#frey 💙
claudiaeparvier · 7 months
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Forspoken + Tanta Prav’s magic
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quentinfiletmignon · 8 months
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frootyrooties · 1 year
my beautiful brain came up with the most brilliant idea! 🤩
imagine a supergroup with mine, Lexie’s, Char’s and Sanna’s men 🎸🎹🥁⭐️🌟💫
@fancycolours @glennsdick @burn-on-the-flame
the lineup:
Eric Stewart - lead guitar
Glenn Frey - lead/rhythm guitar
Robert Lamm - keyboards/keytar/moog
Mick Tucker - drums/percussion
and EVERYONE would partake in vocals as this would be a very “democratic” band - a free for all if you will, no one gets left behind - plus our men can all sing like birds ☺️
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bea-lele-carmen · 2 years
I lost ten points just for being in the right place
At exactly the wrong time
I looked right at the facts there, but I may as well have
Been completely blind
So, if you see me walking all alone
Don't look back, I'm just on my way back home
There's a train leaves here this morning, and
I don't know, what I might be on
She signed me to a contract, baby said it would
All be so life long
I looked around then for a reason
When there wasn't something more to blame it on
But, if time makes a difference while we're gone
Tell me now, and I won't be hanging on
There's a train leaves here this morning
And I don't know, what I might be on
Ooo, ooo, ooo. . Etc. ..
Thirteen-twenty North Columbus was the address
That I wrote down on my sleeve
I don't know just what she wanted
Might have been that it was getting time to leave
And I watched as the smoker passed it on
And I laughed when the joker said, lead on
'Cause there's a train leaves here this morning
And I don't know, what I might be on
And there's train leaves here this morning
And I don't know, what I might be on
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babyblue711 · 4 months
Aemond Targaryen (HOTD) x Alys Rivers - Part 2 Including the conclusion of its sister story, Little Dragonseed Summary: Aemond, in his quest for vengeance, torches the Riverlands while Alys is but an unwilling passenger with a burning secret of her own. Meanwhile, back at Harrenhal, the little maid waits for her rescuer, but war-torn Westeros may have other plans in store for her. Words: 3.6K
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Chapter Warnings: NSFW, Sexual Content 18+, Canon Divergence, War things A/N: As noted, there is canon divergence in this story; there is no Sabitha Frey, and, for the purpose of this tale, the timeline may be a little wonky. Perhaps it's just me, but I broke my own heart writing this. I hope you all enjoy. Comments, reblogs, thoughts, opinions are welcome and appreciated 😘 💙 And, thank you, to my amazing beta reader and incredible gif maker, @myfandomprompts who made the Aemond banner for me.
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<<< Part 1
They flew.
And the realm burned.
And on they soared upon ancient wings… 
And burned. Burned. Burned.
Any settlement in the Riverlands sworn to Queen Rhaenyra met their downfall, becoming kindling for Aemond’s wrath. Nothing could stand against Vhagar’s flames as she left ashes and despair in their wake. 
Riding on dragonback was a breathtaking experience; there was an exhilarating power in soaring through the sky, close to the heavens, far removed from the hellish war-torn realm below. But she could not enjoy it, her awe was constantly overshadowed by Aemond’s unyielding anger.
He had brought her along purposefully, but for all the notice he took of her, she might as well have been invisible and her attempts at calming his relentless rage were futile. He seemed interested in one thing and one thing only: her visions of the future and the path he should take forward. When she couldn’t summon an immediate answer, his response was simply to enact revenge on the supporters of the Black Queen. Unable to sway him, she remained silent, an unwilling passenger caught in the storm of his vengeance.
They did not return to Harrenhal and, instead, survived off the land. Luckily, she possessed a deep knowledge of edible plants and fungi and they had no trouble catching game. They bathed in a freshwater river and, in the evenings, Vhagar’s fiery breath cooked their suppers and provided warmth against the chill of the night. 
Aemond barely spoke to her, his mind consumed by grief and rage, his ego shattered by Daemon and the black faction at the insurmountable loss of King’s Landing. The once prideful, arrogant young man was becoming a shadow of the fierce prince she had known, his calculating eye now vacant and haunted as he worried obsessively about what had become of his family he left behind.
During one of their many silent nights, as they sat around the fire, the urge to speak to him gnawed at her. She knew she should tell him the truth, but the timing felt impossibly wrong. 
She needed to tell him that they had succeeded. She had suspected for a little while now, but wanted to wait to make absolutely sure. Now that time had passed, it was hard to keep this knowledge to herself.
But how could she share this revelation when his heart was still so torn? She watched him from across the fire, his face illuminated by the dancing flames, feeling the weight of her secret press down on her. 
She took a deep breath, steeling herself for the inevitable. “My prince,” she began softly, her voice almost swallowed by the crackling fire. He glanced at her, his expression unreadable. “There’s something you need to know…”
“A vision?” he asked, immediately perking up, his interest piqued. She pressed her lips together as she moved around the fire to sit on his good side; Would that be all he would ever care about? Is that all she meant to him? 
She chose not to voice these thoughts, instead gently taking his warm hand into her own. Her touch seemed to surprise him, a flicker of emotion crossing his face; they had not been intimate since they left Harrenhal. He turned to look at her fully for the first time in what felt like ages and she felt breathless under the intensity of his gaze, as if he were truly seeing her again.  
“No… not quite,” she replied, trying not to feel discouraged as she saw his face fall. She decided to get it over with quickly, the words tumbling from her mouth. “I…I am with child. Your child, my prince.” She placed her free hand over her lower belly for emphasis, giving him a small smile at this precious news, waiting with bated breath for his reaction.
Aemond's gaze hardened, his eye narrowing as he processed her words. His nostrils flared, and a tense silence hung between them, the crackling of the fire the only sound. Her heartbeat pounded in her ears as she waited for him to speak.
“Ar– are you not pleased? Your bloodline will endure…” she started to say, her voice faltering.
“A bastard. That is what we have made together,” he interrupted, disappointment etched into every line of his exquisite face as his frown deepened, twisting his sensuous lips into a grimace as his words cut through her like a knife.
“Aemond,” she began again, her voice more determined, “this child is part of your legacy. The blood of the dragon flows through his veins. Does that not mean something to you?”
He pulled his hand away from hers, standing up abruptly and pacing by the fire, his mind clearly torn.
“Legacy…” he mutters, almost to himself. “What legacy do I leave in this world of ashes and betrayal? My family doesn’t even know about you…what would my mother say– ?”
She rose to her feet, moving towards him, needing him to understand.
“Their opinions matter little now, what’s done is done. A child is a blessing, Aemond, no matter who its parents are,” Alys said softly but firmly, running her hand over his arm and feeling relief when he doesn’t pull away. “I implore you to listen to me. I carry the child of Aemond Targaryen, Prince Regent of the Seven Kingdoms, Protector of the Realm, and Dragonrider of the mighty Vhagar. If it bothers you that we are unmarried then do what’s best for the sake of your son, Aemond. Marry me,” she pleads, her eyes shining with sincerity. “I long to be your loving wife, to stand by your side. I will help you achieve greatness, and ensure our child not only endures but thrives, following in your footsteps to rule the Seven Kingdoms. Together, we can end this war.”
Aemond looked lost, his gaze still fixed on the dancing flames of the fire, the light flickering across his face, highlighting the lines of worry and doubt etched into his features.
“How do you know I will rule?” he asked, his voice barely above a whisper, tinged with uncertainty.
“I have seen it, my prince,” Alys replied, her tone filled with conviction. She leaned closer, her hand still resting on his arm, drawing strength from the contact.
“Daemon is your one last, true foe. You will defeat him, how could you not? He is old and well past his prime. Caraxes is no match for the might of Vhagar. I have seen your victory in the clouds when we fly high on Vhagar’s back. There will be a battle above a great lake; I have seen him fall into the water and be swallowed by their depths.” Her voice gained a fervent edge as she continued, painting a vivid picture of the future she envisioned. “You will rule and be a mighty king, my prince, and I already carry your son and heir.”
Aemond's expression remained conflicted, but there was a spark of something in his eye—hope, perhaps, or a glimmer of belief. Alys could see the battle within him, the struggle between his self-doubt and the destiny she foretold. She pressed on, her hand moving to gently cup his scarred cheek, forcing him to meet her gaze.
“You are destined for greatness, Aemond. Together, we can shape the future of the Seven Kingdoms. After Daemon is finished, we will go to King’s Landing and rescue your mother and sister within; they are still alive, I know it. Trust in me, trust in us.”
For a moment, silence hung heavy in the air, the only sound the crackling of the fire. Then, slowly, Aemond lifted his hand to cover hers, a sign of his acceptance as his eye finally softened. His grip was firm as he bent to kiss her sweetly on the lips, which she immediately deepened, starving for his touch and affection. 
“Alright then…for our child,” Aemond said with conviction as he pulled away, his singular violet eye alight with fire once more, alive with passion, fueled with purpose.  
With only Vhagar as their witness, they stood beneath the open sky and recited the ancient marriage ritual of House Targaryen, their voices steady and resolute, echoing the vows of his ancestors. 
For a moment, war and destruction, heartache and pain seemed to fall away as they found solace in each other’s arms. Aemond's touch was gentle, his fingers trailing softly over her skin as if memorizing every inch of her. He made love to her with reverence, with such a tenderness it was as if she was suddenly made of glass. The world outside ceased to exist as they lost themselves in each other, their bodies entwined in a rhythm of love and passion.
For the first time in what feels like an eternity, Aemond allowed himself a moment of happiness. His usual mask of sternness and determination melted away, replaced by a genuine smile as he thought of his son. He looked at Alys with true affection, his hand moving to rest on her still flat belly. She could see the wonder in his eye, the silent imagining of her swollen with his child, a symbol of their union and the future they hoped to build together.
Basking in his tender affection, her heart swelled with love and gratitude. She returned his caresses, her hands moving over his strong back, tracing the contours of his muscles. As Aemond placed a gentle kiss on her abdomen, she sighed with deep contentment, enjoying his bare skin on hers, the feeling of his seed leaking from between her thighs, the burning of the fire in her lower belly as the blood of the dragon nestled within. It is the most loved and cherished she had ever felt in her entire life.
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Back at Harrenhal, the little maid waited anxiously. A few days before, the Prince Regent and the witch had fled together after news of King’s Landing's fall reached them. Ser Criston Cole had taken the green army south to join the Hightowers, leaving Harrenhal unguarded and eerily quiet. Now was the most opportune time for Daemon to rescue her, but she had no way to send word to him; she wasn’t even sure of his whereabouts.
So she waited and prayed fervently that her father would come for her. But her prayers were laced with a growing worry.
She worried because her moon's blood was late and she was never late. Despite drinking the tea the witch had given her, she had only had that one cup and now questioned its effectiveness. Was it enough? There was no one left to ask or to make more for her.
She worried because she felt cramping in her lower abdomen without any sign of bleeding. She worried because ordinary smells now made her nauseous, her breasts were constantly sore, and still, her blood did not come. 
One evening, unable to hold back her fears any longer, she broke down and confided in the matron, her surrogate mother that she loved dearly and who she had failed miserably by letting Aemond take advantage of her. The matron listened intently, a deep frown etched between her eyebrows, but she wasn’t angry or disappointed in the maid’s confession. She was only terribly upset for what her young adopted daughter had endured at the hands of the Prince Regent.
Discreetly, the matron arranged for the maester to examine her, and he confirmed her worst fears. She was indeed pregnant; the witch’s potion had failed. His confirmation did not surprise the little maid in the slightest. She had known, deep in her heart, that she was carrying the child of the One-Eyed Prince. A child conceived not out of love, but out of revenge and hatred, shattering her innocence, leaving her to pick up the pieces alone.
The realization weighed heavily on her. What would her father say if he ever found out? Daemon Targaryen was fierce and proud, he would surely be enraged, would surely put her babe to the sword as soon as he was born and the thought horrified her beyond measure. And so she vowed never to tell him the truth. If he came for her, she would have to hide her condition, pretend to have been foolish with someone else…anyone else. 
Not long after her discovery, the haunting shriek of Caraxes pierces the silent night, announcing the return of the Rogue Prince, as he had promised. She rushes to meet him, excitement bubbling in her chest, but also a twinge of fear, knowing she now has to play her part.
Daemon looks tired and worn, the toll of the war evident in every line on his face. But when he sees her, his expression brightens.
“Little one,” he greets warmly, reaching out to embrace her in a father’s hug she has never known before. She inhales the scent of dragon and smoke clinging to his clothes, feeling a fleeting sense of safety.
“Are we leaving? I can pack my things…” she begins eagerly, her voice trailing off as she notices the sadness in his eyes.
“I’m afraid, my little dragonseed, that we cannot go,” Daemon says softly, his voice filled with regret. “I must stay here and cannot be distracted…the Queen and the realm depend on it.” Tears spring to her eyes, and he gently lifts her chin, forcing her to look at him.
“Little dragon, you must get away from here. Leave Harrenhal, this place is cursed, probably from that despicable witch,” he growls as a flicker of anger crosses his face as he remembers Alys. 
“She’s gone now…with Prince Aemond,” the little maid tries to explain, her voice trembling. “Alys is not here to make you suffer as she did before.”
Daemon frowns slightly at this unusual piece of information, that Aemond would flee with the witch of all people, but quickly returns to his original point.
“No matter. Run, flee. Do not go to the Riverlands right now; it is not safe,” he says urgently, taking her face into both of his hands and bowing his forehead against hers. His desperation is palpable and she can see the pain in his eyes, the sorrow of knowing he cannot keep his promise to take her with him.
“But how will you find me again?” she whispers, her voice breaking with emotion.
“Do not worry, my child. If I survive, I will come for you,” he promises for the second time, his voice filling with determination. Yet she can’t bring herself to believe him entirely. She knows he is here to await Prince Aemond, and the prospect of either of them surviving a battle against one another seems slim. Daemon is choosing to sacrifice himself for the good of the realm and she cannot even begin to understand how incredibly brave he is.
Her tears start to flow at this realization and she hates the thought of leaving him behind to await his fate alone, but knows she has little choice. “Where should I go?” she asks, her voice small and fearful.
“Try to avoid any large settlements on your journey. They are currently being targeted by the one-eyed welp. Head south, towards Dragonstone….those loyal to Queen Rhaenyra will help you,” he instructs.
“I don’t want to leave you,” she sobs, her hands clutching at his tunic. “I’m scared.”
Daemon’s heart breaks at her words and he strokes her hair gently, trying to soothe her. “You are strong, my little dragon. You have the blood of Old Valyria in your veins. You will survive this. You must.”
The next day dawns cold and gray, a fitting backdrop for their departure. She and the matron join a gaggle of other inhabitants all intent on fleeing the cursed castle. The little maid is glad to be free of these dark and haunted halls at last.  
Before she leaves, she embraces her father one last time. His arms around her feel strong and protective, but there is a sense of finality that she cannot ignore. She clings to him as he whispers, “Be safe,” his voice rough with emotion. 
“I will,” she promises, though her heart aches with the knowledge that this is a promise she may not be able to keep; the road is dangerous and fraught with peril. She pulls away, wiping her tears on the back of her hand, turning away from him and forcing herself not to look back.
As they leave Harrenhal behind, the group moves in silence, each lost in their own thoughts and fears. The matron walks beside her and the little maid finds herself reaching for her hand, needing reassurance just as if she was a child again. 
She wonders about their journey ahead, hoping they will settle someplace safe; she has already decided that she and the matron will raise her son together. They will find a quiet place, far from the war and destruction, and he will grow up being loved, fiercely and unconditionally. Her son will know the stories of his heritage, even if he never knows his family, and she will be certain to tell him about his brave grandfather and the legacy that flows through his royal veins. 
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Alys managed to convince Aemond to delay for a day, to celebrate their union before his incessant need to return to burn the Riverlands once more. They settled in a faraway meadow, a place untouched by the war, where the air was fresh and the sounds of conflict were but a distant memory. It was a brief respite from the carnage, a stolen moment of peace. 
She devoted herself to Aemond, worshiping him with her mouth, savoring, sucking, treating him as a king should be treated. They made love countless times in the soft grass and, as before, Aemond was exceedingly gentle, his touch soft and caring as he suckled her engorged breasts. He didn’t rut into her viciously as he had been known to do in the past, instead pleasuring her with long, slow strokes, bringing her to peak with his tongue.
In those moments, he was without his eyepatch, bare and vulnerable, and she saw the man he might have been had violence not scarred his soul. If the war had never started, she thought, this was who Aemond would be. She wished with all her heart that she could bring peace to the prince’s troubled spirit. 
As they journeyed back to the Riverlands, she estimated they had been gone from Harrenhal for nearly a fortnight. Reality hit her hard as she gazed upon the war-torn realm once more and for the first time in a long while, she was hit by a multitude of visions, many which did not make any sense. She could feel the Rogue Prince’s presence, hear the shriek of his dragon in her dreams. She confessed to Aemond that they must return to Harrenhal, that they were being sought by Daemon.
While they flew, her thoughts drifted to the little maid they had left behind. She fervently hoped the potion she had given the girl had worked; the maid did not need to suffer any more than she already had. Alys could not bear the thought of another child contending for Aemond’s heart….or his legacy. She resolved to check on the girl as soon as they returned to the castle.
As they neared Harrenhal, she felt the unmistakable energy of Caraxes well before she even saw the castle, confirming her fears and driving away any other thought. She knew that this encounter was fated, that the impending clash between Aemond and Daemon was inevitable.
She kissed Aemond for good luck, her prince, her king, the father of her child. His singular eye looked at her with a fleeting softness before hardening into the mask of determination she knew so well. He mounted Vhagar with practiced ease and took to the skies in pursuit of his uncle, so sure of his victory.
High above the God’s Eye she watched their fearsome battle, fear striking deep into her heart as the dragons danced.
And then he fell…she watched in horror…no, it couldn’t be… this was not as she foretold… her beloved prince and his mighty dragon… 
Irreparably broken…
And her world shattered. 
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A few years later, along the tranquil banks of Riverrun, a young woman walked with a woven basket in hand, occasionally bending to gather an assortment of mushrooms or plants. She hummed a light, cheerful tune, her bright blonde hair hanging loose and flowing in the warm summer breeze. Here, she no longer had to hide her true self, her bloodline, or her past.
She and the matron had made it back to Riverrun just in time for her to give birth; their journey had been long and arduous as the war raged on, but she had been relieved to finally return home. 
“Mama!” came a small voice from the riverbank. “Fish! Mama!” He pointed excitedly as she drew near and she smiled at his enthusiasm. 
“Yes, Daemon, fish,” she confirmed in a gentle, motherly voice, as she approached him and smoothed his bright blond hair.
The boy turned to her with a radiant smile, his cherubic face and round cheeks a picture of joy and health. His violet eyes always pierced her soul whenever she looked at him, the shadow of his father already prominent in his young face. He was a living, breathing reminder of Aemond, the last trace of his lineage to walk the earth. 
She watched her son affectionately as he splashed in the shallows, his laughter loud amongst the soft sounds of nature. He giggled in delight as the small fish swam around his ankles, seeming just as interested in the little boy as he was in them. As the sun dipped lower in the sky, casting a golden glow over the river, she held his small hand as they walked back toward home, the basket filled with the day’s harvest, her heart content. 
She hoped her father would be proud of her.
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mountttmase · 1 year
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A Mountain To Climb - Part Eight
Note - happy Wednesday 😘 I’m so excited for this one so enjoy and PLEASE let me know what you think I’m dying to know 😭💙
Pairing - Mason Mount x Reader
Word count - 3.6k
Warnings - series will contain fluff, smut & angst
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‘Bens having another party. You up for it?’ Mason told you as you took a bite of your lunch.
It had been just over a week since you had been round to Masons for dinner and you hadn’t seen him in person since. He told you he had another interview near your office and you agreed to meet him for lunch, hence why you were both in the corner of some fancy London restaurant that was way out of your price range.
‘I don’t see why not’ you smiled ‘it would be nice to see Sophia again’
‘I’ll probably stay over again so you can bunk with me like last time’
‘You sure?’
‘Of course. I’m not having you go home alone’ he told you with furrowed brows and you smiled at his protectiveness. ‘You can get ready at mine if you want and then just take a few bits to Bens. Then maybe we can do the same as last time and go to mine after?’
‘You’ve got it all figured out haven’t you Mount?’ You laughed and you saw his cheeks flush liked he’d been caught out.
Lunch was over too quickly for your liking and with a kiss to your temple, Mason was off to his interview and you were back behind your desk. The afternoon dragged so when you got off the train and saw Freya was calling you, your face lit up and you answered with a smile.
‘Hello my love’ you sung and you heard her laugh down the phone.
‘Hello to you too. Someone sounds chirpy’
‘I sound the same as I always do’
‘No you don’t. Let me guess, have you seen Mason today?’ She teased and you rolled your eyes at her even though she couldn’t see you.
‘As a matter of fact we had lunch together. But that doesn’t mean anything’
‘Oh honey, it means everything’ she taunted and you couldn’t help but smile at the way she read you so well. ‘Anyway, that’s not the reason I’m calling. I know it’s late notice but there’s this huge party happening up here this weekend and you haven’t been up here in months so I wondered if you fancied making the trip’
‘Ah, you know I would but I’ve already got plans’
‘You? Plans? Since when’ she laughed and you huffed as you finally sat down.
‘Bens having a party this weekend and we’re staying over. If it was any other weekend I would’ you told her but the line was silent. ‘Hello? Frey, you still there?’
‘Do you hear yourself?’ She laughed and you furrowed your brows ‘we’re staying over. So what, are you finally gonna shag him?’
‘Fucking hell, what is this’ you laughed
‘Babe, answer me this. Do you like him?’
‘Of course I like him’
‘Do you think he’s attractive?’
‘Yes’ you told her sheepishly
‘Have you ever thought about kissing him?’
‘Freya I don’t see how-‘
‘Just answer me’ she cut you off and you groaned before shutting your eyes to answer.
‘Alright. Yes I thinking about it all the fucking time. Is that what you wanted to hear?’
‘That’s exactly what I wanted to hear’ she told you softly and you felt your eyes sting at her tone. ‘Do you know how lovely it’s been watching you open up to someone these past few months? I love you with all my heart y/n and all I want is for you to be happy. You wanna kiss him? So go and do it. What’s stopping you? I’m 1000% sure he wants to kiss you back and if he doesn’t then fuck him. You can’t live your life in your little bubble for the rest of time. Take a chance. I think Mason proved himself to you a long time ago’
‘Frey I don’t even know where to start’ you laughed and she chuckled along with you.
‘You’re gonna go with him to this party. You’re gonna wear that green skirt of yours, you know the one I’m taking about, and you’re gonna let your walls down and think with your heart instead of your head for once’
‘What if it all goes wrong?’ You asked her timidly, the first thought in your mind being the worst possible outcome and you heard her sigh, know you were freaking out already.
‘If it goes wrong then I’ll be here for you just like I always am. But I honestly don’t see that happening. The boy follows you around like a lost puppy and it’s about time you gave him a treat’ she joked and you laughed loudly at her weird analogy. ‘I’m not asking you to marry the guy. Just let your hair down a little yeah? Kiss him, fool around a bit. Live the dream of thousands of girls across the country’
‘I love you, Frey’ you told her sincerely, thankful she was in your life to give you a good talking too when you needed it.
A few days later you were stood in Masons bathroom, applying your last coat of mascara before you were ready to go. You’d taken Freya’s advice and had on the green skirt she’d suggested and as you looked yourself over in the mirror you were happy with how you looked. It was short and showed off enough of your legs and the shirt you’d paired it with was undone to show the girls off but you didn’t feel trashy and you thought Mason would like it.
You padded downstairs to meet him, putting your shoes on as you got to the bottom and walked to meet him in the living room. He was turned away from you, dressed in a brown hoodie and jeans but he still looked gorgeous.
‘I’m ready when you are’ you told him, watching him turn to you and all the colour drain from him face before he was blushing furiously. His eyes were wide in shock and he gulped down a nervous lump before letting out a breath. ‘Do I look okay? I’m not too over dressed am I?’
‘Not at all’ he breathed. ‘You look amazing’ finally smiling as he made his way over to you and now you were the one to get nervous. He was breathtaking and his smile made your tummy flutter just as much as it did the first time you saw it. Maybe it was the nerves of knowing what you were planning tonight that made you extra nervous but you were finding it hard to keep up the eye contact with him.
You walked into Bens house and Sophia was on you instantly which gave Mason a chance to put your things in the guest room before joining you again.
‘Sorry Soph, just need to borrow this one so we can get a drink and I promise I’ll bring her right back’ he told her and she raised her finger to wiggle it in his face, clearly a few drinks deep already.
‘You make sure you’re quick Mount. Don’t hog her’ she slurred and you laughed as Mason led you through the house by your hand, taking longer than you thought as he had a lot of people to say hello too but you were soon in the kitchen, watching him pour you both a drink.
‘Well well well, look who it is’ you heard someone say and as you turned to the voice you saw Ben approaching. ‘Hi y/n, it’s good to see you’
‘Hi Ben. It’s good to see you too. Thanks for letting me stay tonight’
‘That’s alright. Let me know if you get cold again, I’ve got a spare hoodie set out just for you’ he joked and you laughed as Mason handed you your drink, placing a protective hand on you hip and pulling your back into his chest.
‘Very funny dickhead’ Mason mocked as you lent into his chest, placing his lips by your ear to he could speak to you quietly. ‘I’ve packed an extra one so you can have mine if you get cold’ he whispered and you almost lost your breath at how thoughtful he’d been. You didn’t even think when you reached up to kiss him on the cheek but you felt his body stiffen behind you. It was the first time you’d ever shown him affection in that way and you knew it meant a lot to him but you didn’t want to make a big deal out of it so you carried on talking to Ben before Sophia stormed in with her eyes set on you.
‘Mason, I told you not to hog her, you need to learn how to share’ she scolded before taking you into the other room and away from him. You turned to give him one last wink as she took you away to talk to some of the other girls. It wasn’t long before Mason had managed to find you again, slipping an arm around your waist from behind and kissing your temple as he stood and watched you chat with the girls.
‘Mason? You can go hang out with the guys, I’m fine I promise’ you told him softly, turning so you could look at him and his lips were so close to yours you wouldn’t of had to move much to kiss him, but it wasn’t the right time so you held back, turning to face him properly so you could look at him. His eyes were looking down at you so softly and it was taking everything in you not to kiss along the bridge of his nose, following the trail of adorable freckles that adorned his skin.
‘I’m fine here’ he whispered, squeezing your hip and you rolled your eyes with a smile. ‘Why are you looking at me like that?’
‘You have really pretty eyes’ you confessed and you watched his face blush and he let out a little laugh.
‘Is that so?’ He mused and you nodded, taking a drink to hide you smile before he pressed a quick kiss to you hairline. ‘Well I don’t think they’re half as pretty as yours’
‘I think we’ll have to agree to disagree on that one’ you laughed as he pulled you closer to him. ‘I need another drink. You gonna come with me?’
‘Of course’ he told you softly before grabbing your hand and walking you towards the kitchen. You were both in there for a while, half way through your second drink before you thought you should return to everyone else so the pair of you walked into the living room and were instantly met with a small circle of people on the floor and an empty vodka bottle in the middle of them.
‘There you are, you coming to join?’ Ben
‘What on earth are you playing?’ Mason asked, guiding you by your hips
‘Spin the bottle, duh. You gotta kiss whoever you land on’
‘I’m sorry, what?’ Mason laughed ‘have we just gone back in time to when we were 16?’
‘Come on Mason, don’t be a party pooper’ you told him, walking around the circle and taking a seat next to Ben. He looked at you with a shocked face and it was only when he sat opposite you did you realise the mistake you had made. You didn’t want him kissing anyone else and every time the bottle spun round you would pray it didn’t land on him.
Luck seemed to be on your side and you both come out unscathed until it was Masons turn to spin. You were looking at the bottle as if you could change its destination by your thoughts alone and little did you know, Mason was staring at you the whole time the bottle spun. You knew he wasn’t yours and you weren’t allowed to think it but in your mind the bottle wasn’t allowed to land on anyone but you as you didn’t think you could take watching him kiss someone else.
The spin the bottle gods, or Ben as it turned out to be, appeared to be shining down on you today and you had to hold in an excited squeal when Ben stopped the bottle from spinning so it landed on you. You looked over to Mason with a laugh but he didn’t seem that pleased it landed on you. If anything he looked nervous and as if he wanted the ground to swallow him up, but he made the first move, standing up and reaching his hands down to help you stand and face him.
‘We don’t have to do this’ he whispered, eyes searching your face but you didn’t want to back out now.
‘I want to’ you told him firmly, resting you hands on his chest and he planted his on your waist as he searched your eyes for an ounce of uncertainty.
‘You’ve been drinking’
‘I’ve had two drinks, that’s light work for me’
‘I just don’t want you to regret anything’
‘I won’t’
‘Mason’ you interrupted, placing a finger over his lips to stop him talking before moving you hand to his shoulder. ‘Just kiss me’
And kiss you he did. His lips landed on yours softly and you got lost in each other immediately, both pulling the other in closer and you blocked out the sounds of everyone cheering and whistling as you focused on the feel of the others lips. The butterflies in your tummy were swarming and you were thankful he had such a tight grip on you as you felt your whole body melt into him.
He was so soft, gently brushing his lips against yours before getting a bit more forceful as he squeezed your waist before letting his hands roam slightly lower to your hips. His touch made you shiver but you couldn’t get enough of him as his tongue invaded your mouth causing you to moan. Your hands made their way into his hair to keep him close but you had a feeling he wasn’t pulling away anytime soon. He was devouring you, and it was only when you started to smile did he eventually pull away, smiling himself as you looked at each other with rosy cheeks and loving stares. You’d waited so long to kiss him and he certainly didn’t disappoint
‘Alright, get a room’ Ben moaned and you both laughed loudly before grabbing Masons hand and leading him out the way you came in. You didn’t know where you were going, wanting a bit of privacy so you could kiss him again but you didn’t want to go to your room and get carried away just yet. In the end you took him through to the utility room and shoved him up against the back of the door as you shut it. He looked shocked and when you lent in to kiss him again, you felt his hands push at your waist.
‘What are you doing?’ He breathed, his pouty lips open slightly as he was seemingly still out of breath from kissing you before but his eyes were dark and you knew he wanted this.
‘Do you not want to?’ You whispered, sounding more vulnerable than you thought you be and he was quick to cup your jaw and make you look at him.
‘Of course I do. Like you have no idea how much’ he smiled which made you smile but his face was soon serious again as his eyes flickered over you. ‘It’s just we’ve been drinking and I thought you didn’t want anything more than friends with me. This changes things, you know that right?’
‘I know’ you whispered and a look of relief settled over him. You tentatively reached up, lips ghosting over his gently before you kissed him again. It was much more gentle this time, the rush and urgency of your first now out the way and Mason was pouring himself into you. He pulled away gently, continuing you kiss you all over your cheeks and you giggled at his affections. ‘Mase’ you laughed, his nickname slipping from your lips for the first and he groaned before kissing you again.
You decided to play him at his own game, and after kissing him again for a moment, you trailed your lips across his jaw and started down his neck. He cursed under his breath, hands gripping your waist tightly but you were desperate to have his hands elsewhere. You gripped his wrists, moving them down over your hips towards your bum and you felt him resist a little bit.
‘Mase, touch me please. I want you to touch me’ you told him sternly, attaching your lips to the base of his neck before sucking gently. You’d clearly found his sweet spot as the most delicious sounds began tumbling from him as his hands finally dipped under you short skirt as he gripped your bum.
‘Fucking hell, y/n. You have no idea how long I’ve waited’
‘I do, I’ve waited just as long’ you whispered before he crashed his lips back into yours, the needy feeling from before now overtaking the pair of you as he quickly turned you both so now it was your back against the door and you were just about to dip your hands under his hoodie when a knock on the door snapped you both out of your bubble.
‘Hello? Is someone in there?’
‘Yeah, two secs mate and I’ll be out’ Mason called before pecking you lips lightly and guiding you out of the room. Thankfully no one was around anymore so you got out unscathed but that didn’t mean you were done teasing him.
Every time you passed him, you hands lingered on him in some way, eyes always glued to his from across the room and when some of the girls wanted you to dance with them you best believe you made it as sexy as possible for him to the point he had to come and join you. His lips took up home on your neck as he held you from behind and you skin was covered in goosebumps as he trailed his lips up to bite your earlobe gently.
The hours flew by, the alcohol in your system now a distant memory as you were so full of adrenaline from Mason touching you but you hadn’t been alone with just him since your kiss in the utility room. The boys had managed to pull him away for a little bit as the night was coming to a close and you were sat with Sophia on Bens sofa and she told you embarrassing stories about Kai.
‘I know it’s none of my business, but I think you and Mason look lovely together’ she commented and you smiled widely at her before hiding your face in your hands.
‘You think?’
‘Of course. He’s cute, you’re hot. What’s not to like?’ She laughed ‘listen I don’t know what’s going on but I know he’s super happy when you’re around. Kai said he doesn’t even mind all the teasing at Chelsea anymore’ she told you and you both laughed loudly which caused everyone who was left to look at you.
‘I think I really like him’ you whispered, a feeling of relief washing over you as you admitted it out loud and she smiled warmly at you.
‘Well I know he really likes you’ she whispered back and you both fell into a fit of giggles just as Kai and Mason walked back into the room.
‘What are you two giggling about? You know what I don’t wanna know’ Kai laughed as he reached down to help Sophia up ‘You ready to go?’ He asked and a after some quick goodbyes you were left in the room with just Mason.
You looked at each other shyly, him making the first move to gradually come over to you and hold you by your waist as you wrapped your arms around his shoulders. You both leaned in excruciatingly slowly as you smiled, eyes on each others lips before he kissed you softly and you melted into him.
‘Everyone’s leaving now. You wanna go wait in the room for me?’ He whispered and you felt a tingle down you spine to your core as you knew what you wanted to do next. You nodded and he gave you one last kiss before you padded up Bens stairs and into the same room the pair of you were in before.
You were in the en-suite taking off you makeup when you heard the door open and Masons voice call for you quietly. ‘Y/n? You here?’
‘Bathroom’ you spoke and his head was quick to pop around the door. He was now out of his hoodie and once he saw what you were doing he came you join you, pulling you into his chest and littering your face with kisses.
‘Ugh, what’s on your face it tastes awful’ he laughed whilst pulling a face as you kissed his jaw lightly.
‘It’s only Makeup remover, Mase. I’ll wash it off in a sec’ you told him and he smiled at you before pulling away.
‘I’ll leave you to get changed’ he told you, halfway out the door and you took a deep breath once you’d rinsed your face, game face ready to finally have Mason right where you needed him.
Tagged: @alwaysclassyeagle @ricsaigaslec @cinderellawithashoe @vip-access @majx00
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theforgottenmcrmy · 2 months
live reactions to house of the dragon season 2, episode 5
as always, these are just my opinions🖤
(spoilers below the cut)
Oof, even the recap of the battle still hurts🥲
I have subtitles on, and I just love how the intro says “(epic theme playing)”
Lord Cregan and Lady Jeyne spotted in the tapestry?👀
Corlys pleaseee, I’ve tried to be strong for a whole week. Don’t do this to me.😭
I’m so conflicted with the fact that he might have stepped out on Rhaenys at some point, because it’s so evident that he loved her greatly.
Such a dumb PR move by the Greens. Thats all I’ll say.
You can literally HEAR one of the small folk ask, “they killed a dragon?👀”
Rhaenyra WILL answer this 🔥
Meleys, you deserved so much more💔
And just WHAT do they think they will do with Rhaenys’s body?!?!?! (If that’s what’s in that cart)
The irony of Alicent’s favorite child now becoming something she can no longer control…
Oh shit, wait- is that…. Surely it’s not-
You’re seriously trying to tell me there was NO other way to get Aegon back into the castle?!?! Seriously? If you insisted parading Meleys’s head around for the small folk, you at least could have brought Aegon into the keep by a back gate or SOMETHING.
And now that I’m thinking about it, what the hell did Aemond say when he returned back without Aegon? What did he tell Alicent?
Wowwwwwww. I knew Aemond was cold, but I guess I didn’t realize HOW cold he’d become. Imagine dracarys’ing your brother, then coming back to gloat over his burned body and announcing the obvious that someone will have to rule in his stead,
They seriously just LEFT Sunfyre there?!?!?! And what the hell does Cole mean? Is he dead?😭
“Our largest dragon has been killed” yes BUT so was Rhaenys?!
Seriously though, all these men talk a big game about battles that haven’t truly occurred in DECADES.
I’m really hoping the swap the sacking of King’s Landing for Rook’s Rest. Quite frankly I don’t think I can take another emotional blow this season.
I love Jace and Baela’s dynamic so much.
Real talk though, would the Brackens or anyone else for that matter even be able to hear Daemon over Caraxes and the horses?😂
Mmmmm, Fried Bracken.
“I did not think they would be so eager to die.”💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 Please, why is Daemon so unintentionally hilarious this season.
Not Daemon of all people making a decent attempt at ceasing a centuries long feud-
The Vale 💙 🕊️
Yep, Lady Jeyne is Rhaenyra’s kin alright.
Mysaria is right on point. And I’m loving seeing Rhaenyra putting her trust in others again🙌🏻
Go Elinda go go go
Why do I feel like whatever is going to happen with Corlys will not go well…
Oh Lordy, Alys is feeling creative tonight isn’t she…
My favorite WHAT?!?!?! 🤮🤮🤮
I wouldn’t be hungry either, the FUCK
“His family’s wealth” I’m sorry Ser Simon STRONG, is that not your family too?
I love their banter, that’s the hell😂
“The obvious choice is immediate successor, Aemond.” OH, so Aemond IS his heir? Almost exactly like I said on a tik tok i’d made, only for some people to argue with me that the Greens would have Jaehaera inherit before him? (Even though doing so would be hypocritical to their entire cause)
Ser Crispy, you can kiss any chance with Alicent you ever had goodbye 👋🏻
Aemond doesn’t miss a beat, immediately hopping to business. I’m weak as hell.
Alicent’s having a panic attack rn, isn’t she?
The dog😭💔
“What he has somehow become” girl be so fr. As if YOUR lack of investment and attention to him, and your willingness to ignore Aegon’s awful treatment of him for years (that you damn well knew plenty about) played absolutely NO roll in Aemond becoming what he is…
Cole’s been sipping some of Alicent’s delulu tea. He REALLY thought he was sparing her by stabbing her in the back to support Aemond as regent instead.🤡🤡🤡
What’s with the Frey’s and them ALWAYS EATING whenever they’re conducting business?
It’s realllllly fucking crazy to think that (show) Jace is bargaining away his OWN INHERITANCE and he doesn’t even know it like🫥🫥🫥
Even crazier for the Freys to think they were just going to be given Harrenhal without declaring for Rhaenyra.
If Daemon knows she’s a witch, why is he so keen to play buddy buddy with Alys literally every damn chance he gets? Sus.
Ugh, I hope Daemon has a moment of clarity. This change from FOB is NOT it.
I’m confused, I could’ve sworn Corlys was already named Hand.
Baela🖤🖤🖤 The icon, the legend. We love you.
“I am blood and fire. Driftmark must pass to salt and sea.” GODS could you be any more bad ass like-
Rhaenyra using See Alfred’s own subconscious opinion of her and her abilities against him in order to get him to do what she wants😂 you sure you aren’t a direct descent of Margaery Tyrell, ma’am?
Ser Simon’s probably thinking “would you like to regain control of this situation at any point, or…?”
Nice touch to have Rhaenyra with a lady (who is not the usual tone) who’s tugging a bit too much at her hair, since Elinda is busy off in King’s Landing.
Helaena KNOWS
Alicent sitting at Aegon’s beside, as she once did for Viserys…
Not the “mummy”😭💔💔💔
“Will you fly before Vhaegar as Luke did?” Ma’am, that was TOO COLD💀😭
So is Sunfyre really gone then?😭 What the hell, these changes are starting to irk me.
Did not miss that Rhaena had an off-screen attempt to claim a dragon.
If only Sam from GOT had a dragon😂
Dragonseeds, here we go…
Glad to see they didn’t cut the mob scene with Helaena and Alicent from the trailer, but I’m curious to see the context of it now since it wasn’t during Jaehaerys’s funeral.
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pocket-ozwynn · 2 years
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Credit goes to the wonderful @plaidartist on Instagram for this beautiful commission of Frey and Alice! Plaid a wonderful person, a talented artist, and has a lot of wonderful art involving Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and is getting into G/t as well. Go give them a like and a follow on Instagram y'all!
Thank you so so much Plaid, they look perfect. 🥺
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kmayia · 3 months
So, wie wir uns heute nah waren, waren wir uns noch nie nah...
Da war dieser eine so... magische... ? ... viel mehr als das... Moment.
Wo du sagtest "ich hab kurz Angst bekommen. Vor meiner Sehnsucht nach dir."
Und ich kenne das... So. Gut.
Es ist so schön, dich in dieser Sehnsucht und Hingabe zu fühlen.
Wie du dich immer mehr in deine... Hm... Ich wollte Weiblichkeit schreiben, das trifft es nicht.
Nicht mal ansatzweise.
Vielleicht einfach...
Wie du dich immer mehr sein lässt.
Nicht nur bei mir. Auch bei dem Mann, dessen nur Vornamen du kennst, den du mir noch nicht verraten hast... da ist auch so eine Sehnsucht.
Und ich beobachte auch so ein... Wollen... Begehren. Verlangen.
Dein Begehren und Verlangen nach mir.
Das ist Weiblichkeit für mich. Und das ist das, was kreiert. Diese Sehnsucht ist das, womit ich kreiere.
Indem du sie fühlst, kann ich da sein. Indem du mich rufst, kann ich kommen. Indem du dich nach mir sehnst, kann ich ganz präsent sein...
Und vor allem, fernab von der Manifestionstheorie....
Ich habe deine Sehnsucht gefühlt. So stark wie noch nie. Wie sehr du mich liebst. Wie sehr du mir nah sein willst.
So hingegeben habe ich dich noch nie erlebt, wie heute Morgen.
Es hat mich so berührt.
Und mir so klar gemacht...
Was für eine Verantwortung das ist.
Wie sehr ich deinem Vertrauen gerecht sein will und gerecht BIN.
Ich habe dich wirklich noch nie so gefühlt. Ich habe dich noch nie so frei und so da und so hingegeben erlebt, und ich bin so...
....... von deiner SCHÖNHEIT.
Und deiner Reinheit.
Und deiner Essenz.
Dir. Allem. Allem allem allem.
Und ich erinnere mich gerade an das Portal hinein in diese Erfahrung. Deine Verbindung zu deinem Schoß.
Ich wollte noch was schreiben. Darf ich nicht. Ist nicht dran.
Ich liebe dich. So sehr.
Ich bin so...
Ich kenne dich so nicht. Ich KANNTE dich so nicht.
Dass du Nähe mitnimmst in den Alltag. Dass du danach nochmal darüber sprichst. Dass du SO SENSIBEL für diese kleinen Signale bist, für Worte, für Gesten...
Und wieder, ich sehe diese Verantwortung.
Wie wichtig meine Präsenz ist. Meine Wahrhaftigkeit. Mein Dasein... meine Liebe.
Wie sehr es wehtut, wenn das einmal kurz nicht da ist.
Und ich möchte so oft ich kann so Präsenz und Wahrheit und Liebe sein. Immer will ich das.
Ich will uns nie wieder Schmerz zufügen. Und ich hab Angst, das zu schreiben, weil es denkt... "hm, aber das geht doch gar nicht, und manchmal ist das ja auch wichtig...."
Ich habe dich gehört. Du willst in Liebe lernen. Und Leichtigkeit.
Und ich will das auch. Mit dir. Mit uns.
Mir wurde neulich klar, dass ich nie wieder streiten muss. Da war es noch ein Gedanke. Jetzt kommt wieder diese Nervosität von... Oh, kann ich das? Darf ich das?
Das Ding ist... Ich glaube das. Ich muss nie wieder streiten. Wir müssen nie wieder einen Konflikt haben.
Ich will nie wieder Trennung von/mit dir erleben. Nie.
Huhhhh, ein bisschen Angst... huuuuuuuu....
Dein Apfelstrudel.... 💙
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yeoldemothman · 2 months
It's been a while but I got a couple more art fight pieces down, both revenges!
Up first here we have the badass durge Frey by @/LightsNerdCorner on IG and AF! ❤️
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And next is the beautiful Desire by @/Phoebeillustrating on IG (phoebeillustrates on AF)! 💙
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claudiaeparvier · 5 months
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skyetenshi · 1 year
Ein Satz aus "Die Silberne Spinne" (Hörbuch)
"Über dem mächtigen Himmelbett, das mehr als zwei Meter breit war und in dem sie zu dritt geschlafen hatten, ging ein geschnitztes Wappen der Familie Holmqvist."
Zu dritt in einem Bett. Ah ha.
Bed sharing confirmed!
Cuddling nearly confirmed!
Lars holmqvist Shippt die drei Detektive! Der hat das "there was only on bed"-Trope durchgesetzt: "Jaaa ich hab da diesen Palast und diese Stadt liegt mir zu Füßen, aber wir haben nur ein Bett für euch frei. Da müsst ihr wohl teilen. Mhm!"
Ist klar.
Wer lag in der Mitte? Ich muss es wissen. Aus... Wissenschaftlichen Gründen.
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emeraldskulblaka · 2 months
7, 23, and 37? 💙
7. favourite musical you’ve been a part of (or one you want to be a part of if you haven’t participated in any!)
I was part of a children's musical called Drei Wünsche frei when I was eight! Nowadays, it'd be better for everyone involved if I stayed off stage and far away from any creative jobs backstage xD
23. favourite lyric from a musical
"Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise" from Les Mis 😭
37. favourite musical you’ve never listened to
Merrily We Roll Along! I've only heard one song from it (loved it), but everything I've seen of the Broadway revival looks very cool
Danke 💚
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bea-lele-carmen · 2 years
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frootyrooties · 10 months
love you mrs. stewart 🥰 wishing you a wonderful weekend 💙💙💙
and i too would like to wish you a lovely weekend, lady frey 🫶🏻💞
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mountttmase · 2 years
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A Mountain To Climb - Part Four
Note - Happy Wednesday, thank you all for your kind comments on the last chapter I hope you all like this one too 💙 and as always feedback is appreciated 😉
Pairing - Mason Mount x Reader
Word count - 4k
Warnings - series will contain fluff, smut & angst
Master List
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Mason sent through the address within the hour and you had a quick nosey at where it was. The house was huge, on a private road surrounded by other huge houses, and it was a far cry from you little one bed flat.
You’d told yourself you weren’t going, but it didn’t stop you from thinking about what you might have to wear if you did go, remembering you’d bought a cute lacey corset top to wear when you went to Leeds but you’d ended up taking something else.
You carried on with life, not hearing from Mason again until Friday lunchtime when you felt your phone buzz as a text came through.
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You read the text over a few times, guilt washing over you at the fact he wanted to see you and you weren’t planning on being there. Every interaction with this boy seemed to chip away at you and you were soon texting your best friend Freya to help you.
No more than three minutes later and your phone was ringing, a cute picture of the pair of you filling your screen and you smiled as you picked up.
‘Hey frey’
‘Who have I got to kill?’ She said sternly and you burst out laughing at her protectiveness.
‘No one yet, I just need to rant at you about something and no matter what you feel, I need you to tell me I’m right okay? cause that’s what friends do’
‘Hit me with it’ she quipped and you started on your long rant about how you’d ended up here. You hadn’t mentioned to her when you’d made it back to her flat about getting stuck in a lift with Mason so she was shocked when you gave her the low down of what happened that night but she let you rant how you hadn’t managed to shake him off and now you were contemplating seeing him again that night.
Freya knew you like the back of her hand. You’d been best friends since you were five and she knew what you were thinking before you’d even thought it, so to hear you now taking like this about a boy shocked her. But she was secretly happy for you, not having heard you speak this way in a long time.
‘Well, I’m gonna have to go against girl code here, babe’ she told you and you huffed in annoyance.
‘No no no, you promised to tell me I was right’
‘And any other time I would, but come on, y/n. When was the last time you took a bit of a risk and let someone in?’
‘That’s the point, I don’t. But he’s getting under my skin and I barely know him’
‘When was the last time you saw him?’
‘At the weekend. I don’t know Frey I just feel safer texting him cause then I can convince myself he’s not real’
‘So you don’t want to see him again?’ She asked and you took a second before you answered even though you knew the answer straight away.
‘No, I do’ you breathed and you could hear her chuckle down the line.
‘So do it. Doll yourself up and go see your man’
‘He’s not my man’ you groaned before you both burst into a fit of giggles.
The rest of the day was spent finishing up work before ordering yourself some food. You were in two minds about tonight and Masons message still sat unanswered in you phone but there was no way you were responding now. You’d just hopped out of the shower when something inside you snapped, then and there deciding you were going to go. It’s not everyday you get invited to a fancy house party with gorgeous footballers, so why not make the most of it.
You quickly got dressed in a pair of baggy jeans before throwing on some heels and the corset top to show off your figure. You didn’t spend too long on your hair and make up but by the time you’d made it to Masons friends house it was around 10:45pm.
As soon as you got out of the Uber you wanted to crawl back inside and go home but he drove off pretty quickly, leaving you on your own to walk up the drive to the door. No one was outside but you could tell there was something going on from where you were and you hoped the doorbell was loud enough for someone to hear.
In the end it didn’t matter though, the front door opening and a guy around your age walking out looking down at his phone, doing a double take as he heard your shoes on the gravel path. You gave him a friendly smile and you noticed him give you a once over before smiling back.
‘You okay?’ He questioned and you nodded shyly at him. ‘Do I know you?’
‘Uh no, my names y/n. Mason invited me’ you told him and his face instantly changed to a knowing look as he smiled wider at you.
‘Ah, I was beginning to think he’d made you up’ the man laughed as you hugged your arms around yourself. ‘I’m Kai, by the way. Come on let’s get you inside, I can take you to him’ he offered and you smiled before following him in.
He guided you through the impressive house with his hands on your shoulders, weaving you in between a sea of gorgeous looking people until you got to the kitchen where Mason stood with his back to you, slightly off to the side of a group of guys who all looked at you as you walked in but Mason was too focused on filling his cup up to notice you come in.
‘Hey Mount, I’ve got a delivery for you’ Kai shouted over to him and he turned his head slowly before he realised it was you, a look of relief washing over his features as he smiled over at you. His drink was quickly forgotten about as he made his way over almost instantly, ignoring the giggles and jibes from the boys behind him as he came closer.
‘Y/n? I didn’t think you were coming’ he told you as he approached, Kai now having moved from behind you to stand with the other boys and you gulped down a nervous lump as you looked up at Mason.
You hated the fact he looked so handsome, even dressed in a simple plain black T-shirt and jeans but you’d noticed he’d had his hair cut since the last time you’d seen him last week and you willed your cheeks not to flush. His dimples were on full show as his eyes creased at the sides of his face, letting you know he was giving you a real smile with his eyes rather than one just out of politeness.
‘I wasn’t planning on it but, here I am I guess’ you smiled and he laughed lightly at you.
‘Well I’m glad you’re here’ he beamed before a chorus of oooing and ahhing came from the boys, teasing Mason but he was quick to give them the finger. ‘Shut up dickheads, come on let’s get you a drink’ he told you before leading you out into the utility room. ‘What can I get you?’
‘Surprise me’ you told him and he laughed before turning away from you to grab a cup and a bottle. ‘So is this Kai’s house?’
‘No, Ben’s. I’ll introduce you later’ he murmured whilst passing you a red cup. You gave him a small thank you before taking a sip, unsure of what it was he gave you but it was sweet and alcoholic so you didn’t care. ‘I mean it though, I’m really glad you’re here’
‘Definitely’ he confirmed as he walked closer, stopping just in front of you with your chests almost touching. You noticed what looked like to be a spec of fluff on his top by his neck and you reached out to remove it causing him to hold his breath and even though he was quiet, you were so close that you heard him. Your eyes wondered up to meet his and you noticed how close the pair of you were, lips only a few inches apart as his breath fanned your face.
You broke eye contact with him before taking a nervous sip, not feeling like your usual confident self around him once again as you took a step away from him.
‘So where are these cute boys you promised me’ you asked with a smile as you turned and made your way out, laughing to yourself as you heard him scoff behind you.
‘I never promised you that. Plus there’s only one and he’s right here’
‘Oh yeah? Can you point him out to me? I can’t quite see him’ You teased, turning to glance at him and you could tell he was getting a bit flustered.
‘Ah there you are’ you heard suddenly from a familiar voice and you turned to see Kai was now standing in-front of you with a pretty brunette on his arm. You felt Mason stop right behind you, his body heat almost making you shiver and you were wondering if he was going to reach out and hold you in some way but he seemed to be keeping his hands to himself. ‘Y/n, this is my girlfriend, Sophia’ he told you and she smiled warmly at you. ‘I thought it might be nice for you to hang out with another girl rather than be stuck with him all night’ he joked and you laughed as you felt Mason shake his head behind you.
The usual uneasy feeling you got around other girls at parties didn’t seem to be present as she smiled at you and held her hand out which you took almost instantly, thankful you could get away from Mason for a bit and focus again but you knew he’d be lurking so you couldn’t miss him too much.
‘Come on, let’s leave the boys. I need you to tell me where you got this outfit from’ she asked you as she pulled you away. You chanced a look back at Mason who was pouting a little bit as Kai dragged him back into the kitchen so you sent him a wink before disappearing.
Sophia was a lot of fun, so fun in fact you seemed to be forgetting your rule of not having anymore friends than you already have. You both seemed to be bad influences on each other, encouraging the other to drink more than they could handle until you were dancing on Bens coffee table with a couple of the other girls.
Mason managed to keep an eye on you at all times, whenever you looked in his direction he was already looking at you and at first he seemed embarrassed but as the night wore on the shyness left him and he held your eye contact a bit longer. Sending you a cheeky smile or a wink.
Seeing him around all these people he knew made you notice was how touchy he seemed to be with everyone. No matter who he was with he would put his hands on their shoulders or lean into them as he laughed and you were brought back to the thoughts you had the other day where you wondered why he kept his hands to himself around you when he seemed comfortable enough to lounge over everyone else. You weren’t sure why it was bothering you so much but when he eventually came over to join your group you noticed it even more.
He sat next to you, his arm around the back of the sofa behind you but his skin never touched yours. You subconsciously leaned back into him after a while and he took this to mean he could put his arm around you properly. You only realised when he lent his cheek on the top of you head as he was laughing at someone’s joke what position you were in and you felt yourself tense up. He must of felt something too, slowly rubbing his thumb over your skin and you were surprised about how much it relaxed you. The pair of you sat and laughed at Kai and Sophia bickering but still no words were shared between you. You were racking your brain to think of something when he placed his lips to you ear.
‘Are you okay? Can I get you anything?’ He whispered so only you could hear and you turned to face him, again surprised about how close your faces were. You gulped as you averted your eyes down and shook your head, nervous again and you shut your eyes to make it go away. He avoided your eyes for the next half an hour and when everyone dispersed, he gently slid out from behind you and made a beeline for the stairs.
Kai and Sophia left soon after, and once you’d said your goodbyes you wondered around trying to find Mason again but he’d seemed to have dropped off the face of the earth. You wondered if he’d seen you tonight realised he didn’t want you around anymore after your constantly changing attitude but you willed yourself not to think about it as you wondered around upstairs looking for a bathroom.
When you left, you almost immediately ran into someone, apologising as they held you steady and you looked up into a pair of bright blue eyes.
‘I’m so sorry, I wasn’t looking where I was going’ you explained but he just shook his head as he laughed.
‘It’s fine, honestly’ he told you as he straightened himself up. ‘You’re y/n right?’
‘Depends on who’s asking’
‘I’m Ben’ he laughed and your eyes went wide as you realised this was his house.
‘Oh right, sorry about standing on your coffee table’ you joked and he just shrugged.
‘Don’t worry about it. Are you alright? You feel a bit cold’
‘I’m fine, don’t worry I should of dressed a bit more appropriately’ you laughed and he quickly disappeared behind a door before coming back with a black hoodie and offering it to you. ‘Oh no, I’ll be fine honestly’
‘Please, I insist. Can’t have my guests being cold’ he told you and you eventually took it from him. ‘If you’re looking for Mason, he’s just in there’ he winked, nodding to a door just up the hall before he made his way back downstairs. You quickly pulled the hoodie over your head before adjusting your hair and making your way over to the door Ben said Mason was behind. You gave it light knock and you heard him softly tell you to come in so you opened the door and popped your head round the side.
The bedroom he was in was dimly lit, and he was sat on the edge of the bed, phone in hand as it was plugged in to charge. A small smile spread across his lips as he realised it was you and he nodded for you to come in. You stepped inside but lent your back up against the door and he gave you a funny look at your sudden change of clothing.
‘What are you wearing?’
‘Oh this?’ You questioned, pulling at the strings. ‘Ben gave it to me. Said I felt cold’
‘Why was he feeling you?’ He probed, his eyebrow’s drawing together in what you assumed was jealousy and you let out a breath before stumbling over to sit next to him on the bed.
‘I bumped into him when I came out the loo. What are you doing in here?’ You inquired and his face relaxed slightly as he put his phone down.
‘I’m staying here tonight, was just putting my phone on charge and having a break for a few minutes’ he told you and you nodded as you looked around the room. ‘Are you having a good night?’
‘Yeah, Sophia seems nice. Are you?’
‘Yeah, but I was hoping to speak to you more than I have’ he told you, bumping his shoulder with yours lightly and you let out a little giggle.
‘The nights still young’ you told him, checking the time on your phone to see it was nearing 2am and you grimaced slightly. ‘Or not. I didn’t realise it was that late. I’ll have to head off soon’
‘Wait, don’t go’ he pleaded ‘I’ve barely seen you’
‘It’s late, Mason. Plus we sat together downstairs for over an hour and you didn’t hardly say a word to me’ you pouted and he gulped as he’d realised you’d noticed. ‘Why haven’t you? Have I done something wrong? I know I can be difficult but I’m trying’ You told him softly, the alcohol seeming to make you a bit vulnerable and honest and you watched his face drop as he realised you were a bit upset about it.
‘No of course not, I’m so sorry. I don’t know I guess I was just a bit nervous’ he confessed and your eyes dropped to your lap. ‘Why don’t you stay here? With me? Ben won’t care. I’ll sleep on the floor or something just please don’t go’ he pleaded and you were stunned at how quickly he was able to wear you down. ‘I promise I’ll get you home tomorrow early-‘
‘Please, I’m not letting you go home alone this time of night. I’ll even go bunk with Ben if I have to or sleep on the sofa but I’m not letting you leave’
‘Fine I’ll stay’ you cut him off with a quiet laugh and he relaxed instantly, half wanting to keep him happy and the other half wanting to get your head down as the alcohol was wearing off and you were tired.
‘Thank you’ he smiled and you were about to reply when a white paper bag with your name on it on-top of the chest of drawers caught your attention.
‘What’s that?’ You asked he he followed your line of sight, blushing and stuttering as he caught onto what you were looking at. ‘Is that for me?’
‘Well it’s got your name on it’ he laughed as he nodded over to it. ‘Open it’
You walked over to find a long pink box inside and once it was out of the bag you opened it to find the poshest looking chocolate chip cookies you’d ever seen. You turned to face him with a confused expression and he was blushing furiously now.
‘You said the other week when I got you the brownie you would of preferred a cookie’ he explained, walking up to you, and your breath got caught int your throat.
Without thinking about it, you threw your arms around his shoulders and buried your face into his neck. He seemed shocked at first, but after a second he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you into his body even further.
‘That’s the nicest thing anyone’s ever done for me’ you whispered and you felt his body shake as he let out a little chuckle at your words.
‘It’s just some cookies, Y/n’
‘I know’ you uttered and Mason squeezed you a tiny bit harder. ‘Thank you. Why did you bring them here though? I wasn’t even sure I was coming’
‘I know, I just hoped you would I guess’ he spoke into your shoulder and you felt yourself melt before you slowly pulled away from each other. He kept his hands planted on your hips as he tried to catch your eyes but you keep them down, not wanting him to see how vulnerable you felt right now. ‘I think most people are gone, we can get ready for bed if you want’ he told you and you nodded shyly. ‘Just wait here, I’ll go grab you some bits’
He was soon back with his arms full of supplies. Bottles of water and painkillers plus some wipes and a toothbrush from Bens box of spares that apparently he kept at his house in case of emergencies and you we’re pretty sure you knew what that meant.
‘You can borrow something of mine to sleep in’ Mason told you and he was quick you take his shirt off and hand it over once you’d agreed. You tried as hard as possible not to look at his naked torso but you were only human, however Mason seemed to be sculpted by gods. Your eyes automatically landed on the little mole on his tummy and you got the overwhelming urge to kiss it.
You shook yourself out of your thoughts, not wanting him to catch you looking so you took yourself off to the bathroom to get changed. Mason shirt was longer on you than you thought, coming down to about mid thigh and you felt yourself come over all warm as his smell consumed you.
You quickly wiped your makeup off before stealing some toothpaste from the wash bag on the side that you presumed was Masons before joining him back in the room.
He was now changed, dressed in a white T-shirt and a pair of joggers and your heart sunk as you watched him make himself a bed up on the floor.
‘Mason?’ You called quietly and he whipped his head round to look at you. You watched the way his eyes widened as he gave you a once over, slyly licking his lips before his eyes met yours. ‘You don’t have to sleep on the floor, I’d feel awful if you hurt your back or something. There’s enough room for the both of us’ you told him, nodding to the bed but he shook his head almost instantly.
‘I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable’ he started but you shook your head straight away.
‘Please? It’s honestly fine I’ll feel more uncomfortable with you on the floor’ you argued and he huffed before nodding.
‘I’ll be back in a sec’ he told you, disappearing into the bathroom and you placed your stuff on a chair in the corner before sliding under the covers. True to his word, he wasn’t that long and soon enough he was gently climbing in besides you.
‘Are you not gonna get hot in all that?’ You asked, noticing he was fully dressed but he just shrugged and he settled down, making sure you keep his distance from you. ‘We’ll don’t overheat on my account’ You whispered, turning to face him. You shuffled a little closer to him, never crossing the imaginary middle line, but he smiled and moved himself a little closer to you.
‘Sorry if I made you feel like you’d done something wrong. You haven’t at all I just… Come on, let’s get some sleep, you’ll feel better in the morning’
‘I know I’m confusing’ you whispered and you felt him reach over to give your hand a squeeze. ‘I know I blow cold a lot but I’ve just got some stuff going on’
‘It’s okay, you don’t have to explain’ he whispered and even though you wanted to argue with him you thought now wasn’t the best time. ‘Y/n?’
‘You looked beautiful tonight’ he whispered and you felt your whole body prickle with goosebumps, opening your eyes to try and find his in the dark but it was pitch black and no use. ‘I mean you always do but… yeah I’ll stop now’ he laughed
‘Have a good sleep, Mason’ you whispered, hoping your voice didn’t sound a shaky as you felt.
‘Night, Y/n’
Tagged: @alwaysclassyeagle @ricsaigaslec @cinderellawithashoe @vip-access @majx00
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