#frida cerna
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May 27th, 2018 My Highschool Library 2nd Floor
To the multiverse me who’s still in high school,
Hey it’s Frida. I never really liked my name. I always wanted it to be something easier to pronounce, something easier on the eyes, like Jessica. I thought Jessica was such a perfect name growing up. In my head, Jessica was a white girl who oozed beauty and who could easily capture you under her trance at a café or at a bus stop.
On the other hand, Frida was a strange name.
It was weird and lonely, because no one else shared it in Toronto, Land of the Multicultural. My name sounds like a small foreign girl who feeds pigeons by herself during recess. Well, at least the all-girls Catholic high school you’re in doesn’t have recess so you can’t feed the pigeons by yourself anymore. Maybe that’s a good thing, because now your new friends feed you from their lunches in the school library. A little bit of spaghetti here, a little bit of spring rolls there, and your self-made sandwiches mixed into your own taste palette. Your new friends call your name when they wanna gush over boys with eyeliner and to warn you when the librarian is coming by so you can hide your food.
My parents decided to name me after one of the most talented Mexican artists, Frida Kahlo, when I was born. Despite this great honor, I’ve still had such an awkward relationship with my name. Frida Kahlo painted beautiful self-portraits after her tragic bus accident, and she was a badass bisexual who wore suits and smoked and wrote poetry for her lover, Diego Riviera.
In my multiverse here, I was none of these things in high school. I didn’t drink nor smoke nor explore my sexuality in the small bubble of my all-girls Catholic high school. I didn’t like having my name called out for attendance.
And it’s taken me a such a long time to grow into my name, to begin liking how it rolls off the tongues of my friends. Occasionally, my name sounds so weird to me and I can’t picture anyone saying it without cringing. Frida Frida Frida.
Why do you have such a Mexican name when you don’t even “look” Mexican?
Why do you tell new people that they can just call you by Friday instead because it’s easier to pronounce? Why has that been your nickname and Gmail for so long?
By now, I’ve stopped telling people to call me by everyone’s favourite weekday. I think it’s part of growing up and becoming more serious about yourself as a result. I’ve always liked my two last names though, “Cerna Neri”. It made me feel different from the other kids with their single last names. Like I was special in some ridiculous way, you know.
Listen, Frida is a good name for you because there’s always a light note to it, a hopeful piece of gossamer attached to the tail of the last letter “a”. Rejoice in your name kid, because it’s as optimistic about the future as you and it continues the legacy of the coolest Mexican artist.
You are Mexican enough for your name.
I’m reaching the death of my teenagehood as I write you this letter. I’m already swimming to the isle of adulthood, which is going to be whole new universe for me to explore. Imagine all the tastes, all the people, all the experiences I’ll get to live through.
In two weeks, I’ll turn twenty. I know, I can’t believe someone let me live this long. But I’m really glad I’m here, still making a mess of things, still loving with all of my big heart, still writing and reading. My friends, the same ones who shared their food with you in high school, tell me that adulthood doesn’t hurt and that I won’t feel any different. Personally, I’m ready to move on from the melodrama of my teen years. By the time you read this lil Frida, I’ll be singing my head off to Lorde at my karaoke party. I’ll be in the company of the friends I adore, and I’ll be happily buzzed from cider.
If there’s one thing you must know before I go then it’s this: that I love you and your name forever, to the moon that you worship and back. Love your name, it’s beautiful and no one else you know has it so keep it safe in your heart.
I await you on the other side,
Frida Cerna Neri
p.s there’s wifi here and the password is: welcome
Find Frida on instagram, and twitter !
#teenage#letter#names#frida kahlo#words#writing#thoughts#personal#magazine#zine#toronto#frida cerna#amaize mag#amaize
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Kolitis Amebik
Oleh: dr. Frida Yusnita
Infeksi protozoa Entamoeba histolytica, Giardia, dan Cryptosporidium sp merupakan penyebab diare yang paling sering di seluruh dunia terutama di negara berkembang seperti India dan Indonesia.1 Pada skala global, amebiasis merupakan penyumbang utama terhadap angka kematian yang diakibatkan infeksi parasit. Diperkirakan tahun 1981, sebanyak 480 juta orang sebagai karier E. Histolytica pada saluran cerna dan sebanyak 36 juta merupakan amebiasis yang infasif. Setidaknya 100.000 penderita amebiasis meninggal per tahunya akibat komplikasi yang ditimbulkan.2
Berdasarkan triad epidemiologi, infeksi dipengaruhi faktor pejamu, lingkungan, dan agen. Tingginya prevalensi infeksi protozoa pada saluran cerna di negara berkembang terkait dengan kemiskinan, perumahan yang buruk, kurangnya sanitasi, malnutrisi, dan tingkat pendidikan yang rendah.3 Tingginya morbiditas dan mortalitas akibat infeksi Entamoeba histolytica selain karena faktor penjamu seperti malnutrisi dan tingkat imunitas juga dipengaruhi kurangnya sanitasi dan tingginya virulensi strain Entamoeba histolytica. Pada penelitian Petri et al (2009), malnutrisi diketahui menjadi salah satu faktor pejamu yang berpengaruh pada faktor defensif tubuh dalam menghadapi infeksi protozoa. Pada subjek kolitis amebik dengan malnutrisi didapatkan kadar IFN-γ yang lebih rendah dibandingkan subjek dengan gizi baik. IFN-γ diketahui berperan dalam mekanisme pertahanan tubuh dari Entamoeba histolytica. IFN-γ dihasilkan oleh sel mononuklear yang teraktivasi oleh antigen Entamoeba histolytica. IFN-γ selanjutnya berfungsi mengaktivasi makrofag untuk membunuh Entamoeba histolytica.4
Entamoeba histolytica merupakan infeksi tersering penyebab diare dan disentri di negara berkembang. Namun sebanyak 90% infeksi Entamoeba histolytica bersifat asimptomatik. Hal ini berkaitan dengan faktor virulensi Entamoeba histolytica seperti cysteine proteinases, Gal/GalNAc-inhibitable lectin, dan amebapore yang berfungsi dalam infasi jaringan, resistensi terhadap komplemen dan lisis sel.5 Meskipun infeksi Entamoeba histolytica sebagian besar asimptomatik, penderita perlu diobati untuk mencegah penularan penyakit dan mencegah timbulnya kolitis di kemudian hari. Penderita amebiasis biasanya menunjukan gejala nyeri perut, diare, disentri, dan pada sepertiga kasus menimbulkan demam. Namun diagnosis berdasarkan gejala klinis saja sangat sulit untuk dilakukan karena gejala yang tidak spesifik. Gejala klinis kolitis amebik sering kali sulit dibedakan dengan infeksi patogen lain seperti Shigella dysenteriae, S. flexneri, Salmonella, Campylobacter, enterohemorrhagic dan enteroinvasive Escherichia coli.6 Dengan demikian diperlukan suatu tes yang akurat untuk mendeteksi agen penyebab. Pada kebanyakan kasus, amebiasis ditegakan dengan ditemukan kista atau tropozoit Entamoeba sp melalui pemeriksaan mikroskop. Namun pemeriksaan mikroskop memiliki sensitivitas dan spesifisitas yang rendah karena tidak dapat membedakan jenis Entamoeba sp yang nonpatogenik seperti E. dispar dan E. moshkovskii.6 Idealnya, pemeriksaan mikroskop dikonfirmasi dengan pemeriksaan antigen atau PCR. Namun pemeriksaan ini tidak rutin digunakan di negara berkembang.7
Terapi kolitis amebik bertujuan untuk mencegah invasi dan mengeradikasi Entamoeba histolytica. Terapi yang adekuat dibutuhkan untuk mencegah perburukan klinis, komplikasi, penyebaran ke ekstralumen, dan penularan. Entamoeba histolytica dapat ditemukan dalam lumen usus, dinding usus, dan jaringan seperti hati sehingga regimen obat harus dapat bekerja di ketiga tempat tersebut. WHO merekomendasikan metronidazole sebagai lini pertama terapi kolitis amebik. Dosis metronidazole untuk dewasa 500 – 750 mg diberikan tiga kali sehari selama 5-10 hari.8 Namun beberapa penelitian menyatakan metronidazole monoterapi tidak efektif dalam mengeradikasi Entamoeba histolytica yang berada dalam lumen sehingga dibutuhkan terapi antiamebik lain yang bekerja dalam lumen usus.9
1. WHO. Amoebiasis and its contro. Geneva: World Health Organization. 1985 2. Walsh JA. Problems in recognition and diagnosis of amebiasis: estimation of the global magnitude of morbidity and mortality. Rev Infect Dis. 1986;8(2):228-38 3. Botero d. Clinical trial methodology in intestinal parasitic disease. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 1976;19(5 Pt 2):630-43 4. Petri WA, Mondal D, Peterson KM, Duggal P, Haque R. Association of Malnutrition with Amebiasis. Nutrition Reviews. Vol. 67(Suppl. 2):S207–S215 5. Tanyuksel M, Petri WA. Laboratory Diagnosis of Amebiasis. Clin Microbiol Rev. 2003; 16(4): 713–729 6. Haque R, Faruque AS, Hahn P, Lyerly DM, Petri WA. Entamoeba histolytica and Entamoeba dispar infection in children in Bangladesh. J Infect Dis. 1997;175(3):734-6 7. Gonzales MLM, Dans LF, Martinez EG. Antiamoebic drugs for treating amoebic colitis. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2009 8. The Medical Letter. Drugs for parasitic infections. Medical Letter 2004. Diunduh dari www.medletter.com April 2015 9. World Health Organization. WHO model prescribing information: drugs used in parasitic diseases. 2nd Edition. Geneva: World Health Organization, 1995
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Skipping Class
By Frida Cerna .
We’re sleeping through all our days together
Not eating so we can get drunk off each other
Yea bite your lips like this babe
Fever dreams of Brampton always I want to kiss you in the islands
But back at my place we’re getting warmer
Let’s just thaw out this winter And keep us secret
Find Frida on instagram, and twitter !
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