#friday dua
naif-cumleler · 4 months
Bir hayır duası olarak;
Yüzünüz yere, gönlünüz dara düşmesin.
𝓗𝓪𝔂ı𝓻𝓵ı 𝓒𝓾𝓶𝓪𝓵𝓪𝓻. 🤲🏻
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@naif-cumleler 🩷
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abiwaif · 2 months
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On Friday Dua wears red ♥️
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icantalk710 · 6 months
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Good thing I went for a jog during lunch earlier because the work energy today was lacking 🥱☕💻
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saeedislamicart · 10 months
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اللهم صل على محمد
➡️ Instagram - Telegram
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uma1ra · 1 month
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O Allah, place light in my heart, and on my tongue light, and in my ears light and in my sight light, and above me light and below me light, and before me light and behind me light. Ameen. 🤲
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enha-stars · 7 months
midterm 1/3 done ✅
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إِنَّ اللَّهَ وَمَلَائِكَتَهُ يُصَلُّونَ عَلَى النَّبِيِّ ۚ يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا صَلُّوا عَلَيْهِ وَسَلِّمُوا تَسْلِيمًا.
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dilrubaaa34 · 3 months
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Hayırlı Cumalar ⚘️⚘️
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naif-cumleler · 1 year
Üzüntüler ağırlık yaptığı vakit ve dünya geniş olmasına rağmen sana daraldığı vakit ‎üzülme...
Belki de "ALLAH"ﷻ O'na dua ettiğin esnada senin sesini işitmekten ‎hoşlanmıştır...
‎Yarabbi kabul OLUNACAK Duaları gönlümüze dilimize düşür...🤲🏻
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abiwaif · 3 months
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❤️ On Friday Dua wears red ❤️
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wrappedinamysteryy · 8 months
🌸Friday Series🌸
by Asma bint Shameem
🌿Seize the Last Hour today🌿
Today is a beautiful chance to make duaa for our brothers and sisters in Palestine.
That’s because there’s a SPECIAL TIME on Fridays when our Duaas are GUARANTEED to be accepted.
🍃 The Prophet sal Allaahu Alayhi wa sallam said:
“The day of Friday has twelve hours, in which there is no Muslim slave who asks Allaah for anything but He will grant it to him, so seek it in the last hour after ‘Asr.”
(Abu Dawood, and an-Nasaa’i- saheeh by al-Albaani)
This is known as Sa’at al-Istijaabah (a time when Duaa is answered)
So the Duaa that’s made before Maghrib on Fridays is answered.
That’s why some of our pious predecessors would close their businesses, leave the world behind and confine themselves to the masjid after Asr, just to make Duaa.
🍃When Mufaddal bin Fudhaalah would pray Asr on Fridays, he would seclude himself alone to a corner of the masjid and then continue making duaa until the sun would set.
🍃 Similarly, Sa’eed bin Jubayr would pray Asr, then he would not speak to anyone until the sun would set - meaning that he would busy himself with duaa.
🍃 Ṣalt bin Bastaam once became blind, so his brothers sat after Asr on Friday making duaa for him, and suddenly before the sun set, he sneezed and his sight returned!
So be SURE to make good use of this time.
Free yourself up of all other distractions and make special efforts to set aside this time only for duaa.
Beg Allaah for His Mercy on the people of Palestine and the rest of the Ummah.
Be sincere and make taubah of all your sins.
Cry and beseech His Help and victory in that SPECIAL ‘HOUR’ when Duaa is accepted on Fridays, this evening.
‎🍃 Ibn al-Qayyim said:
‎“The Hour of Response in it (i.e. Friday) is like the Night of Decree in Ramadhaan.” ⁣
‎⁣(Zaad al-Maa’d 1/398)
Surely Allaah’s Help is near.
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allaboutislam · 4 months
Gentle reminder that today is Jum’ah. Learn and recite Sūrah Al-Kahf.💚
The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: “Whoever recites Surah Al-Kahf on Friday will have a light between this Friday and the next.”✨💖
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uma1ra · 1 month
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shifaashaikh · 9 months
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala said:
هُوَ اللّٰهُ الَّذِيْ لَاۤ اِلٰهَ اِلَّا هُوَ ۚ اَلْمَلِكُ الْقُدُّوْسُ السَّلٰمُ الْمُؤْمِنُ الْمُهَيْمِنُ الْعَزِيْزُ الْجَـبَّا رُ الْمُتَكَبِّرُ ۗ سُبْحٰنَ اللّٰهِ عَمَّا يُشْرِكُوْنَ
"He is Allah, other than whom there is no deity, the Sovereign, the Pure, the Perfection, the Bestower of Faith, the Overseer, the Exalted in Might, the Compeller, the Superior. Exalted is Allah above whatever they associate with Him."
(Verse 23)
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