lynne-monstr · 3 months
spirealm viki ep 26
li dongyuan: I'm so glad I met you guys
me: *screaming crying sobbing*
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peligin-eyed · 9 months
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Mission accomplished! Up next on the Liam/Tristram friendgenda: writing a Royal Beth diss track opera
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saxifactumterritum · 2 years
wei chen keeps turning up with snowglobes for hst, and ywz befriends him out of desperation to stop the incoming tide of snowglobes - so wc can visit to visit instead of needing a excuse.
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loulanslash · 2 years
i’m back on my qiu fei & sun xiang friendgenda bullshit
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lynne-monstr · 2 months
hmmm is it my spirealm hot take that, when rnz says that the only reason he knows how to love is because of ljs, that I would prefer to interpret it as ljs being the final piece of a puzzle rather than the one and only thing that gives rnz's life meaning.
I like to think that rnz's first step towards human emotions was taken much earlier, when he formed obsidian and let all these people into his life. maybe he didn't fully understand what he was doing or what he feeling, but I won't accept that those relationships didn't have meaning. he might not known enough to call it friendship or to call it love but he took those people under his wind and guided them and protected them, and that matters.
ljs came into his life and unlocked that final piece that made it all make sense. but you can't convince me that the human feelings and emotions hadn't been there for a while. it's just that rnz had no idea what they were or what to call them until now.
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lynne-monstr · 3 months
huang shaotian and zhang xinjie friendgenda fic where they secretly plot all kinds of shenanigans together and then huang shaotian executes the plan after zhang xinjie's bedtime. it works perfectly. no one suspects they are collaborating because all the chaos happens while zhang xinjie is sleeping. it also throws suspicion off huang shaotian because no one thinks he can pull off these convoluted plans by himself, and clearly yu wenzhou is not involved.
both huang shaotian and zhang xinjie are very proud of themselves. what a good friendgenda!
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lynne-monstr · 4 months
thinking about the spirealm ep where cute guy li dongyuan sprints through his low level door and ruan nanzhu has his star wars "I have a bad feeling about this" moment, and immediately runs off to secure medical aid for his new friend.
and his team is silently giving him the side eye like either (a) their fearless leader has been replaced by a pod person or (b) he finally sealed the deal with the new boy-toy and got filled not only with cock but also compassion
on a serious note, I do truly love that it's ruan nanzhu himself who's changing. it isn't just that lin jiushi is making besties all over the place and dragging them home like a cat bringing in dead snacks. his presence is bringing down ruan nanzhu's aloof walls just enough to let people in through the tiny cracks.
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lynne-monstr · 3 months
han wenqing and yu wenzhou friendship fic where at first their relationship with each other is somewhat awkward. han wenqing isn't great at small talk and yu wenzhou is still a little intimated at being in the presence of a glory legend.
what finally cracks the ice between them is watching the unlikely friendship form between their vice captains. and now looking back, yu wenzhou finds it hard to believe there was ever a time when han wenqing wasn't a close friend.
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lynne-monstr · 3 months
I will also accept the fic where huang shaotian and zhang xinjie pretend to be arch rivals who don't get along. ("he's so loud." "he's so inflexible!!")
most people don't realize they're pretending because they seem like such polar opposites on the outside. but really they are besties and their silly game of pretend is fun and amusing for them both. every week they get together to review their archrivalship and discuss how they can be more convincing. zhang xinjie comes prepared with his spreadsheets. huang shaotian comes with ten pages of detailed handwritten observations. yu wenzhou and han wenqing watch from afar in bemusement.
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lynne-monstr · 3 months
omg I was so focused on how cute guy li dongyuan draped himself all over ling jiushi's friend (does he do that to all the boys???) that i almost forgot about my real favorite part of spirealm viki ep 26.
ling jiushi roasting li dongyuan about his "girlfriend" aka ling jiushi's boyfriend. the dynamics on this show just keep getting better and better.
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lynne-monstr · 1 year
The Best Vice-Captain’s Club (chapter 2/2)
the king’s avatar, huang shaotian + xiao shiqin, background yuhuang, background xiao shiqin/sun xiang/su mucheng
Summary: The formation of the Best Vice-Captain’s Club wasn’t without its share of bumps and bruises. And like anything else involving Huang Shaotian, a lot of talking.
Total fic word count: 9,216
Chapter 2:
Su Mucheng swings her legs where she’s perched on Xiao Shiqin’s desk. Thankfully, her ire at him a few months ago was short-lived, and they’re back on good terms.
“What’s this?” she asks, eyes flicking towards the object by her hand.
“If I say nothing, will you believe me?”
“Not a chance.” Su Mucheng smiles brightly. Her fingers toy with the smooth edge of the badge. “Are these…bumblebees?”
Chapter 2 on ao3
Or start from Chapter 1
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lynne-monstr · 1 year
I am obsessed with recontextualizing that scene in the tka novel, where huang shaotian is helping ye xiu and they battle the tyranny guild in a private arena. huang shaotian is using flowing tree and zhang xinjie is there fighting too.
everything is exactly the same except huang shaotian and zhang xinjie are best friends.
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lynne-monstr · 2 years
[fic] - The Best Vice Captain’s Club
the king's avatar, huang shaotian & xiao shiqin. minor yuhuang and xsq/sx/smc. ft friendgenda and badge-making
Summary: The formation of the Best Vice-Captain’s Club wasn’t without its share of bumps and bruises. And like anything else involving Huang Shaotian, a lot of talking.
(Or: How Xiao Shiqin got his groove back)
Chapter 1 on ao3
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lynne-monstr · 2 years
crack fic where it isn't a coincidence that three of the four so-called master tacticians met and became friends before any of them debuted. it's because yu wenzhou, xiao shiqin, and zhang xinjie secretly banded together to influence the gpa media coverage to get themselves lumped into a tactician bff forever group, and succeeded beyond their wildest dreams.
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lynne-monstr · 2 years
I suddenly need huang shaotian and qiao yifan as morning people besties who torture every else during all star weekend by jumping out of bed at sunrise for group gamer exercises
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lynne-monstr · 8 months
once again thinking about the sun xiang time travel fic where he (now a mature team player) goes back to excellent era trashfire dumpster days and (1) gets a much clearer view about hard xiao shiqin truly worked to try to get him to see reason (2) develops a whole new appreciation for xsq (3) rediscovers his raging crush on xsq that he never acted on because he was laser focused on crushing his enemies.
anyway in my head this is a comedy fic where sun xiang both gets the guy AND has so much fun messing with everyone in his time travel shenanigans. (yes he messes with xsq too. that's part his flirting strategy).
featuring xsq tactician friendgenda where he talks to his smart tactics buddies about what the heck is happening with sun xiang's sudden personality change.
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