you answered my texts sunshine :( Do you not care about me anymore??”
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sheenashifts1217 · 30 days
Pick A Pile #2
Message From Your DR S/O
This is what won the pole so here you guys go (:
Welcome to my second pick a pile! This is a collective reading, so take what resonates, leave what doesn't. For a more in depth and personalized reading, check out my pinned post <3
Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Open them. Which photo are you most drawn to?
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Pile 1 (butterfly drink)
Lyrics standing out:
"dark room
time moved too fast (I can see you coming home or back to a hotel room after a late night out. The wind blows the curtains as you open the door. They wrap their arms around you and kiss you as you lay back on the bed)
Your shoulders brush
You can hear it in the silence
see it with the lights out
Burnt toast, you keep his shirt
One step, said enough
You're my best friend
Spent my whole life trying to put it into words
round and round, downtown
the way home
you're in love"
Hello beautiful Pile 1! I'm picking up a more masculine energy from your S/O, but they still have a very healthy relationship with their feminine side as well. You are what they have been looking for their entire life. They see you as the "invisible string" in their life. You've always been right in each other's faces but you just now realized it. They wish they would've acted on their feelings sooner so that there was never that period of hurt or miscommunication. It feels like you were either enemies to lovers or childhood friends to lovers, or maybe even just lived in the same town but didn't really talk much. Either way, there is some kind of history there between the two of you that you're s/o is very grateful for, but they regret not acting sooner. I heard them say "We're a couple of fools, aren't we?". They're showing me the two of you playing with chalk on the side walk as children and then the two of you coming back to that same spot now that you're older. You're holding hands and wearing the bracelets you made/gave each other. Like it's really giving those Hallmark movies where one of them leaves for whatever reason and it goes south so they come home and realize they needed their person all along. It's super adorable.
Your s/o wants you to know that you are their home, their safe place, their haven. No one in the world makes them feel the way you do. Again, the only regret they have with you, is not being yours sooner. They love coming home to you and I feel like they also really like when you wear flowy dresses. You're both children at heart, so not only are they your s/o, but they're your best friend. They say to remember how special you are and "you're my butterfly". (that blew my mind since this is the butterfly drink pile). The only future they see, is one with you in it. They hate to be away from you and are telling you to hurry up because they "need cuddles". Movie nights may be a thing for you guys.
confirmation: purple, 333, butterflies, "time flies when you're having fun", "here comes the sun", school bus, clouds, jump ropes
Pile Two (Hearts)
Lyrics standing out:
"Won't you look my way
What you got to say
Everybody talks
Made my lips hurt, I could hear the chit chat
Everybody talks back
It started with a whisper
Mama's always gotta back track
Got in the way
What you gotta say"
Hello my lovely pile 2! When this sing started playing, I was immediately shown some type of dinner and lots of dancing. Your DR could possibly be set in the 50's or 60's or 80's. It could also be a fame DR and you're filming a movie set in one of those periods. Either way, you and your s/o dance a lot. They are amazed by the way your body moves and sometimes find themselves having dirty thoughts about you. This feels like more of a slow burn trope and you all may not be together yet. They are YEARNING so badly for you. They feel frustrated, "why don't you see me". They're afraid that they're in the friendzone, when in reality, you both need to use your words and tell each other the truth. You may be holding back from confessing your feelings because you fear what others or the public will say. Or you worry that they worry about what others may say. They may be a poet of some sort because they just said, "your eyes shine, lips so divine, gotta be mine". Told you they're yearning.
"Why won't you love me? Let me in", they have grown tired of the games and the cat and mouse. Your s/o is ready for you, so be ready for them. They just want you to see how beautiful you are and really believe it. They say, "You're brilliant, you're a genius baby", and the kiss you're cheek. I can see you looking back at them kind of shocked and that breaks their heart. They really just want you guys to communicate so you can be how you're meant to. They want you to know that you deserve all of your hearts desires.
confirmation: 5 Seconds of Summer, Luke Hemmings, blue, turtles, the beach, bad girl, Jojo siwa, 444, dirt, sprout, plants, spiral, mcdonald's play area
Pile 3 (the flower)
Lyrics standing out:
"You were in college working part time
Why we bother with love if it never lasts
I can see it now
You put your arm around me for the first time
There's a drawer of my things at your place
We'll never make my parents mistakes
City lights
Made a rebel of a careful man's careful daughter
You took me by surprise
I'll never leave you alone
Every time I look at you, it's like the first time
I fell in love
she is the best thing that's ever been mine
Hold on, make it last
I can see it now"
Hello my gorgeous pile 3! You and your s/o know how to have fun together, you don't mind to get your hands dirty. Some of you may have a "Twisters" DR, I keep seeing Glen Powell. Your s/o is ready to take you on an adventure, show you places and things you've never seen. You guys are attached at the hip. You're that couple that is always together and has the best humor. Your s/o likes PDA. Not so much where it makes people uncomfortable, but they like to show everyone who they belong to. They may have their hand on your thigh when you're out at dinner or their hand on your hip at the store. They are chivilrous. They like to open doors for you and get your seat or take your coat. If your s/o is male, it's giving gentleman vibes.
I kept seeing a bowling alley and a truck bed while I was listening to this song, they want to take you on a simple, fun date, just for a good time. They want you to realize that loving you is like breathing air for them. Stop being so hard on yourself. They're not going to leave you. If you're going through something, they just want to help. Let them in, that's why they're your partner. They love you for all that you are. I heard "something isn't worth having if you didn't have to work for it. I see a field of daisy's, they may call you "miss daisy". You're so is telling you to let yourself be loved, not liked. Love isn't about being likeable, it's about relationship and teamwork. You will get through this and grow stronger. We sometimes need obsticals to build our strength. Look at the problem in front of you and face it. You've got this and you are loved. Relax.
confirmation: Thanos, infinity stones, avengers, doctor strange, donuts, The Simpsons, Pepsi, Cigarettes, trailor park, South park, Eric Cartman, red, beanie, lavender plant
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adrealucia · 2 months
omg a new lis2 blog ;; i love ur sean as ur best friend hcs so much!! he’s so aughhh i want him.. he is so cute though i feel like he’d secretly be a chismosa.. that boy would eat up any juicy gossip u tell him i fear.. also if u do romantic sean hcs/ur reqs are still open, can i req a sean as ur bf hcs? i feel like he’d be so sweet n smooth w it even with his 0 experience :(( sean diaz i want u so bad argh!!
heyy yea omg absolutely!! my reqs are open in case anyone else is wondering :) also maybe you're right about him eating up all the gossip... also here you go, I hope you and everyone else enjoys this! <3
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Sean Diaz as your Boyfriend
a headcanon ⓘ sfw
featuring: Sean Diaz
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I do deeply believe he is the type of person who would always go for the friends-to-lovers trope. Like maybe you haven't been his best friend, but something close to that, or it's the total opposite strangers to lovers. I feel like either he has to have a serious deep bond with the person that he is crushing on or he simply just finds you super attractive, though I think he is way too shy to make the first move when it comes to a stranger.
Sean would definitely take you on a lot of unofficial dates, like going to the movies or going to a fancy restaurant. There would be a ton of flirty banter, but he just wouldn't be too obvious with it at first. Kind of like a dip my feet in the cold water first type of guy. He wants to know if you are feeling the same before diving straight into something.
(also if you are not getting along with Daniel or his father it is a no-go for him)
So either he would totally wait for you to make the first step or he would start with gentle touches first. I feel like Sean's love language would be physical touch or words of affirmation. He is the type of person who would gently touch your cheek or chin, I am also heavy on the waist touching with him. Like you are in his way and he would scoot you over by softly holding onto your waist or giving you hugs from behind.
However, if he is the person to confess his feelings first I think it would go somehow like this: In the days leading up to his confession, you might notice Sean acting a bit more thoughtful and introspective than usual. He’d be working on something in secret, which he’d occasionally hint at but keep under wraps. Sean would choose a meaningful location for his confession, perhaps a place where you both have shared special memories or somewhere that holds significance to him. It could be a secluded spot he discovered, a favorite park, or even just a cozy corner in his room.
Sean would begin by presenting you with a piece of his art, something he’s been working on just for this moment. It might be a portrait of you, a drawing of a special memory you both share or a piece that symbolizes your relationship. After giving you the artwork, Sean would take your hands in his, looking deeply into your eyes. He’d take a deep breath, voice shaking, and begin speaking from his heart. “I am totally no good with words… but there is something I've been meaning to tell you.” Sean would continue, his voice filled with sincerity and a touch of nervousness. “I know I don’t always say what I feel, but I want you to know that you mean the world to me. You make me better, and I can’t imagine my life without you in it.” Finally, he’d gather all his courage and say, “I love you. I love everything about you, and I want to be with you, not just now, but always.” His voice would be steady, filled with conviction.
To seal his confession, Sean might gently cup your face, brush a strand of hair behind your ear, or simply pull you into a tender, heartfelt hug. If the moment feels right, he might even share a soft, lingering kiss, filled with all the emotions he’s been holding back. After confessing his love, Sean would be attentive to your reaction, ready to listen and share in the moment with you. Whether you respond with tears of joy, an embrace, or words of your own, he’d be there, fully present and committed to making this a cherished memory for both of you.
Now once he actually is your boyfriend I feel like he would be incredibly protective of you, often going out of his way to make sure you're safe and comfortable. He’s always looking out for you, whether it's walking you home or making sure you’re feeling okay. Sean frequently sketches you in his notebook, capturing candid moments and expressions. He might leave little doodles or heartfelt notes around for you to find. For special occasions, Sean prefers giving you handmade gifts, like a custom piece of art or something he’s crafted himself. These gifts are always thoughtful and personal.
Sean is always there to listen and support you. He understands the importance of being emotionally available and makes sure you feel heard and valued. However he can sometimes struggle with communicating his deeper feelings, but he’s always willing to work on it and improve for the sake of your relationship. Trust is paramount for Sean, and he works hard to build and maintain it in your relationship. He values honesty and transparency, knowing how crucial it is for a strong partnership.
He loves sharing his Mexican heritage with you, cooking traditional meals, teaching you some Spanish phrases, and celebrating cultural traditions together. Also, we can all agree that he would have some cute Spanish nicknames for you such as mi amor (my love), ma vida (my life), mi alma (my soul), princesa, (If he is feeling especially frisky, and cocky mama or mami as well)
Sean cherishes emotional milestones, like the first time you say "I love you" or the first time he sees you cry and comforts you. These moments strengthen his bond with you.
Overall Sean Diaz, as a boyfriend, would be an incredibly caring, dedicated, and supportive partner. He would always look out for your well-being, offering a listening ear and a comforting presence whenever needed. His artistic nature would shine through in romantic gestures, such as heartfelt sketches and personalized notes, making you feel cherished and special. Sean would love to take you on spontaneous adventures, sharing his cultural heritage, and creating beautiful memories together. Despite his occasional struggles with communication, his commitment to building trust and a stable future with you would be unwavering. authors note: I love this boy with all my heart. He is the absolute cutest human being. This was so much fun you guys and I could do a million more of these! :) So I will gladly take all of your requests! oh also I hope the Spanish words are correct because I do not speak one word of fucking Spanish for anyone wondering here are my rules :)
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wannab-urs · 1 year
The Spreadsheet Digest - Fic Recs | Vol 7
Howdy, folks! It's time for this week's recap of what I read :)
As always, you can find the spreadsheet here, and you're always more than welcome to tag me in your fic if you'd like to be included. New and old fics both appreciated; anything from a drabble to a 400k word series is fine; and the only Pedro boy I don't really read is Pero Tovar.
Without further ado here are the fics I read this week and the unhinged ramblings of a madwoman (me) to substitute for a coherent recommendation.
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One for the money, two for the show a Joel series by @cowgurrrl
Rockstar!Joel AU with such a sweet fake dating trope lead in and then the most delicious yummy angst. As your resident angst whore this was everything because it was so REAL and so fucking heartbreaking. And then the happy little hopeful ending and then all the drabbles and extras??? AH! My favorite part was the lil instagram stories i think <3
sharing is caring a Frankie/Santi one shot by @walkintotheriveranddisappear
Your friend Santi introduces you to his friend Frankie and uhhhh you guys go make a sandwich.
Only Lovers Left Alive a Joel series by @atinylittlepain
I love every single thing about this. Revenge. Vampires. Blood play kind of? Biting. Etc. This shit rocks.
Waiting Room a Joel one shot by @beskarandblasters
I fucking love what kel did with this song. The repetition of one for the road really fuckin got me too. Angst angst angst.
The Special One a Joel series by @toxicanonymity
What if a reluctant soulmates AU was also a vampire!Joel AU? It would be perfect, that's what. I'm loving vampire!joel rn anyway, but this was such a cool twist on it. Also his vibes in this are fucking immaculate
Copycat Killer a Joel series by @beskarandblasters
Bitch this is so good. Stalker!Reader x Rockstar Joel... fucking perfect. I love how they both kind of suck as human beings a little bit. And that blow job oh my GOD.
Sweet Creature a Dieter series by @wildemaven
I really really love how this story is going. The little town is so real to me and I love all the little places we get to see. The bookstore sounds like a DREAM. And I can't wait for Reader to bond with D over art ahhhhh.
Stitches a Din series by @djarinsbeskar
This fic is so fucking good dude. I love the set up for the whole thing and the reader character is really fuckin' cool. The like... 8 consecutive parts of incredible smut that continues to be genuinely interesting and really fucking hot even after like 200K words is extremely impressive. I'm also pretty sucked into the story and the way Medic is being interwoven into canon. Oh and the introspection we get from Din's POV is *chef's kiss*.... anyway pls god finish this story i need it
False God a Frankie series by @swiftispunk
Frankie asking for what he wants is so... yummy... especially when it's wanting to be your subby lil pussy eating king like... PLEASE. And his praise kink??? I am in Frankie heaven
102 a Frankie one shot by @tieronecrush
I fucking love this ahhhh. I felt so bad for Frankie but also their friendship is so cute??? I love the unrequited love//idiots to lovers trope
Safe in my Arms an Ezra one shot by @mishasminion360
Ezra struggling to adjust to having one less limb and me crying about it. This was so fucking good. The raw emotion he feels and reader's unwavering support... the realism in saying something that accidentally hurts his feelings and trying to take over tasks he might find difficult AGH. I love this so much
Leave Off Your Wandering a Joel series by @oonajaeadira
Adira, I fall in love with every single little world you create without fail. This is obviously no exception. Your sheep ranch is a dream. The way you build up this backstory with the Roostlings and the friendship with Tommy and Maria and just all these extra little details you take the time to flesh out and weave into the story... makes my heart sing, friend. I adore this <3
-------- fics i read a while ago and never recommended -------
Name a Javi P one shot by @joelscruff
Consent a Dieter series by @fuckyeahdindjarin
Whiskey, Dark and Deep a Jack one shot by @prolix-yuy
Stay on the Screenplay a Dieter series by jazzelsaur (ao3)
A Safe Haven a Joel series by @joelsgreys
Psychomanteum a Dieter series by @whatsnewalycat
In Name Only an Oberyn series by @forever-rogue
I haven't written a word in weeks, so once again no updates for me :/
Happy Reading
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joskiski · 1 year
People who claim that RWBY has "bad writing" just because they don't ship Blake and Yang irritate my entire being
Let me rant for a bit lol
1) they claim that it was "out of nowhere" or "poorly developed"
Have we been watching the same show? While I don't think it was perfectly executed (no story is), Yang and Blake are very clearly an example of the friends to lovers trope. They've cared about each other deeply from the first arc. They go through so much together, helping each other overcome trauma. This couple has a very solid foundation. Then, the nature of their relationship clearly shifts to become romantic in later volumes. They've been planting the seeds for it for years already.
2) they're mad Blake isn't with Sun even though they had a crush on each other in early volumes.
Have yall never had a high school crush before? It's cute, but that sort of thing dies out with time. Blake and Sun went their separate ways and haven't seen each other in a while. So much has happened in the story since the last time they saw each other. While I understand the criticism that Sun kind of disappeared without much explanation, so has most of the other characters from the Beacon arc. CRWBY has a lot of ground to cover in terms of story telling, and the episodes are short and each volume only has several episodes. My hope is that we'll get to see what everyone else is up to when the time is right, and Black Sun shippers will get some sort of closure. I've always shipped the Bees, but I respect Black Sun as a ship!
3) they claim that "this wasn't what Monty would have wanted" and that the writers "gave in to the threats of the toxic side of the fandom"
How do you know? Were you in Monty's brain? We'll never know (rest in peace, king). I'm sure Monty probably had an idea of where he wanted the story to go, and I'm sure CRWBY is trying their best to honor that. Also, stories evolve. I think CRWBY has created a vast and expansive world with interesting characters and a phenomenal plot. Sure, it's not perfect. But it's fun, and RWBY as a franchise has grown up alongside many of us, so it has a special place in my heart regardless.
I hope it's not true that people were sending threats to the writers to see their ships come to life. At the end of the day, these are fictional characters. Plot devices. No ones wellbeing should be threatened over that. That being said, the ugly parts of fandoms are often just a vocal minority. I think most people who ship the bees are just gays who love RWBY and love seeing wholesome wlw representation.
Also, Blake and Yang's romance isn't a huge part of the show (it's more so in this volume since they finally have a break from the Salem mess so they finally have a chance to work through their ~feelings~). So, it's easy to skip if you like the show but don't like the ship.
If you don't like RWBY, don't watch it. Point blank period. If it's such "bad writing," move on and find a different franchise to pour energy into.
(Honestly, it's screaming homophobia. Saw someone say it was an issue of "morality"... like what century are you in, bro)
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gallafics · 27 days
𝙶𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚊𝚏𝚒𝚌'𝚜 𝚁𝚎𝚟𝚒𝚎𝚠
Title: Wipe You Clean With Dirty Hands
Author: @livinginsunnyhell/@marzgaperez (Ao3)
Rating: Explicit Series: N/A
Chapters: 3/3 Word Count: 43.6k
Archive Warnings: No Warnings Used
Favorite Character: Ian and Mickey of course. And this fic has my favorite version of Mickey!! There’s also a few great side characters!
Least Favorite Character: Ford and his “gang” of losers.
Ao3 Summary: The door opened behind him and Ian closed his eyes, bracing himself for what was to come next. He took a deep breath in. Steadily, he let it out as he prepared himself to face his new cellmate. Mickey and Ian meet in prison. AU.
Review: This is a lovely quick read, packed with detailed writing, sexy prison smut and slight angst. We’ve got fluff. We’ve got a meet-ugly. We’ve got sexual tension mixed with mutual pining. We got my beloved, protective!mickey. I adore Ian in this fic as well, our lovable dopey boy.
I’ve always been obsessed with the “mickey is a dick to Ian at first but is pining for him, becomes his personal protector and then falls in love” trope! What I love about this fic is that both boys are mutually pining for one another, and then get together in a very strangers-to-friends-to-lovers way. Mickey opening up to Ian is a great scene and them finally breaking the sexual tension is 1000/10, *chefs kiss*, sexy scene. Their dynamic in this is fantastic!
Spoilers Below↓
Favorite Moment(s): As I said above, my absolute favorite scene is when they finally break the sexual tension…
He saw Gallagher’s eyes dart down to his mouth and freeze there. Mickey subconsciously licked his lips and he eyed Ian’s hungrily. One taste…just once…
I also love when Mickey is trying to be all tough, like he’s indifferent to being intimate with Ian but then he just…
The juxtaposition of hot against his back and cold against his front, made him shiver. Or maybe it was Ian’s soft lips mouthing against his neck. He tilted his head so that Gallagher could have more access to the skin right under his ear. He just needed him to move slightly to the—like that. “Fuck,” Mickey whimpered.
Soft moments during sex always get me too…
Against Mickey’s skin, he choked out a whispered promise that they’d find each other again. They’d always find their way back to each other.
One of my favorite moments, a small part where Mickey shows some vulnerability around Ian
He ducked his head, so Ian couldn’t see his face. He watched as Mickey taped his finger against his knee.“Did you ever meet a kid who couldn’t be saved?”
And the ending…it holds a special place in my heart
They could be headed back to the Gallagher house or stopping at a diner for breakfast. Maybe Mickey would drive a few miles and pull over in a secluded area so they could fuck. Or they could continue driving until they ran out of gas and started a new life together wherever they ended up. Whatever it was, Ian didn’t care. He was with Mickey. What he did know was that he was about to be far, far away from Beckman. It might be the place where their relationship started, but it definitely wasn’t where it was ending. 
The story has many moments that brought me joy and excitement and occasionally even made me a bit emotional. It's a great read, despite the mature content, and can be enjoyed quickly while still offering a detailed plot. *I keep mentioning "quickly," and although 43k may not seem short, I mean the fic is written in a way that doesn't feel like a lot!*
Favorite quote(s):
Usually, people feared him. They cowered when he was around. But Ian was fighting back. He was coming closer. Not pulling away.
Or maybe he was a masochist and tended to be into men who wanted absolutely nothing to do with him.
“He and his last cellmate got into it. Milkovich stabbed him with a plastic fork.”
I wonder what his red hair feels like… Mickey shook his head and ran a hand through his own dark hair as he tried to brush those weird thoughts away. His hair probably felt like fucking hair.
He wanted Ian to read him, to understand exactly what he needed without Mickey having to say anything.
Mickey honestly wasn’t sure what he wanted. But he knew what he didn’t want. And that was to wake up in a cell without Ian. To go about his day without Ian.
I could go on and on about how many moments in this fic caught and held my attention. The plot and dialogue are fantastic. I don't want to spoil too much—just read it and see for yourself. You won't be disappointed!
Final thoughts: I was really intrigued by this fic right from the start. It it’s set during the prison era, canon compliant or AU, I'm into it. The way Mickey and Ian's characters are portrayed is so true to their original versions, even in this AU. The way Mickey's longing for Ian is written is beautiful, and it's different from Ian's own pining. I could really feel Mickey's desperation and desire so clearly that it felt like my own emotions on the page! The plot is great, the smut is hot, and the chemistry between the two characters doesn't hit you over the head right away; it builds up gradually, making you want to keep reading. But it doesn't leave you unsatisfied as it wraps up in the best way. I highly recommend it. It's short and to the point, giving everything you need in a fic!
Thank you so much, ProstheticLoVe, for blessing us with this fic!!
— Harley, Gallafics Reviews
*Note that you do need an Ao3 account to read this fic!*
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grimmweepers · 6 days
hi hi ryuu, i just wanted to quickly drop off a very handsome demon and wish you lots of strength for the weekend pain! <3
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now, i wanna learn more about you! so tell me: what is your favourite selfship and why? what makes it special? :>
tea!! my love! my pookie! the actual cool girl is here!
thank you for the very handsome and demonic visit, thinking about him will get me through my busy weekend. if only i really had a demon butler to do the work for me sob sob
my favourite??? gahhh that’s so hard!! my first ever selfship is ryu x sukuna so that one will always have a special place in my heart. i’ve adopted the soulmate trope for us, having our love stand the test of time. we’re very much deep and darkly romantic.
but right now i’m the most unwell about ryu x alhaitham. it took him a while but now he’s a permanent resident at the blorbo mansion. i can be fiery, a little stubborn and i hate being affectionate to anyone who isn’t my friend but something about him brings out the lover girl in me. we’re quite similar so when we’re alone in each other’s company that’s when sparks really fly. and similar to yourself and chrollo, we like to have some fun debates. i think one of the best compliments he would give me is “i like the way you think” and there would be a hint of a smile on his face. i think this ship has become one of my favourites because we feel like friends before lovers. our personalities are commonly perceived incorrectly but we understand each other. i love his quiet gestures of love and he loves the way i comically show my affection. AAAAAAAAAAAA SORRY i could go on and on.
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bluegekk0 · 2 months
Top 5 tropes of any kind
Hm, I had to do some googling for some of these since I don't know many tropes off the top of my head
1. Friends to lovers - I mean, I don't have to say much here. Vyrm x Grimm is basically that trope personified. I find it very cozy and engaging, and it was fun to work with when writing the two.
2. Oblivious to love - connected to the first one, look no further than Vyrm. I love when characters struggle to define or accept their love for various reason. In Vyrm's case, he was still in the closet, he struggled with understanding healthy love and he was terrified that Grimm wouldn't feel the same way. I love this kind of character exploration, it's very engaging, and extra satisfying when they finally take that step and embrace the love.
3. Happy ending - no surprise here. I like a good drama and tragedy, but happy endings always have a special place in my heart. I want my faves to be happy despite their hardships, makes me hope that I'll get there too, eventually. The whole AU was based on this premise, but I often find myself thinking of happy ending AUs for other media as well.
4. I don't know if this is a specific trope, but I love characters who have always been behind their peers and neglected. Vyrm is the prime example here, I think him being an outcast from childhood made him a veey engaging character in the long run. But what makes me like the trope a lot is when you pair it with a happy ending. When the neglected outcast who lived all their life thinking they don't deserve happiness manage to find it, and are accepted for who they are. And as a bonus, it was fun to write Milo as being a weakling himself, but unlike his father, being loved and protected from day one. Makes for fun character exploration for both him and Vyrm.
5. Unlikely allies - unrelated to the AU, I just really love situations like that. Having a common goal despite hating each other's guts and working together to accomplish it? Absolutely love it, it's always so fun to watch.
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good-vs-evo · 4 months
fenglian coded songs!
because i'm actually so ill about them </3 plus this gives flashbacks to those english assignments in high school where you'd choose songs based on a piece of literature and explain ur choices... wait u didnt. u didnt do that. uh. moving along.
time to expose my mildly terrible music taste HSDGFH
boy by isaac dunbar!
"if only we were right, seasoned with time" god. they were right person, wrong time vibes genuinely it makes me so insane to think about. i love hualian dearly, ofc, but fenglian has such a special place in my heart because just think about everything they shared and everything they did and everything feng xin sacrificed for xie lian that xl was too young and too hurt to see
"if i were homesick, you're remedy-wired / picking up herbs in the morning time / i'd wait for something more" hello? already heavy on the pining vibes, plus i love the fenglian "you are my home" vibes... sobs... fx would take care of xl to the end
tell her by bruno major!
just like. listen to it as a love letter from xl to fx...
"still she will come back around / nothing could shake her / repeat or replace her / i've finally figured that out", xl realizing how much he always needed fx, xl realizing that he was perfectly loyal but xl was too scared
"tell her she's more than i dreamed i would find / she's always there in the back of my mind / if you should see her, ask her if we'll work it out" fx was literally so perfect you don't understand dies loudly... and he definitely left a lasting impact on xl forever
leaving the last two lines for of the song as a surprise if you haven't heard it yet and you decided to give it a listen, i promise it'll be great :]
lover's rock by tv girl!
"because love can burn like a cigarette / and leave you with nothing" i have. no more to say. just. that's everything i have to say about this i could talk sm more but that's what i want to leave it at
dear my all by mingginyu!
this one's in korean, so allow me to be your terrible translator (genuinely my korean skills are so bad nobody ever taught me so let's see if i can cook) (alternatively, use google translate)
"you can tell me everything, all your secrets / i'll never hurt you again" xl to fx, telling him that he can lean on him and promising o be better this time <3
"you're allowed to rest, you've been running for so long / it's okay to blame the things that have hurt you" fx to xl, telling him that's entitled to peace and happiness after everything he's been through
i tried google translating some of this because i didn't know if mine made sense but aughhh i can't explain it but the translations on google are all... awkward? i can't tell if it's just the context of the way my family speaks korean and the way i've come to understand the use of certain words but either way i'll leave it at that SDHFGJSD
late again by peter manos!
"yesterday came and went / you are my closest friend / i'll never understand / don't want you to see me cry / even though i've seen you cry" they truly were. pretty good friends despite the way their relationship formed. they would've had a much better relationship if they weren't prince and servant but whatever that's still a trope HSDGF so we take that W. they both seem like they'd struggle a bit to be vulnerable with each other but slowly grow more comfortable and that makes me so soft
"i wanna tell you everything is alright / begging you to tell me everything is alright" this one makes me lose it. the first one gives xl vibes (wanting to tell fx that he's okay and he's sorry and things worked out okay) and the second is fx vibes (wanting to know that xl is okay, regretting leaving even though xl told him to leave, wanting to know he's safe)
untitled v.2 by cavetown!
i'm literally never gonna be free from cavetown getting associated with media i'm into am i
"i know my hands aren't warm enough to hold your cold, cold heart" fx feeling like a failure when it came to being able to save xl from The Horrors
"and i know my bones aren't strong enough to keep me from falling apart" both of them fr, they were going through it like crazy. they were constantly on the brink of collapse. someone send some help
"and did you know that every night i play your favourite songs on repeat? it helps me sleep" i think. when they were separated for so many years, they kept reminders of the other around with them. for a little bit of bittersweet comfort
back to you by flower face!
"don't fight back / don't look at me like that / don't forget I'll never quite forgive you / but i'll pretend to" okay but xl realistically thinks nobody will ever forgive him. he would eternally believe that fx holds things against him aughguhaguuhguh angst has me in a chokeholdd
"how will I release you now? / how can I forgive myself when I'm still in love with you?" yeah. pining and separted fenglian keeps me up at night can u tell lmao
"and it's always back to you again / always back to you, my friend" because it really is always back to them! time and time again it's back to them, the two of them together again in differently painful situations and it makes me die inside
i am a world class yapper, please forgive me </3 i also went hard on the angst i just i love my ships a lil angsty (<- writes fluff 80% of the time)
also i didn't forget abt the role jian lan played in fx's life during the time when xl was banished and struggling! this is just focused on only xl and fx's relationship during those times. besides, a lot of signs indicate that fx loved them both dearly, and it hurt a lot to lose them both.
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Koi No Yokan
“premonition of love”
Elias Pettersson x Latina!Reader
Synop: y/n and Elias who have been friends for at least two years are still oblivious of each other’s romantic feelings.
a/n: friends to lovers trope 😻 angst + fluff + “flirtatious” friendship. My longest work yet.
cw: drinking, cussing
Ever since you moved to Vancouver and bumped into Elias one evening, everything fell into place. He became your first true guy friend that you could actually share a genuine laugh with and gossip about each other’s lives.
He adjusted you to the new city and took his time introducing you to the team. Before you knew it you had more guy friends, but Petey was always your number one and you were his.
You can’t hide the fact that when you first saw him you were nervous as to how intimidating his good looks were. But as conversations flowed, in the moment you didn’t think double about seeing him more than a friend.
That was until you started to realize how lonely you felt when he was on road games. You guys grew so close together that you spent every moment together as much as you could. It didn’t help that you cherished in person company rather a phone call or a text. You would catch yourself before spamming him videos on Instagram and trying to call him.
One night when he had a particularly long road game, you were laying in bed thinking about him and how much you missed him. Even after having a long talk with him earlier that day.
That’s when you knew. You were falling for your best friend and you were completely screwed.
You hardly slept that night. You were replaying every special memory you shared with him (more like all the memories). Trying to figure out how you let yourself be so foolish. I mean the guy is cute but he’s your friend first and foremost. But then you dreaded to wonder if he even liked you back.
You woke up to next morning with horrible anxiety and a pit in your stomach. Petey would be coming home tomorrow and you didn’t know how you were going to face him with this new revelation
You went about your day as usual besides the lingering thoughts of your blondie. You decided to test the waters to see if he could in any way possibly like you back.
“I’ve missed you so much y/n/n” Elias muffled into your neck as he hugged you so tightly.
“I’ve missed you too.” You felt your heart beating unusually fast and struggled out of his grip.
“What? Was I hugging too hard?” He laughs as he notices you fight to break free.
“Just a little.” You said softly trying to avoid eye contact.
“Sorry. I just missed you seeing you in person you know?” He actually felt bad if he hugged you too harshly for your liking.
“Yeah I know” you stare at each other before he goes to put his bag in his room.
“Elias can I ask you something?” You yell from his living room only to be met with silence.
“Petey?” You ask again
“What’s up? Am I trouble because you never call me Elias unless I’m in trouble.” His laugh echoes in the hallway before coming to a stop when he meets your face.
“Is something wrong?” He makes his away across the room to caress your arms, he’s always sweet like this.
You knew if you told him your feelings all of this would come to an end. Not just the way he looks at you with concern but the laughter you guys shared. Life would never be the same without him in it.
“How much did you really miss me?” You teased your friend, trying to deflect the physical heart ache you felt in your chest.
“Like 3 out of 10.” He said flatly playing along like he always did.
“Wow.” You said looking up at him.
“Yeah, you know I think I could have gone one more day without seeing you too.” He said with a smirk on his face. Now he was pushing it.
“Really? I see how it is.” You slither out of his grasp again and sat on the couch.
“C’mon you started it.” He whined at your behavior.
He plopped right next to you and leaned his head on your shoulder, “you know I missed you more than a 4.”
You huffed, “I missed you 1 out of 10.”
“I doubt that.” He lifted his head and stared at you as you looked ahead at the TV.
For a year you’ve kept your feelings secret. How? You don’t even know how. Some nights you cried to sleep because of how difficult it was to keep seeing him a friend and only that.
You had to tell someone, luckily you had another best friend from your hometown that was always there.
“You need to tell him how you feel.” Okay that’s not what you wanted to hear but it was expected considering she’s heard the same complaints the past year.
“It’s easier said than done.” You say over the phone
“Okay then stop being friends with him.”
“That is literally the opposite of what I want to do.” You squint your eyes in frustration
“I don’t know what you want me to tell you! You’ve been torturing yourself every second you spend with him y no tienes los huevos a dicerle, ‘oh by the way I’ve been in love with you for the past year’ Like c’mon girl!”
“I’m pathetic aren’t I?” You ask on the bridge of tears because she was right like she always is.
Your friend sighs on the other end, “No you’re not. Listen, you do not know a 100% sure that he does or does not like you. Therefore, you need to find the right place and time to tell him gently and the worst case is he doesn’t like you back then he’s an idiot. Because I know any good guy is worthy of having you as their girlfriend.”
You tried to hold back your hiccuped tears, “you’re really are a great friend, y/f/n. I don’t know how you’ve put up with my rants. Thanks.”
“Me either girl.” Her comment makes you and her laugh before you get another call from the man himself.
“Elias is calling me.”
“Take it, I love you and remember what I said!”
“I love you too and I will.”
“Hello?” You tried to clear your throat before answering his call to not sound like you were crying literally seconds before.
“Hi, one of the guys is hosting a party tomorrow night and we’re invited. You have to come.”
You laugh at his demand knowing that both of you don’t like parties, “you know I will.”
“Great. Are you okay? You sound sick or something” he could always read and hear you like a book.
“Yeah I’m fine I just have allergies like I always do.”
“Ew. Don’t have your allergies tomorrow night when I pick you up. Be ready at 8, Ok?”
“I’ll try not to, Elias.”
“Good, I’ll talk to you later.”
You ended the phone call ready to burst into tears again. Maybe tomorrow night you could finally confess or somehow find a way to move on.
I’m here
You looked in the mirror one more time before heading down to Elia’s car. “Good enough” you said to yourself before leaving your apartment.
He looked at you with a smile as you entered his car, “you look cute.”
“Thanks” his compliments were never rare but caused more heart ache the past year.
“How do I look?” He asks
You deadpan observing his outfit, “you look nice”
In reality you knew he looked more than nice, he always did.
He just grunts at your response. Elias would be lying if he hadn’t noticed the slight change in your behavior. The way you backed out of affection or made excuses to not see each other. He didn’t want to question it because he knew you struggled to be open about serious stuff. Even after the excuses he still made himself available, kept reminding you that he would always be there. Some part of you hated him for that, making your situation even more complicated.
He started the car and began the short trip, “I think I’m going to get wasted tonight.” You said staring out the passenger window.
“If you do, you’re going to regret it in the morning.” He laughed
“True but I never get plastered so why not.”
He turned to look at you, he wondered why you would even drink that much since you rarely do.
For such a “small” gathering the party was filled with friends of friends and family members.
“I’m going to get a drink” you yelled over the loud music to Elias. You didn’t waste time to drink the night away. It was either liquid courage to confess or find someone else.
You didn’t bother to wait for his response and made your way to the kitchen. You found one of the wags giving out Jell-O shots and didn’t hesitate to swallow one, two or three.
Now, just because you didn’t get drunk often doesn’t mean you’re a light weight. Although, by the middle of the night you were getting a bit tipsy.
You kind of forget what your friend’s advice, you were too delirious to tell Elias your feelings in coherent manner. So you found yourself talking to one of the wags cousin or brother? Some family member that you were sure neither Elias or you knew.
He was cute a bit cocky but good enough to take your mind off you know who. He did most of the talking ranting about some inner circle drama in his friend group back home, he wasn’t from Vancouver.
You tried to keep up with the story but the alcohol in your cup was starting to get to you. He said something funny and to be polite you laughed along even though you could barely hear what he had said.
On the other hand, Elias was trying to look for you the whole night. Both of you knew if you were at a party you’d always be together to keep company but you bolted as soon you two stepped in the door.
He kept asking around if someone had seen you and after some time he found you talking to some brunette. Not just talking but obnoxiously laughing with him. Elias just stood there studying your behavior and glancing at the random. He saw your red solo cup and assumed it was empty because you left the brunette to the kitchen.
Elias followed you into the kitchen spooking you as he asked, “why are you ignoring me?”
“I wasn’t ignoring you.” You continued to refill your cup
“How much have you drank tonight?” He asked as you took a sip from your cup
“Not much like three Jell-O shots and two of these.” You waved the cup in your hand before he grabbed it and set it on the counter behind him.
“Hey I was drinking that.”
“Not anymore, we should go home.” He demanded rather than suggesting.
“But I was talking to a friend.” In reality you wanted nothing more than to be in your bed but you hoped Elias had watched you talking to whatever his name was.
“Yeah I saw.”
Your drunken brain couldn’t help to think if he was jealous, if he could actually like you back. But both of you stood there waiting for the other to say something.
After some silence he walked up to you, holding your arm. You pulled back and turned to the side to not look at him.
“What’s wrong? You’ve been acting weird lately, you know you can talk to me.” He spoke softly even with music blasting in the house.
As much you loved him you also hated him for making you feel this way. Not that it was his fault but you couldn’t resist him.
You looked back to him with teary eyes, his filled with concern and his eyebrows scrunched. You turn your head again and whispered, “let’s go home”
The car ride was silent. You pretended to fall asleep against the window as an excuse to not talk. Elias was frustrated to say the least. He didn’t understand why you were keeping distance between you two.
The last thing he wanted was the girl he had a crush on from the moment he laid eyes on her is to be away from her.
Eventually you did fall asleep but Elias woke you up and guided you up to your apartment.
“You can stay over if you want.” You offered as you rubbed your eyes.
“Ok” he agreed standing in your living room.
You were too drunk and tired to be a polite host, “goodnight” you said as you closed your bedroom door behind you.
Elias was left in the living room alone but luckily he knew where you kept the extra blankets.
You woke up with a pounding headache and a blur of what happened last night. You don’t know why you woke up so early but it was too late to fall back asleep. You headed into your small bathroom to rejuvenate whatever you had left in you.
You walked to your kitchen and noticed folded blankets on your couch, then Elias popped out of the hallway scaring the shit out of you.
“What the hell are you doing here?” You didn’t mean to sound rude but you were confused as to why he was creeping from your hallway.
“You asked me stay the night, remember?”
“No, I don’t remember.” You tried to distract yourself with heating up water for tea as your memories from last night started to seep in.
“I told you, you would regret it.” He said
“Regret what?”
“I don’t.”
“That’s a lie.”
It was indeed a lie. Your stomach was aching and your eyes straining.
“Do you want some tea?” You reached for a second mug before turning around to him standing right behind you.
He had ibuprofen in his palm for you to take.
“Take this.”
“Thanks” you reached for the pills before he closed his hand.
“First tell me what’s wrong.”
“It’s too early in the morning, Elias”
“See, you only call me Elias, you stopped calling me Petey.” His lips slightly pouted.
You scoffed at his behavior, “don’t do that.” You turned around pouring hot water into both of your mugs.
“Do what?” He was starting to piss you off now.
“This. Whatever this is. The way you stand so close to me or the way you look at me.” You started to walk out of the kitchen.
“I don’t know what you mean.” He said with insincerity. Deep down he knew what you meant.
“Don’t be an idiot.” You were getting nasty now.
“Excuse me?” He defended in sass.
“God, Petey, you have been so blind about the way you act and my feelings.”
“Feelings about what?” He asked softly, inching closer to you like he always does.
“You have to know what.” Tears started to brim your eyes.
“I wasn’t sure you felt the same way.” He whispered cradling your cheek.
“What?” You weren’t sure what you were hearing.
He didn’t bother trying to explain himself in words so he leaned in, hesitant at first, but after years of longing your lips finally met. It was a soft yet sweet kiss filled with years of need.
He pulls away, “It was killing me to not do that.”
“You have no idea”
a/n: hope y’all enjoyed ;p my use of past and present tense is all over the place, hope y’all don’t mind😭
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sunflowersonatas · 10 months
sunny's boo thangs of the month (aka who I'll write for)
hi again! i realized in my intro post that I never really explicitly stated who I'll write for, so I wanted to do that! this is a current list of the men I'm obsessed with, if you share any of these please message me!! i love to share my crazies with people <3
and my requests are also open if anyone had anything they'd like to see, I don't really have strict guidelines yet but I'll write fluff, smut and everything in between with no shame! feel free to message me <3333
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i would literally DIE for andrew garfield's peter parker, I'm admittedly not the biggest mcu fan but these movies with him have a special place in my heart. i also want to credit my most favorite peter parker writer on this site @webslingingslasher for getting me so addicted, definitely check out all of their writing!!
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specifically atj fancast... whew. he's the golden retriever bf I've always wanted, I especially love the common trope w childhood best friends to lovers, some other writers on here have done that and I'm obsessed! i would also write for remus and sirius if anyone requested, but this man is def my favorite from hp universe
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my literal baby boy boyfriend omg look at him!!! also i think i'm generally very outgoing so I'm more attracted to the shy nerdy boy, I only put one pic w his glasses but... his glasses. cmon. how can you not love him? one of my fav spencer writers is @reiderwriter, pls go read her stuff too (one or two of them may have been requested by me hehe) I WILL ALSO WRITE FOR AARON IF THERE'S AN AUDIENCE FOR THAT!!! he's so scrumptious too MWAH
i think that about sums it up for me, I can't think of any other show or movie that I know well enough to write for haha, if you have a request idea and you're not sure please send it to me anyway!! i really want to write, I just have a hard time coming up with ideas, my inbox is open :)
-sunny ☀️🌻
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lunaekalenda · 2 years
omg… when i saw fire emblem i HAD to jump on… 😳 dimitri my beloved 🫶 my ideal date w dimitri would have to be something real simple like a picnic date or a night out on the town and then we just wander around. my fav trope would have to be childhood friends to lovers but i don’t really mind anything! tysmmm and i hope u have/had a great valentines <333
hello!! omg you're my first request for fire emblem so thank you so much for stopping to request! i hope you're having a nice valentine's day as well <3 muack!
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"And then, while I was using the computer to make some assignments, the boss came and told me that it wasn't necessary to stay and finish them." as you speak, Dimitri's brows arch in surprise. His eyes are still focused on the road, and his hand, covered by yours, resting softly on the gear lever. Turns the blinker to the right before softly braking near the street. You look at him with confusion, as he smiles softly and takes off his car belt. He gets closer to leave a kiss on your forehead.
"Wait here for a second, I'll be right back."
Dimitri leaves the car to enter on a quiet café you can see from the car. Inside, you can barely difference your boyfriend between the clients, but he quickly leaves, holding a couple bags and two cups on his hands. He leaves them on the trunk before entering again to the pilot's seat. He offers you one cup as he takes the other. He doesn't even dissimulate his smile as he starts the engine again, resting his cup on the holder next to you as he drives to ge slowly placed in front of a traffic light that doesn't lead you home.
"What are the bags for?" you ask. Dimitri's smile widens as he takes your hand, placing it softly under his before changing gear again, not answering your question as the sky starts to darken and the street lights softly turn on around you.
Dimitri drives for a while, telling jokes that almost make you spill your drink, kissing your hand when he has occasion and softly humming to any song you play on the car's radio. Dimitri slowly stops near the entrance of a park, turning off the engine as he looks at you.
"Do you remember when we were twelve and you told me that Valentine's Day was overrated?" you feel heath in your cheeks as he brings back old conversations. Dimitri always had good memory, and, specially, if it has something to see with you. "We were sitting on the bench near the monastery's entrance."
"And I said that Valentine's was overrated 'cause no one gave me chocolates that year." you laugh. It wasn't more than a child tantrum. Dimitri smiles softly, looking at the ring shining on your hand, so similar to his.
"Then, you told me that getting chocolates for Valentine's was a huge marketing tactic because you overheard our teacher speaking with her colleagues." he softly shakes his head. You sigh. "Do you still think the same way?"
The silence makes you think deep about what you want to say, ordering your words.
"It indeed is a marketing tactic." Both of you laugh softly, as the moon starts to rise in front of both of you, her soft light entering on the car and illuminating his profile and his golden locks. "But it's lovely. Everything gets so red and pink, so full of hearts and romantic. And heart-shaped chocolates from you always taste better." it makes Dimitri smile softly, feeling the blush reaching his cheeks. "Now, I have something for you..."
He smiles widely before reaching your lips for a kiss. "Before, we should leave the car."
Dimitri winks as he leaves, quickly appearing in front of your car door, opening it for you and offering a helping hand. You thank him with a soft smile before he takes a blanket and the bags from before, and you realize it before he speaks.
"When we were ten, you liked romantic picnics." You can feel tears forming on your eyes. "You never got the occasion to go on one, specially during our uni days, and you parked the idea." He speaks as he sets the blanket on the soft grass, making sure there was no stone or stick that could make it uncomfortable. "But I didn't." He starts to take boxes outside of the bags. Salty snacks, drinks and, of course, a box of heart-shaped chocolates. "I wanted to make it special for you, so..." He stands up after putting the last box on the blanket. "Happy Valentine's Day, my love. I hope this is our first picnic of many more waiting for us."
His arms take you on a tender hug under the stars, letting you grip to his shirt and feel his lips against your head, soft. You don't know how many time you've been hugging him, but you suddenly remember the surprise you packed for him that rests on your bag. Parting from him, you smile.
"Time for my surprise."
It's true that Dimitri and you might have been dating for a couple of years, but your love for him comes from way before. You take a folded paper, giving it to him. He softly undoes it, under your attentive gaze. There, your 9 year old self wrote, in capital letters and different colors.
"Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd, I like you. Please, be my Valentine tomorrow and many years!" Dimitri's voice reads your words, smiling at the drawing of both of you eating on a picnic. It was one of your best saved secrets, and you promised yourself to share it only with him, on a Valentine's Day. Dimitri's hands fold softly the paper, before introducing it on his shirt's pocket, right above his heart, and taking you near him for a kiss. You can feel his smile against your mouth, and your feel like you melt when he whispers against your lips, brushing his softly.
"I love you."
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jittersbitters · 11 months
Splintered Hearts (1)- "First Impressions"
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Story summary: Two people of differing backgrounds; Both religiously traumatized (in different ways), both college friends of Foggy, and both not having the most stable of lives- romantic or otherwise. One looking to become a lawyer (and a savior) for the people of Hell's Kitchen, while the other chooses to be a doctor for those entering an early grave. Two vastly separate lives finally starting to collide- for better or for worse? Secrets and lies always did make kisses far more sweet.
Chapter summary: Foggy has a friend at the hospital that Matt has been dying to meet. Through circumstance and luck, he finally gets the chance to meet them one-on-one. Hopefully, the chicken and dumplings he brought are enough to smooth things over.
Word count: 7k
Chapter Mood board
Tropes: Strangers to lovers, friends with benefits to lovers, daddy issues, might be some friends to unknown enemies to lovers (We'll see how I feel when we cross that bridge), friendship to love to hate to love again, Food is the easiest way to anyone heart (Trope or just facts?). Catholic x Pagan (guilty pleasure), lawyer x doctor, vigilant x reformed criminal (pending...), sex first love later, Oops we fell in love type story, slow burn, mutual pining, both fell first and then fell harder
Content Warning (Strap in folks; bolded is what appears in this chapter): FMC is named (I can't do that Y/N shit or constantly typing just she/her and vague gender descriptions, I have war flashbacks from my Wattpad days. Sorry fam oc is being slapped in here- I don't care it feels better), Possible Inaccuracies (I'm reading the script sue me), The subtlest hint of daddy issues, Vaguely mentioned age gap between Matt and Amilia (FMC), Religious trauma, Matt went one-way and Amilia went the other, mentions of drug use, Descriptions of drug use, Mentions of addiction recover, Falling off and going on a bender, Mentions of past criminal active, Descriptions of murder scenes, Descriptions of violence, FILTH, SMUT IS TO COME I promise, Just got to sit through the slowest slow burn ever, Detailed descriptions of dead bodies, She's not like other girls she likes to play with the dead, I'll add more when we get farther into this- editing has transformed this from the original plot- its BETTER
part one
A/N: If you would have told me 3 years ago I would be posting this, I would have laughed in your face- but here we are. Special thanks to @knightofthieves and a couple Matt Murdock pages for giving me the confidence to edit and post this. It turned out better than expected, I hope you like it. I'm hoping to post this on the same schedule as my therapy visits. We will see.
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"It isn't the red ribbon that binds us together.
The root that unifies us, does not derive from a tree on the wall.
This bond knows no genetics.
Friendship is a peculiar seed.
No matter the season, the weather,
nor the time of the day.
When planted on a nourishing soul,
it will always bear fruit." -Clairel Estevez
‘240 N. Pleasant Ave. Bronx, NY 10462’
This had been the place her nurse had mentioned. Taking people in, like her, with nowhere else to go. Wayward kids and adults with habits that made them undesirable to society. 
That's what she was at this moment, unwanted and pathetically useless. 
With no skills to manage a normal life, this was the last choice she had - rehabilitation with nothing more than a voucher and a bag of belongings. She had been lucky an attending had been nice enough, kind enough, to her to shove a piece of paper in her hand before ushering her out the door. Three simple lines containing the information and resources to get somewhere safe.
 Now, the letter with the address card was held, crumpled, in her hand. Thinning for days spent reading the smudged words, a reminder of a fresh start. A start that had the slouched woman, draped in the shadows left by the broken lamp post, looking up at the old Georgian-styled house in front of her. Sticking out like a sore thumb, presenting as some sort of illusion made from the smog and grey drizzle. Potted plants and windchimes hung from the porch rafters, the sound of the crystals sitting almost eerily in the air. The glow of the interior lights giving a warm backwash that set shadows across the front lawn, reached the tips of her shoes.
It made her anxious. Being out, prancing up to a random stranger's house. It was almost uncanny. A normal house, a normal neighborhood. Complete with the green yard and a slowly aging white picket fence. Flowers were even planted to perfectly line the bottom... It was an oasis in the New York chill, made to allure those passing by. It was only a thousand miles from home and the complete opposite of everything she had grown to know. It made her feel insignificant and self-conscious, small. Worried that her clothes would have the lady of the house turning up her nose in disgust. Button up wrinkled and disheveled from the bus ride, obviously heavily slept in and smelling of humid sweat. She had done her best to freshen up at the bus stop, nervous about making the right impression for the first time face to face. She just worried that the effort hadn’t been enough.
She’d think it was excitement, butterflies fluttering in her gut like a teenage girl going to prom if it wasn’t for the acid that was climbing up her throat. Burning bile that had her stomach in knots, turning over and over till she felt like she was about to lose her lunch. A clammy, cold sweat dripped between her fingers. She cringed at the salty texture; hastily patting her palms dry on the sides of her legs and shoving the paper into her coat pocket. Finally looking around at something other than the house, she peered around the dead residential street becoming acutely aware of just how long she had been standing out front. Tsking crudely at her absurd behavior, calling herself a child as she picked at the fraying seam of her pants.
“Fuck, FUCK,” she said bitterly through her teeth. Hearing the grind of them in her ears as she fixed her sack. The strap dug into her shoulder, loaded with all her earthly possessions, as she finally stepped into the light of the driveway. Making the agonizing journey to the front door, stalling on the steps of the porch as she saw all the trinkets and planters. Not being able to help herself, tutting at the stereotypical rocking chair by the front door - fit with the dog bed sitting beside it. The rattling of the bench swing creaked next to it as a breeze swept through, chimes ringing behind her. 
Guess she really was a Grandma…
When she came to the front door, she remembered to breathe, steeling her overzealous nerves, and taking one last look around before knocking on the door. Making it quick with false vibrato before she lost her edge. Instantly, she regretted it as someone seemed to bounce up and shuffle toward the door, obviously expecting her arrival. It had her inching side to side, smoothing down the wrinkles in her button-up, tightening her ponytail to hide tangled hair. Still fussing over her appearance like a schoolgirl, when the door opened- stomach sinking to her feet. The light from the entrance basking her pale face, the smell of some type of cookie wafting through the air. Her stomach growled as she felt drawn inside forgetting she hadn’t eaten since she stepped foot on her bus here. Mouth watering at the same time her lips felt parched, her throat begging for a glass of water.
“Ah, Darling! You must be Ms. Boteo! Rachael told me to be expecting you tonight.” An elderly woman opened the door, tanned skin wrinkled with age and blotted with freckles. A smile that could rival the sun brightened her face as she took in the young woman's tired appearance. A small frown twitched at the sides of her lips as her eyes scanned the bags under the lady’s even darker eyes. Growing the tiniest bit unsettled, disappointed, by the dead look behind them. Not even the light from her house was managing to brighten them. Somehow just made the amber look hauntingly soulless, fading into the black ring of her iris. It had the woman pushing down a shiver, rubbing her hands together like the chill of mid-October was getting to her. Hiding a frown in a brightened smile.
“Why- Why don’t we get you out of this cold? I’ll introduce you to everyone…” She led the newly arrived women inside with a hand on her shoulder, shocked when she felt nothing but ice. Even with the leather jacket, she shouldn’t have been that cold. “And maybe a nice cup of tea, hmm?”
Seven years later…
“Nelson,” The sharp voice of his boss cut through the air like a knife. It made both men freeze in the middle of their work. Both turned to answer her, Foggy feeling like a deer in headlights as his pen slipped from his hand and the office phone pressed into his shoulder dangled precariously. The air felt thick in their closet of an office as she looked between the two interns with a passive gaze. “I need you to sit in on my meeting with the Agnelli accounts.”
The panic that went through Foggy was palpable. “Yes ma’am.” He gave an awkward nod of his head, enough to satisfy his boss. He looked between her departing back and his notepad, finishing his call- obviously disgruntled. “Yes, Yes, thank you, Bobby.” 
Foggy fell back into his chair, tense as he pushed the phone away from him in a huff. “Shit! I was supposed to go to the hospital for lunch…”
“You still haven’t got the list?” Matt turned his head toward Foggy’s voice, hands grazing over the documents before him. “I thought you went to see them on Monday?”
“No,” He pulled the word out, turning inward to their shard desks. “They were called to a scene as soon as I arrived. Walked out the door with a pat on the back and a ‘I’m sorry, I'll see you whenever Franklin’ before whipping out the door and leaving me with TWO servings of Taiwanese noodles. With all our overtime, today is the only time we both have available for a while. I won’t be seeing them till after the trial at this rate.”
Matt’s fingers stopped mid-page. 
Foggy was desperate. The case was going to court in 3 days, and while they had a case without paperwork from the hospital, it wasn’t perfect. It had holes, and their boss didn’t like holes. The records would be the cherry on top. Impress the boss and make the trial MUCH easier to breeze through. Two birds, one stone. Besides... Matt had never been allowed to know so much as the name of whoever this friend was at the hospital. This could be his chance, as selfish as it was- he was far too curious to care anymore.
“I…Could go?” Matt tried to sound as nonchalant as possible. Leaning in his chair as he swiveled to the side. Without paying attention to anything else, Matt could still feel the disdain at the idea, heavy in the air like smoke. The way Foggy fidgeted and gave him a shrewd once over to discern Matt’s intentions. However, before Foggy could shoot him down like usual, Matt raised a hand to interrupt him. Let him try and convince him. “Think about it. I don’t have that much work and you have this meeting now. When’s the next chance you’re realistically going to have to go to the hospital?”
Silence was good. Silence wasn’t a no. As long as he held it long enough, he was bound to break eventually…
“... You’ll need to pick up the order from MeiMei’s.” That was NOT entirely too far from the hospital. “It's Friday so she will be counting on the usual from there, she’s particular about these things.”
“Sounds reasonable,” Matt gave a little shrug of the mouth but got nothing but silence again in return. He sensed Foggy becoming more anxious about the idea, having to contemplate if he was actually going through with this. Was the report really worth exposing his ‘mystery man’? Years of excuses going down the drain, opening a door he wouldn’t be able to close.
“You’ll behave yourself?” Even without context, Matt got the subtext in that accusation. It was the first domino tipping, sewing the downfall of all the rest.
“So they’re a woman, then? Interesting” The upward twitch in his lips gave Foggy all the proof he needed not to trust his friend. Resigning with a sharp glare and an exaggerated sigh that Matt couldn’t help but laugh at. It didn’t help his case, only ended in another sharp look shooting his way.
“No. No! The answer is no.” Foggy turned away, starting to pack up papers for the new meeting. Surrending himself to the absence of that report, not like they needed it. It would be fine. There was always the next case, another opportunity to impress the boss would always arise
“Okay, Okay,” Matt put his hands up, showing his capulation. Though, still smiling at his friend's obvious discomfort and exasperation. “I promise it will be nothing, but my best behavior.”
Foggy rolled his head toward Matt. Even though he knew Matt couldn’t see him, it didn’t stop Foggy from giving his office mate a ‘do I look stupid to you’ stare. Looking the most unamused he had ever been with Matt, it was almost a shame Matt didn’t get to witness it. “See, that?” he thrusted an open hand toward his partner. “That is the problem.”
Matt snorted, raising his eyebrows. “What now? How is that the problem?”
“With you it is. You’ll talk nice and butter her up, then next thing I know I’m being canceled on for lunch because you wooed her, or whatever it is you do,” he was waving his hands around, becoming more eccentric as he continued to shove papers and files he needed into his case.
“Wooed her? Foggy-”
“No, I’m not losing my only client before I’ve even started.” He clipped his briefcase shut, doubling down. “Took me way too long to convince her lawyers aren’t the devil, I’m not letting you take that away.”
“Hey, now. I’m just trying to help,” Matt leaned farther back in his chair, a convincing smile never leaving his lips. “I will keep my distance, I swear it.” The uptick in his tone told Foggy not to trust him, track record not being taken into consideration… but he did trust Matt, even if now it might have been misguided. If he made it clear she was off limits then, he was more than sure that Matt would stick to it… Right?
It was a beat before Matt heard the victorious spleen sigh of Foggy relenting. Leaning over his desk to write a note, scribbling it quickly before stuffing it in Matt’s shirt pocket. “Give that to her boss, he asked me to look into the legality of something for him.”
“Oh?” His satisfaction was quickly replaced with confusion. What could that mean?
“You’ll... Find out soon enough…” Foggy gave a shrug, nodding his head side to side. “Probably.” He stole his briefcase from his desk, reaching for the door. “Go to the hospital and head to the morgue, she’s a resident there.”
“The morgue?” Matt gave him a befuddled look. He didn’t know what he expected, but it wasn’t that.
“Yeah,” Foggy laughed, finding his own amusement. His turn to smile now. “The morgue.”
Matt was left with nothing else as Foggy left quickly after, not fully closing the door to their office in his rush. He didn’t know what he felt more, surprise Foggy gave in and let him go in his stead or that uncomfortable feeling that has your skin crawling when you look down your basement stairs. Matt chose to focus on the surprise, for his sake.
Upon entering the Morgue, Matt is hit with a strong wave of chemicals and burnt coffee. It was thick enough in the air to make his temples burn with an unpleasant ache. The strong smell of the hospital had hit him a floor up and two blocks away, down here he could taste it on the back of his tongue. It made his throat clog with a metallic taste, it was nasty. How anyone could stomach even the lightest waft of this smell was beyond him. He could hear the whirling of a centrifuge buzzing off to the side, someone sitting next to it was tapping their pen against the table. He hears the click of the top before the scratch of it gliding against a piece of paper. No doubt jotting down some sort of note, the person too absorbed in work to take notice of his presence.
Stepping farther in, his cane hit the edge of the doorway, leading into a sunken room with a couple of stairs going down to it. The woman in front of him had a steady heartbeat but her breathing was shallow.  She's exhausted, he can hear it in the slight cracking of her back and joints when she shifts in place. He almost feels bad for disturbing her while she is in such a state, it barely being passed 1 p.m. no less. The burnt coffee smell stong in her direction, she practically reeks of it. No creamer, maybe a spoon full of stale sugar. The mild soap and linens smell a mild undertone compared to the caffeine aroma staining her white coat… and… Pomegranates.
Matt doesn't get the time to reconsider, not that he would. Not when his chance to find out more was being served to him on a silver platter. He is barely a step down into the main room when the woman suddenly becomes aware of his presence. A sudden, hungry, chirp cuts through the space between them, like a knife through a crisp fruit. 
“Chicken and rice dumplings?" She sounded as tired as she felt, a dry mirthy tone accompanied an even drier laughter. A meer chuckle as she lifted her head at the smell of the food in the bag hanging in Matt's hand, though not turning her head to see who was behind her. "I’d say you spoil me Percy, but we both know that's not the case.” 
The heavy sarcasm is obvious like a slap in the face. The technician half turned in her chair, still writing down her final notes as she expected Foggy’s usual quip back. Something about how much he needs her, he wouldn’t be able to do half his job without her, voice laced with some sort of exaggerated desperation and false adoration. Something to butter up her ego even more. And Matt being, well, who he was- the gentlemen he is, couldn’t help but feel obliged. In his own way, of course. 
So, with a wide smug smile spreading on his face, showing teeth while replying all too smoothly.
“I’m not this, Percy,” Matt tried not to laugh at the fact that this girl called Froggy by his middle name. “But, I have no problem spoiling you, if that's what he does.”
He expected to scare her a bit, maybe jump in her seat. That he expected. What he didn’t expect was her to shriek like a dying seagull before devolving into a coughing fit as she choked on her spit. Terror shot through her as she was rendered vulnerable in a moment of fear.
That was definitely not her usual lunch buddy.
Horror evolved into shock and embarrassment when she looked over to the door. Finding an older, than her, man with a heavy 5’oclock shadow and a cheeky smile that had her heart skipping a beat in both their ears. Struck silent for a moment as she twiddled the pen in her hand, chewing herself out for her twitterpation. Over nothing but a stranger who had found his way into her lab. Instantly drawn to his striking red glasses that glinted in the fluorescent light, giving him a devilish expression. It caused her a moment of pause before she pointed her pen at him, an eyebrow raising as she tried to figure out who the hell this random man at her job holding her lunch was. “You’re not him…”
She dragged out her words a bit as she attempted to settle her fluttering heart, eyes flicking all over his face. Abashly noting to herself that he had dimples, seeing them very clearly even part-way across the room from her. Etched deep into his scruffy face, accentuating his smile lines.
Pushing out air through her nose, she had to remind herself that staring wasn’t nice. Remebering her manners enough to throw a nervous, flirty smile his direction (aware he couldn’t see it)- setting down her pen to give Matt her full attention. Notes could wait, this was far more interesting.
“Not that I’m complaining, but what happened to him? Finally, bribed the wrong police officers?” She laughed at her joke, standing from her seat and using her foot to push in her stool. Stepping around the room, venturing closer with a drag in her step. Giving Matt time to answer before she got too close, too comfortable.
“No, nothing, like that.” He laughed, shaking his head. Walking farther into the room, taking her movement as an invitation. Careful, after scaring her, not to go too far into her personal space without another enticement. “Our boss called him to sit in on a meeting with a client.”
Matt received another bemused chuckle, listening to her rub her hands in sanitizer before stuffing them into her pockets. "So he sent you?" She was walking around the exam table between her and Matt, both lucky he hadn’t come in while she was in the middle of an active case. "That's… New.” Underneath all her bravo and charm, she was put off. Anxious. The masked stims and raising pulse; rubbing her thrumb over the seams of her pockets, the swinging of her elbows, biting her lip. She wasn’t as happy about his presence as she portrayed.
Matt chose to tread lightly, considering her reaction carefully. Leaning against his cane at his side, using it to balance as he put all his weight on one foot. Mimicking her chuckles, smiling boyishly again to try and soothe her over. Becoming as none threateningly as possible. “No,” His voice was a bit softer, the word coming out as only a breath while shaking his head. “I just happened to volunteer at the right time to bring you your food instead.” Shifting on his feet, he lifted her food, dangling it in front of her. If memory served, Foggy did say that food was the quickest way into her good graces. “I didn’t think it fair for Foggy to keep our best source of information to himself… Plus” He shrugged his mouth, not being able to stop himself from teasing her a little. “Someone needed to pick up your very, specific and particular order.”
He can hear her heart rate jump unexpectedly again as color rushes to her cheeks. Knowing, beyond a doubt that Foggy had said something of her tastes. He always did find her compulsion for routine amusing, if not a little worrying at times. If it was coming from anyone else she might have felt hurt, offended even. Scoffed in their face and told them to scram, she’d rather go hungry. But she couldn’t, not to Franklin and by extension his friend. Not when she knew there was no malice, just humor. Like old friends picking at each other- trying to lighten her mood and her more than obvious discomfort at the sudden change in her lunch plans. If there was anything she was, she liked to at least consider herself decent at social awareness. Even if she tended to be a little dramatic at times. So instead, she took the teasing with an open heart and grinned, laughing even. Stepping closer to him as a moment passed and her inner monologue seemed to cause an epiphany. Curiosity sank in its claws; realizing who exactly she was conversing with.
“Ah!” She snorted, finally close enough to take her food from his raised fist. The crinkling of the bag as her hand brushed against his. Making him jump a little at how cold she was, hands of ice with what he could only assume was connected to a very warm heart. “So you're his partner-in-law, I was wondering when you’d wiggle your way here." She gives him a look over before moving past him to a small office kitchen attached to the morgue, far enough away it wasn’t a health hazard. The smell of pomegranates and that old coffee made him take a deep breath, turning to follow her. 
She set down her food unceremoniously on the rickety discount table, the blue resin top scuffed and stained from years of occupants. Humming at the smell of spices and chicken, she threw a glance over her shoulder to catch his slow creeping approach. Seeing nothing but a confused puppy trying to navigate a new house. The warmer fluorescent lights of the breakroom seemed to cast softened shadows down his face, bouncing through his finger-brushed hair. The first words in her head spilling out before she could stop them. Coming out with all the confidence in the world before they had the chance to go through that liiiittle mental filter everyone was supposed to use.  "He was right, you are pretty." 
It was Matt’s turn to blush, taken aback for a moment; for several reasons. One, the compliment, for him, came out of nowhere. Not entirely unappreciated, is smugly accepted even. Inflating his ego a bit. Two, this made his promise to Foggy a little harder. Foggy hadn’t been exaggerating the fact that this friend had a brass, awkward but charming personality it seemed. Turbulent in regulation, like a kitten falling out of bed kind of way, flipping between overly skeptical and anxious to loose-lipped with unfiltered compliments. She was awkward, and out of her element, but her approach was endearing. Sweet in its own clumsy way. 
And three, the most rather obvious one; Foggy had called him pretty? That ol’ dog. He’d have to remind himself later to bring it up when they had a moment. Real answers could wait, right now this was all far too intriguing not to ride on the coat tales of. Grinning, he laughed at the proclamation, blowing air out his nose as he raised an eyebrow in amusement. “He called me pretty? If I had only known, I would have proposed sooner.” Matt grasped his cane firmly with both hands, planting in front and center of him. Receiving what could only be described as a chortle from the tech.
“Well, you two deserve each other. Bribing a state worker, who taught you two such questionable morals," She tutted in faux disappointment. Practically calling him a kettle, as the documents he would be expecting sat in her purse in the office next to them. If anyone had questionable morals it was the women sneaking confidential information for their boss’s trust fund, business clients. All her ‘big corporations must die’ beliefs going down the drain as soon as her college buddy pops up with tacos from some obscure restaurant she loved. Pushing passed the self-critization, she started to rip open the plastic bag and look through the boxes of steaming food. 
“I don’t think my morals are that questionable,” Her pursed his lips mockingly, causing her to roll her eyes and blow air out through her nose again.
“If I had questionable mortals, I wouldn’t acknowledge it either,” She admired the golden dumplings before shoving one whole into her mouth and looking through the rest of the food. Finding the juices and meat inside better than anything else at this moment. It had been a couple of days, maybe a week, since she had had good and proper food; so maybe it was her neglected pallet talking. “(Mmmm, So good.)”
Catching himself, admiring her sounds a little too much, Matt switches thoughts. Remembering the paper Foggy shoved into his shirt. Fishing it out while drawing her attention again with a cough, clearing his throat. He dares to step closer, edging into the kitchen little by little. She heard her mumble something to acknowledge him as she chewed her big mouth of food. “Mmnnhh?” 
“Foggy said he was asked to look into the legality? of a few things for your boss?” He handed her the paper, taking the opportunity to get closer. Stopping when he was in the area of the table, the strong scent of her perfume and the food hitting him where it hurt. Reminding him he hadn’t eaten lunch, his stomach happy to voice its abuse to him and his surroundings. The sweet smell of pomegranates and cherries, and what he could mistake as mint, not helping the saliva accumulating on the back of his throat.
It was sweet and musky.
Hearing his stomach,  she scrunched her nose. Holding in a laugh she looked up from the quickly jotted legal jarb to give him the once over. Looking at him through the curtaining of her fringe, a gaiety squint of her eyes as she saw him shift slightly. He was aware she had noticed his stomach’s dramatized famine. “Well… “She started awkwardly, swallowing her bite before she had fully finished it. “...This food isn't going to eat itself.”
“Smooth,” He huffed at her, switching his cane from hand to hand.
“I am anything if not smooth,” she waved her hands like she was showing off a painting, bowing her head. She made herself laugh again as she pulled out her chair, pulling the other out for him by leg with her foot. “Sit, you may not be my usual company but you’ll do.”
Matt gave a light-hearted gasp, sending an all-to-chipper smirk her way. Folding up his cane and stowing it in his jacket, he reached for the back of the chair- guiding himself to sit. She wasted no time in planting herself on her own, rubbing her hands like a fly eager for its feast. Rummaging through the remains of the shredded bag for the chopsticks. Tapping them on the table to open them, made it easier for Matt when she handed them over.
His fingers brushed hers again, this time intentionally. Making her heart flutter and bounce against her rib cage. She was swift, pulling her hand away and grabbing for her own utensil to eat. Tapping it on the table again to rip away the plastic. Cheeks burning as Matt took in her reaction, cracking his sticks apart. He smoothed his hand across the table till he found an unopened box of dumplings and noodles, pulling it towards himself.
Now that he was sitting down with her, in a moment of silence, he thought back on his momentary conversations about her with Foggy. He had talked about how proper she was to people, overly so. Awkward and put off by normal social interactions, so much so that she puts up a vague and distant front. Living a very private life, with a very tight schedule. One of a hundred excuses made by Foggy as to why Matt was never introduced. Why Foggy kept his friendship with her so secluded. 
Sitting here with her now, listening to her talk. He didn’t see any of that. Figuratively speaking of course.
She stuffed her face with food in an attempt to distract herself from him, slurping her noodles and shoving a whole dumpling in her mouth with no shame. She didn’t seem to care about manners as she all but demolished her mountain of food. The stereotype of an overworked student resident is all but perpetuated. Too tired to care about her anxiety, too nice to turn him away. Going far enough as to invite him to eat, given it was Foggy’s portion it would have become leftovers or gone to waste anyway. 
He was only left with his questions as he ate his food, a silence settling between them. Only the crunch of food being shared.
Matt had been kept blatantly in the dark about this woman since he caught Foggy on the phone with her back during their first year at L&M. One of their first cases and they were collecting information, simply helping facilitate a deal between two companies. Foggy claimed to know someone vaguely connected to business, apparently, they took courses in college and knew the son of the owner through them. Asked her to talk to the son and convince his dad to ease up on his conditions, and take the next deal that was proposed. Two days and a meeting later, a deal was signed. The man had mentioned that his son was the one to persuade him as he was shaking his new partner's hands.
When he asked Foggy about it later that day, he kept it vague. When pressed even more as Matt followed him through the halls, pestering him with theories and ridiculous questions, Foggy just said they wouldn’t like him. With such a response Matt was, understandably, caught off guard, but relented when he sensed how serious his friend was. However, he would be lying if he said that Foggy’s comment wasn’t the start of a perpetual cycle of agonizing curiosity. His brain itched with questions that started to pile higher and higher the longer Foggy disappeared during lunch or after work for his secret rendezvous, ones that always ended in Foggy having some sort of new edge. Any time Matt tried questioning it, no matter how innocent the question was, he was met with the same answers. ‘They wouldn’t like you’, ‘They’re too busy to entertain both of us’, “They’re very private’, or simply ‘They’re not a people person’. 
It wasn’t till a couple of months ago, did Foggy started to become a bit more lenient about what he said. Letting it slip they worked at the hospital nearby. Sometimes it was just a tossed-in comment that his friend insisted on having authentic Italian pasta with a mountain of parmesan cheese to rival Everest- for just a missing patient record for the case they were building. Sometimes it was more personal, letting it slip that they crashed at his place after Foggy had joined them in attending a fundraiser party for said friend's hospital- in exchange for sneaking him into a person’s room to serve them or get papers signed.
 For months, he lived off small tidbits of information. Slowly forming a picture in his mind of who might have been helping Foggy. Someone who had known him for almost as long as Matt had. He was never able to pry out specifics, Foggy kept all that good stuff to himself. Where in the hospital they worked, how they met even remained a mystery. The simplest of stuff like did they go to the same college as them or if they were a man or woman was impossible.
He was given no clues on how to find them because Foggy, or as he constantly blamed- they, never wanted it…but today had been Matt's lucky day. After so long, Franklin had finally relented. Matt had left L&M’s with a pep in his step. Going over a list of questions he had accumulated over this whole period. However, now with his opportunity to have every one of them answered, he drew a blank on what to start with. 
Indecisive. Matt had so many questions ricocheting through his head, all jumbled up like scrabble. 
‘How did she meet Foggy?
Why did they never meet in college?
Why did she first start taking bribes? Why continue?
Had she been from New York her whole life like them?’
And of course, the newest as of this afternoon: ‘Why work in the morgue of all places?’
A healthy curiosity. 
He had a long time to prepare his questions, with as much as he bugged Foggy some days he should have had them ready to go, but all of them died on the tip of his tongue. So, he was lucky when his new lunch buddy was the one to break their silence. Matt was so lost in his own head he hadn’t noticed how tense it had gotten in the moments passed. 
“I am very aware Franklin made excuses on my behalf," She said through a half mouth of food, speaking through her cheek. "He asked on many occasions to introduce us. I always, adamantly, said no.”
That made Matt pause, lowering his chopsticks back into the box. “So he wasn’t lying when he said you weren’t a people person?” He smiled at her, turning his head slightly in her direction. “Or is it you just wouldn’t like me?” He teased, sensing her coil when he called her out and trying to lighten the mood. 
It seemed to work.
“No,” She rushed to breathe out, after swallowing her bite, with a shake of her head. “Well, I mean, Uh-” She blushed as she started to stumble over her words. Tripping up over her own tongue. “I mean, yes to not being a people person. No to not liking you.”
“So you like me?” The way he said it, the suggestive undertone coating the bottom of his words. It had her shifting in her seat and clearing her throat, hiding for a second in the bottom of a cold coffee cup she had taken the liberty to sip off of during their meal.
“Well, that is... That is to be determined.” She shot back after a moment. Setting down her cup in favor of twirling her chopsticks in her noodles.
“Oh?” He didn’t mean to lean closer, but he found himself doing so. Still staying aware of her obvious personal bubble. “Almost sounds like a challenge,” He braced his arms on the table slightly, chair scooting against the ceramic floors.
She laughed, it was joyful and bemused. It had her setting down her chopsticks fully, leaning back in her chair to look at him. Arm over the back as she held on to her wrist with her other hand. “I suppose it would, to you.”
“To me?” 
“Oh yes- you might not know me, but I do know of Foggy’s college roommate turned office colleague,” She shrugged her shoulders, licking her lips nervously as she glanced around the room, squinting at the incessantly flickering buzz of the fluorescent lights that seemed to fill her head with cotton “Though maybe not as much as I thought, now that we're sitting face to face.”
“We are? Jeez, I thought we were face to back,” His joke earned him a heavy scowl, one he could feel across his face. Tapping his chopsticks against the rim of the heavy, cardboard takeout box, he listened to her puff out air at him. Suppressing a laugh, not knowing if she was allowed to or not.”Really shows a guy, huh?”
“Wow, blind jokes already. Have to say, I’m honored our friendship is moving so fast,” She huffed at him again, tone dry but not humorless as she turned back to the food. Deeming it far more worthy of her attention.
“Friendship, you’ll make Foggy jealous.” Matt jabbed lightly.
“He’ll live,” She stuffed her face again, chewing a bit faster this time. Something obviously catching her train of thought. “However…”
Matt raised a brow, stabbing a dumpling in favor of actually picking up the food properly this time.
“Friends usually know each other's names,” She pushed around the scraps in her box, sneaking a glance at him. “A tidbit I assume Percy failed to mention on either of our parts.”
“Well,” Matt turned his chair with a scrap. “That’s easily fixed,” He raised his hand, offering it for her to shake. Finally able to introduce himself. “Matthew Murdock.”
He felt her smile before anything else. Oddly warming his skin like he had just stepped out into the morning sun after a shady night. Then came her hand. Softer than he thought it would be, just as cold as before, slightly dried out from the hand sanitizer. Small compared to his but still shaking his firmly, experienced one would say. Her voice was last. Smooth and ivory.
“Amilia Boteo, just call me Lia.”
Chapter one is done baby. The next chapter is to come in the next two weeks. My editor (love you bestie) refuses to beta for Matt Murdock so it's gonna take a minute.
Tag list of cringe: @xxjuviajawbreakerxx
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gege-wondering-around · 3 months
My top 10 movies!
I was tagged by wonderful @dontcallpanic to do this ask game and I wanna give it a little twist! I'll also share why I like each movie (I promise, I'll do it quickly or we could stay here for days🤣)
(Not in any extra specific order)
1. The Maze Runner Trilogy
boys running around with the best music I've ever heard? My fav dystopian setting? Both movies and books are amazing to me. and this below? Broke my heart as well (and i won't elaborate further on the why)
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But let's be a bit more serious, the 'save your people or the world' argumentation and how Teresa and Thomas basically represent each side as they are egoistic in their own way simply because they wanna save " someone " (the world vs friends) and to do that, one of the sides they stand on has to fall. This argumentation really shows (to me) how much you can bond with someone and the length you'd go to keep them by yourside.
(I know this song is in Divergent and not the Maze Runner, but I don't care, it's coded for running.)
2. Dead poets society
broke my heart. "Oh captain, my captain!" Might be the reason I value connections more than i used to when i was younger. Everyone has something to teach you and everyone has something within that has to shine... never settle for boredom, be extraordinary!
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3. Stand by me
again, broke my heart. The value of friendship? The last scene? "I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?" Seriously made me bowl my eyes out. I remembered the reason behind many friendships I had.
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The whole reason why the protagonist wrote the script on his computer? Just bury me already...
4. The perks of being a wallflower
yet again, destroyed my heart, especially the book - that I have to finish - cause are you meaning to tell me this scene didn't put your heart in front of a mirror?
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Even more so, this movie really shows how much it can hurt to be alive sometimes and how love is something people search for aimlessly, we just go around hoping to find it. But let me tell you, love is everywhere you have the bravey of heart to place it. You are full of love, which makes it findable anywhere you need it to be.
And let me give you a bit of the book. (To you who are a wallflower, you are special... never forget that🫂 - I was one too... so don't be scared, the world will bite you but you'll be able to heal anyway💕 "to charlie!")
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5. Brokeback mountain
One of those films that leaves with something you didn't know you could feel before. Gave me a view of what love can be and now, made me realize how much you can love someone and live the struggle of being forced not to.
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6. Planet of the apes
Just my love for another dystopian trope, which to me had the message of nature conquering back what's hers, the apes surrendering the humans. The survival of the fittest and the cruelty of the world. And Caesar's window as a symbol of freedom? And they he gets back nature????
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7. Logan - the wolverine
In general, all the Wolverine movie could fit in this category, however this once, once again, broke my heart. Wolverine had always been my fav and his way of being just screamed resilience and redemption to me. And him having to pass down his legacy to a girl that he ended up seeing as his daughter? Knowing it was a curse to him more than anything? Telling her to be herself and be strong?
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8. Can you keep a secret?
After all my cinematic traumas, let me give you a little love commedy that made me laugh despite the fact my humor is broke and I don’t understand humor or sarcasm.
It warms my heart, made me understand the silliness of love and also how much trust goes unsaid and how much that silence values. And how sometimes, running on a plane and meeting a stranger can flip your life around...
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If you have time and don't know what to do, this is my advice for you.
(And to finish with something not too heavy)
9. Fast&Furious
I'm just a lover for good cars and family tropes and let me say, the last movies didn't have the car vibes of the first movies, but the franchise is family and these movies made me closer to my father. So they belong here.
10. Prisoners
The end just gave the fucking (sorry for the choice of word) creeps but the whole point of the movie (to me) being about a father fighting for his family and having a open ending... I'm a family type of bastard (not in a mean way) and I'd do anything for those I consider as such.
And Honorable mentions:
1. Jurassic Park
I just love dinosaurs.
2. Twilight's Parody
Just go and watch it.
So yeah, maybe it was longer than anything I've planned, anyway! Hope you enjoyed and maybe now have some movie to watch tonight! Have an amazing day💕🫂
And thank you again, @dontcallpanic, the ask game makes me see new sides of myself and give me the chance to share with people my thoughts! Wish you an amazing, wonderful day! 🩵🫂
Tags with no pressure: @jayjay55655 @heradion @oldefashioned @fuji09
If there are any grammar errors, im very sorry English is not my first language, and thank you for have come this far
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markantonys · 1 year
OMG YOU LOVE THE QUEENS THIEF!!???? Just when I thought you couldn’t get any cooler, you prove me wrong. I f**king love that series, Gen and Attolia are *chef’s kiss* and my god the way everything is slowly revealed and you learn why you felt so stupid reading it—ITS CAUSE YOU FEEL THE WAY THE REST OF THE CHARACTERS FEEL WHEN GEN IS just DOING HIS THING, and he’s a bamboozler—just like, not on purpose sometimes which makes me love him more
thank you for coming to my Ted talk
i'm so honored that you think i'm cool haha but yes to all of this!!! i don't post about TQT much since it's a smallish/oldish fandom and i rarely see it crop up on my dash or think to go looking in tags for it, but it has a very special place in my heart as one of my top book series of all time. this was MY Early Teens Formative Fantasy Series the way many of my wheel of time crew talk about WOT being for them! i have a vivid memory of trying and failing to convey how mindblowing the end of the thief was to my friend while leaving my high school auditorium jfkjgh i wish more people had read it, but i feel like everyone who HAS read it agrees that it's top tier. today i saw it described as "one of the fantasy genre's best-kept secrets" and that is so accurate!
gen is SUCH a fantastic character, he's so layered and it's always so satisfying to encounter a character who IS so genuinely clever and constantly proves it in his behavior, rather than us just being repeatedly told that he's Super Smart, Trust Me, You Guys (sideeyes tuon). he is playing 4d chess with not only the other characters, but with the reader too at all times and it's a wonder to behold. yet at the same time he is just a silly little guy! <3 and gen and attolia are THE gold standard for enemies to lovers & arranged marriage to real love (two of my all-time favorite romance tropes.......probably because of my having read this series at a formative age lmao!) and that's that! god attolia's arc of opening herself up to the love and affection she's shut out yet craved for years is so important to me. it's been several years since i last read the series and yet i was browsing tags today and found a passage relating to that arc which i 100% echoed in a fic i wrote within the past 6 months, THAT is how deeply this series is ingrained into my subconscious!
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chiosblog · 8 months
If you want (obviously) 1, 3, 11 and 21 from the fandom asks :D
Thank you for the ask!!
1. What is the first fandom you were ever a part of?
My memory isn't quite that good so i dont remember if that was really the first one but it was the first real one i recall being a member of (even if I was like 12 so i never have been an active part of if in any way) and it was my little pony lol
I know it may sound weird but the way it changed my whole life back then, things were never the same after that and it will always have THE special place in my heart
3. All time favorite pairing?
Ok so I have this one (actually kinda weird) pairing that means the world to me and its Chelley from Portal 2 (i know most people never even heard of it😅)
Facedock is the one that, as for now, has my heart but when i discovered chelley in 2016 it helped me a LOT and got me through some hard times for a couple of reasons that I wont mention here cause then this post would be 1 mile long XD but mainly for their main fanfic that made me cry like a baby multiple times lol
11. Most unique merch you have for a fandom?
I own like 30 tshirts from different fandoms (films, cartoons, games etc) so that may be a sign I have a small obession for tshirts lol
Probably the weirdest fandom merch I own is the Klingon dictionary but I actually never used it to learn klingon yet
But what I really want is one of those life size character cut out to put in the middle of my room
21. Favorite fic trope?
I think the whole world know by now I have a soft spot for found family and domestic fluff cause they are concepts that make my heart warm both in fiction and irl.
Other than that I think enemy to friends to lovers its quite a good choice for my shipping needs most times lmao
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