#friendly neighborhood spider pearl
xkaru-karux · 22 days
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“i could be the light and pearl could be the darkness” - mythical j. sausage
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=0 - If you and your f/o were mermaids, what would your tails look like? << Important /lh
So, I'm gonna start with me cuz it is so so so SO simple, pink.
Like a pink anemone, her upper half is the bottom while her tail is the fluffy part, she's a mermaid who collects a lot of gold, to only like lay on her fancy arm couch, watching the pearls go down her arm
HOBIE IS A SHARK more so a nurse shark cuz those are my fave, his tail has so much scarring some done by him like the anarchy symbol and his Friendly neighborhood Spider man symbol on his back fin
He's the one to get Kath her gold, and pearls they do that shark pile up when they are around, but his guitar is made out of old plywood and shells from the fallen ships yk yk
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panda-writes-kpop · 2 years
Chapter Twelve (Avengers AU): Be Running Up That Hill
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A/N: Hi guys, girls, and non-binary pearls! Hope everyone's doing well! 💖
Avengers AU Masterlist | Masterlist
TW: Bows, arrows, target practice, Y/N has a severe case of deja vu, implied black out (?), cursing
Life had been much slower after you came home from New Asgard, and to be honest, you weren’t complaining, at least for the first few days. Without major superheroes breathing down your neck or the pressure to keep a room above your head, you finally had some breathing room to do as you pleased.
Doing as you pleased turned out to be very boring and uneventful, and you hated it. All of that time you spent wishing that life would slow down was wasted, apparently.
It was the same old routine every day. You’d wake up at around the same time, wear one of the same fourteen outfits, get something decent for breakfast, and then head out to wander the streets of New York City. This was fun at first, but it quickly grew boring once you realized that the limitless city did have limits to it, after all.
You were tempted to pick up your phone and call someone, but what was the point? Yoohyeon, JiU, and Siyeon were searching for an M.I.A. Handong, Gahyeon was busy being “The Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Girl!”, and Lia, Irene, and Dami, of all people, were working together to keep “the order of the natural and cosmic world as it should be”.
As you scan through your phone contacts, you notice that there is one name that has yet to give you any sort of update on their condition: SuA.
As any curious soul does, you send a quick text to make sure that she’s alright.
Y/N: Hey, SuA, I haven’t heard from you in a while! I know you’re supposed to keep a low profile after everything that has happened, but I wouldn’t mind seeing you and catching up for a while!
You set your phone down for a moment to think about what you might want to prepare for dinner, and as you figure out what you want, you hear your phone go off.
SuA: I missed hearing from you, or from anyone else, to be honest. It’s a little boring where I’m at, if I’m being honest. I have to check it over with the person who’s safeguarding me, but I wouldn’t minding seeing your beautiful face~
Y/N: Let me know when you hear back from them. I also look forward to seeing your beauty in person once again. <3
As you’re preparing to head to bed, the phone on your nightstand buzzes.
SuA: She said it’s okay because she ran it past Irene, and Irene said that it would be good for me to have a bit of company, and she said you could use the company too.
Y/N: I guess she could tell that we’re both going a bit crazy due to the lack of anything happening? XD
SuA: I don’t know, I really don’t mind being out here. It’s peaceful and serene. Reminds me of life before my powers.
Y/N: Do you ever wish that you didn’t have powers?
…Don’t feel pressured to answer that, it was a bit forward on my part.
SuA: No, I don’t mind answering it. It’s only natural that you’d be curious about my powers. You’re not the first, and you most certainly will not be the last.
To be honest, I do sometimes wish that I did not have my powers, but again, I know that my life would be completely different than it is now. I wouldn’t have met wonderful people like you, who remind me of the goodness in the world.
Y/N: Me and goodness?!? That seems like a bit of a stretch, but I appreciate the flattery.
SuA: You deserve all of the flattery that anyone in the world could ever give.
Y/N: Aww, SuA, I’m blushing! That’s very sweet of you to say. <3 Do I need to worry about plane tickets or anything, assuming that you’re about as far away as I think you are?
SuA: I heard that Irene would take care of everything, so you’re all good.
Y/N: Can I ask you one final question?
SuA: You already did! :D
Y/N: I’m going to choose to ignore what you just said.
Who exactly is safeguarding you, if you’re able to say?
SuA: She’s a friend of Siyeon AND Irene, believe it or not.
I believe her name is Chaeryeong, but I could be wrong. She’s not exactly the friendly type, and I haven’t been here long enough for her to trust me with more than simple tasks and small talk.
You might know her as Hawkeye, though.
Y/N: Yeah, that name certainly rings a bell.
I should go to bed soon, and I encourage you to do the same! Goodnight, SuA! Get lots of rest.
SuA: Goodnight, Y/N!
This part of Iowa looks a bit different than you would have pictured it, but you didn’t mind the endless seas of cornfields with the occasional green John Deere tractor scattered across the field.
You did have to pay the airport taxi a nice chunk of change to get you out this far, but the money would be well-spent if you got to see a friend once more.
Based on her texts, I would say that SuA has missed me as much as I have missed her.
You chuckle at the thought as your taxi driver takes a sharp left turn onto a dirt field that appears to lead to nowhere.
“Are you sure this is the right way?” The taxi driver asks as the road becomes bumpy and nearly undriveable.
“It has to be.” You look at your phone as you double-check the address that Irene sent you.
Yeah, this is the road that Hawkeye lives on.
“There was a mailbox back there with a matching house number, so I can only hope that you’re right and that you’re not trying to kidnap me.”
If I wanted to kidnap you, I would’ve done it much sooner. Believe me on that one.
“There, in the distance!” You point at a very tiny building that pops up far in front of you. “That has to be it!”
“I hope you’re right.” They grumble as they continue to drive towards the home.
“Y/N!” SuA yells as you unload your luggage from the taxi. You’re able to get your things and wave off the taxi before SuA attacks you with a hug.
“SuA! I missed you.” You say as you wrap your arms around her.
“You’ve been well, I assume?” She asks before letting you go.
“It’s been an interesting past couple of days.” You admit.
“You’ve got to tell me everything, but first, I should introduce you to Chaeryeong.”
As you walk up the grass hill, you can hear the very quiet yet noticeable sound of an arrow whizzing through the air.
“You’d think that a house far off the beaten path would be enough for a reclusive person like Chaeryeong, but she still walks all the way out here to practice shooting.” SuA jokes as you reach the top of the hill.
“Well, for some people, far away isn’t far enough away.” You try to explain as you observe Chaeryeong as she watches the arrow hit a tree in the distance.
“She won’t notice us unless we say something.” SuA explains, and you nod your head.
“That’s alright. I don’t mind watching her for a while. I don’t want to interrupt or anything.” You plop down on the grass, and SuA does the same as Chaeryeong prepares to fire another arrow.
“So… you never exactly told me how you knew Siyeon, JiU, or Yoohyeon.” SuA says after Chaeryeong pulls the bow back before taking a deep breath.
You watch in silence as Chaeryeong lets the arrow fly through the air.
“Believe or not, I met Siyeon while I was grocery shopping in my hometown. As for JiU, I met her about twenty minutes before we were taken by Irene. Yoohyeon, on the other hand, was my childhood best friend growing up. We did everything together. She even dragged me to an archery class when we were in middle school. She never was any good, but neither was I.”
The arrow perfectly slices through the one that was already embedded deep in the tree, and without missing a beat, Chaeryeong turns to you.
“You took archery classes with Yoohyeon?”
Your head snaps over to SuA.
“I thought you said she wasn’t listening-”
“Whoops, my bad!” SuA giggles as Chaeryeong walks over to the both of you.
“I can multitask, believe it or not. Being an Avenger taught me that.” Chaeryeong offers you a hand. “I brought an extra bow over that needs some adjustments made to it, but I need someone else to shoot it first so I can see what’s wrong with it.”
“And you want me to do it?” Your eyebrows scrunch together, which causes a slight smile to appear on Chaeryeong’s face.
“If JiU trusts you, then I do.” Chaeryeong calmly says.
Well, I guess I can’t argue with that reasoning.
You take her hand before standing up.
“You’re not the first person who’s spoken highly of JiU.”
“You’re talking about Lia, right?” Chaeryeong asks as she grabs the bow and hands it to you.
You let go of her hand, and you gently run your hand over the lower limb of the bow.
“Yeah, I am. Didn’t think I’d get the chance to meet all of the Avengers in-person, but here we are.” You mutter under your breath as you grab an arrow off of the ground.
“JiU’s a good person. Too good for the world, if you’re asking me.”
“Sweet yet deadly, right?” You ask before taking a deep breath.
You can do this, Y/N. You just have to draw the bow back and release the arrow from your hand.
You don’t have to think as you pull the bow back with the arrow securely in your grip.
One chance, Y/N, you can’t mess up.
You blink, and for a moment in time, the world around you slows down. Chaeryeong is only a foot or two away from you with an unreadable expression on her face, and SuA is sitting on the ground while silently cheering you on with an infectious smile.
“Y/N-ah, don’t tell me you’re scared~” A familiar voice taunts you from inside of your head.
You do your best to not react as you respond to the voice.
“Yoohyeon? What are you doing here?”
You don’t break focus as your eyes focus on your target.
Hit the tree. It’s no different than a standard target.
“We were supposed to walk home from school together! Don’t you remember, or did you already forget? And I thought I was the ditzy one-” Yoohyeon teases, but her voice sounds different from when you last spoke to her.
It’s as if we’ve gone back in time. She sounds youthful and hopeful, like the world hasn’t had the chance to crush her dreams yet.
“Tch, as if.” You brush off her teasing, just as you’ve done a million times before.
It hits you that you’ve quite literally had this conversation before.
When you were in middle school, you decided to stay after school one day a week to try and improve your archery skills. The range was always open to members and non-members to use, so you took advantage of that.
You, apparently, had forgotten that Yoohyeon had asked you to walk her home that day. She usually walked home with the girl that lived right next to her house. That day, Yoohyeon’s neighbor was sick, so apparently you were a good substitute because her mom didn’t trust her to walk home alone. You didn’t question it since you wanted to be on her mom’s good side, after all.
You were preparing to fire the last shot of the afternoon when Yoohyeon ran into the practice range. You didn’t notice until she spoke to you, and to be honest, she was lucky that you didn’t overreact or get scared. Moments like this usually caused you to be completely focused, and you didn’t tend to notice the outside world until you had to.
“What are you up to?” Yoohyeon cocked her head as you subtly rolled your eyes.
“What do you think, Einstein?” You sassed back to her as she huffed and crossed her arms in front of her chest.
“The sarcasm is unnecessary-”
“You came and interrupted me, so yes, Yoohyeon, I do think it is necessary.”
“Okay, well, if you want me to leave so badly, then I will.” Yoohyeon sighed heavily, and you turned your head to her for a moment.
“No, you should stay. You’re my lucky charm, after all. Maybe I’ll finally hit the bullseye when you’re here.”
You watched as Yoohyeon turned red at your words.
“You really think I’m your lucky charm?” The softness in her voice was unmistakable, as was the tension between the two of you.
You turned your head back to the target as you finally felt ready to release the arrow.
“No, I know that.”
You had let go of the arrow, and you watched as it whizzed through the air and landed directly in the middle of the board.
Bullseye, you thought, and it sure did hit where you aimed it.
You remembered how Yoohyeon screamed and gave you a big hug while you were still in shock.
“Y/N!! You really did it! I’m so proud of you.”
After she finished speaking, she pressed a soft kiss to your check. You were extremely flustered, but you tried to play it off in the best way you knew.
“It was all thanks to you, Yooh.”
Her warmth was the best part of that whole day. You weren’t sure if it was because of your aim, or because she kissed you, but you replayed that day over and over in your mind for many years to come.
You blink again, only to realize that you’re not at a practice range in your hometown, but rather on a grassy hill in the middle of Iowa.
What did I-
You realize that the arrow had already left your hands, and it had indeed hit your mark. A few inches below Chaeryeong’s arrow was your arrow, firmly lodged into the tree.
Did I really zone out that bad, or was the memory so strong that it took over my consciousness? How the hell did I do that?
Your thoughts continue to race as you tightly grip the bow in your hands.
“Nice shot, Y/N.” Chaeryeong says before taking the bow from your hands. “Let me know if you ever want to practice while we’re here. I wouldn’t mind having someone to shoot with every once in a while.”
You blink at her for a moment before you respond.
“Yeah, that sounds good.”
I really should go to bed soon. Maybe I’m just really tired, and I was daydreaming. While I was daydreaming, I managed to launch the bow. It’s an unlikely theory, but it’s the best one I have at the moment.
You turn to SuA as Chaeryeong grabs her bow and another arrow.
“You wouldn’t mind giving me a tour of the place, would you?”
SuA scrambles to get off of the ground, and you chuckle at her.
“I’d love to, Y/N!”
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favemusiclessons · 2 months
7 Bass Lines to take YOU from ZERO to HERO (Beginner friendly)
Are you one of those bass players who would like to expand your playing horizons but never ventures beyond your comfort zone? It’s like trying to drive from Boston to L.A. without ever leaving your neighborhood. Today’s lesson offers critical information on picking, plucking and slapping. There are also excellent tips on working with a plectrum, the mystery of natural harmonics, an introduction to one of Victor Wooten’s blazing thumb techniques, a straight ahead pickstyle rock lesson via System of a Down’s Shavo Odadjian, and lots more! We’re also providing you with all of the Tab & Notation that follows along every step of the way.
00:00 - Introduction 00:37 - 01 - Gorillaz - Feel Good Inc. 02:26 - 02 - Red Hot Chili Peppers - Californication 05:11 - 03 - Rage Against The Machine - Killing In The Name 07:26 - 04 - Vulfpeck - Back Pocket 09:30 - 05 - System Of A Down - Spiders 11:18 - 06 - Béla Fleck and the Flecktones - The Sinister Minister 14:17 - 07 - Pearl Jam - Indifference 16:39 - 08 - Jamiroquai - (Don’t) Give Hate A Chance
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seirindono · 2 years
Mermaid/sirens and monster. Please
Also I don’t come empty handed. Prepare for a dozen fic recommendations (all of which I’m in love with) and a brief description. All of these are on Ao3
Roadside attraction by popatochisp. Dinner on the road where a scertain skeleton comes to visit. An underfell Papyrus fic that’s really good.
Your Friendly-Neighborhood Witch by earthvibes. Readers a witch, chaotic and doing work with Greek gods and also came across a skeleton who, upon their meeting, punched her in the face. It was Stretch
Skull Joke by Gotcha. This fic is purely just humor. Not much plot just the lazy brothers doing stand up comedy mentioning reader every once in a while. Had me laughing a lot and is really good.
Poor Little Meow Meow by Mystique. This- THIS! I’ve never liked killer before but hood damnit this does things to me. Killer interacts with a veterinarian MC who is clueless to the danger she’s in. They have kittens. Kittens. Adorable.
The Fulfilling Ordeal of Being Known by nighttimelights . It’s a one shot smut but, ah, Horrortale sans is a girl and I’m questioning me sexuality. It’s damn good and a spin off of a harem series by the same author.
Skeleton Sisters and the Architect. Whooooooooo damn this is good. Fluffy, humorous, probably never going to be updated but for what’s there it’s so good!!
Skeletons Sisters Meet the Landlady by her as well. It’s them again, shot but finished and great.
A Sea of Hope by Aylish91. Pirates and skelly reader. Axe is a simp, they’re out at sea, everything’s great except when it’s not and readers just trying to understand what the hell her body’s about.
To pray on the hunters by periodically_annoying. Pretty good haven’t read it in a while but nice.
Stolen Souls by RubyPasha. It’s a twist on the “reader gets transported to the dating sun with the skelly bros” trope. Except she’s not supposed to be there and it’s a real slow burn. She’s kinda just living her life and trying not to die but also becoming friends and she needs hugs. Lots of hugs.
A spider in a graveyard by the same author. Readers Spider-Man’s student, her versions of the brothers and villains. She fights them, gets sucked into another universe by the machine and stuff happens. What’s nice is it’s a harem but with versions I’ve never read about. Outerfell, farmswap, Lustfell and such.
Hey anon, good timing because I found some naga fics after the post from last time. I Was Going For A Walk One Day by YinYinChan (the Swapfell one, glad I didn't make it up haha). Also, Bear Traps and Snakes by A_Gorgeous_Hobgoblin. I haven't read it yet, though.
As for the mermaid/siren goods, I'll throw in a few names but I'm very much disappointed that you didn't choose my mafia selection sob. Er, some might be spicy… Haven't read them in a while and some I wasn't subscribed to. So, um, read the tags carefully, ok?
.The Mirror Bay Depths by lieleycat, ranger reader meets big scary sea monster husband(s) -I'm… quoting the tags- and fluff ensues
.Flotsam & Jetsam by potatochisp, drabble series, I recall it's pretty cute
.The Danger that Lurks Underwater, A Series of Sinister Drabbles, Cliffside (I made a fanart of it!) by AKA_Indulgence, no summary, just go read it and enjoy the ride
.Shells and Pearls by syst3m_of_3rr0rs and Cold Currents by JacketBones Oof, I… acutally don't remember much of these? But Reader is the siren here, so it's always good for a change.
.Sleepin' with the Fishes by Catsitta, because I'm not the only one willing to mix mobtale with absolutely any other AU.
Now, thanks for your selection, anon hehe. They sound like fun, and I actually recognize a few titles (Poor Little Meow Meow, A spider in a graveyard, A Sea of Hope) and names, like potatochisp and... um? @aylish91 ? ∑(°∀°) *slowly connecting the dots* Wait, we were mutuals all this time...??
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which-star · 3 years
on ao3 | tumblr masterlist
SILK(comics) / Marvel
breaking into ice rinks for a smile - (1/1), 3.7k, GA, SILK(comics), Cindy Moon/Felicia Hardy, canon compliant; Where Felicia attempts to comfort her favorite spider, then gets betrayed at the end. Because there are no streets when it comes to bad or good.
Effortlessly - (1/1), 5.6k, T, MCU Tom Holland Spider-Man, Cindy Moon/Liz Allan; it's not actually Cindy that's effortless in everything she does. It's just the two of them, effortlessly made for each other.
Silk Week 2021 - masterlist for Silk Week 2021; 6 fics!
Want You To Say (this is me trying) - SILK(comics), ongoing silkcat series that theoretically share a continuity
did you? (get what you came for) - (1/1), 2.6k, T, Cindy Moon/Felicia Hardy; Cindy's task is simple. Connect the USB so the techies can download information. It gets complicated when a certain Black Cat drops from the ceiling. Literally.
Hair - (1/1), 1.8k, GA, Cindy Moon/Felicia Hardy; Cindy gets a haircut and lots more emotional baggage.
come on, you know I get confused - (1/1), 3k, T, Cindy Moon/Felicia Hardy; The thing was, they just kept coming back. Back to each other; back to old haunts and rooftops; back, back, back. And Cindy didn't know what to do about it.
when the world burned, we... - (1/1), 1.5k, GA, SILK(comics), Black Cat (comics), Cindy Moon/Felicia Hardy; They meet again. They don't necessarily make up. They want to, but they don't.
better off (with me) - (2/2), 5.6k, T, MCU Tom Holland Spider-Man, Cindy Moon/Felicia Hardy, college/university AU; Cindy Moon's Instagram has changed. Which means Cindy's single and Cindy's not off limits anymore.
Get Cool - (1/1), 3.2k, GA, Agents of Atlas, Cindy Moon/Luna Snow, red string au; Seol Hee hadn't even bothered to practice saying hello to her soulmate. Now she had to figure it out by the time they met again. Great.
what, you? (want you) - 3.3k, GA, SILK(comics), Cindy Moon/Felicia Hardy, Post-Canon, Secret Identity Fail, Fluff, Domestic Bliss; It's not the most romantic setting ever, but it's Silk and — lately — that's all she ever seems to care about.
Marvel (general)
Friendly Neighborhood Poltergeist - 1.4k, T,  MCU Tom Holland Spider-Man, Michelle Jones/Peter Parker; Peter Parker had been dead for a while. Then, the Jones moved in. [currently being workshopped into a larger fic..maybe]
nobody has to know(Seol Hee knows) - 5k, T, Agents of Atlas, Ami Han | White Fox/Seol Hee | Luna Snow; A series of unfortunate mistakes by Ami Han lead to her secret identity being found out by one particularly nosy celebrity (fortunate?)
Call Me a Hero (I want to be) - 6.1k, G, The Marvels (Marvel comics), Warbird III/Lei Ling; How Warbird becomes a hero — sort of. First, she starts with saving Aero.
running away from listening - 3.6k, G, Agents of Atlas, Pearl Pangan/Lei Ling; Lei Ling needs to listen to Pearl more. Pearl also needs to listen to Lei Ling more. It's a work in progress.
Carmen Sandiego
journey to find the real me - 2.3k, GA, Carmen Sandiego (Cartoon 2019), Carmen Sandiego/Julia Argent, post-canon; There's a lot of things holding Carmen back, particularly her name. Through it all, she keeps coming back. To Julia.
rooftops - Carmen Sandiego (Cartoon 2019), papertiger brainrot series with thatgaysianbookworm!
on rooftops and being lit aflame - (1/1), 2.5k, T, Paper Star/Tigress | Sheena, post-canon; Tigress, always watching. Paper Star, always set ablaze. *written by me
what's in a hunt - *written by Jo
burning (this is not a love story) - (7/7), 19.4k, T, Paper Star/Tigress | Sheena;  Paper Star and Tigress have been paired up for a second mission, a do-over of sorts. It should be a simple business affair and everything should be forgotten by the time they part. It’s not. *co-written with Jo!
I want to have you - 1.9k, T, Paper Star/Tigress; Sheena was in Japan for a job. Paper Star being there was just a coincidence. Or, at least, that's what they would tell anyone who asked. *written by me
chisel it out of me (it all ends in tragedy) - 4.55k, T, Carmen Sandiego(2019), Tigress | Sheena/Carmen Sandiego, Dark!Carmen; The first thing Sheena learns about the new, dark, Carmen is that they aren't allowed to call her Black Sheep anymore.
and we’re left (not quite standing) - 6.68k, T, Carmen Sandiego(2019), Tigress | Sheena/Carmen Sandiego, sequel to chisel!; Carmen figures out what remains of her.
Idea of You - 1.6k, GA, Carmen Sandiego(2019), Carmen Sandiego/Julia Argent, AU-canon;  They meet. Again and again.
Love Shot - 3.2k, T, Carmen Sandiego(2019), Julia Argent/Tigress | Sheena, kinda-mafia AU; She knows Tigress, and that's her biggest advantage. Her biggest weakness is that Tigress knows her too.
You, Me, We’re Vintage - 3.1k, M, Carmen Sandiego(2019), Tigress | Sheena/Carmen Sandiego, post-canon; It feels very much like the very first time: Carmen letting her guard down, making a decision that would result in years of hidden alcoves and trysts. Tonight, Carmen just wants to hit reverse. For old time's sake, of course.
The Revised Edition of Carmen's Flirting Guide - 6k, T, Carmen Sandiego(2019), Carmen Sandiego/Julia Argent; The steps a certain Carmen Sandiego takes to woo a Julia Argent are intricate and complex.
a game lost is a game won - 2k, E, Carmen Sandiego(2019), Paper Star/Tigress | Sheena, literally pwp; papertiger fucks.
Like to Like - 4.6k, T, Carmen Sandiego(2019), Graham Calloway | Crackle/Tigress | Sheena, pre-canon; Graham meets Sheena and tells her one thing. "You're going to like me, you know."
Autopilot -  (3/4), 14k, T, Carmen Sandiego(2019), Paper Star/Carmen Sandiego | Black Sheep/Tigress | Sheena, post-canon, poly; Paper Star ropes Carmen Sandiego into saving Sheena.
No Knives! - (1/1), 1.7k, GA, Gen, canon compliant, directly after canon; The Gaang wants Mai to disarm herself when meeting them for the first time after the war. It takes longer than it should- just how many knives does she have?
Sorry We're Closed(but not for you) - (2/2), 13.4k, GA, Mai/Yue, modern au; "So you gave me a flower when I was sad and now I keep visiting the flower shop because I might be in love" AU
moon shines - (1/1), 1.6k, GA, Mai/Yue, goddess au; Yue is the moon. Literally, metaphorically, and everything in between. She's content with that until a new pantheon of deities appear and she finds herself intrigued by the goddess of the Night.
Aura Readings(gone wrong) - (4/4), 13.5k, GA, Mai/Ty Lee, modern au; It's rude to know if someone has a crush on you just by looking at their true colors. Wait... Mai has a crush on her?
Bad Taste - (1/1), 3.5k, T, Mai/Ty Lee, modern au; It's called being best friends, because OBVIOUSLY Ty Lee doesn't have a crush on Mai. In other words: Mai has bad taste in men.
Raspberry Kiss - (1/1), 1.1k, GA, Mai/Ty Lee; Ty Lee absolutely loves the taste of the lip balm Mai uses, therefore she keeps finding excuses to get a kiss from Mai.
Push Me Away (but I keep coming back) - (3/3), 8.1k, M, Mai/Katara, au; Katara wants to figure Mai out. Set in the bending universe where the Fire Nation never took over, but went through a cruel regime.
What is Good, What is Bad - (2/?), 5.5k, T, Mai/Ty Lee, superhero au, discontinued; Republic City is overrun by crime of all sizes! Including a certain pink clad villain trying to steal a knife throwing vigilante's heart?
Mary Hamilton does not, in fact, need sleep - (1/1), 2.2k, T, Batwoman(2019), Mary Hamilton/Ryan Wilder; Mary Hamilton does, in fact, need sleep.
relax my mind - (6/6), 18.1k, T, FATE: The Winx Saga, Aisha/Musa, canon compliant-ish; How Aisha and Musa could've gotten together during Fate: The Winx Saga.
To Learn Every Note - (2/?), 12+k, GA, WINX Club, Aisha/Musa; Aisha and Musa, through the years
Something To Prove - (1/1), 4.1k, GA, Descendants(Disney), Uma/Lonnie; Uma really, really wants to fight her.
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aroacemisha · 4 years
SU: Future episodes 17-20 (finale) reactions (spoilers)
(I wrote down my reactions to HB when it was released early, but I’m posting it with the rest of the finale)
Homeworld Bound:
I love the way the gems react to Jasper
oof Steven is so upset
pfft, Jasper just smirks at them
well, she got told to do something else too
ohhh Homeworld looks nice!
oh they have tours
Spinel! my girl!
well, she definitely is basically a toon
ohh Yellow is restoring gems now?
I love that
she’s so excited about fixing gems
yeah uh, your body is not your problem, Steven
aww Blue is so cute
ohhh I like the happy clouds thing
omg she’s singing!
oh boy, White is the last one left
omg White Diamond as Spinel ajfshsh
oh that’s not gonna go well
oh god Steven no
is he trying to shatter her
no, Steven don’t-
oh okay he just hit himself
god, even White is scared
“don’t give me my own advice!”
Steven, do you even hear yourself?
gotta follow your own advice at least sometimes
oh he turned into that form from the promo again
Everything’s Fine:
big pink boy
this is not gonna go well
“just your friendly neighborhood Stevo” is that a Spider-Man reference
oh god
so that’s how the other plant Stevens come to existence
oh is Garnet giving relationship advice? or like couple therapy?
I love that
oh god he’s going to Bismuth
I’m scared but also feel like I’m gonna cringe
ohhh that armor!
and Pearl in an apron!
oh Bismuth likes Steven’s form
wait, wedding armor?
is Lemon Queen (Yellow Pearl) marrying someone or is she just a model aksfsj
oh my god her expression
hhh I’m cringing- this is hard to watch
“well, my work here is done” reminds me of that Sailor Moon meme
aww he saved the beetle gems
oh god
oof, everyone is worried
even Connie is here
Steven, stop avoiding your problems
“I don’t want you to worry” what’s the point if they’re already worried?
they’re only going to worry more if you don’t tell them
oh god
oh no
fuck, this is relatable
Steven’s self worth is really down
oh god
I Am My Monster:
oh no
holy shit
“just calm down son! take deep breaths!” I don’t think that will help here
oh well here are the Diamonds
it’s not gonna work
but Blue’s cloud made Yellow laugh
let’s see what White does
oh god
well, she’s okay at least
oh god they’re all down
even Garnet unfused
everyone is blaming themselves...
oh god Blue and even Yellow are crying
and Spinel is crying
and I’m crying
and White is crying
and blaming herself
wow Connie that’s harsh
well at least she is doing something useful
Garnet is back together!
ohhh Garnet leads everyone
even the Diamonds omg
he’s calming down?
oh my god
The Future:
is that the same exercise he was doing with Garnet in season 1
yay he IS leaving Beach City!
aww Steven made cookie cats!
it came full circle
he has a therapist!
they’re not even trying to hold him back aww
omg he gave Peri a shirt
aww he gave crayons to Lapis
and the CG flag to Bismuth!
I love how she just broke through a wall
“even Jasper is more upset that my own family” ajfhgdjh
Pearl still has the bass!
aww he’s giving Garnet the wedding book
yesss Steven and Connie kissed!
awww adfgjfg
that episode gave me the emotional compensation I needed for the last ones ahdgsfk
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chungledown-bimothy · 6 years
I saw Into the Spider-Verse last weekend, and it woke up the part of me that loved Spider-Man above every other hero, but I couldn’t remember why, which is stupid of me, since I had just sat through the movie that is entirely about why I love Spider-Man so much.
Most heroes are untouchable. Super soldiers, geniuses, billionaires, literal gods, etc..
Spider-Man is explicitly none of that. Yes, he was a broke nobody suddenly given immense power, and one could make a Captain America parallel there, but their stories diverge immediately. Steve Rogers immediately goes to fight in WWII, whereas Spider-Man, in every iteration, chooses to stay in the city he loves. 
His abilities are spectacular, and he absolutely could use that to gain fame and prestige. He doesn’t want to, though. He chooses instead to be “Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man”. He chooses to remain one of the people, one of his people. 
I love Captain America, but the fact of the matter is that as soon as he is given power, he becomes a likable face for American imperialism. (Let’s not kid ourselves about America’s role in WWII, the powers that be didn’t actually give a fuck about what the Nazis were doing- they only got involved in the war at all to use Japan bombing Pearl Harbor to give them an excuse to go to war for imperialistic control of the Pacific.) Steve’s intentions were good, but his actions still separated him from his roots and established himself as an untouchable icon.
On the other hand, Spider-Man becomes a grassroots hero of the proletariat. He’s just one kid from a poor neighborhood of the most expensive city in the country doing his best to protect it.
Anyone can be Spider-Man, because Spider-Man is the people’s hero.
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binkywinky · 5 years
hi! Comics rec anon here! to answer your question, I'm not entirely new to comics, have read a few but not enough to say I have a specific type. The first series I read was all the jessica jones comics which I really liked, also the miles morales series which i enjoyed and the spidergwen series which was cute but the art was kinda annoying lol. i also like a couple of dc ones like mister miracle. so i think i prefer a general rec from you since the comics world is so big. thanks in advance!
Got it. Hmm… let’s see. It’s probably easiest to break it down by publisher then. I’ll try to give a mix of ongoing, finished, and “classic” stories. 
Fair warning, I read a lot of comics (probably about 60 per month, and that’s not including manga), so even though this may feel like a long list, it’s short for me.
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man - Relatively new series, and it’s been fantastic so far. Great art, and a bit more grounded than the Amazing Spider-Man run (which is also great). Stellar art, too.
Miles Morales: Spider-Man - A little YA-ish at times, but overall enjoyable. You get to see a lot more of Miles’ personality in this one, which is always fun.
Superior Spider-Man - Because nothing is more fun than seeing a semi-reformed Otto Octavius try to be a hero.
Captain Marvel - Kelly Thompson does a phenomenal job with this series. She has a great hold of Carol’s voice. Would highly recommend Kelly Sue Deconnick and Margaret Stohl’s previous runs to give context (Captain Marvel 2012-2017, Mighty Captain Marvel, and The Life of Captain Marvel).
Jessica Jones - Not sure if you’ve read Kelly Thompson’s recent run or just Bendis’, but hers is definitely worth a read.
Avengers (2019) - actually a solid run. I would check this out if you’re more into crossover, large-scale storytelling. They’re in the middle of War of the Realms, though… so maybe wait until like August or September?
Immortal Hulk, Daredevil, and X-23 - also good. I read them off and on (not really my fave characters to read on their own, I enjoy them in ensembles), but the stories are solid.
Rogue & Gambit - mini series that I absolutely love by Kelly Thompson (she does great character work) that came out last year. Mr. & Mrs. X is a follow-up to it and also tons of fun (nearing its end as well). 
Runaways - I fell off of this when Brian K. Vaughn left, but I can say up through his run ended is well worth the read.
As far as classic stories, Infinity Gauntlet, The Dark Phoenix Saga, X-Men: Age of Apocalypse, Secret Invasion, and Secret Wars would be my first recommendations.
I would’ve recommended Spider-Gwen: Ghost Spider, but maybe wait on that. It’s about to end soon and transition to just Ghost Spider (where she leaves Earth-65 and comes to Earth-616 where Peter and Miles are). Same for X-Men. I’m currently reading Uncanny, but X-Men is about to be overhauled soon. So probably hold on that front.
Honestly, not the biggest DC fan (I lean more towards Vertigo actually), but there are a few that I enjoy.
Action Comics (starting at #1000) - I am not a Superman fan, but I enjoy this series, which says a lot. I enjoy what Bendis is doing with him in this run.
Naomi - a new series, also by Bendis, following the story of a young Black girl who is investigating the circumstances around her adoption. Don’t want to give too much away, but probably my fave DC run at the moment. And Jamal Campbell’s art is fucking gorgeous.
Dial H for Hero - it’s fun. It’s weird. Not for everyone, but maybe give it a shot.
The Flash and Batman, New 52 runs - New 52 gets shit from fans a lot, but I thought these runs were awesome. Very good story-telling.
Dark Nights: Metal event - Probably one of the best things DC did in a long time. It’s a massive event that pretty much reworked the DC universe and all the characters. Enjoyed it immensely.
Heroes in Crisis - this miniseries ended very recently. It’s a story focused on a major event that happens at Sanctuary, a rehab for superheroes suffering from mental health issues (e.g. PTSD after doing something that nearly killed them). Not your usual superhero story, which I liked.
American Carnage - very gritty story focused on a white-passing Black man who infiltrates a white supremacist organization. It’s really fucking good.
High Level - I picked this book up randomly because the cover looked cool. I’ve been reading it ever since. I would say it’s weird sci-fi/fantasy/cyberpunk adventure. A little strong on the language, but very interesting story and great artwork.
Birds of Prey - awesome series with the DC women. A little shaky sometimes, but Gail Simone does really good character work. Her run is probably the only one I’d bother reading.
Deathbed - miniseries by Vertigo that ended maybe a year ago. It’s so bizarre and hilarious and out there. I loved it.
Batwoman (J.H. Williams run) and Batwoman: Rebirth - Kate Kane, my favorite lesbian superhero. Williams did a great job in his run (and the art is to die for). Don’t read the back half, they change writers and it’s a goddamn mess. But then Marguerite Bennett (a queer woman) picked it up in Rebirth, and it got awesome again. Also, shout-out to Greg Rucka for officially making her queerness canon in 52.
Wonder Woman - Wonder Woman’s my fave of DC main characters (along with Martian Manhunter and Wally West I & II), and my favorite run for her is Greg Rucka’s. He does a surprisingly good job of writing women. The run is over at the moment, but I’d check it out. Good stuff there.
For classic stories, Kingdom Come, Watchmen, Flashpoint (precursor to New 52), and Neil Gaiman’s Sandman are some of my faves.
Image is probably what I read the most. Definitely has the most diverse pool of comics to choose from.
Saga - My favorite comic series of all-time. I’ve gotten so many people to read this and they love it. It’s weird - really weird, actually - but the storytelling is phenomenal. And it’s on hiatus right now, so plenty of time to get caught up.
Ice Cream Man - This series is so fucking weird, but I love it. It’s sorta like… Tales from the Crypt? Different stories (mostly horror) that all feature this demon ice cream man.
The Weatherman - This series is such a goddamn delight. I don’t want to ruin the plot but just… yeah. Read the first issue and it just goes crazy from there.
Man-Eaters - Sort of a niche story. Basically, this takes place in a society where when women get their cycle, they turn into giant cats and maul men, so they’ve given them pills to keep them from menstruating. Sounds weird? Wait until you read it. Probably a highlight series of the year for me. 
Black Science - You might not like the art in this one, but maybe give it a shot? These scientists are trying to solve the problem of limited resources on Earth by hopping across dimensions for new ones (infinite dimensions, infinite resources). Only problem is, their machine got damaged so now they hop uncontrollably to whatever dimension it chooses for however long it decides. It’s a wild ride.
Middlewest - An interesting take on parent/child relationships and how the consequences of abuse, anger, and depression can manifest in dangerous ways. Sounds more bleak than it is - the story actually has quite a bit of humor.
Excellence - Very new series, but with a PoC lead, about PoCs, with mostly PoC creators. A story about a secret society of Black magicians and a son whose next in line to take on the mantle, and it’s pretty fucking cool. Issue 2 comes out this week - check it out!
The Walking Dead - I don’t think I have to explain this one, do I? Zombies.
Lazarus and Lazarus: Risen - Sci-fi story set in a dystopian society where the world is ruled by like 15 or so families, and they each have a Lazarus to fight for them. This is told from the perspective of the Carlyle family’s Lazarus, Forever. 
Die - If Dungeons & Dragons and Jumanji had a baby, it would be this book. Sounds weird, but once you read it, you’ll find the description to be accurate.
Anything from Brian K. Vaughn - I have yet to read something from Brian K. Vaughn that I don’t like. Saga, Paper Girls, Y: The Last Man, Runaways, Barrier… his shit’s always good.
Independents / Not Marvel, DC, or Image
Some of these are nostalgia-based, so fair warning.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (BOOM Studios) - very new series that’s out. Great art. If you were a fan of the show, I think you’ll like it. It’s a re-imagining of sorts. There’s also an Angel series that just started.
Nancy Drew (Dynamite) - Listen… I could not stand Nancy Drew as a kid. Never got into it and thought it was boring as hell. But I really loved this miniseries (another Kelly Thompson run). It’s maybe 5 issues?
Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers and Go Go Power Rangers (BOOM Studios) - Honest to God, if you had told me 3 years ago one of my fave comics would be a Power Rangers one, I would have laughed in your face. Both of these series are really good and provide the continuity, nuance, and characterization the show lacked. Fan of the show or not, I’d say it’s worth checking out if you enjoy the teenage superhero genre. Also, just some really amazing art and world-building.
Anything from Jinxworld - This is Bendis’ own publishing company. He’s put out Cover, Pearl, Scarlet, and United States vs. Murder, Inc. All of them are really good.
Umbrella Academy (Dark Horse) - This is the series the Netflix show is based off of. Right now, they’re doing Hotel Oblivion in the comics, but start with Apocalypse Suite and Dallas.
So, there you go anon. There are FAR more I would recommend, but I tried to give a good range of books for you to choose from without (hopefully) overwhelming you. And if you have any questions, I’m more than happy to talk about any of them.
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eddycurrents · 6 years
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For the week of 21 January 2019
Quick Bits:
Aquaman #44 continues “Unspoken Water” from Kelly Sue DeConnick, Robson Rocha, Daniel Henriques, Sunny Gho, and Clayton Cowles. This story feels a lot like some of the ‘80s DC reimaginings that came on the heels of Crisis on Infinite Earths, playing with the mythology in a new way while approaching the narrative from oblique angles. Definitely an interesting revelation about the people on the island. Rocha, Henriques, and Gho are probably doing some of the best art of their careers.
| Published by DC Comics
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Avengers #13 gives us the origin of the 1 million BC Iron Fist from Jason Aaron, Andrea Sorrentino, Justin Ponsor, Erick Arciniega, and Cory Petit. The artwork from Sorrentino, Ponsor, and Arciniega is gorgeous, capturing some of the feel that David Aja brought to K’un-Lun in The Immortal Iron Fist.
| Published by Marvel
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Batman #63 continues to attempt to break your brain as “Knightmares” continues with Mikel Janín and Jordie Bellaire joining Tom King and Clayton Cowles for the fun. This one gives another possible explanation for what’s going on as John Constantine warns Bruce and Selina of what’s going to happen in their domestic bliss.
| Published by DC Comics
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Blossoms 666 #1 is kind of a slow-burn opener, intent on easing the reader into the surprises of this type of horror, which somewhat works against the back cover blurb and solicitation copy, but eh. Still, some great character work from Cullen Bunn building Cheryl and Jason. And the artwork from Lauren Braga and Matt Herms is perfect.
| Published by Archie Comics / Archie Horror
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Cover #5 kind of sets us up for a conclusion next issue. Kind of. It’s more character building, anecdotes from comics conventions, and exploration of the art form through various means that has elevated the series from the beginning from Brian Michael Bendis, David Mack, Michael Avon Oeming, Zu Orzu, and Carlos Mangual. The Ninja Sword comic sequences this issue are particularly great.
| Published by DC Comics / Jinxworld
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The Curse of Brimstone Annual #1 offers three stories, one focusing on Brimstone and two fleshing out adversaries Detritus and Wandering Jack. Great art throughout from Mike Perkins, Neil Edwards, John Stanisci, Denys Cowan, Donald Hudson, and Rain Beredo.
| Published by DC Comics
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Crypt of Shadows #1 is one of the one-shot revivals of old titles for Marvel’s 80th anniversary from Al Ewing, Garry Brown, Stephen Green, Djibril Morissette-Pham, Chris O’Halloran, and Travis Lanham. It’s pretty great, presenting two short stories embedded in a framing narrative, reminiscent of the old horror anthologies.
| Published by Marvel
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Die!Die!Die! #7 is more balls to the wall action and insanity from Robert Kirkman, Scott Gimple, Chris Burnham, Nathan Fairbairn, and Rus Wooton. It’s the battle between Lipshitz and Barnaby that has been building for a while now and, well, it’s violent, bloody, and brutal as you’d expect. Also, cats.
| Published by Image / Skybound
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Freedom Fighters #2 is mostly some vague teasers of things to come and one giant, flashy fight sequence, but it’s an entertaining fight sequence. The art from Eddy Barrows, Eber Ferreira, and Adriano Lucas really get to do the heavy lifting in this story and it shines.
| Published by DC Comics
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Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #2 proves that the first issue wasn’t a fluke, with Tom Taylor, Juann Cabal, Nolan Woodard, and Travis Lanham providing another highly entertaining, very funny, beautifully illustrated story. Taylor captures Peter’s voice incredibly well.
| Published by Marvel
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Go-Bots #3 jumps a bit in the narrative, with a team of astronauts aboard Spay-C discovering Gobotron, where a decidedly authoritarian Leader-1 is taking some draconian measures to keep the Guardians in line, while still fending off Cy-Kill and his minions. Tom Scioli keeps us off-balance a bit for what’s going on and it adds a nice tension to the story. Also, the locking mechanism for the prison cell is a nice touch of nostalgia.
| Published by IDW
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Guardians of the Galaxy #1 is a great debut from Donny Cates, Geoff Shaw, Marte Gracia, and Cory Petit, setting up a new post-Infinity Wars Marvel cosmic standard. There’s a good deal of action and humour through this as Thanos’ wake leads to many of the cosmic “heroes” pledging a path to an odd bloodbath--with a large amount of Earth-based heroes as possible targets--and a heist of his body by the Black Order (who’ve also stolen Knowhere) before anything can get underway. This is probably one of the stranger “gathering of the team” stories, but it gets it out of the way in a fascinating manner to hit the ground running next issue. The art from Shaw and Gracia is suitably epic.
| Published by Marvel
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Hardcore #2 has some very nice art from Alessandro Vitti and Adriano Lucas, as Drake finds he has his hands full with both Markus trying to fully take over the Hardcore program and the criminal organization he was trying to take down being on to him. Both trying to kill him. Lots of entertaining action in this one.
| Published by Image / Skybound
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Hellboy and the BPRD: 1956 #3 brings up some interesting history questions for the Bureau and certain locations we already know about, as Mike Mignola and Chris Roberson’s script continues to dovetail some already existing knowledge of history.
| Published by Dark Horse
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High Heaven #5 conclude season one of this series as well, leaving David exactly where he wished to be, but finding out it’s not necessarily what it’s cracked up to be. Tom Peyer, Greg Scott, Andy Troy, and Rob Steen have really been delivering a bitingly funny take on the afterlife here. Also another fun Hashtag: Danger short from Peyer and Chris Giarrusso. I’m glad that this one is going to be graduating to its own feature for Ahoy’s second wave of books. And the issue is rounded out by the usual prose stories and text pieces.
| Published by Ahoy
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Immortal Hulk #12 is a tough one. Even as Hulk travels deeper into the heart of Hell and Al Ewing continues to wax philosophical in the narration about the nature of evil and the concept of the devil or an opposite to god in comparative religions, we get a hard look at Bruce’s upbringing and the abuse that he suffered at the hands of his father. It’s a difficult read as his father tries to justify his abusive actions, but it’s one hell of a character study. Great guest art on the flashbacks from Eric Nguyen to complement the main story’s art from regulars Joe Bennett and Ruy José, with colours from Paul Mounts. It’s astonishing the heights that this run is hitting, one of the best Marvel is publishing.
| Published by Marvel
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Justice League #16 concludes “Escape from Hawkworld” from Scott Snyder, James Tynion IV, Jim Cheung, Stephen Segovia, Mark Morales, Tomeu Morey, Wil Quintana, and Tom Napolitano. It’s very much a lore dump, with the Martian Keep telling J’onn about the multiverse before and of Perpetua, along with some interesting and complicated other revelations, but it’s rather interesting.
| Published by DC Comics
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Livewire #2 sees Amanda captured, beaten, and mutilated by mercenary bigots at the behest of the US government to figure out a new way to control and neuter psiots. It’s always interesting that these people think they’re doing the “right thing” to justify their genocide. Very impressive artwork from Raúl Allén and Patricia Martín as always. Allén and Martín‘s choices for layouts, colours, even panel-styles lead to some very interesting visual storytelling.
| Published by Valiant
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Low Road West #5 concludes the series, but leaves enough doors open for more somewhere down the line. This has been a very strange series, starting as a kind of post-America future and then tossing in some alternate reality weird western body horror stuff out there. All throughout with some inventive and unique artwork from Flaviano and Miquel Muerto.
| Published by BOOM! Studios
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Man Without Fear #4 presents us with the bedside manner of Kingpin from Jed MacKay, Paolo Villanelli, Andres Mossa, and Clayton Cowles. I really like Villanelli’s art here, which seems to be channelling the spirit of Chris Samnee.
| Published by Marvel
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Naomi #1 is an incredibly beautiful comic. Jamal Campbell has really gone out of his way to craft a gorgeous first issue, perfectly balancing the ordinary, everyday people of Port Oswego, Oregon and the disruption caused by the superheroics of Superman bouncing through in a battle with Mongul. Brian Michael Bendis, David F. Walker, Campbell, and Josh Reed have something interesting here, working at the fringes of the DC Universe from the perspective of ordinary people, and ordinary people not living in a Metropolis or Gotham at that.
| Published by DC Comics / Wonder Comics
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Oliver #1 is an amazing debut from Gary Whitta, Darick Robertson, Diego Rodriguez, and Simon Bowland. It’s worth it alone just for Robertson and Rodriguez’s extremely beautiful, detailed artwork, bringing to life a bombed out, desolate London in stunning detail, but then the story hooks you. There’s a mystery to Oliver’s identity and lineage that pulls you in and the development of a society of an unwanted class of disposable clone soldiers is very compelling.
| Published by Image
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Pearl #6 is a very interesting conclusion to the first arc from Brian Michael Bendis, Michael Gaydos, and Joshua Reed. Great bits of comedy throughout what is otherwise a fairly heavy issue. Stunning artwork from Michael Gaydos.
| Published by DC Comics / Jinxworld
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Quincredible #3 continues to build the world around Quin, as well as showing him learning through action, and finding out the complications of living in a fairly tight knit community where everyone knows everyone. The predicament that Rodney Barnes, Selina Espiritu, Kelly Fitzpatrick, and Tom Napolitano leave us in is compelling and really develops well through the narrative.
| Published by Lion Forge / Roar / Catalyst Prime
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The Spider King: Frostbite continues Hrolf’s adventures, now trying to cleanse the world of any remaining alien presence, in this one shot. The main story is a fun tale taking on another brand of infected creatures from the mini-series team of Josh Vann, Simon D’Armini, Adrian Bloch, and Chas! Pangburn. There’s also a back-up starring Sigrid taking no bullshit from Vann, Pangburn, and art by Daniel Irizarri.
| Published by IDW
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Superior Spider-Man #2 is essentially an issue-long fight between Terrax and Octavius, but it’s rather entertaining, from Christos Gage, Mike Hawthorne, Wade von Grawbadger, Victor Olazaba, Jordie Bellaire, and Clayton Cowles. The artwork is incredible throughout and there are some humorous cameos.
| Published by Marvel
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Teen Titans #26 is the first of this series I’ve picked up, largely since in a few months it will be crossing over with Deathstroke, and it’s not bad. It seems intertwined with Red Hood (another title I’m not reading), but all of the necessary information seems to be being provided in the story, giving no problems with narrative flow. Adam Glass adds some very nice humour in the dialogue that keeps things snappy. The art from Bernard Chang and Marcelo Maiolo also nicely captures a youthful vibe.
| Published by DC Comics
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #90 begins to pick up the pieces from the EPF’s assault on Burnow Island, as well as weaving in the bits and pieces from the recent macro-series, as the Turtles and the Mutanimals hold a wake for Slash. Great art from Michael Dialynas and Ronda Pattison.
| Published by IDW
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X-O Manowar #23 begins “Hero” from Matt Kindt, Tomás Giorello, Diego Rodriguez, and Dave Sharpe. It’s largely set-up,--bringing back the bounty hunters who assaulted Aric previously, showing off Kate’s new ship in action against said bounty hunters, and then Aric wondering how he pees in the suit--, but it’s damn entertaining. Also, Giorello and Rodriguez practically put on a clinic for visual storytelling.
| Published by Valiant
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Other Highlights: American Carnage #3, The Avant-Guards #1, The Beauty #26, Buffy the Vampire Slayer #1, Cloak & Dagger: Negative Exposure #2, DuckTales #17, Exorsisters #4, GI Joe: A Real American Hero - Silent Option #3, Grumble #3, Jim Henson’s Beneath the Dark Crystal #6, Kaijumax: Season 4 #4, Lightstep #3, Lucifer #4, Mars Attacks #4, Monstress #19, Outcast #38, Regression #15, Rise of the TMNT #4, Road of the Dead: Highway to Hell #3, Shuri #4, StarCraft: Soldiers #1, Star Trek: The Next Generation - Terra Incognita #6, Star Wars #60, Sukeban Turbo #3, War is Hell #1, The Witcher: Of Flesh & Flame #2
Recommended Collections: Battlepug Compugdium, Black Panther - Book 6: The Intergalactic Empire of Wakanda Pt. 1, Cosmic Ghost Rider: Baby Thanos Must Die, Coyotes - Volume 2, Daredevil - Volume 8: The Death of Daredevil, Jughead: The Hunger - Volume 2, Marvel Two-in-One - Volume 2: Next of Kin, Polar - Volume 1: Came from the Cold, The Problem of Susan & Other Stories, Proxima Centauri, X-O Manowar - Volume 6: Agent
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d. emerson eddy did not eat the last piece of cherry pie. It was the cats, they’re trying to frame him.
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lunagalemaster · 7 years
Danny Phantom Pairing Names
- FrDP has weird pairing names. I’ve seen a few lists floating about but they’ve either been incomplete or not up to date. One night, we were talking on the slack and one of said lists were brought up... and I may or may not have got annoyed at the organization of said list, made my own list, and then updated it. 
This was the result of said mess. Enjoy, phandom!
(Updated as of April 17, 2018)
Organized Alphabetically Based On the First Ship Name in Each Section
(M/F) Human Pairings [25 different combos]
(M/F) Human and Ghost Pairings [24]
(M/F) Ghost Pairings [14]
(M/M) Human Pairings [15]
(M/M) Human and Ghost Pairings [35]
(M/M) Ghost Pairings [14]
(F/F) All Pairings [23]
Poly Parings [21]
Misc Pairings [34]
All Pairings With Danny [77]*
All Pairings [204]
*I may have missed one or two of the Danny pairings. Excuse me if I did. 
(Note: The first name is usually the more well known name for the pairing, and for the purposes of organization, halfas are being counted as humans. Original chart and names came from here (x). Many pairings names taken from this (x) fic. Other name changes/additions are from phandom conversations, private decisions for a new pairing name, and/or new, recent trends for pairing names).
WARNING: This is just a list of pairing names and whether I condone said pairings is irrelevant. That being said, some pairings listed may not make you comfortable. I am including all pairings for information purposes. 
If you want to add any names or if there are some alternate names I’m missing, submit them to me, or message me directly. I will not be taking names in the tags anymore. 
With that, I hope you guys enjoy!
(M/F) Human Pairings
Amethyst Ocean, Violet Haze, Fakeout-Makeout- Danny/Sam
Brains Over Brawn- Jazz/Dash
Carbon Copy Quarterback- Dani/Dash
Cloned Romantic– Dani/Tucker
Cream Cheese- Vlad/Dani
Dumb Founded- Dash/Sam
Gothic Vampire- Sam/Vlad
Gray Ghost- Valerie/Danny
Hunter Silly- Tucker/Valerie
Jock Goth- Kwan/Sam
Makeup Honor- Dash/Paulina
Misplaced Faith, Secret Disaster- Valerie/Vlad
Moronic Genius, Brain Cookies- Maddie/Jack
Phantom Satellite- Danny/Star
Psycho Cereal, Obsessive Meddler- Vlad/Jazz
Restrained Romance - Danny/Pamela
Pink Astronaut- Paulina/Danny
Sibling Secrets- Jazz/Danny
Sports Satellite- Kwan/Star
Spurned Affection- Vlad/Maddie
Sue Killer- Dani/Danny
Teacher's Pet- Lancer/Jazz
Techno Smarts-Tucker/Jazz
Twinkle Techno- Star/Tucker
Veggie Burger, Ghost's Absence- Tucker/Sam
(M/F) Human and Ghost Pairings
Circus Freaks- Freakshow/Lydia
Classic Cliche- Jazz/Ghostwriter
Dark Gray- Dan/Valerie
Evil Goth- Dan/Sam
Ghost Envy- Jazz/Freakshow
Ghostly Menu- Danny/Lunch Lady
Haunting Desire- Danny/Desiree
Mama’s Boy- (Romantic) Danny/Maddie
Maternal Instincts- (Paternal) Danny/Maddie
Misery Motivated- Vlad/Spectra
Oedipus Complex - Maddie/Dan
Pandora’s Ghost- Danny/Pandora
Phantom Dragon- Dorothea/Danny
Phantom Feline- Kitty/Danny
Phantom Rocker- Danny/Ember
Pitiful Delusion- Dark Danny/Paulina
Purple Prose- Ghostwriter/Sam
Phantom Psychology - Danny/Spectra
School Spirit- Spectra/Lancer
Techno Babble- Jazz/Technus
The Freak Behind Blue Eyes, Dark Fire- Ember/Freakshow
Timely Intelligence- Jazz/Clockwork
Young Bloodthirst – Dan/Dani
Young Love- Dani/Youngblood
(M/F) Ghost Pairings
Black Cat- Johnny 13/Kitty
Girl in the Tower, Timeless Love- Dora/Aragon
Guard Granter- Walker/Desiree
Hunter's Flame- Ember/Skulker
Insane Asylum- Walker/Spectra
Melancholy Assistance- Spectra/Bertrand
Night Sky, Destroyed Satellite- Dan/Star
Packaged Food- Box Ghost/Lunch Lady
Pirate Food- Youngblood/Box Lunch
Punk Poet- Ember/Ghostwriter
Punk Rock- Youngblood/Ember
Retro Movie Do- Poindexter/Dora
Talkative Treacherous– Technus/Desiree
Traps Desired- Desiree/Skulker
(M/M) Human Pairings
Badger Cereal- (Paternal) Vlad/Danny
Go Packers- Dash/Vlad
Lance Lancer- Lancer Thunder/Mr. Lancer
Literature Lovers- Danny/Lancer
Not So Useful Distraction- Kwan/Vlad
Nu Goth- Elliot(Gregor)/Danny
Pac Man- Jack/Vlad
Phantom Fumble- Danny/Kwan
Pitched Tent, Publicity Stunt- Danny/Freakshow
Pompous Pep, Endangered Species- (Romantic) Vlad/Danny
Quacker- Tucker/Kwan
Savant Par, CyberSpace- Danny / Tucker
Swagger Bishie, Locker Bruise, Teddy Ghost- Danny/Dash
The Wrong Sick- Danny/Jack
Tight End- Dash/Kwan
(M/M) Human and Ghost Pairings
Anonymity Park- Danny/Amorpho
Boxed Phantom- Danny/Box Ghost
Callous Query- Danny/Skulker
Cosmic Cyborg- Technus/Danny
Dark Side, Control- Dan / Freakshow
Dark Times- Freakshow/Clockwork
Doubly Evil, Bitterly Broken- Vlad/Dan
Halloween Phantom- Fright Knight/Danny
Haunted Past, Enslaved Exemplar- Dan/Danny
Heroic Amusement, Great Divide- Super!Danny/Fun!Danny
Iambic Prose- Danny/Ghostwriter
Jail Bait, Ghostly Prisoner- Danny/Walker
Lactose Intolerant- Vlad/Dairy King
Locker Buddies- (Platonic) Poindexter/Danny
Lost Time- (Platonic) Danny/Clockwork
Lucky Accident- Johnny 13/Danny
Mad Scientist- Dark Danny/Kwan
New Master - Vlad/Fright Knight
Noodle Nerds- (Romantic) Poindexter/Danny
Oreo Cookie, Phriendship, Pitch Pals - (Platonic) Fenton/Phantom
Phantom PDA- Phantom/Tucker
Phantom Shadows- Shadow/Danny
Pitch Pearl, Photonegative Narcissus- (Romantic) Fenton/Phantom
Red Pearl- (Romantic) Fenton/HypnotizedorEvil!Phantom
Rich History- Vlad/Clockwork
Royal Pain- Danny/Aragon
Spaghetti and Meatballs, Hypnotic Shadows- Freakshow/Johnny 13
Striking Fear- Masters/Plasmius
Techno Geeks, PDA, Technological Advancement- Technus/Tucker
Teenage Dream- Nocturne/Danny
Temporal Trust- (Romantic) Danny/Clockwork
Tireless Dedication- Ghostwriter/Vlad
Tyrannious Hope- Danny/Pariah Dark [I don’t know if the typo is intentional or not]
White Fang- Wulf/Danny
(M/M) Ghost Pairings
All the King’s Men - Pariah Dark/Fright Knight
Blood Red Ink- Dan/Ghostwriter 
Dark Dark- Pariah Dark/Dan 
Delusions of Grandeur- Pariah Dark/Nocture
Dream Time- Clockwork/Nocturne
Electric Hunter, Sparks, Generator- Technus/Skulker
Esperanto Code of Conduct- Wulf/Walker
Goodnight Moon- Nocturn/Ghostwriter
Gun Magazine- Skulker/Ghostwriter
History Books- Ghostwriter/Clockwork
Meddling Minutes- Dan/Clockwork
Penslammeter- Walker/Ghostwriter
Science Fiction- Technus/Ghostwriter
Tricky Pseudonym- Amorpho/Ghostwriter
Unlucky Author– Johnny/Ghostwriter
(F/F) All Pairings
Butch-ers, Steak Sit-Ups- Lunch Lady/Tetslaff 
Burning Buds- (Platonic) Dani/Ember
Dora^2, Panned Doras- Dora/Pandora
Dragon Tattoo- Dora/Lydia 
Famous Satelite, Shallow Orbit– Star/Paulina
Feline Grace- Jazz/Kitty
Goth Princess- Sam/Paulina
Gothic Dragon, Medieval Gothic- Sam/Dora
Hide n' Seek- Sam/Valerie
Hot December- Desiree/Ember
Hunter's Facade– Paulina/Valerie
Hypno Therapy- Ember/Jazz
Kith Kin- Sam/Jazz
Mythical Wishes- Desiree/Pandora
Painful Desires- Spectra/Desiree
Perfect Pitch, Pitch Perfect- Paulina/Ember
Platinum Punk- Dani/Ember
Posh Scientist- Maddie/Pamela
Psycho Analysis- Spectra/Jazz
Pussycat Dolls- Kitty/Ember
Royal Wishes- Dora/Desiree
Somber Sear- Ember/Sam
Vengeful Babes- Valerie/Dani
Poly Pairings
3D- Dan/Danny/Dani
Bittersweet Redemption- Dan/Danny/Vlad
Blacks and Blues- Ember/Jazz/Sam
Enchanted Circus- Desiree/Dora/Lydia
Everlasting Trio, Eternal Trio- Danny/Sam/Tucker
Family Breakfast- Jack/Maddie/Vlad
Ghostly Time Machine- Danny/Clockwork/Ghostwriter
Halfas Just Want to Have Fun - Masters/Plasmius/Fenton/Phantom
Hourglass Chess, Chaotic Chess- Clockwork/Dan/Freakshow
Just the Right Amount of Crazy- Clockwork/Dan/Danny/Vlad
Misery Punk Rock- Kitty/Spectra/Ember
Personalized Gift Baskets- Vlad/Maddie/Danny
Phantastic Four- Danny/Tucker/Sam/Valerie
Pitch PDA- Phantom/Fenton/Tucker
Pompous Pearl- Danny Fenton/Danny Phantom/Vlad
Rebel Riders- Danny/Johnny/Valerie
Rocker's Boys- Dash/Ember/Kwan
Striking Pep - Masters/Plasmius/Danny
Technical Star Player- Star/Tucker/Kwan
Triple Blossom- Danny Fenton/Danny Phantom/Sam
Misc Pairings (Mostly Not Organized Alphabetically)
Clone Conspiracy- Dani/Wes Weston
Cryptid Hunting- Valerie/Wes Weston
Overbearing Redheads- Jazz/Wes Weston
Spy Satellite- Star/Wes Weston
Unidentified Flying Ship- Danny/Wes Weston
Employee of the Month- Vlad/Walter Weston
(Daniel Masters in whatever context whether he be from another timeline or a clone son or your choice. As long as the original Danny Fenton and him coexist in some way or at one point had separate identities.)
Bad End- Dan/Daniel Masters
Clone Wars-Daniel Masters/Dani 
Perfect Clone-  (Romantic) Vlad/Daniel Masters 
Perfect Son- (Paternal) Vlad/Daniel Masters
The D- Danny/Dani/Dan/Daniel Masters
Paranormal Facade- Wes/Daniel Masters
Ectodragon- Danny/Draco Malfoy [Harry Potter]
Ectoham- Danny/Randy Cummingham [Randy Cummingham: Ninth Grade Ninja]
Going Dragon- Danny/Jake Long [American Dragon: Jake Long]
Halfworld Royalties- Danny/Raven [Teen Titans]
Invisobilly- Danny/Billy Joe Cobra [Dude That’s My Ghost!]
Ocean Spirit- Danny/Moana [Disney’s Moana]
Spooky Nerds- Danny/Jimmy [Jimmy Neutron]
Spongeboo- Danny/Spongebob[Spongebob]
Ghost in the Shell- Danny/Jenny [My Life as a Teenage Robot]
Robot Techie, XJ-PDA- Tucker/Jenny[My Life as a Teenage Robot]
Green Ecto Splat- Danny/Lee Ping [Detentionaire]
Cold Hands, Ice Ice Baby, Phantom Frost - Danny/Jack Frost [Rise of the Guardians]
Pastel Corpses- Danny/Lars [Steven Universe]
World Wide Web- Tucker/Peter Parker [Spider-man]
Spider Phantom, Radioactive, Friendly Neighborhood Phantom- Danny/Peter Parker [Spider-man]
Delsa, Frozen Core- Danny/Elsa [Frozen]
Fourth Wall Portal- (Platonic) Danny/OC
Ghostly Touch, Phantom Kiss- (Romantic) Danny/OC
Cream Soup-Danny/Fenton Thermos
Love Sucks- Ghost Weasel/Fenton Thermos
Pink Pearl- Danny/His Pink Pants
Technical Difficulties- Tucker/His PDA
All Pairings With Danny
3D- Dan/Danny/Dani
Amethyst Ocean, Violet Haze- Danny/Sam
Anonymity Park- Danny/Amorpho
Badger Cereal- (Platonic and/or Paternal) Vlad/Danny
Bittersweet Redemption - Dan/Danny/Vlad
Boxed Phantom-Danny/Box Ghost
Callous Query- Danny/Skulker
Cold Hands, Ice Ice Baby, Phantom Frost- Danny/Jack Frost [Rise of the Guardians]
Cosmic Cyborg- Technus/Danny
Cream Soup- Danny/Fenton Thermos
Delsa, Frozen Core- Danny/Elsa [Frozen]
Ectodragon- Danny/Draco Malfoy [Harry Potter]
Ectoham- Danny/Randy Cummingham [Randy Cummingham: Ninth Grade Ninja]
Everlasting Trio, Eternal Trio - Danny/Sam/Tucker
Fourth Wall Portal- (platonic) Danny/OC
Ghost in the Shell- Danny/Jenny [My Life as a Teenage Robot]
Ghostly Menu- Danny/Lunch Lady
Ghostly Time Machine- Danny/Clockwork/Ghostwriter
Ghostly Touch, Phantom Kiss- (Romantic) Danny/OC
Going Dragon- Danny/Jake Long [American Dragon: Jake Long]
Goodnight Moon- Nocturn/Ghostwriter
Gray Ghost- Valerie/Danny
Green Ecto Splat- Danny/Lee Ping [Detentionaire]
Halfas Just Want to Have Fun - Masters/Plasmius/Fenton/Phantom
Halfworld Royalties- Danny/Raven [Teen Titans]
Halloween Phantom- Fright Knight/Danny
Haunted Past, Enslaved Exemplar- Dan/Danny
Haunting Desire- Danny/Desiree
Heroic Amusement, Great Divide- Super!Danny/Fun!Danny
Iambic Prose-Danny/Ghostwriter
Invisobilly- Danny/Billy Joe Cobra [Dude That’s My Ghost!]
Jail Bait, Ghostly Prisoner- Danny/Walker
Just the Right Amount of Crazy- Clockwork/Dan/Danny/Vlad
Literature Lovers- Danny/Lancer
Locker Buddies- (Platonic) Poindexter/Danny
Lost Time- (Platonic) Danny/Clockwork
Lucky Accident- Johnny 13/Danny
Mama’s Boy- (Romantic) Danny/Maddie
Maternal Instincts- (Paternal) Danny/Maddie
Noodle Nerds- (Romantic) Poindexter/Danny
Nu Goth- Elliot(Gregor)/Danny
Ocean Spirit- Danny/Moana [Disney’s Moana]
Pandora’s Ghost- Danny/Pandora
Pastel Corpses- Danny/Lars [Steven Universe]
Personalized Gift Baskets- Vlad/Maddie/Danny
Phantastic Four- Danny/Tucker/Sam/Valerie
Phantom Dragon- Dorothea/Danny
Phantom Feline- Kitty/Danny
Phantom Fumble- Danny/Kwan
Phantom Rocker- Danny/Ember
Phantom Satellite- Danny/Star
Phantom Shadows- Shadow/Danny
Pitiful Delusion- Dark Danny/Paulina
Pink Pearl- Danny/His Pink Pants
Phantom Psychology - Danny/Spectra
Pitched Tent, Publicity Stunt- Danny/Freakshow
Pompous Pearl- Danny Fenton/Danny Phantom/Vlad
Pompous Pep, Endangered Species- (Romantic) Vlad/Danny
Rebel Riders- Danny/Johnny/Valerie
Red Pearl- (Romantic) Fenton/ [Hypnotized/Evil] Phantom
Restrained Romance - Danny/Pamela
Royal Pain- Danny/Aragon
Savant Par, CyberSpace- Danny / Tucker
Pink Astronaut- Paulina/Danny
Sibling Secrets- Jazz/Danny
Spider Phantom, Radioactive, Friendly Neighborhood Phantom- Danny/Peter Parker [Spider-man]
Spongeboo- Danny/Spongebob[Spongebob]
Spooky Nerds- Danny/Jimmy [Jimmy Neutron]
Striking Pep - Masters/Plasmius/Danny
Sue Killer- Dani/Danny
Swagger Bishie, Locker Bruise, Teddy Ghost- Danny/Dash
Teenage Dream- Nocturne/Danny
Temporal Trust- (Romantic) Danny/Clockwork
The D- Danny/Dani/Dan/Daniel Masters
The Wrong Sick- Danny/Jack
Triple Blossom- Danny Fenton/Danny Phantom/Sam
Tyrannious Hope- Danny/Pariah Dark
Unidentified Flying Ship- Danny/Wes
White Fang - Wulf/Danny
All Pairings 
3D-  Dan/Danny/Dani
All the King’s Men - Pariah Dark/Fright Knight
Amethyst Ocean, Violet Haze, Fakeout-Makeout- Danny/Sam
Anonymity Park- Danny/Amorpho
Bad End- Dan/Daniel
Badger Cereal- (Platonic and/or Paternal) Vlad/Danny
Bittersweet Redemption- Dan/Danny/Vlad
Black Cat- Johnny 13/Kitty
Blacks and Blues- Ember/Jazz/Sam
Blood Red Ink - Dan/Ghostwriter
Boxed Phantom- Danny/Box Ghost
Brains Over Brawn- Jazz/Dash
Butch-ers, Steak Sit-Ups- Lunch Lady/Tetslaff
Burning Buds- (Platonic) Dani/Ember
Callous Query- Danny/Skulker
Carbon Copy Quarterback- Dani/Dash
Circus Freaks- Freakshow/Lydia
Classic Cliche- Jazz/Ghostwriter
Clone Conspiracy- Dani/Wes Weston
Clone Wars-Daniel Masters/Dani
Cloned Romantic– Dani/Tucker
Cold Hands, Ice Ice Baby, Phantom Frost- Danny/Jack Frost [Rise of the Guardians]
Cosmic Cyborg- Technus/Danny
Cream Cheese- Vlad/Dani
Cream Soup-Danny/Fenton Thermos
Cryptid Hunting- Valerie/Wes Weston
Dark Dark- Pariah Dark/Dan
Dark Gray- Dan/Valerie
Dark Side, Control- Dan / Freakshow
Dark Times- Freakshow/Clockwork
Delsa, Frozen Core- Danny/Elsa [Frozen]
Delusions of Grandeur- Pariah/Nocture
Dora^2- Dora/Pandora
Doubly Evil, Bitterly Broken- Vlad/Dan
Dragon Tattoo- Dora/Lydia
Dream Time- Clockwork/Nocturne
Dumb Founded- Dash/Sam
Ectodragon- Danny/Draco Malfoy [Harry Potter]
Ectoham- Danny/Randy Cummingham [Randy Cummingham: Ninth Grade Ninja]
Electric Hunter, Sparks, Generator- Technus/Skulker
Employee of the Month- Vlad/Walter Weston
Enchanted Circus- Desiree/Dora/Lydia
Esperanto Code of Conduct- Wulf/Walker
Everlasting Trio, Eternal Trio- Danny/Sam/Tucker
Evil Goth- Dan/Sam
Family Breakfast- Jack/Maddie/Vlad
Famous Satelite, Shallow Orbit– Star/Paulina
Feline Grace- Jazz/Kitty
Fourth Wall Portal- (Platonic) Danny/OC
Ghost Envy- Jazz/Freakshow
Ghost in the Shell- Danny/Jenny [My Life as a Teenage Robot]
Ghostly Menu- Danny/Lunch Lady
Ghostly Time Machine- Danny/Clockwork/Ghostwriter
Ghostly Touch, Phantom Kiss- (Romantic) Danny/OC
Girl in the Tower, Timeless Love- Dora/Aragon
Go Packers- Dash/Vlad
Going Dragon- Danny/Jake Long [American Dragon: Jake Long]
Goth Princess- Sam/Paulina
Gothic Dragon, Medieval Gothic- Sam/Dora
Gothic Vampire- Sam/Vlad
Gray Ghost- Valerie/Danny
Green Ecto Splat- Danny/Lee Ping [Detentionaire]
Guard Granter- Walker/Desiree
Gun Magazine- Skulker/Ghostwriter
Halfas Just Want to Have Fun - Masters/Plasmius/Fenton/Phantom
Halfworld Royalties- Danny/Raven [Teen Titans]
Halloween Phantom- Fright Knight/Danny
Haunted Past, Enslaved Exemplar- Dan/Danny
Haunting Desire- Danny/Desiree
Heroic Amusement, Great Divide- Super!Danny/Fun!Danny
Hide n' Seek- Sam/Valerie
History Books- Ghostwriter/Clockwork
Hot December- Desiree/Ember
Hourglass Chess, Chaotic Chess- Clockwork/Dan/Freakshow
Hunter Silly- Tucker/Valerie
Hunter's Facade– Paulina/Valerie
Hunter's Flame- Ember/Skulker
Hypno Therapy- Ember/Jazz
Iambic Prose- Danny/Ghostwriter
Insane Asylum- Walker/Spectra
Invisobilly- Danny/Billy Joe Cobra [Dude That’s My Ghost!]
Jail Bait, Ghostly Prisoner- Danny/Walker
Jock Goth- Kwan/Sam
Just the Right Amount of Crazy- Clockwork/Dan/Danny/Vlad
Kith Kin- Sam/Jazz
Lactose Intolerant- Vlad/Dairy King
Lance Lancer- Lance Thunder/Mr. Lancer
Literature Lovers- Danny/Lancer
Locker Buddies- (Platonic) Poindexter/Danny
Lost Time- (Platonic) Danny/Clockwork
Love Sucks- Ghost Weasel/Fenton Thermos
Lucky Accident- Johnny 13/Danny
Mad Scientist- Dark Danny/Kwan
Makeup Honor- Dash/Paulina
Mama’s Boy- (Romantic) Danny/Maddie
Maternal Instincts- (Paternal) Danny/Maddie
Meddling Minutes- Dan/Clockwork
Melancholy Assistance- Spectra/Bertrand
Misery Motivated- Vlad/Spectra
Misery Punk Rock- Kitty/Spectra/Ember
Misplaced Faith, Secret Disaster- Valerie/Vlad
Moronic Genius, Brain Cookies- Maddie/Jack
Mythical Wishes- Desiree/Pandora
New Master - Vlad/Fright Knight
Night Sky, Destroyed Satellite- Dan/Star
Noodle Nerds- (Romantic) Poindexter/Danny
Not So Useful Distraction- Kwan/Vlad
Nu Goth- Elliot(Gregor)/Danny
Ocean Spirit- Danny/Moana [Disney’s Moana]
Oedipus Complex - Maddie/Dan
Oreo Cookie, Phriendship, Pitch Pals- (Platonic) Fenton/Phantom
Overbearing Redheads- Jazz/Wes Weston
Pac Man- Jack/Vlad
Packaged Food- Box Ghost/Lunch Lady
Painful Desires- Spectra/Desiree
Pastel Corpses- Danny/Lars [Steven Universe]
Pandora’s Ghost- Danny/Pandora
Paranormal Facade- Wes/Daniel Masters
Penslammeter- Walker/Ghostwriter
Perfect Pitch, Pitch Perfect- Paulina/Ember
Perfect Clone-  (Romantic) Vlad/Daniel Masters
Perfect Son- (Paternal) Vlad/Daniel Masters
Personalized Gift Baskets- Vlad/Maddie/Danny
Phantastic Four- Danny/Tucker/Sam/Valerie
Phantom Dragon- Dorothea/Danny
Phantom Feline- Kitty/Danny
Phantom Fumble- Danny/Kwan
Phantom PDA- Phantom/Tucker
Phantom Psychology - Danny/Spectra
Platinum Punk- Dani/Ember
Phantom Rocker- Danny/Ember
Phantom Satellite- Danny/Star
Phantom Shadows- Shadow/Danny
Pink Pearl- Danny/His Pink Pants
Pirate Food- Youngblood/Box Lunch
Pitch PDA- Phantom/Fenton/Tucker
Pitch Pearl, Photonegative Narcissus- (Romantic) Fenton/Phantom
Pitched Tent, Publicity Stunt- Danny/Freakshow
Pompous Pearl- Danny Fenton/Danny Phantom/Vlad
Pompous Pep, Endangered Species- (Romantic) Vlad/Danny
Posh Scientist- Maddie/Pamela
Psycho Analysis- Spectra/Jazz
Psycho Cereal, Obsessive Meddler- Vlad/Jazz
Psychotic Sues- Danny/OC
Punk Poet- Ember/Ghostwriter
Punk Rock- Youngblood/Ember
Purple Prose- Ghostwriter/Sam
Pussycat Dolls- Kitty/Ember
Quacker- Tucker/Kwan
Rebel Riders- Danny/Johnny/Valerie
Red Pearl- (Romantic) Fenton/ [Hypnotized/Evil] Phantom
Restrained Romance - Danny/Pamela
Retro Movie Do- Poindexter / Dora
Rich History- Vlad/Clockwork
Robot Techie, XJ-PDA- Tucker/Jenny [My Life as a Teenage Robot]
Rocker's Boys- Dash/Ember/Kwan
Royal Pain- Danny/Aragon
Royal Wishes- Dora/Desiree
Savant Par, CyberSpace- Danny / Tucker
School Spirit- Spectra/Lancer
Science Fiction- Technus/Ghostwriter
Pink Astronaut- Paulina/Danny
Sibling Secrets- Jazz/Danny
Somber Sear- Ember/Sam
Spaghetti and Meatballs, Hypnotic Shadows- Freakshow/Johnny 13
Spider Phantom, Radioactive, Friendly Neighborhood Phantom- Danny/Peter Parker [Spider-man]
Spooky Nerds- Danny/Jimmy [Jimmy Neutron]
Spongeboo- Danny/Spongebob[Spongebob]
Sports Satellite- Kwan/Star
Spurned Affection- Vlad/Maddie
Spy Satellite- Star/Wes Weston
Striking Fear- Masters/Plasmius
Striking Pep - Masters/Plasmius/Danny
Sue Killer- Dani/Danny
Swagger Bishie, Locker Bruise, Teddy Ghost- Danny/Dash
Talkative Treacherous– Technus/Desiree
Teacher's Pet- Lancer/Jazz
Technical Difficulties- Tucker/His PDA
Technical Star Player- Star/Tucker/Kwan
Techno Babble- Jazz/Technus
Techno Geeks, PDA, Technological Advancement- Technus/Tucker
Techno Smarts-Tucker/Jazz
Teenage Dream- Nocturne/Danny
Temporal Trust- (Romantic) Danny/Clockwork
Tricky Pseudonym- Amorpho/Ghostwriter
The D- Danny/Dani/Dan/Daniel Masters
The Freak Behind Blue Eyes, Dark Fire- Ember/Freakshow
The Wrong Sick- Danny/Jack
Tight End- Dash/Kwan
Timely Intelligence- Jazz/Clockwork
Tireless Dedication- Ghostwriter/Vlad
Traps Desired- Desiree/Skulker
Triple Blossom- Danny Fenton/Danny Phantom/Sam
Twinkle Techno- Star/Tucker
Tyrannious Hope- Danny/Pariah Dark
Unidentified Flying Ship- Danny/Wes Weston
Unlucky Author– Johnny/Ghostwriter
Veggie Burger, Ghost's Absence- Tucker/Sam
Vengeful Babes- Valerie/Dani
White Fang- Wulf/Danny
Young Bloodthirst – Dan/Dani
Young Love- Dani/Youngblood
(Again, if you want to add any names or if there are some alternate names I’m missing, submit them to me, or message me directly. I will not be taking names in the tags anymore. Thanks for going to the bottom of this long list! See ya next time, dudes!)
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xkaru-karux · 1 month
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pearlo joined fantasy smp and is an arachnea
she’s a little spooky and bloody, possibly venomous, but hey! she a cutie!
1K notes · View notes
cubedcoconut · 7 years
Always happy to support my friendly neighborhood Spider-Pearl!
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mk1comics · 5 years
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Next comic shipment is due  Thursday 12th of December . Our Cover Gallery has all the pics of the expected new arrivals https://blog.mk1.co.nz/COVERGALLERY 
The Mk1 website collection is home to just the latest shipment http://www.mk1.co.nz/collections/latest-comics - keep an eye on this page on Thursday - it will update as we unpack.   Pictured HOUSE OF X POWERS OF X HC BROOKS DM VAR https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/SEP198126 
Full New to Mk1 List
AERO #6 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT191055
AGE OF CONAN VALERIA #5 (OF 5) https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT191066
ALIENS VS PREDATOR THICKER THAN BLOOD #1 (OF 4) https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT190293
AMAZING MARY JANE #3 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT190993
ANNIHILATION SCOURGE BETA RAY BILL #1 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT190873
ANNIHILATION SCOURGE SILVER SURFER #1 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT190871
ARCHIES CHRISTMAS SPECTACULAR #1 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT191607
B B FREE #2 (OF 12) CVR A DUNLAP https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT191427
BATMAN AND THE OUTSIDERS #8 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT190511
BATMAN CURSE OF THE WHITE KNIGHT #5 (OF 8) https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT190507
BATMANS GRAVE #3 (OF 12) https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT190509
BLOODSHOT (2019) TP VOL 01 (C: 0-1-2) https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT192188
BOYS OMNIBUS TP VOL 06 (MR) https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT191313
BOYS OMNIBUS TP VOL 06 PHOTO ED (MR) https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT191312
BUFFY VAMPIRE SLAYER ANGEL HELLMOUTH #3 CVR A FRISON https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT191397
CAPTAIN AMERICA #17 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT191017
CAPTAIN MARVEL #13 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT191027
CRIMINAL MACABRE THE BIG BLEED OUT #1 (OF 4) https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT190288
DARK KNIGHT RETURNS THE GOLDEN CHILD #1 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT190471
DETECTIVE COMICS #1017 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT190519
DOCTOR MIRAGE #5 (OF 5) CVR A KANO https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT192178
DOG MAN GN VOL 08 FETCH https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/SEP191822
DOLLAR COMICS TALES OF THE TEEN TITANS ANNUAL #3 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT190617
DOLLHOUSE FAMILY #2 (OF 6) (MR) https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT190595
DOOM 2099 #1 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT190935
DOOM PATROL WEIGHT OF THE WORLDS #6 (MR) https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT190605
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS INFERNAL TIDES #1 CVR A DUNBAR (C: 1-0-0) https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/SEP190672
DYING IS EASY #1 (OF 5) https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT190712
EDENS ZERO GN VOL 05 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT192386
EXCALIBUR #1 2ND PTG CAMUNCOLI VAR DX https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/SEP198717
FALLEN ANGELS #3 DX https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT190910
FANTASTIC FOUR #17 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT191045
FAR SECTOR #2 (OF 12) (MR) https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT190606
FIREFLY UNIFICATION WAR HC VOL 02 (C: 0-1-2) https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/AUG191379
FIVE YEARS TP VOL 01 FIRE IN THE SKY https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT191459
FLASH GIANT #2 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT190485
FRIENDLY NEIGHBORHOOD SPIDER-MAN #14 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/SEP190868
GHOST RIDER #3 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT190967
GIANT-SIZE DEFENDERS #3 FACSIMILE EDITION https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT190879
GIDEON FALLS #19  https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT190207
GOON #7  https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/AUG191513
GOTHAM CITY MONSTERS #4 (OF 6) https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT190532
HACK SLASH 15TH ANNV CELEBRATION  https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT190048
HARLEY QUINN & POISON IVY #4 (OF 6) https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT190539
HARLEY QUINN & THE BIRDS OF PREY TP https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/SEP190574
HARLEY QUINN VILLAIN OF THE YEAR #1 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT190466
HIT-GIRL SEASON TWO #11 CVR A SHALVEY (MR) https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT190210
HOUSE OF WHISPERS #16 (MR) https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT190600
HOUSE OF X POWERS OF X HC https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/SEP190963
HOUSE OF X POWERS OF X HC BROOKS DM VAR https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/SEP198126
IGNITED #5 (MR) (C: 1-0-0) https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT191940
IMMORTAL HULK #28 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT191019
INJUSTICE 2 TP VOL 06 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/SEP190580
JOE HILL GRAPHIC NOVEL COLLECTION TP  https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/AUG190806
JUSTICE LEAGUE ODYSSEY #16 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT190557
KABUKI OMNIBUS TP VOL 01 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/AUG190293
LUCY CLAIRE REDEMPTION #1  https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT190033
MARVELS AVENGERS IRON MAN #1 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT191008
MILES MORALES SPIDER-MAN #13 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT190988
MOONSHINE #14 (MR) https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT190223
MORBIUS #2 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT190962
NEW MUTANTS #3 DX https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT190908
OBLIVION SONG BY KIRKMAN & DE FELICI #22 (MR) https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT190227
OCEAN MASTER YEAR OF THE VILLAIN #1 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT190468
PEARL TP VOL 02 (MR) https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/SEP190592
PRETTY DEADLY RAT #4 (OF 5) (MR) https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT190238
PUNISHER SOVIET #2 (OF 6) (MR) https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT190957
RAI (2019) #2 CVR A NGU https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT192167
REAVER #6 (MR) https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT190241
RWBY #3 (OF 7) https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT190573
SAVAGE SWORD OF CONAN #12 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT191064
SCRATCHER #3 (OF 4) https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/SEP191485
SHARKEY BOUNTY HUNTER TP https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/SEP190083
SILVER SURFER BLACK TP TREASURY EDITION https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/SEP190990
SOMETHING IS KILLING CHILDREN #4 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT191416
SPIDER-MAN 2099 #1 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT190923
SPIDER-VERSE #3 (OF 6) https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT190985
STAR WARS DOCTOR APHRA #40 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT191086
STAR WARS DOCTOR APHRA TP VOL 06 UNSPEAKABLE REBEL SUPERWEAP https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/SEP190997
STAR WARS TARGET VADER #6 (OF 6) https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT191083
STRIKEFORCE #4 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT191048
SUPERGIRL #37 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT190578
SUPERMAN #18 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT190580
SYMBIOTE SPIDER-MAN ALIEN REALITY #1 (OF 5) https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT190971
TALES FROM THE DARK MULTIVERSE THE JUDAS CONTRACT #1 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT190482
TEEN TITANS DEATHSTROKE THE TERMINUS AGENDA HC https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/SEP190603
THE BOYS #1 DYNAMITE DOLLAR ED (MR) https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT191317
TITANS BURNING RAGE #5 (OF 7) https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT190613
TMNT ONGOING #100 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/SEP190620
TREES THREE FATES #4 (OF 5) (MR) https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT190249
TRUE BELIEVERS ANNIHILATION ANNIHILUS #1 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT190884
TRUE BELIEVERS ANNIHILATION MAN-WOLF IN SPACE #1 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT190886
TRUE BELIEVERS ANNIHILATION NOVA #1 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT190883
TRUE BELIEVERS ANNIHILATION OMEGA UNKNOWN #1 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT190882
TRUE BELIEVERS ANNIHILATION QUASAR #1 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT190885
UNCLE SCROOGE TP WORLD OF IDEAS  https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/JUL190784
UNDISCOVERED COUNTRY #2  https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT190250
VALKYRIE JANE FOSTER #6 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT191024
VAMPIRELLA RED SONJA #4 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT191300
X-FORCE #3 DX https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT190912
YONDU #3 (OF 5) https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT191049
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Next Weeek's Shipment should be here 19th December 2019
Full schedule here https://www.previewsworld.com/Article/237773-PREVIEWSworlds-New-Releases-For-12182019
Quick Picks:
BATMAN LAST KNIGHT ON EARTH #3 (OF 3)  https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/SEP190478
INFECTED THE COMMISSIONER #1 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT190480
LOW LOW WOODS #1 (OF 6) (MR) https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT190469 
SUICIDE SQUAD #1  https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT190476
WONDER WOMAN DEAD EARTH #1 (OF 4) (MR) https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT190490
YEAR OF THE VILLAIN HELL ARISEN #1 (OF 4) https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT190463
WELLINGTON #1 (OF 5)  https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT190716
Mark Millar's PROJECT X-MAS #1 TOP SECRET surprise comic https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/OCT190035 
2099 OMEGA #1 
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  Preorders can be placed by contacting us  https://blog.mk1.co.nz/contact   or via our Preorder Forms 
December 2019  https://blog.mk1.co.nz/dec2019  January 2020 https://blog.mk1.co.nz/JAN2020
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lobocomicsandtoys · 6 years
New @ Lobo Comics | 01/23/19
Make sure you never miss a title again! We have a pull box system that you can learn how to sign up for here and have all your comics and trades pulled for you every week.
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mk1comics · 6 years
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This week’s Comic Shipment is due 24th Jan 2019. See our LIVE COUNTER BLOG for arrival announcements http://blog.mk1.co.nz/shipmentstatus .  The full cover gallery can be viewed here http://blog.mk1.co.nz/COVERGALLERY.  Next Week's Shipment is due Thursday 31st Jan 2019 - schedule has been announced here (AGE OF X-MAN ALPHA #1 and  FIGHT CLUB 3 #1 ).
This Week’s Highlights follow:
DAREDEVIL BACK IN BLACK TP VOL 08 DEATH OF DAREDEVIL MARVEL COMICS https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/NOV181035
ZO ZO ZOMBIE GN VOL 02 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/NOV182202
How To Set Up a Standing Order with MK1
: 1.Let us know the title(s) you want.. 2. Choose Hold In Store or Delivery. 3. If Delivery choose when you want them sent. That’s it! We’ll handle the rest and fine tune the order once we are under way. Contact us by reply or  here to set a standing order up
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