fireflieshq · 1 year
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MISSION BRIEF … ❮ division four leaves for the rendezvous point in muju county, north jeolla province. ❯
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QUARANTINE ZONE, BUSAN division four to gather at the town hall under the leadership of [SIREN SONG]. members of the division will be formally introduced and assigned to their respective roles. division to be briefed on their designated route and prepare inventory. accounting for road closures and the potential for chance encounters with the infected or antagonistic survivors, journey from busan to muju county is estimated to take four days by vehicle. division four to liaise with reinforcements sent by gwangju qz before initiating the next phase of the mission. 0600hrs, august 19, 2023
OPENING EVENT happy opening, everyone! this mini-event explores div4’s first steps out of busan qz and serves as a prompt to build your muse and their dynamics with the division!
in-character, div4 departed from busan qz on august 19 and will be traveling via vehicles until the next plot drop. out-of-character, this event will be permanently open for all div4 members to participate in at any point after joining.
some prompts to consider: how did your muse decide to join div4? how prepared are they for their assigned role? have they left the qz before? what’s their relationship like with the team members, if they’ve been acquainted at all?
while this is not a compulsory event, please note that this plot drop is canon and will affect all div4 muses in-character!
please tag all posts related to this event with frf:day0.
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sangvislunae · 1 year
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how was one supposed to broach the subject of potential impending death? neither sunhwa or wontaek were the type for superfluous words or cliches, as niceties didn't help you survive or watch your six. the two understood exactly what the mission for division four could mean and had no illusions that this trip would be easy. both knew what they had to do despite this. both were spurred by similar morals and hopes, something that had drawn them together all those years ago. it felt like a lifetime ago when they had first met, when sunhwa believed the kdr could do something good in the world. what a fool she had been.
she had been a fool about many things. creating connections and allowing people in had been one of those things. it didn't take her long to learn that was a mistake. missing, dead-- did it matter? if they disappeared it was safe to assume they were dead and it was something she came to terms with after wontaek had suddenly disappeared with no notice or note left behind. she knew he was savvy and strong enough to survive but better men than either of them had been taken by surprise by an infected or betrayed by humans. could he be alive? yes but the chances of her ever seeing him again even if he was was slim to none.
imagine her shock when a familiar face was introduced as the leader of division four. her first instinct, a residual instinct left from another time, was to pull him into a hug and refuse to let go despite his protest and upset. her second, and stronger, instinct was to smack him so hard he forgot his family name but she supposed that would be bad for moral. making a mental inventory of both thoughts she decided she'd catch up with him later that night, still unsure what foot she'd lead with once she saw him.
deciding you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar, sunhwa walked to his quarters with a bottle of whiskey in hand. an olive branch of sorts that she hoped would say the things she refused to say aloud. she was no longer the bleeding heart she was when he departed and though she was glad he was alive and well, saying too much would be dangerous and she wasn't willing to get that close to the flame again.
"knock knock." she announced herself, holding up the bottle with a rueful smile. "got any spare time for an old friend?"
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dvnbis · 1 year
for a few days before leaving, danbi's mind wandered to every possible scenario as to what might happen to her and the others. joining division four wasn't a true-to-gut decision, but the longer she waited to make her mind up, the more anxious she became. after receiving her role she quickly tried her best to get as organized as possible for the coming mission. she didn't feel that being a scavenger would turn out to be too difficult in the grand scheme of things, she was more or less thankful for it.
this would be the longest and furthest she'd been from the qz since joining the fireflies. that nervous feeling was ebbing and flowing, causing her heart to race. danbi glanced around at the others and wondered if they felt the same.
"can't wait, huh?" her voice came out more hushed than she would've liked as she turned her head to one of the women in the group. she was never very great at initiating conversations with strangers and it didn't help that she hadn't remembered everyone's names, but it was worth the shot. she would at least try to reach out even if it ended up a dead end. "ah, sorry. i'm starting to feel uneasy about it all. it's reminding me of my first day in a new class or something. i'm danbi and you're," she paused and smiled at her before continuing with an anxious laugh. "i apologize. remembering names isn't my strongest trait in the beginning." so much for first impressions.
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alterimaige · 1 year
POINT BLANK @4thsabbath
protractors, dotted lines, and a compass rose—they're back to the basics here. sprawled out on the table is a map of the southern bit of the peninsula, blown up for ease of view. circled in red is ground base. starting here, you follow the penciled in path from zero, it trails up north before it snakes to the east. X marks the spot, dead center of the landmass: muju. duration? a mere three minutes if you're microdosing travel through cartography; hours if you're thinking to make the trip in real time. throw in the post-apoc factor, and suddenly you're looking at days to get from point A to Z.
wren's eyes trail the line north-south to south-north, fingers tapping out a lazy 3/4 as she contemplates the journey ahead of them. if there's anything her past life has taught her, a map tells you only as much as you want it to—beyond the legend and symbols, the marked elevation points. which is to say: yeah, why wouldn't they annotate the shit out of this?
her gaze flits up from the table to wontaek. "you think that's all there is to it?" the question isn't accusatory in the least, words laced with pure, genuine curiosity. after all, her job here is to only take the wheel and steer.
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sangvislunae · 1 year
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unfocused eyes watched the trail of smoke coming from the end of a cigarette as they leaned against the side of the building. it was a nasty habit, she knew that, but it was cheaper to barter for than alcohol and didn't take away her clarity like other drugs that floated around the qz did. steady fingers brought the slim cigarette to her lips robotically, more muscle memory than her being an active participant. her mind was elsewhere-- on the trip division 4 was going to be taking--curious who else had volunteered and wondering if they could actually succeed in their goal.
reclaiming a qz from infected was no small task, even for the kdr who seemed more equipped and were able to operate out in the open. for a ragtag group of survivors with questionable skills and motives it might just be impossible. regardless, sunhwa was honor bound to try her best. between drags of her cigarette, she chewed at her lip, new thoughts flooding into her mind before she had the chance to properly digest the first.
the sound of gravel crunching under feet brought her from her daze and her head slowly lolled to the side to see who was approaching. she was fairly certain wontaek didn't know where she was and would probably be far too busy wrangling cats to try and find her. a hand was brought towards her eyes to shield them from the sun so she could see who had found her hiding spot. a smirk tugged at the corner of her lips as their identity was revealed.
"fancy seeing you here. just can't stay away, hm?" her tone was playful as she drug the tip of her cigarette across the concrete next to her, extinguishing it, her other hand desperately wafting at the air to try and clear the smoke. "who gave my location away? I thought I was hidden away from all the kids."
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sangvislunae · 1 year
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this mission was turning out to be filled with all sorts of surprises, unfortunately none of them were any sunhwa could've planned for. in fact at this moment she was praying for an infected as it would be easier than dealing with some of the old connections that seemed to be popping up left and right within the fireflies. it made some sense, though, that her old acquaintances would find their way to an organization like the fireflies. the younger, bright eyed version of herself was a fixer and had a stringent code of ethics and wouldn't have been too keen on associating with people who found what the kdr did as tolerable or acceptable. wontaek and byungho becoming members of the fireflies made all the sense in the world when she really stopped to think about it. one face, however, stuck out like a sore thumb among the more altruistic and selfless members of division four.
kang hanna.
a shock, indeed. the last time the two had been face to face it had been full of insults and turbulence. unkind words had been levied by both parties as ashamed as sunhwa was to admit it. she usually prided herself in being calm and rational but something about the younger woman got under her skin and continued poking and poking. she had tried her best to be motherly and provide guidance, something that was rejected with extreme prejudice. it had been a slap to the face that the more she tried to be someone that hanna needed the more she seemed to hate her.
"what are you doing here, hanna?" her tone was caustic, something she hadn't realized she picked up from her mother until this very moment. she disliked the similarity and straightened her shoulders as she tried again. "this is dangerous. it isn't a joke." so many words were unsaid. 'you're going to get someone killed with your selfishness' or 'you don't work well with others' being the main thoughts that raced through her mind.
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