#fricken nerds
j-nipper-95 · 2 years
WIP Wednesday
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Thanks @aristocratic-otter​ for the tag! So excited to see what you’re working on, and what everyone else is posting today, as always!
I haven’t written much since Sunday, so I’m sharing a snippet of ASR that happens a little earlier in the story. This is more from Emily’s hangover, and at this point it’s kind of a given that my core four will be making movie references if given half the chance. Today ... Gremlins (1984). 
A moment later Lauren returned with Mike, who took one look at Emily and a wicked grin sprang up on his face.
“What’s with Gizmo in the corner?” he asked.
Lauren sighed and retook her seat at Emily’s desk. “I hate to tell you this, but Rach already beat you to the Gremlin’s joke.”
“Damn it,” he said, and handed a ten pound note to Rachel.
“What the fuck, guys?” Emily groaned, retreating back into her hoodie.
“What? You’re not the only one I can make bets with,” Rachel said, taking out Emily’s note and fanning herself with the pair of them. “Easiest twenty quid I’ve ever made.”
“Note to self,” Lauren said, “never make bets with Rach.”
“I’m not even going to ask,” Mike said. “With regards to the Gremlin in the corner though, it’s not midnight yet, a little food might help the hangover.”
“Don’t. Mention. Food,” Emily said, putting a hand over her mouth in an attempt to keep down what little bile remained inside her.
Tagging: @captain-aralias @larkral @palimpsessed @hushed-chorus @fatalfangirl @letraspal @stardustasincocaine @prettylightsbigcity
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graceluvsjesus · 5 months
Tw - religious trauma / general religon sadness??? idfk
anyway time for grace angst :3 feel free to have someone text or call her, whatever?im sooo bored rn <3
[Grace Chastity, is laying on her bed scrolling Instagram. She scolls past a photo of a big party with all the popular kids.]
{Look at them, all, having fun.. they're all sinners and going to hell, i just- they're enjoying themselves?}
[She blocks the poster, brenda and scrolls again. This time a post by Peteri hanging out with Richie, and Ruth.]
{They're fricking nerds - but they're still having fun with their friends. why cant i be like that? people dont.. like me. why can't i have friends? just because my family is more,,, traditional, everyone hates me? gosh, why am i sad- I'm fine. I have my mom, and my dad, and Jesus..}
[She lets the phone drop to the bed face up and clasps her hands together. She mumbles under her breath:]
Jesus, it's Grace Chasity. I.. I'm trying to hard to be faithful and a woman of god, but nobody likes me! And Max-fricken-jagerman asked me out to prom and i dont wanna be sinful but he's the only person who has ever said anything nice to me, even if its dirty, aside from my parents, or people trying to prank me..
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biboomerangboi · 7 months
This is absolutely nothing to do with the Netflix show I haven’t even watched that thing but I’m once again thinking about Sokka and Sokkas Master again and going insane.
Especially with how Sokka was never supposed to be a warrior. Like fundamentally he’s just not built for that kind of life. He was born into war and has been basically been told and trained to believe that one day he is going to die for his tribe and especially for his sister and that’s his destiny and he’s like okay that’s my job that’s what I do and everyone in the tribe knows this and sees this as my role as I am the only man left. (I sincerely doubt a bunch of woman and old people were actually looking at this kid as the last warrior seriously until he went to fight the fire nation BY HIMSELF but that’s not the point, the point is he was doing it)
But but the thing about Sokka is he’s not a fighter, he’s a scholar to his core. He doesn’t win hand to hand against Zuko but he does get a hit in with his boomerang that takes an insane amount of math to do perfectly and even though he loses the fight we realise already that Sokka is coming at this war from a different angle that anyone else is.
Like Sokka knows when he joins Aang he doesn’t have as much to bring to the team, he basically assigns himself the role of provider and bodyguard and is now willing to die for both of them because they are two of the most important people in the world and he could have been cynical the entire time. He was prepared to be cynical. Until he goes to Kyoshi gets his shit rocked by a girl and is like oh damn there’s different ways to go about fighting and war and I actually don’t know a lot of it can you super pretty warrior lady teach me your ways and from that moment on Sokka becomes a student.
He gets the mark of the wise with Bato, he figures out how to get Katara on that prison ship and that the fortune teller is a hoax and gets the water bending scroll all through thinking things through not fighting them head on. He invents the fricken war ballon and it’s so clear that all his thinking is now coming at things from an angle no one expects which is so perfect for this war in particular considering it’s been basically a slow tug of war between the Earth Kingdom and the Fire Nation for decades. He’s looking at these things and he’s like hey I’m not a bender but I do know how benders think and how a lot of people think because I’m trying to figure out how the world works. Like by the time he gets to North he isn’t as great with the weapons because again HES NOT A FIGHTER AT HEART but he is a thinker and he points out all the holes in the Norths strategy with full confidence.
Like in book 2 all his thoughts are about winning and out thinking the enemy. He learns about the library and gets so genuine excited about it but he can’t be a true nerd cause of his responsibilities but he basically plans a way to win the war, learns haikus, try’s art, gets into wrestling and learns so much about other cultures and skills he’s always thinking and winning and no longer doing things on impulse.
But of course he still feels insecure about that and doesn’t see his brain as his true weapon because he was supposed to be the warrior. That’s his role.
So he goes to Piandao who sees all of that and sees how Sokka is so so smart and eager to learn and think in ways that no one expects and he nurtures that. He teaches him art and calligraphy and gives him a Jian! He gives Sokka a Jian "The Gentleman of Weapons" not Dao even though Dao are made for soilders and Jian are for scholars, nobels and people who have time for proper sword craft. (Not to mention the fact they are primarily used for Tai Chi which is also the base for water bending which is just a detail I love). Like the Jian is a sword for scholars it’s for scholars!!!
Sokkas a thinker not a fighter and that’s so amazing to me.
Like he starts as the boy that took on a fire nation ship by himself then ends the series as the guy who’s strategies won the war, a trusted advisor for basically anyone of importance because they know he’s smart and are willing to listen to his ideas and with such a happy future for him to grow without the weight of having to be a fighter weighing him down cause that’s not who he’s supposed to be.
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sp0o0kylights · 2 years
The Occult Summoner Starter Kit was a failed competitive toy to Hasbro's Ouija Board (a game that was doing numbers in 1986 for reasons the government would later pretend they noticed a lot sooner than they actually did.) 
Unfortunately for the toy company, The Occult Summoner Starter Kit (complete with two real, black candles!) was a total flop.
In fact it barely sold at all, stubbornly hanging on to sale racks to the point where you could offer a store owner a dollar and they'd be delighted just to have the shelf space. 
No one really bought them, outside of confused grandmothers and a handful of children who used the candles for arson.
Eddie Munson bought seven.
Initially it had just been three kits, because it was cheap and making a proper set up for D&D boss battle was an art form. 
The rest was something of a joke. Some asshole a year above him decided Eddie ran a cult and made sure the entire school knew, earning Eddie endless amounts of stupid, mocking questions.
In return, he had found it absolutely hilarious to offer Occult Summoner Starter Kits to anyone being a jackass.
You gotta make your own fun, sometimes. 
At least it came in handy now that they were attempting to summon some actual occult bullshit. Eddie had no idea if the sets were going to work, but it was better than the two cans and a fricken string Henderson and Sinclair had presented him with. 
"You use those as a telephone, not to talk to the dead." He'd chastised, which lead to Sinclair sputtering and Henderson going on a rant that included words like "psychic-soundwaves" and "electromagnetic fields."" 
IE way above Eddie's own head, even if he was loath to admit it. 
At least Harrington hadn't bothered to pretend he knew what the kid was on about, looking at Dustin with exasperation so fond it gave Eddie the worst urge to bite something.
Preferably Harrington. 
Which, in retrospect, should have been the first sign something had gone horribly wrong because Eddie's bite reflex only came out this strong for cute shit. 
"Explain to me again what exactly we are trying to contact?" 
"Not a what, who." Henderson corrected, setting up the kits he'd snatched from Eddie's arms. 
Eddie rolled his eyes. "Okay fine. Who exactly are you trying to connect to? And why the hell did we have to do it specifically in King Steve's backyard?"
Shock of shockers that his majesty even let Eddie in the house, let alone Eddie armed with a literal stack of a game that would have sent most of his neighbors fleeing in terror. 
"Would you stop interrupting?" Dustin snapped, looking up from his work with an annoyed frown. "You're just as bad as Steve! Go talk to him so I can concentrate." 
The tone alone would have made Eddie gape, but the sheer audacity of it all threw him so hard he just stood there wide eyed. 
Unsure if it had actually happened, or if he had just hallucinated. 
Hell, maybe this whole thing was one giant weed induced coma dream, and he'd wake up all snug in the trailer. Warm, childless, and not anywhere near Steve Harrington's stupid, perfectly shaped ass. 
(The very same ass that was currently wearing shorts that hugged them so tightly it made Eddie want to scream and pull at his hair. 
Shorts shouldn't fit like that, dammit!) 
"I keep telling him he needs to work on his tone." Harrington said, startling Eddie out of his thoughts and making him blush scarlet. 
A fact he quirky hid by running his hands over his face. 
"No kidding." Eddie muttered. Louder, he asked; "Why is this even happening?"
Steve blinked. 
"This kinda thing isn't exactly your scene, man. In fact, I recall several remarks about how you wouldn't be caught dead playing with," Eddie removed his hands so he could make air quotes, "--fake nerd bullshit."
Steve flinched, looking away while rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. 
"I used to be an asshole, yeah." He said. 
Eddie made a loud, ugly noise. 
"Used to?" He challenged, crossing his arms. 
"Still am sometimes." Steve admitted, a soft, apologetic look on his face. "The kids made me wanna change, though, and after I did I realized that I never really liked who I was." 
He smiled absently at the trio crouched down on the pool deck as he talked, voice startling honest. 
Not that Eddie was about to let it slide. He didn't have any proof that Harrington had changed. 
Not really. 
The fact he'd noticed Steve had stopped hanging out with his douchebag friends his last year, or that Eddie had walked face-first into a pillar upon seeing him working at Scoops before the mall burnt down didn't count. 
Not that Eddie kept an eye out for the guy or anything. 
"Still." He snipped, shaking the thoughts away with a toss of his head. "I wouldn't have guessed you'd let them try to summon a dead guy in your backyard." 
The very idea of it was the kind of absurd that even Eddie couldn't believe. 
Except the look Steve was giving him now wasn't embarrassed or even annoyed.
It was puzzled. 
Surprised, even.
"Oh they didn't tell you?" Steve said, raising an eyebrow. "They're not trying to summon a dead guy."
A pit of dread bloomed in Eddie's stomach, an internal warning that things were about to go sideways, fast. 
"What are they trying to do then?" Eddie asked, the words crawling out of his mouth without his permission.
"They're trying to call El--Mike's girlfriend, in California." Steve said, which was interesting because it confirmed that Mike wasn't lying when he insisted his little girlfriend was a) real and b) did in fact like being called Eleven instead of Jane sometimes. 
"Apparently they rang up a nasty phone bill trying to include her on a party line call last week." Steve waved a hand. " So Occult Summoner kit it is." 
"They woke me up, at eight in the morning, on a Saturday," Eddie began, horrified, "so the three of them could call Mike's long distance girlfriend?" 
"I'm going to kill them." Eddie said faintly. He swayed backwards dramatically, though part of him really did go lightheaded with the knowledge that the freshmen had walked all over him for once instead of their self-proclaimed babysitter. 
Alarmingly, Harrington reached out, as if he was going to catch Eddie like the fucking Disney prince the entire town thought he was. 
Eddie ended the dramatics immediately, before he made a fool of himself by actually falling (or worse, said something stupid the second Steve's arms came around him, the very thought of which made him want to throw up and die.) 
Satisfied Eddie wasn't going to go down like a Victorian maiden, Harrington slowly lowered his arms back to his  sides
"Want a beer?"  He offered, as Eddie silently choked on his own anger. 
"God yes." 
Conceptually, Eddie understood how ended up hungover in Steve's bedroom. 
The kids had taken so long that they'd run through an entire case of beers, which hadn't seemed to phase Harrington one bit, but had, rather unfairly, put Eddie right on his ass.
Since he was unable to drive the kids home, Steve had ended up dropping them off instead, and then picked up pizza on the way back for Eddie to sober up over like the good civilian he was. 
In return, Eddie had offered some of his weed as both an apology and a thank you--and then made the mistake of taking up Steve's offer of smoking it with him. 
"Had a bad trip a while back." The younger man had said, almost shyly. "I don't really get high much anymore, and never by myself.” 
How could Eddie say no to that?
Which of course meant he'd then smoked and ate and ended up getting into Harrington's father's expensive scotch--
("You cannot sit here and tell me there's not a difference between five dollar and one hundred dollar scotch Steve. I don't believe it."
"Dude give me two minutes and I will prove to you they taste exactly the same.") 
--which meant no driving home. 
The bedroom had come into play when Eddie found himself in a discussion on rich people's horrible taste in décor. 
Sure, using Steve's own house as an example wasn't the brightest of ideas, except Steve had simply raised an eyebrow and told him that the bare ass, gray living room they sat in was nothing. 
Led him up to his room, upon which Eddie had become so dizzy staring at all the plaid that he’d laid down dramatically on Steve’s bed and loudly declared he’d died from horrible décor. 
Considering the plaid everything in Steve's own room was currently making Eddie's hangover worse, he thought he'd rather proved his point.
What Eddie didn’t understand is why Steve hadn’t kicked him out of the house already. It wasn’t like they were friends. Hell, he and Steve had barely spoken before today, and even then they’d only had a few stilted conversations that had been the result of Henderson trying to force them to become buddies. 
Okay, Steve ended up being fun to hang out with. Yes he had in fact, changed from the King persona he wore so easily in high school. No Eddie and he had never had any kind of direct confrontation with each other, but it was a damn small town. 
You couldn’t walk three feet without repeatedly running into other people’s business. 
It was still weird. 
The sun beaming into the room declared it was at least past 9 am, and the smell of coffee and breakfast foods wafting up the stairs hinted that Steve had been up before him for at least thirty minutes, minimum. 
Footsteps interrupted his thoughts, and Eddie looked up to watch as Steve, fully dressed, came trotting through the door, a glass of water in hand. 
"Morning.” Steve said with a grin. “You doin’ ok man? Remember everything you did last night?"
"This isn't my first hangover, Harrington."  Eddie scoffed, scooting to the edge of the bed. He gratefully accepted the glass of water Steve gave him, chugging it empty before carefully setting it aside on the nightstand. “A few beers and some weed isn’t enough to give me amnesia.” 
Which of course, wasn’t true at all--his memories were a blurry mess after he landed in Steve’s bed, but he knew they’d had at least one more discussion before dropping off because he definitely recalled Steve laughing about Eddie insisting he sleep on the right side of the bed. 
Not that he was going to admit that to King Steve, whose clearly high level of tolerance probably stemmed from stupid jock genes.
(Or a family history of alcoholism, but Eddie had found out the hard way one tended to get punched for stating that little fact.)
"Good." Steve said with a smirk. 
Then he walked over to the bed, placed a hand on either side of Eddie's hips, bent and kissed him.
It was a good kiss--a great kiss even!-- except Eddie’s entire brain ground to an abrupt halt, bodily functions and ability to kiss back freezing right with it. 
"Whaaa-".Eddie said intelligently once Steve departed, the only thought that came through the cloud of singing angels and buzzing static of confusion. 
Considered, maybe, that the room had actually killed him because Steve? And Eddie?
Harrington moved back, "There. Proof.” He teased, looking up through his eyelashes with a downright sinful grin and oh god, could a man die twice? 
Eddie was certain he was about to find out if Steve kept looking at him like that. 
When Eddie didn’t answer (couldn’t!) Steve added coyly, “I thought you said you remembered everything?"
Except of course, his own lack of reaction had to ruin it because he saw the moment Steve realized Eddie was frozen in place. 
“You lied.” He decided, and the sweet, adorably smug look dropped off his face so fast that Eddie whined aloud. 
Steve removed his hands from the bed, pushing to stand up and put some room between them. He ran his hands through his hair and oh, oh shit, he was starting to panic. 
‘Say something. Say something right the fuck now you idiot-!’ 
“What am I not remembering?” Eddie asked, forcing the words out and not caring that they weren’t clear. He could make them clear in a moment if he had too, he just needed to know what the fuck just happened. “Because I know for a fact we didn’t kiss last night, there is no way in hell I would ever forget that.” 
Steve’s distressed look depend and okay, maybe he should have considered the words and tone better but you had to forgive a guy when his very straight crush decided to up and kiss him out of nowhere. 
Giving up any desire to look cool or casual about this in anyway (because he couldn’t, there was no way he was going to keep his composure through this and he might as well admit that to himself now, before he went and fucked up further) he reached out and made grabby hands at Steve.
“Come over while you explain it please, I need to touch you to make sure you’re real.” 
He got a squinted look in return, as if Steve was assessing to see if he was joking or not. 
Eddie just made the grabby gesture again, arms still outstretched. 
“Last night. We uh--talked. About um, gay stuff.”
Thankfully Steve did come closer as he spoke, though the movement was cautious. 
Eddie couldn’t blame him--this shit got you hate crimed after all--but made sure to grab at Steve anyway, obnoxiously patting him like he might disappear. 
Steve smiled slightly, before taking a breath and speaking. “I asked how you knew you were gay. You explained it to me, and I explained back that I thought I was bisexual.” 
Wow, there is a word Eddie had never thought he’d hear out of Harrington’s mouth. 
Fuck maybe Buckley was rubbing off on him!
“You told me that it sounded like I was but that sometimes you just didn’t know until you kissed someone. I asked if--if I could…” Steve blushed crimson, the red crawling across his cheeks and down his neck and holy shit, Harrington had come out to him.
Which of course just made him furious that he didn’t remember it, but hell, at least he was getting a repeat! 
“Ah, kiss you. To. Figure it out.” Steve plowed on bravely.  Eddie’s hands found their way to his wrists and squeezed them lightly, encouraging. 
“You said you didn’t take advantage of impaired men, even if they were pretty.”
And yeah, that did indeed sound like something he would say. 
“I told you it wasn’t like that but you insisted and said if I still wanted to know, I could kiss you in the morning.” Steve finished. He kept looking at Eddie and then away, like he was hopeful despite his embarrassment. 
Eddie took a chance, sliding his fingers down to the palms of Steve’s hands. Tapped and wiggled until he got what he wanted, which was to lace their fingers together. 
“So did you figure it out?” Eddie asked, and sue him if his voice sounded a bit breathy. This was the kind of shit porn and women's erotica was made out of. 
“Figure out…”
“If you like men.”
“Oh.” Steve paused. Then; “I’m not sure honestly, I kinda panicked when I realized you weren’t reacting.” 
Eddie grinned up at him, the look almost feral. “Want to kiss me again to find out?” 
A relieved sigh blasted out of Steve as Eddie tugged him down, a stupid grin breaking across his face. 
“Yeah.” He agreed. 
Then he once again boxed Eddie in, keeping Eddie’s hands in his as he ducked down and pressed their lips together. 
This time Eddie pressed back hungrily, deepening the kiss and letting the electricity of the moment cascade over him. 
Steve, as it would turn out, ended up needing to kiss Eddie several more times, in order to find out if he in fact liked men, or “if I just like you, Munson.”
Eddie, who had never in his life been happier to be a guinea pig, told him to take his time. 
(“Oh shit the pancakes!” Steve said suddenly, ripping his mouth away from where it had been licking a line down Eddie’s neck. 
“Not hungry.” Eddie responded, hands tangled up under Steve’s shirt, one leg hooked around Steve’s. 
“No I had the stove on, shit--” Steve yelped, trying to get up. Found himself laughing even in his panic as Eddie clung onto him stubbornly, like an octopus. “You can kiss me downstairs Munson, I have to make sure the house doesn’t catch fire!” 
“Fine.” Eddie pouted, releasing Steve and standing up after him. “But I want at least one more makeout session before we have any kind of serious conversation about this whole thing!” 
The grin Steve shot him made his knees weak. “Deal.” He agreed, before taking Eddie’s hand and rushing them both down the stairs.) 
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espefrog8407 · 1 year
Fricken nerd
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For Tera: how many siblings do you have?
For N: favorite song?
For Mod: Saw that one of Tera's siblings is named A K and I felt compelled to say that I have a NUzi fankid named Shuriken, because of the ✨iconic✨ "fricken ninja star". Also cause I thought it sounded like an edgy enough name for Uzi to name her first born son after.
Three. You already know the twins. Other sibling is on a "journey of self discovery." Nerd.
It's still Eternal Dream, I don't think that will ever change
Never gonna get better then BITE ME baby!
(That's a badass name! Nice!)
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diy-fire-water-pups · 2 months
Have. Y'all. Read. Wings of fire? (I am a fricken nerd and I am proud of it)
It ain't for everyone but it is absolutely amazing! Also do not let the 6+ marketing fool ya, It's made full on adults cry tears of joy before.
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I haven't. Have you guys?
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I actually never heard of it before.
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I think I heard something... It's a story with dragons, right...?
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timidxtempted · 3 months
In plant news nobody asked for, but this is my tumblr so you get it anyhow:
My spider plant rescue had its first baby
My jasmine bloomed it's first bloom
My prop box is flourishing
My monstera that started as a single fricken leaf prop needs repotting and a hoop support
My week old carnivorous terrarium plants are all enjoying a li'l snacky snack
Yes, I'm super excited.
Yes, I'm a fucking plant nerd.
No, I won't stop.
You're welcome.
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thecrowperson · 5 months
Kaidou manga panels I like: (pt 76)
Fricken Nerd: feat. Hairo and Saiki
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From: vol 5 ch 42
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catierambles · 7 months
ya know
I think it's wild that I wouldn't be writing the stories I do, my blog wouldn't have the current focus it does, and I wouldn't be talking to the people I do, if it wasn't for the youtube short of Cavill talking about how he ignored the call from Zack Snyder saying he got the role of Superman....because he was playing WoW.
"Did you hear the phone ringing?"
"I did."
"And you chose to ignore it."
I was in a WoW kick (happens every six months or so) and I watched the short and went "fricken nerd" and looked him up
I've never seen the Zack Snyder Superman movies, or MI: Fallout, or Night Hunter, or Sand Castle, or anything he's been in really. I still haven't because the adhd makes sitting down and just watching something kind of impossible.
But I looked him up, found out he played Geralt and loved Witcher 3. He built his own computer, was a PC gamer, played Warhammer and World of Warcraft, would much rather stay in and play video games than go out (same).
Then I found Walter Marshall ("oh"), August Walker ("challenge accepted"), then Syverson ("ohhhhhhh I'm in trouble"), then Mike ("wait, that's him? no fucking way. omg it is")
all because of a youtube short
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crystalsamethyst · 3 months
Dnd while eating spaghetti! Because I am a slow eater and everyone has moved on!
So we start the session at level 8! Fricken finally! It's been years at level 7 with these characters.
We are greeted by..... Hershel. A dude who used to share a body with his brother (like Bruce Banner and The Hulk) but got split up into different bodies on transporting to this world... And now he's a paladin. A nerd paladin. He's really grilling us on where we came from lmao.
Oh?? Is he?? Is he dating Mary?? She pushed him into her house to change??
He.... He changed into a dnd shirt. And cargo shorts. And strange shoes.
Hershel: Haven't you not seen comfies before? When's the last time you wore clothes just to be comfy?
Our trio: Not... Not in a long time.
Us out of game: Woah, meta lmao
Funny thing about this campaign is now we're possibly dealing with demons rather than devils like last time. Will I forget to differentiate again? We will see!
Wizard and Druid have cast detect magic and there is necromancy magic pollen kinds of bits everywhere, coating everything. Yikes. Ew. Achoo.
We've only had 2 dice rolls so far this session and both have been natural 20's fuck yeah! The Bardlock is hesitant to roll now in case they break the streak.
Omg. Hershel has come over to our hut to give us comfy clothing lmao. Pjs! WITH POCKETS!
We made DND minis of us for him out of the magic ink we've got and he nerded out even more. He's really funny.
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hyperfixation-polls · 11 months
Okay so I’m not going to lie, I am a huge theater nerd, and one of my favorite things to do is imagine different sets of characters I like being theater nerds and performing in musicals! (Like Charles Xavier and Erik Leshnerr totally would kill it as Jean Val Jean and Javier! Like they just make sense in a production of Les mis.)
Currently in MXTX’s works I have two musicals that I feel like I fit certain groups, though not all the main characters are performers in the show, some may be audience members, or like the anonymous donor who sends outrageous flowers each night to the lead (*cough cough* hua Cheng).
So for TGCF, i personally feel like one of my favorite musicals, Jesus Christ Superstar just makes sense. Now like me start this with I’m not a particularly religious, I personally just really like the music! It’s so fricken good and it’s a super cool way to tell the whole story, you know?? And I feel like Jesus would most certainly be played by Xie Lian. (Just listen to gethsemane, like I just feel like it’s all a Xie Lian Vibe!) Now with a possibly controversial move, mu qing and Judas. But wait, people say that in the musical there are like gay undertones these two, so shouldn’t he be played by hua Cheng??
No. Judas spends like half the show arguing with Jesus and then betrays him, like hua Cheng couldn’t handle that, even if it’s acting he would just fall apart. No this role has to be Mu Qing. Mu Qing will argue with Xie Lian and calls him out, and did leave him eventually, which to many is a betrayal. So like yeah, those two just have the right energy. Now don’t worry I haven’t forgotten Feng Xin. He is Peter. The one who follows Jesus but when he is condemned to death, denies knowing him three times, and then sings a reprise of I don’t know how to love him (literally a song about not knowing how to love Jesus/Xie Lian). Like it’s just give Feng Xin. Now i feel like Shi Qingxuan would make a great mary Magdalene! Kind hearted and a good friend to Xie Lian, I vibe with this (if Hua Cheng was not the mysterious donor guy but was in the production, this is just about the only role I could see him playing! Let me know if you agree in the comments!)
Now Lang Qing Qui is totally pilot, ends up killing jesus/xie lian, but doesn’t want to, and is like I’ll be haunted by this forever.. I don’t think I need to say anything else. Now pei Ming is totally one of the other main high priest with Shi Wudu! (Don’t worry I’m not forgetting ling wen. Let’s all be honest, she isn’t an actor, she is totally the assistant director or stage manager, over worked, under paid, under appreciated, and yet completely irreplaceable. ) Now of course Qi Rong has to be here, and of course he would play King Herod, who sings a full flashy song making fun of Jesus/Xie Lian. And Jun Wu is the director who pushes Xie Lian and seems to be just a little too interested in Xie Lian.
Now my other musical idea is the lightening thief musical and mdzs! Wei wuxian would be Percy (if you don’t get why listen to good kid) wen Ning would be Grover (kind hearted and soft yet the protecter of percy/wwx, it’s perfect) and Wen Qing would be Annabeth (sassy, super smart, and sarcastic. It just fits!) Yanli would be Percy’s mom, Nie mingjue would be ares, Jiang Cheng is totally playing Luke ( you can’t argue you know I’m right), and Lan Xichen is the main director and Lan Wanji is the music director/Assistant director! Sorry that’s all I have on this one so far!
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wyyvernn · 2 years
Younger!pre-chamberlain Artie was probably cocky about his knowledge and was a fricken nerd about it
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shootingxstardust · 6 months
Jurassic Dead (2017) Review
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Jurassic Dead
So this movie was one that I bought on a whim. I was at a used CD and DVD place with my dad, and bought this while on vacation. I spent $4.00 and I regret nothing.
A couple nights ago, I watched this movie with @shxxtteredfantasy. This movie.. It was entertaining to say the least. And yes as the polls said, I am going full spoilers with this review because I am pretty sure none of you will watch this.
So the film begins with this professor dude. He's getting this secret green formula that brings dead thing back to life. The guy who gives him said formula is threatening to kill him. The professor guy injects a dinosaur and the dinosaur kills everyone at the scene, but the professor guy.
Skip to one year later, the professor guy is teaching his class about reanimation, and injects a dead cat, with the green formula. This scene bothered me because he said "You need a lot for it to work" HE USED LESS WHEN BRINGING BACK A FRICKEN DINOSAUR... Also where's the dinosaur during this?? Who knows... Well because of this professor being Frankenstein levels of insane, he gets fired, vows to get his revenge, and then gets hit by a truck...
Some time later we meet two groups of characters
the Black ops in which we have Duque (who looks like Duke Nukem... and yes they reference this), Stick, the only person of color in the film and one of the few who survive, some asshole guy with a bandana, and a badass token lady character who... I don't think had one line of dialogue.. At least none that I can remember... oh and one guy that dies in the very begining
The second group we have a stereotypical blonde.. (like so stereotypically stupid I'm surprised she didn't need to be reminded to breathe, by the characters.), a stereotypical jock...( who has a gun for some reason... and brings up the 2nd amendment for some reason when he's asked why he as one...), a nerdy girl playing Game Boy, and a nerdy guy doing weed.
After a meteor causes all the electricity in the area to stop. (phones, cars, gameboy, etc) the gang of high schoolers find themselves in a weird science facility. The same facility that the black ops people are investigating. The facility soon fills with green smoke, one of the black ops guys who had separated from his crew, breathes in the smoke and becomes zombie.
The high schoolers and the Black ops team soon run into each other, and the douche in the bandana (whom a couple scenes ago pointed a gun at them while they were driving, confiscated the nerd girl's and guy's weed.
A TV then comes on. It turns out the professor guy who got hit with a truck is not dead. He is wearing a cloak because he is evil, and a gas mask.. and he sounds like grocery store Darth Vader. He then announces his very evil plan to turn off all the electricity in every major city, and then turn everyone into Zombies. He then of course, announces that no one in the facility is going to survive and releases his dinosaur to kill him.
Duque walks right over to the dinosaur and decks him in the face. The dinosaur is then presumed dead and they walk away. However, of course, the dinosaur is not dead! Now it wants revenge on Duque and the crew!
The groups have now split up for some reason.. It's the jock guy with the bandana guy. The Bandana guy gives the jock some beanie weenies, and then starts smoking weed and talking about chemtrails and other conspiracy theories, but their time of smoking weed and enjoying beanie weenies is cut short as the dinosaur grabs the jock guy. Instead of doing anything to help, Bandana guy books it,
Bandana guy regroups with the rest of the crew. However, the Jock guy is dead, but not completely. he is now a zombie. He arrives at the scene and says to the blonde (his girlfriend) "I love you." The blonde then runs over to hug him, despite him being a zombie. Duque however is on the scene and shoots him before he can bite/ kill her, but not before getting bit himself. The blonde is hysterical, crying about her boyfriend being murdered, despite him being a zombie, and while Stick is trying to convince her that she needs to get going.. The Blonde stupidly does not leave, and then gets eaten by the dinosaur that has shown up yet again.
The crew have two missions now, to stop the villain's evil plot, and get out alive, but.. when ya gotta go, ya gotta go. The nerd girl went quickly, not wanting to take her time while there's zombies on the loose, however, the nerd boy criticizes her on her bathroom hygiene. He then goes to the bathroom, presumably number 2, because he's taking forever... However, Duque isn't doing so hot... While in the stall, he becomes a zombie..
The bandana guy is also using the bathroom, and says that he's suffering from a case of the bubble guys. He then does some more weed... As he's doing his business, Zombie Duque opens the stall and starts strangling bandana man. The nerd guy during all of this... just stays in the stall, instead of doing the logical thing of leaving. Bandana man tries to get his gun out, but accidentally shoots the nerd guy right in the head.
Okay okay what next
Assassin lady kills the now zombie bandana man, the nerd girl somehow knows code and hacks into the system, but the system has a safeguard and now the facility is about to blow up.
The professor realizes he has to leave, but then the dinosaur shows up and eats him.
The remaining crew find a military vehicle equipped with a turret, they kill Zombie Duque and the dinosaur with it. They then escape the facility by somehow crashing the military vehicle through the wall and escaping, but it's too late, the villain won, and all the characters are zombies... but sentient... and they adopted the dinosaurs head as their pet.. They then drive off into the desert sunset.... The end..
This movie was a nonsensical mess, but... I love these type of movies. I was never bored. All in all I give it 6.5/10
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pansy-buttercups · 6 months
🌱General Information 🌱
Basic Introduction🌿
Heya I'm Markus, I also go by Moss. I'm huge plant nerd and violently obsessed with collective wildflower feildguides. I am by no meana a professional horticulturist or botanist (though I desperately want to be), Studying plants and growing them however is a major passion of mine!
I'm hoping that by posting on this blog, I can motivate myself to learn even more about plants and actually jot down some information for other people. I belive we all need to become way more aware of the hugely important role that flora play in out world and what plants are actually helpful and which ones are damaging (I'm looking at you invasive plants/monoculture forest/ect.)
Oh, also, the last thing to know about me is I desperately hope all oil, gas, and car company CEOs fricken 💥💥💥 Ahhhh cough on smoke.... yeah.....
What this blog is about☘️
I plan to mostly use this blog to help share gardening tips, information on native plants, general ecology posts, horticulture/Agricultural/permaculture all the plant growing cultures and stuff, sustainability, and conservation Just generally, anything to do with plants and our precious earth's ecosystem, I suppose. However, as I live on the West Coast of B.C I want to focus a lot on my local native flora and ecosystem!
That's probably going to be a big point of the blog so if you too are a B.C West Coast Flora Fanatic rejoice!!
More Information under the Break🌱
Scheduling plan (That I will hopefully follow)🌧
Floriography Friday🌸Fridays
The history of flowers and their meanings are always a little bit tricky and varied depending on place to place. That's the beauty of it, though that one flower can mean a thousand different things depending on where you are, the color, what other flowers accompany it, even where it worn! Plants have always been important symbols in our art and culture.
(Possibly) Your homes Native Plants Apprication Day🌿Thursdays
Send in submissions of a plant native to where you live that you think needs some more love or that you just really this is neat! Of course if there are no submission a random place will be picked for Native Flora Apprication Thursday!
West Coast Native Flora Wednesday🌱Wednesday
Cause we can all appreciate our native flora a little bit more, and maybe next time you're out you may even spot one yourself! Every Wednesday there will be a post detailing a random native plant of our wonderful West Coast <33
Gardening Tuesday🍅 Tuesday
Whether you're growing tomatoes or tulips, everyone can sometimes use some advice on what to do with their garden plants. From companion plants to what's the best P.H. for your crops, Tuesday is the day to look out for! On this day, there will mostly be some gardening tips posted, and also, alongside submissions, I will be open to send in any exciting gardening news or updates you've may have. Send in pictures of your biggest strawberries or your seedlings you've been waiting weeks to pop up. It's all welcome here :).
Alongside these, there should be regular updates on what seeds to sow at any given time, frost dates, conservation/sustainability projects you can support, community garden information and updates, and of course random sciencey plant facts and shitposts <33
Oh yeah also fuck of if your any of the below💥
-Bigot ( Racist/Sexist/Homophobic/Transphobic/Ableist/Zionist, General asshole) , Captalist suck up, Cop kiss ass, Mega Corpration lover, Government Stan.
Please do intract though if any of the below apply to you☘️
- Love nature, have a garden, have a passion for flora, belive in hope for future, hate big companies/governements for ruining our planet, love native plants, support your local communities , love hopepunk. are a bee, have a xylem and a phloem <33
Tags Masterlist
[To Be filled in Later]
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kop-mischief · 1 year
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The Spider-Verse animated films are so fricken gorgeous it reminds my cold dead heart that media is still capable of making me feel pure fucking joy. I mean the visuals are an artistic and technological feat on their own. Then add writing with the balance of heart, humor, pain along with a soundtrack lining up with shots that completely emerse and wrap the film around your entire being. Even the most ridiculous of characters (looking at you Peter Porker) are are given the respectful amount of depth for their role in the film. I'll never say a movie is "perfect" but shit... Into the Spider-Verse was the closest to perfection I thought you could possibly get. Then Across the Spider-Verse 1 up'd it.
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I love how nerd culture has reached to point where it's given the financial resources like never before but unfortunately we've also seen it broken down into megacorp studio formulated soulless cash grabs. I just want to feel man. Look what Disney did to Star Wars. Lucas may have made it...not great but Disney made it boring. Which might be worse. BORING! (cept you Andor. You keep doing you).
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It was my birthday and I picked seeing Across the Spider-Verse as the birthday meet up. A few weren't thrilled with my pick but they tagged along to hang. One of those peeps told me after the movie - "I didn't know half these characters since I only ever seen 1 Spider-Man movie years go cuz I'm not a nerd like you guys (Just a different kinda of nerd who's gears more towards Star Trek lol) but that was a fantastic fucking movie." Not seeing the previous Into the Spider-Verse she really appreciated that this one made the Spider-Man mythos easily translatable for those who are unfamiliar. It's a testament to everyone who made these movies possible to how much love and thought went into these.
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I switched majors to animation in 2005 focusing on experimental 3D. Much if what I tried to do was bringing my 2D illustrations and incorporating them in a stylized fashion. Shortly after and doing a small stint in post production I watched the craft partially devolve into low risk cookie cutter digital noise as 3D got cheaper and easier to utilize. (Video games fortunately still inspired me) Considering my job and my team relied on digital VFX its kinda bad when digital artists are wishing for the return of more practical effects. Hit us especially hard after Mad Max Fury Road came out.
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So yeah. Not kidding when I say I nearly cried in the theater with both movies. I'm almost wanting to open AE and play around with animation again. Pixar can pump out beauty and pluck heart strings like no one else but the Spider-Verses are like walking through a museum of different art installations depicting eras across media history, culture and artists. This is the potential for 3D I've been dreaming of since 2005.
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