ryotaronogami · 3 years
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Hormone Replacement Therapy in Menopause with Dr. Mache Seibel
This interview is just for the ladies 35 years and older especially for Women going through Menopause and Peri-Menopause, and are currently experiencing its known effects on the body and mind such as Anxiety, Hot Flashes, Depression, Hair Loss  and more! We are also going to talk about its hidden issues like Alzheimer’s, Heart Disease, Breast cancer which have a big impact on one’s life.
Listen to the podcast as we have world renowned Dr. Mache Seibel, an expert and one of the most entertaining, informative and influential speakers on women's wellness and menopause. He is a 20 year veteran of Harvard Medical School, winner of multiple patient education awards, appearances on NPR, PBS, People magazine and a doctor who has taken care of over 10,000 women as they journey into and through menopause.
Dr. Mache is author of the best selling book, The Estrogen Fix: The breakthrough guide to being Healthy, Energized, and Hormonally Balanced – Through Perimenopause, Menopause, and Beyond, creator of MenopauseQuiz.com and Editor of The Hot Years Magazine.
Here are the Key Questions answered and highlights:
02:53 1. What is Peri-Menopause? What’s Menopause? What age do these begin?
- Menopause is one year after the last menstrual period of a woman.
- Surgical Menopause are women still menstruating, but have ovaries taken out of their uterus.
- Peri-menopause is the window of years around menopause, usually 3-6 years for most women up and can go up to 10 year.
- It's when the hormones start to become unbalanced.
- Menopause is not an age; it's a transition.
04:30 2. Why do we have these amount of symptoms? 75% will have hot flashes, will kill sleep, libido, and mood. What is going on in the body?
- The mean age of menopause is 51. Women are going to live a 3rd of their life beyond menopause.
- When you were going through puberty, your hormones were raging, your mood was up and down, your body was changing, etc.
- Your hormones, estrogen and progesterone, were transitioning from unmeasurable levels to imbalanced levels until through puberty where you become reproductive and hormonally balanced.
- Every month you have a menstrual period with very paired and cycling hormonal balance.
- In peri-menopause, the same things are happening but backwards. The hormones come from paired to unpaired.
- It can lead to symptoms that can affect your mood, skin, intestines, libido, sleep.
- All are unraveling because of hormonal imbalance.
- The hormones will drift once again to those low levels that you've had pre-puberty. It's all related to hormonal imbalance.
07:23 3. What are the 3 types of menopause?
- Natural Menopause
- Surgical Menopause
- Iatrogenic Resulting from treatment such as chemotherapy
11:10 4. Can you help us understand Peri-menopause with respect to how does a woman figure that out? Is there a test or is there a number I'm looking for?
- In peri-menopause, the common symptom is “I don’t feel right” or “What’s happening to my body, my mind?”
- If you feel that you aren't the way you think is normal for you, seek medical help and find out why that is.
- The time of Peri-menopause is the time women will experience gut issue, low thyroid, diabetes, symptoms overlapping.
- May cause frequent urination, foggy thinking, anxiety, sleep problems, acne, sadness, depression, hot flashes, changes in hair quality. - Frequent urination is a sign of diabetes or can be sensitive bladder due to changes in estrogen - Check your Blood. Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) is a pituitary protein hormone that stimulates the ovaries to produce egg each month. - High levels of FSH is a good indicator of Peri-menopause where ovaries are transitioning to a new role.
19:16 5. What are the long term effects of bloom/menopause? What are the deep long lasting impact of menopause if we don’t handle it correctly? - "Noisy" Symptoms: Hot Flashes, Sensitive bladder, Mood Swings, Vaginal Dryness - "Silent" Symptoms: Changes in blood vessels that can lead to heart disease and dementia, Changes in bones that can lead to osteoporosis or thinning of the bone - Hot flashes can be an indicator that something bad is happening the body. Blood vessels in your body are narrowing and causing a shift in the blood flow. - If you have frequent, severe hot flashes, it can be an indicator of hear problems because of the narrowing of the blood vessels which can lead to chest pain, mood swings. - As a result of lower estrogen after you go through Peri-menopause, the endothelial endothelial cells, the lining of the blood vessels throughout the body, as the estrogen gets lower, the damage to the endothelial cells go up which increases risk of plaque forming and narrowing of blood vessels. - In the brain, a lot of thinking and motor activity is based on the estrogen working as a lubricant for the brain. Estrogen allows synapses of brain to work faster as the brain needs 15% of the blood flow from the heart. - Estrogen makes serotonin higher which improves mood and the impact on the blood flow to the brain is giving more oxygen, making it more efficient. - In bones, the estrogen is responsible for keeping cells in putting calcium into the bones in balance with what is taken out, keeping balance in the cells. - It is important to realize silent conditions before they reach a tipping point. - Get your bone density, cardiac evaluation, keep brain moving, do exercise and exercise your brain.
27:01 6. What is window of time to act? What do you recommend? - The study presented in 2001 was incorrect and inaccurate that women who take hormone therapy increased risk of breast cancer, heart disease, and dementia. It was an unfair study and it had issues with time and medication. It compared women who were mostly 50 to 59 and who took a placebo with women who were mostly 60 to 79 and who took a combination of estrogen plus a synthetic progesterone called provera. - A redo of the study testing hormones vs. placebo was done on 2013, where the results showed hormones helped women. Symptoms went away except for a small risk of breast cancer at level of 1/1000 cases. For those who took only estrogen, there was a 23% reduction of breast cancer and 32% reduction in heart disease. A follow up of the same patients published in JAMA in 2017 found that taking estrogen or estrogen plus provera did not increase overall lifespan or risk of dying from heart disease or breast cancer. -  The best time to begin taking hormone is take it closest to the time of menopause beginning to start the estrogen. Evaluate yourself for 5-10 years.
33:30 7. What are the different kind of hormone replacement therapy? Which is the one that is least risky? What do you typically recommend?
- Bioidentical are biologically identical in structure to what the body makes, but are synthetic because they are made in chemical plant. The only plant that can make a hormone is the Chemical plan
- The bioidenticals can be put on your skin as patch, spray, gel, in the vagina as a ring, cream. There are lots of ways to take bioidenticals like pills and creams.
- Compounding pharmacies vs drugstore: In a Regular drugstore, all of those have fda approved hormones where every batch is same, where in Compounding pharmacies, what you get in prescription may not be the same as what your doctor ordered. Typically estrogen doses are higher and progesterone dosages are lower. - If you are a person who insist that you want to have hormones form a compounding pharmacies, be sure that you’re having your health care provider check your uterine lining so any changes can be caught early and can be reversed before becoming uterine cancer.
40:55 8. How do you check your Uterine Lining?
- Vaginal Ultrasound
- Endometrial Biopsy
- Hysteroscopy – looking inside with a very small telescope
- Get checked every year or two.
42:20 9. What kind of hormones do you like? Ingesting hormone impacts gut – What is truth around that? Best form to take hormone?
-  People who have bad GI track bacteria or people whose intestinal track has been fed too much sugar, fast food, processed food, or other food that are unhealthy have changed the bacteria in their intestine. Those bacteria cant digest estrogen.
- The worse the gut the higher the blood levels of estrogen.
- The healthier your diet , the more you’re going to digest estrogen and keep estrogen lower in blood stream.
- Its been shown that the best way to take hormones on skin, transdermal – through skin, vaginal, less risk of blood clot or stroke. Lower dosages of oral may be as safe.
- If you're going to use oral, go with a lower dose oral to prevent downside of taking it.
45:28 10.  What are your Natural Remedies for menopause and Peri-Menopause?
- Hormones are only one keystone for healthy menopausal transition and life beyond 35 or 40. If youre going to take estrogen or not, the healthy lifestyle is essential.
- 4 tiers of a healthy lifestyle:
Stress Levels
- You have to work in all of these things. Improve all areas.
- Drink a lot of water – at least 8 glasses daily
- Alternative medication: A lot of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) or like hypnosis, which is a mind-body approach
- For Hot flashes, sleep!
- Over the counter treatments are available – black cohosh, chasteberry, dong quai, estrogen, evening primrose, flaxseeds, soy
-  Try taking supplements one at a time for at least 3 months to see if it works for you.
- Soy has been used for long time, can be effective. Most effective ingredient is Genestein.
50:47 11. There is a negative notion on soy – if you have breast cancer, take soy products out? What’s the truth about that?
- It is a MYTH!
- If you have cancer already, soy or estrogen or any kinds of these hormones may stimulate growth but they don’t increase death. Even women with breast cancer can eat soy, studies have proven.
- The overall benefit of hormones, if there’s a minimal increase risk of breast cancer, people don’t die with hormones any sooner. Duration of life is not effected, it’s the same with soy.
- Stick with Genestein.
53:13 12. How do you take charge of yourself off of hormones and thrive through this time period?
- Be proactive. Have a list of questions.
- Talk to someone knowledgeable and someone comfortable to speak with.
- Decide what are your priorities. Are you considering hormones or alternatives?
54:49 13. What are those alternative Medicine?
There are several FDA approved non-estrogen prescriptions
- Osphena for Vaginal Dryness.
- You can use estrogen locally even if you have breast cancer or going to treatment.
- A new medicine, a form of DHEA, Prasterone, is a medicine for vaginal dryness which doesn't get into your blood stream and no blackbox warning.
57:10 14. There are 4 approaches that can minimize risk of hormones. What are some of the things women can do to minimize those risks?
- Skin approach or transdermal
- Start with lowest dose
- Regular checkups while on hormones
- Check every 5 years as data may change or your condition may change
Bonus: Hear Dr. Mache's song about Menopause! >> 
 1:01:13 15. What is the one thing to get out there to do to feel better?
- It’s never too late to start. Invest the time to know what to do next. The time spent on you isn’t lost, it’s invested. The return on your investment is better health, happiness and hormonal balance.
Learn more of Dr. Mache's Books here!
The Estrogen Fix: The breakthrough guide to being Healthy, Energized, and Hormonally Balanced – Through Perimenopause, Menopause, and Beyond – Available at www.EstrogenFixBook.com
The Soy Solution for Menopause 
Dr. Mache's Courses:
Liked what you heard? Love what I am doing with my mission of spreading the truth about how we can live healthier, happier and longer?
Then please SUBSCRIBE, RATE AND SHARE with your loved ones!! They will thank you for it :)
Till next time, wishing you health, love and joy!
Reena Jadhav
0 notes
westcoastswingreno · 7 years
Hormone Replacement Therapy in Menopause with Dr. Mache Seibel
This interview is just for the ladies 35 years and older especially for Women going through Menopause and Peri-Menopause, and are currently experiencing its known effects on the body and mind such as Anxiety, Hot Flashes, Depression, Hair Loss  and more! We are also going to talk about its hidden issues like Alzheimer’s, Heart Disease, Breast cancer which have a big impact on one’s life.
Listen to the podcast as we have world renowned Dr. Mache Seibel, an expert and one of the most entertaining, informative and influential speakers on women's wellness and menopause. He is a 20 year veteran of Harvard Medical School, winner of multiple patient education awards, appearances on NPR, PBS, People magazine and a doctor who has taken care of over 10,000 women as they journey into and through menopause.
Dr. Mache is author of the best selling book, The Estrogen Fix: The breakthrough guide to being Healthy, Energized, and Hormonally Balanced – Through Perimenopause, Menopause, and Beyond, creator of MenopauseQuiz.com and Editor of The Hot Years Magazine.
Here are the Key Questions answered and highlights:
02:53 1. What is Peri-Menopause? What’s Menopause? What age do these begin?
- Menopause is one year after the last menstrual period of a woman.
- Surgical Menopause are women still menstruating, but have ovaries taken out of their uterus.
- Peri-menopause is the window of years around menopause, usually 3-6 years for most women up and can go up to 10 year.
- It's when the hormones start to become unbalanced.
- Menopause is not an age; it's a transition.
04:30 2. Why do we have these amount of symptoms? 75% will have hot flashes, will kill sleep, libido, and mood. What is going on in the body?
- The mean age of menopause is 51. Women are going to live a 3rd of their life beyond menopause.
- When you were going through puberty, your hormones were raging, your mood was up and down, your body was changing, etc.
- Your hormones, estrogen and progesterone, were transitioning from unmeasurable levels to imbalanced levels until through puberty where you become reproductive and hormonally balanced.
- Every month you have a menstrual period with very paired and cycling hormonal balance.
- In peri-menopause, the same things are happening but backwards. The hormones come from paired to unpaired.
- It can lead to symptoms that can affect your mood, skin, intestines, libido, sleep.
- All are unraveling because of hormonal imbalance.
- The hormones will drift once again to those low levels that you've had pre-puberty. It's all related to hormonal imbalance.
07:23 3. What are the 3 types of menopause?
- Natural Menopause
- Surgical Menopause
- Iatrogenic Resulting from treatment such as chemotherapy
11:10 4. Can you help us understand Peri-menopause with respect to how does a woman figure that out? Is there a test or is there a number I'm looking for?
- In peri-menopause, the common symptom is “I don’t feel right” or “What’s happening to my body, my mind?”
- If you feel that you aren't the way you think is normal for you, seek medical help and find out why that is.
- The time of Peri-menopause is the time women will experience gut issue, low thyroid, diabetes, symptoms overlapping.
- May cause frequent urination, foggy thinking, anxiety, sleep problems, acne, sadness, depression, hot flashes, changes in hair quality. - Frequent urination is a sign of diabetes or can be sensitive bladder due to changes in estrogen - Check your Blood. Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) is a pituitary protein hormone that stimulates the ovaries to produce egg each month. - High levels of FSH is a good indicator of Peri-menopause where ovaries are transitioning to a new role.
19:16 5. What are the long term effects of bloom/menopause? What are the deep long lasting impact of menopause if we don’t handle it correctly? - "Noisy" Symptoms: Hot Flashes, Sensitive bladder, Mood Swings, Vaginal Dryness - "Silent" Symptoms: Changes in blood vessels that can lead to heart disease and dementia, Changes in bones that can lead to osteoporosis or thinning of the bone - Hot flashes can be an indicator that something bad is happening the body. Blood vessels in your body are narrowing and causing a shift in the blood flow. - If you have frequent, severe hot flashes, it can be an indicator of hear problems because of the narrowing of the blood vessels which can lead to chest pain, mood swings. - As a result of lower estrogen after you go through Peri-menopause, the endothelial endothelial cells, the lining of the blood vessels throughout the body, as the estrogen gets lower, the damage to the endothelial cells go up which increases risk of plaque forming and narrowing of blood vessels. - In the brain, a lot of thinking and motor activity is based on the estrogen working as a lubricant for the brain. Estrogen allows synapses of brain to work faster as the brain needs 15% of the blood flow from the heart. - Estrogen makes serotonin higher which improves mood and the impact on the blood flow to the brain is giving more oxygen, making it more efficient. - In bones, the estrogen is responsible for keeping cells in putting calcium into the bones in balance with what is taken out, keeping balance in the cells. - It is important to realize silent conditions before they reach a tipping point. - Get your bone density, cardiac evaluation, keep brain moving, do exercise and exercise your brain.
27:01 6. What is window of time to act? What do you recommend? - The study presented in 2001 was incorrect and inaccurate that women who take hormone therapy increased risk of breast cancer, heart disease, and dementia. It was an unfair study and it had issues with time and medication. It compared women who were mostly 50 to 59 and who took a placebo with women who were mostly 60 to 79 and who took a combination of estrogen plus a synthetic progesterone called provera. - A redo of the study testing hormones vs. placebo was done on 2013, where the results showed hormones helped women. Symptoms went away except for a small risk of breast cancer at level of 1/1000 cases. For those who took only estrogen, there was a 23% reduction of breast cancer and 32% reduction in heart disease. A follow up of the same patients published in JAMA in 2017 found that taking estrogen or estrogen plus provera did not increase overall lifespan or risk of dying from heart disease or breast cancer. -  The best time to begin taking hormone is take it closest to the time of menopause beginning to start the estrogen. Evaluate yourself for 5-10 years.
33:30 7. What are the different kind of hormone replacement therapy? Which is the one that is least risky? What do you typically recommend?
- Bioidentical are biologically identical in structure to what the body makes, but are synthetic because they are made in chemical plant. The only plant that can make a hormone is the Chemical plan
- The bioidenticals can be put on your skin as patch, spray, gel, in the vagina as a ring, cream. There are lots of ways to take bioidenticals like pills and creams.
- Compounding pharmacies vs drugstore: In a Regular drugstore, all of those have fda approved hormones where every batch is same, where in Compounding pharmacies, what you get in prescription may not be the same as what your doctor ordered. Typically estrogen doses are higher and progesterone dosages are lower. - If you are a person who insist that you want to have hormones form a compounding pharmacies, be sure that you’re having your health care provider check your uterine lining so any changes can be caught early and can be reversed before becoming uterine cancer.
40:55 8. How do you check your Uterine Lining?
- Vaginal Ultrasound
- Endometrial Biopsy
- Hysteroscopy – looking inside with a very small telescope
- Get checked every year or two.
42:20 9. What kind of hormones do you like? Ingesting hormone impacts gut – What is truth around that? Best form to take hormone?
-  People who have bad GI track bacteria or people whose intestinal track has been fed too much sugar, fast food, processed food, or other food that are unhealthy have changed the bacteria in their intestine. Those bacteria cant digest estrogen.
- The worse the gut the higher the blood levels of estrogen.
- The healthier your diet , the more you’re going to digest estrogen and keep estrogen lower in blood stream.
- Its been shown that the best way to take hormones on skin, transdermal – through skin, vaginal, less risk of blood clot or stroke. Lower dosages of oral may be as safe.
- If you're going to use oral, go with a lower dose oral to prevent downside of taking it.
45:28 10.  What are your Natural Remedies for menopause and Peri-Menopause?
- Hormones are only one keystone for healthy menopausal transition and life beyond 35 or 40. If youre going to take estrogen or not, the healthy lifestyle is essential.
- 4 tiers of a healthy lifestyle:
Stress Levels
- You have to work in all of these things. Improve all areas.
- Drink a lot of water – at least 8 glasses daily
- Alternative medication: A lot of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) or like hypnosis, which is a mind-body approach
- For Hot flashes, sleep!
- Over the counter treatments are available – black cohosh, chasteberry, dong quai, estrogen, evening primrose, flaxseeds, soy
-  Try taking supplements one at a time for at least 3 months to see if it works for you.
- Soy has been used for long time, can be effective. Most effective ingredient is Genestein.
50:47 11. There is a negative notion on soy – if you have breast cancer, take soy products out? What’s the truth about that?
- It is a MYTH!
- If you have cancer already, soy or estrogen or any kinds of these hormones may stimulate growth but they don’t increase death. Even women with breast cancer can eat soy, studies have proven.
- The overall benefit of hormones, if there’s a minimal increase risk of breast cancer, people don’t die with hormones any sooner. Duration of life is not effected, it’s the same with soy.
- Stick with Genestein.
53:13 12. How do you take charge of yourself off of hormones and thrive through this time period?
- Be proactive. Have a list of questions.
- Talk to someone knowledgeable and someone comfortable to speak with.
- Decide what are your priorities. Are you considering hormones or alternatives?
54:49 13. What are those alternative Medicine?
There are several FDA approved non-estrogen prescriptions
- Osphena for Vaginal Dryness.
- You can use estrogen locally even if you have breast cancer or going to treatment.
- A new medicine, a form of DHEA, Prasterone, is a medicine for vaginal dryness which doesn't get into your blood stream and no blackbox warning.
57:10 14. There are 4 approaches that can minimize risk of hormones. What are some of the things women can do to minimize those risks?
- Skin approach or transdermal
- Start with lowest dose
- Regular checkups while on hormones
- Check every 5 years as data may change or your condition may change
Bonus: Hear Dr. Mache's song about Menopause! >> 
 1:01:13 15. What is the one thing to get out there to do to feel better?
- It’s never too late to start. Invest the time to know what to do next. The time spent on you isn’t lost, it’s invested. The return on your investment is better health, happiness and hormonal balance.
Learn more of Dr. Mache's Books here!
The Estrogen Fix: The breakthrough guide to being Healthy, Energized, and Hormonally Balanced – Through Perimenopause, Menopause, and Beyond – Available at www.EstrogenFixBook.com
The Soy Solution for Menopause 
Dr. Mache's Courses:
Liked what you heard? Love what I am doing with my mission of spreading the truth about how we can live healthier, happier and longer?
Then please SUBSCRIBE, RATE AND SHARE with your loved ones!! They will thank you for it :)
Till next time, wishing you health, love and joy!
Reena Jadhav
0 notes
Hormone Replacement Therapy in Menopause with Dr. Mache Seibel
This interview is just for the ladies 35 years and older especially for Women going through Menopause and Peri-Menopause, and are currently experiencing its known effects on the body and mind such as Anxiety, Hot Flashes, Depression, Hair Loss  and more! We are also going to talk about its hidden issues like Alzheimer’s, Heart Disease, Breast cancer which have a big impact on one’s life.
Listen to the podcast as we have world renowned Dr. Mache Seibel, an expert and one of the most entertaining, informative and influential speakers on women's wellness and menopause. He is a 20 year veteran of Harvard Medical School, winner of multiple patient education awards, appearances on NPR, PBS, People magazine and a doctor who has taken care of over 10,000 women as they journey into and through menopause.
Dr. Mache is author of the best selling book, The Estrogen Fix: The breakthrough guide to being Healthy, Energized, and Hormonally Balanced – Through Perimenopause, Menopause, and Beyond, creator of MenopauseQuiz.com and Editor of The Hot Years Magazine.
Here are the Key Questions answered and highlights:
02:53 1. What is Peri-Menopause? What’s Menopause? What age do these begin?
- Menopause is one year after the last menstrual period of a woman.
- Surgical Menopause are women still menstruating, but have ovaries taken out of their uterus.
- Peri-menopause is the window of years around menopause, usually 3-6 years for most women up and can go up to 10 year.
- It's when the hormones start to become unbalanced.
- Menopause is not an age; it's a transition.
04:30 2. Why do we have these amount of symptoms? 75% will have hot flashes, will kill sleep, libido, and mood. What is going on in the body?
- The mean age of menopause is 51. Women are going to live a 3rd of their life beyond menopause.
- When you were going through puberty, your hormones were raging, your mood was up and down, your body was changing, etc.
- Your hormones, estrogen and progesterone, were transitioning from unmeasurable levels to imbalanced levels until through puberty where you become reproductive and hormonally balanced.
- Every month you have a menstrual period with very paired and cycling hormonal balance.
- In peri-menopause, the same things are happening but backwards. The hormones come from paired to unpaired.
- It can lead to symptoms that can affect your mood, skin, intestines, libido, sleep.
- All are unraveling because of hormonal imbalance.
- The hormones will drift once again to those low levels that you've had pre-puberty. It's all related to hormonal imbalance.
07:23 3. What are the 3 types of menopause?
- Natural Menopause
- Surgical Menopause
- Iatrogenic Resulting from treatment such as chemotherapy
11:10 4. Can you help us understand Peri-menopause with respect to how does a woman figure that out? Is there a test or is there a number I'm looking for?
- In peri-menopause, the common symptom is “I don’t feel right” or “What’s happening to my body, my mind?”
- If you feel that you aren't the way you think is normal for you, seek medical help and find out why that is.
- The time of Peri-menopause is the time women will experience gut issue, low thyroid, diabetes, symptoms overlapping.
- May cause frequent urination, foggy thinking, anxiety, sleep problems, acne, sadness, depression, hot flashes, changes in hair quality. - Frequent urination is a sign of diabetes or can be sensitive bladder due to changes in estrogen - Check your Blood. Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) is a pituitary protein hormone that stimulates the ovaries to produce egg each month. - High levels of FSH is a good indicator of Peri-menopause where ovaries are transitioning to a new role.
19:16 5. What are the long term effects of bloom/menopause? What are the deep long lasting impact of menopause if we don’t handle it correctly? - "Noisy" Symptoms: Hot Flashes, Sensitive bladder, Mood Swings, Vaginal Dryness - "Silent" Symptoms: Changes in blood vessels that can lead to heart disease and dementia, Changes in bones that can lead to osteoporosis or thinning of the bone - Hot flashes can be an indicator that something bad is happening the body. Blood vessels in your body are narrowing and causing a shift in the blood flow. - If you have frequent, severe hot flashes, it can be an indicator of hear problems because of the narrowing of the blood vessels which can lead to chest pain, mood swings. - As a result of lower estrogen after you go through Peri-menopause, the endothelial endothelial cells, the lining of the blood vessels throughout the body, as the estrogen gets lower, the damage to the endothelial cells go up which increases risk of plaque forming and narrowing of blood vessels. - In the brain, a lot of thinking and motor activity is based on the estrogen working as a lubricant for the brain. Estrogen allows synapses of brain to work faster as the brain needs 15% of the blood flow from the heart. - Estrogen makes serotonin higher which improves mood and the impact on the blood flow to the brain is giving more oxygen, making it more efficient. - In bones, the estrogen is responsible for keeping cells in putting calcium into the bones in balance with what is taken out, keeping balance in the cells. - It is important to realize silent conditions before they reach a tipping point. - Get your bone density, cardiac evaluation, keep brain moving, do exercise and exercise your brain.
27:01 6. What is window of time to act? What do you recommend? - The study presented in 2001 was incorrect and inaccurate that women who take hormone therapy increased risk of breast cancer, heart disease, and dementia. It was an unfair study and it had issues with time and medication. It compared women who were mostly 50 to 59 and who took a placebo with women who were mostly 60 to 79 and who took a combination of estrogen plus a synthetic progesterone called provera. - A redo of the study testing hormones vs. placebo was done on 2013, where the results showed hormones helped women. Symptoms went away except for a small risk of breast cancer at level of 1/1000 cases. For those who took only estrogen, there was a 23% reduction of breast cancer and 32% reduction in heart disease. A follow up of the same patients published in JAMA in 2017 found that taking estrogen or estrogen plus provera did not increase overall lifespan or risk of dying from heart disease or breast cancer. -  The best time to begin taking hormone is take it closest to the time of menopause beginning to start the estrogen. Evaluate yourself for 5-10 years.
33:30 7. What are the different kind of hormone replacement therapy? Which is the one that is least risky? What do you typically recommend?
- Bioidentical are biologically identical in structure to what the body makes, but are synthetic because they are made in chemical plant. The only plant that can make a hormone is the Chemical plan
- The bioidenticals can be put on your skin as patch, spray, gel, in the vagina as a ring, cream. There are lots of ways to take bioidenticals like pills and creams.
- Compounding pharmacies vs drugstore: In a Regular drugstore, all of those have fda approved hormones where every batch is same, where in Compounding pharmacies, what you get in prescription may not be the same as what your doctor ordered. Typically estrogen doses are higher and progesterone dosages are lower. - If you are a person who insist that you want to have hormones form a compounding pharmacies, be sure that you’re having your health care provider check your uterine lining so any changes can be caught early and can be reversed before becoming uterine cancer.
40:55 8. How do you check your Uterine Lining?
- Vaginal Ultrasound
- Endometrial Biopsy
- Hysteroscopy – looking inside with a very small telescope
- Get checked every year or two.
42:20 9. What kind of hormones do you like? Ingesting hormone impacts gut – What is truth around that? Best form to take hormone?
-  People who have bad GI track bacteria or people whose intestinal track has been fed too much sugar, fast food, processed food, or other food that are unhealthy have changed the bacteria in their intestine. Those bacteria cant digest estrogen.
- The worse the gut the higher the blood levels of estrogen.
- The healthier your diet , the more you’re going to digest estrogen and keep estrogen lower in blood stream.
- Its been shown that the best way to take hormones on skin, transdermal – through skin, vaginal, less risk of blood clot or stroke. Lower dosages of oral may be as safe.
- If you're going to use oral, go with a lower dose oral to prevent downside of taking it.
45:28 10.  What are your Natural Remedies for menopause and Peri-Menopause?
- Hormones are only one keystone for healthy menopausal transition and life beyond 35 or 40. If youre going to take estrogen or not, the healthy lifestyle is essential.
- 4 tiers of a healthy lifestyle:
Stress Levels
- You have to work in all of these things. Improve all areas.
- Drink a lot of water – at least 8 glasses daily
- Alternative medication: A lot of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) or like hypnosis, which is a mind-body approach
- For Hot flashes, sleep!
- Over the counter treatments are available – black cohosh, chasteberry, dong quai, estrogen, evening primrose, flaxseeds, soy
-  Try taking supplements one at a time for at least 3 months to see if it works for you.
- Soy has been used for long time, can be effective. Most effective ingredient is Genestein.
50:47 11. There is a negative notion on soy – if you have breast cancer, take soy products out? What’s the truth about that?
- It is a MYTH!
- If you have cancer already, soy or estrogen or any kinds of these hormones may stimulate growth but they don’t increase death. Even women with breast cancer can eat soy, studies have proven.
- The overall benefit of hormones, if there’s a minimal increase risk of breast cancer, people don’t die with hormones any sooner. Duration of life is not effected, it’s the same with soy.
- Stick with Genestein.
53:13 12. How do you take charge of yourself off of hormones and thrive through this time period?
- Be proactive. Have a list of questions.
- Talk to someone knowledgeable and someone comfortable to speak with.
- Decide what are your priorities. Are you considering hormones or alternatives?
54:49 13. What are those alternative Medicine?
There are several FDA approved non-estrogen prescriptions
- Osphena for Vaginal Dryness.
- You can use estrogen locally even if you have breast cancer or going to treatment.
- A new medicine, a form of DHEA, Prasterone, is a medicine for vaginal dryness which doesn't get into your blood stream and no blackbox warning.
57:10 14. There are 4 approaches that can minimize risk of hormones. What are some of the things women can do to minimize those risks?
- Skin approach or transdermal
- Start with lowest dose
- Regular checkups while on hormones
- Check every 5 years as data may change or your condition may change
Bonus: Hear Dr. Mache's song about Menopause! >> 
 1:01:13 15. What is the one thing to get out there to do to feel better?
- It’s never too late to start. Invest the time to know what to do next. The time spent on you isn’t lost, it’s invested. The return on your investment is better health, happiness and hormonal balance.
Learn more of Dr. Mache's Books here!
The Estrogen Fix: The breakthrough guide to being Healthy, Energized, and Hormonally Balanced – Through Perimenopause, Menopause, and Beyond – Available at www.EstrogenFixBook.com
The Soy Solution for Menopause 
Dr. Mache's Courses:
Liked what you heard? Love what I am doing with my mission of spreading the truth about how we can live healthier, happier and longer?
Then please SUBSCRIBE, RATE AND SHARE with your loved ones!! They will thank you for it :)
Till next time, wishing you health, love and joy!
Reena Jadhav
0 notes
jfolwer4679-blog · 7 years
Hormone Replacement Therapy in Menopause with Dr. Mache Seibel
This interview is just for the ladies 35 years and older especially for Women going through Menopause and Peri-Menopause, and are currently experiencing its known effects on the body and mind such as Anxiety, Hot Flashes, Depression, Hair Loss  and more! We are also going to talk about its hidden issues like Alzheimer’s, Heart Disease, Breast cancer which have a big impact on one’s life.
Listen to the podcast as we have world renowned Dr. Mache Seibel, an expert and one of the most entertaining, informative and influential speakers on women's wellness and menopause. He is a 20 year veteran of Harvard Medical School, winner of multiple patient education awards, appearances on NPR, PBS, People magazine and a doctor who has taken care of over 10,000 women as they journey into and through menopause.
Dr. Mache is author of the best selling book, The Estrogen Fix: The breakthrough guide to being Healthy, Energized, and Hormonally Balanced – Through Perimenopause, Menopause, and Beyond, creator of MenopauseQuiz.com and Editor of The Hot Years Magazine.
Here are the Key Questions answered and highlights:
02:53 1. What is Peri-Menopause? What’s Menopause? What age do these begin?
- Menopause is one year after the last menstrual period of a woman.
- Surgical Menopause are women still menstruating, but have ovaries taken out of their uterus.
- Peri-menopause is the window of years around menopause, usually 3-6 years for most women up and can go up to 10 year.
- It's when the hormones start to become unbalanced.
- Menopause is not an age; it's a transition.
04:30 2. Why do we have these amount of symptoms? 75% will have hot flashes, will kill sleep, libido, and mood. What is going on in the body?
- The mean age of menopause is 51. Women are going to live a 3rd of their life beyond menopause.
- When you were going through puberty, your hormones were raging, your mood was up and down, your body was changing, etc.
- Your hormones, estrogen and progesterone, were transitioning from unmeasurable levels to imbalanced levels until through puberty where you become reproductive and hormonally balanced.
- Every month you have a menstrual period with very paired and cycling hormonal balance.
- In peri-menopause, the same things are happening but backwards. The hormones come from paired to unpaired.
- It can lead to symptoms that can affect your mood, skin, intestines, libido, sleep.
- All are unraveling because of hormonal imbalance.
- The hormones will drift once again to those low levels that you've had pre-puberty. It's all related to hormonal imbalance.
07:23 3. What are the 3 types of menopause?
- Natural Menopause
- Surgical Menopause
- Iatrogenic Resulting from treatment such as chemotherapy
11:10 4. Can you help us understand Peri-menopause with respect to how does a woman figure that out? Is there a test or is there a number I'm looking for?
- In peri-menopause, the common symptom is “I don’t feel right” or “What’s happening to my body, my mind?”
- If you feel that you aren't the way you think is normal for you, seek medical help and find out why that is.
- The time of Peri-menopause is the time women will experience gut issue, low thyroid, diabetes, symptoms overlapping.
- May cause frequent urination, foggy thinking, anxiety, sleep problems, acne, sadness, depression, hot flashes, changes in hair quality. - Frequent urination is a sign of diabetes or can be sensitive bladder due to changes in estrogen - Check your Blood. Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) is a pituitary protein hormone that stimulates the ovaries to produce egg each month. - High levels of FSH is a good indicator of Peri-menopause where ovaries are transitioning to a new role.
19:16 5. What are the long term effects of bloom/menopause? What are the deep long lasting impact of menopause if we don’t handle it correctly? - "Noisy" Symptoms: Hot Flashes, Sensitive bladder, Mood Swings, Vaginal Dryness - "Silent" Symptoms: Changes in blood vessels that can lead to heart disease and dementia, Changes in bones that can lead to osteoporosis or thinning of the bone - Hot flashes can be an indicator that something bad is happening the body. Blood vessels in your body are narrowing and causing a shift in the blood flow. - If you have frequent, severe hot flashes, it can be an indicator of hear problems because of the narrowing of the blood vessels which can lead to chest pain, mood swings. - As a result of lower estrogen after you go through Peri-menopause, the endothelial endothelial cells, the lining of the blood vessels throughout the body, as the estrogen gets lower, the damage to the endothelial cells go up which increases risk of plaque forming and narrowing of blood vessels. - In the brain, a lot of thinking and motor activity is based on the estrogen working as a lubricant for the brain. Estrogen allows synapses of brain to work faster as the brain needs 15% of the blood flow from the heart. - Estrogen makes serotonin higher which improves mood and the impact on the blood flow to the brain is giving more oxygen, making it more efficient. - In bones, the estrogen is responsible for keeping cells in putting calcium into the bones in balance with what is taken out, keeping balance in the cells. - It is important to realize silent conditions before they reach a tipping point. - Get your bone density, cardiac evaluation, keep brain moving, do exercise and exercise your brain.
27:01 6. What is window of time to act? What do you recommend? - The study presented in 2001 was incorrect and inaccurate that women who take hormone therapy increased risk of breast cancer, heart disease, and dementia. It was an unfair study and it had issues with time and medication. It compared women who were mostly 50 to 59 and who took a placebo with women who were mostly 60 to 79 and who took a combination of estrogen plus a synthetic progesterone called provera. - A redo of the study testing hormones vs. placebo was done on 2013, where the results showed hormones helped women. Symptoms went away except for a small risk of breast cancer at level of 1/1000 cases. For those who took only estrogen, there was a 23% reduction of breast cancer and 32% reduction in heart disease. A follow up of the same patients published in JAMA in 2017 found that taking estrogen or estrogen plus provera did not increase overall lifespan or risk of dying from heart disease or breast cancer. -  The best time to begin taking hormone is take it closest to the time of menopause beginning to start the estrogen. Evaluate yourself for 5-10 years.
33:30 7. What are the different kind of hormone replacement therapy? Which is the one that is least risky? What do you typically recommend?
- Bioidentical are biologically identical in structure to what the body makes, but are synthetic because they are made in chemical plant. The only plant that can make a hormone is the Chemical plan
- The bioidenticals can be put on your skin as patch, spray, gel, in the vagina as a ring, cream. There are lots of ways to take bioidenticals like pills and creams.
- Compounding pharmacies vs drugstore: In a Regular drugstore, all of those have fda approved hormones where every batch is same, where in Compounding pharmacies, what you get in prescription may not be the same as what your doctor ordered. Typically estrogen doses are higher and progesterone dosages are lower. - If you are a person who insist that you want to have hormones form a compounding pharmacies, be sure that you’re having your health care provider check your uterine lining so any changes can be caught early and can be reversed before becoming uterine cancer.
40:55 8. How do you check your Uterine Lining?
- Vaginal Ultrasound
- Endometrial Biopsy
- Hysteroscopy – looking inside with a very small telescope
- Get checked every year or two.
42:20 9. What kind of hormones do you like? Ingesting hormone impacts gut – What is truth around that? Best form to take hormone?
-  People who have bad GI track bacteria or people whose intestinal track has been fed too much sugar, fast food, processed food, or other food that are unhealthy have changed the bacteria in their intestine. Those bacteria cant digest estrogen.
- The worse the gut the higher the blood levels of estrogen.
- The healthier your diet , the more you’re going to digest estrogen and keep estrogen lower in blood stream.
- Its been shown that the best way to take hormones on skin, transdermal – through skin, vaginal, less risk of blood clot or stroke. Lower dosages of oral may be as safe.
- If you're going to use oral, go with a lower dose oral to prevent downside of taking it.
45:28 10.  What are your Natural Remedies for menopause and Peri-Menopause?
- Hormones are only one keystone for healthy menopausal transition and life beyond 35 or 40. If youre going to take estrogen or not, the healthy lifestyle is essential.
- 4 tiers of a healthy lifestyle:
Stress Levels
- You have to work in all of these things. Improve all areas.
- Drink a lot of water – at least 8 glasses daily
- Alternative medication: A lot of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) or like hypnosis, which is a mind-body approach
- For Hot flashes, sleep!
- Over the counter treatments are available – black cohosh, chasteberry, dong quai, estrogen, evening primrose, flaxseeds, soy
-  Try taking supplements one at a time for at least 3 months to see if it works for you.
- Soy has been used for long time, can be effective. Most effective ingredient is Genestein.
50:47 11. There is a negative notion on soy – if you have breast cancer, take soy products out? What’s the truth about that?
- It is a MYTH!
- If you have cancer already, soy or estrogen or any kinds of these hormones may stimulate growth but they don’t increase death. Even women with breast cancer can eat soy, studies have proven.
- The overall benefit of hormones, if there’s a minimal increase risk of breast cancer, people don’t die with hormones any sooner. Duration of life is not effected, it’s the same with soy.
- Stick with Genestein.
53:13 12. How do you take charge of yourself off of hormones and thrive through this time period?
- Be proactive. Have a list of questions.
- Talk to someone knowledgeable and someone comfortable to speak with.
- Decide what are your priorities. Are you considering hormones or alternatives?
54:49 13. What are those alternative Medicine?
There are several FDA approved non-estrogen prescriptions
- Osphena for Vaginal Dryness.
- You can use estrogen locally even if you have breast cancer or going to treatment.
- A new medicine, a form of DHEA, Prasterone, is a medicine for vaginal dryness which doesn't get into your blood stream and no blackbox warning.
57:10 14. There are 4 approaches that can minimize risk of hormones. What are some of the things women can do to minimize those risks?
- Skin approach or transdermal
- Start with lowest dose
- Regular checkups while on hormones
- Check every 5 years as data may change or your condition may change
Bonus: Hear Dr. Mache's song about Menopause! >> 
 1:01:13 15. What is the one thing to get out there to do to feel better?
- It’s never too late to start. Invest the time to know what to do next. The time spent on you isn’t lost, it’s invested. The return on your investment is better health, happiness and hormonal balance.
Learn more of Dr. Mache's Books here!
The Estrogen Fix: The breakthrough guide to being Healthy, Energized, and Hormonally Balanced – Through Perimenopause, Menopause, and Beyond – Available at www.EstrogenFixBook.com
The Soy Solution for Menopause 
Dr. Mache's Courses:
Liked what you heard? Love what I am doing with my mission of spreading the truth about how we can live healthier, happier and longer?
Then please SUBSCRIBE, RATE AND SHARE with your loved ones!! They will thank you for it :)
Till next time, wishing you Health, love and joy!
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boyandhisdreams · 7 years
Hormone Replacement Therapy in Menopause with Dr. Mache Seibel
This interview is just for the ladies 35 years and older especially for Women going through Menopause and Peri-Menopause, and are currently experiencing its known effects on the body and mind such as Anxiety, Hot Flashes, Depression, Hair Loss  and more! We are also going to talk about its hidden issues like Alzheimer’s, Heart Disease, Breast cancer which have a big impact on one’s life.
Listen to the podcast as we have world renowned Dr. Mache Seibel, an expert and one of the most entertaining, informative and influential speakers on women's wellness and menopause. He is a 20 year veteran of Harvard Medical School, winner of multiple patient education awards, appearances on NPR, PBS, People magazine and a doctor who has taken care of over 10,000 women as they journey into and through menopause.
Dr. Mache is author of the best selling book, The Estrogen Fix: The breakthrough guide to being Healthy, Energized, and Hormonally Balanced – Through Perimenopause, Menopause, and Beyond, creator of MenopauseQuiz.com and Editor of The Hot Years Magazine.
Here are the Key Questions answered and highlights:
02:53 1. What is Peri-Menopause? What’s Menopause? What age do these begin?
- Menopause is one year after the last menstrual period of a woman.
- Surgical Menopause are women still menstruating, but have ovaries taken out of their uterus.
- Peri-menopause is the window of years around menopause, usually 3-6 years for most women up and can go up to 10 year.
- It's when the hormones start to become unbalanced.
- Menopause is not an age; it's a transition.
04:30 2. Why do we have these amount of symptoms? 75% will have hot flashes, will kill sleep, libido, and mood. What is going on in the body?
- The mean age of menopause is 51. Women are going to live a 3rd of their life beyond menopause.
- When you were going through puberty, your hormones were raging, your mood was up and down, your body was changing, etc.
- Your hormones, estrogen and progesterone, were transitioning from unmeasurable levels to imbalanced levels until through puberty where you become reproductive and hormonally balanced.
- Every month you have a menstrual period with very paired and cycling hormonal balance.
- In peri-menopause, the same things are happening but backwards. The hormones come from paired to unpaired.
- It can lead to symptoms that can affect your mood, skin, intestines, libido, sleep.
- All are unraveling because of hormonal imbalance.
- The hormones will drift once again to those low levels that you've had pre-puberty. It's all related to hormonal imbalance.
07:23 3. What are the 3 types of menopause?
- Natural Menopause
- Surgical Menopause
- Iatrogenic Resulting from treatment such as chemotherapy
11:10 4. Can you help us understand Peri-menopause with respect to how does a woman figure that out? Is there a test or is there a number I'm looking for?
- In peri-menopause, the common symptom is “I don’t feel right” or “What’s happening to my body, my mind?”
- If you feel that you aren't the way you think is normal for you, seek medical help and find out why that is.
- The time of Peri-menopause is the time women will experience gut issue, low thyroid, diabetes, symptoms overlapping.
- May cause frequent urination, foggy thinking, anxiety, sleep problems, acne, sadness, depression, hot flashes, changes in hair quality. - Frequent urination is a sign of diabetes or can be sensitive bladder due to changes in estrogen - Check your Blood. Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) is a pituitary protein hormone that stimulates the ovaries to produce egg each month. - High levels of FSH is a good indicator of Peri-menopause where ovaries are transitioning to a new role.
19:16 5. What are the long term effects of bloom/menopause? What are the deep long lasting impact of menopause if we don’t handle it correctly? - "Noisy" Symptoms: Hot Flashes, Sensitive bladder, Mood Swings, Vaginal Dryness - "Silent" Symptoms: Changes in blood vessels that can lead to heart disease and dementia, Changes in bones that can lead to osteoporosis or thinning of the bone - Hot flashes can be an indicator that something bad is happening the body. Blood vessels in your body are narrowing and causing a shift in the blood flow. - If you have frequent, severe hot flashes, it can be an indicator of hear problems because of the narrowing of the blood vessels which can lead to chest pain, mood swings. - As a result of lower estrogen after you go through Peri-menopause, the endothelial endothelial cells, the lining of the blood vessels throughout the body, as the estrogen gets lower, the damage to the endothelial cells go up which increases risk of plaque forming and narrowing of blood vessels. - In the brain, a lot of thinking and motor activity is based on the estrogen working as a lubricant for the brain. Estrogen allows synapses of brain to work faster as the brain needs 15% of the blood flow from the heart. - Estrogen makes serotonin higher which improves mood and the impact on the blood flow to the brain is giving more oxygen, making it more efficient. - In bones, the estrogen is responsible for keeping cells in putting calcium into the bones in balance with what is taken out, keeping balance in the cells. - It is important to realize silent conditions before they reach a tipping point. - Get your bone density, cardiac evaluation, keep brain moving, do exercise and exercise your brain.
27:01 6. What is window of time to act? What do you recommend? - The study presented in 2001 was incorrect and inaccurate that women who take hormone therapy increased risk of breast cancer, heart disease, and dementia. It was an unfair study and it had issues with time and medication. It compared women who were mostly 50 to 59 and who took a placebo with women who were mostly 60 to 79 and who took a combination of estrogen plus a synthetic progesterone called provera. - A redo of the study testing hormones vs. placebo was done on 2013, where the results showed hormones helped women. Symptoms went away except for a small risk of breast cancer at level of 1/1000 cases. For those who took only estrogen, there was a 23% reduction of breast cancer and 32% reduction in heart disease. A follow up of the same patients published in JAMA in 2017 found that taking estrogen or estrogen plus provera did not increase overall lifespan or risk of dying from heart disease or breast cancer. -  The best time to begin taking hormone is take it closest to the time of menopause beginning to start the estrogen. Evaluate yourself for 5-10 years.
33:30 7. What are the different kind of hormone replacement therapy? Which is the one that is least risky? What do you typically recommend?
- Bioidentical are biologically identical in structure to what the body makes, but are synthetic because they are made in chemical plant. The only plant that can make a hormone is the Chemical plan
- The bioidenticals can be put on your skin as patch, spray, gel, in the vagina as a ring, cream. There are lots of ways to take bioidenticals like pills and creams.
- Compounding pharmacies vs drugstore: In a Regular drugstore, all of those have fda approved hormones where every batch is same, where in Compounding pharmacies, what you get in prescription may not be the same as what your doctor ordered. Typically estrogen doses are higher and progesterone dosages are lower. - If you are a person who insist that you want to have hormones form a compounding pharmacies, be sure that you’re having your health care provider check your uterine lining so any changes can be caught early and can be reversed before becoming uterine cancer.
40:55 8. How do you check your Uterine Lining?
- Vaginal Ultrasound
- Endometrial Biopsy
- Hysteroscopy – looking inside with a very small telescope
- Get checked every year or two.
42:20 9. What kind of hormones do you like? Ingesting hormone impacts gut – What is truth around that? Best form to take hormone?
-  People who have bad GI track bacteria or people whose intestinal track has been fed too much sugar, fast food, processed food, or other food that are unhealthy have changed the bacteria in their intestine. Those bacteria cant digest estrogen.
- The worse the gut the higher the blood levels of estrogen.
- The healthier your diet , the more you’re going to digest estrogen and keep estrogen lower in blood stream.
- Its been shown that the best way to take hormones on skin, transdermal – through skin, vaginal, less risk of blood clot or stroke. Lower dosages of oral may be as safe.
- If you're going to use oral, go with a lower dose oral to prevent downside of taking it.
45:28 10.  What are your Natural Remedies for menopause and Peri-Menopause?
- Hormones are only one keystone for healthy menopausal transition and life beyond 35 or 40. If youre going to take estrogen or not, the healthy lifestyle is essential.
- 4 tiers of a healthy lifestyle:
Stress Levels
- You have to work in all of these things. Improve all areas.
- Drink a lot of water – at least 8 glasses daily
- Alternative medication: A lot of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) or like hypnosis, which is a mind-body approach
- For Hot flashes, sleep!
- Over the counter treatments are available – black cohosh, chasteberry, dong quai, estrogen, evening primrose, flaxseeds, soy
-  Try taking supplements one at a time for at least 3 months to see if it works for you.
- Soy has been used for long time, can be effective. Most effective ingredient is Genestein.
50:47 11. There is a negative notion on soy – if you have breast cancer, take soy products out? What’s the truth about that?
- It is a MYTH!
- If you have cancer already, soy or estrogen or any kinds of these hormones may stimulate growth but they don’t increase death. Even women with breast cancer can eat soy, studies have proven.
- The overall benefit of hormones, if there’s a minimal increase risk of breast cancer, people don’t die with hormones any sooner. Duration of life is not effected, it’s the same with soy.
- Stick with Genestein.
53:13 12. How do you take charge of yourself off of hormones and thrive through this time period?
- Be proactive. Have a list of questions.
- Talk to someone knowledgeable and someone comfortable to speak with.
- Decide what are your priorities. Are you considering hormones or alternatives?
54:49 13. What are those alternative Medicine?
There are several FDA approved non-estrogen prescriptions
- Osphena for Vaginal Dryness.
- You can use estrogen locally even if you have breast cancer or going to treatment.
- A new medicine, a form of DHEA, Prasterone, is a medicine for vaginal dryness which doesn't get into your blood stream and no blackbox warning.
57:10 14. There are 4 approaches that can minimize risk of hormones. What are some of the things women can do to minimize those risks?
- Skin approach or transdermal
- Start with lowest dose
- Regular checkups while on hormones
- Check every 5 years as data may change or your condition may change
Bonus: Hear Dr. Mache's song about Menopause! >> 
 1:01:13 15. What is the one thing to get out there to do to feel better?
- It’s never too late to start. Invest the time to know what to do next. The time spent on you isn’t lost, it’s invested. The return on your investment is better health, happiness and hormonal balance.
Learn more of Dr. Mache's Books here!
The Estrogen Fix: The breakthrough guide to being Healthy, Energized, and Hormonally Balanced – Through Perimenopause, Menopause, and Beyond – Available at www.EstrogenFixBook.com
The Soy Solution for Menopause 
Dr. Mache's Courses:
Liked what you heard? Love what I am doing with my mission of spreading the truth about how we can live healthier, happier and longer?
Then please SUBSCRIBE, RATE AND SHARE with your loved ones!! They will thank you for it :)
Till next time, wishing you health, love and joy!
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Ceiling-mounted Surgical Lights Market Outlook 2020-2025 Industry Analysis By Types, Applications and Manufacturers
A recent research report added by Decisiondatabases on the Ceiling-mounted Surgical Lights Market provides a comprehensive view of this business sector by giving a detailed description of the global market shares, regional & country-level market size, growth, trends, and forecast analysis. This report also focuses on value chain optimization, recent developments, opportunities analysis, and industrial sector expansion.
Final Report will cover the impact of COVID-19 on this industry.
The global Ceiling-mounted Surgical Lights market report presents a complete research-based study of the industry including details such as company shares, forecast data, in-depth analysis and an outlook of the market on a worldwide platform. The report further highlights the market drivers, restraints and the top manufacturers at the global and regional levels. For a thorough understanding, the report also offers market segmentation and regional analysis for the forecast period from 2020 to 2025.
Click here to get a Sample PDF Copy of the Ceiling-mounted Surgical Lights Market Research Report @ https://www.decisiondatabases.com/contact/download-sample-26152
According to this study, over the next five years, the Ceiling-mounted Surgical Lights market will register an xx% CAGR in terms of revenue, the global market size will reach $ xx million by 2025, from $ xx million in 2020. In particular, this report presents the global market share (sales and revenue) of key companies in the Ceiling-mounted Surgical Lights business, shared in Chapter 3.
Tumblr media
This Ceiling-mounted Surgical Lights market report also splits the market by regions: Americas (United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil), APAC (China, Japan, Korea, Southeast Asia, India, Australia), Europe (Germany, France, UK, Italy, Russia, Spain), Middle East & Africa (Egypt, South Africa, Israel, Turkey, GCC Countries).
This report presents a comprehensive overview, market shares, and growth opportunities of the Ceiling-mounted Surgical Lights market by type, application, key manufacturers, key regions, and countries.
The key manufacturers covered in this report: Breakdown data in Chapter 3.
Alvo Medical
Amcaremed Technology
Shanghai Huifeng Medical Instrument
Beijing Aeonmed
Shanghai Wanyu Medical Equipment
Photonic Optische Gerate
Nexor Medical
To inquire about report customization, feel free to reach out to our team of expert analysts @ https://www.decisiondatabases.com/contact/ask-questions-26152
This study considers the Ceiling-mounted Surgical Lights value and volume generated from the sales of the following segments:
Segmentation by type: breakdown data from 2015 to 2020, in Section 2.3; and forecast to 2025 in section 11.7.
One Arm
Two Arm
Segmentation by application: breakdown data from 2015 to 2020, in Section 2.4; and forecast to 2025 in section 11.8.
In addition, this report discusses the key drivers influencing market growth, opportunities, challenges and the risks faced by key manufacturers and the market as a whole. It also analyzes key emerging trends and their impact on present and future development.
Purchase the Complete Global Ceiling-mounted Surgical Lights Market Research Report @ https://www.decisiondatabases.com/contact/buy-now-26152
Research objectives
To study and analyze the global Ceiling-mounted Surgical Lights consumption (value & volume) by key regions/countries, type and application, history data from 2015 to 2019, and forecast to 2025.
To understand the structure of the Ceiling-mounted Surgical Lights market by identifying its various subsegments.
Focuses on the key global Ceiling-mounted Surgical Lights manufacturers, to define, describe, and analyze the sales volume, value, market share, market competition landscape, SWOT analysis and development plans in the next few years.
To analyze the Ceiling-mounted Surgical Lights with respect to individual growth trends, future prospects, and their contribution to the total market.
To share detailed information about the key factors influencing the growth of the market (growth potential, opportunities, drivers, industry-specific challenges and risks).
To project the consumption of Ceiling-mounted Surgical Lights submarkets, with respect to key regions (along with their respective key countries).
To analyze competitive developments such as expansions, agreements, new product launches, and acquisitions in the market.
To strategically profile the key players and comprehensively analyze their growth strategies.
About Us:
DecisionDatabases.com is a global business research report provider, enriching decision makers and strategists with qualitative statistics. DecisionDatabases.com is proficient in providing syndicated research reports, customized research reports, company profiles and industry databases across multiple domains.
Our expert research analysts have been trained to map client’s research requirements to the correct research resource leading to a distinctive edge over its competitors. We provide intellectual, precise and meaningful data at a lightning speed.
For more details: DecisionDatabases.com E-Mail: [email protected] Phone: +91 90 28 057900 Web: https://www.decisiondatabases.com/
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shradhaattumb · 4 years
Global Surgical Lights Market Updates, News and Data 2026
A new market study, titled “  Global Surgical Lights Market Insights and Forecast to 2026” has been featured on WiseGuyReports.
Surgical Lights market is segmented by Type, and by Application. Players, stakeholders, and other participants in the global Surgical Lights market will be able to gain the upper hand as they use the report as a powerful resource. The segmental analysis focuses on production capacity, revenue and forecast by Type and by Application for the period 2015-2026.
Segment by Type, the Surgical Lights market is segmented into LED Halogen
ALSO READ:  https://www.openpr.com/news/2093495/surgical-lights-2020-global-market-key-players-surgiris
Segment by Application, the Surgical Lights market is segmented into Hospitals Emergency Centers Clinics Others
Regional and Country-level Analysis The Surgical Lights market is analysed and market size information is provided by regions (countries). The key regions covered in the Surgical Lights market report are North America, Europe, China and Japan. It also covers key regions (countries), viz, the U.S., Canada, Germany, France, U.K., Italy, Russia, China, Japan, South Korea, India, Australia, Taiwan, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam, Mexico, Brazil, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, U.A.E, etc. The report includes country-wise and region-wise market size for the period 2015-2026. It also includes market size and forecast by Type, and by Application segment in terms of production capacity, price and revenue for the period 2015-2026. Competitive Landscape and Surgical Lights Market Share Analysis
Surgical Lights market competitive landscape provides details and data information by manufacturers. The report offers comprehensive analysis and accurate statistics on production capacity, price, revenue of Surgical Lights by the player for the period 2015-2020. It also offers detailed analysis supported by reliable statistics on production, revenue (global and regional level) by players for the period 2015-2020. Details included are company description, major business, company total revenue, and the production capacity, price, revenue generated in Surgical Lights business, the date to enter into the Surgical Lights market, Surgical Lights product introduction, recent developments, etc. The major vendors covered: Surgiris Mopec Merivaara Dr.Mach MS westfalia B&D Aygun Surgical Instruments Co.,Inc. Infimed ACEM Medical Company Photonic Etkin Medical Devices BiHealthcare Okuman Medikal Sistemler Pegisdan
FOR MORE DETAILS – https://www.wiseguyreports.com/reports/5596185-global-surgical-lights-market-insights-and-forecast-to-2026
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mrudaanmedical-blog · 5 years
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pavanghage · 3 years
Camera Bracket Market Trends, Size, Statistics Analysis Overview, Industry Insights and COVID-19 Pandemic Presenting Future Opportunities 2027
Camera Bracket Market is analyzed with industry experts in mind to maximize return on investment by providing clear information needed for informed business decisions. This research will help both established and new entrants to identify and analyze market needs, market size and competition. It explains the supply and demand situation, the competitive scenario, and the challenges for market growth, market opportunities and the threats faced by key players.
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By Market Players: Dr.Mach Xotomics Med DID Plus Sony B&D BRACCI E DISPOSITIVI Yunteng Nikon By Type Wall-Mounted Floor-Standing Ceiling Type By Application Entertainment Medical Use Automobile Others
A detailed outline of the Global Camera Bracket Market includes a comprehensive analysis of different verticals of businesses. North America, Latin America, Asia-Pacific, Africa, and Europe have been considered for the studies on the basis of several terminologies.
This is anticipated to drive the Global Camera Bracket Market over the forecast period. This research report covers the market landscape and its progress prospects in the near future. After studying key companies, the report focuses on the new entrants contributing to the growth of the market. Most companies in the Global Camera Bracket Market are currently adopting new technological trends in the market.
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Make an Enquiry for purchasing this Report :https://axelreports.com/enquiry-before-buying/96067
Table of Contents:
Global Camera Bracket Market Overview
Economic Impact on Industry
Market Competition by Manufacturers
Production, Revenue (Value) by Region
Production, Revenue (Value), Price Trend by Type
Market Analysis by Application
Cost Analysis
Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream Buyers
Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/Traders
Market Effect Factors Analysis
Global Camera Bracket Market Forecast
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