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alwaysandforevergifs · 1 year ago
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I may be willing to accept your identity, Freya. It doesn't mean I trust you. Then I will look forward to earning that trust.
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originalscaps · 2 years ago
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ywhiterain · 2 years ago
When Elijah is telling Freya about compelling the trinity, he gives off this child caught with hand in the cookie jar energy.
It wasn’t the kindest thing he’d ever done.
Sending two innocents and a Tristan to run and hide from an child abuser with intent to slaughter. Maybe a tiny understatement.
I love this terrible family.
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aeruthien · 4 years ago
Freylijah drabble, set after s4e11. Elijah seeks out Freya after she has resurrected him because he needs her council on an experience they now share... ---
The compound is dark and quiet, reflecting the mood of its inhabitants. The Hollow's body lies dead, killed by a knife strengthened by Hayley's blood, but the atmosphere is far from victorious. The last few weeks have taken their toll on all of them, even though their final gambit has seemingly paid off.
Elijah finds his older sister on the couch in sitting room, their mother's Grimoire lying open in front of her. Freya does not seem to be paying it much attention as she stares into the darkness outside.
Elijah warns her by knocking his knuckles on the wood of the door. Wordlessly, he sinks down next to her and laces his fingers through hers. With a sigh, she leans her head against his shoulder as he presses a soft kiss on her hair.
They sit there for a moment, silently drawing strength from each other's presence. Elijah has yet to thank Freya for saving his life. While Hayley had drawn him out of his broken state of mind, it had been Freya who had managed to put him inside the pendant in the first place.
He is immensely grateful for her presence and the love she has shown them. For the first time since he can remember, he can rely on an older sibling, instead of carrying the burden alone.
Which is also why he has sought her out now.
"Freya," he starts, "may I ask you a personal question?"
She pulls away from him with a slight frown.
"Of course," she says kindly.
"You once told me that you would rather kill yourself, than have your baby be bound to Dahlia. And that after you did, you realised that you could not die."
Freya tenses, obviously not having expected this train of thought. She nods, and squeezes his hand, giving silent permission for him to continue. Her thumb is rubbing soft circles in his palm. Elijah hesitates, afraid to continue but unable to stop.
"How did it feel," he finally asks quietly, "when you still thought the poison would take your life?"
For a moment, Freya does not respond. Then she smiles a bitter smile, remembering the day Dahlia took everything from her.
"I was relieved."
She swallows, but continues. "The poison was painless, so it was like falling into a deep sleep. And I knew, that when I did, I would be free."
She looks up at him, her old determination reflected in her eyes.
"I was ready to die. I was ready for it all to- " she takes a shuddering breath "- to be over."
She chuckles bitterly. "Of course, then I woke up."
Elijah presses his forehead against hers, unable to find any words. Tears well up in his eyes and his throat tightens. He feels drained, an exhaustion which digs deeper than any physical layer, laced through every part of his soul.
"You're not weak for wanting peace, Elijah," Freya whispers, and he takes a deep, shaking breath, bordering on a sob.
For a moment, just before he died but not died, when the pain of the wolf venom had faded away, when the sounds had become muffled, just before he was dragged under into his worst memories, he had felt a burden lift. His mind, battered by the torture, had accepted the inevitable and had stopped fighting.
He had caught a glimpse of what it was like to let go. What it was like to be free of Always and Forever, and the heartache and pain that came with it.
"We're here for you, Brother," Freya says, her voice sounding far away. "We'll get through this."
And they would. They had no choice. They were the definition of cursed, and there would be no freedom from each other, for better or worse.
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evanescentdawn · 4 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Originals (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Elijah Mikaelson & Freya Mikaelson Characters: Freya Mikaelson, Elijah Mikaelson Additional Tags: Angst, Season/Series 04, Everything Hurts, Grief/Mourning Series: Part 1 of freylijah Summary:
Freya takes a moment to mourn for her brother.
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eternityunicorn · 5 years ago
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🔥😳Elinity feat. Klaus & Freya Mikaelson😳🔥
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suitsofarmor · 6 years ago
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mikaelsonsource · 7 years ago
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I suppose some things are worth the wait.
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icebluecyanide · 7 years ago
In the light of this quote: “it’s because if you intertwine fingers my mom always said that’s cause you wanna bang”, shout out to freylijah for their habit of intertwining their fingers as freya channels elijah 
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originalscaps · 3 years ago
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frucienlover · 7 years ago
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Queen Freya Mikaelson, everybody :)
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noblcedits · 4 years ago
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FAVORITE TVDVERSE CHARACTER APPRECIATION WEEK day four. favorite friendship. elijah & freya
freya, something you must understand about this family: under threat, we take action, for better or worse. whatever it takes to protect our own.
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aeruthien · 4 years ago
if you're still accepting these, freylijah + 20 things you said that i wasn’t meant to hear?
20 things you said that i wasn’t meant to hear?
Here you go anon! Thank you for sending this in <3 I hope you like it!
"You truly think that she will join you? Ridiculous."
Freya freezes at Elijah's voice, and halts just before turning the corner to the side parlour. She had been looking for him, but did not expect him to be talking to Finn. Despite her hope for reconciliation between her brothers, they still regarded each other with hostility.
Elijah continues.
"Freya has made her wish to be part of this family quite clear."
A glass clinks, and Freya can imagine the scene. Elijah with his back turned towards Finn, pouring himself a drink, Finn eyeing him like a hawk. She swallows. She should walk in and announce her presence, or leave and let her brothers continue the conversation.
"Well, you may have tricked her in believing you care," Finn retorts, "but we both know the truth, Brother. How long before she realizes that you only keep her here because she is useful?"
Freya stills. After their initial disagreements, she had believed that Elijah, Rebekah and even Klaus considered her part of the family. But doubt slithers into her mind, and she presses herself against the wall, unable to tear herself away.
"It must be so nice," Finn continues, "having a witch in the family, ready to answer at your beck and call. But tell me, if she ever ceased to be of use, would you still want her? Or do you have a lovely coffin hidden for her in your basement?"
Finn huffs in disdain.
"Your love has only ever been conditional."
Freya holds her breath, wearily waiting for Elijah's answer.
"Freya is here to stay," he snaps. "Her magical capabilities have no bearing on that whatsoever."
Freya sighs in relief, and a smile tugs on her lips. She is ready to announce herself then, but Elijah continues. His tone has taken on a dangerous edge.
"But let's not pretend here that we are the ones who denounced our family. As long as I can recall, you have never treated us with anything but disdain, even when we were human." A pause.
"We just returned the favour."
Something slams on the table, and Freya flinches. For a second, she is back in Dahlia's hut, freezing at every sound which could indicate her aunt's return.
"You did not know what it was like!" Finn snaps, bringing her back to the present. "I saw it, Elijah. I saw Dahlia take her. And Mother forced me to keep quiet.
And all that was left was-"
Elijah finishes the sentence for him. "How dreadful. Left with an annoying little brother you were supposed to take care of."
His tone is calm, nearly emotionless, but Freya has known him now for long enough to hear the hurt. He had spoken in a similar tone about Klaus, right after Gia died, and about their Mother and her torture. She can imagine the small curl on his lips, his cold eyes.
"Maybe," Elijah says icily, "it would have better if you were taken instead of her. At least then you would have been rid of us forever."
There is a split second of silence, and then a crash echoes through the house.
Shocked, Freya spins around the corner. Finn has Elijah pinned to the wall with one hand, but Elijah isn't defending himself. Instead, he looks at Finn with cold satisfaction.
"Both of you, stop!" Freya yells.
Finn pulls his hand away as if burned, and Elijah's head snaps to her, a flash of guilt on his face.
"Sister..." Finn starts, but Freya interrupts him.
"I've heard enough."
She turns towards Elijah, anger surging through her.
"What I went through with Dahlia?" she says, "I would not wish that on my worst enemy. And especially not my brother."
Elijah looks down.
"And you," she says, turning back towards Finn, "you have no right to speak for me. The love I have shown them, they have returned a tenfold."
Finn grits his teeth, but does not reply.
Freya swallows, anger deflating.
"I realize that there is much history between you. But if you can not be friends... Could you at least not antagonize each other?"
Finn and Elijah glance at each other. Then Finn sighs and steps towards her. He cups her head in his hands and presses a kiss against her forehead.
"For you, Sister," he says, before walking away. Elijah trails Finn with his eyes, and only relaxes when he is sure he is gone.
Some warmth returns to his smile as he regards her.
"I'm sorry," he says softly. "You weren't meant to hear that."
Freya smiles back, slightly embarrassed at her outburst.  
"There's no privacy in this house," she says apologetically.
Elijah sighs.
"Freya..." he starts, but Freya interrupts him.
"I know," she says, suddenly exhausted. If they made it out of this mess alive, she would have to make a choice. Finn and her other siblings would never reconcile. That was the hard truth.
"Let's think about that later, alright?" she says quietly.
Elijah nods and presses a kiss against her cheek. Briefly, she rests her head against his, before stepping back and squaring her shoulders.
"So what are we going to do with this white oak business?"  
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aurorarebeka · 7 years ago
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originalsdaily · 8 years ago
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Always & Forever, Until Forever Ends (x)
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niklausroyals · 8 years ago
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