saturnaftertaste · 1 year
core four, forever and alvvays | archie, marry me
a final tribute on the dawn of the final day. goodbye riverdale…goodbye forever 💔
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awsok · 1 month
to someone on the outside, peering in, it would've looked like there were four people in that booth. but I was there, and I can tell you: really, there were only three. core four | ao3 | youtube
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mean-vampyre · 1 year
The reason jarchie was never shown on the screen is because RAS wants to give us an opening to make a play about jughead moving to california and finding archie post divorce btw. He told me he won't send a cease and desist
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dykejugheadjones · 1 year
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its should’ve happened….. #JARCHIE LONGCON
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thisischaostragic · 1 year
my unsolicited opinion on Riverdale friends-to-lovers arcs: Beronica works beautifully and Barchie doesn't.
at *all* points throughout the show, it is so apparent that Betty and Veronica love each other. they're both willing to put their romantic desire for Archie aside for the other's happiness. they're both there for each other, constantly and consistently. and when they kiss, it's almost as if nothing really changes; their love has *always* transcended the platonic/romantic divide.
genuine one-on-one platonic Barchie scenes are sparse, which makes the whole thing feel a little like they're settling for who they're "supposed" to love. like, they definitely love one another as friends, but they pretty consistently choose their romantic partners and/or other central friendship (Beronica/Jarchie) over one another. I feel like they only put each other *first* when they're dating.
interestingly! both Varchie and Bughead seem to genuinely support one another even when broken up. (these are both lovers-to-friends arcs, though, so the dynamic is a little different. but the *friends* part feels genuine, which makes me feel good about a potential reunion.)
I want friends-to-lovers that feel like they're finally naming what's been possible all along! that honor the serious relationships that came before them! that would've been best friends no matter what! that want the other one to be happy above all else!
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suncaptor · 25 days
Okay but I can imagine Archie and Jughead just being like -_- how come we are literally in a quad yet the two of us haven't kissed. And like. Just angsting about it. This is only possible to last for more than five seconds bc Archie is so good at being oblivious and Jughead is so good and being edgy.
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jugheads-choni · 4 months
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Happy Best Friends Day to two of THE most iconic friendships in all of comics: Archie & Jughead + Betty & Veronica. 🫂🫶
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userlaylivia · 1 year
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coconewtdoodles · 1 month
I have no one that's into half the things I like and it's awful, Jarchie fics slap so I started watching Riverdale, knowing they get no romantic stuff so I've doomed myself to be disappointed I just hope the show is good, I need something cheesy and dramatic beyond reason I NEED FRIENDS
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bj986 · 7 months
Farewell to the cast of Riverdale,
Ship, Friendships and enemy
Toni Topaz (Vanessa Morgan)
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Kevin Keller (Casey Cott)
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Other Ships
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Core 4 (Betty-Archie-Jughead-Veronica)
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comradejoanmir · 6 months
Even if they don't talk about sepang. The absence of rosquez is merely the shadow of its presence
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eastvillages · 1 year
it’s becoming real that riverdale is ending and im actually sitting here sobbing my eyes out at 3 am
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jcrchie · 2 years
going into the riverdale tag is so scary there are so many het shippers in here...
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lokiiied · 8 months
thank you.
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philcollinsenjoyer · 1 year
the thing about jarchie & riverdale in general is that archie actually is a pretty normal nice little guy unfortunately his best friend is in love with him and thinks he represents all the goodness in the world and the american dream itself because archie was a paragon of american stability and success when jughead's life was unstable and they made that guy creator writer and god of the universe so now he's jesus 😑 and we have to crucify him 😑
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garbagequeer · 1 year
the thing about it is that through jughead transubstantiation (also known as “pulling a jughead”) narrator jughead was not in love with tabitha (he is gay) while character jughead is (he is bisexual) since he jumped 7 years in time from original teen jughead (originally gay) so narrator jughead is always fighting tabitha for the narrative. and of course every jughead is closeted and twisted. so he sent all his friends to diner heaven but in a time before they became a polycule and never showed jarchie kissing. and he exists at the same time as big pop’s chock’lit shoppe in the sky jughead even though angel tabitha made it clear her new single-timeline universe doesnt allow for doubles. gay narrator jughead did some crazy shit to tabitha’s universe because she’s his rival is what im saying. it’s a classic story. woman dates bisexual guy in the closet bisexual guy becomes 3 and narrates the multiverse while gay closeted as he writes it angel woman needs to save the timeline from a comet from a (also bisexual) wizard angel woman leaves bisexual boyfriend forever bisexual boyfriend gets in a bisexual quad with his buddies gay doppelganger that narrates gets mad it’s not his original vision and takes over redoes the multiverse traps everyone in high school forever in the sky angel woman never seen again. it’s simple 
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