fireflieshq · 1 year
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MISSION BRIEF … ❮ three new members join division four. the division travel to sancheong bus terminal to repair an abandoned bus. ❯
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ABANDONED METRO TUNNEL UNDERNEATH DAEHA  division four has taken a vote, allowing the three survivors to join the division. the division continues by foot towards the vehicle seen by [BLACK SWAN] nearby sancheong bus terminal, in order to repair it and make up for the time that was lost while travelling underground. in preparation with the [SCAVENGERS], they also collect the needed parts for repair. the estimated journey length to sancheong bus terminal is one day.  0845 hrs, august 26, 2023
CHAPTER 1b  happy acceptance to our new characters! now that they’ve joined div4, the division is hoping to repair an abandoned bus, so they can meet up with gwangju qz’s division 2 in muju county.
in-character, div4 are travelling underground to reach the abandoned sancheong bus terminal. out-of-character, this is our introductory event for chpt1 skeletons, so all members may participate and start threads about this at any time.
some prompts to consider: how does your muse feel about the addition of these new characters? for the muses who have just joined, how do they feel about the mission? for muses who were voting, why did they do so and how is this reflected in their interactions with the new additions? 
it’s not compulsory for muns to participate in this ooc, but this is also a canon event that will affect all div4 muses ic-wise! to note from this point on, div4 will include the three characters.
please tag all posts related to this event with frf:day7.
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fireflieshq · 1 year
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MISSION BRIEF … ❮ the road ahead is blocked off and the only alternate route is infested with the infected. left with no choice, division four journeys into the abandoned subway on foot. ❯
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JINJU, ABANDONED METRO STATION  the designated path has been blocked off in the aftermath of a multiple-vehicle collision from years prior. an alternate path appears promising until the [SCOUTS] report that the path is infested with hundreds of infected. [ATLAS OBSCURA] has identified that the division may be able to take an alternative path through the underground subway lines that were abandoned after the outbreak. division four is to abandon their vehicles and proceed with the mission through the jinju metro, which holds the lowest known risk. with the persistent threat of chance encounters with the infected and antagonistic survivors, the little known of the current condition of the subway lines, and the limitations of traveling on foot, the new estimated journey length to muju county is fourteen days. given the extended journey length and having to leave behind a significant fraction of their resources, food availability is now at risk. where possible, [SCAVENGERS] are additionally tasked to exit to the surface in an effort to replenish food supplies throughout the journey. 1726 hrs, august 21, 2023
CHAPTER 1 and we’re kicking off the first canon event for the directory! unfortunate events have led div4 to abandon their vehicles and travel through the underground subway tunnels by foot to reach muju county instead. of course, this also means reevaluating their time of arrival, what inventory they’re able to carry, and charting out the unknown path of the subway tunnels.
in-character, div4 will remain underground from august 21 until the next plot drop. out-of-character, members may start threads about this event from september 2 to october 7. there will also be an optional task dropping midway through this chapter, so keep an eye out for it!
some prompts to consider: how does your muse feel about traveling underground? were they for or against this decision? what have they chosen to keep versus offload? 
it’s not compulsory for muns to participate in this ooc, but this is a canon event that will affect all div4 muses ic-wise! to note from this point on, div4 will have a smaller inventory (e.g., rations, weapons) and are traveling by foot.
please tag all posts related to this event with frf:day2.
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fireflieshq · 1 year
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MISSION BRIEF … ❮ division four leaves for the rendezvous point in muju county, north jeolla province. ❯
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QUARANTINE ZONE, BUSAN division four to gather at the town hall under the leadership of [SIREN SONG]. members of the division will be formally introduced and assigned to their respective roles. division to be briefed on their designated route and prepare inventory. accounting for road closures and the potential for chance encounters with the infected or antagonistic survivors, journey from busan to muju county is estimated to take four days by vehicle. division four to liaise with reinforcements sent by gwangju qz before initiating the next phase of the mission. 0600hrs, august 19, 2023
OPENING EVENT happy opening, everyone! this mini-event explores div4’s first steps out of busan qz and serves as a prompt to build your muse and their dynamics with the division!
in-character, div4 departed from busan qz on august 19 and will be traveling via vehicles until the next plot drop. out-of-character, this event will be permanently open for all div4 members to participate in at any point after joining.
some prompts to consider: how did your muse decide to join div4? how prepared are they for their assigned role? have they left the qz before? what’s their relationship like with the team members, if they’ve been acquainted at all?
while this is not a compulsory event, please note that this plot drop is canon and will affect all div4 muses in-character!
please tag all posts related to this event with frf:day0.
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fireflieshq · 1 year
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MISSION BRIEF … ❮ division four sets up camp at sancheong bus terminal to repair an abandoned bus. ❯
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SANCHEONG BUS TERMINAL  outside the tunnels, the sky is pouring and the ground is thick with viscid mud. division four to set up camp at sancheong bus terminal as [BLACK SWAN] and the [SCAVENGERS] collaborate to find the required parts needed to repair the abandoned bus. [SCOUTS] to find workable paths out of sancheong that can accommodate the large vehicle and to be on alert for risk of floods. with the weather affecting visibility, [COMBATANTS] should also be on higher alert for potential attacks by the infected or other hostile groups. the comms systems are drenched in rainwater from the journey to the bus terminal. [SIREN SONG] receives garbled intelligence that the reinforcements from gwangju qz, known as division six, have arrived at the rendezvous point in muju county shortly before comms go down.  1955 hrs, august 27, 2023
CHAPTER 2  and the second chapter begins – div4 has made it out of the tunnels to salvage an abandoned bus in the hopes of making up for lost time. however, bad weather resulting in broken communications have made it nearly impossible for them to contact their fellow firefly division from gwangju qz. with the progress of the mission now seemingly at stake and the rain water getting into everything, the division’s journey ahead looks more out of reach than ever.
in-character, div4 have set up camp at sancheong bus terminal and will be in this area until the next plot drop. out-of-character, members may start threads about this event from october 8 to november 11. there will be another optional task that will be dropped midway through this chapter, so keep an eye out for it!
some prompts to consider: how is your muse holding up against the weather and the many complications? what do they think of the missing communications from div6? has any of these setbacks affected your muse’s morale and dynamics with the rest of the division?
it’s not compulsory for muns to participate in this ooc, but this is a canon event that will affect all div4 muses ic-wise! from this point on, div4 has lost contact with gwangju qz’s division six.
please tag all posts related to this event with frf:day8.
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