#fret & kairi sort of
After the Game, Fret somewhat didn't like when someone other than canon had red hair and wore purple. Canon compliant. Oneshot. Neo spoilers. KH DDD is canon to TWEWY in this fic. Though you shouldn’t at all have to really know KH to understand this fic.
For the most part… Fret got on pretty well after Kanon’s death.
It was tough, it really was, but he soldiered on by becoming the more authentic version of himself she had wanted him to be… hoping that that would be enough. And that if her soul did somehow exist somewhere, she might see that and be able to find some happiness there.
And Fret had the Twisters, of course—and Neku’s old friends Shiki, Eri, and Rhyme (who was also Beat’s sister, of course), who had really integrated themselves into the group. There was also sometimes the aloof Joshua—who helped Fret keep his head where it belonged.
That, and all the school work he had to do now, as thoughts about college and careers were coming up, and he needed to try and focus on that, lest he be forgotten.
So, for the most part, while Fret still of course mourned Kanon, he had moved on and was in pretty good spirits, considering.
…The only thing that really got him down, oddly… was seeing redheads like she had been also wearing purple. And at first, meeting the legendary Neku right after Fret had lost the girl of his dreams had somewhat been a thorn in Fret’s side, because he’d just looked at Neku’s hair and the color he so clearly favored and thought “Kanon.”
But, thankfully, those feelings hadn’t lasted. They’d had Shibuya to save, after all. And Neku more than proved why he was great to have on a team and why he was the greatest friend, and why Fret should try and let his ghosts go.
But then, Fret had met Shiki’s best friend “Eri”… who was totally cool, by the way, and a co-creator of Gatto Nero with Shiki, and Fret couldn’t even begin to tell you how much he admired her. Especially since she was so pretty and on point… but not conceded at all, and down to earth.
As fate would have it, however, she’d been wearing purple the moment Fret had met her at Shiki’s birthday party. So, they hadn’t started out well, even though it had of course gotten better, and Fret had almost come undone (as ridiculous as it was for him to still be so hung-up on Kanon, he knew).
Thankfully, Shiki had right away seen his shaking form by the punch table and had come and given him a hug, as she’d whispered sweet nothings into his ear. She had guessed accurately what Fret’s problem was, and held him—not even seeming to feel like he was ruining her party at all—while she rubbed his back soothingly. “It’s okay not to get over a loved one quickly, you know? I was certainly that way about Neku. And you have it so much harder than I did. No one will judge you for your emotions, Fret. And if you need to talk, we’re all here for you. I’ll even go get Mr. Mew for you to hold, as he always cheers me right up.” Shiki had said that last part while winking at him, and Fret had had to laugh then.
He may have been afraid of Mr. Mew when Tsugumi had been controlling him and attacking them with the doll, but now that Fret had seen Shiki with her own one more often than not, Fret was thinking he was a sweet little guy again, and could definitely understand why Shiki would think he was good therapy.
“…And I may mention to Eri that it might be a good idea for her not to wear violet anymore.”
“What? You don’t have to do that? I got used to Neku, so I can with her, too!” Fret had wanted to tell her instantly, but Shiki had already been off to get Mr. Mew for him to cuddle.
And despite everything, Fret had watched Shiki walk across the dance hall with a smile on his face. It felt good to be appreciated. It did.
And after that, Eri did stop wearing that color, and everyone seemed to prefer it that way. Fret did, for his own reason, of course… Eri did, because she didn’t even like it that much, apparently, and Neku appreciated it, who jokingly thanked Eri for getting off his turf.
So, everything was more than good for Fret when it came to those colors for a while… but then some girl named Kairi came to Shibuya: a girl with darker red hair than Kanon, it was true, but wouldn’t you know that she was also wearing amethyst?
At first, Fret had been ready to write this stranger off—just another tourist in Shibuya, that he just happened to notice walking past him—but then she accidentally ran into Beat… and it seemed to startle the girl. And good Lord, then she summoned a magic key-shaped sword to her hands, without even seeming to think about it. And she wasn’t even in the UG! (Though when Fret saw this, his first concern was that they had landed back there.)
And the moment Neku and Beat (who were with Fret to go to Molco, to get him some Tin Pins, because that was becoming a thing again) saw the redhead summon the weapon, they had both exclaimed simultaneously, “You’re a Keyblade wielder!” “Yous a Key wielder!”
Fret had had no idea what they were talking about at that point. So, Neku had hastily explained that Shibuya had actually been destroyed before—a time that he, Shiki, Beat, and Rhyme had only recently gotten their memories back of—and when it had, Joshua had taken their dream fragments (the only thing that had been left of them) to another world, to try and bring them back. And there, they’d taken bodily form once again and met a “Keyblade wielder” named “Sora”, and another one named “Riku,”
Beat had then gone to explain that they’d both helped them out, and that they were probably even bigger deals than him and Neku, and Fret couldn’t believe it. Hell! He could hardly even fathom it. What would that even look like? But he didn’t have much time to try and guess, because Neku began talking to the stranger almost instantly.
“Are you Sora’s girlfriend?” Neku had asked her then, bold as you please, as he’d pulled the redhead back out of the way of pedestrians going to and fro from all the different shopping areas. “He told me that he was great friends with a redhead, who liked art like Shiki does… I think he was insinuating then that I liked Shiki back then, and I wanted to kill him for all the hints he dropped her, while maybe not realizing that he had feelings for you yet, but I think it was still there… If you are that girl he mentioned, I mean.”
And then the poor girl had had a single tear slide down her eye—and Fret almost wanted to kick himself for only being able to think “you’re not Kanon, you’re not Kanon, you’re not Kanon, you’re not Kanon. Why are you dressed like her?”, while he looked at her—and she explained to Beat, who was giving her a big old bear hug, but Neku too, that: “Yeah, I’m Sora’s girlfriend, Kairi… I’m looking for him, because he recently disappeared after he sacrificed himself to bring me back to life. I was thinking he might be here, or that there might be Heartless here that I needed to fight, but I don’t know.”
Neku had appeared to give much thought to all of that (crossing his arms over his chest and closing his eyes, Fret saw), before he finally met Kairi’s eyes with kind ones of his own. “Why don’t you come with me to meet Shiki? She’s another friend of Sora’s. And Keyblade wielders’ hearts can sometimes lead them to keys, right? Maybe there’s something there, if Sora used to tease me about us.”
And Kairi had gone with Neku and Beat to do that (while Fret had followed, aimlessly, feeling really curious, for sure, but also kind of despairing the whole way: he wasn’t going to lie). And then Kairi had found with Shiki’s help, the thing she needed that would help her lead to Sora, apparently.
It was a hockey puck, that Shiki said Neku had gotten her to help them remember old times together… And as soon as Kairi had come near it, her Keyblade had reacted—seeming almost to float over to the puck of its own free will, tugging Kairi along—and then an insanely crazy light show happened (where all of a sudden, the entire world around them had seemed to be nothing but darkness, with just a few pieces of light to speak of: coming from Kairi and the Keyhole that appeared in the sky, that she did acrobatics towards, in order to aim a laser from her Keyblade at it). Then, it was all over and the Buya returned to normal, but the girl was gone.
And Neku and Beat explained that that seemed to sometimes happen with Keyblade wielders—they’d both seen it with Sora and Riku—as they would sometimes get taken away to where they were meant to go next, before they really got to say goodbye. But they both assumed she was fine and gotten what she needed, and definitely seemed to be hoping it, too.
But Neku, Beat, and Shiki had definitely bonded with Kairi that day… and about a year later, she was back in Shibuya to visit them with Sora and Riku… and well, maybe a whole lot of other people. There was yet another girl with red hair, wearing amethyst…
And while Fret was kind of glad to see them—and was thrilled that Kairi had gotten her happy ending and she could just come her for funsies to see everyone now—he couldn’t help sitting in a park bench in Dogenzaka, sighing, as he watched the whole thing unfold.
“Hehehe. You’re in quite the mood. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were turning into Neku…” Someone else had come to sit by Fret… and one quick look let him know that it was none other than the Composer of Shibuya himself… and that he had better get it together, before the guy threw him into another Game to improve himself, like he originally had with Neku.
“Oh, uhh… Hi there, Joshua. It’s good to see you,” Fret said, putting a hand under his chin and regarding the other boy—god—with mixed feelings. “Did you see that ice is really in this season? And diamonds almost match your light blue shirts, right? I feel like if you started wearing some diamond necklaces, you’d be even more stylish than you already ar-”
But Joshua halted Fret’s attempt to somewhat butter him up, with a hand held high and a small smile on his face. “There’s no need for all of that, I assure you,” Joshua promised, violet eyes locking onto Fret’s and that, too, making the youth think of Kanon some. “If you want her back, why don’t you just ask me?” Joshua asked rather smug now.
And it was too much. All too much. Fret wanted to believe that Joshua could actually bring her back for him… but what if this was a trap? And what if Joshua meant it now… but Fret somehow made him changed his mind, when he begged him to do so and thanked him for it. What if he didn’t do everything to code?
Tripping over his words now, as he ran a hand through his hair, Fret asked, “I mean… I would love it. If you want to, and don’t think it’ll hurt Kanon to be back, I’m all for it. But can you really do that? Wouldn’t you maybe get in trouble?”
At that Joshua “hmmed”, and Fret panicked—feeling like he’d ruined his chances for real here—and he was about to kiss the Composer’s feet to try and be on his good side again…
But it seemed like Fret had started fretting over nothing, as Joshua giggled and flipped his hair once. “I’ve brought Players who didn’t win back after a corrupt Game before, so it wouldn’t be the first time. Kanon’s Soul did seem quite promising to me for a few reasons there, so I’d be interested to see how she would shape Shibuya…
“And as of now… I would not get in trouble, dear Fret. But thank you for your concern. Heh. I am the senior of a lot of angels on the Higher Plane. And right now, the ones above me are actually very much interested me and my methods, for halting Shibuya’s purification twice, but having it turn out better both times for it. So, I imagine they’d let this one slide.”
Fret was near tears at that point; of course he was… And okay, maybe he was actually crying now. It was just that this was all he had ever dreamed of after they’d gotten out of the Game, of course… Because despite what he told himself… Fret did still love Kanon. And wouldn’t it be great, to actually get back one of the friends that Fret had lost?
But now Fret had to wonder, as he scratched his neck awkwardly, “All those gingers I saw in purple… was that a hint from you to me that I could get Kanon back?” Had Fret been looking a gift horse in the mouth all this time?
Joshua was laughing once more, as he urged Fret to get up and go make nice with the Keyblade wielders, who—if Fret was hearing it right—were telling all of Fret’s friends about urban legends they had heard of in a place called Twilight Town… and then Nagi chirped back about the ones they’d seen in the Game, and Rindo and Beat jumped in to help her out with that.
Huh… Perhaps Fret really was missing something over there. And was Joshua, too?
“Usually, I wouldn’t give an answer… I would say it’s above your pay grade, or that the world is whatever you want it to be… But, no. I was not prompting you to make this choice about Tachibana Kanon. Though things seemed to work out rather nicely for you, wouldn’t you say? So you’d find the strength to ask me about her?”
“I- I do,” Fret admitted, looking down at the pavement—and then all the buildings around him—and thinking that for a concrete jungle… Shibuya was actually a masterpiece, and might have actually been heaven, as far as he was concerned. “So, when will Kanon-"
But when Fret looked towards Joshua once more, the Composer was already gone.
And Fret… he didn’t see Kanon for a while after that. And he imagined it probably felt like what Rindo had gone through (and somewhat Fret himself; all the Twisters, really), when Josh had first brought Shokie to the RG.
About four months later, Fret was beginning to dread that Joshua had forgotten his promise, or that it was impossible to bring Kanon back, after all…
And he was at 104, checking out all the new selections there, when he heard a voice behind him, “So, Fret… do you mind telling me how you really feel? And no sugarcoating it! I was proud to see how you grew, after all. And you can’t disappoint a lady by covering it up some, if you went to all this trouble to bring her back, y’know?”
Fret dropped the black hat that he’d been about to purchase (that was maybe so light black, it was actually closer to purple), as he turned around to face that voice and ran towards her to embrace her.
Author’s Note: So, the other redhead who goes with Sora and the crew to Shibuya in this story is supposed to be Ariel—in a “The Worlds Are Starting to be Reconnected” idea—and it’s mainly because she wore purple seashells (though a shirt here, of course). Not even gonna lie. But if you don’t like that, you can imagine it’s an OC… that Sora and Kairi had a daughter… or just completely ignore that part. It’s up to you.
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joyfuladorable · 3 years
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Summary: Listen, gender roles are stupid and Kairi should’ve been swinging a wooden sword with her two best friends and doing the same sort of competitive stuff they did. There was never a good reason for leaving her behind.
When Kairi befriends Riku and Sora, she joins in their competitions, as well. Racing, paddling, swimming, climbing, collecting, sword fighting, you name it! On the Play Island, there are no adults to stop her. No pitying looks that still see her as the frail orphaned child who washed up on their shores that one meteorshowered night several years ago. She lifts up her sword every day, the one Sora and Riku made her and which she decorated with an ever growing canvas of light carvings of waves and flowers and stars. Where Riku flips and pounces and Sora blocks and swings, Kairi dodges and hits with all the fury and frustration packed into her adolescent body to break any defense and follows it with a kick to the stomach for good measure. She doesn’t win all her spars, but her stubbornness always gives her opponents a run for their money.
So, the day Destiny Islands falls, she stubbornly tries to keep the door closed. “Help me!” she cries out to Sora who races in and says something about Riku being taken by shadows. He tries to add his weight to the door, but the darkness is too strong. They are both blown away into the stars.
Or, they would have if Kairi hadn’t seen Sora reach out to her, so she clasps his hand tightly in her own. When their hands touch, a light shines between them, and as the island crumbles away, Kairi lands beside Sora. While he wields an absurdly large key, she still has her wooden sword, now sharpened with glimmering light. The lumbering beast of shadows that heralds the end of their world is no match for their combined might, honed from a childhood of teamwork. But its defeat does not stop the end. Kairi and Sora are swept up in the winds of darkness, and Destiny Islands’ star winks out from the sky.
When she awakens, Kairi is slumped across from Sora as he is rudely roused by an adorable dog. She giggles but sobers quickly to reality as he begins to fret about the islands. She gets up and tries to reassure him, but no words or motions can get his attention. Even standing in front of him, Sora cannot see Kairi. When he follows after the dog, he runs straight through her form. Trembling, Kairi looks down at herself, her body is now a translucent gold and glows in the same light of her sword. As Sora disappears around a corner, she feels a tugging in her chest and follows.
She is there as he meets the townsfolk of Traverse Town. She gasps in shared horror as a man loses his heart to a monster. She is relieved when she realizes she can still fight them, even if no one else sees. She can still have Sora’s back as he unravels the mystery of these creatures called the Heartless and is pulled along in Donald and Goofy’s mission to find their King.
They promise to help him find his friends, and though Sora doesn’t know, Kairi places a hand on his shoulder and says, “Well, you might not know that you’ve already found me, but I promise I won’t leave your side. We’ll find Riku together.”
And she doesn’t leave him, not through all the wild worlds and notable friends and enemies. If Sora notices that hoards of enemies are cut down faster than expected, he doesn’t comment on it, but she notices how he subconsciously makes room for her. There's always a part of the battlefield unmanaged for her to wreak havoc. Always room when he sits for her to lean against his back or beside him. Always talking about what he wants to tell her and Riku. There are times where Kairi’s sure he can see her, but it always fades in a moment. In her current state, she learns that she has no need for food or rest, but it hurts her to be so close yet unable to interact. It hurts to see Riku slip away from them time and time again.
Then, they are captured by Captain Hook and his crew, and Kairi finally sees her body. But she promised Sora she would stick by him, so she follows as he is dropped into the brig. Eventually though, they find Peter’s friend Wendy and her unseeing comatose body. When Sora calls out to her, she feels a surge of energy and tries to clamber up the mess of boxes to reach her body through the netting of the ceiling. But just as she is about to connect, the pirates haul Wendy and her body away. She feels like screaming from the frustration and Hook is no match for her fury as she bolsters every blow he takes with her own swings. Even the joy of flying does little to cool her boiling temper until she hears Sora marvel at the world they’re in and his wish to share it with her.
Later, Kairi cries when she and Sora get caught up in the memory of her younger self and her grandmother. She’d forgotten so much, both willingly and unwillingly. She desperately hopes her grandmother is safe in another world, or at least prays her heart was not taken. When they finally land on the bones of Radiant Garden that have been dubbed Hollow Bastion, Kairi feels both her and Sora’s hearts wrench at the sight. And their hearts break even more as Riku steals the keyblade for a task he never had to do alone.
In the waterways, Kairi finds it almost funny to watch Sora try to combat Heartless with a non-magical wooden sword. Luckily, he has her and Beast to protect him when his magic runs low. Then Sora, being Sora, confronts Riku and turns the tide with his unerring capacity for love and friendship. They have to watch Riku run once more, but surely next time they can convince him.
Then, they make it to the room of the other captured princesses, and Kairi’s feet are rooted to the spot as Sora, Donald, and Goofy make their way up the stairs. Even as she feels the compulsion to be near Sora as his other friends are trapped behind invisible walls, she cannot move. Even as the words of Ansem through Riku’s mouth echo down to her, Kairi is trapped with the other princesses. Even as she sees Sora fight for his life and her heart, not a single muscle on her incorporeal body would let her fucking MOVE!
As suddenly as she was stopped, she can move again. By the time she makes it up the stairs, there’s no Riku in sight, Sora is trying to lock the keyhole, and her body is laying on the floor. With trepidation, she kneels down and touches her own shoulder…
And nothing happens. Both hands, on the head, on the cheek, on the heart. Nothing she does will let her combine with her physical form, and she doesn’t notice Sora’s picked up Ansem’s wretched keyblade until he’s set his own in her limp hands.
“Take care, okay?”
Kairi shouts “NO!” as her selves finally join when Sora pierces his own chest. He falls. She awakens in her body and desperately reaches out to his fading form. But unlike her, there is no solid hand to grasp, to anchor to her. She feels the warmth of Sora’s heart for a moment before it vanishes. She is left with the unfamiliar weight of the keyblade in her hands, and now both of her best friends are gone.
Then, the keyhole starts to go haywire and Ansem shows up with Riku’s incorporeal form holding him back. He tells her to run and Donald and Goofy are quick to listen, but Kairi is stubborn. She grips the Keyblade in both hands, shifting from how she’s seen Sora hold it to her own.
“Give. Them. Back.” she growls through her tears as Riku begins to fade and Ansem gives her the same look all the adults on the islands give her. As if she’s pitiful and frail. A wave of darkness threatens to hit all of them, but she moves to block. Goofy and Donald bolster her with their weapons. Ansem just laughs, and Kairi grits her teeth. Her arms tremble, but she reaches within herself. Not just for all the emotions that help her fight, but for the light that she has been using all throughout this journey. The keyblade shines in her hands as she, Donald, and Goofy burst the darkness into nothingness.
Ansem’s smile drops as Kairi swings the keyblade more experimentally. Then, the tapping of six pairs of feet are heard climbing up the staircases. Three on one side and three on the other. The Princesses of Heart use their light to banish Ansem from this world, though not before he admits that they’ve already served their purpose. When Kairi positions the Keyblade to lock the keyhole of her old world, like Sora would do, she can feel a motion as if the lock is jammed. Behind the keyhole is a portal of energy and darkness. One of the Princesses, Alice, reasons it has to be the reason the lock won’t work.
Kairi doesn’t hesitate to jump in with Donald and Goofy at her heels. They’re the only ones, along with the Behemoth Heartless, to hear her scream as she batters into the enemy. The Heartless is downed in minutes, but she can’t calm the buzzing of energy in her body. She clenches her fists and wails into this void space until her face is red and her eyes and nose are streaming with tears and snot. Goofy offers a handkerchief, which she gladly takes.
Once they rejoin the Princesses, Kairi can finally lock the keyhole. They hear the click, but they know it’s not over. Donald and Goofy suggest going back to Traverse Town because they might be able to decipher what to do next, maybe even how to save Sora and Riku. The Princesses decline the offer of being taken back to their worlds. Hollow Bastion is closest to the End, and they want to ensure that Kairi and the others will have the most time to prepare.
Leon and his friends are welcoming and just as intrigued as Donald and Goofy when she tells them about how she’s been with Sora the whole time. But there are no clear answers for rescuing Riku from Ansem or pulling Sora from the darkness. All they know, thanks to the Reports that Sora found, is that Ansem is responsible for the Heartless, and now Kairi has to stand-in for Sora as the Keyblade Master. She falls into days of crash-course combat and magic training and impresses both Leon and Merlin with her aptitude. It's tough work, but she relishes the exhaustion. Exhaustion is the only thing that will let her sleep at night. It’s the only way to escape the nightmare loop of her friends disappearing in front of her eyes.
She ties up loose ends for Sora as they stop by worlds on the way to the End. It’s clear to her that she’s procrastinating as she wins another tournament, fells a towering Heartless, or finds another lost dalmatian puppy. Donald and Goofy understand. They’re just as scared. Who knows what they’ll find at the End? Will defeating Ansem fix everything? Will it help them save their loved ones? Eventually, they stow their fear. With pockets full of supplies, they turn the Gummi Ship towards the End.
Despite all of the weirdness she’s experienced, Kairi is disoriented by the ever-shifting landscape of the End. No invisible walls, surprise Heartless attacks, or giant Ursula-sized winged demons can stop them, though. They race through the slideshow of the worlds until they stop on the sands of Destiny Islands. For a moment, she sees Riku. Then, Ansem turns to face them, and Kairi’s vision fills with red.
Facing her together with her friends and even alone, Ansem cannot withstand her righteous rage. Then, he turns into a disgusting ship abomination, and Kairi has to weave and dodge and fight til her arms tremble with the effort of holding him back and rescuing Donald and Goofy. But, in the end, he is just a deluded man. Kingdom Hearts’ light obliterates his weakened form. Then, it’s just Kairi, Donald, and Goofy and a large set of doors that must be closed to seal the Heartless away.
When Kairi sees both Sora and Riku helping King Mickey close the other side, she hesitates on her end. Sora and Riku explain that they’ll be fine. That they’ll find a way back to her, but she refuses and desperately reasons there must be something they can do. Anything to stop being away from them for another second! Then, before anyone can stop them, Donald and Goofy enter through the gap between the doors and push Sora and Riku out.
King Mickey and Sora cry out in protest, but their minds are made up. Donald and Goofy ask that they find Pluto and to send a message to Queen Minnie and Daisy to say that they found him. Even as the gap gets too narrow to fit through, Sora continues to protest, but they put their hands on his one last time and say that a promise is a promise. He helped them find their king, and they helped him find his friends. And surely, with their two parties combined, they’ll find a way out or be rescued in no time at all!
As the King raises his Keyblade, Kairi moves to give hers back to Sora, but he just puts his hand over hers and motions for Riku to do the same. Together, they raise the Keyblade up and lock Kingdom Hearts. The doors disappear, Mickey, Donald, and Goofy along with it. The End shifts for the last time as the stars, the Worlds, fall back into place. The little plot of sand that they stand on conveniently reveals the Gummi Ship to them.
But Kairi doesn’t want to go, yet. She dismisses the Keyblade, grabs both Riku and Sora, and pulls them into a tight embrace. Tears stream down her face as they wrap their arms around her, and she can feel them shake and the drops of their own tears on her shoulders and back. They linger in this moment until the edge of the sands are almost at their feet.
They race to the Gummi Ship. Sora and Kairi fight over control of the pilot’s chair until Riku plops down and asks them to show him how. The End fades into the dark sky as the stars twinkle around them. Riku quickly manages to learn how to cruise. Sora contacts Chip and Dale to let them know what’s happened. Kairi sets a course for Traverse Town because what better place to figure out what to do next? The stars blur as the ship moves and they sit in companionable silence until Kairi speaks up.
“Sora. Riku.”
She gets up and pulls the thalassa shell charms from her pockets, both painstakingly finished with the crude smiling faces of her best friends. Kairi gives one to each of them, and she can already tell they're trying not to cry again just like she is. She jokingly says they should make one for her to complete the set, but Riku earnestly tells Sora they should check on the islands at some point and find some shells. Kairi sniffs and wipes her eyes.
“Whatever happens now," her quavering voice settles after a deep breath. "We’ll be together, right?”
“Of course!” Sora exclaims as Riku nods and murmurs a “Yeah.”
Her two best friends hold their charms over their hearts as they swear in unison.
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minijenn · 3 years
KH Comm #4
Another Keys related writing comm for @rosie-drawss, who wanted another “what if” scenario for what would happen if the glamor spell had faded following the ball and Cinderella’s Castle. Angst and hurt/comfort ensues as Sora has to fess up to all his many lies early! Enjoy!
Kairi is still in a haze of half-slumber when she gets up as quietly as she can so as not to wake Sora or Riku. She tip-toes to fetch a drink of water from the pitcher on the far side of the room before heading back to bed in a similar silent manner, eager to return to the pleasant dreams she’d been having of the enchanted evening they’d just had together. That happiness still hangs over her as she climbs back into her spot under the covers right beside Sora. She smiles drowsily as she takes in the sight of him sleeping peacefully, the ghost of a contented grin on his face, his white hair draped loosely, lazily over his closed eyes-
Wait… white hair?
Her sharp gasp breaks the quiet of the room, a startled cry soon joining it as she rolls backward out of bed, ultimately landing hard on the floor. Riku bolts upright first, calling for Kairi as he glances around the darkened room amidst trying to regather his bearings. But when Sora sits up only seconds later, he’s the first to find Kairi, still sitting on the floor, staring up at him with a look of nothing less than absolute shock. 
“Kairi?” he presses, concerned as he leans over the side of the bed. “Are you ok? What’s wrong?” 
When Kairi finds herself far too bewildered to offer him an answer, Sora turns to Riku next, hoping to get his help. Only to catch the same exact sort of stunned stare from him too. “What?” Sora frowns, glancing between the pair in apt confusion. “Why aren’t you guys saying anything? What’s going on?”
“...I think we ought to be the ones asking you that question…” Riku finally says, his tone and expression both tense. 
“Sora,” Kairi’s on her feet now, retrieving a hand mirror from the nearby dresser. “W-what… what is this?”
She hands the mirror over to him, and the very second Sora so much as sees his own reflection within it, it slips out of his hand and shatters on the floor. Tears swiftly form in his now-golden eyes, a shadow-streaked hand slipping over his mouth as he tries to make sense of how this might have happened. Of how the awful secret he’s been hiding for them for so long could somehow reveal itself entirely on its own accord.
Kairi carefully steps past the broken glass on the floor to sit back on the bed alongside Sora, placing a gentle hand on his arm as he chokes out a small, frightened sob. “You… know what this is… don’t you?” she asks, gauging his mournful reaction for exactly what it is. 
Sora refuses to offer an answer, all but shutting down as he wraps his arms around himself, shutting his eyes so he doesn’t have to meet their piercing, questioning gazes. Kairi softens when she sees how scared he seems to be, but Riku knows he can’t do the same. Not when this is something that certainly can’t be anything good. 
“Tell us,” he places a hand on Sora’s shoulder, his voice coming out quiet and calm. Or at least as calm as it can be right now. “Please, Sora, if something’s wrong then you need to let us know what-”
“I-I’m the Organization’s thirteenth vessel!” Sora suddenly shouts, distraught and distressed. He’d been half-tempted to lie to them, but he knows it won’t do him any good now; not when they can both so clearly see the truth for themselves. “W-what you guys did to save me during the exam didn’t work and now I… I’m being… Xehanort is-”
“H-he’s taking over your heart…” Riku finishes in a whisper. A grave silence falls over the room as this horrific realization sinks in, a realization that none of them want to face. Kairi clings onto Sora’s arms, joining him in his sorrowful, ceaseless tears. But those tears aren’t something Riku shares. Instead, he continues staring solely at Sora, at the white in his hair, the gold in his eyes. He stares in solemn, saddened silence as he thinks about just how much he’s managed to fail Sora, how he failed to save him, how he failed to notice that something was even this wrong until he could see it laid so plainly before him. He stares and says nothing, shedding not a single tear as he realizes the only thing he can really do right now is to somehow be strong for them both. Even if he doesn’t really want to be. 
“Sora-” he starts, only to nearly lose his composure completely when Sora practically falls into his arms, Kairi following not long after. 
“I’m sorry!” Sora cries, completely despondent by this point. “I’m so sorry for lying and hiding this and trying to fix this on my own even though I knew I can’t! I don’t know how to stop this, and I’m so, so scared that there isn’t any way to stop it-”
“We will stop it,” Kairi speaks up, her tone tight and anxious as she holds Sora even tighter. “W-we’ll find a way, we have to and we will. Won’t we, Riku?”
Riku takes in a long, deep breath, if only to steady himself for the journey on the road ahead of them now. A road that is bound to be long and painful, but one that needs to be taken. Especially if what’s waiting at the end of it is what somehow sets Sora’s already captive heart free. 
“Go wake up the others,” he instructs the pair as he gets out of bed. “Tell them to pack their things. We’re leaving in an hour. We… have a lot to talk about.”
Word spreads between the other guardians of light like wildfire. Before they even leave Cinderella’s castle, each and every one of them hears about what’s happening, and very few of them are truly caught off guard when they see Sora’s startling change in appearance. The only three among them that had been in on his lie are surprised, however, to find out that the truth had slipped out so suddenly. Ventus breathes a sigh of relief, glad to know Sora won’t be able to drag this dangerous charade out any longer than he already has. Meanwhile, Donald and Goofy are both baffled by the mysterious failure of the glamour spell, something that the magician chalks up as a side effect of his magic mingling with Fairy Godmother’s. And since Fairy Godmother’s spell had worn off when the clock struck midnight, so too had the spell that had helped Sora hide his secret for so very long. 
The trip back to the tower is a long, quiet one. No one’s really sure what to say or where to start, so they decide to discuss it all in a proper meeting instead. Said meeting kicks off almost as soon as they arrive, and it starts with Sora having no choice but to explain the situation to the other lights in full. He soberly shows them everything: his hair, his eyes, his hands, his scar, his Keyblade, even his powers in steady succession. Telling the full, unbridled truth is strange, in a sense; because even as much as he feared the thought of doing exactly this before, he can’t deny that actually unveiling it all is something of a bizarre relief. Like every secret he’s shedding is a weight finally lifting off his shoulders, weight he should have let someone else share a long time ago. 
One he’s revealed everything he can, Yen Sid asks Sora to sit the rest of the meeting out. While the reasoning for such a request isn’t initially clear, he does so gracefully, waiting just outside the door for the others to emerge. And as he waits, his fretful thoughts wander to just how quickly things have gone wrong over the course of one night alone. Just how fast a night of dreams had turned into his worst nightmare. 
After what feels like ages, Riku and Kairi finally leave the meeting behind. The others hang back, likely to give them a bit of privacy to allow the pair to relay to Sora the verdict they’ve all just reached. 
“Ok, here’s the plan,” Riku begins, wearing the steadfast composure of the leader he was chosen to be. “The others are all heading out tomorrow to look for the rest of the Keys. Kairi and I are-”
“We’re staying here, with you,” Kairi interrupts, taking Sora’s hands and holding them tight. “At least for now. And while we’re here, we’re going to look into every way we can find to free you from… f-from this.”
“B-but… what if we can’t-”
“If we can’t find answers here, then we’ll look somewhere else,” Riku continues, resolved. “But we won’t stop until we find a way to help you, Sora. That’s a promise.”
“But it’s not a promise we can keep unless you promise to meet us halfway with this too,” Kairi insists earnestly. “Which means… no more lying, and no more secrets. You’ve always been able to trust both of us with anything before. That doesn’t have to change now, not even with something like this.”
Sora looks between the pair, caught off guard by the brazen plan he’s hearing. One that he desperately wants to believe will work, just as much as he wants to believe they actually mean what they say. But his anxious, guilt-ridden heart still finds room to foolishly doubt them all the same. “Y-you… you really want to help me?” he asks, his voice small and edged with shame for something he doesn’t feel he truly deserves.
“You know we do,” Riku vows as he gently pulls both Sora and Kairi close. 
“More than anything else,” Kairi adds just as warmly, just as lovingly. 
And… despite everything else, despite all of the fear and despair and remorse he’s still carrying… Sora decides to let that love--their love for him--lighten that load at least a little bit. “Then ok,” he finally smiles for the first time since the glamour faded. For the first time since he opened the door to let his two best friends back into his heart. “I promise.”
Commissions are CLOSED
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atomic-taco-muffin · 3 years
The Lost Princess Chapter 28
Warnings: angst?
Rating: SFW
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You and the trio had left the Fourth World Entrance and had entered the world, Monstro. 
“What a weird place! Everything's kinda springy and soft,” you said. 
“Nice and warm, too. I'm startin' to feel like a nap,” Goofy said. 
“I think you should be a little more worried,” someone said. 
“Who's there?” Donald asked. There, Pinocchio was hiding behind a wall.
“You're inside the belly of Monstro the Whale,” he said. Jiminy jumped onto the ground.
“Why, I know that voice... Pinocchio? Pinoke, it's you! Come on out!” Jiminy said. 
“Is that you, Jiminy? Gosh, I thought I'd never see you again!” Pinocchio said. 
“Gee, there's no way you wouldn't find me again. I'm your conscience. And your conscience will always be your guide. Remember?”
“Sure, Jiminy. And I've been a good boy, promise. I didn't tell a single lie.” All of a sudden, Pinocchio’s nose grew longer. 
“Uh-oh!” he said. 
“Well, for Pete's sake!” Jiminy said. 
“Oops! But...how did YOU end up inside Monstro, anyway?”
“We, uh, sort of used a special way...” Sora said. 
“It's so special, we don't know how we did it!” Goofy said. 
“That's too bad... I was hoping you could help me and Father get out of here.” 
“Well, I'll be! Geppetto's here, too?” 
“Sure he is. Follow me!” You and the others followed PInocchio to a ruined ship inside Monstro's mouth, where Geppetto was.
“Geppetto!” Jiminy said. Geppetto walked over to the ship's edge.
“Bless my soul, it's Jiminy Cricket. How in the world did you get here?” he said.
“You tell me! How does a clockmaker wind up in the belly of a whale?” Jiminy said.
“Well, it's a long story...” You and the gang climbed onto the ship, and Geppetto told his story.
“So you sailed out to look for Pinocchio...” Donald said. 
“...and Monstro swallowed you!” Goofy said. 
“Yes, but I found my son. I would do anything for my Pinocchio,” Geppetto said. 
“But now you can't get out, can you? Being stuck in the belly of a whale is awful,” you said. 
“Not if Pinocchio and I are together. That makes everything a little bit better. There's nothing better than being reunited with someone you care about.”
“Yeah... I know what you mean,” Sora said. 
“Me too,” you said.
“I don't care if I'm trapped here, so long as I have Pinocchio. He's such a good boy.” 
“Well, he still tells fibs. But with a little help from me...” Jiminy said.
“Oh, Jiminy, you worry too much.” 
“Speaking of Pinocchio... Where is he?” Sora asked.
“He was here a minute ago. Where's he gone this time?” Donald said.
“I expect he's off exploring. That boy has been poking around just about everywhere inside this monster. He won't tell me why it's so important. I tell him it's dangerous, but he won't listen.” 
“That boy's a handful! Sora, (Y/N), if you don't mind...”
“I know, I know. You want us to help you find him, right? C'mon, guys, let's get going!” Sora said. You, Donald, and Goofy nodded in agreement.
“Oh!” Pinocchio said. You, Sora, Donald, Goofy, and Jiminy found Pinocchio in another area of Monstro.
“Pinocchio! What are you thinking?! You know Geppetto worries when you wander off by yourself,” Jiminy said.
“Jiminy was worried, too!” Donald said. 
“I'm sorry...” Pinocchio said. 
“What are you doing, anyway? Looking for something?” you asked. 
“Um...yeah, I'm looking for treasure!” Pinocchio’s nose grew longer.
“Here we go again!” Jiminy said.
“But, Jiminy...” 
“Now, don't be so hard on the little fella, Jiminy. We promise not to get mad, Pinocchio. Is that why you're afraid to tell? No need to fret. Tell us the truth---we'll understand. Put yer trust in Goofy!” Goofy said. 
“...I was looking for a way out. Father says he's happy, but it's my fault we're stuck here. I shouldn't have run away from home. I want to help Father get home to the workshop. But he'll worry if I tell him what I'm doing.”
“So that's why you thought you had to tell a lie,” Jiminy said. 
“You did it 'cause you love your dad!”
“All you need now is courage!” Donald said.
“Tell Geppetto the truth. With a little courage, you can do it! If you tell him how you really feel, I bet he'll help you find a way out,” you said.
“And we'll give you a hand!” Sora said.
“Really? You'll help us? Okay, I'll give it a try! Wish me luck, Jiminy!”
“No more keeping secrets, then. Have we got a deal?” Jiminy said.
“Sure! I'll be brave and tell Father how I really feel. No lies this time!”
“Great! Then your nose won't---” Suddenly, the ground started to shake.
“What's happening?!” you asked.
“I have no idea!” Sora said.
“I got a bad feeling about this!” Donald said.
“Pinocchio, run for it!” Jiminy said. Pinocchio ran away. A Parasite Cage Heartless fell from the ceiling in front of him.
“Pinocchio!” you and Sora said. Pinocchio was trapped inside the Heartless.
“Help! I'm trapped!” he said.
“What?!” Sora asked. You and the trio fought the Parasite Cage. After the fight, the Heartless was knocked out, but Pinocchio was still trapped inside.
“Help me! I'm scared!” he said.Pinocchio was trapped inside the Heartless.
“Help! I'm trapped!” he said.
“What?!” Sora asked. You and the trio fought the Parasite Cage. After the fight, the Heartless was knocked out, but Pinocchio was still trapped inside.
“Help me! I'm scared!” he said.
“Pinocchio, be brave!” you said.
“Don't give up! Try fighting your way out!”
“Be brave... Okay, I'll try!” Pinocchio jumped up and down, which opened the Heartless' cage and allowed Pinocchio to climb out, right before the Heartless was destroyed and its heart was released.
“Pinocchio, are you alright?” Jiminy asked.
“Don't worry, I'm okay. Just a little sticky...” Pinocchio said as he got up.
“But I have a great idea! That thing spit me out when I started fighting back. Why don't we try the same thing with Monstro?” he said.
“Of course! If we're lucky, Monstro might cough us up!” Sora said.
“Great idea! Let's go deeper inside and try it!” Donald said.
“I'm going, too!” Pinocchio said.
“No, it's too dangerous,” Jiminy said.
“Aww, c'mon...”
“You should be with Geppetto. No use escaping from Monstro if you two get separated again!”
“Leave this to us,” Sora said.
“I guess you're right. Be careful, everybody!” You and the trio left to explore Monstro. You, Sora, Donald, and Goofy entered Monstro's throat.
“Looks like this is as far as we go,” Goofy said.
“Ready, then? Let's shake things up!” you said.
“It would be easier if we had someone to fight...” Donald said.
“Perfect timing. Looks like we've got company!” Sora said. Several Shadow Heartless surrounded you and the trio. One spooked Donald. The four of you defeated the Heartless.
“Whew...” Sora said. Suddenly, the ground started to shake, which shocked you and the trio.
“A-hyuck?” Goofy asked.
“It's working! Monstro's gonna sneeze!” Jiminy said. Monstro started to sneeze. The four of you group was risen out of the throat and landed in Monstro's mouth.
“Oww... Now I know what getting shot out of a cannon feels like,” Sora said.
“Where's Pinocchio and his dad?” Goofy asked.
“They're gone. They must've gotten out safely,” Jiminy said.
“Without you, Jiminy? I thought there was no escaping your conscience!” you said.
“I don't mind being left behind, as long as they're both safe. Maybe Pinocchio doesn't need me after all.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“That little puppet used to have trouble telling right from wrong. But he's come a long way. Maybe he doesn't need Jiminy Cricket anymore. Seems like he's got a conscience of his very own.” 
“Don't you remember what Geppetto said? ‘There's nothing better than being reunited with someone you care about.’ I bet Pinocchio's counting the days till he can see you again,” Sora said. Jiminy jumped back onto Sora's shoulder.
“Well, what do you know... You might be right,” he said. Goofy and Donald nodded while you smiled in reassurance. You and the group then left Monstro. You, Sora, Donald, and Goofy entered the Fourth Floor Exit Hall.
“Who could that have been before in my memory?” Sora asked. 
‘It wasn't Kairi... But another...girl? Maybe... I think her name was...’ Sora thought.
“Sora!” Donald said. 
“Ah!” Sora said surprised.
“(Y/N)’s having another headache,” Goofy said. He saw you on the ground, clutching your head, and breathing heavily with your eyes tightly closed. 
“(Y/N)? Are you okay?” Sora asked as he knelt down to your height. You didn’t say anything but continued to breathe heavily. 
You were back where you saw Vanitas during your last headache and you ran up to him.
“Vani! What’s going on? Why am I getting these headaches? What are you not telling me?” you asked. 
“Follow me,” he said. You walked with Vanitas and you saw a silhouette of a boy on a chair.
“Is that you, Vani?” you asked.
“Not technically,” he said. You looked at him confused. 
“I was originally part of him when dad ripped me out with his keyblade. I’m back in him now but it’s only a matter of time before dad does it again.” 
“What should I do?” 
“I need you to use your powers to protect me and him.” 
“Are you sure?” 
“100%. It’s the only to protect me. I don’t want be part of his schemes.” 
“Okay.” You used your powers and placed a protection spell on Vanitas and the boy. 
“What’s his name?” you asked when you finished the spell.
“Ventus. Ven for short,” Vanitas said. 
“Will I ever get to meet him?” 
“Maybe. You never know.” He started to disappear and you gave him a hug before he went. 
“I love you, big brother,” you said. 
“I love you too, little sis,” he said. He disappeared and you returned back to the trio. 
“Are you okay?” Sora asked. You nodded and slowly stood up. 
“That was your second headache. Are you sure you’re okay?” Donald said. 
“I-I’m fine. I think this castle is messing with me,” you said. 
“If you say so,” Sora said. The four of you continued, you staying close to Sora so that you could keep your balance. Somewhere in the castle, the girl was still in the white room, drawing. She was drawing a picture in her sketchbook of you, Sora, Kairi, herself, and Riku holding hands. You, Sora, and the gang entered the Fifth Floor. Goofy and Donald nodded as the four of you walked toward the door.
“I remember!” Sora said. 
“Huh?” Donald and Goofy asked. 
“There was another girl!” 
“Really?! Me too!” you said. 
“What? A girl? Where?” Goofy asked.
“No, no, I mean on the islands where (Y/N) and I used to live. Besides (Y/N), Kairi and Riku, there was one other girl I was friends with. The five of us played together all the time,” Sora said. 
“I remember that too! She was really sweet!” you said. 
“Sora, (Y/N)...Seems to me that's the first time you've mentioned her,” Jiminy said. 
“Yeah...I guess we forgot all about her. I think...she just suddenly went away when we were still really little,” you said. 
“What do you think made you remember that now?” Donald asked. 
“I'm not sure. But it's been coming back in pieces as we go through the castle,” Sora said. 
“Gawrsh, do ya remember her name?” Goofy asked. 
“I don't remember. I feel kinda dumb. We said we weren't gonna forget our friends, and well now... I can't even remember her name,” Sora said. 
“Me neither,” you said. You and Sora put your head down, ashamed.
“Sora...(Y/N)...” Donald said. 
“Aww, you shouldn't be worryin', none! If it's been coming back to you in pieces... You're sure to remember her name just like everything else!” Goofy said. You and Sora nodded, still a bit worried. You and Sora held up the next card at the Fifth Floor world entrance, and entered to the next world.
To be continued...
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aliceslantern · 4 years
Retribution, a Kingdom Hearts fanfic, chapter 16
Newly a person again, Ienzo is weighed down by guilt and his humanity. He's prepared to do whatever it takes to atone... only to find unexpected solace in a familiar face. With more insight into the bonds between people than ever before, Ienzo reaches for a dangerous element from the past to help Kairi and Riku in their search for Sora. What is his life if it means saving another, brighter light?
Chapter summary:  Kairi goes to a deeper place of sleep. Ienzo pays a price.
Read it on FF.net/on AO3
He’d only come into the lab to drop off some notes Ansem had asked for. As soon as he was in the office he noticed the tension, thick, making his heart rate spike. Both Ansem and Even were standing over Kairi.
“What’s going on?” Ienzo asked.
“She won’t wake,” Even said. “I stopped the sedative hours ago--yet--and all her vitals look normal. I don’t understand--”
“Perhaps she is naturally asleep?” Ienzo asked, though he didn’t believe it as he said it.
Ansem shook his head. He offered Ienzo the tablet they’d been using to monitor her vitals. “Look at her neural activity.”
“She’s dreaming,” Ienzo said softly.
“She’s gone to a farther place of sleep,” Even said. “Perhaps… seeking something, or…”
Ienzo could feel his pulse in his throat. “What of the data?”
“Inconclusive nonsense,” Ansem said, flicking through a few tabs. “The numbers. It’s as though--”
“Perhaps she is slipping too,” Ienzo said, with horror. “If she connected with Sora… but is that possible?”
“I’m not sure. It’s unnatural for her to be alive anyway, and the price was Sora’s disappearance. If she were to try and connect with him, that could be--undoing everything, and the fates could be taking her.”
The notes dropped out of his hands. Ienzo could feel the panic in his breast, thick, sticky, and hot. “This is my fault.”
They both looked at him.
“I encouraged this. Joining our power together--getting her to call out for him--this is on me. She trusted me.” He was breathing hard. “The nature of that power--the nature of Sora’s price--oh no. No.”
“Don’t be absurd,” Even said, but he sounded shaken. “That’s impossible. You were merely looking at her memories and tracing them. That wouldn’t make her disappear.”
Ienzo’s hand snapped up to his head. “I was trying to--I never should have--this is all my fault. No. ” He tried to think.
There was one thing he could do to stop her from slipping away.
“We don’t know anything to be certain,” Ansem said magnanimously. “This sleep could very well be willful on her part. She’s a princess of heart--the rules are different for her.”
“Your power wouldn’t poison like darkness,” Even agreed. “But yet… this isn’t meaningless.”
“We need more data to draw any conclusions.”
“So we just wait?” Ienzo asked.
“What other alternatives do we have?” Even asked tiredly. “For all we know… given their connection… she’s onto something.”
“We have to trust in that,” Ansem said. “Ienzo. Peace. Your experiment was not successful, but it wasn’t harmful.” He came over to him and eased him down onto a chair. “It’s alright. We’ll figure this out.”
As Even and Ansem fretted over the data… Ienzo waited.
Regardless of what they said, this was his fault. With him gone, Kairi must have continued to trace that connection on her own, going to a deeper place, her heart calling to a world that might not exist, that should not exist. There was a not insignificant chance this would make her disappear as well. As Ansem said--since they were essentially trying to reverse fate’s decision, some one was going to have to go in Sora’s stead.
So that’s how it was to end. But it was all his own doing, of course.
Ienzo waited.
He pretended to leave with Ansem and Even, so as to not arouse suspicion. He ducked back through the library and down again towards the lab.
Ienzo looked down at his phone. He entered the number and dialed.
"Zo? What's up? I can't really talk--I'm still working."
He felt a lump tighten in his throat. "I just wanted to hear your voice."
"My sexy drawl?" He laughed. "Really, though. Is something going on? You sound upset."
"Just congested," he lied. "The air is very dry in here. I… have to help Ansem with some data entry. I won't be able to see you tonight."
"...Oh." He sounded disappointed. "Okay. Well. Don't work too hard."
"I'll try." He bit his lip. He knew saying this would raise alarm bells, but he couldn't stop himself. "I love you."
"Hey, I love you too. You in a sappy mood?"
"You could say that. I'll… I'll let you go."
"See you soon," Demyx said, and hung up.
Ienzo approached Kairi slowly. He tried to calm himself. Center himself. It was an uphill battle. He pulled up a chair, wiped the back of his hand with a prep pad wearily. His hands were shaking and it took a few tries to find a vein for the IV catheter. He was aware these were likely his last moments of consciousness, and equally tried to push the thoughts away.
He took her hand. As he started the sedative, he began to so slowly reach out to her, everything getting hazier until finally it was all foggy.
There was so much fog.
Ienzo blinked. Then blinked again.
He'd never put himself to sleep--not as such. He was aware this was a lucid sort of dream, perhaps part illusion. He looked through the bluish fog for any source of light. "Where are you?" He muttered. It was hard to wade through all this. Was she too far to reach? He pulled for the lexicon, feeling its weight. He opened the cover and sought her memories.
The pages were blank. All of them.
Ienzo began to riffle through them with panic. Much as Xion disappearing caused memories to be purged--Kairi must be disappearing as well. "Kairi!" He called. "Kairi, you have to come back. You're going to disappear!"
Silence. Ienzo ran blindly through the fog, seeking that familiar light.
"I'm sorry. I'm so--I was wrong. You have to come back. Kairi."
He didn't recall ever feeling so helpless before. So lacking composure.
In the mist, he thought he saw something, a little girl. "Kairi?" He followed her. She kept running, kept giggling, like this was a game. "No--just stay still," he said. "Please."
The mist started to fade so slowly, revealing, of all things, a small library in the castle. Ienzo looked down at the girl.
Red hair. Unmistakable violet-blue eyes. She must've been four, perhaps younger. She clapped her hands. "Kairi?" A deep memory of hers, then.
She slid her tiny hand into Ienzo's and led him over to a small table. There were photos spread all over it. She picked one up and handed it to Ienzo.
Sora, equally as young. A night sky full of meteors. "You started at the beginning," he said. "When your hearts first connected."
She nodded eagerly.
"Kairi, if you keep following him you're going to disappear. Your memories are already unravelling. It's my fault. Let me help you. I should never have--"
She looked at the table and whimpered.
"I know. I know. It probably feels like you're closer than ever. But you won't be reunited if this continues. You'll just vanish. And he wouldn't want that. We're violating the narrative. He'll come if he's meant to, but not like this. Not using this power."
Tears filled her eyes.
"I'm so sorry. I really thought--"
She touched his hand. When Ienzo looked up she was sixteen again. "I know where he is."
She shook her head. "I can feel him. Ienzo, I don't know how, but I don't think I'm actually disappearing. I think my heart is going to meet his. Maybe I can bring him back using this connection--all the ones that have been opened, data or other. You've given us options."
He was, again, dizzy. "You're sure?"
"Yes. Can't you feel it?"
All Ienzo could feel was vertigo.
"Trust me. I need you to go tell Riku. It's going to take both of us."
"But what about--"
She was already gone. Ienzo heard another set of footsteps. He looked from the fading photos up to the source.
His own face stared back at him; young, eight or so, in the overlarge lab coat they'd sewn for him. The kid watched him warily. "Are you my heart as well?" Ienzo asked him. "Or a memory?"
The kid reached up for his hand. Ienzo took it. It sent a pang of pain through his chest.
They waded through the fog, through his memory. Through the pain of the apprentices' lies and Ansem's disappearance, through the experiments, the memories shattering like crystal. Through the fire and smoke of his parents' house. Through his own atrocities, the worlds that fell, the hearts that were harvested. "Why are you showing me this?" Ienzo asked the boy. He said nothing.
They stood at the center of a web of memory, one slowly withering. "Is this the power?"
The boy nodded.
"So I guess this is the end of the line."
Another nod. Faint pages flickered and burned. Ienzo picked up the lexicon. It, too, was vanishing. He took a deep breath and heard the boy do the same. He pitched it into the center of the web. The fine filaments unraveled more quickly, the power withering and dying inside of him. Sacrificing it was all he had left. To turn fully away from this very, very long chapter of his life, and accept the consequences. Namely... that this was not all his fault.
The veins shattered. In their place, other lines, weak but growing. Ansem's embrace during their reunion. Even holding him as he cried. Aeleus, gentle, stalwart, Dilan’s attempts to rebuild.
Demyx, holding him, their first kiss. The realization that they were falling in love. The way the bond made him stronger, more him than ever before. The way it let him be vulnerable, and the strength in that vulnerability. That it made him capable of love.
Ienzo opened his eyes.
The pain, the dizziness, worsened. It felt like there was a massive weight on his chest. He wasn’t on the chair, he was on the floor, and he was being cradled. “Ienzo? Ienzo, can you hear me?” In the bright light of the lab, Demyx’s face was in silhouette.
“Hey.” He was gasping, a hoarse, animal sound. “How did you--”
“Help’s coming. Someone’s coming. You just have to hang on for a little while.” His own voice was ragged.
“How did you know?”
“When you said you loved me. You never say that over the phone. I knew you were going to do something stupid.” He touched Ienzo’s face.
“Is she--where is she--”
Demyx looked over his shoulder. “I don’t know. I figured she ran to get someone.”
“Oh…” The laughter hurt his chest. “She really did it.”
“Did what?”
“Found his heart.” The words were taking all his strength. It was getting harder to breathe. “She told me she had… I thought she was… disappearing. Not to him. From reality.”
Demyx touched his mouth. “Save your breath.”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to lie. I thought I was doing this to her.”
“It’s okay, Ienzo.”
A weird giddiness overtook him. In a flash of consciousness he realized it was likely hypoxia. He was starting to have to think about these breaths, forcing it consciously. He reached up to Demyx’s face. His hand was trembling and weak. “I’m really not very smart, am I?” He had to gasp between words.
“You were trying to save her.”
He was starting to grow tired…
“Tell me a story.”
He blinked. “What? I thought I… shouldn’t talk?”
“You have to stay awake. A story, a memory. Something.”
“I…” His other hand, at his side, twitched. He forced himself to breathe. “When I was… small." Ienzo coughed a little. “Ansem used to… to take me… out to the gardens. It was like… another world. They never used to let me explore. They didn’t want me to get hurt. He would… break Even’s rules… and just let me wander there for hours and hours.”
“I guess Even was the strict dad?”
“Very… neurotic.” He could feel his eyes rolling. Demyx shook him gently. “Always… “don’t do this, don’t do that.” But he did it… because of how my parents died… because of the accident that started the fire… wanted to stop that.” His arm started to tremble from the exertion of holding it up. Demyx laid his palm over his to keep it there. “But it was because of Ansem that I knew I could be… more.” For a moment he just had to focus on breathing. It was getting harder. “There was so much… more out there.”
“There still is.” His expression slipped. Ienzo realized it was taking as much strength for Demyx to appear calm as it was for him to breathe.
“I wanted to help people.”
“You are. You will.”
Another wave of giddiness. He was starting to go numb. “I’m dying.”
“Don’t be ridiculous. Even and Aerith are going to come fix you. I already called them. It’s okay.”
“I used to think that I wanted this. But it feels so… I’m scared.” He could feel it, the numbness encroaching. “Will you tell them?”
“The others. That I love them. And I’m sorry. I ran out of time. I never got to fix things. I--”
“You’re not going to die.” The desperation crept into his voice. He looked at his phone. “Please, oh please--”
“I love you.”
“Sing to me?”
His eyes clouded with tears. Ienzo tried to keep breathing, but his body was no longer responding to him. Demyx kissed his forehead and remained there, his cheek against Ienzo’s face. In a shaky and halting voice he sang, a lullaby that sounded like water.
It was so hard to stay awake. Things were getting so hazy, so quickly, all of it dissolving, until at last all there was was his shaky voice.
And then there was nothing.
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blissfulnightrain · 5 years
Do you have any fun Headcanons for Amaya as she was growing up on Destiny Islands? What sort of shenanigans did she get up to with the Destiny Trio?
Oh man oh man I could honestly talk for days about these four~ I’m probably going to split this up by first talking about her bond with each individual member, and then events that involve all three of them. Apologies in advance for the length of my ramblings but I hope you enjoy!
Sora and Amaya
Living together and being siblings only a little over a year apart, saying these two are just close is an understatement
Amaya tends to fret over Sora’s actions and habits just a bit more than she does with their other friends, much to his chagrin. With her rather high-strung ways, she’s a bit like a second mother to him.
She loves her sleep almost as much as Sora does, but is disciplined enough to wake up early when they have to for school. In fact, she even wakes up 15-20 minutes earlier than she’d actually need to for her morning routine to make sure she has enough time to wake Sora up to get to school on time.
Their mom works part-time as a nurse, their father a fisherman who runs a market and occasionally goes on several-day long fishing trips. When both parents are away for the day, their mother often leaves meals prepped for them to heat up. Because Amaya has a habit of burning things, it is often up to Sora to take care of their meals on these days.
When their mother was pregnant with Haru, they and their father each bet 5 munny on the gender. Amaya was 10 munny richer.
Amaya often helps Sora with his homework. She tries to be patient with him, but sometimes she gets carried away enough to pretty much do the assignment for him. Sora’s not complaining (until he gets those test scores back).
(other members below the cut)
Riku and Amaya
Sora and Amaya’s father looked up to Riku’s father as an older brother/mentor, and so while the latter has three older children, when the two of them had kids around the same age, they made sure to raise them as close as they possibly could
Her bond with Riku goes back even further than the one she has with Sora, as these two share the same exact birthday. Their parents often did joint birthday parties for them as children; as teens, they split up the celebrations over two days, devoting one of these days to something Riku would want to do, and the other to Amaya.
With both of them being the older ones in their friend group and naturally having leadership tendencies, though with very different perspectives, the two tend to butt heads a lot.
Amaya gets frustrated because Sora tends to listen to and follow what Riku says over her, even though she’s his actual older sister.
Riku loves playing pranks on Amaya in particular because he gets the strongest reaction out of her.
While these two don’t always get along, they do have a sense of mutual respect for one another’s intelligence. Whenever a project is assigned in class, these two make sure to pair up or be in the same group, and always get the highest grade.
Though their remarks to each other are usually tinged with tons of sass, even if they don’t come around to the other person’s perspective, they always eventually take each other’s views into account when making decisions
While Amaya spends lots of time pouring over books and fretting over exams and papers, Riku tends to stick closer to the bare minimum - making sure to finish all his assignments and maybe reviewing notes before a test. Though Amaya usually gets better grades, he still usually makes second or third in class in a breeze.
Kairi and Amaya
Amaya was absolutely elated when Kairi arrived, finally able to enjoy the presence and company of another girl
These two have never argued or fought about anything
Amaya takes an active interest in Kairi’s creative hobbies, especially her writing. If Kairi ever mentions she’s writing a poem or short story, Amaya’s usually the first person she’ll show it to.
The two love watching crime and mystery dramas together. Every Thursday night, they meet up at one of their houses to catch up on the newest episode of their favorite show.
If Amaya ever is frustrated or needs to vent about something, Kairi is the first person she goes to, as she tends to offer the most diplomatic opinions.
When Amaya is getting stressed or too...Amaya-ish, Kairi often gently pokes fun at her, helping to ground her and take a step back to see how over-the-top she sometimes can be
While the two have very different senses of style (Kairi tends to gravitate towards a slightly tomboy-ish style, Amaya much more feminine) the two share a love for accessories. They often browse jewelry stands in the town square together when they have down time. 
The Destiny Squad
As children, as Sora and Riku would spar, Kairi would watch and cheer them on excitedly, while Amaya would cringe in fear one of them would get hurt
Amaya started carrying around a first aid kit with her at all times around middle school one time after Sora got a particularly nasty gash while roughhousing
Before Kairi arrived, Amaya would often get roped into playing the imaginary Princess in Sora and Riku’s Pirate roleplay. After her arrival, the two would switch roles between joining the other two as Pirates and the Princess.
The four often bump into each other on the way to school. As they walk, Amaya is constantly fixing each of the other three’s uniforms to make sure they are presentable. (They’re often reverted by the end of the day).
Once Amaya and Riku hit age 13, their fathers allowed them to go on mini sailing and fishing trips on their own, Sora and Kairi allowed to join them on the understanding that they were the older two’s responsibility. While Riku enjoyed navigating and planning routes, Amaya would take on the role of making sure that they were properly equipped for the trip with food, fuel, tools, etc.
Their favorite house to hang out as is Kairi’s, as it’s the biggest and the most comfortable.
Out of the four, Riku spends the least time at his own house - or houses, as his parents are separated. He even has his own key to Sora and Amaya’s place.
Kairi’s the best cook out of the four. Though cooking’s not exactly a hobby for her, she occasionally brings baked goods or new dishes that she’s tried making, and almost always receives positive feedback from her friends.
Annual Island festivals are their favorite part of summer vacation. They all save up their munny to spend on stands, trinkets, and games. Once the sun starts to set, they quickly grab their favorite meals and then run up to the top of a hill in the corner before anyone else can - the prime spot to enjoy the giant fireworks show.
I could honestly write fill a book with these, but I’ll leave it at this! Thank you again for the ask!
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Will We Be Friends When We Grow Old?
A Tsugumi and Shoka fic. Oneshot. Major Neo spoilers.
More detailed plot summary: Tsugumi helps to comfort Shoka about the loss of Ayano, as they hold a memorial for her. This fic is mainly platonic. Though some slight one-sided shipping ended up in here (Tsugumi towards Shoka), but it’s blink and you miss it and you can still choose to see it as platonic. Also, RindoShoka and Neku and background someone. For me, it’s Shiki. But I didn’t specify, and you could maybe imagine it as someone else. Tsugumi’s PoV. Oneshot. Canon compliant
Tsugumi had only been in Shinjuku again for a few weeks—trying to figure out how they could bring it back from the brink, and have it be shiny and new again—when she got a call from Shoka, begging her to come back to Shibuya for a bit, because she needed someone with her who could understand the crippling loss of Ayano and be there for a memorial.
And while this was a tiny bit inconvenient—because Kaie had electronics mapped to Tsugumi’s head right now, in thinking maybe her visions of Shinjuku could help to create it, and then they could use something like a 3D printer to recreate it... after they made one that strong—Tsugumi knew that she would happily tell her friend Kaie to wait a little longer on this, so she could go comfort Shoka.
After all, how long had she been trapped in her Mr. Mew doll because of that bastard Kubo, before Shiki’s kind soul had wrestled her out of it? So, Tsugumi thought she could wait longer for her home to surface from the seas again, too.
Especially since Tsugumi knew it had to be hard for Shoka right now, without her old family. She had the Wicked Twisters... and while Tsugumi was sure they were trying their best to help soothe Shoka’s pain about Ayano’s erasure, it probably wouldn’t mean as much as someone doing the same who understood the loss themselves.
So, Tsugumi delicately removed the wires from her head, texted Shoka that she'd be there in a jiffy, and then looked to Kaie, who was definitely looking at her questioningly right now.
"Sorry, Kaie," Tsugumi reassured her dear friend, as she patted his hand. "Can this wait for a week? I want Shinjuku back as soon as you do. I swear. But Shoka needs me. It seems she's having a memorial service for Ayano, and needs the support. I'll be back in a week, okay?"
'That's fine', Kairi texted Tsugumi near instantly, once her words had seemed to reach his ears. 'Be sure to give Shoka my best.'
And Tsugumi smiled at Kaie even brighter now, because something about hearing him care about Shoka was aligning her soul, when a part of her had been afraid that her Shinjuku family would never reconnect with Shoka again. But clearly she needn't have worried. And that was a very beautiful thing, indeed.
"Don't worry!" she promised Kaie, her hand on her heart. "I will."
It didn't take Tsugumi too long to get back to Shibuya with her Reaper wings.
And one of the first things she saw when she arrived there, was Shoka and Rindo leaving 104... and Shoka wearing white clothes, of all things! Rindo was wearing all white, too.
And though it took Tsugumi a second to guess why, she did eventually figure out the reason. Shoka liked this one book series called "The Mortal Instruments", and in that, the characters with special powers—the Shadowhunters—wore white to funerals, instead of black. And Shoka must have been doing that here, since she usually wore black, and must have gotten Rindo to go along with that, as well... even though he usually seemed to wear a lot of white, from what Tsugumi had seen, he was wearing nothing but it now. And Tsugumi knew she would have to do the same thing.
"Shoka, it's so good to see you!" Tsugumi exclaimed as soon as she found her voice, running up to her surrogate sister and giving her a hug. "And I'm so sorry that I didn't think about that leaving you here alone, would mean leaving you to deal with the loss of Ayano alone. But I'm here now. And since here funeral is going to be ‘City of Bones’ themed... I can get the instrumental for for 'When the Darkness Comes' to sing, if you want."
"Thank you so much, Tsugumi!" Shoka cried, pulling Tsugumi only tighter into her arms. And Tsugumi was completely happy to be there, as she stroked Shoka’s hair and took in the sweet smell of Shoka’s raspberry scented perfume once again. “That sounds great. I'm so glad you're here, Tsugumi! And I'm so glad to see you again!" And Shoka kissed Tsugumi on the cheek then, leaving a stain of red lipstick there for the moment... until Tsugumi had to sort of awkwardly wipe it off (though maybe it actually wasn’t too awkward for Tsugumi at all).
And speaking of awkward, it was clear that Rindo felt that way right now. And Tsugumi wondered if he was second-guessing his place as Shoka's best friend at the moment.
But he was definitely that, Tsugumi was ashamed to say. Because the “The Mortal Instruments” was one of the few things Tsugumi knew about Shoka lately, since she'd been so focused on saving Shinjuku, she’d let her fall through the cracks. And how she desperately regretted that.
"I don't know if it's gonna be much of a funeral," Rindo explained to Tsugumi now, maybe thinking it was best that she got all the detes? "I asked Shoka if she wanted one for Ayano, and told her my mom could help pay for it and everything. But she said she'd rather just have a short vigil at Miyashita Park, where we can leave tributes to her. Though I'm sure you could sing during it, if you'd like."
"Thank you," Tsugumi told Mr. Twister, looking at him with her eyes shining. She thought it was pretty sweet, that even though the event would be short, he would make time for his former enemy to sing, if she would wish it. Tsugumi might have even started fangirling over him then, as much as she did Lord Ishimoto, if she hadn't realized then that she might be too choked up to sing. Because she was still heartbroken up about Ayano, too. And thoughts of her, often brought on thoughts of Big Su, that would really start up the waterworks in her...
"So, were we planning on going right now, then?" Tsugumi asked. But it was pretty obvious by the way that Shoka and Rindo were dressed, that that was the case. "Wow. I made it just in time, then!"
"I would have done it a second time with you, if you'd been late," Shoka assured Tsugumi, taking her hand. "And I'll do the same for Shiba, Kaie, and even Hishima, whenever they get their asses up here."
At this point, Rindo had pretty much disappeared into the scenery of 104, the poor kid—Tsugumi did feel bad about leaving him out, she wasn't trying to, but this sort of was a moment for her and Shoka right now—but thankfully, Neku, Fret... and some prissy looking kid seemed to be showing up for him, and Shoka, too, to keep him occupied.
"Kaie told me to send you his love," Tsugumi promised Shoka, squeezing her hands. "And I'm sure he'll be down right after I am. And Shiba and Hishima care, too. You know them, Shoka. They really do, deep down, as do I. And I'm so sorry if I ever made that unclear. But they might wait until Shinjuku is in some proper form again, before they stop by. But I know they will. And you could always come visit us, you know! In fact, please do, Shoka. Please?! With sugar on top!
"Anyway, let me go to 104 and buy some all-white clothes, and then we can get this solemn show on the road!"
And Tsugumi did just that.
They ended up getting forget-me-nots for Ayano, to let her know she would never be forgotten. And since, sadly, the fact she had never forgotten Shinjuku was part of the reason she could never embrace Shibuya, Shoka had let Tsugumi know. And even Blue Pepsi, since she loved the beverage and it somewhat matched her favorite shirt, and the Maximum Ride book series, since there was a character named "Iggy" in there, like her iguana.
And Shoka left her her Mr. Mew hoodie, thinking that maybe Ayano would like to have it, and might understand her love for Gatto Nero now, wherever her soul pieces were.
And Tsugumi did sing for her, though she broke key once, as the tears overwhelmed her... but Neku had chimed right in then, and had covered it up and no one had heard anything wrong. And if Neku hadn’t already been in a committed relationship, Tsugumi could have kissed him for it.
A girl named Rhyme had a few adages to say... as did Nagi say some very wise things over their gathered items.
And Fret bought a long scarf to tie off a part of Miyashita Park with all of the stuff here, so no one would mess with it for a while. Rindo had helped Fret do that (and had then gone back to holding Shoka). Rindo was also largely responsible for all of this, Tsugumi knew, so she definitely knew he was going to be on her Christmas list from now on.
Shiki had looked rather pained when Rindo and Fret had stretched the scarf so thinly, though—as if expecting it to rip right away—and had already broke out her needle and thread, and might have been creeping closer and closer to it as she eyed it...
And then Beat banged a small drum at the end of it all, to then try and make them all feel better—which was much appreciated, because Tsugumi didn't know if she liked where Joshua was so intently watching where Ayano had apparently fallen—as he told everyone that Ayano wouldn't want them to grieve... Shoka and Tsugumi, anyway.
And it was truly an event to remember. And Tsugumi knew that she would for as long as she existed in her non-life.
She even had new friends now, that she hadn't counted on at all when she'd started this venture here.
She'd thought she'd stay jealous of them and not fully understand why Shoka had left her family.
But now Tsugumi was hugging Shoka goodbye and promising she'd visit Shibuya and the Twisters again soon... though still making sure to try and needle Shoka into visiting Shinjuku, too.
"It's been great, Shoka. See you soon, dark girl," Tsugumi teased, running her hands up and down the lady's arms, as she did so.
And she could pretty much hear Shoka smirk—or perhaps purr—as she shot back with lips and teeth against Tsugumi's cheek, "And see you soon, light girl."
And then Tsugumi's visit to Shibuya turned out better than even Shiba could have guessed when he'd been the Executor.
Because by a literal miracle... spilling into Shoka's apartment, to hug them both now—as all three sobbed, and made promises to hold onto each other and never act so foolishly again—was Ayano.
Author’s Note: The ending with Ayano coming back is super cheesy, I know. And I sort of hate to write it. But when I had Joshua at the memorial too, I knew it had to happen.
This will be the one TWEWY story I write, that sort of cheapens death. The anime soften TWEWY’s blows by bringing Nao and Sota and Def March back to life (which I appreciated, don’t get me wrong, but I don’t think they were brought back in the game. And I get why they weren’t: to not cheapen death). So, this will be the one where I soften Neo’s blows, I guess.
Hope you all enjoyed!
Oh, and the title is a lyric from the song “End of the Line” by Christi Mac, which is pretty good. I couldn’t think of anything else to name it, so I went with that. -shrugs-
And, yes. I do think Tsugumi ended up with one-sided feelings for Shoka in this. I didn’t intend this when I wrote it, but it just happened… which is sort of what gave birth to my theory on Tumblr, about me wondering if maybe Tsugumi was actually beta!Rindo. And I believe that now, but it’s just a game theory, as MatPat would say. But anyway, you guys can also gladly ignore those one-sided feelings that sort of crept up in here, if you want, and see this all as platonic as it was meant to be, if you want! Or not! Whatever floats your boat!
And while I wanted to write something for Shoka and Tsugumi—because the game hinted at their friendship, but then didn’t do much with it—someone on Tumblr actually responded to my post about that and gave me the idea to have Tsugumi help Shoka deal with the loss of Ayano. But now I can’t find the commenter. But shoutout to them. If it was you and you’re reading this—or anyone here knows who it was—let me know, so I can give credit where credit is due!
Shutting up now!
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minijenn · 4 years
Random Keys to the Kingdom Preview :P
Because Sokai angst ahahahah also because I swear I’m going rapid and this chapter is 100% the reason why. So enjoy going rapid if me if that’s your scene lol
Sora let out something of a disgruntled scoff at this, hating the thought of being helpless or immobilized in any sense, especially like this where he couldn’t even move without being overwhelmed by indescribable agony. “How much time are we talking about here?” he asked, a bit harsher than he had meant to. “A few hours, days--if worse really comes to worst?” 
Everyone exchanged a diffident glance, none of them certain on how to break the rather unfortunate news to him, especially given how poorly he was taking the details of his current condition alone. But in the end, Kairi was ultimately the one to step up to speak the truth, knowing that he deserved it, as much as he certainly wouldn’t like it. “Um, actually…” she began nervously. “It’s… looking like it might be more like… weeks.”
“Weeks?!” On impulse alone, Sora made yet another sudden, panicked attempt at sitting up, only to collapse back onto the bed with a shout of equal pain and frustration alike. Yet this time, he didn’t stop trying, much to the shared alarm of the others as most of them rushed in to stop him, even despite his feeble efforts at pushing back against them. “No, no way! I-I can’t be down and out for weeks! It’s not happening!”
“Stop being stubborn!” Donald scolded firmly. “You need to stay put and rest so you get better!”
“No, what I need is to get up so we can get back out there and start looking for the Keys again!” Sora protested through gritted teeth, clearly struggling to simply pull himself upright at this point. “We’re already wasted enough time with this whole mess as it is! If we just sit around here for weeks on end doing nothing, then the Organization is just gonna get even more of them on top of the one they already have!”
“A-and if we do leave with you poisoned like this, then the Organization might just end up doin’ even worse than that!” Goofy reasoned with a fretful frown. 
“S-so?” Sora argued fiercely, though it was quickly becoming clear that whatever little strength he had left was sharply waning against the poison-induced pain pounding through his veins. “A-after what I’ve just been through, the Organization is nothing! And if they even try to mess with us again, then I’ll just-”
“Stop!” Kairi suddenly shouted, forcing Sora to finally be still again as she placed a hand against his chest and pushed him back down onto the bed. “Just stop it! You’re not going anywhere until you’re completely healed and that’s final!”
As caught off guard by her sudden severity as he was, Sora wasn’t so surprised that he didn’t still have it in him to dispute her demands. “What--Kairi, you can’t just-”
“Yes, I can,” she hissed, glaring down at him authoritatively. “You aren’t thinking clearly, Sora. You almost died and you just… want to go running right back into danger even though you can’t even run at all! But I will not stand by again just to watch you nearly lose everything all over again. Which is exactly you’re staying right here until I think you’re well enough to leave and I will not hear any sort of arguing about it. Do you understand?”
A long bout of uncertain, uncomfortable silence filled the entire room at this, none of the others daring to interject between the two as they stared each other down fiercely, neither of them seeming to budge from their firm stances whatsoever. But when Sora remained stubbornly silent, Kairi wasted no time in pressing her previous question upon him once again. “I said, do you understand, Sora-”
“Yes,” he answered, surprisingly immediate. And yet, he didn’t meet her gaze at all as he did, instead, glaring in the exact opposite direction as he quietly reiterated his response. “I understand.”
“Good,” Kairi nodded, before looking back to the group who had been watching their heated exchange intently. Now that most of her anger had fizzled out, she couldn’t deny she felt somewhat ashamed for how harshly she had treated Sora, especially considering his current circumstances. And yet, she still stood by what she had said; because if he had no intentions of protecting himself, then she would just have to do it for him. “Um… you should get some rest,” she said to Sora with a tired sigh, though as she did she motioned to the others to take their leave. They did so solemnly, some of them sending quiet well wishes Sora’s way, none of which he bothered to return. Kairi followed the procession, though she did linger in the doorway for just a moment, not to offer him the apology she really wanted to, but to say something that meant far less instead. “I-I’ll be back to check on you soon.”
“I thought you were going to stay with me,” Sora said quietly, his voice and expression both largely unreadable as he finally looked at her once more. 
And as she returned his gaze, Kairi couldn’t help but feel that familiar spark of frustration, mingled with perhaps the slightest bit of pity, brimming up inside her. Because even though she had indeed made a promise to him, she felt no obligation to keep that promise if he wasn’t willing to at least meet her halfway. “And I thought you would be more careful,” was all she said before she walked out and closed the door behind her.
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