#free qa training
onlinetraininginusa · 4 months
Complete Resource for Free QA Training and Placement
Are you ready to fulfilling career journey in Quality Assurance (QA) but unsure where to start? Look no further! Dive into the comprehensive world of Free QA Training and Placement opportunities with our all-inclusive guide. Whether you're a seasoned professional seeking to sharpen your skills or a newcomer eager to break into the industry, we've got you covered. Let's explore how you can leverage this complete resource to launch your QA career to new heights.
Why QA : Ensuring Quality in Every Product
Software Quality Assurance Testing Training is the cornerstone of product development across various industries. From Software applications to manufacturing processes, QA ensures that products meet stringent quality standards and deliver exceptional user experiences. By mastering QA principles and techniques, you become an invaluable asset to any organization striving for excellence.
The Journey Begins: Free QA Training
Online Courses: Access a plethora of free online courses covering fundamental and advanced QA concepts. Platforms like Coursera, edX, and Udemy offer courses taught by industry experts, allowing you to learn at your own pace.
YouTube Tutorials: Dive into YouTube's vast repository of QA tutorials and lectures. From test automation to manual testing methodologies, you'll find an abundance of valuable resources to enhance your skills.
Open Source Tools: Embrace the power of open-source QA tools such as Selenium, JUnit, and Appium. Join online communities and forums dedicated to these tools to learn best practices and troubleshooting techniques.
Job Market: Placement Assistance
Resume Building: Craft a compelling resume that highlights your QA skills and experiences. Utilize free resume-building resources and templates available online to create a professional document that stands out to recruiters.
Mock Interviews: Practice mock interviews to hone your communication and problem-solving abilities. Seek feedback from mentors or join online communities where professionals offer mock interview sessions to help you prepare for real-world scenarios.
Job Portals and Networking: Explore job portals like Indeed, Glassdoor, and LinkedIn for QA job openings. Network with industry professionals through LinkedIn groups and forums to discover hidden job opportunities and gain insights into the QA field.
Additional Tips and Resources
Continuous Learning: Stay updated with the latest trends and advancements in QA by following industry blogs, attending webinars, and participating in online discussions. Lifelong learning is key to staying relevant in the ever-evolving QA landscape.
Certifications: Consider pursuing certifications such as ISTQB (International Software Testing Qualifications Board) to validate your QA expertise. Many certification bodies offer free study materials and practice exams to help you prepare for certification exams.
Soft Skills Development: Cultivate essential soft skills such as communication, teamwork, and time management. These skills are equally important in QA roles, enabling you to collaborate effectively with cross-functional teams and deliver quality results.
Unlock the door to endless opportunities with our complete resource for free QA training and placement. Whether you're aiming to land your dream job or advance your career, seize the chance to become a QA powerhouse today!
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voodoodaaddy · 1 month
//Very busy work day. I will not be able to be on until later tonight. I'll try and finish some drafts tonight.
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c1qfxugcgy0 · 2 months
adventures in QA
(previous post in this series)
My shop in Advanced Midbody - Carbon Wing (AMCW) at Large Aircraft Manufacturer (LAM) is at the very end of the composite fabrication building. Hundreds of people carefully lay up a hundred foot long slab of carbon fiber, cure it, paint it, and then we totally fuck it up with out of spec holes, scrapes, primer damage, etc. The people who write up our many defects are from the Quality Assurance (QA) department.
Every single screw and rivet on a LAM aircraft can be traced back to the mechanic who installed it. Back when even everything was done in pen and pencil, it was joked that the paper used to produce an aircraft outweighed the plane itself. Now that everything is computer-based, of course, the amount of paperwork is free to grow without limit.
(Haunting the factory is endless media coverage of an emergency exit door plug popping out of an Advanced Smallbody - Upengine (ASU) plane during a routine flight a few months ago. Unlike that airframe's notorious problems with MCAS, this was a straightforward paperwork screwup by a line worker: the bolts were supposed to be tightened, and they weren't.
As a result the higher ups have visited hideous tribulations on non-salaried workers. Endless webinars, structured trainings. Here at the Widebody plant we have received a steady flow of refugees from the Narrowbody factory, hair-raising tales of receiving one hundred percent supervision from the moment they clock in to the second they clock out from FAA inspectors who can recommend actual jail time for any lapse in judgement.)
A single hydraulic bracket Installation Plan (IP) is around four brackets. The team leads generally assign two bracket IPs per mechanic, since each bracket set is something like a foot apart, and while working on the plane is bad enough it's much worse to have another mechanic in your lap.
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Let me list the order of operations:
One: Find where you're supposed to install these brackets. This is harder than you might think.
Firstly, it's a hundred foot long plank of carbon fiber composite, with longitudinal stringers bonded to it to add stiffness. The stringers are pilot drilled in the trim and drill center, a truly Brobdingnagian CNC mill that trims off the composite flash at the edges and locates and drills part holes for us. But there's a lot of holes, so you must carefully find your set.
A minor difficulty is that the engineering drawings are laid out with the leading edge pointing up, while the wing panels in our cells hang from the trailing edge. Not so bad, you just rotate the paper 180 when orienteering, then rotate it back up to read the printed labels.
A major difficulty is that the drawings are from the perspective from the outside of the panel. But we work on the inside of the wing (obviously, that's where all the parts are installed) so we also flip the drawings and squint through the back of the paper, to make things line up.
Large Aircraft Manufacturer has a market cap of US$110 billion, and we're walking around the wing jig with sheets of paper rotated 180 and flipped turnways trying to find where to put brackets.
Oh well, we're paid by the hour.
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Two: Match drill the aluminum brackets to the carbon fiber composite stringer. I can devote an entire post to the subtleties of drilling carbon fiber, but I can already tell that this post is going to be a miserable slog, so I will merrily skip over this step.
Three: Vacuum up all the carbon dust and aluminum swarf created during this process. This step is not optional, as your team lead will remind you, his screaming mouth clouding your safety glasses with spittle at a distance of four inches. LAM is very serious about FOD. Every jet airliner you've ever ridden in is a wet wing design-- each interstitial space is filled with Jet A. There is no fuel bladder or liner-- the fuel washes right over plane structure and wing hardware. Any dirt we leave behind will merrily float into the fuel and be sucked right into the engines, where it can cause millions in damage. No place for metal shavings!
If you are nervous about flying, avoid considering that all the hydraulic lines and engine control cables dip into a lake of a kerosene on their way from the flight deck to the important machines they command. Especially do not consider that we're paid about as much per hour as a McDonalds fry cook to install flight-critical aviation components.
Four: Neatly lay out your brackets on your cart, fight for a position at a Shared Production Workstation (SPW) (of which we have a total of four (4) for a crew of thirty (30) mechanics) and mark your IP for QA inspection as Ready To Apply Seal.
Four: Twiddle your thumbs. Similarly, we have three QA people for thirty mechanics. This is not enough QA people, as I will make enormously clear in the following steps.
Five: Continue waiting. Remember, you must not do anything until a QA person shows up and checks the box. Skipping a QA step is a “process failure” and a disciplinary offense. From the outside, you can observe the numerous QA whistleblowers and say “golly, why would a mechanic ever cut a corner and ignore QA?” Well...
Six: QA shows up. Theoretically, they could choose to pick up the mahrmax you prepared for them and gauge every single hole you've drilled. But since we're three hours into the shift and they're already twenty jobs behind, they just flick their flashlight across the panel and say “looks good" and then sprint away. Can't imagine why our planes keep falling out of the sky.
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Seven: Apply the seal to the bracket. P/S 890 is a thick dark gray goop that adheres well to aluminum, carbon fiber, fabric, hair and skin. Once cured, it is completely immune to any chemical attack short of piranha solution, so if you get any on yourself you had better notice quick, otherwise it'll be with you as long as the layer of epidermis it's bonded to. LAM employees who work with fuel tank sealant very quickly get out of the habit of running their hands through their hair.
Eight: Now you wait again. Ha ha, you dumb asshole, you thought you were done with QA? No no, now you put up the job for QA inspection of how well you put the seal on the bracket. Twiddle your thumbs, but now with some urgency. The minute you took the bottle of seal out of the freezer, you started the clock on its "squeeze-out life." For this type of seal, on this job, it's 120 minutes. If QA doesn't get to you before that time expires, you remove your ticket, wipe off the seal, take another bottle out the freezer, and apply a fresh layer.
Nine: Optimistically, QA shows up in time and signs off on the seal. Well, you're 100 minutes into your 120 minute timer. Quickly, you slap the brackets onto the stringer, air hammer the sleeve bolts into position, thread nuts onto the bolts, then torque them down. Shove through the crowd and mark your IP "ready to inspect squeeze out"
Ten: Let out a long breath and relax. All the time sensitive parts are over. The criteria here is "visible and continuous" squeeze out all along the perimeter of the bracket and the fasteners. It is hard to screw this up, just glop on a wild excess of seal before installing it. If you do fail squeezeout, though, the only remedy is to take everything off, throw away the single-use distorted thread locknuts, clean everything up and try again tomorrow.
Eleven: QA approved squeeze out? Break's over, now we're in a hurry again. By now there's probably only an hour or two left in the shift, and your job now is to clean off all that squeeze out. Here's where you curse your past self for glopping on too much seal. You want to get it off ASAP because if you leave it alone or if it's too late in the shift and your manager does feel like approving overtime it'll cure to a rock hard condition overnight and you'll go through hell chipping it off the next day. You'll go through a hundred or so qtips soaked in MPK cleaning up the bracket and every surface of the panel within three feet.
Twelve: Put it up for final inspection. Put away all your tools. (The large communal toolboxes are lined with kaizen foam precisely cut out to hold each individual tool, which makes it obvious if any tool is missing. When you take a tool out, you stick a tool chit with your name and LAMID printed on it in its place. Lose a tool? Stick your head between your legs and kiss your ass goodbye, pal, because the default assumption is that a lost screwdriver is lurking in a hollow "hat" stringer, waiting to float out and damage some critical component years after the airplane is delivered.)
One tool you'll leave on your cart, however, is the pin protrusion gage. There is a minimum amount of thread that must poke outside of the permanent straight shank fastener's (Hi-Lok) nut, to indicate that the nut is fully engaged. That makes sense. But there's also a maximum protrusion. Why?
Well, it's an airplane. Ounces make pounds. An extra quarter inch of stickout across a thousand fasteners across a 30 year service life means tons of additional fuel burnt. So you can't use a fastener that's too long, because it adds weight.
On aluminum parts, it's hard to mess up. But any given composite part is laid up from many layers of carbon fiber tape. The engineers seemed to have assumed that dimensional variation would be normally distributed. But, unfortunately, we buy miles of carbon fiber at a time, and the size only very gradually changes between lots. When entire batches are several microns oversize, and you're laying up parts from fifty plies and an inch thick, you can have considerable variation of thickness on any given structural component. So you had better hope you had test fit all of your fasteners ahead of time, or else you'll be real sorry!
And, if you're really lucky, QA will show up five minutes before end of shift, pronounce everything within tolerance, then fuck off.
And that's how it takes eight hours to install eight brackets.
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halloweengirl1031 · 1 month
Undertale: The Other Timeline character list
the last human: its you! the angel of the underground. will you free them from this cave? or from life?
Flowey: your helpful companion! being the ghost of the former prince of the underground, he is very kind. he occasionally pops up throughout your journey, but he is very quick to anger. too much, and he'll go crazy.
Toriel: the caretaker of the ruins. when her two children died in the same day, she was sent into a depressive spiral, eventually locking herself in the ruins, unknowingly locking in everyone else who was already there. now she has made it her duty so that no other children face the same fate as hers.
Sans: one of the lower ranking royal guardsman. he always loved taking breaks, and so he did his maximum effort to get them faster! assisted by the robot, pebble, he tries to catch you to get the biggest break ever! paid vacation for the rest of his foreseeable future, or is it really?
Papyrus: sans's brother! he's the assistant to the top royal scientist, and created pebble to help his brother, because he is far too busy to help himself. he spends his days researching, playing video games, and watching anime with the top royal scientist!
Undyne: captain of the royal guard, and trains sans 'cause she know he's papyrus's brother, and her and papyrus are good friends. she loves to cook, go on runs, and go bug catching! you two sound like you would be good friends!
Napsta: The tired ghost of waterfall. when you fell to the lower parts of waterfall, napsta was blocking your path forward. when they heard how you [killed/spared/bored] their cousin in the ruins, they felt the obligation to take revenge, although they arent good at it.
Alphys: being the top royal scientist, shes been through many hardships. she currently lives in hotland with her best friend and lab assistant, papyrus! Maddy: she's the undergrounds favorite preformer! she has a lot of anger bursts, which she channels through song to make her feel better! she wants to team up with you to get famous in every nook and cranny of the underground! and a human is BIG NEWS!
QA: this anonymous individual is the news reporter of the underground. when you finish preforming with maddy, you are suddenly whisked away by them! and you have to participate in a... eugh- game show, to get away.
Asgore: he's the current king of the underground. he sends letters to toriel every day to comfort her. he has collected 6 human souls and kept them safe in jars, to eventually break out of the underground. every human they belonged to, has left an impact in the underground. you may find their influence everywhere...
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coderacha · 7 months
the year so far 🫧
passed my senior thesis project! super happy with how it turned out
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studied angular 2 and tailwind css
made my personal portfolio using angular and tailwind css <3 (still too busy to finish it though)
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started an internship!!
got a free datacamp scholarship
learned qa automation using selenium
learned mochajs
learned sharepoint web development
learned node.js
developed a customer training registration system from scratch using node.js, sharepoint online, and bootstrap in two weeks!
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now i'm confused about what i really want to pursue as a career because i've been jumping from project to project, and language to language. i still enjoy ui/ux design and front-end development, but i also like back-end now! full-stack is really overwhelming and stressful but satisfying. i'm interested in automated testing too. i also like managing projects. so idk what i want right now but so far i've liked learning and experiencing everything!! aaaaaaaaaa
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leonaluv · 6 months
Nirruti- "Goddess of Dissolution, Calamity and Destruction who Lives in the Kingdom of the Dead and is associated with the Powerful Goddess"
Mula thread Moonbyul -Idol (Mamamoo) Postion-Rapper.Mula sag moon She prefers dressing more conservatively. Before debut she was training to be singer and leader of a group. She also acts (all girls project) and still became known as a singer. recently she said she doesn't mind showing off..
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her solo she took on more of male idol concept which hasnt been done. A songwriter she has under 57 songs . She also always writes her own raps. Know for her dancing skill as well.
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Jaekyung friend of moonbyul sun sag mula .She was class President rank 2 . very smart
Jaekyung Rainbow Idol leader Now she works as an actress and qas know for her dancing ability. Also for intelligence because she rank first in her school. She was competing with others on show call Genuis . I think she later became known for her singing ability thx to mask singer..
Lee nayoung - Actress moon sag mula she play as a transgender trying to secretly keep a job in lady daddy. In another role she plays work as maid for her male best friend secretly. Later became a writer after divorcing her inconsiderate husband.
Lee da hae
sag 🌚 She often plays the role of an inspiring career woman trying to dominate in her field. Trying to break free of gender bias going against her male peers. She is fan of mmm and close with 🐮 byul. On running man, she became known for her competitive nature.
She might have mula in her moon in sag Suzy Bae-Idol turn actress. She play as this reporter same as Lee dae . Singer. Suzy might have this pada 1 moon in sag mula. Cf queen and know as the nation first love. Hong jin-kyung- sun sag mula 3Model turn entertainer
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Debut as a model although she cross dress as a male dancer back in the days. She did do some acting and was part of an all woman cast show which at that time was unheard of call sister slam dunk. She dresses up as a male actor as a prank. Ppl assume she was a comedian.
Ra Mi-Ran
he became known for her entertainer thanks to sister slam dunk a show about living your dreams. Known to be a jack of all trades despite her age. I remember she was talking about her marriage how her husband gamble stuff away. She had to work while pregnant.
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Jessi- sun sag Mula 1 Singer Although people think she is just a rapper. She said interview how she wanted to be known for her music over her image. Honestly her moon sign shows up more in Revati . She prefers dressing more comfortably and outspoken nature.
Nicolas's cage, sun Sagittarius Mula, he always has to go fight his darkness. Underworld, deity.
just made it to hell. It's so funny because her Sagittarius Sun, Mula , the hell dogs , and other themes fit so well. with Kassadrane
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Lucifer Morningstar by Luke Cook Sun Sagittarius Mula 🌙 Moon cancer Punarvasu Rahu pisces revati 👺 Ketu Virgo Chitra
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The music used to hit so differently in Disney Idk what happen love the venoricas. (As Aqu P.bhadra, Sun Pisces , and Moon Sagittarius Mula-Amk) the 2000 era punk -pop era
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comfy-whumpee · 1 year
Continuing the ‘mafia has a loyalty issue’ plotline... CN: guns and death threats.
@bloodybrambles​, @wildfaewhump​​, @ishouldblogmore​, @lektric-whump​​, @that-one-thespian​, @raigash​, @suspicious-whumping-egg​​, @eatyourdamnpears​
Joey Hancock had been working for Mr Dechart for almost a year. Before that he’d been a fence, and a decent one, but his eye for quality and detail had been better than required of someone pushing stock on the street. Someone had noticed and passed it up the chain, he’d gone through some extra training, and then came the promotion. Now, he was one of the quality assurance team.
There were lots of stops on a smuggler’s supply chain, and at any step along the way they ran the risk that someone would swap the goods for fakes. Joey’s team made sure they were always paying for the real deal.
There was a place for fakes and forgeries, Mr Dechart believed, and they had those in bulk elsewhere. But the real profit came from the luxury goods shipped tax-free and traceless. From tobacco to exotic meats, jewels to guns, whatever people wanted, they provided. Hell, they’d started the business with silk.
Joey hadn’t worked many places before he got into the mob. He’d done a fast food job, and a paper round. Working for old bitches with too much ego and not enough power had given him nothing to look forward to about work, but Mr Dechart was different. He listened, really listened. He trusted your opinions. At the same time, he was like everyone’s uncle. He told goofy jokes. He had Christmas lights put up and it wasn’t even the end of November. He was feeling out whether people wanted Italian or Chinese for the Christmas party.
Joey figured rich guys could afford to do stuff like Christmas parties, since they didn’t have to worry about making money all the time. For his own part, since moving up to the quality team, he’d bought a flat and upgraded every component of his PC. Even the graphics card.
Helped that those were shipped in, too. “We keep prices down,” the guys would joke. “Supply and demand.”
It was a good deal. Joey was always happy to do what it took to get a good life, the best life. Crime was no different.
Nor was snitching on his boss.
It wasn’t personal. He really did like working for the mafia. But there were some things he couldn’t get here; things money couldn’t buy. Mr Dechart wouldn’t know it was him, with how many people he had working for him. Joey was just some second-string QA guy who kept his ears open.
Of course, rumours started flying. Mr Dechart’s partner had been meeting with some higher-ups. There were loyalty issues somewhere and people wanted them sniffed out. There had been risks to Mr Dechart personally. Joey had heard a little about him being driven off the road one night, on his way to a meeting.
“He got shot at,” Laverne had told him, who knew the person who did Mr Dechart’s dry cleaning. “But he didn’t get hurt. We don’t know who it was, so people are on edge. We didn’t think anyone’d dare go for him like that.”
Joey looked surprised and pensive and didn’t say anything except, “Damn.”
In the weeks that followed, a few people got called away for meetings with Mr Dechart. They always came back and nobody seemed traumatised. Laverne went herself, nervous on the way there, happy on the way back. All fine. But nobody would explain what the meetings were about.
It was a month before Joey had his turn. He was in the warehouse on Southland Port and checking out some designer handbags, comparing them to the images he’d found online, and he got a shoulder tap. One of the personal guards had come for him. “Mr Dechart would like to borrow you,” he said, looking down at Joey on his chair without any visible expression. Pure neutrality.
Joey took a deep breath and reminded himself that this was the same as what had happened for the others. Nobody knew he’d said a few things to someone he shouldn’t have. Nobody knew what he’d bargained for. And they’d all do the same anyway, if they had the option.
He got up, leaving the bag on his desk. He quickly tucked his hands into his pockets, and then took them out again, not wanting to look too casual. He followed the escort to the office, where Mr Dechart had taken over that morning. He’d been waiting to get called in all day, today and all the days before.
Maybe someone pocketed a diamond, Joey thought hopefully. Maybe it’s something completely different.
As he opened the frosted-glass door to the office, Mr Dechart stood and smiled warmly at him. “Joey Hancock, good to see you.” They shook hands, his grip firm and palpably strong. Joey wasn’t short, but he was half the man’s size. “How have you been? I’m glad to see you’ve settled in here. Eduardo says you do good work.”
“Thank you, sir,” Joey said, trying to clear his throat as his words croaked. “I’m enjoying it.”
“Very good. The team have been performing well recently, though I can’t give sole credit to you. I’ve had only three complaints come back to us this quarter, so almost all the forgeries are being caught. There’s often a couple, or pieces that are just defective, but the more we catch, the better our connections value us.”
Joey nodded along, relieved as the conversation seemed to be on a familiar track.
Mr Dechart was wearing a pure white shirt you could see his muscles through, and he set an arm on his leg, showing an understated gemstone cufflink. Joey couldn’t tell if it was real; he’d never done jewellery, that was left for the real experts. The indication of wealth was subtle and classy, but god, it was scary. No amount of hard work could get Joey up there. This was a man who could buy his whole life from under him.
“Now, in terms of our meeting today, I’m sure you’re aware I’ve been having these one-to-ones with the team.” Mr Dechart smiled easily, but it didn’t reach his eyes. “You’ve heard rumours, I bet. I took a couple bullets, we knocked down the Mannington lot, and we had a little manhunt. It’s been a bit dramatic around here.”
Joey swallowed, unsure if he was meant to reply. He settled for a wobbly nod.
“I’ll be frank with you.” Mr Dechart leaned forwards, clasping his hands between his knees. His eyes were dark and magnetic. Joey couldn’t move. “We’re having a loyalty problem.”
His heart was hammering. Would everyone else have felt like this? The boss was terrifying when he wasn’t being a goof. Did Joey look more nervous than other people? Or had he already been found out? How?
“Is there anything you want to tell me, Joey?” Mr Dechart asked gently.
His throat bobbed. His stomach turned, churned and turned again. He shook his head slowly. If he admitted to it, he was dead. He knew he was. Mr Dechart only had three rules.
“I only have three rules.”
He knew the rules. They all knew the rules. But Mr Dechart said them anyway, methodical with each word.
“We don’t hurt children. We don’t keep slaves. And we don’t turn on each other.”
Joey thought he should nod again, but he couldn’t make himself move. Any slight twitch would give him away.
“Breaking the first two rules gets you in trouble. But the last one… That’s the big one. That gets you killed.”
He knew. He knew all of it already. His eyes were watering but he didn’t dare blink.
“Now if you’re innocent,” Mr Dechart continued, his eyes never pulling away, “I’m sure you’ll find that reassuring. You can head back to work feeling fine. There’s no risk to you. We’re just cleaning things up. You’ll keep your eyes and ears open, and pass on anything suspect you see.”
The words slid over him without sticking. He wasn’t innocent. Did they know? Could they tell?
“If you’re guilty…”
He couldn’t feel his hands.
“You should get your affairs in order. Alright?”
His whole body was buzzing.
“I’m expecting a ‘yes, sir’, Joey.”
His voice barely whispered as it left him. “Yes, sir.”
For a moment, nothing happened. Mr Dechart watched him, and Joey wondered if he was about to get a bullet to the head, right now. Was this it? Everything fucked?
When Mr Dechart rose, he flinched. Then he hurriedly stood too, surprised that his legs would hold him. They didn’t feel solid.
“Back to work now,” Mr Dechart told him, smiling that easy half-smile again. “And remember, if you’ve done nothing wrong, you’ve got nothing to worry about.”
Joey forced up a strained, desperate smile. “Thank you, sir.”
He felt the eyes follow him out, and tried for all the world to be as carefree as those before him.
 It was three torturous hours later that he finished work for the day. The time had passed in a blur, barely memorable now that it was over. He was pretty sure he’d done his work. He probably hadn’t just stood there the whole time listening to his heart pound in his ears. Someone would have noticed, and he’d been very careful to act normal.
The meetings proved Mr Dechart didn’t know it was him. Unless the meetings with the others had been to corroborate evidence, or warn them not to tell him anything, and maybe they all knew he was getting the chop but they hadn’t told him… But Mr Dechart had let him go. He was on his way home. So maybe it was all a bluff.
Either way, he wanted a backup plan. He wasn’t fucking risking getting shot. Once he was safely clear of work and in his car, he pulled over, and made a call.
“Martin speaking.”
The voice sounded calm. From a whole other world. He needed Martin to give a shit right now. “Martin, it’s Joey Hancock. They’re looking for the mole, they’re putting the screws on everyone. The boss is watching me. I don’t know if he knows. I need some protection.”
“Joey, slow down.” Martin was still calm. “What exactly were you told? Did they name any names or was it empty threats?”
Joey wanted to laugh, or maybe cry. A strange combination of both bubbled out of him. “You don’t understand. You don’t fucking understand, man. Mr Dechart doesn’t just sit on stuff like this. He’s going after the traitor ready to skin them. I’ve never seen him like that, he looked like he could kill me as a fucking afterthought.”
“Calm down, Joey—”
“You calm the fuck down! This is my fucking life. I wasn’t supposed to be in danger. I was supposed to do some shit for you and get the rest taken care of. You said, you s-said—”
“I know what I said.” Abruptly, the tone was soothing. Joey hiccupped back a sob. “We aren’t going to abandon you. You’re on your way to being one of us. We look after our own.”
We don’t turn on each other. Shit, he’s heard that before. But this asshole is all he’s got. “Okay. Fine. So what do I do? What do I do now?”
“You keep going.” Still, the soothing voice. Patronising, actually. Dickhead. “They don’t know who it is. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be here. So just act normal and forget about what you did for us. When things have died down, we’ll be in touch.”
“You’re abandoning me, you’re f-fucking leaving me to—”
“This is the safest thing to do. Running will make it obvious you’re guilty.”
“You were meant to make sure I could get away!”
“You will. When the time is right. Good luck, Joey.”
“You can’t—”
The call was ended. Shaking with rage and more besides, Joey thumbed the redial, but there was no response. The pulsing drone of the ring drove into his head until he threw the phone into the footwell and dropped his head against the steering wheel, letting out a shout of wordless frustration.
It was all so fucked. He’d said little things. Harmless things. But it had been shit about the Decharts’ kid. Harmless or not, it had crossed a line and he’d known it.
And he was meant to just keep coming and going at work like he was just a stupid, second-string QA guy.
He sat there wordlessly trying to work out an escape route for long enough that someone knocked on his window.
He looked over, wondering if he looked as shit as he felt. He rolled down the window.
“You okay, mate?”
“Yeah, fine.” Then he squinted at the face, cast in shadow from the sun behind him. “Do I know you?”
“Maybe.” Then there was a gun. “I know you. Put your hands on the wheel.”
Joey swallowed air. His thoughts blanked. That sure was a gun. Pointed right at him.
He put his shaking hands on the wheel. The familiar stranger reached through the window to unlock the doors, and got in the back. Joey glanced into the rear-view mirror, but he couldn’t see much. Half a face. A shoulder. No sign of what part of him was at the barrel.
This was all so very fucked.
“Alright, Joey. Nice and calm. Let’s drive back to the office, shall we?” The voice was almost in his ear. The man, the hand, the gun, were all too close. “Mr Dechart would like to see you.”
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teecupangel · 1 year
What do you think happened to Noob and Numbskull? I’m surprised they haven’t been properly introduced as established characters as Juhani Otso-Berg yet…
I personally think they will never be introduced as established characters together with Initiate because
They’re meant to represent the players.
Ubisoft seems to not want to talk about the modern day storyline of their Nameless Quiet Protagonists phase XD
So this is purely headcanons of mine and I’m adding Initiate to the mix because they’re like a buy 1 get 2 free deal for me…
Noob (Black Flag):
Canonically, they did leave Abstergo and it seemed Abstergo just let them go with Melanie citing that the main reason was that getting almost sacrificed by John Standish left them ‘shook up’.
Nobody. We had one researcher last year who was very talented. But it... it didn't work out. I think the episode with John Standish really shook everybody up.
I like the idea that they did just that. That they’re in therapy and have a less stressful job, maybe being a QA for office laptops or something and both the Assassins and the Templars are keeping an eye on them but not really doing anything.
But considering that Noob is known for having high Isu genes (for a human anyway), a possible idea is that they were almost captured by the Will of the First Bitch but they got saved by the Assassins. Shaun and Rebecca did start talking to them post-game so they do have a connection to the Assassins. Are they an Assassin? Probably but I think that what happened with John traumatized them and they prefer ‘desk work’ more than anything.
Honestly, it would nice if they’re part of the whole secret war. At least one of them can live a ‘peaceful’ life.
Numbskull (Rogue):
Okay, so for this one, I’m more on the side that they got proper Templar training via the Animus and they have the bleed of Shay Cormac. They might be a high ranking officer in Berg’s Sigma team too, might even have taken Violet’s old spot after her betrayal and death.
But they also hate being a Templar.
It was never a choice for them.
It was either be a Templar or die.
What else were they supposed to do?
So, for Numbskull, I think they took a page from Master Shay Cormac.
They ran away from the Templars. Sometime during the Layla Trilogy but I’m betting more on when Berg was captured by Layla.
They’ve gone AWOL and they’re using everything Berg has taught them to remain that way.
Will they join the Assassins? I think it would be more interesting if they didn’t. Maybe they’d act more like a distant secretive sorta ally with an agenda of their own.
But if you wanna add Watch_Dog to this, I can totally see them joining DedSec as it’s a group that would fuck Abstergo up but won’t have any actual connection with the Assassins. XD
Initiate (Unity and Syndicate):
They’re still part of Bishop’s group and they provide various supports for the other Assassins cells. Honestly, I always assumed Initiate is the primary ‘user’ for the games that don’t have an actual modern day protagonist so for any upcoming game that doesn’t have a modern day protagonist (Red/Jade/etc), Initiate will be my go-to nameless voiceless protagonist XD
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clanisknakta · 1 year
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Meet my confectionery crafters! Micah (Wildclaw) is a dragon who found his way into Isknakta looking for a place to practice and expand his candy making talents. His claws are always full of some kind of taffy or still warm hard candy. He's got a soft spot for children and will always sneak a bag of treats to a hatchling or beast child looking glum. Heath (Gaoler) supports his husband (Silicate) in his profession and hobby. His flowers smell of warm chocolate. Heath works as QA (Quality Assurance) for the sweets shop and when he's not looking over the morning's first set of candies, he's normally out front of the shop offering free samples and answering any questions pertaining to the candy making processes within. (omitting the secret ingredients of course!) Silicate (Tundra) specializes in chocolates, fudges, and "barks". Despite his fur, the Tundra found aid in his chocolate endeavors within Isknakta via the abundant magic and runes the clan has to offer. Imbuing his own body with runes, Silicate can focus on perfecting his chocolatiering ways without having to worry about shedding into the final product. Fizzle (Aether) is new on the scene, having arrived on Isk during the event that caused the Aethers to rain from the heavens. Despite the child's rough arrival, they became obsessed with the sweet shop and demanded to be trained in the art of candy making. Micah can't seem to catch a moment's peace with Fizzle constantly running rampant with his candy experiments. So far, though, they've managed to whip up a delightful citrus fizzy popper candy and it seems to be a huge hit with the locals!
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peritossolutions · 2 years
Custom application development services
There is no such thing as perfect software. No matter what configuration you want while buying software off-the-shelf, there will probably always be inefficiencies, a lack of specific features that your business requires, and/or the need for some data management to connect your software stack. No matter what configuration you’re assured, there’s always going to be some manual manipulation of data to hook up your software stack, or some clunky inefficiency you require to bear, ultimately resulting in worse ROI. But it doesn’t have to be this way if your business growth matter to you. Custom software or custom applications present huge advantages over standard solutions, especially if you’re looking to overhaul your business process management and digital transformation initiatives. By working with a custom application or custom software development services provider, you can build scalable web and mobile applications that fit your business needs and put you in control to get better efficiency and save time, cost, and effort. Feel free to reach us today to have your custom application development done.
In fact, custom applications are not as expensive as you might think, and can tender considerable advantages over out-of-the-box results, particularly when it comes to business process management and digital transformation. With every passing day, you make certain crucial decisions to lift your business a level up, those decisions range from budgeting, development, outsourcing, return on investment and competitive benefit. As a smart and attentive business owner or decision maker, you are very much like an passionate performer, balancing your business’ instant needs with its long-term needs and growth. As we all know that business growth always leads to a great competitive advantage for enterprises. The reasonable advantages they obtain through the kind of tech company use, customized solutions develop engagement models, make, and the customer experience delivers to the end-customers. However, nowadays businesses today are facing vicious competition and challenges with each passing day.
Here are some of the excellent benefits of making a custom application for your business which will no doubt help your business grow in many ways.
• Automate repetitive tasks • More cost-effective in the long run • More secure against external threats • Everyone can access the data they need • High Security • Enables you to flex and scale more easily • Seamless integration with your business processes • Facilitate collaboration • Enables long-term continuous support
Peritos Solution is the market leader when it comes to Custom application development services , be it Mobile or Web App. We have helped clients in designing, creating, deploying, and maintaining software for a specific set of users at an organization level as well as for the end-users. We take a consultative and combined approach to custom application development while following best practices to make sure your final solutions meets all of your business needs and is highly secure and reliable.  Your custom application will be put through a widespread quality assurance (QA) testing process to ensure our software components are stable, error free and optimized for better performance. We take a consultative and combined approach to custom application development while following best practices to make sure your final solutions meets all of your business needs and is highly secure and reliable.  Your custom application will be put through an widespread quality assurance (QA) testing process to ensure our software components are stable, error free and optimized for better performance. We also conduct user training and provide ongoing post-implementation support to ensure your solution is well established and all issues are resolved in a timely manner. Feel free to reach us today to have your custom application development done. We also conduct user training and provide ongoing post-implementation support to ensure your solution is well established and all issues are resolved in a timely manner. Feel free to reach us today to have your custom application development done.
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jobposting01 · 2 years
USA job posting
Hi Everyone, Hope doing good We are providing   practical online  #LIVE training and placement on #IT Technologies and non IT Technologies Free training on python,ui and dot net #direct marketing # resume guidelines We provide tips for  interview  and also provide project based training. We could provide quick placement on# IT Technologies. And #non IT technologies # salary hikes #open pay rate We are looking for candidates with proper work authorization in USA. We work on java, java ui, .net, python, salesforce, devops, data science and QA Selenium Join with magnus technologies solutions make your dreams come true Interested candidates, please call me or message me Ph no:(469)421-7003 Wats up :(469)421-7003 Email id:[email protected]
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Managed Learning Services Market | In-Depth Analysis in 84 Pages
🌐 [No. of pages: 84 ] Managed Learning Services Market Outlook 2024-2032: Unlocking Growth with Cutting-Edge Analytics: 🌐
Managed Learning Services Market Research Report 2024 - [84 Pages Report] Request Free Sample PDF
The Managed Learning Services market is seeing significant growth due to the widespread adoption of advanced applications. Technological advancements are enabling businesses to enhance their operations and achieve greater efficiency. The demand for Managed Learning Services solutions is driven by the need for innovation and improved performance across various sectors. Companies are investing in new technologies to maintain a competitive edge and address evolving market needs. This ongoing evolution promises continued growth and development in the Managed Learning Services market. The integration of advanced applications is set to transform industry practices and drive future opportunities.
Who is the largest manufacturers of Managed Learning Services Market worldwide?
GP Strategies (U.S.)
QA (U.K.)
Learning Tree International (U.S.)
Capita People Solutions (U.K.)
Infopro Learning (U.S.)
Hemsley Fraser Group (U.K.)
Schouten Global (Netherlands)
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Short Description About Managed Learning Services Market:
The Global Managed Learning Services market is anticipated to rise at a considerable rate during the forecast period, between 2024 and 2032. In 2023, the market is growing at a steady rate and with the rising adoption of strategies by key players, the market is expected to rise over the projected horizon.
North America, especially The United States, will still play an important role which cannot be ignored. Any changes from United States might affect the development trend of Co-Living. The market in North America is expected to grow considerably during the forecast period. The high adoption of advanced technology and the presence of large players in this region are likely to create ample growth opportunities for the market.
Europe also play important roles in global market, with a magnificent growth in CAGR During the Forecast period 2024-2032.
Co-Living Market size is projected to reach Multimillion USD by 2032, In comparison to 2024, at unexpected CAGR during 2024-2032.
Despite the presence of intense competition, due to the global recovery trend is clear, investors are still optimistic about this area, and it will still be more new investments entering the field in the future.
This report focuses on the Co-Living in global market, especially in North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific, South America, Middle East and Africa. This report categorizes the market based on manufacturers, regions, type and application.
The report focuses on the Co-Living market size, segment size (mainly covering product type, application, and geography), competitor landscape, recent status, and development trends. Furthermore, the report provides detailed cost analysis, supply chain.
Technological innovation and advancement will further optimize the performance of the product, making it more widely used in downstream applications. Moreover, Consumer behavior analysis and market dynamics (drivers, restraints, opportunities) provides crucial information for knowing the Co-Living market.
What are the types of Managed Learning Services available in the Market?
Based on Product Types the Market is categorized into Below types that held the largest Managed Learning Services market share In 2024.
Sourcing External Training
L&D Administration
Supplier Management
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Which regions are leading the Managed Learning Services Market?
North America (United States, Canada and Mexico)
Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia and Turkey etc.)
Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, Australia, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia and Vietnam)
South America (Brazil, Argentina, Columbia etc.)
Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa)
This Managed Learning Services Market Research/Analysis Report Contains Answers to your following Questions
What are the global trends in the Managed Learning Services market? Would the market witness an increase or decline in the demand in the coming years?
What is the estimated demand for different types of products in Managed Learning Services? What are the upcoming industry applications and trends for Managed Learning Services market?
What Are Projections of Global Managed Learning Services Industry Considering Capacity, Production and Production Value? What Will Be the Estimation of Cost and Profit? What Will Be Market Share, Supply and Consumption? What about Import and Export?
Where will the strategic developments take the industry in the mid to long-term?
What are the factors contributing to the final price of Managed Learning Services? What are the raw materials used for Managed Learning Services manufacturing?
How big is the opportunity for the Managed Learning Services market? How will the increasing adoption of Managed Learning Services for mining impact the growth rate of the overall market?
How much is the global Managed Learning Services market worth? What was the value of the market In 2023?
Who are the major players operating in the Managed Learning Services market? Which companies are the front runners?
Which are the recent industry trends that can be implemented to generate additional revenue streams?
What Should Be Entry Strategies, Countermeasures to Economic Impact, and Marketing Channels for Managed Learning Services Industry?
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About Us:
Global Market Statistics is a unique organization that offers expert analysis and accurate data-based market intelligence, aiding companies of all shapes and sizes to make well-informed decisions. We tailor inventive solutions for our clients, helping them tackle any challenges that are likely to emerge from time to time and affect their businesses.
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itonlinetraining12 · 18 days
Why Enrolling in Software Testing Courses with Placement is a Smart Career Move
The IT industry is booming, with software development at the core of its rapid growth. As new applications and systems are developed, the need for rigorous testing becomes crucial to ensure quality, reliability, and user satisfaction. This necessity has created a high demand for skilled software testers who can guarantee that software products meet the required standards before reaching the market. Enrolling in software testing courses Quality assurance software training opportunities is an excellent way to enter this lucrative field, offering a blend of technical skills, job readiness, and career security. This article explores why choosing a software testing course with placement is a smart career move, detailing the benefits and opportunities it presents.
The Growing Demand for Software Testers
The digital transformation across various industries has led to a surge in software development, consequently increasing the demand for software testers. Quality assurance (QA) is no longer a supplementary process but a fundamental part of the software development lifecycle. Companies are increasingly prioritizing the role of software testers to ensure their products are free of bugs and perform optimally under all conditions. This rising demand is evident in the job market, where software testers are sought after by tech giants, startups, and even non-tech companies aiming to enhance their digital infrastructure.
Why Choose a Software Testing Course?
Comprehensive Knowledge and Skill Development: Software testing courses provide a structured learning environment where students can gain comprehensive knowledge of testing methodologies, tools, and techniques. These courses cover various aspects of software testing, including manual testing, automated testing, performance testing, and security testing. By enrolling in a software testing course, students can learn how to use popular testing tools like Selenium, QTP, and LoadRunner, equipping them with the skills needed to handle real-world testing scenarios.
Understanding Industry Standards and Best Practices: A significant advantage of formal training in software testing is the focus on industry standards and best practices. Courses are designed to align with the latest trends and technologies, ensuring that students are up-to-date with current market requirements. This knowledge is crucial as it helps testers understand the critical quality benchmarks and how to implement them effectively during the testing process.
Hands-On Experience: Theoretical knowledge is essential, but hands-on experience is invaluable in software testing. Many software testing courses include practical sessions and projects that simulate real-world testing environments. These projects allow students to apply what they've learned, troubleshoot issues, and develop problem-solving skills. This hands-on approach not only reinforces learning but also builds confidence, preparing students to tackle complex testing challenges in their careers.
Certification and Credibility: Completing a software testing course often results in certification, which serves as a testament to a candidate's skills and knowledge. Certifications from recognized institutions can enhance a candidate's resume, providing credibility and making them more attractive to potential employers. In a competitive job market, having a certification can give candidates an edge, demonstrating their commitment to the profession and their readiness to contribute to the organization.
The Importance of Placement Opportunities
Bridging the Gap Between Education and Employment: One of the main challenges faced by graduates is the transition from education to employment. Placement opportunities provided by software testing courses help bridge this gap by offering students direct access to job openings in reputable companies. These placements are often facilitated through partnerships between training institutes and industry players, providing a smooth pathway from learning to earning.
Gaining Real-World Experience: Placement opportunities allow students to gain real-world experience by working on live projects. This experience is invaluable, as it enables students to understand the practical applications of their knowledge, adapt to industry workflows, and interact with experienced professionals. The exposure gained through placements enhances a student’s resume, making them more marketable and increasing their chances of securing permanent employment.
Building Professional Networks: Placements provide an excellent opportunity to build professional networks. By working alongside seasoned professionals, students can establish connections that may prove beneficial in their future careers. Networking with industry experts can lead to mentorship opportunities, recommendations, and even future job offers. Building a strong professional network is crucial in any career, and placements offer a platform to start this process early.
Increasing Job Security and Career Progression: Starting a career with the backing of a placement not only provides job security but also opens avenues for career progression. Companies investing in training and placing software testers are often looking for long-term hires. Successful placements can lead to full-time job offers, and with continuous learning and upskilling, software testers can quickly move up the career ladder to roles like QA lead, test manager, or even QA director.
Benefits of a Career in Software Testing
High Demand and Job Stability: As previously mentioned, the demand for software testers is high and continues to grow. This demand translates into job stability and numerous opportunities for professionals in the field. Software testing is a career with a low risk of automation, as it requires critical thinking, problem-solving, and a human touch to identify and resolve complex issues.
Attractive Salary Packages: The high demand for skilled software testers means that companies are willing to offer attractive salary packages to secure top talent. Entry-level positions are well-compensated, and with experience and expertise, software testers can command higher salaries. Additionally, professionals who specialize in niche areas of testing, such as security testing or performance testing, often earn premium wages.
Continuous Learning and Skill Development: The field of software testing is dynamic, with new tools, technologies, and methodologies emerging regularly. This environment provides continuous learning opportunities, allowing software testers to constantly upgrade their skills and stay relevant in the industry. For those who enjoy learning and adapting to new challenges, software testing offers a fulfilling and ever-evolving career.
Diverse Career Opportunities: Software testing is not limited to a specific type of software or industry. Testers can work on a wide range of projects, from web applications and mobile apps to enterprise software and embedded systems. This diversity allows software testers to explore different domains and industries, gaining a broad understanding of various technologies and business processes.
Work-Life Balance: Many software testing roles offer flexibility in terms of working hours and remote work options. This flexibility can lead to a better work-life balance, allowing professionals to manage their personal and professional lives effectively. The ability to work remotely is particularly appealing in today’s digital age, where many companies are adopting flexible work arrangements.
Choosing the Right Software Testing Course
Accreditation and Reputation: When choosing a software testing course, it's important to consider the accreditation and reputation of the training provider. Reputable institutions with recognized accreditation ensure that the course content is of high quality and aligned with industry standards.
Course Content and Curriculum: The course content should be comprehensive, covering all essential aspects of software testing. Look for courses that offer modules on both manual and automated testing, as well as specialized topics like performance testing, security testing, and test management. A well-rounded curriculum prepares students for a variety of roles within the software testing domain.
Placement Assistance: Placement assistance is a key factor when choosing a software testing course. Ensure that the course offers robust placement support, including resume building, interview preparation, and access to job opportunities. Placement assistance should also include partnerships with companies that are actively hiring software testers.
Hands-On Training: Practical experience is crucial in Software testing course. Look for courses that offer hands-on training through labs, projects, and real-world scenarios. This experience is invaluable and will give students a competitive edge when entering the job market.
Instructor Expertise: The quality of instructors can greatly influence the learning experience. Choose courses taught by experienced professionals who have a deep understanding of the software testing field. Instructors with industry experience can provide valuable insights, real-world examples, and practical advice that go beyond textbook knowledge.
Enrolling in a qa courses online is a smart career move for anyone looking to enter the IT industry. With the growing demand for skilled software testers, comprehensive knowledge, hands-on experience, and placement opportunities are key to securing a successful career in this field. A well-chosen course provides a solid foundation, equipping students with the skills needed to excel in software testing roles and paving the way for long-term career growth. By choosing a course that offers placement support, students can transition seamlessly from learning to earning, building a rewarding career in software testing.
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capital123 · 1 month
Top Mechanical QA/QC Courses in Trivandrum: Enhance Your Career Prospects with Expert Training
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In today’s competitive job market, specialized skills are crucial for career advancement. If you are in the field of mechanical engineering, enrolling in mechanical QA/QC courses in Trivandrum can be a game-changer. These courses not only enhance your technical expertise but also prepare you for a wide range of opportunities in the quality assurance and quality control sector. In this blog, we’ll explore the top courses available in Trivandrum and how they can boost your career prospects.
 1. Understanding the Importance of Mechanical QA/QC Training
Mechanical QA/QC (Quality Assurance/Quality Control) is a critical aspect of the manufacturing and engineering industries. It ensures that products meet specific standards and are free from defects. By enrolling in mechanical QA/QC courses in Trivandrum, you gain the necessary skills to oversee these processes, making you an invaluable asset to any organization. These courses cover various aspects, including inspection techniques, material testing, and compliance with international standards, which are essential for maintaining product quality.
 2. Top Institutes Offering Mechanical QA/QC Courses in Trivandrum
Choosing the right institute is crucial when it comes to pursuing a QA/QC course in Trivandrum. Trivandrum is home to several reputed institutions that offer comprehensive mechanical QA/QC training programs. These courses are designed by industry experts and provide hands-on experience, ensuring you are well-prepared for the job market. Some of the top institutes include:
- Tandem Institute: Known for its industry-oriented curriculum and experienced faculty, Tandem offers a well-rounded mechanical QA/QC course.
- SMEC Labs: Specializes in providing advanced training with a focus on real-world applications, making it a preferred choice for aspiring QA/QC professionals.
- CADD Centre: Offers a blend of theoretical knowledge and practical training, ensuring a thorough understanding of QA/QC principles.
 3. Key Modules Covered in Mechanical QA/QC Courses
When enrolling in a mechanical QA/QC course in Trivandrum, it’s essential to understand the curriculum and what it entails. Most courses cover a wide range of topics to equip you with the necessary skills and knowledge. Key modules often include:
- Quality Management Systems (QMS): Learn the principles of QMS and how to implement them in a mechanical engineering environment.
- Inspection and Testing Techniques: Gain expertise in various inspection methods, including non-destructive testing (NDT) and material testing.
- International Standards and Codes: Familiarize yourself with industry standards such as ISO 9001, ASME, and ASTM, which are crucial for quality control.
- Project Management: Understand the role of QA/QC in project management and how to ensure that quality is maintained throughout the project lifecycle.
 4. Career Benefits of Completing a Mechanical QA/QC Course in Trivandrum
Completing a mechanical QA/QC course in Trivandrum opens up numerous career opportunities. The demand for QA/QC professionals is on the rise, especially in sectors like oil and gas, construction, and manufacturing. By obtaining this qualification, you position yourself as a competitive candidate for roles such as:
- Quality Control Engineer: Responsible for ensuring that manufacturing processes meet industry standards.
- Inspection Engineer: Conducts inspections and tests to verify the quality of products and materials.
- Project Quality Manager: Oversees the quality aspects of engineering projects, ensuring compliance with standards and regulations.
- Supplier Quality Engineer: Manages the quality of products supplied by vendors, ensuring they meet the required specifications.
 5. How to Choose the Right Mechanical QA/QC Course for You
With so many options available, selecting the right QA/QC course in Trivandrum can be challenging. Here are some tips to help you make an informed decision:
- Accreditation: Ensure the course is accredited by a recognized body, which adds value to your qualification.
- Faculty Expertise: Look for courses taught by industry professionals with extensive experience in mechanical QA/QC.
- Practical Training: Opt for a course that offers hands-on training and real-world applications to enhance your learning experience.
- Placement Assistance: Check if the institute provides placement support to help you secure a job after completing the course.
In conclusion, enrolling in mechanical QA/QC courses in Trivandrum is an excellent way to boost your career prospects in the engineering field. These courses provide you with the technical skills and knowledge needed to excel in quality assurance and quality control roles. By choosing the right course and institute, you can pave the way for a successful career in this high-demand sector. Whether you are a fresh graduate or an experienced professional looking to upskill, a QA/QC course in Trivandrum can be your gateway to new opportunities.
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thara333 · 2 months
The Essential Reasons to Learn Selenium for Automation Testing
Automation testing has become a critical aspect of software development, ensuring the quality and reliability of web applications. Selenium, as one of the leading tools in this field, offers numerous benefits that can significantly enhance your career and improve your testing processes. Here's why learning Selenium is a valuable investment.
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Embracing Selenium's capabilities becomes even more accessible and impactful with Selenium Training in Chennai.
Extensive Use in Web Automation
Selenium is highly regarded for its robust capabilities in web automation. Its compatibility with multiple browsers and platforms makes it a versatile tool for testing web applications in diverse environments. Learning Selenium opens up a wide range of job opportunities and projects that require advanced web automation skills.
Multi-Language Support
One of Selenium's key advantages is its support for various programming languages, including Java, C#, Python, Ruby, and JavaScript. This flexibility allows you to utilize your existing programming knowledge or expand your skills by learning a new language, making Selenium accessible to a broad audience of developers and testers.
Cost-Effective and Open-Source
As an open-source tool, Selenium is free to use and benefits from a vibrant, active community that continuously contributes to its development. This cost-effectiveness makes it an attractive option for both individuals and organizations looking to implement high-quality automation testing without significant financial investment.
Seamless Integration with Other Tools
Selenium integrates effortlessly with numerous other tools and frameworks, such as TestNG, JUnit, and Cucumber for behavior-driven development (BDD). It also works well with continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) tools like Jenkins, enhancing its utility in automated testing pipelines and DevOps processes.
Parallel Testing Capabilities
With Selenium Grid, a component of Selenium, you can execute tests in parallel across multiple machines and browsers. This feature significantly reduces testing time and boosts efficiency, particularly for large-scale projects that require comprehensive test coverage.
To unlock the full potential of Selenium and master the art of web automation, consider enrolling in the Top Selenium Online Training.
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Abundant Community Resources
Selenium boasts an active and supportive community, providing an abundance of resources, tutorials, forums, and documentation. This extensive support network is invaluable for learning, troubleshooting, and staying up-to-date with best practices, ensuring you have access to the guidance needed to master Selenium.
Practical Applications in the Real World
Gaining proficiency in Selenium equips you with practical skills for real-world applications, such as automating regression tests, conducting load testing, and validating user interfaces. These capabilities are essential for maintaining the reliability and functionality of web applications across various industries.
Boost Your Career Prospects
Selenium expertise is highly sought after in the software testing and quality assurance (QA) domains. Proficiency in this tool can significantly enhance your career prospects, as many companies look for skilled professionals to improve their testing processes and ensure the delivery of high-quality software.
Customization and Flexibility
Selenium offers the flexibility to create custom scripts tailored to specific testing needs. Its ability to interact with web elements in a browser environment enables the development of customized automation solutions that meet unique project requirements.
Gateway to Learning Other Tools
Mastering Selenium can serve as a foundation for exploring other automation tools and frameworks. As you build your skills, you'll be well-positioned to delve into additional technologies and methodologies in the automation testing landscape, broadening your expertise and career potential.
Investing time to learn Selenium brings numerous advantages, from enhancing your technical capabilities and career opportunities to improving the efficiency and effectiveness of your testing processes. Whether you are a software tester, developer, or IT professional, mastering Selenium can profoundly impact your ability to deliver high-quality web applications. Embracing this powerful tool not only provides you with valuable automation skills but also positions you at the forefront of the constantly evolving field of software testing.
By integrating Selenium into your skill set, you become a more versatile and capable professional, ready to meet the challenges of modern software development and quality assurance.
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ardhra2000 · 2 months
Top 8 Reasons why you should hire AppsRhino's Testing Engineers
A Testing Engineer, QA tester, or analyst for software quality assurance is in charge of studying and examining any updated programs to ensure that they perform properly. As a result, the objective of a QA engineer is to eliminate any issues to create apps that are bug- and glitch-free.
Because the first thing a software tester needs to learn is a priority, he unwittingly becomes an excellent time manager. You are usually given a module/functionality to test and a deadline and must provide output. These regular trials teach you how to prioritize tasks.
It's simple when you can connect testing to real life. Make it a habit to think about or continually build test cases for how to test a train, a vegetable, or a monument and see how it helps you in the future. It will assist your mind is constantly generating thoughts and connecting tests to real things.
Team augmentation implies that a company's management team retains control over all staff and priorities. You preserve decision-making power and secure the project by delegating work to a software tester or QA engineer. 
Trained Testing engineers can help ensure timely delivery and a stable release in ways your team cannot. You risk a smooth release as output increases and the project accelerates.
Skills tests simplify hiring top testing engineer candidates while eliminating bias. We understand that a good employee can make a big difference in your company. That is why we consistently enhance their quality to ensure a smooth hiring process for you.
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