#freelancer id
giddlygoat · 4 months
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[explodes into bloody gibs cutely]
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dogboyklug · 2 months
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the woes of parenting
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zem-zem-zoom · 3 months
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would i be happy? not really.
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hwljpg · 1 year
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sleepy mornings
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ebbofcyanwhispers · 5 months
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crawls out of the grave carrying. These.
made some transparents for an excessively fun game myself and my beloved umbrabumble were playing (basically a more communicative telephone game with icon edits)
all of these are free to use, and though you dont necessarily have to credit me i think you should probably mention purcell made them. somewhere.
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free-boundsoul · 3 months
"Oh my. You certainly are something... special, aren't you?
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gaycrittercentral · 8 months
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hellooooooooo here's one of the things I drew for the stream last night! :D made this sketch sometime last week and I just thought it might be a good candidate for the old lineless treatment teehee. Well, partially lineless, anyhow. listen I just think Sam deserves some kids to cuddle lmao
also shoutout to everybody accusing Lacey of being raw or sunburnt lmaoooooo I did give her a bit of an unfortunate color scheme in retrospect ^^;
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cringefail-clown · 5 months
ill be out of job in april, so i was thinking about opening commissions in march. never done it tbh, i dunno if anyone would even be interested, so i thought i'd make a poll to see how many of yall would potentially want a commission from me
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princehoneytea · 10 months
sorry no art in a hot second... ive been really burnt out for a long time now and its been miserable, ive been looking for a normie job for ages so that i can make art something i do for myself again and i havent had much luck but.
i have good news now.
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agent-kansass · 18 days
God I hate trainingg what do you mean I have to fistfight someone??
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giddlygoat · 4 months
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haven’t you ever played lick-tag??
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dogboyklug · 2 months
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splatfest art :] replaced my horrible handwriting with text because its bad.
hope everyones having a fun splatfest!!! GO TEAM BUNNIES!!!
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bleedeverywhere · 2 years
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foursidecity · 3 months
Still trying 2 decide if going to school for art is worth it or no because on one hand I'm always in a constant state of being afraid of someday getting bored at my art but on the other hand it's the only thing I do and it'd be fun
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ebbofcyanwhispers · 3 months
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[id: six sets of sam & max icons, with each set using the same sprites out of six. sam's icons have transparent sprites of him loading his gun, baby him with his hand on his face, and him carrying a large bag of groceries. max's icons have him peering into a bag, baby him poitning somewhere, and him giving a salute. each icon is of official art from steve purcell, drawn in his usual style. the icons are over the aqere, pup regressor, bunny regressor, and pet regressor variant flags. end id.]
links will be in the comments !
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free-boundsoul · 12 days
Id love a video with Gavin/Damn Fam dealing with Freelancer on the Solstice.
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