#fresh start requires a new starter call :')
mothiir · 3 months
Fulgrim’s Guide to the Care and Keeping of Your New Pet Human
so this is inspired by the space marine husbandry posts floating about, but because it’s Konrad it got quite dark 😅
Darling Konrad, words cannot convey my delight that you have decided to welcome a human into your home. They are such wonderful companions, and so rewarding — but since it is your first time owning one I thought that I would put together a little guide for you!
Your humans first days at home:
I think it is simply wonderful that you’re adopting a rescue human — the Great Crusade has left so many of the poor dears without a home to call their own! You mentioned in your letter that you found her after the fall of Mercodia VI — am I right in assuming that she is one of the survivors of that little unpleasantness? If so, she may well be even more wary than normal, but don’t worry. Humans have quite short memories, and given enough time and care she’ll soon forget the fate of her family and friends. After all, they were awful traitors and got what they deserved for defying Father’s will — but in the meantime, don’t take anything she says personally. She’ll be upset and confused and will quite possibly lash out at you. I would advise letting her settle in on her own for a few days— maybe even a week or so. Put her in a room where your sons can’t trouble her (I’m sure the sweet little bats mean well, but they will play far too roughly for her), and give her some food and water. If you hear her crying, don’t worry — this is all very new for her, and she is probably quite overwhelmed. Eventually, she should calm down, and start exploring the room more thoroughly. Humans can be escape artists, so make sure it is well-secured. When you are ready to interact with her, I recommend skipping her morning meal so you can feed her yourself, therefore creating a positive association — you are the bringer of food! Don’t try and hand feed her; place the food on a plate and slide it towards her. Let her get used to eating with you in the room. She will probably be quite grubby, and humans are by nature fastidious creatures, so offer her a wet cloth and a bowl to clean herself, and a change of clothing. Avert your eyes if she makes use of either. Humans — especially female humans — do not like being watched while they disrobe. The key to helping your human settle in is consistency and patience! The initial adjustment period will be difficult but I promise you it will all be worth it.
Humans are relatively easy to feed. They require far less nutrition than your average Astartes and they will eat pretty much anything. However, in order to keep your human in the pinnacle of health I suggest a varied diet with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, and lots of clean water. Humans enjoy sugar, but make sure you don’t give her too much — it’s bad for her teeth. If you give her a meal she does not eat, do not get angry with her: humans can be picky eaters. Ask her what sort of food she would like to be given in future. Keep a note of what food she prefers. Food is an excellent way to build trust, as I noted above, and a great conversation starter. Just please do not tell her that you consume human flesh — humans tend to be squeamish about such things.
I have included some soap, shampoo and conditioner with this letter — I appreciate that you might not know quite how to use them, but present them to your human and I assure you she will be most grateful. Humans enjoy keeping themselves clean — indeed, it can be very sweet to watch them cover themselves with bubbles! — and I am sure she arrived into your keeping quite disgusting with the remnants of battle.
It probably goes without saying, but just to be clear: do not let her bathe with or near your sons. They will probably get a little overexcited. When they have learned to pet her nicely, then they can interact with her — but always under your supervision.
I have also included some clothes. Part of the joy of having a human is being able to dress them up, and it can be a fantastic bonding experience for you both. However, do not force it. Present her with the options and let her pick one. If there is one you would rather her wear, introduce it slowly — let her choose between that option, and something hideous. Don’t force her — everything should be done gently, coaxing her along. And that brings us to our next point —
I was going to call this section ‘discipline’ but I thought that sent the wrong idea. You should never punish your human as you would an Astartes. She is breakable in more ways than one — not only physically frail, but mentally as well. The sort of rough treatment that your sons would shrug off could quite easily kill her.
Instead of punishing undesirable behaviours, redirect her focus. For example, as I mentioned above she may be quite upset with you for burning her planet and flaying the inhabitants. This is a natural behaviour — that is, the human pack bonding instinct — but expressed poorly (that is, through denying the supremacy of the Emperor’s will). Do not punish her for being angry at you; instead, work on healthier outlets for her pack-bonding instincts. It may be a little earlier for her to pack-bond with you, so I’d suggest getting her something she can pack-bond with instead. A puppy is always a good option, though if you do decide to do this please ask me for breed recommendations, because I have seen the dogs that are native to Nostrames and I do not think they are suitable pets for an ork, let alone a human.
She may try and escape. Once again, this is her natural behaviour to explore and colonise. Try playing hide and seek with her, or encouraging her to wander the ship under your supervision.
Your human probably comes with her own name, but to answer your question — yes, you can change it. In order to get her to answer to the new name, inform her that this is her new title, and reward her every time she responds to it. It might be difficult, but not impossible.
Regarding the name itself: none of the names First Captain Sevetar suggested are acceptable. Most aren’t actual names. Please do not take his advice in naming your new pet.
Spaying/neutering, the physical, are you really planning to — The other stuff:
I understand that the physical side of your relationship with your human is your primary concern at present, as you mentioned in your letter. Repeatedly. And although I do appreciate the detail you went into when describing her assets, I would recommend that you do not repeat most of what you wrote to her. I understand that you think ‘your face looks better on your skull than it would on my trophy wall so you get to keep your face’ is a compliment — and it is! — but humans are not quite as au fait with the finer points of language as we are, so she will probably take it the wrong way.
I am not saying that you cannot progress to greater intimacy with your human — I have been married four times (to women, despite what Russ likes to say), and it is quite the experience. However, I really must urge that you give her time to settle in and become accustomed to your presence, so she is more likely to reciprocate your advances.
When you feel she has started to warm to you a little, write to me again and I can help guide you through the next stage of human ownership. It is a marathon, not a sprint, but all the more rewarding for it!
As an aside — whatever Captain Sevetar says regarding intimacy is wrong. Do not listen to his advice. Do not do anything he suggests. If anything, do the opposite.
Forever yours, and all the love in the galaxy,
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seakiumi · 12 days
Starter for @summerxmelodies
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The dull hum of outdated tech and dim neon lights flickered in the shadows of Sea’s makeshift hideout—a far cry from the polished halls of the prestigious hospital he once called home. Slouched in a creaky chair, Sea scrolled through the latest news on an old holo-screen. His morning routine, more habit than necessity, involved scanning corporate headlines to keep tabs on anything that might pose a threat to him. But this time, his pulse quickened when a name from his past appeared in bold letters.
"Corporate Collapse: Summers in Ruins After High-Profile Betrayal"
Sea’s heart skipped a beat. He clicked on the story, eyes darting through the lines.
The family once behind one of the largest megacorporations... financial collapse... all assets seized... enemies closing in on remaining members...
He stopped reading. The room felt colder, despite the hum of the machinery around him. He knew who they were talking about. Her.
His mind flashed back to years ago, to that sterile, blindingly white hospital room where he first met her—a scared teenage girl with a failing heart, more vulnerable than anyone he had operated on before. He had been a young doctor, fresh from training, desperate to prove himself. She had been his first major surgery, a high-stakes procedure no one had trusted him with—except her.
Flashback: Hospital, Several Years Ago
Sea stood at the side of the operating table, his hands steady but his chest tight. He had to pull this off. No mistakes. The teenage girl lying in front of him, the heir to an empire, had a heart condition that required precision beyond his years. He was terrified she’d sense his fear.
But she hadn’t. Instead, before the surgery, she smiled at him, her soft voice betraying only a small hint of nervousness.
"You’ve got this. I know you’ll do it perfectly," she’d said, her eyes full of a quiet, unwavering trust.
Those words had carried him through the procedure. When it was all over and the surgery a success, he’d felt like he could conquer anything. He never forgot that moment—her belief in him, even when he barely believed in himself.
Sea rubbed his temples, shaking off the memory. It seemed impossible that the same girl—the one who trusted him with her life—was now out there, possibly alone and in danger. The princess, once shielded by power and wealth, now at the mercy of the streets.
He exhaled sharply. He knew what the streets did to people like her. Someone with that family name wouldn’t survive for long out there, not without people hunting her, wanting revenge, or worse. His instincts screamed at him to stay out of it, to remain hidden like he had for so long. Getting involved could drag him back into the crosshairs of dangerous enemies.
But then, another image of her flashed through his mind—the girl with the heart condition, her voice calm and supportive, trusting him when no one else did. He owed her. She had saved his confidence, his career. Maybe, now, it was his turn to save her.
Before he could overthink it, Sea stood, grabbing his coat from the back of the chair. He wasn’t entirely sure how he would find her in the vast underbelly of the city, but he’d start searching. And once he did, he wasn’t going to let her fend for herself—not this time.
His mind made up, Sea headed for the door, the familiar weight of responsibility settling on his shoulders once again.
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blossomhcir · 2 months
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// I'm doing some reworking & revamping of my drafts so I wanted to do a fresh starter call, especially because I have some new followers! Give this a ♡ for a short starter! It's not required at all, but I have an interest tracker HERE, which is a big help in starting interactions.
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mmaxie-musings · 7 months
Actually, Dhelmise don’t perform mitosis— given that they are multicellular by virtue of being macroalgae— but instead undergo a similar process called fragmentation, like everyday seaweed. However, this only seems to occur in the event that one or more of the upper blades, or “leaves”, is detached, along with a portion of the holdfast; without both, a new individual can’t form. Even if both parts are present, it seems that most of the time a new one won’t actually develop, and instead the result is just seaweed that is indistinguishable from others of the same variety save for the inability to reproduce sexually via spores. For a time it was theorized Dhelmise could reproduce sexually via spores, explaining their genetic diversity, but this hasn’t been observed, nor has a Dhelmise with sporophylls ever been documented. It’s believed this is a side effect of the transformation from normal seaweed/kelp to Dhelmise, and why kelp grown from one remains infertile.
On that note, I didn’t get into the hardly understood development of new Dhelmise, which hasn’t been conclusively documented, but is described in the folklore of many seafaring peoples as the consistent idea of souls possessing or merging with seaweed, or the seaweed itself gaining/having a soul and achieving sentience. It’s generally accepted that it’s a similar process to the one that creates Bramblin on land, but research into the formation of either is rather difficult on account of the very specific circumstances required, and the fact that you can’t (ethically) recreate them in an observable setting. Doing so would probably be described as performing a funny little thing called “murder” and wouldn’t be a very popular or kind decision.
Big fan of Dhelmise, honestly, they’re unusual and often misunderstood fellas and a lot less scary than TV makes them out to be most of the time. I’ve been trying to learn as much about them as possible, and even just going down the poképedia rabbithole is a great way to spend several hours if you have nothing better to do… Signed, random trainer who’s starter was a Dhelmise due to unusual circumstances involving pokébeans and not knowing what to do when Large Hecking Thing decided to leave the water and simply didn’t stay put after I enacted the Back Away Slowly protocol.
P.S.: the Steelworker ability doesn’t have much of anything to do with ions, they’re just good at utilizing metal due to their species-wide preference for that particular kind of material. Sorta like that bird Pokémon that loves dropping rocks enough to be proficient in battle with them… Bomberdier? Bombirdier? Something like that. If they weren’t such incompatible types and also inhabitants of entirely different ecosystems I bet they’d understand each other. Oh to be a weird thing that will look at a hard object and go “yea I think I’ll specialize in beating things with this”….. Instead I had to be born a human and I gotta do things like “get a job” and “stop befriending weird beasts” and “get a hobby that doesn’t center around one or two extremely specific or niche topics”. Maybe I wanna start throwing rocks at people or beating them with random junk I found in the ocean, why can’t those be valid career paths huh
anon I love you.
firstly, THANK you for correcting me. I couldn’t remember the word for fragmentation so I just said Fucked Up Mitosis.
the ions thing may have been a certain thing? they were connected to klefki in that manner (they absorb ions of the keys they steal) but yes, dhelmises do decide to take things from the sea and beat things with it. it SHOULD be a career.
i, surprisingly know a dhelmise! he’s not caught, but just a lot of Afterlife Fuckery. his name is sev and he’s like a fresh-our-of-jail uncle to my fatherless boyfriend. it’s great. he likes sinking ships and he has a husband.
it’s funny because ghost types have varying levels of retaining “souls??” it’s very interesting. rotomblr also happens to have a lot of cross-universe fuckery. and sapient pokemon. there are a lot of those
anyways, very correct about dhelmises being victim to misconceptions. much like mimikyu there are nasty rumors of “they kill you and hate people and kill and kill and evil and violent” they just are very territorial and Don’t Like It when your big ass boat fucks up where they live. they don’t even hurt humans (on purpose. but it’s kind of your fault if you get in the way of 14 foot anchor creature)
anyways again anon ilysm for this. if only i could have a dhelmise. and as a STARTER no less? oh my arc that’s amazing. pokemon behavior is pretty connected to their nature and I think you just were Taken by a friendly one. big ghost anchors need friends too.
this ask made my day. AUG
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oathofpromises · 1 year
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Starter for: @diademreigned
Stella winced, her pain from the previous expedition was already excruciating, and now the Au Ra scales were starting to molt. It was something she didn't want anyone to see because it could be very painful. Consequently, the woman became a bit surly in her interactions with others. So, for now, she was held up in her house, lying down on the big bed. 
"It would be simpler if I could wash this off myself, but it's always easier when someone close helps me." Stella murmured while grabbing her linkpearl. She didn't want to bother G'raha with something so trivial, but the agony in her body was making it difficult to concentrate on her work. 
The situation had gotten so bad that she hardly wanted to get out of bed. Although resting in a hot bath would likely alleviate some of the pain, her weary body prevented her from making the trip. Stella, wearing only a tank top and shorts, lay on the bed, eyes closed, while light from the window filled the room. Just as she was about to fall asleep, her entire body started to ache intensely. 
"So much for rest...maybe I should just call him. He has always been there for me, but this time he seemed especially thrilled to be exploring a fresh subject."
The same moment when she was going to dial G'raha, her phone rang. She grabbed the device off the nightstand while writhing in pain. After giving the caller ID a quick glance, she was able to tell that it was G'raha on the other end. She paused to gather her thoughts before responding.
"Hey Raha, how are things?"
His tone seemed concerned when he eventually spoke, saying, 'I was worried about you. Usually in the mornings you are up to kiss me goodbye, yet I didn't see you move from the bed once. Are you molting, My Star?'
Of course G'raha would notice; after all, he had already witnessed her going through a couple molting cycles. The first time nearly drove the redheaded scholar to pick Stella up in bridal style and demand they go to the hospital. After she calmed him down and revealed that Au Ra occasionally experiences things like this, he offered to assist. Which was reassuring because ordinarily she would get strange looks from others as a result of it.
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"Yes, it began last evening. I didn't want to bother you with the details because I had to deal with them on my own before we met. Just getting all the old scales scraped off becomes more difficult. I haven't even started a bath yet."
She didn't doubt G'raha would notice her molting; rather, she just wanted him to enjoy himself without worrying about her. The world didn't end; it was only a part of life. Something she would be required to endure as an Au Ra. The closer she got to molting, the duller her old scales were, which prompted some of the scions to express their concern for her well-being. At least the new scales would be shiny; her previous scales had become fairly dull as she grew closer to molting.
'Love. You already know that I would do anything for you. Nothing that you ask for is a hassle. For your security and happiness, I would travel to the ends of the globe and back.'
Stella's face reddened. How could she forget how far this one man had gone to keep her safe? the length of time he had spent adoring her despite the passage of time and distance.
She listened to his voice while holding the phone close to her ear. Although she was experiencing waves of pain across her entire body, it was comforting. Her eyes widened as she heard the front door unlock; was G'raha already on his way back? She struggled to stand while wincing and eventually fell to the bed. G'raha's gentle hands clasped her face as she turned. Sunlight bouncing off him made the other appear almost ethereal.
Stella said, "My heart..." as their foreheads bumped against each other and they were holding hands. Because of how sensitive her scales were, it was a little unpleasant, but she didn't mind. After wrapping her arms around his neck, G'raha lifted her in a single fluid motion. As he hugged her closely, the woman's face turned red. So gently rubbing their nose against hers.
'Now, let's see about getting those old scales off.' G'raha muttered as he kicked open the bathroom door and set Stella down carefully on the edge of the bath tub. It was large, almost like a hot tub, but this house was immense. It was recommended by the scions that she and G'raha find a place of their own to call home. Somewhere the two could go at the end of the day
The sound of water entering the bathtub interrupted Stella's train of thought. G'raha cupped her face before leaning in and kissing her. The Warrior of Light lost all interest in anything else as a result of it and concentrated entirely on him.
The Au Ra said in a low voice, "Raha.."
He had a habit of treating her in such a loving manner. Sometimes more than Stella felt she deserved. The Miqo’te was never needy, but all that she ever wanted was give him the whole world. To give him all the affections he had miss for so long. To fill his life with all the love and care he sorely deserved. The woman had gotten distracted by her love for this one man, she hadn’t notice him help her out of her shirt and shorts before lowering her gently down into the warm water. It felt nice against her sensitive scales.
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papermonkeyism · 2 years
Hey, I’ve been thinking of getting some isopods for a terrarium I’m going to set up. Do you have any tips for someone who’s new to the hobby?
There's this youtube channel called Aquarimax pets that has pretty good isopod care guide videos that I watched when I was preparing for my guys. (I researched a lot more than that, but that's the one channel I still remember)
But let's see, off the top of my head...
The most essential ingredients for an isopod terrarium are rotten wood and leaf litter, and they should form the basis of your substrate. There are guides on how to mix your own, or you can buy ready made substrate such as beetle fix.
Despite being terrestrial, isopods breathe with gills, so there needs to be some level of moisture. Most care guides recommend one end of the terrarium to have a zone of spagnum moss, to retain moisture. When misting the terrarium, keep it to the moss zone, so the isopods can choose how they want to regulate themselves.
Do research on your chosen species. For example some isopods need very specific levels of moisture and require daily misting or they'll dry out and suffocate. My guys are Armadillidium vulgare, which are more tolerant to drying than most isopods and basically prefer being forgotten for a week.
Consider partnering your isopods with springtails. Your enclosure will probably get some mold at the start, but these teeeeny tiny insects love eating mold, and will help keep your terrarium clean, and they won't harm the isopods.
Get some cork bark pieces for your guys to hide under. For example one bark on the moist end and another for the dry end.
The guys enjoy fresh vegetables, like carrot, cucumber, sweet potato, apple, etc. They will also go ham on protein, like dried fish or shrimp, but I heard too much protein can shorten their life span, so moderation is good. I give mine fish flakes every other week.
Whatever vegetables you do give them, remember to wash and/or peel them well! Any pesticides will be bad for the dirt shrimp.
Maybe get a sepia scale. Good source of calcium for their exoskeletons!
Whatever the care guides say about protecting against fungus gnats might be useful to listen to. I didn't! Gnats aren't harmful to the isopods or anything, but once they get into the terrarium, they're hard to get rid of. I'm just resigned to the fact that my apartment will have small waves of tiny insects flying around every now and then that didn't get caught in my gnat traps and being mildly annoying.
Be patient. It can take your guys couple months to really get going. I was pretty anxious at the beginning when couple of my starter bunch just died and the rest stayed out of sight. It also takes them, like, half a year to reach full size (they do start breeding before they get that big, though) so it'll take some time untill your colony will actually look like a colony.
Congrats and good luck with your chosen dirt shrimps!
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whatsonmedia · 1 month
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The Massage Company Ealing is offering massages for £39.95, saving you up to £35! Save Big on Flights and Hotels with Lastminute.com £15 instead of £65: The Lightest Element can be seen at Hampstead Theatre. Read the full article
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theblogs2024 · 1 year
How To select your Very first Vape Kit
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Examine our latest guide to the ideal Vape Pens right here.
Pod Vape Kits Pod-design and style kits are becoming extremely well known, not just For brand spanking new vapers but even veterans who are drawn to your gadgets for his or her flexibility and simplicity. Pod kits can come with disposable pods, wherever the mouthpiece, coil and e-liquid chamber are all 1 piece and might be disposed of in the event the coil reaches the end of its daily life and changed having a contemporary, new pod. Some of these pods even arrive prefilled, for instance you’d find Together with the JUUL or Vype Epod, for max comfort.
A lot of pod kits, having said that, are made to allow end users to refill their pods In keeping with their whims, which means you'll be able to experiment with e-liquid flavours on one particular gadget until finally you find your favourites. And as an alternative to toss away The full pods when the coil has expired, you can certainly swap out for your fresh new new coil, chopping down on squander. Pod Mod makes for instance Smok’s Nord and RPM coils and Voopoo’s PnP coils are thrust-n-pull, or ‘PnP’, that makes swapping out coils a breeze.
MTL or DTL? You’ll probable see both of these acronyms often if you’re Discovering the entire world of vaping. MTL stands for Mouth-to-Lung and describes the sensation you can get when you have a puff, maintain it, then inhale the vapour in to the lungs. This can be most familiar to cigarette people who smoke and delivers a terrific sensation to make the changeover from smoking cigarettes to vaping as pleasant as you possibly can. These kits work at decreased outputs and comprise virtually all starter kits.
DTL, or DL, stands for Immediate-to-Lung and most commonly refers to inhaling the vapour directly in the lungs, much like inhaling a shisha pipe. The effect is a cushty vape with amazing cloud production, favoured by quite a few a lot more skilled vapers. DL kits work at better electrical power outputs, with coils with a decreased than 1 ohm resistance, which destinations them within the group called ‘sub-ohm’ vaping.
If you’re in search of an experience as near to using tobacco as you can for your personal very first ways in vaping, we advise an MTL starter package, with DL, sub-ohm vaping Completely ready and looking forward to after you’re prepared to check out more Highly developed kits and higher-driven, cloud-chasing vaping.
What E-liquid do you have to use along with your Initially Vape Package? Higher-PG E-liquids
Significant-PG, or ‘typical’, eliquids generally comprise a higher ratio of propylene glycol (PG) to vegetable glycerin (VG), two frequent food items-quality substances that have the flavour and nicotine which make up e-liquid. PG typically carries flavour better than VG and offers a more powerful throat hit. And because classic eliquids are created from freebase nicotine, they’re usually less costly to create which passes the discounts on for you, The client.
Nicotine Salts E-liquids
Nicotine Salt e-liquids, usually known as nic salts, mimic the power and feeling of your nicotine located in a conventional tobacco cigarette. Nicotine salts provide nicotine towards the bloodstream far more rapidly than conventional nicotine-that contains e-liquids, offering unprecedented aid from cravings.
50/50 E-liquids
With fifty:50 e-juices, vapers can enjoy e cig juice with the powerful flavour of PG Together with the smoother throat sensation and loaded clouds of VG. It’s the proper stability.
Top Initially Vape Kits Vpod Pro Pod package from Vapouriz The sleek, light-weight human body and comfortable mouthpiece with the Vpod Pro blends exquisite type with exceptional ergonomics. The Vpod Professional is so simple to use but is compact more than enough to fit discreetly inside of any pocket, bag, or compartment until finally you require it which can be what has manufactured the Vpod Pro the ideal starter vape package in 2020 For brand spanking new vapers trying to get an easy, discreet machine.
The Vpod Pro contains a lengthy-lasting 850mAh battery, autodraw and fireplace button activation, and Using the Vpod Pro’s refillable pods, there’s no have to have to change fiddly coils. Basically eliminate the pod at the end of its daily life and switch using a new just one. Refilling the pod with your favourite e-liquid is as easy as releasing the sealed side port, topping up and replacing the seal.
Get more info. here: Dabwoods
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What are CBD Vapes and Vape Pods?
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As consumers look for more covert and practical ways to use CBD, CBD vapes and vape pods have grown in popularity in recent years. Cannabidiol, often known as CBD, is a non-intoxicating substance present in cannabis plants that have been associated with several potential health advantages. Without the need to smoke conventional cannabis products, vaping CBD enables people to swiftly and simply experience the potential advantages of the ingredient.
What are CBD vapes and vape pods do? How do they operate? In this blog, you'll find answers to all these questions and more.
CBD Vapes: 
Electronic devices called CBD vapes heat CBD oil or e-liquid to produce vapor that may be inhaled. They function similarly to conventional vaporizers but heat a CBD concentrate as opposed to heating nicotine or other drugs. CBD vapes are available in a variety of shapes and sizes, from little, covert pens to bigger, more potent gadgets.
The quick-acting nature of CBD vape cartridges is one of their advantages. Due to its direct inhalation, CBD reaches the bloodstream fast and has immediate effects. This is particularly beneficial for people who use CBD to treat pain or anxiety and require prompt relief.
For people who prefer not to smoke conventional cannabis products, CBD vape cartridges can also be a more covert option. A CBD vape is less likely to draw attention or annoy neighbors because its vapor often has no smell and evaporates quickly.
The use of CBD vape cartridges may have certain disadvantages, though. They can be costly, especially if you choose a more potent device, to start. Additionally, some worry exists regarding the long-term health impacts of vaping generally, and additional study is required to completely comprehend the dangers.
Vaping pods: 
In contrast to refillable tanks, vape pods are a particular kind of CBD vape cartridge that uses pre-filled pods or cartridges. Users must make sure they select the appropriate pod for their device because these pods are often designed to work with a certain device.
The fact that vape pods are so practical is one of their advantages. Users don't have to bother about refilling or measuring out the right amount of CBD oil or e-liquid because the pods are pre-filled. When the previous pod is empty, merely put in a fresh one.
For people who are new to vaping and might not feel comfortable with the tricky setup of a standard vape, vape pods are a fantastic alternative. With a vape pod, all you have to do to get started is connect the pod to the apparatus.
However, utilizing vape pods has its drawbacks as well. For starters, because you have to buy pre-filled pods rather than filling a tank with your own CBD oil, they can be more expensive than regular vapes. Additionally, because you are restricted to the flavors and concentrations that are offered in the pre-filled pods, the pre-filled pods might not be as adjustable as conventional vapes.
To conclude
Depending on your own needs and preferences, CBD vape cartridges and vape pods can both be useful ways to ingest CBD. For individuals who prefer a more personalized experience and don't mind making the extra effort to fill a tank with their own CBD oil or e-liquid, CBD vapes are an excellent alternative. On the other hand, vape pods are a more practical choice for people looking for a straightforward, hassle-free way to consume CBD.
Whatever choice you decide on, it's critical to do your research and pick a trustworthy company that only uses premium CBD oil or e-liquid. Always heed the manufacturer's usage recommendations and seek out goods whose potency and purity have been examined by a third party. You may take advantage of the possible health benefits of CBD by using the correct CBD vape cartridges or vape pods.
FAQs related to CBD vapes and vape pods:
What are CBD vapes and vape pods?
Products used to inhale CBD (cannabidiol), a non-psychoactive component contained in cannabis, are CBD vapes and vape pods. Electronic devices called CBD vapes heat CBD oil or e-liquid to produce vapor that is then inhaled. Vape pods are compact, pre-filled cartridges with a predetermined amount of CBD oil that connects to a compatible vaping device.
Are CBD vapes and vape pods safe to use?
CBD vape cartridges and vape pods are generally regarded as safe when used properly. However, it's crucial to utilize top-notch items and pay close attention to the manufacturer's instructions. To confirm the product's potency and purity, it's also crucial to purchase from reliable suppliers and look for findings from independent lab testing.
Can you get high using CBD vapes and vape pods?
CBD, a non-psychoactive substance, is used in CBD vapes and vape pods. This means that unlike THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), the psychoactive substance present in cannabis, it does not result in a "high." However, it's crucial to keep in mind that certain CBD products might include traces of THC. If you're worried about being subjected to a drug test, it's wise to examine the product's lab results and exercise caution.
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johnaleitner · 2 years
Choosing Finishes For Cabinets
How to choose the right finish for your kitchen cabinets
When building cabinets, choosing finishes is important. It’s not just about how pretty the cabinet looks; it’s also about protecting the wood from moisture damage and staining. Many types of finish are available, including oil-based stains, water-based stains, clear coats, and even polyurethane coatings. Each type has pros and cons, and you should choose wisely depending on your needs.
Stain is best for solid wood cabinets.
Cabinet stain is an excellent option to give your cabinets a fresh look without spending much money. You can apply it yourself or hire a professional to do it for you. Either way, it’s a low-cost option that gives your cabinets a beautiful new look.
When applying stain finishes to cabinets, you have several options. Some stain finishes combine pigment with a polyurethane finish. Combo products allow you to stain the wood and apply a finish coat simultaneously. Pros do not commonly use these products because you can’t control the exact amount of stain and finish. It’s best to use a test sample first to ensure you get the correct colour and level of finish.
Wood stain finishes enhance the natural beauty of wood. Certain types of wood are porous and absorb stains more than others. This can cause blotchiness or discoloration. To combat these problems, you may want to use a sanding sealer.
Painting your kitchen cabinets can make a huge impact
When painting cabinets, the first step is choosing the right paint finish. There are many types and colours of paint to choose from, but there are some basic rules to follow when choosing a new colour. First, we need to discuss the difference between oil-based versus latex versus Alkyd paint to go any further regarding choosing the right point.
 Oil-based Paint for Cabinets
If you want to give your kitchen cabinets a deep, rich look, oil-based paint might be the way to go. But there are drawbacks to consider before you buy gallons of the stuff.
For starters, oil-based paint requires a lot of work to apply. You’ll need to mix the paint yourself, and even though you can buy premixed cans, you still need to stir the mixture well before each coat. Then, you’ll need to wait several hours for the final layer to dry completely before applying another coat. And because oil-based paint doesn’t cure as water-based paint does, you won’t be able to touch up any mistakes.
However, the biggest drawback to oil-based paint isn’t just how much effort it takes to use; it’s also what happens once you start painting. Because oil-based paint is thicker than water-based paint, it tends to pool around imperfections in the wood, making cleanup difficult. Plus, oil-based paint is harder to wipe off surfaces, meaning you’re likely to have trouble getting rid of grease stains.
Oil-based paints release volatile organics in higher amounts than water-based alternatives. These chemicals are called Volatile Organic Compounds, or VOCs. They include formaldehyde, benzene, xylene, trichloroethylene, tetrachloroethane, and many others. These chemicals can cause serious health problems, including cancer, birth defects, asthma, and skin allergies.
 Latex Paint for Cabinets
Oil-based paints make an excellent case for themselves with their long-lasting finishes that can withstand frequent cleanings. But latex paint is the better option for many kitchens because it provides lower volatile organic compounds (VOC) levels, making it safer for children and pets. Plus, it dries faster than oil-based paints, meaning less downtime during the project.
But there are some things you need to know about latex paint before applying it to your kitchen cabinets. First, it’s essential to understand what makes latex paint different from regular paint. Oil-based paint is thicker and heavier than latex paint and takes longer to apply. Latex paint is thinner and lighter, allowing you to cover larger areas quickly. And while oil-based paints go on smoothly, latex paint tends to show variations in the grain or texture of the wood. So, if you’re looking for a high gloss finish, choose an oil-based paint. If you want something smoother, try latex.
 Alkyd Paint for Cabinets
There are two types of finishes available for kitchen cabinets: alkyd and hybrid. Both types of finishes are great options for painting kitchen cabinets. However, there are pros and cons associated with each type of finish.
Alkyd paint is tough and durable, making it ideal for cabinet surfaces. It requires little preparation and does not need sanding. However, alkyd paint emits toxic fumes during application and needs to be applied in a well-ventilated area. It is also difficult to remove once dry.
Hybrid enamel paint is a combination of alkyd and acrylic paint. It is strong and durable and comes in a variety of colours. It is easy to apply and removes easily with soap and water. However, it is still somewhat toxic and should only be applied in a well-ventilated area.
Both types of finishes are suitable for painting kitchen cabinets. Choose the right finish for your project based on your budget, time frame, and personal preference.
Tips for Painting Cabinets
Use a sprayer if possible.
For flat doors, use a roller.
Choose a synthetic bristle brush.
Dried paint will stick to the glass if you don’t scrape it off immediately.
Scraping off the paint is an effective way to remove it.
 Glazing can alter the colour and texture of your cabinets.
A glazed cabinet finish can change the appearance of your cabinetry. This type of finish can alter the colour of the wood and give it a unique look. You can apply a glaze over a stained or painted surface to enhance the natural beauty of the wood.
Choosing a glaze finish for your cabinetry is a great way to give them a unique appearance. Glaze finishes are made of a semi-transparent coating darker than the paint colour. These finishes are best applied over freshly painted surfaces to avoid leaving an ugly outline. There are many different glaze colours, including shades of black and brown.
When you glaze your cabinets, you should use several thin coats of the glaze. Make sure to follow a consistent pattern of strokes to get a uniform finish. If possible, use a test panel to check for proper coverage. Once the glaze is applied to your cabinets, you should wait at least 24 hours before using them again.
 Conversion varnish can protect your cabinets.
Conversion varnish is a special type of varnish that protects wood from damage caused by water, UV rays, and other environmental factors. It’s made up of multiple layers of varnish applied to the wood to seal it and prevent it from absorbing moisture. Conversion varnish provides excellent protection for your wood surfaces.
Since it’s a specialty product, it’s usually more expensive than regular varnishes. But if you want to keep your wood cabinets looking great for longer, it’s definitely worth the cost.
The application of conversion varnish to cabinets can help protect them from scratches. It also protects against UV rays, which can affect clear finishes. This type of varnish dries quickly, creating a protective barrier between water vapour and the underlying material. In addition, the varnish is resistant to water and mould.
Because conversion varnish is post-catalyzed, the application process is critical. It’s vital to ensure the right proportion of chemicals and follow the application and curing instructions, or you may end up with a poor finish. If you’re unsure how to mix the chemicals, consider contacting a professional.
The application process for conversion varnish requires that the surface is thoroughly cleaned of dust and debris. Using a spray gun to apply the varnish is ideal because it allows the conversion varnish to cure more quickly than other methods. The conversion varnish needs a minimum of three coats to be effective. Using more than three coats may cause cracking. You should also ensure that you add the catalyst to the conversion varnish mixture before spraying. This is because too much time between mixing and spraying can cause the varnish to separate from the spray gun and deteriorate the finish.
Choose Canadian Home Style for your Vancouver kitchen renovation projects.
Canadian Home Style is your family-owned and operated custom cabinetry retailer with a showroom in North Vancouver, BC. We are the official dealer of Cabico custom cabinetry in the Lower Mainland, providing complete kitchen renovations with an extended lifetime warranty. We always keep up to date with the latest trends and are proud members of the NKBA National Kitchen and Bath Association.  In addition, we have won the Consumer’s Choice Awards back-to-back in 2021, 2022 and 2023 for our commitment to business excellence. We are considered one of the highest-rated kitchen and bath design and renovation experts in Metro Vancouver. Book now to visit our North Vancouver showroom, where you can get expert advice from one of our kitchen and bath designers. We’re happy to be a part of your journey with your next kitchen renovation project in Metro Vancouver.
Our mission is to help homeowners create beautiful homes that reflect their lifestyles while reducing energy consumption and conserving resources. We do this by providing our clients with innovative products, services and education. Our vision is to become Canada’s leading sustainable kitchen design and custom cabinetry solutions provider. Our values include integrity, respect, honesty and transparency. These principles guide us as we strive to provide outstanding customer service.
We believe that our success depends on the success of our clients and their customers. We work hard to ensure our clients get the most out of their investments. Our team consists of highly skilled professionals who are experts in their field. They have years of experience working together and know what works and what doesn’t. They understand how to solve problems quickly and efficiently. We are committed to providing excellent customer service. We listen carefully to our client’s concerns and suggestions. We take these into account when planning and executing projects. We always strive to exceed expectations.
Services We Offer:
Kitchen Renovation
Bathroom Renovation
Kitchen and Bath Design
Main Areas of Service in British Columbia:
North Vancouver
West Vancouver
 Frequently Asked Questions
What is the most functional layout for a kitchen?
A functional kitchen layout includes an island that has a sink, stove top, microwave, refrigerator, dishwasher and stove. An L-shaped kitchen layout that includes an island is considered the best in kitchen design.
 What’s the best way to renovate a kitchen?
Electric and plumbing rough-ins
Kitchen cabinet installation
Flooring installation
Countertop installation
Backsplash installation
 How do I figure out my budget for a kitchen renovation?
Here are some tips to help you decide on a budget.
You should first estimate the cost to complete your remodel. These include countertops, tiles, countertops, cabinetry and paint.
Check out the average cost of labour in your area. Add this number to the total budget.
Add the total value of all the labour and materials required to complete your job. Divide that number and multiply it by the square footage in your kitchen. The cost per square feet is then calculated.
Add any savings you expect from doing work yourself or purchasing materials at a discounted price.
Consider adding a 10 to 20% contingency rate to cover unforeseen costs.
These are just estimates. A professional contractor can give you a better idea of the budget for your kitchen remodel.
With these guidelines, you can create a budget to renovate your kitchen. It would be best if you kept in mind that the cost of your kitchen renovation will depend on your project’s materials and scope.
This is rather grim, but according to Business Insider, 12 percent of couples consider getting a divorce while renovating their home! (familyhandyman.com)
In the Pacific region (Alaska, California, Washington, and Oregon), according to Remodeling Magazine, that same midrange central kitchen remodel jumps to $72,513, and a major upscale kitchen remodels jumps up $11,823 from the national average to $143,333. (hgtv.com)
Experts also recommend setting aside 20 percent of your budget for surprises, including unpleasant demolition discoveries. One is water damage, the electricity that is not up to code, or other budget-spiking gotchas. (hgtv.com)
It’s a fantastic thing about most home improvement projects: no matter the job. It often seems like the last 20% is the most difficult. (familyhandyman.com)
According to Burgin, some hinges have this feature built-in, but it’s an add-on cost for other models of about $5 retail, adding up to $350 to $500 for an entire kitchen, depending on size. (hgtv.com)
External Links
Choosing Kitchen Appliances | HGTV
 HGTV: How to Create a Kitchen that’s Great for Entertaining
Amazing Kitchen Remodel Ideas to Refresh Your Home
Get a free estimate on how much it will cost to remodel your kitchen – Compose SEO.
 How Much Does a Kitchen Remodel Increase Home Value? – HomeAdvisor
2021: Value vs. Cost
 Cost vs. Value Project: Minor Kitchen Remodel
 How To
How to design a kitchen you’ll love cooking in for years to come
Kitchen designs should be designed with functionalities, aesthetics, and practicality. It is essential to plan your space carefully so you feel at home and can prepare delicious food, entertain friends, or relax after a hard day.
Here are some tips that will help you plan your dream home.
Choose the layout that suits your needs best. L-shaped kitchens, U-shaped kitchens, and galley are three of the most popular. L-shaped kitchens make it easy to entertain and can hold multiple cooks. U-shaped Kitchens are ideal for families who spend a lot in the kitchen. They provide plenty of counter space and storage. Galley kitchens make small spaces more manageable and efficient.
Compare the various types of cabinetry available and select quality products. There are many options to choose from, depending on your budget. High-end cabinets are a significant investment. They will last longer, look great, and provide better protection against humidity, heat, and other temperature variations.
Pick a colour scheme to make you happy. Whether it’s your favourite shade of green or pink, find a colour palette that will bring colour and life to your kitchen. You could use bright colours or soft pastels. Just make sure it matches the rest of the room.
It is essential to find the right balance between function & beauty. Your kitchen doesn’t have to be all-encompassingly beautiful. Sometimes it is more important to think about functionality than appearance. However, you don’t need to forget about decorative elements. For a striking focal point, use a mixture of glass and metals like chrome, brass or ceramic.
Create a comfortable environment. When designing your kitchen, remember that comfort should always come first. This is where you will spend most of your time. It should be welcoming and comfortable. You can relax after a long day by adding seating and lighting fixtures.
Make sure to store everything. You need plenty of storage space in your kitchen for all your cooking equipment, utensils and dishes. It would be best to consider adding extra cabinets when remodelling your kitchen.
Include a pantry. A dedicated pantry will allow you to organize and store food items efficiently. Plus, having a separate area where you can stockpile extra supplies will prevent clutter from building up around the rest of your kitchen.
Look into new flooring options. The look and feel of your kitchen will significantly depend on the flooring you choose. There are many choices. Consider using one flooring material throughout your house, even if you only have a limited space. This will eliminate the need to use transition pieces.
Expansion plan. The biggest mistake people make when remodelling their kitchens is not allowing enough room for future growth. You can add a walk-in closet or sliding doors to your existing countertop space if you are thinking of expanding.
You should ensure that there is enough light. It’s the best way to appreciate your kitchen. Your kitchen should be used as a place to gather with family members.
Energy-efficient appliances are recommended. Energy efficiency is one of the most important considerations when remodelling your kitchen. This means you need to replace older appliances with more energy-efficient models.
Be realistic about your budget. Analyze your financial situation before you start shopping for kitchen appliances and cabinets. This will allow you to narrow your options and help you save money in the long term.
Designate a space for entertaining. Whether you enjoy hosting dinner parties or entertaining friends over drinks, a designated area for dining will allow your guests to socialize and gather.
Consider adding an island to your kitchen. An island is an excellent addition to your kitchen. It provides additional prep and eating space and serves as a place to store beverages, snacks and other small items.
 The post Choosing Finishes For Cabinets appeared first on Canadian Home Style.
Via https://canadianhomestyle.com/kitchen-renovation/choosing-finishes-for-cabinets/
source https://canadianhomestyle.weebly.com/blog/choosing-finishes-for-cabinets
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discordhelp · 3 years
hi mods of discord help! i have a question: after christmas, my roleplay group has like .. died. and no matter how often i try to gather engagement through posts in the group chat or plot calls, no one responds and it's starting to make me really sad tbh. do you have any ideas on how to like spike up activity?
hey there, anon! we're sorry to hear that your rp has reached a plateau leading into the new year. believe us when we say we have been in your shoes before, and though we wish there was a definite answer regarding how to revive something that's dropped in activity, neither of us have had perfect success when it comes to trying to do exactly that.
this got a little long, so i'm putting this under a read more, but if lurkers are reading this and want to provide their two cents, please drop a reply or hop into our inbox! we'd love to hear more opinions on this.
some advice i can give you is to perhaps be a little stricter with your activity rules for a week or so, whether that means implementing activity checks instead of interest checks or you can add requirements for your members to reach in order to be eligible for interest checks. this can include posting / reacting to starter calls every other week, interacting with three different muns every week, replying to closed starters that were written for you within a week, etc. and if these aren't met, you can issue these members a warning, in which if they haven't met the activity requirements in the next 24 hours, you have the right to remove them from your server.
within this time, i suggest throwing together a mandatory task for everyone to do! this can be as simple as a muse playlist, headcanons, or making a pinterest board. people love exploring their muses, so i think this can offer some inspiration that might've been lost over holiday break!
we also love plot drops / events in this house! so perhaps creating a mini plot drop for everyone's muses to react to can boost interest! it'll give everyone a collective thing to write about and encourage plotting / starter calls.
again, these aren't going to be end all, be all solutions, since every rp is different. just know that this is a team effort and if you've done all you can do to try and recharge your server with nothing given in return, it is not your fault. an admin can only do so much and if members aren't there to put in the effort you're giving them, you're valid for feeling disheartened. but! if anything, especially if you love the concept of your rp and you don't want to give up on it, there is no harm in closing the group temporarily to then revamping it with maybe one or two fresh ideas added to the plot or application or skeletons / muses to garner new interest!
we're wishing you all the luck, anon, and sending you all the good vibes! if you'd like a shoutout for your rp, feel free to pop in our inbox again and we'd love to give one for you!
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heyrumorhasit · 3 years
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“i wonder how long they’re gonna last this time.”
everyone knows that the quickest to rise to fame are also the quickest to fall—and speed in acquiring high prestige isn’t exactly commendable in this part of town. disguised underneath affable smiles and urbane compliments lies a scrutinizing interior judging every movement, every word uttered about their newfound eminence. careful not to say anything incriminating. because if there’s one thing that cheongdam residents know to heart, it’s that there’s more than what meets the eye, and tricks of corruption around every corner. 
/ — event #01: welcome home, the YANGs. 
“apparently the man of the house became some small-scale politician. governor, i think. fresh to the scene with young money. but no one knows where it came from.” 
it’s not everyday a new family moves into the neighborhood. equally uncommon is it for them to stay. day one of joining the ranks of the five houses is not a great day of assimilation, but only the beginning of the rest waiting for their untimely demise. so lay down your bets, everyone. see them, size them up for yourselves. do they live up to their reputation? are they worthy of being SERI? more importantly, how long do you bet they’ll last? six months? eight? a year?
if they’re lucky, perhaps they’ll wake up to see another day at cheongdam after their welcoming party. or as ‘the classist’ likes to call it, the top 1 percent’s gaudy show-and-tell.
the YANGs of SERI cordially invite all families of the five houses [ SERI, DAHAN, GARAM, HARANG, & ROA ] to their welcoming dinner party on nov. 5th, at the K PALACE HOTEL ballroom. 
attendants are not required to bring gifts or wear formal attire. attendants are not required to stay for the entirety of the night’s event. only pre-approved plus ones are allowed for a select number of attending families. all families will receive an email surveying dietary restrictions for allergies and/or vegetarian or vegan diets. 
/ attached file: itinerary. 
6:00 PM. vehicles pull up at the private vip lobby of the k palace hotel. valets take cars, butlers take coats. guests are guided up to the ballroom on the fourth floor for introductions. the YANGs make their first informal appearance.  
7:00 PM. dinner is served at the grand dining room on the eighteenth floor. attendants take reserved glass elevators up to the near top of the hotel’s center tower. a table is reserved for each family. a private unlimited bar is offered to the convenience of guests. the YANGs make their formal appearance with a succinct self-welcome speech. 
9:00 PM and onward. attendants are free to roam as they please. the vip rooftop terrace on the twentieth floor, the recreational room on the nineteenth, and vvip suites on the sixteenth are up for grabs courtesy of the YANG family. 
as mentioned, the event will start at 6 PM KST on november 5th. members are not required to participate, although it is highly encouraged for plotting and interaction purposes! the given itinerary is there to provide some framework for the welcoming dinner party, but nitty gritty details may be played out as members see fit. we encourage members to stir up drama among muses and/or whisper conspiracies regarding how they think the YANGs came to join the SERI house! to clarify, the YANG family is a npc family made specifically for the first event.
while event threads can be continued after the stated time frame, all starters for the first event must be posted sometime during november 5th and november 15th. make sure to tag #rhi:event_01 on event threads! after the event is over, members will be encouraged to drop something (a rumor, perhaps? or a witness to some juicy happenings?) in the submit box of ‘the classist’ for its biweekly news. 
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axewchao · 3 years
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Last but certainly not least of Team Hoenn. The first 'mon, the OG, it's the one and only Valerie!
Nature: Rash, "A little quick tempered" Level: 43 Ability: Overgrow Known Moves: Pursuit, Leaf Blade, Giga Drain, Slam
Fast n' feisty with a fighting spirit, Valerie's the one that started it all.
Val was always eager to battle, as nothing tasted better than sweet, sweet victory. Especially whenever she managed to win against her rivals, AKA the Torchic and Mudkip from Birch's lab. When the chance to get stronger arose, Val was most likely to take it, which unfortunately led to her rushing into fights with both Trainers and wild Pokémon, much to her Trainer's chagrin.
While this behavior was mostly ironed out (both through evolving and through the genuine desire to watch her teammates get stronger too), Valerie soon grew frustrated with how... cautious her Trainer was. He never took any risks! No leaps of faith! Whenever things got dicey, he'd look like he was about to cry or something! It made no sense!
...Alright, then. He helped Valerie sort things out, now it was her turn to help him. They were friends, after all, and Valerie would've never gotten as far as she had without him.
Unfortunately, Valerie's idea of teaching her Trainer to take risks hit her at the worst possible time. The sun was scorching hot, ready to either evaporate oceans or burn the land that was already above the waves. The key to stopping it was hidden within a cave, and Valerie dashed inside, ignoring her Trainer's calls to stop and give him a chance to think.
Of all things to happen in her life, Valerie never thought she'd get the chance to take on a god.
The events that followed became a blur. Dodging attacks of fire and rocks, her own attacks hardly making a dent in the thing, and her Trainer's non-stop cries to stop fighting and just run away. The ground beneath her shaking constantly. Rocks falling everywhere. Rocks falling on her. Her Trainer calling her name. The sound of a Pokéball opening, and a male voice sounding frantic...
To say that Valerie feels guilty over what happened would be an understatement. The world was still saved, sure, but the cost came in the form of her arm and her Trainer becoming a hollow shell of his former self. He had given up on the Gym Challenge. He had given up on being a Pokémon Trainer. He had given up on everything.
...She needed to make this right. Her Trainer, no, her best friend shouldn't force himself to give up because she didn't listen to him.
His parents mentioned a new region. A fresh start, away from all the bad memories. Maybe that would work...?
As long as Dalex smiled again, Valerie didn't care what Sinnoh would bring.
One of Valerie's parents is an Ampharos, hence the markings on her crest and the seeds on her back shining like orbs. This is a common theme among all of Trainer!Dal's starters, in that none of them are purebreds.
Her injury references how she was nearly OHKO'd by Groudon in the actual game by a single Earthquake.
Valerie does not like staying in her Pokéball, and will only return to it in emergencies.
She suffers from phantom pain, but tries to deal with it on her own to avoid bothering her Trainer. Of course, Dalex can always tell when the pain is too much for her, so he keeps medication on hand and offers to massage her arm if she doesn't want to take the meds. If Nimby's around and it's late at night, she'll ask the bird to sing her to sleep. Hey, it makes Nimby happy and Val can just snooze through the pain, so it's a win-win.
It's unknown whether Valerie counts as a party member in later regions, or she's listed as a "seventh member" that doesn't battle due to her injury but is required to stay with Dal as he's the one helping her recover.
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jonthethinker · 4 years
After a long day of truly cursed thoughts, I’ve come to the determination that the Cerberus Assembly can act as a sort of Exandrian analog of our world’s Silicon Valley, and I hate it. I hate hate hate it.
The more I think about it, the more it just sort of melds into my mind as fact. I can’t escape it. This is where I live now.
You’ve got this collection of self-proclaimed super geniuses, unbounded by modern social mores and determined to invent a new sort of ethics, with an intent on shaping history and sagely guiding the world into a better future. This is despite the fact that most of the ideas they have inevitably end up making the world worse, and the only thing “new” that they really bring into the world is a bunch of actually very old ideas coated in fresh circuitry/magic.
But let’s dig a little deeper and start getting specific.
They both have these images of fiercely independent, creative bodies desperate to remain free from government control, and sometimes even as a check on that very government. The heads of the Cerberus Assembly outright say their intent is to act as a check on the Crown, and are known to have many secrets the Crown is, to their knowledge, totally unaware of.
Tech companies, particularly in America, have this outward facing very libertarian outlook on things, saying they don’t wish to interfere in the very important process of democracy and free speech, while simultaneously feeling it is their responsibility to fact check those in power and hold them to account, with their “serious vetting” of political ads and the like on their platforms. They also lobby heavily against any and all regulation of their various products and services, preferring to let the “invisible hand” of the market provide the service of keeping them in check, much as the Cerberus Assembly prefers to handle its own problems internally.
But when you really dig into the details this is all bullshit. The Cerberus Assembly, for all intents and purposes, IS the Empire. They run the secret police, for goodness sake. The two are so interconnected, and the Assembly as an institution is so dependent on the infrastructure and manpower, and of course money (because the fancy clothes, giant towers, and expensive sets of material components don’t pay for themselves) of the Empire to accomplish its goals, it can’t serve as a real check on Imperial forces possibly “overstepping”, and it also has no material interest in doing so; the more power and control the Empire has, the more power and control the Assembly has; the less freedom the citizens have due to authoritarian “safety” measures implemented by the Crown, the safer the Assembly itself becomes to pursue it’s morally dubious work and experimentation.
The same goes with Silicon Valley and the various tech companies that fall under its ethos. They will expound continually on the necessary freedom from government control they must have to truly change the world in the ways they think are best, but the primary source of money for most of these companies are governments. They either primarily contract with governments for most of their actual profits or to use its already established infrastructure, as is the case with Amazon, or depend heavily on publicly funded research for their innovations, which is everyone from Apple to Google to Microsoft and dozens and dozens of smaller companies besides. They then even get to patent these publicly funded innovations and hold a monopolized stranglehold on their use. This is not even to mention the starter capital necessary to form many of these companies in the first place itself was provided by governments, with the rather, shall we say “morally questionable” Kingdom of Saudi Arabia being among the top contributors to such start ups.
Even when either of these groups claim to be self-made, it’s all bullshit. So many of our famous tech overlords that supposedly built themselves from nothing started at the upper reaches of society, with more than enough capital and connections to insure they were never at any real risk of failing in the first place. Most even went to the same elite institutions of learning that provide the vast majority of the political leadership of the United States, institutions they had access to due to their wealth and familial connections, not their brains. Elon Musk’s family owned an emerald mine in Zambia for God’s sake, one his family would have never owned without the British Empire being a thing.
The same can be said for the Assembly. The upper classes of the Dwendalian Empire are lousy with mages and magic users. If they don’t have a place to climb among the nobility, they work for the Assembly, and hope to climb there. It shouldn’t surprise anyone that the only poorer mage recruits we know anything real about all were sucked up into the service of the Scourgers, one of the few arms of the Assembly known to regularly interact with societies lower reaches and not so positively at that, and had their familial identities obliterated in the process. Both of these groups are of the upper reaches of society and serve the upper reaches of society, and we should never think anything less.
And this brings us to the ideological framework both of these groups think with. They are both full to the brim with people who are individualists to the extreme. They all believe they are singular actors in the great tapestry of history, who got where they are by hard work and dedication, and anyone who isn’t there just didn’t do enough. The folks living in the tent city outside Zadash? lazy layabouts who simply have not applied their mind to be something greater, or perhaps their veins are just full of bad blood. Poor former factory workers in Detroit whose jobs have been moved to places where labor laws are weaker and wages are lower? If they’d only taken their education more seriously, they could be where I am! Or maybe they just never tried to be an Uber driver or delivering for Grubhub, because that’s how you really pull yourself out of poverty.
Meanwhile, most of the groups consist of people who have never once known real adversity and certainly not the hardship of poverty nor the lack of social and political power that position entails. They are blinded to the reality of most people in the world outside their rather small one, and thus have no understanding of the material hardship that most people experience during their everyday life.
You see this most clearer in the manner in which they try to solve what they see as societies great problems, with no clear thought put into the consequences of these particular solutions. In our world, this is particularly obvious. Uber is painted as an innovative means of transportation on a budget, when in reality it’s just a fleet of untrained, underpaid, non-unionized taxi drivers using their own personal vehicles at their own expense. Elon Musk is seen as this super genius when his solution to LA traffic wasn’t a more robust public transportation system or slowly reconstructing the city to be more pedestrian friendly, but instead to build a massive network of single car elevators under the city to zip cars to key hot spots faster in a manner people less anxious than me would still call risky at best. I mean most of these people think the key to ending poverty is teaching people to code or giving them STEM education, even when in a capitalist economy the only thing a sudden flooding of new coders and STEM educated folks would insure is that the jobs that require those skills will see a sudden massive drop in pay and benefits as the pool of prospective employees becomes over-saturated and individual workers no longer have any bargaining power to protect their once rare jobs. You already see this in animation and video game design, and you’ll certainly see it elsewhere.
For the Assembly, despite being praised as the brightest arcane minds of Wildmount, seem to get most of their ideas either by stealing them from others or digging them up out of the ground. But this is just the nature of empire; it’s always easier for an empire to consume than it is to create. So as little as they think of the Dynasty, they are eager to steal every little bit of knowledge they’ve discovered about Dunamis, and without the faith and moral sense the Luxon-based religion imposes, they will never be forced to put the use of this rare and dangerous magic into perspective. Imagine what harm they can cause with gravity and time magic when they don’t have that religious pressure to consider the value of life and choice. But this makes sense when their main sources of inspiration are the wizards of the Age Of Arcana; you know, the wizards whose hubris nearly destroyed the entire world and spurred an apocalyptic war that sent society into a dark age in which the gods themselves abandoned them? A+ inspiration material if you ask me.
Even the culture of these two groups in regards to how they regulate themselves is so eerily similar. Think of Delilah Briarwood. Member in good standing of the Cerberus Assembly. Also, worshipper of Vecna and talented necromancer. Only expelled from the Assembly after involvement from the Cobalt Soul, even when you know every other member of the Assembly almost certainly had loads of information on this lady.
It just makes me think of all the weird, right-wingers and Nazis who occasionally get expelled from the heights of Silicon Valley whenever some journalist exposes them, and how quickly their colleagues are to condemn them even when so many of them either knew this person was this way well before they were exposed or actively agreed with them and still do. I mean, think of how protected Bill Gates is, because of how much his philanthropist image has served to insulate and protect the gross consolidation of wealth and power in the hands of so few, even when his fortune was built on stolen ideas, military funding and research, and a hardcore software monopoly for well over a decade or two. Also, his philanthropy has done nothing to help African people build their own institutions of power independent of European and American influence, and have help distract us from the damage really caused to the entire continent by earlier colonialism and later capitalist imperialism.
This is to say as bad as our world is, I now definitely don’t want to live in Wildemount. I don’t want to live a world where Mark Zukerberg can cast Disintegrate. Not ideal. I guess I’ll just have to work that much harder to fix this one and not depend on learning Dunamancy to just put us on a different path. Bummer.
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F/M Pairing: Fem!Reader x Lee Minho (SKZ)
Word Count: 2.4K
Genre: Hybrid AU; Strangers to Lovers AU
Warnings: None!!
Summary: You weren’t entirely sure about adopting a hybrid, but your friends insisted that you have someone to keep you company in the giant apartment where you lived alone. But you never imagined how much you were missing out on, until you also fell in love...
A/N: I’m trying my hand at writing hybrid AUs, so please forgive me if it isn’t up to expectation! Tagging @skzwriternet​ as usual!!
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The adoption center was located in a giant brick building at the center of the downtown district where traffic was always heavy, and swarms of people migrated together to walk down the crowded sidewalks as a means of occupying their time on the weekends.
But you were hardly the type to enjoy such things, and you and your friends often spent time in each other’s apartments as opposed to dealing with the claustrophobia of the 5:00 rush hour. But on this afternoon in particular, you carefully navigated the intersections and bustling extensions to find a parking spot in the freshly paved lot of the adoption center. Because you were finally going to meet the cat hybrid that you had recently adopted after a lot of pressure from your friends and several hours scrolling through the online website.
Eventually, after an interesting internal-debate, your eyes were drawn to a hybrid cat with calico-colored ears, and the bright green of his eyes had captured your heart in an instant. From there, you didn’t need any more intervention to call the shelter and arrange a time to meet them at the center to pick-up your new friend. Even though you didn’t know much about taking care of a hybrid, you had spent the past week reading anything that you could get your hands on.
You were feeling both confident and excited when you offered your name to the receptionist upon your arrival, and she offered to bring Minho out to you. “He’s been here for so long,” she explained. “His last owners brought him in before they moved.”
“They gave him up?” you asked, appalled at the idea.
However, the receptionist merely shrugged, and you had a feeling that this sort of thing happened all the time. “Well, let me get everything arranged for you,” the receptionist said, and you lingered around the lobby while you waited, flexing your fingers because you had already signed so much paperwork.
But it was all worth it when you saw him for the first time, looking at you with the same green eyes that had first captivated your attention. “Y/N,” the receptionist said. “This is Minho.”
You shuffled in place, pasting on your best smile as you studied the hybrid. “Nice to meet you, Minho,” you said. “I hope we can get along well.”
“Yeah,” Minho replied, and you were a little caught off-guard by his nonchalant attitude, but the receptionist was positively beaming and you finished signing all the required forms before you brought Minho outside to your parked SUV.
“I hope you’re comfortable,” you said to make conversation on the drive home. So far, even with your introverted tendencies taken into consideration, you were having a hard time maintaining a conversation with him. “I redesigned the guest room for you.”
“That’s fine,” Minho said, and you took a deep breath because you weren’t expecting him to be so dismissive. But maybe he wasn’t the type who talked very much after just meting someone for the first time, and you could understand the value of your silence. Still, you only wished that it didn’t feel so awkward, returning to your apartment only to watch Minho barricade himself inside his room for the rest of the night.
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From thenceforth, life with Minho...was the opposite of what you expected.
Instead of living together cohesively, and enjoying the company of someone else in the apartment, you found yourself seriously questioning whether or not you had made the right decision in adopting him. For starters, he never left his room, and you only ever saw him on rare occasions when he needed to use the bathroom, or to grab his dinner from the table. Which leads you directly to your next point: other than rushed greetings in passing, Minho never spoke to you.
And that was certainly not something that you were okay with, especially considering the fact that it felt like you were living with a total stranger. But when you brought it up to your friends and colleagues, they assured you that he just needed more time to adjust: “Maybe buy him something that Cat Hybrids really enjoy?”
So, you did, and the price of the rare treats was a major blow to your checking account, but you were desperate to get a reaction from him. And you were incredibly disappointed when he ignored the treats on the table, choosing instead to pretend like they didn’t even exist. However, that’s where you drew the line, deciding to confront Minho about your scarce interactions.
But when you stepped into his bedroom unannounced, you realized that he was absent, which meant that he was probably showering. In the meantime, while you waited for him to return, you cautiously studied the little knick-knacks and photos displayed all around the room on the shelves you had installed. Apparently, Minho was quite sentimental, and you paused on a picture of Minho smiling next to another cat hybrid who was similar in age and appearance...
“Please don’t touch that,” a guttural voice interrupted your thoughts, and you nearly had a heart attack as you returned the decorative picture frame and turned around to face Minho.
“I’m sorry,” you said, swallowing hard because you felt guilty about messing with his things. “I was waiting for you to get back.”
Minho nodded, choosing to walk around you to peruse the collection of papers stacked on top of his desk. “Did you need something?”
“Yeah...” you started, trailing off when you glanced back at the picture. “Who is that with you?”
Minho sighed at your question, and he pursed his lips like he was considering whether or not he wanted to respond. “He’s my little brother,” Minho eventually relented, and he returned to his files while you studied him with an enlightened understanding of the mercurial hybrid.
“You were separated,” you said, more as a statement rather than an actual question, but Minho still nodded. “What’s his name?”
“Jisung, and I’ve been looking for him,” he said. “But none of the registries match.”
Suddenly, a lightbulb turned on inside your head, and you connected the dots as you realized that the files on Minho’s desk were all documents recording the names of the Hybrids registered with the government - as mandated several years ago.
“I’ll help you find him,” you said, and you could tell that Minho was affected, shoulders rising even as he remained facing away from you. 
“Why would you do that?”
“Because nobody deserves what you’ve gone through,” you said. “I adopted you because I wanted a companion, but there’s more than enough room for another Hybrid.”
He was silent for a moment, and neither of you even took a chance on interrupting the tension until Minho spun around with evidence of fresh tears in his green eyes. “Thank you,” he said, but you didn’t need any gratitude for doing something that you knew was right.
“Let me help you,” you continued. “I’ll do whatever it takes, and you don’t have to avoid me anymore. I think it would be nice if we lived together as a family.”
Minho nodded, and he swiped the sleeve of his shirt beneath his eyes. “I’m sorry for ignoring you....I thought you might send me back to the shelter.”
“I wouldn’t,” you said. “I chose to take on this responsibility, and I’m not the type to just give-up if something proves to be more difficult than I thought.”
“But I made it hard...”
“It doesn’t matter anymore,” you interrupted him, chancing a few steps closer to place your hand on his shoulder - a soothing gesture. “Let’s find your little brother, okay?”
“Okay,” Minho agreed, and, for the first time since you met, he even managed some semblance of a smile.
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Over the course of following two weeks, you and Minho continued to grow even closer as you relentlessly searched for his little brother - constantly reassuring him to never lose hope.
You could tell that he was growing disenchanted with your repeated failures, and you always did your best to improve his moods. You studied him closely, discovering little things that he liked - K-dramas with cheesy endings, chocolate-flavored sweet things, and the feeling of warm towels straight out of the dryer that you always left on his bed after cleaning them.
Each night, you made Minho’s favorite dishes, and the two of you sat together in the living room and ate dinner while watching TV - making jokes about the characters or plot on-screen. It turned out that Minho was very personable, but you had to be very patient to understand his intricate layers. You had to be compassionate and empathetic, and you slowly earned his trust and watched him open up to you. Especially when you would sit together as the kitchen table and search databases online while calling as many adoptions centers as you could find in search of his brother.
“Are you tried?” he asked one night as the two of you finished the last of your calls for the evening.
“Not really,” you replied, but you weren’t expecting him to reach out to skim his fingers over the skin beneath your eyes.
“You have dark circles,” Minho explained, but you found yourself whole-heatedly captivated by a pair of electric green eyes, drawing you closer until the soft brush of his lips across your own snatched you into a hypnosis of pleasure.
The feeling was warm - like something that had been missing, but then rediscovered to make all the pieces match around the edges, and there was nothing left but a comfortable glow sitting on your shoulders as you resisted the urge to hasten the exchange and deepen the tender presses of your lips together.
Unfortunately, the sound of your phone ringing broke the two of you apart, and you sat back with a start as you listened the delicate thud of your heart beating loudly inside your ears. “Hello?” you spoke into the receiver, and you were embarrassed by your breathless tone. 
“Hi, is this Miss Y/L/N?”
“Yes, this is she,” you said, avoiding Minho’s gaze as you tried to focus on the conversation at hand.
“Perfect! My name is Elise, and I work the adoption center in upper Manhattan. Apparently, you called us earlier about a hybrid registered as Jisung? We just wanted to let you know that some files got mixed up, but we have him here for you safe and sound!”
“Really?” you replied, excitement coursing through your veins as you relayed the news to Minho whose eyes lit up like he was seeing the entire world unfold right in front of him. “Please keep him safe for the night. I’ll be in tomorrow to formally adopt him.”
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It turned out that Jisung was the complete opposite of Minho: loud and outgoing, he walked inside your apartment while chattering away about the wallpaper color and other trivial details that made you laugh at his eagerness.
You were amused by his observations, watching as Minho gave him a tour of the apartment while keeping an arm around his shoulders. It was both a protective gesture and an affectionate one, and you were glad to see Minho and Jisung reunited after such a complicated spell of time apart. They deserved nothing more to be together - you could tell that they loved each other, and their easygoing chemistry revealed a complex history that exposed the depth of a brotherly relationship.
But you and Minho had discovered that the two brothers had been separated somewhere between their last transition between owners. It seemed that the couple who had adopted them didn’t care to ensure that the brothers stayed together, and they mishandled the entire process. The situation itself angered you to no end because you couldn’t imagine how cruel a person must be to disregard someone else’s thoughts and feelings simply because they weren’t entirely human.
“So, what do you think?” you asked Jisung when he finally started to unpack his minimal belongings in the guestroom that he would be sharing with Minho. “It might be a little small...”
“Are you kidding?” Jisung interrupted. “I love it!”
“Really?” you wondered, glancing at Minho when his hand found yours, weaving your fingers together with a squeeze.
“Better than the shelter,” Jisung said. “Seriously? I’m so incredibly grateful that you went out of your way to find me.”
“Of course,” you said. “I’m glad to have you here with us.”
“That has a nice ring to it,” Jisung said, and he sat down on the edge of his bed with a sigh. 
“You should rest,” Minho suggested. “It’s been a long day.”
“Yeah,” Jisung agreed, and he shot you another grateful smile. “Thank you again, Y/N! For everything.”
You nodded with a contented sigh, allowing Minho to drag you out of the bedroom to allow Jisung some time to himself. Meanwhile, you and Minho enjoyed one another’s company on the couch in the living room, playing a drama in the background while you sat in his lap, sharing heavy kisses and oxygen while scratching your fingernails behind his ears where you had discovered that he was sensitive. 
“This is okay, right?” Minho asked at one point, pulling back to look at you with wide eyes. “I mean, we haven’t really talked about this...thing.”
“Thing?” you repeated with a laugh. “You mean our relationship?”
“Is that what it is?” Minho questioned. “Like...a boyfriend type of thing.”
“If you want,” you agreed, and you were more than amused by his choice of words. “I like you a lot.”
“I like you too,” Minho agreed with a furious shake of his head, followed by his nose sniffing across your collarbone. “You smell good.”
“I -uh - it’s a hybrid thing,” Minho said, and you practically snorting from your uncontrollable laughter.
“Hey, you don’t have to be embarrassed around me,” you reassured him, pressing a soft kiss to his nose. “I’m glad to have you and Jisung here with me, and I think we’ll make a pretty good team together.”
“That sounds nice,” Minho said. “Does that mean we can keep kissing?”
“Isn’t that what boyfriends do?” you grinned, and Minho returned your smile before kissing you senseless with his hands wrapped around your waist - fitting perfectly against your curves like they had always belonged there. 
It was everything beyond your expectation, and you knew that your life was about to become very interesting...
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Shielded. Chapter Two.
Anonymous said to
We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails. [Dolly Parton]
Happy Sunday all - Chapter Two is up and ready, I hope you enjoy. You can find Chapter One HERE. MBD
War and Peace:
It was sunny outside, she could see the clear blue sky through the thick white netting. Having let themselves in to the property with a key in one of the officers back pockets, they were waiting in the small lounge for John’s mystery friend to appear. With the long winding roads down to the house they had taken longer than originally planned to arrive and the gentleman, one James Fraser, had been forced to leave and attend to his milking duties before he’d actively met his new house guest.
Not that any of them minded. In her own head she was still rolling her new name, saying it over and over again as if to make herself believe it. At least when she was introduced she’d be able to return the greeting gesture with some authenticity.
“You can leave you know.” She had said this to the officers on several occasions. Knowing little about milking, she did assume it wasn’t a quick job and had been quick to allude to the face that Mr Fraser might be out for some time. Shaking their heads, though, they had pointed out that they were required to do handover and were not going to simply leave her without properly passing off to Mr Fraser.
Her living with another person brought about its own complications. For a start they both needed to be briefed on the situation, they both needed to know the implications and outcomes of anyone learning her existence (which they were bound to do at some point) and the severity of anyone learning her real name or her reason for being here.
She suspected that there was more of a backstory to come, but had waited patiently to be informed of it rather than asking. It was unlikely that John had sent her here with little more than a new name and she was ready and keen to adapt to this new situation.
He’d have the letter, she thought as she held the coke bottle tightly between her fingers. In the twenty-four hours she’d had to prepare her exit, she had written a letter to be delivered to her husband this morning so that he didn’t attempt to register her as a missing person. Though some of the force knew of her plan, naturally only a small few knew intimate details and most knew nothing at all. The last thing she needed was a group of policemen and women tracking her down and ruining the whole operation.
The sound of the key in the lock brought her attention away from her worries and she tried to relax herself so that she looked less like a deer in headlights and more like she was happy to be there. She was, of course, more than content to be far away from her old life but the trip had left her hollow and fatigued and she didn’t want to appear ungrateful the very first moment she met her unwitting host.
Smoothing down the thin material of her leggings, she surreptitiously wiped the sweat from her palms as she caught a glance of John’s friend.  Her mind, however, was torn between the present and the future and she found it almost impossible to keep herself grounded in the moment.
It wasn’t until they were all sitting in the lounge with a cup of tea did she even notice the tall stranger stood in front of her. They must have been talking for a good ten minutes, she noted internally, as the steam was still freshly piping off the brewed tea.
“So, Mr Fraser,” the officer stated, bringing her attention fully back to the room, “we’ve got a long drive home so we’ll leave you and Claire to get acquainted. The number in the envelope is the contact should you have any emergency concerns but it should only be used when really necessary. Alright?”
“Aye.” Mr Fraser responded quietly, shaking both her driver’s hands before ushering them out.
Once alone, she picked up her tea and blew across the top. The front room was tall and airy, certainly quite old, probably built around the early 18th century. She took note of the engraved sconces, the plain wallpaper and the large fireplace as she waited to be joined again. Enthralled by the rather encompassing oil painting, she jumped a little as Fraser entered the room.
“That’s a great-aunt of some description, if I remember correctly. Painted sometime in the 1890’s before the turn of the century. She was keen on highland dancing, hence the flashy tartans surrounding her. A lost art, I fear.”
A small smile pulled at his lips, he seemed calm but not yet used to human companionship.
“I’m so sorry, I don’t think I caught your name.”
“Jamie,” he replied, holding his hand out to meet hers, “Jamie Fraser.”
“And you live here alone?”
Clearly he did, she had been told as much but her mind had gone blank. Between leaving Oxford, the long drive and transforming into someone new in a few short hours, her brain was looking for conversation starters and coming up blank.
“Aye, have done for a good few years now. The farm takes a lot of work, I have a few helpers from nearby plots that come and help when needed, but I mostly dinna notice.”
“Long hours then?”
“From dawn to dusk most days, though I have been known to take a day off.”
His joke made her smile and she sipped her tea to stop it from becoming a full on fatigued laugh.
Seeing the glazed look pass over her eyes, Jamie cocked his head and pointed to the staircase at the back of the room. “Would you like me to show you to your room? I’m sure you’ve already had a long weekend. It has an ensuite so you can just rest in there until you feel human again?”
Nodding she felt grateful that he hadn’t used her new name yet. In her own head she’d had trouble making herself believe it and she wasn’t sure it was familiar enough yet for her to answer to it. As they walked, her filled suitcase in his hands whilst she hoisted her rucksack onto her back, she tried to repeat it to herself over and over. It felt strange that she could no longer think of herself as Elizabeth. Luckily, she wouldn’t have to worry about strangers calling out in public and her answering them.
It stung, though, to remember that she was locked down and unable to investigate her new home.
“This is it.” Opening the door, Jamie took a step inside.
The room was vast. Another great fireplace centred the room and there were doors either side of it.
“To the left is a closet for your clothes, I’ve emptied it aside from a couple of shoe boxes of old photos, I hope you don’t mind. To the right is the bathroom. It has a wetroom-type shower and a toilet. There is a bath, but it’s in the main bathroom down the hall, feel free to use it any time.”
Getting clean and into fresh clothes was at the top of her agenda and a calm washed over her as she saw the solid four-poster bed, all made up with light blue sheets and pre-fluffed pillows.
“Thanks, Jamie, for everything.”
Having missed her chance to thank John, she felt like all she would be able to say to Jamie for weeks was thank you.
“Nay bother. Just…” he paused for a moment, his hand resting tightly over the door handle as he moved to leave, “everything here is yours too, aye? Make yerself at home. I work a lot, long hours and long weeks, so I’ll be here there and everywhere. There’s food in the kitchen, a TV in the living area at the back of the house as well as books and more creative things.” He was talking fast, his nervousness becoming clearer as he tried to give a verbal account of the facilities without forgetting anything important. “Through the kitchen there is a door, it leads down into the cellar. That’s where the washing machine and dryer are if you want to wash yer clothes...anything else…?”
He had placed her suitcase down by the door and was running his hands through his hair as he tried to think whether he needed to mention anything else.
“Thank you.” She said again, giving him a free pass to leave now he seemed settled that he’d bought her attention to the most important appliances. “It really is extremely kind of you to open your home at such short notice.”
“It’s a pleasure,” returning her gesture, he held out his hand and took hers, shaking it lightly as she backed towards the bed and he moved back into the doorway, “Claire.”
It felt strange to hear him finally say it and the sound of his deep scottish accent stayed with her long after he’d closed the door and disappeared back downstairs. As she wandered slowly around her suite she opened and closed her right hand, the warmth of his palm still echoed in her flesh. Having had tender relationships before, it was almost as if her flesh knew the touch of someone gentle before the rest of her did.
Whatever it had been dissipated as she caught sight of the brown envelope sticking out of her purse and she took a seat on the bed before pulling a series of pieces of paper from it.
Jamie must have been introduced whilst she’d been in her haze as she didn’t remember anything prior to noticing the cup of tea and, with tired eyes, she pushed the notes aside, eager to get some rest before reading on further.
The clock on the mantel ticked, the click of the hands signalling another hour gone by and before she knew it, darkness surrounded her.
Having fallen asleep between the mass of her new life story, she rubbed her closed lids, yawned and then rose. Her limbs felt heavy, her joints stiff from being in the same position for hours. Stumbling across the room, she felt around for the light switch before investigating the small bathroom attached to her living space.
It was new, that was certain, the porcelain and white tiles sparkling with a sheen that only occurred right before they were sullied with condensation. She pulled the extractor fan cable, switched the shower on and turned up the heat before shedding her clothes and standing beneath the spray. Fortunately there was a towel neatly arranged on the heated handrail, she noticed, as she washed the journey from her skin with some nice lemon scented shower gel.
Clean and dry, she tucked herself between the sheets, carefully stacking and placing the paper back in the envelope before she did so.
That can wait, she thought, her eyes closing before her head even hit the pillow. Once more, sleep found her easily, the swirls of pixelated colour appearing behind her closed eyelids as she began to dream. Silence surrounded her, not like the hum of the city that buzzed in her ears whilst she slept in Oxford, but the blissful nothingness that remote country living afforded those who inhabited it. For that she was grateful.
Kind, blue eyes invaded the deep black nothingness and she felt warm and safe. Snuggling further down into the duvet, she let the warmth encase her as she finally allowed herself to relax.
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