#frequent urination after hysteroscopy
shreyajainblogs · 7 months
A hysteroscopy is a minimally invasive procedure that allows gynecologists like Dr Sandesh Kade, a renowned Gynaecologist in Abu Dhabi, to examine and treat problems within the uterus. One of the possible complications after a hysteroscopy is bladder problems. This can manifest as frequent urination or difficulty emptying the bladder fully. However, with the help of laparoscopic hysteroscopy techniques, doctors can identify and address these issues promptly. Another concern post-hysteroscopy is signs of infection. Patients may experience symptoms such as fever, severe pain, or abnormal discharge from their vagina which could indicate an infection. It's essential to recognize these signs early on so that appropriate treatment can be initiated promptly to prevent further complications.
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amydunbar · 7 months
A Look at Dysmenorrhea
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Dysmenorrhea, which describes painful menstruation typically involving cramps, is a common occurrence in adolescents. Notably, mild to moderate discomfort during menstruation is common among teens and young women, but some experience severe pain that interferes with their daily activities. Teens with the highest risk of developing dysmenorrhea include those who get their periods when younger than age 12, those under 20, those who experience heavy periods lasting over seven days, and those with a family history of menstrual cramps.
Primary and secondary dysmenorrhea are the common types of menstrual cramps. Primary menstrual cramps manifest every time a teen gets her period, but are not linked to another medical condition. In this situation, the uterine walls contract to shed the lining, leading to bleeding. The pain from primary menstrual cramps occurs when these contractions are strong and forceful, reducing blood flow to the uterus. Prostaglandins are the hormones that control uterine contractions, and high levels of this hormone trigger severe pain in the lower abdomen, back, or thighs.
Over-the-counter medications, heat therapy, and massage can help manage primary menstrual cramps. Healthcare providers can prescribe nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as naproxen and ibuprofen to alleviate cramps. These pain relievers reduce prostaglandin levels in the body, and work best when taken as soon as cramping begins.
Heat therapy involves applying heat to the abdomen and lower back to relieve menstrual pain. A heating pad, hot water bottle, or hot towel can be used, and this therapy typically has no side effects. Therapists can also massage the abdomen and back using essential oils, such as lavender, rose, and fennel, to alleviate menstrual pain.
Secondary dysmenorrhea, on the other hand, occurs due to a condition or infection of the reproductive organs. One such condition is endometriosis, a situation where the uterus’ tissue lining grows outside the uterus. These tissues bleed continuously during the menstruation period leading to scarring, swelling, and pain.
Adenomyosis is another condition that causes secondary dysmenorrhea. Here, the uterine lining grows in the uterine muscle, causing an enlargement and thickening of the uterus, sometimes doubling or tripling its normal size. Adenomyosis leads to painful menstrual cramps, heavy menstrual bleeding, and irregular menstrual cycles.
Fibroids, noncancerous tumors that grow in or on the uterine walls, can also cause secondary dysmenorrhea. Not all fibroids result in symptoms, but when they do, they can lead to heavy menstrual bleeding, frequent urination, pelvic pressure, and back pain.
Secondary dysmenorrhea can emanate from pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) that occurs after a bacterial infection spreads from the uterus to other reproductive organs. Sexually transmitted infections are the primary cause of this condition, and symptoms manifest as stomach and lower abdominal pains and vaginal discharge, sometimes with fever.
In addition, congenital conditions, characterized by functional or structural anomalies affecting the reproductive organs, can cause painful menstruation. These conditions develop prenatally, meaning one is born with them, and can include an irregularly shaped uterus, cervix, or vagina, or fallopian tube disorders.
It is advisable to see a healthcare provider if experiencing dysmenorrhea, since cases of secondary dysmenorrhea can lead to infertility and ectopic pregnancy if unattended. Ultrasound, laparoscopy, and hysteroscopy are the common tools used in diagnosing secondary dysmenorrhea.
Ultrasound is a noninvasive procedure that uses high-frequency sound waves and a computer to generate real-time images of tissues, blood vessels, and reproductive organs. Laparoscopy involves making small incisions on a patient’s abdomen and using a long thin tube with a light and camera at the end to view the pelvic organs. Similar to laparoscopy, hysteroscopy uses a tube inserted through the vagina and cervix to transmit images to a screen, enabling caregivers to assess the patient’s cervix and uterus.
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nurvinaari1 · 1 year
Effective Fibroid Removal Treatment in Thane: Nurvi Naari's Solution with Dr. Sujata Rathod
Fibroids, benign growths in the uterus, can cause a range of discomfort and health issues for women. However, with the right expertise and treatment, these concerns can be effectively addressed. Nurvi Naari, a leading healthcare facility in Thane, offers specialized fibroid removal treatment with the experienced guidance of Dr. Sujata Rathod, a renowned gynecologist in Thane. In this article, we explore fibroid treatment options at Nurvi Naari and emphasize the affordability of these solutions.
Understanding Fibroids
Fibroids, also known as uterine leiomyomas, are non-cancerous growths that develop in or on the uterus. They can vary in size and number, and while some women may have no symptoms, others can experience:
Heavy menstrual bleeding
Pelvic pain and pressure
Pain during intercourse
Frequent urination
Backache or leg pains
Infertility or recurrent pregnancy loss
It's important to address these symptoms promptly to ensure the well-being of women's reproductive health.
Fibroid Removal Specialist in Thane: Dr. Sujata Rathod
Dr. Sujata Rathod is a highly respected gynecologist with years of experience in the field of women's health. Her expertise in fibroid diagnosis and treatment makes her a sought-after specialist in Thane. Dr. Rathod approaches each case with a personalized touch, taking into consideration the unique needs and concerns of her patients.
Fibroid Removal Treatment Options
Medications: For smaller fibroids or those causing minimal symptoms, medications may be prescribed to relieve pain and control heavy bleeding. These drugs are a non-invasive approach to symptom management.
Minimally Invasive Procedures: Nurvi Naari offers state-of-the-art minimally invasive procedures like laparoscopy and hysteroscopy for fibroid removal. These techniques involve small incisions, resulting in quicker recovery times, reduced pain, and minimal scarring.
Myomectomy: In cases where fertility preservation is a priority, a myomectomy may be recommended. This surgical procedure involves removing the fibroids while leaving the uterus intact, allowing women to conceive and carry a pregnancy to term.
Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE): UFE is a non-surgical procedure that blocks the blood supply to the fibroids, causing them to shrink. It is an effective option for women who want to avoid surgery.
Hysterectomy: In severe cases or when fertility is not a concern, a hysterectomy, which removes the uterus, may be advised. At Nurvi Naari, this is considered only when other treatment options have been exhausted or are not suitable.
Affordable Fibroid Treatment at Nurvi Naari
Nurvi Naari is committed to providing affordable and accessible fibroid treatment options to women in Thane. The cost of fibroid removal procedures at Nurvi Naari is designed to be competitive without compromising on the quality of care. Dr. Sujata Rathod and her team understand the financial concerns that can accompany medical treatments, and they strive to make their services accessible to a wide range of patients.
Moreover, Nurvi Naari accepts various insurance plans, ensuring that women can receive the necessary fibroid treatment without excessive financial burden.
Fibroids can significantly impact a woman's quality of life, but they need not be a source of despair. With Nurvi Naari's specialized fibroid removal treatment in Thane, led by the expertise of Dr. Sujata Rathod, women can regain their health and well-being. The range of treatment options, including minimally invasive procedures and affordable costs, underscores the commitment of Nurvi Naari to women's reproductive health and overall wellness. If you're experiencing symptoms of fibroids or seeking expert guidance, don't hesitate to consult with Dr. Sujata Rathod at Nurvi Naari to explore the best treatment plan tailored to your needs. Your journey to a healthier, fibroid-free life begins here.
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rootcure · 2 years
Heavy bleeding during periods may be a sign of UTERINE FIBROIDS
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Uterine fibroids (also called leiomyomas) are growths made up of the muscle and connective tissue from the wall of the uterus. These growths are usually not cancerous (benign).
Uterus is an upside down pear-shaped organ in the pelvis. The normal size of your uterus is similar to a lemon. It’s also called the womb and it’s the place where a baby grows and develops during pregnancy. (homeopathy benefits)
Fibroids can grow as a single nodule (one growth) or in a cluster. Fibroid clusters can range in size from 1 mm to more than 20 cm (8 inches) in diameter or even larger. These growths can develop within the wall of the uterus, inside the main cavity of the organ or even on the outer surface. Fibroids can vary in size, number and location within and on the uterus. (homeopathy medicine for diabetes)
Type of fibroids
The type of fibroid a woman develops depends on its location in or on the uterus.
Intramural fibroids Intramural fibroids are the most common type of fibroid. These types appear within the muscular wall of the uterus. Intramural fibroids may grow larger and can stretch the womb.
Subserosal fibroids: Subserosal fibroids form on the outer lining of the uterus, which is called the serosa. They may grow large enough to make womb appear bigger on one side
Pedunculated fibroids Subserosal tumors can develop a stem, a slender base that supports the tumor. When they do, they’re known as pedunculated fibroids.
Submucosal fibroids These types of tumors develop in the middle muscle layer, or myometrium, of the uterus. Submucosal tumors are uncommon. (grade 1 prostatomegaly)
Uterine fibroids mainly affect women around the age of 30–40 years. By the age of 50 Approximately 40 to 80% women have fibroids. 
The causes of fibroids are not known.
Risk Factors for fibroids are as follows
1. Obesity 
2. Family history of fibroids. 
3. Not having children. 
4. Early onset of menstruation 
5. Late age for menopause.
Sign and symptoms
Small fibroids do not cause any symptoms. Larger fibroids can cause variety of symptoms, including:
1. Excessive or painful bleeding during the period (menstruation). 
2. Bleeding between periods. 
3. A feeling of fullness in the lower abdomen/bloating. 
4. Frequent urination (this can happen when a fibroid puts pressure on the bladder).
5. Pain during sex. 
6. Low back pain. 
7. Constipation. 
8. Chronic vaginal discharge.
9. Inability to urinate or completely empty bladder.
The symptoms of uterine fibroids usually stabilize or go away after menopause because levels of estrogen decline within body.
History of heavy bleeding and other related symptoms may alert you to consider fibroids as a part of the diagnosis. There are several tests that can be done to confirm fibroids and determine their size and location. (homeopathy benefits)
1 Ultrasonography: This non-invasive imaging test creates a picture of internal organs with sound waves 
Usually ultrasonography is sufficient to diagnose the fibroids. Further imaging may include the following-  
2 MRI: This test creates detailed images of internal organs by using magnets and radio waves. 
3 CT: A CT scan uses X-ray images to make a detailed image of internal organs from several angles.  
4 Hysteroscopy  
5 Hysterosalpingography (HSG)  
6 Sonohysterography  
7 Laparoscopy
Homeopathic Management
Homeopathy can help manage the symptoms of uterine fibroids as well as dissolve them. The time taken for recovery depends on the size of the fibroid and intensity of symptoms. Constitutional Homeopathic medicines work wonders when given according to the susceptibility of the patient after a detailed history taking. 
Therapeutic indications of some Homeopathic medicines for fibroids are as follows
1. Calcarea Carb – For heavy periods from uterine fibroids with thick, milky white leucorrhea. Desire for indigestible things is also an indication for this medicine. 
2. Belladonna and Sepia Officinalis – For uterine fibroids where menses are painful.
3. Ustilago Maydis – For uterine fibroids with dark menstrual bleeding. 
4. Sabina Officinalis – For uterine fibroids where clots pass with menstrual blood.��
5. Kali Carbonicum – For uterine fibroids with back pain during menses. 
6. Erigeron Canadensis – For frequent urination in case of uterine fibroids. 
7. China Officinalis and Ferrum Met – For uterine fibroids with heavy bleeding and Anemia. 
8. Thlaspi Bursa Pastoris – For uterine fibroids with prolonged menses.
Lifestyle modifications
1. Maintain weight within normal range . 
2. Avoid smoking and alcohol. 
3. Eat plenty of plant based raw diet(Green leafy vegetables, seasonal fruits, mix vegetablesalad).
4. Incorporate yoga and meditation in your daily routine.(homeo doctor near me)
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nomanaliseo · 4 years
Gynaecological Disorders that Women Must Never Ignore | Best Gynaecology in Gurgaon
Best Gynaecology in Gurgaon : Due to many hormonal changes, there are many disorders which may occur in women after the onset of the cycle.
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Some common gynaecological disorders during a woman are:
1.Urinary tract infections: Women are more vulnerable to UTI’s compared to men.You may suffer from pain or burning sensation while passing urine, blood in urine, and increased frequency of urination. You shouldn’t ignore any of those symptoms and must visit a doctor who can treat you thru antibiotics. Self medication should be avoided also it might end in complicated your infection.
2. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Another common disorder caused by a sedentary lifestyle and poor eating habits is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. The cysts are formed round the ovaries which interfere with the cycle , cause obesity, and there’s an increased risk of disorder . If you’re diagnosed with PCOS, then you want to visit a gynaecologist who can help in reducing the danger factors and symptoms. However, it might be best if you furthermore may visited a dietitian and takes her opinion as they will plan a customized meal chart for you. there’s no permanent cure for PCOS – you’ll only achieve it through the proper diet and exercise.
3. Infertility: If you’re unable to conceive after trying for a year, you want to book a meeting with the simplest Gynaecology Hospital. you’ll need to undergo surgery if you’re affected by blocked fallopian tubes or fibroids, which may be cured by surgical treatments only. If preliminary treatment doesn’t help diagnostic laparoscopy and hysteroscopy would be required for further evaluation & treatment.
4 Fibroids: one among the foremost common ailments in women where noncancerous tumours are grown, resulting in the heavy cycle . The cycle is prolonged with constant backache and frequent urination. you’ll catch on diagnosed via Ultrasound /CT-Scan or MRI .If required, you’ll need to undergo a surgery to get rid of these tumours .Nowadays for smaller fibroids medical treatment is additionally available.
5. Menopause: Not a disorder, but a phase which makes woman weak and there could also be some worrying concerns which must be addressed good non hormonal substituted are available which your OBG can advised & improve your condition to make sure smooth menopause. you’ll undergo hormonal therapies at a gynaecology surgery hospital to treat your fears regarding menopause, which are interfering together with your lifestyle tasks. Best Gynaecology in Gurgaon, Although rare ovarian pathology & uterine cancer can also occur and present with Abnormal bleeding needs urgent Consultation. Woman’s life always revolves round her family’s life. She takes excellent care of her loved ones but forgets herself! In doing so, many ladies lose their holistic well-being, which can’t be brought back if neglected. We bring back you top 5 symptoms a lady should never ignore about her health 1. Dark Coloured Urine: Woman must not ever overlook the color of the urine. it always tells about the bladder and kidney health. you want to drink much liquid to take care of light coloured urine. If there’s no improvement within the urine colour, you want to visit a gynaecologist.
2. Heavy or reduced bleeding in periods: The flow of the cycle speaks about your gynaecological health. If you’ve got excessive or Very light bleeding, you want to not delay your visit to a gynaecologist.
3. Abnormal spotting: If you bleed in between your cycle, never let it go unnoticed. the probabilities are that there could be an indoor injury which must be addressed.
4. Breast discharge: If you’re not pregnant or lactating, and you notice breast discharge, then you want to get your hormone levels checked immediately by the Gynaecologist in Delhi
Take your life seriously, ladies…
Unlike a man’s body, ladies need to undergo many hormonal changes like the onset of periods, pregnancy & lactation, menopause. Hence, you want to aim at improving the standard of life, and for this, you want to outweigh the risks involved, prevent illness by identifying and rectifying the disorder at an early stage. Best Gynaecology in Gurgaon
Spring Meadows Hospital offers excellent services to the patients visiting with health concerns. we’ve excellent gynaecologist who can help in recognition and treatment of gynaecological disorders along side conducting surgeries if required.
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ckbhospital · 5 years
Pregnancy Signs | CK Birla Hospital for Women | Best Maternity Hospital In Gurgaon
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It’s one of the most precious moments in a woman’s life when she realizes that a new life is growing inside her womb. Pregnancy brings with it a lot of changes. This a time when her thinking about life is also likely to change, especially when she comprehends how unusual an experience is giving birth. Pregnancy also brings out the inner strength in a woman.
So what are the first signs which show that you may be pregnant. Before the pregnancy tests and ultrasounds, there are some specific signs and symptoms that give you an indication of whether you are pregnant or not. Every woman is different, so it is possible that these symptoms are different and show up at different times.
Monthly Cycle is delayed
The archetypal symptom of pregnancy is missing a period. Once you are pregnant, your body starts producing human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) hormone. This hormone is responsible for maintaining the pregnancy. It gives a signal to the ovaries that it is the right time to halt the release of mature eggs for the next nine months. In most of the pregnancy tests an hCG strip is used for confirmation.
Cramp and Spotting
You suddenly start feeling a pain in your stomach. After the ovulation period, you might experience cramps in your lower abdomen along with spotting. The reason behind it is usually the stretching of the round ligaments that support the growing womb.
Breast Tenderness
A sudden rise in the hormones inside the body can result in tenderness of breasts or tingly feeling. By checking the skin around your nipple, you can come to know whether you are pregnant or not. Do you want to know how? It becomes bumpier, and these bumps are known as Montgomery’s tubercles. These are responsible for secreting an oily fluid that prepares the nipples for breastfeeding.
The Feeling of Fatigue
A sudden exhausting feeling in the first trimester of pregnancy is experienced by most of the pregnant women. As time passes, this feeling also fades; but can return with a vengeance in the third trimester. This is so because it requires energy to build a life-support system for the baby to help in its proper growth and development. Also, the blood sugar level and blood pressure move to the lower side. It may happen as your body responds to the effect of pregnancy hormones. In such circumstances, it is essential to have protein and iron-rich foods.
Recurrent Urination
In early pregnancy, it is seen that women will get the sense of peeing again and again, as their bladder works overtime. This is because of the expansion of the womb, which results in pressing the bladder, and you have to make frequent trips to the bathroom.
Bloating and Constipation
You may feel bloated or constipated due to the superfluous release of hormones. Your tummy becomes harder, even rounder and the tummy feels more gassy. The food passes through the intestines slowly because of progesterone resulting in sluggish digestion. So, you have to deal with bloating, burping, uncomfortable sensation. Drinking lots of water, and consuming high-fiber foods can help relieve this symptom. 
 Learn more about Tubal Ectopic. Dr. Astha Dayal,  Consultant – Obstetrics & Gynaecology and leading Gynaecologist at the CK Birla Hospital for Women, Best Maternity hospital in Gurgaon. Read More.
  Dr. Astha Dayal has over 13 years of extensive experience and training in the field of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. She has a vast body of experience having worked in Hospitals like Lok Nayak Hospital, Maulana Azad Medical College Delhi, Medanta, Artemis Hospitals and The Cradle in Gurgaon. She finished her medical education and specialist training in Obstetrics and Gynaecology from Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi and MRCOG from Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, London. She has a diploma and fellowship in laparoscopic surgery and a FOGSI Fellowship in Infertility from Sir Gangaram Hospital. She is a member of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, London (RCOG), Federation of Obstetric and Gynaecological Societies of India (FOGSI) and World Association of Laparoscopic Surgeons (WALS). Her expertise lies in the medical and surgical management of women’s health problems, managing high-risk pregnancies, advanced laparoscopy and hysteroscopy and reproductive endocrinology.
 The CK Birla Hospital for Women, Gurgaon is a multi-speciality hospital focused on, but not restricted to women’s health. It is part of the $1.8 billion diversified CK Birla Group. The hospital based on international standards and protocols has a strong focus on clinical quality and care. The hospital’s core clinical specialities include obstetrics & gynaecology, neonatology & paediatrics (including paediatric orthopaedics, ophthalmology, surgery and developmental paediatrics), fertility, fetal medicine, the breast centre (including screening & genomics, breast surgery, conservation & reconstruction and rehabilitation & counselling), oncology (head & neck, gynae & GI onco surgery, chemotherapy), advanced surgical sciences (including laparoscopic, cancer, gastrointestinal and bariatric surgery), orthopaedics, urology, aesthetics & plastic surgery, dermatology, internal medicine, pain management, diagnostics and physiotherapy.
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ramnik01-blog · 6 years
Get the Best Gynecologist In Delhi
Uterine fibroids: Symptoms, risk, and its management
Uterine fibroids are described as the muscular tumors which show their growth within the walls of the uterus and could also be named as leiomyoma or myoma. Fibroids can grow both as a single tumor, or multiple tumors in the uterus. Their appearance can be described as small as an apple seed or as big as a grapefruit and in some unusual cases, these tumors can grow with large size. This condition occurs in the women who are at their 40s and 50s age and symptoms in every woman may differ. If the uterine fibroids get enlarged they could put pressure onto the abdomen or bladder or rectum. For proper diagnosing and treatment of uterine fibroids, consult the top Gynecologist in Delhi.
What are the symptoms with uterine fibroids?
In most of the cases, uterine fibroids do not produce any symptoms, but in some women, fibroids may come with symptoms like heavy bleeding, painful periods, enlargement of the abdomen, frequent urination, pain during sex, lower back pain, compliacted pregnancy, infertility or the feeling of fullness in the lower stomach. Who are at higher risk of attaining uterine fibroids?
Factors that could increase the risk of uterine fibroids in females include age, genetics, ethnic origin, or eating habits.
Obesity: Obese women are at higher risk for uterine fibroids due to their overweight.
Age: Fibroids are more common in the women during their 40s and 50s when they pass through menopause.
Eating habits: The woman eating a lot of red meat such as beef and ham is directly linked with a higher risk of fibroids. The green vegetables can protect women from growing fibroids.
Family history: There is an increased chance of fibroids growth when the mother has fibroids during her pregnancy which can pass to the child.
Ethnic influence: According to a survey it has been found that African-American women are more expected to develop fibroids than white women.
What are the diagnosing techniques for uterine fibroids?
Ultrasound: To identify the number, size, shape of uterine fibroids which is done by using sound waves passed through pelvic area providing the image of the uterus.
Endometrial biopsy: A small instrument is allowed to pass through the cervical opening which grabs small samples of tissues within the uterus.  
Laparoscopy: A surgical procedure that involves the insertion of a small fiberoptic camera into the abdomen via small abdominal incisions which gives a direct image of internal organs.
Hysteroscopy: A small fiberoptic camera is passed in the uterus via the opening of the cervix providing the capture of the uterine fibroids.
Hysterosalpingography: This procedure involves injecting a dye into the uterus along with Fallopian tubes. After this, the uterus is X-rayed to recognize the shape of these structures.
What are the treatment options for uterine fibroids?
With some medications the pain happening while uterine fibroids can be reduced or it could be extracted out via a surgical treatment of removing the uterus or removing the tumor.
Dr. Ramnik Sabharwal provides the best treatment to uterine fibroids using advanced techniques being the Best Laparoscopic Surgeon in Delhi. Dr. Ramnik provides the latest treatment procedure for treating other gynecological problems. She is also experienced in providing the patients freedom from infertility issues with techniques IVF, IUI and ICSI with her professional team. Dr. Ramnik Sabharwal has got training in Gynaecological endoscopy laparoscopy and robotic surgery from the esteemed hospitals of USA.
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altiushospital · 5 years
Fibroid Uterus
FIBROIDS - Uterine fibroids are noncancerous growths of the uterus that often appear during childbearing years. Also called leiomyomas . or myomas, uterine fibroids aren't associated with an increased risk of uterine cancer and less than 1% develop into cancer.
About 20 percent to 80 percent of women develop fibroids by the time they reach age 50. Fibroids are most common in women in their 40s and early 50s. Not all women with fibroids have symptoms. Women who do have symptoms often find fibroids hard to live with.
With laparoscopic and hysteroscopic methods we follow, its now possible to get rid of that ugly scar with early return to work .laparoscopic surgery can be done with less blood loss and least pain and no stitches and short recovery period.
What could be the size of a fibroid?
Fibroids range in size from seedlings, undetectable by the human eye, to bulky masses that can distort and enlarge the uterus. You can have a single fibroid or multiple ones. In extreme cases, multiple fibroids can expand the uterus so much that it reaches the rib cage.
What are the Symptoms?
Many women who have fibroids don't have any symptoms. In those that do, symptoms can be influenced by the location, size and number of fibroids.
What could be the possible symptoms?
In women who have symptoms, the most common symptoms of uterine fibroids include:
Heavy menstrual bleeding
Menstrual periods lasting more than a week
Pelvic pressure or pain
Frequent urination
Difficulty emptying the bladder
Backache or leg pains
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What are the types of fibroid?
1) Intramural fibroids grow within the muscular uterine wall.
2) Submucosal fibroids bulge into the uterine cavity.
3) Subserosal fibroids project to the outside of the uterus.
4) Cervical fibroid are located in the lower part of uterus.
5) Broad ligament fibroid -near the lateral border of uterus.
When to see a doctor?
See your doctor if you have:
Pelvic pain that doesn't go away
Overly heavy, prolonged or painful periods
Spotting or bleeding between periods
Difficulty emptying your bladder
Severe vaginal bleeding or sharp pelvic pain that comes on suddenly.
Causing infertility
What are the Causes?
Genetic changes
Other growth factors
The growth patterns of uterine fibroids vary - they may grow slowly or rapidly, or they may remain the same size. Some fibroids go through growth spurts, and some may shrink on their own. Many fibroids that have been present during pregnancy shrink or disappear after pregnancy, as the uterus goes back to a normal size.
What are the Risk factors?
There are few known risk factors for uterine fibroids, other than being a woman of reproductive age. Other factors that can have an impact on fibroid development include:
Heredity-If your mother or sister had fibroids, you're at increased risk of developing them.
Race-Black women are more likely to have fibroids than women of other racial groups.
Environmental factors- Onset of menstruation at an early age; use of birth control; obesity; a vitamin D deficiency; having a diet higher in red meat and lower in green vegetables, fruit and dairy; and drinking alcohol, including beer, appear to increase your risk of developing fibroids.
What happens with fibroids in pregnancy?
it's possible that fibroids - especially submucosal fibroids - could cause infertility or pregnancy loss. Fibroids may also raise the risk of certain pregnancy complications, such as placental abruption, fetal growth restriction and preterm delivery.
How is it diagnosed ?
Uterine fibroids are frequently found incidentally during a routine pelvic exam. Your doctor may feel irregularities in the shape of your uterus, suggesting the presence of fibroids. If you have symptoms of uterine fibroids, you doctor may . advise -
Ultrasound-It uses sound waves to get a picture of your uterus to confirm the diagnosis and to map and measure fibroids.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-This imaging test can show the size and location of fibroids, identify different types of tumors and help determine appropriate treatment options.
Hysterosonography - also called a saline infusion sonogram, uses sterile saline to expand the uterine cavity, making it easier to get images of submucosal fibroids and the endometrium.
Hysteroscopy - In submucous fibroid, your doctor inserts a small, lighted telescope called a hysteroscope through your cervix into your uterus. Your doctor then injects saline into your uterus, expanding the uterine cavity and allowing your doctor to examine the walls of your uterus and the openings of your fallopian tubes.
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Fibroids Natural Treatment in Bangalore|Best Pelvic Floor Surgery Doctor in Bangalore|Vaginoplasty in Bangalore|Gynecologist in Bangalore|
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elajyoti-blog · 6 years
Infertility Clinics in India | Infertility Clinics | Elawoman
Infertility Clinics in India
If you are infertile, your doctor will go over your health history, medications, sexual history, and your sex habits, like how often you have sex.
Infertility takes place even as a pair can't conceive after having normal or unprotected intercourse. It can be that one companion cannot make a contribution to the notion, or that a girl is unable to carry a pregnancy to full term. It is often described as no longer conceiving after one year of ordinary sexual sex without using begin control.
In India, around 10 % of girls aged 15 to 44 years are predicted to have trouble conceiving or staying pregnant. Worldwide, 8 to 12 % of couples experience fertility issues. Between forty-five and 50 percent of instances is the concept to stem from factors that have an effect on the man.
Before infertility trying out, your Infertility doctor or infertility clinic works to understand your sexual behavior and can make hints based totally on those. In some infertile couples, no specific purpose is observed (unexplained infertility).
Infertility evaluation can be high-priced, and from time to time includes uncomfortable strategies. Finally, there can be no assure — even after all the checking out and counseling — that you can get pregnant.
Infertility is a growing concern not most effective in Delhi however additionally all over the international. There has been a big increase in instances wherein couples are locating it hard to conceive. Whether you are managing primary or secondary fertility, getting an expert opinion is critical. That is while you require an infertility sanatorium in which getting specialized care and treatment all below one roof is so smooth. Most importantly, when you have made up your mind to get treated for infertility there may be a scenario whilst your spouse visits a gynecologist for checkups and exams even as you pay to a urologist for evaluation. It is so natural to count on if you may each see the equal health practitioner and it's miles when traveling an infertility hospital looks like a fantastic idea. In this Blog, we allow you to apprehend extra approximately Infertility clinics and their functionality collectively with their importance in difficulty to prognosis, treatment, and management of infertility. Below is the list of infertility clinics in India, you can easily choose by their ratings, location and success rates.
When can also add you need to go to an infertility health facility?
You can be asked by using a manner of your expert to go to an infertility sanatorium if
The age of the girl is beneath 35 years and has not conceived thinking about that closing twelve months
The age of the girl is over 35 years and has no longer conceived after attempting from the last 6 months
A woman has already long past via a couple of miscarriages in advance or inside the current instances and now desires to conceive over again
The male accomplice has low sperm depend on variety, motility, morphology or all 3
Infertility Tests for male
Male fertility calls for that the testicles produce sufficient healthy sperm, and that the sperm is ejaculated efficaciously into the girl's vagina and travels to the egg. Tests for male infertility try to determine whether or not or not any of these tactics are impaired.
You may additionally have a famous bodily examination, such as an examination of your genitals. Specific fertility assessments can also include:
Semen assessment. Your clinical doctor might also moreover ask for one or greater semen specimens. Semen is normally obtained by means of way of masturbating or through interrupting intercourse and ejaculating your semen right into a clean field. A lab analyzes your semen specimen. In a few cases, sperm can be tested for in the urine.
Hormone checking out. You may also moreover have a blood test to decide the level of testosterone and exceptional male hormones.
Genetic trying out. Genetic finding out can be finished to determine whether or not there's a genetic sickness inflicting infertility.
Testicular biopsy. In pick instances, a testicular biopsy may be done to grow to be aware of abnormalities contributing to infertility and to retrieve sperm to use with assisted reproductive strategies, which includes IVF.
Fertility for ladies relies on the ovaries releasing healthful eggs. Her reproductive tract needs to allow an egg to skip into her fallopian tubes and be a part of with sperm for fertilization. The fertilized egg should excursion to the uterus and implant within the lining. Tests for girl infertility try and determine whether or no longer any of those tactics are impaired.
You may additionally have a significant bodily examination, which includes an ordinary gynecological exam. Specific fertility tests can also consist of:
Ovulation checking out. Blood takes a look at measures hormone stages to decide whether or not or no longer you are ovulating.
Hysterosalpingography. Hysterosalpingography (his-tur-o-sal-ping-GOG-ruh-rate) evaluates the situation of your uterus and fallopian tubes and looks for blockages or exclusive problems. X-ray evaluation is injected into your uterus, and an X-ray is taken to decide if the hollow space is ordinary and ensure the fluid spills out of your fallopian tubes.
Ovarian reserve trying out. This testing enables to determine the exquisite and amount of the eggs to be had for ovulation. This approach frequently begins with hormone trying out early in the menstrual cycle.
Other hormone finding out. Other hormone checks take a look at tiers of ovulatory hormones, in addition to pituitary hormones that manipulate reproductive techniques.
Imaging tests. Pelvic ultrasound appears for uterine or fallopian tube disorder. Sometimes a hysterosonography is used to appearance information within the uterus that isn't seen on a normal ultrasound.
Here the List of Infertility Clinics in India
1.Advanced fertility and surrogacy centre Lajpat Nagar
Advanced fertility and surrogacy centre lajpat nagar Lajpat Nagar gives fertility treatment for some of the infertility problems below the same roof. Dr. Kaberi Banerjee has built this infertility centre with high-quality dedication and is serving patients proper here for greater than decades in the area of gynecology and obstetrics. Services: The centre offers some infertile couples especially IVF, IUI, Diagnostic and operative laparoscopy and hysteroscopy, and Frozen Embryo Replacement Cycle (FERC)
2. Sci IVF Centre Noida
SCI IVF Centre Noida is positioned in Noida Sector-sixty three. Dr. Shivani Sachdev Gour is the leading IVF doctor at the Surrogacy Centre India. With the help of her expertise inside the field of obstetrics, gynecology and clinical genetics she is efficaciously working the cases of infertility for extra than 2 many years. Her experience and backbone in the direction of her paintings make her one of the first-class Fertility Specialists in India. Couples from around the sector visit her centre for infertility treatments.
Services provided by SCI IVF centre include IVF, IUI, Hysteroscopy, Laparoscopy, Oocytes donation, Testicular biopsy, and consultation concerning gynecology and Infertility Clinics in India.
3. Wellspring IVF and Fertility Centre
Dr Pranay Shah Ahmedabad heads this famed medical institution primarily based in Ahmedabad. He has more than 7 years of experience within the area of IVF, IUI, hysteroscopy, testicular biopsy and oocytes donation. The group of specialists present on the clinic makes a specialty of providing the best treatment to the sufferers in want. Dr. Pranay Shah Ahmedabad is currently practicing at Wellspring IVF and Fertility Centre.
Thus, infertility clinics offer the entire choice to all varieties of problems associated with infertility. It saves it slow and efforts while all the facilities which encompass assessment, trying out and treatment of infertility are met at a single point of touch.
Risk factors
Risk factors that boom infertility:
A young woman smoking
Smoking appreciably increases your risk of infertility
Smoking: Smoking appreciably increases the chance of infertility in both males and females, and it can undermine the results of fertility treatment. Smoking at some point of pregnancy increases the hazard of being a pregnancy loss. Passive smoking has moreover been linked to lower fertility.
Alcohol: Any quantity of alcohol intake can have an effect on the possibilities of conceiving.
Being overweight or overweight: This can boom the threat of infertility in girls similarly to guys.
Eating disorders: If an eating sickness leads to serious weight loss, fertility issues may additionally stand up
If you have any doubt about the Infertility Clinics in India. You Can confirm with us.
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embrywomens0-blog · 6 years
Are You Aware Of The Existence Of IUD Specialist In Mesa?
In the present era of technology and advancement, Embry Women’s Health has great team of experts. IUD device means an intrauterine device, which is normally used by gynecologists, general physicians to give high-quality medical services to pregnant women. The use of IUD device by an IUD specialist and Nexplanon specialist in Embry Women’s Health are done so that you can create your family in a better way.
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Chances of becoming a mother
Prenatal services are offered by medical health practitioners so that it can be known that whether you have any chance of getting pregnant or not. Along with prenatal services, you often get other services from IUD specialists:
·         An IUD specialist gives prenatal services to you when you can have chances of first or second pregnancy.
·         Your physician would ask you to do a urine test and other medical tests on a frequent basis so that your health and your baby's health remain in a better state.  
A new dietary chart for a new start
·         Food plays a significant role during your lifecycle and during pregnant years.
·         You can alter your dietary chart every time you visit a Nexplanon Specialist in Mesa when you are thinking of conceiving your first child.
·         Precaution is better than cure and who can know better than an informed mother during pregnant years. Yes, you have to become extra cautious with your food habits to prevent major health issues of your would-be bundle of joy.
Menopause services
·         Menopause services are offered in the medical centers so that every woman can lead a healthy life.
·         Embry Women’s Health offers menopause services, such as determining the menopause symptoms, gynecologic care for women, gynecological exams.
·         Menopause services vary a lot in different medical centers. In some medical care centers, you can receive menopause services osteoporosis, breast health, and colon cancer.
  Chronic Pelvic Pain
·         In a medical center, the symptoms of chronic pelvic pain are analyzed so that your present health condition can be known.
·         The symptoms of chronic pelvic pain incorporate fibroids, ovulation, adhesions, miscarriage, and endometriosis and so on.
·         Distinct kinds of tests would be offered to you for diagnosing your pelvic pain. At first, screening and testing of the affected area are done to know about health issues. In such tests, CT scans, blood tests, ultrasound, and hysteroscopy are done. Through these tests, your affected uterus can be seen and thereby bitter consequences can be avoided too.
·         After knowing the main causes of your chronic pelvic pain, IUD specialist Mesa would formulate a correct treatment plan to rescue you from chronic pelvic pain in future years.
 Are you suffering from major health issues? If ye, you have to take serious steps can and contact the experts of https://embrywomenshealth.com.
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monstersandmens · 7 years
Reproductive System Concerns Every Woman Should Be Aware Of
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woman’s reproductive health is maintained by certain hormones. They control menstruation, fertility, and menopause.  It is vital to take steps to protect the reproductive system from infections and injuries in order to prevent various health problems. Common reproductive health issues are ovarian cancer, polycystic ovarian disease, fibroids and uterine cancer. Major reproductive system concerns 1. Ovarian cancer Ovarian cancer is referred to any cancerous growth that appears in the ovary. Cancer can occur in the outer lining of the ovary, related areas of the fallopian tubes and the peritoneum.
Symptoms Ovarian cancers will have little or no symptoms in the early stages. Some women will experience symptoms similar to other conditions, such as premenstrual syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome, or a temporary bladder problem. But the symptoms would worsen over the course of time. The following are examples of possible early symptoms of ovarian cancer: Pelvic and abdominal pain Pain on the lower part of the body Pain in the lower stomach Indigestion or heartburn Abdominal fullness Frequent urination Constipation Backache In the later stages, patients will experience symptoms like nausea, weight loss, breathlessness, tiredness and loss of appetite. Causes Ovarian cancer is caused by the uncontrollable reproducing cells in the ovary. Some of the major risk factors include: Family history: Women with a family history of ovarian cancer, or breast cancer are more prone to the chance of developing ovarian cancer compared to other women. Age: Women above 65 years are having a higher risk of developing ovarian cancer. Breast cancer: Women who have a history of breast cancer have an increased chance of developing ovarian cancer. Hormone replacement therapy: Hormone replacement therapy slightly elevates a woman’s risk of developing ovarian cancer. Endometriosis: Occurrence of endometriosis increases ovarian cancer risk by 30 percent. Diagnosis of ovarian cancer A vaginal examination is performed by the doctor to check for any evident abnormalities in the uterus or ovaries. The doctor will also collect medical and family history of the patient. Blood test, ultrasound, laparoscopy, CT scan etc are performed in order to diagnose ovarian cancer. Treatment for ovarian cancer Ovarian cancer is treated by ovarian cancer surgery. Chemotherapy, a combination of surgery with chemotherapy, and, sometimes, radiotherapy is also advised by the doctor depending on the type and stage of cancer. Oophorectomy Oophorectomy is the surgical removal of the ovaries. The surgical removal of ovaries will be inevitable in the vast majority of ovarian cancers. This is the first option available for the patient. The procedure includes the removal of ovaries, the fallopian tubes, the uterus, adjacent lymph nodes, and the omentum (a layer of fatty tissue in the abdomen).This technique is termed as a total hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy. If the cancer is limited to just one of the ovaries, the surgeon may just take out the affected ovary and the adjacent fallopian tube. Thus the procedure will not affect the fertility. The surgery can be performed by using one larger incision or multiple smaller incisions. Usually, this surgery requires a stay in a hospital for a week. One month is needed for the complete recovery. Chemotherapy Chemotherapy refers to the use of chemicals (medication) to destroy cancer cells. Chemotherapy is used to target cancer cells that surgery could not remove. Three to six chemotherapy sessions are required with an interval of one month. 2. Fibroids Fibroids are the most common non-cancerous tumors affecting the uterus. About 20 to 50 percent of women of childbearing age have fibroids, although not all are detected. Symptoms Some fibroids are asymptomatic while some show mild to severe symptoms. Common symptoms of uterine fibroids are listed below Prolonged menstrual periods Irregular bleeding between menstrual periods Pelvic pain Frequent urination Low back ache A firm mass – positioned near the center of the pelvis, which can be felt by the doctor Risk Factors Age: Women who are closer to menopause are at the greatest risk for fibroids because of the long exposure to estrogen. Family History: Women with close relatives having fibroids are more prone to getting fibroids. Pregnancy: Pregnancy increases the production of estrogen and progesterone in the body. Fibroids may develop and grow quickly during pregnancy. Diagnosis Fibroids are usually detected during a regular pelvic examination. The physician could feel a firm, irregular pelvic mass during the checkup. Diagnostic techniques for fibroids include X-ray, Transvaginal ultrasound, Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), Hysterosalpingography, Hysteroscopy, Endometrial biopsy and Blood test. Treatment Most fibroids stop developing or may even disappear as a woman approaches menopause. So the doctor monitors the woman’s symptoms carefully to make sure that there are no evident changes or developments and that the fibroids are not enlarging. Surgery Fibroids are treated by Hysteroscopic Myomectomy which includes the removal of fibroids without affecting the uterus in order to enable a future pregnancy. In severe cases, Hysterectomy (surgical removal of the entire uterus) will be recommended by the physician. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists (GnRH agonists) This treatment method reduces estrogen levels and results in medical menopause. Sometimes GnRH agonists are used to shrink the fibroid thus making the surgery easier. Anti-hormonal agents These drugs resist estrogen production and show effectiveness in treating fibroids. Anti-progestins, which hinder the action of progesterone, are also sometimes used. Uterine artery embolization This technique is also known as uterine fibroid embolization. This is a novel, minimally invasive procedure. In this method, the arteries supplying blood to the fibroids are detected, and then embolized. The embolization blocks the blood supply to the fibroids, thus shrinking them. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) They provide relief for symptoms like pelvic pain, menstrual cramps and also reduce heavy menstrual bleeding. 3. Cancer Of Uterus Uterine cancer is the most common cancer affecting a woman’s reproductive system. Uterine cancer is marked by the uncontrollable growth of healthy cells in the uterus and thereby forming a mass called a tumor. There are two types of uterine cancer Adenocarcinoma This contributes to more than 80% of uterine cancers. It starts from cells in the endometrium and commonly called as endometrial cancer. A common subtype of endometrial adenocarcinoma is called endometrioid carcinoma. The treatment option depends on the grade of the tumor, how far it penetrates into the uterus and the stage of cancer. Sarcoma They develop in the surrounding tissues of the uterine glands or in the myometrium (muscles of the uterus). Sarcoma makes up about 2% to 4% of uterine cancers. Symptoms The most frequent symptom of endometrial cancer is unusual vaginal bleeding, varying from a watery and blood tinged flow to a flow that contains more blood. Vaginal bleeding, during or after menopause, is often a sign of a concern. Abnormal vaginal bleeding, spotting, or discharge. Difficult or painful urination Pelvic pain Sore back and legs In the advanced stages, the patient may experience loss of appetite, tiredness, and nausea. Risk Factors Age: Women above the age of 50 are more prone to this type of cancer. Obesity: Obese women have an increased chance of uterine cancer due to the presence of additional estrogen from the fatty tissue. This risk of the cancer is directly proportional to the increase in body mass index (BMI; the ratio of a person’s weight and height). Studies suggest that about 40% of cases of the cancer are linked to obesity. Genetics: Woman having a family history of breast cancer or uterine cancer are having an increased risk of the disease. Risk also increases for women in families with colon cancer and Lynch syndrome. Pre-existing health conditions: The chances of uterine cancer increases with pre-existing medical conditions like endometrial hyperplasia or diabetes. Other cancers: Women having a personal history of breast cancer, colon cancer or ovarian cancer may have an increased risk of uterine cancer. Tamoxifen: Women taking the drug tamoxifen to prevent or treat breast cancer have an increased risk of developing uterine cancer. Radiation therapy: Women, who have undergone radiation therapy in the past for another cancer in the pelvic area, have an increased risk of uterine cancer. Diet: Women who consume fatty food may have a bigger risk of uterine cancer. Estrogen: Prolonged exposure to estrogen or an imbalance of estrogen could increase the risk. Treatment Uterine cancer is treated by uterine cancer surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and hormone therapy. Combinations of the above treatments are often suggested by the doctor. Treatment method and recommendations depend on several factors, including the type and stage of cancer, potential side effects, and the patient’s overall health, age and chance for a future pregnancy. Surgery Surgery involves the removal of the tumor and it is usually the first treatment used for uterine cancer.Hysterectomy involves the removal of the entire uterus. There are two types of hysterectomy – simple hysterectomy (removal of the uterus and cervix) and radical hysterectomy (removal of the uterus, cervix, the upper part of the vagina, and close tissues). For women who have been reached menopause, a bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy (removal of both fallopian tubes and ovaries) could be performed. Conventional hysterectomy is performed with 1 large incision. Laparoscopy is the recent technique which uses multiple smaller incisions. 4. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) Polycystic ovary syndrome is a common hormonal disorder among women of childbearing age. This disorder is marked by the presence of enlarged ovaries that contain small collections of fluid called follicles.
Symptoms The signs and symptoms of PCOS often begin soon after puberty is attained. Irregular periods: This is the typical symptom of PCOS. The menstrual intervals maybe longer than 35 days. Some women will experience prolonged periods that may be slight or heavy and some others will miss periods for three months. Elevated androgen levels: Elevated levels of male hormones called androgens may result in physical signs, such as increased facial and body hair (hirsutism), severe acne, and baldness termed as androgenic alopecia Polycystic ovaries: In this condition, ovaries become bigger and contain numerous small fluid-filled sacs (follicles) which enclose the eggs. Weight gain: PCOS patients will experience rapid weight gain and obesity Fatigue: Patients often complain about decreased energy levels and weakness. Infertility: PCOS is an important cause of female infertility. Mood Changes: Having PCOS can augment the chances of mood swings, depression, and anxiety. Pelvic Pain: Pelvic pain may occur with periods, along with heavy bleeding Headaches: Hormonal changes could trigger severe headaches. Sleep Problems: Women with PCOS often experience troubles such as insomnia or disturbed sleep. PCOS has been linked to a sleep disorder called sleep apnea. In sleep apnea, a person will stop breathing for small periods of time during sleep. Causes The cause of polycystic ovary syndrome is not fully known. Several studies have revealed that genetics, excess insulin, and low-grade inflammation has significant roles in developing PCOS. Treatment Lifestyle changes Home management of PCOS includes weight loss through a low-calorie diet along with moderate exercise activities. Ovarian cyst removal PCOS is mainly treated by cyst removal surgery. Large or constant ovarian cysts should be removed as soon as possible to avoid further complications like cancer. There are two types of surgery used to remove ovarian cysts: Laparoscopy Cysts of almost every size can be removed using laparoscopy. In this technique small incisions are made in the abdomen and gas is blown into the pelvis to let the surgeon access the ovaries. With the help of a laparoscope, the surgeon then removes the cyst. The incisions are then closed using dissolvable stitches. This method is less painful and has a faster recovery time. Laparotomy Laparotomy would be preferred for removing larger cysts. In this method, a single larger cut is made in the abdomen in order to remove the cyst. The entire cyst and ovary may be removed and sent to a laboratory to check whether it’s malignant. Stitches or staples will be used to seal the incision.
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Uterine Cancer
Cancer of the inner lining of the uterus, called the endometrium, is the most common cancer of the female reproductive tract. According to the American Cancer Society, an estimated 47,130 new cases of cancer of the uterine body, most of which are endometrial cancers, will be detected in the United States in 2012, resulting in about 8,010 deaths. The good news is that the prognosis is excellent if the cancer is detected and treated early. The vast majority of women diagnosed with endometrial cancer are postmenopausal; more than half of cases occur in women ages 50 to 69. Younger women who develop the condition tend to be obese or have a genetic predisposition. A woman has about a one in 40 chance of developing endometrial cancer during her lifetime. Unlike ovarian cancer, endometrial cancer has a major, identifiable symptom in its early stages: abnormal vaginal bleeding or postmenopausal bleeding. This symptom occurs in 90 percent of endometrial cancer cases. Other symptoms include pelvic pressure, a pelvic mass, abnormal discharge that doesn’t look like blood, difficulty and pain during urination and pain during intercourse. The greatest risk factors for developing endometrial cancer are obesity and abnormal precancerous changes of the uterus. Other risks include using estrogen alone,diabetes and a strong family history of colon cancer, particularly a type of colon cancer known as hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer, or HNPCC. Additional risks include never having had children, starting having menstrual periods at a young age and having a late menopause. Together, these risks can lead to continued estrogen stimulation of the endometrial tissue. In other words, the tissue continues to grow without a break, which increases the risk of cells growing out of control, leading to precancerous and cancerous lesion of the uterus. Although endometrial cancer is more common in Caucasian women than African-American women, more African-American women die from the disease. This is due to many factors including the fact that African-American women often have more advanced disease and more aggressive types of the disease when they are diagnosed. A much less common form of uterine cancer is sarcoma of the uterus, which is extremely aggressive. In this rare form of uterine cancer, cancer cells originate from the muscles or other supporting tissues of the uterus. Women who have received therapy with high-dose X-rays to their pelvis have a high risk for some types of uterine sarcomas. Many sarcomas of the uterus begin after menopause. The prognosis and choice of treatment depend on the stage of the sarcoma, how fast the cancer cells grow and the woman’s general health.
The primary symptom of uterine cancer is abnormal vaginal bleeding, especially after menopause. Bleeding may be so light that it’s only a pink discharge or drainage from the vagina. Although irregular menstrual periods are common as you get closer to menopause, when hormone levels rise and fall unpredictably, they can also be a symptom of uterine abnormalities or uterine cancer. If your periods stop for several months and then start again, discuss your symptoms with your health care professional and ask for an examination. Also, be sure to mention any menstrual irregularities during regular checkups. If you are postmenopausal, any vaginal bleeding is abnormal and you should contact your health care professional immediately. The earlier uterine cancer is diagnosed, the better the prognosis. Whether you are pre- or postmenopausal, the absence of visible blood with any unusual vaginal discharge doesn’t mean you don’t have uterine cancer. If you experience any abnormal discharge, discuss it with your health care professional. Also, if you have a family history or have been diagnosed with hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer (HNPCC), you should be screened for uterine cancer every year beginning at age 35. Diagnostic tests for uterine cancer include: Endometrial biopsy. During this procedure, your doctor inserts a small instrument through your vagina and cervix and uses suction to take a small tissue sample of the uterine lining. The procedure is performed in the doctor’s office and, while uncomfortable, is not significantly painful. You may have cramps or pain for a short time afterward. Your doctor will usually recommend taking ibuprofen or other over-the-counter pain relievers before and after the procedure. Hysteroscopy. A hysteroscopy allows your health care professional to look inside your uterus. It is usually performed if the endometrial biopsy is inconclusive or symptoms persist. During a hysteroscopy, a tiny telescope is inserted into the uterus through the cervix. The uterus is expanded with saline, allowing the doctor to view and biopsy any abnormalities. Dilation and curettage (D&C). If your endometrial biopsy is inconclusive (i.e., if not enough tissue was retrieved), your health care professional may recommend a D&C to remove pieces of the lining of the uterus. During a D&C, the opening of the cervix is dilated and the walls of the uterus are gently scraped to remove any growths. The tissue is then checked for abnormal cells. The procedure is typically performed on an outpatient basis and takes about an hour. It may require general anesthesia or conscious sedation (medication that makes you drowsy, but still awake). Other tests may include routine blood tests, a urine test and a chest X-ray. If the biopsy or D&C is positive, further evaluation and treatment will be required to remove the cancer and properly assess the extent of disease. In some cases, you may have an ultrasound, a CT scan or other scans before surgery. In addition, some physicians will order a blood test to check for levels of CA-125, a substance released into the bloodstream by many (but not all) cancers of the endometrium and ovary. Some physicians will use a CA-125 test to decide whether surgery should be done by a gynecologic oncologist or, if CA-125 levels were high before surgery, as a follow-up to see how well treatment is working. This level can also be used after treatment to follow the cancer growth. Early diagnosis and treatment of uterine cancer is critical. This type of gynecologic cancer often can be successfully treated in its early stages. Before beginning any treatment, however, you may want to consult with a gynecologic oncologist, a physician who specializes in treating cancers of the reproductive tract. These doctors have the most experience in diagnosing and treating such conditions. Staging Endometrial Cancer After a diagnosis, your health care professional will “stage” the disease to determine if the disease has spread. The stage of the cancer provides information about treatment options and survival rates. Stage I: Cancer is found only in the main part of the uterus. It has not spread to the lymph nodes or distant sites. Stage II: Cancer cells have spread to the cervix, but not to the lymph nodes or distant sites. Stage III: Cancer cells have spread outside the uterus, such as the lymph nodes, fallopian tubes, ovaries or vagina. Stage IV: Cancer cells have spread beyond the pelvis, to other body parts, into the lining of the bladder or rectum and/or have spread to lymph nodes in the groin. Stage IV endometrial cancer may also have spread to organs farther away from the uterus, such as the lungs, liver or bones. Recurrent: Recurrent disease means the cancer has come back (recurred) after it has been treated.
During surgery to remove the uterus, the surgeon will determine the stage of the cancer. The most common treatment is a total or radical hysterectomy, in which the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries and lymph nodes in which the tumor commonly spreads are all removed. Other therapies—radiation, chemotherapy and hormone therapy—may also be used to treat this form of the disease. Ask your health care provider about the possibility of participating in a clinical trial. Hysterectomy is major surgery requiring one to three days in the hospital. Depending on the stage of your cancer, you may have a total hysterectomy, which involves removal of the whole uterus, cervix ovaries and fallopian tubes or a radical hysterectomy, which involves removal of tissue surrounding the uterus, in addition to removing the uterus and cervix. It can be done through the abdomen or using a more minimally invasive procedure (robotic or laparoscopic).For several days after surgery, you may have problems emptying your bladder and having normal bowel movements. Normal activities, including sex, can be resumed in about four to six weeks.After a hysterectomy, you no longer have menstrual periods. If your ovaries are removed before menopause, you will immediately enter menopause and usually experience significant menopausal symptoms, including hot flashes, moodiness and vaginal dryness. Talk to your health care professionl about whether you can take medications to help reduce any symptoms. Radiation therapy involves the use of high-dose X-rays to kill cancer cells and shrink tumors. Radiation may come from a machine outside the body (called external radiation) or from implanting materials that produce radiation (radioisotopes) through thin plastic tubes into the cancerous area (called internal radiation or brachytherapy). Radiation is sometimes used after surgery depending on the extent of the cancer. If you’re unable to have surgery, or the disease is too advanced for surgery, radiation may be the only treatment offered. Radiation therapy also may be offered before surgery to decrease the extent of disease.During radiation therapy, you may notice a number of side effects. These include skin reactions (redness or dryness) in the area being treated, tiredness, diarrhea, nausea and frequent and uncomfortable urination and/or defecation. Treatment can also cause dryness, itching and burning in the vagina. Sex may be painful, and some women are advised not to have sexual relations during treatment. All symptoms should disappear once treatment ends, and most women can resume sexual activity within a few weeks. Chemotherapy uses drugs to kill cancer cells. The drugs are typically infused through your veins and travel throughout your body. They’re designed to kill all rapidly growing cells, both cancer cells and healthy cells. Chemotherapy is used in the treatment of endometrial cancer, particularly if it’s spread beyond the endometrium or if it is a very aggressive type. If chemotherapy is part of your treatment, you will likely be given a combination of drugs, because combination chemotherapy is often more effective than one drug alone. The most common chemotherapy combinations include carboplatin (Paraplatin) with paclitaxel (Taxol) and cisplatin (Platinol-AQ) with doxorubicin (Adriamycin). Your provider may also recommend a clinical trial.Loss of appetite can be a serious problem for women receiving radiation therapy or chemotherapy. Yet nutrition is important because it helps you withstand the side effects of treatment. Eating well means getting enough calories to prevent weight loss and having enough protein in the diet to build and repair skin, hair, muscles and organs. If you have trouble eating right during your treatment, try several small meals throughout the day instead of three large meals, in addition to nutritional supplements.The side effects of cancer therapies vary from person to person and from one treatment to the next. Your health care professional will plan your treatment to minimize side effects. Also remember that most side effects are temporary. Still, it’s important to tell your health care professional about any reactions and side effects because he or she may be able to adjust treatments and/or prescribe other options to help you feel better. Hormone therapy involves the use of female hormones, typically progesterone-like drugs called progestins, to slow the growth of endometrial cancer cells. The two most commonly used progestins for treating endometrial cancer are medroxyprogesterone (Provera) and megestrol acetate (Megace). Side effects of progestins include nausea, vomiting, mild shortness of breath, weakness, hot flashes, menstrual bleeding, headache, insomnia, decreased sex drive and blood clots.The anti-estrogen drug Tamoxifen, which is most often used to treat breast cancer, may also be used to treat advanced-stage or recurrent endometrial cancer. Tamoxifen works to prevent estrogens circulating in your body from stimulating the growth of cancer cells. Side effects of Tamoxifen include blood clots, endometriosis, stroke, fertility issues and thinning of hair and nails.Hormones called gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists, which switch off estrogen production by the ovaries in premenopausal women, may also be used to reduce estrogen levels in women with endometrial cancer who still have their ovaries. By lowering estrogen levels, these drugs, which include goserelin (Zoladex) and leuprolide (Lupron), work to slow the growth of the cancer. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists are injected every one to three months. Side effects include hot flashes, vaginal dryness and other symptoms of menopause. However, most women with endometrial cancer have their ovaries removed as part of treatment or their ovaries destroyed with radiation, which reduces estrogen production and may slow the growth of the cancer. Regular follow-up exams are very important for any woman who has been treated for cancer of the uterus. Your health care professional will want to watch you closely for several years to be sure that the cancer has not returned. Most follow-up examinations include a pelvic exam and a chest X-ray, possibly a CA-125 test. When uterine cancer is caught early, the treatment is quite effective and chances of recurrence are small. The likelihood of recurrence goes up relative to the stage of the cancer. If uterine cancer does recur, it’s likely to happen in the first three years after the initial treatment. The best chance of a cure is if the disease recurs in the vagina or is seen during a pelvic exam. That’s why you will likely have a pelvic exam every three to four months for the first two years after hysterectomy, then annually; a Pap test every six months for two years, then annually; and a CA-125 test at each visit if your levels were initially elevated. Talk to your health care provider about what’s right for you. Recurrence can also occur in an organ distant from the uterus. Treatment for recurrent uterine cancer depends on the amount and the location of the cancer. If it is only in the pelvis, radiation therapy alone may be enough. More extensive recurrences may require hormonal therapy or chemotherapy. Low-grade cancers that contain progesterone receptors are more likely to respond well to hormone therapy than higher grade cancers, which respond better to chemotherapy. If you are diagnosed with recurrent uterine cancer, you may also want to consider participating in clinical trials of new treatments.
Some uterine cancer can be prevented by maintaining a normal weight, preventing diabetes and in some cases preventive surgery. Knowing your risk factors for this gynecologic cancer can help you be more aware of it, as well as try to find ways to avoid continual estrogen stimulation of the uterine lining, also called “unopposed estrogen.” For example, women with a family history of early onset colorectal cancer or other reproductive cancers may have an increased risk for uterine cancer. The cancers in these families may be caused by a genetic predisposition to cancer called hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer, or HNPCC. Up to 60 percent of women with HNPCC will develop endometrial cancer at some point in their lives. Genetic counseling is recommended for women with a family history of early onset (before age 50) colon, breast, ovary or other cancer caused by a genetic mutation. The following may help you reduce your risk of developing uterine cancer or identify it early: Control your weight and your risk of diabetes by eating healthy foods and exercising. Women who are slim can cut their risk of endometrial cancer by 75 percent compared to obese women. If you still have your uterus, don’t take supplemental estrogen without also taking progestin or progesterone. Report abnormal bleeding promptly to your health care professional and ask for an examination. Know your family history.
Facts to Know
Cancer of the lining of the uterus, the endometrium, is the most common gynecologic cancer and ranks as one of the most treatable when identified in its earliest stages. An estimated 47,130 new cases of cancer of the uterine body are expected to be detected in the United States in 2012, according to the American Cancer Society. More than half of endometrial cancers are diagnosed in women between the ages of 50 and 69, although endometrial cancer can strike women in their childbearing years. The majority of uterine cancers develop in the glandular cells, or endometrium, lining the inside of the uterine cavity. This is the same tissue that is shed each month during a normal menstrual period. A small number of uterine cancers (about 2 percent) are sarcomas, which can originate in the endometrium or in the muscular and connective tissues of the uterus. There is evidence that use of oral contraceptives can reduce uterine cancer risk, particularly in women who take oral contraceptives for several years. The protection continues for at least 10 years after you stop taking the pills. You should not take birth control pills just to prevent uterine cancer, however, since they carry their own risks. Obesity, precancerous lesions of the uterus and a family history of colon cancer are the strongest risk factors for uterine cancer. Other risk factors include late menopause and never having children. Uterine cancer is more common in Caucasians than in African Americans and other non-Caucasian women. On the other hand, African-American women who get this type of cancer are twice as likely to die of the disease. Women who have been diagnosed with a genetic condition known as hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer (HNPCC) have an increased risk of endometrial cancer and should begin screening for the condition at 35. Uterine cancer can be treated with surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, and/or hormonal therapy, depending on the stage and cell type of the disease.
Key Q&A
I am 40 years old and have abnormal bleeding. What are the chances that it’s uterine cancer?Abnormal uterine bleeding has many causes. Thyroid and adrenal gland conditions, for example, can cause hormonal imbalances that affect menstrual periods. Fibroids, polyps, scar tissue, infection, trauma, atrophy and precancerous conditions also can cause irregular menstrual bleeding. You may also find that you are just beginning to experience the menstrual irregularities common to the years just prior to menopause, when hormone levels fluctuate unpredictably. However, your symptoms could be something more serious. Discuss your symptoms as soon as possible with your health care professional. My health care professional said she suspects that I could have uterine cancer. What kind of test will tell for sure?If cancer is suspected, a tissue sample must be taken from inside your uterus. This procedure is called an endometrial biopsy and can usually be done in the health care professional’s office with minimal discomfort. Narrow instruments and suction tools are used to take the sample. You may have cramps or pain for a short time after the procedure. I have uterine cancer and have been told I need a hysterectomy. Does that mean my sex life is over?Absolutely not. In fact, your interest in and enjoyment of sex may increase. Ask your health care professional when you may begin sexual activity after surgery. Because your vagina may be shorter, you and your partner may want to experiment with different positions to find one that is comfortable. Foreplay may enable the vagina to lengthen before intercourse.If your ovaries are also removed during your hysterectomy (called oophorectomy) and you are premenopausal, you will go through sudden menopause and experience menopausal symptoms that can interfere with your sex life, such as hot flashes, vaginal dryness, moodiness, insomnia and night sweats. Beginning therapy soon after hysterectomy and oophorectomy can reduce or alleviate these symptoms, and there are other options. Discuss the risks and benefits associated with hormone therapy with your health care professional. What are my chances of survival after surgery?With early diagnosis and treatment, up to 90 percent of women with endometrial cancer survive for five years.
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rootcure · 2 years
Heavy bleeding during periods may be a sign of UTERINE FIBROIDS
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Uterine fibroids (also called leiomyomas) are growths made up of the muscle and connective tissue from the wall of the uterus. These growths are usually not cancerous (benign).
Uterus is an upside down pear-shaped organ in the pelvis. The normal size of your uterus is similar to a lemon. It’s also called the womb and it’s the place where a baby grows and develops during pregnancy. (homeopathy benefits)
Fibroids can grow as a single nodule (one growth) or in a cluster. Fibroid clusters can range in size from 1 mm to more than 20 cm (8 inches) in diameter or even larger. These growths can develop within the wall of the uterus, inside the main cavity of the organ or even on the outer surface. Fibroids can vary in size, number and location within and on the uterus. (homeopathy medicine for diabetes)
Type of fibroids
The type of fibroid a woman develops depends on its location in or on the uterus.
Intramural fibroids Intramural fibroids are the most common type of fibroid. These types appear within the muscular wall of the uterus. Intramural fibroids may grow larger and can stretch the womb.
Subserosal fibroids: Subserosal fibroids form on the outer lining of the uterus, which is called the serosa. They may grow large enough to make womb appear bigger on one side
Pedunculated fibroids Subserosal tumors can develop a stem, a slender base that supports the tumor. When they do, they’re known as pedunculated fibroids.
Submucosal fibroids These types of tumors develop in the middle muscle layer, or myometrium, of the uterus. Submucosal tumors are uncommon. (grade 1 prostatomegaly)
Uterine fibroids mainly affect women around the age of 30–40 years. By the age of 50 Approximately 40 to 80% women have fibroids.
The causes of fibroids are not known.
Risk Factors for fibroids are as follows
1. Obesity
2. Family history of fibroids.
3. Not having children.
4. Early onset of menstruation
5. Late age for menopause.
Sign and symptoms
Small fibroids do not cause any symptoms. Larger fibroids can cause variety of symptoms, including:
1. Excessive or painful bleeding during the period (menstruation).
2. Bleeding between periods.
3. A feeling of fullness in the lower abdomen/bloating.
4. Frequent urination (this can happen when a fibroid puts pressure on the bladder).
5. Pain during sex.
6. Low back pain.
7. Constipation.
8. Chronic vaginal discharge.
9. Inability to urinate or completely empty bladder.
The symptoms of uterine fibroids usually stabilize or go away after menopause because levels of estrogen decline within body.
History of heavy bleeding and other related symptoms may alert you to consider fibroids as a part of the diagnosis. There are several tests that can be done to confirm fibroids and determine their size and location. (homeopathy benefits)
1 Ultrasonography: This non-invasive imaging test creates a picture of internal organs with sound waves
Usually ultrasonography is sufficient to diagnose the fibroids. Further imaging may include the following-  
2 MRI: This test creates detailed images of internal organs by using magnets and radio waves.
3 CT: A CT scan uses X-ray images to make a detailed image of internal organs from several angles.  
4 Hysteroscopy  
5 Hysterosalpingography (HSG)  
6 Sonohysterography  
7 Laparoscopy
Homeopathic Management
Homeopathy can help manage the symptoms of uterine fibroids as well as dissolve them. The time taken for recovery depends on the size of the fibroid and intensity of symptoms. Constitutional Homeopathic medicines work wonders when given according to the susceptibility of the patient after a detailed history taking.
Therapeutic indications of some Homeopathic medicines for fibroids are as follows
1. Calcarea Carb – For heavy periods from uterine fibroids with thick, milky white leucorrhea. Desire for indigestible things is also an indication for this medicine.
2. Belladonna and Sepia Officinalis – For uterine fibroids where menses are painful.
3. Ustilago Maydis – For uterine fibroids with dark menstrual bleeding.
4. Sabina Officinalis – For uterine fibroids where clots pass with menstrual blood.
5. Kali Carbonicum – For uterine fibroids with back pain during menses.
6. Erigeron Canadensis – For frequent urination in case of uterine fibroids.
7. China Officinalis and Ferrum Met – For uterine fibroids with heavy bleeding and Anemia.
8. Thlaspi Bursa Pastoris – For uterine fibroids with prolonged menses.
Lifestyle modifications
1. Maintain weight within normal range .
2. Avoid smoking and alcohol.
3. Eat plenty of plant based raw diet(Green leafy vegetables, seasonal fruits, mix vegetablesalad).
4. Incorporate yoga and meditation in your daily routine.(homeo doctor near me)
0 notes
Hormone Replacement Therapy in Menopause with Dr. Mache Seibel
This interview is just for the ladies 35 years and older especially for Women going through Menopause and Peri-Menopause, and are currently experiencing its known effects on the body and mind such as Anxiety, Hot Flashes, Depression, Hair Loss  and more! We are also going to talk about its hidden issues like Alzheimer’s, Heart Disease, Breast cancer which have a big impact on one’s life.
Listen to the podcast as we have world renowned Dr. Mache Seibel, an expert and one of the most entertaining, informative and influential speakers on women's wellness and menopause. He is a 20 year veteran of Harvard Medical School, winner of multiple patient education awards, appearances on NPR, PBS, People magazine and a doctor who has taken care of over 10,000 women as they journey into and through menopause.
Dr. Mache is author of the best selling book, The Estrogen Fix: The breakthrough guide to being Healthy, Energized, and Hormonally Balanced – Through Perimenopause, Menopause, and Beyond, creator of MenopauseQuiz.com and Editor of The Hot Years Magazine.
Here are the Key Questions answered and highlights:
02:53 1. What is Peri-Menopause? What’s Menopause? What age do these begin?
- Menopause is one year after the last menstrual period of a woman.
- Surgical Menopause are women still menstruating, but have ovaries taken out of their uterus.
- Peri-menopause is the window of years around menopause, usually 3-6 years for most women up and can go up to 10 year.
- It's when the hormones start to become unbalanced.
- Menopause is not an age; it's a transition.
04:30 2. Why do we have these amount of symptoms? 75% will have hot flashes, will kill sleep, libido, and mood. What is going on in the body?
- The mean age of menopause is 51. Women are going to live a 3rd of their life beyond menopause.
- When you were going through puberty, your hormones were raging, your mood was up and down, your body was changing, etc.
- Your hormones, estrogen and progesterone, were transitioning from unmeasurable levels to imbalanced levels until through puberty where you become reproductive and hormonally balanced.
- Every month you have a menstrual period with very paired and cycling hormonal balance.
- In peri-menopause, the same things are happening but backwards. The hormones come from paired to unpaired.
- It can lead to symptoms that can affect your mood, skin, intestines, libido, sleep.
- All are unraveling because of hormonal imbalance.
- The hormones will drift once again to those low levels that you've had pre-puberty. It's all related to hormonal imbalance.
07:23 3. What are the 3 types of menopause?
- Natural Menopause
- Surgical Menopause
- Iatrogenic Resulting from treatment such as chemotherapy
11:10 4. Can you help us understand Peri-menopause with respect to how does a woman figure that out? Is there a test or is there a number I'm looking for?
- In peri-menopause, the common symptom is “I don’t feel right” or “What’s happening to my body, my mind?”
- If you feel that you aren't the way you think is normal for you, seek medical help and find out why that is.
- The time of Peri-menopause is the time women will experience gut issue, low thyroid, diabetes, symptoms overlapping.
- May cause frequent urination, foggy thinking, anxiety, sleep problems, acne, sadness, depression, hot flashes, changes in hair quality. - Frequent urination is a sign of diabetes or can be sensitive bladder due to changes in estrogen - Check your Blood. Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) is a pituitary protein hormone that stimulates the ovaries to produce egg each month. - High levels of FSH is a good indicator of Peri-menopause where ovaries are transitioning to a new role.
19:16 5. What are the long term effects of bloom/menopause? What are the deep long lasting impact of menopause if we don’t handle it correctly? - "Noisy" Symptoms: Hot Flashes, Sensitive bladder, Mood Swings, Vaginal Dryness - "Silent" Symptoms: Changes in blood vessels that can lead to heart disease and dementia, Changes in bones that can lead to osteoporosis or thinning of the bone - Hot flashes can be an indicator that something bad is happening the body. Blood vessels in your body are narrowing and causing a shift in the blood flow. - If you have frequent, severe hot flashes, it can be an indicator of hear problems because of the narrowing of the blood vessels which can lead to chest pain, mood swings. - As a result of lower estrogen after you go through Peri-menopause, the endothelial endothelial cells, the lining of the blood vessels throughout the body, as the estrogen gets lower, the damage to the endothelial cells go up which increases risk of plaque forming and narrowing of blood vessels. - In the brain, a lot of thinking and motor activity is based on the estrogen working as a lubricant for the brain. Estrogen allows synapses of brain to work faster as the brain needs 15% of the blood flow from the heart. - Estrogen makes serotonin higher which improves mood and the impact on the blood flow to the brain is giving more oxygen, making it more efficient. - In bones, the estrogen is responsible for keeping cells in putting calcium into the bones in balance with what is taken out, keeping balance in the cells. - It is important to realize silent conditions before they reach a tipping point. - Get your bone density, cardiac evaluation, keep brain moving, do exercise and exercise your brain.
27:01 6. What is window of time to act? What do you recommend? - The study presented in 2001 was incorrect and inaccurate that women who take hormone therapy increased risk of breast cancer, heart disease, and dementia. It was an unfair study and it had issues with time and medication. It compared women who were mostly 50 to 59 and who took a placebo with women who were mostly 60 to 79 and who took a combination of estrogen plus a synthetic progesterone called provera. - A redo of the study testing hormones vs. placebo was done on 2013, where the results showed hormones helped women. Symptoms went away except for a small risk of breast cancer at level of 1/1000 cases. For those who took only estrogen, there was a 23% reduction of breast cancer and 32% reduction in heart disease. A follow up of the same patients published in JAMA in 2017 found that taking estrogen or estrogen plus provera did not increase overall lifespan or risk of dying from heart disease or breast cancer. -  The best time to begin taking hormone is take it closest to the time of menopause beginning to start the estrogen. Evaluate yourself for 5-10 years.
33:30 7. What are the different kind of hormone replacement therapy? Which is the one that is least risky? What do you typically recommend?
- Bioidentical are biologically identical in structure to what the body makes, but are synthetic because they are made in chemical plant. The only plant that can make a hormone is the Chemical plan
- The bioidenticals can be put on your skin as patch, spray, gel, in the vagina as a ring, cream. There are lots of ways to take bioidenticals like pills and creams.
- Compounding pharmacies vs drugstore: In a Regular drugstore, all of those have fda approved hormones where every batch is same, where in Compounding pharmacies, what you get in prescription may not be the same as what your doctor ordered. Typically estrogen doses are higher and progesterone dosages are lower. - If you are a person who insist that you want to have hormones form a compounding pharmacies, be sure that you’re having your health care provider check your uterine lining so any changes can be caught early and can be reversed before becoming uterine cancer.
40:55 8. How do you check your Uterine Lining?
- Vaginal Ultrasound
- Endometrial Biopsy
- Hysteroscopy – looking inside with a very small telescope
- Get checked every year or two.
42:20 9. What kind of hormones do you like? Ingesting hormone impacts gut – What is truth around that? Best form to take hormone?
-  People who have bad GI track bacteria or people whose intestinal track has been fed too much sugar, fast food, processed food, or other food that are unhealthy have changed the bacteria in their intestine. Those bacteria cant digest estrogen.
- The worse the gut the higher the blood levels of estrogen.
- The healthier your diet , the more you’re going to digest estrogen and keep estrogen lower in blood stream.
- Its been shown that the best way to take hormones on skin, transdermal – through skin, vaginal, less risk of blood clot or stroke. Lower dosages of oral may be as safe.
- If you're going to use oral, go with a lower dose oral to prevent downside of taking it.
45:28 10.  What are your Natural Remedies for menopause and Peri-Menopause?
- Hormones are only one keystone for healthy menopausal transition and life beyond 35 or 40. If youre going to take estrogen or not, the healthy lifestyle is essential.
- 4 tiers of a healthy lifestyle:
Stress Levels
- You have to work in all of these things. Improve all areas.
- Drink a lot of water – at least 8 glasses daily
- Alternative medication: A lot of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) or like hypnosis, which is a mind-body approach
- For Hot flashes, sleep!
- Over the counter treatments are available – black cohosh, chasteberry, dong quai, estrogen, evening primrose, flaxseeds, soy
-  Try taking supplements one at a time for at least 3 months to see if it works for you.
- Soy has been used for long time, can be effective. Most effective ingredient is Genestein.
50:47 11. There is a negative notion on soy – if you have breast cancer, take soy products out? What’s the truth about that?
- It is a MYTH!
- If you have cancer already, soy or estrogen or any kinds of these hormones may stimulate growth but they don’t increase death. Even women with breast cancer can eat soy, studies have proven.
- The overall benefit of hormones, if there’s a minimal increase risk of breast cancer, people don’t die with hormones any sooner. Duration of life is not effected, it’s the same with soy.
- Stick with Genestein.
53:13 12. How do you take charge of yourself off of hormones and thrive through this time period?
- Be proactive. Have a list of questions.
- Talk to someone knowledgeable and someone comfortable to speak with.
- Decide what are your priorities. Are you considering hormones or alternatives?
54:49 13. What are those alternative Medicine?
There are several FDA approved non-estrogen prescriptions
- Osphena for Vaginal Dryness.
- You can use estrogen locally even if you have breast cancer or going to treatment.
- A new medicine, a form of DHEA, Prasterone, is a medicine for vaginal dryness which doesn't get into your blood stream and no blackbox warning.
57:10 14. There are 4 approaches that can minimize risk of hormones. What are some of the things women can do to minimize those risks?
- Skin approach or transdermal
- Start with lowest dose
- Regular checkups while on hormones
- Check every 5 years as data may change or your condition may change
Bonus: Hear Dr. Mache's song about Menopause! >> 
 1:01:13 15. What is the one thing to get out there to do to feel better?
- It’s never too late to start. Invest the time to know what to do next. The time spent on you isn’t lost, it’s invested. The return on your investment is better health, happiness and hormonal balance.
Learn more of Dr. Mache's Books here!
The Estrogen Fix: The breakthrough guide to being Healthy, Energized, and Hormonally Balanced – Through Perimenopause, Menopause, and Beyond – Available at www.EstrogenFixBook.com
The Soy Solution for Menopause 
Dr. Mache's Courses:
Liked what you heard? Love what I am doing with my mission of spreading the truth about how we can live healthier, happier and longer?
Then please SUBSCRIBE, RATE AND SHARE with your loved ones!! They will thank you for it :)
Till next time, wishing you health, love and joy!
Reena Jadhav
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westcoastswingreno · 7 years
Hormone Replacement Therapy in Menopause with Dr. Mache Seibel
This interview is just for the ladies 35 years and older especially for Women going through Menopause and Peri-Menopause, and are currently experiencing its known effects on the body and mind such as Anxiety, Hot Flashes, Depression, Hair Loss  and more! We are also going to talk about its hidden issues like Alzheimer’s, Heart Disease, Breast cancer which have a big impact on one’s life.
Listen to the podcast as we have world renowned Dr. Mache Seibel, an expert and one of the most entertaining, informative and influential speakers on women's wellness and menopause. He is a 20 year veteran of Harvard Medical School, winner of multiple patient education awards, appearances on NPR, PBS, People magazine and a doctor who has taken care of over 10,000 women as they journey into and through menopause.
Dr. Mache is author of the best selling book, The Estrogen Fix: The breakthrough guide to being Healthy, Energized, and Hormonally Balanced – Through Perimenopause, Menopause, and Beyond, creator of MenopauseQuiz.com and Editor of The Hot Years Magazine.
Here are the Key Questions answered and highlights:
02:53 1. What is Peri-Menopause? What’s Menopause? What age do these begin?
- Menopause is one year after the last menstrual period of a woman.
- Surgical Menopause are women still menstruating, but have ovaries taken out of their uterus.
- Peri-menopause is the window of years around menopause, usually 3-6 years for most women up and can go up to 10 year.
- It's when the hormones start to become unbalanced.
- Menopause is not an age; it's a transition.
04:30 2. Why do we have these amount of symptoms? 75% will have hot flashes, will kill sleep, libido, and mood. What is going on in the body?
- The mean age of menopause is 51. Women are going to live a 3rd of their life beyond menopause.
- When you were going through puberty, your hormones were raging, your mood was up and down, your body was changing, etc.
- Your hormones, estrogen and progesterone, were transitioning from unmeasurable levels to imbalanced levels until through puberty where you become reproductive and hormonally balanced.
- Every month you have a menstrual period with very paired and cycling hormonal balance.
- In peri-menopause, the same things are happening but backwards. The hormones come from paired to unpaired.
- It can lead to symptoms that can affect your mood, skin, intestines, libido, sleep.
- All are unraveling because of hormonal imbalance.
- The hormones will drift once again to those low levels that you've had pre-puberty. It's all related to hormonal imbalance.
07:23 3. What are the 3 types of menopause?
- Natural Menopause
- Surgical Menopause
- Iatrogenic Resulting from treatment such as chemotherapy
11:10 4. Can you help us understand Peri-menopause with respect to how does a woman figure that out? Is there a test or is there a number I'm looking for?
- In peri-menopause, the common symptom is “I don’t feel right” or “What’s happening to my body, my mind?”
- If you feel that you aren't the way you think is normal for you, seek medical help and find out why that is.
- The time of Peri-menopause is the time women will experience gut issue, low thyroid, diabetes, symptoms overlapping.
- May cause frequent urination, foggy thinking, anxiety, sleep problems, acne, sadness, depression, hot flashes, changes in hair quality. - Frequent urination is a sign of diabetes or can be sensitive bladder due to changes in estrogen - Check your Blood. Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) is a pituitary protein hormone that stimulates the ovaries to produce egg each month. - High levels of FSH is a good indicator of Peri-menopause where ovaries are transitioning to a new role.
19:16 5. What are the long term effects of bloom/menopause? What are the deep long lasting impact of menopause if we don’t handle it correctly? - "Noisy" Symptoms: Hot Flashes, Sensitive bladder, Mood Swings, Vaginal Dryness - "Silent" Symptoms: Changes in blood vessels that can lead to heart disease and dementia, Changes in bones that can lead to osteoporosis or thinning of the bone - Hot flashes can be an indicator that something bad is happening the body. Blood vessels in your body are narrowing and causing a shift in the blood flow. - If you have frequent, severe hot flashes, it can be an indicator of hear problems because of the narrowing of the blood vessels which can lead to chest pain, mood swings. - As a result of lower estrogen after you go through Peri-menopause, the endothelial endothelial cells, the lining of the blood vessels throughout the body, as the estrogen gets lower, the damage to the endothelial cells go up which increases risk of plaque forming and narrowing of blood vessels. - In the brain, a lot of thinking and motor activity is based on the estrogen working as a lubricant for the brain. Estrogen allows synapses of brain to work faster as the brain needs 15% of the blood flow from the heart. - Estrogen makes serotonin higher which improves mood and the impact on the blood flow to the brain is giving more oxygen, making it more efficient. - In bones, the estrogen is responsible for keeping cells in putting calcium into the bones in balance with what is taken out, keeping balance in the cells. - It is important to realize silent conditions before they reach a tipping point. - Get your bone density, cardiac evaluation, keep brain moving, do exercise and exercise your brain.
27:01 6. What is window of time to act? What do you recommend? - The study presented in 2001 was incorrect and inaccurate that women who take hormone therapy increased risk of breast cancer, heart disease, and dementia. It was an unfair study and it had issues with time and medication. It compared women who were mostly 50 to 59 and who took a placebo with women who were mostly 60 to 79 and who took a combination of estrogen plus a synthetic progesterone called provera. - A redo of the study testing hormones vs. placebo was done on 2013, where the results showed hormones helped women. Symptoms went away except for a small risk of breast cancer at level of 1/1000 cases. For those who took only estrogen, there was a 23% reduction of breast cancer and 32% reduction in heart disease. A follow up of the same patients published in JAMA in 2017 found that taking estrogen or estrogen plus provera did not increase overall lifespan or risk of dying from heart disease or breast cancer. -  The best time to begin taking hormone is take it closest to the time of menopause beginning to start the estrogen. Evaluate yourself for 5-10 years.
33:30 7. What are the different kind of hormone replacement therapy? Which is the one that is least risky? What do you typically recommend?
- Bioidentical are biologically identical in structure to what the body makes, but are synthetic because they are made in chemical plant. The only plant that can make a hormone is the Chemical plan
- The bioidenticals can be put on your skin as patch, spray, gel, in the vagina as a ring, cream. There are lots of ways to take bioidenticals like pills and creams.
- Compounding pharmacies vs drugstore: In a Regular drugstore, all of those have fda approved hormones where every batch is same, where in Compounding pharmacies, what you get in prescription may not be the same as what your doctor ordered. Typically estrogen doses are higher and progesterone dosages are lower. - If you are a person who insist that you want to have hormones form a compounding pharmacies, be sure that you’re having your health care provider check your uterine lining so any changes can be caught early and can be reversed before becoming uterine cancer.
40:55 8. How do you check your Uterine Lining?
- Vaginal Ultrasound
- Endometrial Biopsy
- Hysteroscopy – looking inside with a very small telescope
- Get checked every year or two.
42:20 9. What kind of hormones do you like? Ingesting hormone impacts gut – What is truth around that? Best form to take hormone?
-  People who have bad GI track bacteria or people whose intestinal track has been fed too much sugar, fast food, processed food, or other food that are unhealthy have changed the bacteria in their intestine. Those bacteria cant digest estrogen.
- The worse the gut the higher the blood levels of estrogen.
- The healthier your diet , the more you’re going to digest estrogen and keep estrogen lower in blood stream.
- Its been shown that the best way to take hormones on skin, transdermal – through skin, vaginal, less risk of blood clot or stroke. Lower dosages of oral may be as safe.
- If you're going to use oral, go with a lower dose oral to prevent downside of taking it.
45:28 10.  What are your Natural Remedies for menopause and Peri-Menopause?
- Hormones are only one keystone for healthy menopausal transition and life beyond 35 or 40. If youre going to take estrogen or not, the healthy lifestyle is essential.
- 4 tiers of a healthy lifestyle:
Stress Levels
- You have to work in all of these things. Improve all areas.
- Drink a lot of water – at least 8 glasses daily
- Alternative medication: A lot of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) or like hypnosis, which is a mind-body approach
- For Hot flashes, sleep!
- Over the counter treatments are available – black cohosh, chasteberry, dong quai, estrogen, evening primrose, flaxseeds, soy
-  Try taking supplements one at a time for at least 3 months to see if it works for you.
- Soy has been used for long time, can be effective. Most effective ingredient is Genestein.
50:47 11. There is a negative notion on soy – if you have breast cancer, take soy products out? What’s the truth about that?
- It is a MYTH!
- If you have cancer already, soy or estrogen or any kinds of these hormones may stimulate growth but they don’t increase death. Even women with breast cancer can eat soy, studies have proven.
- The overall benefit of hormones, if there’s a minimal increase risk of breast cancer, people don’t die with hormones any sooner. Duration of life is not effected, it’s the same with soy.
- Stick with Genestein.
53:13 12. How do you take charge of yourself off of hormones and thrive through this time period?
- Be proactive. Have a list of questions.
- Talk to someone knowledgeable and someone comfortable to speak with.
- Decide what are your priorities. Are you considering hormones or alternatives?
54:49 13. What are those alternative Medicine?
There are several FDA approved non-estrogen prescriptions
- Osphena for Vaginal Dryness.
- You can use estrogen locally even if you have breast cancer or going to treatment.
- A new medicine, a form of DHEA, Prasterone, is a medicine for vaginal dryness which doesn't get into your blood stream and no blackbox warning.
57:10 14. There are 4 approaches that can minimize risk of hormones. What are some of the things women can do to minimize those risks?
- Skin approach or transdermal
- Start with lowest dose
- Regular checkups while on hormones
- Check every 5 years as data may change or your condition may change
Bonus: Hear Dr. Mache's song about Menopause! >> 
 1:01:13 15. What is the one thing to get out there to do to feel better?
- It’s never too late to start. Invest the time to know what to do next. The time spent on you isn’t lost, it’s invested. The return on your investment is better health, happiness and hormonal balance.
Learn more of Dr. Mache's Books here!
The Estrogen Fix: The breakthrough guide to being Healthy, Energized, and Hormonally Balanced – Through Perimenopause, Menopause, and Beyond – Available at www.EstrogenFixBook.com
The Soy Solution for Menopause 
Dr. Mache's Courses:
Liked what you heard? Love what I am doing with my mission of spreading the truth about how we can live healthier, happier and longer?
Then please SUBSCRIBE, RATE AND SHARE with your loved ones!! They will thank you for it :)
Till next time, wishing you health, love and joy!
Reena Jadhav
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Hormone Replacement Therapy in Menopause with Dr. Mache Seibel
This interview is just for the ladies 35 years and older especially for Women going through Menopause and Peri-Menopause, and are currently experiencing its known effects on the body and mind such as Anxiety, Hot Flashes, Depression, Hair Loss  and more! We are also going to talk about its hidden issues like Alzheimer’s, Heart Disease, Breast cancer which have a big impact on one’s life.
Listen to the podcast as we have world renowned Dr. Mache Seibel, an expert and one of the most entertaining, informative and influential speakers on women's wellness and menopause. He is a 20 year veteran of Harvard Medical School, winner of multiple patient education awards, appearances on NPR, PBS, People magazine and a doctor who has taken care of over 10,000 women as they journey into and through menopause.
Dr. Mache is author of the best selling book, The Estrogen Fix: The breakthrough guide to being Healthy, Energized, and Hormonally Balanced – Through Perimenopause, Menopause, and Beyond, creator of MenopauseQuiz.com and Editor of The Hot Years Magazine.
Here are the Key Questions answered and highlights:
02:53 1. What is Peri-Menopause? What’s Menopause? What age do these begin?
- Menopause is one year after the last menstrual period of a woman.
- Surgical Menopause are women still menstruating, but have ovaries taken out of their uterus.
- Peri-menopause is the window of years around menopause, usually 3-6 years for most women up and can go up to 10 year.
- It's when the hormones start to become unbalanced.
- Menopause is not an age; it's a transition.
04:30 2. Why do we have these amount of symptoms? 75% will have hot flashes, will kill sleep, libido, and mood. What is going on in the body?
- The mean age of menopause is 51. Women are going to live a 3rd of their life beyond menopause.
- When you were going through puberty, your hormones were raging, your mood was up and down, your body was changing, etc.
- Your hormones, estrogen and progesterone, were transitioning from unmeasurable levels to imbalanced levels until through puberty where you become reproductive and hormonally balanced.
- Every month you have a menstrual period with very paired and cycling hormonal balance.
- In peri-menopause, the same things are happening but backwards. The hormones come from paired to unpaired.
- It can lead to symptoms that can affect your mood, skin, intestines, libido, sleep.
- All are unraveling because of hormonal imbalance.
- The hormones will drift once again to those low levels that you've had pre-puberty. It's all related to hormonal imbalance.
07:23 3. What are the 3 types of menopause?
- Natural Menopause
- Surgical Menopause
- Iatrogenic Resulting from treatment such as chemotherapy
11:10 4. Can you help us understand Peri-menopause with respect to how does a woman figure that out? Is there a test or is there a number I'm looking for?
- In peri-menopause, the common symptom is “I don’t feel right” or “What’s happening to my body, my mind?”
- If you feel that you aren't the way you think is normal for you, seek medical help and find out why that is.
- The time of Peri-menopause is the time women will experience gut issue, low thyroid, diabetes, symptoms overlapping.
- May cause frequent urination, foggy thinking, anxiety, sleep problems, acne, sadness, depression, hot flashes, changes in hair quality. - Frequent urination is a sign of diabetes or can be sensitive bladder due to changes in estrogen - Check your Blood. Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) is a pituitary protein hormone that stimulates the ovaries to produce egg each month. - High levels of FSH is a good indicator of Peri-menopause where ovaries are transitioning to a new role.
19:16 5. What are the long term effects of bloom/menopause? What are the deep long lasting impact of menopause if we don’t handle it correctly? - "Noisy" Symptoms: Hot Flashes, Sensitive bladder, Mood Swings, Vaginal Dryness - "Silent" Symptoms: Changes in blood vessels that can lead to heart disease and dementia, Changes in bones that can lead to osteoporosis or thinning of the bone - Hot flashes can be an indicator that something bad is happening the body. Blood vessels in your body are narrowing and causing a shift in the blood flow. - If you have frequent, severe hot flashes, it can be an indicator of hear problems because of the narrowing of the blood vessels which can lead to chest pain, mood swings. - As a result of lower estrogen after you go through Peri-menopause, the endothelial endothelial cells, the lining of the blood vessels throughout the body, as the estrogen gets lower, the damage to the endothelial cells go up which increases risk of plaque forming and narrowing of blood vessels. - In the brain, a lot of thinking and motor activity is based on the estrogen working as a lubricant for the brain. Estrogen allows synapses of brain to work faster as the brain needs 15% of the blood flow from the heart. - Estrogen makes serotonin higher which improves mood and the impact on the blood flow to the brain is giving more oxygen, making it more efficient. - In bones, the estrogen is responsible for keeping cells in putting calcium into the bones in balance with what is taken out, keeping balance in the cells. - It is important to realize silent conditions before they reach a tipping point. - Get your bone density, cardiac evaluation, keep brain moving, do exercise and exercise your brain.
27:01 6. What is window of time to act? What do you recommend? - The study presented in 2001 was incorrect and inaccurate that women who take hormone therapy increased risk of breast cancer, heart disease, and dementia. It was an unfair study and it had issues with time and medication. It compared women who were mostly 50 to 59 and who took a placebo with women who were mostly 60 to 79 and who took a combination of estrogen plus a synthetic progesterone called provera. - A redo of the study testing hormones vs. placebo was done on 2013, where the results showed hormones helped women. Symptoms went away except for a small risk of breast cancer at level of 1/1000 cases. For those who took only estrogen, there was a 23% reduction of breast cancer and 32% reduction in heart disease. A follow up of the same patients published in JAMA in 2017 found that taking estrogen or estrogen plus provera did not increase overall lifespan or risk of dying from heart disease or breast cancer. -  The best time to begin taking hormone is take it closest to the time of menopause beginning to start the estrogen. Evaluate yourself for 5-10 years.
33:30 7. What are the different kind of hormone replacement therapy? Which is the one that is least risky? What do you typically recommend?
- Bioidentical are biologically identical in structure to what the body makes, but are synthetic because they are made in chemical plant. The only plant that can make a hormone is the Chemical plan
- The bioidenticals can be put on your skin as patch, spray, gel, in the vagina as a ring, cream. There are lots of ways to take bioidenticals like pills and creams.
- Compounding pharmacies vs drugstore: In a Regular drugstore, all of those have fda approved hormones where every batch is same, where in Compounding pharmacies, what you get in prescription may not be the same as what your doctor ordered. Typically estrogen doses are higher and progesterone dosages are lower. - If you are a person who insist that you want to have hormones form a compounding pharmacies, be sure that you’re having your health care provider check your uterine lining so any changes can be caught early and can be reversed before becoming uterine cancer.
40:55 8. How do you check your Uterine Lining?
- Vaginal Ultrasound
- Endometrial Biopsy
- Hysteroscopy – looking inside with a very small telescope
- Get checked every year or two.
42:20 9. What kind of hormones do you like? Ingesting hormone impacts gut – What is truth around that? Best form to take hormone?
-  People who have bad GI track bacteria or people whose intestinal track has been fed too much sugar, fast food, processed food, or other food that are unhealthy have changed the bacteria in their intestine. Those bacteria cant digest estrogen.
- The worse the gut the higher the blood levels of estrogen.
- The healthier your diet , the more you’re going to digest estrogen and keep estrogen lower in blood stream.
- Its been shown that the best way to take hormones on skin, transdermal – through skin, vaginal, less risk of blood clot or stroke. Lower dosages of oral may be as safe.
- If you're going to use oral, go with a lower dose oral to prevent downside of taking it.
45:28 10.  What are your Natural Remedies for menopause and Peri-Menopause?
- Hormones are only one keystone for healthy menopausal transition and life beyond 35 or 40. If youre going to take estrogen or not, the healthy lifestyle is essential.
- 4 tiers of a healthy lifestyle:
Stress Levels
- You have to work in all of these things. Improve all areas.
- Drink a lot of water – at least 8 glasses daily
- Alternative medication: A lot of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) or like hypnosis, which is a mind-body approach
- For Hot flashes, sleep!
- Over the counter treatments are available – black cohosh, chasteberry, dong quai, estrogen, evening primrose, flaxseeds, soy
-  Try taking supplements one at a time for at least 3 months to see if it works for you.
- Soy has been used for long time, can be effective. Most effective ingredient is Genestein.
50:47 11. There is a negative notion on soy – if you have breast cancer, take soy products out? What’s the truth about that?
- It is a MYTH!
- If you have cancer already, soy or estrogen or any kinds of these hormones may stimulate growth but they don’t increase death. Even women with breast cancer can eat soy, studies have proven.
- The overall benefit of hormones, if there’s a minimal increase risk of breast cancer, people don’t die with hormones any sooner. Duration of life is not effected, it’s the same with soy.
- Stick with Genestein.
53:13 12. How do you take charge of yourself off of hormones and thrive through this time period?
- Be proactive. Have a list of questions.
- Talk to someone knowledgeable and someone comfortable to speak with.
- Decide what are your priorities. Are you considering hormones or alternatives?
54:49 13. What are those alternative Medicine?
There are several FDA approved non-estrogen prescriptions
- Osphena for Vaginal Dryness.
- You can use estrogen locally even if you have breast cancer or going to treatment.
- A new medicine, a form of DHEA, Prasterone, is a medicine for vaginal dryness which doesn't get into your blood stream and no blackbox warning.
57:10 14. There are 4 approaches that can minimize risk of hormones. What are some of the things women can do to minimize those risks?
- Skin approach or transdermal
- Start with lowest dose
- Regular checkups while on hormones
- Check every 5 years as data may change or your condition may change
Bonus: Hear Dr. Mache's song about Menopause! >> 
 1:01:13 15. What is the one thing to get out there to do to feel better?
- It’s never too late to start. Invest the time to know what to do next. The time spent on you isn’t lost, it’s invested. The return on your investment is better health, happiness and hormonal balance.
Learn more of Dr. Mache's Books here!
The Estrogen Fix: The breakthrough guide to being Healthy, Energized, and Hormonally Balanced – Through Perimenopause, Menopause, and Beyond – Available at www.EstrogenFixBook.com
The Soy Solution for Menopause 
Dr. Mache's Courses:
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Till next time, wishing you health, love and joy!
Reena Jadhav
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