#free my boy Ralph they did him so dirty
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orbofrommyshows · 4 months ago
So I'm sick as fuck and need an outlet for my bag of emotions, so this is going to be a rant/scream about something that still to this day bothers me about RBTI from all the way back to when I first saw it like... half a decade ago I think? If you'd like to listen to me take a whack at the ol' punching bag enjoy below the readmore :D
Okay. Look. So I've only seen RBTI once and it was nearly five years ago, since I've never found it worth it to go through any amount of effort to pirate it myself, so my memory of it is a little bit spotty, but even then one tiny petty little thing really stuck a fucking prick in my side and has been something that I have remained miffed about ever since.
So you have this movie, right? And it's gotta to have a musical number for some fucking reason, right? And it's gotta subvert the classic Disney princess song formula in some way, right? And there's a joke about your princess character not really having a song she can think of to sing when the concept first comes up, right? AND YOU HAVE JOHN C REILLY IN YOUR CAST, RIGHT?
I just...... it's like they had something, they were so close to something, and they fumbled it! And it's not even that I really had a huge problem with the musical number that was in the movie, I just wasn't all that interested in it over the million things they could've done with Ralph having a princess song. Unfortunately, that would require Disney to be anything other than a bunch of queerphobic cowards so even when they have the vocal talents of Mr. Fucking Cellophane himself on their cast as Ralph they can't let Ralph have an earnest princess song.
They robbed us man.
They fucking robbed us.
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everettes-requiem · 2 months ago
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why talk about the others when i can talk about myself? i find it rather offensive you’re even asking about them.. but oh well. at least it’s about my opinion and not a “oh how are they?” “say hi to someone for me!”, otherwise i would have gone mad.
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some are more bearable than others,
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for example: simon, despite being all loony and ruining the choir’s look with his constant faints and i assure you, it is majorly trying to have to haul his addled self up to a place where he can rest, he can be dare i say pleasant sometimes. he may speak nonsense at times, but he’s one to help, useful, and i guess he’s... kind, something very far and few inbetween. perhaps that’s why no one really likes him, people don’t like those who are different. he’s still very much batty ‘hough, it would be better if he didn’t share his thoughts
then there’s ralph. he’s, fine i suppose. it’s just, it’s rather hard to tell with him. i mean, it’s difficult to form a solid opinion on him considering he… he’s odd, and little seem to notice it or see him that way. i don’t know how else to describe it which is shocking, i know. as someone who got full marks in writing, you’d think i’d have enough adjectives known to describe him. but, even then, there are special cases. my father told me you don’t want to be special, at least not like that, because then you’ll be sent where the mental are. i’m special though, but in a reverenced way and i don’t mean he’s odd like a roger odd, or maurice odd. it’s just, one moment he’s splashing about in the water like a littlun and the next he’s so serious about duties. first he’s so friendly with that god awful merridew, and next he’s to simon, and then he and piggy are attached. he’s a leader, and suddenly he’s a coward. but, as much as i would like to keep going i can’t say much, to be fair i did vote for him even if it was only to spite merridew
i do absolutely hate it ‘hough when he’s always going “everette! go and build a hut!”, get it in your mind that i’ve self designated myself to fire duty. why ask me to build a hut? im not going to get all dirty, you mangy ket.
oh and don’t get me started on piggy. it’s always all blether with him, i can barely stand him. even me saying his name is making my head hurt because apparently that’s all he likes to do. i’ll admit, his ideas could have a smidge of potential if it weren’t for how narking he is, it’s all whine with him and all he talks about is “oh but my aunt” and “ralph, my asthma!”. the only thing he’s useful for isn’t even himself, but his glasses. i mean, how else would we start the fire? i’m sure if he didn’t have those then he would have lived true to his name, all the other boys would have butchered him by now, if he wasn’t already slaughtered by the amount offenses thrown his way.
merridew, jack merridew. the way he speaks, the way he looks, the way he acts, the way his gritting voice sings kyrie eleison? he’s an absolute fool and i hate him, i despise every part of him. and you might be saying that i’m over exaggerating, that i simply am overestimating the extent of it, but i know well how i feel about him. everyone knows it, i know it, he knows it, and i have no problem letting you know either. you wanted to know my opinion so badly after all. you wouldn’t understand.
merridew has always been someone who has been intertwined into my life no matter how much i try to untangle myself. in school he was always the one to raise his hand first, just a second before me. in choir he was always the one appointed to lead small sections for some reason while the director was gone for a few moments despite the fact i sing better, i keep counts better. when there was church it seemed as though his bible was apart of him, praise following him for being so devout. i knew how he truly was though, i knew that the choir prefect, chapter choister, merridew was really just a pathetic boy.
one day, i told myself. i’d be free, be rid, from the wretchedness that consumed me. but no, god had other plans. grace was not given when we crashed on this island. stuck with merridew, more stuck than i ever have been. the way he’s so adamant about hunt, about that pursuit for blood. the way he sharpens a stick made spear, found no doubt about the bouts of forest. salvation, i need salvation. hate, gods i hate him. i hate him, i hate his freckled face, i hate his eyesore ginger hair, i hate the way he looks at me. he will never be better than me.
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— everette ainsworth
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idy-ll-ique · 4 years ago
Pairing: Chris Evans x F!Reader
Genre: nothing but floofy-floof
Warnings: none
Requested: nope
Summary: in which you can hear the voice of your soulmate in your head and Y/N's soulmate is someone really special— her celebrity crush.
Author's Note: Hiya peeps! do y'all know how long ago I wrote this fic, like— at least 2 years ago. damn. so in advance, im sorry if there are any grammatical mistakes or bad punctuation in the fic that I forgot to correct (apology for bad english 😌)
oh and
bold/italics - chris
only italics - y/n
Hey, you still there?
Y/N snapped out of a trance and focused on the voice. Yeah, yeah I'm still there, she thought to herself. She was hearing the voice of her soulmate, or rather, was speaking to him, telepathically. The thing is, you could hear the voice of your soulmate in your head. You could talk, hold conversations, but the only thing was that you couldn't ask for their name.
You had to guess. Most of the people made plans, like let's meet here or there and concentrate hard enough, I'll see your name written on a paper. It was a thing, I mean, if you concentrated hard enough, you could see what your soulmate was doing. It was like a cheat code of sorts. Most of them found their soulmate in that way.
You see, Y/N loved surprises, so she wasn't going to find her soulmate just yet. Y/N wanted to figure it out for herself. Your soulmate couldn't hear every single one of your thoughts, though (which was how she had zoned out mid-conversation). Listen, we should meet up sometime.
Aw, already? she thought with a pout on her lips. Yes, I'm very excited to meet you, I've been waiting for too long, the voice replied, chuckling. It was a manly voice, really deep and raspy. She loved it. When Y/N was small, about 4-5 years old, all she could hear were swear words and dirty thoughts; characteristics of a teenage boy.
From that, she inferred, that soulmate was much older than her, about 8-9 years older than her. She didn't mind, She was kind of into older guys anyway… But I like this game we have! Why do you want to ruin it? she asked, shaking her head. Alright, sweetheart, just for you, I'm holding back. But I don't have much patience, the voice laughed. Y/N smiled.
Without even meeting her, Chris loved the voice in his head. She sounded so sweet and welcoming, maybe she was younger than him. He couldn't wait to meet her. Chris had tried to plan their meeting for so long now, but she just wouldn't give in. She was also a feisty one. He smiled to himself as he walked down the street, engaged in thoughts about his soulmate.
In his haste, he accidentally bumped into someone. "I'm so sorry!" he blurted out, instead hearing a soft ouch, shit in his head. His brows furrowed. The lady he had bumped into just kept on walking. Are you alright? he asked his soulmate in his mind. Yeah, just bumped into someone while walking.
I bumped into someone just now too! he told her excitedly, still staring at the lady who had now stopped in her tracks. She turned around, scanning the crowd. Then she looked at him, but maybe she didn't realize that she had bumped into him. Holy shit, I see— Then it all went blank. See what? Chris questioned desperately.
He still wasn't sure whether the woman he had just bumped into was his soulmate or not.
Why can't I say the name of the guy who played the role of Captain America?
Chris froze and stared at the lady, jaw dropped. She was lost in her thoughts, confused. He slowly walked to her and stood in front of her; she stared back at him, her heart racing. This was her celebrity crush, who was currently looking at her as if she hung the moon. But why? Why was he looking at her like that?
"You can't say his name because that's me, you technically can't say his name because you aren't allowed to," Chris whispered to her, smiling softly. Her eyes widened.
"You! You're the voice I hear in my mind! Chris freaking Evans is my soulmate?! How did I not realize?!" The woman exclaimed, shocked. Soon though, she got a wide smile on her face. His eyes widened too, hers was the voice he heard as well! "What's your name?" he asked her as they hugged. "I'm Y/N Y/L/N," she replied, smiling.
"Wanna join me for a coffee?" he offered, holding his hand out. She put her palm on top of his and nodded. Both of them entered a nearby coffee shop. "So, what do you do?" he asked her after ordering two coffees. "Nothing. I'm unemployed right now, just got out of my last job. I gave an interview yesterday at Ralph Lauren, just waiting for a call back," she shrugged.
"Oh, into fashion?" he asked her, smiling. "Yeah, got my degree and all. Just needed a job, Ralph Lauren offers a good amount of money," she chuckled. Chris smiled again. "Reminds me of Rachel Green." She laughed more, which warmed his heart. Her laugh was adorable. Suddenly, her phone rang and she looked at him, wide-eyed.
He nodded dismissively and she picked up the call. She spoke for a while and when she ended the call, she had the biggest smile on her face.
"I got the job at Ralph Lauren, I'm starting tomorrow!" Y/N squealed. They couldn't have picked a better timing. "Congratulations, Y/N!" he told her, grinning. After spending some more time at the cafe, they parted ways. She went home while he went back to the sets where they were filming Avengers: Age of Ultron.
"Hi Chris, you were out for a long time, what's up?" Chris Hemsworth asked, smiling at Chris Evans as they stumbled upon each other. "Nothing, just met my soulmate, had a cup of coffee with her." The older Chris feigned nonchalance. "You what?! That's awesome, man! So, how is she, what does she do?" Hemsworth asked him excitedly as both of them walked inside.
Robert and Scarlett were there, talking. "She's so beautiful, I stopped functioning when I saw her. She works at Ralph Lauren, she's a fashion designer," Chris told him with a smile. Robert and Scarlett looked up. "Who?" Scarlett questioned. "Y/N," he said simply, sitting beside Robert. "Who's that?" Robert inquired. "My soulmate." Chris smiled, as if in a trance.
"Boy, you look like you're in love," Scarlett laughed. "Because I am, she's that beautiful," he told her adamantly. "Whoa, did you ask her out?" Robert snorted. "I'm back from our first date." We had our first date right now, didn't we? he asked her in his mind.
Of course we did, I loved it. Hope to meet you again soon, her voice replied and he could practically feel her smile.
Sure, I'm in town for a few more months, I'll mind-text you as to when I'm free, he told her, sporting a smile on his face. She outright laughed in the comfort of her own home. Mind-text? Sounds fun, she agreed and focused on the Netflix series she was watching, turning off the "magical telepathic link" between them.
Chris, too, focused on the others only to see them smiling at him. "Talking to her?" He nodded at Scarlett. A few minutes later, all of them went to another room to begin with the shooting of a new scene.
Y/N danced as she prepared dinner, singing along to You Don't Know Me by Jax Jones. It had been a month since she last saw Chris. He had promised her a date, but he didn't get time. She couldn't blame him, he was a busy man. Y/N was shouting the lyrics of the song in her head, unaware of the fact that Chris was snooping in on her mind.
Hey, calm down, she heard Chris chuckling in her mind and shrieked in real life. What are you— are you snooping on my mind? Chris! she thought, scandalized. He laughed more. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I wanted to ask you out. Are you free right now? We could meet in the same coffee shop, he asked. She grinned and nodded to herself. Of course, I'll be there in 15.
She quickly got dressed, wearing a pair of track pants and a t-shirt (like she was wearing on their first date). She didn't bother with her hair or makeup, it looked good anyway, she just bolted out of the house. Y/N entered the coffee shop to see Chris already sitting there, wearing a suit. She cursed herself mentally, making Chris look up.
He stifled a laugh. She went and sat in front of him.
"I'm so sorry I look like a single mother of two kids who hasn't slept in a year," she moaned, "I didn't know you were gonna show up in a suit." She facepalmed for good measure. "It's quite alright, you look beautiful. I wouldn't have you any other way, I should say. I'm coming back from a party right now, therefore the suit."
She blushed softly at his compliment. He ordered two coffees for them and they started talking. "So, how's your job at Ralph Lauren?" Chris asked, smiling at her. "It's amazing, I got promoted. Now I'm the head of the department, with my own office and all," she told him, smiling back. "That's great! Oh, congratulations, honey," he grinned.
"Thanks," she muttered, blushing slightly when he called her a nickname. "You look cute while blushing, has anyone ever told you that?" Chris winked as their coffees arrived. "No one, ever. I don't interact with people much, it's a tedious job," she half-joked, smiling.
"Really! So who are the people you talk to?" he joined in. "Well, there's my assistant, my mother, my bro and you. That's all. I've got some friends, but I rarely talk to them, only on the phone while texting, that is," she shrugged. "Nice, nice," he nodded as they finished their coffees. "Allow me to drop you home," Chris offered, taking out a key which she found out was for his bike as they left the café.
"No it's alright, I'll go," she refused immediately. "Nonsense, you're practically my girlfriend! I'm going with ya," he shook his head. They looked like an odd couple; one wearing a suit while the other looked like she had just woken up. Surprisingly enough, the one who looked like she just woken up had the best fashion sense among them. "Hop on," Chris grinned.
She sat down behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist. Both of them chatted for the 2 minutes that took them to get to Y/N's home. Once they reached her building, she got down from Chris's bike and turned to him.
"Thanks, Chris, this has been an amazing second date. Can't wait for the third," she told him with a smile. "Me too," he smiled back. A few seconds later, she turned to leave but Chris suddenly grabbed her hand, turning her around. "Wha—" She didn't get to finish her sentence as Chris pressed his lips to hers. She kissed back, wrapping her arms around his neck.
"I just had to, sweetheart," he panted as they pulled away from each other, breathless. "Wow," she breathed out as Chris rested his forehead against hers. "So, um, see you on the third date, yeah?" Y/N giggled as they stepped away from one another, smiling. "I'll make it as quick as possible. Can't stay away from you, darling," he winked.
"How flattering," she winked back and turned to leave, purposely adding a sway to her hips knowing that he was watching. And fuck, was he watching. "Oh, the things you do to me, my dear Y/N."
"I heard that!"
A/N: Thanks for reading, leave a like if you enjoyed!
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zozophoenixxx · 4 years ago
Friendly reminders about The Flash⚡️
Things I had forgotten or little details I just noticed on my rewatch, maybe even Unpopular Opinions 🤭👀
✨Season 4✨
Even though this was honestly one of my least favorite seasons it was pretty interesting to watch and it had some pretty cool, badass and hilarious scenes lmao
Ok but the intro on the first episode was kinda cool
Cisco, wally and Joe working together... we stan 🙌🏼
Also the new star labs tables and tech make it look pretty cool
Samuroid, Kilg%re, Hazard, Amunet Black, T•h•e W•e•e•p•e•r, Black Bison, The Thinker, Bᵣₐᵢₙₛₜₒᵣₘ, 千卂ㄥㄥㄖㄩㄒ, Prank and Trickster Jr., Dwarfstar, m̾e̾l̾t̾i̾n̾g̾ ̾p̾o̾i̾n̾t̾, Null, The folded man
Ramsey Deacon aka Kilg%re
Rebecca Sharpe (Becky) aka Hazard
Ralph Dibny aka the elongated man
T•h•e W•e•e•p•e•r
Mina Chaytan aka Black Bison
Dominic Lance aka Bᵣₐᵢₙₛₜₒᵣₘ
Neil Borman aka 千卂ㄥㄥㄖㄩㄒ
Sylbert Rundine aka Dwarfstar
Izzy Bowen
Matthew Kim aka m̾e̾l̾t̾i̾n̾g̾ ̾p̾o̾i̾n̾t̾
Janet Petty aka Null
Edwin Gauss aka the folded man
Wally can speak Japanese😂
Joe being able to forgive Caitlin after what she did is amazing I love them 🥺
West-Allen kiss count (approximately): 46 😘
Cisco being upset because he was at the "doghouse" in ep2 is hilarious
"Rule number 1, when a girl say it's fine, it's not fine" i- I'd be happy with Cisco as my boyfriend
Gypsy's gorgeous bro 🤩
Ok i'm sorry but that "we are the flash" bothers me
Not Cisco, Barry, and Caitlin playing laser tag... AGAINST KIDS😂💀 And Cisco really went "you have failed this city" I love them (ep3)
Jesse just broke up with Wally... With a…
Breakup cube i-
Joe being lost or done with everything going on around him is hilarious, and he also looked so sad when Cecile asked him to sell the house
Iris and Barry really would've gotten married out of the blue if it hadn't been for Kevin (the lil boy in ep3) LMAOOO
This boy really used cinnamon incense on purpose when the father was allergic to it and just went :) ┐(´ー`)┌
"no need to shame the little boy" I-
We love Barry defending little kids 🥺
I liked Cisco's shirt in this episode
Haikus are easy
But sometimes they don't make sense
Not Wally leaving 🥺😩
BAHHAHHSXHAHSGHASGAH Joe's reaction when Cecile told him she was pregnant
OMG just realized that in the beginning of ep4 when Cisco and Gypsy are making out on Cisco's bed that… BRO I-
After Cisco asked Gypsy what her real name was she went to the bathroom and he stayed in bed but went to look for something in the little night table… that something was probably a condom… Y'ALL WHAT BAHBSAHBSHAS
Ralph Dibny used to be a dirty cop, I had Completely forgotten about this man
I just noticed that every time that Barry goes into a new room he looks around and i guess he tries to grasp as much information of it as possible and it's kinda cute
I like how Breacher always has a serious face but when Gypsy talks to him he smiles 🥺
Also Breacher being Danny Trejo (Machete) from Spy Kids
"Good people don't destroy lives and call it noble"
Gypsy's real name is Cynthia and Breacher's Josh
Girl Night's out was an awesome episode, I mean we got to see the girls working together, Felicity, Drunk Barry and Cecile going #feminism it's just great
Amunet was kinda funny lmao Annoying but funny lol
BAHSHAHHA that scene when they get mugged by the guy that try to mugged Barry in s1 is hilariousss (ep6)
Ok but Black Bison (Mina) was right like why are things that belong to people that are still here in a museum?
Uff istg I hate Marlize sm like she's so manipulative and she just slapped Barry like bro u know ur guilty he's just doing his job ugh, I know she becomes good at the end but still 😤🙄
Harry and Caitlin 🥺
I love how Cisco's powers improved throughout the seasons. Like at the beginning he needed his goggles to vibe and now he just did it without them.
Bro even tho Amunet is evil she really just encouraged Caitlin and let her know that she is amazing for her, not only for killer frost.
I like Iris and Caitlin's friendship
The fact that she decided to go after Caitlin, instead of Barry shows how good of a leader she is
"those white girl dreads came straight from the 90s" BAHSHAHHA I love Cisco
Bro no wth I only saw Dominic for one episode and I already loved him 🥺
UGHHHH He didn't do anything this is not fair it makes me so upset like it was so infuriating to see him go through trial for something he didn't do🥺
Ig that's what he felt like when his dad-
Caitlin holding Iris's hand during trial 🥺
Ralph really protected Joe and prevented him from basically destroying his life by planting fake evidence on Marlize's shoes
Ok but I love 千卂ㄥㄥㄖㄩㄒ's episode because I think it's like the first time that we get to see Killer Frost fighting alongside them 🥺
They really helped Caitlin turn into Killer Frost with... puppies 🥺😂❤️
Bro the amount of people that are in jail for crimes they didn't commit makes me so upset
And the fact that he got the same cell as his dad 🤌🏼😩
"I'm the fastest mop alive" I love how even when he's in prison he's still finds a way to smile or make Iris smile i-
Zoey Clark was James Jesse's girlfriend and Axel Walker's mother.
Ralph's first superhero name was stretchy man
Lexi La Roche was Caitlin's childhood bully
Omg just saw Nora for the first time in s4 ehhh actually probably not the first time since I think she appeared in the crossover but I skipped that episode so oh well 😂
She's so awkward- her Barry is showing lmaoooo
OMG I love this, Cecile just found out she can read minds lmaooo
Big Sir's real name is Dave and i-🥺
BARRY'S A CHEATER ABSHAHAHH he cheated on poker lmaooo
Cecile would definitely be me if I had powers
Harry's actually pretty insecure
Mini Ralph and Mini Cisco are hilarious
I will forever love Big Sir like 🥺
The fact that he did get his happy ending ��☺️❤️
Bro I felt so bad when the bus metas were almost free and Devoe took them 🥺
I'm ngl I'd love to get a pep talk from killer frost
OMG THATS WHY HE NEEDED T•h•e W•e•e•p•e•r i never really understood why he needed him but it was to keep Marlize in love
BAHSHAHHA I love Cisco "Ralph I love you but you sleep on a futon" (a damp futon)
Ok but I love Izzy Bowen's energy, she reminds me of Laurel sm
I love how Harry calls Cecile- DA Cecile Horton
The Flash s4:E14 "Subject 9" minute 12:14 - Cisco yelling "Iris" with the voice Crack is the most hilarious thing I've seen today lmaoo
Just realized that the first time we saw Izzy Bowen she was singing Somethin' Bad which was probably foreshadowing what was going to happen with her character
Bro izzy🥺
Iris being a speedster is kinda cool and I like that her lightning is purple :)💜⚡️
Cisco just saved Iris 🥺
Poor Cisco, Harry just destroyed his little airplane thingie he was working on because he was looking for his thinking cap that Joe had because Harry was getting addicted to it
And Joe noticed because Harry had the same symptoms as Francine did 🥺
Bro that scene in ep18 where Marlize and Iris are fighting is pretty badass, especially when Iris basically stabs herself to get rid of Marlize or when Joe makes it into the Cortex with the Samuroid's head in a pole lmaooo😂
Ralph and Killer Frost 🥺
I love Snart from Earth-X
Bro no I love Cisco and Gypsy I cried when they broke up 🥺
Amunet's real name is Leslie Jocoy
Diggle throwing up after running with Barry every single time is hilarious😂
I love it when Cecile inhabits other people's minds right when she's about to give birth BAHSHAHHA SHE REALLY IMPERSONATED JOE PERFECTLY
Joe and Cecile baby's name is Jenna Marie West🥺☺️
This house is bitchin' BAHAHAHA I hated this cliffhanger like I loved it bc it wasn't that bad but it was yk?😂
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killian-whump · 5 years ago
I dreamt I had four kids and a husband whose name I couldn’t remember, so I just called him Roger or Ralph or Phil or Steve or whatever. I tried Colin for awhile, but we all knew I was foolin’ ‘cos I ain’t that lucky.
Anyway, so I had this whole brood of kids. Teenage boy, tween girl, young boy, baby boy... Nice, full set of younglings. So I gave ‘em away to this lady in the mall, and she was like “Neat” and I was like “Awesome.”
So I’m all enjoying not having kids anymore, but then Robert or Joe or whoever he was showed back up and he was like, “Where are the kids?” and I was like, “I gave ‘em to somebody.” He didn’t look too bothered, but he sighed, and was like “I guess we better go get them.” I was like, “We really don’t have to, though” but he seemed to think we should, so we did.
I swear, those kids were only gone, like, twenty minutes, but my daughter was covered in spray tan and talking like an extra from Mean Girls and she pretended she didn’t know us at all. My two older sons were passed out on the couch, surrounded by video game controllers and Doritos and dirty laundry and I didn’t have the heart to wake them from this Teenage Boy Heaven just to take their asses home. My useless, nameless husband had descended on the baby and picked it up and was like, “I got this one sorted” as if it was some sort of accomplishment, and I was like, “You fucking ass, it’s a baby, we didn’t even have time to fuck it up yet, of course it’ll come back home with us. These other ones are the problem.” And he was like, “Oh. Yeah. I guess you’re right.” and then did absolutely fucking nothing about the situation.
Then he fell asleep, so I said to the lady, “Do you buy corpses?” She went, “I don’t think he’s dead; he just fell asleep.” “Whatever,” I told her, “Would you give me a nickel for him?” “Why a nickel?” she asked, “The kids were free.” “Yeah, well, I sorta liked this one.” So she said I should probably keep him, and I was like “Eh... Alright.” So I woke his ass up and took him home. We left the kids there. It was really for the best.
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thesaltofcarthage · 5 years ago
“Coriolanus” on National Theatre Live’s YouTube channel free this week
A NEW! interview with Tom Hiddleston from The Guardian:
Coriolanus is a play that’s more respected than revered. Why does it have a rather difficult reputation? Coriolanus is relentless, brutal, savage and serious, but that’s why I find it interesting. Shakespeare sets the play in ancient Rome: a far older place than the Rome more familiar to us – of Julius Caesar or Antony and Cleopatra or the later Empire. This Rome is wild. A city-state wrestling with its identity. An early Rome of famine, war and tyranny.
In the central character, Caius Martius Coriolanus, Shakespeare shows how the power of unchecked rage corrodes, dehumanises and ultimately destroys its subject. I’ve read that some find Martius a hard character to like, or to relate to – less effective at evoking an audience’s sympathy than Hamlet, Romeo, Juliet, Rosalind, Othello or Lear. Yet there is a perverse integrity and purity to be found in his obstinacy and honour, which sits alongside his arrogance and contempt.
The play’s poetry is raw and visceral, quite different from the elegance, beauty, clarity and charm found elsewhere in Shakespeare’s work. The warmth and delight to be found in his comedies are absent here. But the unstinting seriousness and intensity of the play is what makes it fascinating.
How well did you know the play? I didn’t know it well. I had seen an early screening of Ralph Fiennes’s terrific film adaptation at the Toronto film festival in September of 2011. I was fascinated by the visceral intensity of the play: the power, hubris, and force of the title character; its lasting political resonance; and the immediacy and profundity of the familial relationships, particularly between mother and son – Volumnia and Martius – which struck me as perhaps the most intense and psychologically complex presentation of that bond I had come across in Shakespeare.
What drew you to Coriolanus as a character? I was fascinated by the evolution of Martius/Coriolanus as a character through the play. His arc is purely tragic. He begins the play as Rome’s most courageous warrior, is quickly celebrated as its most fearsome defender, then garlanded by the Senate and selected for the highest political office.
His clarity of focus, fearlessness and ferocity of spirit, all qualities that make him a great soldier, undo him as a politician. His honesty and pride forbid him from disguising his contempt for the people of Rome, whom he deems weak, cowardly and fickle in their loyalties and affections. He cannot lie. “His heart’s his mouth / What his breast forges that his tongue must vent.” He becomes a tyrant, branded a traitor, an enemy of the people: an uncontained vessel of blistering rage. He is banished, changed “from man to dragon”. Joining forces with his sworn enemy, Aufidius, he plots revenge against Rome: “There is no more mercy in him than there is milk in a male tiger.” And then finally, at the very end, as he watches his own mother, wife and son kneel at his feet and beg for his mercy, he reveals – beneath the hardened exterior of contempt – a tenderness and vulnerability not seen before.
That shift, from splenetic warrior to merciless “dragon” to “boy of tears”, fascinated me – and the fact that his intransigence, valour and vulnerability all seem to be located in, and released by, his complex attachment to his mother.
How does this play about politics and people resonate in today’s society? The play raises the question as to how much power should reside in the hands of any individual: a question that will never go out of date. “What is the city but the people?” cries the people’s tribune, Sicinius (in our production, brilliantly played by Helen Schlesinger). The people must have their voices. And, beneath that, I think the play also raises another complex question as to what degree any individual can withstand the intensity of idealisation and demonisation that comes with the mantle of unmoderated leadership or extraordinary responsibility.
It’s a physical role – how did you prepare for it with fight director Richard Ryan? Josie Rourke and I knew it was important to the clarity of the play that Martius be credibly presented as a physical presence. As a warrior, we are told, he “struck Corioles like a planet”. Big boots to fill. Hadley Fraser, who plays Aufidius, and I began working with Richard Ryan three months before we started full rehearsals on the text of the play. The fight between Martius and Aufidius is a huge opportunity to explore their mutual obsession (“He is a lion that I am proud to hunt”).
We also hoped there would be something thrilling about presenting it at such close quarters in the confined space of the Donmar. We wanted to create a moment of combat that was visceral, brutal and relentless. We knew it would require skill, safety and endless practice. The fight choreography became something we drilled, every day. Hadley was amazing. So committed, so disciplined. It created a real bond of trust between us.
You previously starred in Othello at the Donmar. What’s special about that space? The Donmar is one of the most intimate spaces in London. I must have seen at least a hundred productions there over the last 20 years, and as an audience member it always feels like a thrill and a privilege to feel so close to the action. There’s a forensic clarity to the space: the audience are so close that they see every movement, every look. For actors, there’s nowhere to hide. That’s exciting.
It’s what makes the Donmar special: the closeness, the proximity. Hard to imagine in the wake of Covid-19. Theatres everywhere need all the support they can get. But that’s what’s encouraging about National Theatre at Home. It’s keeping theatre going, but it’s also a reminder that the sector will need real support to stay alive: from the government and from us, the people who love and cherish it.
You previously starred in Othello at the Donmar. What’s special about that space? The Donmar is one of the most intimate spaces in London. I must have seen at least a hundred productions there over the last 20 years, and as an audience member it always feels like a thrill and a privilege to feel so close to the action. There’s a forensic clarity to the space: the audience are so close that they see every movement, every look. For actors, there’s nowhere to hide. That’s exciting.
It’s what makes the Donmar special: the closeness, the proximity. Hard to imagine in the wake of Covid-19. Theatres everywhere need all the support they can get. But that’s what’s encouraging about National Theatre at Home. It’s keeping theatre going, but it’s also a reminder that the sector will need real support to stay alive: from the government and from us, the people who love and cherish it.
There is a rather bloody shower scene – what are your memories of that moment? I remember that the water was extremely cold. But I was always grateful, because the preceding 20 minutes – scurrying up ladders, down fire escapes, into quick changes and sword fights – had been so physically intense that the cold water felt like a great relief. Martius says to Cominius just moments beforehand: “I will go wash / And when my face is fair you shall perceive / Whether I blush or no.” So I washed.
The scene did have a thematic significance. So much of the play, and the poetry of the play, is loaded with references and characters who are obsessed by the body of Martius as an object: how much blood he has shed for his city; how many scars he bears as emblems of his service. His mother, Volumnia (​in our production played with such power and clarity by Deborah Findlay), says in a preceding scene that blood “more becomes a man than gilt his trophy”. Later, during the process of his election to the consulship, to the highest office, Martius is obliged by tradition to go out into the marketplace and display his wounds, in a bid to court public approval; to win the people’s voices. Martius refuses, in contempt for both practice and people.
In the shower scene, Josie wanted the audience to be able to see the wounds that he refuses to show the people later on, but we also wanted to suggest the reality of what those scars have cost him privately. We wanted to show him wincing, in deep pain: that these wounds and scars are not some highly prized commodity, but that beneath the exterior of the warrior-machine, idealised far beyond his sense of his own worth, is a human being who bleeds.
It’s an intense performance, in a three-hour play. How did you unwind after the show? My first thought is that I was always unbelievably hungry. Thankfully, Covent Garden is not short of places to buy a hamburger. I will always be grateful to all of them.
How did you modify your performance for the NT Live filming? The whole production for NT Live was very much the same as it was every night during our 12-week run. Naturally, as a company, we couldn’t help but be aware of cameras on all sides, especially in a space like the Donmar. We were all so grateful that the National Theatre Live team had come over the river to the Donmar. I always hoped the broadcast would capture the headlong intensity of the whole thing. The play opens with a riot, and does not stop.
What have you been watching during lockdown?
I was gripped, moved and inspired by The Last Dance, the documentary series about Michael Jordan and the Chicago Bulls in the mid-90s (Steve Kerr!). Normal People for its two extraordinary central performances from Paul Mescal and Daisy Edgar-Jones. I’ve rewatched old tennis matches, which somehow I have found very comforting: in particular, the 2014 Djokovic/Federer Wimbledon final. And – because we all need cheering up – Dirty Dancing.
Coriolanus streams on YouTube from 7pm on 4 June as part of National Theatre at Home. Available until 11 June. How to make a donation to the National Theatre. How to make a donation to the Donmar Warehouse.
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themagiciansreccenter · 7 years ago
Author Spotlight @all-hale-eliot
Every week we are going to be interviewing a writer from The Magicians fandom. If you would like to be interviewed or you want to nominate a writer, get in touch via our ask box.
First things first, tell us a little about yourself.
I’m Lexi (derivative of my real middle name and my pen name, Lexalicious70.) I live in Southern New Mexico, right next to the Rio Grande, with my husband, my two teenage kids, my unofficial foster son, and three wonderful doggos. We also have a tortoise named Barlos. I am a full-time content writer for an amazing company out of Utah called BKA Content. I was born and raised just outside of Buffalo, NY
How long have you been writing for?
Since I could hold a pencil. I started out in 3d grade, writing poems about horses. (I was that one girl everyone knew who was nuts about horses.) My first fandom was The Dukes of Hazzard, when I was nine.
What inspired you to start writing for The Magicians?
Oh, blame it directly on Hale Appleman. And then blame it on Queliot. I fell down the rabbit hole fast!
Who is/are your favourite character(s) to write? What it is about them that makes them your favourite?
Most of my stories are about Quentin and Eliot. There’s such chemistry there . . . and I relate so much to Quentin that it’s easy to kind of channel all my feelings into him.
Do you have a preference for a particular season/point in time to write about?
Not really. I just react to ideas as they come or if someone prompts me
Are you working on anything right now? Care to give us an idea about it?
I’ve started my Trials fic! I can say that it’s an AU, a time loop universe, and Quentin and Eliot are not at all like you might know them.
How long is your “to do list”?
I make one daily and it usually has all my work and errands on it. Today, I had 5 errands and 5 articles to write.
What is your favourite fic that you’ve written for The Magicians? Why?
Probably ��Buzz Boys” because I love writing smut and that one was just so much fun . . . the dynamic between Q and El, Q learning to let go and simply enjoy sex--I just love how it came out.
Many writers have a fic that they are passionate about that doesn’t get the reception from the fandom that they hoped for. Do you have a fic you would like more people to read and appreciate?
“Those Magic Changes,” where I crossed over The Magicians with Jason Ralph’s movie “Those People.” I realize that maybe a dozen people have seen the film, but I’m really proud of how that one turned out. Also, go watch Those People, it’s on Netflix right now!
What is your writing process like? Do you have any traditions or superstitions that you like to stick to when you’re writing?
I have character and shipping playlists that I listen to while I write. I also love having an iced coffee or frappe. I do my best work when I’m alone with the music so I can really access the characters.
Do you write while the seasons are airing or do you prefer to wait for hiatus? How does the ongoing development of the canon influence and inspire your writing process?
I write whenever the mood takes me, and if that’s in the middle of the season, so be it! It’s always fun to see if anything I’ve written about comes true on the show later on. I don’t pay much attention to canon, really--I love AU!
What has been the most challenging fic for you to write?
I’m going to be honest and warn the readers about suicide triggers for this answer: “A Room Without Doors,” where Quentin tries to rewind time to prevent his father’s suicide. I lost my only niece to suicide on December 28th of 2017, and that fic was me trying to make sense of everything that had happened. It was very cathartic but so, so hard to finish and put out there. I felt like I pulled that thing right out of my heart. I want everyone to know that my niece’s name was Kortney, and that I still love and miss her with all my being.
Are there any themes or tropes that you like particularly like to explore in your writing?
I really enjoy exploring certain aspects of sexuality. As a gender-bent bisexual being, I’m always trying to explore those feeling. I love how fluid Eliot and Quentin are in their sexuality, and I always aspire to be as free as they are with their sexuality.
Are there any writers that inspire your work? Fanfiction or otherwise?
I’m a big fan of Stephen King, Neil Gaiman, Lev Grossman, (of course) and many of my friends are amazing writers too--they inspire me to push myself and to step out of my comfort zone.
What are you currently reading? Fanfiction or otherwise?
I just finished re-reading The Green Mile, which I love, and I’m reading a fantasy book called The Black Prism. It’s a pretty good read so far. I also love reading Star Trek and Magicians fic.
What is the most valuable piece of writing advice you’ve ever been given?
“All good writing is rewriting.” --David Henry, my junior college writing mentor
Cringe time:
Are there any words or phrases you worry about over using in your work?
“And then” is a big one I always try to edit out.
What was the first fanfic that you wrote? Do you still have access to it?
I don’t know if this counts, but when I was 12, I wrote a book that was a direct homage to The A-Team, which I loved. It’s 300 pages, bound with my grandpa’s fishing line, and yes, I still have it. My favorite thing about it is the geography--the team is being paid to guard the border between Mexico and Germany. Clearly, at 12, I did not know what research was.
Rapid Fire Round:
Self-edit or Beta? I usually let my BFF read something before I post it, but mostly I self-edit.
Comments or Kudos/Reblogs or Likes? I love them all! I’m just happy that people read my words.
Smut, Fluff or Angst? Angst. Then smut. Or both mixed together.
Quick & Dirty or Slow Burn? Quick and Dirty
Favourite season? Season 2
Favourite episode? “The World in the Walls.”
Favourite book(The Magicians books)? The Magicians, which is still the one I re-read the most often
Three favourite words? Believe in magic
Want to be interviewed for our author spotlight? Get in touch here.
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wesofmaldonia · 7 years ago
I Know We’re Cool | Weslie
Who: @charlielabouff and @wesofmaldonia
When: the weekend of the auction
Where: Tiana’s Place
What: After Charlie thinks she has been stood up on her auction date, Wes keeps her company. Both have hopes of rekindling their friendship, but what else is going to be rekindled? 
Charlie wasn’t sure what was worse. Having only one person bid on her all night, or having that said person stood her up without any kind of explanation. She’d been waiting outside of Tiana’s place all night, just waiting for Kale to show up. Waiting for a text or something. But nothing. Nothing all night. If there’d been feeling involved, then maybe it’d be a bigger issue — but Kale was just one of her friends. A good friend who she messed around with every once in a while. But it still sucked. The blonde’s lips pressed together once more as she looked down at her phone once more. An hour. God, how embarrassing.
Wes didn't bid at the auction. Sure, he would have if he'd had the time, because who didn't like taking someone out and having a nice time with them? It was off-brand for him to miss it. But since Charlie'd been back in town, he didn't exactly want to be out there doing wild things. He'd much rather have delved into his work, into Shrek, not really make a spectacle of himself like she seemed to be wanting to do. After working a shift at the restaurant, he had all intentions of going out and seeing what everyone was up to with their auction dates, but as he exited through the front door, pulling his apron off of his waist, he saw Charlie, seemingly waiting for someone. He couldn't not talk to her. "Hey -- miss your old job or something?" he tried to joke, though he knew the chances of that were low.
Charlie glanced down at her phone, puffing out her cheeks and just waiting for an explanation text. She adjusted the dress she’d been wearing, a long sigh falling past her lips before she jumped when she heard his voice. She looked over and she puffed out her cheeks, shrugging and pulling her fingers through her hair. “Oh yeah, I totally miss it. Getting yelled at when orders were wrong, free food? Why wouldn’t I miss it?” She licked her lips and she sighed, dragging her hands down her face and she shoved her phone into her bra. He wasn’t coming. She pushed herself up and she tugged her blonde locks back into a pony tail. “I’m just gonna head home.”
Wes could see that something was bothering her, so when she started to go, he couldn't stop his instincts from taking over. He moved toward her and sat down on the bench she was on, patting the seat next to him. "No, stay. Tell me what happened," he offered. He'd been telling himself to try and at least work out their friendship again, and this seemed like a perfect opportunity to lend an ear and be someone she could confide in again. It was a small gesture, but he wanted it to mean something. "I'm all ears."
Charlie sighed softly, pulling her ponytail tighter and she exhaled softly, her bright eyes flicking over to him when he told her to stay. Her eyebrows pressed together, her eyes flicking over him once more and she bit on her lower lip. She wasn't sure if this was the best idea, to confide in him. All of their conversations had been short, awkward, and normally ended up in a fight. She sighed once more, moving to sit next to him and resting her hands in her lap, shrugging. "I got stood up. By Kale. Which I mean, it's cool because it's not like it meant anything, but it still sucks," she stated, shrugging slightly before she glanced over at him before she puffed out her cheeks.
Wes nodded slowly, trying to process in his mind what exactly to do next. How could he console her without making it weird, or without seeming condescending, or something inevitably worse that he had yet to think up? Twiddling his thumbs in his laps, all Wes could say at first was, "Wow, that sucks," he shrugged. "Kale doesn't seem like the type to leave someone hanging on purpose. I would know." He didn't know if it was a good idea or a bad idea to joke about his past with accidentally standing people (and 'people' here means 'Charlie') up, but he did it anyway. "They're gonna close soon, which means there's a big ole pot of gumbo about to be put to waste. Wanna go inside and claim a free ex-employee meal?" He pointed his thumb back toward the restaurant, eyes inquiring silently.
Charlie sighed and she nodded, looking over at him and she rested her hands in her lap. "He was the only one to bid on me too. At the auction. So I've doubly screwed myself," she stated, rolling her eyes. She let out a soft laugh, shaking her head and pushing a loose lock behind her ear. "At least I was wearing comfortable shoes," she stated, looking down at the heels she was wearing and she scrunched up her face, "My feet are killing me in these." She shifted on the bench, looking down at her hands and fiddling with her fingers. She lifted her head at his offer, her eyes flicking over to him. A free meal would've been nice, then she wouldn't have to go home to her empty house and cook something for herself. Then have to explain to Bianca why there was a dirty pot in the sink. There weren't really any hard feelings. The date didn't mean anything. It was just another blow to her fragile ego. "I'd love to," she finally answered, offering him a smile. Getting free food, and possibly fixing the... weirdness between the two of them? Sounded like a good plan. Charlie just hoped that it wasn't gonna make the night worse.
Wes gave a shrug. "I mean, what's the worst that could come of this? People find out and Kale looks like a dick?" Wes chuckled, "I don't think you're really missing out on much." All he knew about Kale was that, as of about a month ago, the two of them had now had sex with two of the same girls. But other than that, all he could say for sure was that he didn't find the boy particularly interesting or like the type to screw someone over on purpose. "Why'd you even wear those? It's Tiana's Place. You know we gladly accept a casual shoe," Wes smirked as she finally agreed to coming inside with him. He stood and led them both inside, thankful to find a secluded booth in the back to sit at. "So what was the plan tonight? Tiana's Place, then what?"
Charlie laughed and she shook her head, wrinkling her nose. "I don't need him to look like a dick. He's a friend." One that she happened to casually hook up with every once in a while, but still a friend. He listened to her vent whenever she needed it, and vice versa. It was nice. The blonde laughed and she shrugged, looking down at her shoes once more before she shrugged. "I dunno. Because he's tall and I never got the chance to wear them before," she stated, before her eyebrows pressed together and she looked at him, "Not that I'm taking a shot at you. I'm just gonna shut up now before I insult you even more." This was weird. This was still awkward and she didn't know why she'd agreed to it. She stood, following him inside and toward a secluded booth. She sighed when they sat down once more, reaching down and tugging off her aforementioned heels and she looked up. "Ralph's for games. Mini-golf, laser tag. Which I'd have to take my shoes off, but I didn't think I'd be standing around for as long as I did." She let her eyes flick over her face and she grinned. "And I don't think you'd wanna end your long work day with me kicking your ass."
Wes nodded, not knowing how much he needed the affirmation that Kale and Charlie were just friends. He didn’t care about what went down behind closed doors, but to think that she’d really moved on with someone, with a label and all of that, was daunting. He cocked a brow when Charlie answered his question about her heels honestly...a little too honestly, but honestly nonetheless. “Ow! Ugh, that one hurt,” he clutched his heart and nearly keeled over in ‘pain’ to dramatically respond to that sleight. He laughed, coming up for air with a shrug. “I mean, I’m glad you can do that if it’s something you wanted to do.” He wasn’t going to say that she could have worn heels around him without him feeling some type of way, but he was glad he wasn’t apparently holding her back anymore. “Uhhh, are you kidding? I’d like nothing more than to end my day kicking your ass,” he smirked as he waved down the waiter and asked for two bowls of gumbo and a plate of beignets. “This dinner is just a clever ruse to get you full so I can outrun you in laser tag — it’s been my master plan all along,” he teased.
Charlie laughed at his reaction to her backhandedly calling him short. She knew that his height had been kind of a soft spot for him, but even she couldn’t resist the jab. She let out a soft laugh, pushing her hair behind her ear and letting her eyes skim along his face. “Now that I’ve worn them? I can give them to Tia. I hate heels and I should’ve never tried them,” she stated, shaking her head and wrinkling her nose. She could’ve said that she didn’t really feel the need to wear them around him, because she was comfortable around him. She didn’t feel the need to necessarily impress him. Charlie smiled when he waved the waiter down and she glanced over when he ordered for the two of them, humming softly and settling back against the booth that she was sitting in. She’d be dumb to admit that she felt a certain way about him remembering her order, but they’d always hang out after their shifts here and he’d know her for eighteen years. Of course he knew which gumbo she liked. She snorted loudly, shaking her head, a few locks of her short blond curls falling out from the pony tail she had them in. “You kicking my ass? In your dreams, Maldette,” she teased, reaching over and giving his shoulder a small shove. She hummed, narrowing her eyes at him and she shook her head. “So you’re the reason Kale stood me up. All just to try and kick my ass at laser tag. Well, you’ve got another thing comin’,” she teased with a wide smile, finally beginning to relax, “You know I’m ultimately gonna win. You should honestly just forfeit now.”
Wes didn't like to think that he knew Charlie that well anymore -- it was a recipe for disappointment, considering every time he thought he knew everything about her she shocked him by cutting her hair or having a threesome. But he was glad that he'd had the right idea about those heels. They weren't her. And it was a tiny victory, but he took it. "Sounds like a good idea. Though, from a fashion standpoint, they do look fabulous," he teased a little with a smirk. Hearing Charlie snort in front of him, being able to elicit a real, genuine laugh from her for the first time in months...Well, that was a small victory, too. "Hey, this ain't no Mario Kart! This is real life, flesh-and-bone one-on-one and I'm just coming out of basketball season." Wes accentuated his point by flexing his muscles Hercules-style. "Yep, this was all my plan. I paid off your date to abandon you, so you could be all mine to torture! Mwahahahaha...." Wes maniacally laughed as their food came, and he eagerly dug in, never tired of his mom's cooking. "You're right, I probably should but...The fun is getting there. What's that phrase? 'It's not about the destination, it's about the journey', or something," he brought his spoon to his lips, taking in a sip of gumbo, "And the journey is always fun with you." He shrugged, feeling a bit weird about the sudden moment of sincerity, but hey -- there was no point in keeping his guard up when they were now (hopefully) past the initial awkwardness of being exes.
Charlie let out a laugh, shaking her head and wrinkling her nose. "I'm not sure I'm at the point where I care more about looking good than being comfortable. I'd still rather be comfortable," she stated with a laugh. She raised her eyebrow, leaning forward before she rolled her eyes when he flexed his muscles. Typical. Nothing had changed, which was nice. It was good. "Ooh, I can almost see your bicep," she teased with a wide grin, wrinkling her nose. She rolled her eyes, nudging his foot out of habit because she couldn't nudge him from across the table. "You're the worst." She hummed when the gumbo was set in front of them and she almost immediately began eating -- like the animal she was. It was Wes. She didn't have to look like a lady. Plus, it had been hours and she hadn't eaten before hand. She swallowed, looking up from her bowl of gumbo at his words and she let her green eyes scan his face -- feeling her heart do the thing at his words. "Yeah. The journey's always fun with you too," she stated with a smile. She took a sip from her water, looking at him and letting her eyes skim along his face. "Despite how -- weird things have been, I've missed you," she stated, giving him a slight smile before she took another sip from her gumbo.
Wes wrinkled his nose, jokingly disgusted at the concept of caring more about being comfortable. "Yeah, I don't know if I've ever been at that point," he joked. He wasn't sure what he expected from Charlie when he flexed, but hearing her tease him a little bit was nice. Like old times. "Hey, some of the most powerful things come in small packages!" He flexed his other arm, not even denying that his biceps weren't huge. Wes watched as Charlie dug into her gumbo and raised his brows, nodding approvingly at her table manners. "You know, my mama should just use this image right here as advertisement for this restaurant," he teased, holding his fingers out as if capturing the image of Charlie chowing down with an invisible camera. When Charlie admitted that she missed him, Wes couldn't help but cock his head and smile sadly, wiping some soup from the corners of his mouth with a napkin. "Yeah, I've missed you too. If it's okay, I think I'm ready to have my friend back. Wayland's great and all, but he doesn't always smell nice," he smiled, purposely avoiding the word 'best'. Maybe because their 'best' friendship was implied, or maybe because he wasn't sure where Charlie stood anymore -- just friendship was the bare minimum he could settle for, so that's what he put on the table.
Charlie laughed, shaking her head and she let her eyes skim along his face. "I mean, you and Tia were always the more fashion forward of the three of us. It takes me hours to figure out something that looks relatively good. And even then, it's kinda questionable," she stated, wrinkling her nose. She bit on her lower lip, biting back a comment that so threatened to spill past her lips and she nodded. "Mmhm, like me," she stated with a wide grin, taking a sip from her water and the gumbo off of her chin with a napkin. She licked her lips, taking a sip from her water and she shrugged, letting out a soft laugh. "I'd totally be down to be the spokesperson for this place. I love this place. It reminds me of home." The place that she had just left because they took away her scholarship. The blonde couldn't help but visibly frown when he hadn't called her a best friend. It was such a weird thing, having that adjective in front of a work. It made things different. It made it better. Charlie perked back up though, shifting slightly and folding one of her legs over the other. "I mean, I don't always smell nice either. Especially after a long run or after I get back from the gym," she stated with a laugh. She chewed on the inside of her cheek and she took another sip from her water. "But we should get back to that. I think it's -- it's been long enough, right?"
Wes gestured to her ensemble with a shrug. "I think you look great! It's summery, and white was a bold choice -- Kale might have thought you were trying to marry him tonight -- but I think it looks good," Wes chuckled, though the compliment was sincere. "Yep, exactly like us," he corrected. Charlie wasn't someone he had to pretend to be 5'8 around -- she'd watched him grow up and knew how he felt about his height. She was someone he could admit to being small but mighty to -- after all, it was the 'mighty' that mattered. "Speaking of home, how was it? I haven't been in so long -- I kinda miss it." He didn't want to press her for details about why she was really back. He'd find out eventually, but he would have liked to know how she spent the last few months out there while they weren't talking. "Yeah, you may not smell nice, but it's still better than Wayland," he laughed, finishing his bowl of soup with a sigh. "But yeah -- I think this, right here -- " he gestured between the two of them, indicating their rapport and comfort with each other right now, "-- is proof. I'd really rather focus on moving forward than holding onto bad memories. We've got too many good ones for that, you know?"
Charlie let out a soft laugh as he complimented her outfit, pushing her hair behind her ear and shrugging. “It’s a choice. I mean, my hair’s practically white as it is, why not match it?” she joked with a laugh, reaching up and ruffling the loose locks of her platinum hair. She smiled at his correction, nodding and letting her eyes flick along his face. “The best things come in small packages.” She was honestly surprised with how easily they fell into the conversation. How quickly they’d gotten comfortable with each other. It was nice. Her eyebrows rose, her eyes flicking along his face and she shrugged. “It’s fine. Lots of people asked about you. You should go visit sometime.” Maybe that was the reason why she’d gone so crazy being back home. People constantly asking about Wes when she was still his girlfriend. The friends she’d lost after they broke up. Things that she didn’t even want to think about anymore. She laughed, shaking her head and she shrugged, finishing off her gumbo. “Mm, damn straight I’m better than Wayland.” She hummed softly and she nodded, grabbing her water and taking a sip before she held it up in a toast. “To — uh, making more good memories?” She wrinkled her nose and she shook her head, “Nope. You could probably think of something better.”
Wes gave a laugh, nodding in agreement. "That is very true! So is mine, we match," he gestured to his own platinum curls. He cocked a brow at the revelation that people had been asking about him. He probably shouldn't have been surprised, everyone in Walt and New Orleans knew about him and Charlie. He just figured that whole 'out of sight, out of mind' thing should have applied. But obviously not, when outside factors were to be taken into account. "I should! Maybe I'll head back before the summer's over -- before WaltFest, or something," he nodded. He'd ask about her scholarship another time. Especially now that it seemed like they were back to semi-normal. At least, what he would have considered normal about two years ago. Maybe they could go back to the normal that he wanted someday, but right now, he was happy with this. Wes followed suit and lifted his glass, giving a laugh to Charlie's attempt at a toast. "No, no, that was good -- but how about...To best friends?" he cocked his head, unable to suppress a smile that grew on his lips as he clinked his glass against hers and took a sip.
Charlie let out a laugh and she wrinkled her nose. “Why’d you go blonde again, anyway?” The blonde hummed, nodding and giving him a slight smile. “Everyone misses you. And I mean everyone.” She failed to mention how she hadn’t even seen his parents. How every time they came to visit her mom, she’d run off and go do something else. Something else that wasn’t important, but she claimed it to be. She hadn’t officially seen his parents since — well, since their last holiday break. “I was gonna say, there’s no way you’re gonna miss WaltFest. Plus, Romi would kill you if you left. She’s already pissed that Tia, Sage and Izzie are gone,” she wrinkled her nose at the mention of them. She loved her sister but she wasn’t looking forward to the drama when they got back. Charlie’s smile grew into an ear splitting one when he said the word best, unable to help it. Whatever anxieties she’d thought about earlier seemed to fade away with the clink of their glasses. “To best friends,” she repeated, bringing the glass up to her lips to take a drink. She hummed when the beignets were set in front of them and she reached over, grabbing one and popping them into her mouth before she let out a soft moan at the taste. “It’s been way too long,” she muttered, shoving another into her mouth and smudging some of her bright red lipstick as she wiped at the sugar on her lips.
Wes shrugged. "Same reason you cut yours, I guess -- I wanted something new. A fresh start," he nodded. He wouldn't tell her that the thing in the forefront of his mind was her distaste for his hair the first time he went blonde, and it was partially out of spite. He'd grown to like the look, so it didn't matter anyway. "Yeah? Well, I shouldn't disappoint the fans any longer," he teased. Maybe now that Charlie was back, and they were on better terms, he didn't have to avoid going home anymore. He wouldn't have to worry that they would awkwardly cross paths or have to answer awkward questions about the status of their relationship. Home was safe from that kind of stuff, now, thank goodness. "Damn, you're right -- I didn't even think about Shrek. Thanks, stage manager. You're doing your job very nicely!" he chuckled, leaning back in his seat after Charlie echoed his toast -- accepting his 'best' -- and the beignets came to the table. "See, at first I thought that was about me but now that I'm seeing the way you're handling those beignets, I know you really just missed carbs covered in sugar," he laughed.
Charlie let out a soft breath, sending her loose platinum blonde locks in the air before they fell into her face once more. "Yeah, but now I regret cutting my hair because I can never just -- pull it all back anymore," she stated, tucking said disobedient strands behind her ear. She laughed, rolling her eyes and taking a sip from her cup and she nodded. "You definitely shouldn't. They really do miss you over there. Your parents, mostly," she stated, giving him a genuine smile. Or at least, from what her mother told her. Y'know, between her trying to convince her to restart their relationship. To give their relationship another chance. Maybe in the future, when she'd matured. When they'd both matured, but right now, friends seemed to work out. She laughed loudly, nodding before she dusted her fingers off onto a napkin. "Thanks. I'm kinda liking the whole behind the scenes thing. Romi's seeing me in a new light, which is cool. We're the 'icy blonde duo'." But she had to admit, she did miss the stage. She missed the stage a lot. She snorted, nodding before she held up a beignet to him, raising an eyebrow. "It's always about carbs covered in sugar. Carbs covered in sugar always comes before everything. Except maybe Stanley and Ronnie."
Wes wrinkled his nose. "Hey -- no regrets! Hair grows, I'm sure in like a month you'll have a nice-sized ponytail again. Just in time for soccer season," he smirked, wondering if it was okay to bring up soccer again after she seemed to not be playing anymore. But hey -- she got a whole scholarship based on soccer. It was weird to just toss it away in favor of softball. But then again, he still didn't know why she came back. "Yeah, it's weird. This is the longest I haven't been home. I guess I just lost track of time," Trying to figure out how to move on was how he would have finished that sentence were he being completely vulnerable right now, but he didn't want to admit just how much the breakup took out of him. And letting her know that it even limited him from going home would be doing just that. "Oooh, I love that. Don't let Romi corrupt you, now -- before you know it she'll have you hating me too! And I justconvinced her to at least see my talent." Wes laughed, taking a beignet in his own hand and knocking it against hers in another toast. "Is that what we're calling the kitten? Ronnie?" he asked, realizing that he hadn't even met the new cat since she got it.
Charlie sighed once more. “I know. It is kinda easier to manage. I could get extensions if I really wanted to.” But that seemed like too much effort. Way too much effort. She shrugged once more, licking her lips. “Or softball season. I’m hoping I’ll get on the team this year.” She and Bianca practiced as much as they could while they were off. She nodded, letting out a soft breath of air and she gave him a slight smile. “Yeah, the days kinda all run into each other.” She has barely remembered what had happened post break up. She’d started focusing on her studies a lot more and basically just burning herself out. Then her room mate introduced her to parties, and that’s when she’d really forgotten her college experience. Charlie let out a soft laugh, shaking her head. “Nothing could ever make me hate you, Wes,” she stated with a genuine smile, her eyes flicking along his face. She smiled even more when he toasted her, humming softly and popping it into her mouth. She settled back against the chair, dusting the sugar off of her fingers and she nodded, swallowing. “Mmhm. Short for Veronica,” she stated with a slight smile, “Ma’s gonna get her spayed and then send her out here.” She licked her lips, grabbing a napkin to wipe off her smudged lipstick and she looked at him. “So, you ready to get your ass kicked?”
Wes really had no opinion of extensions. He was usually able to keep up with more girly fashion topics but when it came to gluing or sewing or clipping things into your head? He didn't know a single thing except from what his mama told him, so he just shrugged and nodded. "Oh, I'm sure you'll get on the team this year. If I was able to get on basketball with Ajax Olympus on the team, you can for sure make softball," he chuckled. Surprisingly, in high school he had never been the shortest guy on the basketball team. But in college? Most of the guys on the team beat him out by at least six inches. But he was there. He narrowed his eyes teasingly, trying to joke that he didn't believe that she could never hate him. "Even if your new icy blonde buddy corrupted you?" he challenged, popping another beignet with a smirk before wiping the sugar off his hands and eyeing the empty plate. The best part about being the owner's son? He never had to pay. "Awww, we love a Heathers reference!" he chuckled at the knowledge of the cat's name. "Well, I can't wait to meet her," he lied. She knew he wasn't a cat person from his experience with Stanley, but he was at least going to try. Wes stood when she asked her question and held his hand out in a 'you go first' manner. "Oh, of course I'm ready. I haven't laser tagged in a while -- I gotta warn you, I might be rusty. But I bet you can't beat me in those things," he gestured to her heels.
Charlie let out a soft laugh and she shrugged, pushing her hair behind her ear. "We'll see I guess. I'm trying not to pile too much on my plate again. So, we'll see how far I get." Though, she'd been practicing a lot, because she desperately wanted to get on at least one team. Soccer still was a sore spot, and it was one of those things where she needed to lick her wounds from losing her damned scholarship before she could do it again. Charlie rolled her eyes once more, giving him another nudge and she shook her head. "Never. No matter what," she stated with a soft breath of air, "I might -- get mad at you to the point where it seems like I hate you," homecoming, right before their break up, "But I could never hate you." And it was the truth. She grinned and she nodded, letting her eyes flick along his face. "You shouldn't be so surprised. Heathers has always been my favorite," she stated with a wrinkle of her nose. She pushed her hair behind her ear and she pushed herself up, stretching with her heels in her hand. An eyebrow arched at his challenge, moving toward the door to the restaurant and she let out a loud laugh. "Please, I could beat you with these on and my hands tied behind my back. You're on!"
Wes nodded. "I believe in you -- you'll knock those tryouts out of the park." He smirked at his own joke, "Pun intended." He nudged her back, a smile on his lips, finally letting himself show that he believed her. She could never hate him, and that was really comforting, considering he was pretty sure she'd hated him without even any influence from Romi after he ruined their relationship. But that was crazy to believe -- eighteen years of friendship would always trump any stupid thing he'd done in their relationship. "Okay, I guess I believe you. I deserve it sometimes," he smirked. Admitting that was hard out loud, but if Charlie didn't put the fear of God in him sometimes, he'd probably just continue to make the same dumb mistakes. "Oh, I'm not surprised! It's just really cute," he chuckled. "Can't wait for her to meet Maggie." The puppy would no doubt hate the cat, but if he and Charlie could reconcile, then miracles could happen. Exiting the restaurant, Wes cocked a brow at Charlie's claim. "Oh? Well I'm pretty sure you'll need your hands to hold your laser gun, and to catch you when you eat it in those skyscrapers," he chuckled as they made their way onto the street, and in the direction of the Family Fun Center.
Charlie gave a slight smile, tucking her hair behind her ear. “Thanks. For having so much faith in me, I guess.” Her eyebrows rose and she let out a soft sigh, reaching up and tightening her pony tail. “Hey, I’m not perfect either. I’ve fucked up quite a bit.” Like getting stupid jealous over him and Dana being love interests. She’d let her insecurities get in the way of their relationship, of their friendship. She trusted him. It was the dumb insecure voices in her head that didn’t make it seem that way. “I deserve it too, so don’t let me get away with shit just because I’m cute.” Such an uncharacteristic thing to say, but the confidence that she’d learned to have? It changed her for the better. She let out a soft laugh, looking over at him and raising an eyebrow. “As long as your dog doesn’t eat her, we’ll be fine.” She hummed softly, smirking and she wrinkled her nose. “You got me there with the hands thing. But you’re gonna be too distracted by how great my legs look wearing these so,” she trailed off, before her eyebrows rose when she realized what she’d just said. That was weird to say to an ex, right? An ex who was a best friend. It was weird to begin with. She cleared her throat and licked her lips. “But thanks, y’know. For being there to catch me. Always my hero.” She added a playful bat of her eyelashes, despite how serious she was being. Charlie hadn’t realized just how much she was gonna eat her words until she actually had to play laser tag with the stupid heels on. Her feet her throbbing, and she was doing the worst that she had ever done at laser tag. She mostly stayed in one place, hiding behind a wall and hoping that everyone around her would just not notice her under the black light. Which was a dumb, hopeful thing to think because of her platinum blonde locks. But, it made it easy to dodge Wes for the same thing. At least his blond hair was good for something. Another reason why heels sucked? They kept getting caught in the chords that were taped to the floor. How Tia thought she’d be able to survive a zombie apocalypse in heels? She would never know. She jumped when she heard her vest go off — meaning she got shot — and she could immediately feel her ankles give out on her. She began to fall forward, dropping the guns on the ground and she reached out to grab the nearest thing to her to keep herself from falling.
Wes couldn't stop thinking about what Charlie had said about her legs looking great in those shoes, because now he was seeing it. He was grateful once they got to the Family Fun Center and into the darkness of the laser tag arena, so he could concentrate on other things besides her toned legs -- like kicking her ass at laser tag. He ran around, taking as many shots as possible, ducking and weaving to avoid getting hit himself, and was about to warn Charlie when he saw some little dickhead aiming right for her chest, but before he knew it, she was tumbling to the floor and taking him with her. He wound up on the ground, laughing hysterically. "I told you!" he boasted, clutching his abs which were starting to ache with laughter. "Didn't I tell you? Are you okay?" he asked, letting his laughter dissipate as he scanned her face before landing his eyes on hers.
Charlie gasped when she took someone down with her, her hair falling into her face and her eyebrows rose at the familiar sound of Wes’s laughter, one that never failed to bring a smile to her face. She began laughing with him, reaching up and tucking her hair behind her ears. “You told me what? That you’d catch me if I’d fall? Look at the predicament you got us in,” she teased with a smile, feeling her laughed begin to die down. Her eyes flicked along his face, feeling her heart begin to pound in her chest as she saw his eyes scan her face. Her eyebrow’s rose slightly as their eyes met, feeling a flush began to creep up her cheeks. A soft smile grew on her lips as her thumb subconsciously brushed against his chest. “Yeah — Yeah, I’m okay,” she breathed, her teeth sinking into her lower lip.
Wes exhaled, the smile from his fit of laughter still plastered on his cheeks. "You're right, you're right, I failed you," he nodded, feeling his hands start to go clammy and his heart rate start to increase. As he brushed a strand of hair out of her face, Charlie's thumb grazed his cheek, and Wes felt his eyes flutter shut at how nice and right that felt. He inhaled, and started to let his body go into autopilot -- to do what felt natural and right -- and leaned in. But once he got just close enough to smell her perfume, he heard the loud buzzing of a vest -- his own vest -- letting him know he'd been hit. Embarrassed that he'd both gotten himself killed out here and that he'd almost ruined a perfectly good reconciliation by trying to kiss her, Wes recoiled and gulped, fake-examining his vest to 'really see' if he'd been killed. "Welp, I'm dead!" he verified, heat rising into his cheeks as he brushed the dirt off of his work uniform and started to stand. "Ready to get out of here? Or do you have one more round in you?" he held a hand out to help Charlie up as well, smiling as if he hadn't just been thinking about kissing her.
Charlie laughed and she nodded, her eyes skimming over his face. “You did. You failed me so hard.” Her breath hitched as he brushed a piece of hair from her face, watching him carefully and feeling her heart pounding against her chest. Her eyebrows rose slightly when he began to lean in, her own eyes fluttering closed and feeling her body react. It was so natural, and it was so right. Charlie knew that Wes was always gonna have her heart, always. It just needed time to heal from how hurt both of them were. She jumped once more when she heard his vest go off, her eyebrows raising and she immediately climbed off of him — snapping back into reality. She cleared her throat, pushing her locks behind her ear and she let out a laugh. “We’re both dead.” She licked her lips, nodding and moving to grab onto his hand to pull herself up. Again, they were both in a close proximity to each other, and she couldn’t help but clear her throat and take a slight step away. No, they weren’t — ready for that. She wasn’t ready. Not yet. “No, no. I should head home. I’ve got a lotta packing to do before the move.” She cleared her throat and gave him a smile, before reaching out and giving his arm a gentle punch. “But thanks for tonight. For not making me feel like a complete loser.”
Wes slid his hand into his back pocket after helping Charlie up, not wanting to tempt himself to hold onto her hand for too long. He could tell that she felt the awkwardness in the air, and there they were -- right back to the start of this date, feeling awkward around each other again. "Yeah, that makes sense! If you ever need any help moving boxes, I'm planning on staying where I'm at so I've got plenty of free time," he nodded, clearing his throat. Wes chuckled when Charlie placed a gentle blow on his arm, and rubbed the spot where the impact was made, though it didn't hurt at all. "Yeah, no problem. It was the least I could do. And this was totally worth it," he shrugged as he removed his laser tag gear. "I'm just glad we cleared the air between us, mostly." Even though the air between them right now was murkier than it had been all day. "I'll walk you home," he offered. With the greatest distance between us as possible, he added in his head.
Charlie licked her lips, slowly beginning to pull off her vest and she let out a soft laugh. “I’ll definitely let you know. I haven’t had much time to really pack my stuff, comforting Tia because of the recent STI break up, Shrek, and then this. I’ve really gotta — buckle down and do it.” She could practically cut the awkwardness with a knife with how thick it was between them. But it hadn’t been the same awkwardness as before. The air was different. This wasn’t one of those where she felt like she needed to run, like she had earlier, to remove herself from the situation. It was one of those where she had to stop herself from from running to him and starting right back where they had left off. A wide smile grew on her lips and she nodded, rubbing the back of her neck. “Yeah, it’ll be nice to have my best friend back.” She cleared her throat and she nodded, moving to set her vest back down before she moved to peel off her heels once more. “That’d be great. If you want to, I mean. I’ve got these heels though to protect me from these dangerous streets,” she joked with a slight smirk, raising an eyebrow.
Wes nodded with a smile, rubbing his hands together before giving his laser tag equipment back to the attendants. He put his hands in his back pockets to busy them, an attempt at keeping his arms at his sides so he wouldn't feel compelled to put them around her. No matter how chilly her bare arms looked -- it was summer, she was fine. "Same. It didn't feel right not having you by my side -- you know, emotionally. Even when you were gone before -- you know -- it felt good knowing I had you in my corner. When I felt like I didn't anymore, I felt kind of...lost," he shrugged, avoiding eye contact but still wanting to get that information out there, just so she knew how much she meant to him. "Of course I want to! Besides, those things on these cobblestone streets are the only thing dangerous in that entire sentence you just said," he laughed as they exited the Family Fun Center.
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